#snippets and bits
mothfables · 4 months
Without warning, Ravio scoops Legend up off the ground, one arm under his hips for support. The other boy squawks, flushing bright red as he stammers in surprise.
“You’re tired, honeybee. Pretend all you like, but I can see it in your eyes.” That shuts him up and he bites his lip, glancing away. Ravio looks around at the rest of them. “You all make yourselves at home. I’m going to put this one to bed.”
With that, he starts towards the stairs, Legend beginning to protest loudly as he goes. The other heroes muffle their laughter.
“I’m perfectly capable of going to bed by myself! You don’t need to carry me like I’m some helpless little —!”
“You’re going to bed, and you’re going to stay there, or I’ll have Sheerow watch you to make sure you don’t try anything.”
“You keep that bird away from me!”
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zombubble · 6 months
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For this blog's inaugural Six-Sentence Saturday, I present to you all this snippet from chapter one of In Memory; In Truth:
“It never ceases to horrify,” Lan Zhan says softly, “one merely becomes more adept at handling it.” Sizhui says, “I see. I wonder, why us, though? Why did Mo-gongzi hide us and not people who needed help more than we did?” “That ghost’s power rendered you and the non-cultivators equal,” Lan Zhan says. Given the evidence—how quickly it arrived and tore through a household, the ease with which this thing slaughtered over a hundred people and the sense of power to which bystanders have attested—the juniors stood no better chance than even the least of the Mo Family’s servants. “In the aftermath of such a thing, cultivators are of more benefit. Such slaughter often leads to great resentment.”
I would have posted it earlier but I forgot to make the banner this week and wanted to do that, first. As it is, I have 9 minutes until Saturday ends where I am, and so this is Technically On Time.
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cashmere-caveman · 13 days
today it rained for the first time in ages and ive got my window tilted to let in the cool air and i just heard a woman's voice say "hey i found another puddle!" followed by a little child's happy shriek followed by a big splash sound i absolutely love being alive i hope that kid has so much fun bc i am already thriving just listening to it all
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cubedmango · 7 months
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「安達が魔法使いにならなかった世界線の話」 + 「もしもの話」 — english translation
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wispscribbles · 10 months
why are you and your drawings so cool 😭🙏
afdsasdfasg thank you !! irl ppl would laugh at me being called cool lol - Have a ghoap as thanks <33
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sandflakedraws · 8 months
so i'm readin various stuff on the xray cause this silly film is my current source of joy and
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hold up.
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warmsol · 2 days
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cleaning out my screenshot folder, don't mind me 🧹
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shaanks · 1 month
okay BUT think about the way Shanks acts when you kiss him. The way he giggles into it at first, grinning against your lips with all the playful, casual joy that made you fall in love with him to begin with.
The way he wraps his arm around you, pulls you close, hums softly when it's clear you're not letting go, the way he breathes so slowly as the weight of it settles in his chest, soft and warm and soothing. The way he seems to pull all the breath out of you when he deepens it, the way the wind seems to tug at you like the whole world turns on your shared heartbeat.
think about the way his eyes glisten with something so tender it's almost wounded when you pull away just enough to tell him you love him. that of every soul alive and every treasure at sea, he's the one you want.
think about how Shanks is so easy and indulgent and giving with his affection, but rocked to his core by how freely and honestly you give him yours.
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The hero let out a wet groan, pushing themselves up as the blood ran down their side. It was in itself a funny feeling.
It was a good feeling.
Absolutely no one in this rotten city was able to challenge them. Physically, they were stronger. Mentally, they were quicker. And their dedication, their devotion was like a holy prayer that guided them through their nights.
The hero knew it wasn't a good thing - the longing for a challenge, the desire for an opponent that could actually make them a better fighter. It was a dangerous wish and they had to remind themselves regularly why they were doing this job in the first place.
To do good. To be good. Not to find someone who was their very own nemesis.
However, with the villain's boot on their ribs and that brutal nature of theirs, the hero was struggling not to find this utterly satisactory.
"Yeah, right there," the hero wheezed. "Make me scream."
The villain tilted their head and tutted, nearly bored of the hero's games. They let out a sigh and grabbed the hero's hair, yanking them up.
Another wheeze.
And the villain crouched, holding the hero by their hair. Very close. Very intimate.
"Do you think I am stupid?" the villain asked. Their lips brushed the hero's ear and despite the pain, or maybe because of it, the hero could only concentrate on the adrenaline rushing through their body.
"No," the hero said. They had to grin. Sometimes, they wished they could devour the villain, that they could change them and ultimately, that they could control them.
The hero knew it wasn't right. They knew it wasn't good. But they had never felt this kind of obsession towards anyone. In previous relationships, they hadn't gotten jealous, they hadn't gotten angry. They had never struggled like this. They had never doubted themselves like this.
"I know your dirty little secret," the villain said. "I know you like me. You like this."
"I didn't try to hide it," the hero said.
"Not from me. But the public."
"What are you trying to...?"
