#snuggles wit bae
jazzthesimmer48 · 1 year
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cold day in windenburg need someone to keep warm wit
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The Bae’st of All
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
Character: Kyubae the bae’st bae of all aka Kyubei
The key of chapter 11.1 was (Romantic/Dramatic):
Recap: Kyubei and I escaped Kichou and Motonari but we aren’t safe yet. Though our feelings are out in the open Kyubei still needs to hide as the forces are after him.
11.1 | 11.2
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The cheers of the visiting villagers are a constant stream as one by one they hop by with presents.
(Little Weaver wasn't joking when she said she would make the whole village hear.)
"The first for heaven and earth!"
Her voice rings clearly as she announces the start of the ceremony.
("It is a tradition I took with me from my birthplace." Grandmother had explained to us when she told us about the ceremony.)
(Something to declare the sacred bound to the past and the future. How fitting.)
Kyubei is right next to me as he takes my hand, helping me in the heavy robes as we make our bows, with Weaver calling out each one.
Neither Kyubei nor I have a living family member around. It is Weaver's grandmother that stands as our witness, encouraging us in her soft manner as Weaver calls for the last vow.
"The newly weds bow to each other!"
The words ring in my ears for a long while as we finally close our door after a full day of blessings.
"It seems that our lie isn't so much of a lie anymore."
Kyubei expresses what I have been wondering as I face him.
(He looks so calm. So sure.)
As if reading my thoughts Kyubei reaches out for me, slowly sitting me down on the bed as his fingers trace over the decorations in my hair.
"I don't mind making this our reality. I just wish I could give you something more proper."
Though he looks calm there is uncertainty in his eyes. Anxious to know what my feelings are. Insecure in my satisfaction and his own lackings.
(Our reality is what we decide ourselves.)
(But I don't see any lacking. Not in Kyubei.)
Tugging him down at the sleeve I coax him to sit with me, cheek snuggling into his hand as I quietly convey my happiness to him.
The domestic days of bliss we shared were soon to be over, however. While I prepared breakfast the sound of wings could be heard as a crow landed in the windowsill across.
Black wings and dark eyes. At its little feet I can see a note tied as I reach out for it, carefully unrolling it as I struggle to decipher the code vassal and lord share.
“Back to work it seems.”
Kyubei speaks those ominous words over my shoulder as he eyes the note. Noticing my hesitance Kyubei leans over as he presses his lips against my temple, a reassuring smile adorning his lips.
“Let's go home.”
The implications of the promise  within his words calms me down as I steel my resolve to face this together with the one I love.
(But first Honno-ji, where it all began and hopefully shall end.)
“I don’t think I will have another couple as handsome as you two move in soon.”
We are quick to pack as we return the robes to grandmother and Weaver.
"It is a shame to see you two leave so soon, but you can't keep the young."
Grandmother's words hide a blessing that we can only solemnly accept, hoping that one day we may be able to return to repay this place for all they did.
“Take care, you two and don’t forget this old place!"
The villagers  smile at us before we finally exchange our last greetings and go on our way to the capital, my heart thrumming within my chest as I think of everything that is about to take place.
“It will be alright. You have me.”
Kyubei encourages me, sensing my anxiety as he reaches out for my hand, a reassuring squeeze returning some of my confidence as we trot down the road.
Night is already falling when we arrive in Kyoto, the journey leaving me sore on the horse as we quickly head into an inn before anyone can see us.
“You should rest, my dearest.”
His hushed words sound inviting, tempting me to take him up on the offer, but the knowledge of the dangers ahead and my own promise towards Kyubei prevents me from doing so.
(You don’t have to live in the shadows alone anymore. I will be there with you.)
“The thought of exposing you to all this danger makes me sick to the stomach.”
As if sensing my own fatigue Kyubei expresses his own worries clearly as he places a hand against my cheek. Instinctively I lean into his warmth as my hand reaches for his remaining one, holding it tightly as I shake my head.
Pressing my lips into the palm of his hand Kyubei’s hold stiffens before he releases the breath he was holding, a smile forming around his lips as he eyes me helplessly.
“I trust you, will you trust me?”
"I was taught by the best."
"You have me."
“You are amazing."
The words come out breathy, but there is no regret in them as we exchange a look, his dark blue eyes shimmering in confidence now as he is reminded of my growth.
But there is a plan to be executed and no time to rest. With one last glance Kyubei departs into the night to set up the first stage.
(In the meanwhile I will have to brace myself.)
"Well, well, who have I found here?"
A slippery snakey voice comes up behind me, sending the shivers down my back when I turn to meet the man that Kyubei was supposed to meet.
The rising confusion within me clamours my heart as I wonder what is going on.
"Indeed, that's what they call me. Now, come along quickly."
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bigfan-fanfic · 4 years
Bf is at home, jerking off alone in their bed, since their bae is out on a mission and he doesn't knows when they are gonna come back home. He's horny out of his mind, so don't blame him
He's getting close, but then BAM they open the door. And there is no hiding it. He's still hard, chest heafing, red all over, sweaty and his cock is still in his hand. What do they do with him? (individually)
Wit Arthur, Bruce and Slade
And maybe Oliver if it fits?
Arthur: "Don't mind me. Carry on." He says, starting to strip for you, giving a show.
Bruce: pushes your hands away to finish the job with his mouth, your hands in his hair.
Slade: "Tsk tsk tsk. Without permission? Naughty..." He ties you up and edges you as punishment until finally letting you blow. Snuggles with you all next day as reward
Oliver: Grins and strips before replacing your hands with his while kissing your neck.
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gonemechaniic · 3 years
gently sets url in here. 🥺
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𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐦𝐞 𝐲𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐔𝐑𝐋 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐈'𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐲𝐨𝐮...
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My Opinion on;
Character in general: EVA!! This literal shining star. She is as powerful as she is sweet and caring. Just a GODDESS OK!! How they play them: I'm always interested in how people grasp onto a playable character and are able to create an entire world around them that surpasses the original verse. And there is just SO MUCH LORE!!! I mean have you witnessed the amazingness that span's Eva's background? I wanna roll around in all that development... snuggle up in a lore blanket, or smth XD And Eva and Cindy's friendship is so very precious to me, I wouldn't trade it for anything! The Mun: We've spoken a little in IMs but I neeeeed to roll up in disco more cause Valkyrie is such a precious bun and I love all the moments we randomly gush over our sun baes being frands and hanging out ^u^
Do I:
RP with them: Yes!! Want to RP with them: ALWAYS!!
What is my;
Overall Opinion: Everyone should check out Cindy's badass best friend and give Valkyrie some love cause they're awesome and I luv them!
**Note: Mun’s answer are all to be completely honest. Don’t send url if you don’t want brutal honesty,
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sofijaeger · 3 years
I am stunned that you had a dream about Eren and I can tell it was the best dream ever. I had dreams about Eren occasionally and I remember having one where I was snuggled up to him (he didn’t have any clothes on in the dream) and watching the moon and stars with him through the window while holding hands. It was by far the sweetest dreams I ever had and he had the same affection he had in the Sunflower fics. Anyways have fun writing the fic based off your dream 😊 -🌻
i am very stunned as well lol. i haven’t had a dream about him since the beg/mid of this year, it might’ve been around his birthday? so i was ecstatic in this dream until i woke up as he was KISSING ME hrumph hrumph😡 it was so cool he was like my protector and gahhh i just remember this certain angle of him where he turned around in a lil grungy beige aesthetic, shoulder dropped like a freaking model and he just reassured me i’ll be safe with him PLS HE WAS SO CUTE.
like yea bae i know i will be wit u😘
ohhh you had a dream too? that’s awesome lovey! yk i really find how you think of him so so pretty, hope that makes sense haha. he might be bare but it kind of gives me this raw and genuine feeling ya know? like he’s there for you in whole and it just warms my heart. sometimes i don’t even wanna wake up because i’m enjoying my fantasies too much LMAO. but really that sounds so sweet and i’m so happy for you baby<3
i’m gonna start with some reference drawings of me and maybe the others that were in my dream, see if i can try to remember and match the vibe it was based around. it was a little like star wars like so maybe similar to an aztec/greek aesthetic? yo fighting crime with the boys in that time sounds awesome ACK😍
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29. Part 4
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My smile grew just seeing my daughter propped up, Robyn is currently burping her. Her little face is like leave me the hell alone I just want to sleep “it’s ok if the baby brings nothing up, it can happen. Just you need to do that. Imagine your next baby, you could be aiming full term and nine pounds” Gaby said, Robyn gasped “oh no, oh my god. Please let’s not think that far ahead but if she was full term I think she would be a fat baby” I am so in love with my daughter, she looks like a real life angel “she got a little blonde in her hair” I said, Robyn looked at me and then looked at Fenty’ head “you’re right you know, my hair as a child had blondes in it and I’m sure you did too, even now” nodding my head “I do have some, she got that light skinned hair” pushing my hair down laughing “so I am always a phone call away, you can call me at any time. Doctor Wen will see you in five days’ time, if you have any worries then please call and I can help you over the phone or I will come to you. Every three to two hours, breast feed. So try and wake up, get into that motion of doing it” Gaby breathed out smiling “I shall go and have some rest, I want you both to get the same. She will be sleeping lots now, but she seems to be ever so alert. And I can’t wait for the documentary to come out, then all my friends will have questions, I just delivered Rihanna and Chris Brown baby” Gaby got up from the couch “it’s been a pleasure, you have both done so great. And Chris, believe in yourself, you can do it ok?” Getting up front he couch smiling “thanks, you have been great and yeah, once it comes out you can speak on it. If we have another, and I say if, you will be the first” Gaby cooed out “I will hopefully be here still but rest now, just like this little one” let me walk Gaby out, I think we are all pretty tired “are you going to sleep now?” Monica asked “yeah, I’m gonna help Robyn to go to sleep, well if she is ok anyways” Monica smiled a little as I walked off to see Gaby out, she has been a good help.
Walking back into the living room after helping Gaby out with her things, my eyes are actually burning but I lost sleep for all the right reasons, I witnessed my daughter being born “if you cry then I will cry mom” Robyn said, waking around the couch seeing Monica holding Fenty “she is my first grandchild, I can’t stop crying” Monica is really crying, she is in shock “I didn’t think I would be able to witness such love with my diaghter, to witness such happiness. Robyn she reminds me of you, you were born and you were just like this. You were a big baby too; your father was so happy. Perfection, he was more excited to see you. He said she is my special baby, he knew you was going to be greatness and holding Fenty, I can feel it. She’s going to be destined for greatness with much love and life lessons, she is so blessed to have you both as her parents. The love you both will show her and will make her feel, she’s lucky. I’m so emotional, and she is perfect in every way. Look at her hands, her perfect little nose, Robby had the same nose, your eye colour was a little dark before it came through but I am in love, so I love” I can tell with Monica, she is such a proud mother right now, she’s in awe with baby Fenty “you both need to sleep, take her upstairs. If she does play up, I will be here” looking at Robyn, she is still glowing. It’s like her body is getting back to normal “take her up for me Chris, please” my eyes widened “come on now, you can do it” I have to carry my newborn all by myself “but you need help upstairs?” I want to help Robyn “I will be fine, just leave me and my leaky boobs. We will be behind you both” taking in a deep breath.
I was ever so careful, each step I took, I just was slow with it. I made it up with Fenty not even moving a muscle, she was snug in my arms “took your time” Robyn took the elevator and I took the stairs, I refused to go in there because what if it broke and we were stuck there, I didn’t want my daughter’ first moment being that so I made the trek up the stairs “I know, I just wanted to be ever so careful, she is important to me, just like you are” reaching the top, Robyn smiled at me “this is weird, we have a baby now with us. I want you to sleep also, we need it. And you do need it too” nodding my head “I will, I am just so in love right now Robyn. Just look at her, she is just in peace in my arms. She knows me, you think she does?” her little balled up fist “I think she senses how annoying you are, does it scare you that my mom said she looks like me?” Robyn chuckled, but to be honest that is scary “I am scared but also happy, she is going to love it. She is going to be thinking thank god I look like my momma” Robyn opened the bedroom door for us “I am going to straight to sleep, I set my alarm to hopefully wake me. I just put it on vibrate because I don’t want to scare her, but I have so much to do. So many messages to get by and also announce it on my side” furrowing my eyebrows “Robyn, relax. Please. This doesn’t need to happen; you do not need to be worrying about that right now ok?” I want her to rest, she is here worrying about that “I am not worrying about what people think I just want to get the news out there, and then I can just be like whatever. Fenty is perfect, she is the perfect baby. I am so in love with her, more so the fact I am in love with seeing you with her, to see my daughter have a father like you Chris. She is blessed, I am blessed” Robyn is making me blush, that is too sweet “thank you” I mumbled.
I feel on high alert, my eyes shot open hearing a slight whine from Fenty, she sounds like a kitten, and she literally just started when I put her in the crib and then Robyn fell asleep, I jumped out of bed. This has to be the best gift to me, like I feel a whole new love towards someone. I mean Robyn is always number one, but she is my next, I hope she loves me just as much, but I think she does. Walking over to the crib, Fenty went a little silent, she probably knows but her little eyes are just there adjusting. Picking her out of the crib and bringing her close to my chest “you were all quiet in my arms wasn’t you, your momma doesn’t want me to be awake. I have to be asleep but now I am too excited, I just want to keep holding you, to keep loving you. I just love you bae, you my bae” Fenty smirked, she did smirk and I am not crazy at all but she closed her eyes again “you want to be close to me, I get it. Maybe I can have you in bed with me, we sleep together” climbing into the bed carefully, the more I hold her the more I am just finding it a breeze “Royalty is going to love you, she will think you’re a doll, she will spoil you so much with love” sitting back against the headboard “there you go” shuffling down a little as I placed Fenty against my chest, let her sleep there she is happy there. She has her happy place and that is here, just near my heart.
