#snuggly duckling anyone??????
shewhoeatssand · 1 year
Kaneki Ken is my juice box
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fatesdesign-archive · 2 years
It’s good that Rapunzel has another friend who’s twice her height.
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theatricalmage · 4 months
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The brainrot took over and so here's a vat7k hadestown au!! Don't know if I'll develop it fully but I liked designing it at least!
More info under the cut:
- Varian, the Coronan royal alchemist, tasks himself with deciphering an incantation capable of bringing the world back into tune. Times are tough, and the royal family + Quirin are doing their best to cope with the meagre crop yields and desolate weather (Corona not really being the sunshine kingdom - hasn't been for a while). He wants to help and do good and I think he'd be a good Orpheus.
- Hugo, having moved about from place to place, still has his interest in alchemy and does what he can to get by. He plans on temporarily staying in Corona before looting, but he encounters a certain like-minded scientist at the Snuggly Duckling. I think him being selfish works especially well in Eurydice's role, having a more pessimistic view of the world. It also works with how he gets drawn to Donella's offer of working for her later on, leading him to his death.
- Ulla as Persephone! I was initially stuck on whether to have Rapunzel (and either Eugene/Cass) as her (and Hades) but I was drawn to the connection that Hugo has to Donella and the Donella/Ulla relationship in vat7k just works too well. In this case, Ulla won't be Varian's mother. She's still gonna be somewhat of an inspiration to him though, being the previous Coronan royal alchemist and for her intelligence. For half the year, she'll return to Corona with food, drinks, and alchemical compounds/inventions, bringing Spring and Summer to the world, if only for a bit.
- Donella would be such an interesting Hades, losing sight of her love for Ulla, heart filled with fear and hurt, leading to bitterness and cruelty. Ingvarr being Hadestown and how by being the esteemed Ingvarrian engineer, she'd be in charge of major technological advances across the kingdoms and so would wield a significant amount of power (like how Hades is literally the ruler of the underworld). Ingvarr essentially being a near death sentence for its workers while also displaying its technological prowess, all still shrouded in mystery and corruption - a place so otherworldly compared to the rest of the kingdoms.
I didn't want to modify the outfits too much nor the personalities,, if anything I imagine the general plot beats being the same as the original musical/story but with slight differences that'd you get inherently as a result of these characters. I wouldn't want it to be the case where it's just the show but the names are changed. I'd want this to still make reasonable sense in this AU, with the actions being understandable for this particular cast of characters.
For Hermes, I ended up picking Xavier, as he's most knowledgeable of old legends and stories, which would work in reference to the Hades and Persephone myth (and so Donella and Ulla)! He'd act as a mentor figure for V, someone who can guide him in uncovering the forgotten incantation. Quirin would still be the good supportive dad he is (even if he doesn't fully understand his son's project).
Last but not least, the fates!! often lurking in the background, I'm still a bit stuck on who it could be? I'm tempted to have it be Raps, Cass, and Nuru as they've had celestial connections at some point (and ya know how stars can represent fate), but I also love the freckled siblings dynamic so much. Also Team Radical... Maybe Raps and Cass can be their normal selves but their Sundrop/Moonstone counterparts are the manifested physical forms of the fates? They wouldn't be visible to the characters though, just voices in the wind.
Anyways yeah!! Those are my thoughts. Do let me know if you've got any cool ideas or questions. I'm really combining my interests at full force and there's nothing anyone, not even myself, can do about it quite frankly. 😮‍💨
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tangledbea · 2 months
In No Time Like The Past, if Rapunzel went ten years into the future instead, what do you think that would look like?
Ooh, interesting question!
First, if we're following the same rules as going back into the past, she'd need to inhabit a body, and where would be the fun in having her inhabit her own? So let's send her into the future and have her be...
HOOK HAND (as suggested by my sister when I put her on the spot XD)
In ten years' time, not only are Rapunzel and Eugene married, they've got (going by my personal headcanons) three kids: their adopted older kid and their twins, who (for the sake of this let's pretend) are still babies, making the adopted older kid 11 or 12. Eugene hasn't been Captain of the Guard for several years now, but serves as Rapunzel's closest advisor. Maximus is Captain now.
And speaking of Rapunzel and advisors, she's being trained to take over for her parents, who are ready to retire (they don't want to rule until they die, and why should they?). She has started implementing her ideas to educate orphans (and anyone else who wishes to attend non-mandatory school) so that they have a better chance at life than becoming thieves or dying. It's not in full operation, yet, but it's getting there, and they're already seeing results. The palace library is now open to the public.
Eugene spends a month and a half at a time, once or twice a year, in the Dark Kingdom, helping them to get back on their feet, still. (Though he might skip a few years, since he's a new father.) A Kingdom, after all, takes a long time to get established.
Rapunzel's parents spend a lot of time doting on their grandchildren.
Varian is well-established as the Royal Engineer, and has been making stable improvements all over Corona. Everyone has hot running water now. A cable car system has been implemented to help people get up and down that hill.
