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lilycoving · 4 months ago
They really should be making more poké balls out of biodegradable material. Was reading up on the manufacturing process to see if anything’s changed since I last read up on it and that just came to mind. It’s not that hard with our modern technologies. We can revive Pokémon from fossils. We don’t need plastic on net balls and dive balls. Fucking ridiculous.
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 10 months ago
FINALLY got a picture of my camera shy Muk!! :-]
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We’re going through routine toxin removal! Sludge here helps me out with Pokémon breeding and raising and his chemical deposits aren’t exactly healthy for baby Pokémon. Or adult Pokémon. Most Pokémon, really.
Muk from Alola are safe to touch with your bare hands as long as you avoid their toxin deposits! But when removing their crystallized toxins, I have to wear gloves to make sure I don’t poison myself.
And, apparently people don’t know this?? Grimer and Muk don’t smell bad?? Depending on their chemical composition, they might actually smell GOOD. Or like cleaning solution. They are NOT smelly.
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sekioka-official · 6 months ago
Are you a champion? Tell me, how do I become champion, please! What did you focus on when training your pokemon for competition? How do you know what pokemon to bring, or do you only use your favorites? I want to use my favorites too, like my Raichu! Your Raichu is cool too, I've never seen one like that, is it from Alola? How is becoming first champion of a region like Alola feels like?
[ @cowboy-pikachu ]
man I’m sorry but I was like 13 so I don’t know how much of this I can answer. I just don’t remember. :-(
but I can say that yeah my Raichu is Alolan, he’s a psychic type! I don’t really do competitive Pokémon battling anymore but personally I like to play it safe. being first champion brings a lot of unwanted attention but also so much in terms of bragging rights haha. just keep goin at it, kid, you’ll get there someday.
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skitty-appreciator · 5 months ago
in honor of halloween, whats the scariest thing thats happened to you?
I don’t know! I don’t get scared! X3c
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 3 months ago
Lots of land and money and I also rent out my battle teams. AND Poké Pelago we fucking LOVE those guys here. They’re fantastic if you can get signed up with them. It’s an Alolan program where Pokémon can be sent to an archipelago for care and enrichment. I think it’s mainly used by battlers with huge teams in most universes? I think? But it also has a pretty large breeder and Ride Pokémon trainer userbase
how the fuck do you guys take care of so many pokemon anyways?
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lilycoving · 4 months ago
- BT
You’re in luck!
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Here she is, our one winged demon, Sephiroth. She can’t fly, but she does have a habit of climbing things as if she’s some kind of Chatot or swift. Swifts, for those in dimensions without them, are small birds that are known for climbing and clinging to things, as well as only landing to nest. Of course, our Sephiroth is not a swift, she’s a Swellow, but the shape her body makes while she climbs is very similar to one.
She’s a troublemaker because she’s curious. She loves getting into places where she shouldn’t be. She’s very gutsy, we’ll give her that. Thankfully, she never drops down from a perch to dive-bomb staff or other residents. Thank the gods, ahaha!
The staff member in the picture, the human, not the bird, is Crow, one of our caretakers.
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 4 months ago
Holy shit. I might be aromantic.
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sekioka-official · 2 months ago
@acerolaheir )
Another alolan! Hiya! Ex-champ, too, but from... waaaaaaaay before my time! I'll have to do some research into when you were a champ!
I'm Casper. You probably met my great (x4) grandma back when you were here? Her name was Acerola, she was famous for her shiny mimikyu!
alola! yo, my friend was actually talking about you. rola’s actually probably more famous for like…housing homeless people and orphaned kids where I’m from. idr if her Mimikyu is shiny, I’d have to check.
you’re from 2200, right? what’s it like, future cousin?
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 23 days ago
Moved to Hoenn when I was 18 to get away from shit happening there with my health and being monitored. Bad decision? Yeah, in the long run, probably, I have ptsd now lol. But I love Hoenn and I love the people there and the bad weather and the animals and Pokémon and it’s my home too, now. One of the places I call home! :-]
Also, not voluntarily, but I left Hoenn too. Faller.
