#My family just tends to find a lot of injured animals
kikikakapo · 2 months
can I see your pet pigeon and other pets? also how does one end up with a pet pigeon? I've never seen anyone with a pet pigeon before
one ends up with a pet pigeon when your neighbour brings it over and then it bonds with you (also gonna put this under a read more because we have a lot of pets)
anyway the Gordon who’s actually a female but we just use he him anyway because it’s easier and he doesn’t care
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Ender who’s name is from minecraft because I was like 9
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And these other guys are more just family/general pets
Bear, a vizla staffie cross with something else I think
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Adam, an accidental puppy from bear and lokki
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Lokki, the dog who broke my leg
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Flint, an ex feral cat who just showed up randomly at our place and was super scared of us (but he’s super snuggly now and is currently on my little sisters bed lol)
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Shady, who was given to us by my mums friend who had to move
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Kestrel, who just appeared at our place in our garden after a storm
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Gecko and Sisu, gecko was also a random budgie that just showed up in our chicken run
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Gideon, a pigeon we found on the road as a baby with a broken leg and hates everyone so much
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Some ducklings
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And Steve the stick insect
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And then we have a few chickens, a lot of ducks and Muscovy and then five billion wild ducks (we rescued two when they got hit by a car and then they had babies at our place, because we had food, who then also had babies and so on, so now we have way too many wild ducks we can’t get rid of lmao)
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hehe-hoho-ohno · 1 year
Submas canon vs fanon
The entire time I have been in the Submas fandom I have seen a lot of confusion about what is canonical and what is a wide-spread fanon. Both in the sense of people thinking things were canon when they were not, and (more rarely) people thinking things were fanon when they were not. So I thought it might be useful to put together a little guide.
Of course, there is nothing wrong with using fanon. I use most of these headcannons in my own fics because I like them and canon is dumb anyway. (Note: pokemon is a huge sprawling mass and tends to contradict itself, and there have been changes across the various games/manga/anime)
All quotations are taken from bulbapidia.
Nimbasa Trio - FANON
Elesa has no connection to Ingo and Emmet besides living in the same place. There is one interaction between them in Pokemon Masters, and while they are on friendly terms they don't appear to be particularly close. Similarly, the idea that Ingo likes bad puns/Emmet does not stemmed from their fanon friendship with her.
Uncle Drayden - FANON
The only confirmed family Ingo and Emmet have are each other.
Cilan is a huge fan - CANON
Cilan is a fanboy of both of them in the anime.
Ingo is the older twin - CANON
In the original Japanese Emmet calls Ingo "nii-san" which means older brother.
"Do you have any siblings? I have an older brother, Ingo."
- Emmet, pokemon masters
Emmet's joltik hoard - FANON
Emmet's galvantula knows the move cross poison. This is an "egg move" which can only be learnt through pokemon breeding. Since it would take several tries to get this move it probably would have left Emmet with a lot of Joltik. In theory. We don't see Emmet with joltiks in canon.
Ingo's kitty smile - CANON
He smiles like that in the manga. (Admittedly, it's not as exaggerated as the full on :3 people sometimes draw him with.) He also briefly smiles in PLA, but less cat-like.
Ingo's perpetual frown is unintentional - CANON
"<player>! Someone just told me something that troubled me deeply! They said that compared to Emmet, I'm too stiff! But that's just a misunderstanding! I know I smile when I'm having fun! I'd even say that I'm quite proud of how expressive I am when I speak! What? You say you've never seen me smile? I-is that so..."
- Ingo, Pokemon Masters
They are both autistic - FANON
They are related to the twin heros - FANON
They share similar themes and motifs to the twin heros/Zekrom/Reshiram but that's it. They have no canon relationship.
Both of them are heavily coded as autistic. However, it's never been directly stated in the games that they are autistic and (to my knowledge) nobody at Game Freak/Nintendo has confirmed anything.
Ingo has a receding hairline - (debatably) CANON
He is drawn with one in the art book. Does the art book count as canon? Until something in the main games says otherwise, probably. (Though there is some argument to be had that it might be an unflattering haircut instead.)
Ingo arrived in Hisui via wormhole - FANON
"For my part, I simply found myself one day here in Hisui, a region whose name I'd never heard... All I could remember was my own name. I was still standing there in bafflement when the Pearl Clan came to my aid."
- Ingo, PLA. (However, the art book depicts the pearl clan finding him facedown on the ground, so take his standing claim with a grain of salt)
We still don't know how he got there. Similarly, it is quite common to show Ingo arriving during a blizzard/freezing to death and generally in poor health/injured/unconsciousness. But the way he recounts it sounds much more peaceful.
It'a also common to have Sneasler be the one to find him. The art book (of dubious canon) shows a human pearl clan member finding him, and Ingo's quote seems to confirm that. It's possible Sneasler was involved but she isn't mentioned.
Ingo got amnesia from hitting his head - FANON
We don't know how he got amnesia.
Ingo remembers Emmet as "the man in white" - FANON
"I'm starting to recall a man who looked... like me. We'd battle and discuss Pokémon, I think... The words "I like winning more than anything else" flashed through my mind just now..."
- Ingo, PLA, about Emmet
He makes no mention of remembering Emmet wearing white or smiling.
Ingo calls her "Lady Sneasler" - FANON
Ingo only calls her Sneasler, no Lady. In fact, nobody calls her or any of the ride pokemon Lord or Lady because...
The ride pokemon are noble pokemon - FANON
There are 10 blessed pokemon descended from the heros of old, and these pokemon are revered by the clans and have wardens. The blessed pokemon are divided into two groups, the rides and the nobles.
The ride pokemon are not called noble pokemon, and they do not get titles. Mai talks about "the great Wyrdeer" but does not call him lord or noble.
"This suggests that even Pokémon that are not nobles can become frenzied..."
- Kamado, PLA, about the ride pokemon Ursaluna seemingly becoming frenzied
Ingo lives in Sneasler's cave - FANON
We don't know where he lives.
Ingo became a Warden because Sneasler liked him - FANON
"I showed a natural affinity for taming Pokémon, which is why I eventually became a warden. But still I wonder what my true purpose is here..."
- Ingo, PLA
There is no further information about his wardenship. There is no information on what his relationship with Sneasler was prior to him becoming her warden.
Ingo likes having photos because of the amnesia - CANON
"Ah, photographs. I appreciate having physical keepsakes—less ephemeral than memories. Would you do me the honor of posing for a photo with me, <player>?"
- Ingo, PLA, at the Photography Studio
Ingo has been in Hisui for XX years - CANON
The art book uses the placeholder XX for the amount of time Ingo has been in Hisui. Some have taken the double digits to mean 10+, however the first digit could easily be a 0. So, we still don't know. Net 0 information.
Emmet must be taking Ingo vanishing badly - FANON
We have not heard from Emmet.
That's all for now! I'm sure I've missed or forgotten something, feel free to add stuff in the reblogs! I might edit the list later to add more if needed.
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karizard-ao3 · 7 months
Frankenstein Eremika Au?
Well, anon, not having seen the movie nor read the book nor watched the TV show that I wasn't aware existed until I was googling Frankenstein because of this ask, I feel distinctly unqualified to come up with a Frankenstein au, but if we're just going off vibes rather than any practical knowledge of the story (like, I know the basics that I assume everyone knows), what about this?
No. Wait. Stop. I'm going to at least read the Wikipedia article.
Well, damn! Okay!
So, my original little smidgen of an idea was maybe Eren could be the monster and Mikasa finds him in the woods and now I am fully committed to it. But maybe let's say he did all his crimes and killed all those people and Victor first, so he's bad bad? Idk! Maybe he can still be at his "hating all humans but not yet killing them" phase. Let's not make him hideously ugly. Let us suppose for this au that Victor Frankenstein (aka Hange Zoe) was successful in making his monster a beautiful boy. There is something else about Eren that unsettles and frightens them. Let's say it's his crazy eyes and maybe also put some scars on him.
Anyway. Eren is Frankenstein's monster. Mikasa is a recluse living in the woods. She finds him half dead in the snow and looking like shit. She doesn't know who this big, injured guy is, but she manages to drag him to her hearth and set about nursing him back to health.
When he finally wakes up after several days, she is startled by his scary eyes and this pisses him off. He would go on a rampage, except he is pretty banged up and can't really move from his makeshift bed, so he just howls with rage and slams his fists into whatever he can reach, probably including his own self. Mikas is not about this dramatic nonsense and waits for him to tire himself out, then goes to give him a sponge bath or something.
God, he's like 8 feet tall.
Anyway, he's also killed a lot of people.
So, Eren is ungrateful. He is rude and destructive and he's lashing out because he likes her and he couldn't take her deciding she hates him like every other person in his life has done. But she just keeps putting up with him. She doesn't mind that he could snap her in half. She is depressed because her whole family died and doesn't care if she lives or dies. Also, she has a thing for saving wounded wild animals and has this Disney princess-like affinity with them. The forest birds will come eat out of her hands and wolves or bears or what have you that she once saved come to her door as tame as can be so she can feed them treats. So of course she manages to do the same with Eren. She doesn't really mind his scary eyes or the fact that his body is actually made from pieces of other bodies. He helps around the house and he's very sweet when he wants to be, which is more and more often because he sense a kindred spirit in her and she gives him the companionship and acceptance he's been craving. And then, in turn, he becomes like her new family.
And so, they fall in love, and live a life of solitude and peace and he's EIGHT FUCKING FEET TALL.
The end.
Anyway, that's my idea for the framework of the fic. Feel free to chime in with any ideas. The setting kind of reminds me of Witchunter, actually, and the fact he wants to kill her, but the bloodlust in mandatory and I'm not sure where else to put them since Frankenstein's monster tends to hide out in the wilderness, so please forgive me for any similarities.
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littleladymab · 2 months
👕 11 📦 11 🍽️ 1, 2, 12 🌤️ 2, 3, 8, 9, 18 🤝 3, 11, 18, 19 💓 8, 11, 22 🎲 8, 15, 18 for Galahad!!!! ⚔️
Answering these for Galahad aka Liam 🤗
((ask me questions about my OCs!)) (bonus points for my knights)
👕 11 - Is your character’s favorite color a color they wear often?
Not really, actually! He really likes green, but he tends towards a lot more neutral colors -- grays, browns/tans, etc. He'll use green as a pop of color on an outfit, but doesn't tend to wear many clothes that are green.
📦 11 - What might an acquaintance think is a good gift for your character?
He's a wine boy first and a scotch enjoyer second, so anything that's like a bottle of wine or some fun silly wine or scotch glasses would be good!
🍽️ 1 - What flavor would your character say their personality is?
A like, coffee with a robust, slightly nutty roast and a soft caramel aftertaste
2 - Would your character prefer baking, cooking or mixing drinks?
He's never had a cocktail so don't trust him to mix drinks. I think cooking is good, because as much as he's an "exact by the book" recipe maker and baking is a Science, I think personally think baking still requires a flair for the dramatic that he doesn't have.
12 - Which mealtime is your character’s favorite?
He likes a supper, which by strict definition is a casual, late in the day meal that's usually lighter than dinner. He says this, it is because when he gets into his study binges, he will not remember to eat and then call some cheese and crackers and acceptable supper.
🌤️ 2 - Has your character had a meaningful encounter with an animal?
'meaningful' is such a funny word, no he has not had an encounter with an animal that has changed him in some fundamental way
3 - What season would your character say they’re most similar to?
Oooh I think he would say spring! New and refreshing!
8 - What type of environment does your character like best?
After spending a summer in SoCal he's ready to go back to his home in Scotland thanks. As a general sort of environment, he likes it chilly with the hint of rain.
9 - Is your character good with animals?
He's not like, animal whisperer good with them, but he gets along well enough with them! He is a person that a cat will approach, which i guess is pretty high up on the "good with animals" rankings.
18 - How willing would your character be to nap outside?
Get him on some grass with some shade or a hat to cover his face and he'll gladly take a nap.
🤝 3 - How comfortable would your character be singing and dancing in front of others?
Not if he has to do it solo, but he'll gladly do it if there were other people with him. If he's in a crowd, even better. Do NOT perceive him trying to be artistic he will get embarrassed and stop. (If you catch him singing in his kitchen NO YOU DON'T)
11 - Does your character have people they think would worry about them if they got injured?
OH ABSOLUTELY !!! gestures to all of the other knights, and also his parents. His boss would probably also be worried because "liam what are you doing that you are getting injured, but also i have friends in accident and injury law just let me know and i'll give them a call"
18 - What is your character’s favorite form of affection?
He's not great with physical affection, but he will absolutely listen to you rant about something and make you tea (or get you a stiffer drink if required).
19 - Does your character enjoy celebrating holidays?
It's not really one way or the other for him. They were a church on the holidays kind of family when he was younger, but I think these days he just enjoys other people's enjoyment of it.
💓 8 - What scents does your character find comforting?
There's a roast of coffee his dad makes that he can't find in the states and it's too expensive to import from France, so he uses his stock of it sparingly. Also, sugar cookies and the smell of used bookstores.
11 - Does your character have strong willpower?
