#crypto blockchains like Ethereum
techfeeddata · 2 years
Programming languages ​​running the crypto-economy
Programming languages ​​running the crypto-economy
Smart contracts, which allow you to perform automated actions on blockchains, are the backbone of the crypto industry. Programming languages ​​are a must for their effective creation The cryptoecosystem stands on top of distributed ledgers, generally called blockchains. In addition to recording and verifying transactions, some crypto blockchains like Ethereum allow users to trigger self-executing…
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techmindset01 · 1 year
How Blockchain is Revolutionizing Different Industries?
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thesecrettimes · 2 years
Vitalik Buterin Says Crypto Is a ‘Better Bet’ Than ‘Incredibly Inconvenient’ Gold
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 While Buterin asserts that such characteristics make gold less appealing, some crypto opponents argued that gold is better, because unlike the Ethereum blockchain, it is not controlled by only a few entities.
Decentralized Issuer of Money
The Ethereum blockchain co-founder, Vitalik Buterin, waded into the crypto-versus-gold debate after he posted a tweet suggesting that the former is a better bet than the precious metal. In his Oct. 26, 2022 tweet, Buterin slates author Zach Weinersmith’s assertion which implies that gold fits well with what crypto enthusiasts are advocating for. As suggested by Weinersmith in his tweet posted on the same day, the only meaningful argument put forward by crypto advocates is their call for a decentralized money-issuing authority. Still, the author wondered why gold, given its qualities and characteristics, is not being touted as a solution. So, the only argument I've heard about crypto that makes sense within the believer's own framework is that they don't want a centralized authority for money. In that framework though, why not just go with gold? — Zach Weinersmith (@ZachWeiner) October 26, 2022 However, in pushing back against Weinersmith’s suggestion, the Ethereum blockchain co-founder reminded the author of the key areas where the precious metal seemingly comes up short. He said: Gold is incredibly inconvenient. It’s difficult to use, particularly when transacting with untrusted parties. It doesn’t support safe storage options like multi-sig. At this point, gold has less adoption than crypto, so crypto is the better bet. Meanwhile, Buterin’s terse response to Wienersmith’s initial tweet drew an immediate reaction from both crypto opponents and advocates on Twitter. One user named Hayden.eth argued that “gold also has the risk of huge centrally controlled inflation due to asteroid mining.”
Crypto Not Tangible Like Gold
However, Twitter user Golden Knight appeared to question the Ethereum blockchain’s decentralization credentials, given the ongoing reports which suggest that only a few parties are controlling the chain. According to the user, having few parties controlling a blockchain potentially means they “could get control over the transactions worldwide.” One supporter of gold appeared to question the wisdom of using digital currencies in an era characterized by power outages. According to the user, gold is a better alternative because unlike crypto, it is tangible. Twitter user Levraham Spreadsmith, a self-proclaimed “optionality maxi,” appeared to use a reworked version of Buterin’s tweet to attack the Ethereum blockchain. “Ethereum is incredibly inconvenient. It’s difficult to use, particularly when transacting. It can’t be made into a water bottle like stainless steel. At this point, Ethereum has less adoption and a lower market cap than stainless steel, so stainless steel is the better bet,” Spreadsmith argued. The user also went on to list industries where the ethereum blockchain is not needed but where stainless steel is widely used. What are your thoughts on this story? Let us know what you think in the comments section below. Read the full article
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kareblog · 1 year
Web3eearn - Platin
Finding a safe and secure way to gamble online has never been easier with Metamask gambling sites. With these sites, you can play to earn crypto games and even play to earn nft games as well. All transactions are secured on the Ethereum blockchain, giving users peace of mind when playing their favorite game. Whether it's a classic game like Poker or something more modern like CryptoKitties, you can rest assured that your winnings and transactions are safe and secure. So if you're looking for a great way to gamble online, then check out Metamask gambling sites today! You won't regret it!
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mariacallous · 4 months
In the fall of 2020, as crypto scammers and thieves began to realize the full potential of a financial privacy tool called Tornado Cash—a clever new system capable of shuffling users' funds to cut the trail of crypto transactions recorded on the Ethereum blockchain—Alexey Pertsev, one of the creators of that service, sent a note to his fellow cofounders about this growing issue. He suggested crafting a standard response to send to victims pleading with Tornado Cash for help with stolen funds laundered through their service. “We must compose a message that we will send to everyone in similar cases,” Pertsev, the then-27-year-old Russian living in the Netherlands, wrote to his colleagues.
Tornado Cash cofounder Roman Semenov answered three minutes later with a draft of their stock response—essentially pointing to the fact that the service's novel design meant it ran on the Ethereum blockchain, not on any server they owned, and was thus out of their hands. “It is a decentralized software protocol that no one entity or actor can control,” the message read. “For that reason, we are unable to assist with respect to any issues relating to the Tornado Cash protocol.”
That statement would remain Tornado Cash's position two days later when hackers affiliated with the North Korean government stole roughly $275 million worth of coins from the crypto exchange KuCoin and funneled a portion of the loot through Tornado Cash to cover their tracks. Tornado Cash would maintain that stance as, according to Dutch prosecutors, a billion-plus dollars more of stolen funds flowed through the service over the next two years, part of at least $2.3 billion in total funds from criminal and sanctioned sources that made up more than 30 percent of the service's overall transactions from 2019 to 2022.
Now, two years after Pertsev's arrest and indictment for money laundering, that “out-of-our-hands” decentralization defense has become one of the central arguments for his innocence. On Tuesday, it will be put to the test when a panel of three Dutch judges rules on the criminal charges that could send Pertsev to prison for years. Privacy advocates believe the result of the case—the first of two, as the New York prosecution of another Tornado Cash cofounder, Roman Storm, is expected to go to trial this coming September—could also shape the future of cryptocurrency privacy and may determine the limits of services like Tornado Cash or other open source software creations to offer a safe haven from financial surveillance.
Dutch prosecutors have accused Pertsev of essentially creating the perfect money laundering machine by designing Tornado Cash to work as a set of “smart contracts”—a type of decentralized service made possible by Ethereum's unique features, in which code is copied to the thousands of Ethereum nodes that store the cryptocurrency's blockchain—and thus preventing Tornado Cash's creators from identifying or controlling who used the service to hide the origins and destinations of their funds.
Pertsev's defenders, on the other hand, point out that those properties are also exactly what makes Tornado Cash such a powerful tool for privacy. “This is the entire point of a decentralized system,” says Sjors Provoost, a Dutch cryptocurrency developer and author of Bitcoin: A Work in Progress, who attended Pertsev's trial. “These are completely clashing worldviews. There's the worldview of privacy and decentralization, and there's the government worldview of surveillance, in which you need to be able to check every transaction.”
Since US and Dutch prosecutors indicted Tornado Cash's cofounders and the US Treasury sanctioned the service in 2022, the case has become a cause célèbre in some cryptocurrency circles, many of whose adherents argue that a guilty verdict could not only damage financial privacy but also set a dangerous precedent that developers of open source software can be held liable for the actions of those who use their tools. Ethereum's inventor, Vitalik Buterin, has noted publicly that he used Tornado Cash to anonymize a donation to Ukraine following Russia's invasion, as an example of the service's legitimate use for privacy. US National Security Agency whistleblower Edward Snowden has compared Tornado Cash's functioning on the Ethereum's blockchain to a water fountain built in a park—a kind of public utility where “you push a button and privacy comes out”—and has called the crackdown on Tornado Cash and its cofounders “deeply illiberal and profoundly authoritarian."
