#snubbull variations
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Second part of my fairy Cubone fusions! Part 1 is here.
By the time I had finished with the Azumarill fusion I realized that I had completely unintentionally grouped a bunch of dotted Pokemon together lol.
#pokemon#pokémon#pokemon fusion#pokefusion#pokemon variants#pokemon variations#cubone#mime jr#mr mime#snubbull#granbull#azurill#marill#azumarill#fairy#fairy pokemon#digital art#digital drawing#fanart
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assumption you have a least favorite shiny
I don’t think I have a definitive least favorite but the ones that hardly change color aren’t great. They look like normal color variations and the only way to tell they’re shiny is by the sparkle. One that I just don’t like the color of is Snubbull. The orange really clashes with the light blue/lavender and pink.
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Augusta Cave
First of all- Apparently I linked the wrong page for the original Augusta Cave page and Tumblr made their search system shitty so I can't find the original now. If I find the old one I'll delete it.
How this cave works:
The floors are randomly generated. Right now there are 28 different maps but I might add more later if I can make any that actually looks good. Sometimes you'll go down a floor and enter the same map, but if you go up one floor it will be a completely different floor from one you just entered. (This makes sense in context.)
Elevators will show up every 20 floors, (plus 50, 100 and 150) so you can get your progress saved and go back down to certain floors through the elevator.
Since naming the floors "Floor \v[1353]" doesn't work (even though calling it "\PN's farm" does) so there's a sign telling you which floor you are on.
About the Pokemon:
Since I can't change what wild Pokemon will show up depending on what floor number you're on, I have them visible and walking around. The Pokemon are being represented by the most generic monster I can think of- a blob. If it touches you you'll get into a battle with it.
What Pokemon you can encounter changes every five floors (besides the first ten.) Some of them might be faster than others. The levels of these Pokemon are usually a range of five (or ten) depending on what floor you're on. (So if you're on floor 30, the levels will be between 30-34.) Each blob can make you encounter one 1 of 14+ different Pokemon. (With a few exceptions.)
Once you defeat, run or catch them the blob won't actually go away. Touching them again will most likely get you into a battle with a different Pokemon. This is the best way I could think of to best simulate wild battles.
It could be a bit easy to just avoid them so after every 50 floors there will be a "boss" Pokemon that you MUST defeat or catch in order to proceed.
There are also Pokemon in the water, but since there are only a few floors with water right now I only made it so you can encounter up to five different Pokemon. (One of them always being a Magikarp.)
The levels never go above level 80. (With the exception of Magikarp.) There's a reason for that.
After getting to level 100 the levels will reset, but will climb faster. (So if you're on Floor 116, you can find Pokemon from level 32-40 instead of 31-35.) This does not include water Pokemon.
You can find a list of them and where to find them below.
How items work:
Items are also random. There's a 1/500 chance that an item will spawn on the floor. What you get from them depends on how far down you are. This is the same with rocks, which you can break if you have a pick ax.
The items you can get are mostly just a variation of "Pokeball," "Potion," and sometimes a Revive or an Escape Rope. They're basically just there to help you in the most basic ways.
The rocks on the other hand can give you a variety of things. They first appear on floor 5. Instead of a mini game what you can get from them is instant. (But you can only get one thing at a time, maybe.) Again what floor you're on depends on what item you can get from them.
The lists of items and Pokemon you can find are below:
Wild Pokemon that you can find on land:
Note that I might change some of these throughout development. (Mostly so I can replace doubles.)