Oh yes, generally it serves him well but sometimes it's a very stern reminder that he takes his role as Galahad very seriously.
22 - Does your character have a high pain tolerance?
It's decent! He's never really had to put it to the test beyond strained muscles until he met Bridgette and she put him through the ringer for combat training, but he's been lucky enough so far that he hasn't actually had to test it.
🎲 8 - Is your character more outdoorsy or indoorsy?
He likes to go on long walks or the occasional (gentle) hike, but he is by and large an indoorsy person. (Which makes it funnier that he's got Muscle Definition from sword fighting and everyone is SHOOK because he is quiet and nerdy Liam, who is a desk jockey paralegal. why does he look fit???)
15 - How good is your character at following through on projects?
He's SO GOOD at it but this also goes hand in hand with his willpower and just, determined to be competent and reliable.
18 - What is a topic your character wouldn’t want to talk about?
I think it depends on who was asking! He generally tries to be open about anything asked of him, and doesn't like shit talking people (he will let you do the shit talking and do the sympathetic nod and 'mmhm', but won't talk bad about people if he can help it). He also prefers not to talk about his sex life (or lack thereof) because well, that's not a polite topic can you please not worry about it why do you need to know??
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minimafioso · 1 year
Chuuya & Subtle Actions - 15 Arc (Anime)
This one is more of an observation
During the anime version of the 15 arc (I say anime version as it does deviate from the light novel) Chuuya's very guarded. He comes off as annoyed, haughty, and angry.
I noticed two subtle actions he made that shows off how much he tries to hide any form of concern or weakness.
As usual, lots of pictures ahead. I like visuals.
The first one most wouldn't noticed and I thought maybe I had been seeing things, but it's clear Chuuya's leg is pretty much incapacitated after Randou injures it. Broken? Sprain?
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At this point Chuuya's been using his agility to launch kicks at Randou but with only one good leg he knows that's not an option anymore, thus he's reminded of his humanity and he removes his hands from his jacket. This is now a fight for survival.
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When Dazai yells for Chuuya he puts gravity on the busted leg, knowing he cant move it anyway. So he'll become immovable and calls to Dazai to come to him, which he understands. Chuuya wont let Randou's subspace push him back.
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There are subtle clues that prove this, such as when he lands originally he goes for his usual right leg but switches just before he touches the ground to put weight on his other leg. He also doesn't move unless with the left leg which he also uses as support. Chuuya's final attack on Randou isn't with a kick, it's a punch. He cant jump and uses gravity on rubble so he can finish things.
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The light novel is much more brutal with how much of a beating Chuuya took, but this was at least a nod to the fact that more than likely he still fought with a busted leg.
The other observation is possibly just me over reading into things, but you know what? It ain't hurtin' anyone to post my musings.
The scene where Chuuya is betrayed by Shirase and Sheep is heartbreaking. This group that he thought were like a family immediately turned on him when they assumed he was with Port Mafia. I think they leave it up to the viewer if Chuuya is sweating or he does cry, and I'm leaving it up to interpretation here, but something I did notice was Chuuya's mouth.
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There's a couple times I've noticed this, thought it could also just be an art director's choice, but when he's in obvious distress Chuuya's emotions are held back shown as he forces his mouth to stay closed. His lips look as though they are trembling.
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This happens when he's fighting Randou. Once it's explained that his gravity wont work as easily you can see he's visibly nervous. Oh, my gravity wont work on him like this. Chuuya's eyes also tend to shrink, but this also happens when he's mad. His eyes are very expressive.
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But what made me come back to this moment was a scene in season 3, when Chuuya finds himself in a position that he has to lead members of Port Mafia.
His boss could die, Kouyou, as well as himself, are unsure of their options, and Chuuya puts all this responsibility on his shoulders. He and Kouyou are the only available executives. They both know it's a set up but neither of them are anywhere near as tactical as Mori.
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So when Chuuya goes to scope out the situation he's thrown off that the Agency is already going 'full force', something he wasn't anticipating. He's obviously not quite sure what to do, so he decides to go full force as well which ends up being his downfall.
And while this scene happens... his lips mimic the ones we saw earlier, not as noticeable but still there.
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I tried to go back and see if this happens with other characters. I went through a few episodes and then lost focus, but I figure this could easily just be an animation choice for showing lips pursed together.
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fairytail-whathesays · 11 months
Strauss siblings headcanons? I like all of them but I mean more focus on their relationship with each other. They have so much history and the potential for their developing (familial) feelings towards each other to be explored is ridiculous: before Mira’s arm was taken over, when they were travelling to find answers, when they were in the guild together learning takeover magic and Mira because S-Class eventually, when Elfman lost control of his full body beast soul and injured Lisanna before she ‘died’/went to Edolas against her will while Mira was overseeing them (it was an S-Class one and she was the only S-Class), when Lisanna was gone (but missing Earthland siblings while acting for her Edolas siblings) and Mira worked in customer service and admin type roles rather than use her magic while Elfman only used his arm as they all grieved, when Lisanna came back and Mira and Elfman were both using magic their magic to its full potential, after the 7 year timeskip (they were all on Tenrou) and then after the one year timeskip. Thanks so much. I love your Lisanna, Elfman and Mirajane appreciation posts.
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Elfman is actually a lot stronger than his usual battles tend to imply. The Beast was a serious threat in its day, enough to have S-Class Mirajane so badly on the backfoot that she said herself she was getting beaten pretty badly. However, Elfman is still extremely cautious about how much he taps into his Beast Soul forms due to the experience of being unable to turn back and what happened to Lisanna. On raw power, he's definitely S-Class, but he holds back a lot due to restricting himself very stringently to what he knows is safe to use.
Speaking of Lisanna, the canon scenes imply (because Mashima had no plan when bringing her back) that when Anima took her as she was dying, she just...kind of glowed and turned into light particles, when it was previously implied Lisanna died on the spot and was buried. We're gonna tweak this slightly: Mirajane and Elfman actually buried Edolas Lisanna, who Anima swapped with Earthland Lisanna as they were both dying in unrelated incidents and who is actually the one Mirajane knelt with as she was dying.
All of the Strauss siblings are magnets for attention. Elfman and Lisanna are both a little dense about it and both unsure how to proceed when it's brought to their attention, but they have about the same amount of admirers as Mirajane. Strauss genes, man, they're just really pretty.
There are some secret Beast Souls Elfman's got access to but that's not for here or now. 🤍 I don't give away my fic plots that easily.
The whole family loves animals and I know that's already apparent but listen, there's never gonna be anyone you can trust more with animal care than Elfman and Lisanna. It's at least canon those two outright helped incubate/raise Happy, okay? They regularly volunteer at animal shelters, too, and anytime there's a mission involving animals, they take it.
Elfman is especially good friends with Natsu, Gajeel, and Laxus, while Lisanna is especially close to Wendy. Elfman, because he knows what it's like to share a part of yourself with a powerful entity that affects your body, and Lisanna because she's very serene and really gets Wendy's pacifistic nature, they're both very in touch with the natural world around them.
Lisanna has a natural aversion to Beast Soul and Demon Soul takeovers, she's simply too gentle for them. However, she is remarkably gifted with Take Over in general. She's able to rapidly chain different Take Over forms one after another when this would exhaust a lesser wizard, and can even mix-and-match certain elements of them.
Anyone wanting to date literally any Strauss sibling has to pass at least two checks, one from each remaining sibling. Elfman thinks he's the one who takes it most seriously and is most aggressive about it. He is not.
I'm glad you like my posts! 💚
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Damaged: Final Part
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~1.9k
Warnings: canon violence, canon language, canon talk of death, methods of kill
Author’s Note: I do not own anything from Criminal Minds. All credit goes to their respective owners. If there is any warnings that exceed the normal death/kills from the show, I will list them. If you’ve seen the show, then it’s the same level of angst unless otherwise stated
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Rossi hesitantly brings all four of you along to where the kids are. It seems like they know you're coming because as soon as Rossi pulls up to the house, Connie storms out of the house to you.
"Hi, Connie. I brought the team--"
"You need to stop this."
"Excuse me?"
"We thought that if we didn't call you back the last couple times you would just give up and leave us alone."
"I know that it hurts, but I'm only trying to make sure someone pays for your parents' deaths."
"We don't care anymore. It's been twenty years. We need to be able to move past it. Please!" she begs.
"I won't bother you kids again," Rossi says, his heart breaking in two.
"You'll stop it with the gifts, too?"
"What are we supposed to do with a bunch of toys? They remind us of the worst day of our lives."
"I never sent you any gifts."
"If I could maybe see these gifts, please?" you ask Connie and step forward. "I just want to get a good look at them, and then we won't bother you ever again."
Connie sighs and lets you inside the house. If this will get Rossi off her back, then she will gladly present all the toys her family has gotten. Georgie and Alicia are inside as well, but they aren't as outspoken as Connie is to other people. All three kids gather all the toys they've received and place them in the living room. There is something familiar about the stuffed animals, but you can't put your finger on it.
"Is this all of them?" Rossi asks.
"That's all we could find," Georgie says.
"We threw a lot of them away."
"I wish you would have told me about this."
"We thought you were sending them. At first we kind of liked it, and then it just became a bad reminder," Connie sighs.
"These are very cheap," you mutter, picking one up.
"Where would you even buy toys like that? Or why?"
"How did you receive them?" Rossi asks the kids.
"They were usually left on the front porch at night. Mine was found in my car this time," Connie says. "There was a pickup outside the--where I work. I always thought it was you."
"What do you remember about the pickup?"
"All I saw was the shape and the headlights."
"Morgan, obsessional crimes are your specialty. What do you make of this?" Rossi asks.
"Well, there's two kinds of obsessional offenders that would send gifts to survivors. Sadists who want to make the families keep reliving the crime, or guilt ridden offenders, desperately trying to find some type of way to apologize. Sadists usually use something they know will remind the family of the person of the crime."
"These don't look like the kind of things you would send to inflict pain on someone," you say. "My guess it's guilt ridden."
"You know, they actually look like the kind of thing a child would send," Emily states.
"It's rare, but an unsub who feels this much guilt sometimes commits the crime unintentionally. They tend to be developmentally disabled with extremely low IQs. Generally, they're physically large and they're very strong. Strong enough to hurt somebody accidentally."
"Like Lennie from Of Mice and Men," you point out.
"Usually, they're assisted by an older relative, and it's almost always a parent. This parent rationalizes that the unsub would never try to hurt anybody. See, in a lot of ways, with this type of unsub, they're sort of overgrown children. JJ, when you get Garcia on the phone, tell her we're not looking for other homicides here. Get her to look into a string of less serious offenses in this area involving children, but not necessarily children that have been injured or abused."
JJ walks off to the side to call Penelope.
"With an unsub like this, when they seek out children, they want to play with them. They don't really want to hurt them. It's their size. It frightens people."
"That could be the piece you were looking for," you say to Rossi. "Give me another one."
The toys definitely look and feel familiar. You grab a few of them and close your eyes so that you're focused on the energy attached to them. Flashes of different images come into your brain, but the one you're focused on is of a bigger man with a painted clown face on. This man is seen with a bunch of these toys and some carnival rides, and you open your eyes when you've figured it out.
"I see an overweight man wearing a clown mask. He was at a carnival. I used to go there all the time with my parents. They would buy them for me knowing I would stop playing with them in a day. They're scratchy and uncomfortable to sleep with. Our unsub works at a carnival, and I know he isn't dead."
"We went to a carnival the day before. It's the last thing we did as a family," Connie gasps.
"Did anything happen?"
"No, we had to leave early. There was this... clown... that made me a balloon animal." All three children's eyes snap to you, but you encourage her to continue. "It didn't even look right, but then he kind of followed me around. He didn't really do anything, but my mom got afraid, so we left."
"You never told us that," Georgie says.
"I didn't even remember it until now."
JJ comes back with Penelope on the phone for all to hear.
"Okay, crime-fighters, I got the information you were looking for, but it may lead to more questions than answers."
"What is it?"
"There are files of open petty crimes, as described, in the very area of Indiana in the last twenty years. Here's the catch: a large portion of them only occur in the last week of March and the first week of April every year. Then it gets weirder because the same kind of crimes crop up in Springfield, Illinois, for the next two weeks, and then Des Moines, Iowa, in the couple of weeks after that."
"It's a traveling carnival. It's the only thing that makes sense," you say.
"Penelope, pull permits. Find out if this carnival is still in business."
She got that information really quickly, and it's luck that the carnival's last day in town is today. When you get there, they are already taking stuff down to get ready to move to the next city. Emily and Rossi go off in search of the owner while you, Derek, and JJ wander until you find something suspicious.
"I can't believe people actually pay good money to play these fixed games," Derek scoffs.
"Men," JJ corrects. "It's not people. It's men."
"I was just about to say that," you chuckle.
"Is that a fact?"
"Only a man would waste $50 trying to win that $3 stuffed animal."
"She has a point."
"Did you two go to carnivals as a kid?"
"Every year," JJ nods.
"I still go," you shrug shamelessly.
You look around at the workers until you spot someone you've only seen in visions. It's the same man who you saw when you were holding the stuffed animal. The same overweight man with a clown face painted on him. His eyes widen when he sees you as if he knows why you're here.
