vrnicky · 2 years
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@under-art-reblogs @ratsoh-writes
The whole gang is here!!!
Phew that took a while lol
Reblogs appreciated!
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con-cognito · 1 year
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Here's a little Bday gift for the incredibly sweet @zwagyzonk, who deserves all the love and smooches in the world.
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sin-cognito · 5 months
Ooh, how about Swapfell Red bros in C2 and D2? Or Fellswap Gold with E2 and A2. Maybe with some color palette adjustments if that'd look better.
Right before hitting send, I realized I didn't specify which outfit for which brother. And yknow what... that's fine. :D
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Sorry for the wait, I also couldn't decide which outfit to give which brother so uhh... You get all of them.
Alright, on a more serious note, the Fellswap Gold was pretty easy to figure out, I really don't see Coffee wearing E2! XDD And he looks good with a hoodie on. Meanwhile, deciding which outfit to give to the Swapfell brothers really was a struggle. I can see them wearing both, but with different settings. In the first one, Black is your typical edgelord while Slim is this awkward and shy but very eager puppydog who likes to wear comfy clothes. But in the other one, you can imagine it's Black's day off so he allows himself to wear something casual, while Slim like to look tough and like a bad boy to warn off potential danger (AKA people who will try to flirt with Black).
Anyway, they took time (and I went back to work last week as well so less time to finish these) but I'm really happy with all 3! I had fun (except that moment when I realized I forgot to draw the choker around Slim's neck so I had to copypaste it from the other illustration XD)
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bigoltrashpile · 8 months
Learning to Share
The lovely @galacticroyal93 has once again commissioned me! Thank you so much you're the greatest!!! This one is for all four yandere Papyruses kidnapping and then...loving the same person ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) So if you are a minor please go away, but if you're over 18, then enjoy!!!
You stared up at the ceiling blankly.  It was Friday.  The fifth day of your capture.  You sighed and rolled over, trying to find the will to get out of bed.
It had started normally.  You had become friends with Slim, a friendly skeleton monster, and you had quickly become a part of each others’ lives.  You and him had hung out whenever you could, and soon enough, you met his cousins.  Apparently he had a lot of them, eight all together in one house.  They had seemed normal enough…
But then some of them started to get attached.  Too attached.
The tall skeletons, Papyrus, Noir, and Hound, along with Slim of course, had begun vying for your attention.  Papyrus and Noir would show off and try to impress you, while Slim and Hound would try to get you to smile, and try to share any food or drink they could with you, just to see you happy.
It was nice!  For a while.  Then, things started to get…weird.  Papyrus would somehow show up wherever you were, Noir seemed to have a few things that looked suspiciously close to things you had lost, Hound somehow knew your favorite drink order, and Slim, although still sweet, would pull you a bit too close when anyone else tried to talk to you.
Definitely strange.
Well, five days ago, you figured out why.
You had been trying to find a good recipe to cook for dinner, when you heard something strange behind you.  
A footstep.
You lived alone.
Instantly, you stiffened up.  Your hand moved slowly away from the recipe book, to the knife block.  You grabbed a knife, and whipped around.
Almost faster than you could blink, a hand caught your wrist.  You were met with a very familiar sight.  Noir.  He smirked down at you gleefully.
“N-Noir??  What are you doing in my house?” you demanded.  You tried to sound tough, but couldn’t stop your voice from wavering.
“We?  Home??” you gasped.  You finally looked over Noir’s shoulder to see the other three skeletons behind him.  They were moving boxes out of your room, almost like they were helping you move.  Forcefully.
Using your distraction, Noir took his chance to grab the knife from your hand.  “WOULDN’T WANT YOU HURTING YOURSELF,” he explained casually.  Without looking, he threw the knife.  It stuck in the wall with a loud SHUNK.
You were doomed.
Noir leaned down, his fangs almost touching your ear.  “Now…We Can Do This The Easy Way, Or The Hard Way,” he whispered.  “Either You Come Quietly, Or I Knock You Out And Throw You In The Trunk.  Your Choice.”
“A-are you going to hurt me?” you squeaked pitifully.
“I Don’t Want To Hurt You,” Noir explained.  “But I Will Do What I Must.”