Floors 1-10: Rattata Diglett Zubat Geodude Tilian Snubbull Onix Whismur Nosepass Gastly Sableye Misdreavus Chingling Buneary Eevee Munchlax
Floors 11-15: Rattata Zubat Slowpoke Spearow Squirtle Charmander Bulbasaur FarFetch'd Larvitar Aron Ralts Ekans Slugma Togepi
Floors 16-20: Rattata Hoothoot Taillow Lunatone Solrock Lickitung Dunsparce Seviper Staravia Chatot Sewaddle Lombre Zigzagoon Aron
Floors 21-24: Rattata Aipom Meowth Teddiursa Vigoroth Minccino Herdier Porygon Zubat Happiny Growlithe Houndour Ponyta Gloom Buizel
Floor 25: Pikachu
Floors 26-30: Every starter from Gen 1-6
Floors 31-35: Kadabra Swablu Woobat Vullaby Murkrow Skarmory Duosion Beedrill Parasect Heracross Boldore Sudowoodo Tilian Shuckle Drifblim
Floors 36-40: Golett Shelgon Tilian Gabite Shiftry Zoroark Weavile Skuntank Scizor Forretress Mr. Mime Azumarill Ambipom Ampharos Arcanine
Floors 41-45: Banette Beheeyem Chandelure Tilian Camerupt Darmanitan Donphan Doublade Electabuzz Emolga Furret Florges Galvantula Gengar Gigalith
Floors 46-49: Gloom Gardevoir Glalie Hawlucha Hitmonlee Hitmonchan Hitmontop Kecleon Kachiyama Komuno Liepard Ludicolo Metagross Golbat Greninja Butterfree
Floor 50: Bomushika
Floors 51-55: Eevee and Eeveelutions (including the ones I added)
Floors 56-60: Rhydon Wobbuffet Audino Beautifly Bouffalant Helioptile Dedenne Carbink Slurpuff Ditto Durant Golbat Yanmega
Floors 61-65: Kantonian Exeggcute Tilian Exeggutor Excadrill Emolga Electrode Fearow Ferrothorn Furfrou Gogoat Gothitelle Tilian Granbull Grumpig Muk Heatmor
Floors 66-70: Johtotian Snubbull Magukiu Masquerain Maractus Mawile Noivern Noctowl Ninetales Ninjask Octillery Piloswine Pangoro Bisharp Raichu
Floor 71-75: Johtotian Stantler Poliwrath Quagsire Rapidash Reuniculus Rabbi Tilian Wyrdeer Sandslash Sawk Spinda Throh Seismitoad Sigilyph Scrafty
Floors 76-80: Sinnohian Gible Poliwrath Quagsire Rapidash… …I think I forgot to change the rest of the Pokemon from the last five floors. I might change that later maybe.
Floors 81-90: Volbeat Illumise Golbat Venusaur Charizard Blastoise Vespitos Waaurufu Weezing Watchog Wigglytuff Weavile Whimsicott Xatu Deino
Floors 91-95: Krookodile Swellow Gliscor Leavanny Pidgeot Primeape Snorlax Raticate Goodra Nidoqueen Nidoking Arbok Mightyena
Floors 96-99: Alakazam Gallade Aggron Bronzong Cofagrigus Drapion Pyroar Mienshao Scyther Sableye Malamar Ariados Barbaracle Swalot
Floor 100: Tilian Yanmega
Floors 101-105: Happiny Riolu Monja Peticorn Betobebe Pudi Mikon Kyoona Cleffa Pichu Azurill Smoochum Shelidos Bonsly
Floors 106-110: Chingling Munchlax Elekid Budew Togepi Magby Wynaut Mime Jr. Mantyke Igglybuff Tyrogue Joroo
Floors 111-115: Scraggy Kachiyama Electrike Manetric Kowakuru Usaki Gulpin Numel Teddiursa Croagunk Kotora Rinrin Bergmite
Floors 116-120: Pumpkaboo Phantump Snover Heatmor Karrablast Foongus Ducklett Swanna Mincinno Garbodor Crustle Scolipede Palplitoad Gurdurr Audino
Floors 121-125: Gigalith Unfezant Simisear Simisage Simipour Sudowoodo Purugly Vibrava Flygon Grumpig Roselia Manectric Medicham Aggron
Floors 126-130: Magneton Zebstrika Jumpluff Talonflame Hariyama Banette Druddigon Bibarel Gastrodon Slowking Slowbro Ninjask Shedinja Persian
Floors 131-135: Wigglytuff Jynx Magmar Claydol Poliwrath Delcatty Magcargo Altaria Ludicolo Eelektross Swoobat Klinklang Gourgeist Gliscor
Floors 136-140: Vileplume Dodrio Salamance Donphan Exploud Slaking Breloom Pelipper Smeargle Heracross Steelix Sunflora Dragonite Snorlax
Floors 141-149: Tangrowth Walrein Plusle Minun Malamar Carnivine Tropius Hippowdon Primeape Drapion Sandslash Bellossom Haxorus Porygon
Wild Pokemon you can find in the water (May not be entirely accurate): I didn't spend nearly as much time with these ones since there's only a few maps with water in them, so unless you're going up and down the ladder to find one at a certain floor, the chances of you actually finding a specific Pokemon in the water are pretty slim.
