#there are plot points and developments that I want to capture and this could not do justice but. eeeeeehhhhhhhhhhh
violet-amphithere · 10 months
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One of them character relationship charts for my interpretations of the slugcats. Except Saint, because I don't know how to write them sorry.
Not all of these descriptions are said "in-character" so to speak because not all of them would ever say how they feel about someone else outright. The white squares in particular are my OOC descriptions of them, not what they think of themself.
Image transcription under the cut
OOC descriptions of how I characterize that character: Monk Curious, somewhat impulsive. Loves their family. Wants to go home.
Survivor Cautious. Loves their family. Values their own freedom.
Hunter Goal-oriented. Loves life; resents the idea that she was not made to experience it.
Gourmand Values the well-being of their colony first of all. Has some trouble with showing vulnerability.
Artificer Angry (grieving), Angry (regular). Stubborn. Values family bonds very, very highly.
Spearmaster Not so sociable with most others, but not unkind. Values freedom, connection.
Rivulet In love with the experience of having a physical body. Largely a loner. Not so good at emotional intelligence.
-- How each character feels about another:
Monk, about Survivor My beloved sibling for whom I would go to the ends of the world to bring back home
Monk, about Hunter Friends, I like to talk and hang out
Monk, about Gourmand Cool. Intimidating. Wants to have a part in the sense of community that Gourmand fosters. Is a little scared of it all.
Monk, about Artificer Deeply sympathetic but frustratingly distant
Monk, about Spearmaster ….jealous????
Monk, about Rivulet would like to befriend (not happening)
Survivor, about Monk I love you but I wish you would let me live my own life. I wish you had not made sacrifices for me and wish you had not made yourself my responsibility.
Survivor, about Hunter Friends, slightly distant
Survivor, about Gourmand Very intimidating. Tries to learn from them, actually learns exactly what they don't want for themself.
Survivor, about Artificer Hey can you just real quick let me believe you are a reasonable person? No? ok.
Survivor, about Spearmaster Envy, admiration, awe? Would like to see the world with them, or a least with the freedom they have to do so.
Survivor, about Rivulet Neutral
Hunter, about Monk Friend. Likes to teach Monk anything they can
Hunter, about Survivor Reminds me of myself. I hope life is kind to them
Hunter, about Gourmand Feeling indebted, which makes for tension. I wish I could do more in return.
Hunter, about Artificer How are you comforting company
Hunter, about Spearmaster Built better than me. Can explore and travel and I can't. Why? More care put into them..? (which changes into) Friendship kinship artist buddies who will reclaim the act of creation together.
Hunter, about Rivulet Confusing? Neutral
Gourmand, about Monk They get along great. No notes.
Gourmand, about Survivor Angsty lil guy. They'll be alright.
Gourmand, about Hunter Cares, but has a lot of difficulty conveying the mutual respect that Hunter needs
Gourmand, about Artificer PLEASE stop throwing bombs and listen to me for 5 seconds. please.
Gourmand, about Spearmaster Acquaintance; always nice to have come by
Gourmand, about Rivulet Good friend. Could almost be second in command, except Rivulet is not interested
Artificer, about Hunter Why do i wish i were you
Artificer, about Gourmand Fucking goodie goodie thinks they're so smart and responsible and experienced and resourceful and happy, Well guess what!!!! You're right [beat] fuck you
Artificer, about Spearmaster Very vocal judgment
Artificer, about Rivulet Fun challenge to spar with. Knows nothing about me. (and thus does not like me, which would be unacceptable) My friend my buddy
Spearmaster, about Monk can i help you
Spearmaster, about Survivor Mentorly, friendly. Likes their company
Spearmaster, about Hunter Why are you mean to me (which changes into) Oh. We can hold hands
Spearmaster, about Gourmand Acquaintance; nice to visit with and trade stories with if I'm in the area
Spearmaster, about Artificer Silent judgment
Spearmaster, about Rivulet Neutral
Rivulet, about Survivor and Monk These two have some sort of contrived interpersonal emotional hardship going on, and frankly, I want no part in it.
Rivulet, about Hunter Neutral
Rivulet, about Gourmand Gets It
Rivulet, about Artificer Yeah I see them every week and we hang out and beat each other up. I don't know their name and they don't know mine. Positive relationship yeah why?
Rivulet, about Spearmaster Neutral
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grapejuicestyless · 2 months
To Love, To Love, To Love
Harry Styles x fem!reader
Summery: You thought you were over him in every way possible, but you can never really kill feelings that strong.
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His curls were soft between my fingers, knuckle deep in his hair, pulling out the tangles with each curl of my fingers.
He hummed appreciatively against my chest, his cheek pressed to my body, lips resting heavily between the valley of my breasts. I could feel each breath lingering on my skin, his lip balm smeared on my shirt, one he had bought for me the night before to match.
“They just threw away the entire plot line in the fourth movie, I don’t get it. It’s like everything that made the first three so good was completely ruined for the sake of some extra cash.” Harry mumbled tiredly, pointing at the tv with narrowed eyes.
“This company always does this, can you even be surprised? Every successful franchise always becomes a cash grab for them.”
Harry hummed, and the sound vibrated against my body. It was all so serene between us. A calm after a whirlwind of a few years.
Harry and I had been two wild dogs, chasing after each other’s tails, running in desperate circles yet we ran at the same pace, and we never figured out how to capture what we wanted.
So many nights had been spent crying over the boy, how my heart ached with affection for my best friend, how badly I needed him to want me. I began dressing better for him, and carrying around mints with the hope that maybe the next time I would see him, he would have me.
But I was a dog with a bird at his door, giving him something valuable to myself that it seemed he never wanted.
Harry did the same things. He’d been drowning in his love for his best friend for so long, aching pains in his bones from the waiting for me. He’d never wanted anything more, but the talking from strangers and advice from friends led us astray. How could the other love each other? How could our best friend develop feelings for us? It all seemed so impossible, and the tears drowned us until we flushed out, and our conversations ran dry.
Nobody tells you that even once you move on, those feelings never really leave. Even now, after years of silence that neither of us meant to keep, after we convinced ourselves we flushed away our devotion and joked about how blind we were, with his head on my chest now I feel especially warm in the familiar house.
You can fall out of love with people, but there will always be that lingering feeling of “what if.” A feeling that bubbles until the warmth returns and your situations draw you back into the storm like a riptide pulling you under. Part of me would always love Harry, only now I liked him much more to ever try and be in love with him again.
Silence is much worse than any rejection. The heartache of realizing you lost contact three months deep hurts much worse than any apology for not returning your feelings. It’s like a knife.
We’ve grown now, we’re older, we can control ourselves. We aren’t teenagers who run around kissing the people by the bars, we stay inside and don’t go looking for something that will someday find us. When I complain that I want to kiss someone, to be kissed, he raises his hand eagerly and smiles, declaring he wants to press his lips to mine. But it’s all a joke now, or that’s how I see it.
Maybe to him, it’s not. Maybe when we make jokes about being in love, about the songs he wrote for me in my wake and the tears I shed over him it’s because part of it is still true, maybe we just don’t believe it anymore. Harry once loved me just as hard and true as I once did for him. Though we may not be chasing after one another, I know that part of him still loves me too.
When we’re forty and single, we’ll get married, and we’ll laugh about how long it took us to get together, but for now he lays on my chest and makes fun of some old movies that seemed better when we were kids. He points out the bad green screen that we never caught when we were younger, and his laughter will echo through my bones.
And I’ll soak up every moment with him, because even if we never happened, at least I have him. At least we never became strangers.
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Good evening, denizens of Radioapple nation!
I think it's time for a new fic recommendation list. I have been reading some series you recommended and some others that I found on tmblr. My tbr is still shamefully long, you people need to stop being so talented, I can't keep up with all the content.
In any case, here goes my rec list for anyone that is interested. These fics are 100% unadultered radioapple, some sfw, some nsfw, but all of them with good aroace-spec representation and fantastic characterizations.
Without further ado, here we go:
• OSaS, by @morningstarwrites: no need for introductions. This is, I believe, the most famous fic of the fandom. So many hijinks, so much fluff, such character development, and a lot of lovely bickering. It's still going, and we are now entering the 6th arch, with promises of turning up the heat (so far, very much sfw and cute).
• De santos y pecadores, by Sun_Haworth: this is the Spanish version of Of Saints and Sinners (yes, the fic is this famous, it has translations). Very good translation work, I have to say, so check it out if you are a Spanish speaker or if you want to practice your Spanish!
• Lucid Dreams of New Orleans, by @radiaurapple: a "finished" one, with promises of more epilogues and some snippets to come. This is one of the loveliest, most heartwrenching fics I've read of the fandom. Pseudo-human Alastor AU, beautifully written, it will entrance you. You will long for New Orleans like you never knew you could. A must read, for sure. Sfw with the exception of this (highly recommended) snippet, 3 a.m. (Bonus track). I'd also recommend reading A LULLABY FOR MR SHINGLES of you are looking to be creeped out and for a good laugh.