Shaking, you had gone with him quietly.  You were crying silently during the long drive, sure that they were going to do…something to you.  You weren’t sure what.  Kill you?  Sell you for your soul?  Was your friendship with Slim all a lie?  Had he just been kind to you to get to this moment?
Thankfully, once you got to the skeletons’ house, they explained.  Or more accurately, Hound had hugged you tight and kissed you, and then the others explained.
They were in love with you.  All four of them.  They had for months.  Not only did they love you, but they were basically obsessed with you.  They had been stalking you for a while, keeping tabs on you, protecting you, and just falling further and further in love.
They had tried to work things out, and eventually came to a very tenuous agreement.  They would kidnap you, bring you to their home, and share.  For a while.  They would each get you for one day out of the week, and after a  little while, you would decide which of them you would be with forever.
It was definitely a daunting decision.  They were all crazy, obviously, but…they were undeniably very handsome.  And very caring, and thoughtful.  On Monday, the day after you had been taken, Papyrus had treated you to a delicious, homemade dinner.  You had eaten it together under candlelight, which was very romantic despite his “dating outfit” having basketballs for shoulders, and him checking his dating manual every five minutes.
On Tuesday, Slim and you had done a few jigsaw puzzles while watching your favorite movies.  Afterward, you made cookies together!  Slim had eaten lots of the dough, but you still got a few cookies safely into the oven.
On Wednesday, Noir and you went outside!  It was the first time you had seen the sky in two days, and even though he squeezed your hand threateningly every time you talked to someone, walking in the park with hot chocolate had been lovely.
Yesterday, Hound had insisted on playing some games together.  You had started with some card games before moving on to Mario Kart.  Hound was surprisingly good at the game, and you had only won a single race.  Despite that, he was a good sport, and was perfectly happy just sitting on the couch with you.
But today…who would have you on Friday?  Would the order start over, and you’d have another day with Papyrus?  Or would you get the day to yourself?  Yeah, that didn’t seem likely.
Finally, you forced yourself out of bed.  It was still your bed, the skeletons had moved everything from your room to their home, and you had to admit that having all the same things was…comforting somehow.  You got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast.
Just like the other days, Noir and Papyrus were already awake and cooking food.  They chatted idly, turning when you walked in.  “AH, TK!” Papyrus beamed.  “GOOD MORNING!”
“G-good morning,” you muttered.  You sat down nervously.  “Um…what’s for breakfast?”
“WE HAVE MADE WAFFLES AND BACON,” Noir said proudly.
Your stomach rumbled.  “Good, good……Um…what’s the plan for today?”
Noir furrowed his brow.  “PLAN?”
“Yeah, who’s going to have me for the day?”
“all of us do.”  You jumped at Slim’s voice right behind you.  He always moved so quietly!  Slim rubbed the sleep from his eyes and plopped down next to you.  “mornin’, hun~”
“What do you mean, ‘all of you’?” you asked.  “Are you all going to, like…have an hour each?”
“nah, figured we’d do a group date or somethin’,” Slim shrugged.  “go to a movie, or smash bros tournament, maybe.  ‘course goin’ out would be nice with so many of us to keep an eye socket on you.”
Right.  Even if you went out, there was no way to escape.  You pushed the thought from your mind.  “Oh.  Well, I guess that sounds nice!”
“‘s’long as i don’t have to do any running i’m game.”  You jumped again.  Hound was just as sneaky as Slim!  The sharp toothed skeleton pressed a kiss to the top of your head.  “good to see ya angel~”
“You saw me yesterday too!” you laughed softly.
“and bein’ asleep was too long without ya,” he responded.  He sat down next to you, on the opposite side of Slim.
Soon enough, the food was ready, and Noir and Papyrus brought over plates of thick, fluffy pancakes and crispy bacon.  All five of you eagerly dug in, the skeletons chatting and arguing a bit as they did.
You closed your eyes happily.  There was just something so…peaceful about it.  Even though they had kidnapped you, you felt safe around these skeletons.  They loved you, you knew that now, and just having them near you was such a comfy feeling.  If they hadn’t kidnapped you, this would be a dream come true.
“what do ya think, tk?”  The sound of your name snapped you back to reality.  “that sound okay?”