"Rossi, come here," you call out, turning away from the man. Rossi jogs over to you, and when you turn to face the man again, he's gone. "I saw the unsub. It's the same man. He's here."
"I trust you. Lead the way."
You take the lead and walk through the carnival, following the scared energy of the man you saw. Everyone has their eyes on you since you've taken out your gun just in case. The energy leads you to one of their rollercoasters with a long skirt that goes all the way down to the ground. You lift up the skirt to see the man hiding inside the ride.
"FBI," you yell at him.
"Daddy!" he cries in a child-like voice.
"Get your ass out of there right now," Derek demands.
The man kept crying for his dad, even after he showed up to try and help. Emily holds him back to prevent him from getting involved.
"Don't fight, Joey! Stay down!" the father begs.
Joey is taken away by the local police once they were called, and you can just feel the relief lifted off Rossi's shoulders. Rossi wanted to visit the children once more before he left, and you decided to be with him. Everyone else will meet you at the airport so you all can take the jet home.
With the killer behind bars, Rossi can safely tell the children that they can finally move on. All three of them were ecstatic that this happened, all thanks to Rossi who didn't give up. He reaches into his pocket and retrieves the key for the house they grew up in.
"The title should be delivered in the next few days."
"You're just giving us a house?" Alicia asks.
"It's the house you grew up in. It's been kept clean and maintained. It should sell for a decent price. You'll all get a fresh start."
"You don't have to do this."
"I think your parents would have wanted you to have it."
"Thank you," Alicia and Georgie say with grateful hearts.
"You're welcome." He reaches into his pocket and takes out the charm bracelet you've seen him hold from time to time. "This belonged to your mother. Your grandmother let me hold on to it until... well... you should have them back now. Well, my team is waiting for me."
"Agent Rossi. I'd like you to keep that," Connie smiles, and the other two kids nod in agreement. "Is it okay if I call you sometime? Just to let you know how we're doing?"
"Anytime, kiddo," Rossi smiles.
You and Rossi head back to the car and get ready to go to the airport to join the others.
"The power of asking really holds value, Rossi. How does it feel knowing you found your killer?"
"You found him. I will never doubt you ever again. You are the real deal," he chuckles.
"It's okay to have doubt, Rossi. You should never be afraid to come to me for anything because I might just have the answer you're looking for," you grin.
By the time you get back to the BAU, Spencer and Hotch were already back. You greet Spencer with a kiss because you've missed him so much.
"Pretty boy. How was Connecticut?" Derek asks.
"Ultimately uneventful." He sees Rossi and straightens up. "Sir, there's somebody waiting to speak to you in your office."
You look to Rossi's office and see Kevin Lynch standing there waiting for him. You look at JJ to see a knowing smile on her face, but you're not sure why that is.
"Agent Rossi. We need to talk... about Penelope... man to man."
"Man to man," Rossi nods.
"What about Penelope?" Derek asks as Rossi joins Kevin in his office.
"I don't know," Spencer shrugs.
"Garcia and Kevin, sitting in a tree," JJ sings, and you gasp with wide eyes.
"No way. Are you serious?"
"Just when I thought nothing scandalous was ever gonna happen around here," Emily chuckles.
"Scandalous? You should have been there when Spencer I first got together," you chuckle at the memories.
"Wait, what does that mean?" Spencer asks innocently.
"Didn't you hear JJ?"
"The song meant something? No, I missed it."
"How cute is he?" you grin and wrap your arms around his neck from behind while he sits on his chair.  You lean down and kiss his neck a few times before whispering in his ear. "Kevin and Penelope are having sex."
"Are you serious?" Spencer smiles.
He tilts his head back to look at you, and you lean down and kiss him Spider-Man style.
"The only scandalous couple here is me and Spencer," you say as you pull away from him. "I could make it more interesting and leave articles of clothing here."
"Of course you would," Emily laughs and leaves.
"Are you ready to go home?" you ask Spencer and pull away from him.
"Good, because I want that rematch," you grin.
"There is no formula for success except perhaps an unconditional acceptance of life and what it brings." - Arthur Rubinstein
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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wataeichis · 3 years
*sits down in your inbox* hi can i hear your hcs about the 5 eccentrics as individuals + as a group bc the tags of that rb interested me
hi this took a bit to answer bc i spent forever trying to come up with these im kinda bad at hcs but i hope theyre still to ur liking! it did get kind of long though oops.....
alsooo cw addiction, light mentions of an eating disorder, and general mental illness things because these are not all super light hearted
rei - okay starting off with what I mentioned in the tags but I think he may have old addiction issues from before 3rd year and maybe before from being in a very stressful situation (kind of his whole life rlly being a head of like 2 cults but the war def amplified his stress), the Mental Illness(tm), and often being in bar scenes to perform idk what kind but! he’s probably over them now and he doesn’t like his friends talking about drinking or inviting him out bc bad feelings
- after the effects of the war he pulls away from all of his friends that’s like. canon but during !! i like to think he gets closer with people again slowly (mainly bc of kaoru helping him open up but that’s a rant for another time), and he sometimes uses his friends as pillows </3 it’s his way of showing he trusts them
- he still hangs out in graveyards bc he’s a weirdo /affectionate he’ll go there and pay respects and care for graves that seem to be abandoned and then read quietly if no one’s around so that the dead doesn’t feel lonely
- not cis at all but he doesn’t care for gender he just likes being cute sometimes and edgy other times (an old vampire like him can’t be bothered with modern gender norms /j)
- he’s such a nerd he can tell you about the entire chronological history of any country or generally any school subject but if his phone dies he’s crying to kaoru that he doesn’t know how to turn it back on…… he knows so many things but also!!!! nothing
- he finds swearing unsightly but he also knows a lot of French swear words that he uses and no one catches him on it
- not necessarily shu but madonee likes sharing shus secrets because she loves the drama
- he keeps detailed teacups and fancy tea sets in the handicraft room bc even tho he hates guests he LOVES to show hospitality and will only have the best for his guests
- he sleeps in one of those dreamy canopy princess beds
- i have a shuP friend who feeds me lore and it seems like madonee is implied to be an introject of kuros mother (from before she died) and I feel like sharing that in case you didn’t know!
- i like to think he likes taking care of people a lot in !! and maybe it’s meant to be atonement for how he was in the past or perhaps it’s just the mothering side of him he picked up on from kuros mom (before the war and madonee even) and so when his close ones are upset he likes to be the first to be there to support them and make sure they’re well
- im. torn because i think he’s autistic but one of my special interests is psychology and i know that he’s probably just like that because of a severe lack of socialization and stunted social development and all of his specific trauma but also. immediately after i got into enstars I was like wow!! hes like me!! so do with this information as you will
- he likes mothering not just humans but (non land) animals so even if he doesn’t enjoy his family he enjoys working at the aquarium for the animals and he sometimes babysits shinobus frogs but with humans even he likes mothering and taking care of his juniors as much as he can, when people joke he’s like chiakis wife he doesn’t mind it at all
- he’s very touch starved and loves hugs from his friends randomly or cuddling (his dorm is all bestys and they platonically cuddle just bc they all need a little extra love </3)
- he wants to be close with madara again but he doesn’t know how to (and he’s a little scared of being hurt/mama leaving again) so he tends to just push mama away but sometimes, mama comes to him injured and knows kanata will take care of them. they never talk about those moments but kanata appreciates the trust mama puts in him
- he likes sugar a lot he never got it growing up and now he just has stashes of sugary treats
- chiakis parents love him he makes their son so happy (in a ship or non-ship way either works) and even if at first it was. hard to get used to the “hey my besty is a ex cult leader who doesn’t know how to be human” they love him and want to smother him in parental affection
- i think it’s implied in some stories ? but if not i like the idea that he’s from america (or some other english country) he probably wasn’t actually found in a river like he says just. hiding the fact that he was from an orphanage but i think he started trying to become an idol not just because of “genius from birth” like some others but more. because he wanted to prove he was worth something and wouldnt be tossed to the side
- he likes wearing his friends clothes (he steals all of eichis sweaters mostly) because they make him feel loved and wanted for more than just his skills as a performer
- i wrote a fic about this once based on some vague references in stories but he? just doesn’t eat and im fairly certain it’s not an eating disorder i think he views life as his stage as a performer and eating during the “performance” isn’t allowed but the exceptions tend to be a) his day off! a boy needs to rest and he’ll happily eat with fine on eichi day no problem and b) if someone offers him food, he can’t say no, because it’s the script for this play (life. the play is life dude u have issues)
- i think he’d find dancing relaxing like ballet or ballroom dance he finds it a nice way to ease his stress especially if he gets to be near someone he trusts (and he doesn’t trust a lot of people)
- he has joint/muscle pain constantly u can’t take this hc away from me he’s overworking himself and constantly in plays/performing on stage there’s no way he’s always in peak physical condition (ignoring how he can dislocate his own joints. u good dude?)
- he likes collecting weird things like plants and books he probably won’t ever read and ugly shirts that he won’t wear in public and idol merch of his friends bc he’s horrible with his money and theoretically eichi would buy him literally anything but he feels baaaaad and wants to earn things himself
- gender doesn’t exist! wataru does not need a gender his gender is [          ]
- the trans guy of all time (not even inspired by his backstory of dressing like a girl I know why that was but I think he’s still just so very trans regardless of that)
- he’s. a very sad individual i would think he likes to push away his emotions as a defense mechanism but he needs a hug
- wannabe emo he constantly has accessory chains jingling with every step bc edgy
- he’s probably got a caffeine addiction and I don’t mean that in the quirky way I mean he’s like. nocturnal stays up all night doing witchy stuff but is still expected to go to school in the morning
- his parents have issues but that’s not what this is about but i think he’s very attached to them especially his mom that’s like canon but sometimes if the stress of his life is building up he’ll go stay with them for a weekend instead of the dorms just
- his wiki lists that he likes piercings but he. doesn’t have any i think he’s afraid of needles so he likes to give piercings to other ppl instead because he would probably faint if you even implied the idea of him getting a piercing
as a group!
- okay so I said some stuff abt a few individuals but none of them are cis actually. this is up to interpretation but none of them are
- bi-weekly outings to cafes (shu joins via video call if he’s not in japan)
- it’s. a little rough after the war can’t sugar coat things rei hardly lets anyone close to him and they all collectively stopped trusting wataru (im eternally left trying to figure out how the heck he went from being enemies with them to friends again in like. a month) but they’re getting better!
- emotional support system! they all love and care for each other deeply (platonically, imo) and it’s hard with them all being So Very Mentally Ill(tm) but they try their best to be there to support each other
- eichi is definitely a sensitive topic. wataru loves him and dislikes negative talk of eichi in his presence, rei and kanata are neutral (as of !! more so for rei), natsume and shu despise him…. makes it tricky to get along sometimes!
- they play card games together, bc most of them don’t know how to use a phone properly im not sure if this is quite what u wanted but i hope u enjoy nonetheless !! also. i very much hope that the read more works... i, like the oddballs, am horrible with technology!
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catxsnow · 4 years
A/N: It was pointed out that this got deleted so here it is again! Damian is 18+
A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Damian doesn't focus on the physical attributes of you, so he finds your personality the most attractive. If you can keep up with his wit then he knows that you're a keeper. However, he does find himself getting lost in your eyes quite often so he would have to say that he loves those the most.  B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
I'm gonna have to say no. Damian loves you and he doesn't believe that he needs kids to keep loving you. Maybe when the two of you are way older, but he doesn't see having kids for a very long time. He would be open to adoption when you guys are too old for having your own kids. C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Damian hated cuddling with you at first. He ran warm enough as it was and to have another body under the blankets? He was sweating. Once he got used to it, Damian liked when you laid on his chest and he could wrap his arms around you.  D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Either ridiculously mundane or over the top extravagant there is no in between.
One time Damian took you across the world just to go hike and buy local delicacy. Another time he considered the grilled cheese sandwich Alfred made for you both a date. It really depends on what kind of occasion it is.  E = Everything (You are my ____ (e.g. my life, my world...))
Damian says 'habibi, ya nour el ein' which means 'you're the light of my eye' in Arabic. F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
It took Damian a long time to realize that he was in love. It's not easy for him to love someone after the way he was raised to opening up to you was a side that he didn't know he had.
He realized it one night when you were tending to his wounds as being Robin. You worked silently as you always did. Damian realized that if there was anyone he wished to stitch him up day in day out it was you. He broke that silence with an 'I love you' and you had nearly fucked up his wound even more with shock. G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Damian is gentle but he gets violent when he had nightmares. He never means to hurt you and you know that, but he always feels terrible when he sees that he left you with a bruise because of his rash actions while in his sleep. You never blame him for his nightmares, he's gone through so much as it is. H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
Damian doesn't like to hold hands, especially in public. The only time that he will willing grab onto you hand is if he can tell that you're nervous about something. Otherwise, just standing next to you is enough. I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
He didn't like you. Then again, he never liked anyone at first. J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Damian gets jealous for reason you never expect. He gets jealous of his brothers and when you spend time with any of them. He gets when Alfred the cat sits on you rather than him. He only got jealous at another man once and it didn't end well at all. He was all over the papers and Bruce nearly had a fit when he tried to fix what happened. K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
You did. He was being an asshole and wouldn't shut up about something so you decided to make him quit talking in a different kind of way. Damian didn't complain about it though. L = Love (Who says 'I love you' first?)
