#slytherclaw friendship
Guys i was rewatching wednesday and.
Find me a better reg and panda representation than Wednesday and Enid. I'm waiting.
No siriusly I'm waiting pls tell me in the comments if you have sth else in mind bc I adore their friendship. And i really don't know if I'm talking about reg and panda or wednesday and enid.
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chosenimagines · 1 month
Harry Potter Masterlist
House Sorting Quiz
By @sainz-leclerc
King of the Gryffindor tower (James Potter)
On your lap (James Potter)
By @animeangsteng
Not another love (Harry Potter)
By @the-second-tonks / @tada-lol
Picnic (James Potter)
Waking up (James Potter)
By @rennaissancebaby
Thanks, John! (Remus Lupin)
By @callmemommyy
Take care (James Potter)
By @moonrainbowfish
Moonstone (Luna Lovegood)
By @flora-and-fauna-111
Heirloom (Remus Lupin)
Yours (Remus Lupin)
By different anons
Boring (Draco Malfoy X Harry Potter x Hufflepuff)
You and me?! (Enemies to lovers Gryffindor X Ravenclaw)
HC: Sirius non-canon sibling being Hufflepuff
What it would be like to date
Lilly Evans 01
Lilly Evans 02
Lilly Evans 03
James Potter 01
James Potter 02
James Potter 03
Neville Longbottom 01
Neville Longbottom 02
Neville Longbottom 03
Cedric Diggory 01
Cedric Diggory 02
Cedric Diggory 03
Cedric Diggory 04
Cedric Diggory 05
Cedric Diggory 06
Hermione Granger 01
Hermione Granger 02
Luna Lovegood 01
Luna Lovegood 02
Luna Lovegood 03
Luna Lovegood 04
George Weasley 01
George Weasley 02
George Weasley 03
George Weasley 04
George Weasley 05
George Weasley 06
George Weasley 07
George Weasley 08
George Weasley 09
George Weasley 10
All 4 Houses
During Corona
Hufflepuff’s Birthday
Slytherin in Love
They let Hufflepuff down
A small present
Possible world
Last chapter
Late Night Snack
Awful News
Violent Hufflepuff
Switched Roles
Not a kitty
Your prince; your hero
Canceled date night
For you
New Year
Tie the tie
Stone cold
Car vibes
Bad Times
Crying Slytherin
Good looking
Valentine’s Day
At Night
Friendship important question
Birthday week
Times two
Raven’s writing
You still read?
A poem by Raven
BFF Fred BF George
HP characters have a crush on you
RB Incorrect Quotes
Source Gilmore Girls OG Sirius & Remus me added Golden trio
Jegulus but imagine Merthur
Specific Characters
Happy Birthday, Twins!
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rene-hl-trashcan · 2 months
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The definition of Slytherclaw friendship is sneaking into a forbidden lost library and casting the Torture Curse on each other 😂😂
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muiltifandomnerd · 5 months
Hello! Hello! Here for a matchup! I would love a matchup for my Noble House + Romantic + Friendship
Here is my information!
FANDOM: Game of thrones
Name: Anna Lee
Pronouns: She/her
Preference: any gender 
Personality: I am an INTJ Slytherclaw, Aquarius and a Type 6 when it comes to anagrams. Neutral Good. I am a huge overthinker and stress a lot with anxiety. People tell me that I can be blunt which results in people thinking that I can be cold but in reality I try to be a kind person when it is needed. I am a realist and many consider me to be intelligent, often asking me to help with their work. I’m incredibly passionate about things I like to do and have a thirst to know everyone’s opinions as I feel that if someone is left out. I’m a creative person but sometimes my brain just goes blank, I hate when it does. I have a really dry sense of humour that usually is a mix of sarcasm, fandom jokes or self degrading jokes. I'm an extremely stubborn person and have to be right about everything. From a young age, my parents were extremely strict and had expected the best out of me which resulted in me being an overachiever. I have to get things perfect or be the best at what I’m doing. I'm really sensitive, even some small harsh words are enough to make me teary. I’ve been called a crybaby because of that and to be honest, that is true. I give too much to other people since I’m afraid of saying no since what if they hate me? And I'm too scared to ask for help or to have something cause I think they will think I'm selfish and worthless. Not the best self esteem 😔 I love to listen to other people since I think not a lot of people have others that they can tell what they wish to say without getting judged or outcasted. But the problem is that I judge too easily too. As much as I want to show a good image to others and help them, I tend to focus on my own needs and how everything can affect me for the better or worse. I hate repeating things, especially in front of a big crowd. I daydream too much. When I get excited, I speak really quickly and stumble over my words which I get embarrassed by and stop talking. I am very sensitive, especially when it comes to