They all laughed softly at your absent mindedness.  “WE WERE JUST WONDERING IF BINGING A SHOW WAS OKAY WITH YOU,” Papyrus smiled.  “WE CAN MAKE A BLANKET FORT IF YOU WANT!”
“Y-yeah, that sounds good!” you smiled.  It would be nice, cuddling with all the skeletons.  Although, with that thought in your head, how would you do that?  There wasn’t a bed big enough for five people, so you’d have to make do.
After breakfast, the skeletons went to work, leaving you locked in the house alone until that evening.  While you were alone, you doodled yourself and the four of them in a giant bed together.  It wasn’t really feasible, but the thought of it made you feel warm.
That evening, the skeletons came home, and were all eager for your movie night.  They eagerly placed a few mattresses on the ground of your bedroom and hung up blankets.  Well, you, Noir, and Papyrus did.  Hound and Slim “supervised”.
When everything was set up, you got dressed.  Papyrus insisted that you all wear pajamas, and so you were wearing an old t shirt and some soft shorts.  The others were wearing lazy clothes as well, and it was a welcome surprise to see them in more casual attire.
Papyrus started some cheesy reality show that you could all make fun of, and they all settled in around you.  Papyrus was behind you, acting like a backrest.  Noir was to your side, leaning against your left shoulder.  Hound’s head was in your lap, using your thighs as a pillow, and Slim was on your right, leaning much more into you than Noir.  He was almost like a slug squishing into your side!
It was stupidly cozy.  You and your four…captors.  You had to remind yourself that they were your captors.  Not boyfriends.  They were keeping you prisoner.
You shook your head.  You would worry about that later.  For now, you could pretend, right?  It was probably the Stockholm syndrome talking, but you wanted to pretend that things were back to normal.
Just for a while.
About an hour into your binge, you were all laughing and chatting happily.  You half expected to fall asleep, but the four of them kept you too entertained.  It was really pure domestic bliss.
Well, maybe except for Hound’s hand creeping further and further up your thigh.
You had tried to ignore it at first, to give him plausible deniability.  But you couldn’t ignore it anymore.  His hand was getting closer and closer to the junction of your thighs.
And the worst part is, you weren’t sure if you wanted to stop him.
Sure, you knew it was wrong.  He had kidnapped you and kept you captive for five days, and now he was trying to make the moves on you?
But on the other hand…his fingers felt so nice as they danced further and further.  You shuddered softly as they finally reached your clothed sex.
You bit your lip to hide your moan.  Just that soft touch felt amazing.  It had been way too long since you’d gotten some action…what could it hurt?
Hound’s eyes met yours.  He quirked his brow in question.  You gave him a tiny, almost imperceptible nod.
A wicked grin spread across his face.  His fingers continued their back and forth motion, feather light, just enough to tease.  Fuck, you needed more.  You spread your legs as much as you could with Hound’s skull still on your thighs.
“AHEM, REMEMBER WHAT WE AGREED, HOUND,” Papyrus’s voice cut through into your little world.  You squeaked and snapped your legs together.
Hound just smirked.  “i don’t know whatcha mean, didn’t actually fuck her, did i?”
“hey, tk wanted it too!” Hound huffed, finally sitting up.  “didn’t ya, angel?”
Your face warmed.  “I-I mean…yes?”
“a yes with a question mark ain’t good enough,” Slim scoffed.
“Fine then, yes.”  You covered your face, embarrassed.
Instantly, four pairs of hands were all over you, gently slipping under your clothes.  “Well Darling, Why Didn’t You Say So Earlier?” Papyrus whispered in your ear.  You shuddered as his hands found your breasts and tweaked your nipples playfully.  “We’re More Than Happy To Help You~”
“THIS WILL BE THE PERFECT CHANCE TO PROVE I AM THE BEST CHOICE!” Noir grinned.  You could practically feel his smugness coming off of him in waves.
“psh, as if, i’m gonna make ‘em see stars,” Hound interjected.  His hands were right back to your pussy, this time not even trying to be subtle.
Slim didn’t say anything, but you could hear a faint growl coming from his chest.  Before you could say anything, he grabbed your shirt and tore it off of you.