Yet the Dutch prosecutors and Netherlands' financial law enforcement agency, known as FIOD, which led the investigation of Pertsev, argue that the case isn't actually about a fundamental conflict between privacy and security, or liability for open source code, or any other larger principle. Instead, they say, it's about Pertsev's specific, informed decisions to enable thieves on an enormous scale. “It's all about the choices of our suspect,” M. Boerlage, the case's lead prosecutor, tells WIRED in an interview. “He made choices writing the code, deploying the code, adding features to the ecosystem. Choice after choice after choice, all while he knew that criminal money was entering his system. So it's not about code. It's about human behavior.”
A Room Without a Lock—or Walls
Dutch prosecutors contend that, despite the Tornado Cash creators' claims, they did exert control over it. Aside from its decentralized “smart contract” design, they point to Tornado Cash's web-based user interface for interacting with its blockchain-based smart contract: a fully centralized tool running on infrastructure the creators built and managed, which nonetheless had no monitoring or safeguards to prevent its abuse by criminals for money laundering. In fact, prosecutors found that during the time of their investigation, 93.5 percent of users sent their transactions to Tornado Cash through that web interface, which was far simpler to use than directly interacting with the blockchain-based service.
Pertsev's defense didn't respond to WIRED's repeated requests for an interview. But his lead defense attorney, Keith Cheng, has countered that there would have been no point in monitoring or blocking users on that web interface when anyone could circumvent the website altogether to interact directly with the smart contract or even to build their own interface. “The Tornado Cash smart contracts could be accessed directly at any point of time,” Cheng told an audience at the ETHDam cryptocurrency conference in Amsterdam last year. “Implementing checks within the surrounding infrastructure is akin to adding extra locks to a door that lacks surrounding walls.”
The prosecution points out that Tornado Cash could have at least tried to put locks on that door, given that the vast majority of their users, both legitimate and criminal, were walking through it. More fundamentally, they argue that it was Pertsev's decision to put into place a system that he knew from the start would include basic elements he couldn't control. “Building and deploying something unstoppable is also a decision,” says Boerlage.
That question of decentralization and control nonetheless makes the Tornado Cash case a far less straightforward prosecution than those against the founders of simpler bitcoin-based “mixer” services like Bitcoin Fog or Helix, which were similarly intended to prevent cryptocurrency tracing. In each of those earlier cases, the administrators—now both convicted of money laundering conspiracy—hid their connections to the services. By contrast, Pertsev and his cofounders appear to have been confident enough in their remove from the money launderers who used Tornado Cash that they operated fully in the open, under their real names. “This complete transparency does not exactly indicate criminal activity,” Pertsev's attorney Cheng told ETHDam.
At the same time, the prosecution argues that Pertsev was both aware of and untroubled by the millions and ultimately billions of dollars in stolen cryptocurrency flowing through Tornado Cash, which reached a peak in the spring of 2022. They argue that Pertsev continued to maintain and develop pieces of the system—such as its centralized frontend—even as the service was used to launder the stolen funds from 36 distinct cryptocurrency heists, many of which prosecutors say he and his cofounders discussed in their communications. In the meantime, he also profited handsomely, in part from Tornado Cash's issuing its own crypto token, ultimately making more than $15 million and buying himself a Porsche.
When North Korean hackers stole more than $600 million from the blockchain-based game Axie Infinity in March of 2022, Tornado Cash cofounder Semenov wrote anxiously to Pertsev and Storm that “the fucking disaster is about to begin,” perhaps fearing that their service would be used by the perpetrators of that massive heist, as it already had been in well over a dozen others. Pertsev weighed in 10 minutes later, writing “noticed after 5 days, lol," an apparent reference to how long it seemed to have taken Axie Infinity to discover the theft. Sure enough, less than a week later, hundreds of millions of dollars in stolen Axie Infinity funds began to pour into Tornado Cash.
Prosecutors have pointed to Pertsev's “lol” as a sign of his flippant disregard for the victims whose funds, they argue, he was helping to launder. His defense has countered that he was merely expressing surprise.
That same month, perhaps in response to the growing spotlight on Tornado Cash's use by criminals, Pertsev and his cofounders did, in fact, implement a free tool from blockchain analysis firm Chainalysis that would block transactions from sanctioned Ethereum addresses via their web interface. The prosecution has pointed out that the free tool was easily circumvented—hackers could merely move their stolen coins to a different address before sending them into Tornado Cash—and described the effort as “too little and too late."
In their statement to the court, Dutch prosecutors suggest a different solution, if Pertsev had actually cared about Tornado Cash's exploitation by criminals. “What was the simplest option? Take the UI offline and stop advertising. Plain and simple,” they write. “Stop offering the service.”
In the conclusion of that same statement to the court, they point out that under Dutch law the maximum prison sentence for money laundering at the scale Pertsev allegedly committed is eight years, and they ask that Pertsev be sentenced to five years and four months if he's found guilty.
The Tornado Rolls On
Cryptocurrency advocates focused on privacy and civil liberties will be closely watching the outcome of Pertsev's case, which many see as a bellwether for how Western law enforcement and regulators will draw the line between financial privacy and money laundering—including in some immediate cases to follow.
The US trial of Tornado Cash's Storm in a New York court later this year, as well as the US indictment last month of the founders of Samourai Wallet, which prosecutors say offered similar privacy properties to Tornado Cash's, are more likely to directly set precedents in US law. But Pertsev's case may suggest the direction those cases will take, says Alex Gladstein, the chief strategy officer for the Human Rights Foundation and an advocate of bitcoin's use as a human rights tool.
“What happens in the Netherlands will color the New York case, and the Tornado Cash cases are really going to color the outcome of the Samourai case,” Gladstein says. “These cases are going to be historic in the precedents they set.”
Gladstein, like many crypto privacy supporters, argues that anyone weighing the value of tools like Tornado Cash should look beyond its use by hackers to countries like Cuba, Venezuela, and India, where activists and dissidents need to hide their financial transactions from repressive governments. “For human rights activists, it’s essential that they have money the government can’t surveil,” Gladstein says.
Regardless of the verdict in Pertsev's case or that of his cofounder Roman Storm in the fall, Tornado Cash's founder's core argument—that Tornado Cash's underlying infrastructure has always been out of their hands—has proven to be correct: Tornado Cash lives on.
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True to its promise of decentralization, Tornado Cash still persists after its cofounders indictment in the fall of last year—and is now out of their control. In March, $283 million flowed into the service. Courtesy of Chainalysis
When the tool's centralized web-based interface went offline last year in the wake of US sanctions and the two cofounders' arrests—Roman Semenov, for now, remains free—Tornado Cash transactions dropped by close to 90 percent, according to Chainalysis. But Tornado Cash has remained online, still functioning as a decentralized smart contract. In recent months, Chainalysis has seen its use tick up again intermittently. More than $283 million flowed into the service just in March.
In other words, whether it represents a public utility for financial privacy and freedom or an uncontrollable money laundering machine, its creators' claim has borne out: Tornado Cash remains beyond their control—or anyone's.
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tokenlauncher · 2 months
Crypto Wealth Building A Guide for Gen Z
Who is Andrew Tate?
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Understanding Memecoins
Memecoins have gained significant popularity in the world of cryptocurrencies, attracting a new wave of investors, especially among the younger generation like Gen Z. Let’s delve into what memecoins are and how they differ from traditional cryptocurrencies.
Definition and Explanation of Memecoins
Memecoins are a type of cryptocurrency that primarily relies on humor, memes, and community engagement to gain value and traction in the market. Unlike traditional cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, which are based on underlying technology and blockchain functionality, memecoins derive their value from internet culture and trends. They often represent a joke or satirical concept that resonates with a specific online community.
