#snk is just so epic
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early in the morning, especially when it rains, and a little before noon. (14)
erwin x fem!reader
chapters: (1) | (2) | (3) | (4) | (5) | (6) | (7) | (8) | (9) | (10) | (11) | (12) | (13) | (15) | (16) | (17) | (18) | (19) | (20) | (21) | (22) | (23) | (24) | (25) | (26) | (27)
summary: I basically took Isayama’s work, forced it into a romance story, and made Erwin the love interest. Commander meets cadet and they fall in love (not instantly though)
notes: very berry canonverse (but some events were modified to fit my narrative), wasn’t intended to be this long, but it all is in the details right?
content warnings: smut where it fits (or where I make it fit. Also, reader is NOT underage, so likewise, MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, please.) slow burn (I really mean it. I’m not olympic diving into any form of smut for the first chapters.) no angst. I dislike angst. I would never. I could never. (Although angst can be somewhat subjective so take it with a grain of salt?)
wc: 3.6k
“He absolutely despises me.” Hitch took a sip from the generously sized mug you had brought for her when she had appeared at your front door earlier that afternoon. She then pulled your favorite childhood blanket over her knees before proceeding to wear an amused expression that, much to your confusion, completely contradicted the story she was telling. “I would love to say such hate is unfounded but…”
“What did you do?” You eyed her suspiciously, the corners of your mouth already curving up in preparation for the inevitable burst of laughter that always followed your friend’s stories.
“Well, you need some context first. This man. He is a creep. And by creep, I mean his soldier is always standing. Even when it doesn’t have a reason to.”
“Quite alarming indeed. Especially if he’s your superior.” Your nose crinkled in disgust. You couldn’t imagine how uncomfortable it would be to work under someone like that.
“Right? And also for the sake of context, I feel you should know that he has a god complex. He even told some of the girls that he has royal blood and that, get this, was supposed to be a prince! Ha! As if!” She rolled her eyes in disbelief before continuing with her story. “Anyway, he’s always following the girls around like a dog, not me though, because in case I haven’t made it clear by now, he doesn’t like me. Luckily.” She raised a finger to emphasize. “And if you are a boy, or me for that matter, you can be damn sure that he will find the most unpleasant and annoying activity and immediately task you with it.” She smirked and her face reminded you of a high schooler who was about to brag about their grades. “He already disliked me before the night of the ball, but after it, oh I made it to the top of his list!”
You nodded, leaning forward, eager to listen to what was coming next. You knew you were about to get to the part of the story where the Hitch in her name was going to show.
“So, everybody who had been working that night was on the verge of a mental collapse and couldn’t wait to go home and have it in private. We were waiting for the last guests to leave and when they finally did I went to him, my superior, who was talking with a wealthy looking grandpa and, what I hope was his daughter, to inform him that all the guests had left.” Hitch decided to take a sip of her chocolate, and you couldn’t help but feel that it had been solely with the intent of creating anticipation, and not exactly because she was thirsty, but you had to admit it was working. “He saw I was exhausted, so naturally, like any good boss would, he told me I could go home…” She brought the mug to her lips again, but you widened your eyes at her, so she decided to complete her idea instead. “After I made sure the toilets were spotless.” You looked back at her with a pained expression that completely contrasted the proud grin that, for some reason, was crossing your friend’s face. “The stupid smirk he had on his stupid face told me he was expecting me to complain, but let me tell you, he couldn’t have been more wrong. Because instead, I accepted my fate with grace and walked away after leaving some equally graceful words behind: Yes, your hardness.”
You opened your mouth wide, stomach already tensing up in anticipation of the good laugh you were about to get, but before that, you needed to ask one more question. And, as if guessing what it would be, Hitch nodded. “Yes, the shape was clearly visible through his pants. You had to see his face. It was an unforgettable evening, indeed.”
A pleasant warmth filled your chest the same way your laughter filled the room. You looked at Hitch through teary eyes and realized how much you had missed your friend. You couldn’t complain about life back at the base, but you really craved moments like this, with her, moments that had been part of your night routine during the three full years you had spent as roommates.
After the laughter died down and you were able to speak again, you asked: “But like, how come you are still alive after that?”
“Well, as you may imagine, things would most definitely get terrible after such an incident. But I can’t confirm that, because I didn’t stay to find out. The next morning, I went to Commander Nile and begged him to transfer me to another unit.”
“And? Did he?”
“Yes, but I had to write like ten formal requests and practically get down on my knees before he even started to consider it. Because the thing about Commander Nile is that he is also insufferable, only that he does it in a different way.” As you listened to Hitch complain about her superiors, your heart started to take distracting leaps inside your chest, and you did your best to fight back the smile that threatened to spread across your face at the thought of your own boss and how good he was to you. He was good. So good.
“He’s moody and annoying, but at least he’s respectful, professional, and most importantly, isn’t trying to sleep with everyone. Oh my goodness. Not me complimenting Commander Nile.” She crinkled her nose in disgust. “Anyway, that doesn’t change the fact that he’s moody all the time, and permanently has the face of someone who hasn’t been able to poop in years. At first, I thought it was because he wasn’t getting any, but then!” She raised her voice, suddenly and unnecessarily, and in an equally dramatic fashion, raised both index fingers as if asking you to pay close attention. “The other day his wife walked into the headquarters, and imagine the way my jaw dropped to the literal pits of hell when I saw her.” You shuffled in your end of the couch, making yourself more comfortable. Other people’s business was your favorite literary genre. “Not only because Commander Nile pulled a one-eighty, completely transforming himself from insufferable boss to soft-eyed husband in a matter of seconds, but also because his wife is the complete opposite of him.” Her eyes widened, and even though you weren’t too fond of the annoying cliffhangers she deliberately sprinkled here and there in between sentences, you loved how expressive she was. It was all part of her incredible storyteller skills.
“What does she look like?” You sipped from your mug. The chocolate, nice and warm, and just as sweet as you liked it.
“A goddess. Gorgeous doesn’t even begin to describe her. Beautiful falls short. Stunning doesn’t do her justice.��� She explained, very dramatically. “Okay maybe I’m exaggerating but she does look good. Lush strands of gold falling to her hips, swaying synchronously with them as she gracefully makes her way to wherever she has decided to charm with her presence next. It’s important for you to know that she doesn’t just walk, she makes her way gracefully.” You knew what she meant, you had come across that type of people before. The holders of the type of grace that couldn’t be learned, borrowed, or created from experience. And you suddenly remembered the title of a book the commander kept in his office: ‘Walking artwork. Talking poetry.’ The name had stuck with you for some reason, maybe you would borrow it from him one of these days. “Eyes bluer than the summer sky, porcelain skin that reminded me of that expensive doll I spent half my childhood begging my mom to buy for me.”
“Are you sure you aren’t in love with your boss’ wife?” You joked, as a part of you wondered what it would feel like to be so attractive and unforgettable that people would spend so many words attempting to describe your beauty.
“Actually, I’m not sure. Because on top of elegance and good looks, she also has manners and good personality. She smiled and greeted everyone she passed by. And it wasn’t one of those fake smiles you put on just to show your perfect teeth, you know. She’s genuinely charming, and most importantly, smells good.”
“You’re right. Smelling good is what it all comes down to in the end.” You agreed, smiling to yourself at the thought of a very distinctive, musky scent you had grown quite addicted to.
“I don’t understand how someone like her ended up marrying my boss. She could have married anyone she wanted. In fact…” She smirked in a way that successfully reminded you of good old classroom gossip. “Did you know she was this close to marrying your boss?”
You held the mug against your lips, fingers completely freezing around the warm ceramic, unresponsive hands forcing you to taste the liquid that had strangely turned bitter all of a sudden. Sour, even.