You shrieked and tried to cover yourself, but Papyrus grabbed your wrists in his strong hands and pulled them away.  “Don’t Be Shy,” he purred.  “We’ve Wanted This View For Months~”
You bit your lip, refusing to meet any of their eyes.  While you did, Hound took the chance to get you out of your shorts.  “let us see every inch of ya, angel,” he hummed.  “i can’t wait to taste ya~”
As soon as the shorts were off your hips, all four of them froze.  Slim moaned softly.  “fuck, you smell so good,” he panted.
“And You Look Divine,” Noir agreed.  He gently moved his gloved hands to your hips.  “So Soft…So Beautiful…”
“fuck!  i can’t take it anymore!!”  Before you could even ask, Hound dove between your legs, threw your legs over his shoulders, and licked right up your pussy.  You let out a shocked moan at both the pleasure and the change of position.  Papyrus still had a grip on your wrists, so you couldn’t brace yourself against anything as Hound began to eagerly eat you out.
His long, magical tongue almost seemed like it had a mind of its own.  Your eyes rolled back as it slipped inside you.  It was almost like a tentacle, seeking out your most sensitive spots while his thumb rubbed your clit in tight circles.
“stars,” Slim moaned.  He was rubbing the front of his pants, where an orange glow could be seen.  “you’re so fuckin’ hot, be nice and loud,” he begged.  You had no choice but to oblige when Hound’s tongue found your g spot.
Hound grinned against you as he attacked the spot over and over again.  Fuck, you were so close, you couldn’t hold back any more!
You came against Hound’s face.  Hard.  You let out breathy pants as your orgasm washed over you.  Hound moaned as if he was the one who had just cum as he drank up everything you had to give him.  
He pulled back only after you had fully come down from your high, panting and relaxing against Papyrus’s chest.  “that was better than i ever imagined,” he purred deeply.  “you’re the tastiest fuckin’ dessert i’ve ever had~”
“I Hope You’re Warmed Up,” Noir smirked.  He pushed Hound out of the way as he made his way to your front.  “Because The Main Event Is Just Beginning~”
“M-main event?” you squeaked.
“what, you think we’re gonna let him have all the fun?” Slim scoffed.  “that was just the appetizer.”
“You Aren’t Going To Leave Us Hanging, Are You?” Papyrus whispered.  He ground his boner against your ass, and you could feel just how hard he was from Hound’s little show.
Well, it would be cruel just to leave them all like this…  “Okay,” you finally said.
A wicked grin from Noir was all the warning you had before you were flipped around.  Now you were facing Papyrus, and he looked just as shocked as you.  “LAY DOWN,” Noir ordered his double.
Papyrus seemed to get what Noir wanted and grinned.  He fully laid down, bringing you with him.  “It’s Okay, Sweet Thing, We’ll Take Good Care Of You,” Papyrus smiled.  He lifted you up, pulling off his pajama pants before gently lowering you onto his cock.
You gasped and shook as he filled you up.  Sure, Hound’s tongue had done a good job of stretching you, but Papyrus was so long!  It felt like you would never stop your descent, he just kept going deeper and deeper~
Finally, you bottomed out, and lay panting, chest to chest with Papyrus.  The skeleton brushed some hair out of your face.  “Well Done, You Take Me So Perfectly!  I Just Knew You Could Do It!”
Just as you were about to speak, something hard prodded against your ass.  You yelped and turned your head to see Noir’s pierced cock nudging at your entrance.  “Just Relax,” he almost ordered.  “It Will Make This Easier.”
You nodded, before Papyrus grabbed your chin, bringing you in for a kiss.  His tongue invaded your mouth, thoroughly distracting you as Noir slowly pushed inside you.
Fuck!  It burned, but still felt amazing!  You weren’t sure if Noir was using some kind of magic to help him, but as he filled you up in new ways, you didn’t care.  You slowly began rocking against Papyrus, using his ribs like handles to ground yourself.
Papyrus pulled away from your kiss to moan.  “Fuck, Do That Again,” he demanded.  You moved your hand in the same way, and Papyrus let out a shuddering breath.  Oh, you liked that sound~
Finally, Noir settled inside of you.  He growled, his tight grip sure to leave bruises.  Finally, he pulled out, before slamming back inside.
You screamed.  You weren’t afraid to admit it.  Having both of their cocks filling you at once, it was almost too much.  Both of them began moving in unison, as one pulled out, the other pushed in, making sure you were never empty.