Lance has moved back into the city proper and is genuinely established as the head chef at the Snuggly Duckling now. The girls are all grown up and don't really want to live with their dad anymore, but they visit him regularly (and vice versa). The Snuggly Duckling is starting to get a name for itself as a good place to get food and have a good time. The Pub Thugs are a little disappointed that it's not their slovenly hangout anymore, so once a month, they have Thugs' Night, and if you show up you have to be ready to be surly and potentially brawl.
Cap now has a small ranch where he trains young horses to be ready to be in the royal guard. It's not a government position, but he's the first person they go to when they're looking to get a new one.
Corona is, over all, in a state of transition. Some things look and feel the same as ten years ago, but there's a lot of change going on at the same time.
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bekaroth-reads · 1 year
Astarion x Reader
[I’ve finally gotten some time to play the full version of BG 3, unfortunately not enough to get past what was available in the early release versions. Hopeful to write more characters when I run into them. For the time being, though, I’m more than happy to show love for everyone’s favorite vampire. Technically a x reader, but also sort of for x Tav too. Not proof read, my tablet’s about to die and I want to get this up, lol]
The rain was steadily coming down. It wasn’t flood levels or anything drastic like that, but there was enough that you didn’t want to go out unless you absolutely had to. You were thankful that the tent you had gotten ended up being a nicer one that kept all of the water out. You weren’t the only one thankful for that either.
Astarion, seeing how clouded over the sky was, refused to budge an inch. The others in the group wanted to keep going, not finding a chance of rain a good reason to stall progress, especially seeing as the next town was only about a day or so away. You had volunteered to stay back with him, using the excuse that you didn’t think anyone in the group should be left alone. In all honesty, you didn’t feel like being caught in the rain either.
It seemed like you made the right call too. You were wondering if you had been overly cautious like the others thought, but once things started to pick up you were glad you weren’t either trying to rush the rest of the way to the town or setting up tents in the rain.
Your vampiric traveling partner had himself sat snuggly in the tent, not risking getting caught in too much water moving too quickly. While Astarion did have a tent of his own, the one that you had gotten was more waterproof, so he insisted that he be allowed to stay in it. You didn’t have too much of a problem with that as there was enough room in the tent for both of you.
Or at least you didn’t think you did. Now that you were out here in the rain checking on the pikes that were holding the tent down while he was comfortable and dry inside, you were starting to think you weren’t too much better off than everyone else. Finally, after walking around the tent to make sure everything was still tightly fastened down, you finally went back inside.
“Oh, for-“ Astarion exclaimed as you opened the tent, “Close the bloody door!”
“The door?” You question as you take off your boots and your cloak off at the front of the tent.
“You know what I mean.” He huffed out and lounged back onto his bedroll. “I’m mean, really! I knew you could be dense but I didn’t think it was that bad-“
Astarion gave a comical, “oof,” when you threw your wet cloak onto his face.
When he pulled it from his face, his red eyes seemed to burn; you couldn’t quite tell with what emotion, but you did know something was coming.
It turned out that something was him as in a flash he had tossed the cloak aside, and pulled you down to the ground.
“Just like when we first met. What happy memories~” Astarion purred darkly as he held you down.
“I distinctly remember there being a knife involved.” You pointed out at the lack of things pointed at you.
“Mmm, you would remember that delicious, little detail. Should’ve known you were the type to enjoy that sort of thing.”
You swallowed at the lump in your throat, trying not to give him any indication that you were at all affected. You went to retort, but Astarion was quick to stop it.
“Shh, shh, shh, shh- Hush. Don’t even think about lying to me. In fact,” his hand moved up to cover your mouth, “how about you don’t speak at all. If you really want to feel something sharp of mine against your throat, duckling~”
Astarion leaned closer, grinned so that his pearly, white fangs peeked out from his lips, and hummed, “I’ve got the perfect, little tools right here.”
There was a slight gasp from his mouth when he opened it wide enough to properly bare his fangs that seemed to magically draw one from you. The chill from his skin sent a shiver down your spine as his cheek brushed against your jaw. His lips brushed against your neck-
-and his index finger moved up from your mouth to your nose, gave it a tap, and giggled a mischievous, “Honk,” into your neck.
Astarion leaned back to sit up and squished your cheeks. “Oh, you should see your face. Absolutely priceless.” He snickered.
Astarion groaned and leaned back onto his elbows, “Listen, I gave something a chance and it didn’t pan out.”
You shooed his hand away from your face and moved over to your bed roll and rolled your eyes. “Sure, if you say so…” then something struck you as you smirked yourself, “Duckling.”
He brushed his fingers through his mess of white curls, but stopped part way as he came to his own realization. “Or… perhaps it worked better than your letting on. It seems memorable at least.”
“Well, so was that dinner we had a few nights ago, but that doesn’t mean it’s good.” You retort.
“Fair enough.”
There was a spell of silence between the two of you with nothing but the sound of the rain hitting the tent with the occasional rumble of distant thunder. It was broken when Astarion gave a drawn out, dramatic whine.
You lied down on your bedroll and acted like you didn’t notice him staring at you. “Well, it seemed like someone should have taken the opportunity when he had it earlier.”
“Speaking of dinner,” he turned to look at you, his garnet eyes reflecting his hunger, “I’m positively famished.”