Floors 1-10: Magikarp
Floors 11-20: Magikarp Psyduck Poliwag
Floors 21-24 and 26-30: Magikarp Slowpoke Seel Shellder Krabby
Floors 25: Marill
Floors 31-40: Magikarp Horsea Goldeen Seaking Staryu Lanturn
Floors 41-45 and 47-50: Magikarp Politoed Seadra Gyarados Poliwhirl
Floors 46: Vaporeon
Floors 51-60: Magikarp Quagsire Basculin Octillery Mantine
Floors 61-70: Magikarp Kingdra Sharpedo Wailord Whiscash
Floors 71-80: Magikarp Crawdaunt Feebas Clampearl Relicanth
Floors 81-90: Magikarp Bibarel Floatzel Gastrodon Sinnohian Finneon
Floors 91-100: Magikarp Seismitoad Basculin Swanna Jellicent
Floors 101-110: Magikarp Alomomola Barbaracle Dragalge Clawitzer
111-120: Magikarp Ikari Gurotesu Mantyke Seaprin
121-: Magikarp Cloyster2 Basculegion Corsolora Triabo
I might add more later. I might not. Let's just wait and see.
All possible items that you can get from the rocks:
Floors 5-19: Nothing Light clay Lagging Tail Super Potion Iron Ball Pokeball
Floors 20-29: Nothing Light clay Lagging Tail Super Potion Sticky Barb Iron Ball Pokeball Rock Slide TM Bright Powder Stardust Float stone Sail Fossil Jaw Fossil
Floors 30-39: Nothing Light clay Lagging Tail Super Potion Sticky Barb Iron Ball Pokeball Rock Slide TM Bright Powder Stardust Float stone
Floors 40-49: Nothing Light clay Ultra Ball Sticky Barb Pokeball Toxic Orb Flame Orb Hyper Potion Great Ball Rock Slide TM Bright Powder Stardust Float stone Sail Fossil Jaw Fossil
Floors 50-59: Nothing All elemental gems Pokeball Sticky barb Toxic Orb Flame Orb Ultra ball Light clay Float stone Stardust Great Ball TM for Rock Slide
Floors 60-: Every evolutionary stone, including the Link Stone Everstone Hardstone TM for Earthquake Great ball Rare Club Revive King's Rock Ultra ball Light Clay Sticky Barb Great Ball Toxic Orb Flame Orb Pearl Hyper Potion Bright Powder Star Piece TM for Rock Slide
#pokemon essentials#pokemon fan game#pokemon fan games#pokemon everlasting orchard#pokemon#augusta cave#EO guide
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Yamper cross breeds!
My half of the lil challenge with @marissaofunderground!
