Take it one step at a time
21K posts
Hi! I'm Ruby/Baxter and I love cartoons. I'm 22, white, and autistic. they/she. icon by b0n3-h34d
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baxtervalentine · 7 hours ago
new month, new post;
survival fund for disabled Black trans couple
(id in alt text)
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making this post as my wife and i r two disabled Black trans folks living in TX who are both currently out of work due to disability and other circumstances, and are in need of consistent financial help in order to afford our living expenses and survive. i have the main three apps, a shared ko-fi and patreon, and a registry of household needs and wants (praying the amazon link embeds properly, feel free to dm me if its broken).
if u cant donate, rbing this post (without tags if possible) is the most helpful thing you can do, as i know my situation and have evaluated the options available to me before turning to ebegging. thanks!
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baxtervalentine · 7 hours ago
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aaand he thinks he's cool. boy give your mom her muumuu back
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baxtervalentine · 8 hours ago
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this alien shit get serious
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baxtervalentine · 9 hours ago
Save our life !!❤️🥹
Hello again, I am Ahmed Mazen Hammad from Gaza, I live in war, fear and destruction, we have been living for almost a year now and we do not know how long, we have been displaced from our home more than 9 times,
every time I was displaced to another place I prayed that this would be the last, but then came the idea of ​​​​forced exit to search for safety where there is no safety, we got very tired and our bodies were exhausted, we no longer had the energy to continue, we lived hunger, thirst, cold and all the difficult conditions that humans cannot imagine,
We never imagined that a day would come when we would live all this, I lost my family and my childhood home, even my friends are no longer around, I was left alone!! I search for salvation from death, I fear death and I fear it and I fear losing my father, the idea is terrifying to leave your dreams and ambitions and the life you planned and depart from this world, we do not deny death but we do not want to live it now,
I had a beautiful life, suddenly I do not know how I lost my life, we live in a tent that can only accommodate 3 people, made of nylon that no human can bear, just standing in it for more than two minutes during the day is enough to melt you, in addition to insects, diseases and lack of privacy, imagine all this!! Can you live??
In addition, my father has a very serious illness, he had a stroke, liver disease and other things that I lost, and I also lost my mother a month ago. My father needs care due to chronic diseases and lack of treatment, and his condition is getting worse, and I am the only one who takes care of her, so I am really afraid of losing and I do not want to lose, because I lost a big part of my family, my home, my work and my entire previous life.
Look at my father 💔 Our life is very painful I fear losing my father and living alone
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Things here are more difficult than you imagined, reality is painful 💔
We wake up every day to the smell of death, I have been surrounded by tanks and helicopters more than 4 times, each time I do not know how to survive? It seems that my death has not come yet
I do not want to die!! 🥺
Please help me save my life and get out of here, life is impossible
Your donation will save my life, it is the only way, hand in hand we can achieve the goal please
My father faced death and surgeries because of the diseases he committed. Please I cannot live without my father. He has been my refuge after the death of my mother. Please donate to me so that I can provide for my father’s needs so that he can stay by my side.🙏🏻
You will not be the reason for my father's death or anything bad to happen. Please donate to save my father. If every person who donates will help me provide for my father's needs and provide him with the necessary medicine.
Share my campaign 🙏
Donate to me please 🍉
Thank you all 🍉🇵🇸
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baxtervalentine · 9 hours ago
Don't skip 🚨Emergency
My name is Mahmoud Al-Halaq, from Palestine - Gaza - I am 29 years old. This message is addressed to every person who carries compassion, kindness, and love in their heart. After 470 days of war on Gaza, the destruction that has occurred, the displacement we have faced, moving from one place to another, and the loss and death of loved ones and friends, I found myself alone without a home or place, and even the prices of food are astronomical. The world has changed so much that life has become gloomy and boring. Therefore, I ask for your help in rebuilding myself, my life, and my family's life anew. You are our remaining hope in life. If there were an opportunity to work, I would not waste a minute nor ask for help from anyone, but I urgently need assistance for my family, my children, and the women to rebuild what has been destroyed and crushed in this devastating and painful war. Thank you for your time and support; we draw our strength and resilience from your support. 🍉
✅vetted by@gazavetters,(#365)✅
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baxtervalentine · 11 hours ago
jury-rigged. even keel. by the board. three sheets to the wind. loose cannon. son of a gun. pipe down. taken aback.