Astarion moved so that he was closer to you; while technically leaning over you again, it was more playful than predatory. He ran his hand under your chin to catch your attention and turn your head to look at him. “You have no idea how tempted I was to do so.” He sighed.
“Careful, or I might start to think your getting attached to me.” You teased, but there was not bite to it.
Astarion chuckled, a mostly light chuckle with a twinge of a bitter aftertaste. “Don’t get too cocky. I’m never more than friendly acquaintance with anyone.” He pinched your cheek and gave it a little shake. “Even you, my little duckling.”
It seemed that the two of you had quickly formed an inside joke from his attempts at a pet name.
Still not to be completely overcome by his charms, you pushed back with, “Of course. That’s why you were so eager to be so close to me a bit ago.”
“A tactical maneuver.” He brushed it off.
“And, have been flirting with me.”
“What’s a little flirting between friend—ly acquaintances.” He cleared his throat to try and act like he didn’t almost slip up and show attachment.
“And, why you’ve been wanting to bite me the whole evening.”
“And, still do.” He rolled so he was once again pinning you, propping himself up on his arms so he could still look you in the eyes, his usual, suave demeanor making its return.
You instinctively placed your hand on the crook of his neck, which he adored in the secrecy of his own mind. Astarion was more than pleased that he seemed to have flustered you into silence as he brushed his cheek against yours, and whispered, his fang brushing against your ear,
“Now, be good and indulge me in a friendly, little,”
His lips moved to your hammering, stuttering pulse point as he purred,
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paintbrushnebula · 15 days
Have you ever thought about making a Ghostflower Tangled AU? Because I can't stop thinking about Miles with 70 feet of blonde dreads, and Gwen's failed smolder and begrudgingly guiding Miles to see the lanterns. It just works so well in my brain.
Hi! YOU! YES YOU! You've got my number! Because I LIVE for Ghostflower x New Dream. Gosh, I live for Spider-Verse x Tangled, period! I've had it rotating in my brain for about a year now, although I guess I've never really talked at length about it or shared any of my ideas for a proper Spider-Verse x Tangled AU, have I?
I was a little embarrassed before, if I'm being honest 😅. But if y'all wanna indulge me, THEN HYYYES IMMA WAX POETICALLY ABOUT THIS AU TILL THE END OF TIME AND SPACE.
Rapunzel - Miles Morales Eugene Fitzherbert/Flynn Rider - Gwen Stacy/Ghost Spider Mother Gothel - Olivia Octavius Captain of the Guard - George Stacy King Frederic - Jeff Morales/King Jefferson Queen Arianna - Rio Morales/Queen Rio The Stabbington Brothers - Tombstone and Ben Reilly/Scarlet Spider Maximus - Widow (Web-Slinger’s horse) The Snuggly Duckling Pub Thugs - The Sinister Six (they’re soft-confirmed to appear in Beyond the Spider-Verse after all) Pascal - isn’t in this AU.
So the overall plot of Tangled remains relatively the same, with the cast of Spider-Verse implemented into it, of course.
18 years ago, King Jefferson used the sundrop flower to heal the dying pregnant Queen Rio of Corona. Prince Miles is born with golden, ultra kinky 4c hair and magical healing powers, gets kidnapped by Mother Olivia, locked away in a tower deep in the woods, the whole shebang.
Now, Gwen Stacy is the secret identity of masked legendary thief Ghost Spider, currently a respected, high-ranking member of the Spider Society, a crime syndicate run by The Kingpin in the neighboring kingdom of Vardaros, the most powerful in the Seven Kingdoms due to its members' all wearing masks that hide their faces, rendering their identities completely unknown to anyone and impossible for any law enforcement to track them down. Recently, Ghost Spider has been commissioned by The Kingpin to steal the Lost Prince of Corona's crown from the palace.
So Ghost Spider has been on the run for years from the Captain of the Coronan Guard, Captain George Stacy, her father, who has no idea the masked thief he's hunting is his own daughter.
And don’t think I haven’t thought about the TV series exclusive characters!
Cassandra - Lyla (you have no idea how happy I was when I came up with that) Lance Strongbow - Hobie Brown/Rebel Spider Kiera and Catalina - Peni Parker and Margo Kess (they’re not kids in this though) Uncle Monty - Aunt May Varian - Miles G. Quirin - Aaron Davis Adira - Jessica Drew Hector - Miguel O’Hara The Baron - Kingpin (obv) Anthony the Weasel - Web-Slinger Baron’s Henchmen - Spider Society Lord Demanitus - Peter B. Parker King Edmund - Spider-Noir/King Benjamin Hamuel - Spider-Ham/Hamuel (he’s not called “Spider-Ham” ofc but he is still a talking anthropomorphic pig in this) Zhan Tiri - The Spot
Your concepts about Miles with golden dreads, Gwen's smolder, her taking him to see the LANTERNS OOHHHHHHH yeah imma just have to draw all that, sorry. Talking about it aint enough. Expect a buncha Tangled x Spiderverse fanart to be flooding my blog soon XD
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consumeroflemoans · 3 months
Tangled AU with vilidia mayhaps?