“Oh yeah, I heard it from my senior.” Hitch explained, completely misreading your reaction, wearing an amused expression, as she continued to provide gossip that, at any other point in your life, you would have found juicy. She had no way of knowing the silent commotion that piece of information was actually stirring inside you. “Apparently, they used to be close friends back in the day, all three of them. Both, your boss and mine, were completely smitten with her.” You realized your chocolate had gotten unpleasantly tepid as well. “But she ended up choosing mine instead. I wonder if she regrets her decision. Because I would sure as hell do. I mean look at your boss. He’s aging like fine wine, and then look at mine.” She made a face that, under any other circumstances, you would have found funny, maybe next time, when your heart stopped acting like a lemon, a very bitter one, being squeezed for lemonade, and your chocolate, like you hadn’t sweetened it yourself. “But maybe I’m biased, since it’s mandatory for everyone to hate their boss. You know, rule of thumb, law of nature, common sense. Which reminds me, how’s life working under the infamous Erwin Smith? Is he as insufferable as your average boss or worse?” She asked, bringing the mug to her lips.
“We slept together.”
“Sorry?” You didn’t know if she was double-checking because she didn’t believe her ears, or because she didn’t actually hear you, as you had purposely lowered your voice in fear your mother would catch this part of the conversation.
“I slept with the commander.”
“You fucked Erwin Smith?!” She shouted, effectively choking on the sip she had just taken.
“Yes, but please don’t announce it to everyone. I don’t want Mother to think that’s the only thing I’m doing there. Even though I wish it was.” You added, unable to stop your teeth from biting your bottom lip, as the rest of your body reminisced about that night.
“Okay but, I knew it!” She then said, now whispering.
“What do you mean you knew it?”
“I saw the way you look at him. At the ball. I instantly knew those eyes were looking for, you know, a little bedroom activity.” She glanced at the ceiling as if it was a cabinet filled with her memories, and the wood beams, files she was passing a finger over. “And then I saw you guys leaving together, and I thought to myself: there is no way he isn’t going to rip that dress off her later.”
“I really wanted him to. But nothing happened that night.”
“But then when did it happen? And how? And wait, how old is he anyway? Isn’t he like 15 years older than you?”
“Not that much. I mean, I don’t really know, but-”
“Yeah, it doesn’t matter. I’m just asking because, you know the difference in experience brings some very interesting topics to the table… like… tell me, was he any good? Goodness, that face says it all.” She leaned in closer, incredulity making her jaw hang slightly open, and curiosity, her eyes squint tightly.
“The commander’s performance was more than satisfying.” You said in a rather pretentious tone that matched the cheeky smile you were now wearing.
“thE cOmmAndEr’s pErFoRmAnCe wAs mOre thAn saTyiSfying.” Hitch threatened to throw your own pillow at you. “What the fuck does that even mean? I’ll need you to elaborate further, miss. I’m not going back home until you answer all my questions, and I have lots.”
“It means it was fucking perfect. He’s- He’s so-”
You nodded, teeth sinking into your bottom lip.
“It wouldn’t make sense any other way, would it? After all, it takes massive balls to lead a suicide squad. And it takes a rough, unforgiving, sturdy, aggressive, and unbelievably tough man to carry them.” She concluded, lips curving up in a complicit smirk.
“But he’s, you know, so gentle. And warm. And I- I just-” You realized you didn’t know how the sentence was supposed to end. It was all so hazy and misty inside your head, but in a dazzling way. The haze was silky, hypnotizing even, and the mist smelled good. So good. It smelled like-
“No! Wait, what?” Hitch’s sudden, and rather random, intervention cut through the haze, dissipating it.
“Do you love him?” She asked, now leaning backwards as if trying to gain a new perspective, fingers stroking her chin as if trying to come to a conclusion. She reminded you of a critic trying to decide what to think about a painting.
“What? I-” You realized the dazzling haze was now turning into a confusing fog.
“You love him.” Hitch’s words lacked the intonation of a question and the vacillation of a suggestion. They sounded like a conclusion. A confident one.
“Wait wait wait wait- That’s a big word. Isn’t it… isn’t it a little too early to be throwing it out there?” When the question left your mouth, you realized it had been directed more at you than at Hitch.
“I don’t know, you tell me. I don’t have much to work with, woman. You have barely provided me with any information. I literally have no context at all, other than he has a massive dick, and, apparently, knows how to use it.” You snorted, mostly out of courtesy to your friend. It was the type of laugh brains automatically play for the sake of avoiding awkwardness, when they are busy processing something else. “I can only tell you what I think based on what I see now, in front of me, sparkling in your eyes, seeping through that huge ass smile you’re wearing.” She gestured with her hand and tried to mirror your expression, as if to make you understand what she was seeing. “What I see escaping through the gaps left by the words you are purposely omitting from your sentences. The parts that, for whatever reason, you are not telling me.” You made a pained expression, starting to feel slightly under fire. “And based on all the aforementioned, I think it’s safe to say my friend is deep into her boss’ shit. Just as deep as he has been burying himself into her all these nights.”
You rolled your eyes. “It has only happened once.”
“All the more telling! It means it only took one taste of his dick to fall in love with him.”
“I didn’t even do that. It was not like… that, you know. I told you he was very sweet.” One thing was to think about it, but to reminisce out loud about him and all the things he had made you feel that night, came with a whole different set of sensations. You were sure your stomach would burst anytime now, simultaneously freeing all the butterflies along with all your secrets. The ones you seemed to be keeping, even from yourself.
Hitch sighed and glanced at the ceiling for the hundredth time that afternoon. It looked as if the more you spoke, the more you proved her point. “Sweet, gentle, warm… Woman, in my experience, when you start talking about a man and his dick like that, you’re already far gone.”
“Am I?” You tried to read yourself, but in doing so, discovered that there was a reason our eyes could see virtually anything but our own face. Before this conversation, it was attraction. You had never questioned the label you had attached to the feelings you had for the commander. But now, now the question was poking at you, and there was something that made you feel uncomfortable and uneasy about changing such label. It was the kind of anxiety you imagined would be felt when walking close to the edge of something, so close to falling, not knowing how high the fall would be, or how long it would last.
You heard a sigh coming out of your mouth. “Hitch. I honestly don’t know. What am I even expecting? Doing? What’s going to happen now?”
“Hey, hey, hey.” She lowered her head so she could be eye level with you, because yours was now staring down at your own lap, admitting some sort of defeat. “It’s okay if you don’t know what you’re feeling. Heck, it’s okay if you love him, as well, there’s no fault in that. He’s not married. Loving him is not punishable by law. And it’s not a mistake either.” She placed a reassuring hand on your knee. “You can’t control any of that shit anyway. It all just happens. Inside, you know. And, as for what’s going to happen? You just keep riding him like a stallion, and sucking him like a good old popsicle.”
You snorted, either your friend’s words or her warm, supportive hand lightening some of the tightness trapped inside your chest. “I haven’t done any of that yet.”
“Oh, I bet you must be counting down the days to go back to work then, unlike the rest of us who are not having heated, toe-curling desk sex with our boss.”
That’s what you thought you would spend the winter holidays doing: happily reminiscing about such heated toe-curling sex until you were able to have it again. But you should have known better than expecting that from your busy, overthinking mind. As you lied in your childhood bed that night, hours after Hitch had left, you tried to think about the commander, and whether he had enjoyed the little present you had prepared for him.
“I left something for you downstairs. It’s sweet and tangy. Can you guess what it is? Make sure to eat it while it’s still fresh. Happy holidays, Commander.” You remember smiling as you placed the small piece of paper beside the game of chess that have been left unfinished the previous night. You remember smiling as you tiptoed out of his room, stealing one last glance at his sleeping figure, before picking up your clothes and closing the door behind you.
But those warm memories must have frozen under the snowy winter night you were staring into, because instead, you found yourself reminiscing about the conversation from earlier. Did you love him? You decided you didn’t want to answer that now. You didn’t want to think about that now. Instead, you wanted to think about him. So you tried again.
What was he doing now? Probably sitting at his desk, working under the candle light. Had he eaten dinner? Probably not. It was so in character for him to skip it, to completely forget about it. If it wasn’t for you bringing it to his office, he would starve. Hitch would say you were acting like his wife. And for a moment you smiled at the thought. For a moment, until you felt a sudden sting in your chest.