He did. You felt it first, but you never said anything until he felt comfortable enough to realize that he loved you too. M = Memory (What's their favourite memory together?)
His favorite memory was when he was trying to teach you to draw. Damian held the utmost patience for you and he genuinely enjoyed spending that time with you. You spent the whole day practicing and looking for his approval. He loved everything you drew simply because it came from you. He still has your drawings hanging up. N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Yes. Without question he'll buy you everything that you could ever dream of. Being the heir to the throne of the League of Assassins and son of Bruce Wayne he got a lot of items that he didn't even need. He loves to spoil you with things. O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
Red. As calm and as patient as you were, you had a fiery side when it came to Damian being a brat. When he saw anything red, he always thought about the times that you called him out. P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Beloved (as every Damian fanfic has ever had) Habibti/Habibi (my love), Ameli (my hope) Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
Damian is surrounded by tech all day. So when he takes to the time to read a good book, he's in his happy place. He's read all the great historic literature and has tried more modern books but didn't like them as much. R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Damian likes to draw on rainy days. He's got a great talent for it and doesn't get enough time to practice it. You'll be laying on his bed while he draws and the rain patters against the window. When you get lonely, you'll stare until he notices and then pout until he joins you in his bed. The half a drawing left no longer matter, he just wishes to hold you. S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Damian cheers himself up by training. He'll spend hours working out and training like he did back in the League. When he's finally wore himself out, he'll find you and pass out in your arms. That's all he needs.
When it comes to cheering you up, Damian became a great listener. He refrains from making snooty comments about the people that you are ranting about and tried to give a level headed solution to your problem. However, he's always ready to go petrify anyone that has made you upset. T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
Damian's got a well-rounded knowledge about everything. He could talk to you about every war that's ever happened or how the earth works. When he's in a talkative mood, he loves to spill facts about everything that he knows. It's not a way of him being cocky, he's just genuinely excited to tell you things. U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Damian doesn't relax. But when he does, its when he's injured or forced to stay home. You'll baby him for the night and even though he seems mad about it, he enjoys it (only when it's from you, not anyone else). He'll get Alfred to bake you guys cookies and settle in for a movie of his picking. V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
Damian's proud of everything he does. He's a show off particularly with his athleticism. He doesn't have one specific thing that he likes to show off, except maybe his art. W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
Damian doesn't. X = Xylophone (What's their song?)
Bloodflood by alt-j Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Nope. Damian doesn't see the need for you two to get married. He doesn't want some fancy wedding just to show off your love. As long as you know how much he loves you, then that's all that he cares about. If he were to get married, it would be something extremely lowkey. Your immediate family and his, that's its. No supers, no teams, nothing. Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Damian was ready to adopt a whole herd of cows do you really think that he's going to settle on just one more pet? No, he's gonna get every single helpless animal that he can.
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romanticahwi · 3 years
Stray Kids as Princes
requested: no
genre: fluff + a bit suggestive
ship: skz x gn!reader
warnings: a bit of suggestiveness of sexual deeds, mentions of swords and fighting, mentions of injuries, lmk if there is more
not proof read! (minors dni)
a/n: we apologize for being so inactive recently! here’s a new work we’ve been working on, we hope it makes up for our long absence.
Bang Chan
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    •    Probably one of the sweetest rulers ever
    •    Incredibly approachable
    •    Gives you the best advice you’ve ever heard sometimes whenever you’re having problems
    •    Sometimes you forget he’s royalty because you just feel so comfortable around him
    •    Lots of people swoon over him because honestly how could you not? Especially since he’s so sweet literally 24/7
    •    Nobody has ever seen him unhappy before, and he has certainly never been seen angry - only slightly annoyed but that itself is a rare sight
    •    He has a big soft spot for puppies and just all things cute
    •    He might have once proposed to change the name of his kingdom to something puppy-related (Succeeded in changing the national flag to something that had puppy paws in it)
    •    He enjoys swimming a lot, and there will almost always be a crowd of fans watching him and cheering him on every time! He may get really shy about it, but on the inside, he secretly likes it and it motivates him to do better!
Bang Chan As Your Prince
    •    As a lover, this man treats you like you’re royalty too, even if you aren’t!
    •    He will never allow you to degrade yourself or put yourself down but if that’s your way of coping, he won’t hesitate to give you his full, undivided attention…and then he’ll shower you with love and very kind words (he’s incredible with them - it never fails to blow you away)
    •    His singing voice is lovely, you often ask for him to sing you to sleep which is something he loves to do! He sees it as a way to get in some minutes of practice so he can improve himself
    •    He always wants to better himself and take care of others so much to the point that he’ll ignore his own needs, so he’ll definitely need someone to take care of him
    •    You sometimes can’t believe you’re lucky enough to call him yours, but he feels the same about you too, and he’ll always make it known (You swear your heart melts a little (in the best way possible) whenever he gets shy)
    •    He’s very cuddly, he loves giving you hugs; if there’s a day that goes by where he doesn’t give you one at least once throughout the day, then you know something is wrong
    •    He giggles a lot, and anything can set him off but you find it to be incredibly endearing
    •    He is just so soft…especially in the bedroom, but there are times when things get a little more heated
    •    “In a world that was dark and grey, you came along and painted beautiful, vibrant colors”
Lee Know
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 •    He seems unapproachable at first because of his icy stare, but that’s quite the contrary actually (he’s actually an incredibly warm human being)
    •    Loves to crack jokes! Most of them are cat-related, but don’t comment on that or else he’ll probably stare at you weirdly and will continue to do so until you let it go
    •    Don’t tell anyone, but he secretly loves playing with cats in his free time, and sometimes whenever he has to spend a full day tending to his ✨ royal duties ✨ you’ll find him squeezing time in to pet some stray cats or to rescue them
    •    Speaking of rescuing stray cats, he’s incredibly passionate that no cat should be homeless and each should be loved and taken care of
    •    Not just cats, but he believes any stray animal shouldn’t be left without a home or a loving owner (He himself has three cats)
    •    He’s basically the president of the kingdom’s animal rescue team, and he often checks up on the shelter to either play with some of the animals there, or he’ll chose one and spontaneously run around the kingdom to promote how adorable they are in hopes of finding them a home at the end of the day
Lee Know as your Prince
 •    You must be an animal lover like him, because you guys will spend so much time together at the shelter to play with them!
    •    He’s a little awkward when it comes to affection, specifically hugs, but with given time, he’ll warm up to it! Plus, he’s awkward in a cute way
    •    He’s gifted you a cat plushie which you’re unable to sleep without at night, sometimes you’ll catch him stealing it from you because he claims that it’s just too adorable
    •    You guys have ice cream dates a lot, because he seems to have a second stomach for it
    •    Whenever you go with him to get his portrait painted, he loves to pose in funny positions and make funny faces, there are a lot of portraits consisting of him doing so, finding a more serious one is kind of rare but hey…you’re just glad to see his true personality that he’s a bit hesitant to share with the rest of the kingdom
    •    You happened to discover this on accident, but he likes it when you ruffle his hair and look at him fondly, it makes his heart race
    •    He often guards his emotions, but you feel thankful whenever he opens up to you because sometimes you get worried when he bottles them up for a little too long
    •    He can be a bit evil sometimes, and that shows in the bedroom but he makes sure to never do something you’re not comfortable with - your needs come first  
   •    “You are my pride and joy, I feel so lucky to have you”
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• Nicknamed the prince of fun! Only by a few people…everyone else refers to him as the “pig-bunny prince” because he has a big obsession with Dwaekki (he might even be the face of the kingdom…literally. aka the national flag)
• You can trust him with practically anything. But do expect him to playfully tease you most of the time!
• He can be really loud! Even if you’re a few rooms down from whatever room he’s in, there’s no doubt you’ll be able to hear him
• He really loves music, he’s in charge of anything music-related (He’s hosted rap classes before, and a lot of people found them to be a bit on the difficult side because he can rap incredibly fast)
• He’s pretty chill, and kind of like a best friend to everyone - he’s that open to things and he’s incredibly reliable (He’s got everyone’s back, whether you’re close to him or not.)
Changbin As Your Prince
• He’s a very fun lover as well, your love life together is always full of excitement
• Certain activities could possibly cause him to get severely injured, and you always mentally note that you should tell him to stop, but seeing the pure joy on his face…you can’t help but to change your mind. (He’s a little daredevil, it’s kind of rare to see him mellowed-out, and when you do, you should probably be concerned when he isn’t being his loud, hyper self)
• He can be pretty affectionate when he wants to be but he displays his love for you through other actions rather than physical affection
• He too, is very good with his words! He makes you feel like you’re on cloud 9
• That “cool guy” act that he’s got going on? It doesn’t show up as much when he’s with you, because he’s just that comfortable with you. (Plus he thinks that you deserve to see the true Changbin…the man behind the prince that everyone else doesn’t get to see)
• His playfulness shows up in the bedroom too, along with ruthless teasing, like sometimes you’ll have to beg for him to have mercy on you but in his opinion that just makes things more exciting
“What was my life before? Ever since we met, I can’t seem to live without you anymore”
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the softest when it came to serving his kingdom
his gentle voice and soft smile always brought people to ease when they were around him
an equestrian. when not attending to royal duties, he’s always riding a horse or in the stable
as the only child and only son, he must take over the kingdom, no questions asked
throws an annual winter wonderland festival to show his gratitude to his subjects
his kind smile is loved by all
Hyunjin as your Prince
so so so loving oh my
would help you make bracelets for the small children in the kingdom
would press loving kisses to your face with that shy smile of his
would also take you on horse rides! in the morning, middle of the day, at night? you name it!
intimacy between you two was so loving and soft
he would show you how much he loves you with sweet kisses and gentle words
“everyday when I watch the sunset, I realize I’ll get to spend another day with you.”
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he gives off the vibe that he wouldn’t want to rule the kingdom after his father.
he wants to pursue music, but the king is against it.
so against it, that Jisung has to do what he loves behind his father’s back
very playful; loves sword fighting and horseback riding
everyone in the kingdom as a slight crush on him
he’s known for being very heroic; he’s saved many people and the protected the kingdom with an iron fist
he may not want to rule in the future, but he still cares about his subjects like family
very giving as well; always there if anyone is in a bad situation, whether it’s big or small.
Han as your Prince
very loving; loves pressing kisses all over your face, and having his hands on your body
very protective. If anyone looks at you with barely even a little interest, it’s all over.
when you two get intimate, I see him being the one to initiate everything
he would take care of you, kissing down your body with soft praises and soft touches
holds your waist gently while doing the do
“ there are many bright stars in the sky, but you’re the brightest out of them all, baby.”
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the sweetest prince ever.
cares so much about his subjects; maybe more than himself
everyone loves him, and are very ready for him to take over the kingdom
hosts monthly bake sales that the entire kingdom can participate in, which also helps feed people in need
dances when he’s not attending to royal duties, and oh my, he’s a beautiful dancer
during the cold winters, he hosts as much shelter for people as he can
being the only son in his family, he needs to find a significant other soon because his father is getting old to keep running the kingdom
Felix as your Prince
no surprise, but he’s the sweetest
he can’t keep his hands off of you when you’re together
hands on your waist, holding your hand, any skinship, he’s doing it.
when you two were intimate, regardless of his roll, his eyes would be filled with so much love.
loves it when you run your hands through his hair, tugging it gently
nonstop kisses. he’s completely addicted to your lips.
“i might be the kingdoms pride and joy, but you are my absolute universe.”
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very strategic and well educated. he knows what he’s doing, and knows how to do it well.
extremely brave. he’s saved the country multiple times.
he comes off as cold, but behind closed castle doors, he’s an energetic puppy.
loves to sing in his free time
often gets caught singing in the castle garden, and gosh he sounds beautiful
extremely protective over his family. You hurt them, he hurts you.
Seungmin as your Prince
cold on the outside, warm on the inside
will not go father than keeping his arm out for you to wrap around when you’re in public
but within castle walls? he’s all over you.
kisses kisses kisses galore
smiles brightly only for you :(
sings you to sleep every night
when you two are intimate, he usually wants it soft and slow so he can show you how much he loves you
soft praises and slow, romantic kisses
holds your hand the entire time
“you are more beautiful than the cherry blossom blooms on a sunny day.”
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playful but caring
he always is holding a smile on his face. there’s never a point and time where people weren’t seeing him smiling.
however he takes his royal duties very seriously. when someone is in trouble, he’ll put the villain in their place.
a fencer. he finds such a thrill in fighting someone with a sword.
since he has an older brother, he doesn’t have to take over the kingdom, and he’s happy about it.
ideally want to live in a forest, surrounded by trees and wonder.