• We should've been enemies, by @soot-and-salt: the gothic horror romance fic you didn't know you needed. It's almost finished, and it captures the creepy dark atmosphere so well. This one is nsfw and very sexy, if I may say so. The writing flows really good, and you can't miss their one-shots: I shine only with the light you gave me, such gorgeous premise and prose, it's a human Alastor AU; and Transubstantiation, based on a fabulous CMV, very gorey and ethereal, it bewitched me.
• All changed, changed utterly, by @tollingreminiscentbells: a finished one, nsfw. Human Alastor AU at the beginning, we follow an alternative narrative in which Lucifer and Alastor met each other before Hell. It is SUCH a gorgeous fic, very nicely written, with so much fluff and angst and character development. Domestic and romantic, without losing each characters essence. I binged it in a couple of days. A must read for any radioapple fan, for sure.
• Lucifer and his terrible, horrible, no good, very bad relationship, by @keelywolfe: this is another radioapple stapple, and rightfully so. Nsfw and still on going, a long read that's very worth it. The writing? Incredible. The evolution of every character? Astounding. The plot? THICK. An amazingly hooking fic, with so much fluff, hurt, confort, love, hate, secrets, drama and smut. A MUST, no doubt. You can also read the short Radioapple Standalones, they are a cute, dramaless and sexy read to rest from the chaos of the main series.
• Bedtime rituals to try out before the next angelic war, by @miribalis: finished and sfw. In this one, we find ourselves with a tricky hotel room and many sheanigans involving insomnia, managerial duties and feelings. Very very cute, writing on point and captures a cozy atmosphere that few do. Another binge-read for me, I just couldn't get enough domesticity from them.
• Blood, water and other bonds, by Minimalistless: nsfw two-shot. If you are looking for some self-indulgent radioapple smut, here is your fic. This one is really well written and fun. Worth giving it a shot.
• loml, by @radioapple-heathen: sfw and still going. A very cute fic, with some really angsty moments and pet snake sheanigans. Alastor and Lucifer discover they have many things in common, but their rivalry never fades... for now.
• Stolen Moments, by @mothballmilkshake: I'm still going through this series, but so far so very good. Nsfw and another very worthy long read. It's fun, it's cute, we see the development of their characters and their relationship, and so far it's becoming another favourite! Definitelly worth seeing how this continues unfolding.
• Strange Appetites, by Gotllphi: Nsfw, gorey (diegetic gore, I believe they described it) and still going. Currently on hiatus, but the author has the story all planned out and will resume writing as soon as they can! My first radioapple read and still on my top list. Human Alastor AU, with some very cute teen Charlie included here and there. The plot is highly adicting, the development of their relationship so much so, and the writing is fantastic. Give it a shot to encourage your local fic writers not to give up!
• Unhealthy Competition, by @theaffablescamp: I have to catch up with this one too, but it is, overall, fun, sexy and intriguing. Nsfw, still going, SO many hooking plot points, SO many hijinks. The radioapples navigate their personal issues while trying to understand each other. A good, entertaining read.
• Eat your heart out, by @seducipher: modern human Alastor AU, nsfw, gorey and unfinished. Very cool atmosphere and premise, good writing and tantalizing. I also binge read this one. Sexy and intriguing, can't wait to see how this one continues.
• @notherpuppet 's AUs: I usually put this one at the end bc it's not a fic per se, but the My Deer Nanny AU is another fandom classic, rightfully so. Fun, cute, fun, domestic, fun, heartmelting... it has everything a radioapple fan needs! They are also in a queer-platonic relationship, which I think is really refreshing and good for their characters. Don't miss their other AUs, art and short-comics. They are pure GOLD.
Also, as I should, have your read Primavera en Nueva Orleans? A great fic in Spanish about Alastor's last Mardi Gras, you should take a look, it's nice 👀
But, anyway, this is all folks! I'll post new fic recs in a while when I continue with my tbr. Thank you for listening and reading, and stay tuned!
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psychic-refugee · 1 month
I agree with pretty much everyone that the season was rushed. They had so much going on and just didn’t do any kind of exposition or building of the storyline. Even if they had the normal 10-episode season, I don’t know how they would have done anyone’s storyline justice.
So, even for a Netflix season, it was short and rushed.
I think it could have been a really good season if they had the time to actually tell the story.
Some things I wished they had developed.
The bond between Jennifer and Ben. Or just having a backstory for Jennifer at all. She was literally just there and I felt I knew nothing about her. Marigold made 43 gifted children, did Durango only make Jennifer? If Marigold gives powers, does Durango make them even more ordinary? lol
They could have had a plot where maybe both particles give powers, but when they are in proximity to someone with the opposite particle, their powers get nullified.
If Lila and Five were gonna go Timeline hopping, they could have shown several timelines where Jennifer and Ben keep meeting tragic ends when they meet each other. I would have loved it if they were “Star Crossed Lovers” on steroids where literally every time they meet, they either die or bring about the end of the world.
I wished they played up more the idea that the Umbrella Academy as a unit/existing at all meant doom for the Universe.
Where if Ben and Jennifer don’t meet/die early enough, then Viktor causes the apocalypse. If Viktor doesn’t cause the apocalypse, then it’s Five with his wrecking the timeline to the point it creates a kugleblitz. If Five doesn’t cause it, then show how the others all bring about the doom.
Klaus always awakens too many of the dead and they kill everyone, zombie apocalypse style.
Alison’s ability progresses to the point that anything she says becomes reality, and she inadvertently causes the world to end because she gets pissed and wished “everyone would drop dead” or some other kind of Monkey Paw consequence to a misguided wish.
Diego is blamed for every assassination because of his abilities, and it starts a nuclear war between countries.
Luther gets captured by a shady government entity where they want to use his DNA or recreate Reginald’s serum to create super soldiers, as his powers are the most coveted for a fascist regime. They’re successful and there’s an apocalypse created by world wars.
Instead of Viktor getting two seasons of ending the world and Five and Ben getting one; It should have been a 7-season storyline where they each end the world in their own way and they continuously try to fix it. Season 7 is where it ends with all of them voluntarily being absorbed by the Cleanse because they realize, “It’s me. Hi, I’m the problem it’s me.”
I wish they had gone deeper into Abigail Hargreeves, and not only on her research for Marigold and Durango, but her apparent resentment of being brought back to life. Like, how did she come to the plan of putting the Cleanse in motion? They couldn’t have at least done a montage of the six years between the resurrecting time reset and the beginning of season 4?
It would have been nice to see the dynamic between Reginald and Abigail. Is he so self-centered that he never noticed his wife was plotting to end the universe as they knew it? Was she horrified at the lengths he went to in order to resurrect her? Was he completely different around her? Soft, caring?
Did she try to live a happy life with Reginald, but couldn’t knowing that because Marigold and Durango still existed, that it was only a matter of time before it went to shit?
Was Abigail aware of the broken timeline and the inevitable eternal loop of apocalypse and resets, and that’s why she chose the Cleanse?
Season Four wasn’t finished, IMO, and we really only saw the Wiki version.
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voxofthevoid · 8 months
Ch 248 is once again a mixed bag for me. On the bright side, it has a development I've been looking forward to the most since Sukuna left Yuuji's body—Sukuna acknowledging the effect Yuuji has on him. Until now, he's mocked and belittled Yuuji, deeming him weak and boring, except that the specific brand of vitriol Sukuna reserves for Yuuji has made it very clear that his beef with Yuuji is a lot more personal than his conflict with any other character. There's a pettiness there, a kind of irritation that's borderline childish, that wouldn't be present if Yuuji didn't well and truly get under his skin.
So to see Sukuna take a moment in the middle of battle, complete with arms on his hips and a goddamn pout, to reassess himself, his ideology, and his enemies and their goals, all to figure out why Yuuji irritates him and then to see him conclude that it's because Yuuji has indomitable will that he can't stomp down? It's sweet, sweet vindication. Sukuna's immediate resolution to tear that will down with, again, a kind of personal vendetta we rarely see from him marks the exact kind of fight I want out of Yuuji vs. Sukuna.
And Yuuji himself has been a sight to behold despite his relatively fewer scenes so far, from his final moments with Higuruma to the reveal that he can use RCT. His greatest strengths so far have been how quickly he grasps CE usage and now attuned he is to his body. The two combined is what's made him so lethal despite the lack of a CT or even advanced techniques like simple domain. RCT fits quite neatly with the kind of power progression he's shown so far, and combined with his natural durability and sheer resilience, it'll make him even more of a monster.