"Oh, poor hero," the villain murmed. "See, the difference between you and me is, that I do not care about you. If this gets to one, just one flimsy reporter, the people will turn against you. I can ruin your entire career. Your entire life."
The hero had miscalculated. Obviously, they hadn't expected their nemesis to feel the same. But they also hadn't expected them to tell the public. To use the public against the hero. It was a little shameless. But the hero was even more disgusted by their admiration for it.
"So?" the hero asked. Losing the public was a detrimental loss, that much was clear. But was it even measurable next to the fights with the villain? Did it even matter? When the hero could feel this euphoric? This alive? When had the public ever made them feel that way? "I would still have you."
"I do not love you," the villain argued. "You're not as important to me as you think."
"Give it some time," the hero said. "You will love me, don't worry. Everyone does."
The villain simply laughed at that. It was nearly soft. Or maybe the hero wanted it to be. It didn't matter.
"I have to admit, I am quite interested in what you have in store for me. How will you act once the public calls you a traitor? What will you do when I refuse to fight you? You are-" with their index finger, the villain traced the hero's thoat "-so very unique."
"Is that attraction?"
"Obligatory interest."
"And you say you're not in love."
They stared at each other until, finally, the villain dropped them. They cleared their throat and tilted their head. But the hero swallowed blood when their head nearly smashed against the concrete floor.
"I like toying with you, that is all."
"Sure," the hero said. They clutched their heart, tried to breathe. Being close to the villain was a gift, no matter how much it hurt. The hero loved it, loved their words, loved their personality, loved the challenge. It was insane, the hero felt completely deranged. "Whatever helps you sleep at night."
And the hero was excited. So very excited for the next weeks.
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clare-with-no-i · 3 months
rick doesn't get him like I get him I fear
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wordsofwilderness · 1 month
Found this beauty in my writing notes:
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mothfables · 4 months
Four was sitting against one of the trees behind Wild’s house enjoying a book when he heard footsteps approaching.
Most of the time the other heroes left him alone when he was reading, acknowledging his need for time to himself, only tending to bother him if he was needed for something. Whoever it was coming towards him now didn’t seem to want his attention- in fact it seemed like they didn’t want him to notice them at all, steps quiet and careful.
Glancing up from his book he saw Legend, tiptoeing barefoot through the grass towards him.
Legend looked up at almost the same time and froze, the veteran hero’s eyes going wide. After a moment he glanced around, like he was making sure there was no one else outside, before scurrying over the rest of the way to where Four sat. Four noted he was still walking on his toes.
When he reached the smith, Legend didn’t sit but instead swayed in place, licking his lips nervously and not meeting his eyes.
“Uh- um. Could you, um.” He stuttered, staring at his toes instead of looking at Four. He began fidgeting with his fingers, and Four realized they were bare of his usual array of rings, leaving only his heart and green holy rings. “I was, um, w-wondering if...”
He trailed off, voice quiet and shy in a way Four had never heard before from the older boy. His shoulders were hunched inwards and he kept playing with his hands, ears tilted down. He looked... small.
Four tilted his head in thought. Legend rarely initiated interactions outside of teasing or bets, and when he did it was usually confident and sure. He was hardly ever shy, and certainly never so quiet.
The longer neither of them spoke the further down Legend’s ears went. He began to turn away, drawing into himself dejectedly, and something in Four’s chest clenched.
“Hey, hold on. I haven’t said no yet. You haven’t even asked me anything.”
Legend turned back at that, a tiny flicker of hope in his eyes that he was trying hard to hide. “B-but you, um, y-you dun’ like it wh’n people b’ther you.”
Four ignored the odd way he was speaking in favour of giving him a reassuring smile. “Normally, yes, But you’re not bothering me. Promise,” he added at Legend’s doubtful look. “What it is you want to ask me?”
Legend bit his lip nervously. “C-could you... couldyoureadtome?” he asked in a rush.
The smith blinked in astonishment. Legend wanting to spend time with him was already a surprise, but wanting to be read to? He shook it off quickly, though, instead patting the ground on his left with another smile. “Sure. Come sit with me? It’s always nicer to read when you’re sitting down, in my opinion.”
The other boy lit up and bounced happily, dropping down to sit next to Four and drawing his knees up to his chest. Four found where he left off before beginning to read aloud.
A few minutes passed where the only sounds were Four’s voice and the chirping of birds. Then there was a pressure on his shoulder; glancing over, he saw Legend curled up against his side, eyes fixed on the book in his hands. One of Legend’s hands drifted up to his mouth almost subconsciously only to be snatched back down.
The whole thing was a little odd, but it didn’t seem harmful, so Four decided to let it be. He continued reading, leaning his head on the other boy’s and earning a happy little sound. Legend curled closer, one hand clutching at Four’s sleeve as the other came up to his mouth again. He didn’t seem to notice.