I.N. as your Prince
so so so caring. he cares about no one when it comes to you.
he loves to press gentle kisses all across your face, neck, jaw, etc. he just thinks you’re so beautiful.
would love it when you showed up to his fencing matches. he loved it when you were there to cheer him on.
you two would stay up till the rise of the sun singing and giggling with each other.
would hold you close when you two eventually fell asleep.
this sweetheart would let you take any role when it came to intimacy. he was an absolute fool for you.
“When the sky is filled with sweet, bird songs, I get reminded of you.”
- atalia & arya
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idontblushsrry · 3 years
Uhh may I make a request for Ouran High School Host club? Just a headcanon for how the host would react to meeting someone how is a big time animal lover. (Like they pretty much live there life like the Irwin family)
A/N: I was thinking about how I’d write this and my brain just went ‘they lost their shit at the sight of instant coffee’, so uhh I hope this is to your liking. I tried to get as much animal variety as I could even though I didn’t really touch on marine animals that much)
Warnings: Like 2 swear words (pinky promise), slight drug mention(literally so small you might not even notice it), spoilers (minor) for Tamaki’s mom
Word Count: 1292
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So this is under the assumption that like the Irwin family, Reader (or their family) has access to a wide variety of animals (from domestic to wild)
All of them respect the passion you have for animals
While they all might have various feelings on animals (see below), they can’t deny that you truly do love animals
Your family’s sanctuary focuses on healing injured animals and rehabilitating them so they can go back into the wild
Of course, your family has many sanctuaries around the world and some focus more on conservation while others focus on research
The one closest to the school focuses mainly on conservation and as such, is massive and functions like a zoo ( in terms of having people come in and see the animals)
Anyways, the host club is very supportive and often helps you with organizing donation events
Oftentimes, your family will collaborate with them and allow them to rent out parts of the conservation center for events
Aside from the conservation center though, your family owns a few ranches and farms (not for commercial profit, although yall have sold a few animals)
The farms and ranches are relatively small scale but they make great venues for the host club and a great place for getaways/vacations
Your main house is where you keep most of your favorite animals
You have an aviary attached to your room (connected through a hallway that connects to your room) as well as a butterfly garden in the backyard
You also have an aquarium tank, 2 dogs, 1 cat, 1 snake, and a hamster that visits on weekends
You had to be stopped at some point
Tamaki loves animals
He was never really around animals growing up because of how sensitive his mom’s immune system is
So when he sees that you’re an animal person, he’s super excited
Like this man is already planning playdates between Antoinette and your pets/animals
You love his enthusiasm, just one small problem
It’s a little too much enthusiasm
Yes the animals are well trained, but how would you react if a 6′0 giant with long arms came barreling towards you screaming showing its teeth?
So yeah, Tamaki tends to set the animals off/ make them nervous
Because of that he’s only allowed around certain animals (ex. certain monkeys, certain birds, etc.)
He’s happy that he’s allowed around some animals but he still pouts every time there’s an animal he can’t be around
This man
Kyoya does not fuck with animals. Like at all
The first time the host club went to your house, you were holding a hamster and Kyoya moved back about 10 feet
When you asked him what was wrong, he just said “Rats are carriers of many of the most deadly diseases”
You told him that you were holding a hamster and that while hamsters were rodents, the worst he’d get sick with would be salmonella
He doesn’t believe you, but yeah sure whatever
For Kyoya it just gets worse after that
The first time he sees you holding a tarantula, he loses his shit
“Look how cute it is Kyoya!”
“Get that vermin away from me!”
I could go on and on about how much Kyoya doesn’t like animals (even domestic ones like cats and dogs)
He hates going to your house, but he often has to go there in order to set up events for the host club, what a nightmare
While he doesn’t care for animals, the business side of his brain can’t help but think of a marketing opportunity
Is one of two hosts that are going to be chill about it
He doesn’t feel one way or the other about animals and thinks it’s cool that you’re interested in them
Only thing is; if Honey’s afraid of your animals, he will have to ask you to leave he won’t hesitate to step in “harm’s” way
Surprisingly though, that actually makes him the chillest with your animals
Much to your surprise (and Tamaki’s sorrow), the animals love him
He just has this calming vibe that sets the animals at ease
It also helps that he smells nice and is super tall
For most of them it’s like sitting on a giant tree
He’s not really complaining though, it makes his job of protecting Honey that much easier
Oh boy
He might actually be the worst with animals
It’s not even an issue of being unable to defend against aggressive animals (Honey could probably solo a grizzly bear)
It’s just he has a very strict “cute” animal policy that changes wildly depending on his mood, the temperature, the angle of the wind, the humidity, etc.
He’s very bougie when it comes to what animals he will tolerate and what animals he will refuse to see
The general safe choices are rabbits (especially bunnies), kittens, cows, tits (the bird species), and baby animals of almost every domestic mammal species)
Him and the hamster you see on weekends are best friends
Also, you have had issues with him trying to feed the animals sweets
Explaining to Honey why rabbits can’t have carrot cake was not an easy conversation, nor was it one you thought you’d need to have
Because of how specific he is about what animals he finds cute, you likened him to a crocodile (because of how sensitive they are to temp. changes in egg)
Needless to say...he was not pleased
So him and Kaoru don’t really care for animals but they try to relate to you in somewhat similar but different ways
Hikaru is always trying to get you to do/recreate stunts with the animals
“Hey Y/N, we should-”
“No Hikaru”
“You don’t even know what I was gonna say”
“No you cannot use the dolphins for hoop tricks, no you cannot teach the gorillas how to roll blunts, no you cannot “bribe” the koalas with eucalyptus...”
Yeah he’s a menace
It’s mostly all in good fun though
Hikaru doesn’t really care for animals but he does find it hilarious that the animals like him more than Tamaki
Also, completely random but Hikaru definitely send you those “horse-sized duck vs duck sized horses” memes
Kaoru also tries to use animals on the internet to relate to you, but he’s a lot tamer than Kaoru
Kaoru is kind of like the parent who learns one thing you like and is like “that’s your entire personality right?”
Poor bby is trying his best
Anyways, whereas Hikaru tries to recreate memes, Kaoru sends you them
They range in quality and format; from top text, bottom text to “is this a ____”
At least once a day, Kaoru will send you a meme or picture of an animal with a caption that says ‘this reminded me of u :)’
It’s so endearing that you can’t even be mad about it
Is the only other one who’s kind of cool about the whole thing
She’s really only been around animals in the park or the occasional pet store
Growing up, she didn���t really have the time (or money) to go to the zoo, that and the fact that Ranka doesn’t care at all for animals (she thinks they’re weird and gross)
When Tamaki hears this, he works himself up into a frenzy, torn that his “daughter” has never been to a zoo (even tho he hasn’t either)
But she likes the fact that you’re so passionate about animals
At heart, she’s a scholar, so she loves learning new things she didn’t know before, she could spend all day just listening to you talk about animals
Not to mention the fact that you’re basically giving her a free informational tour  every time you see an animal
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ashotofeuphoria · 3 years
As I Hold You
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Pairing: Firefighter! Jongho x Injured! Reader
Word Count: 3.4k
Warnings: character death (not member or reader), ANGST, car accident, blood, injury, fire, v brief description of a dead body, trauma, potential miscarriage (hinted at), let me know if i missed anything!
Authors Note: First fic! Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy!
You don't remember the impact. The sound of metal crushing, of horns blaring, and tires screeching. Everything just went black.
You had been out running errands all day with your younger brother, Gabriel. You needed to pick up some more supplies for your baby who was soon to arrive. Your first baby shower was scheduled for this upcoming weekend. While you knew that your family and friends would support you and buy you most everything you needed for your baby; you still wanted to buy cute outfits and toys in the anticipation of their arrival.
Your final stop was a new boutique that opened across town, and your younger brother was eager to chauffeur you. He knew that you were a little scared of what the future held and wanted to ease any stress he could, by doing little acts of service for you.
You were living with your family and would remain there throughout your first year of motherhood. You hadn't meant to become pregnant. In fact, you were rather scared of the idea of children and pregnancy. But accidents happen, as they tend to, and your (ex)boyfriend ended up knocking you up.
It was an amicable split when you broke up. You both knew it wouldn't last, and children don't fix broken relationships. He did agree to support you the best he can and you're thankful for that much. It's overwhelming honestly, having the amount of support from everyone that you do. One thing is for sure, this baby will be so loved.
Your brother walked you out to the car, all the bags in his hands, opened the door for you and helped you in. You were only about 4 months along, so you just barely had a visible bump on your small figure. But he held your hand and helped you step into the car regardless. He shut the door and ran around to the driver's side before opening the door and hopping in.
"Thank you for driving me today, buddy. I know you have other things you could be doing," you said as he started the car.
"You know I'd rather spend time with you than do anything else. All I do is read and listen to music in my room, it's not like I do all that much," he chuckled, finding it amusing how appreciative you are of a simple car ride.
"Yeah, alright," you smiled towards him, "Still I know you aren't required to help me out, so thank you. Love you, bubs."
"Love you too, y/n," he said as he glanced towards you with a soft smile.
The car pulled out of the parking lot with the GPS routed 20 minutes down the highway to the boutique. Gabriel took a left out of the neighborhood, and you asked him for the aux.
"Sure," he replied, keeping his eyes on the road but reaching for the cord to hand to you.
You began playing your K-pop playlist, something that's been getting you through the days recently. When you hit shuffle, Love Die Young by Eric Nam started playing. You started to harmonize with the chorus as Gabe pulled the car onto the highway.
"Not this sappy shit, y/n, really?" he giggled as he watched you dramatically act out the song, clutching at your heart as you sing, staring at him with a smile plastered on your face.
"His voice is so smooth I can't help it Gabe," you exclaimed in a sing-songy tone. "So, what do you think I'm gonna have? A boy or girl?" you ask him as the car hits the speed limit and he puts on cruise control.
"Honestly, I think it'll be a little girl. I hope it is at least. We gotta buy so many cute outfits today. I can't wait to help you take care of them. Whatever they may be," he laughed glancing over at you.
"I have this whole idea for their room, I want to do a taupe and mossy green color for the walls. And I think I want a lot of cute pictures of plants and different animals. Ya know, to keep it pretty but neutral, something that can age well with them," you explained to him as he steadily controls the car.
"I think it'll look perfect," he responded. "10 more minutes and we'll be there."
You nodded your head and looked out the window at the greenery. Ideas of outfits and nurseries swimming in your head. You closed your eyes, propped your arm up on the window, and leaned your head against your hand as the car drifted down the highway.
Your eyes jolted open when you suddenly hear Gabe go from a whisper to a shout "fuck, fuCK, FUCK Y/N HANG ON!"
A car had swerved and jumped the median and was driving directly towards you, mere meters away. Showing no signs of stopping, and Gabriel having no real way to swerve to avoid them, he threw an arm in front of you, and you brought your hands up to cover your face, your knees coming up on instinct to protect your belly.
And everything went black.
When you came to, the first thing you noticed was the smell. Metallic, and smoky, like something was burning. Then you felt a searing pain in your head. You struggled to open your eyes but when you did you couldn't believe what you were surrounded by. The airbags had deployed, but there was blood splattered across the car. You could tell smoke was rising out of the engine, but you couldn't see much else through the cracked windshield.
You look to your left and see Gabriel covered in blood, eyes closed. And you immediately feared the worst.
"Gabe! GABE!" you reached over to shake him, to hold onto his cheek and try and get him to face you. To open his eyes. To do anything. Your ears are ringing, and you can feel your eyes stinging when he won't respond. Your hands are desperately grabbing at his shirt, and hair, willing for him to wake up, for him to be okay.
"Gabe," your voice barely bubbling out of your throat as sobs begin to overtake your body. "Gabe, please, please, wake up. please, you can't, no, please, Gabe, bubs, you're okay, we're okay, please," the sobs wrack your body as you gasp for air between each word. Tears are streaming down your face and suddenly your focus is on your hands, and you see they're covered in blood.
You hold your hands in front of you and stare at them in horror when your vision redirects to your legs. You're crushed in the car. Your legs trapped under the dashboard. Your hearing is slowly coming back as you hear sirens somewhere in the distance, but from what direction you were unaware.
You remember a car had hit you head on when it crossed into your lane going well over the speed limit. As you glance out of the passenger window to see what happened to the other car (and if you're even still on the highway) you're met with a ghastly picture of your face in the side view mirror. Your forehead has been deeply cut, and blood is dripping thickly down your forehead and has mixed with the tears falling down your cheeks.
You cough when you begin to inhale smoke. Your vision blurring, your head falls back onto your headrest as you pass out.
As you come to, a faint knocking sound begins to grow louder, until you can hear a man yelling "Ma'am! Ma'am! Can you hear me! You gotta wake up! Ma'am!"
You cough the smoke out of your lungs, your head throbs from the movement and you wince in pain. You're brought back to the situation you've found yourself in and remember Gabe is next to you. You look over to him and the feelings become overwhelming again, as you stare at what you can only assume is his dead body.
As a sob erupts from your throat, you look out your window at the man who was calling for you, and are met with desperate, soft brown eyes staring at you through a helmet and face guard. He's a firefighter dressed in full gear. He yells something to you, trying to overpower the other noises happening on the busy highway but you can't connect the sounds with words in your brain. You can only stare at him in confusion, tears falling faster down your cheeks, your breathing uneven.