I remained awake with Fenty sleeping, I don’t mind. I will lose sleep for her “what” Robyn said groggily “huh” looking over at Robyn, moving my eyes away from the TV “you bought her to bed?” Robyn smiled “yeah, she did wake up and then I just did this and look at her. She is at peace, she wants to snuggle and I am it” Robyn snorted laughing “until she recognizes the ugly tattoos, she will not want that snuggle anymore” I gasped “wow, you’re clearly ok now ain’t you” Robyn hissed “just about but I need to feed her, I want to be on time and I want to be perfect for her. I don’t want her to be hungry now” nodding my head “she is literally such a sweet baby, look at how comfortable she is. Just at peace, I feel like she is going to be so relaxed about everything and that is thanks to us” Robyn smiled “you right, when I held her. I just felt whole, like everything I have done in life didn’t amount to this, this was the moment for me. This is what I wanted and craved, I love her and she is lucky to have us, the love we will give her she will drown in it” Robyn is right, we will show her too much loving, she will want us to let her breathe.
I am hype, not going to lie. I can’t sleep so I came downstairs and also I didn’t want to sleep because then tonight I won’t sleep for Christmas day with my ladies, I want us to be up but with Robyn she needs to rest it out, she needs that rest anyways “afternoon” Monica is cleaning “let me help you out with this” I said to her, she has done most of it “I wanted it to be clean before she came down, I did it all mostly” picking up the couch with her “you a strong woman, trying to pick this up” I laughed “I try Chris, I am just so happy. I have had so many calls. They want to see her, we thinking on doing a big video call to the family” nodding my head as I lifted the couch with Monica “why not, I think it’s something that needs to happen, the family want to see her. It is better then passing picture. I don’t know what Robyn wants to do in regards to showing her off so we need to wait it out” putting the couch down “I can’t believe how strong my daughter is, she is such a strong woman” nodding my head smiling, Monica is right because Robyn is and she did so well “Rorrey said he wants to apologise to you, and he said congratulations” nodding my head slowly “I ain’t got no issues, it’s always someone having a issue with me, I don’t be doing anything but if he wants too then that is ok. Robyn wants her family, they was just breaking it up, you know” rubbing the back of my neck “I understand” I am sure that will make Robyn happy but I will still watch him, I don’t trust his ass at all because he is a fuck nigga. My phone started ringing in my pocket, I have been generally ignoring my phone but I just put it on loud now, seeing the caller ID and it’s my sister, I mean I have been ignoring my mother’ calls “hey” answering the call “Happy Christmas to you too little brother and I guess congratulations are in order too” frowning a little “I guess?” I said, what she mean by that “you ran off to London and didn’t even think of letting me know or at least” I laughed “because you’re deluded like mom, she is the one just there putting shit in your mind” I know what my mom is like “I wouldn’t say that, she is just concerned. You get so deep into Robyn that things go messy with each other; look I am happy for you. You look so happy and in love in that picture” nodding my head “thanks anyways, I have to go now” disconnecting the call, I don’t need them.
Smiling at Robyn, she has come downstairs with Fenty, Robyn looks so well like she didn’t just give birth “I was going to come and check on you” I was eventually “were you really, I come down and see you all. I couldn’t sleep any longer” Robyn leaned down to me, pressing a kiss to my lips “you look different now, don’t you think Dennis? I am not crazy am I?” Robyn chuckled as she moved back and started rocking Fenty “I would say you are giving me MILF vibes, very much a mother vibe. You are so vibrant though, you feel good?” Dennis asked “I feel good, I mean a few pains here and there. I am wearing a pad, but I don’t feel like shit, I am very much in control of me. I just fed her and then thought we would come down and see everyone, my mobile is a nightmare. Is it the same here?” nodding my head “Dennis and I have been trying to answer things, we together sent out pictures to your Fenty Corp team, each to post” Robyn gasped “which ones did you pick Chris?” I hope she agrees “a picture from behind you in the birthing pool, another with our hands holding, and the one of us two walking when you were having your contractions. Not too in depth, we thought we would keep that to you. We made headline news too, we trended on Twitter, also Instagram froze when I posted the picture and it’s near got ten million likes, my post!” I half shouted “awww, people are happy for us in a weird way” Robyn wants to work, I can tell with the way she is. She is stood thinking, she never stops “just sit please, stop thinking” I laughed, she makes me laugh when she is constantly just working.
I love the pictures she has chosen to post, I didn’t think she would pick the picture of me holding Fenty just out of the pool, my face is in shock that I did it “I just love the way you are just shocked, it’s just a moment. A fucking moment Dennis got, I want it framed, you can’t even predict that. You delivered her Chris, that is a lot. I find the picture very poetic, so I do want that to be the main picture of you. I also want that framed, and something I will cherish Chris. I was so in the moment that I did see you was doing something, but my contractions were hitting me so bad, so I didn’t see it but honestly, I love this and thank you Chris. My husband” it was nice of Robyn to say that about me “thank you my love” I grinned “so yes, that as my main picture. Also the picture of my mom and I when I was crying. And then the one where I am holding Fenty and crying” raising an eyebrow “it just shows my emotions, it shows why I am so happy right now, you know. These pictures mean a lot and yeah” I am in awe with Robyn, she is my whole heart “that is cool, so to the caption” Dennis said “start with, I came from a black woman, who came from a black woman and today I gave birth to a black woman. At four twenty Fenty Clara Brown came into the world, with the help of her father. I am overwhelmed and I will now be bonding with my princess, thank you for the love” Robyn’ caption is cute, better than mine anyways, but I expected that.
Sitting back on the couch next to Robyn, they are doing that family skype call thing which we are waiting to connect “oh my god! Bitch!” Mel shouted and then she covered her face “don’t cry Mel, she can’t wait to meet you” Robyn said, Mel is crying “I can’t even, like to see you in that way. You’re a whole ass mother” Mel wiped her tears “I am so happy for you, oh my god. Look at her in your arms Robyn, I can’t wait to see her” someone else connected “hey” Rajad and Rorrey said in unison “oh shit! My sister is a mother, let me see my niece” Rorrey said “Robyn, how are you?” I didn’t notice Ronald there “congratulations to you Chris” Rorrey said my name, that must have hurt him “thank you” I want to be nice of course, I ain’t going to be here being rude about it “I appreciate to hear how much you taken care of my sister, my mom sings the highest praises for you and I know mommy wouldn’t lie, she would tell the truth and she said that you are the best and I love to hear that” nodding my head smiling “aye, Chris out here delivering babies though. My god!” Mel said which made me laugh, seeing more of the family enter the skype call, they are all screaming. They all scream when they see Robyn with our daughter in her arms.
Lightly touching Fenty’ forehead, she is asleep like it’s nothing and I have never seen such good hair on a baby, I don’t think new-borns are cure but Fenty, she is so perfect “Chris was a big help, I was in so much pain and then he just helped me deliver her. He literally held her and bought up to me, I was just crying in pain. But Chris was a big help to me, to us. And I appreciate him” looking up at Robyn, she is complimenting me to her family “Chris delivering babies now, well hey! That is so sweet to hear, to hear he was there. I just want to hold her; she is so light skinned. Seeing her through this camera she is so white” Mel said trying to see “anyways family! I want a picture of the screen so can you all smile!” Mel said as she aimed her phone at the screen “and don’t worry they can’t see my niece, she too white for the camera” I laughed, my daughter ain’t that light skinned “she got blonde hairs too, ashy blonde” maybe Mel is right “Robyn’ hair is that! She got all Robyn in her, listen. I want a photo of she, you better send it now. We family” Robyn is being very fussy with what she sends “I will, just that, I don’t want my daughter being on the internet and being sold for the first release of pictures, you know. But I will send you all a picture of her” I don’t think she will get away with not sending anything.
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r3b3lgrrrrrrrl · 5 years
A LunaTic and her Gunn (Part 86)
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Playing with Colson's padlock around her neck, Luna looks through the mess of lyrics she has scrawled throughout the pages of her notebook. Her guitar sits in her crossed legs as she swigs the handle of Jack. A lighter, her cigarettes, phone, a tin case of joints, ashtray and random other objects litter the bed around her.
Luna strums lightly, trying to figure out the bridge. Softening her voice, she tries to play it out.
🎼They say//If you dress//Like This//It means//You want It//So//IIII//Can take from//Yooou🎶
Luna continues strumming the chords. Imagining the sound of the bass and light drumming in her mind.
🎶They think//If you act//Like That//It means//You want it//And//I'llllll//Do what//I want//Toooo🎶
Luna rips a solo she has running through her brain. The bass and drums slamming together through her head afterwards.
"Fuck... I need a bassist." She talks into the air.
Colson hangs out on The Bus for a bit. Playing Call of Duty, burning and drinking as beer bottles empty and shot glasses are passed.
He shoots the shit with Sam. It being the first time they've had a chance to get to know each other. Both having a lot in common with their musical tastes and life experiences, being around the same age and struggling as lower middle class kids with no solid parents. Colson not realizing how long Sam and Luna have been friends or even that Sam is her only drummer. Let alone a musician at all.
"Fuck, Dude. I'm sorry. I knew you had to have some type of substance to be able to run wit Loons... But damn, I undercut you majorly." Colson admits. "You really stick a dude tonight?" He asks, amused.
"I don't know what you're fucking talking about." Sam dismisses him as she swigs her beer.
Colson nods with a chuckle. Immediately thinking of Luna. His Brooklyn Bitch.
"You two HAVE been friends for a long time." He smirks.
"Longer than most." Sam swigs her beer again, not fully sure on Colson.
"I can tell. You seem just as ferocious as she is." He says with a wide grin. "Imma go catch her... You enjoy." He smiles at Sam before disappearing off into the back of The Bus.
"Enh... At least he didn't try to fuck me." Sam thinks of all the other male musicians that have crossed her path. Bestfriend's boyfriends or not. Some dudes have no fucking cooth. "Maybe there is hope for them..." Sam considers for the first time since her poor first impression of Colson in NY
Luna's propped against the wall at the head of the bed. She's knocked out, guitar still in hand. Belongings in a disarray.
Colson can't help but chuckle again as he admires her. He truly loves her. Her maniacalness, her creativity, and her passion for what and whom she loves.
As he cleans her things off the bed, he finds her lyrics.
"Damn, yo...... She spits the illest shit... And on Ellen..? Fuck." Colson thinks admiring Luna's craft and steel pussy of bravery.
He finishes putting everything aside before gently taking her guitar. Knowing she'll probably move, she does.
"Baby...." She murmurs sleepily as she cuddles into the pillow.
"Baby? She hates Baby?" Colson thinks with his head cocked.
Biting the sides of his mouth, he sets Luna's guitar down. Standing at the bottom of the bed, he watches her sleep curled up like a cat.
"Chill the FUCK out, Kells." He tells himself. His heart is racing. She's NEVER called him Baby.
Colson lights a joint while still watching Luna. He's not sure what he's jealous of and is trying to shake it off. Puffing hard, he drops his heavy pants with a THUD.
Luna doesn't move.
"Fucking Sleeping Beauty...." He thinks snidely, hoping but knowing his pants wouldn't wake her.
Joint in his mouth, Colson pulls the blankets down from under Luna. She shifts as he climbs in, covering her with him.
Snuggling up close, she breathes out a whiskey stained "Mmmm... Lover..." As she reaches for him.
"Who THE FUCK is Lover, Luna?!?" He can't hold back any longer as he jolts back out of the bed.
The sound of her name pops Luna's intoxicated head up. Taking a minute to focus her eyes and brain.
"What the fuck are you talking about?" She asks groggily.
"I can't call you Babe or Baby Girl but you're off mumbling Baby and Lover in your fucking sleep??" Colson unloads.
Luna's drunken head is unsteady on her shoulders. She's not sure Why she's getting yelled at and is quietly taking the moment to decide whether to fuck shit up or cradle whatever the fuck is going on with her dumbass partner right now.
She tries the latter.
"What are you talking about?" Her sleepy, unamused eyes ask again.
"Who the fuck you dreaming about?" Colson spits out.
This wakes Luna RIGHT up.
"WHAT?" She asks, sitting up.
"Who the fuck is Baby and Lover? I ain't fucking Baby or Lover..." Colson cocks his head back.
"What.The.FUCK. Are you talking about because right now, you sound like a fucking psycho." Luna states.
Colson isn't making any sense to her.
"You said it in your SLEEP!!" He shouts, frustrated.
"Hold up. Wait." Luna puts her hand up.
Looking at Colson, she's starting to comprehend this stupid situation she's found herself in.
"Gimme that fucking joint." She states with her eyebrows furrowed.
Colson passes it to her.
"Fuck......" He thinks, knowing from her tone, he done Fucked Up. Bracing himself for her unleveling.
