#smart contract code
socialnidhi · 1 year
Exploring The Potential Use Cases Of Smart Contracts And Decentralized Applications
The advent of blockchain technology has paved the way for revolutionary advancements in various sectors, offering secure and transparent solutions for a multitude of applications. At the heart of this transformative technology lies the concept of smart contracts, which enable the automation and execution of agreements without intermediaries. Combined with decentralized applications (dApps), smart contracts have the potential to revolutionize industries by enhancing security, efficiency, and transparency. Click here to know more.
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externalshield · 3 months
A Comprehensive Guide to Smart Contract Auditing: Best Practices and Strategies
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In the rapidly evolving landscape of blockchain technology, smart contracts have emerged as a transformative tool, automating and securing digital contracts without intermediaries. However, their reliance on immutable code leaves them vulnerable to vulnerabilities that can cause significant financial losses and reputational damage. Smart contract auditing plays a crucial role in mitigating these risks by systematically reviewing code for potential flaws and vulnerabilities. This comprehensive guide explores the best practices and strategies involved in smart contract auditing, emphasizing the importance of thorough review processes, secure coding practices and proactive risk management. By understanding and implementing these principles, developers and stakeholders can enhance the security, reliability and trustworthiness of their smart contracts in decentralized applications (dApps) and blockchain ecosystems.
Understanding Smart Contract Audits
What is a Smart Contract Audit?
A smart contract audit is a thorough examination of the code and functionality of a smart contract to identify potential vulnerabilities, bugs or security risks. It aims to ensure that the smart contract behaves as intended, securely manages assets and complies with specified business rules and regulatory requirements. Audits are typically conducted by specialized firms or teams with expertise in blockchain technology and security practices, using both automated tools and manual review processes to assess the contract's codebase.
Key Objectives of Smart Contract Audits
The primary objectives of Smart Contract Audits include:
Security Assurance: To identify and mitigate security vulnerabilities such as reentrancy, overflow errors or logic flaws that could be exploited by malicious actors.
Functional Accuracy: To verify that the smart contract executes its intended operations correctly, adhering to specified business rules and ensuring accurate handling of transactions and data.
Risk Mitigation: To reduce the risk of financial loss or disruption by addressing potential weaknesses before deployment, thereby enhancing trust among users and stakeholders.
Compliance and Standards: To ensure that the smart contract complies with industry best practices, regulatory requirements and any applicable standards for security and reliability in blockchain applications.
Differences Between Code Audits and Formal Verification
While both are essential components of smart contract validation, code audits and formal verification differ in their methodologies and scope:
Code Audits: Involve a comprehensive review of the smart contract's source code to identify potential vulnerabilities and ensure adherence to best practices. Auditors typically rely on automated tools and manual inspection to detect bugs or security issues.
Formal Verification: Involves mathematically proving the correctness of a smart contract's code against specified properties or requirements. This rigorous process uses formal methods to verify that the contract behaves as intended under all possible conditions, offering a higher level of assurance but often requiring specialized expertise and computational resources.
By understanding these distinctions and integrating both approaches where appropriate, developers and stakeholders can effectively enhance the security, reliability and functionality of their smart contracts in blockchain applications.
Common Smart Contract Vulnerabilities
Overview of Typical Vulnerabilities:
Smart contracts, despite their promise of security and automation, are susceptible to several common vulnerabilities that can be exploited by malicious actors. Some of the most prevalent vulnerabilities include:
Reentrancy: This vulnerability occurs when a contract calls an external contract before completing its own state changes. If not properly managed, reentrancy can allow an attacker to repeatedly call back into the contract, potentially manipulating its state and causing unexpected behavior.
Integer Overflow and Underflow: Smart contracts often handle numeric values for calculations and storage. Integer overflow happens when a number exceeds its maximum value and wraps around, while underflow occurs when a number becomes negative due to subtraction beyond zero. These conditions can lead to unintended consequences, such as incorrect calculations or unexpected behavior.
Unchecked External Calls: Smart contracts may interact with external contracts or addresses. If these interactions are not properly validated and checked for potential malicious behavior, they can introduce security vulnerabilities, such as unauthorized transfers of assets or manipulation of contract state.
Logic and Design Flaws: These vulnerabilities arise from errors in the logic or design of the smart contract. They can include incorrect assumptions about user behavior, inadequate access control mechanisms or failure to handle edge cases properly, potentially leading to unintended consequences or exploitation.
Real-World Examples of Smart Contract Failures Due to Vulnerabilities:
Several notable incidents have highlighted the consequences of smart contract vulnerabilities:
The DAO Hack (2016): Exploited a reentrancy vulnerability to drain approximately $50 million worth of Ether from The DAO, a decentralized autonomous organization on the Ethereum blockchain. This incident led to a hard fork in Ethereum to recover the funds, highlighting the impact of smart contract vulnerabilities on blockchain communities.
Parity Wallet Bug (2017): A vulnerability in the Parity multi-signature wallet contract resulted in the freezing of hundreds of millions of dollars' worth of Ether. This bug was due to a flaw in the contract's initialization code, demonstrating the critical importance of rigorous auditing and testing in smart contract development.
Integer Overflow Bugs: Various smart contracts have been vulnerable to integer overflow and underflow bugs, leading to unexpected behavior and potential loss of funds. These incidents underscore the need for robust testing and validation of numeric operations in smart contracts.
By understanding these common vulnerabilities and learning from past incidents, developers and auditors can take proactive measures to mitigate risks and enhance the security and resilience of smart contracts in blockchain ecosystems.
Best Practices for Smart Contract Development
Secure Coding Principles for Smart Contracts:
Implementing secure coding practices is crucial to mitigate vulnerabilities and enhance the resilience of smart contracts. Key principles include:
Input Validation: Validate and sanitize all inputs to prevent unexpected data manipulation or exploitation.
Minimize Complexity: Keep smart contracts simple and minimize the number of operations to reduce the risk of introducing bugs or vulnerabilities.
Avoid External Calls During State Changes: Limit or eliminate external calls during critical state changes to prevent reentrancy attacks.
Use Safe Math Libraries: Utilize libraries that provide safe arithmetic operations to prevent integer overflow and underflow vulnerabilities.
Access Control: Implement access control mechanisms to restrict functions and data access to authorized entities only.
Use of Established Libraries and Frameworks:
Utilizing well-established libraries and frameworks can significantly enhance the security and reliability of smart contracts. Benefits include:
Security Audited Code: Libraries and frameworks that have undergone rigorous security audits are less likely to contain vulnerabilities.
Community Support: Established libraries often have a large community of developers who contribute to bug fixes, improvements and security enhancements.
Code Reusability: Reusing trusted code reduces the likelihood of introducing new vulnerabilities and accelerates development timelines.
Importance of Documentation and Comments:
Comprehensive documentation and well-commented code are essential for maintaining and securing smart contracts. Reasons include:
Understanding Contract Functionality: Clear documentation helps developers and auditors understand the intended behavior and logic of the smart contract, reducing the risk of misinterpretation.
Facilitating Audits: Detailed comments and documentation assist auditors in identifying potential vulnerabilities or areas of concern during the audit process.
Enhancing Code Maintenance: Good documentation simplifies future updates and modifications to the smart contract, ensuring continuity and minimizing errors.
By adhering to these best practices, developers can significantly improve the security, reliability and maintainability of smart contracts, contributing to a safer and more robust blockchain ecosystem.
Preparing for a Smart Contract Audit
Initial Code Review and Testing Phases:
Before engaging an external audit, it’s essential to conduct thorough internal reviews and testing:
Internal Code Review: Perform a meticulous internal review of the smart contract code to identify and resolve obvious errors and vulnerabilities. Involve multiple team members to ensure diverse perspectives and catch issues that a single developer might miss.
Automated Testing: Use automated testing frameworks to conduct unit tests, integration tests and end-to-end tests. Ensure that the tests cover all possible scenarios, including edge cases, to verify the contract behaves as expected.
Manual Testing: Complement automated tests with manual testing to explore unusual or unexpected interactions and user behaviors that automated tests might not cover.
Simulation and Mock Environments: Use simulation tools and mock environments to test the contract in a controlled setting that mimics the live blockchain environment. This helps to identify potential issues related to transaction ordering, gas consumption and network interactions.
Setting Audit Goals and Expectations:
Clearly defining the scope and objectives of the audit is crucial for a successful engagement:
Define Scope: Identify which parts of the codebase need to be audited. This could include specific smart contracts, libraries and integrations with external systems.
Set Security Priorities: Establish key security priorities, such as preventing financial loss, ensuring data integrity and maintaining user trust. This helps auditors focus on the most critical areas.
Communicate Expectations: Provide auditors with detailed information about the contract’s intended functionality, business logic and any known risks or concerns. Clear communication ensures that the auditors understand the contract’s purpose and the specific aspects to scrutinize.
Timeline and Deliverables: Agree on a realistic timeline for the audit process and define the expected deliverables, such as detailed reports, risk assessments and remediation recommendations.
Choosing an Audit Firm or Team:
Selecting the right audit firm or team is crucial for a thorough and effective audit:
Experience and Reputation: Choose a firm or team with a proven track record in smart contract auditing. Look for auditors with experience in your specific blockchain platform and technology stack.
Independent and Unbiased: Ensure that the audit firm is independent and has no conflicts of interest that might compromise the integrity of the audit.
Technical Expertise: Assess the technical expertise of the audit team. They should have deep knowledge of smart contract development, blockchain security and the latest vulnerabilities and attack vectors.
References and Case Studies: Request references and review case studies of previous audits to gauge the quality and thoroughness of the firm’s work.
Communication and Collaboration: Choose auditors who are communicative and willing to work collaboratively with your development team. Effective communication is essential for addressing issues and implementing recommendations promptly.
By carefully preparing for the audit, setting clear goals and choosing the right auditors, you can significantly enhance the security and reliability of your smart contracts, building trust with users and stakeholders.
Conducting a Smart Contract Audit
Steps Involved in the Audit Process:
Conducting a thorough smart contract audit involves several key steps to ensure comprehensive review and identification of potential vulnerabilities:
Initial Assessment: Review project documentation, including specifications and design documents, to understand the contract's intended functionality and security requirements.
Code Review: Perform a detailed review of the smart contract codebase, examining each line for vulnerabilities such as reentrancy, integer overflow, logic flaws and unchecked external calls.
Automated Analysis: Use automated security analysis tools to scan the code for common vulnerabilities and potential issues, such as security linters, static analyzers and symbolic execution tools.
Manual Review: Conduct manual inspection of critical parts of the codebase to identify complex vulnerabilities that automated tools may overlook, including edge cases and interactions with external systems.
Testing: Execute a series of rigorous tests, including unit tests, integration tests and scenario-based tests, to validate the contract's behavior under various conditions and ensure it meets functional requirements.
Risk Assessment: Evaluate identified vulnerabilities based on their severity and potential impact on the contract and its users. Prioritize vulnerabilities for remediation based on the assessed risks.
Reporting: Prepare a comprehensive audit report detailing findings, including identified vulnerabilities, their potential impact and recommendations for mitigation. Provide clear and actionable guidance for developers to address the identified issues.
Tools and Techniques Used in Audits:
Auditors employ a variety of tools and techniques to conduct smart contract audits effectively:
Automated Security Tools: Utilize tools such as MythX, Securify and Slither for automated vulnerability scanning and analysis.
Manual Review: Employ manual inspection techniques to scrutinize critical parts of the codebase and identify nuanced vulnerabilities.
Symbolic Execution: Use symbolic execution tools like Manticore to explore and analyze possible execution paths of the smart contract code.
Gas Analysis: Evaluate gas usage and optimize contract efficiency to minimize transaction costs and potential vulnerabilities related to gas limits.
Peer Review: Engage in peer review sessions among auditors to validate findings and ensure thorough coverage of potential vulnerabilities.
Collaboration Between Auditors and Development Teams:
Effective collaboration between auditors and development teams is essential for a successful audit:
Clear Communication: Maintain open and clear communication channels to discuss findings, clarify requirements and address concerns promptly.
Feedback Loop: Establish a feedback loop where auditors provide regular updates and interim findings to the development team, allowing for timely resolution of issues.
Knowledge Sharing: Share insights and best practices between auditors and developers to enhance understanding of security principles and improve future development practices.
Remediation Support: Provide guidance and support to developers during the remediation process, including verifying fixes and validating the effectiveness of security enhancements.
By following these steps and leveraging appropriate tools and techniques, auditors and development teams can collaborate effectively to enhance the security, reliability and trustworthiness of smart contracts in blockchain applications.