You see him reach for the handle of the car door and try and open it mumbling a quick "fuck!" in frustration. You're trapped in this car, and he needs to find a way to get both of you out before the whole car goes up in flames.
"Get the jaws! The doors are jammed!" He yells at the team of firefighters surrounding the car and the truck.
He looks back down to you and says as clearly and reassuringly as he can, "Hey, it's okay. It'll be okay, we're gonna get you out of there, okay?"
You begin to nod your head in response when a knock is heard at your brother's window. You whip your head around and see stars for a moment. When your sight clears you see a taller man in uniform shouting to your brother, who isn't responding. Your voice is small and cracks as you try and tell the man outside "he can't, he's not-" and you feel your chest become tight once more.
You hear the man at your window begin talking to you.
"Ma'am, please try and stay still. We must make sure your head is okay. Alright? Please don't move too much. Can you do that for me?" he politely asks you, empathizing with your situation.
You meekly nod your head. Your eyes are stinging. You don't know if it's the smoke or the tears, but it's probably both. As you focus on the man in front of you, you hear the man near your brother begin yelling at his team about the window and needing to check Gabriel's vitals. The man in front of you can tell you're not paying attention, so he speaks up.
"Yunho is going to break the glass to check the man next to you, okay? Just look at me, don't look away from me, okay? My name's Jongho. Just look at me, okay? What's your name?" Jongho asks you to keep you preoccupied and focused on him.
"Y/N," you try and get out of your throat. It's so dry and scratchy your voice isn't much higher than a whisper.
"Okay, y/n. Listen to me, you'll be okay. I'm going to get you out, okay? Who is that in the car with you?"
"M-my brother, Gabe, but he, I-I don't thin-nk," you choke out as you stare at Jongho, unable to say the words. That Gabe is dead. But you don't want him to be. You don't want it to be true. You look down at your door, suddenly feeling very claustrophobic, unable to breathe. You hear glass shatter. As you begin to turn your head, Jongho raises his voice, keeping your focus on him.
"Your brother? Yunho is going to check on him and make sure everything is okay." you hear him say.
"Ma'am, are you okay?" Yunho calls out from the driver window. "Try not to breathe the smoke in, Jongho is gonna break your window to get to you, I'm going to take your brothers vitals and make sure he's doing okay. We're going to get you out of here as quickly as possible, okay?"
You glance towards him and nod your head, finding your eyes drawn to the way he checks for a pulse on Gabe, his slender fingers dancing on his throat, his wrist, anywhere he could find a heartbeat. And seeing the increasing worry on Yunho's face does nothing to reassure you. You see his eyes widen, and yours follow. He leans back and yells over to the team, "There's a pulse. It's faint, we need to get him airlifted asap! San, I need you over here!"
While you're fixated on Gabe's pale and limp figure, you hear glass shatter next to you followed by a warm hand turning your cheek towards him. You involuntarily gasp and sputter at the influx of fresh air.
"Deep breaths for me, Y/n. Please look at me." he gently demands. You look into his eyes as he shines a flashlight above them checking your pupils. He can see how bloodshot your eyes are from crying, and he glances over at your brother, then back at you. "Hey, it'll be okay, we're here now. Just look at me, don't look at him. You're okay. Everyone is here to protect you." he rushes out.
His hand rests under your chin as he uses two callused fingers to check your pulse. Then he gently tilts your head to each side to inspect the gash on your forehead as quickly as possible. He glances down your body to check your arms, and torso seeing they're mainly just bruised, when his eyes land on your bump.
His eyes widen as he asks you urgently, "Y/n are you expecting? Are you carrying a child?"
You hadn't even thought about your child. You had been so distraught over your brother; you didn't even consider the health or wellbeing of your unborn baby. Your heart rate rapidly increases as panic begins to set in.
"y-yes I am, I'm 4 months. I-I'm, do you think, are they? god please don't tell me-" you start blubbering as all the possibilities begin to tumble through your head.
Before he can reassure you, he checks down the rest of your body and sees your legs are trapped under the dashboard. And that even when the door is off you won't be able to get yourself out of the car. Jongho defaults to reassurance as he really can't even begin to answer the questions you're asking him, "I-it's okay. Everything is okay. Let's get you out of this car."
Smoke is becoming thicker around the front of the car, and you watch as it blows around Jongho's figure, flooding out the highway from where you sit. Tensions are growing higher as the crew knows there isn't much longer before the car is gone. Four men are teamed together and grab the Jaws of Life from the truck as they begin walking toward your car. Setting up on your brothers side you begin to hear metal cracking and snapping as the four men work to pry the car open with the heavy machinery. You're itching in your skin wishing to jump up and run now that you're trapped, and Jongho can tell. He has his hand braced at the back of your neck, keeping it steady, as you once again begin to panic; he rubs circles on your arm, and pushes your hair back from your sticky forehead and out of your eyes.
You can hear the Jaws stop and in the reflection of the side view mirror you can see Gabe's lifeless body being pulled from the car, his body pale and bright red from blood, blue and purple littering his figure. He's placed on a gurney and run towards the truck where someone begins CPR.
You redirect your eyes to meet Jongho's, whose eyes are looking deeply at you searching for any sign of pain or discomfort, any sudden changes in your condition. "Is he going to be okay? He has to be okay. Please tell me they can fix him." you plead with Jongho, who looks at you with nothing but the heaviest of hearts.
"We're going to do our best. I promise you we will do everything we can. But right now, we need to get you out of here too." he explains. "I'm going to go bring the Jaws over this way and we are going to get you two out of here," he asserts, gesturing at your bump. "I need you to stay still just like you have been, okay? You're doing so great. Keep your arms as close to your body as you can, and don't look at the window in case anything splinters. Do you understand me?" he asks you.
"Please don't leave me. P-please don't, don't go. Please stay." you sob as you realize you'll be left alone in your wrecked car.
"I'll be right here. Remember stay still and close your eyes." he reminds you as he drops his hands from you and gives his team room to operate on the car door.
You sob quietly to yourself. You can't believe this is happening. How Gabe could be here one second and now he's gone. The image of his pale bloody face is burned into the back of your eyelids as you squeeze them tightly shut. You hear the metal of the car frame crunching and cracking once again, as all four men yell commands and directions at each other. Your sobs are uncontrollable as you wish it had been you and not your brother. You wish with all your heart that you could've taken his place.
The door hits the asphalt and almost instantly you hear Jongho next to you, "It's okay. I'm here. I'm right here. I never left." He notices how black the smoke has gotten and decides to check your legs to see if he can carry you out before the rest of the car is disassembled.
"Can you feel your legs?" he urgently asks you.
You nod your head as you cough so hard that you gag.
"shit-" Jongho mumbles under his breath, looking all over your figure and the car, knowing he must move now or never. With his mind moving a million miles a second, he makes the decision that your legs are likely not broken and brings out a blade from his pocket to saw your seat belt off you. You watch as the sweat beads down his forehead and across his dimpled cheeks as he grits his teeth.
Jongho puts his arms under yours, pulling you into his chest, getting your upper body mostly out of the car. When your legs are more visible, he puts one arm under your back and the other under your knees and lifts. You slide out from under the dashboard and with your neck cradled by his bicep and forearm he jogs you away from the car towards the firetruck. He gets five strides in when you hear the explosion. You peek past his arm to see your car engulfed in flames. You can feel the heat on your face, and the sound has left your ears ringing once more.
The team must've anticipated the event as hoses immediately start spraying to drown the car fire. Jongho gets behind the firetruck away from the fire and sets you down making sure you are stable, with no further injuries from his manhandling. He gently places a hand on your bump and hopes against everything that this baby is okay. Just as he's about to stand to find his captain and report your status he feels your hands fist into his uniform jacket holding onto him.
"please don't leave me. please don't leave. d-don't go." you hiccup as you stare pleadingly up at him. With the way you're gripping onto him, he knows there's no way he can walk away from you right now. Instead, he stands up and grabs a clean towel from just inside the truck and begins to tenderly wipe the blood and tears off your face, avoiding the gash on your forehead.
He doesn't have the heart to tell you that Gabe didn't make it, his body covered with a sheet on the other side of the truck. He also doesn't know how to explain that if Gabe hadn't reached over to protect you, he might've been in less critical condition. That he died protecting you. So, for now he wipes away the grime; and, after seeing you shaking, unbuttons his thick uniform jacket so he can hug you; until the paramedics arrive and will inevitably pull you away from him. You don't hesitate to wrap your small arms around his waist, and he holds you, pressing your head against his chest where you can hear his steady heartbeat.
"It's okay, y/n, it's going to be okay. You're okay. I'm here. I've got you." he repeats it like a mantra, over and over, convincing he thinks, both you and himself.
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evolutionsvoid · 3 years
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Ho boy, where do we even begin with these things? How do I write this entry without going insane? No real clue. I have to say that I try my best to keep things fair for all the species I write about, regardless if I like them or not. No one is reading my work solely because they want to know what my top ten favorite animals are, they want information! So even if I despise a certain beast, it is my duty to share straight knowledge and facts without steeping it in bias and personal opinions. However, thinking about this species gives me a headache, and it only gets worse as I delve deeper into the details. So I ask for the dear reader to forgive me if I diverge a bit or get a little negative in some parts. I don't mean to do that, but I can't guarantee anything! Now on to the Boracund! The Boracund are a mammalian species, with their relations tied to pigs and boars. With a porcine frame, a signature snout and those nasty tusks, it is easy to see how the three are alike. How they are different should be pretty obvious too, unless all your ham wears armor. Covering the top of the body, tail and upper limbs of the Boracund is a hefty layer of boney scutes and keratin scales. This home-grown armor is surprisingly durable, as it can withstand blades and even deflect arrows! Obviously it is used for protection, though the Boracund tend to use this defense more for other Boracund! This is because of those giant tusks that the Boracund possess, which can easily slice through flesh and gore a hapless victim. Both male and female Boracund grow tusks, but it is the male's teeth that grow to such an impressive, and deadly, size. When your rivals carry around such weaponry, armor is pretty much a must! The habitats they should prefer are in temperate climates, and they tend to be found in forests and surrounding areas. They like forests that produce a lot of mast (which means the fruit of forest trees, for those who don't know), as it provides a steady food source and also lures in other tasty treats. Like many members of the pig family, the Boracund are omnivorous, eating pretty much anything they can get into their mouths. With powerful jaws, razor tusks and a big appetite, there isn't a whole lot these fellas won't eat. Fallen fruits and nuts are a common meal for them, as well as small reptiles, mammals, eggs, and even carrion. Their snouts and teeth can also aid in digging up roots and tubers, which they will also happily devour. They are also capable of downing prey with the help of numbers, as this species travels in sizeable sounders. They rarely go after creatures larger then them and tend to only take advantage of the sick or weak. It is said that predators who live in Boracund territory must be fast in dispatching prey, lest a sounder descend upon the injured target and devour it. With the ability to take advantage of many food sources, it is easy to see how this species is so freakishly adaptable. What an utterly wonderful trait.    