Luna hits the half a joint he passed to her. Eyeballing him. Her hands start flittering around as she speaks. Smoke from the joint swirling around her.
"YOU woke me the FUCK up on some Kitty BooBoo name bullshit I said in my SLEEP!!?! ARE YOU FUCKING DUMB-DUMB OR ARE YOU BEN STILLER FROM TROPIC THUNDER DUMB!!??" Luna shouts.
She places the joint between her lips. Running her hands over her eyes and forehead as she pulls hard on it as it hangs in her mouth as she exhales. Inhaling, she pulls on it again, before taking it away between her two fingers. Finally raising her eyes to his.
"You realize, you're on some fuck shit right now, right? And if you don't stop I'm gonna fucking kill you. So, how bout we both survive, you shut the fuck up and get in this fucking bed with me. Now."
Luna gives Colson One Look. It's One of many that says a multitude of things.
"WHO'S your fucking Baby?" He tests with a scowl.
Luna gives him The Most Annoyed look EVER as she hits the joint. Glaring at him as she exhales and stomps it out.
"YOU are my fucking Baby. My Babe. My Boo. My fucking Bae. Holy Fucking Shit, I think the correct terminology at this point, is my fiancé. Real talk? YOU'RE MY FUCKING ASSHOLE right now though." Luna's hands fly out with her words now. "And if you don't get in this fucking bed...." Luna threatens Colson as she strips off her pants and bra. Leaving on only a T and her panties.
"THIS fucking bitch with her fucking black." Colson thinks, trying not to want the treat enticing him inside their bed.
"You're such a fucking cunt." Colson states firmly as he climbs in with her.
Pulling Luna against his hard dick by her hips. He slips his hands down her dark panties.
"And a wet fucking whore." He claims.
Licking his fingers, while flipping her on her back. Not giving a fuck about her wound.
"Who's fucking Whore?" Luna coaxes.
Taking her shirt off as he rips the black cotton down and off her legs.
Pushing her thighs up, Colson presses his mouth against Luna's. Forcing his tongue and cock inside of her at the same time.
Gasping for air, she takes them both. Hands gripping Colson's ass as he delves deeper into her. Mouth sucking on his lips and tongue as her body succumbs to him.
Colson has complete control over Luna's body. Pinning both arms above her as he rocks himself into her warm inner body.
With one leg around his waist, the other tangled in his leg, Luna pushes her hips into his deep thrusts. Taking him farther inside of her.
"You do what I fucking say." He taunts as he grips her wrist tighter.
All this does is interest Luna's pussy even more. Held down, her hips buck drunkenly.
Colson's wing span is long enough to hold both Luna's wrists securely and place a firm grip on her wild hip. Holding her down, he sucks fiercely on her neck and face as he pounds his dick into her.
The submissive side of her kicking in, Luna let's go. Allowing her Lover to take whatever he wants. Moaning in pleasure as he handles her however he desires. Flipping and moving her into any position he likes. Always hitting all of her spots like an expert.
Colson prefers when they cum together but tonight, he's on a mission. Working her off four times before gripping her body hard.
"Say it." He demands as he fucks her, not being able to hold off any longer.
Luna shifts her hips into Colson. Pressing him deep inside of her. Clenching her walls around him. Clawing his back.
"Mmmphmmm... FUCK, Baby. You're my fucking LOVERRRR!!" Luna moans into his ear as she cums for a fifth time.
Satisfied with his work, Colson's body shakes as he cums Home. Laying down on Luna's chest, she strokes his hair. Both passing out.
Luna sleeping wrapped in her Lover. Baby, Bae or Boo. Whatever the fuck it is he wants to be called.
The next morning Luna instinctively wakes up. Her body and brain knowing she has shit to do. Hating her inner workings, Luna wants to stay where she feels like peace lives. In Colson's arms.
She watches him breath as she tries to will herself away from him. Only to lean further into the comfort of his arm's nook.
"Fucking Psychopath..." She smirks to herself. Colson's jealousy is both annoying and tantalizing to Luna. Hating how quickly and deeply she fell for him. "Enh... That's how you love, Loons... Quick, hard and forever..." She tells herself. Playing with her beloved ring as her eyes follow his tattooed chest up and down.
Shaking her head, she rolls outta their bed. Colson still snoozing. She quietly showers and dresses. Burning and ripping 30s along the way. Turning his ringer off, Luna Snaps Colson where she'll be. Turning it back on once he receives it.
Grabbing her bag of goodies along with her notebook and laptop, Luna leaves Sam a hand written note to Come Inside Please 🖤 Heading out The Bus doors without waking a soul.
The Crew is just finishing up when Luna pops in. Tech beginning their Magic. Asking if she's A Bother, she's assured No as she makes herself comfortable.
Plucking Colson's electric as she sits on the stage. Luna hits record on her phone.
Tech and Crew watch in amazement as Luna bops alone between different instruments for the next hour or so. Colson's guitar, Rook's drums and Baze's bass. Singing while playing and recording different parts to her song on her phone.
They've never seen an artist work like this before. Watching her create a raw song on her own out of thin air. Some finding it's fascinating to witness. Other's highly disliking her lyrics.
Colson's eyes are closed as his hand searches the empty bed for Luna. Disappointed when he can't find her, he knows where she is.
"Crazy bitch." He smiles to himself with his eyes still closed.
Rolling into her pillow to smell her, his morning hard on grows larger. Different images and memories of her dance in his hungover head.
"Mmmm... Loons." Colson thinks as he begins to touch himself.
Firmly stroking up and down, he needs an actual visual. Grabbing his phone he sees he has a Snap from Luna. The thought of her makes his dick ache as he opens it.
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Colson stares at Luna's lips. Knowing what it's like to have her warm mouth wrapped around his cock. Not even reading it, he screenshots it like all of her Snaps, continuing on.
Staring at Luna's picture as he jerks off. The memories of his thumb wiping her mouth clean after she's swallowed his load lingers in his head. Making him cum quickly. Tossing his hands and phone to the side as his body weakens.
"GOD DAMN, Luna." He says out loud as he pants.
Laying there for a minute, Colson lights a joint before jumping in the shower and cleaning himself off.
"I wonder how she's doin'..." His mind still on his girl.
Out of the shower, he fires up another joint as he rails three Adds and gets dressed. Looking around the room on the back of The Bus, it feels weird to not have Luna beside him as he gets himself ready for the day.
Sliding on his rings and wallet. Looking in the mirror, he pulls the key to Luna's padlock out from under his collar. He's worn it around his neck since the night he locked it around hers. Colson touches the tiny steel object, feeling oddly sentimental and missing her.
"She said Yes..." He reminds himself as he tucks it safely back under his shirt.
Still missing her, he sighs. Grabbing the knob of the door, he goes to rile The Boys and find her. Deciding he needs coffee first.
Luna can't focus. She's got two separate melodies running through her head. The fast, hard punk tune she's working on and the other...  A romantic, dreamy love song that's been swimming around since she woke. It first solidly appearing as she watched Colson sleep this morning.
🎼With this guitar string//He slipped on my hand//I take this magnetic force//Of a Man//To be my//Lover🎶
Are the first lyrics to actually formulate with it. Her life with Colson running through Luna's brain like a toddler with sticky hand prints.
"He's so fucking dumb." She thinks, laughing to herself as she remembers their fight last night over the word Lover. Now realizing where it manifested from. "Oh, Imma mind fuck his ass." Laughing again to herself.
Deciding to take a break, Luna grabs her notebook and bag. Heading out back to burn and see if she can get this other floating song on to paper.
Colson hits the venue with The Boys and Sam. Looking OnStage for Luna first, he asks if anyone's seen her. Tech and Crew have but they don't know where she went.
Annoyed, Colson wanders around the nightclub. He just wants to see his fucking girl. She's not BackStage. She's not in his dressing room. Stopping in the bathroom to take a piss, he takes a selfie too. Shooting a Snap to Luna before continuing his search.
Luna's out back getting stoned with a Roadie. She needs to find a solid bassist before Tuesday.
Yakking about, they both bitch about their First World Problems. Dude's complaining about his schedule as Luna's phone goes off from a Snap. It's Colson.
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"This Motherfucker... I wish the fuck he would." Luna thinks amused. Body heating up as her soul and pussy throb as she reads it. Shaking her head with a wanting smile.
Functioning on her time as always, Luna finishes the joint with the young Roadie named Todd. Accepting his promises to keep an ear out for a bassist for her.
"LOVERRRRR!!" Luna coos upon seeing Colson.
"You're such a fucking cunt. Where you been?" He asks as he spins her around and wraps his arms around her chest from behind. Through her loose T, he plays with the tape over her nipples as he tongues around her ear.
Pulling away with a giggle, Luna turns around. Grinning as she taunts him.
🎶Everyday I love you Just a little bit more A little bit more A little bit more Everyday I love you Just a little bit more But You're still Fucking insane🎶
She sings to him laughing as she changes lyrics to the Sublime song.
Colson's blue eyes brighten as he lifts her up. Complying, she wraps her legs around his rarely clothed body.
"We should cover that!!" He states excitedly.
Luna scoffs as she agrees. Singing that it makes total sense because Colson is a jealous psycho who sees red.
"Bitch, you're just as jealous. So, shut the fuck up." He laughs, kissing her again.
🎶Let me find a secret LOVER... I'll rip off your fucking head🎶
Luna sings, still making up her own lyrics to Colson laughter. Asking how she's doing with the new song, she hops off of him. Grabbing her phone, she calls over Sam and Baze. Colson wrapping himself around her from behind again.
"Fucking Patti booked me on Ellen." Luna finally informs Sam. "I gotta new song because I don't wanna keep promoting the hate of THAT Type. I've pretty much got it laid down but I need to hear it live. You're coming with me, Right?" She asks to Sam's nod. Looking at Baze, Luna continues. "You mind listening to what I've got and maybe running it with me, please?"
"No problem, Loons." Baze agrees.
Luna rests herself into Colson's hold as she hits play on her phone. The hard/soft punk tune coming through her phone's speakers.
The three of them knocking their heads through the song. Feeling it. They all burst out with questions once it's finished.
Sam first, "You wanna play THAT on daytime TV??" Thinking about the lyrics.
Baze standing back with a confused look, "That's all YOU??" He asks, the producer in him impressed as hell.
Colson squeezing her insides out from behind with a "Wanna do it after this?" in her ear.
Yes. Yes. And definitely, YES. Are her answers.
Sam climbs behind Rook's kit as Baze grabs his bass and Luna uses Colson's electric. They play around a bit as Sam and Baze learn the notes. Feeling confident Luna steps up to the mic giving it a go.
Colson watches as they rip through the song. The vibe reminding him the sound coming out of Seattle in the early 90's. Luna's voice lacing around certain lyrics while blasting others. She has a clear concise message.
"That was fucking SICK!!" He exclaims, clapping.
"Yo!! Hard as shit." Rook agrees, from behind Colson.
He had come up once he heard them begin to play. Wondering who the fuck was on his drums.
"Yeah?" Luna asks.
"What's it for?" Rook asks her.
Luna explains Ellen as Rook nods his head in understanding. Commenting how he Respects Luna's Balls. They exchange a knowing look. Out of all The Boys, Rook is who Luna clicked with first. Always remaining her favorite, they have their own friendship aside from Colson.
"I need a fucking bassist." Luna complains as she sets the guitar down.
"I know a guy. He's right in NY too." Sam says as she steps out from behind the drums.
They sit on the edge of the Stage together. Baze joining them as Rook and Colson hop up too.
"Yeah?" Luna asks. "Can you give him a call?"
Sam agrees as the rest of The Band comes in. Luna moving SideStage as they run a light rehearsal. Sam heading out back to see about a bassist.
Grabbing her laptop, she goes through the property listings Monica sent her. There's both studios and brownstones as Luna asked. Flipping through the pictures and layouts, she finds a five bedroom in Brooklyn Heights that she likes and a simple studio in Dumbo. No office/recording spot yet though.
Ashleigh making her way to the stage. She sits with Luna listening to The Boys. Noticing what Luna's looking at she asks about the listings.
"We all need a place in The City..." Luna explains. "Oh! You would know... Can he come with me Tuesday? I want him to look at a couple places with me."
Ashleigh looks in her phone at her calender. Colson has a show in Boise that night. Idaho to NY is a 6hr flight. It won't work.
"Sorry, Loons." Ashleigh says to her disappointment.
Luna shrugs with a sigh as she emails Monica back regarding the listings.
Colson locks the door of the small bathroom behind them. He's been staring at Luna's sideboob since he touched her naked breasts.
Lifting her onto the sink, her pulls her shirt off. Finally seeing the tape X'd across her nipples.
"New bra?" He snickers as he runs tongue along the delicate skin of the bottom of her breast.
"Mmmm... The easier for you to lick them My Dear." She responds in a husky voice.
After he's unbuttoned her jeans, she hops down. Wiggling out of them and her panties as he drops his own pants.
Luna bends over the sink. Catching Colson brilliant blue eyes.
"Not yet..." He says with a playful smile.
Lifting her back up onto the sink, he spreads her legs as he slowly licks her bare pussy. Circling around her clit with his tongue. He's soft and delicate. For now.
Luna gasps when he pushes his middle finger inside of her. Continuing to suck and play around with his tongue.
"Oh FUCK....he wasn't lying!!" Luna's mind explodes, remembering Colson's Snap from earlier.