So the Commander had been in love before. In love with Commander Nile’s wife. Even though it had probably been years since then, and you had no right to feel uncomfortable about his ex-lovers, you couldn’t help whatever emotions were trapped inside you from uncomfortably poking at your chest, demanding to be let out.
You couldn’t help your chest from stinging at the thought of him letting his hand get held by someone else’s, and his mind get filled with someone else’s smile, and his bed infused with someone else’s scent, and his heart cherished by someone else’s… love. You turned to the other side, and buried your face in your pillow, as if the cotton fibers could provide the oxygen your lungs needed. Did he get close to love with her? If so, how close? Did he miss her? How close had they been? How intimate had they gotten? Did he recall moments he spent with her? Did he sometimes write about them in those journals? In the journals, were there entries dedicated to her, to his feelings for her? Did he sometimes wonder what could’ve been? How badly had he hurt when she chose his friend instead? Was he still hurting?
You hated to be this type of person. But you couldn’t help it. It was all you knew. You pulled the covers all the way up to your chin, feeling colder than the back side of the pillow your face was still buried into. You wanted to fall asleep, either that or to go back to a point in time where this information was unknown to you. But there was something in the air. Something bitter and sour. And it was finding its way inside your lungs. Filling every inch of your body.
Why did you feel as if you had lost a race? As if you had come in second in a competition, a very important one. You didn’t want to know about all the women who had passed through his life, you didn’t want to because thinking about them made you ask a certain question you wanted to avoid answering: Were you also just passing through?
next chapter
taglist: @elnyrae @angelaevangelion @depitaangeline @ynackerman9499 @afatalheat @pumpkin-toffee @velouria17 @gassytritis @goddessinsweats @nube55 @jeanboyjean @crazychaoticizzy
#thank you so much for waiting#also I’m so excited for the final episode next week omg i just watched the trailer and it looks insane#Reiner and all his scenes omg why is he so iconic i already replayed his scenes from the trailer a thousand times#the voice acting and ost makes it all ten times more epic and incredible#arteastica writes#erwin smith x reader#erwin snk#shingeki no kyojin erwin#erwin x reader#erwin smut#aot erwin#snk erwin#commander erwin#attack on titan erwin#erwin smith#erwin x y/n#erwin x you#erwin smith x y/n#erwin smith x you#erwin fluff#erwin smith fluff#erwin smith fanfiction#aot fanfiction#aot fluff#aot x female reader#aot x y/n#aot x you#aot x reader
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🤘 SNK characters & their fave metal subgenre 🎶
as requested by the lovely Val @youre-ackermine
Mikasa: black metal. she knows every single word of every single most satanic-ritual-like song out there, that she sings with the straightest, bitchiest of resting faces. an Icon (a scary one) ex: 𝕮𝖗𝖆𝖉𝖑𝖊 𝖔𝖋 𝕱𝖎𝖑𝖙𝖍
Armin: i'm sorry, but i'm not sorry, he's a metalcore babe. LISTEN. he's a freak, ok? he just hides it well, that's all. ex: LANDMVRKS
Eren: power/heavy metal. that boy is angry and LOUD about it, and has never met an epic musical call to violence he didn't love! ex: 𝔩𝔬𝔳𝔢𝔟𝔦𝔱𝔢𝔰
Erwin: symphonic/melodic metal, sweetheart got a Classical Music Education he can't quite shake. (there are better examples for this style out there but i love these guys so i put them here!) ex: DARK TRANQUILITY
Hange: folk metal 100%!! metal from all over the world with unusual instruments and techniques for the genre, either from their own culture or others, they're just really hungry for any band that thinks outside the classic "four/five white guys in a garage" box! ex: 𝖚𝖚𝖍𝖆𝖎
Levi: proper thrash metal fan, i feel like he'd love the switch between powerful riffs/quieter rhythms with full on singing and guitar solos. might seem basic, but he knows all of the classics down to the pieces only hardcore fans have ever listened to, and even if he's open to newer stuff, nothing hits like old fashioned metal for him. ex: METALLICA
Bertholdt: rap metal, because he's a whole other kind of freak, isn't he?? don't you dare undermine "non-pure" metal subgenres in his presence because he will lose his usually collected shit. ex: 𝕭𝖔𝖉𝖞 𝕮𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖙
Reiner: alternative metal, kind of mainstream except he's truly feeling those angsty lyrics deep inside. just. let him book a therapist appointment pls?? ex: AVENGED SEVENFOLD
Annie: whatever the fuck babymetal does, that unexpected crossover between j-pop and heavy metal but she's kind of closeted about it because yk, it doesn't say Tough Girl (hopefully there are better examples of that style out there that i don't know about bc the concept is fascinating but bm live aren't... great) ex: 🪽BABYMETAL🪽
Sasha: stoner metal ftw!! she's all about those Vibes where the crowd is usually swaying more than fighting (she doesn't like pogo), plus the melodies remind her of the old rock she listened to with her dad! ex: BLACK RAINBOWS
Connie: punk rock/metal, which looks and sounds nothing more than stupid and noisy to others, but that's how our boy fights the system at his level and congratulations to him for that. he's the proper example of "chaotic good" imo and so is that subgenre <3 ex: Nova twiNs
Jean: prog/nu metal and really anything that connects to "lighter" types of music. he's t e r r i f i e d of the kind Mikasa listens to, but he's trying his best to understand. probably also a swiftie deep inside (not even that deep..) ex: 𝙺𝙰𝚁𝙽𝙸𝚅𝙾𝙾𝙻
#shingeki no kyojin#snk#aot#attack on titan#aot headcanons#snk headcanons#snk hc#metal music#snk x metal music#my hcs#mikasa ackerman#armin arlert#eren jaeger#shiganshina trio#snk vets#erwin smith#hange zoë#levi ackerman#marley trio#reiner braun#bertholdt hoover#annie leonhart#sasha braus#jean kirstein#connie springer#sidenote i only picked out of the hellfest 2024 line up#because i like a challenge hehe#long post#music
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of all the ost of SNK zero eclipse is one of my favorite. i like its epic and heroic side (which contrasts with the apocalyptic prefiguration included in the scene). when we know what ymihisu and erehisu went through it is definitely a music that gives courage (yes i think it is associated with the two ships, historia being the center of gravity). the story of two characters who fought against the cruelty of the world that tried to subjugate them, who pushed each other to be bigger and stronger. and i think it is very appropriate for aquakane.
Damn the image limit I'll post a part first
Prt 1
I had wandered the walls forever
But came upon a way for my return

brought to a new world by their Idol
Heard your name in a conversation
Your kindness I'd yet to learn

Touched for the first time by their kindness
Life has been like an endless nightmare

And now your light it leads me home again

Their kindness saved them
Is it fate to be smashed to pieces?
If you go, we go together

Because you took care of me I want to take care of you too
Jealousy will get me into trouble
Since I met you kid my blades are double!

With your help I have evolved so as not to repeat the mistakes of the past
Sad am I to never hear you sigh
Of ecstasy
And fingertips
You're trembling
We share a kiss

Our worlds eclipse
You're bigger
Why do you hide?
I will shiver

Show me your strength
It's suicide!
But if there's no desire
To get back out alive
You're a zero!
I will definitely not let you die
You're bigger
Why do you ride?
I will shiver
Into the fire!
You just get out alive!
We'll let our worlds collide
We are bigger!

When our worlds connect we are stronger than anyone
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Select Mode
The King of Fighters XIII
No credits for composition are given for this game. Akio Jinsenji is the sound director.
Yesterday was the 14th Anniversary for KOF XIII. I wanted to tribute it with my personal favorite track from the game... the mode select theme from the console version.
This theme stuck out to me in particular because I have never and haven't since heard a MODE select theme that went this hard. The background guitars, the echoing synths, it's so dramatic and epic. I could easily have this as a battle theme or as the theme for a badass new character.
This theme didn't make it into jukebox mode for KOF XV, which doesn't allow you to change the main menu theme. Which I find very regrettable. Some fighting games don't even bother with Main Menu themes, or they just use the character select theme or repurpose another track from the arcade version.