These are elements I'm very happy with. However, this chapter confirms Kenjaku's end and sets up Sukuna as the final villain, and that's... underwhelming at best. I'm not complaining that Sukuna isn't a particularly complicated villain; it's refreshing and suits how he's presented himself from the beginning. But part of what compensated for one villain being like that was the other being a mad scientist with a pretty cunning mind who kept plotting and planning with every tool in their arsenal. You could trust Kenjaku to keep things interesting while they sought the chaos they dearly wanted, and even the merger coming from them would've had certain meaningful implications because not only is it a dream they strived to fulfil for centuries, but it's also a way to see them finally "let go" of Tengen after exhibiting some fascinating attachment behaviors with her. That authority passing on to Sukuna is about as impactful as Yuuta killing Kenjaku—that is, not at all.
The Yuuta+Rika vs. Sukuna fight that's currently being teased makes me wary for similar reasons. It lacks the buildup Gojou vs. Sukuna had (battle of the strongest, i.e., clash of two immense fucking egos), and another contest of raw power sounds about as appealing as watching paint dry right now. Maybe it'll surprise me, but I'm not holding my breath.
To compare this to Shibuya, the emotional component that made its climax so compelling is almost entirely missing from this fight. It's there in Yuuji facing off against someone who took Megumi and Gojou from him, like how he fought the curse that took Nanami and Nobara from him, but overall, the deaths feel hollow and the stakes are so impossibly high that they start to feel like nothing at all.
I can't even fully capture what I'm feeling. It's not that I'm not looking forward to the upcoming chapters; I am. It's not even that I think the plot and climax are unsalvageable; they are, to an extent. But by this point, the plot fumblings and wasted potential have added up to a looming shadow I can't ignore even when there are parts I'm genuinely excited about.
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kordyceps · 8 months
OK I mean obviously I'm reading your steter stuff on AO3 but I'd love to know if you have an all time favourite? Either your fave of your own work, or fave of another author's that you rec/reread/still think about a million years later (or both lol)
Oh man, okay, sorry for taking so long to reply to this ask! But it's such a good one and I unfortunately have the memory of a gold fish, so I needed to do Research™ (aka reread all my favs again lmao) so I could answer it properly. 😂
I only have one Steter fic of my own atm, so I guess that's my de facto personal fav for now…
But as for other folks' work, god, there are sooooo many great Steter fics out there!! So these are just a handful of my top favs, and definitely not a comprehensive list!
Five Times Peter and Stiles Troll the Pack by taylorpotato Rating: M | 2.5k | requires an AO3 account to read Stiles and Peter yell at each other in Polish, misleading the pack into think they're fighting, when in reality it's all just like completely fuckin' filthy dirty talk lmao. Short, but very funny, and such a perfect capture of their mischievous dynamic. 10/10, would recommend!
The Devil You Know by Twisted_Mind Rating: E | 11.6k Peter is there for Stiles when no one else is, and uses that to slowly manipulate his way into earning Stiles' explicit trust. And ooooh boy, is it so delicious and spicy. God damn! Cards on the table: this fic definitely won't be for everyone since it wades into some darker waters. But oh my god do I love love LOVE Peter's characterization in it. God, I feel like I could write a whole damn essay about this fic, but then I'd just end up spoiling the whole thing LOL. Just--if you like darker, manipulative Peter and enjoy your sweetness just a wee bit twisted, then 10/10 would recommend!
The Prince and the Pease by luulapants Rating: E | 47k | requires an AO3 account to read Medieval/Royalty AU where Peter is forced to cede his claim to the throne and become a "guest" of King Deucalion's as part of a peace treaty between the two kingdoms. Stiles, who is suspiciously far too mouthy for your average servant, is gifted to Peter as a bedwarmer. This one does such an incredible, masterful job at translating the characters into its setting and time period. The sass, the wit, the wordplay! You can definitely tell the author knows their shit, and my god is it fantastic. The plot itself is also so satisfying -- lots of great ups and downs, and, ugh, just so good! (Be sure to read p2 for the full ending btw!) Needless to say, 10/10, would recommend!
Keeping him (It's all about intent) by sittinginmytincan Rating: M (& E for oneshot sequel) | 121k Stiles winds up slingshotted into his own future, where it turns out he's married to Peter Hale of all people. His only way back is with Lydia's help, but she's gone mysteriously missing somewhere on the east coast while investigating some strange disappearances. Man, this fic….. I feel like the writer for this one must have received a checklist of things I'm into and decided to mark nearly every single one of them lol. Time travel, woke up married, magical theory, an enthralling af plotline -- and it's so thorough. Like, everything is so incredibly well thought out, the characterization is on point, and the development of Stiles and Peter's relationship is just chef kiss. Definitely 10/10, would recommend!
The Striking Complication by aurevell Rating: T | 118k I don't even want to write a summary up for this one because the mystery of it all and peeling back what's happening piece by piece is, imo, the best way to experience it. This story is intense as fuck, near relentlessly oppressive, and impossible to put down. It keeps you constantly at the edge of your seat as you try to figure out what is going on and how Peter and Stiles will survive it, with these heart-wrenchingly sweet breather moments sprinkled throughout. If you enjoy time loop stories, this one is an absolute must read! 10/10, would recommend!
build-a-beau by veterization Rating: E | 41.5k Tired of his dad always worrying about him being single, Stiles decides to pay for a fake boyfriend service so he can finally get his pops off his back about it. It goes about as well as one can expect a fake texting boyfriend you accidentally catch real feelings for can go lmao. This fic is wonderfully witty, with really fantastic banter between the two of them, and it's just so very fun getting to watch the pretend part of their exchanges slip more and more into something genuine. 10/10, would recommend!
Under the Songbird's Wing by mia6363 Raing: E | 87k Stiles is captured and held in captivity alongside Peter, Deucalion, and Satomi Ito. To survive, Stiles runs through lacrosse drills and tells stories, eventually persuading his fellow cellmates out of their shells and establishing a profound, unbreakable bond between them. This one is HEAVY, folks. Like, heavy heavy. But, god, it's also such a beautiful exploration of the characters and the bonds they develop through shared captivity. I don't even know what more to say, really, it's just haunting and lovely and awful and wonderful all at once. In the mood for something that hurts? Then 10/10, would recommend!
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odditycircus-2002 · 3 months
Request: Hello, this was translated with Google so sorry if there are errors, it's my first time making a request too so I'm very nervous. Well, I was wondering, if it's not a bother, if you could agree to write some headcanon about Syzoth and the reader is a shapeshifter (she can be a woman and a wild fighter just like the animal she transforms into, also her diet is based on raw meat just for the convenience of the story, I would greatly appreciate it) shapeshifter that is preferably a Jaguar? I love these big cats. With the following situation: she was captured by Shang Tsung for his experiments, it turns out that she also came to where Syzoth was (whom she initially considered evil because he was practically the sorcerer's servant) but they only saw each other a couple of times, until they moved her to another place (where she would meet Syzoth's family) and would continue the experiments causing her to have a condition where while she was in her human form she would have traces of Jaguar fur scattered over her body and face (similar to vitiligo but instead of spots would have a feline coat). After a while, she, along with other experimental subjects would try to escape, including Syzoth's wife and son, but only she and the small reptile could escape together since the mother of the small reptile would sacrifice herself to save her son from an attack, both would end up injured after escaping, which would make Shang Tsung think that they are dead. A couple of months after Syzoth learned that her family was "murdered" and Shang Tsung's plot against the empress, she would meet the reader and her son, whom he would quickly recognize, but she is on the defensive because she believes that he is a subordinate of Shang Tsung and tries to attack him (at this point the boy and the shapeshifter reader should already be like a family because she took care of the little boy as if he were her baby) the little boy stops her and then reunites with his father, She wants to go with him but she doesn't want to leave the girl and so she follows them to take care of the child. Then simply how does the relationship with Syzoth and reader develop? Sorry if it was too long, I just wish I could read something like that and I really like how you write, I hope you can accept my request.
A/N: Alright, dang, this is a long one. I hope I did this justice. Next time, @destructor-mk, just use my inbox, please.
The Lizard and Jaguar
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You are a proud Osh-tekk warrior and a born warrior through and through, proudly serving the Royal House to bring you, your people, and your family great honor. You have set your sights on climbing the ranks through Outworld’s military to serve as equals with General Shao, his second-in-command Reiko, and your King Kotal. Yet, for all your knowledge, your eagerness for any task, and your rare ability to turn into a Jaguar, you always seemed to fall short.
No matter what you do or how many hours you spend trying to practice harnessing the sun’s power, you can never seem good enough to be promoted. It seemed you had hit a wall and may spend the rest of your days as just an ordinary guard at the Royal palace. Never to see a real battle or taste the glory that came with it. Your frustration would often lead you to wander the edges of Sun Do in its seedier alleyways, looking for someone to fight to blow off steam and hopefully grow stronger.
This is how you met Shang Tsung, one of Sindel’s newly appointed Sorcerers. He watched as you entered another street fight, blending among the gathered crowd as they placed bets on who would win. Shang Tsung watched first to see if you and your opponent would make adequate test subjects. Yet, his attention was caught when, just as it seemed you were beaten, you made a comeback by transforming into a giant jaguar to make the winning blow. You let a roar in victory as the crowd cheered before transforming back, taking your winnings.