Mitigation Strategies and Best Practices
Strategies for Addressing Identified Vulnerabilities:
Once vulnerabilities are identified through audits or testing, it's crucial to implement effective mitigation strategies. These may include applying patches or code fixes to eliminate vulnerabilities, enhancing access controls and re-evaluating contract logic to prevent exploitation. Regular security updates and proactive monitoring can help maintain the integrity of smart contracts and mitigate emerging threats.
Importance of Emergency Response Plans:
Having a well-defined emergency response plan is essential to quickly and effectively address security incidents or breaches in smart contracts. This plan should outline procedures for incident detection, containment, mitigation and recovery. Clear communication channels and roles/responsibilities assignments ensure swift action during crises, minimizing potential damages and maintaining user confidence.
Implementing Updates and Version Control:
Implementing updates and maintaining version control are critical for managing changes and improving the security of smart contracts over time. Version control systems, such as Git, enable tracking of code modifications, facilitating collaboration and auditing. Regular updates should be accompanied by thorough testing and validation to ensure compatibility, functionality and security integrity throughout the contract's lifecycle. This approach helps mitigate risks associated with outdated or vulnerable code, promoting a robust and secure smart contract environment.
Post-Audit Considerations
Reporting and Communicating Audit Findings:
Prepare a detailed audit report outlining identified vulnerabilities, their severity levels and recommended actions for mitigation.
Clearly communicate findings to stakeholders, including developers, project managers and stakeholders, in a transparent and understandable manner.
Provide actionable recommendations for addressing vulnerabilities and improving overall smart contract security.
Re-Auditing and Continuous Monitoring:
Schedule periodic re-audits to reassess the smart contract's security posture and identify new vulnerabilities or risks that may have emerged since the initial audit.
Implement continuous monitoring solutions to detect anomalous behavior or potential security incidents in real-time.
Stay updated with the latest security trends, best practices and regulatory requirements to maintain a proactive approach to security.
Regulatory Compliance and Legal Implications:
Ensure compliance with relevant regulations and legal frameworks governing smart contracts, cryptocurrency transactions and data protection.
Consult legal experts to navigate regulatory requirements specific to your jurisdiction and industry.
Address any legal implications arising from audit findings or security incidents promptly and transparently to mitigate legal risks and maintain regulatory compliance.
In conclusion, smart contract auditing is an important process to ensure the security, reliability and trustworthiness of blockchain-based applications. By systematically reviewing and testing smart contract code, developers can identify and mitigate vulnerabilities that could lead to financial loss or breach of user trust. It is essential to implement best practices such as secure coding principles, thorough auditing and effective communication between auditors and development teams. Additionally, post-audit considerations such as continuous monitoring, re-auditing and compliance with regulatory requirements are important to maintain the integrity of smart contracts over time. By prioritizing security at every stage of development and beyond, stakeholders can foster a safer and more resilient blockchain ecosystem for all users and participants.
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wilsbennews · 2 years
How to Learn Web 3? (Learn Web3 Beginner's Guide)
How to Learn Web 3? (Learn Web3 Beginner’s Guide)
Introduction Web3, also known as the decentralized web, is an emerging technology that utilizes blockchain and other decentralized technologies to create a more secure and transparent internet. As the demand for web3 grows, more and more people are looking to learn about this exciting new technology and how to incorporate it into their businesses or personal projects. But where do you start when…
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altruisticalastor · 7 months
↳˗ˏˋAlastor x Readerˊˎ˗ ↴
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☒ Part One Part Two
☒ Summary: There was no time for doubt or guilt. It was now or never, and you had to play it smart if you wanted to be free, and you longed for that freedom more than anything.The thought of soon being in the comfort of Alastor’s arms, without any restrictions, kept you at bay. Within hours, you would be liberated.
☒ Warnings: fem!reader, she/her pronouns used, happy ending! silly lucifer, vox gets destroyed emotionally, lots of cursing and a light sugestive undertone, angsty and fluffy (a perfect combo) heavily yandere!vox coded, blushy alastor, husband alastor being the sweetest ever
☒ Word Count: 3,545
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You awoke to an empty room after what transpired last night. Slowly, you rubbed the tiredness from your eyes. There was a note on your night table- you noticed it as you sat up. It was from Vox.
Sorry, I cannot be here when you wake, sweetheart. Val is being a pain in my ass. So, duty calls. I'll be up to check on you later. There's breakfast downstairs if you're hungry.  With love, Vox
The kinder he was to you, the more remorse you felt. 
Soon, all of this would be behind you, and that's what you had to remind yourself of. 
You took your time rolling out of bed this morning. You dreaded the day ahead of you. As you finished dressing yourself, you caught something in the corner of your eye. You spotted an envelope tucked under your closed window. The corners of the crimson letter lifted from the harsh breeze outside. You wasted no time snatching the tattered note, instantly recognizing the handwriting on the front.  
It was from Alastor.
My Dearest, Gather your prized possessions. I'll be here at midnight to bring you to your proper home- our home. Lucifer will nullify the contract you have with Vox moments after I retrieve you. So worry not, my dear. Within hours, you will be free.  Yours truly, Alastor P.S. Be sure to burn this after you've read it. 
You could hear your heartbeat as your hands shook, tossing the letter into your fireplace. The finish line was just out of reach. You could do this. You hastily began grabbing the belongings you've accumulated over the years, stuffing them into a bag Vox had gifted you for your birthday one year.
As you began gathering your things, the nostalgia kicked in. As did the guilt that sucker punched you right in the gut. 
Each item you stuffed into the tote brought back a pleasant memory. Your favorite tee that you wore to bed each night, for instance. 
You hadn't a clue how Vox even knew this piece of fabric was so meaningful to you. Nor how he obtained it to begin with. But, when Vox re-gifted it to you, you broke down. He seemed startled by your reaction, uttering apology after apology. Vox assumed his gesture did not go over well. But it was quite the contrary. This piece of home made you feel a little less alone in an unfamiliar place. You cried out a meek "Thank you." offering Vox a shaky smile as you wiped your tears away. 
You shoved all of those memories into the back of your mind. The same way you shoved your belongings into the tote. There was no time for doubt or guilt. It was now or never, and you had to play it smart if you wanted to be free— and you longed for that freedom more than anything.
The thought of soon being in the comfort of Alastor’s arms, without any restrictions, kept you at bay. You took a deep breath, slapping your cheeks a few times to snap yourself out of this stupor. Within hours, you would be free.
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Vox had been so angry when Velvette called— disrupting his precious time watching you slumber. These moments were few and far between since you forbid him from installing cameras in your room. Vox grumbled to himself as he stood from the chair, ending the call with Velvette after receiving the news about "Needing to get the piss baby under control."
Slowly, he approached your sleeping frame, admiring you. The rise and fall of your chest. The pleasant expression decorating your beautiful features and the hardly noticeable tremble of your fingers at the hem of your favorite shirt.
It was a cute routine of yours. You tended to play with the stitching at the base of your sleep shirt before you nodded off each night. The sheets always slipped down your frame from how you tossed and turned, giving him a perfect view of your little habit.
Vox recorded this moment for his private use. He knew your self-soothing technique was the reason your shirt was so tattered. Vox put the pieces together ages ago. He never forgot the day he re-gifted you that flimsy old shirt.
When you started living here seven years ago, you arrived with nothing. Vox sensed your anxiety from your lack of familiarity. So he had a chauffeur take him to your and Alastor's newly desolate home. 
Vox rummaged through your personal belongings for a good while, to the lack of your knowledge. Inhaling your scent; which enshrouded your garments. One shirt, in particular, stood out to Vox. He noticed the wear and tear in the fabric, giving it so much character and conveying a story of its own. He assumed this tee was sentimental, so Vox took it. Hoping that a piece of home would put your mind at ease. He had also confiscated your perfume and other personal garments for himself. But you hardly needed to know that.
When Vox gave the shirt to you, your eyes filled with tears as you offered him a sweet little thank you. That stirred something deep within him. Something dark. Vox's obsession only doubled by the day after that, and for some reason, you were wholly oblivious.
Vox supposed that was the moment he knew his fixation with you was severe.
You took his kindness for weakness, Vox assumed. But little did you know, the love he had for you only made him all the more hostile. If he had you, Vox had no use for anything or anyone else. Plain and simple. You were all he desired— all he needed.
The memories you shared over the years replayed in Vox’s mind as he persisted in his daily tasks. He hoped you had read the note he left you by now, taking the liberty of treating yourself to some delicious breakfast. Vox had the personal chefs make your favorite this morning. He figured you needed a little pick me up after the harrowing night you endured.
His poor little sweetheart, maybe he should visit you earlier tonight. Any moment without you in it was far too long for Vox.
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You paced around the ransacked room. The clock read a quarter to twelve. You were in the home stretch. Alastor would be here soon, as would Lucifer. Suddenly, a knock at your door pulled you from your thoughts. 
"Sweetheart, may I come in?" 
Oh no, this was not according to plan.
Normally, Vox finished his work around two in the morning. He would visit you a couple of minutes after he finished up. But why was he early tonight? Did he possibly catch on to your antics?
"Ah! N-No! Not yet- I am indecent!" You sputtered out. Fuck, this was bad. Really bad. Vox was quiet for a moment before his voice boomed once more. 
"You sound- off. I'm coming in." You hurriedly tucked your packed-up bag under your bed, throwing on your robe to hide the outfit you had on. You prepared to take your leave, so your usual sleep attire was nowhere to be seen.
Fuck, Fuck- Fuck! He wasn't this stupid. Vox was going to see right through your bullshit. The trashed room was a dead giveaway. 
Vox barreled through the door, making a beeline to where you stood. "V-Vox! Wait-" His slender fingers cupped your cheeks, a look of worry glitching onto his features. "Sweetheart, what's the matter?"
He was too focused on you to notice the state of your room. A shaky breath escaped you as you forced a smile, bringing your hands up to your chest. You waved them in front of yourself. In an attempt to show him everything was alright. Which- it wasn't. 
"Nothing- Really! I'm okay, just a bit sleepy. Can we talk more tomorrow?" You forced a yawn. Placing your hands on his chest, an attempt to soothe his worries. Vox gave you a pointed look as he let out a sigh. His hands that cupped your cheeks traveled a little lower. The gentle caress down your neck and collarbones sent a chill up your spine. "Of course we can. Here, let me tuck you in." 
Panic flooded your senses as he tugged at the tie of your robe. "I-I'm cold! So I figured I'd sleep with this on tonight!" Your hands were trembling as you stopped him from undoing the knot. Vox looked more concerned than ever from your skittish display. "Sweetheart, you're trembling! Come, let's get you under the covers." 
All you could do was nod in agreement as Vox's hand wrapped around the small of your back. He guided you to the bed, and that's when he noticed something was off. "Sweetheart... where's your favorite blanket, and why is it not on your bed?" His voice was even but a pitch lower. You froze in place, not daring to peer up at him. "I took it to get washed! It was looking a little bleak." Your voice was shaky as you lied through your teeth.
Vox's grip on your frame tightened as he slithered his arm down to grasp your hip. His hold on you was bruising as his other hand came to clutch the opposite side of your waist. He swiftly turned you to face him, dipping low to get in your field of view. "Why the fuck are you lying to me?" 
Oh fuck, this was the end for you.
His eyes were glowing bright and swirling with anger. A frown was prominent on his monitor. "I'm not! I swear- stop! Vox- you're h-hurting me!" His grip only became more brutal as his face pushed closer to yours. Vox invaded your senses. You felt claustrophobic- trapped. "Lies, lies, and more lies! Utter one more from those sweet lips of yours, and you'll be sorry."
Tears brimmed at your waterline, threatening to spill. Sure, Vox's grip was painful- but more than anything, you were petrified. 
"I believe you are holding something that belongs to me!"
The radio static filled the room, as did an air of malice. Vox snapped his head toward your window- met with the sight of his age-old rival, Alastor. "How the fuck did you get in here? I have security cameras lining the entire building! Inside and out!" Vox's grip around your hips loosened from the pure shock of what was unraveling before him. You took the opportunity to slither out of his grasp, frantically running over to your husband. 
"Ha! Your sense of security is flawed! You'll have to try harder than that to keep me away next time, old pal!" Alastor laughed bitterly as you cowered behind him. You seized his waist from behind tightly, hands still trembling. "Although, there won't be a next time! Oh heavens no! Not after the way you put your hands on my wife." The radio crackle was more prominent as your husband's shadow tendrils outstretched toward Vox. 