Idia would be Rapunzel and Vil would be Flynn Rider. I wanna include the Ortho somewhere, so he would be Pascal (the chameleon) and Rook & Epel can be Maximus (the horse)(yes I'm separating the horse into two characters, Epel deserves to be present as well)
Crowley could be Mother Gothel it doesn't make sense but I can't think of anyone else. Those bandit brothers can be either Ace and Deuce or Leona and Ruggie idk.
I think this would just be a very funny au, them just going through the plot and some key differences. Like Vil's motivation as a thief, I don't think he would be stealing for money, maybe he can be a beauty thief and steals for the glamor or something.
I am shaking you so hard rn auacauav this is genius
I’m kind of thinking who would be a good Mother Gothel. It would have to be someone that wants to take advantage of Idia’s cursed (or I guess blessed in this?) hair. Crowley could be a default option. I guess that would make STYX Idia’s kingdom? That part fits really well.
Ortho could be a good Pascal! Maybe instead of being his humanoid form, he could be one of the Cerberus robots just with sentience! That way he’s more of an animal companion.
Rook and Epel is actually genius for Maximus but. I. I just imagined them in one of those two parter horse Halloween costumes. Epel is the butt Rook is the head.
But! It would be really cool if Epel and Rook were also a snuggly duckling parallel too? Like maybe Rook is Maximus since he kind of has the same energy of ‘proper, but not afraid to get his hand (or hooves??) dirty’. Meanwhile Epel has the outer cuteness inner toughness even more inner cuteness vibe of the Snuggly Duckling group.
I’m just rambling at this point
I’m kind of obsessed with the idea of Leona and Ruggie being the bandit brothers 10/10 it actually fits so well. (Even tho idk why they would work with Crowley? Ehhh ideas for later)
Going back to the snuggly duckling group. It’s the first years. I just. It’s the first years. They deserve it.
Also Vil being a thief is really interesting because I’m not sure why he would be one. Maybe he would be a Robin Hood type that means well? Stealing from the rich giving to the poor kind of guy. I think that would fit his energy because he would want to be the hero.
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wonderherc · 3 months
who: hercules & @peloponnesianminute where: the snuggly duckling
He'd come as soon as he'd gotten from one of the other Duckling bartenders that something had happened to Meg. Hercules had practically driven like a madman, at the kind of speed with which he would've been pulled over had anyone cared what was going on on the roads tonight. He refused to lose her like this--without her knowing just how much he'd grown to love her. They'd left things on the kind of note that would make a person forever regret not getting to take it all back, to tell her that he should've listened to her all along, and that nothing was more important than simply having her in his life.
It might've been some cruel prank, or maybe just a simple mistake, but the moment he burst into the Duckling, practically taking the door off its hinges, there she was: Meg, standing where he could usually find her, behind the bar. Her shirt was bloodied, but she was standing just fine, as though nothing had happened to her, after all. "Meg?" he called out, praying the vision of her looking unscathed wasn't just a dream. Herc approached the bar slowly, moving through the thick crowd. "What happened? Someone told me ... were you hurt? Are you hurt?"
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kikikakapo · 2 months
can I see your pet pigeon and other pets? also how does one end up with a pet pigeon? I've never seen anyone with a pet pigeon before
one ends up with a pet pigeon when your neighbour brings it over and then it bonds with you (also gonna put this under a read more because we have a lot of pets)
anyway the Gordon who’s actually a female but we just use he him anyway because it’s easier and he doesn’t care
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Ender who’s name is from minecraft because I was like 9
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And these other guys are more just family/general pets
Bear, a vizla staffie cross with something else I think
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Adam, an accidental puppy from bear and lokki
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Lokki, the dog who broke my leg
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Flint, an ex feral cat who just showed up randomly at our place and was super scared of us (but he’s super snuggly now and is currently on my little sisters bed lol)
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Shady, who was given to us by my mums friend who had to move
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Kestrel, who just appeared at our place in our garden after a storm
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Gecko and Sisu, gecko was also a random budgie that just showed up in our chicken run
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Gideon, a pigeon we found on the road as a baby with a broken leg and hates everyone so much
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Some ducklings
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And Steve the stick insect
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And then we have a few chickens, a lot of ducks and Muscovy and then five billion wild ducks (we rescued two when they got hit by a car and then they had babies at our place, because we had food, who then also had babies and so on, so now we have way too many wild ducks we can’t get rid of lmao)
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thelostflxwer · 1 year
rapunzel wasn't much of a drinker but... lately, her anxiety had been getting the best of her. she found herself enjoying most of her free time - what little of it she had - at the snuggly duckling. she was certain her husband wouldn't approve but... ever since he went on that rampage about maude, things had just felt different. besides, if there was anyone rapunzel knew she was capable of handling, it were those who seemed to be rougher around the edges. the blonde just had a knack for finding their soft spots. ❛ isn't this place great ?? ❜ she mused innocently to the stranger sitting beside her, looking around the run down tavern with stars in her eyes.