Shang Tsung intercepted you as you returned to the palace, hoping to make it before sunrise. He first complimented you on your tenacity and fighting abilities before inquiring why, for all your skill, he does not recognize you from General Shao's army. You bitterly explained that you can't maintain your jaguar form for long; otherwise, you know you would be a general by now. You mutter to yourself how you'd give anything to become stronger.
You didn't notice the devious smirk the Sorcerer gave before making you an offer you couldn't refuse. Shang Tsung told you that since he's a Sorcerer, he could make you stronger, faster and make your secondary form last longer and more powerful. All you had to do was meet him in the alley he met you in and at the same time. You accepted but didn't stop and think about how Shang Tsung's offer sounded too good to be true. If you did, you could've avoided what happened in that alleyway.
You arrived just as Shang Tsung instructed, only to find no sign of the Sorcerer. Instead, you were surrounded by a thick fog that made your head spin with each inhale you took. You let out a growl and demanded to know what is the meaning of this since, as a member of Outworld's military, you won't take this lying down. That's when a green figure blindsided you and knocked you to the ground. You rolled with the hit before returning to your feet, coming face to face with a masked figure. He held up his hands before speaking.
"Please stop; you'll make this more difficult for us both."
You growled before charging towards the masked figure to exchange blows. But as much as you were determined not to, you eventually faltered, allowing Syzoth to finally knock you out. You didn't hear his whispered apology as your eyes rolled into the back of your head. When you awoke again you were restrained on a metal table with Shang Tsung above you, with the most devious smile on his face.
"I assure you, I will give you all you want. Although, whether or not you will survive will remain to be seen."
You only knew pain from there. Shang Tsung would pump your veins full of a blue elixir for the first few days, setting your blood ablaze. You would scream and roar as you struggled against your restraints, which dug into your arms and legs. Then, just as the pain gets to a point that it's nothing but a dull throb. You would be released and then dragged to your cell before being tossed onto its unforgiving stone floors. After a while, you'd pull yourself into a corner of the cell and curl up there.
Each night, you would be left there with the only sounds from your cell: your bones shifting and cracking, teeth hitting stone, and low growls mixed in with pained heaves. You often scratched at your skin as the fur underneath grew in patches. The fur pattern matches the texture and pattern of your jaguar form, leaving you with a messed-up version of vitiligo. Your teeth eventually grew back, but they all sharpened and resembled your jaguar form.
The only positive, which is a very low bar at that point, of this torment was that every night, the same man that you fought before your capture would stop by your cell and slip in a heaping pile of meat through a small hatch. You just dug in and devoured it like the wild beast you now resembled. Teeth quickly dug into the meat like it was warm butter. However, you did care to learn the name of one of your captors after overhearing Shang Tsung reprimanding him for the close call with you earlier. Syzoth was his name, a name you would come to loathe for the part he would take in your torture.
After 12 days, you shockingly survived the transformation and all the elixirs Shang Tsung pumped into you. Unfortunately, that didn't mean the end of your torment or seeing your captors. Seeing as your condition stabilized, they immediately put you through more arduous tests. If you didn't willingly comply, Shang Tsung would punish you using electric shock in hopes of breaking you. When Shang Tsung finally decides he's done with you for the day and you're too exhausted or beaten to fight, he'd have his other minions take you back to your cell.
You received a new cell after surviving the initial experimentation. However, you had to share that cell with at least three other people, fellow experiments like you, plus two Zaterrans being held prisoner. A mother and her young son. You didn't speak much with the latter, often minding your business as you knew you must be horrifying to the two who never asked to be there. However, you would occasionally step in whenever a fellow experiment got too rowdy with the two, which mostly ended in you having to brutally kill them. Afterward, you'd return to your part of the cell to lick the blood off your fur and remaining skin.
But, unlike before, you weren't huddled in one spot to whimper like some newborn cub. This time, you were slowly digging an escape tunnel; you hid under your cot. The dirt you would get rid of by secretly dumping them out of your pockets either in a chamber pot or when being led to another round of testing. At one point, the Zaterran woman noticed your hole late at night, but she stared at you for a few tense moments before going back to sleep. She never said anything out loud, which did relieve you.
one night, during lights out, Shang Tsung flicked on the lights and opened all the cell doors. He announced that he would be pouring in toxic gas that would kill everyone. However, he would spare any of those who could kill another experiment and cease the gas. The Sorcerer explained that he was running out of room in his cells and wanted only the strongest experiments pandemonium broke out.
You aided the Zaterran woman and her son by ripping off the cloth from your cot to have them tie around their snouts so they don't breathe in so much of the toxic gas. You and the Zaterran woman fought side by side as you ripped and tore through many Tarkatan hybrids, all to protect the young boy behind both of you. However, the Zaterran couldn't fight for long, her stamina began to give, subjecting her to more deadly blows. Noticing this, you led her and her son back to your shared cell before closing the cell door, with the Zaterran tying it closed with her makeshift mask.
You ripped off a piece of your tunic to try and stop the bleeding in Zaterran's stomach, only for her to brush you off. Instead, she asks you if you'll take her son with you. When you tried to press her again, she only asked if you'd take her son out of this hellhole, so you acquiesced. You then watched the mother and son exchange their final words, with the son crying as he hugged his mother tightly and begging that she come with him. However, the mother reasons that she'll only slow him and you down. She tells the boy that he must live for both their sakes before pressing their foreheads against one another and parting. The Zaterran woman then rips away your cot before leading her son into it. You briefly stop to assure the woman.
The woman gives you a toothy smile before placing the cot back in place. You heard the woman give out a roar before the sound of wet tearing followed shortly after. You then took Jaguar form and started moving the tunnel as a huge section collapsed behind you. You only had a few feet left to dig before freedom, but you weren't sure you could dig it away in time. Luckily, you didn't, as the distraught Zaterran boy vomited acid at the wall in front of you, leading you to your freedom. After escaping, you and the boy were quick to limp away from Shang Tsung's horrid laboratory just as rain began to pour down on you both.
Afterward, you two made your way to the jungles of Zatera, where you both remained hidden for months. You knew the Royal Guard was out as you had overheard General Shao speaking at one point. He did nothing to help you or the people who were captured and experimented on, which just broke your heart.
During this time, you helped the boy learn how to hunt and stalk his prey, with or without his camouflage, which he was still trying to master. Sometimes, the boy will tell you about his life before Shang Tsung's laboratory, including his mother and father. Although the father wasn't captured with the boy and his mother, the boy assumed his father to be either missing or dead based on what the "Bad Man" would tell him and his mother.
You swore to the Boy that you will train him in the ways of the Osh-week so he may take his vengeance upon that vile Sorcerer for what he did to him and his family. The boy hugged you in return, which you reciprocated with a purr, much to your surprise. You would often let him sleep against you while you're in panther form to keep him warm and stay awake as long as you need to when he's inevitably awakened by his night terrors, unable to forget the horrors he's seen.
Meanwhile, a now-freed Syzoth would eventually catch word of a "Jaguar Woman" around the jungles of Zaterra just outside Zikandar. Thinking he knew who it was, as your body was never recovered, he made his way into said jungles, hoping to redeem himself for what he was complacent in.
After a long search and many close calls with some traps that included a Tygore trap, Syzoth did find the Jaguar Woman, you. You were not happy about it. In fact, so much so that when you decided you were done playing cat and mouse with Syzoth, you made yourself known to him. You cared nothing for the shapeshifter’s apologies and excuses, as you just wanted him DEAD. For the lives he helped taken and the pain he has caused, which Syzoth takes full accountability for.
He’ll also admit that you’ve gotten far stronger than the last time you two fought. You made quick and brutal work out of him, however just as you were about to deal the killing blow, your young charge appears before you, begging you not to kill his daddy.
You hesitated, torn between your love for the boy and your rage, but ultimately, your love won out and you spared Syzoth. The boy embraced his father, both crying as they held each other tight. The boy explaining how you have been protecting him this whole time, and Syzoth for how he thought he died alongside his mother.
Knowing this and hearing Syzoth’s side of the story, you two decided to return to civilization to co-parent his son. However, that didn’t mean you forgave Syzoth. And to say your relationship with him was rocky would be putting it mildly. Still, you two can at least agree on wanting the best for the boy, and bond over the horrors Shang Tsung inflicted on to you both.
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childotkw · 5 months
Can we hear a bit about your original stories? I just started writing one and it is So Hard just to come up with the characters and their environment so I wanted to hear how you came up with those if you didn’t mind
Very interesting question! For me, a lot of my ideas come from wisps of inspiration from tropes or other concepts.
Characters and worlds and environment go through some pretty intensive edits in my head, so the roots aren't always obvious - and often I smash together multiple ideas, carving and chopping and smoothing things out until I have something workable that gets me excited.