Alastor restrained the pitiful man before him. You peeked over your husband's frame. Getting a glimpse of his murderous expression. His eyes were in the shape of radio dials as crimson blood spilled past his grinning lips. "You fucker! You should have stayed away! Have you forgotten that I own your sweet little wife?"
"Uhh... not for much longer! Uh oh! It looks like someone is late to the party, am I right, Malastor? Aha!" You jumped from the boisterous voice filling the room. Your head whipped over to where Lucifer himself, now stood at your husband's other side. The King of Hell nudged your husband with his elbow, looking for approval from his witty remark. 
"Malastor-?" You sounded dumbfounded before your husband cleared his throat. "Yes, yes indeed! Now, get on with it, little Luci! Time is ticking!" Alastor spat through gritted teeth, shooting Lucifer a warning glare. The short blonde man scoffed, muttering under his breath about how "He was taller where it counted most!" Lucifer approached an annoyed Vox. He thrashed against his constraints but to no avail. 
"What the fuck are you of all demons doing here?" Vox spat, eyes swirling with murderous intent. He was beyond pissed, and it terrified you. Alastor could sense your anxiety and wrapped an arm around your waist. He pulled you snugly into his side, giving your hip a light squeeze. 
"Your old pal Malastor and I struck a deal! So no more wifey soul for you Mr. TV man!" Lucifer said in a sing-song voice. Without further ado; The King of Hell's horns poked past his golden hair. Wings fluttered out as a blue aura surrounded Vox. "No! You fucking can't- she's mine!" Vox shouted, tugging wickedly against his restraints. 
You watched in awe as the essence of your soul was extracted from Vox's chest. He let out a pained groan while Lucifer held out his palms, gently cradling your soul. A gasp was pulled from your lips as your collar and chain appeared around your neck. Lucifer turned toward you, offering you a wide grin as he approached. "Looks like ya dropped something!" The King of Hell joked, earning a warning glare from your husband as he brought your soul up to your chest. 
Gently, Lucifer overlapped his hands before pressing them into your diaphragm. You let out a breathless gasp as you felt your soul lodge itself into your chest. It felt foreign. You had been without it for ages now, so to be whole again was... liberating. With a snap of Lucifer's fingers, the azure collar around your neck fractured in half. It plunged to the floor along with the leash before it withered away.
The waterworks that threatened to spill past your lashline all this time finally slipped. Hot tears cascaded down your cheeks as you let out a small chuckle. "Thank you- both of you." You turned toward your husband. Alastor smiled brightly down at you as you brought your shaky hands up to wrap around his slender neck. You pulled his face low to meet yours halfway. Alastor took the hint, a small blush blanketing his cheeks as your lips meshed with his. 
The kiss was tender and loving. Alastor's large palms wasted no time cupping your face. He gently wiped your tears away with the pads of his thumbs. "I've dreamt of this moment countlessly over the years we spent apart, my dear," Alastor whispered against your lips, forehead flush to yours. Your heart pounded against your ribcage from his words. 
"Me too, Al. I can't believe this is happening right now." You giggled before Lucifer obnoxiously cleared his throat. Pulling you out of your sweet reunion with your husband. "This is lovely and all, but I upheld my side of the deal, Malastor! So you better do the same, or else I will fuck you!" Your mouth fell agape at the King of Hell's words. Alastor just tilted his head in confusion before you muttered, "Uh... I'm sure he meant to say fuck you up, my love."
"Yeah, that! Wait- what did I say?" You shook your head in disbelief as another laugh escaped you. Who would have thought the ruler of hell would be such a goofball? "Anyway, I'm gonna go! My job here is done!" With that, Lucifer took his leave out the window, humming a little tune to himself as his wings carried him through the night. 
Alastor clutched your hand, squeezing it firmly. "Come along, my dear! It's about time you returned to your rightful home!" You nodded in agreement, releasing his hand to retrieve the bag you stashed under your bed. Suddenly, Vox's hand slipped free from Alastor's shadow tendrils. He wrapped his slender fingers around your ankle, pulling a frightened yelp from you. "After everything I've done for you... this is how you repay me?"
Vox's voice was low, wavering slightly. You could feel his glare on you. But you didn't dare to look his way. "Let go of me! I don't owe you anything, and you no longer own me. So give it up." You spat. Alastor's tendril twisted around Vox's arm, yanking it away from your ankle. The pitiful man winced as you took this opportunity to grab your things and get the fuck out of this hell hole. 
"You'll come to regret this, sweetheart! You're mine, soul or no soul! And if I can't have you... no one can. Do you hear me?" Vox shouted at the top of his lungs as you took your husband's hand. Not daring to look back at the man you spent the last seven years chained to. "See, that's where you are wrong, chap! My darling wife was never yours to claim! Ha! How pathetic you are. Thank you for quite the pitful display!"
Alastor chuckled darkly as he took your bag for you, hoisting it over his shoulder. Without another word, Alastor's shadows surrounded you both. Taking you to a better place. The last you heard before you disappeared was Vox screaming your name along with the pitful cries of "I love you!" You felt a twinge of remorse for him, but it was fleeting.
The new scenery before you was bright and colorful. "Guys! They're back!" A cheery voice shouted. The Princess of Hell pulled you and your husband into a bear hug. "Oh, I just knew you could do it Alastor! I'm so happy that your wife is now a part of our found family!" You smiled at her words, glancing over to a rather stiff Alastor. You chuckled from his posture before another voice grabbed your attention. 
"You two definitely make a cute couple! Who knew Mister Fancy Talk Creepy Voice had game? Kudos, man!" The feminine spider demon approached you before one of his hands took yours. "The name's Angel Dust! A pleasure to properly meet ya toots!" He bounced your hand lazily before shooting you a playful wink. You returned the kind gesture, introducing yourself with a smile. 
"That's a pretty name. I'm Vaggie, and it's good to have you here." The petite woman gave you a small smile and a nod from where she now stood beside Charlie. You muttered a thank you before Alastor swept you up into his arms. You let out a small yelp as your arms instinctively wrapped around his shoulders. 
"Alright, the meet and greet is over! My dearest and I have some lost time to make up for!" Alastor's grin never faltered as he shuffled out of the foyer and up the steps. You heard a loud whistle coming from Angel and a shout of "Don't break the bed!" from Vaggie. Which caused embarrassment to course through your veins. 
You giggled as your husband ushered you into his bedroom. Kicking the door closed with his hoof before placing you down gently. You kept your arms secured around his shoulders as you buried your face into Alastor's chest. You breathed in his scent. Something so nostalgic yet ever-present. Alastor hummed your wedding song into your hair as his hands tapped along to the tune against your waist. "Let's dance, my darling!" 
Alastor lifted you slightly, allowing the balls of your feet to rest on the tops of his hooves. You giggled as he began taking broad steps, twirling you around the large room. "Do you remember our wedding, dearest? Our first dance was nearly ravaged by a drunken Mimzy! Ha!" You shook your head at the memory. Husk had cut her off for the night- and let's just say the rowdy woman didn't take that too well. "How could I forget! Husker's tail tripled in size- and Mimzy uttered curses I had never even heard before!" 
You both laughed at the memory as Alastor slowed his roll. Gazing down at you with unadulterated love swirling within his crimson eyes. His smile shrunk slightly as he brought a hand up to grasp your chin. "I truly apologize for disappearing all those years back without notice. It wasn't my decision, and if there's one thing I regret most in this world... It's making you feel like I willingly abandoned you." A frown decorated your husband's features. His eyebrows were knit in dismay.
You cooed at him, bringing your hands up to card through his two-toned locks. "It's behind us now, my love. Please, don't torture yourself anymore. I love you, and I couldn't be happier to be in your arms again!" Your gentle words tugged at his heartstrings. A small blush coated his cheeks as your fingernails grazed the base of his ears. "I love you more, my darling." The radio static in his voice was nowhere to be found. It was Alastor's true voice conveying his authentic feelings. 
You wasted no time pulling him down for a kiss, which he happily obliged to. Your lips molded perfectly against one another. You could hear your heartbeat as Alastor caressed your waist lovingly with one hand. His other hand remained at your chin, tilting your face slightly with his grip to deepen the kiss. For being a demon in hell, it sure felt like you were in heaven at this very moment. 
What was once lost was now found, and you couldn't be more thrilled to make up for lost time with your husband, Alastor.
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tags; @danveration @celestial-vomit @jyoongim @stygianoir @polytheatrix @mmik3yy @littlebullofblythe @cxrsedwxrlds @lillithhearts @nogiggleonlybitter @minniemumbles @chewbrry @lbcreations-blog @nonetheartist @call-me-nyxx @zombiesnips-blog @stawberrypimpsimp @wonderlandangelsposts @villxinmiixx @persephoneblck @maxlynn17 @littledolly2345 @karolinda007-blog @falling-endlessly @greekyoghurtwithberries @bladeismine @aloraaaxcrystalzx @doctorswife221b @scaramoochiie @fairyv-ice @chirikoheina @veroneverleft @tired-of-life-86
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techfeeddata · 2 years
Programming languages ​​running the crypto-economy
Programming languages ​​running the crypto-economy
Smart contracts, which allow you to perform automated actions on blockchains, are the backbone of the crypto industry. Programming languages ​​are a must for their effective creation The cryptoecosystem stands on top of distributed ledgers, generally called blockchains. In addition to recording and verifying transactions, some crypto blockchains like Ethereum allow users to trigger self-executing…
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nestedneons · 8 months
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Depicting a dystopian vending machine era seems appropriate as I just enrolled in a smart contract coding apprenticeship...
By jilt with nightcafe
Cyberpunk art commissions
My ai workflows
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pearlessance · 2 months
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[currently working on cross posting everything to tumblr!]
⤷ Our Little Secret - dbf!Joel pre-outbreak
Joel Miller deals with disgusting intrusive thoughts about the girl next door who smells like vanilla and uses cherry chapstick. [part one] [part two] or read on AO3!
⤷ Moral Modification - JacksonEra!Joel - written for joelmillersgirlfriend on AO3
When you decide to pierce your nipples, Joel Miller breaks his moral code to lend a helping hand.
⤷ Three's A Crowd - Joel x Reader x Tommy
Tommy's new girlfriend is awfully sweet. When Joel finds out she's got a big appetite that only he can fill, he decides to satisfy the craving. or read on AO3!
⤷ Lust Among Thieves - Joel x Reader x Tommy
Survival is a skill that everyone had to gain after the world ended. Your father was killed in the Boston QZ, leaving you alone and forced to survive all on your lonesome. Just to eat, you had to steal from strangers, but unfortunately, you picked two of the worst people to target. What you didn’t expect was the lust that steadily built between all three of you. or read on AO3! [cowritten with joelmillersgirlfriend]
⤷ Fishnet's and Old Fashioned's - pre-outbreak, goth!bartender!reader
Tommy Miller wants a big titty goth gf and isn't above begging on his knees to get one. [part one] [part two] or read on AO3!
⤷ Three's A Crowd - Tommy x Reader x Joel
Tommy's new girlfriend is awfully sweet. When Joel finds out she's got a big appetite that only he can fill, he decides to satisfy the craving. or read on AO3!
⤷ Lust Among Thieves - Joel x Reader x Tommy
Survival is a skill that everyone had to gain after the world ended. Your father was killed in the Boston QZ, leaving you alone and forced to survive all on your lonesome. Just to eat, you had to steal from strangers, but unfortunately, you picked two of the worst people to target. What you didn’t expect was the lust that steadily built between all three of you. or read on AO3! [cowritten with joelmillersgirlfriend]
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⤷ Idle Threats - JacksonEra!Joel Miller [COMPLETED]
Joel has watch duty with Jackson's twenty year old, smart mouthed brat and gets more than he bargained for. [series masterlist] or read on AO3!
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⤷ Cherry Bomb - dbf!Joel Miller virgin!reader - multi-part fic
⤷ Poker Face - stepdad!Joel Miller - one shot
⤷ Miller Contracting - boss!Joel Miller - one shot
⤷ Open Cages - Aemond Targaryen - full fic
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sexymemecoin · 3 months
The Role of Blockchain in Supply Chain Management: Enhancing Transparency and Efficiency
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Blockchain technology, best known for powering cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, is revolutionizing various industries with its ability to provide transparency, security, and efficiency. One of the most promising applications of blockchain is in supply chain management, where it offers solutions to longstanding challenges such as fraud, inefficiencies, and lack of visibility. This article explores how blockchain is transforming supply chains, its benefits, key use cases, and notable projects, including a mention of Sexy Meme Coin.
Understanding Blockchain Technology
Blockchain is a decentralized ledger technology that records transactions across a network of computers. Each transaction is added to a block, which is then linked to the previous block, forming a chain. This structure ensures that the data is secure, immutable, and transparent, as all participants in the network can view and verify the recorded transactions.