Just as you were getting used to this, you felt something else at your lips.  You looked up to see Slim.  His honey colored cock was in front of you.  He almost looked embarrassed, but he didn’t even need to ask.  You took him into your mouth.
Slim gasped, an even prettier sound than Papyrus’s.  He put his hand on your head, not to force you down, just for something to hold onto.  His cocks even tasted like honey!
As if he didn’t want to be left out, Hound grabbed your hand and held it to his cock.  It felt almost like a tentacle, similar to his tongue.  You happily moved your hand around it, wanting to make all of them feel just as good as you did.
Noir and Papyrus started to move faster.  It was almost like they were as pent up as you had been.  Papyrus was practically drooling as your hand on his ribs gripped even tighter.  He clumsily rubbed your clit, as if returning the favor.
“You’re So Fucking Perfect,” Noir snarled.  “Taking Us All So Well…”
“you feel amazing,” Slim chimed in.  “i wanna make you feel this good too~”
“such a pretty human,” Hound panted. “We Love You!”
“can’t believe you’re finally ours!”
“wanna see ya cum with all your holes filled~”
“You’re So Fucking Tight~”
“Squeezing Us So Perfectly-”
“cum for us, please honey, please-”
It was all so much!  The knot inside you was tightening further and further, and it only took Noir reaching around you to pinch your nipples and-
You exploded.
You screamed around Slim’s cock as you came.  Your vision turned white, and your body moved against your will.  You thrashed and squirmed, but all their hands held you tight.  Your screaming quickly caused Slim to cum, and he pulled out before painting your chest with his magic.
The others were soon to follow, Noir and Papyrus cumming deep inside you, while Hound’s magic joined Slim’s on your chest.  You almost didn’t register it as you rode through wave after wave of pleasure.
You collapsed on Papyrus’s chest.  “Holy shit…” you panted.
“You Can Say That Again,” Papyrus grinned.  “Thank You.”
“all right, my turn with her pussy.”  You were unceremoniously pulled off Papyrus and onto Slim’s cock.  You choked out a gasp as he filled you up yet again.  “sorry honey, we’re not stopping ‘til you pass out~” Slim winked.
You were fucked.
Later that night, you were sleeping peacefully in your bed.  The skeletons had cleaned you up and tucked you into your clean sheets.  You were truly perfect, taking all of them multiple times, until you couldn’t cum any more.  What had they done to deserve you?
“Well…Who Do You Think Won?” Noir whispered as they slowly shut your door.  You deserved plenty of rest after that.
“me, obviously, i made her cum first,” Hound bragged.
“but did ya see how her legs shook after she sat on my face?  i think i won,” Slim interrupted.
“I’D SAY WE ALL WON!”  Papyrus held up a piece of paper.  The others all stared at it, not quite knowing what they were seeing.
It was a doodle of all five of you sleeping together in one bed.  Around it were several notes, like “two mattresses?” and “at least fifteen feet wide” and “california king mattress” circled.  It was a very cute doodle, clearly made quickly, but…
The thing they noticed was that you looked happy.  Very happy.  Even though it was a rushed drawing, the peaceful smile on your face stood out.
“maybe sharing won’t be too bad,” Slim mused.
They all couldn’t agree more.
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capricioussun · 1 year
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Bonus based on this text post from last year. They’re harassing him to try and get him to say fuck but now it’s more about not swearing just to spite them than actual preference
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veigascc · 8 months
This post was edited on the 21 of February 2024
So I made this list for myself so that I could remember all the nicknames for the swapfell/fellswap sans and papyrus but I thought i should share it since I have seen people use the wrong nicknames for the wrong sanses so here’s the list
swapfell purple sans and papyrus
sfp sans nickname is blackberry black or grape and sfp papyrus is cash or money
fellswap gold sans and papyrus
fsg sans nickname is wine and fsg papyrus is coffee
swapfell red sans and papyrus
sfr sans nickname is razzberry or razz and sfr papyrus is mutt rus and slim
fellswap magenta sans and papyrus
bros fsm sans nickname is dragon (fruit) and fsm papyrus is habanero
And finally fellswapX sans and papyrus
fsx sans nickname is gin and fsx papyrus is pepper
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sunnysideray · 1 year
Finally got some free time to do some more doodles of the boys- well, one skeleton lol
Did some Slim doodles!