(Buckle up, this post might be a long one)
Coming up with a concept
I'm not sure how it might work for other people, but I am constantly on the look out for inspiration for stories - asking myself 'what if this happened?', 'how cool would it be if this person had to do this thing?', or 'how could this trope work in a different genre?'.
Keeping myself open to these kinds of outlandish and sometimes hilarious thoughts means I've trained my brain to constantly churn up interesting concepts and ideas. Some barely have life breathed into them before I'm moving on. Others cling to me and live in my head for years.
The point is, be on the hunt for interesting ideas, and let your imagination have room to run free. Don't get boxed into an idea in its infancy. Let it grow crazily, let it get wild, before you break out the pruning tools. You're human. Let your mind have fun. Let your imagination explode.
Coming up with a character/s
So when I'm thinking of a character to inhabit my crazy new concept, I tend to go for vibe before anything else. I ask myself things like:
What kind of character do I really want to play with? Good, bad, morally grey? Cool, morally grey it is.
What species do I want? A god, a human, some fantasy creature? Human.
What type of human? A fighter, or more cerebral? Both? How 'bout a strategist? Okay that works.
And I go from there. I basically build a vague construct before worrying about things like physical description, name, age, gender, sex, etc. Those come later, once I've got a vibe I find interesting for a main character. Then comes the fun part.
Bringing concept and character together
For this to work, I've gotta figure out how these two elements to interact. To do that, I ask myself a whole bunch of questions.
How does my shiny new character fit in this world? Are they a grand figure or are they a nobody? What do I want them to do? What challenge would be interesting to watch them overcome? What can only they do? Why should my audience care about this random little guy?
This is normally where plot comes to me in fits and bursts, and once I have an idea on the overarching aspects, I start hammering out the finer details. This is where I really let my imagination out to play. I go wild, spinning off in multiple different directions, chewing on ideas and concepts and finding what works best for me.
Here you can also start developing things like other characters, relationships, dynamics, worldbuilding (e.g., currency, religion, factions, hierarchy, magic, science, how the bloody postal system works, etc.).
An example (through a conversation I regularly have with myself)
So, here's an example of an idea I've been playing with the last week.
Coming up with a concept
Okay! I've been inspired by the Old Guard, so I want to explore immortality and the idea of humanity and what life actually means. But how do I make this concept even cooler? What would make being immortal hard to conceal in a modern world?
How about instead of a modern world it's a futuristic society where everything is captured on some form of phone / camera / recording - and that makes dying and coming back to life extremely difficult to get away with. Where it's getting harder and harder to be able to cover their tracks, where falling through the cracks of society is damn near impossible with instant identification and other such measures.
Nice, nice. What else? How does the immortality work?
From the moment of their first death, the person now has increased healing and cannot age; though they can physically change (i.e., gain or lose weight and muscles, grow their hair and whatnot). Injuries heal at a rate relative to the seriousness of it - even amputations.
How does amputation work though? What if they lose their head? Does a new body grow or does the body grow a new head?
I'll have to iron this out but maybe it depends on the largest body piece? So the body would regrow the head, but if the body was completely blown apart, then whatever piece was biggest would become the 'main' one that the rest of the body would regenerate from?
What causes the immortality?
(I have an idea but wanna keep it a secret for now 😉)
So how does this world work then? It's futuristic - but how futuristic?
I'm thinking we've just achieved space travel. There's a colony on the moon and one being developed on Mars. We're spacefaring but it's not quite to the level of say, Star Wars or Star Trek. No aliens yet either! We've also got rudimentary robots running around, but they're machines more than fully autonomous. Basically, it's that time just before a massive technological leap in human history. We're on the verge of realising a lot of 'sci-fi' technologies.
Coming up with characters
Who are our main characters?
I was thinking of using Helen of Troy, since she's a mythological / historical figure that I've always found really interesting! So instead of her dying way back in the day, she actually became immortal during the Trojan War and has been enduring through the last 3500ish years as best she can.
The other main character I was planning on focussing the story around was Aethiolas - Helen's (disputed) son and former Prince of Sparta. I thought it'd be cool to explore an immortal mother and son dynamic, where almost 4000 years of sorrow and bitterness have tangled their relationship into something complex and...heartbreaking.
So what are they both like?
Helen has turned towards pacifism, whereas Aethiolas is and always will be a warrior. Helen is a leader - usually calm and collected and capable of commanding respect. Aethiolas, for the longest time, acted as her second in command and is quite a confident person. While Helen might long for the past, Aethiolas looks to the future with excitement and fascination.
Helen's group have become more observers, whereas Aethiolas takes an active role in shaping history - joining causes that speak to him and seeking to bring positive change into the world.
Aethiolas is viewed as reckless and dangerous to their way of life, killing humans who threaten him without hesitation; whereas he views his mother and the others as too rigid and afraid of change, and far too morally righteous and superior. A common argument between them would include lines like -- "Just because we can't die, mother, doesn't mean we should allow ourselves to be killed."
Helen views their immortality as a punishment. Aethiolas views it as a gift. But there is still love and loyalty between them. Despite everything, Helen is Aethiolas' mother, and he cares for her. And she for him.
Bringing concept and character together
How do these characters fit in with the world now?
Well, Helen is in charge of their group of immortals; whereas Aethiolas has become more of a 'lone wolf'. While he and his mother have had a falling out, and they fundamentally disagree on the use of violence and interacting with the world, Aethiolas still acts as the group's sword and shield. He doesn't live with them but he protects them from threats and they rely on him when issues crop up that do require swift action. There's some hypocrisy there, and it is one of the major points of conflict between them.
The story would likely kick off with several new immortals being born - and in a rather public and difficult to cover up manner. This has the risk of dragging all of the immortals into the spotlight, and prompts them to have to quickly decide whether living in the shadows is even possible any more.
--- -- --- -- ---
This became very long and rambling, but this is essentially how I create ideas from scratch. I'm super tired atm so it might not be super coherent! But if anything particular jumps out at you or you want me to focus in on something, please let me know!
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hayleysayshay · 6 months
I'm one of those ppl who think the equalist Asami plot for TLOK likely wouldn't have played out that well. I get why peeople want it -- giving Asami simply more to do is always a plus, and plus grey morality is interesting in characters, plus we get to flesh out the equalist movement as it is quite sympathetic.' The problem I have is that committing to a true double agent story takes time and I just don't think TLOK has it, and could easily fumble it. Plus I'm not that bothered about enemies to lovers, and I think Asami's 'redemption' arc would be seen as Zuko-lite.
So my suggestion to develop Asami more, but keep the story relatively uncomplicated for such a busy series with many elements in it:
-- Asami is an equalist sympathiser, not a full blown equalist.
-- She doesn't hit Mako with her moped. Instead, Mako and Bolin put an ad in the paper asking for sponsors. Who drops by, Hiroshi and Asami Sato! Asami accompanies her father as she is a bit suspicious of the probenders, sees probending as a farce. She's angry as benders killed her mother. But Hiroshi wants to sponsor the team, says some spiel about it being good business, gets Mako on side like the show.
-- Hiroshi is an equalist like the show. He decides to sponsor the Fire Ferrets as it gives him in an in on the probending world and the arena that he can report back to Amon.
-- Asami and Mako and Bolin spend some time together. She's suspicious but at some point prior to Hiroshi's reveal her and Mako have a talk. She vents about bending that she knows not every bender is evil but bending took away her mum. Mako says the same thing, bending took away his mother. But bending helped protect his little brother as they had nothing else to rely on. This helps Asami put somethings into perspective a bit-- as I think the discussion of opression in this universe cannot be solely limited to bending, it has to include class as well.
-- Like the show she is still fairly kind.
-- Mako and Asami do not date in book 1, but there is maybe some attraction between each other, but with Asami's bending reservations there is no chance for an immediate attraction in canon. Korra is still jealous of Asami just because she's beautiful and captures Mako's attention. I'm going to keep this version fairly similar to canon so Mako and Korra still date at the end of the series.
-- Asami still invites Korra and Bolin and Mako to her house when the arena is shut down as she's a nice person. Korra is like OWO at Asami. But then she finds an equalist glove in the house-- who would have that unless you're an equalist? And she and Mako muse that it would make sense if it's Future Industries tech, and since Asami lives in the house and has voiced reservations about bending before, it would make sense if she's the equalist and even making them.
-- Asami is heartbroken that her friends would suspect her like that. She's interviewed and released due to lack of evidence. At some point Mako and Korra and Bolin find the secret passageway, Hiroshi is revealed. LIke in canon, she makes the choice to side with her new friends. They apologise to her for doubting her and she forgives them.
The rest plays like book 1 canon (but with less love triangle stuff) and we could spend more time on the ordinary non-bending citizens being victimised by the police.
The reason I like this is that we get a more developed equalist subplot. Asami is kind, but she's wary of bending, and how it can hurt people. It's complicated. If the rest of the show supports that, then Asami is seen as a bit more complicated and reserved than just kind and perfect. She's a bit short-sighted in terms of her wealth giving her privilidge.