A few other menu themes I find notable are Marvel VS Capcom 2 AND 3, Super Street Fighter 4 (when they still used Volcanic Rim remixes), Capcom VS SNK 2, 3rd Strike Online Edition, and Darkstalkers Resurrection. I'll probably post all of these at some point.
#kof#king of fighters#king of fighters xiii#kof xiii#main menu#fighting games#music#fighting game community#snk#neo geo#main menu theme
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My RP Wishlist for 2025
So, I have been meaning to make this post for a while, so I might as well do it now. Since the New Year has started, I'll post what I would like to do this year.
1. Do more threads with Kyo and Iori's rivalry. I know a lot of people think their rivalry is stale and I shouldn't do it at all, but when I actually get to write it it's actually a lot of fun. People tend to forget that Iori was super smug and petty towards Kyo in his earlier days, and I would like to write that side of him more often. 2. More crossover threads. I don't get to do fighting game crossover threads very often, and for some reason a lot of writers on this site are averse to the idea, especially for fight threads. For the longest time, I always wanted to do an epic Capcom vs. SNK thread, and since they're going to re-release the CVS games this year, now would be the right time to hop on that train.
3. Find more KOF writers to do threads with in general.
I know KOF is a relatively niche series, but I would like to explore certain ideas that didn't get the time to be fleshed out in the games. One idea in particular would be to have Iori develop a kinship of sorts with Leona, who is afflicted with the same blood curse as he is. It won't be a shipping thread, but I can see them forming a bond over time (and they both have their walls, so it won't be easy).
4. Write more threads with Orochi Iori. This was something that I always wanted to do for a while, but when I was trying to push for threads with him back last October, I didn't get much interest. Why are people so scared of writing with Orochi Iori? Halloween is the perfect time to write him! Besides, I always wanted to get better at writing that feral side of Iori. They need to embrace the terror and the chaos he will bring.
5. Write other verses (especially The King of Fantasy).
I know The King of Fantasy (the Iori isekai manga) isn't the greatest work of fiction, but it is a lot of fun. It also has a lot of potential for world-building, and I wanted to explore more of it. Plus you can't go wrong with Iori taking on dragons and other fantasy creatures, right?
6. Explore more of Iori's childhood/family history.
I know Iori's past doesn't get explored all that much in canon (but you do see a glimpse of his child self in KOF: Kyo and you see a snippet of his pre-KOF life in that Sun and Moon drama CD). I would like to do more threads as kid/teen Iori, plus I could have Magai as a guest muse (since he appears in the Shingo Gaiden manga).
I'll add more to this list over time. I just wanted to do more things that aren't bland slice of life threads (which get boring very fast). KOF is a fighting game series, so shouldn't people write more action threads? Besides, Iori is not really a character who you can put in slice of life situations. What's he supposed to do in those (well, besides take care of stray cats and play his bass). Iori is a dark and gritty '90s anti-hero/rival (kind of like Eddie Brock/Venom), so shouldn't I do more threads with that tone in mind for him? And especially violent ones?
#ooc#mun talks#munday#rp wishlist#((slice of life and romance threads tend to be very boring in general))#((and besides Iori is supposed to be kicking ass!))
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hello dearest, I hope you’re doing well 🩵
for the aot ask I’ve come with new questions:
15.a) if you could have prevented the death of a single character, which one would it be? (I already know the answer but still 🤣)
15.b) what is your favorite (top 3 if you can’t choose one) soundtrack?
15.c) do you prefer the anime or the manga?
much love to youuu 💓💓
Hi my dearest Dee ✨
I'm fine, even if I barely slept last night. I hope you're doing well too!
15 a- If you could have prevented the death of a single character, which one would it be?
As you already guessed, I would have saved Hange of course!
Like Erwin died when the answer to his lifelong quest was within his grasp, Hange sacrificed themself before they could explore the outside world, quench their thirst for knowledge, help make people's lives better with new discoveries... I'm fascinated by their intelligence & all those amazing qualities that make them one of the best written characters in SNK, personality-wise. They would have been such an asset in the post war SNK universe.
15 b- What is your favorite (top 3 if you can't choose one) soundtrack?
If it's about the instrumental OST only, those I listen to the most at the moment are:
For the songs with a vocalist, my all-time favourite are:
I can't listen to 'Bauklotze' without crying now obviously 💔
15 c- Do you prefer the anime or the manga?
To be perfectly honest, I read the whole manga only once. I often read a random chapter or a few panels online but I still have to read it again (& it's a pain in the ass because I have the Edition Colossale & every book is f*cking heavy lmao). Besides, the French translation is not very good imo, it missed most of the dialogues' subtleties / nuances :((
Still, the manga panels are amazing, Isayama has a real talent for drawing the facial expressions & making us understand what's going on or feel so many emotions without a single word.
But I love the anime, even if a few things missing or changed kinda rub me the wrong way! The animation is insane (Levi's action scenes are always flawless & omg it's part of why I love the short badass so much!). The music is amazing & epic. The VAs are phenomenal (I only watch the Japanese version with French or English subtitles). It's a f*cking great show!
Just a few words about the scene between Eren & Armin in the last episode. As much as I cannot accept Eren's actions, I still felt sorry & sad for him. But the scene with Armin in the manga was so pathetic it almost swept away my sympathy towards him. Thanks Mappa for fixing this scene, making it a real moment of emotion between soulmate friends, & giving Eren a bit of his humanity back.
So anime it is!
Thanks for taking the time to send these to me!
Sending much love back ❤️
Have a nice Sunday lovely Dee 😘
#val has mail 💌#moots game#ask game#snk ask game#aot ask game#lovely moots 💕#dee ✨#atruewarrior#spotify links#spotify
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So that Partner Showcase and Indie World, huh?
In all honesty, this one kinda just went by me. Somewhat due to the lack of interesting stuff in it, but mostly due to you-probably-know-what. But nevertheless, let's cover this double whammy of a presentation
Balatro: Friends of Jimbo; DISTRACTION DANCE MUSIC HEARD. BEING THOROUGHLY DISTRACTED Neva; I swear I've seen this kind of game in like five different forms yet they all look the same. They're like Fromsoft games Moth Kubit; Corporately cute, I suppose Coffee Talk Tokyo; I don't drink coffee, so I can't really get the hype Sea of Stars; This just looks like the same kind of basic JRPG that you would see in any given anime when they need a "video game" to fill time PowerWash Simulator: Shrek DLC; someBODY ONCE TOLD ME THE WORLD WAS GONNA WASH ME! Morsels; Why does this look like Cuphead plus Little Nightmares to me? Date Everything; Anyone else remember Chairem Anime? Or at least skipped to Sofaden? Peglin; Isn't this the kind of game that's best suited for mobile? Wobbly Life; So Human Fall Flat but free roam? Pico Park 2; If there's one thing Grian taught me, its that this game is far more toxic than the Indie World guys are making it out to be Shovel Knight: Shovel of Hope DX; You're telling me there's still stuff to add for Shovel Knight on Switch? I thought that was all burnt through Europa; Kinda getting BOTW vibes, NGL Cuisineer; ...So is it a roguelike but Overcooked or something? On Your Tail; Wonder how much furry you-know-what has been uploaded to you-know-where already? Metal Slug Tactics; So did SNK sell off Metal Slug or something? How does this count as Indie then? The Plucky Squire; ...Honestly I got nothin' for this one Pizza Tower; Y'ALL READY TO GET FUNKY?!