How Memecoins Differ from Traditional Cryptocurrencies
While both memecoins and traditional cryptocurrencies use blockchain technology, their fundamental differences lie in their purpose, value proposition, and community-driven nature. Traditional cryptocurrencies aim to revolutionize finance by providing decentralized alternatives to traditional banking systems. In contrast, memecoins serve as a form of entertainment or social commentary within the crypto space. Their value is driven by community engagement rather than technological advancements or real-world utility.
Examples of Popular Memecoins in the Market
Several memecoins have gained significant attention and market capitalization. One notable example is Dogecoin (DOGE), which originated as a joke but has since become one of the most well-known memecoins. Another popular memecoin is Shiba Inu (SHIB), inspired by the Dogecoin phenomenon. These coins have experienced massive price surges due to viral trends and influential endorsements.
Memecoins offer an exciting alternative investment opportunity for Gen Z investors looking to explore the crypto space. Understanding their unique characteristics and how they differ from traditional cryptocurrencies is essential for making informed investment decisions.
Andrew Tate’s Advice on Memecoins
Andrew Tate, a prominent figure in the world of entrepreneurship and wealth building, has shared valuable insights into the realm of memecoins and their potential as an investment avenue for individuals. His perspective on investing in memecoins is characterized by strategic approaches and risk management techniques that can benefit investors looking to explore this unique market.
Overview of Andrew Tate’s Perspective
Andrew Tate views memecoins as an innovative and potentially lucrative investment opportunity within the crypto space. His approach emphasizes the significance of identifying promising memecoin projects with strong fundamentals and community support.
Strategies for Identifying Profitable Memecoin Investments
Tate advocates for thorough research and due diligence when considering memecoin investments. He highlights the importance of assessing the underlying technology, development team, and community engagement to gauge the long-term viability of a memecoin project.
Tips for Managing Risks Associated with Memecoin Investments
Recognizing the inherent volatility of memecoins, Andrew Tate advises investors to exercise caution and prudence in their approach. Setting clear entry and exit strategies, diversifying investment portfolios, staying updated on market trends, and identifying potential breakout candidates such as the next big cryptocurrency set to explode in 2024 are among the risk management practices he recommends.
By aligning his insights with practical investment strategies, Andrew Tate offers a comprehensive perspective on navigating the dynamic landscape of memecoins while prioritizing informed decision-making and risk mitigation.
The Role of Memecoins in Crypto Wealth Building for Gen Z
How Memecoins Can Help Gen Z Build Wealth Through Crypto Investments
Memecoins have become popular among Gen Z investors because they have low barriers to entry and can potentially generate high profits. Unlike traditional investment options, memecoins usually have lower fees for transactions and can be easily accessed through various online platforms. This makes it possible for young investors to enter the cryptocurrency market with a smaller initial investment, which is appealing to those who want to start building wealth at a younger age.
Furthermore, memecoins offer a sense of community and inclusivity that resonates with many Gen Z individuals. The social aspect of memecoins can create a supportive environment for learning about investing and financial literacy, empowering young adults to take control of their financial future.
The Potential for Long-Term Financial Growth Through Memecoin Investments for Young Investors
Memecoins present an opportunity for long-term financial growth for Gen Z investors. While they may be considered more volatile than traditional cryptocurrencies, some memecoins have shown significant increases in value over time. By carefully choosing and diversifying their memecoin portfolio, young investors can position themselves to benefit from potential long-term growth and take advantage of emerging trends in the crypto market.
As digital natives, Gen Z individuals are well-suited to adapt to the changing world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology. Embracing memecoins as part of their wealth-building strategy can give them practical experience in navigating the digital economy while also potentially earning substantial profits in the future.
The Intersection of Memecoins and AI: A Survival Strategy for Bitcoin Miners
While memecoins offer financial opportunities for Gen Z, it’s important to note that the crypto landscape is ever-evolving. In fact, some forward-thinking Bitcoin miners are exploring AI as a survival strategy in response to certain challenges like the halving event. This intersection between memecoins and AI signifies the growing importance of technological innovations in the cryptocurrency industry. By staying informed and adaptable, young investors can navigate these shifts and continue to thrive in the crypto market.
Getting Started with Crypto Wealth Building as a Gen Z Investor
When it comes to starting your journey of crypto wealth building as a Gen Z investor, there are several important things to think about and tactics that can help you get on the right track. Here’s how you can get started:
1. Educate Yourself
Take the time to understand the basics of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology. There are many resources available, such as online courses, articles, and forums where you can learn more.
2. Diversify Your Portfolio
Instead of putting all your money into just one cryptocurrency, think about spreading your investments across different assets. This can lower the risk and improve your chances of long-term success.
3. Stay Informed
The cryptocurrency market is always changing, with new things happening all the time. Stay up-to-date with the latest news, market analyses, and expert opinions to make smart investment choices.
4. Manage Risks
It’s important to know how much risk you’re comfortable with and set clear investment goals. Don’t invest more money than you can afford to lose and consider using strategies like stop-loss orders to protect yourself.
5. Find a Mentor
Look for experienced investors or mentors who have done well in the world of crypto wealth building. Their advice and guidance can be really helpful as you start your own investment journey.
By thinking about these things and using these tactics, Gen Z investors can build a strong foundation for their crypto wealth building efforts. With a proactive attitude and a commitment to always learning, it becomes more possible to see financial growth through cryptocurrencies.
Embracing the Future: Why Gen Z Should Explore Crypto Wealth Building Opportunities
As a member of Generation Z, you have the chance to lead the way in technological innovation and shape how financial markets will look in the future. Here’s why it makes sense for you to consider getting into crypto wealth building:
1. Technological Proficiency
Gen Z is known for being comfortable with technology, which puts you in a good position to understand and navigate the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain. Getting involved in crypto wealth building is a natural fit for your tech-savvy nature.
2. Financial Empowerment
Investing in crypto gives you the power to take charge of your own financial destiny. Instead of relying solely on traditional methods, like saving money or investing in stocks, you can actively seek out opportunities that have the potential to grow your wealth over time.
3. Innovative Mindset
One of the key strengths of your generation is its ability to think outside the box and come up with fresh ideas. By embracing crypto wealth building, you’re not only tapping into an exciting new asset class but also contributing to the ongoing transformation of how money works.
4. Global Perspective
Unlike traditional financial systems that are tied to specific countries, cryptocurrencies operate on a global level. This means that by exploring crypto wealth building options, you can gain exposure to international markets and stay informed about global economic trends.
Embracing crypto wealth building isn’t just about making money; it’s about embracing a mindset of progress, empowerment, and adaptability — qualities that resonate deeply with Generation Z’s values.
As Gen Z individuals, embracing the world of crypto wealth building can have a significant impact on your financial future. The potential for long-term growth through investments in cryptocurrencies, including memecoins, presents a unique opportunity for young investors to secure their financial well-being.
Andrew Tate’s valuable advice on memecoins aligns with the overall guide, emphasizing the importance of strategic investment approaches and risk management. His expertise in entrepreneurship and wealth building serves as an inspiration for Gen Z to explore the world of crypto investments with confidence.
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financeattips · 2 days
First Time Investing in Crypto: Tips for New Traders on the Digital Coin Market
This has changed the financial landscape for good; it is the first time in history that investors have a share of this type since cryptocurrency entered the market. But then again, getting into the crypto market to begin with can be incredibly intimidating for a novice. This includes some key tips that you must know for making trade-offs more intelligent and how to invest in cryptocurrencies.
1. Understand the Basics
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Understand the basic principles of what Cryptocurrency is, how it works before you invest. If you're unfamiliar, cryptocurrencies are basically decentralized systems, operating with a peer-to-peer framework, that let users do all sorts of things like get rewards for paying on time or using an app. Because they are not organically produced like typical tender, these financial tools are meant to be circulated in a decentralized way via blockchain networks. Educate yourself onwards like blockchain, altcoins, wallets and exchanges.
