harteofthehart-ayyy · 29 days
FINALLY got a picture of my camera shy Muk!! :-]
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We’re going through routine toxin removal! Sludge here helps me out with Pokémon breeding and raising and his chemical deposits aren’t exactly healthy for baby Pokémon. Or adult Pokémon. Most Pokémon, really.
Muk from Alola are safe to touch with your bare hands as long as you avoid their toxin deposits! But when removing their crystallized toxins, I have to wear gloves to make sure I don’t poison myself.
And, apparently people don’t know this?? Grimer and Muk don’t smell bad?? Depending on their chemical composition, they might actually smell GOOD. Or like cleaning solution. They are NOT smelly.
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 2 months
Former or current members of Team Magma get in contact I miss you also I need to compare universes because of secret reasons PLEASE I will even bribe with Camerupt pictures that I definitely haven’t already posted . I miss my friends if you’re out there SAY HELLO.
Edit actually with some identifying information about MY timeline:
Current year would be 2039
That should be enough identifying information :-]
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 2 months
How big were the land bridges your Magma created?
Uhhh. Pretty significantly big. I tried scribbling them in on a map of Hoenn. There was the big one, and then an island that had non-land bridges (so normal bridges) that connected Sootopolis to the mainland.
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 11 days
To everyone out there, life DOES get better. I was a piece of shit when I was 22 and felt like life would never improve and now I am 43 and literally snug as a bug in a rug. The bug is Vibrava btw
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 28 days
Why is my Magma just objectively the best one. Every other Magma I’ve heard of just isn’t as good. Or they’re just straight up bad. What!
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 1 month
Question: If one has lung problems, is it a bad idea to adopt that candle creature?
I’m assuming you mean Litwick? They don’t produce any actual smoke so you should be fine as long as you train it to not eat your life energy. If you can’t train one yourself, a breeder could help!
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 2 months
I’ll say it I do love my roommate. Platonically. He’s too good to me. He’s such a good man. He’s so patient with my bullshit. The whole world is gonna know it.
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 12 days
Now I’m thinking about the fucking..Rotom products.
Back where I’m from, they weren’t SUPER common like they are here, and if you had one, that Rotom was YOURS. Maybe not assigned to a pokeball but you were responsible for your own Rotom and your Rotom was always super chatty. If your Rotom wasn’t active you’d probably have to get it checked out to see if it’s sick.
I got a Rotom phone from an acquaintance who housed me for a few days after I fell and it doesn’t even have a name. It doesn’t talk to me. It’s apparently NORMAL for this to be this way in this universe, btw. Which is a bit freaky! I forget there’s a Rotom possessing my phone!
My roommate’s Rotom doesn’t talk much but his is active and will like. Do shit and named itself Neon.
My friend Calico’s Rotom is super talkative and is constantly trying to order blenders online and named itself Sparkus Malarkus and is pretty much a service Pokémon which is again, APPARENTLY NOT NORMAL IN THIS UNIVERSE!
And then I compare this to my brother’s Rotomdex back when they were new in Alola and his Rotom is like his best friend and would want to be like, part of conversations and liked photography and would add her own little annotations to pokedex entries and shit.
Which comes back around to my Rotom phone and how it’s apparently just normal to not feel like you have a little guy with you.
I dunno. Just some thoughts I’ve been having.
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 2 months
give me a dating story grandpa
I once dated a guy who was a werewolf. Had to lock him up on full moons or he’d start mauling people. THANKfully his other boyfriend and I were able to keep that from happening using our Pokémon, but he did almost injure some guys once.
That’s not really much of a STORY but I’ve already typed it out at this point so I may as well post it.
Also. Grandpa????
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 28 days
What was being in Team Magma like? Sorry if you've been asked before, or if you don't want to answer. I'm genuinely just kind of curious, because it seems like you still talk about them positively, even though... well.