my appearance and personality. I’m always afraid that people are constantly judging me or hate me, which is why I tend to avoid public spaces or being around people in general. When I get familiar with someone or a crowd, I’m not that afraid to state my opinion. I get jealous and possessive easily, like I mentioned my parents are strict meaning I got very few things of my own and those things only came to me because I tried so hard to get it. So when I see someone else with it, it just irks me off. I always make plans but I know I’m not going to complete them, I just like to imagine the future if I actually had motivation and energy to accomplish things. I can never start new things while completing old ones. I am also the oldest child and have 4 younger ones, another reason why I stress too much. I don’t think I mentioned this, but I get angry really easily. The slightest mistakes just pisses me off. I suck at short talks and starting conversations, it’s much easier to have lengthier conversations. I can never do presentations, I always get too nervous. Plus, my friends say my voice is really soft so no one ever hears me much, especially since I’m uncomfortable. When I get angry, my judgement is clouded. I am terrible at holding grudges. I would be upset at someone but the second I see them again, I feel normal and happy in a way. Probably said this before, but I’m a huge day dreamer and stubborn. I can’t concentrate on my work because I always get distracted and daydream about things I will never have. I normally appear composed but have a fiery temper. I really want to be a lawyer. My parents never let me use the internet much as a kid so I pretty much live under a rock but I am incredibly book smart. 
Looks: Half-Korean and Half- White. I’m slightly chubby and curvy with a pear-shaped body (Double D cups). Upon seeing me, many people point out my eyes which are hazel with slight flecks of many colours such as green and amber being the prominent ones. Almond eyes that are doe-like and slightly turn up at the end but barely noticeable. I have a button nose and thin heart shaped lips. My face is round and my eye shape is almond. I am approximately 5’3. Two small moles are fixated on my right cheek and underneath my lip. Long dark brown hair that almost appears black but that solely depends on the lighting. My hair reaches my hips and is kinda wispy at the end. It’s usually on a ponytail with a few strands framing my face. My clothing style tends to be anything comfortable and classy. I prefer to wear black and colours that are darker, you will never find me wearing orange or neon colours. 
Likes: Chocolate, Anime, Music, Food, Being right about something, Reading, Drawing, Strawberries, Smell of Rain, Sleeping, Being the Best, Baking and cooking (even tho I’m not that good at it)  Daydreaming, Murder Mysteries, Romance, Long walks, Making Ocs,  Fiction, Name hunting, Suits, Me, Pinterest, Spicy food, Sweets, Lavender and Indicolite, Aesthetics, and Flower Languages.
Dislike: Loud noises, Jerks, Prejudice People, Slow Walkers, People who chew loudly, Getting look down on, Insects, Studying, Fake People, Self-pity, Getting below 90% in a test, Snow, Overlysweet things, Going outside, and the feeling where your brain is blank and can’t tell what you feel like, Doing nothing all day and Tomatoes
Love Language: Physical Touch and Quality Time
Ideal Type: Pretty Eyes. I love charismatic people who are funny but know when to be serious. Will always be there for me and not afraid to speak their mind. Honest and loyal. Yet they would still help me see the light at the end of the tunnel and tell me it’s okay, that everything is gonna be okay. I wouldn’t like ‘innocent’ people nor ‘kind’ people cause I feel like I won’t be able to connect with them based on my morality level. Will be attentive to my needs. Not necessarily loud but not quite, somewhere in between. I want someone who I can feel okay around, as if everything was fine. Someone who would help carry a burden with me, we are together in everything. A type of person who would wait for me when I’m tying my shoelaces. Any hair colour is ok! Though I’m soft for blond and black hair. I love playing with other people's hair btw!
Hope this is enough information and Thank you in advance!
Love Interest: Robb Stark
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You met Robb when he was busy trying to free his sisters from the Lannisters
You want to be a warrior for Robb’s army to avenge your uncle, Robert Baratheon, death. You have a strained relationship with your father, Stannis Baratheon, because you disagree with him on dealing with your favorite uncle Renly.
Both you and Stannis are stubborn people. You both cared for each other. You want to recruit Robb to Stannis, to prove yourself to be stannis heir.