2. Do Your Research
The value of cryptocurrencies is influenced by a number of factors, and this makes it an extremely volatile market. Learn about various cryptocurrencies and how they are used. Tools like CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko show trends, rankings other handy information regarding ranging and past data. Follow us on Twitter for more news and updates on the Bitcoin space.
3. Diversify Your Portfolio
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Investors apply diversification in their investment strategies. Diversify by investing in multiple cryptocurrencies I mean, everyone knows Bitcoin and Ethereum — why not looking a little bit further down the line at some promising altcoins with real fundamentals. A healthy mix of investments can ensure you have a little exposure to any type of gain or loss that may arise.
4. Only Invest What You Can Afford to Lose
The world of crypto is such that even the prices can and do tend to rise or crash in a jiffy, thanks to high volatility. Gamble only with money you can afford to lose without impacting your finances. Never borrow to invest in crypto or use your emergency savings for crypto investing. This approach ensures that you still are able to stay financially safe in case there's a downtrend.
5. Choose a Reliable Exchange
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It is important to be sure that you deal with reliable cryptocurrency exchanges for safe trading. Search for exchanges with strong security protocols, a simple UI, and broad coin support. Some of the most trusted exchanges that people have been using include Binance, Coinbase and Kraken. Are they regulated and insured for digital assets.
6. Secure Your Investments
In the world of crypto, security is vital. Keep your cryptocurrencies on hardware wallets or in cold storage solutions; simply turn on 2FA in your exchange accounts and do not publish or disclose the private keys. Keep your software up to date and watch out for phishing attacks and malware.
7. Stay Informed and Adapt
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As we know the crypto market is alive and never takes a nap. Learn from the market, regulatory and tech changes. Engage in some of the crypto community forums on platforms like Reddit, Twitter and Telegram to get the benefits of inside knowledge from other investors. Change your investment plan based on new informational and market circumstances
8. Have a Long-Term Perspective
Although there is money in short-term trading, it often requires quite a bit of time and skill to excel what you do. Long term investment strategy If you are beginner, Long term is the best way for you to invest your money from beginning. Look at the long term growth potential of cryptocurrencies instead of trying to make a quick buck. I read many books and listend to a lot of podcasts about the stock market, nearly all these sources agreed that patience and discipline was key to becoming a successful long-term investor.
9. Seek Professional Advice
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If you are uncertain about the investments, you can get help from financial advisors or even some crypto experts. They can offer some personalized advice, depending on your financial goals and comfort with risk. Expert help will make it easier for you to manage the particularly volatile world of crypto.
Investing in cryptocurrency can also be a lucrative endeavor as long the trader is well-versed when it comes to his or her craft. These basic principles, combined with extensive research, establishing a diversified portfolio, and security first will put you in good stead on your crypto investment journey. The key is to stay informed, adapt and think long-term in order for you to succeed.
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ladookhotnikov · 11 days
Stablecoins or crypto?
Bloomberg released an interview with Austin Campbell, an adjunct professor at Columbia Business School.
It was a discussion, mainly devoted to the role of stablecoin in the financial system. The interview is complimentary towards the stablecoins and generally quite skeptical towards the "traditional" crypto, WEB3 and DeFi.
It is important to understand the difference between stablecions and traditional cryptocurrencies. Both are based on blockchain. However, a stablecoin with the appropriate fiat security is within the traditional financial system. In fact, the technology of storage and transactions changes, but the economic meaning of a stablecion is not basically different from a fiat.
Cryptocurrencies like bitcoin are actually independent from states and have their own rules of emission and control. Ethereum-style blockchain is a multifunctional financial tool.
Our Forcecoin is a tool with fundamental value as a financial part of the Meta Force platform.
Stablecoins are susceptible to all the ills of modern economics, while decentralized crypto can become the basis for a new financial system and has every chance of gaining a head start in global competition.
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sexymemecoin · 3 months
The Expansive World of Cryptocurrencies: Innovations, Challenges, and Notable Projects
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Cryptocurrencies have revolutionized the financial landscape since the introduction of Bitcoin in 2009. These digital assets leverage blockchain technology to offer decentralized, secure, and transparent financial transactions. Over the past decade, the cryptocurrency ecosystem has expanded dramatically, encompassing a wide variety of projects with diverse purposes and features. This article explores the broad world of cryptocurrencies, highlighting key innovations, challenges, and notable projects, including a mention of Sexy Meme Coin.
The Birth of Cryptocurrencies
Bitcoin, created by the pseudonymous Satoshi Nakamoto, was the first cryptocurrency, designed to provide a decentralized alternative to traditional financial systems. Bitcoin's success paved the way for thousands of other cryptocurrencies, each seeking to improve upon its limitations or to introduce new functionalities.
Key Innovations in Cryptocurrencies
Blockchain Technology: At the heart of cryptocurrencies is blockchain technology, a decentralized ledger that records all transactions across a network of computers. This technology ensures transparency, security, and immutability, making it ideal for various applications beyond finance.
Smart Contracts: Introduced by Ethereum, smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement directly written into code. These contracts automatically enforce and execute agreements when predefined conditions are met, enabling complex decentralized applications (DApps) and services.
Decentralized Finance (DeFi): DeFi refers to a range of financial services built on blockchain technology that operate without traditional intermediaries like banks. DeFi platforms offer lending, borrowing, trading, and earning interest on digital assets, democratizing access to financial services.
Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs): NFTs are unique digital assets representing ownership of specific items, such as art, music, or virtual real estate. Unlike cryptocurrencies, which are fungible and can be exchanged on a one-to-one basis, NFTs are indivisible and unique, making them valuable for digital ownership and provenance.
Types of Cryptocurrencies
Bitcoin and Altcoins: Bitcoin remains the most well-known and valuable cryptocurrency, often referred to as "digital gold." However, the term "altcoins" encompasses all other cryptocurrencies, which serve a wide range of purposes from enhancing transaction speeds to enabling smart contracts.
Utility Tokens: Utility tokens are designed to provide access to a specific service or product within a blockchain ecosystem. Examples include Ethereum's Ether (ETH), used for transactions and computational services on the Ethereum network, and Binance Coin (BNB), used for transaction fees on the Binance exchange.
Stablecoins: Stablecoins are pegged to stable assets like fiat currencies or precious metals to reduce volatility. Tether (USDT) and USD Coin (USDC) are popular stablecoins pegged to the US dollar, providing a stable store of value and medium of exchange in the crypto market.
Security Tokens: Security tokens represent ownership in real-world assets, such as stocks or real estate, and are subject to regulatory oversight. These tokens offer traditional financial rights, such as dividends or interest payments, on the blockchain.
Meme Coins: Meme coins are cryptocurrencies inspired by internet memes and cultural phenomena. They often start as jokes but can gain substantial value and community support. Dogecoin is the most well-known meme coin, but others, like Shiba Inu and Sexy Meme Coin, have also captured public attention. Learn more about Sexy Meme Coin at Sexy Meme Coin.
Privacy Coins: Privacy coins prioritize user privacy by obscuring transaction details. Monero (XMR) and Zcash (ZEC) are notable examples, offering enhanced anonymity compared to other cryptocurrencies.
Challenges Facing Cryptocurrencies
Regulatory Uncertainty: Cryptocurrencies operate in a regulatory grey area in many jurisdictions, with governments around the world grappling with how to regulate these assets. This uncertainty can impact market stability and investor confidence.
Security Concerns: Despite the security of blockchain technology, cryptocurrencies are not immune to hacks and fraud. High-profile exchange hacks and scams have highlighted the need for better security measures and regulatory oversight.