It was great! I loved it. I may have been super dysfunctional at the time, and MAYBE it gave me ptsd, and MAYBE it was really bad for me, but Magma did pull me out of a really awful period of my life, forced me to actually make friends, and gave me some really great experiences. MAYBE the bad outweighs the good but I can keep pretending it doesn’t. 💖
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Okay I’m making my own posts where I transcribe the tags on another post that I reblogged. This is about domestic Aggron! It’s just a little ramble.
Aron, while better beginner steel types than MANY others, do evolve after they get enough experience. There’s nothing wrong with preventing Aron evolution health-wise, so this may not be a worry! However, if you ARE planning on evolving your Aron into an Aggron, here are some things I typed up in the tags of another post.
While Aggron ARE more difficult to care for, I personally think Lairon are the most difficult of their evolution line due to their stubbornness. Aggron in comparison are much more “agreeable” and much smarter than people give them credit for.
The thing to watch out for with Aggron is that domestic Aggron WILL claim a territory. If you’re a traveling trainer, your Aggron won’t claim territory unless you give them enough time to settle down. A domestic Aggron’s territory is much smaller than a wild Aggron’s. A wild Aggron’s territory could be a mountain, while a domestic Aggron’s territory could be your front yard. Either way, Aggron are very territorial and protective of what is theirs. They are known as the kings of the mountains, after all!
Thankfully, domestic Aggron tend to be more docile than their wild counterparts! It’s not that difficult to get a well-trained Aggron to respect the presence of strangers, especially with the encouragement of treats. An Aggron that’s used to strangers will, of course, be way more lenient with strangers in their territory than one that’s wild caught.
In terms of maintenance and enrichment, Aggron are fairly simple compared to a lot of other steel types! They’re very good at taking care of their own armor and won’t rust unless there’s an underlying condition or their diet is poor. It doesn’t hurt to polish them up every once in a while, though! Taking preventative measures is way better than having a sick and corroded partner. As for enrichment, wild Aggron garden! They may be the kings and queens of their mountains, but they’re also the groundskeepers. If you give your Aggron a sapling, it WILL be planted, and it WILL be protected. Growing berries with your Aggron is sure to be rewarding for both parties!!
Speaking of gardening, a Pokémon that gets along with Aggron is Torterra! Torterra often cultivate entire miniature ecosystems on their shells, and don’t mind a bit of change now and then. Aggron may plant flowers, keep trees and bushes healthy, and bring smaller Pokémon to your Torterra, which enriches both of them! An Aggron ALSO may declare the Torterra as their territory, which can prevent issues with an overprotective Aggron scaring away the mailman.
Overall, Aggron are not the worst choice for a fully evolved steel type partner. They’re mildly difficult, very manageable if you know what you’re doing, and greatly rewarding.
Original tags are under the read more :-]
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 23 days
adamant - whats a hot take you have that you refuse to change?
APPARENTLY on this app this is a hot take but shiny breeding can be done ethically and it IS done ethically.
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 24 days
do baby seviper danger. Fuck. I mean are they dangerous
Yes! Yes they are. They’re venomous the moment they hatch and they’re also VERY squirmy little things. So, yknow, normal Seviper levels of dangerous except smaller.
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There once was a man named Harte
He was not particularly smart
He once took a fall
From a place rather tall
And now we want no part
This is how I broke both my legs in 2017
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 27 days
Poke Ball - What’s a thing that seemed normal to you until someone told you it wasn’t?
Uhhhh fucking Team Aqua being violent?? Is apparently not normal to literally anyone else?? But I’ve talked about that before
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harteofthehart-ayyy · 1 month
21. bare minimum act of dipshittery that would provoke u to fistfight a stranger in a shopping mall
- @4ster-bl4ster
//ooc: ask games go brrr//
Honestly I don’t know if anything could get me to fistfight someone because I know I’d lose. LOTS of things can get me to take out a pokeball like it’s a threat though.
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