You met with Robb and negotiate a deal with him. Robb is impressed with your intelligence and diplomacy skills.
He wants you to be apart of his close counsel with his mom and Theon.
You catch Robb having a depressive breakdown when Joffrey killed Ned. You calmed him down and give him strategies with taking down Tywin.
Robb also acts pretty playful and flirt with you while you doing your duty.
You heart was crushed when the Frey killed Robb during the red wedding and you joined back with your father stannis.
Nobel House: House Baratheon
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Rival: Talissa
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You both compete with each other for Robb affections and that you have very similar personalities.
@sugutoad, this is your match up
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crazycatsiren · 2 years
I grew up OBSESSED with Harry Potter. Like I had all the merch I could get my hands on, it was what every one of my relatives would get me for my birthday, I was on Pottermore the day it dropped, and everyone at school knew I was a Slytherclaw (because yes, I was that divided by the two houses).
I have not touched any Harry Potter in years, not since I realized how awful Terf Rowling is. I still have all the books only because I personally have a hard time throwing away "perfectly good" books, but I haven't read them since I was probably in high school, and I'm now 25. I literally do not understand why anyone with half a conscience wouldn't just, move on. Presumably most of the generation that grew up on HP is adults now, or at the very least of critical thinking age.
Yes, me being queer probably helped with being able to distance myself from something that was so integrated into my childhood. But like, seeing everyone whine about how hard it is just irks me so much. If an autistic queer person who had HP as a special interest for over half their life can move on from it, so can you.
Plenty of us have had to ditch things from our childhoods that are toxic and not good for the world. I myself have burned bridges plenty, and many of them were plain painful. Like I said, tough tit mouse. I've severed friendships with people who refuse to stop supporting Harry Potter. I can't even look at that stuff now without feeling physically ill, because that transphobic bitch wants my friends dead. Innocent people's lives are at risk, and spoiled children are crying because they don't want their shitty toys taken away.
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carewyncromwell · 1 year
I know this is not from the ask list but I want to share it with you cause it's funny! It's a little addition to Danny and Jackson's friendship. If Danny wasn't sorted into Ravenclaw, he'd end up in Slytherin with Jacko. Danny's a Slytherclaw 😂
Oh gosh! That would've been quite an interesting dorm to live in. Sebastian and Ominis already find Jackson annoying to share space with considering how much that diva hogs the bathroom every morning, so I'm glad at least Danny didn't have to deal with that by also sharing a dorm with him!! 😂
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tenpintsof-sundrop · 5 months
For awhile I thought Ravenclaw would suit me more, but yeah, Hufflepuff makes a lot of sense for me. -Rotten Anon
that's why I am a huge believer that the house system is a spectrum, and people can straddle two houses at once. I am a RavenPuff - but I have always said that I'm a Ravenclaw cause that was the house I first identified with when I read the Sorting Hat song from the first book
and when I took the original Sorting Hat quiz from Pottermore (which is different than the one they have now) - I was shocked when I was sorting into Slytherin, but it's because at the time, I was straddling the SlytherClaw part of the spectrum, and I was leaning into the fiercely independent, cleverness in the form of sarcasm, prefers alone time, wants revenge for small things because nobody fucks with my loved ones, gets annoyed easily aspects of things - I was sorted into Slytherin based on my answers, but Slytherin and Ravenclaw do have a lot in common
but yeah, I genuinely love Hufflepuff. I think if I had been introduced to Harry Potter right now, I would have natrually gravitated toward Hufflepuff for my self-sorting. I love yellow, I love the whole 'kindness toward everyone, friendship comes first' philosophy. Also I am jealous that Hufflepuff gets Newt and Tonks
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writing4coffee · 4 years
Random things my Ravenclaw friend says#1
Ravenclaw: Bro, what does it feel like to be a watermelon?
Slytherin: wut
Ravenclaw: What does it feel like to be a watermelon?
Slytherin: uhh, well, I know what a watermelon is but I don’t know how it feels like to be one...
Ravenclaw: Exactly, we know what it is, but not how it feels
Ravenclaw: Imagine being a plant, and do photosynthesis
Slytherin: Ravenclaw, honey, you should get some sleep
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Ravenclaw: * sleeping *
Ravenclaw: * falls on the ground * OMFG, WHAT HAPPENED?
Slytherin: I want attention.
Ravenclaw: Its 4am.
Slytherin: Its your obligation as my best friend to give me attention whenever I want.
Ravenclaw: I hope you die.