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❛ you know, despite how they look, the people who come here all have stories... they just need some encouragement to open up about them.❜
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does anyone have any suggestions what I should call the Spanish Jackie'z/Snuggly Duckling bar in my Tangled AU. I'm thinking The Nosy Duckling but I'm not obsessed with that
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Hyde sat at a table in a dark corner, covered by his cloak. It was eerily similar to a dark and brooding adventure protagonist cliche, though, to his defense, he was far from brooding, and every other corner was similarly occupied. The Snuggly Duckling, despite its name, was not a very soft and snuggly place, and in fact filled to the brim with shady individuals of all walks of life, regulars and otherwise.
Which was, of course, the exact reason for Hyde's presence there.
Leer and Carpenter weren’t great people to work with - or great people in general, in truth, but they were perfect for what Hyde needed them for, which was accomplices that he could later ditch without any remorse. And to be fair, they planned on betraying him first - which he was perfectly aware of, given their utter and total lack of subtlety. Once again, he looked around the room, and once again, he didn't spot them.
To be fair, he was there early, but still. If they didn't walk in the next time the door opened, they'd be officially late.
The door opened. Two people, chatting way too lightly for this setting, entered. Not the two he was waiting for, of course, one of them was a woman, dressed in practical clothing and armed solidly, as was her companion. Still chatting, they waved at the bartender and joined a silent man with visible scars at a nearby table. Hyde sighed.
Less than two minutes later, Carpenter walked inside, followed by his friend. They looked around the room, and Hyde took the time to relish in their visible discomfort before he pushed back the hood of his cloak and waved them over with a grin. They made their way over, sitting around the table gingerly. They weren’t completely incompetent, to be fair, just. Largely incompetent. They didn’t have to solely be disposable, they also needed to be useful.
Roland took a chair from a nearby table without asking, and leaned against the table, turning his eyes to Hyde. He was almost perpetually glaring, but that seemed to be his default state, more than a sign that he was particularly upset at the moment.
“So. What’s our plan?” Hyde raised an eyebrow.
“I thought that was for you guys to determine.”
Leer spoke up, trying his best to keep his voice quiet in a very conspicuous way.
“Listen, I have a plan of the city and castle, the schedule of the guards down to the minute, everything. But we still need your input to make sure everything is perfected.” Uh. That was actually pretty fair, and an unusually non-annoying comment from the man. “You owe us at least this, given you dragged us in this… place for our meeting.”
He tried to convey only contempt, but it was pretty clear he was out of his depth. Roland rolled his eyes and shifted in his seat.
“Speak for yourself, mate. This is the perfect place for this kind of deal, clearly. “
Hyde snorted. The man was very obviously trying extremely hard to look confident and sure to anyone that might glance his way, which resulted in artificial posturing that only made him look more foolish. Still, as annoying as that fact was, Hyde needed him. He took a sip of his drink and forced himself to play nice. It took a while for Leer to explain the information he had, since he was insistent on explaining and/or bragging about how he obtained it, and often got hung up on completely irrelevant details ; but in the end Hyde got the information he needed. Together, they started drafting a more precise plan, and a few hours later, they had honed every detail down to perfection. Hyde grinned. The next day, he would gather the last supplies he needed and rest as much as he could. And the day after that, they’d be on the move.
The light of dawn was pale, and the sun not even up, when Hyde made his way onto the rooftop. Rolland followed quickly in his steps, and helped Leer behind him. The man was way too slow, Hyde thought, but once he stepped onto the roof, he surprisingly didn’t stumble or show much discomfort. Good. Maybe this wouldn’t be a complete disaster.
According to the plan, they had slightly under an hour to make their way into the castle, steal the crown unseen, and escape. An interesting challenge, which to Hyde, promised to be fun. By the time they passed the walls and sneaked onto the rooftops of the castle, the sun had risen, and they had to hurry slightly. And hope no one looked up, probably. Still, Hyde was fast and Leer’s guidance hadn’t failed them yet, so he was fairly confident.
It actually took them less than two minutes to reach the exact point. Hyde turned, glancing at the courtyard in the sun, the light blue sky immense all around him, the castle slowly waking under him, unaware of his presence. For a second, he painfully missed his own home, missed climbing on the rooftops there…
“What the fuck are you doing, Hyde?” He will forever refute that Rolland startled him. Totally unwilling to share his nostalgia, however, he responded with a grin.
“Enjoying the view. Seriously, I could get used to this.” Leer rolled his eyes.
“We don’t have time for this. Hurry!”
“Yup, I’m used to it. Guys, I want a castle!”
It was hard not to laugh at their faces as he finally faced them, twin glares pushing him to focus instead of letting his mind get distracted by every little thing.
“If we pull this off, you can buy your own,” Rolland mumbled, pulling him towards the opening in the roof. Hyde ignored the comment, forcibly pushing his thoughts away from bittersweet memories. Feelings were lame and he didn’t have them.
He observed the way Leer had adjusted the rope, making sure that it - and they - could actually support his weight. The guy did know what he was doing well enough, Hyde judged, tying the rope around his waist. This was it. The moment they’d been planning for. Slowly, they lowered him towards the display where the crown was set. Hyde would’ve called it careless, really, if there hadn’t been a bunch of guards surrounding it. Thankfully, their backs were turned, all facing either windows or the single door that led into the room. Clearly, lack of imagination on their part.