  During most parts of the year, Boracund travel in these sounders, with them usually divided into male and female groups. The females sounders will possess multiple mothers with various litters of piglets, who all live under the watch of a matriarch. The male groups, however, have little leadership to them, working more as a friendly crowd that enjoy the benefits that sheer numbers bring. Their time is either spent searching for food, resting in their home shelters or grooming. Their version of grooming and hygiene is taking mud baths, as it helps cool their bodies as well as remove parasites. Things change up for all these sounders when the breeding season kicks in. When it is time to mate, the males grow rather irritable and obsessed, their family groups dissolving as they search for viable sows. Driven by the season and hormones, they scour the land for females, barely eating or slowing during their pursuit. When they find a female sounder, they begin to mark their territory. The piglets and other young members of the group are attacked and driven off, though the ancient matriarch is quick to protect them if things get too violent. Crazed males that kill piglets can incite the wrath of the matriarch, whose age and experience often makes them powerful foes. As long as the male does not cross this line, then they may remain with this sounder and attempt to claim it. Since the first male that enters this sounder is rarely the last, they must turn to defend their claim from rivals. Other males will soon arrive and they will fight to be the top hog. These battles are brutal and bloody, with tusks and hoof leaving terrible injuries. Even decked out in armor, male Boracund get pretty mangled during these fights. When the breeding season comes to a close, all viable females will be carrying, eventually giving birth to four to eight piglets. With a litter that size, and with that many females per sounder, you can see that this species has quite the population boom each season! Why, their reproductive rate is so high, its almost like you could harvest entire sounders and the population would bounce right back without hardly a stumble. How delightful. An incredibly interesting thing to note about the Boracund is that their breeding season can undergo a bizarre change every so often. A decade could go by with things going as normal, males running after females and what not, but then suddenly the next year will become something quite strange. After years of study, the consensus is that this unique breeding season is triggered by a high population of Boracund. When their numbers within an area reaches a critical peak, something in their bodies will be set off when the breeding season kicks in. This powerful change seems to only affect the males, if the females are involved then it is very subtle. When this switch is flipped in the males, their bodies undergo a terrifying transformation. Their armor darkens until it is almost black and their fur takes on a reddish hue. From numerous bony protrusions and pedicles that run along their body, velvety growths will begin to form. Much like the antler of a deer, these structures are growing something flashy and pointy, but it is rarely classy. They will grow all across the head and body of the male Boracund during the build-up to the breeding season, and you can already notice that they are growing agitated. The male sounders will break apart long before the season gets into swing, as they are driven into an angered state from the growths. Just as the season is about to start, the velvet will fall away, or rather be torn off in bloody strips. The furious males will rip apart this fuzzy sheathe to reveal a horrible dagger made of bone. What emerges from this gory ceremony is a beast covered snout to hoof in twisted, gnarled spikes. Bony jagged "teeth" now run on the outside of their jaws, while skewering spines line their backs. Bony spurs jut from their legs, while ivory wings sprout from their shoulders. The whole beast is now loaded with pointy bits and terrible weapons, which fits quite well for what comes next. Not only do their bodies transform, but so do their minds. It isn't so much a "transformation" but more of a "degradation." These males go absolutely berserk. The hormones in their body drive them to an even crazier state, which is further fueled by their gnarled bodies. You see, these bony growths aren't usually shaped to fit their bodies. Their formation is quite erratic, often leading to bony blades that hurt the very beast that wears them. I have seen a male Boracund who was so overgrown with these nasty things that they couldn't even open their mouth, the teeth-like formations grew around the jaw and forced it shut. Even then, its head was covered in gashes and bloody tears, as its attempts to open its jaw just caused its weaponry it dig into its own hide. Absolutely horrible! This pain puts them in a constant rage, and all this is directed into this bizarre breeding season. Now decked out in weapons and on the warpath, the males turn into rabid beasts that rip apart the countryside. They plow through the landscape in search of sows, but they are so blinded by their terrible state that they will literally throw themselves at walls in order to get to a female. What was once a fight between males to claim a group of sows has now become a bloody frenzy, with males shredding each other in the madness. Their battles seem to have no end in this state, they just tear each other to pieces. They lose any concept of surrendering or accepting defeat, they just throw themselves at each other until only one remains standing. Even the females aren't spared! Younger ones who do not have the strength to withstand such punishment can be butchered in the melee, slaughtered by the bloodthirsty males who have lost themselves to this agonizing frenzy. Eventually, the carnage will end and the season will finish. What males remain will lose their extra growths and revert back to normal, while the surviving females raise the new batch of piglets. This horrific breeding season is referred to as "Devil's Rut," when this species goes into this self-destructive state. It is believed that this event occurs to help regulate the population, only activating when their numbers reach a critical state. Too many Boracund could lead to all food sources being wiped out, which would leave them to starve. Reducing their numbers through this season, as well as cutting out those too weak to handled it, helps the population remain stable and strong. Thank goodness it takes years for such a thing to occur, right? RIGHT?!       I have to imagine that some folk have read through this entry and come to a realization. "Hey, Chlora," you may wonder, "you said this species likes temperate climates and lives in the woods, right?" To that I would say, "yes, I did!" With that confirmation you may reply "but I don't live near such a habitat, and yet I see the Boracund everywhere! Why is that?" This would call for a congratulations on my part, as you have read my entry and taken its word to heart. Thank you for your attention and mindfulness! Indeed, you have seen Boracund in a habitat I haven't mentioned and that is because, dear reader, THEY AREN'T SUPPOSED TO BE THERE! Boracund love temperate climates, they love forests! You know what else they love? EVERYTHING! Marshes, deserts, fields, grasslands, mountains, you name it, they stole it! Their ability to eat practically anything combined with their adaptable lifestyle and hardy bodies means they can live wherever they blighting please! There are populations of them scattered all across the globe, and every living thing that has to put up with them feels that presence! They strip the land bare with their feeding! They steal resources from other creatures! They tear up vegetation and plants that should have been safe from herbivory! They even chase predators away from their kills! They are a disease, and we cannot seem to freaking stop them! You slaughter a whole sounder of them and they just all pop back after the next breeding season! They reproduce so quickly and they don't go down without a fight! This isn't like the pig farm, you can't just round them up and give them the axe! They are armored, they are vicious and they are cunning! Kill one and the rest scatter into the wilderness! Set one trap and they learn to avoid that area! It is maddening! And to make it all worse is the fact that they undergo that Devil's Rut. When that kicks in, they are a threat to everything. They become insanely aggressive and incredibly dangerous. Driven by smell and pain, they will go after anything they see as a threat or anything they think is a female. Pig farmers have talked about these wild Boracund attempting to break into their own pens to get at domesticated sows, as they mistake them for their own kind. The damages are insane, and that doesn't include the fact that they can maim and kill anyone who tries to stop them! Crops are ruined and trips into the wilderness become dangerous. If you live in an area that is undergoing Devil's Rut, do not let your children outside of the town! These things are dangerous and they will attack anything they come across. Keep your saplings inside and don't even venture out there yourself! Cities and towns lock up their gates during these ruts and many warriors have been hired to ward off these crazed beasts. Good thing this only occurs about once every ten years! Whoops, did I say "ten?" Because with their exploding numbers, it takes half the time to trigger a Devil's Rut in areas they have been introduced! HOW WONDERFUL! They are a plague wherever they have been introduced, as the ecosystem is not designed to handle them! "So if they are invasive," you may ask, "How did they get here?" SO GLAD YOU ASKED Due to their large size, signature armor and impressive weaponry, there are some folk out there that would see them as a beautiful hunting trophy. Look at those tusks! Look at that armor! Think of how much meat we could get off that beast! What a dream, they think, AND THAT IS ALL THEY THINK! They just want to be the cool guy who has a big devil pig stuffed in their study so they can show off to all their friends and be like "look how cool and tough I am!" And then all their stupid friends would think "gosh gee I need one of these crazy beasts in my domicile so that I may too show off how big and cool I am!" And when you get enough people thinking that, then you get the idiots who think "well, all these people want to hunt this big awesome pig monster, why don't I import some for easy cash!" And then they do, and they build a hunting ranch specifically for hunting Boracund so that they can fill their coffers with all the money these showoffs will throw at them and then use none of that gold to BUILD A DECENT FENCE! Nope, just some posts and some boards, that is enough to keep these monstrous creatures contained! Lo and behold, they break out and vanish into the wilderness, where they may breed like rabbits and infest countless habitats! NOW THEY ARE EVERYWHERE, ARE YOU HAPPY NOW!? Oh of course they are! They are thrilled! "I can just go into my backyard and kill one, all while wearing my bathrobe! What's that? Dozens of species are threatened and entire ecosystems are being ravaged by these things? Well, who cares? I get to bag me a pig!" Those gall-headed weeds don't give an ounce of care for the systems they rely upon for their wonderful hobby! What about all the crop damage?! What about all the people who are vulnerable to these beasts?! Not every town has the means to ward them off, and the damage and injury that occurs is horrible! Markets raided, people attacked! It is insanity! It has gotten so bad in some regions that people have called them "Pig Dragons!" OF COURSE THEY DID! NOT ONLY DO THEY DESTROY THINGS, NOW THEY HAVE TO BEAR THAT CURSED NAME! You want a dragon?! I will show you a dragon! You all laugh at me when I talk about the "Dragon's Pig Program," but if I can get that going then there is hope! What better beast to help harvest these monsters than actual dragons?! These animals are a hefty source of meat and hunting them is crucial! If I can convince enough dragons to turn their attention towards this species for a potential food source, then their populations could be easily reduced! I think it is a genius idea, but oh no all the fancy aristocrats are like "Dragons? Near my land? Unacceptable! Those ugly beasts will cause so much damage!" UNLIKE THE HOG MONSTERS YOU PEOPLE BROUGHT OVER! You cause this huge problem and then stick up your nose at every solution! Just because it doesn't affect you! Well you listen hear you overgrown, blight-filled piece of rot! If I ever get my hands on you I am going to take that fancy hunting spear of yours and*   *No further text is provided, save for mention by the editor that several pages have been removed. Chlora Myron Dryad Natural Historian --------------------------------------------------- Behold! The long awaited Pig "Dragon!"  And by long awaited, I mean that I once offhandedly mentioned something about a Pig Dragon in a description I wrote years ago. I am sure no one remembers me naming such a thing, but my memory exists solely to torment me and couldn't let it go.
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officialgritty · 4 years
How I Would Humble NHL Players
An essay written by bigboigritty. 
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I would humble hockey players the only way I know how to, by sending them to Australia. Let’s suppose that they have decided to hold the All Star game over here (forget about it’s usual date) (forget that some players I have listed below might not be invited) (and while you're at it, please forget that Australia’s rinks are Not Good).
I think that they would suffer but in an entertaining way so it’s fine. 
First of all, their biggest concern is getting sunburnt. It would effect all of their dumb asses but I’m particularly worried about Pierre-Luc Dubois and Mitch Marner. Boys are practically translucent. Vince Dunn would be fine, he’d probably wear a shirt most of the time which is a very smart decision. 
You may wonder why I didn’t mention Nolan Patrick because I am a certified slut for him, well I don't think he would have a problem. He would spend most of the time inside and when he joins the others, I think his Virgo ass would reapply sunscreen. Maybe he would burn slightly but I don't think it'd be enough to make him uncomfortable. 
Another thing that I think they will gain from this experience is a higher pain tolerance. Now you’re probably thinking, “Zoe they are NHL players so they can handle pain.” Wrong.
Real pain is running barefoot on cement at theme parks while you race to get to the next ride. Also getting into the car and having to avoid touching every piece of metal to not get branded like a cow. Or better yet, when the heat gets so bad that there’s a black out because everyone has their air conditioning turned on.
Don’t get me wrong, I know that other countries have scary animals but I would pay to see them panic over ours. Crocodiles here can grow up to 5.2 metres / 17 feet. We have a box jellyfish season where it’s advised to avoid swimming or wear wetsuits for coverage. Funnel web spiders can survive underwater for hours by trapping air bubbles around their skin. We have several of the worlds deadliest snakes present across the country. 
Listen, I don't want anyone to get injured but the constant fear that they would have when doing anything would be enough to make me happy.
My biggest question is who would survive in the shady areas, who would survive the eshays?
Under no circumstances can you look them in the eyes or cross their path. They are not to be feared individually but in groups caution is advised. I think the players would attempt to assert dominance and that is simply not an option. You are better off to ignore the eshay.
Nolan would have no issues here if im being honest. He is big and I don't think they’d find it worth it to fuck with him. But you know who they would target? Matthew Tkachuk. “Where are you going pretty boy?” “Oi braa did we hurt your feelings ya pussy cunt?” They would make fun of his hair in particular. 
Travis Konecny would be an eshay. I don't think I need to make further comment. (So would Louis Tomlinson but I am not a 1D account and I will continue to repeat that until it’s true.)
I would also give them a few iconic tasks to get the true Australian experience. Activities for the ‘vacation’ include triathlon events, beach flags, bush walking and climbing the harbour bridge. They could attend a cricket match but they tend to like golf so unfortunately they would probably enjoy this :(
AFL is an extremely popular sport here and I think they would loose their shit when they learn the rules of this game. No protective equipment is used other than mouthguards, that's it. That’s all you get. And jumping onto other players for leverage is encouraged. I would thoroughly enjoy the fights that would break out because of this.
Another task would be to use a map to make their way to a servo for a slurpee. The catch is that they will be required to pass through multiple alleyways. Also, the season is Spring, it’s swooping season mother fuckers. Let’s see how brave you are when birds chase you down the block. Personally I don’t think any of them would pass this test, maybe McDavid because the birds may not be able to detect a heartbeat.
Australian food would disgust them, I just know it. Things that they would need to try are a Bunnings sausage sanga, fairy bread, lamingtons, baked beans on toast, Milo and Vegemite. Because I’m me I would give them no butter with their Vegemite. 
An after thought I had was money so I’m editing this to include it. Everything here is EXPENSIVE so they would need to learn how to budget. Upon doing research, Canadians would be fine but the Americans will be mad.
1000 CAD = 1019 AUD
1000 USD = 1297 AUD
Another after thought was the fact that they won’t be able to drive (or at least drive well) here. We drive on the left and not the right, same goes for walking paths too. I can sense a lot of them bumping into people.
Where I think players would live based on vibes alone:
Carter Hart and Vince Dunn: North Shore Beaches, NSW. Daddy’s money. Carter probably did Nippers whereas Vince was a skater boy. 
Travis Konecny: Darwin, NT. Would 100% live there and enjoy it. He would try to conduct crocodile tours but gets assigned to feeding the baby crocs and doing shows for little kids. 
Tyson Barrie: Perisher, NSW. One of the only ski resorts we have to offer, major friendly mountain man energy.
Nolan Patrick: Byron Bay, NSW. @antoineroussel enlightened me, steering away from my original thought of Katoomba, NSW. Byron Bay is a magnet for hippies and links rainforest to the ocean. Chris Hemsworth and his family also live there.