Volatility: Cryptocurrency markets are known for their extreme volatility, with prices capable of experiencing significant swings in short periods. This volatility can pose risks for investors and hinder mainstream adoption.
Scalability: Many cryptocurrencies face challenges with scalability, struggling to handle a large number of transactions quickly and efficiently. Solutions like the Lightning Network for Bitcoin and Ethereum 2.0 aim to address these issues.
Notable Cryptocurrency Projects
Bitcoin (BTC): As the first and most well-known cryptocurrency, Bitcoin remains the benchmark for digital currencies. Its decentralized nature and limited supply have earned it the moniker "digital gold."
Ethereum (ETH): Ethereum introduced the concept of smart contracts, enabling decentralized applications and services. It has become the backbone of the DeFi and NFT ecosystems, driving significant innovation in the crypto space.
Cardano (ADA): Cardano focuses on sustainability, scalability, and transparency, using a proof-of-stake consensus mechanism. It aims to provide a secure and scalable platform for the development of decentralized applications.
Polkadot (DOT): Polkadot facilitates interoperability between different blockchains, allowing them to share information and resources. Its unique architecture supports the creation of "parachains," which can operate independently while benefiting from the security and connectivity of the Polkadot network.
Chainlink (LINK): Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that connects smart contracts with real-world data. This functionality is crucial for the operation of many DeFi applications, making Chainlink a vital component of the blockchain ecosystem.
Sexy Meme Coin (SXYM): Sexy Meme Coin stands out among meme coins for its combination of humor and innovative tokenomics. It offers a decentralized marketplace where users can buy, sell, and trade memes as NFTs, rewarding creators for their originality. Discover more about Sexy Meme Coin at Sexy Meme Coin.
The Future of Cryptocurrencies
The future of cryptocurrencies is filled with potential and challenges. As blockchain technology continues to evolve, cryptocurrencies are likely to become more integrated into mainstream financial systems and everyday life. Regulatory clarity, improved security, and solutions to scalability issues will be crucial for the continued growth and adoption of digital assets.
Cryptocurrencies represent a revolutionary shift in how we think about money, finance, and digital ownership. From Bitcoin's inception to the diverse array of altcoins available today, the cryptocurrency ecosystem is rich with innovation and potential. While challenges remain, the ongoing development and adoption of cryptocurrencies suggest a promising future for this digital revolution.
For those interested in the playful and innovative side of the cryptocurrency market, Sexy Meme Coin offers a unique and entertaining platform. Visit Sexy Meme Coin to explore this exciting project and join the community.
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unpluggedfinancial · 2 months
BTC Nashville Conference 2024: A Gathering of Minds and Innovation
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The BTC Nashville Conference 2024 kicks off today, bringing together some of the brightest minds and most influential figures in the cryptocurrency world. This event, set to run from July 25th to July 27th, promises to be a pivotal moment for the crypto community, offering insights, discussions, and networking opportunities that could shape the future of digital currencies.
Keynote Speakers
This year's conference features a lineup of notable speakers, including former President Donald Trump. Trump's speech is highly anticipated, especially given the recent speculation about his interest in Bitcoin as a US Treasury reserve asset. His stance on Bitcoin could potentially influence market dynamics and government policies.
Major Topics
The conference will cover a wide range of topics crucial to the future of Bitcoin and the broader crypto ecosystem. Key discussions will include:
Bitcoin Adoption and Regulation: Experts will delve into the challenges and opportunities in increasing Bitcoin adoption worldwide and the regulatory landscape shaping this process.
The Future of Digital Currencies: Speakers will explore the potential paths for digital currencies, examining trends, innovations, and market predictions.
Technological Advancements in Blockchain: Attendees will learn about the latest developments in blockchain technology and how these innovations can enhance security, scalability, and efficiency.
The Role of Bitcoin in the Global Economy: Discussions will focus on Bitcoin's impact on global markets, its potential as a hedge against inflation, and its role in the future financial system.
Significant Events
One of the most exciting aspects of the BTC Nashville Conference is the potential for major announcements. Recently, there has been significant buzz around the $1 billion inflows to the Ethereum ETF. This development could have far-reaching implications for the crypto market, influencing investor sentiment and market dynamics.
Bullish Outlook for Crypto
Moving forward, the outcomes of the BTC Nashville Conference could be highly bullish for the crypto market. Positive remarks from influential figures like Trump, coupled with significant announcements and advancements discussed at the conference, could drive increased confidence and investment in cryptocurrencies. The potential regulatory clarity and innovative breakthroughs highlighted at the event are likely to contribute to a more robust and dynamic crypto ecosystem.
Networking and Innovation
Beyond the scheduled talks and panels, the conference offers invaluable networking opportunities. Attendees will have the chance to connect with industry leaders, innovators, and fellow enthusiasts. These interactions can lead to collaborations, partnerships, and new ventures that drive the crypto space forward.
The BTC Nashville Conference 2024 is more than just a series of talks; it's a convergence of ideas and visions that could define the future of cryptocurrency. As we look forward to the insights and announcements from this event, it's clear that the conversations here will resonate far beyond the conference halls.
Stay tuned for updates and insights from the BTC Nashville Conference as we continue to explore the evolving landscape of digital currencies and their impact on our world.
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finance2235 · 2 months
The Exciting World of Crypto Trading
Crypto trading has become a dynamic and lucrative avenue for investors worldwide. It involves buying and selling cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and numerous altcoins on various exchanges. The crypto market operates 24/7, providing continuous opportunities for traders to capitalize on price movements.
Benefits of Crypto Trading:
High Volatility: The crypto market's volatility presents numerous opportunities for significant gains within short periods.
Diversification: Cryptocurrencies offer a unique asset class that can diversify an investment portfolio.
Innovation: The rapidly evolving blockchain technology behind cryptocurrencies promises long-term growth and new investment avenues.
However, crypto trading also comes with risks. The market's volatility can lead to substantial losses, and regulatory uncertainties can impact prices. Moreover, security is a major concern, with exchanges and wallets being targets for hackers.
Successful crypto trading requires thorough research, a clear strategy, and risk management. By staying informed and cautious, traders can navigate the crypto market effectively and potentially reap significant rewards.
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coineagle · 2 months
Memecoin (MEME) Price Prediction 2025, 2026, 2027, 2028, 2029 and 2030
In this article, we aim to provide you with a detailed price prediction for Memecoin (MEME) from 2025 to 2030.
Our projections are based on an in-depth analysis of key technical indicators and a thorough understanding of the market dynamics surrounding Memecoin (MEME).
As we delve into the future of Memecoin (MEME), we invite you to consider these predictions as one of many tools in your investment toolkit.
We hope this analysis will provide you with a clearer understanding of what the future may hold for this unique cryptocurrency.
Memecoin (MEME) Long-Term Price Prediction
Year Lowest Price Average Price Highest Price 2025 $90 $120 $150 2026 $160 $200 $240 2027 $200 $220 $240 2028 $180 $200 $220 2029 $220 $260 $300 2030 $300 $340 $380
Memecoin Price Prediction 2025
In this considerably optimistic scenario, we anticipate Memecoin will enter 2025 with a bullish trend.
The positive regulatory environment coupled with general technological growth and the easing of inflation rates will likely spur on MEME.
The year may see prices range between $90 to a high of $150. The possibility of Ethereum ETFs getting introduced this year would further stimulate the altcoin market, not excluding MEME.
Memecoin Price Prediction 2026
Following the positive growth trend from 2025, 2026 is likely to see MEME reach new record prices, possibly hitting as high as $240.
Memecoin Price Prediction 2027
Expected corrections may set in around 2027, albeit with the coin still retaining much of its value.
Thus, we may see a slight dip to a lowest of $200 but still reaching up to $240 in optimistic scenarios. This period of price stability may be due to investors taking profits after two years of significant growth.