Really figuring him out rn, and this was a good way to see what aspects of him I wanted to have. Definitely some inspo from BHC Rus and slapped it on Swapfell Purple (og AU), so now we have the nervous-smoking-but-flirty wreck that Slim is. Lol.
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And ofc, some close ups on the fav doodles <3
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Maybe I could do posts every Friday, like a doodle I did during the week and then release it? Idk.
I’ll try to figure out a good posting schedule, haha. Current busy week schedule makes that a little hard, but I’ll manage.
Till next time, adíos
— Your fanatic little Ray of Sunshine
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puppy-the-mask · 1 year
What if Slim knows EVERYTHING about who Kit’s been crushing on, cause his room has soundproofing BUT RAZZ’S DOESN’T AND THE WALLS ARE THIN!!!
So he says some smug cryptic line about knowing more about what her type is or something and, when asked how he’d know, responds with ‘my room may have sound proofing but my bro’s Don’t’
And so obviously Stretch is like ‘KIT WHAT THE FUCK’ and her only response is ‘What the fuck did slim tell you???’ (Cause it’s always him) she gets a re-cap BUT SHES NOT THINKING BOUT THE IMPLICATIONS- HER REACTION JUST MAKES IT WORSE
“Wait so- you overheard when we- and you know and you- you could hear when we talked about... OH SHIT” and basically half finished sentences and a VERY RED Kit and this fucker just WINKS at her and so this fuels the idea that Kit and Razz are an item until that gets cleared up. When she’s broken out of being an extremely flustered mess and tells them she tells Razz about crushes and may gush about them from time to time (to which he adds he’s not surprised Slim heard- she gets very loud when she’s passionate about something- or someone)
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baddoodleman · 2 years
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vrnicky · 2 years
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Do you think that was all?? @kiokodoodles
Slim got you flowers!!!
A little late but I'm so proud of the flowers, hope you like it!! <3
Reblogs appreciated!
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sin-cognito · 7 months
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Rarepair New Year 2024 ch1: Sans/Slim/Blue, Soulmates AU
Wordcount: 2301
Blue didn't even need to wait for his alarm bell to ring, he was already awake. Or more precisely, he was still awake. One did not simply sleep on the eve of their wedding day.
Some of you already know but I participated in @kamari333's Rarepair New Year event again this year (THIS WAS SO MUCH FUN THANK YOU AGAIN FOR HOSTING IT!!! ♥♥♥) and I chose 31 ships (including some polys) and 31 tropes/themes/prompts, and let a dice decide of the combos. It was so much fun!!
Blue didn't even need to wait for his alarm bell to ring, he was already awake. Or more precisely, he was still awake. One did not simply sleep on the eve of their wedding day.
Except his very-soon-to-be husband, Sans. Of course.
He was softly snoring as Blue watched his sleepy face. Oh, he couldn't wait to be his husband! They had been engaged for quite a long time now, life and unexpected plans always getting in the way of the two soulmates' wedding. But finally, it was happening. Today!
Blue shuddered in happiness. He was going to marry his soulmate today! He still couldn't believe it.
They had quite the cliché beginning: they met during their first year of college and realized they were soulmates. They were both thankfully single at the time (stars bless, as Blue didn't know if he would've had the heart to break up from a relationship just to be with his soulmate, yet at the same time, duh, of course he'd have ditched anyone in a heartbeat to be with his soulmate!) so they immediately started dating and wow did it feel good to feel such profound love and care for someone, and to be loved and cared for back! Blue's brother had joked once that Blue and Sans were the ideal couple, regardless of their status of soulmates, and Blue couldn't agree more.
The small skeleton blew a kiss to his snoring lover and kicked the blankets off to get ready for a long day. He still had a good couple hours before all the gang would gather at his and Sans' place for the pre-wedding preparations, and he wanted to have a good start of the day with some treats from his favorite coffee shop. It was pricey and he couldn't afford it every other day, but dammit, today was his wedding day and he deserved a nice cup of coffee!!
As Blue dressed up, Sans stirred on the bed, sleepiness mudding his words into paste.
"bwue? wacha doin?" He ran his hand on Blue's side of the bed in an invitation to cuddle and go back to sleep.