All them are based off actual mutts, and all are PRECIOUS
#aruart#pokemon#yamper#cross breeds#pokemon variations#pokemon variants#pokemon crossbreeds#lillipup#smeargle#houndour#poochyena#growlithe#fennekin#snubbull#furfrou#rockruff
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Literally nobody asked but I did more Bagons
#my art#pokefusion#pokemon crossbreeds#pokemon variations#pokemon variants#pokemon#bagon#snubbull#woobat#absol
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Snubbull variations!
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Hi! I'm Neph and this is my pokeblog/various mon games blog :o)
Misc info:
-im 26 and use he/it pronouns (nonbinary trans man)
-my favorite pokemon are snubbull/granbull + maschiff/mabosstiff :o) I also like most fairy types, but esp the swirlix and spritzee lines!! And any clown/mime esque pokemon
-my favorite non pokemon mon games are: nexomon + nexomon extinction, coromon, moonstone island, cassette beasts, anode heart, and loomian legacy!
Tag info:
-each individual pokemon is tagged with their name
-each human character is tagged as their name + the region in which they originate (characters from any region in scarvi are tagged with 'paldea' even if they're not technically from there)
-any other mon games are tagged with "not pokemon" + the name of the game
Other tags:
-Pokemon Variations: catchall tag
-Retypes: the pokemon have been reimagined as a different type
-Fusions: 2 or more pokemon have been mixed together
-Fakemon: entirely original designs
-Paradox: paradox pokemon
-Redesigns: the pokemon has been reimagined but the type(s) stay the same
-Evo Swaps: the evolution order has been switched
-Alt Evos: a different evolution has been imagined for an existing pokemon
-Color Variations: the colors have been changed but the rest of the design is the same
-Subspecies: designs that give the pokemon alternate design elements but don’t mix them with another pokemon. (example: brelooms that have different real world mushrooms incorporated into their design)
-Variants: designs that don’t quite fit in any of the other categories
Will block you if I see that you're:
-pro.ship, map
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Normal type Snubbull line If you like this one, please like, share and visit my DeviantArt.
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TIL for me but pokemon cafe remix has shiny pokemon!
Shiny pokemon were introduced with the December 2020 event as a movie tie in and then became a true feature with the November 2021 update.
The first shiny I got on this game is starly!!! This also my first ever shiny starly on any game but I have gotten shiny staravaia on arceus.
So far there are 10 shiny mons released with eevee, snubbull, kirlia, piplup, starly, munchlax, and slurpuff being random chances to appear.
Sadly shiny rowlet is event only and shiny celebi was only available in pokemon cafe mix before the 2021 update. I'm not sure on when rowlet's event will be back or if celebi is attainable now.
There is a event for increased chances of shiny mons visiting the cafe ongoing rn and the featured mon for this event is starly. This event lasts for about 2 more days.
Just a FYI if you want the shiny on your team, you got to max it's hearts out even if your got the non shiny variation on the team.
#shiny hunting#shiny pokemon#pokemon#pokemon cafe remix#pokemon cafe remix shiny starly event#pokemon cafe remix shiny number 1#starly#shiny starly
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209 - Snubbull
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okay but hdm/pokemon crossover where:
stelmaria is a liepard
the golden monkey is a monferno (possibly a shiny but color's off)
pan is a ditto until he settles as a shiny linoone
kirjava is a shiny umbreon (possibly an espeon but that has more to do with headcanoning espeon pelt as being more subtle in variations than an umbreon's)
asta is either a flareon or one of the litten evolutions (the latter fits better but if we're going malcom/will parallels, another eeveelution is better)
ben is an arcanine or growlithe but often took the form of a snubbull before settling
iorek and the bears are beartics equipped with metal coats (or a variant steel evolution requiring them)
hester is a bunnelby
asriel looks like chairman rose
will looks like hop but has a completely different personality
lyra is your player character so she looks however you want her to look
#musings#pokemon#hdm#his dark materials#i mostly tried to one-to-one based on appearances#because if we did pokemon personality and typing i think these would change significantly#pan wouldn't be a linoone for one#the golden monkey would definitely be a shiny#etc.