Slowly, silently, he shifted, focused on his prize, and finally closed his hands on cold metal. The circlet of gold and jewels was surprisingly light, as far as crowns went. Even things that looked delicate could be fairly heavy, after all. Meanwhile, the guards chatted in a low voice amongst them, which they were… probably not supposed to be, but honestly, he understood them. Must be an extremely boring job most of the time, he doubted most thieves would even attempt to sneak in here.
“I hate this fucking armour,” one of them mumbled to his friend. Hyde grinned, and, as he pulled on the rope to signal that he was ready to be beamed up, commented:
“Looks good on you, though.”
“Than-” realisation dawned and the man abruptly turned on his heels, just as Hyde was pulled up smoothly. He brandished his spear after a second of shock, followed by the others. Too late.
“Are you fucking serious?!” Rolland Carpenter was staring at him angrily, and this time it wasn’t just his default state.
“If you stayed quiet, we could’ve made a much easier escape.”
“Frankly, I doubt we would’ve gone unnoticed for much longer,” Hyde shrugged.
They were on the roof in what was now broad daylight, and one person looking up would suffice to blow their cover, after all. He quickly undid the knot, exactly as their other accomplice mirrored his thoughts:
“We don’t have time for this!”
Hyde shoved the crown in his satchel, patted him on the shoulder, and started running.
It was eight in the morning by the time they ran across the bridge leading out of the island and city. For a while, they just ran, going off road as soon as they could without being seen. They knew, obviously, that the guards would be chasing after them, but they couldn't organise anything large scale or perfectly organised instantly, or so they hoped. Rather than take horses and fly by the road, which would put them at very high risk of getting caught, they opted to walk further down into the forest, into paths that were difficult, if not impossible to ride in. Making their way on food would no doubt take longer, but would certainly be safer in the long run. After a moment, they slowed down to a walk, but kept on for most of the day. Hyde could’ve probably walked on further and faster without his companions, but they knew this part of the forest better than most, and had contacts that could easily let them escape the kingdom, so Hyde bid his time, at least for now, putting up with the complaints and slowing down.
They managed to go fairly far by eveningfall, though not enough for Hyde's comfort - it would be pointless and foolish to try to continue in the dark, so they made camp, keeping the satchel that contained the crown within reach so neither had an advantage and keeping careful watch. He knew the two idiots still needed him, and though he had an utter lack of trust in them, he also knew he was a light enough sleeper to react if they were more stupid than it seemed and didn’t realise that. As he fell asleep, careful, but satisfied, he couldn’t help but grin. He just accomplished what no one had before. Did something great, thrilling and adventurous, that he’d be remembered for.
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evermorehqs · 1 year
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Aladdin Sayed is based on Aladdin from Aladdin. He is a 29 year old human, Snuggly Duckling employee, and uses he/him pronouns. He has no powers. Aladdin is portrayed by Fady Elsayed and he is open.
Life is tough when all anyone ever sees in you is a ‘street rat’, right? And Aladdin could tell you a thing or two about roughing it. Growing up, his life consisted of barely getting by on scraps from the trash, or stealing whatever he could for his next meal - and admittedly sharing that with people unable to fend for themselves. No matter what others might have thought of him, Aladdin knew that a good life was reliant on having other people in it and he didn't shy away from taking bigger risks for bigger rewards, especially when they went to other people down on their luck. He was kind of like Robin Hood in that way. Even when he claimed to be looking out for number one, people knew he was looking out for everyone else too. Despite his once grubby appearance and the difficult hand he’d been dealt, Aladdin never saw himself as riff raff, or ever thought he was the nuisance people made him out to be. Sure he had worked hard in a different way for what he got, but it didn’t stop him from dreaming big of a life he could have one day. All he needed was a stroke of luck. Waking up suddenly in a place he'd certainly never been before, hadn't even dreamed of before, the man wasn't as torn up about being pulled from his home as he maybe should have been. Aladdin had thought Evermore would be the key to his own Kingdom. Starting fresh in a land where no one knew him as a thieving scoundrel, free to dream big and adventure in this whole new world, but it turned out that Evremore was just as restraining as Agrabah and, this time, he was truly trapped. Confined within the town’s borders, Aladdin had never been a person to ask for more than he already had even if it was disappointing to be stuck in one place. With this new opportunity Aladdin could be anyone he wanted to, a prince or a pauper, a chance to completely reinvent himself. However big Aladdin liked to dream, deep down he had always been a stickler for reality and knowing his place in society. Even if Evermore could offer him all he’s ever wanted, would he be able to pay the price?
❀ Cassandra Baker: After being alone and depending on himself for so long Cass has been a guardian angel. Always offering a warm welcome and helping hand whenever he needs it. ❀ Gaston Thoreau: A frequent patron to the Snuggly Duckling. Arrogant, rich and handsome, a nice reminder that maybe wealth isn’t all its cracked up to be. ❀ Wybie Lovat: Wybie wasn’t someone Aladdin ever thought he’d be friends with, but Wybie crept up on him and he’s thankful for his strange little friend.