Key Benefits of Blockchain in Supply Chain Management
Transparency and Traceability: Blockchain provides a single, immutable record of all transactions, allowing all participants in the supply chain to have real-time visibility into the status and history of products. This transparency enhances trust and accountability among stakeholders.
Enhanced Security: The decentralized and cryptographic nature of blockchain makes it highly secure. Each transaction is encrypted and linked to the previous one, making it nearly impossible to alter or tamper with the data. This reduces the risk of fraud and counterfeiting in the supply chain.
Efficiency and Cost Savings: Blockchain can automate and streamline various supply chain processes through smart contracts, which are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. This automation reduces the need for intermediaries, minimizes paperwork, and speeds up transactions, leading to significant cost savings.
Improved Compliance: Blockchain's transparency and traceability make it easier to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. Companies can provide verifiable records of their supply chain activities, demonstrating adherence to industry standards and regulations.
Key Use Cases of Blockchain in Supply Chain Management
Provenance Tracking: Blockchain can track the origin and journey of products from raw materials to finished goods. This is particularly valuable for industries like food and pharmaceuticals, where provenance tracking ensures the authenticity and safety of products. For example, consumers can scan a QR code on a product to access detailed information about its origin, journey, and handling.
Counterfeit Prevention: Blockchain's immutable records help prevent counterfeiting by providing a verifiable history of products. Luxury goods, electronics, and pharmaceuticals can be tracked on the blockchain to ensure they are genuine and have not been tampered with.
Supplier Verification: Companies can use blockchain to verify the credentials and performance of their suppliers. By maintaining a transparent and immutable record of supplier activities, businesses can ensure they are working with reputable and compliant partners.
Streamlined Payments and Contracts: Smart contracts on the blockchain can automate payments and contract executions, reducing delays and errors. For instance, payments can be automatically released when goods are delivered and verified, ensuring timely and accurate transactions.
Sustainability and Ethical Sourcing: Blockchain can help companies ensure their supply chains are sustainable and ethically sourced. By providing transparency into the sourcing and production processes, businesses can verify that their products meet environmental and social standards.
Notable Blockchain Supply Chain Projects
IBM Food Trust: IBM Food Trust uses blockchain to enhance transparency and traceability in the food supply chain. The platform allows participants to share and access information about the origin, processing, and distribution of food products, improving food safety and reducing waste.
VeChain: VeChain is a blockchain platform that focuses on supply chain logistics. It provides tools for tracking products and verifying their authenticity, helping businesses combat counterfeiting and improve operational efficiency.
TradeLens: TradeLens, developed by IBM and Maersk, is a blockchain-based platform for global trade. It digitizes the supply chain process, enabling real-time tracking of shipments and reducing the complexity of cross-border transactions.
Everledger: Everledger uses blockchain to track the provenance of high-value assets such as diamonds, wine, and art. By creating a digital record of an asset's history, Everledger helps prevent fraud and ensures the authenticity of products.
Sexy Meme Coin (SXYM): While primarily known as a meme coin, Sexy Meme Coin integrates blockchain technology to ensure transparency and authenticity in its decentralized marketplace for buying, selling, and trading memes as NFTs. Learn more about Sexy Meme Coin at Sexy Meme Coin.
Challenges of Implementing Blockchain in Supply Chains
Integration with Existing Systems: Integrating blockchain with legacy supply chain systems can be complex and costly. Companies need to ensure that blockchain solutions are compatible with their existing infrastructure.
Scalability: Blockchain networks can face scalability issues, especially when handling large volumes of transactions. Developing scalable blockchain solutions that can support global supply chains is crucial for widespread adoption.
Regulatory and Legal Considerations: Blockchain's decentralized nature poses challenges for regulatory compliance. Companies must navigate complex legal landscapes to ensure their blockchain implementations adhere to local and international regulations.
Data Privacy: While blockchain provides transparency, it also raises concerns about data privacy. Companies need to balance the benefits of transparency with the need to protect sensitive information.
The Future of Blockchain in Supply Chain Management
The future of blockchain in supply chain management looks promising, with continuous advancements in technology and increasing adoption across various industries. As blockchain solutions become more scalable and interoperable, their impact on supply chains will grow, enhancing transparency, efficiency, and security.
Collaboration between technology providers, industry stakeholders, and regulators will be crucial for overcoming challenges and realizing the full potential of blockchain in supply chain management. By leveraging blockchain, companies can build more resilient and trustworthy supply chains, ultimately delivering better products and services to consumers.
Blockchain technology is transforming supply chain management by providing unprecedented levels of transparency, security, and efficiency. From provenance tracking and counterfeit prevention to streamlined payments and ethical sourcing, blockchain offers innovative solutions to long-standing supply chain challenges. Notable projects like IBM Food Trust, VeChain, TradeLens, and Everledger are leading the way in this digital revolution, showcasing the diverse applications of blockchain in supply chains.
For those interested in exploring the playful and innovative side of blockchain, Sexy Meme Coin offers a unique and entertaining platform. Visit Sexy Meme Coin to learn more and join the community.
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dariaslookalike · 5 months
Building Houses and Burning Bridges Pt 12: Hidden Fucks and Hidden Girlfriends
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It seems, oddly enough, that Gregory House lives to annoy you. He takes 'arseholish boss' to the next level. Wake up in the morning, ready to have breakfast, and drive to the hospital where you both work? Nope, you're getting a text that says you're late to his impromptu 4:30 AM meeting where he's had the 'breakthrough of the century' on the team's latest case. Get your hair cut and walk into work, for once feeling confident? Nope, he's saying that he would have done a better job blinded, hands tied and going through Vicodin withdrawals. Finally, 𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺, prove him wrong and attempt to wipe the cockiness off his face? Nope, you're simply slow because you didn't get to your diagnosis quicker and weak-willed because you didn't fight him for it in the beginning. Everything House does infuriates you, and it seems everything you do infuriates him. No wonder you end up pinned to the wall of your apartment and groping him like your life depends on. And knowing House, it very may well.
Warnings: Adult language, mature themes, eventual smut, female protagonist, no reference of y/n
Rating: 18+ MDNI
Current Status: Ongoing
A/N: two updates in one day because i'm nice like that
Masterlist: Building Houses and Burning Bridges
Next Chapter:
Word Count: 7.8k
It’s odd, House driving you to work after everything. He doesn’t object when you rifle through his small binder of CDs and slip one into the stereo. Instead, he smiles slightly, lips tugging up.
You’re in your own clothes for the first time in what feels like forever.
Yes, you wanted to tear out your hair because your apartment was currently undergoing a preliminary investigation for violating a dozen health codes. Yes, you wanted to rip out House’s hair because he had reported it.
But at least Pops, seeing the flyer taped to the building and the cautionary tape across the small path leading to it, had gotten your belongings. Or what could be saved, at least. House was right, there was mould growing on the backside of your paintings, your cabinet, and even your beloved Ikea desk. But still, Pops had packed up what little things you had managed to unpack since moving in, and drove them back to House’s apartment; the alternative was emergency housing provided by the state, which you think would have worse health violations that your apartment and Chernobyl combined.
Pop had come bearing gifts too. When House had opened and nearly flung the door shut in his face, Pop had shoved a pot plant into his hands and told him to be grateful it wasn’t another fist. House, for once, had simply shut his mouth and stepped aside to let you greet Pop in a big hug.
Now, your boxes took up a corner of House’s living room. You didn’t want to ask what it meant- now that you were finished with the medication and officially lost your excuse for being House’s unofficial roommate. You didn’t want to ask what it meant that you were still living in his house. In his space with him. Sleeping in his bed with him. Asking would mean you drew his attention to it, which might make him realise you were in fact still living with him, and might make him reconsider that fact. Asking would mean that the past few days that you had spent, fucking each other, making each other cum again and again, might not have happened. So, you simply left your boxes taped up and sitting in the corner.
Maybe you should draw up a tenancy contract and make him sign it, so that way you had some stability. That is what the smart, logical voice in your head tells you, while it also screams at you to find your own apartment- never depend on a man, it tells you, much less House. You tell it to shut up, to let you enjoy this for however long it lasts, and simply reach a hand across the space between you two to rub along House’s thigh while he drives.
He doesn’t ask you to stop, but he pulls into a secluded part of the hospital car park when you arrive instead of his reserved spot, and kisses you until you’re breathless and having to drag yourself away from him to make sure you’re on time.
“You’re sure we can’t go in together?” He asks, eyes trained on you and his thumb smoothing along your cheekbone.
You shrug. “Hell, why don’t I wear a sign that says “House’s little lapdog” and you can walk me to Cuddy’s office where we admit to inappropriate workplace relationships?
“Sounds good to me. I think you’d look great in a collar.”
You shoot him a glare and he leans in quickly before you can pull away in annoyance to place a kiss against your lips. It eases the furrow in your brow, but you still shake your head.
“I go in alone.” You say sternly, and with as much professionalism as you can when you’re conspiring to hide the fact that you’re fucking your boss. “You can wait for fifteen minutes and then join us, all but annoyed to see my healthy return to work.”
He scowls. “Fifteen minutes? Babies in cars die in less time.”
“Good thing you’re not a baby then, and it’s also 40 degrees today. Plus, I’m sure you can occupy yourself for fifteen minutes.”
You tilt your gaze down to his pants, straining against him after your morning make-out session, and his gaze follows. In the brief distraction, you open the car door and slip out, whispering a quick “Bye!” to him.
You’re nearly tackled when you walk into the office.
Cameron clings to you like a koala to a tree, a stream of words rushing out of her mouth.
“I thought you were dead! Or that you hated us all after the ball or had thrown yourself under a car or thrown House under a car but then Chase said he ran into you and I couldn’t believe it and you were sick oh my god and this whole time I was worried you hated us when you were just ill and I’m a doctor how did I not see-”
“Cameron!” You hold her biceps, pinning her to the spot. “I’m okay, and yes it’s great to see you too.”
She just hugs you tightly before finally detaching herself, stepping back. “So you’re not dead? And you don’t hate us?”
“No. And no. Although helping Cuddy was pretty stupid, it’s whatever.”
She gives you a remorseful look, and you feel as if you just kicked a puppy. She doesn’t grovel more like you thought you might, instead flicking her head back to the kitchenette. “I got you a coffee. And a donut. Or maybe three.”
You smile, nodding. “Apology accepted.”
Behind her, Forearm and Chase are already sitting at the table. Foreman offers you a smile and a nod, but he never seemed one for apologies, and instead remains sitting and sipping his own coffee. Chase however, stands up and walks over to you, wrapping his arms tightly around you. Again, you’re struck with the thought you had at the fruit market, of how tall and warm he was.
Cameron is the one to clear her throat, and Chase steps back, a bashful smile across his face. He scans over you as if looking for any signs of illness, any signs that you’re not alright, but he finds none.
“Glad to see you back.” He says softly, and it holds a warmth to it that has the back of your neck heating up.
“Thanks. Glad to be back.”
Foreman snorts. “You sure? House is still here, lurking somewhere.”
Cameron winces, probably hesitant to discuss House with you after you had such a blowout with him at the ball. Instead, you try your best to not blush fully, thinking of his hands and his shoulders and his sheets around you and his legs wrapped around yours and-
Your brain automatically forces you to laugh just before your silence gets awkward. “No, no it’ll be fine. We… talked it out.”
You hope that your words don’t hold any obvious innuendo for the ducklings, but to your horror, Chase nods.
“Yeah, Wilson told us.”
“W-what?” You try to swallow the saliva in your mouth and instead your throat is dry and cracking.
Chase grins. “He said you slapped House, quit and House still asked for you to come back.”
Your heart stops beating out of your chest, and you chuckle softly, trying to feign calm. “Oh, yeah.”
“If Chase did the first part, House would have castrated him.” Foreman points out.
“If Chase so much as thought about slapping him, House would have castrated him.” Cameron adds, leaving the both of them, but not a sulking Chase, to chuckle.
You laugh, and slip over to the kitchenette, biting into one of the donuts Cameron had gotten you. You smile, both happy to have sugary goodness, but happy to see the three of them, squabbling and fighting like nothing had happened, even if your world had been flipped on its head recently.
You’re about to take a second bite when someone calls your name, and you quickly place the donut back to the plate as if it burned you.
Cuddy smiles at you from the glass doorway. It’s no flashy, toothy smile, but one that holds a serious note.
“I think we should talk.” Her voice isn’t domineering but still, authority clings to her tone.