Bonus points for telling the story
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skitty-appreciator · 5 months ago
【Skitty】 - What's your favorite memory from when you were younger? (For Tabitha)
[ask deleted]
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lilycoving · 4 months ago
Rank shrimp species
I’m only ranking five, because there are lots of shrimp, and I’m limiting this to true shrimp. I’m not telling you how I’m ranking them, either. That’s for you to figure out.
Cherry shrimp
Pistol shrimp
Spiked shrimp
Alolan river shrimp
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 19 days ago
How long ago were you in team Magma? Was it while they were still active, or did you not come around until after they disbanded?
Uhh, I think I joined in 2015? Yeah, it would’ve been 2015. Magma disbanded in 2019. I’ll be honest I don’t know when it started, I could probably ask my ex-roommate if you REALLY wanna know. There’s something for the TRUE FANS to add to their Harte timeline 💖
I wouldn’t be able to join them if they were already disbanded lmao I was there before shit really went down
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 3 months ago
//hehe :)
Timeline can be found at @hartelore-archive
Characters: Oh so many. Harte Sekioka and family (this blog and @sekioka-official), Homura Tabitha ( @lilycoving), Calico of @skitty-appreciator, Crescent of @bleeding-crescent, lots of characters that don’t have blogs. Nobody on rotomblr shares a universe with PVA yet, and nobody will, unless people from the original PVA in 2017 join rotomblr.
Harte, Tabitha, and Calico are fallers (into ST’s universe), yes there is UB activity. Keahilani would love to talk about that. He’s very heavily irradiated by ultra radiation. URS has a base set up in PVA’s Alola. Tabitha goes to and from PVA each week, spending the weekends in ST.
Singular word is very hard. It’s fucked up? Edgy? Written by edgy teens on Amino? Canon divergent? Tragic? Idk. It’s PVA.
There are so many characters in ST. So many. @/equine-fanblog, @/basaltpowder (who is kind of a faller..?), @/auggie-sycamore, @/celeryachroma, @/ditzy-guy, a version of @/rock-pokemon-appreciator, @/maximilianmagma, a lot of inactive blogs ngl, and of course Harte, Tab, and Calico.
God there is so much activity in and out of ST. There are so many fallers in Coela that they built a housing situation for them. Giovanni is known to occasionally pull people through wormholes. There’s one URS guy stationed to the universe after they were told to investigate an anomaly, which ended up being Giovanni. There’s a lab that houses a Nihilego. There’s so much, man.
Again, singular word is hard. Long-running? There’s a hyphen there. Quirky? Fanmade region? That’s two words. Sandbox? Discord?
These universes are closed off in terms of people unrelated to them making their own characters in them. PVA because it’s an amino rp from 2017 and ST because it’s a private discord server.
I hope whatever chart your making turns out well and also I wish to see it…I love charts…👀
heyyyyy pkmn irl community. request. i wanna map out a bunch of universes for one of my characters. can i get like.
info on if they share a universe with anyone else
info on any activity into and out of that universe (ultra beast activity, fallers, union circle (?), etc..)
(optional) a singular word to "describe" that universe
i may be autistic but im having fun with this stupid little chart and wanna expand it past just my characters
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sekioka-official · 6 months ago
Are you hiding from the twelve year olds?
nah, I’m just pretty far up in the ranks, starting at twenty wins. they’ll call me up if the twelve year old gets twenty wins or any multiple of five afterward. it’s kinda like a rotation of strong trainers at that point. they love to advertise the hell out of special challenges. I’m a special challenge, bro. we’ve actually had champs from other regions at the Tree before. huge huge huge events to get one of them in the rotation. it’s fun.
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skitty-appreciator · 8 months ago
// What type of environment does your character like best?
//For Tab, a quiet one. Or…most environments that don’t have a bunch of people, actually. He’s an introvert at heart, even with his love for public speaking and showing off. He loves being outdoors, he’s gone spelunking, he’s really only held back by humidity.
Calico likes crowded environments. She’s a people watcher. She’s very observational. Even if she’s not actively participating in conversation, she enjoys being around others, and studying them closely.
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unbeatable-champ · 2 months ago
Harte's brother, I don't know his name, just because it's a funny answer.
I don't believe I've heard of either, but a good choice regardless!
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