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baxtervalentine · 11 hours ago
‼️Vetting Done ‼️
Our campaign has been vetted by @gazavetters
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #325 )✅️
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Our campaign link:
Our campaign has also been vetted by @dlxxv-vetted-donations
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@ot3 @mangocheesecakes @good-old-gossip @dragon-master-kai @vakarians-babe @prinnay @neptunerings @paper-mario-wiki @newsfrom-theworld @a-scary-lack-of-common-sense @magnus-rhymes-with-swagness-blog @buttercuparry @westaysilly @sunflowersmoths@nieyaoevents @finalgirlabigailhobbs @normal-thoughts-official @flower-tea-fairies @mephal @mothfishing @theaethernetconnection @90-ghost @gaza-evacuation-funds @northgazaupdates2@treeen@keikuri@archivist-goldfish @loook-back-at-it @lookineedsleep@a-scary-lack-of-common-sense@ot3 @reminded @neechees @ankle-beez @paper-mario-wiki @khanger@treesbian @pigswithwings @mobiused @poss-um @possiblythebesteyesintheworld @noble-kale @a-shade-of-blue @chokulit @neptunerings @heydreamchild @dlxxv-vetted-donations @segamascott @autisticmudkip @shadowedskies178 @rowansugar @t-800terminator-blog @greggorylee @wellwaterhysteria @theleechyskrunkly @notlikingbestgirl @inkxplashes @ragtoons @blackcherri-stuff @ajloun @@irangp @sayruq
@appsa @sar-soor @sayruq @stuckinapril @heritageposts @neptunerings @feluka-blog-blog @malcriada @queerstudiesnatural @rizzyluke @determinate-negation
@tamamita @serial-unaliver @vampiricvenus @punkitt-is-here @2spirit-0spoons @paper-mario-wiki @omegaversereloaded @nyancrimew @90-ghost @beserkerjewel @ot3 @killy @prisonhannibal @aimasup @anneemay @dirhwangdaseul @neechees @memingursa @b0nkcreat @certifiedsexed @afro-elf @11thsense @sawasawako @vamprisms @girlinafairytale @spacebeyonce @skipppppy @beetledrink @schoolhater @3000s @annevbonny @fools-and-perverts2 @dailyquests @evillesbianvillain @wolfertinger666 @taffybuns @valtsv @postanagramgenerator @feluka @fairuzfan
@fllagellant @jjjammerson @verycolourfulflipflops @genericminecraftpotato @probablynotaskeleton @sh4rkh4ts @bonicedemandarina @radical-l0ver @weareweirdpeople @ash-the-bee @ettaberrytea @cryptdmoth @cthulusposts @eastgaysian @uhhh-i-dont-know @charc-arts @hexblooddruid @strawbebbyboba @strawberridrops @rawdvd
@rinthesecond @brookepagebe @kixflip @1p0lly1 @morihaus @rattlesnake-acrobatics @thatonebored-juniorcolleague @my-multi-fandom-blog @slyfire @constellationriver @moonfox-mumbles @mauvethecolor @banananerdworld @l3mon-boy @sliipppy @stargazinglesbian @transguyhawkeye @i-am-the-half-dead-soul-l @futuristicchaospoetry @antigxnee
@exactlydangerousdragon @charcoalsoup69 @0luna123 @th3ch1psste4ler @lavenderlovers-stuff @thegardener-and-theaupair @luminouslateralup @zzzubie @crisostomo @uhoh-but-yeah-alright @preemptivemolars @gayruledge @danyayeni2 @agentmoss @solitudecasesolace @demonpikmin @capybara-platypus @ambreeskyewriting @q8p @death-cannot-kill-you
@all-purpose-utility-nerd @free0101 @slendyverseargcollections @neonfruitbowl @momfriend2800 @luvmoonie @womenbehotfr @seventhefurbfather @c0-j-c0 @ignore-this0 @space-ace-books @olivedacat @exhausted-asterism @iphigenia-wailing @enderenby404 @implalazz @lunar-eclipse-bunnies @microwavesex @a-court-of-valkyries @thegoodwitchluz-uea
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@grapejuicedragoon @chloefrazer @hauntedcloudtheorist @sanaimissyou @zigcarnivorous @silver1012345 @ebenrosetaylor @promiscuousasexual @lord-of-the-froggies @duovxq @dapokemonmadster @saffronbaklava @labutansa @dqrknight @spaceswordblaster @importantt-reblogs @e-102 @moonssugar @toughknit @bisexualpositivity