Something curdles in your stomach, the same feeling when a teacher scolds you after perfecting your behaviour.
You will yourself to not succumb to it, to not bend under the shame of potential wrongdoing, to not break under Cuddy’s gaze.
You square your shoulders. “Yeah, I think we should.”
She gives the smallest tilt of her head, but simply smiles again and turns on her heel. She leads you through the hospital to her office, and you fight against the jittery nerves building up in you.
She sits at her desk, and you sit in front her, the perfect schoolgirl sitting on leather office chairs, prepared to be ripped by the principal. You count to six, breathing in, and count to six again, breathing out. Everything in you tells you that you should be apologising or diminutively shrinking, hiding from her gaze and whatever onslaught she has prepared.
Cuddy breathes in sharply, and it whistles through her nose slightly. “I’m glad to see you’re back. But, what happened the other week was-”
“I’d like to talk first. I have something I need to say.”
Cuddy blinks in surprise at your interruption, and you feel shocked too. But she is quick to close her slack jaw.
“Of course. Go ahead.”
You steady yourself, nodding. “What happened the other week was unacceptable.” Cuddy nods her head in agreement until your gaze turns sharp. “What you did was unacceptable. It’s one thing to put me in mandatory counselling, but another to bribe my boss to take me to a work event and lie to me about it.”
Her lips are in a thin line, but she doesn’t object so you continue. “To get everyone wrapped up in the charade was humiliating and embarrassing. My personal life is none of your concern, and you shouldn’t be meddling in anything but my work. I should have expected it from House- but I didn’t expect something like that from you.”
You huff, your small tirade finished and a silence falls over the two of you. For a beat, you think you’ve just ruined your career with one speech and you should be grovelling for her to pretend she was deaf, but then she nods. Her black hair sways with the motion, and she does it again, raising weary eyes to yours.
“You’re right. What I did was inappropriate, and a mistake. I’m sorry, even if it was coming from a place of concern.”
You let out a breath stuck in your lungs. “Thank you.”
Her lips tug up. “I’ll pretend there’s no security footage of you slapping House, and we’ll call it even?”
You laugh, giddy with surprise that she had discovered that. “Email the footage to me, and we’ll call it even.”
She sticks out a hand, smiling. “Deal.”
You shake her hand, lips tilting up.
She sits back in her chair and tilts her head, observing you with no shame. Her lips draw out into a line as she contemplates and she heaves a sigh before speaking again.
“It was a place of concern. You’re a fantastic doctor, and I know House has been hard on you. But you also…remind me a lot of myself.”
Now you blink in surprise. You, reminding Cuddy of herself? You, in all your crinkled slacks and frizzled hair?
“I was young, and I didn’t believe I deserved what I had- my job, my respect, my…love. Even if he hides it, I know House well enough to see that you bring out something better in him.” Her blue eyes pin you to your chair. “And I think you’re blocking yourself from that kind of happiness, because that’s what we’ve been told as intelligent women. That we can’t have it all. That we are intimidating to men and as such, the only focus we should have is on our careers. I just wanted to push you in the right direction.”
She must think you’re about to spit fire at her, mistaking your confusion for ire, because she quickly raises her manicured hands in an apologetic defence.
“That’s the last I will be speaking of it. It’s your personal life, and you are your own person.”
You smile robotically, thinking that must be the right response in this scenario, but your head races. Does she look at you now, and see herself years ago, following her footsteps that have led her to this very office? The actions that had led her to power, but ultimately solitude?
You smile again because you can’t think of what else to do, and rise out your chair, heading out of her office.
Cuddy lets out a shaky breath, and you startle with the thought that this might be as nerve racking for her as it is for you.
You think of her words the whole walk back to the diagnostic office, and the hours pass by in a flurry. House simply doesn’t show up for the morning meeting, and it eats away at you. Forearm quickly steps into his position, updating you on the case they were working on, and directing you to do a biopsy of the patient’s liver.
Hours later, you’re covered in what would make a petri dish scream, tired, and aching. All this time off being sick, and work was the hardest part of it all.
You’re content to fling yourself into an armchair in the break room, and rot for thirty minutes, but as you walk by a closet, your elbow is quickly pinned and you’re wretched inside.
You yell out but a hand slaps over your mouth as the door swings closed. Your knee is halfway through the air, about to inflict damage to this person’s grandkids, when you register who is holding you. House grins and lets go of your mouth.
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” You hiss, looking around. It’s a supply closet, with a shabby desk-turned-storage unit in one corner, and mops and buckets adorning the other. A bulb flickers overhead. He slides his cane under the door handle.
“It’s a crime to miss you, now?”
You roll your eyes. “It’s a crime to shove people into janitor’s closets, yeah.”
He grins, leaning in closer. “Different bylaws here. The case wouldn’t even make it to court.”
“What’s actually going on?” You look in his eyes, looking for something off, something that tells you there’s a red laser beaming at his back and this is all being surveyed by a blackmailing sniper.
“I missed you.” He reaches up, cupping your face. His thumb rubs circles along your cheekbone.
“Yeah?” You blush, looking up at him.
“How much?”
He smirks, leaning in and placing his lips to yours. It’s sweet and soft, and your hand reaches up to wrap around his shoulders. His hand smooths over your cheek, stroking the skin and you lean into his touch. When you tug at his hair softly, the kiss shifts from this domestic, easy, slow joining of your lips, and turns rabid. He nips at your lip, and you press yourself against him, chest to his. His tongue swipes against your teeth and you open yourself up to him. You’re both panting, and his hands shift to push at the small of your back, keeping you pressed to him.
You pull back, and his lips a soft, swollen red. You run your hand along his jaw, smooth from where he shaved this morning.
“How much did you miss me?” He asks, lips tugging up at the corner.
You grin at him, pushing his shoulders until he steps back, pressed against the wall. You lean closer, hands running along his shoulder and the joining of his neck. You place a soft kiss to his neck, trailing up and down, and he leans his head back, sighing in agreement. When he scoffs, mockingly saying this wasn’t much, you nip at him, and suck a mark onto his neck.
“Hey!” He hisses, looking down at you.
“What’s wrong?” You bat your lashes at him, doe-eyed.
“You don’t want us walking in together, but you’ll do that?” He scowls, but there’s no real ire. “What’s next, you’ll leave some lingerie in my pocket?”
He wiggles his eyebrows at you, and you roll your eyes. “No, I’m not doing that.”
He looks like he’s about to pout, so you lean up, placing a chaste kiss to his lips. He smiles like he’s drunk, and his hands rub a smooth line down your back.
“Just a bra?” He smirks. “You had such a pretty one this morning.”
He slips his hand under the collar of your shirt, toying with the strap of your bra.
“House…” You warn.
“We’re at work.” You say softly, and his lips tug up like a wolf smiling at a little bunny.
“Tell that to my poor neck.”
You smile, eyes darting down to the red mark. “Say you tripped and fell on your cane. Something believable like that.”
“I have impeccable coordination.” He smirks down at you. “It’d be more likely that Wilson attacked me.”
“That works too.”
His fingers snap your bra strap, and you hiss. He mouths Sorry but a glint in his eyes tells you its payback. His other hand reaches up, and unbuttons the top of your blouse.
“House.” You hiss. “I mean it, we’re at work.”
“So? I’ll wait five minutes after you leave, and I won’t make a peep.” At your silence, his gaze snaps to yours.
“Who’s gonna get you in trouble sweetheart?” He looks at you mockingly. “Your boss?”
“HR.” You bite. “Cuddy. Any single person that respects me.”
“Aw,” He tsks, and unbuttons the next button of your blouse. You glare at him, but you don’t reach down to stop him, and he knows. “Afraid they’re gonna think you’re sleeping to the top?”
You blush, and even though he had been joking, he grins wolfishly. He leans in, eyes dark. “If they know you reached this high up, you’re doing something very right.” You scoff, looking away, but he reaches up, pulling your chin to make you look at him. “I mean it. C’mon, show me how good you are at it. How good you are for me.”
Your eyes flick back to his, and your tongue darts over your lip. “You could have just said you want a quickie in the closet.”
He clicks his tongue. “Would that have worked?”
“Yes.” You say, throwing your arms around him and kissing him again. He leans back with the force of you, but is quick to readjust, his hand reaching between the two of you to unbutton your shirt completely while he kisses you back. You moan softly against him when your shirt falls to the floor, and his hands grope over the lace of your bra.
He steps you back, and together you do an awkward shuffle. You pull back, laughing, and he smiles at you, walking you back until he leans against the desk. He turns, swiping his hand over the discarded junk, and clearing a spot.
He sits on the desk, and you step between his thighs, kissing him again. His hand fumbles at your pants.
“Fuck.” He hisses. “You couldn’t have worn one of those tortuous skirts today?”
You smile, nipping at his mouth and reach down, unbuttoning and unzipping your pants. “I only wear those when I have clinic.”
His hand reaches down, palming at his crotch and he groans, closing his eyes. “Damn, you’re making me miss the clinic. How is that possible?”
You squeeze your legs together at the sight of his, palming himself to the thought of you. He opens his eyes, and tugs at your pants. “Come on, Newbie. Prove that you’ve got what it takes. Might be a promotion in it for you too.”
You swat at his shoulder. “That is so not funny.”
He smiles. “You’re right. We’ll start small, and I’ll make you my second in command.”
You roll your eyes, but reach down, sliding your pants down your legs and stepping out of them, kicking your flats off in the process. He watches you hungrily, and he pats his thigh, settling back until he leans against the wall.
You raise your eyebrow at him, and he scoffs. “What, you want the cripple to climb onto your lap? Didn’t take you for such an ableist, but if the shoe fits.”
You’re tempted to throw your shoe at his head, but instead you kick a crate closer, using it to step up in front of him. It’s awkward and he chuckles beneath you as you clamber atop him, until finally you sit, straddling him (after you’ve elbowed him once accidentally, and twice on purpose in the process).
His hands settle at your hips, gripping the soft flesh. You glance down between the both of you.
“This isn’t fair. I’m practically naked.”
He shrugs. “Well, I don’t look so good without a shirt on.”
You’re about to protest and call his bluff, when he leans forward, mouth sucking onto the cleavage that spills over the cup of your lacy bra. Your hand rest on his shoulders for support, and you arch your back, pressing your breasts into him. He groans beneath you, hips rutting up into you. Just the sound of him has you grinding down onto his lap, and his hands tighten at your hips, digging into them. He can mark you anywhere he likes below the collar.
He realises it too, because he sucks a dark spot onto your breast before trailing up and stopping at your collarbone, nipping and biting and sucking at your exposed skin.
You roll your hips against him, panting. “Thought this was supposed to be a quickie?”
He drags his gaze from your covered breasts back to your eyes, painstakingly so. “Mm, but these are so much fun.”
“Yeah,” You grind down against him, feeling him harden in his pants. “But I’ve got twenty minutes tops until someone comes looking for me. You’ve trained your lackeys too well.”
“I hate when I do that.” He sighs, looking up at you with faux sadness. “Well, since you’re really twisting my arm here.”
One of his hands retreats from your hip to instead pull down his zipper. You smirk, brushing his hand aside and reach between the two of you to tug his cock out of his slacks. You pump him in your hand, and he groans, tightening his grip against you.
“Fuck.” He hisses when you pool your saliva and spit into your hand, returning to pump him up and down. He bucks into your hand, but it’s a bit awkward, pressed so close and trying to jerk him off.
That’s the excuse you use when you pull your panties to the side and line him up between your folds. You roll your hips, coating him in slick and he shudders in a breath.
“Already so wet.” He groans, low in the back of his throat. “All that for me, Newbie?”
“Let me do this for another minute and see how long you last, House.” You snip, and he looks up at you pleading.
You take pity on him, and raise yourself up slightly. You grasp the base of his cock, now hard, slick and weeping at the top and angle him to your entrance. You notch him there for a moment as you reposition, letting your arms fall back to his shoulders. His hands find the dip of your waist and he looks up at you, mouth open slightly.
You smirk, torturing him by drawing the moment out longer and not moving an inch. He realises what you’re doing and scoffs, opening his mouth to spout some expletives, when you lower yourself down over his cock.
It stretches, and burns, and you gasp atop him. Still, you push yourself down slowly, and he looks up at you, soaking in every reaction you give him. When you feel the fabric of his pants against your arse, and that snug, tight feeling of all of him pressed into you, you sigh contently.
“C’mon pretty girl.” He drawls, fingers pressing into your side. “Prove it.”
You grin at him, raising yourself up, dragging yourself against his cock until only the head is in you. You slam yourself back down, easier this time and he groans, eyes closing for a moment.
