#rdr2 royal au
Dutch van der Linde, the current king of the land, very much Zeus coded, too loud, too proud, too egoistic, often refuses to sign contracts with surrounding countries if it doesn't benefit him more than them, but because of his speeches people love him, big rumour he killed his dad, the previous king? who knows, but he did make big changes when he finally arrived at the throne
Hosea Matthews, ah yes, the Matthews lineage, the counselors of kings and queen, every single monarch has their Matthew, very rich, but how did they get the money in the first place? who knows, talks and drinks with the people, is actually the one keeping the country working
Susan Grimshaw, the woman Dutch married and the fomal queen, but well know in their personal life, they are divorced, but no! they could not possibly say that publicly! it would be scandal, and the cheating of the king and the ignorance of the queen became the norm, no surprise they each have their palace wing, and no suprise she spends hours in the garden, but why does she stay? who knows, maybe it's some obligation to the country, to her people
Arthur Morgan, the son of Lord Morgan, a knight lineage, the first ones to put their neck out for the king, the silent but smart, the rumor has it he once had a son? who knows, always with the king and his counselor, always the first one to protect the ones from the palace, but also the first one to keep the prince out of trouble
John Marston, the prince whose side of family died, now raised by his cousin/uncle Dutch, but who cares for the complicated family tree, all we know he was gone for a while, where and why did he go? who knows, but he lately spends a lot of time in the maid chambers, a troublemaker, too young, how can he be the future king
Abigail Roberts, a maid who, like many others, got smitten by the posibility of being in love with a prince, and what a long year without him it has been, and now she has a son, but the public still asks, who is the father? and why is that child around so much? who knows
Molly O'Shea, what a blessing that a princess from so far has visited our country! and she must like it here very much, for she has no plans of leaving yet, one wonders why the queen avoids her and why the king is the exact opposite, she seems sad these days, I wonder why? who knows, she beautiful and graceful and gets letters everyday, from her father, asking her to come home
Mary Linton, another princess who came few times, her country is small but a prosperous one, and when she locked eyes with the knight, nothing stayed the same
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SequenceShift AU Locations
Since I already covered the main cast, I figured it'd be best to tacke the setting next. They are...vastly different from the ones in UT and UTY, so let's dive in.
The Remnants
The Remnants are pretty much the Ruins/Dark Ruins of this game. They're almost identical, aside from the fact that the Remnants are based more off of Japanese architecture compared to the occidental style of the Ruins. A few monsters live her, including Chujin, who has taken residence in Ceroba's childhood estate (there's also a hidden office there, which is only accessible on Neutral/Vengeance Routes). Dalv also lives there, helping maintain a corn field that he and Chujin set up.
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Lakeside is the Snowdin equivalent. It's pretty much exactly what the name implies and is based off of the rural Japanese countryside. My idea was it used to be a cold and snowy place before the Swelterstone was excavated to act as the Underground's artificial sun, which terraformed the place into what it is nowadays. There's a small village set up here, known for its production of honey and vast fields of flowers. Moray and Mooch are set up here, keeping an eye out for any humans who exit the Remnants, along with the Dog Warrior Auxiliaries of the Royal Rangers (aka the Canine Unit from the OG Undertale).
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Sand Dunes
The Sand Dunes...are the Dunes, basically. Okay, there's a bit more to it than that. In SS, it used to be Waterfall from the original, until the Swelterstone terraformed it, too, and unlike Lakeside, it wasn't for the best. It's still livable, of course, just really fucking hot. It has a lot of dense brush and canyons that used to be rivers. The Oasis, Wild East, and Sunnyside Farm are all still around, and of course, Starlo himself is based out here.
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Frostpeak takes the role of Hotland. It's a tall mountainous region, which takes inspiration from IRL Mount Fuji and the Grizzlies Mountain Range in RDR2 (my boyfriend is in the process of playing the game rn so). Currently, it's the least fleshed out, storywise. I don't have much for it rn, besides an entrance to the Steamworks as well as a gift shop at the summit.
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Steamworks is fairly identical to how it is in UTY, while also having elements from the Lab. The main difference is, since there's no CORE in this AU, it acts as the primary source of power generation for the Underground, tapping into geothermal energies beneath Frostpeak. In addition, there's also the Lower Levels expansion of the facility, which takes the place of the True Lab and houses its own secrets. Martlet, the Royal Scientist, is based out in here, along with Axis, the Guardener, and most of the robots from the original Steamworks.
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New Kingdom
The New Kingdom (yeah, Ceroba's naming skills are on par with Asgore's) takes the place of New Home, acting as the Capital of the Underground. It's a sprawling city which mixes in both traditional edo architecture with a more modern metropolis. Best example I can think of is something along the lines of modern Kyoto. This location also houses the Ketsukane Palace, where none other than the Empress herself awaits the seventh human...
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And that's the general summary. If you guys want any further details, feel free to poke me!
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Rockstar Games est de retour avec des nouvelles venant du front, et principalement concernant Red Dead Online, l'expérience multi connectée de Red Dead Redemption 2. On apprend dans le communiqué que la phase de beta est prolongée de plusieurs mois supplémentaires, sachant que les développeurs continuent de corriger et d'affiner le jeu, tout en prenant compte le feedback des joueurs. À ce titre, on apprend que le nouvel update permet d'introduire "Gun Rush", un mode dans lequel 32 joueurs s'affrontent pour la survie, avec pour but de trouver des armes, sachant que la zone de combat rétrécit au furt et à mesure que la partie avance. Nul besoin d'être devin pour comprendre qu'il s'agit-là du mode Battle Royale revisité à la sauce Rockstar Games. À noter que ce mode "Gun Rush" est jouable à la fois en solo comme en équipe. . . assurez-vous de nous suivre @reddeadredemption2france pour les dernières actualités, captures d'écran, gameplay et bien plus sur RDR2 & Red Dead Online . . . Par reddeadredemption2france #rdr2 #reddeadredemption2 #reddeadredemption #reddeadredemptionbeta #reddeadredemptiononline #gameplay #gamers #argent #xboxone #bonex #ps4 #ps4pro #chasse #animaux #sauvage #communaute #france #2019 #rockstars #rockstargames #instagaming #game #gamer #pc #gta #gtaonline (à France) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsoBsbPlnUq/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8n3c1yeo0bq4
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