Tetris Forever; You guys think there are actually 99 Tetrises by this point? Star Overdrive; Why is this giving me Marvel vibes? Goat Simulator 3; It's Goat Sim. What else can I say? Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky the 1st; Basic-looking RPG. I got nothing Star Wars Hunters; Is this Star Wars Overwatch or something? ...okay S.T.A.L.K.E.R.; What is this, "I Can't Believe It's Not COD"? Worms Armageddon; Alright, where's my Holy Hand Grenade? Disney Dreamlight Valley; What was new within this that wasn't here the last time? The Patrick Star Game; Is this a goat sim-like game? No, this is Patrick Fitness Boxing 3; I imagine if you made this into a VR game, it would become the new Wiimote-into-TV Capcom Fighting Collection 2; Power Stone & co rise from the grave (Except the one Capcom fighting game series that's all about things rising from graves) MVC Fighting Collection; Break out the Mango Sentinels and find where your curly mustaches at, because mid-September is MAHVEL TIME, BAYBEE! Atelier Yumia; Honestly this looks like a poor mans Xenoblade to me Suikoden I&II; When will these sprite on 3d rpgs END?! Dragon Quest III HD-2D; (read above) Castlevania Dominus; Huh... neat Civilization VII; Let's just hope that Ghandi is as far away from this one as possible this time round Tales of Graces f; Wait, there's more to Tales of than just Lloyd and Yuri? Wow MySims: Cozy Bundle; Miis plus Sims make this, apparently FNAF: Help Wanted 2; har har har-har har har har-har har-har FNAF: Security Breach - Ruin; Dude, even the trailer was kind slow in framerate. That's how you know that this game has it rough Epic Mickey: Rebrushed; Unless I'm mistaken, I think that was actually the first time we've gotten a look at Tomorrow City. Every other location in the Wasteland was shown off before, but not here Tales of the Shire; Neat Just Dance 2025; Just Dance must have found the Fountain of Youth with how little dying its doing Funko Fusion; This just looks like a lesser Lego Dimensions, to be honest EA Sports FC 25; Dude, who even cares about EA Sports games? (Outside of our goat and savior Madden 08) Lego Horizons Adventures; I just want to know if and/or when the next Tt Lego game will be Rune Factory: Guardians of Azuma; In all honestly, the whole "Japanese" aesthetic has been far overplayed to me. It's completely lost any luster in my eyes Yakuza Kiwami; FOUND YOU ON SWITCH, KIRYU-CHAN!!!
All in all, kind of uneventful. But at least not in terms of the rest of today, because SONIC 3 TRAILER, LETS GOOOOOOOO!!!
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SnK modern au writing prompts/fic ideas...
...that I may or may never get to but if someone else wants to use these for inspo please do and then let me read it :')
Eren and Porco Pizza Shop AU 🍕 They're coworkers who absolutely hate each other's guts and constantly clap back at one another and talk shit throughout the duration of their shifts lmao. But eventually, over time, they develop camaraderie because their personalities are actually pretty similar, they like the same music, and they both hate their boss (can be Levi or Zeke). Slow burn enemies to friends with all sorts of shenanigans. (Bonus: they fight over Pieck, who's a regular at the shop)
Zeke x Frieda, hookup/fake dating au. They initially start hooking up to piss off their dads, Grisha and Rod, who hate each other. But then oops, they catch feels. "We're only doing this to piss off my dad." "Wait... I thought we were doing this to piss off my dad??"
ANY SURFING AU OF ANY KIND!!! 🏄♂️🏄♀️ I feel like Ymir would best fit this au tho. Ymir's a pro surfer and kicks ass. Or; the Warriors take surfing lessons. Annie and Pieck get it right the first try. Porco and Marcel need more practice. Bertolt struggles but gets it eventually. Reiner is too beefy to balance all that muscle lmao.
Eren and Historia ballroom competition. (I have this planned for Silhouettes!)
Dance competition. Can be any pairs, shippy or non-ship. But I like ere/hisu for this one. Along with Porco paired with Pieck. Bertolt and Ymir partner up because they both got rhythm 🎶 Reiner is one of the best dancers (such grace) and he opts for Annie. Mikasa and Armin pair up. Levi and Zeke hate each other but they dance so well together lol. Go wild with this one!
World War II AU. You know that one VJ Day Kiss in Times Square photo that's famous? Yeah that. Imagine your otp.
Gym drama AU: Porco and Pieck work out at the same gym as Eren and Mikasa. (Couples gotta stay fit together ayyy) One fateful day, Eren takes a break between sets and heads to the water fountain, where he thinks Mikasa is taking a sip. All he sees is her black hair pulled back from behind and he's like 'damn is she shorter somehow?' but thinks nothing of it (he's a little loopy from his intense workout) and smacks her on the ass. BUT it's Pieck! Mistaken identity oops! Pieck jolts up and turns around, utterly shocked and Porco hurries over there like 'WTF! Hands off my girl!' Then Mikasa emerges and is like 'Eren, what are you doing???' But Eren, cornered, doubles down despite being in the wrong and is like 'so what? who's gonna stop me?? Fight me!' ^^^this au also works if you replace Eren with Jean, but I feel like Jean would apologize profusely, whereas Eren and Porco would immediately start brawling lmao
Any Zeke x Lara or Zeke x Frieda AU tbh. These ships need more love and are so aesthetically pleasing.
Top Gun AU! Or Air Force, Navy Pilots AU! I prefer the warriors for this one. Reiner as a squad leader. Porco is Pieck's wingman. Etc...
Spy/Assassin AU. Pieck is tasked with taking Eren out but falls in love with him instead. They embark on an epic romantic adventure.
'80s AU!
'90s AU! Anyway, here's Wonderwall!🎶
Kingsman AU: I like Porco and/or Eren for this one.
Bachelorette party AU! Ooohh I have too many ideas for this one!
Birthing class AU. Eren and Historia take a class, accompanied by Zeke and Frieda (the jaeger bros and the reiss sisters ayyyy). I like the idea of porco/pieck taking this class too, and Pieck is just a major goofball throughout the whole thing.
Annie teaches a martial arts class. That's a versatile one. But I was flirting with mik/annie for this one ~~~~
Summer vacation AU: Pieck/Porco plan a couple's getaway, but then Marcel invites himself along, and that means Reiner is going, and then Bert and Annie crash the vacay too.
Dating game show AU: Pieck is a contestant, and her suitors are Porco, Bertolt, Eren, Zeke, and let's throw Levi in there for the lols. Okay, that's a lot. If I think of anything else, I may expand on it. Obviously, I've plugged my own ships in here but feel free to mix it up however you like! Maybe I'll do a holiday edition lol 'tis the season!⛄
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1, 7, 23 for the writers ask <3
Sorry for answering forever later 🙊
What inspired you to start writing fanfiction?
I started writing fanfic back when I was, like, 11? If I remember correctly, it was self-insert for Fruits Basket and entirely because I wanted them all to be happy, especially Tohru. More recently, I was inspired to get back into writing after having the privilege of reading some fucking great snk fanfic. I just... felt the itch to write again that wouldn't go away until I obliged.
7. How do you handle writer's block or moments of creative stagnation?
Depends on how bad it is. I'm constantly juggling 5+ WIPs because I'm the worst at that, so I'm able to jump from one to the next. If it's a full on creative block that makes it so my words don't come for anything, I do something else. Go on a hike. Walk my neighbor's dog. Play a game. I lose myself there until that itch returns. I also have a bad habit of just. Pushing through. I can get it done, but it comes at the cost of burn out lasting longer, unfortunately.
23. How do you write endings for your fics? Do you prefer open-ended or conclusive conclusions?
Recently, I've been plotting my endings so they circle around to the beginning. My favorite is probably that of my epic I'm writing where the final conversation mirrors the first conversation, using almost exactly the same words but with vastly different meanings. I like my endings to be a mix between open-ended and conclusive, so the conflict is firmly ended but their future is open to them.
#incoming.💌#💜. ash#thank you for sending them in even though it was forever later 😭#i appreciate you!
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Day 2: Favorite SnK Moments ➟ “Too many to explain them all. There is so much to choose from!”
#snkpositivityweek#snk#snk 2#snk 3#snkgraphic#snkedit#aotedits#shingeki no kyojin#attack on titan#aot#aot 2#aot 3#torisnkgifs#akdjhakdh aaahhhh i managed to choose 10#but honestly i had like 43 others :O#and that's whitout counting the manga#omg#snk is just so epic#:')
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The world is cruel and unfair. My thoughts about the end of SnK.
This is a post about my feelings re: the end of SnK. I try to mix a bit of analysis and express where, in my opinion, it went wrong.
