#slovenian girl
myfreeonesx · 2 years
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passtheseppie · 6 days
matteo powless pogi would be winners room of dreams…….
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jokeroutsubs · 1 year
ENG Translation of Vecer.com article, translation cr: @kurooscoffee, video transcript: drumbeat
(PHOTO and VIDEO) Joker Out at Lent Festival heated up the Maribor audience: Crowd of teenagers* at Leon Štukelj Square
Last night's highlight of the first Lent Festival weekend
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Maribor was heated up, streets were packed, and there was a crowd full of teenagers* on Leon Štukelj Square. Everything was ready for the concert of the stars, the Joker Out band, who were the highlight of the first weekend of Lent Festival. As we waited to get in and catch the band before the concert, we spoke to Alja from Maribor. "I've been following them since 2018. Back then they had a concert at Lent, and there were ten of us, it was free. It's really good that they managed to do succeed like this now," said the enthusiastic fan*. We caught up with them right after soundcheck and a few other commitments on stage.
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Carpe Diem live in Maribor for the first time
"We have really appeared on stage here in Maribor many times in the last few years, it has been nice to see the crowd getting bigger and louder, we are always very warmly welcomed and we really love coming back here. But in 2018, our first concert at Lent Festival was on the Večer stage, I remember it was raining, there were canopy tents set up, there were just enough people to hide under those four or five tents. Today, I don't think that would be possible anymore," the good-humoured Bojan Cvjetićanin told us. The boys remarked that there would definitely be no rain this evening, because 'we're going all out with partying (1)', and promised to play their entire repertoire for Maribor. "We know both us and them will enjoy it. It will be the first time Carpe Diem will be performed live in Maribor. A premiere," added Cvjetićanin.
(1) T/N this part was said in Maribor dialect
And indeed. There was no rain that evening, and the temperature was very suitable for warming up the enthusiastic crowd. Done as promised. In an hour and a half they provided a medley of songs from the first and second album. They started with Katrina, continued with Ne Bi Smel, Plastika, Dopamin, A Sem Ti Povedal Kdaj, Padam, Demoni, Srce ocena, Metulji, Vse Kar vem, Vem Da Greš… When she discovered the latter song, she started listening to them, the 29-year-old Eva from Maribor told us. "I've been following them for about three years, I've been to their concert in Ptuj, and I've been cheering for them at Eurovision. I like their magnetic energy. Because they are genuine, exactly as they are. They have a special depth in their lyrics that you can find yourself in. They fit Lent, they bring a youthful energy to it. May they come to Maribor many more times," she said. Teja, 17, from Maribor, has been following Joker Out for about a year and her favourite song is Metulji. Her friends Metka and Romina have been following them since Eurovision. They like them because they have a new touch and because the lyrics are a bit different and not so superficial, they told us.
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Leon Štukelj Square was full of enthusiastic fans∗. PHOTO: SAŠO BIZJAK
The best concert ever for a Canadian*
Although the concert was, clearly, mostly young people, there were also some older female fans in the crowd. "Our whole family listens to Joker Out. The biggest fan is my granddaughter, who is two years old, but she couldn't come to the concert with us (yet). The rest of us came from Koroška (T.N.: region in northern Slovenia) for the concert," said Andreja from Vuzenica.
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As Bojan already noted on stage, it wasn't only the local fans who were listening to them in Maribor. Anna Herran from Canada travelled a lot more kilometres than anyone else to be able to listen to them in Maribor. "I am currently studying in Prague," she explained. She spotted them at Eurovision. "'Well done!' After that I really wanted to go to their concert, I saw their summer tour and I came from Prague yesterday. I've been to Slovenia before, I really like it, but never to Maribor, so it was a great opportunity to combine one with the other. It was the best concert I've been to so far! Everyone is taller than me, so I didn't see some parts, but it was still great, I really want to go to another concert of theirs, I hope that one day they will come to Canada; or Prague, which is closer to them," the smiling 28-year-old told us after the concert. She particularly likes that they sing in Slovenian, and sometimes in Serbian, she added. "When you live in North America, everything is always in English, so it's great to hear other languages. Now that I'm here, I can even say a few things in Slovene. 'Hvala lepa!' That's what I learned from them. And the fans∗ translate the texts online, which I really appreciate," she added.