Leaned against the mirror, she arches her back in pleasure. Shifting her hips, fully enjoying his mouth exploring her magical cave.
Luna doesn't last long. With her legs wrapped around Colson's head, she cums all over his face and chin. Licking it off of him to his delight.
"You're such a dirty girl." He tells her, always intrigued by their sexual antics.
Luna pushes him off of her. Hopping back off the sink, she pushes him against the wall. Staring into his tantalizing eyes as as she slowly makes her naked body to her knees.
Colson groans out in pleasure as she licks around the base of his cock. Swirling her tongue around it to the top. Holding him firm, she slowly draws her tongue around his head before flattening her it and sliding him deep inside her throat.
Colson twists his fingers in her long blonde hair as he leans his head back. Reveling in the warmth of her mouth. Flicking her wrist around his shaft with one hand while playing with his balls in the other, Luna steadily sucks Colson cock. Letting the tip of his dick bump the far back of her deep throat.
"FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!" Colson thinks as he explodes in Luna's mouth. Wanting it to be inside her sweet pussy insisted.
Kissing his thighs on her way up, after he's wiped her mouth. Wrapping her arms around his waist, Luna leans up for a kiss.
Grabbing the back of her head and her bare ass, Colson kisses Luna intensely. Their juices mixing together in their mouths.
"You like, BABY?" She asks with a cocked eye, knowing what's she's potentially starting.
"It's Baby now?" He eyeballs her with his response.
"It's whatever the fuck you want... You trust me?" She asks, leaning back now as she holds on and looks up at him.
"I've told you..." He starts.
"Shut the fuck up. You trust me?" She interrupts him.
Colson nods.
"Then just wait... It'll all make sense." Luna smiles sweetly before pecking his lips. "I love you."
"I swear she's more complicated than I am..." Colson thinks as they get dressed. He can't help but be intrigued by Luna. Always.
Regardless, he scoops her up again. Legs back around his waist. Kissing each other lovingly. One Look exchanged.
Unlocking the bathroom, they walk out satisfied. One confused but both satisfied.
The Show at Myth Live is raw.
The Band playing perfectly as Colson performs. Jumping all over The Stage, talking to his fans, diving into the adoring crowd.
Luna comes out for Bad Things. Colson kisses her giggles once they finish. She hypes and Thanks the audience before walking OffStage. Luna sharing a bottle and joints with both Ashleigh and Sam as they watch.
It's a full 27 song setlist, sticking closely to the formula of previous shows on the tour. Colson running through El Diablo twice and encoring Sail.
Gripping Luna's hand as he drags her off to the dressing room as always.
The scene in Colson's dressing room isn't much different then any other night since he performed at Nightingale.
With a bottle, multiple joints, love chatter and fucking, Colson unwinds.
Deciding to stick in the venue instead of going out exploring. They're off tomorrow and would rather travel through the night.
Standing in the middle of the room, just them two, Colson pulls Luna into him.
"I love you, Kitten." His deep voice tells every organ in her body.
Squeezing him tightly, she burrows her face in her safe spot in his chest.
I love you." She coos. "More than you'll ever know."
There's a beautiful silence between Luna and Colson. A million things being said with no words. Only breathing and heartbeats.
Catching up with everyone BackStage, Colson and Luna both grab a beer. Colson's called over by Baze as Ashleigh pulls on Luna's arm.
"I need your help..." She starts off.
"What's up?" Luna asks after a swig.
"We got that MA merch. He's gotta sign cards and hoodies... You think you can help me keep him focused?" She asked with a concerned look.
"Fuck, yeah. You got the list? We got cards?" Luna asks.
"Yeah! Check these out! Ashleigh says relieved. Pulling a card off her clipboard, she finds herself more and more appreciative of Luna's help and presence.
Luna takes one. Looking it over, the inside is blank.
"That jawns sick!!" Luna exclaims in approval to Ashleigh's content. "What's going on the inside?"
"I don't know...." Ashleigh trails off. "I wanted your opinion." She answers honestly.
Luna thinks for a minute. It has to be personal but, legally Monica has taught her to choose her words wisely and never admit fault. Plus, it's gotta keep Colson's attention.
"What do you think about addressing them individually, but with a simple Thinking of You and his signature?" Luna asks.
Ashleigh likes the idea but is unsure how they'll keep everything in order. Thinking for a moment again, Luna suggests taking control of the envelopes.
"Lemme get a copy of the mailing list. I'll have him start them tonight, and keep them in order so tomorrow he can bang out the hoodies and we'll just go in a line... You know what I mean?" Luna asks.
Ashleigh doesn't but she trusts Luna. Agreeing to meet up with her and Colson, Ashleigh grabs what they need as Luna looks for her Lover.
Colson isn't pleased, he hates THAT Night. He's only been OffStage for an hour or b so and wants to hang out with his Boys.
"So hang out with your Boys. Just pay the fuck attention. Because you're gonna either do part of it tonight or all of it on your day off." Luna states as a of matter of facts.
Knowing she's right and ALWAYS putting his EstFam first, Colson pops open a black pen. "It's the least I can do...." I thinks. Thankful everyone was Okay that night.
Bullshitting with Luna, Ashleigh, Sam and The Boys, he tries not to dwell too hard on how bad it could've been for everyone.
Not being able to fully hide from the pain, Colson addresses each envelope with his fan's name. Choosing whatever The Fuck he'd like to say to them himself, he signs each card personally. Passing them to Luna so she can keep them in order.
"He may be an Asshole.... But he is the sweetest Asshole I know. And my fucking Lover." Luna can't help but think. Falling more in love with him as she watches him put whole his heart into each note.
To be continued.....
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Jac & Savannah
Jac: Are you warm enough? Jac: 🧣🤗🧤🤗🧥 Savannah: No but that's a total secret, okay? I can't cope with the others judging me for trying to look nice Jac: I'll never tell Jac: [subtly getting her a blanket or something though, obviously] Jac: no one can come for your look 😍 Savannah: [you know we're snuggling under this blanket together because shameless excuse to be close af] Savannah: oh I see, you're trying to warm me up by making me 😳 it's fine that can be our secret too Jac: [would be so 😳 forreal] Jac: you can blame the 🔥 Savannah: [putting her head on the bae's shoulder like we're not already close enough and doing a little happy sigh] Savannah: but your compliments deserve full credit, anything else would be unfair Jac: [patting her head under the guise of checking out the boujee hat] Jac: your outfit arguably deserves a higher class of event but I'm still glad you're here Savannah: [doing a hat swap because we do so love sharing clothes with the bae and it's amusing as well as a shameless excuse to check her out like hmm what do we think] Savannah: I'm glad I'm here too Jac: It would be weird if you weren't Jac: I'm as close to you as my siblings now Jac: in a different way, obviously but still Savannah: [swapping the hats back because the bae is serving a look and also then we have to fix her hair and make that a moment™ soz Amelia for this blatant flirting you are witnessing rn] Savannah: I feel so at home here, with you Jac: [when you think the bae is perfect so you can't even pretend to sort her hair, so you end up fussing with your own after her like ugh it's so unruly but we're 🥰 and seriously soz have a more or something] Jac: You are Jac: you're always welcome, even when we're celebrating weird non-holiday holidays Savannah: [just giving her all the compliments out loud because we see that fussy and also we don't care who hears us, again soz Amelia and snuggling again] Savannah: I'd make you the same offer in a heartbeat if I felt welcome at my house Jac: [snuggling her extra hard for a hot sec there] Jac: I know, baby Savannah: [likewise and just burying our face in the bae's shoulder fully because emotions and doing a little sad sigh this time] Jac: [doing something to make her happy, probably posting the picture of her for example] Savannah: [giving her all the compliments again because that is a good picture tbh gal you clearly have skills but then because I'm evil I'm gonna say your bf sees it and so you're texting him forever while he's with his friends doing whatever] Jac: [at least you have an excuse to get up, like your other guests lol] Savannah: [just gotta do something extra as she's getting up like take her hand and make her do a little spin or something cos you're a nerd and we know you care more about this than whatever your bf is saying] Jac: don't faint Savannah: catch me & it won't be an issue Jac: I don't need to tell you it's dangerous to play near or with 🔥 Savannah: [as close to a LOOK as we can get away with] Jac: 😈 Savannah: he wants to see me, like, right now Savannah: but I don't think he's offering a higher class of event Jac: 😏 and obviously, you have to make him sweat it out a bit Jac: right? Savannah: all night at least Jac: Poor Ty Savannah: Do you think I'm being too 😈? Jac: not enough, if anything Savannah: oh really, well I hate that Jac: I'm sure it'll do the job on Ty Jac: but I think you could do better Savannah: of course I could, especially if the alternative means disappointing you Savannah: I don't ever want to Jac: It's very unlikely that you could Savannah: It's impossible, I promise Jac: Don't worry, it wasn't a challenge Savannah: I'm not worried if it is, I'll rise to it for you Jac: 🌠🌠🌠 Jac: I am going to have to challenge my brother not to be that basic white boy who brings out an acoustic 'round the campfire, excuse me 🙄😅 Savannah: 😄 Savannah: as long as Isabelle doesn't decide to sing along, because it'll be a challenge for me to sit through that Jac: 😬 Jac: she ALWAYS gets the words wrong! Jac: I think she might be partially deaf Savannah: you would know Savannah: it's a shame she's HOPELESS at sign language Jac: honestly, she'd need to do some brain training first Jac: bless her Savannah: I'm still waiting for you to teach me, maybe I'll be worse than she is Jac: [gutted you can't say gay things 'cos most people here can understand but you can still come teach her] Savannah: [Amelia do be watching you and she definitely can] Savannah: [Jude would also just be chiming in telling Savannah what she's doing wrong like a blunt bitch so now we're mortified because we have to be good at everything] Jac: [just showing her how to tell Jude to fuck off or something like excuse you] Savannah: [literally never swears because she's that kind of trying to be classy so you've been spared gal but we're not forgetting that you made us look a fool] Jac: She literally couldn't tie her own shoes 'til like last year Jac: I wouldn't spend any energy on her Savannah: it's fine, I'd rather know my mistakes Jac: She knows it's as rude to listen in on a sign conversation as it is a normal one Jac: honestly, I don't know where her manners have gone half the time Savannah: I'll have to get better now so we can have a conversation worth listening in on Jac: I'll show you properly Jac: when we have some privacy Savannah: you can come home with me, we'll have plenty of privacy if we leave here late enough Jac: You're really gonna make him wait then Jac: 😘 Savannah: he'll be too drunk to be any use to me once his friends are done with him Savannah: & anyway, I want to be with you Jac: Good Jac: of course I'll come Savannah: I feel like I haven't even seen you since Ty & I reconciled, I've really missed you Jac: he had a lot he had to make up for Jac: so I've missed you more Savannah: [touching that necklace he gave us without realising we're doing it as we recall that horrible argument] Savannah: I'm all yours now Jac: Good Jac: because we're both going to need really long 🛀 to get the smoke smell out of our hair Savannah: ugh true! I'll wash yours if you wash mine Jac: 100% Jac: and would you ever trust a boy with your hair, no matter how sorry he is Savannah: No way! Savannah: plus he's too tall to fit in the 🛁 with me, even the huge one at my house Savannah: he'd just sulk the entire time Savannah: I'm so sorry I'm taller than the other girl you dated Jac: the basketball boys always go out with tiny girls Jac: it's like their thing Jac: so weird Savannah: right? 🙄 Savannah: it's a totally possessive thing, I'm glad you can't stand over me to feel powerful, excuse me Jac: honestly Jac: people always talk about short guy's complexes but tall lads think they're so superior just for having a few inches, okay we get what you're trying to put out and it ain't cute Savannah: exactly Savannah: & if picking me up & throwing me around is SUCH a turn on for you, work at it 💪🏾 I have to put in effort to look good too Jac: Not about it Savannah: Ty isn't either, he's the gentlest boy in the world Jac: Yeah he is Savannah: maybe too gentle sometimes, but I didn't say so Jac: I get it Jac: you don't have to think he's perfect just because you're going out with him Savannah: he definitely doesn't think I am Jac: he's got no complaints though Savannah: for now, I suppose Jac: he told me, you saw Jac: he thinks you're good, if not perfect Savannah: he doesn't want to lose me Jac: he's not stupid Savannah: ^^ he'll say anything, that's what boys do Jac: yeah Jac: how much they mean is a different story Savannah: my dad's never meant a single word he's said to us Jac: even if he meant it at the time Jac: he didn't stick to his word, and that's what counts Savannah: yes, it is Jac: Ty's dependable Savannah: I'm not though, I'm a wreck Jac: hey Jac: [looks at her and shakes her head like no] Jac: do you want to go inside for a bit? we can be getting more food and drinks or whatever Savannah: okay Jac: [casually run off hand in hand so you can go properly talk about this] Savannah: [soz not soz everyone] Jac: [also said your garden would not be that big so probably gonna need to go upstairs or down so everyone's not just 👀 lol] Savannah: [get in the basement for that parallel] Jac: [sounds creepy but yes lol, go forth for that privacy hens] Savannah: [yet again we're just telling the bae stuff that we haven't told anyone including our bf #bonding] Jac: [we know the fucking vibes, y'all gonna be ages and do not care remotely] Savannah: [gotta fix Savannah's makeup for her to because she'll have done a little cry so that's gay & intimate] Jac: [honestly how this kiss doesn't happen sooner hun] Savannah: [that's the scolding hot tea] Jac: [casual patience of a saint somehow] Savannah: [we both know you're scared to cross that line hens] Jac: [mhmm how you just don't though