I’ve only read the last chapter once for now. Managed to avoid every spoiler until the official release. What can I say? I think this ending is disappointing and unsatisfying, despite not being The Worst Thing I’ve Ever Read. It’s serviceable at best, which by default is underwhelming in a work that has almost always tried to go above what we usually see in comparable pieces of fiction. Over almost 140 chapters, SnK offered its readers genuine emotions, either positive or negative, and, until this final chapter, managed to stay true to its themes. But this final chapter is basically a 4/10 or 5/10 ending in an overall 9.5/10 story.
I hope that, after the initial shock of the ending, I’ll be able to look back on it, not fondly, but with a bit more appreciation for some of its (too few) genuinely good moments. I also hope it won’t sour the experience of reading SnK too much for me. Of course, I accept the ending, I accepted it literally the moment I read it even though I saw it go further and further from my expectations and understanding of the story by the second. And obviously, I respect Isayama as a writer and genuinely cherish some parts of this manga.
But I won’t ever think this ending was good, and am going to try to explain why.
First, something quite subjective. I think the chapter lacked genuine emotion. I didn’t feel much of anything, except a crushing sentiment of sadness and a bit of anger when I saw Mikasa alone by Eren’s grave at the end. A lot of what happened felt either incomplete or forced, and often both. For example, I had imagined the moment the curse of Ymir broke would be the most beautiful moment in the manga, but instead it just... happened? This was supposed to be the peak of this story, the miracle that all these terrible sacrifices were made in the name of. I keep thinking about the moment the curse breaks at the end of Fruits Basket (a great read btw) and how genuinely emotional this chapter is even though the genre is different from SnK’s. Considering Isayama’s talent when portraying emotions, I can’t help but feel terribly underwhelmed by his version of this moment, which should have made us feel like everything was worth it, but didn’t.
Second, the pacing in this last arc (and especially post 123) was messy. I know it’s easy to criticize as a reader, but objectively, spending 7 chapters on the alliance going from point X to point Y and not giving the main character the spotlight he deserves is a major mistake. I kept holding hope that all of the buildup since chapter 130 was going to amount to the last 2-3 chapters slapping extremely hard (like, say, the Grisha-centered chapters in return to Shiganshina, or the Reiner-Eren conversation in Marley), but for the first time, Isayama disappointed me in that regard.
While mostly uninteresting fights got dragged out, some plot points were almost forgotten. Some setups never got a proper conclusion. Eren barely got the time to explain his motivations or what he saw. Historia’s conversation from chapter 130 never got an ending. The parasite and Ymir literally disappeared even though they were the focus of the last two chapters before this one. Some memory shards went unexplained. We never got to see Grisha’s death even when this panel exists?
Regardless of the actual things I don’t like in the ending, I think it would have been more palatable if this last stretch of chapters had been given time to breathe, if only to expand on the characters’ motivations or give us more interactions (for example, Eren’s talks with Annie, Reiner, Connie...).
Third, characterisation and themes. Oh boy. My favourite character is Eren, and my other favourites are Mikasa, Armin, Reiner and Zeke. I think that among these five, the only one who got a true, complete character arc was Armin (and arguably Zeke as well, though the lack of resolution between him and Eren is a hate crime towards me, specifically). Reiner had a great character arc overall but his last appearance in the manga was distateful and a regression. I won’t expand on it.

Mikasa... my poor girl. My most charitable take about her ending is that Isayama wanted to portray her inner strength, the fact she can always live on in the face of adversity and cherish her own life despite the setbacks while remembering those she loves. Well, I guess he succeeded. But in a weirdly unsatisfying way, because this renders her character arc entirely cyclical. Those qualities have characterised Mikasa since the start. It’s established since the very first arc that she’s prideful, brave, and that she has the inner strength to live without Eren if he ever disappears from this world. But the way Isayama made it happen? Having her kill him and then cry next to his grave in the final panels of the manga is what her arc amounted to? I had always hoped that Mikasa could actually save Eren from himself and show him how to live and share his burdens with him (all things that have been foreshadowed in the manga itself, btw). I thought her tattoo would hold some significance, either by
A/ being transmitted to her potential child with Eren were he to survive (didn’t happen)
B/ foreshadowing a future political role for her as a bridge between Hizuru and Paradis (didn’t happen, and furthermore she’s the only alliance member living in Shiganshina and is deliberately separated from the rest of them)
C/ having some kind of supernatural power that would allow her to change the game, were she to enter paths or reach the coordinate (didn’t happen).
So what? In the end, Mikasa’s Big Choice amounted to giving up on her love (but also not really because she’s never going to be able to move on and isn’t allowed to feel anything else but pain), resulting in her losing her family for the third time and never being able to welcome Eren home. This is horrifyingly sad. I’m also frankly disturbed by the sort of ~parallel Eren establishes in this chapter between Ymir and Mikasa, about the topic of love. So the message of SnK was that... love is a chain? Everything happened because Ymir was too attached to the King and couldn’t leave this world, so Mikasa had to show her that she could give up on love for the greater good by killing Eren? I wish I just misunderstood this but that’s what I got from the chapter and I hate it. Also, I really thought Isayama was above the traditional “female character who sacrifices everything and never reaches happiness but stays quiet and endures for the common good” trope. I was wrong.
Mikasa might have been the centerpiece of the story, but she got the short end of the stick. At this point, the writing pretty much does the opposite of what it is supposed to by inadvertently justifying the validity of Mikasa and Eren’s “selfish” dream in chapter 138. Initially, I thought that their dream was wrong and not something truly enviable because in it, they led a life of guilt and regret while knowing full well that Eren would end up dying anyway, leaving Mikasa behind, alone. Naively, I thought that surely choosing the responsible path would be more rewarding for Mikasa, one way or the other. But as it turns out, the path of selflessness also led her to a life of solitude, except now she carries her burdens all on her own without having tasted happiness. Amazing. I genuinely do not know how I am supposed to root for this.

Finally... Eren. Oh boy. Oh, good lord. I’ll admit I wanted him to live, but I was also ready to accept an ending where he dies. But... not like this. I already said I don’t like the fact Mikasa killed him, but what I like even less is the lack of general resolution his character received. He’s the MC for god’s sake! But post-chapter 123, he has received second, if not third-grade treatment, save from chapter 131, which was brilliant.
Overall, his motivations are a mess, which I get. Him getting confused because of all his powers and memories is understandable. Him having conflicting motivations is actually appealing to me. He wanted to save Eldia, but was also disappointed in the outside world (when he says “I would have done it anyway”, I thought about what he said to Ramzi and the "scenery” in 131) , and wished for his friends to become heroes. I get it, it’s fine.
But Isayama went too far with the tragic aspect of his character. As in, there is no catharsis, just crushing pain. Isayama deliberately went overkill by stating that Eren killed 80% of humanity (what the hell), and, even worse, actually drove Dina to Carla. I literally couldn’t believe this. I have seen people theorize about this months ago and immediately discarded it by thinking it was ridiculous and amount to character assassination. To make things clear, I’m not discussing Eren’s actions in the last arc from a moralistic point of view, because this would be another topic entirely, I’m talking about what makes sense in the narrative that has been presented to us since the Paths chapters started and Eren’s plan was revealed. For example, however awful the contents of the scene was, Eren manipulating Grisha to kill the Reiss family was not only amazingly written and drawn in chapter 121 but also narratively motivated by the fact he needed the Founding Titan’s power. This scene also had other functions, such as revealing the Attack Titan’s premonition powers or making Zeke interact with Grisha and understand the truth about his father. Compared to this, the “moment” we have in 139, this abrupt, absurd revelation about him indirectly killing his mother is rushed and nonsensical. Even if this was to kickstart the whole story by awakening his hatred for the titans, I can’t help but feel shaken by how... gratuitous a “plot-twist” it is. What does it say about the attachment Eren had to his mother and her words to him? (”because he was born into this world”). This nullifies one of the most impactful scenes of the manga, because the ending makes it clear that in the end, existing as a human being by the simple virtue of being born wasn’t enough for him. It just couldn’t be, for some reason that I’m yet to fully understand. Instead, he endured and endured, and never got to experience the simple, humane existence Carla wished for him. So were these beautiful words a lie all along? Why did Isayama go to such an extreme with Dina? The only conclusion I can come to is that it’s because he needed Eren to be absolutely, totally irredeemeable. Eren needed, storywise, to be this unstoppable extremist who would get burned to ashes by his uncontrollable desires.