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Anna Herran, Canadian, fan of Joker Out (PHOTO: URŠKA POLANC)
"No, I'm not signing your passport …"
Now that they have already performed abroad, we were curious to see how the band feels standing on Slovenian, home stages. What is the difference? "We like anyone who sings our music in Slovenian," Jan Peteh answered. Kris Guštin added that there is less difference between Slovenian and foreign stages than they thought there would be. "Absolutely, we thought that Slovene would be a really big hurdle between us and the audience, but it turned out that it's not the case. It even turned out that this kind of barrier that the language sets is a very fun challenge for the fans, because they are very relaxed about the concert and they are ready to absorb everything that we give them. On stage we feel very primal, very childlike, and so do the fans∗," explained Cvjetićanin. Are they now more confident on stage after Eurovision? "I think the difference is quite noticeable, especially if we have pink clothes on stage," Peteh added, laughing.
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During the concert, many objects flew onto the stage, some of them off it. The singer said that he already has a room full of presents at home, but he is always happy to receive new ones. "That T-shirt I signed was not an invitation to throw all the items of clothing on stage." "No, I'm not signing your passport," the band's singer, among other things, told the audience, from whom they also said goodbye in style. "We've saved it for last because it suitably describes the continuation of the evening … Carpe Diem!"
ENG Translation by @kurooscoffee (jokeroutsubs) DO NOT REPOST!
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majestativa · 5 months
Sunday's odyssey.
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bitfruity · 10 months
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found a template and made my own👀
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sparkles-oflight · 2 months
I can't possibly be the only one who gave the ngvot girl a name and then when I see her with a different one in a fic I'm like "who the fuck is this!?"
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thegengarprincess · 5 months
!!!!! Magical girls!!!! Joker Out Magical Girls!!!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, sounds very cool 👀👀👀😻😻😻😻😻😻😻.
Hope you have a nice day 💛💛💛💛
Magical girly supremacy F.T.W >XDD!! Wearing their pretty lil dresses defeating bad guys N serving so much cunt while their at it 🥰🥰✨,fr got notes opened N ready 2 go 4 brainstorming ideas as we *speak* :33! It was a big hyperfixtations 4 awhile N mixing it was another hyperfixtation is gonna be so much fun aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahh!!💘💘💓💓💗💗 I can’t wait 2 get started N 4 U 2 read it,have a f4n *AMAZING* day N promise I won’t let U down! >:33
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elenitrack · 1 year
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Maruša Černjul (Nebraska)
2019 Prairie Wolf Indoor Invitational (Lincoln, NE)
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flying-rusalka · 1 year
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kokonutcat · 1 year
If we do straight ships to avoid suspicion it’s normalising heterosexuality which doesn’t help against internalised homophobia because lgbt lack representation in movies, books, music, ect which is why I suspect by a percentage of exactly 63% that Light is Kira. In the other hand, if we do gay ships it’s fetishization and deshumanizing and therefore homophobic which means without the shadow of a doubt that Light is Kira
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tilde44 · 2 years
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rosetta-j-stone · 10 months
Do you ever have a late-night/wee-small-hours idea that could be either amazing or terrible?
Here's mine.
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y-avann-a · 1 year
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ok i guess...
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damaged-graveyard · 20 days
Quitting my job at a massive entertainment company in the capital. The anxiety and self doubt ive had for months due to the manager giving 0 feedback and playing favourites is not worth it. I hope she trips and falls down the bowling lane and gets sucked into the ball return machiene. Maybe she can attend a manadegement class once the machiene pulls her head out of her ass. I hope she gets stuck in one of the escape rooms and they just leave her there.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 9 months
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"PENCIL GIVES CLUE IN APARTMENT THEFT," Toronto Star. January 4, 1934. Page 3. --- Harry G. Chant Convicted of Stealing $70 From Girl's Trunk ---- Alleging that she had been robbed of $70 in bills which were taken from her trunk, Ethel Brown, a maid in a St. Leonard's Ave. flat, appeared as a witness against Harry G. Chant, 45, occupant of an upper flat in the same house.
Mrs. Brown swore that she left $173 in her trunk, which had no lock, and that when she looked for it only $103 remained.
A pencil, which accused admitted was his, was found in a tray of the trunk, complainant testified, and she swore that prior to the theft she had never seen the pencil.
It was brought out in evidence that Chant offered to repay the $70, but he explained this as a desire to preserve the goodwill in the house.
"A very suspicious move," commented Mr. Malone. "It certainly puts you in an unfavorable light."