when the tension is this high and obvious but you know, sort yourselves out] Savannah: [for now though go back outside to find Amelia has left] Jac: how rude Savannah: Do you have any messages from her? Jac: she told them she was feeling sick Jac: but she's not said anything more than that in a message either Savannah: one of her migraines? Jac: probably Jac: smoke can be a trigger, I guess Jac: oh well, I'll message her in the group chat, make sure she's okay Savannah: I hope she got home okay Savannah: it was a bit rude of Is not to go with her & make sure Jac: ^^ I'm like, girl Jac: you've had THREE hot dogs Jac: you could've done without the last one to be a better friend but priorities, I suppose Savannah: ^^ she could've at least come & got us so we could do the right thing if she wasn't going to Jac: Seriously Jac: now I look lowkey bad like thanks 🙄 Savannah: No, it's my fault Savannah: I feel bad, poor Amelia Jac: Oh my God, no, it's so not your fault Savannah: it's okay, I know I'm beyond demanding Jac: You aren't Jac: She just has a headache Jac: you're actually going through it right now Jac: you deserve time to vent Savannah: 😔 Savannah: but I do understand if you're upset with me Jac: I'm not, at all Jac: just at Is a bit for not handling the whole situation properly Savannah: Would you like me to talk to her? Jac: That's fine, we don't need to get into their drama Jac: it's like, not a situation and not going to be one because Is either wants it to be or is literally too ditzy to check in on Amelia herself without being explicitly told Savannah: You're right Savannah: you deserve a good night even if it is a fake holiday Jac: I'm having a good night with you Savannah: Oh please, I can do better Savannah: I've been crying for most of it Savannah: [proves it by doing the most, throwing ourselves into all the activities and thus the bae as well] Savannah: [I like to imagine poor Isabelle trying to get involved & we're just subtly not having it] Jac: [montage time, honestly Is you would've been better to leave too, at least the fam is here so you aren't being totally ignored lol] Savannah: [soz that we're just falling in love here] Jac: [literally can't help it sorry they don't mean the harm they casually do] Savannah: now you're having a good night Jac: an even better one, yeah Savannah: I'll be your 🌠 Savannah: anything you want, all you have to do is whisper it to me & I'll make sure it comes true Jac: Tinkerbell's got nothing on you Savannah: your happiness is so important to me, with or without the 👏🏾 Jac: you know I'd do anything for you too Jac: I feel like I should do more Jac: be better Savannah: you do more for me than anyone else EVER has, if you did more you'd be putting your own mental health & wellbeing at risk for the sake of mine Savannah: I'm not trying to be a drain of you like Is, who literally needs her hand held through every little thing Jac: I know, you're just so good to me Jac: but you're good FOR me too Savannah: I'm not always this selfish, I swear Jac: you're literally the most selfless Jac: all you do is look after Sienna and you're the best friend to me and girlfriend to Ty Jac: it hurts my heart sometimes Jac: I just wanna take care of you and make your life so easy you can thrive and shine Savannah: You're going to make me cry again Savannah: [IRL 🥺 because the bae is so pure & genuinely takes such good care of us] Savannah: I'll survive this & you'll see what I'm actually like without all this drama surrounding me Savannah: I really will be the best friend to you forever Jac: [we're such emotional bitches atm and always tbh hennys] Jac: I know you will, you're already amazing Jac: you're going to be unstoppable Jac: and I'm gonna be right there with you Savannah: [it's the only emotion we can safely express rn because smooching is forbidden] Savannah: I'm totally fine with doing trust falls Savannah: you know I believe in you & our future together Jac: 🌍 sister connection Jac: [because we are all earth signs except Amelia soz gal] Savannah: ^^ yes! Savannah: [take your bae to dance because it's a party and that's the only excuse we need] Jac: [bye at how much of a moment that'd be] Savannah: [literally there's every chance it's the first time they have because her bf would always be there at parties and stuff so I'm deceased] Jac: [we know you'd have no qualms stealing her away but a party with loads of peers is different from how intimate this is, at best everyone has a few friends] Savannah: [exactly that, so glad you don't have to see this Amelia you really would have a headache] Jac: [yeah this would be 💔] Savannah: [thank god we've got Isabelle cockblocking rn because y'all are too in love tbh] Jac: [just joins in 'cos not in love with you and thus oblivious] Savannah: [they'd be so annoyed lol] Jac: [lmao oh isabelle] Savannah: [go get some drinks or something gals and whisper shade to each other about this poor third wheel because any excuse to keep that intimacy going] Jac: [it's a good thing you are lowkey oblivious or you'd be way more upset by it all too] Savannah: [god bless you Isabelle, so soz you get done so dirty] Jac: [in the end you live your best life, just not being friends with this squad lol] Savannah: [the best thing for you is getting new friends my love, but for now I like to imagine she's talking to them about some boy or other, remember those you massive gays] Jac: 😬 him Jac: seriously?!? Savannah: What is she thinking of? & more importantly, what part of her body is leading her in those thoughts Jac: 😷 I can't Jac: so many cold showers necessary for her and honestly just some 🧼 for him Savannah: He asked me out, knowing full well I'm not single or interested, it was horrific Jac: the definition of no shame Savannah: I didn't know what to do Jac: I bet you didn't Jac: the actual nerve Savannah: Not to sound like Amelia, but I genuinely have no understanding of what she approves of or thinks we'll approve of about most of the boys she talks about Jac: Availability? Jac: like, imagine that was all a boy had to say about you Savannah: that's so sad Jac: like if they weren't so gross themselves, I'd feel sorry for them Savannah: I've just decided, I'm going to find her a boyfriend we can all stand to be around, Ty'll know someone Savannah: it'll give you a much needed break from how clingy she is & my heart won't hurt anymore from hearing her talk like this about boys who aren't worthy Jac: Such a nice idea 👼🏾 Jac: does he know anyone that will deal with her though Jac: she's a lot Savannah: It may not be an overnight success but I'll work my 🔮✨ Jac: I believe in nothing harder than I believe in your magic Savannah: I'm your girl too, just like you told Ty, of course you have faith in me & because you do, I feel so capable of anything 🥰 Jac: It had to be said Jac: like we said, the possessive thing, not it Jac: you're you and you're so many things to so many people, and you're especially important to me Jac: if he wants you, he's gotta accept that Savannah: ^^^ Savannah: I love you & you're always going to be part of my life, I hope he is too, obviously but there's none of that uncertainty with you, you are & you will be Jac: Right, romantic relationships are arguably almost always the least secure, that's just realistic Jac: ask any girl who ditches ALL her friends and then gets dumped Savannah: oh god, I could NEVER Savannah: I need you Jac: The concession they must make in their lives, like, who do you talk to about the stuff he has no interest in, who gives you advice from a woman's perspective??? Jac: so toxic Savannah: He & I have very different styles of self care, I'm sorry I simply would not survive Jac: 🏋️ is part of the daily grind, NOT a way to unwind, sorry Ty Savannah: 😄 Savannah: Don't worry, I promise I won't wake you as early tomorrow for our workout Jac: I'm not, I nearly ALWAYS wake up before you Jac: but that's okay, you look adorable and very peaceful 😴😘 Savannah: well it takes me longer to fall asleep Savannah: you look even more adorable & peaceful then 👼🏻☁ Jac: okay, so we're even 😅 Savannah: the universe is keeping everything in balance for us Savannah: I love that Jac: I know, right? Jac: if we had a 👶🏾 or a job share we'd be KILLING it Savannah: 🥺 you're going to have the cutest babies ever! Jac: 🤞 the dad's DNA doesn't screw that up Savannah: No way, we'll find you someone perfect Jac: I have more hope for Uni Savannah: you don't trust my matchmaking skills? Jac: No, no Jac: just the boys you have to choose from here 😬😂 Savannah: 😄You're right, an LDR makes much more sense for you & I wouldn't have to share you as often Savannah: I'll find you a first year uni boy who goes to school with Ty's brother Jac: You think so? Savannah: definitely, he'll fit into your schedule without wanting to become your schedule Savannah: & you may actually be able to have & sustain a proper conversation, depending what he studies Jac: you really do have the best ideas Jac: Obviously down Savannah: [immediately starts sending her pics and profiles because we're extra] Savannah: Let me know who you like & I'll totally make it happen Jac: I'll look properly tonight at yours Jac: [like no, Isabelle, you may not have more than a peep so you're #curious] Savannah: there's no rush, whenever you're ready Jac: 😍😍 Savannah: [snuggling again with our IRL 😍 because we're in love bitch] Savannah: [Savannah is just that touchy feely hoe like soz gal she's gonna just be touching you ALL THE TIME] Jac: [at least you'd have to vaguely get used to it or literally die haha, we know the 😍 are and will be for you but we'll pretend to be into these lads so we can scheme it together] Savannah: [we've since the pics you had a touchy feely vibe with Amelia too, even if it was more like hugs and piggy backs lol you can do this] Jac: [mhmm, arguably you can't but you carry it on for a long time lol]
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deluxedolans · 6 years
Be My Escape
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A/N: Okay, hi friends, this is my first fic I’m posting on here! It’s gonna be kind of like a mini-series, where Gray and his bae (Ali) reflect on their college memories, and how their relationship developed, here’s the first part. Please don’t be afraid to give me feedback or constructive criticism :))) 
ALSO, when the story gets to italics, the “I” is referring to Grayson, as it’s told from his POV, and the non-italtics is Ali’s POV.
P.S. the titled is taken from the song Be My Escape, by: the Relient K. 
I blinked my eyes as they adjusted to the darkness of the room; the light from the muted TV created a tinted glare, casting a glow onto the beautiful boy who laid beside me, illuminating his features as he slept. Grayson’s hair was swept to the side; his constant tossing and turning in his sleep causing his hair to be totally flat on the side where his head rested against the pillow, and sticking up in about twenty five different directions on the side facing me. I felt like such a creep for admiring Grayson while he was asleep, but it was such a rare occasion for him to be sitting still for an extended period of time, that I liked to take advantage of my opportunities when they arose; particularly when he looked so peaceful.
I still can’t believe that I got lucky enough to claim my best friend as my boyfriend; five years later, and we’d truly been through some shit; both good and bad, obviously. Often, when I think back on our friendship, it seems like I’ve known him forever, but it all went by so quickly, kind of like we lived a thousand lifetimes in the short few years we’ve known each other. I still recall the first time we met, and it honestly couldn’t represent our goofy relationship any more perfectly--
As I zoned out thinking about how beautiful and amazing my boyfriend was, I didn’t even notice when his hazel brown eyes blinked open, squinting his eyes as they became accustomed to the faint light the TV provided.
“What are you looking at, weirdo?” as Grayson’s groggy voice interrupted my thoughts, I widened my eyes startled at the sudden voice. Gray stretched, his arms reaching out to scoop me in his grasp, pulling me into his chest.  
“You, ya boob,” I responded, settling my head into his bare chest, tracing shapes into the forearm that was wrapped securely around me. Grayson’s eyes shut, sleepily as he snuggled deeper under the covers, making himself more comfortable.
“Well no shit, but why are you up in the middle of the night staring at me; can’t you do that during the day?”
I rolled my eyes at his sass, “I was just thinking about how we met, and the first time I saw you,” I explained, feeling my face heat up with affection at the memory.
“Honestly, I feel like nothing really captures how dumb our sense of humor is better than that story,” Grayson chuckles, as he begins to play with my hair, recalling our first memory together:
Four Years Prior, Freshmen Orientation
Malone University, New Jersey
Grayson’s POV:
As Ethan and I pulled up to campus, I remember feeling really excited to meet new people, and feeling like I was gonna throw up because this would be the first real time I’d have to establish myself as a person independent from him. As I walked into the room I’d be staying in for the weekend, I remember feeling so … uncomfortable when my mom left and Ethan was on a separate floor, in a separate room for orientation and it really hitting me how scared I was to be my own person without Ethan.
Eventually when we got called into our orientation groups—
“Lucky number thirteen!” I cheered in my raspy-sleep voice, my fist pumping in the air, nearly punching Grayson in the face.
“I was getting to that, Ali. Jesus, Rocky, take it easy, don’t knock me out,” Grayson joked, gently grabbing my closed fist out of the air and intertwining our hands together instead.
Grayson continued on:
I barely remember what our orientation leaders looked like, but I remember three people vividly, you, of course, to which I tossed my hair over my shoulder in mock-arrogance, Jack, and Pat. I remember thinking how you cute were with your French braid, overalls and freckles, but I was scared shitless to talk to you, because I thought you were way too pretty to even wanna think of talking to me. I also remember feeling so … like uneasy; I don’t even know how to explain what it was like to not have people know I had a twin when that was such a big part of my identity, since everyone back home knew us as the Dolan Twins and kind of knew how we were when we weren’t with one another (which in itself was rare), but obviously people in college didn’t know who I was, and why I was being quiet. But I knew, if I wanted to make it in college that I had to step outside of my comfort zone, and you were my first big step, I took a moment to shift my head, so it leaned on Grayson’s shoulder, instead of his chest, so I could look up at him as he told our first story. He continued to run his fingers through my hair out of habit; something he did to calm both himself and me.