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if there was a galarian ducklett and swanna, they would be a flying/fairy type. what do you think? if there was a galarian seel and dewgong, they would be based on grey seals and would be a water/steel type. what do you think?
ducklett/swanna being flying/fairy would be really cute, and seel/dewgong being water/steel would be really cool!
if there where galarian versions of snubbull and granbull, they would be brown like bulldogs and would be a fairy/fighting type. what do you think? if doduo and dodrio would have regional variants in the Egyptian pokemon region, they would have feathers similar to an ostrich and would be a flying/ground type. what do you think?
those variations would be really interesting too!
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tell me all about your top ten favorite pokemon!
I don’t have a specific top 10 of favs so I’ll just write whatever Pokemon I think of first. ps. I love character designs and shinies so I’ll talk abt that a lot sorry 😪
Regice: I like all the Regis! Fun methods to obtain them, unique story, good integration into the games, creepy in the anime, amazing cries in the anime as well as the games which is rare imo. Shame the switch to 3D models made everything desaturated and thus ruined the shiny for Regice. (it was never an amazing shiny but was previously more noticeable) [Shiny: 4/10]
Smoochum: My boyfriend says she looks like me LMAO Shiny does my least fav thing where it goes like a shade lighter tho. [Shiny: 0/10]
Deoxys: I think Deoxys is one of the coolest Pokemon ever, it’s design is good and I love how “out of this world” and unsettling everything about it is from it’s cry to it’s form changes and regeneration. It also has a big pew pew laser. Shiny isn’t my favourite unfortunately but everything else makes up for it and the shiny is at least interesting to look at. [Shiny: 6/10]
Malamar: Great design, great moves, great abilities, fun evolution gimmick, and a bastard. I use my Malamar (named Squidward) whenever possible. It’s shiny is so disappointing though, it would have been nice for them to play up Malamar being evil and gone darker or red. [Shiny: 3/10]
Snubbull: I’m so fond of Snubbull as a Pokemon! It’s design is so appealing to me and I like the moves it learns. It has a really pretty shiny too~ I also have to say I like Snubbull in the anime a lot. [Shiny: 8/10]
Celesteela: The entire lore behind Celesteela (and Kartana) is amazing, I love Celesteela’s design and I love using it to battle as well. I have nothing negative to say at all aside from it’s shiny being a let down but that goes for all of the Ultra Beasts really. [Shiny: 1/10]
Kartana: I love this tiny bastard. What’s said above applies. [Shiny: 2/10]Nidoqueen: First of all, GIRL POWER. I had a Nidoqueen called Glinda in a Leaf Green save years ago and I somehow lost that save, so this one’s for u Glinda 😭 Would have been nice for the shiny to follow the purple trend of her prevos but the one we have is still quite nice. [Shiny: 7/10]
Cutiefly: She’s valid and I simply adore her. [Shiny: 10/10]
Florges: Another Pokemon I love battling with! I love her design as well as the fact you can have variations in colour. Shiny is pretty meh but the purple colour itself is nice. [Shiny: 2/10]
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Chapter I: There are over one hundred distinct kinds of vampire in Tamriel. The Iliac Bay region alone has nine variations with unique powers and abilities. I have this information not only because I have been researching this blight of the world for the last ten years of my life, but because for the seven years before that, I was one of the creatures. Vampirism is a disease, like brain rot or cholera, but far, far more insidious.
Snubbull better than that though what is that about a robot though what is that about a robot though. cholera?
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so i heard about pokemon variations and made one for snubbull
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Snubbull line Pokemon variation ( Ghost ) Please like and share if you enjoy this one. Also visit my DeviantArt too. The names are spiribull and henchabull, if you want the name of the Pokemon btw.
#snubbull#granbull#pokemon#ghost#ghost pokemon#pokemon variations#nintendo#gamefreak#video games#cool drawing
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