Because yes, apparently, Eren had to die. There was no escape. Worst of all, Eren died a slave. A slave to his desire for freedom. A slave to the destiny he saw at age 15. A slave to his titan powers. This is what I truly can’t forgive about this ending. I won’t stand for the “but he chose this” answer, because it was a choice made out of despair, and all the alternatives are presented as non viable by the narrative (are they really though? or is it just a cope-out to justify the last arc of the manga unfolding as it did?). In short, Isayama justifies this “choice” that was forced on Eren by telling us: his life was destined to be short, he had a violent side he just wouldn’t repress, Mikasa didn’t give him the answer he wanted, he was overwhelmed by what he saw, and their enemies were zeroing in on them. Canonically, all of this made him start the Rumbling. Fine. But I always thought that, at the end of it all, even if Eren were to die, this narrative would be challenged. That Eren would at least have a big cathartic moment, and that he would make another choice upon realising that the freedom he looked for was illusory, and that he would fight to the bitter end for what was right, what he truly wanted, before finally either going to rest or living on with the burden of his actions but the support of his loved ones. I wished for the perfect blend of bitterness and hope. The tragedy of irredeemeable actions completed by the powerful liberation of free will. The idea that change is possible.
But what did we get instead? Eren reaffirming that the Rumbling would have happened anyway while feeling tremendous guilt, as usual (living a life with regrets, and consequently, a death with regrets), refusing the support Armin was ready to lend him (refusing to even try to defy what he thinks is his destiny and pushing others away again) and erasing the memories of all his friends after having manipulated them into ending him against their wishes (going against the most basic concept of freedom). And because we as readers and he as a character have to suffer until the very end, Eren finally clearly expressed his wish to live, to stay with Mikasa and his friends. Only to die 5 pages later, for good.
The main character of this story truly died as a disembodied head, in a titan’s mouth, killed by the person he loved the most before being buried in a nameless grave. One of his mottos was “fight”, but in the end, he didn’t. He let fate happen. In a story about freedom, this is unfathomable. This is beyond the realm of sadness for me, and I’m leaning more and more towards indignation. Where was his dignity as a character? I know that Mikasa, Armin and the others know “the truth about him” but I’m sorry, this isn’t enough. Now, if I ever get the strength to re-read SnK, I won’t be able to look at Eren without thinking about all the things he sacrificed: love, friendship, happiness, humanity, morals, principles, justice, freedom, the lives of countless others, the peace of mind of the person he loves, and his own life. A sacrifice so great should have gotten us a reward as great, if not greater. But we only got the end of the titan curse, without even an apparition or a word from Ymir, the one who actually started all of this, and now Paradis is ruled by the Yeagerists or something. The wings of freedom defaced by two rifles. How great. How satisfying.
In the end, I can’t really fathom what Isayama wanted to say with this chapter. The story itself, the 138 chapters that preceded it seemed clear to me. The world is cruel but also very beautiful. But after having read 139, I don’t know where the freedom the characters chased is. I don’t know why love was portrayed as something so precious but also something that in the end was predestined to be discarded. I don’t know why characters such as Mikasa went against fate only to be crushed by it further down the road.
I never thought that SnK would go into this almost grimdark direction, but it did. I can barely find the beauty in this chapter. Mikasa’s last panels are heartbreaking, but even the strength of her love can’t shine through the countless sacrifices the characters - and especially she and Eren - made, for the sake of a future that already seems extremely compromised. I guess that all in all, the world’s cruelty overshadows everything, and those who make the greatest sacrifices also are those who never get repaid. The world is unfair. I know that, but it was my naive wish that reading a piece of fiction would help me take my mind off this reality by showing me there is also more to it.
PS: the best moment in the chapter was those panels:
Finally, even if it was too little and too late, someone showed Eren he wasn’t alone, and didn’t need to be. RIP, my beautiful boy. You truly did deserve better than what this story allowed you to be.
#SnK#SnK 139#Armin Arlert#Mikasa Ackerman#Eren Yeager#Eren Jäger#I don't really expect anybody to read this but I needed to write it#I don't know what to feel about this#mostly because I don't feel much#that's the problem#I just feel like I've been robbed of a satisfying ending#The art is beautiful and some of the dialogue hits but#I can't be happy with this#the last words of SnK are just a repeat of chapter 50? why does it have to be so underwhelming#while it could have been so beautiful#also pet peeve: Eren and Mikasa not even being able to share a real hug once in this series is a robbery of epic proportions#anyway#I'm done now i think#goodbye SnK it was a pretty nice 11 months#now onto other things
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so far i’ve managed to keep myself from looking at the last SNK-chapter before its official release tomorrow, but if the vagueing by others is anything to go by, it seems like a thematic disaster of an ending. people have said it is a perfect showcase of how to not write a story. if this is all true (i will trust nothing but the official release rn, omg), i’m feeling Isayama was just ready to end it, in one way or another, final message be damned.
here’s hoping the leaks so far has just been.... one last easter egg or something though
#if the end is actually... whatever this is tho-#it's made me reflect on how i was originally planning on ending the Jeff and Ted-comic as exaggeratedly as possible just to have it done#but since then i've changed my mind and i want to give it a proper send-off#i mean unlike SNK my own comic doesn't have any important themes or anything to uphold obvs. lol#but given how many people have actually read and enjoyed J&T through the years i wanna give it a proper ending now#not just something half-assed#so if SNK truly ends in a majorly disappointing way-#i guess i'll let that help me to end my comic on as good a note as possible#knowing that as good as SNK has been it could still fall flat on everything it tried to convey#but again- i do hope that's not the case#just some epic trolling from the yams#snk
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Shingeki no Kyojin: The Final Season - Kanketsu-hen
#this was soooooo epic#so horrifyingly epic#I just missed a bit of this look in Eren's face/mouth#guess mappa has problems with mouths when it matters lmao#s04p03#snk 131
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Guess who just watched the newest snk episode?
Please block #snk spoilers and #aot spoilers if necessary. Also, even if you disagree with whatever is below the cut, please don't fight with me or on this post thank you very much. Let me be emotional lol.
I am about to go on a reblogging spree of my old works and some of my favourite reads because I cannot deal with the pain right now.
I fucking loved the animation and the OSTs and everything. The scenes of the rumbling were amazing and it sent chills down my spine. It really brought out the terror and fear and gore and bloodshed. Everyone's voices were perfect. God tier voice acting. I missed hearing them so much. God tier animation. I don't even have anything negative to say about Floch because it was that good. Ono Kensho I love you please take me as your second wife (I'm kidding).
I loved the talk Annie had with Pieck and Reiner, and how Annie had that small smile on her usually emotionless face. I loved the scene of everyone in the plane. I loved the conversations Reiner, Jean, and Connie had. It was like their big brother Reiner was there with them again.
I loved the little hints of romance between Armin and Annie. It was like a breath of fresh air from the suffocating pains of the rumbling. A sense of calmness amongst the chaos. A glimmer of light in the otherwise dark episode. I loved Mikasa's realisation about Annie's hints of feelings for Armin; and maybe her own realisation that that was what she felt for Eren as well. It just reminded me that hey, these teenagers—these soldiers and warriors, were, and are still, girls at heart.
Hange's final scene was the coolest and most epic. Hange dedicated their life to studying all about the titans, and their last moment was fucking glorious. There was no better way to say sayonara to them. Hange waking up to the vets was the best and saddest thing ever. I missed the vets so fucking much. Erwin and Mike and Moblit and Nanaba and everyone else. 10/10 not expecting this scene to appear so soon but 10/10 loved it being there.
Levi. Levi. Levi Levi Levi Levi. Levi. The love of my life. My anchor and my oxygen and my entire world. I love him. I love him so much. He looks so broken and tired and defeated and I want to hug him so tightly it hurts and I want to tell him how proud I am of him and tell him to fight on for a little longer. He deserves all the good things and happy endings and happiness and peace the world can offer.