Registering a conviction, Magistrate Jones remanded accused until Jan. 12 for sentence and advised a medical examination in the meantime.
One prisoner was sentenced to the repeaters' penalty of $50 or one month in early court to-day and two were assessed $10 or ten days. Joseph Riordan was the unlucky one, he having been convicted only last November for the same offence.
"He doesn't seem to change," commented his worship, when Edward Halchead pleaded guilty to drunkenness, and admitted that he was given a chance several months ago.
Stanley Treyzoloski was a little dubious when asked if he had been up before, but the bench was not.
"Oh, yes," he said, "$10 or ten days."
William Patterson, youthful vagrant from Winnipeg, who it was stated was given an opportunity to return to his home but failed to take it, will serve the next 30 days in jail unless he produces $10.
"He is living in 'flop-houses' and had 60 cents in his pockets when arrested," an officer testified.
George Graham was anxious for a sentence.
"I'm asking for week to-day." he told the court, and the bench obliged. "Ten dollars or ten days" was the verdict. John Gillespie, also accused of vagrancy, was assessed $10 or 30 days.
Hit-Run Driver Fined "This young man stole a bicycle from Queen St. and rode it out to his uncle's place in North Toronto," Detective Robert Semple testified when Wilfred Cronkwright appeared on a theft charge.
"There are too many bicycle thefts, and it is a good time at the start of the year to hand out a warning." observed Crown Attorney Malone.
His worship decided the youth had been warned and granted a remand for sentence.
Accused of criminal negligence following an accident in which his car struck Jacob Kleinman at the corner of Spadina and College Sts., Charles Jackson to-day pleaded guilty.
Detective O'Driscoll testified that Jackson's car struck the injured man as he moved across the road while the lights changed.
Jackson failed to stop, and in a statement attributed this to "nervousness."
"The serious side of it is the hit-and-run driving." Mr. Malone stated, and his worship added, "I can have no sympathy with hit-and-run drivers."
Fifty dollars or one month on the neglect to return charge, and one month on the criminal negligence charge which will be dated back to the time of the arrest one month ago, was the penalty imposed, in addition to cancellation of the driver's permit for six months.
Sheldon Young, found guilty of attempted wounding, was placed on probation for one month, after the bench had learned that he had been in jail for 19 days.
Young was convicted of attacking 17-year-old Lloyd Bradley, a young friend, when the youth declined to accompany him to a theatre.
"The doctors seem to think that if you leave liquor alone you would not have these crazy spells," Magistrate Jones said, addressing the prisoner.
Tossed Bottles For tossing bottles in a brawl on Christmas Eve and thereby injured Basil Ebinoff, James Cairns will pay $50 or serve 30 days.
"Christmas Eve is not the time to get drunk." said Magistrate Jones.
"You can't throw bottles around and injure people," Cairns claimed that he was attempting to leave complainant's premises "where they were fighting" and said his beverage had been several bottles of pop.
Rivalry between independent taxi drivers soliciting fares near the Union station flared into open warfare on December 23rd, it was brought out in court to-day when Thomas Carter was charged with doing malicious damage to an auto owned by Harry Hoffman.
Crowding for positions in line was responsible for the quarrel and complainant accused Carter of deliberately ramming his taxi. Magistrate Jones ruled a conviction would be registered and remanded Carter for sentence with a warning.
Took Turns at Being Sick Frank Bartolar, John Parigan, John Sciabar and Rudolph Brogobich, all officials of the Toronto branch of the Grand Carnolian and Slovenian Catholic Union, pleaded guilty to a breach of the Iusurance Act, by receiving premiums from members of the fraternity, in return for the privilege of sick benefits, an arrangement which Crown Attorney [W. O. Gibson pointed out is strictly forbidden by the act.
John Grudeff, defence counsel, in explaining the procedure, stated that the officials were not knowingly breaking the law, and that in any event the system was to be discontinued.
"This is a very respectable and well-known society in the United States," he said. "Due to the fact that some of the members took turns at 'being sick and drawing the $2 per day sick benefits, the organization does not wish to carry on this business in Canada any longer."
With the consent of the crown, his worship assessed Brogobich a $50 fine and remanded the three members of the group for sentence.
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svkhky · 6 months
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svk - slo, iihf ww IB 4:0 (sulíková, halušková, blichová, ištocyová)
or, wait, they’re not the same country?
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