Memecoin Price Prediction 2028
Continued market correction could see the coin heading for another slight dip in 2028, with prices hovering between $180 and $220.
The price drop might be cushioned from a free fall by advanced blockchain technologies and crypto services, increased regulation, and business adoption.
Memecoin Price Prediction 2029
As the market shakes off the correction years, MEME could rebound strongly in 2029, with prices possibly hitting a high of $300. This return to growth would be aided by improved cryptocurrency adoption, favourable regulations, and an expanding crypto economy.
Memecoin Price Prediction 2030
In 2030, MEME is predicted to have another strong year, reaching new heights with a highest estimated price of $380.
Memecoin (MEME) Fundamental Analysis
Project Name Memecoin Symbol MEME Current Price $ 0.016643 Price Change (24h) -2.29% Market Cap $ 371.3 M Volume (24h) $ 45,997,752 Current Supply 22,311,808,439
Memecoin (MEME) is currently trading at $ 0.016643 and has a market capitalization of $ 371.3 M.
Over the last 24 hours, the price of Memecoin has changed by -2.29%, positioning it 147 in the ranking among all cryptocurrencies with a daily volume of $ 45,997,752.
Innovative Technological Features of Memecoin
It is important to evaluate the unique technological elements that Memecoin brings to the table. While it initially may appear as a humorous nod to the meme culture, the underlying tech offers serious advantages.
One such feature is its unique tokenomics structure. It includes features like reflection, LP acquisition, and burn that can make Memecoin not only a fun but also financially attractive investment.
Furthermore, Memecoin utilizes a decentralized network, reducing dependency on any one entity and enhancing security.
It’s also built on the Ethereum platform, allowing for smooth interoperability with other Ethereum blockchain-based applications.
Memecoin’s Strategic Partnerships
Strategic partnerships form an essential part of Memecoin’s plan for expansion and increased relevance in the cryptocurrency market.
Though specific partners may vary, these partnerships often encompass collaborations with key platforms, exchanges, influencers, and content creators.
These partnerships facilitate seamless trading, increase awareness, and drive user engagement making it more accessible and appealing to potential investors.
Community Engagement Efforts
Community engagement is a crucial aspect of Memecoin’s growth strategy. Active forums exist on platforms like Reddit, Telegram, and Discord, where members can engage in discussions, share ideas, and provide feedback. There are also regular interactions on social media sites like Twitter and Instagram.
In addition, Memecoin has several initiatives in place to foster community growth such as meme competitions, AMAs (Ask Me Anything sessions), and charitable events. These efforts create a sense of community, contributing to user retention and attracting new participants.
Memecoin (MEME) Technical Analysis
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Technical Analysis is a method used by traders to predict the future price direction of a particular asset by studying past market data, primarily price and volume.
Technical Analysis is significant when doing Memecoin price predictions as it allows traders to distinguish patterns that can suggest future activity.
Three important indicators to consider when executing technical analysis include:
Moving Averages: This is one of the most commonly used trend-following indicators. It smoothens the price data to form a trend-following indicator. Traders make predictions using Moving Averages by identifying the direction of the trend.
Relative Strength Index (RSI): The RSI measures the speed and change of price movements. RSI oscillates between zero and 100. Traditionally, and according to Wilder, RSI is considered overbought when above 70 and oversold when below 30.
Volume: Trading Volume plays a critical role in identifying strong trends. It is common to see an increase in volume as a price begins to jump up or down quickly. Therefore, watching for surges in trade volume can help to spot upcoming price trends.
Memecoin Price Predictions FAQs
What is Memecoin?
Memecoin (MEME) is a digital token that adheres to the ERC-20 token standard on the Ethereum blockchain. It has no inherent utility, functions, or intrinsic value, nor does it promise any financial returns, profits, interest, or dividends.
Memecoin’s total supply is fixed at 69 billion tokens, with allocations distributed across various categories to ensure long-term sustainability and sufficient initial liquidity.
The token is primarily designed for meme culture and internet communities, emphasizing fun and community engagement without any serious financial intentions.
Is Memecoin a good investment?
The decision whether or not to invest in any cryptocurrency should be based on careful analysis and consideration of the individual’s financial goals, risk tolerance, and understanding of the asset itself.
Cryptocurrencies like Memecoin are often more volatile than traditional fiat currencies. This means the price of a cryptocurrency can change rapidly in a very short time, making it possible for investors to experience significant gains or losses.
What are the possible future trends for Memecoin?
Predicting the future trends of Memecoin (or any cryptocurrency) can be challenging due to their volatility.
However, by looking at market trends, technological advancements, government regulations, and public sentiment, analysts can make educated predictions.
How can I predict Memecoin’s price changes?
Memecoin’s price changes can be predicted by keeping track of market trends, studying the technical analysis indicators like Moving Averages, Relative Strength Index (RSI), and its trading volume.
What is CoinEagle.com?
CoinEagle.com is an independent crypto media platform and your official source of crypto knowledge. Our motto, “soaring above traditional finance,” encapsulates our mission to promote the adoption of crypto assets and blockchain technology.
Symbolized by the eagle in our brand, CoinEagle.com represents vision, strength, and the ability to rise above challenges. Just as an eagle soars high and has a keen eye on the landscape below, we provide a broad and insightful perspective on the crypto world.
We strive to elevate the conversation around cryptocurrency, offering a comprehensive view that goes beyond the headlines.
Recognized not only as one of the best crypto news websites in the world, but also as a community that creates tools and strategies to help you master digital finance, CoinEagle.com is committed to providing you with the necessary knowledge to win in crypto.
Disclaimer: The Memecoin price predictions in this article are speculative and intended solely for informational purposes. They do not constitute financial advice. Cryptocurrency markets are highly volatile and can be unpredictable. Investors should perform their own research and consult with a financial advisor before making any investment decisions. CoinEagle.com and its authors are not responsible for any financial losses that may result from following the information provided.
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mkashiii · 5 months
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Certainly! Here are some of the top cryptocurrencies you might consider for investment in April 2024:
Bitcoin (BTC):
Market cap: $1.4 trillion
Year-over-year return: 150%
Bitcoin, created in 2009 by Satoshi Nakamoto, is the original cryptocurrency. Its price has surged significantly over the years, making it a household name. As of April 9, 2024, one bitcoin is priced around $70,603, representing remarkable growth1.
Ethereum (ETH):
Market cap: $434.8 billion
Year-over-year return: 95%
Ethereum serves as both a cryptocurrency and a blockchain platform. It’s popular among developers due to its potential applications, including smart contracts and non-fungible tokens (NFTs). From April 2016 to April 2024, its price increased from about $11 to approximately $3,621, a staggering growth of 32,822%1.
Tether (USDT):
Market cap: $107.1 billion
Year-over-year return: 0%
Tether is a stablecoin backed by fiat currencies like U.S. dollars and the Euro. Its value is designed to remain consistent, making it attractive to investors wary of extreme volatility in other coins1.
Binance Coin (BNB):
Market cap: $87.3 billion
Year-over-year return: 87%
BNB is used for trading and paying fees on Binance, one of the largest crypto exchanges globally. Beyond trading, it has expanded to payment processing and even booking travel arrangements1.
Remember that investing in cryptocurrencies carries risks, and it’s essential to do thorough research and consider your risk tolerance before making any investment decisions. Always consult with a financial advisor if needed. 🚀🌟
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capital-ix · 4 months
Top 4 Next Gen Crypto in 2024
Dogeverse (DOGEVERSE)
DOGEVERSE, is like a spin-off of Dogecoin, the meme-based cryptocurrency. It's all about creating a fun and decentralized world where people can play games, trade digital items called NFTs, and use different apps. According to the Capitalix CoinBrain calculator, 1 DOGEVERSE is ₹0.000000116508.
