#snoji talk
snoji · 2 months
i'm so desperate for some new mccoy content but i swear, when i see what they're currently doing in strange new worlds and their characters i'm really really glad they haven't brought him in yet, cause i know if they did, they'd ruin my man in a second (and absolutely in the worst way possible)
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bllds1 · 7 years
I was tagged by the incredible @ultracrepidarianchild! Thank you so much!!! 💗 1) Do you like contemporary art, if yes do you have a favourite artist?     I really, really, really LOVE contemporary art!!! I don’t have a favorite; it’s all so amazing, but I love it! 2) What would you do on Broadway?      I'm definitely not skilled enough to sing/perform, so I would probably do set design or something like it! 3) Someone you absolutely admire and why?    I was gonna go with a celebrity but tbh, I really admire my brother. He’s super fun and we basically bond over musicals. (On the day the Newsies pro-shot was put up on Netflix, we watched it together and it was super fun) 4) What’s your opinion on philosophy?      I think it’s really interesting. I’ve never looked super deep into it, but it’s always a cool thing to research when I'm bored. 5) What is an unlikely interest of yours?      dfjkakdfjhk I'm super into old plays, like the stuff Shakespeare wrote 6) What is something important you learned the past year?      You don’t have to completely re-mold your personality to fit one person’s standard of how you should be. 7) What are you good at? Name 4 things or more. Don’t downplay yourself!      1 - While my actual singing voice is Not Good™, I can hold notes for a really long time (my current record is over a minute long)      2 - I'm good at like,,, weird voices?? I have a voice for every person that annoys me      3 - I can keep a straight face really well, even when doing jokes and stuff       4 - I'm pretty good at memorizing things       5 - idk if this counts but I'm ambidextrous  8) The three best things about you AND someone close to you      Me: 1 - I'm trash at giving advice, but good at listening             2 - idk if this counts either but my hair sometimes looks good             3 - I'm filled with love    My brother!!: 1 - ALWAYS looks amazing                          2 - super, super nice                          3 - really easy to talk to 9) Do you have big dreams and what are they? It Doesn’t matter if its realistic or not      Kind of. I really want to do something involved with Broadway/theatre in general 10) bees?      always Tagging: @timesarehardfornewsies @eri-ara @bullcrappery @a-random-girl-with-a-random-blog @snoji and @mylockedforgood to answer these questions: 1) Who would you consider to be your inspiration? 2) What is the best advice you’ve ever heard/been given? 3) Best memories? 4) What’s your favorite hobby? 5) Name at least 3 things that you like about yourself!! 6) What kind of music do you generally listen to? Do you have a favorite singer/band? 7) What’s your favorite animal? 8) I need good books to read, so who’s your favorite author/what’s your favorite book (if you have one)? 9) Do you have a favorite season? 10) What’s your dream vacation?     
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snoji · 11 days
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LOOK what came in the mail today!!! i'm going feral over these amazing stickers signed @forecast0ctopus they're so beautiful and shiny 👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨✨
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snoji · 14 days
hmmm got too many things i want to draw, so i'm not able to draw anything....
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snoji · 23 days
today i was wearing my star trek shirt outside and a random man in his 40s pointed at me with a huge smile saying "star trek!!! :D" and i just pointed back at him like yes!!! trekkies recognizing each other in the wild like dogs at the park
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snoji · 15 days
the older i get, the more serious i become about actually getting a star trek stamp tramp tattoo...
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snoji · 30 days
the urge i feel to cosplay Billy Butcher is getting very very real...
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snoji · 5 years
my girlfriend finally realised there was nothing she could do to stop me from being madly in love with jake gyllenhaal so now she sends me pictures of him when i'm sad
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snoji · 7 years
forcing your uninterested friend to listen to your favorite musical like
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snoji · 2 years
Good luck at your job interview!!
thank you sm!!!
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snoji · 6 years
@ the people who are still following me after all this time: are u guys ok
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snoji · 7 years
me: hey guys,, look at my new obsession
my followers:
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snoji · 6 years
From those who already have been to London; any recommendations of amazing places I shouldn't miss when I’ll go there?
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snoji · 7 years
me: sends a message to someone I admire
me during the next 14 hours, waiting for an answer:
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snoji · 7 years
person: *doesn't answer one of my messages in the next 2 hours*
me: it’s ok if you want me to die. just say it already, so I’ll know.
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snoji · 7 years
i’ve just finished Something Rotten! and I got one thing to say;
im gonna fuck shakespeare
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