“Be quiet.” You chirp, leaning in to whisper at his ear. “Don’t want anyone hearing us.”
You raise yourself up, bouncing down on his cock just to make him groan again, louder this time. You bite against his neck softly, and bounce yourself on him. He stretches you with each movement, and when the initial pure bliss ebbs a bit, he focuses again, hands urging you up and down, up and down, as you ride him.
Your knees dig into the desk, and your thighs strain, but the burn, the pain, the tremor starting in your legs is delicious, and you keep bouncing yourself on him.
“‘T’s so fucking good, House.”
You bite your lips in a moan, and he takes it upon himself to draw it out of you.
“Yeah? C’mon show me how good it is.”
You’re not so much bouncing on him anymore as much as he’s fucking into you, thrusting his hips up and guiding you back down over his cock again and again.
He wins and you let out a whine, feeling the slick wetness dripping between the two of you, and likely staining his pants. He eases back, and you groan, shifting to bear more weight onto his shoulders as you pull yourself up and down, up and down, each time the head of his cock dragging at your gummy walls, notching slightly against that spongey spot in you.
“See? You’re doing fantastic.” He growls, rutting up into you. “Riding this dick like you were fucking made to.”
You clench at his words, and he lets out a low groan. “You like that? You like being told you were made to ride me? You do it so fucking well sweetheart. Such a good slut for me.”
You ride him harder, moaning into the crook of his shoulder. His hands smooth over your back, arching you against him. “There you go baby. Fuck, maybe after we’re done I’ll show Wilson how good you are, hmm?”
You murmur against him, and he grasps your hips, rolling you back onto him in a harsher movement. “That’s what good little sluts do- you said you’re sleeping your way to the top, huh? Wilson’s next. See who else wants a fucking piece of you.”
He angles himself harsher, his dick pressing right against that spot inside you, and you moan out. He does it again, and again, a wicked grin on his face, and you moan against him. One of his hands slips between you both, reaching down to circle at that bud of nerves.
“Fuck, House.” You moan, arching into his touch.
“C’mon baby, tell me how much you want it.”
“Please,” You whine, grinding down onto him, feeling him slide in and out, in and out, each time dragging against you, settling you onto the base of his cock and slamming you back down. “Please, House, make me cum.”
He coos at you. “So polite when you want to cum on my cock. Need to sit you on it all the time, no more of that bratty attitude.”
He rubs circles onto your slick clit, messy and loose. “I’ll have you sit on me in meetings, skirt up to your fucking waist. Let everyone see how nice you can be when you’re not desperate for dick.”
You moan against him, and your movements shudder. He fucks up into you, groaning and rubbing at your clit with more purpose. You moan, muffling your sounds against his shoulder, and he lets out a shuddering breath.
“Go on sweetheart. Cum on my cock, go on, baby. Take what you need, sweetheart.”
Sweet and fucked out of your brain, you do as you’re told, moaning against him as your orgasm washes over you in jolts of electricity. He bounces you on him the whole time, fingers not leaving your clit.
“There you go baby, good fucking girl.”
When the bliss subsides and you come back to earth, he’s still making you ride him, moving your hips up and down over his cock. The drag is fucking beautiful, and feels so much more after your orgasm.
“Fuck.” He groans, and you bounce yourself up and down him, invigorated as you chase his high.
“I’m nearly there, baby.”
“Yeah?” You sigh, leaning forward to kiss him. You reach a hand up, cupping his face. “C’mon House. For me, please.”
His breath is shuddering, and you keep a constant, brutal pace atop him. His lip grazes yours, both of you breathing onto each other.
“Where? Baby, fuck, where?”
You kiss him again, pressing closer to him, drawing his body against yours, slamming your hips against his. He doesn’t need an answer, his hands at your waist, dragging you up and down as he meets your movements with his own.
You want to hear him, want to have that sound carved into your brain, but the little part of logic remaining in you forces you to kiss him like your life depends on it, muffle the long, deep groan he lets out as his hips stammer, stilling. You keep moving even when you feel him pulse in you, even when his muffled sounds become more drawn out to a whine, even when his hands grip at your waist to slow you. You take him for every last drop he offers you, drawing it out.
When you do slow, you sit on his lap, breathing heavily, face pressed to his.
“Did I prove it?”
“Fuck.” His voice is wrecked, and he lets his head fall forward to your shoulder.
You laugh, feeling the sweat on your skin cool in the air. “Did I make you speechless, House?”
He just wraps his hands around your clammy back, not flinching, instead drawing you closer until you wrap your arms around him too.
“Did fucking amazing, baby.” He looks up at you, blue eyes electric. “I think I died and came back.”
You grin, chuckling. “I think you must have knocked your head.”
He shakes his head, leaning up to kiss you. When he pulls back, his lips tug up. “Fuck a promotion- do that again and I’ll make sure you get Cuddy’s job.”
You roll your eyes, unwrapping your arms from his. You take one of his arms in your own, angling his wrist to glance at his watch. You look back at him, smiling. “That’s time.”
He scowls. “This hospital depends on me- they can give us ten more minutes.”
You pull yourself off of him, his softening dick falling back to his stomach. The peak of your thighs is slick and you gingerly pull your panties back over it while he tucks himself into his pants.
“Help me down.” You look at him, pouting.
He rolls his eyes, but he offers his hands to you as you clamber off him, setting your feet to the floor.
You blush deeply looking at the mess on his lap. He follows your gaze and shrugs. “Whatever.”
“Whatever?” You swat at him, reaching down to grab your blouse and button it back up. You shoot him a look. “What are people gonna say seeing that?”
He shrugs. “That you’re sleeping to the top.” You glare at him, and he raises his hands in defence. “We are in a literal supply closet. I think I can find something to clean myself with.”
You grab a packet of body wipes off one of the shelves, and throw it towards him. He catches it perfectly, raising his brows in a cocky smile. You walk over to him, standing between his legs again.
“Do you need some help, House? ‘Made such a mess on you.” You take the packet from his hand, grabbing one out, and reaching forward.You look up with wide, innocent eyes.
His eyes are dark and his throat bobs. “Yeah.”
“Yes, what?”
His nostrils flare, but his eyes dip down to you, pantless and with your blouse clinging to you. Looking fucked out of your mind.
You expect to hear yes, please, but instead he groans, pushing off the desk. He wobbles on his leg for a moment, but his arms are steady as he spins you around, sitting you on the desk now. You give him a confused look, and he simply bends down, eyes on yours the whole time, gripping your hips to shift you closer to the edge. His hands grip your knees, spreading you wide. He pulls your slick panties back to the side, and you hiss as his tongue swipes broadly across your centre, hot and heavy.
He’s not desperate, or punishing. He simply licks against you, groaning softly each time you let out a soft whimper. His hands grip at your legs, keeping you spready. Your hands wring through his hair, tugging at his scalp. He just keeps lapping at you, cleaning you of everything you gave him and everything he gave you. You muffle your moans against your hand, and your orgasm shakes over you. You buck against his mouth, but he doesn’t budge, licking you through your orgasm, and then lapping up that wetness.
When he does pull back, you’re trembling. His mouth is slick with you, his hair pulled at. He takes the gentle cleaning wipe from your hand, that you somehow had clenched in your palm the whole time, and finishes the job, cleaning up any residue between your thighs. He tugs your panties back into place, and grins at you.
“Thank you, what?”
You roll your eyes, but you still mumble out, cheeks beet red with embarrassment. “Thank you, House.”
He cups your face, and you lean into his touch, his hand melding to your skin. He leans in, kissing you gently, and you taste yourself against him. When he pulls back, he presses his forehead to yours, gazing down at you, tenderly.
You push him back gently, sliding off the table and tugging your pants back up your legs. You smirk at him as you slip your shoes back on, smoothing your hands over your hair.
You grab the cane from the door and pass it back to him. His fingers linger against yours, and your eyes dip down to his stained pants.
“Wait five minutes, right? Good luck with that, House.”
You spin on your heel and slip out of the closet, laughing softly to yourself at his scoff you cut off with the closing of the door. You straighten your blouse, and try your best to pretend you weren’t still riding the high he had given you, and get back to work.
When you arrive to work early the next day, adamant that you should catch the bus by yourself and not risk any suspicion, you’re so preoccupied in shaking out your jacket, wet from the light rain, that you don’t even register a person standing right beside the glass office until you bump into their back.
“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” You blurt out, even before they turn around to look at you.
A beautiful woman smiles at you, and there’s a familiar tilt to her lips that reminds you of someone.
She looks a bit out of place here, her black pantsuit too smooth to be a ruffled family representative of a patient, but too the buttons undone at the top a step too close to revealing to be hospital management.
She brushes back her dark hair, and huffs out a chuckle.
“No harm done, sweetheart.”
You blink at the term, looking down at yourself to double check that you were in fact wearing your Doctor’s coat, and not appearing like some teen that had wandered off from their parents.
You remind yourself to nod politely, and you move to step around her. She clears her throat however, and it stops your movement, and you look towards her expectantly.
She offers a bashful smile. “Do you know if Greg is around at all? Or is he off, hiding somewhere?”
You must look as confused as you feel at her words because she speaks again, eyes dipping down to scan you like as a specimen as she does so. “I mean House. Is House here today? Or hell, even Wilson? It seems that the two of them are avoiding me.”
You blink, shifting on your feet. “House should be here today.” You cast a glance into the office, where House’s desk sits empty, and the three ducklings are trying obviously to not look towards the both of you. “If I see him, did you want me to let him know you stopped by, Miss…”
“Stacy Warner.” She says, smiling and offering her hand out with a point of professionalism.
You shake her hand, trying to match the firmness of her grip.
“And yes. If you see House, let him know that I need to talk to him. And that I won’t slap him, this time.” Stacy says, her voice laced with mirth that tells you she’s familiar with House and his antics.
“Sure thing, Miss Warner.”
You both smile to each other, but you can feel her gaze follow you as you step into the conference room. By the time you turn and look at the glass divider, she’s striding down the hallway.
Cameron looks at you with wild eyes, and you nearly step back. In response to her conspiratory whisper, you sit in your chair at the table and lean closer to her.
“What did she say!?”
You shrug, confused. “That she wanted to see House. Why?”
“Fife!” Chase sputters, and you turn your gaze to him. He continues chewing one of your donuts and you reach out to give him a light slap to his wrist.
Foreman rolls his eyes, sipping his coffee. “What Mr Greedy over here is trying to say, is that was House’s ex-wife. Fiancee. Girlfriend. Something.” He says, ominously.
Your stomach sinks and you try to stop yourself from blanching. “Oh?”
Cameron nods, whispering as if House had everything wired- it was a possibility. “Yeah, she’s come around a few times. Wilson told us they were together for a few years and then she left him.”
Chase, finally having managed to swallow your food, speaks. “Yeah, and that he’s still in love with her. No wonder you couldn’t get freaky with him like you wanted.” Chase wriggles his brows at Cameron, and despite her flaming face she reaches over smacking him with full force. “Ouch!”
Foreman’s lips tug up and he shakes his head. “Do it harder next time.”
Chase sputters, aghast at Foreman’s betrayal. “What!?”
Once again it descends into fighting, and Cameron even lands another slap to Chase’s arm.
You try not to sound too desperate for information, or nauseous like you feel when you speak up. “So, what, are they getting back together?”
Cameron huffs, seemingly exhausted from the energy it takes to put Chase in his place. She scrunches up her nose though, as if the thought of House in a romantic context disturbs her now. “She’s married now but…I doubt it would stop either of them.”
Foreman tuts at her. “Wow, that’s a lot coming from the person who wouldn’t have stopped from HR.”
Your stomach sinks, a cement block tugging down all your organs with it. Cameron however laughs off his words, rolling her eyes. “I just mean that from what Wilson says, they were both mad for each other. And House is still obsessed with her.”
You’re going to vomit. You feel every part of you that House has touched light up in shame and embarrassment.
Foreman’s eyes flick to yours. “You alright? You don’t look too good.”
A laugh bubbles out from your nervously. “Yeah no, yeah I’m fine.”
Chase pats you on the shoulder. “It’s alright, we all get disgusted thinking of House ever having a girlfriend- the torture that poor woman went through.”
You laugh, this time trying to seep in more confidence to the noise. Cameron chuckles with you, but Foreman still watches you from the corner of his eye, unconvinced.
You don’t see House all day, and not even Wilson. Only when it’s three hours past your lunch break, and you have found a chance to slip away and scoff down a sandwich you had packed yourself do you see House for the first time.