The first time we really lowkey interacted was during the ice breakers. I’m sure you remember, because you remember everything, but like those games that you play to get to know one another? Grayson asked me, to which I nodded confirming, that I did indeed remember.
It was that game where you have to come up with an adjective that goes along with the first letter of your name, and then repeat everyone’s name that went before you, so you can meet everyone around you. I remember Jack started and he was Jokey Jack, and then Pat was Perfect Pat, I rolled my eyes at the memory of what Pat said, as in that moment, little did freshman-Ali know how much he actually thought that was true about himself, and a bunch of other people went, who I don’t remember, and then you went, and you were—
“Aquatic Ali, because two people ahead of me took artsy and amazing, the two most basic adjectives,” I interrupted, Grayson rolled his eyes, and laughed at the memory, “yes, yes you did.”
I panicked because your adjective was very creative, and I only had like one second to think of something clever that would stand out, since there was only one person sitting between us, and when it was my turn I decided to take a risk, and rather than say Goofy Grayson, like I’d been planning, I said—
“Gucci Grayson instead,” I giggled, as I thought about us sitting in a circle with our orientation leaders, and peers; the June sun beating down on our backs, with the grass tickling our bare legs.
You were the only one who laughed, everyone else rolled their eyes, and I got so nervous, because I thought everyone thought I was a fuckboy, and that you would just laugh that one time and then we wouldn’t talk again, but after that we became friends for the rest of orientation, and then we started to hang out with Jack and Pat, Grayson stated, wrapping up the memory.
“My favorite part of that memory is how you tell me how nervous you were, because it still blows my mind how someone like you, who’s so kind, funny, witty, giving, smart, and just…gorgeous, would be nervous about like, me,” I rambled, tugging my hair anxiously. Even after all these years of our friendship growing, after everything we’d been through, I still needed reassurance; in spite of the fact that I knew this man was mine, Grayson understood me in the sense that I wasn’t insecure in our relationship, just slightly with myself.
“Ali, you literally teach third graders, have the wit of a stand-up comedian, and laugh at all my jokes; how could I not love you?” Grayson whispered as he moved his hand down to my back, tracing my spine with his fingertips. I could feel my face heat up as he handed me compliment after compliment; that was the one thing about Grayson, no matter how hard we joked with one another, he never failed to make me feel loved and appreciated.
“I love you, so much, Gray,” I admitted as I rolled onto my side, burying my face in his chest. I felt Grayson rest his chin on top of my head, pulling me into his tight embrace, “Love you more, Al,” he whispered as we both drifted off to sleep.
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toaquiprashippar · 7 years
Different from the others
Okaaay, so, please, be kind to me, this is the first fanfic I ever post at tumblr, but my friend @porrabett showed me this beautiful gif from @gendry (thanks for letting me use it here, hon!) and I couldn’t not write this, it was like…there, begging to be written. Jon, Dany and Arya are my favorite characters, so I just had to! I have 3 more fics to post, not finished but almost there…anyway, I hope you like this.  Arya sees Dany staring at Jon from the stands of Winterfell patio, while he trains the youngest with the new dragonglass weapons, and they talk about Jon and Arya tries to decide what she thinks of Dany. Daenerys could feel herself being observed, but over the course of her life, being watched was something she became used to. She was too mesmerized by Jon Snow’s movements with his sword, teaching his people how to defeat the Army of the Dead, to mind the eyes that would not leave her.
What she did not know is whom these eyes belong to: a certain she wolf.
Arya Stark was curious when she heard of Jon’s commitment to Daenerys Targaryen, she understood his needs for her army, but knowing his brown eyes too well, there was more to it – more than a political alliance, it was admiration, maybe even…love? The woman that found the way into the heart of her dearest brother intrigued the assassin.
She saw the platinum haired woman watching Jon, she would watch him like Arya remembered her mother watching her father from above: as a woman watched her beloved.
If this Daenerys had any bad intentions towards Jon, she was good at hiding, but Arya was good at finding lies at people’s faces, and she saw none in hers.
For now, that was good enough for her. She would not try inviting her for the game of faces any time soon.
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(gif by: @gendry)
“Was he always this – determined?” Daenerys heard Arya arrive at her side, while she saw Jon give the young boys and girls their dragon glass weapons, and lecture them about it with so much respect and patience, that only a true Eddard Stark relative and northern man would.
“Yes” Arya smiled to her side. “When I was younger, no one would ever let me use a sword, or a bow, or even mount a horse properly…I was supposed to be a Lady, not a Knight, like I wanted. I was meant to sow, enchant and smile.” Arya remembered bitterly. “Jon would see through all this crap, you know? He would sneak me out of my room, in the middle of the night, and take me out into the stables, when there were no one awake around and teach me how to mount a horse, wield a sword or even how to hold a bow properly.” Daenerys would not stop smiling at herself, this suited what she come to meet and love about Jon Snow.
While he did the same for these kids, that he had done to me years back, except snow was falling harder, winds were howling louder and winter was here.
Winter was here, but the Dragon Queen heart seemed warm towards Jon, that did not went by unnoticed by Arya.
“He doesn’t seem to share the common men opinion on where women belong” She comment and Arya smiled.
“No, he doesn’t. He never did. He always told me to pursue my knight dreams. He never did get the chance to fully teach me how to wield a sword, but he did give me my own” Arya took Needle out of its sheath, and proudly showed it to Dany.
“He gave it to you?” Dany was both proud and not surprised at all, she didn’t know Jon Snow long, but sounded like something he would have done for his little she-wolf sister, he would not break her dreams, he would encourage her to pursuit it. Who was this man?
“You like it? I called it ‘Needle’, Sansa had hers, to make her pretty dresses, I had mine to torn mine to pieces. Jon had it made for me. He gave it to me right before he left for The Wall, right before all hell broke loose for all of us.” Arya looked at her beautiful sword, remembering happier times. “Little did we know, the storm that we had coming our way” She sounded so sad, Daenerys had do look away, and stare at Arya Stark, and she could not help but feel sad for her.
She did not know her well, but from what Jon so sadly told her the other night at his chambers, his sister had seen their brother murdered and mocked alongside his direwolf, her mother killed, her father decapitated and had witnessed so much more…Dany could still feel the pain of her sweetest child falling across the sky, Viserion and not being able to help, not being able to save him. To know this young girl saw her mother, brother, father and so many others suffer the same destiny and could not do a thing? So much more pain than anyone in her age should be allowed to. Daenerys was a dragon, Arya was a wolf, but life hadn’t been kind for either of them, making them pay for their fathers choices. Dany wasn’t fond of the the Hand of the Usurper, but from what everyone says, he was quite an honorable man, and the world is running short of those. But he made choices, and his family paid for it, damned be the Lannisters for it.
Now meeting Arya and Jon, even the beautiful but distant and guarded Sansa…A man who had such children must have been a great man, for his children seen to have inherited bravery, endurance and something else Dany cannot name yet, but pleases her enough to make her feel welcomed in a foreign cold land such as Winterfell.
Maybe it had something to do with the white wolf sleeping next to her and Jon every night; maybe it had something to with the King in The North himself, snuggling into her side through the night, after the most meaningful and passionate love making Dany has ever had; or maybe it was just the air of this place, where you can’t help yourself but believing everything you were told growing up, where you cannot forget the White Walkers are coming and a place where Winter is coming is definitely not about the seasons and the Starks words seems more like an omen compared to mere house words.
“I am sorry for you lost, Lady Arya. For your father, mother and brothers” Dany spoke to her.
“I am no Lady, my Queen. But thank you” She looked down, and remember her painful training and what it taught her. “Valar morghulis”.
“All men must die” Dany answered her with a bitter smile “But we are not men”. Dany looked back to Jon.
“I’d like them not to, so perhaps…let’s stick to Valar dohaeris”. Arya could not help but be sure she liked Daenerys Targaryen without a doubt, now. Jon could marry this girl, she seemed to be just in love with him as he was with her.
Not to forget, the woman had two amazing dragons! That should be interesting… (more to come?) to my bae @porrabett that stands me talking about nothing but got 24/7 for the last months (and prob the next ones too lol)
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sun-and-ash · 7 years
(Pls do a Kotal/Neraya for the ship meme qwq )
I can!
Rate the Ship -  Awful | Ew | No pics pls | I’m not comfortable | Alright | I like it! | Got Pics? | Let’s do it! | Why is this not getting more attention?! | The OTP to rule all other OTPs
How long will they last? -  Probably as long as Kotal is alive... Which, by Nery’s standards is less than the rest of her adult life.
How quickly did/will they fall in love? -  Waaaay too fast for Kotal’s liking. See, the intent when he first spared her wasn’t because he liked her. It was because she could be useful against Rain. The fact he liked her even slightly was just an aside until Rain was no longer an issue. Cut the big man deep, Nery.
How was their first kiss? - Probably really chaste. Kotal may be a bundle of unexpressed romance, but he’s also incredibly self-conscious about what others can think of him more personally. 
Who proposed? - Kotal did. He’d never forgive himself it he made Neraya do it by waiting too long.
Who is the best man/men? -  Erron and Reptile are Kotal’s main men in everything. They’re the two “official witnesses”.
Who is the braid’s maid(s)? - Adelaide, Kidist, maybe even Ferra?
Who did the most planning? -  Honestly? Neither of them really, but between the two probably Kotal.
Who stressed the most? -  Kotal.
How fancy was the ceremony? - Back of a pickup truck | 2 | 3 | 4 | Normal Church Wedding | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Kate and William wish they were this big.
Who was specifically not invited to the wedding? -  Kano.
Who is on top? - Kotal, mostly because Neraya likes being on bottom.
Who is the one to instigate things? - Strangely enough-- Neraya. Kotal has a tendency to get in the mood in the morning, but that aside he doesn’t actively seek out sex. Neraya’s at her own whiles and, for better or worse, so is Kotal.
How healthy is their sex life? - Barely touch themselves let alone each other | 2 | 3 | 4 | Once a couple weeks, nothing overboard | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They are humping each other on the couch right now
How kinky are they? - Straight missionary with the lights off | 2 | 3 | 4 | Might try some butt stuff and toys | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Don’t go into the sex dungeon without a horse’s head
How long do they normally last? -
Do they make sure each person gets an equal amount of orgasms? - Kotal does his best alright? It’s really hard when you’re a plant-person and your woman tries to encourage you at night, though.
How rough are they in bed? - Softer than a butterfly on the back of a bunny | 2 | 3 | 4 | The bed’s shaking and squeaking every time | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | Their dirty talk is so vulgar it’d make Dwayne Johnson blush. Also, the wall’s so weak it could collapse the next time they do it.
How much cuddling/snuggling do they do? - No touching after sex | 2 | 3 | 4 | A little spooning at night, or on the couch, but not in public | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | They snuggle and kiss more often than a teen couple on their fifth date to a pillow factory.
How many children will they have naturally? - At least three.
How many children will they adopt? - Knowing the pair of them, at least two.
Who gets stuck with the most diapers? - Neraya, not that Kotal wishes he couldn’t help out more. It’s that Neraya isn’t all that focused on being an Empress, but a mother.
Who is the stricter parent? - Kotal
Who stops the kid(s) from doing dangerous stunts after school? - Neraya.
Who remembers to pack the lunch(es)? - Kotal
Who is the more loved parent? -  Neraya
Who is more likely to attend the PTA meetings?- Kotal, It think.
Who cried the most at graduation? -  Kotal and Neraya both did a fair amount of crying.
Who is more likely to bail the child(ren) out of trouble with the law? - Kotal.
Who does the most cooking? - It’s split! I can’t see either one of them being particularly great cooks.
Who is the most picky in their food choice? - I feel like Neraya would be, even if Kotal should be the one most worried.
Who does the grocery shopping? - Neraya. She gets the pick of the menu if she wants to plan a dinner.
How often do they bake desserts? - They hardly ever do. Except for Neraya, possibly, when she’s pregnant.
Are they more of a meat lover or a salad eater? - Kotal is a salad-lover. He likes fruits in particular, but he eats plenty of meat as well. Neraya is also a salad lover.
Who is more likely to surprise the other(s) with an anniversary dinner? - Kotal is... Although, it’s really hard to call it a surprise when he’s done it every anniversary.
Who is more likely to suggest going out? - Neither.
Who is more likely to burn the house down accidentally while cooking? - Neraya?
Who cleans the room? - Neraya.
Who is really against chores? - Kotal.
Who cleans up after the pets? - Kotal.
Who is more likely to sweep everything under the rug? - BOTH OF THEM.
Who stresses the most when guests are coming over? - Neraya and Kotal both stress, but for entirely different reasons.
Who found a dollar between the couch cushions while cleaning? -  The servants.
Who takes the longer showers/baths? - Kotal. Why? Plant person.
Who takes the dog out for a walk? - Kotal.
How often do they decorate the room/house for the holidays? - Kotal.
What are their goals for the relationship? - “EVERYONE LOOK AT BAE. SHE’S SO CUTE. SHE’S GOT A FACE AND OPINIONS.”
Who is most likely to sleep till noon? - Neraya by default because Kotal physically cannot.
Who plays the most pranks? - Neraya.