William Nylander: Perth, WA. I don’t know much about Perth other than they wouldn’t shut up about partying while the other states had to quarantine. For some reason, I also associate Perth with Tik Tok. 
Sidney Crosby and Connor McDavid: Melbourne CBD, VIC. These two would live in the same apartment building in the city, Connor one level above Sidney. It’s the most boring looking block of them all and Crosby would send in complaints to the landlord about McDavid pacing during the night.
Tyler Seguin: Surfers Paradise, QLD. Party central, not many people are actually from this area and he would be sure to tell absolutely everyone that he was. I also think he would get a Meter Maid tattoo, specifically on his leg. Has definitely slept on the beach before because he couldn’t find his way home.
Jamie Benn: Hobart, TAS. Tasmania is usually forgotten about. Another one with mountain man energy except he is more creepy than friendly.
Mitch Marner: Fitzroy, VIC. @antoineroussel is responsible for this one too. Hipster central, makes you question how the hell someone so young can have so much money. Would chug $45 wine and not blink an eye.
(honourable mentions include = Sammy Blais: Hobart, Tas. Once again no comment on Tasmania. TJ Oshie: Cairns, QLD. Would do reef tours. Haydn Fleury: Western Sydney, NSW. Haydn would 100% own a ute or a white holden commodore and you can’t tell me otherwise. Roman Josi: Adelaide, SA. Small town history teacher vibes.)
I have attached a handy map for those who may need it.
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In conclusion, the NHL should send their players over here to teach them some manners and while they’re at it, management should bring themselves too. Nolan Patrick could pass as an Australian if he built up a tan. (So does Nylander in this picture but we won’t talk about that.) Come over anytime baby, I’m free. 
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Servo - A service station, also known as a petrol or gas station. Example: 7/11
Theme park - An amusement park. Can be said in reference to both normal parks and water parks and usually means those in QLD. Example: Six Flags
Swooping season - August to October in Australia. When birds attack and chase humans and / or pets for getting close to their babies. Magpies are notoriously bad for this. 
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Bunnings sausage sanga - A cheap feed / meal found at the front of a hardware and gardening store called Bunnings. Made up of white bread, sausage, onion and your choice of sauce.
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Fairy bread - White bread with margarine and topped with 100s and 1000s / sprinkles. 
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Meter Maids - Women who work along the beach dressed in gold bikinis. They top up parking meters to save tourists from getting fined and will often stop for photos. 
Nippers - Surf lifesaving programs carried out for children between 5 and 14. 
Ute - A pick up truck.
Eshay - A person who partakes in drug use, graffiti, listens to EDM and targets victims in groups. Below is the typical style of an eshay. 
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Tagging a few friends so this doesn’t completely flop but feel free to ignore if it isn't your thing. I won’t be offended lmao
@scheifefe @ifiwasshawnmendesidslapmyself @d00dlebob @bowenbyram @kempe @prettyboyroope @quintonsbyfield @travisgermy @pitoftrash @kspitehockey @ballsakic @canadianheaters @bricksatlandyswindow @powerblais @brokeninsidebutnobodyknows @jamiedrysdales
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rwbybutincorrect · 3 years
I have some suggestions for your RWBY pokemon AU
I think Absol makes more sense as a pokemon either for Ruby, or, what I think is more fitting, for Qrow. Absol in the pokemon world is considered a harbinger of disaster because of its ability to sense oncoming calamities, and Qrow considers himself a bad luck charm and his weapon is called Harbinger, so I can imagine it being like, his signature pokemon, and maybe Ruby, wanting to emulate her Uncle, catches one for herself.
I also think Ruby and Yang's starters make more sense swapped around, Blaziken fits more with Yang (a hot headed fighting type) rather than Incineroar (a Dark type meant to emulate Heels in wrestling I.e the bad guys). Incineroar also fits better with Ruby's v1-v3 colours, though I also don't think a fire starter would fit Ruby, I think Sceptile fits more, as it's a fast pokemon that uses its leaves on its arms as blades, which I think fits Ruby better.
I'd also pick Rosarade over Florges but that's just my purrsonal preference.
Now for Weiss, my only suggestion  would be changing Corvinkight with something else, and I'm thinking Glaceon. I love the idea that Weiss as a child finds an injured Eevee in the large family garden and secretly takes care of it, but her father finds out and forces her to take it back to the wilds, but while out there it saves Weiss from several Beowolves and in the artic climate evolves into a Glaceon which Weiss then adopts.
Blake, id replace Absol with Greninja for aesthetic, but otherwise I would change Gallade's past, Ralts' only show themselves to trainers with strong positive emotions, so I can't see Adam ever having one, but I like the idea of maybe Blake and Yang being helped during the forest exam at Beacon by two Ralts/Kirlia's who they then take (Yang saying its the sign of their new partnership), and otherwise I would change Gallade for Gardevoir for Blake and have Gallade be Yang's pokemon, since it's a pokemon with strong morals and I feel fit Yang better.
Now for Yang, and other than the previous suggestions of Blaziken and Gallade as hers, I would replace Tyrantrum with Hitmontop, storywise I'd say that, when she's recovering post Beacon and on her way back from visiting Summer's grave, she encounters a Tyrouge rushing headfirst into fighting a stronger pokemon and getting seriously hurt, so Yang saves it and takes it home to recover. Despite all its injuries it still insists on training, Tai seeing this starts encouraging Yang to train with it, hoping it'll help her out. As both Yang and the Tyrouge bond and train, learning not to rush headfirst into battles and to adopt a more balanced fighting style, it evolves into Hitmontop to symbolise Yang's recovering and training.
And thats just RWBY, I have plenty of suggestions for JNPR, Sun, Ilia, Adam, Salem's forces, STQR, the Ace-Ops, Happy Huntresses and Neo~
submitted by @ladydevoir thank you :EYES:
[for reference, this is about this post]
treating this like an ask because i assume that's why you submitted it, because of the text limit but :EYESY:EYES:EYES
my choice of absol for blake is because i knew about the lore implications of absol and thought it would be a tragic detail if an absol appeared before her trying to protect her from the travesties she's repetitively had to face. i might give one to qrow anyway because I'm not afraid of duplicates!!! i didn't think about any supporting adult pokemon teams quite yet!
i will be honest, the blaziken choice for ruby was mostly self indulgent :3 i love chickens and blaziken's aesthetic. notable moments in the anime stuck with me, like during xy's series when there was a vigilante "blaziken man" protecting luminous city - that's a big reason why i chose it for her, that kind of over the top kind of heroism i thought worked. as opposed to incenroar who fights dirty. early in rwby, yang is a very backhanded and not exactly noble kind of hero. just look at the "yellow" trailer, fucking shit up for self motivated reasons (good for her.) i thought it fit her! --- but i can absolutely see what you're saying with sceptile, that is another favorite of mine and i'd love to see her with a sceptile that could mega evolve!
roserade, yeah i can see that fitting too! i forget it exists sometimes- my bad - and i like the grass type a little bit more to some extent than the fairy type because ruby has less of an association to the balance of nature~ that fairies do
i like the glaceon idea a lot too!!! the concepts of potential and direct reflection of her cold home - not to mention it's my second favorite eeveelution :D corviknight, yeah, it's my weakest link and i wanted to add it purely on the basis i'd like the snow queen to have her knight - but i think a glaceon would be much cuter, considering she already has plenty of stand ins for her glyphs!
I'm also interested about the greninja for the aesthetic! I'm not all that attached to the kalos starters so i tend to forget about them a lot more, i leaned on the "dark" type for blake but definitely didn't consider the. actual ninja pokemon. but i also tried to hold off on giving her a proper starter because in this little hc concept of mine, starters come specifically from pre-huntsmen schools (like signal in yang and ruby's case). i liked having the narrative of some students being "othered" by lacking starters - a visual tool when displaying their teams that they didn't have the opportunity to start where others did. not to say greninja couldn't have been a wild encounter or something else - fun to think about and really fits!
i DID not know about the kirlia lore though, i thought it was pretty weak when i was coming up with it and that is so interesting to know. i enjoy the idea of a pokemon switching allegiances from adam to protect blake but with this new information, I'll probably rewrite it in a way where the bee duo's ralts evos are more exclusive to them :3 i do like your idea of switching them, though, i tried to switch them to divert expectations, right (yang being a bit more masc than yang yet having a gardevoir, blake having the more showmanshy evo) but i might switch them. or i can just say the pokemon are practically shared and will switch up who they're paired with by their own choice. gf things <333
the hitmontop concept is really interesting for yang! it really does fit her - and i never paid attention to the line because, i will be honest, it never aesthetically pleased me, but narratively it works super well. i liked tyrantrum because i loved giving yang dragons and i also thought if she restored a tyrunt herself, it would be a nice indication of yang's genuine intelligence and wisdom. i don't like people boiling her down to a bimbo, haha funny stupid lesbian, but i feel like people also fail to recognize her genuine technical and social intelligence that she's portrayed throughout the series. then again, a hitmontop could show that emotional and protective instinct and intelligence she carries. it's sweet!! I'm torn!!!
AAAAANYWAY LONG STORY SHORT thank you so much for your opinions!!! i love the feedback and second opinion. i did a little bit of brainstorming with few friends in our discord server and its nice to hear an unrelated voice's takes!
feel free to send us more ideas if you'd like!!! :D as of right now I'm working on (the original) jnrp's post, and have penny, oscar, roman, neo, emerald, mercury, and cinder's teams planned! (I'm not sure how to section them off atm so their posts are coming later!) I'm curious to hear your ideas for when i get around to these other characters
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tg-headcanons · 3 years
Do ghouls experience depression or any mental illnesses?
I don’t think there’s a single ghoul that ISNT mentally ill
Their brains are not that different from the average human. ADHD like neurochemistry by default, a better memory for smells, and certain instinctive drives that make them seek physical contact and pay attention to motion are the biggest differences. Aside from that, the brain of a human and a ghoul is almost identical, so they are just as susceptible to having things go wrong
The way ghouls live, are treated in society, and the way their brains are constructed come together to form a stew of trauma. They grow up with bodies that don’t function they way society demands they do, peers who only mention ghouls as monsters, and a government that hunts them. It doesn’t matter who they are or what they do, they have a death sentence and from a young age they know that one day they and their whole family will be murdered. That’s a hell of a lot to deal with. Naturally, depression, ptsd, and other disorders are the default.
They have symptoms that are not found in humans. Forcing themselves to eat human food, avoiding light, biting at themselves and picking at their kagune are all signs that things are getting bad
They’ve evolved a stronger fight or flight response. Whoever reacts to danger the fastest and most intensely is most likely to survive, and those traits get passed down. It’s not uncommon for ghouls having an anxiety attack to react as strongly to the panic as if they were backed into a corner by investigators. Fleeing the situation is more likely when they’re around humans, but breaking out their kagune and threatening and defensive posturing is an instinct that some find hard to suppress.
They can’t get therapy without exposing themselves, they can’t go to doctors without exposing themselves, there really isn’t much they can do. Only the wealthy and fortunate ones can pay off doctors to get them extremely specific brands of medication
With how horrific their situation is and how rampant mental illness is, they tend to be much more understanding. If someone at anteiku can’t bring themselves to work some days, their coworkers don’t hesitate to count it as a sick day. If someone in Aogiri is growling and kagune posturing from an attack, the others know to not confront them because they aren’t really trying to start a fight, just terrified
Thankfully, they’re very good at sensing panic attacks. Whether it’s themselves or a friend who realizes that it’s happening to them, they have a short amount of time to get themselves somewhere away from people before it starts
Ghouls need physical contact, those kagune cuddles keep them from entering their My Pack Is Dead And I’m Alone survival mode. Without them their anxiety gets worse, they become more irritable, get bad insomnia, and can make them on edge to the point where they can’t communicate or interact with people without being very clearly defensive. Touch starvation is dangerous, and can severely exacerbate preexisting mental illnesses.
Heavy touch is one of the few things they can actually do to take care of themselves. Basic needs cant always be met, but the least they can do consistently is have someone to crush their souls back into their bodies. Families, friends, or even work acquaintances will do it since it’s an essential, even Aogiri ghouls who hate everyone and everything will cuddle up and never talk about it. For most it’s the one time they aren’t anxious
Another thing that they do to calm themselves is finding a Safe Dark Place. Feeling like they’re sheltered can steady them when panicking or in a depressive episode. Going in a closet, under a cardboard box, or under the bed is normal for them and something they seek when having an attack, intense depressive episode, or if they’re physically ill or injured since being exposed during that is unbearable
They’re an entire species of heavily traumatized people, and as a result they seem more dangerous to humans than they actually are. Panicked ghouls who growl and release their kagune are held up as examples of them being animals, and since the CCG controls all the studies on ghouls they suppress any information suggesting that it isn’t a real threat.
They try their best to support one another with basic needs, friendships, and physical touch. In a society where no one but themselves and close friends can be trusted, the groups they form are a strong support system. A depressed human with a ghoul friend will be met with much more understanding than the average human.
Ghouls who survive into adulthood are either very aggressive and have survived by outmatching everyone around them, or they are very kind and have survived by being such essential support for others. The therapist friend is a powerful role among ghouls
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