You drag your eyes from your sandwich in the glass meeting room, back to him, sitting at his desk and in serious thought, judging by the harsh draw of his brow. Sandwich. House. Sandwich. House.
You curse yourself a little bit, walking over, and pushing open his office door.
“Not now, Wilson.” He doesn’t look up, scowling.
“I’m about to- Oh.” His lips tug up, and he sits back in his chair, easing into the fabric. “Newbie.”
“Hey.” You smile, your cheeks dusted with pink.
“Hey.” He echoes back, smirking.
You step forward. “I didn’t see you today.”
“Really?” He looks perplexed. “If I recall correctly, before you caught the bus we were about five minutes away from testing the suspension of my car by having you ride me til-”
You clear your throat, shooting him a look, and tilting your head to the glass office that was putting everything you did on display. This wasn’t some dingy supply closet, this was like a zoo display that invited all sort of observers.
He rolls his eyes. “It’s 4PM. No one’s at a hospital at 4PM.”
“Really?” You laugh. “Everyone’s at a hospital at 4PM.”
He stands up, limping closer to you. “Well, Cuddy’s not. She had a conference at 2.”
“So,” He says, reaching you and grinning as his arm slips to your waist. “We can test the suspension of my desk.”
He tugs you closer, and you tell yourself to resist, but instead your feet follow his. He sits against his desk and draws you between his knees, hands splayed across your waist.
You want it to stay like this. For him to keep looking up at you with that drunk look, for you to keep throwing caution to the wind, for only the mingling of your breaths to be heard in the office.
Instead you blurt out. “I ran into Stacy today.”
“Oh.” His hands stop their movement against your waist. “Well I hope you knocked her over too.”
The last half doesn’t ease the tension as he tried to, and instead it feels like a weak attempt for him to sway away any thought of serious discussion.
Your breath is shaky. “Everyone was saying you were still in love with her.”
He swallows heavily, and looks away from you. You take a step back, and his hands drop from you to grip the desk.
“Is it true?”
His gaze flicks back to yours, but there’s an iciness held within it that wasn’t there a minute before. “What, do you believe everything people say? Chase told everyone that ducks were actually small geese. Do you believe in that avian ‘fact’ too?”
You frown, seeing through his diversion. “Answer the question, House.”
He pushes off the desk, grabbing his cane and standing now to face you. “What does it matter? Why do you care?”
“Don’t do that. Not after everything.” You scoff, shaking your head.
“‘Everything’? We’re sleeping together, Newbie, not discovering the meaning of existence.”
He barks out a bitter laugh. You bite your lip and his eyes zero in on the movement. “We’re only sleeping together. What does it matter if I love her or not?”
You’re unattached to your body, and instead all you are is your aching heart. “Because House, you might be proficient in prostitution culture, but for some of us ‘only sleeping together’ actually means something.”
He throws his hand up, like he was scolding an insulant child. “I told you at the start, that this was just sex.”
You stammer. “Well, yeah but-”
“I didn’t know it was that good to make you fall in love.” He sneers, and you know with the venom in his tone he’s expecting you to cry, to lash out at him, to storm off.
“Don’t be so full of yourself, House.” You spit.
He steps forward, scoffing and looming over you with a scowl etched onto his face. “Can’t help it- you were the one humping me to Timbuktu.”
“Yeah, and what did you have to do in your car by yourself this morning?” You glare at him, speaking to him with a tone you would use on a horny, uncontrollable teenage version of House.
He should be scoffing again at your, and replying with some witty retort. But instead, you see his eyes drop down to your lips, back to your eyes, and down to your lips again. And then he’s leaning forward, wrapping an arm tightly around you and dragging you into him as he latches onto your mouth. It’s a mess of his tongue and yours and gnashing teeth and none of it is smooth or perfect but it’s angry and brash, a clashing of mouths in a heated argument where each of you tells the other to piss off with a swipe of your tongue. You wrap an arm around his shoulder and the other goes to the back of his head, pressing him into you and scratching against his scalp.
When he pulls back, he rests his forehead against yours, his breath fanning across your face. You feel flushed and near lightheaded with how little you were breathing.
You want it to stay like this. Instead you speak.
“When we kiss, do you think of her?”
It’s your words that tumble out of your mouth, but the sound of them out in the open hits you like a tonne of bricks.
He looks at you disgusted, and it stabs you in your chest. “We’re not fucking married. It doesn’t matter if either of us want someone else. We’re not exclusive.”
You unwrap your hands from him, letting them rest limply against his chest in between the two of you. “It doesn’t?”
“No.” He snaps. “It doesn’t.”
You take a step back, and this time he doesn’t breach the distance. He just watches you, annoyance etched into his face, as if he was in disbelief you could think anything different.
“Good to know.”
Your voice doesn’t wobble or waver. You were no longer going to let yourself break because of the man in front of you. You just smile at him, tipping your head to him like you were just another employee thanking their boss.
He seems like he’s contemplating replying, but you turn on your heel and walk out of his office.
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flowerbetweenfangs · 7 months
(This is a longer one and will be put under read more. CW: There is slavery, but the reader is looking to free/dismantle the system in their own way)
You came across the caged people in the middle of the day. There were no code words or secret passages to get to the displays. It was like any other booth at the bazaar.
Most of the cages were filled with beastmen. Unlike the creatures who roamed the forest, they would walk on two legs. Some could even speak.
Lionmen, Tigerladies, Avian Sapiens, "Not Deer", Chimera, and even a few Phoenixes all stared at you as you walked. Some grabbed the bars and strained their faces to look at you. A small flicker of danced across your eyes. Maybe a spark of hope that they would be freed.
"How long has this been going on?" You asked your companion.
"What do you mean?"
"The slaves?"
"Ah. Well, my dear blue blood..." Their voice trailed off as they stared at the cages. "Surely you heard about the market for this? They're not slaves..." They wiggled their fingers, brows furrowed as they attempted to come up with an explanation. "Merely.... Indentured servants."
"Why not put an offer up on the boards in town?" You raised a skeptical brow and ventured closer to the cages.
A walking stick slapped your chest. The impact smarted. Wincing, you stepped away to rub the sore spot.
"You shouldn't question this so much." Your companion hissed next to your ear.
"How much are the contracts?" You asked. There wasn't much left in your purse, but surely you could at least free one.
"We offer a wide variety of specimens and creatures." A well dressed figure stepped out from behind one of the cages. He ran a walking stick of his own across the bars, causing many who had come forward to retreat and whimper.
"We've broken them in ahead of time," His smile made the hair on the back of your neck stand up. "So they should already be obedient."
"Broken in?" Your brows raised more. So they had beaten or tortured these creatures into compliance?
"Don't worry, little Blue Blood." The man bowed. "We would not want a client to be harmed by the merchandise. If one does harm you or run away, we will send in our own parties to capture and return them, and give you a new one."
Your companion must have seen your scheming expression. The waling stick slammed down on the top of your foot and a quick throat clear was all the warning they could offer while being discreet.
Your eyes went to the Lionman again. They'd shorn his mane. Nicks and a few notches in his ear and surrounding fur showed how gentle they'd been. Dried blood and dirt clung to his body.
Your stomach churned at the fetid stench and sight. The sign declaring his price seemed insultingly low for another life. But considering how much the sellers had damaged the "merchandise", perhaps that was why.
You put down the coins.
The merchant slid over papers. The sloppily applied seal at the bottom hinted at their legitimacy, or lack thereof. Clenching your jaw, your eyes flicked to the top of the page. The spot next to "Name" was blank.
"He's your property, so you get to call him what you want."
"I'll... Think about it."
When you arrived home, the newcomer's nose wrinkled, sniffing his new environment.
Setting the papers down, you waved over one of the notaries, who came over with blank pieces of papers and writing tools. While you could read and write, the palace preferred the people they paid to be the ones who crossed the Ts and dotted the Is, along with minding the Ps and Qs.
"What is your name?" You asked the creature once your companion left to the servants' quarters. Laughter and cheers erupted shortly after.
The sudden noise had the Lionman's eyes wide, what little fur he had standing on end.
"They're always off by the seventeenth mark." You explained.
His eyes remained focused on the door. A chalice fell over as his thrashing tail struck it. As red wine sloshed across the table, the notary screeched, trying to save the paper.
Fabric tore and in a golden blur, the Lionman's fist slammed down on the table in front of you.
A filthy rag was clutched in his hand. And he was wearing less clothing than before.
"Forgive me." His hand trembled as he attempted to wipe up he rest of the wine.
"It's okay." You tried to keep your tone gentle as your heart became a battering ram against your chest. He'd moved so fast. Tore off his clothes, just to keep some wine off yours.
"And what is the name of my savior?" You tried again, now that you had his attention.
"I... Do not have one."
You inhaled sharply. Perhaps releasing him back into the wild wasn't the best option, just yet.
"Well... I paid a gold piece for you. You have golden fur. And you clearly are showing you will be worth every piece." You looked to the notary.
"What's another word for gold?"
"Well, an old word for gold piece was "Aureus."" The notary explained as they spread the papers across the tables.
You turned back to the Lionman.
"Is that acceptable?"
He dropped to one knee, arm across his abdomen.
"Of course, Master."
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xxgoblin-dumplingxx · 8 months
Batmom enjoying the manor a little maybe?
You survey your room cautiously. Bruce Wayne is smart. His staff is smart. If there's security devices in this room, they're probably well hidden. And what you're more worried about is cameras and listening devices.
You won't get privileged communication now. Not that isn't coded. Abigale is your handler directly. Her and no one else. You might work with other people in the field but. You take orders from her. And right now, and until your contract is out, your orders are to be here.
Still. You slide the door shut and lock it behind you. You don't THINK you're in any imminent danger of being disrupted but. Dick is rambunctious. And excited to have you here. He's been showing you all of his gear and his toys. Who knows- he might think of one more thing.
It had been a long day. And you did appreciate having a stocked ensuite and your bed already made. Spartan. Easy to keep tidy. Easy to spot things out of place. You'd have to make a couple slicks. Find a couple floorboards to dislodge.
But for now- it was time to look. And not get lulled into a false sense of security. It was important not to underestimate Bruce. This WAS his house. He'd KNOW where to put things.
"Was her room-"
"She's currently looking for surveillance I'm sure," Bruce said sipping his coffee.
"Undoubtedly," Alfred said, "but I did follow the list of requests- such as they were."
"Dr. Smith was... cagey about her background but. She did say that Y/N is highly adaptable and not overly attached to material things. Her Psychological batteries corroborated that."
"Makes sense," Alfred hummed, helping himself to a cup of coffee. "And how are you explaining her presence with the Batman?"
"What's one more Vigilante?" Bruce shrugged. "As long as she follows the rules and keeps Dick out of trouble-"
"I'm not convinced you pay her enough for that."
"Well. The cost of outfitting her and paying for her trips to sustain the illusion will probably even it out," Bruce shrugged. "As well as an allowance for incidentals. Paying for whatever when she accompanies Dick places."
"Wise," Alfred said, "That's one way to sell the ficton- cute photo ops.
Bruce nodded. The issue, of course was going to be when you left. The way Dick would handle having you leave. And the media storm around your sudden death. But. He had time to figure that out.
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blazehedgehog · 2 years
Be Aware
Back in December, I got an email from someone claiming to be Team Cherry, the developers of Hollow Knight. This "marketing liason" was offering me early access to the sequel/expansion, Silksong, to review.
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A friend with connections to the game press quickly pointed out that the real Team Cherry wasn't sending out early access review codes and that they were actually warning users about impersonators on their "Contact Us" form. The email I received was a scam from someone looking to infect me with malware and/or steal my identity. (I wrote a twitter thread about it here)
About a month later, as I was wrapping up work on my "Definitive way to Play Sonic Adventure 2" video, I received another email, this one claiming to be someone from Frontier Foundry asking to sponsor an upcoming video for the release of "Deliver Us Mars." I told them I already had a sponsor for the Sonic Adventure 2 video, and after I was done, I was planning on taking a holiday. They got weirdly pushy with me, saying I could "make a short video" and put the brand deal there. I was too busy finishing the video, so I ignored them and moved on.
Now another month later, I find myself finishing a quick little video and thinking about that Frontier Foundry offer again, but upon looking at it with fresh eyes, it also was a clear and obvious scam. Just like with the fake Team Cherry offer, the person isn't listed as an employee at Frontier Foundry, the email they sent the offer from seems to be a personal email address that doesn't match who they said they were, and the "Contract" they tried to force on me was a huge Google Drive zip file that was password protected to prevent me from seeing what was inside before I downloaded it. The fact that they were so pushy with me suddenly started making a lot more sense.