I think for the rest of the series, to give Asami more flaws and depth post book 1 you can a) play up her privilege and wealth and b) play more into her insecurities. Book 2 does show that she's worried about literally running Future Industries as a CEO. Instead of the show where her problems are fixed by a man (Bolin) punching Varrick, instead we can see her POV more and how worried she is, more time is spent on her handing over the company, and she also gets the chance to bring Varrick to justice. She can still date Mako and realise he's not right for her. She dates Mako in book 2 because he's there, comforting her, so that can still happen.
Book 3 and 4 can be similar to canon, just have more time with Asami. In book 3, we mention how she's angry and insecure and just needs a break from beng CEO, that she just doesn't get everything right-- which Korra validates her with and relates with her own struggles and pressures as the Avatar. They touch hands, look into each others eyes, they say they understand each other (the start of korrasami).
Maybe in book 4 she makes sure she's a voice for non-benders and intra-community relations, tying the plots from the start to the end together more. And more time spent on her loss of Korra and her anger at her Dad.
Idk. Maybe I just don't see the solution to Asami being underwritten is to put her into an enemies to lovers plot. There's plenty there in the whole series to build off whilst keeping her 'good' and relatively uncomplicated.
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qaxqxd · 11 months
Kinktober 6
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♡: Spider-noir x Spider!f!reader
Genre: smut
Warning: Bondage kink, what usually is in smut, oral, has some plot, 90's slang, unprotected sex (wrap it before tapping it irl 🙏) some praising
Word count: 1.3k
A/n: it's been so long since I wrote abt this man 😫 (late post)
Summary: Noir has been stressed, you lend a hand (or a mouth) to help him relieve the stress.
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The spider-verse or the Arachno- Whatever it was called. You liked the name spider-verse better.
You've been spider-women for about a year now. You were invited to the Spider Society, by Miguel O'Hara.
6 feet tall grumpy rainstorm. He was the guy who ran the thing, surprisingly.
Forget him, you were sent on missions with other spider-people.
I mean talk about how many spider-man and women there were.
There was one spider-man you got along with the most. You two clicked on the first meet. 
And maybe you develop a tiny crush on him, on the way.
But who wouldn't?!
He was outgoing, cute, funny, and such a gentleman. Basically irresistible.
Spider-noir. A spider-man from the 30's. With his fancy hat and coat. Not to mention the silly goggles he uses.
You two just finished a mission, swiftly capturing the anomaly.
Noir wanted you to swing by the bar with him. (Literally) He loved spending his time with you. 
So imagine how happy he was when you agreed to join him. He opened the door for you and you walked into the bar.
He ordered himself an egg cream. While you order yourself carbonated beverages. You both sat in the corner to draw less attention to yourselves.
As your drinks were handed you took a sip of yours. You looked at Noir, he's pulled up half of his mask.
You could see his lips. His kissable lips.** You smiled slightly.
"So, how's your week?" You asked him, trying to conjure small talk.
"It's gotten better." He smiled. 
"Rough week, hm?" You questioned. "Yeah, you could say that." He hummed. He placed down his drink.
"Wanna talk about it?" You tilted your head.
"I don't want to bore you to death, doll." He muttered.
"It's fine, I won't mind."  You softly smiled at him.
"Well, it's been sort of stressful. With the missions and everything. " He sighed.
"Miguel hasn't given you a day off?" You frowned. His head shook. You tried to process what he just told you.
"Well, I could help you…" You hid your face with your drink.
"With the sick day?" He responded. "No with the stress, of course." You grin. He flinch upon hearing you say that, choking on his drink.
"H-How so?" He stuttered, obviously turning red by the second. He was thinking of something, something messy.
You chuckled slightly at his flustered state. He knew what you were thinking about.
"Only if you're up to it." You smiled. He pulled his mask down and got up. He was too flustered to even think.
He went over to pay the bartender, and went back over to you. He picked you up bride style.
You two headed out.
He swung back to his apartment. Placing you down on the balcony.
"You‐ okay?" He asked, checking to see if he didn't harm you in any way. "I'm good, you know I could have swung with you."
"Right! Goodness, It must have scrambled from my mind." He blushed under his mask, embarrassed.
He was so focused on being close to you, he completely forgot you were also a spider-man. He felt like he was everywhere, when he was close to you.
"Sit," You stated.
You pointed over to his couch. He complied and sat down. You sat below him, on your knees.
You slid off his pants. His length flung out, as it was already hard. He covers his face with a hand.
Nervous, his grit throbbed. You pulled off your mask, showed your face.
Noir had seen your face before, he was just always in awe seeing your beautiful face.
Goodness gracious, you were so perfect. He couldn't help thinking.
You held his cock in your hands. You kissed his tip, the pre-cum all over your lips.
You devour his cock into your mouth, balls deep. It touched deep in your throat. You gag on his cock.
Noir felt the vibration of your gaging, small whimpers left him.
You went down on him, which got Noir to make a lot more sounds. His hips buckled, his hand gripping the couch.
You looked at him, big pleady eyes, enjoying his noises. He can't bear to lay a finger on you. You were too pretty for his own pleasure.
You bobbed your head up and down at a pace he was satisfied at. His groans and whimpering were leaking.
Your cunt felt like it was throbbing, on how much he was making you aroused.
You knew he was close by his breathing, one final deep throating, and you felt all his warmth slick in your throat.
You swallow all of it. Every last drop of it. Noir got red noticing upon this.
You got up and sat beside him. He pushed you onto your back.
He was now on top of you. He now had his mask off. He raises both of your arms up, webbing them together.
He kissed your neck. "I want you to feel good now, Doll." He mumbled in your ear. You couldn't help but blushed at his words.
"May I?" He tugged at your suit. You nodded and allowed him to undress you. He gently took off your suit.
Noir was nervous, wanting to please and pleasure you. He wanted to do a good job of it.
He loved you so much.
He saw your underwear, and it made his cock get tighter. He saw the wetness seeping through your panties.
He pulled it off you, revealing your puffed cunt. He lined his cock with your entrance. The head of his tip enters you.
You let out a moan, as he started to stretch you. You tighten around him. He grunted, at your squeezing.
"Goodness gracious, you are so tight…" He praised you.
He laid out small kisses on you. You felt yourself go breathless from his kissing. You were also nervous too.
He got his full length to fit inside you, so perfectly, like you were made for him. He huffed and started moving in and out.
His pace was sloppy, but good enough for you to build up your orgasm.
You moan every time he deepens his thrust. He was quite good for being inexperienced, you thought.
Was he though?
No clue.
He continues his pace, making you feel amazing. You whine, longing to grab something,
Your arms were webbed, making it a lot harder to resist orgasming.
You moaned, when you reached your climax. A cum ring around Noir's cock. You didn't want to stop here and neither did Noir.
So he continues to fuck you a lot quicker, but still at a gentle touch.
"Ah mn- ha, shit-" You moaned at every thrust. Your thighs were shaking at the tense feeling.
"N-noir, ah" More wet noises filled the room. You felt so helpless without your hands and arms.
I mean you could've probably broken out of those webs by now, but…
What's the fun in that?
"Al' most there, sweetheart." He kissed your stomach.
Noir's been holding your legs up for a steady thrust. You could feel him getting close because the pace quickened.
You rubbed your clit trying to increase the pleasure. As you came, Noir pulled out his seed spilling all over your stomach.
He hid his face in embarrassment. He broke you out of your bondage.
You got up quickly to kiss his lips, just what you wanted to do earlier.
Your hands wrapped around his neck, lifting the mask off his face. He took glasses out of his pocket to wear.
You giggled, "Still pretty cute with glasses, hm?" 
"You too, you're pretty delightful too." He confessed.
You both bathe in each other's warmth the rest of the night.
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unordinary-diary · 2 months
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I’ve gotten no asks yet so thank you @coldinfluencerbeliever for volunteering! I’m not entirely sure if you meant to participate in the ask game because this is a statement and not a question, but you’re the only one with your hand up so you’ve been called on.
You’re absolutely right! Jane never being captured totally changes John’s entire story. That is the basis for this au:
Jane Was Never Captured AU
Okay so, we don’t know much about Jane, but I’m certain she wouldn’t have tolerated her son being bullied. At this point, there’s no telling whether Jane is above beating up middle-schoolers or not, but even if she is, she’d have gone to the school’s administration, or even the bullies’ parents, and raised hell. Unlike William, Jane has the power and influence to actually do something about the bullying.
This means that while I imagine John still got bullied, and his friends probably more so, John wouldn’t be completely helpless to stop it since he has his mom backing him. His mistreatment would be lessened, and his resentment and anger wouldn’t have built up nearly as badly. While his ability developed, Jane would be giving him guidance that William couldn’t, including teaching him to use his power responsibly. And even if he still went down the same dark path, Jane would be there to smack some sense into him like Seraphina was in mid- season 2. (It’s entirely possible that Jane is too gentle for that, but regardless, I highly doubt that the New Bostin Massacre would have happened in this AU.)