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sslyytherinns · 5 years
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@shes-only-happy-when-it-rains ahh slytherclaw friendships are the best! they do both have a general ‘screw you’ attitude, but not everything they think about the others houses is negative! 
ima do a list of things they both agree on about the other two houses:
gryffindors are too loud, ‘yeah you saw your friend yesterday please stop screaming’ kinda loud
loud means annoying, ‘oh god they’re singing AGAIN, we’re not filming an episode of glee’ ‘what are they so happy about?’
hufflepuffs are adorable
but they’re too nice, ‘how can they keep that up all day?’, literally too sweet for slytherins and ravenclaws to understand
gryffindors really are brave and, as much as it may pain them to admit it, slytherins and ravenclaws are jealous
hufflepuffs cannot be bribed - this is inconvenient, mainly to the slytherins
not a single gryffindor owns a hairbrush (no i will not elaborate you know exactly what i mean)
hufflepuffs share everything, even socks
all hufflepuffs and gryffindors are dog people, but they still like cats because ‘they’re not complete monsters, you know’ 
gryffindors are funny, eyeroll kinda funny, ‘don’t push it though’
hufflepuffs really know how to get stuff done, they’re the second most efficient house after the slytherins (of course) 
gryffindors get nothing done at all, literally nothing - the slytherins and ravenclaws aren’t quite sure how they’re all still alive 
the longest a gryffindor has kept a tamagotchi alive was 2 hours and 11 minutes, this is a common joke in slytherclaw friendships 
slytherins think that hufflepuffs are the messiest drunks ‘only because the gryffindors are a mess already’, but ravenclaws secretly think the slytherins are worse 
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smol--child · 5 years
Hogwarts Houses Based on my Friends and I Part 2
Slytherin Girl
The saltiest human on the planet
Easily annoyed by other people
Listens to 21 piløts obsessivly
Plays the drums
Will 100% take over the world by the time we're out of college
Freakishly smart
All her school papers turn into rants about society
No patience for fake people
Excellent judge of character
Makeup art
If she gets mad she'll destroy you
Ravenclaw Girl
Doesn't shut up about Marvel comics and movies
Has an unhealthy obsession with fictional characters that is enabled by the Slytherin
Started learning piano and ukulele but doesn't practice either because her nails are too long
Because she does nail art
Owns more books than bookshelves
All her school papers turn into psychological analysis of people's perspectives on subjects
Winged eyeliner
Tried to make it look like she has it together
High anxiety
But with mom friend™ instincts
Gryffindor Boy
FaceTimes you at 11:46pm
Makes friends with everyone
Major flirt
Denies it when people tell him this
(He's taken everyone else on the list to a school dance)
Thinks he's buff
Is not buff
Is actually a bean pole
Volunteers in class
Charms the teachers so he can get away with not doing his work
Which annoys the Ravenclaw immensely
Inappropriate jokes
So much energy
Listens to indie bands that only do instrumentals
Doesn't read the assigned books for class
But won't look at spark notes because the teacher said not too (he also said to read the book?)
But it's fine because he had someone tell him a summary??
And then got a 50 on the assignment
Hufflepuff Girl
Colored jeans
Ombré hair
Draws on her notes in class
Still gets good grades because the teachers love her
Gets super excited about things
And is friends with everyone
Teams up with the Ravenclaw to argue moral values with sexist and inappropriate teachers
Comes back the next day still mad at the teacher so she drops a stack of notes and references on the Ravenclaw's desk and says "let's destroy him"
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pumpkinsavagelattes · 6 years
Slytherin: Jamba Juice counts as a non-processed beverage right? Lol real fruit real veggies
Ravenclaw: You’re talking to the bitch who considers Mountain Dew a breakfast beverage
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theravenclawswolf · 6 years
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Jal Fazer
Ravenclaw 🦅
a hare as a Patronus
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i-like-salsa · 6 years
Ravenclaw: you have a balcony? Why don’t you ever use it?
Slytherin: sometimes in the middle of the night I just stand on it
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ancxentgates · 6 years
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“All that Rosie and Levi left behind for their friends were their shadows…”  
These girls are my and theunlikelynerds mun’s FeMCs from the Harry Potter app game, Hogwart’s Mystery. We often plot with these girls, and I had a lot of fun planning Levi’s story. 
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Slytherin: Hey, at least I didn't kill anyone.
Ravenclaw: What do you want? A gold star? That's a common human accomplishment.
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