wonderherc · 3 months
who: hercules & @peloponnesianminute where: the snuggly duckling
He'd come as soon as he'd gotten from one of the other Duckling bartenders that something had happened to Meg. Hercules had practically driven like a madman, at the kind of speed with which he would've been pulled over had anyone cared what was going on on the roads tonight. He refused to lose her like this--without her knowing just how much he'd grown to love her. They'd left things on the kind of note that would make a person forever regret not getting to take it all back, to tell her that he should've listened to her all along, and that nothing was more important than simply having her in his life.
It might've been some cruel prank, or maybe just a simple mistake, but the moment he burst into the Duckling, practically taking the door off its hinges, there she was: Meg, standing where he could usually find her, behind the bar. Her shirt was bloodied, but she was standing just fine, as though nothing had happened to her, after all. "Meg?" he called out, praying the vision of her looking unscathed wasn't just a dream. Herc approached the bar slowly, moving through the thick crowd. "What happened? Someone told me ... were you hurt? Are you hurt?"
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attaant · 2 years
who: atta & @peloponnesianminute
where: les deux comperes (idk if i spelled that right)
Ever since Hopper had taken an interest in this French restaurant, Atta had been a frequent customer. She wanted to get to know every inch of this place, as she couldn't enter the one room where her boss conducted his business. Instead, she brought the only female coworker she had along, hoping that it was enough to feel involved in her business Why Hopper had placed Atta with Meg, she didn't know, but he had seemed to underestimate their joint power, with the brunette already knowing the head chef at the restaurant. "Are we supposed to sit out here until they come out?" she asked, turning her back to where the men were in their private room. "I'm so over the idea of being sat out here. I can sit in there and be perfectly quiet! I don't know why it's so important to them that I'm not involved, but ... I don't really have a say," she said with a sigh, already tipsy with the wine she sipped from. "You don't have to stay with me, by the way. I feel terrible that he made you sit with me."
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specterpaige · 3 years
@rottingjudgement​: (from here)
Meg snorted, trying to figure out if that was a compliment or not. She is sure to Paige it is somewhat so she will take it as a temporary middle ground. “That’s….fair. I say I hate everyone with a stone-cold look on mine personally.” She smirked at the Specter, trying to figure out what she was angling for. “Is this….are we friends? Is that what is going on?” She was the last to know if anyone liked her so in Meg’s defense it was a genuine question. 
Paige nodded her head along to what Meg said, eyes turning down towards the ground, “you know.. you’re pretty badass for doing that.” She looked back up at Meg when she heard her question and Paige bit the inside of her cheek, “I don’t think we’re not friends, if that’s anything.” She bounced her foot a bit, “I know Parker and I can be a bit mischievous sometimes, but it’s like a fun way of letting someone know they’re alright, you know?” She smiled, “besides, anyone who doesn’t like Hades is good in my book.”
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angeliquemathieu · 3 years
closed starter for @rottingjudgement​
As life would have it, it seemed that people from Angelique’s past were popping up here and there nowadays, as though the universe was trying to tell her something. Maybe she’d willed it into existence by telling Elsa about her parents, but she wasn’t so sure. Either way, the sight of people who she’d distinctly remembered seeing with her parents in the backyard from her window, or ones that would mysteriously drop things on their table while they were out to lunch were now back into view. She knew she’d seen the woman before when she pulled up next to her at the Snuggly Duckling, though Angelique couldn’t quite pinpoint from where. Something about her just seemed...familiar, even if she couldn’t match a moment to her face, or a voicemail she’d snooped through to her voice as she ordered. “Whatever she’s having,” Angelique told the bartender, flashing the woman a grin. “I don’t even know what you ordered, but it sounded delicious, and you seem like you know what you’re doing.”
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xx-felicity-blog · 8 years
Off the Vine || Meg&Fel
Felicity looking around the kitchen. Her stomach rumbled and her mind craved a good conversation. What better way to kill two birds with one stone than finding someone who could accompany her with a picnic. "I don't even know what people like..." She spoke to herself as she made a few sandwiches , a typical classic to must picnics, some grapes, a couple water bottles, a think of apple juice incase her lucky winner wanted juice. "What else..." Felicity settled with some cheese and crackers and thought it was simple enough for a light meal and light conversations. Tucking everything away she did a small charm to safely and neatly tuck it away in her small backpack. The streets were still so packed she assumed finding someone wouldn't be too hard. Though it would be a bit odd to just ask someone to come have lunch with her. All along the way she had fingers crossed her eyes could settle on someone she knew, someone she thought would be kind enough to understand this was just typical Felicity behavior. Than she saw her, Meg. A grew came across her face. Now that Fel knew JJ's tie with her Fel wanted nothing more than to build a decent friendship with the girl . From what she knew Meg wasn't bad at all, though she'd need more time to truly settle with that feeling. Approaching her she smiled and lightly tapped her shoulder. "Meg? Hi!"
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Wait on me || Kenai & Meg
The night was much slower than normal. Which typically put Kenai in a grumpy mood. Busy nights not only made the shift go by faster, but the tips were nice when there was enough people around. Ruffling his hair he leaned up against one of the walls in the kitchen trying to keep himself busy. “Kenai! Table 4, now!” Jumping up a bit he nodded trying to smooth out his tie and look presentable, or at least like someone you’d want to tip. 
Walking towards the table he didn’t really pay attention to who was sitting there, the fight to get his pen free of his shirt pocket was taking all his time. Finally he reached into his back pocket to get his writing pad out. “Hi, I’m Kenai, I’ll be your server tonight, what can we get started for you?” he grumbled a bit focusing on trying to get his pen to write. 
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lucifermalak · 11 years
Suprise meeting you here
Hello, Meg.
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I suppose you're doing well. Taken over an small countries today?
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wonderherc · 1 year
who: hercules & @peloponnesianminute where: on the way to les trois comperes
Hercules had, actually, been a whole ten minutes early to pick up Meg for their first date. The same one that she had technically asked him on after he hadn't beaten her to the punch, but he would be trying to make up for that the entire night. It was exactly why he'd taken up his soccer buddy's offer of coming by his fancy, schmoozy French restaurant to try and impress her. He had hoped that he wouldn't be causing some stir by taking her there, knowing that the two were friends, and accidentally leaking her personal life to someone who she might want to keep it from. But, Herc was more excited to take her there than worried that he might be setting his date up for failure.
"So, besides my famous smoothies, do you like French? 'Cause I was thinking, I've never tried the place Blaise is the chef at, and I know it's super fancy," he offered after picking her up. Herc mentally crossed every single one of his fingers that gripped the steering wheel that she would take his offer and let him take her to the best restaurant in town. "If you don't, that's totally cool, I know French food is not for everyone. I've never even tried it myself, actually, but ... I don't know, you make me feel a little adventurous," Hercules admitted, looking over at her as they hit a red light.
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