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mysteriousangels · 2 years
Solo Para (Felix/Ruby): The Forest Air Smells so Fresh
Felix was out at the Snuggly Duckling again this time completely sober. He was thinking about his lost memories and had considered retracing his steps but there were way too many steps to retrace and none of them had any real significant meaning plus he still wasn’t aware of who he was retracing his steps for outside of Diana and Paranoia since they were the only ones to have confronted him out of all the voices he would hear and listen to the deaths of. He furrowed his brows in confusion as another person came into the bar and sat next to him with a sigh. 
“I knew I would find you here, you tend to be a creature of habit when you’re upset about something.” The voice said and Felix turned to see Ruby next to him and smiled softly at the blonde.
“Aren’t you a little too young to be in a bar?” He asked teasingly. He hadn’t been in the best state of mind to see Ruby but having her around always felt nice because to some degree he knew his little sister could understand him and understand the changes he made in life due to their past cause she had to make those changes too, changes that neither of them wanted to be honest with themself on. “So why did you come out here by the way I am not drinking so there’s no need to sound the alarm and call house warden Diana. Plus I should be leaving soon I’ve bothered her enough.”
“I came to talk to you about that. I wanted to tell you that it’s okay not to remember people and you don’t have to keep yourself closed up because of it. You loved pushing people’s buttons when you could while still playing the nice guy. You genuinely loved everything you did for your fan club. You don’t have to stop that because of your amnesia, if it’s for your health I would understand but you haven’t cared about your health since you were like 8 and old habits die hard. Plus you still have those memories on you. “ Ruby told him with a small smile. “I’m tired of being the voice of reason and playing mediator too, I wanna go back to being a little sister. “ She started to whine playfully and rested her head on his shoulder.
“You know, I have to threaten your boyfriend now, you could have at least come here without a fading hickey. I’m not that careless, not that anyone is giving me hickeys in the first place. “ Felix shrugged as he patted Ruby’s head and then flicked her forehead. “I’ll take your advice but I don’t really want to talk to any of them right now. I’m still not okay too be dealing with that, there still not a lot I can grasp from that night.” Felix told her honestly while beating around the bush about his lazarus syndrome. As they talked out of the corner of his eye he could see a man going into the shadows of the bar and setting something up. He didn’t take it too seriously since this bar was filled with criminals, but what did catch his interest was how quickly the man left after staying in that corner for a good 10 minutes.
Felix looked at Ruby and smiled softly at her. “Before you head into your next speech, I’m gonna head to the bathroom.” Felix lied and walked towards the bathroom and when he saw that Ruby was distracted by the owner he turned around and walked over to where the man had been. As soon as he was in that corner he heard the sound of ticking, it was soft and barely noticeable. He crept over to it only to see a bomb attached to an old time watch. His eyes widened as he ran back over to the bar. “EVERYONE NEEDS TO LEAVE,THERE’S A-”  In the middle of his warning the bomb went off and Felix subconciously grabbed Ruby and brought her to the ground shielding her. It wasn’t like the bomb was that big but that also wasn’t the problem, it was the fire that would be caused by the bomb. 
It took Felix a minute to reorient himself after the bomb went off, his ears were ringing and everything was muted. His vision was hazy but the orange glow of the flames told everything he needed to know. He gently shook Ruby and called out to her but got no response, he didn’t even know if he was loud enough for her to hear him. He had gotten hit in the head with one of the bar stools from the initial blast and his head was bleeding slightly but he didn’t care. He knew he had to get Ruby out, he couldn’t have his nightmares become reality. He couldn’t lose his sibling for real like he did while under the spell. Gathering up all his strength he picked up Ruby, despite knowing he was more susceptible to getting smoke in his lungs standing up and weaved his way throught the burning building, getting other stragglers and helping them out along the way. After getting Ruby out he left her in the care of one of the other as he kept going back in to help others. He needed to do this, he felt like it was his only way to repent for those he didn’t save in his dreams the people he could remember the faces of. He almost went back in a third time until he was pulled back since others could tell that if he went back this time he wouldn’t come back out alive. 
At first Felix protested, but then he was reminded that Ruby needed him so he went over to her and checked her pulse and her breathing while frantically texting Navy in the group chat, cause he knew that the boy wouldn;t ask questions when it came to his sister’s health. After that last message things started to go black for himself and all he could think was ‘Damn I never knew the forest air smelt so fresh.’
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frckledalchemiist · 2 years
There was not much to be said when it came to Varian’s love life. I.e. there wasn’t much of one to begin with. And it wasn’t as if Varian wasn’t interested in dating or hadn’t tried; on the contrary, he did. But there was hardly anyone within his village who caught his interest and for the few who did, the settlements hardly were ever returned. The same can be said about anyone at school. So when he decided to sign himself for a blind date, it’s safest to say that Varian isn’t expecting much to come out of this other than being able to reaffirm that yes, he has been on a date before. Not that Varian hasn’t been, because he has— a very few of them but it has happened. This blind date would just be an additional one.