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@galactic-mermaid @cosmic-horrors-in-forests @rubiter20 @swordofazrael1992 @lowcallyfruity @uwabbittuwabbit @labutansa @dilfzuku @pelorsdyke @reyesstrand @luvqwish @sherbetp0p @starlightsugar @fr0ge @whatislovevavy @timeless-orchid @magentasky234 @swapauanon @yakiattaki @pegglefan69
@writing-is-a-martial-art @bug-s0da @ohmerricat @mildmayfoxe @sunnyartistwriter @rabbithaver @madeline-kahn @unabashedmagicalgirlfan @averagenotnormal @emathyst9 @pet-shop-of-horror-fan @reyesstrand @rainy-fog @thefakehedgehogaroundhere @discreative @antixabound @liamins @thenextglamourousbard @jolyne-best-jojo @officialgleamstar
@cosmicsymbols @spunkfunkyzzz @fairedoll @tomboyjessie13 @citrusfruitman @baldwin-10-12-d @kirbytripledeluxe @just-a-queer-fanboy @quellstak @whatyouvegotunderyourskirt @xinakwans @leotanaka @andva-ri @mima-sama @galax-dragon @hauntedcloudtheorist @50c14lly4nx10u5 @saffronbaklava @thespacegardener @cows-quack @heydreamchild @temperedxanthippe
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baxtervalentine · 12 hours ago
‼️Very important ‼️‼️
Please save me and my family 😭💔💔💔💔
Vatted by gaza-evacuation -fund click here
Hey friends I really need your support once again 🥺💔💔 My transfers in the give me campaign have been stopped for a month or more until now I can't use any of the money so I created a new campaign on the chuffed website and I really need your help so please try to spread the link and donate again I really need your support 😭💔💔🥺
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baxtervalentine · 12 hours ago
Does Luigi like ..have a canon interest in fashion or clothes? Does he make a remark about it in game. I'm not super up to date on smaller references of the game but in the fanfictions I'm reading so many have mentioned Luigi caring extra about his clothes or generally being interested in fashion. Is this a fanon thing or is this referenced in some game's?
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baxtervalentine · 12 hours ago
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Overview of some topics when it comes to drawing characters who are burn survivors.
DISCLAIMER. Please keep in mind that this is an introductory overview for drawing some burn scars and has a lot of generalizations in it, so not every “X is Z” statement will be true for Actual People. I'm calling this introductory because I hope to get people to actually do their own research before drawing disabled & visibly different characters rather than just making stuff up. Think of it as a starting point and take it with a grain of salt (especially if you have a very different art style from mine).
Talking about research and learning... don't make your burn survivor characters evil. Burn survivors are normal people and don't deserve to be constantly portrayed in such a way.
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edit: apparently tum "queerest place on the internet" blr hates disabled people so much that this post got automatically filtered. cool!
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baxtervalentine · 12 hours ago
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[image description: a drawing of strong sad from homestar runner looking at the viewer through a video camera with the text "experimental film reanimated interest check!" around the drawing. end id]
hello there, homestar runner and tmbg fans alike!! would YOU wanna take part in a collab project to reanimate a certified Classic music video? would YOU wanna watch this if it was made? would YOU want to make this a slightly less daunting task for me? if you answered yes to any of these questions, check out THIS interest form!!
it would be incredible if i were able to have the time and people to make this lil dream of mine a reality!!
and for those uninitiated, you can watch the music video in question here!!