2.       Slothana (SLOTH)
Slothana (SLOTH) is a new meme coin based on the Solana blockchain. Slothana launched on May 1, 2024 and has seen a 550% increase since then, with a market cap approaching $100 million.
3.       LightLink (LL)
LightLink is an Ethereum Layer 2 blockchain and enterprises offer users instant, gasless transactions. LightLink price today is $0.06597 USD with a 24-hour trading volume of $119902.28 USD.
4.       Mocaverse (MOCA)
Mocaverse (MOCA) is an NFT collection. The current price floor of Mocaverse is $8,965.10, with 258.93 ETH sold in a 24-hour period. As of right now, 2,004 distinct owners hold 8,888 NFTs, which have a total market value of $79,681,787.
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mariacallous · 11 months
As the criminal trial of FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried unfolds in a Manhattan courtroom, some observers in the cryptocurrency world have been watching a different FTX-related crime in progress: The still-unidentified thieves who stole more than $400 million out of FTX on the same day that the exchange declared bankruptcy have, after nine months of silence, been busy moving those funds across blockchains in an apparent attempt to cash out their loot while covering their tracks. Blockchain watchers still hope that money trail might help to identify the perpetrator of the heist—and according to one crypto-tracing firm, some clues now suggest that those thieves may have ties to Russia.
Today, cryptocurrency tracing firm Elliptic released a new report on the complex path those stolen funds have taken over the 11 months since they were pulled out of FTX on November 11 of last year. Elliptic's tracing shows how that nine-figure sum, which FTX puts at between $415 million and $432 million, has since moved through a long list of crypto services as the thieves attempt to prepare it for laundering and liquidation, and even through one service owned by FTX itself. But those hundreds of millions also sat idle for all of 2023—only to begin to move again this month, in some cases as Bankman-Fried himself sat in court. 
Most tellingly, Elliptic's analysis is the first to note that whoever is laundering the stolen FTX funds appears to have ties to Russian cybercrime. One $8 million tranche of the money ended up in a pool of funds that also includes cryptocurrency from Russia-linked ransomware hackers and dark web markets. That commingling of funds suggests that, whether or not the actual thieves are Russian, the money launderers who received the stolen FTX's funds are likely Russian, or work with Russian cybercriminals. 
“It’s looking increasingly likely that the perpetrator has links to Russia,” says Elliptic's chief scientist and cofounder Tom Robison. “We can’t attribute this to a Russian actor, but it’s an indication it might be.”
From the first days of its money laundering process following the theft, Elliptic says the FTX thieves have largely taken steps typical for the perpetrators of large-scale crypto heists as the culprits sought to secure the funds, swap them for more easily laundered coins, and then funnel them through cryptocurrency "mixing" services to achieve that laundering. The majority of the stolen funds, Elliptic says, were stablecoins that, unlike other forms of cryptocurrency, can be frozen by their issuer in the case of theft. In fact, the stablecoin issuer Tether moved quickly to freeze $31 million of the stolen money in response to the FTX heist. So the thieves immediately began exchanging the rest of those stablecoins for other crypto tokens on decentralized exchanges like Uniswap and PancakeSwap—which don't have the know-your-customer requirements that centralized exchanges do, in part because they don't allow exchanges for fiat currency.
In the days that followed, Elliptic says, the thieves began a multi-step process to convert the tokens they'd traded the stablecoins for into cryptocurrencies that would be easier to launder. They used “cross-chain bridge” services that allow cryptocurrencies to be exchanged from one blockchain to another, trading their tokens on the bridges Multichain and Wormhole to convert them to Ethereum. By the third day after the theft, the thieves held a single Ethereum account worth $306 million, down about $100 million from their initial total due to the Tether seizure and the cost of their trades.
From there, the thieves appear to have focused on exchanging their Ethereum for Bitcoin, which is often easier to feed into "mixing" services that offer to blend a user's bitcoins with those of other users to prevent blockchain-based tracing. On November 20, nine days after the theft, they traded about a quarter of their Ethereum holdings for Bitcoin on a bridge service called RenBridge—a service that was, ironically, itself owned by FTX. “Yes, it is quite amazing, really, that the proceeds of a hack were basically being laundered through a service owned by the victim of the hack,” says Elliptic's Robison.
On December 12, a month after the theft, most of the bitcoins from that RenBridge trade were then fed into a mixing service called ChipMixer. Like most mixing services, the now-defunct ChipMixer offered to take in user funds and return the same amount, minus a commission, from other sources, in theory muddling the money's trail on the blockchain. But Elliptic says it was nonetheless able to trace $8 million worth of the money to a pool of funds that also included the proceeds from Russia-linked ransomware and dark web markets, which was then sent to various exchanges to be cashed out. 
 “There might have been a handoff from a thief to a launderer,” says Robison. “But even if that was the case, it would mean the thief was in contact with someone who is part of a Russian money laundering operation.” Robison adds that Elliptic has other intelligence pointing to the money launderers' Russian ties, but doesn't yet have permission from the source to make it public.
After their initial attempt to launder a portion of the funds through ChipMixer, the thieves went strangely quiet. The rest of their Ethereum would remain dormant for the next nine months.
Only on September 30, just days ahead of Bankman-Fried's trial, did the remainder of the funds begin to move again, Elliptic says. By that time, both RenBridge and ChipMixer had been shut down—RenBridge due to its parent company FTX's collapse and ChipMixer due to a law enforcement seizure. So the thieves pivoted to trading their Ethereum for Bitcoin on a service called THORSwap and then routing those bitcoins into a mixing service called Sinbad.
Sinbad has over the past year become a popular destination for criminal cryptocurrency, particularly crypto stolen by North Korean hackers. But Elliptic's Robison notes that despite this, the movement of funds appears less sophisticated than what he's seen in the typical North Korean heist. “It doesn't use some of the services that Lazarus typically use,” Robison says, referring to the broad group of North Korean state-sponsored hackers known as Lazarus. “So it doesn't look like them.” Robison notes that Sinbad is likely a rebranding of a mixing service called Blender that was hit with US sanctions last year, in part for helping to launder funds from Russian ransomware groups. Sinbad also offers customer support in English and Russian.
Does the timing of those new movements of funds ahead of—and even during—Bankman-Fried's trial suggest someone with insider knowledge is involved? Elliptic's Robison notes that, while the timing is conspicuous, he can only speculate at this point. It's possible that the timing has been purely coincidental, Robison says. Or someone might be moving the money now to make it look like an FTX insider—potentially one who fears they might be about to lose their internet access. Neither Bankman-Fried nor his fellow executives have been charged with the theft, and some of the money movements have taken place while Bankman-Fried has been in court, with only a laptop disconnected from the internet.
Eventually, no doubt, the thieves will attempt to cash out more of their stolen and laundered cryptocurrency for some sort of fiat currency. Robison is still hopeful that, despite their use of mixers, they can be further identified at that point. “I think they probably will be successful in cashing out at least some of these funds. I think whether they're going to get away with it is a separate question,” says Robison. “There's already a blockchain trail to be followed, and I think that trail will only become clearer with time.”
Two other cryptocurrency tracing firms, TRM Labs and Chainalysis, have both been hired by FTX's new regime under CEO John Ray III to aid in the investigation. TRM Labs declined to comment on the case. Chainalysis didn’t respond to WIRED’s request for comment, nor did FTX itself.
As those cryptocurrency tracers continue to follow the money, we may someday have a clearer answer to the mystery of the FTX heist. In the meantime, however, FTX's many aggrieved creditors will be left to keep one eye on Bankman-Fried's trial and the other on the Bitcoin blockchain.