“Please tell me that you’re Dewey because if not— I might have to face the facts that he might be.” Varian questioned, while pointing randomly at some man who had been staring at him from across the bar for the last ten minutes. The alchemist had been waiting inside the Snuggly Duckling where he and his date, Dewey, agreed to meet for a while now, having decided to arrive a little earlier than the agreed upon time due to living close to the pub. Varian might have also allowed his nerves to get to him a bit, not wanting to arrive late and possibly make a bad first impression. “I kid you not, he has not blinked once since he sat down and that’s a little unnerving.” The alchemist added to the guy before him, dropping his hand to once again twiddle his fingers against the teddy bear like item he held. [ @deweydewdrop ]
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peloponnesianminute · 2 years
𝗠𝗲𝗴𝗮𝗿𝗮 𝗘𝘂𝗿𝘆𝗱𝗶𝗰𝗲  ;; ɴᴏᴛ ᴀ ᴅᴀᴍꜱᴇʟ ɪɴ ᴅɪꜱᴛʀᴇꜱꜱ
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Bisexual ⋆ She/Her ⋆ Thirty 
Occupation ;; Bartender at The Snuggly Duckling
♫ Currently Playing ♫ ;;  Villain by Julia Wolf 
☀ Scorpio ☾ Leo ↑ Taurus
Her childhood wasn’t one she talked about fondly. Neither of her parents were all that great but her father was just a little bit worse. That’s why when her mother died she expected the worst which is exactly what he got. Her father reigned with an iron fist and Meg wasn’t the type to go easy. The first moment she could she was out of there, not bothering with college and wanting to figure out life on her own first. In all honesty, Meg also had absolutely no idea what she wanted to do with her life. Instead of getting a plan she got a job as a bartender which is where she met her ex-boyfriend who was one of her regulars. After being unable to trust anyone and hating the most prominent man in her life she was wasn’t hopeful when they started dating. They were together for years, even thinking about moving to start a life together outside of Echo Isle when he passed away in a motorcycle accident. Meg didn’t want to lose the only person in the world she cared about, having heard of a guy named Hades from someone at the bar. Upon visiting he offered her his life back in exchange for her soul to which she agreed; there was no other way. Things had felt normal again but then she caught him after work one day in bed with another woman which was when she found out he’d been cheating for months. It left her completely indebted to Hades who was happy to have her all to himself. That’s when she started doing his dirty work for him, as well as babysit his other two henchmen who she’d nicknamed Pain and Panic. Meg quickly developed a place to put all her anger but she wasn’t happy about how it came to be. There was an incident where she had to kill someone and after that she didn’t feel the same. As much as she wanted to go back she was working for the man that dealt death itself. Her jobs varied from enlisting to making sure people kept their mouth shut until Hercules came along. Meeting Wonderboy was an accident but now she’d been tasked with getting his weakness to return back to Hades in exchange for her freedom. Meg doesn’t know how else she’ll ever be free and is doing all she can to get close enough to him to find answers. 
Meg isn’t as tough as she is perceived. Inside she’s actually quite soft and gentle but after years of life she’s been hardened. It started when she was young and grew until now she feels like stone. That’s what confuses her so much about Hades is just why he’s hit that soft spot still in her heart. All she’s wanted for ages is her freedom but now something’s in her way, the last thing she can afford is having any attachment to it.
Meg loves music, it’s how she connects to her own emotions sometimes. In fact, after growing so cold from her past it can also be the only way she works through them anymore.
She genuinely hates her father. As much as people would fight her on it, she hates him. There isn’t any sympathy for the man that abused her growing up. He is everything she wishes to never become.
Meg tries to keep plants alive constantly, as if it will somehow give her hope for the future. Her attempts are always futile and they never live.
She’s afraid once she gets her freedom what she’ll do after. Meg lacks knowing what she wants in the future, the life she strives to live, as it felt before she was even able to decide she’d sold her soul. Sure she just wants out but then what?
Her feelings toward Hades are strained. He drives her more hateful side, he sees her strength, but at what cost? As much as she loves feeling that side of her fueled she’s just another minion. Meg knows she put herself in this position and yet she can’t forgive Hades for putting her through all his dirty work. In his core she believes in to be a bad seed but has on  occasion seen good in his intentions.
Children absolutely terrify her. The idea of having them, and raising them is out of the question. She can’t imagine bringing anything into this world in the state it’s in. Sometimes she wishes she herself wasn’t. Meg worries she’d fuck up a kid’s life and would become the parent she hated.
She sometimes lacks purpose. In quiet she feels as though she’s just floating through life. Sure she saved her ex but he didn’t even appreciate her actions, her emotions, her love. If all of that was thrown away, Meg wonders what she’d ever  offer another. To make sure it never happens again though she’s shut herself off entirely in regard to emotional attachment. Or so she thought.
Heights are a no. She’s never liked them regardless of how people have tried to change her mind. Meg has no idea where it came from but assumes it’s got to do with her childhood that was less than ideal. Isn’t that where weird fucked up stuff comes from?
Her bedroom is almost always a mess. It feels like seconds after it’s clean there is a mess again. Most of the time there’s clothes on the bed she pushes aside to sleep at night. Whenever she’d have someone over most of her junk just gets tossed in the closet. It used to not look like this but after losing her soul she didn’t see what difference it made when she couldn’t even plan for any real future.
Meg isn’t afraid to die, as long as it’s for something with purpose. She doesn’t want her life to feel like it had no meaning and sometimes she worries that while she belongs to Hades that it doesn’t.
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