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beastwhimsy · 10 months
I'm completely enamored with this wizard who is in like 5 episodes total and gets barely any lines and I have found THREE other artists who have ever drawn fanart of him. anyway I have decided that I will rectify this injustice by getting even more unwell about them. here he is I love you life giving magus
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they're the kind of wizard to say "wonderful!! ^_^ 🌼🌷💞" and "HOT DOG!!!!!!!!‼️💥🤯" in the same 10 seconds <- he has done this canonically
ID in alt, please consider reblogging thank you I love you
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they're so silly I love you gnc wizard teacher who enjoys road trips and making yummy treats with their friends
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varpusvaras · 2 months
They don't sleep during the first night.
They have turns resting. General Kenobi stays up first, after Fox has managed to get Leia to sleep. Fox lays down next to Leia on the one bed in the small house and he closes his eyes.
He doses off, free of nightmares for the first time since leaving. Maybe it's because of the presence of a Jedi, Fox doesn't know. He's thankful for it anyway.
Then it's his turn, and General Kenobi sits on the floor next to the bed and closes his eyes, and he stays very still until the suns start to rise.
Then Leia wakes up, and Fox feeds her after General Kenobi has made them breakfast, and then they wait.
No one comes.
Fox plays with Leia. Feeds her again. Puts her down for a nap. He checks his communicator. It's silent.
Leia wakes up. Fox plays with her while General Kenobi makes then dinner. Fox feeds her and forces his own meal down. He cannot afford not to eat, no matter how tight his insides feel and how little appetite he has.
Fox puts Leia to bed. She is also calmer here than she had been in the ship. That makes Fox suspect even more that General Kenobi has something to do with it.
Fox doesn't ask.
Leia falls asleep, and Fox sits there, at the edge of the bed, and stares at the window.
The desert has cooled down by now, but it still feels like the heat is lingering inside. An invisible, uncomfortable force, pressing down on Fox's skin, and he cannot escape it anywhere.
The desert around them is quiet. Leia sleeps peacefully next to him.
Fox is just waiting for the door to be shot down and for the Empire to come flooding in like a rush of red, hot blood.
General Kenobi breaks the silence first.
"I noticed the glow last night", he says, and points at his neck when Fox turns to look at him.
"Yes", Fox says. "It's difficult to conceal, even with extensive bacta treatments, since it is so close to skin and bone."
General Kenobi hums quietly.
"Is that how you survived?" He asks then.
Fox thinks briefly of the pain and the numbness, of his body being kept alive for him, of the crunch of his bones as they had been broken and then set again, and of the weightless hours spend submerged.
"Yes", he answers.
General Kenobi nods. They don't talk more of it.
"You didn't say how they found out", he says.
"I am not sure", Fox tells him. "But they knew where to come to look for her, so they must've found out that Bail was there when she died."
General Kenobi leans his jaw against his hand as he thinks.
"We don't know if they know about both of them, then", he says. "Or just about her."
"If they know about them both", Fox says, "and located only one child on Alderaan, they most likely think that the boy is with you."
General Kenobi nods again.
"So they would have to find me first", he murmurs. He looks out of the window, towards the silent dunes.
Fox looks at Leia.
"Do they live close by?" He asks.
"Relatively", General Kenobi answers. "Distances on Tatooine are long, even the shorter ones. But they could very quickly trace my location to theirs."
"It's too risky for us to be here, then", Fox says.
Leia is his priority. Fox would do anything for her. But he cannot put her brother in danger, either, to keep her safe. It's not fair.
Has anything ever been, though?
General Kenobi turns to look at him.
"Do you have anywhere else to go?" He asks. He sounds like he already knows the answer.
Fox shakes his head.
"Then, for the time being", General Kenobi says, "this is the safest place for us all."
He sounds gently confident, like he is trying to reassure Fox of the truth of his words.
Fox has no other options than to believe him right now.
Leia sniffles, and her face scrunches up slightly. Fox runs his finger over the bridge of her nose, until she calms back down.
General Kenobi is watching them when Fox turns back towards him.
"Go to sleep, Commander", he says. "I'll take the first watch."
"Just Fox, please", Fox says. He is not a Commander anymore, after all. Just Fox.
"Alright", General Kenobi says. "I'm just Ben, now."
Fox doesn't think the name really suits the General.
Perhaps he can sense Fox's thoughts, because he smiles slightly.
"Things change, don't they?" He says. "Now, please. Go to sleep, Fox."
Fox doesn't argue with him. He lays down next to Leia, and when she wriggles a bit, he strokes her short, soft hair gently, until she settles once again.
Then Fox closes his eyes and falls into a dreamless sleep.
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aposemetric · 2 years
have you ever wanted to find out which Actually Gay™ anime character you are? have i got the diagnostic quiz for you! this quiz is long, varied, and has 26 different possible results. there is fashion. there is bloodshed. there is overly personal questions.
Let me, Dr. Gay Anime Bitches, assign you a gay anime bitch.
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xenascribbles · 29 days
honestly, i also feel like i haven't seen as many snippets come across my dash as i used to. please share something with me! today, share something funny, something you wrote that makes you laugh.
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