Therefore, in the Jane Was Never Captured AU, John doesn’t go full reign-of-terror, doesn’t get expelled from New Bostin, doesn’t go to readjustment, doesn’t go to Wellston, isn’t involved with the main plot at all, and most importantly: UnOrdinary by W. H. Doe never gets written.
So... it’s possible that Rei never became a superhero. However, I actually prefer the idea that he did anyway, and he was just the first/one of the first/one of very few. But with superheroes being pretty much unheard of (either just Rei or Rei and very few others), EMBER wouldn’t have been created.
So, yeah. The Jane Was Never Captured AU intertwines with the Rei Never Dies AU. It’s basically an add-on, I suppose. Or a branch of it? They’re not really the same AU, but Rei also lives in the JWNCAU.
But uhhh, yeah! John with Jane in his life is basically just a much healthier John. Which, if you think about it, is essentially just Blyke but better at lying, worse at school, plus some hair dye. (These two are so fucking similar it’s been EATING my brain)
The JWNCAU is essentially a catch-all fix-it au, but not entirely, because it means John never gets involved with Wellston. John was also responsible for a lot of the good that happens in the story— without him, the other main characters don’t get their character development. Remi, Blyke and Isen could probably get theirs some other way, but Arlo and Seraphina needed John in order to grow.
This au tears down the whole story and files it down to a blank slate. The parameters for what gets built on that slate is basically: find another way for John and Seraphina to meet, and find some other way for Arlo, Remi, Blyke and Isen to get their character development. That’s the sandbox we’re playing in.
When I was brainstorming this au with my brother, he basically said that “The problem with this au is that it changes so much, I don’t even know where to go with it.” Which... true. But there are SO. MANY. Directions to take this au into. I’m thinking of them as I’m typing.
Anyway, my ask box is open if you want more.
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getoutofbednelly · 8 months
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so the most recent fics I’ve read on my kindle are the first two parts of the time has come today series by teen_dean (@urne-buriall on tumblr I think). and these are so good. I’ll elaborate more in my fic review but I am excited to share the cover I developed for my kindle collection because I really enjoyed going through different iterations of this cover. I’m just posting the cover I landed on for now, but I think I will share some of the other iterations which include design choices that I cut and edited at length(in another post or reblog later).
Fic review, cover design notes and a small disclaimer under the page break:)
fic review: I’m not always one to love casefics, watching cases passively on screen is one thing, but I can’t always immerse myself in a case to keep interest. I’m more one for character dynamics and the dynamics here are so interesting and introspective and funny I can’t get enough.
When it comes to the characterizations the author really nails it too. They are so close to canon that when I inevitably dissociate from atmospheric chemistry seminars and start thinking about supernatural, I can’t remember if something happened in their fic or on screen. I love these characters and teen_dean obviously does too because they treat their characterization so carefully. The cover I designed references scenery and plot points related to the case part of the fic, but I wish I could have incorporated the deep and thoughtful character analysis that is part of this fic.
And the imagery, particularly the west coast imagery, is. so. good. Very rarely am ever I struck with the desire to draw imagery described in writing, but it struck me at multiple times throughout this. most noteably the cas in the orchard paragraph highlighted in one of my pics towards the end of young hearts (will it be my first castiel fan art??? I certainly hope so.) chef’s kiss.
I really thought I would take a break after finishing young hearts, but I wasn’t ready to not know what happened to teen dean and past-cas in the next fic so I’m reading the rules of have changed today now and I have no regrets.
some notes on the cover design: I’m not sure this translates to the end result, but the glowing text of the title/author/everything-else was meant to represent the flickering lights of neon signage you might see in a dive bar. The description of Schaffer’s bar at the beginning and end of the first part is rich and another example of really capturing the feeling of canon (which I should mention is something the author does really well through scenery too). I don’t think I necessarily got the colors right (I initially imagined a larger color palette), but I’m feeling pretty good about the glowing aspect of it. In a print book format, I’d like all of the red to be metallic embossed.
Its very faint, but I included the silhouette of a mountainscape with silhouettes of dark watchers watching in the background. I think you have to zoom in to see them though. So I included a zoomed in image of two of the dark watchers. See if you can spot the other two!!
The last thing I wanted to mention is that I know arimaspians are typically one-eyed (on their heads). I took a creative liberty and put an eye on the hand.
lastly, a disclaimer: I know that teen_dean already has a cover and print typeset for their fic on their page. I just wanted to add my creative twist on it for my kindle collection and wanted to share it with you all :’). I should say explicitly that this was not designed in communication with the fic author. I do not take any credit for the fic (credit to the story goes to the author and characters to the cw). if teen_dean comes across this I especially hope they enjoy it<3, but if for any reason you (teen_dean/urne-buriall) don’t want to be associated with this cover, please contact me and I will take this down.
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grimreaperofroleplay · 6 months
Spoiler for 2 of Dragons rising
Okay so like I just finished my little Ninjago season 2 dragons rising marathon, it was with all honesty something that was very exciting, and it's only part one part 2 will probably roll around I'd say October November ish from the pattern I have seen through part 1 and part 2 upload schedules of Ninjago seasons
In my opinion this season was a really amazing season, the plot was awesome the A&B plot of episodes was also awesome the main plot of the season was also very interesting and for the J fans we get to see a bit more of him we will probably be seeing him more in part 2
Let's start off with the obvious the two dragon warriors/ninja (I don't know how to spell their names) they were amazing the two paired up was like bad cop and good cop you can never go wrong with that trope and honestly the whole thing in it was just amazing,
I think one of my favorite arcs for part 1 is going to be Arins the development that he goes through just in this first part is already immaculate and as time goes on that's going to develop into something much bigger and with how he's already feeling I feel like that's going to be a lot of help
Also one thing I want to point out while I was marathoning drs2 is the fact that Lloyd probably / is implied to have PTSD. Like the paranoia with visions and the need to stop those visions are like flashbacks you have a PTSD but they're not flashbacks for Lloyd they're visions of things that could happen but it basically takes on the same concept of what PTSD is like for people who experiences it, and like as the visions come in there's this resistance that he wants to stop them that he wants them to stop that he doesn't want them there he wants them to go away and it just ends up in this mental break
And honestly the way they interpret this is a lot like PTSD and it's really fascinating to me, it has crossed my mind that but probably has a lot of issues and disorders from what has happened to him and what probably is going to come but actually seeing Lloyd actually as vulnerable as he was in this season was really exciting actually, vulnerability is placed differently in people and seeing how they interpret it with Lloyd was really fascinating
Since I have seen a lot of different shows that doesn't really allow their character to seem vulnerable, but from what I have seen the writers in Ninjago doesn't seem to be one of those people who refuse to give vulnerability to their character Lloyd is a great example that has a pinpoint a vulnerability in this season
But a little cameo of another vulnerability is Jay and I believe episode 8 if not 7, it's shown that he doesn't remember who he was bonzel says that she knows his heart isn't and it's right place and that he doesn't really want to capture her, and he admits it he doesn't know anything about him before that
He doesn't know how he got to the administration he doesn't know anything before that all you know is that his name is Jay walker, and then Sprite (the glowing orb) approaches Jay and starts to like go around him and when she looks ahead or into Sprite it shows him this image of him best splitting image of what Jay looked like before the merge or well while the merge happened
The sense of of vulnerability comes from when Jay touches the image lightning sparks into his hands and he panics cuz no one can know he has elemental powers, he knows he's an elemental master but no one else could know because he's afraid that if they know something bad will probably happen to him, something so bad that he insist to say no one can know about his powers
Even if it doesn't seem so this is a good example of a moment of vulnerability same goes for Lloyds multiple breakdown and visions, these are the things I want to see in shows them showing the actual character being vulnerable around others, and the writers not being afraid to push the boundaries of their writing to go to extent like this
Use Wyldfire as an example, she's a really complicated character on the surface rough as a stone with rusted edges but inside she's this kid that wants to show the world that she can do what everyone else can do no matter what anyone else is saying, she likes doing her own things but sometimes that's not a bad thing, and most times she wants to be included as the ninjas are one of the first people she's interacted with and that's fine because people get attached and protective and comfortable with the people they surround them
And I feel like I can relate to that feeling I get attached to people I'm comfortable with it I sometimes don't want them to leave my side so I stick close by observing conversations and just being by their side, and if there's a group of activity I sometimes don't want to be left out if it's with the people I'm really comfortable with and when I am left out because of something it most have frustrate me, I feel like that's how Wyldfire feels
There is a lot of the Season that is amazingly done is absolutely fantastic and I can't even start to phantom how greatly written the characters are getting, despite like the past seasons before dragons rising I'd say this was one of my favorite seasons for the new releases if it's DR S2 then it would be prime Empire but I'd say for the new releases dragon rising season 2 is my go-to the writing is just amazing
It goes unappreciated a lot of times and sometimes frustrate me that a lot of people don't see the characters other side the characters deeper meaning or the characters arc in general it frustrates me to see the kind of people complain about characters just because they don't understand their motive or compliant of said character, because a lot of these Ninjago characters are very well written
I'll probably have a separate post regarding everything from the season I think the one after this you'll be seeing is a Geo x Cole (Coleo) one and then a Lloyd one I'll probably leave my favorite one the Jay ones for last there will be a kai one thrown in there somewhere In the mix of things, I think you will be seeing a long paragraph for a Jay rant soon tho, it was gushing over him when I saw him I was so excited my dad asked me if I was okay
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richincolor · 6 months
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Title: The Last Bloodcarver Author: Vanessa Le Genres: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Mystery Pages: 384 Publisher: Roaring Brook Press Review Copy: eARC provided via NetGalley Availability: Available now
Summary: Nhika is a bloodcarver. A coldhearted, ruthless being who can alter human biology with just a touch.