And, Eren. My boy. My poor boy. My poor little boy. I feel a pang in my chest every time I think of him. Sadness overwhelms me every time I see him. It just hurts so bad. I really want him to find happiness in his pursuit for freedom. I really want him to be happy and free. I wish he was happy.
On a second note. Kamiya Hiroshi saying 'two fingers is enough' is keeping me alive. Kamona? What kamona? Two fingers is enough. Enough to keep me going.
#rei.talks#snk spoilers#aot spoilers#anyway these are my thoughts and feelings so#you may agree or disagree#but i don't want any discourse#let me cry over levi and everything that just happened
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Pretty please make your Marvel and RK crossover idea a reality with an HC when you have the time. PLEEEEEASE 🖤
Thank you for the Ask. Sorry for the delayed answer but I hope this fits!🧩🧩🧩
CW: Some spoilers ahead if you're yet to view the following series.
ReiKasa x Marvel Cinematic Universe Crossover Headcanon #023
Reiner and Mikasa both are very profound in terms of their raw strength and savior energies. In cross fandom universes, they would be the ultimate superhero couple. Well, Reiner very possibly would begin as an anti-hero from Marley who would eventually discover an initial kindred spirit type of camaraderie before it develops into an intense battle synergy & palpable chemistry with the all-Eldian super heroine, Mikasa Ackerman. From two opposing forces, Reiner and Mikasa would somehow find their stars aligned in the cosmos that would bind them together as each other's ride or die. With that in mind, these 3 pairings from the Marvel Cinematic Universe would best be embodied by ReiKasa in their own special ways.
1) Thor & Mighty Thor (Jane Foster)

Apart from sharing similar physique - buff and sturdy body frame and roguish facial shape and hair, Reiner embraces Thor's honor, pride and an almost fallen out of grace moment in his life as he goes through a period of lost and searching for himself. Thor finds himself allying with the Guardians of the Galaxy in order to save the remaining humanity from Thanos (which more or less had an almost similar ideal as SnK's big bad, Eren Jeager), same as what Reiner did in SnK's final arc when he allied with the surviving elite members of the Survey Corps.
Meanwhile, Mikasa would embody the Mighty Thor's relentless fight for the greater good even if she knows that by doing so, she would be sacrificing the most important part of herself all for humanity. This resonated so well in SnK's canonverse. Mikasa has a steely resolve to save humanity at all costs, the same way Jane Foster did as the Mighty Thor. If Mjolnir had chosen Jane as the one worthy enough to wield it, the Founder Ymir had chosen Mikasa to be the one who eventually eliminates the Titan curse & liberates her from her 2,000 years worth of inter-dimensional self-imposed imprisonment.
Traits: The couples shares resilience, bravery and impeccable teamwork.
And just imagine, Thor!Reiner holding Stormbreaker standing back to back with MightyThor!Mikasa wielding Mjolnir as the God & Goddess of Thunder?
💯 Fresh & Epic!
2) Iron Fist (Danny Rand) & Colleen Wing

Dubbed as the daughter of the Dragon, Colleen Wing is a martial artist and instructor. Similar to Mikasa, who's of Japanese blood (Hizuru in SnK), both are exceptional blade wielders and hardened fighters. Where Colleen used Chi manipulation, Mikasa was blessed with awakened Ackerman powers that blessed them both with superhuman strength. Both bear a strong character based on discipline, and both prefer to fight their own battles rather than have someone else do the job for them. Mikasa & Colleen uphold a specific code of conduct - loyalty, courage, veracity, compassion, and honor above all else.
Meanwhile, Reiner and Danny, were both blessed with amazing powers from a mythical legend. Both were forced to survive through a rough childhood and intense systematic training as children. Danny inherited the power of the Iron Fist through the heart of K'un-Lun's mythical beast, Shun-Lao the Undying while Reiner inherited the power of the Armored Titan through his predecessor.
Traits: The couples are very in-sync in battles with complementing styles & moves. And yes, exceptional tag team energy.
3) Moon Knight (Marc Spector/Steven Grant) & Scarlet Scarab (Layla El-Faouly)

Marc Spector (Moon Knight) is a character which is well known for his DID, whereas he has 3 identities/alters which draw similarities to Reiner's duality in the series (despite SnK's guidebook stating that it's fictional 'schizophrenia'), where it was shown that Reiner dissociated heavily that he had two sides - Warrior and Soldier. It may not necessarily be a different consciousness but it involved something as equally complex. Both Marc and Reiner's psyche began to split due to a traumatic incident when they were younger and both are/were in military. Where Marc Spector (one of the alters) was chosen as an avatar by the Egyptian Moon God, Khonshu, Reiner was chosen to wield the Armored, one of the Nine Titans in his universe.
Layla is Marc's (& Stephen) wife who works together with her husband to stop a villain & an ancient deity from unleashing judgment & destruction upon humanity, very similar to Reiner, Mikasa and the Alliance's combined efforts to stop Eren Jeager's the Rumbling through the ancient Founder's will. Layla, (spoiler alert!), is also a chosen avatar by one of the Egyptian Goddess, granting her many abilities including superhuman strength, agility, durability, stamina and reflexes, which are similar to Mikasa's Awakened Ackerman powers.
Traits: The couples have distintinctive battle prowess and deeply care about the other. Despite the challenges and separation, they persevered to protect mankind through the powers that were bestowed upon them.
It's a bit shorter than usual but thanks again for the fun Ask! 💕💯
#reikasa#mikasa ackerman#reiner braun#reiner x mikasa#reikasa reimagines#snk headcanons#aot headcanons#snk reimagines#snk x marvel#snk crossover#aot crossover#thor#moon knight#iron fist#shingeki no kyojin#attack on titan#mighty thor#scarlet scarab#colleen wing
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Just a teeny tiny rant
I saw the guidebook raws & rough translations and man oh man, my disappointment is IMMEASURABLE. I dont even care about the ships at this point- its about my homegirl Mikasa.
These turds have literally ANNILIATED any semblance of character development or agency for her, apparently her character never went beyond EREH EREH EREH and its such a goddamn shame. Because there was SO much potential for her to grow. And this sentiment extends to all female characters (Ymir, Historia, Annie etc) in the story, but Mikasa in particular hurts the most.
I honestly fear for any young, impressionable girl who thinks this is a healthy approach to a romantic relationship. Devote your life to a dude, regardless of his indifferent attitude towards you, on the OFF CHANCE THAT HE MIGHT BE FAKING HIS FEELINGS TOWARDS YOU???? ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME WITH THIS SHIT???? And this still applies even if he did save my life and is my childhood friend! Sure, it counts for something but you dont owe someone love because of that- but because of how you mutually treat one another, ffs.
And i just want to add that if Isayama was pushing EM to be the epic doomed romance/romeo & juliet of our time, well, he failed spectacularly. If he had just built up to it and laid off the one-sidedness than it definitely could have been, but NOPE. That in itself is a shame, because doomed romances tend to hit on a whole other level, when properly developed that they are so perfect for each other, that they belong together despite everything threatening to tear them apart? And then the moment they realize that they, together, cannot be??? AUGH IF HE WOULD HAVE DONE THAT I COULD HAVE HAPPILY ACCEPTED MIKASA'S STUPID GRAVE KINK EPILOGUE
You know, i used to think this story was refreshing and looked forward to seeing how these characters developed- with specific interest in the female ones, but i now accept its just rampant in misogyny, plain and simple. I just thank GOD that Levi's character was spared from this devastation.
Isayama & co are whatever anti-Viagra is, no wonder people struggle to keep their boners up (let alone achieve one anymore) for SNK after this ending, CHANGE MY MIND
Anyway, end rant im fucking off to live in ao3 BYE
#unbelievable#i am disappoint#mikasa ackerman#anti snk ending#snk ending#snk guidebook#snk#snk final chapter#snk 139#snk 139 spoilers#snk spoilers#snk manga
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