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imthepunchlord · 8 years
HtLaGi10D AU
really random, but you know what could be a fun ML AU?
How to Loose a Guy in 10 Days 
idk, Alya and Nino are having a rough patch
Alya is pressed for time to do a big journalist story and no time to test anything out and is stressing along side this rough patch in her relationship
Marinette wanting to help her bae, offers to do an experiment for Alya since she’s too busy. She offers that with her horrible luck, she could loose a guy in about 10 days.
Alya isn’t sure about this but Marinette rolls with it, believing that yes, her luck was that bad plus Alya needed a story. she’ll do what she must. this way, her bad luck could be of some use. 
Chloe wants Adrien to be happy and not lonely, is maybe dating Nath. 
Gabriel is pushing for Adrien to have a solid partner in his life, especially since no one is clicking with him and Chloe chases off anyone she doesn’t approve, and Gabriel wants his son to have an heir someday, preferably around the time he’s going to take over the business. 
Adrien does NOT want Gabriel involved with his love life. 
stupidly makes a bet that he would find THE one, and that he DIDN’T NEED ANY HELP AT ALL, and he could make any girl fall for him and set his own future and happiness thank you very much. 
And when Chloe laughs at this stupid challenge he got himself into, Adrien adds to it that he could make this girl fall for him in ten days cause he was Adrien freaking Agreste and Chloe thinks he’s the biggest idiot. 
he and Marinette meet by chance with him witnessing her going off on Lila for trying to harass Alya and he’s interested by that fire, moves to catch her when she trips, and it just kinda clicks when he saves her on the spot. 
he’s interested in Marinette
Marinette doesn’t believe in any good luck coming her way so rolls with it, seeing how her luck can mess her up so she can get that story for Alya. 
Adrien persists with Marientte, despite how everything that seems like it could go wrong, still goes wrong. but he likes this girl and he is determined, and it’s an Agreste thing that once they’ve fallen, they’re gone. 
and Marinette’s kinda baffled that he’s still persisting with her despite her awful luck constantly messing them up and oh no she might be falling for him. 
maybe Lila trying some sabotage here and there because that’s Adrien Agreste she could get popular with him, bonus that he’s hot. 
Chloe and Alya curiously watching this play out, maybe sort of having bets on the outcome or guess on what’ll happen next.
Adrien makes more friends through Marinette and actually learns to really enjoy himself and be happy. he’s not lonely anymore with her and is resolute that she’s the one. 
Marinette is awed that there is a guy sticking with her despite her awful luck constantly messing them up in some shape or form, and brings in this encouragement and support to her self worth that her bad luck has long since beaten down and it’s just so, well miraculous.  
no miraculouses, though for some fun and mix up on these no miraculous set ups, a kwami swap version. 
Marinette adopted Plagg from a shelter, a cat that no one wanted, swearing he’s bad luck, and yeah, her luck seems to have gotten worse after getting him but she adores this grump and he adores her and he’s an easily jealous cat and he has to sleep on everything and sit on her stuff while she’s working and is the biggest momma’s boy
Adrien found Tikki the stray during one outside shoot and she just lights up his world and seems to make everything better and for the longest time he swears she’s the only lady he needs in his life only Gabriel isn’t satisfied with a calico being the only lady in Adrien’s life. 
Plagg and Tikki click, much to Marinette’s surprise and Adrien’s delight. 
and after drama and chaos, these two idiots are in love, a solid couple, Gabriel is happy that his son found someone, plus Marinette has promise for the company future, Chloe is content that Adrien isn’t lonely anymore, and Alya has her story, writing about this crazy tale of love and delighted that her girl found happiness. 
and most of all, Plagg has found a new snuggle partner that is just as great as his Marinette. 
feel free to add on and polish up this idea, just really random thought watching this movie while writing. got some potential fun. maaaay write. Though if anyone else wants to have a go, feel free too. 
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keerawrrr · 7 years
laying in bed rehashing the day
rehashing sounds bad, jst thinking about the day. celebrated a good friends birthday....20yrs old, must be nice n spent the day wit the Mr....I need a name for him....Juicy lol I been calling him that for a few weeks now lol we piggybacked on a gift....i knew what I wanted to get her...he helped me choose colors for the items...n then he paid for it lol day was good, we had a good time, I dnt want think he's been out so late when he's had to work the next day in a really long time...I hope he can work ok lol I snuck pictures of him playing games, smiling n cheering with his phone without his knowing lol he even made me try on his Spurs Jersey....I jokingly said I was gonna sleep in it n give it back later....I am currently doing just that lol this muhfcka took some really bomb pics on my camera...lol I'm like no sir, stay in your lane but I gotta admit they're niiiice best part, I promised We'd only stay another hour... this was at 11...movie ended at like 1am lol so he ended up falling asleep, we were side by side, I jst let him lean on my shoulder/chest area....then he turns his body n wraps his arms around my waist n nigggggga I bout lost my mind lol he did it TWICE....the 2nd time, hands wit a lil lower n gripped a lil tighter. n as me n everyone else was watching the movie, talking or laughing, he'd wake n tell me to stop moving or wiggling....n snuggle back into me....ugh it was so cute! I rested my cheek on his had n rubbed his shoulder or arm.... finally we left n somehow my bae let him sit in the front seat cuz she always has to sit in the front with me lol so that was nice of her. I get home n I'm texting the bday girl, she's always asking about us...n she makes a comment that Juicy was all over me, I play stupid n say "what really? u think so?" lol n she tells me yea that even her bf noticed...so now I'm definitely curious as to what they saw happening.... but she has school in the morn so we'll talk tmrw.... but I'm very happy lol I told him when we talked the other day that all my nonsense, was at a much better place now that we talked n REALLY talked, he thought things would change n I told him it wouldn't....we good....happier I feel. less stress. this flow, it feels good. very natural. gonna go to sleep now n wrap myself inside this damn Jersey ❤❤❤❤
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5hfanfiction · 8 years
New Year, Same Queer (Camren One shot)
Camila hates crowds. ­
There are always too many people trudging through her personal space and she gets pushed a lot. (One of the many perks of being small and not wearing heels.)
She doesn’t really recall how she ended up in Times Square to watch the ball drop, but she had a faint recollection of Dinah abandoning her midway through this party (after having forced her to go in the first place).
Honestly, she would rather be a curled into a tight, warm burrito roll and read something than be out here. The Polynesian, however, came home to trash all of the small girl’s plans as she threatened to have a party at their place instead, if Camila didn’t agree to go with her.
(Normally, these kinds of threats seem baseless, like who could invite enough people at hours’ notice to throw a party right?
Camila made the mistake of brushing Dinah off once during spring break and awoke to the sound of drunk strangers doing it in her bed. Right next to her.)
The petite brunette sighed and struggled to remain rooted in her spot, against the tide of people who were constantly trying to push her back. The chilly wind made her shudder and she wound the hoodie around herself even more, straining to focus on the stage, a few rows in front of her, where Mariah Carey was trying to lip-sync to her songs and failing miserably to the point, it made no sense. Just like this fucking year.
Abruptly, she experienced a soft pinch on her butt and whipped around to see a middle-aged, balding man throwing her a disgustingly, smug look and a cocky wink while hurrying away, before Camila had a chance to react.
Not that she would have, no. Camila wasn’t exactly timid but she didn’t want to attract further attention to herself by slapping the man. And with her, there were no gentle slaps. She would have slapped him hard enough that the Times Square Ball wouldn’t have been the only ball dropping. But, people would have turned around and noticed her and she really wanted to make it through the night without having a panic attack.
Instinctively, she leaned forward to create some distance between her and the stench of alcohol, the creep had left behind, and rested her face against a cold, smooth surface. It smelled like leather and strawberries. How peculiar.
“Watch it,” the strawberry-scented leather rasped. Leather can talk? Camila’s brows furrowed in confusion as the surface pulled away from her, causing her klutz self, to lose balance and hurl ahead.
She snapped her eyes shut, waiting for ache of her fall to spread through her torso. Instead, she felt warmth and a very soft cushion, encompass her face.
Is she dead?                                                                                                                              
Her extra, dramatic self was quick to assume the worst had happened. She pictured Dinah’s face struggling between wanting to laugh and cry over the (very) expected nature ­of her death; tripping over her own two feet. At least, it was painless and now she was in a warmer, spongier place. A reflexive sigh of relief escaped her lips and she snuggled further into the softness.
“Er, excuse me?” And just like that, the tepid bliss left her. Perhaps, Jesus had remembered that one time she ate Dinah’s bananas and convinced her the monkeys stole it or when she had that girl bent over her desk, screaming the Lord’s name in vain; both equally valid reasons to be expelled from Heaven. She opened her eyes and promptly frowned.
Of course, the exact same place where she had died would be Hell.
(At this point, even her brain would have face-palmed if it had hands… or a face…)
Or worse
(Finally Canola.)
…Oh no...
She hadn’t fallen down and died (the more the realization kicked in, the more she wished she had), but instead, fallen on top of somebody and snuggled into their…Oh God…
She grimaced and wished with all her heart that the Earth would crack open and devour her.
A cough and a gentle tap on her shoulder, made her wince, quite audibly. She still refused to look up at the person who was wearing a really nice pair of combat boots. They had such a nice, greenish tinge to them overlaying the jet black. She could already tell by the shoes, this person was one of those really cool people, one would stare at from the distance and sigh, wishing they could know them or be friends with them. (Or bone them.)
A soft but firm squeeze on her shoulders made her realize that the person wasn’t going to walk away without an explanation. Drawing in a couple of deep breaths and trying to form coherent words of explanation, she looked up to see the most enchanting green eyes. She had never felt so naked, then in that particular moment, and the shivers that ran down her spine, weren’t because of the cold. She was so consumed with the eyes that she did not register the movement of lips or the gentle shaking of her shoulders.
“I am so gay.” The small brunette blurted out, what was supposed to be an internal monologue. If her face was red before, it would probably looked like a ripe tomato right now. Her body grew exceedingly hot and her tongue formed knots, as she waited for a probable slap or screaming.
And then the unexpected happened.                                                                                      
The sound of loud laughter followed by a little snort, greeted her ears instead. The mystery girl threw her head back and Camila snapped out of her trance. She took in the dark hair, covered with a maroon beanie, with long curls cascading down the shoulders; full lips dissolved into a fit laughter; a black leather jacket fitting perfectly over a plaid dress. It’s like this girl walked out of a movie.
“At least take me out on a date first, before you get to second base,” the raven-haired beauty spoke in an unwaveringly, raspy voice as she let her green eyes trail over the petite girl’s body, quite shamelessly. And Camila felt so incredibly under-dressed, with her plain black hoodie, tattered denim jeans and dirty Converse.
“Huh- buh- I- er-,”she tried to respond but it’s like her brain had departed her body (probably saying “gotta zayn”). Her own warm, brown eyes widened significantly as she fiddled with her fingers, feeling an anxiety attack about to set in.
But then the smirk on the other girl’s face faltered, and her emerald eyes dilated slightly, as she placed her hand on Camila’s shoulder and spoke in a soft voice. “Hey, are you ok?”
Unable to form words, Camila just nodded and began to draw in large gulps of air. The hand rubbed her shoulder tenderly, and usually a stranger doing so would cause her discomfort. This, however, felt really nice, in a manner that she would willingly be rubbed all over by those hands.
(She made a mental to thank the Lords for preventing her from vocalizing those thoughts.)
After a bit, she finally looked up to meet the captivating eyes and sighed. “I am so, so very sorry. I just tripped and…Jesus…and bananas…” Honestly, how does one explain the situation she had gotten herself into? Hey, this creepy guy touched my butt and I moved forward to get away from him and rested against your back. But then I lingered because you kinda smell like strawberries. And then you moved away, so given how clumsy and extra I am, I fell onto your boobs and thought I had died and gone to Heaven, so I snuggled closer. You have really nice boobs btw.
Before either of them could say anything, someone tapped her on the shoulder. “Camila?”  
She turned around and was mortified to see her ex beaming at her. The girl looked gorgeous as ever, with her high ponytail and flawless, sculpted face; nestling against the arm of the guy she had dumped Camila for on the day of her birthday. The guy, on the other hand, looked like a bearded egg; with his jeans hanging so low, you could probably see his ass crack, (Ok maybe, she is a little petty) and he had this expression on his face that screamed he would rather be anywhere else.
“It’s so nice to see you!” Ariana lunged forward and gave her hug while doing those really weird, side to side (heh), cheek-air kisses. She stood still and forced a smile when Ariana pulled back under her boy’s smelly armpits
(Karla Camila Petty Cabello Estrabão).
“Oh my God, I never thought YOU would be out here,” the smaller girl flicked her silky hair with a jerk of the wrist and giggled. “I thought you’d either be third-wheeling with Dinah, making stupid jokes or reading a stupid book.” She rolled her eyes and huffed playfully.
“Uhh,” Camila was dumbfounded. She has never been good with voicing her thoughts. She could have the sassiest of comebacks but every time she would try to say them, her words ended up being a horrendously jumbled and incoherent mess (like that book, Fifty Shades of Romanticizing-Abuse-and-Misogyny-as-Long-as-The-Guy-is-Hot).