In the industrial city of Theumas, Nhika is seen not as a healer, but a monster that kills for pleasure. And in the city's criminal underbelly, the rarest of monsters are traded for gold. When Nhika is finally caught by the infamous Butchers, she's forced to heal the last witness to a high-profile murder.
As Nhika delves into the investigation, all signs point to Ven Kochin, an alluring yet entitled physician's aide. Despite his relentless attempts to push her out of his opulent world, something inexplicable draws Nhika to him. But when she discovers Kochin is not who he claims to be, Nhika will be faced with a greater, more terrifying evil lurking in the city's center...
Her only chance to survive lies in a terrible choice—become the dreaded monster the city fears, or risk jeopardizing the future of her kind.
Review: [The Last Bloodcarver includes a significant amount of body horror, from interacting with corpses to repeated references to medical experimentation by a colonial power. The book also includes animal death and extended scenes of characters seriously injured (stab/gunshot wounds).]
I absolutely adored Vanessa Le’s The Last Bloodcarver. Le’s debut novel is set in a complicated Vietnam-inspired fantasy (and science fiction) world, one where war has forced Nhika’s family out of Yarong and into the neutral city-state of Theumas. Even though Nhika has escaped into (currently) neutral territory, Daltanny’s occupation of Yarong still affects Nhika, from the proliferation of the term “bloodcarver” instead of “heartsooth” to the loss of cultural knowledge regarding heartsoothing after Nhika’s grandmother’s death.
That cultural disconnect and the loss of knowledge is something that haunts Nhika throughout the novel. She is keenly aware of her much she doesn’t know and has complicated feelings about how she uses her heartsoothing to survive when the previous generations could do it openly and were honored for it. Theumas might be better for Nhika than Yarong under Daltanny’s occupation, since she isn’t automatically slated for horrific medical “experiments”, but Theumas has its own problems. When the Butchers capture and arrange to sell Nhika, the prospective buyers range from people who think if they consume her heart, they will be cured of whatever ails them, to people who clearly want to use her as an assassin. Even when she is purchased by the Congmi family to try to heal a family friend (and promised freedom and payment even if she can’t help him), fear, suspicion, and hostility are close at hand.
So it’s wonderful whenever Nhika is able to make small connections to what she has lost. (There is a scene where she acquires some Yarongese items and is overwhelmed by what they represent that is just lovely.) Whenever Nhika made the choice to heal and to help, I was delighted by her determination to honor what her grandmother taught her. I appreciated the contrast Kochin represented to Nhika’s experience and the places where the two of them were aligned. Kochin was a character that I didn’t warm up to until after his reveal, but I think his character arc complemented Nhika’s very well.
The mystery of who killed Quan and seriously injured Hendon isn’t a complex one, but unraveling the mystery is far less important than Nhika learning why it happened. Once we have that information, the rest of the book falls into place beautifully. Le’s plotting and development of themes really shined in the second half and propelled the novel to an incredible final act that made me fervently hope there would be a sequel. (And there will be!)
Recommendation: Get it now, so long as you aren’t put off by body horror, medical experimentation, and some gore. Vanessa Le created a fascinating fantasy/sci-fi world in The Last Bloodcarver, and the impacts of war and colonialism on Nhika and her people are explored in interesting ways while a murder mystery unfolds in the foreground. Le’s medical-based magic system is fascinating, and Nhika’s character journey is compelling. I’m looking forward to the conclusion of this duology next year.
Extras: Author Chat w/ Vanessa Le | Books and Boba
Q&A: Vanessa Le, Author of ‘The Last Bloodcarver’
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peachesofteal · 8 months
Hii you're one of my favourite creators on here, I really love your writing, and your Simple Math series is just so good no words can describe or do justice, I love it.
I wanted to ask, I've been writing for a long time but only recently started posting my work online, and I've been wanting to try and make a series with ghost x soap x reader. I have a good idea, and a simple outline of the plot, but I was wondering if you have any tips to share since you've made a few series by now? It's alright if not, i also just wanted to let you know that your work is really great :))
Hi! Thanks so much, I’m thrilled you’re enjoying Simple Math. I’m happy to try to give you advice but can’t guarantee how good it will be (I am really bad at this). I wasn't sure if you meant throuple specific or just writing in general so:
Let me preface this with: for me. I do it this way, because it works… for me. I do this not that because I like it… for me. You might be different. Other writers might be different, and that’s okay.
The only way I’m able to successfully write a series is by outlining it. I outline everything by chapter, and include events/plot pieces, key dialogue, and anything else I think belongs in that part of the story. I then write it in chunks, focusing on the pieces I really want to write, and then filling in the rest. Writing a series is a marathon, not a sprint. It's really easy to get excited about a concept, write three chapters and then be completely over it (I do this) and the way I try to combat that is by using my outline like a roadmap. It keeps me on track. I HAVE to outline otherwise if I'm directionless, I'll start changing the story or shifting the narrative and then it won't make sense. Dead Disco was originally a one shot, and if I could do it over again, I would not have started the story where it did in Chapter 1. I made it work bc I became obsessed with them obviously but still. If you have a plot and a storyline in mind, plan it alllllll out. Trust me.
Throuple wise, I found it really difficult to write (and still do most times) M/M/F smut. Otherwise I think key points of writing the throuple is really ensuring you capture everyone's emotions and the inner dynamic to the best of your ability. The relationship between partner A and B is going different than the relationship between partner C and A, or C and B, or all three together, and that's something I find really, really enticing about writing a throuple and I encourage you to explore it. It's so fun to develop these relationships and all their multi faceted roles within their characters' lives.
Also @ceilidho has been posting some very solid writing advice lately so I would check that out too!
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nomsfaultau · 7 months
Writing advice
Writing Mandatory Family Reunion has gotten to the point of emotionally convoluted that I'm making scene roller coaster charts and color coding parts of the text by topic. Which, I highly recommend these writing tools. A roller coaster map is something I picked up from theater, and is useful for structuring emotions. A quick example below:
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Its where you plot a timeline oscillating between positive and negative emotions, and how quickly they're switched between. It helps to know where you want the emotional peak/pit for a scene/chapter/story, so you can arrange plot beats accordingly. Many stories try to have escalating conflict, so you can use this method to gauge the intensity of reactions to crisis in order to achieve this. The problem I had with my chapter was whiplash between emotions, so by charting it out I could see where transitions needed to smooth jarring flips between emotional extremes. Flooring the gas pedal can also be bad, so the roller coaster method lets you see how quickly you switch between major emotions, and where breathing room may be helpful.
There is a problem with the axis being positive to negative. While capturing the intensity goes alright, it's hard to distinguish different types of emotions. Anger, fear, and sorrow are all negative, but also feel very different to a reader. So at peaks/plummets I made little notes about the majority emotion there. I found the roller coaster method made it easier to understand how my character's would react based off their accumulating emotional/mental state, and you can multiple to track the journeys of multiple characters.
As for the color coding method, I use it for structuring ideas. I took sections of the text in a scene and colored them based on the topic. Using comment options can also be super useful. A following example, redacted so I don't spoil my readers lol:
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This helped with tracking the development of an idea in a scene where many interweaving subjects were being covered. I first focused on just how that idea changed over the course of the scene, and the next and next. Then, I looked at the transitions between each colored block, mostly the last/first two sentences between the concepts. That way I could see if there was a clear flow of logic between one topic to the next. Then, I started rearranging the parts into a way that structured a more solid scene. The scene felt a little bit like a puzzle, trying to get transitions to line up, switching around colored paragraphs into an order that made sense both for the individual argument angle as well as how it contributed to the other topics. I personally was using this for an internal monologue heavy scene, but I imagine it could also work pretty well for conversations.
Anyway, these are just some tools I use when I dislike a scene but can't figure out why. Visualizing the story can really help when trying to structure the ideas and emotions. Happy writing!
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