#snw 2x03
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startrekuniverse · 6 months ago
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They really act their little socks off on Strange New Worlds, don’t they? Christina Chong’s performance was gut-wrenching in 2x03
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mai-komagata · 2 years ago
I love how well this week’s episode paralleled city on the edge of forever — in that one Kirk had to let someone who would do good die in order to prevent a evil future. In this one La’an had to let someone who would do evil live for the same reason.
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ds29gurl2 · 2 years ago
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Watching La'an and Jim argue for an hour like an old married couple had me guffawing. Paul has most definitely grown as Jim. He's funny, charming, and a little arrogant. That smooch though 😘 Also, the fact that they made little Khan ACTUALLY INDIAN, makes my poc heart pitter patter. Poor La'an :( Can't wait til the next episode, hoping it focuses on Erica this time.
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years ago
Tomorrow & Tomorrow & Tomorrow
Oh man you guys! I really enjoyed this episode! I loved it way more than The Broken Circle but I did not love it as much as I loved Ad Astra Per Aspera but that episode was so a cut above the average (as in in the running for best episodes of Trek ever written caliber stuff). That it hardly seems fair to say so because this episode was an absolute JOY to watch! Lol! I love a good time travel romp!
I remembered enjoying Paul Wesley’s Kirk in A Quality of Mercy but I wasn’t sure whether I was just riding the high of the previous season or whether he could pull it off twice. But he did and I really really like his interpretation of Jim. I honestly like it a lot better than Chris Pine’s if I’m super honest with y’all.
I mean he UNDERSTOOD the assignment! He was definitely at his Kirkiest when they initially arrived in the 21st century that body language and cadence was on point despite him not looking too much like Shatner. I mean hats off to the writers too for that one. The passion for chess without being overly cocky. The all of it!
There was something about the hot dogs scene and letting La’an have the bed in the hotel that felt very Tarsus IV even tho that might not have happened in this timeline. It’s still very James Kirk of him. Not to mention the whole bit where his type is overachiever, kinda uptight but also dark and mysterious and dare I say a little out of his league folks. Whom he charms without being pushy into warming up to him and letting their guard down. Also THANK YOU to the writers and to Wesley for recognizing Kirk Drift and acknowledging our boy is a hopeless romantic and NOT a babe hound.
I called the La’an/Kirk thing way before it happened because of it. And from what was implied in the Ready Room interview with Paul Wesley it sounds as though we might get more La’an & Jim content in the future which I certainly wouldn’t object to! Although we are skirting the edge of when Jim & Carol Marcus supposedly met so that might get a lil complicated but the seasons (because they’re sorter) might not be 1:1 with years so they’ve got some wiggle room to work with.
I love seeing the cinematic parallels between Kirk & Jim’s love interest stuff in SNW that clearly draws them to each other later on. Chapel is a lot like Kirk and Spock is falling for her pretty hard. La’an is a lot like Spock by the time we meet him in TOS (not too similar to SNW baby Spock though) and they fell for each other pretty badly too! For example, both La’an & Spock are terrified of Kirk’s insane driving skills (or lack thereof lmao)! But enough about Jim & the whole K/S kitten caboodle! This episode is about LA’AN :D
Holy shit did La’an need what’s been happening with her in these past couple episodes. She got to face her generational trauma headlong, she got to see a mirror in Kirk and further realize the value of enjoying the fleeting and precious joys of life. By both convincing this alternate timeline version of Kirk that her version of the world is worth saving (also not the “Sam’s alive?” 😭 because his older brother dies unexpectedly and tragically in both timelines DONT TOUCH MEEEE, also not the potential Kirk bros content going forward also 😭). To eating the damn hot dog, and presumably letting Kirk talk her into taking the bed and just ugggggh.
And then HE DIES! They fridged Captain James T. Kirk of all people for HER character development lmao how’s THAT for a twist. Historically it’s been the other way around how’s that feel for once Jimbo? Damn!
Sera was an interesting villain, she was a good twist honestly felt like something was up with her the minute she had pics of that romukan ship. Also, I love all the self referential like, “yes we acknowledge this changed a little bit” stuff that’s happened. Like the Temporal Wars are why the Eugenics war is supposed to start around *now* and not the 90s like previously stated and Sera has been trapped trying to fulfill her mission for 30 years. Or how clearly Jim thinks everybody calls his brother George and only he gets to call him Sam when clearly that’s not the case lol. It’s nice little touches like that that really make me feel validated for having faith in the writers when nitpickers complain.
Also PELIA! She’s an art thief?! Incredible! Hilarious! Brilliant! No notes! Although it JUST occurred to me that because La’an went to Pelia before the whole ���preventing the timeline from changing entirely” bit does THAT mean that La’an can at least talk to Pelia about what happened?! Because it’s implied La’an is who inspired her to become an engineer and that’s still part of our prime timeline! Maybe it’s like a Guinan and Picard situation! I think La’an should get to sob into the arms of our funky little klepto engineer grandma as a treat instead of breaking down alone in her room, please and thank you!
Anyway, baller episode! 9/10
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ukiyaseed · 2 years ago
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Thanks to Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, it added more stuff to the list of things James T. Kirk is unaware of or wasn’t informed about. In this week’s episode, we now know why Jim thinks he is the only one who calls his brother Sam. He wasn’t informed that Sam’s Enterprise colleagues also calls him Sam. 
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ireallyamabear · 2 years ago
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james kirk takes control of his personal data
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silver-cleo · 2 years ago
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Reposting from my own twitter, becuase I can. Also repeat, I TRACED and COLOURED these picture, the extent of my artistic capabilities is to colour within the lines.
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rosalind-or-ganymede · 2 years ago
Finally watching Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow, and all I can think is “it’s a hotdog place”
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titanicnerd-blog · 2 years ago
I ABSOLUTELY prefer the James T. Kirk born on the USS Iowa to the James T. Kirk born in Iowa.
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gwenplus · 2 years ago
Khan is Canadian?!!!
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startrekuniverse · 6 months ago
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carpblu · 2 years ago
That episode was so good, I loved alternate timeline Kirk ❤️
And the character development for La'an was great as well (:
Only complaint: the romance, I didn't really feel that.
(on a side note: it seems almost like they put Spock an Kirk in all those hetero romances before they even meet to kind of no homo them before the shipping can start? 🤔
I mean, that ship has sailed (haha) but still.... especially for Spock I am a bit anoyed, I do not want to see any doomed romance with him and chapel, that has been done in tos already)
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trekkiehood · 2 years ago
Kirk is looking for the perfect chessmate? Is he now? Huh? Who could that be????
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ashleywritesstuff · 2 years ago
This episode of Boldly Go is chockful of info, brought to you by the brilliant Brandi Jackola and the astounding @dramyhsturgis! Don't sleep on their discussion of #StarTrekStrangeNewWorlds 2x03 "Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow."
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ukiyaseed · 2 years ago
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William Shatner discovers internet shitposting. (year 20xx)
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