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tokenlauncher · 2 months
The Importance of Tokens in Building a Robust Crypto Investment Portfolio
Cryptocurrency has revolutionized the world of finance, offering new opportunities for investment and innovation. Central to this ecosystem are tokens, which serve as the building blocks of blockchain technology. Whether you’re a seasoned investor or a newcomer to the crypto space, understanding the importance of tokens is crucial for building a robust and diversified investment portfolio. This blog will explore the different types of tokens, their roles, and how they can enhance your crypto investment strategy.
Understanding Tokens
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What Are Tokens?
Tokens are digital assets created and managed on a blockchain. They can represent a wide range of assets, including currencies, utility functions, rights, or even tangible assets like real estate. Unlike cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, which operate on their own standalone blockchains, tokens are typically built on existing blockchain platforms like Ethereum, Solana, or Binance Smart Chain.
Types of Tokens
Tokens can be broadly categorized into three main types:
Utility Tokens: These tokens provide access to a product or service within a blockchain ecosystem. For example, Ethereum’s ETH is used to pay for transaction fees and computational services on the Ethereum network.
Security Tokens: Representing ownership in an asset, security tokens are similar to traditional securities like stocks and bonds. They are subject to regulatory oversight and offer investors certain rights, such as dividends or profit sharing.
Governance Tokens: These tokens grant holders the ability to vote on decisions affecting the blockchain network or project. Examples include Uniswap’s UNI and MakerDAO’s MKR, which allow users to influence the direction of their respective platforms.
The Role of Tokens in the Crypto Ecosystem
Tokens play a pivotal role in the functionality and governance of blockchain projects. They enable decentralized applications (dApps), facilitate transactions, and incentivize network participation. By holding and using tokens, investors and users can interact with various blockchain-based services, participate in governance, and contribute to the growth and security of the network.
The Importance of Diversification in Crypto Investments
Why Diversify?
Diversification is a fundamental principle of investment strategy. It involves spreading investments across different assets to reduce risk. In the context of cryptocurrency, diversification helps mitigate the inherent volatility and uncertainty of the market. By investing in a variety of tokens, you can balance potential losses with gains, thereby protecting your portfolio from market fluctuations.
Benefits of Diversification
Risk Reduction: By holding a mix of tokens from different projects and sectors, you reduce the impact of a poor-performing asset on your overall portfolio.
Increased Opportunities: Diversification exposes you to a broader range of investment opportunities, increasing the likelihood of high returns from successful projects.
Stability: A diversified portfolio is generally more stable, as gains in some assets can offset losses in others, leading to more consistent performance.
How to Diversify Your Crypto Portfolio
To effectively diversify your crypto investment portfolio, consider the following strategies:
Invest in Different Types of Tokens: Include a mix of utility, security, and governance tokens to benefit from various use cases and value propositions.
Spread Across Blockchain Platforms: Invest in tokens built on different blockchains, such as Ethereum, Solana, and Binance Smart Chain, to leverage the strengths and innovations of each platform.
Incorporate Stablecoins: Stablecoins like USDT and USDC provide stability by being pegged to a fiat currency, offering a hedge against market volatility.
Consider DeFi and NFTs: Explore the growing sectors of decentralized finance (DeFi) and non-fungible tokens (NFTs) for additional diversification and potential high returns.
The Strategic Role of Tokens in Your Portfolio
Enhancing Liquidity
Tokens, particularly those on popular blockchain platforms, often have high liquidity. This means they can be easily bought or sold without significantly affecting their price. High liquidity is essential for managing a portfolio, as it allows investors to quickly adjust their holdings in response to market changes.
Yield Farming and Staking
Tokens enable yield farming and staking, which are popular methods for earning passive income in the crypto space. Yield farming involves lending or staking tokens in DeFi platforms to earn interest or additional tokens. Staking, on the other hand, involves locking up tokens to support the network’s operations and receive rewards in return.
Governance and Voting
Holding governance tokens allows investors to participate in the decision-making processes of blockchain projects. This involvement can be valuable, as it gives token holders a say in the project’s future direction, potentially influencing its success and, consequently, the token’s value.
Access to Exclusive Services
Utility tokens often grant access to exclusive services or benefits within a blockchain ecosystem. For instance, holding certain tokens might provide discounts on transaction fees, access to premium features, or priority in network activities. These benefits can enhance the overall value of your investment portfolio.
Hedging Against Inflation
Cryptocurrencies and tokens can serve as a hedge against inflation, particularly in regions with unstable fiat currencies. By investing in tokens that appreciate in value, investors can protect their wealth from the eroding effects of inflation.
Case Studies: Successful Token Investments
Ethereum (ETH)
Ethereum’s native token, ETH, has been one of the most successful and influential tokens in the crypto space. Beyond its use as a cryptocurrency, ETH powers the Ethereum network, enabling smart contracts and dApps. Its value has surged due to widespread adoption and continuous development, making it a cornerstone of many crypto portfolios.
Binance Coin (BNB)
BNB, the native token of Binance, the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchange, has demonstrated remarkable growth. Initially used to pay for trading fees on the Binance platform at a discount, BNB’s utility has expanded to include use in DeFi applications, token sales, and even travel bookings. Binance’s aggressive expansion and token burn strategy have further driven BNB’s value.
Chainlink (LINK)
Chainlink’s LINK token has gained prominence by providing a decentralized oracle network that connects smart contracts with real-world data. LINK’s value has risen due to its critical role in enabling DeFi applications and partnerships with major companies and blockchain projects.
Solana (SOL)
Solana’s SOL token has quickly become a favorite among investors due to its high transaction speeds and low fees. As a competitor to Ethereum, Solana supports a growing number of dApps, DeFi projects, and NFTs. Its robust performance and strong community support have driven significant price appreciation, making it a valuable addition to any diversified crypto portfolio.
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Tips for Building a Robust Crypto Investment Portfolio
Conduct Thorough Research
Always conduct thorough research before investing in any token. Understand the project’s goals, team, technology, and market potential. Read whitepapers, follow project updates, and engage with the community to gain insights.
Stay Informed
The crypto market is highly dynamic. Stay informed about industry trends, regulatory developments, and major announcements. Follow reputable news sources, join online forums, and participate in community discussions.
Use Reputable Exchanges
Use reputable cryptocurrency exchanges for buying, selling, and trading tokens. Ensure the exchange has robust security measures, a user-friendly interface, and good customer support. Examples include Binance, Coinbase, and Kraken.
Secure Your Investments
Use secure wallets to store your tokens. Hardware wallets and reputable software wallets provide the best security features. Avoid keeping large amounts of cryptocurrency on exchanges for extended periods due to security risks.
Diversify Across Sectors
Diversify your investments across different sectors within the crypto space, such as DeFi, NFTs, and blockchain platforms. This approach helps mitigate risk and exposes you to various growth opportunities.
Monitor and Rebalance
Regularly monitor your portfolio and rebalance it as needed. Market conditions can change rapidly, and rebalancing ensures that your portfolio remains aligned with your investment goals and risk tolerance.
Be Prepared for Volatility
The crypto market is known for its volatility. Be prepared for significant price swings and avoid making impulsive decisions based on short-term market movements. Focus on long-term growth and maintain a disciplined investment approach.
Tokens are the backbone of the cryptocurrency ecosystem, offering diverse opportunities for investment and innovation. By understanding the different types of tokens and their roles, you can build a robust and diversified crypto investment portfolio. Diversification, research, and strategic investment in utility, security, and governance tokens can enhance your portfolio’s performance and reduce risk.
As the crypto market continues to evolve, staying informed and adaptable will be key to success. Embrace the opportunities tokens offer, and you may find yourself at the forefront of the next wave of financial innovation. Happy investing!
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