“I never got to thank Dinah for inviting Mac to your birthday party.” Her ex beamed at her boyfriend who just shrugged and scratched his head, giving her an egg-hausted (P E T T Y) smile in return. “Never would have met my sugar pumpkin, if it hadn’t been for her.” Ariana continued all the while Camila wished a sword-wielding ninja would just come and run the sword through her heart. That would be less cringey than witnessing this cheese-fest.
“Oh I’m sorry boo,” The light haired girl, fake-gasped and looked at her, pitifully. (Clearly, mistaking Camila’s disgust for jealousy.) “I didn’t mean to make you sad…I mean, you’re the only girl I’ve ever been with… so that’s comforting, yeah?”
The English dictionary lacked the words to describe how much the Cuban hated Dinah Jane Hansen. This wouldn’t be happening right now if she hadn’t forced her to go a party and then abandoned her to suck face with some hot, chocolate bae.
(To be honest, the girl had a killer body. Who wouldn’t forget their 16 year old best friend to make out with someone like that?)  
She should have just gone home instead but that was more than ten blocks away and something had pulled her to this stupid place; where now her single-self was being pitied by her ex and her ex’s boyfriend, Humpty Dumpty. She has never hated being single, more then at this particular moment. God, she really hated Dinah. Not really. But she would kick that Polynesian butt tomorrow for this horrible start to a new year.   
“Hey babe, we’re gonna miss the countdown.”
If the girl hadn’t been standing right next to her and wrapped an arm around her shoulder, Camila would have thought she imagined the words. Or that Macaroni, here, had a really feminine voice. But she titled her head and saw the green eyes, glinting with a hint of mischievousness and understanding.
“Who are you?” Ariana said bitterly, while raising her brow. Her boyfriend, on the other hand, diverted his attention to the new girl and grinned, nodding his head in approval, as he checked her out.
“Oh, I’m Lauren.” The full lips curled into a smile as she gave Camila’s shoulder a light squeeze.
Lauren. The brunette couldn’t help but smile at how the name fit her like a glove.
“Camila’s girlfriend.” With those words, Camila’s breath hitched in her throat and the warmest sensation spread through her stomach, threatening to erupt like wildfire, inside her. She was already in love with the way her name sounded, rolling off of Lauren’s lips. “And you are?”
Hoo boi. The way Lauren said it; the dismissal and boredom in her voice as she looked at Ariana, made the brunette want to grab her by the collars and pull her in for a kiss.
“Ariana. Camila and I used to date till I met sugar pumpkin here. She must have mentioned me, I’m the first girl she ever dated.” The small girl flipped her hair again and pursed her lips, slightly narrowing her eyes at Lauren.
“Hmm, nope. Doesn’t ring a bell.” Lauren shrugged and pressed a soft kiss to the side of Camila’s head before moving away.  “Nice to meet you though, Sabrina.” She said and shook Ariana’s outstretched hand.
Hoooooooo boi. Rainbows were erupting inside Camila’s heart, unicorns galloping, an immodestly dressed Lauren, with a rose between her teeth, sitting on top of a mountain of bananas; the whole shebang.
The hazel eyes narrowed further as she gritted her teeth. “It’s Ariana. An-” she spoke, but was cut off by the sound of the speakers.
“Everyone grab your special someone and get ready. It’s the final ten seconds!” Ariana squeaked and wrapped her arms around Egg McMuffin’s neck, who placed his hands on her butt cheeks and squeezed them. She slipped a side-glance at Camila who sighed, knowing her jest would be up when her ex sees that she didn’t kiss Lauren.
10….9…8…. The brunette turned to walk away, not wanting to be embarrassed publicly, until she sensed fingers, curl around her wrist, gently and tug her back.
She fell straight into Lauren’s embrace, who secured her hands around Camila’s midriff and smiled.
7… Camila’s breath became erratic as she felt the intense emerald gaze piercing her soul. And no, she was not being extra.
6…Lauren drew a little closer and placed one hand on Camila’s cheek, brushing the side of her cheekbone.
5…Camila felt like she would faint when Lauren’s eyes fell to her lips.
4…Lauren ran her tongue, very slowly, over her lips. Camila thought it was rather deliberate.
3…Camila, finally wrapped her arms around Lauren’s neck.
2…Lauren moved her face closer and Camila joined in midway.
1…Lauren bumped her nose slightly with Camila’s and said, “Nice to meet you, Camz.” And any tension Camila felt, evaporated into nothingness.
She barely heard the announcement or the screaming, as the supple lips were placed against hers. It was tender and yet firm enough for her to lean even closer into Lauren’s body, who tightened her own grasp around the brunette’s waist. Camila’s fingers curled through the dark hair, lightly scratching the scalp; an action that caused Lauren to open her mouth a little further and run her tongue over Camila’s bottom lip who responded a little to enthusiastically.
If Lauren hadn’t pulled away, she would have kissed her for an hour without moving. But the taller girl disconnected their lips without moving away, and Camila never thought she’d ever miss kissing somebody. The incredibly sappiness of the situation disgusted her and warmed her heart at the same time.
“At least take me out on a date, before you move to second base,” Camila whispered, resting her forehead against Laurens’, whose lips twisted into a playful smirk as her own words were being tossed back at her.
“I think kissing is first base. Snuggling into someone’s boobs though…” She grinned and the brunette winced a little, at the memory.
“Oh my God, I’m so sorry I just…” Once again, the brown eyes widened and the words became chaotic in her mind.
“Jesus and bananas? I know.” The taller girl laughed and Camila forgot to breathe for a minute. “Perfectly valid reasons.” She nodded and gently tugged at her beanie, smiling earnestly.
It was now or never.
 “So about that date…you wouldn’t maybe wanna… you know like…um, you can say no if you want to, it’s no ob-” Camila tried, she really tried to be confident and her start was pretty smooth, but her brain was a little bitch and tends to desert her every single time she tries to flirt. It’s a wonder she even managed to get with Ariana. (Probably because Dinah talked her up and she wasn’t as bad with her hands as she was with her words.)
“I’d love to, Camz.” The green-eyed girl smiled brightly and placed her hand over Camila’s, who entwined their fingers; the nickname making her smile, giddily.
How disgustingly adorable are they.
“Thank God, I thought we’d have to hit all the bases before you agreed to go out with me.”
It was such a terrible joke. Really bad. Ally would have rolled her eyes and Dinah would have punched her but Lauren, once again, threw her head back and let out a hearty laugh. And somewhere, deep down, Camila knew she had fallen for that laugh.
With hands linked, they walked away and Camila made a mental note to thank Dinah for dragging her outside and leaving her.
A/N: AYE I AM SO EXCITED TO FINALLY PUT SOMETHING UP!! I hope you guys like it. Please be gentle, I am new to the writing world.
Also I love reading comments, they motivate me to write more <3 P.S. I LOVE ARIANA AND MAC THIS WAS ALL FICTIONAL AYE. 
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idhyukjae · 5 years
perfect storm.
he hears it, loud and clear. it’s the meow of a kitten, he’s sure of it. but most importantly, he can hear the desperation, the cry for help. 
it’s raining. not too hard. yet, enough to have you soaking wet in a couple of seconds. his umbrella above his head, his sneakers carrying him around the building, outside their dorm to be more specific. 
there, he founds it. it’s black, the loveliest, cutest little kitten he’s seen. it vaguely reminds him of a picture aroon had texted him not long ago, and he smiles.
“hey, little buddy. i can hear you all the way up to my room, you know?” he approaches it, carefully, making sure not to scare it away. but no, of course not. no cat has ever ran away from bae hyukjae, non-proclaimed but close to disney princess status. he shows up around animals and suddenly they all want to be close to him. they do say, after all, that animals are the best at sensing pure, good hearts.
the kitten approaches him and hyukjae is quick to reach down and pick it up, pressing it gently against his chest. the poor little thing is completely wet, it’s shaking and it’s looking up at hyukjae as if begging him to adopt it. “see, i can’t bring you with me because a lot of people would be mad at me and then... they would kick you out.” he explains to the little furball, one that is now purring against him, snuggling against the warmth of his coat. who knows, it might also be able to feel the heartbeat of hyukjae close to its tiny little buddy.
“i know a place. she’ll probably yell at me, but.”
the kitten doesn’t seem to understand, but it’s okay, hyukjae doesn’t need to explain he’s about to take him home, to his mother.
three buses later, hyukjae arrives home. pulls the keys out of his pocket, unlocks the door and as soon as he steps in, he’s met with the sight of his mother mopping the floor. ah, now he remembers she did mention every time it rains, water tends to leak below their entrance door. 
“bae hyukjae, absolutely not.” she’s quick to say, eyes already fixated on the cat he’s holding.
“hey ma’, it’s really nice to see you after i don’t know how many weeks. i missed you too, am i great? of course, thanks for asking.” he steps in, not really offended at all, obviously just wanting to sound dramatic because she was quick to say no about the cat instead of greeting him.
“mother.” he sets the umbrella down on the entrance, shutting the door behind him. “just for a couple of days, yeah? it’s just, i can’t bring it to the dorm because our managers would yell at me again, my friends will hate me and aroon will have to go down with me because he always takes the blame with me. and then, i can’t even go to the three shelters that i know because i already brought too many animals and they say they can’t keep all of them because there’s no room and honestly, i’m desperate at this point because i would have to travel all the way to-”
“hyukjae. hyukjae.” his mother interrupts him, hands quickly taking her son’s face into them, “slow down, sunshine. you’re talking way too fast, and i understand. don’t worry.” he never doubted that, because both in some way, share the same kind of heart, “you know i can’t say no to you, my love.” she says, with all of her warmth.
he’s quick to smile, leaning forward and pressing a soft kiss on his mother’s forehead, ��thank you, ma’. i promise i will find it a home soon and if not, i don’t see a big issue in keeping it. i mean, you’re all alone here so maybe-”
“no, you said a few days. so i expect this little thing to find a home soon.” she tells him, pointing at the bathroom, “maybe you should give it a quick bath? i’m sure it’s craving something warm right now.”
hyukjae thinks it’s a lovely idea, so he spends the next seven minutes bathing the little kitten, wrapping it in a towel once he was done, parading around the house as if he was holding his newborn baby.
“why did you come alone, by the way? i thought ar-”
“he’s working.” he says, a smile on his face as he says so. wonders if his mother can see the happiness in his eyes. “he’s going to release a song next month, just him. so he’s been preparing for that.”
“i bet you’re proud of him.”
“i’m very proud of him.” 
“i’m glad you two are friends again.” she says, and he can sense how careful she’s being with that comment. why wouldn’t she be? last time she heard about them, it was aroon contacting her to inform her of how sick hyukjae had been looking lately. then with hyukjae informing his mother they were no longer friends.
he smiles, perhaps in a way that makes her stare at him, an eyebrow arching.
“what is it? why are you smiling like that?” she asks, taking a step closer.
he shrugs, looks down at the kitten, then back up at her again, “aroon isn’t just my friend again. he’s my boyfriend now, too.”
and she stares at him. admires the features of her youngest son, the one who physically resembles his father the most, but the one who received the softest, kindest, most pure heart she’s ever known. “are you...”
“in love?” he’s quick to interrupt her, a soft smile spreading across his lips, “very.”
it makes sense to her. it makes sense that he would fall in love with his best friend, with the boy who’s held his hand for years, with the boy he’s had the closest friendship with for so long. it makes sense to her that even now, hyukjae is so open about it, not scared at all, not hesitant. it makes sense that he isn’t hiding it, because hyukjae knows only one thing: love. 
he loves. he loves with everything within him. 
it makes sense that her son would end up falling in love with his best friend. 
there’s tears in her eyes, and when she notices hyukjae’s panic in his eyes, she’s quick to reassure him, “i’m very happy for you, sunshine. he’s lovely, isn’t he?” she places a hand on his cheek, tilts her head. 
he nods.
“i cry because i’m very happy to know you’ll be safe from now on.” because god is witness of everything she did for him. of running away, of protecting him from all harm, of working three jobs so he could get that audition, those classes, of every sacrifice. right now, as she looks at him, with that boy-ish smile on his face, cradling that little creature in his arms, she wonders how did hyukjae manages to live in a world so cruel, so abysmal, so in contrast to his good feelings, to his kind heart. “as long as he makes you happy, that’s all i care about.”
hyukjae leans against his mother’s hand, “of course, ma’.”
                                                                                             “he does.”
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ohhmygeeg · 7 years
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#LOL TO THIS #TBT 🤪 PRESS PLAY ▶️ @alvindocha made a simple request to @kaskade to shout out his #baes. I happened to be in the middle of his asking and at first felt like an older, embarrassed sister, wondering why. LOL@😟. What would our dude possibly say to the baes... 🤔and frankly, I should have known better. I was witness to a masterpiece. Hahahaha. For anyone single and available, Alvin’s got big arms to snuggle you, can dance into the late hours shamelessly with no shirt off and is a doctor — so not only will he save your life, you’ll be rich! 🤭Hahahahahahahaha. Hit the tag and slide into his DM. This is my personal co-sign. And this is probably the best throwback of the year, I indirectly had almost no part in lol. I love it. Shout out to @kaskadekonnect x Dallas team. Best turn around dance trip I ever made. Bless!!!! THANK YOU to @itscindyg for the candid photo. #kaskade #kaskadekonnect #konnectwithus #truestory #reallyreally #forreal #mustwatch #funnyshit #throwback #throwbackthursday #makemoments #specialmoments #goat (at Truck Yard Dallas)
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