As icing on the cake, I tried to ask the person for proof of identity, and in the month+ since we last talked to each other, their email address has been forcibly closed by Gmail.
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If you're an up-and-coming content creator, please be careful and be aware of tactics like this. It's easy to get starstruck by the idea that you're special enough to get picked for a sponsorship deal or an exclusive beta, but always research WHO is sending you that email and NEVER be afraid to ask for proof of identity. Go over their heads and check with the employer they claim to be from if you need to.
Be smart, protect yourself, and stay safe out there.
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erc20tokengenerator · 2 months
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ERC20 Token Generator Introduction
Have you ever thought about creating your own cryptocurrency? With an ERC20 Token Generator , you can make it happen effortlessly. Let’s explore how to dive into the blockchain universe.
Understanding ERC20 Tokens
ERC20 tokens are a type of digital asset on the Ethereum blockchain, following a set standard for compatibility and functionality.
Advantages of ERC20 Tokens:
Consistency: Adheres to a universal protocol.
Broad Adoption: Recognized across various Ethereum-based platforms.
Robust Support: Strong community and resources available.
How to Use an ERC20 Token Generator
Creating tokens is simplified with these tools. Here’s how it works:
Specify Token Details:
Decide on a name and symbol.
Determine the total number of tokens.
Utilize the Generator:
Access an online generator.
Enter your token information.
Deploy Your Token:
Review your settings.
Launch on the Ethereum network.
Features of ERC20 Tokens
ERC20 tokens provide essential features that enhance their usability:
Standard Operations: Includes transferring and checking balances.
Smart Contract Compatibility: Integrates easily with smart contracts.
Security Assurance: Utilizes Ethereum's strong blockchain security.
Reasons to Create an ERC20 Token
Why create your own token? Here are some compelling reasons:
Raise Capital: Launch an ICO for funding.
Build Engagement: Offer rewards to your community.
Drive Innovation: Explore new blockchain applications.
Challenges to Consider
Despite the simplicity, some challenges exist:
Knowledge Requirement: Some blockchain understanding is needed.
Security Concerns: Vulnerabilities can be exploited if not addressed.
Regulatory Compliance: Ensuring adherence to legal standards is vital.
Best Practices for Token Creation
Follow these tips to ensure a successful token launch:
Code Audits: Regularly check for security issues.
Community Involvement: Seek feedback and make necessary adjustments.
Stay Updated: Keep abreast of blockchain trends and legal requirements.
The ERC20 Token Generator empowers you to create and innovate within the crypto space. Whether you're a developer or entrepreneur, it's a powerful tool for blockchain engagement.
Final Thoughts
Embarking on token creation offers a unique opportunity to explore the digital economy and its possibilities.
1. What is the purpose of an ERC20 Token Generator?
It’s a tool to create custom tokens on the Ethereum blockchain easily.
2. Do I need technical skills to create a token?
A basic understanding of blockchain helps, but many tools are user-friendly.
3. Can I trade my ERC20 tokens?
Yes, you can trade them on crypto exchanges or directly with users.
4. What costs are involved in token creation?
Creating tokens incurs gas fees on the Ethereum network.
5. How can I ensure my token’s security?
Perform regular audits and follow best practices for security.
Source : https://www.altcoinator.com/
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Dutch van der Linde, the current king of the land, very much Zeus coded, too loud, too proud, too egoistic, often refuses to sign contracts with surrounding countries if it doesn't benefit him more than them, but because of his speeches people love him, big rumour he killed his dad, the previous king? who knows, but he did make big changes when he finally arrived at the throne
Hosea Matthews, ah yes, the Matthews lineage, the counselors of kings and queen, every single monarch has their Matthew, very rich, but how did they get the money in the first place? who knows, talks and drinks with the people, is actually the one keeping the country working
Susan Grimshaw, the woman Dutch married and the fomal queen, but well know in their personal life, they are divorced, but no! they could not possibly say that publicly! it would be scandal, and the cheating of the king and the ignorance of the queen became the norm, no surprise they each have their palace wing, and no suprise she spends hours in the garden, but why does she stay? who knows, maybe it's some obligation to the country, to her people
Arthur Morgan, the son of Lord Morgan, a knight lineage, the first ones to put their neck out for the king, the silent but smart, the rumor has it he once had a son? who knows, always with the king and his counselor, always the first one to protect the ones from the palace, but also the first one to keep the prince out of trouble
John Marston, the prince whose side of family died, now raised by his cousin/uncle Dutch, but who cares for the complicated family tree, all we know he was gone for a while, where and why did he go? who knows, but he lately spends a lot of time in the maid chambers, a troublemaker, too young, how can he be the future king
Abigail Roberts, a maid who, like many others, got smitten by the posibility of being in love with a prince, and what a long year without him it has been, and now she has a son, but the public still asks, who is the father? and why is that child around so much? who knows
Molly O'Shea, what a blessing that a princess from so far has visited our country! and she must like it here very much, for she has no plans of leaving yet, one wonders why the queen avoids her and why the king is the exact opposite, she seems sad these days, I wonder why? who knows, she beautiful and graceful and gets letters everyday, from her father, asking her to come home
Mary Linton, another princess who came few times, her country is small but a prosperous one, and when she locked eyes with the knight, nothing stayed the same
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elexuscal · 2 years
Network Effect, but it happens immediately on the tail end of Exit Strategy
this is one of the funniest fandom AUs out there, imo. (also one of the saddest! but also like. in a fun way)
Mensah, Pin-Lee, Gurathin, and Ratthi are just SO glad to be home soon
they're also really glad that SecUnit seems to have regained the ability to talk
even if like, only 40% of what it says seems to logically follow whatever conversation they were having
like that sounds like a dig but they seriously have spent the last 2 weeks thinking its brain might have been totally fried
so they get in a shuttle to go back to the station when
mysterious ship appears out of nowhere?
murderbot is like 'hey that's my friend wtf ART'
"what do you mean," its humans ask
it Does Not Clarify
maybe just says like a random stream of code, aloud. completely impossible to parse
i'd like to remind everyone that Dr. Ayda Mensah has some Severe Kidnapping Trauma that has not managed to start unpacking at all at this point. and now she's been kidnapped. again.
at least her friends are along for the ride this time???
(she feels awful for being this relieved)
ship is totally empty when they get on board
except for creepy grey people
SecUnit started being able to walk around its MedBay like 47 hours ago
it was not pretty. it fell on its face like. 3 separate times.
now it has to kill a bunch of targets
it still manages it but not with anywhere NEAR its usual level of grace
this just makes it more angry
it does not help that it keeps forgetting where it's in its own timeline
keeps pinging ART. keeps being surprised when it doesn't answer. all over again.
the humans are the ones doing the majority of the Smart Detective Work and making theories on What's Happening Here and interrogating Ras and Eletra
Ras and Eletra who, by the way, are like 'hey your SecUnit is seriously glitching you should probably put it down.'
'okay we can at least turn it off and shove it in one of the mortuary tubes-'
"yeesh okay we're just giving a suggestion" [Eletra and Ras exchange a 'get a load of these crazy freeholders' look behind their backs]
MB is currently have a conversation, aloud, to a crumpled drone
good news: being in a familiar environment is helping MB's memory retrieval
bad news: those memories are letting MB know something Is Very Very wrong
1-3 emotional breakdowns happen during this point. One of them is definitely Murderbot's
it's even worse than in canon Network Effect
"My friend is DEAD"
they haven't found ANY dead bodies at this point, though, so...
PresAux starts realising maybe the dead friend is... an AI?
Ras's brain gets fried around this point. Then Ratthi, as the closest thing the team has to a doctor, has to cut Eletra's chip out of her neck. so he probably gets one of those emotional breakdowns.
'wtf how did we get out of a wormhole so fast??'
In this time-line, Murderbot is in no state to fight AND do complex coding attacks at the same time
(it's really in no state to be doing even one of these by the way but oh well)
that mean Pin-Lee and Gurathin are absolutely doing the majority of fighting off TargetControlSys
and then MB gets that delayed datapackage from ART
"For Eden? what the fuck does that mean?"
is it a religious message? a code?
"hey isn't there a character named that in Sanctuary Moon?" asks Ratthi
MB might be in a pitched firefight at the time but that is no reason for it to not ramble about its blorbos and how cool Eden is
Mensah starts getting an idea
They find ART's secret coding bundle
they try putting in 'Eden'. doesn't work.
okay that was too obvious. try 'Sanctuary Moon'.
'SecUnit'? no
'Murderbot'? long shot but... no
since they have a copy of MB's purchase contract, they have its feed address documented. it's a real long shot, but they are desperate at this point. they try it
Re-Load in Progress. Please stand-bye.
i honestly have NO idea what MB says when ART comes online this time
maybe something super sweet and sappy. or maybe it's even less coherent than in canon
either way, the humans are like 'Holy Shit' upon realising who/what Murderbot's friend ART really is
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savelockwoodandco · 1 year
Hi! Do you think the show has a good chance of being saved? It's been a month and 11 days since the cancellation and everytime I rhink about that it drives me crazy
Hi Anon, thanks for the question!
We've said a few times our feelings about the timeline, so I won't go super into-depth here, but we do want to reiterate that a month and change is not at all a long time for a show not to be picked up. Short of B99, shows just aren't picked up in their first month of cancellation, nor announced to be picked up.
This is going to be a months-long -- emphasis on the plural -- fight, but we are still fully confident that we're going to come out the victors. We haven't even hit a month and a half yet; these are early days. Let me state clearly again: we think the show has a great chance of being picked up, "even" at this stage.
However, we get that it can be discouraging, especially since in current culture there's a sense of "if it doesn't happen immediately it won't happen at all" that's rather pervasive, only getting more intense the younger the person in question is. That can make it hard to work towards a goal that doesn't have an end date and that'll take months.
So here's a fun little tidbit to keep our engines revved and moving: CF has been very, very quiet this last week.
Why is that a fun fact? Well, because CF has been relatively aware after the first week or so of the campaign with us fans.
On their Twitter -- which we know some people (Tumblr Mod included!) aren't really involved with -- CF tweeted the phrase "Nice Things" (their capitalization, not ours) with a piece of fanart. Afterwards, a tweet went around praising CF for their use of coded messages in Tweets -- which CF liked. Previous to this, CF had tweeted that they wouldn't try to trick us or falsely build us up, so this like had a number of heads scratching.
And since then, CF has been quiet.
There are so many reasons for a business to be loud on twitter -- it helps build their brand, they enjoy engaging with fans, they're having time between projects, etc etc. For a company as small as CF, it's likely that, unlike Netflix and other Giants, Someone from CF actually is in charge of the twitter, rather than a faceless intern. Many fans have theories on who it might be, but it's not the purpose of this post to speculate on that.
The important thing to note is that while there are many reasons to be loud, there's really only one reason to be quiet: they're busy.
Which is something very much in our favor.
We know that media business isn't something that everyone's interested in, so here's the facts: signing contracts for a show takes a long, long time. Signing contracts for renewing a show takes a long time as well. Meetings are scheduled, meetings to discuss those meetings are scheduled, both sides have to have separate meetings within their teams, then between teams, then company-wide, and then schedule follow-ups with the other party. It's a process and even if both parties (CF and whoever picks it up) agree immediately on terms, which never happens, contracts still have to be drafted, considered, debated, re-drafted...
It's a process, and we don't get to see any of it. Lucky for us, honestly, because it'd probably drive us crazy. The only thing we get to see is the end result -- the show being saved -- popping up like a bolt from the blue.
But we have to remember it's not from the blue, it's from weeks and weeks of hard work and negotiation. If CF is smart -- and CF is very, very smart -- talks of saving the show will include the ability to tell the whole story, whether that's negotiating for 2 more seasons, or for 1 season of ~16 or so episodes.
We have no say in contracts or anything like that for S2. What our presence does have a say in is helping out CF with negotiations. The louder, more passionate, more demonstrative, and yes, more consistent we are, the more negotiating power CF has. They have great numbers to present for the show itself, growing every day, but because of LockNation, they can demonstrate the ongoing market appeal of Lockwood & Co. That translates to the opportunity to earn more money and clout for whoever it is picks us up, and that puts CF is a very good position.
We're of the firm belief that the best mindset going forward is not "it's already been X amount of time", it's instead "it's only been X amount of time".
It's only been a month and 11 days.
The things we do help. The things we do matter. They will continue to matter as long as we do them.
So let's help our show out as best we can, and be cheerful about it. Take breaks -- please, please take breaks, or you'll go crazy -- and take care of yourself.
Good things are coming. Or, to use CF's words, Nice Things are coming.
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