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baxtervalentine · 12 hours ago
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Today is Thursday
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baxtervalentine · 12 hours ago
Please don't skip 🍉🍉🖤
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #340 )✅️
This is my story 🫶🍉
Iam Aya, an outstanding high school student. I was very happy to be on the verge of achieving my dream of finishing my school studies and achieving what I aspired to, which is to become a doctor.
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My family of 8 and a beautiful cat named Katie were living a beautiful and peaceful life, each of us striving to achieve our dreams.
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We had our beautiful house in Khan Yunis. Recently, we were celebrating my sister Heba’s fourth place in the Gaza Strip in the Arabic language recruitment exam. Our life was like material and emotional perfection. We did not feel deprived or lacking anything.
My sister Lina is a university student. Her dream was to become a psychologist to help mentally ill people in the Strip.
My brother Ahmed was the most beautiful gift from God. He came after 20 years of being deprived of male siblings. After completing his studies, he became a water carrier and took on a great responsibility beyond his capacity.
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We also had two little butterflies, the apple of the house, and Jana, the favorites of their teachers and friends at school.
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Then the war broke out and everything was turned upside down. We were forced to leave the house after quadcopters surrounded us, tanks surrounded us, and we saw death right in front of our eyes, but we miraculously escaped.
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We were displaced several times on foot. Feet, then our end was in a tent that did not protect us from the cold of winter or the heat of summer, and there were poisonous insects and scorpions around us, there was no clean water or healthy food, so my family and I got hepatitis and a lot of intestinal infections.
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We were shocked that our house was bombed and destroyed and the features of the house disappeared from the face of the earth, so we felt very sad and despair took over us.
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Life here in Gaza is expensive, we cannot buy the minimum necessities of life, imagine that the price of a kilo of tomatoes is $50, and the price of a bag of flour is $200, life here is like a famine!
My father is a nervous patient and my mother suffers from chronic pressure and they need continuous treatment and medications 🥹😓
We suffer from bringing water from long distances, and from the high prices of food and cleaning materials and water pollution.
What we have suffered most in this war is the loss of members of our family, and this is the hardest thing we have been through. We have lost 20 members of our family.
Please help us bear the very high cost of living until we evacuate from Gaza and save our lives. The cost per person is $5,000. Help us, you are the only hope left."🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏
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baxtervalentine · 12 hours ago
‼️The war is back,We are under bombardment‼️
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As you know, after spending a year and a half under genocide, we are now back at war again. Bombings are everywhere, martyrs are everywhere, everything is dull, the crossing is closed, there are no goods or medicine, and the prices are exorbitant. 😭😔
At this moment, there are more than 500 martyrs and the number is still increasing.😞 Every martyr is a dream. More than 500 dreams have been killed.😭😞
We will die at any moment, don't leave us alone, we need you, you are our last hope, donate to save me and my family...‼️‼️‼️
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baxtervalentine · 13 hours ago
💔As the world celebrates the new year, we in Gaza are facing the difficulty of life in all its details. The streets are not lit up with decorations, and Joy does not know its way into our hearts. In Gaza, explosions echo in our skies, and our hearts live in anticipation of release. Our children do not know what safety looks like, our families are moving between blockade and destruction, we are looking for hope amid a harsh and merciless reality.
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The situation in Gaza is getting more difficult, and the lack of donations is making the gap deeper, and increasing the suffering of many. At a time when the world is celebrating the arrival of the new year, we are still living day by day, waiting for support and help, to be able to live with dignity.🥺💔
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We in Gaza need you more than ever. Your donation can alleviate our pain and suffering, provide hope to our children who are missing their most basic rights in life. Don't let the new year pass without being part of a real change. Donate now, because every contribution is worth our lives and the lives of our children🙏, and every step towards helping us is a step towards peace and humanity 🫂
🙏Donate anything you can for us please and for our children who scream from hunger and cold every day, we don't want to die
✅️Vetted by @gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #289 )✅️
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baxtervalentine · 5 days ago
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Spooky time🎃
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baxtervalentine · 5 days ago
godpoke for ggg confessions on twt
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i love this little cowboy
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