"I'm just going to get some coffee, go back to sleep my love," Blue hushed him, and by the time he kissed Sans' brow, the skeleton was back to snoring.
Blue smiled gently before reluctantly tearing himself away from the bedroom. It took no time at all for him to reach the coffee shop, it was so early that traffic jams didn't exist yet, not when the sun was barely peeking above the horizon. Everything was calm, the town on the verge of waking up but not quite there yet.
The doorbell jingled as Blue stepped inside, inhaling the deliciously burning smell of morning coffee. He bounced happily to the counter, glancing at the menu above his skull while a barista came to take his order.
"HELLO YES, I WOULD LIKE… I would… Oh stars," Blue choked on his next words as he realized who was standing before him.
The barista's name tag read 'Slim'. He was a tall, really tall skeleton, even as he slouched a little, with a very handsome yet sharp face, his cheekbones seemingly cut from marble. Like a crack in porcelain, a scar ran from right above his left brow down to an artificial canine, giving him a sort of bad boy look that Blue couldn't deny he found very sexy, despite the tall skeleton's very obviously skittish nature.
But more important than that, Blue recognized the other, Slim, as his soulmate.
It downed on Blue that it meant he was double-mated. He had two soulmates.
It was a certainty that Sans was his soulmate, it wasn't a feeling that one could simply mistake for another.
But just as Sans was Blue's soulmate, it was true for Slim as well, the certainty of it swarming in Blue's SOUL.
"…your number. I would like your number," Blue blurted out as he took his new soulmate's hand, startling Slim.
"o-oh! oh, uhm, oh!"
Blue giggled as he watched Slim's face go through a whole range of emotions: surprise, elation, bashfulness, with a little bit of panic and anxiety on the side. The later two quickly disappeared as Blue ran a calming thumb across Slim's metacarpals.
"h-how about i get you something to drink first?" Slim ended up saying, and Blue nodded as he picked the coffee he wanted.
A couple minutes later, Slim was back with his drink, and invited Blue to sit down at the counter, where Slim could talk to him while continuing his work.
"nyeh, i never thought i'd meet my soulmate on my first day at my new job! i'm glad my bro forced me to go to the interview, i almost didn't, i was too nervous," Slim chuckled as he scrubbed some cups.
"Oh sweetie, I'm delighted I decided to wake up extra early today, so that I could meet you!" Blue happily chirped back, kicking his legs under the counter like a little kid. "Though I come here semi-regularly, so we might've met anyway, if a little later."
"maybe, but… the sooner the better," Slim replied and flashed Blue a smile that was nothing short of criminal. "anyway, uhm, here's my number. do you have anything planned today? i'm on the morning shift so i have all afternoon free, we could hang out or something?"
Oh, Blue so wanted to say yes and throw himself at Slim's arms and get to know him better, but… He did have a wedding to attend. And he needed to break the news to Slim, the sooner the better like he said.
"Well, actually… Slim, I must tell you that I'm apparently double-mated. I have a fiancé at home, and I'm about to marry him. Like, really ABOUT to marry him."
Blue glanced at Slim and while he was anxious about his soulmate's reaction, he was at least relieved that the other didn't show any sign of anger. Mating was usually a rather possessive ordeal and often could lead to toxic jealousy if the soulmates weren't openly communicating, even more so when one partner was double-mated, which was rare in the first place. Blue didn't know yet how Sans would even react to the news of his future husband discovering he was double-mated on the day of his wedding, and he wasn't sure he could take 2 upset soulmates in one day.
"oh, i see, well… uhm. this is… unexpected, to say the least. nyeh." Slim was visibly awkward, not knowing what to say, and Blue almost felt bad for dropping the news so suddenly on him. He knew it was the right call, that waiting (to be married) to let Slim know was a sure way to crush any hope of a healthy relationship with him. Still, he didn't enjoy being the cause of the anxiety spreading over Slim's face. "i would very much like to get to know you anyway, if that's something you think your… your other soulmate would be okay with."
Blue beamed at him reassuringly. He loved Sans from the bottom of his SOUL, but he was ready to put his foot down if his future husband forbid him to keep contact with Slim. If push comes to shove, there might not even be a 'future husband' until the issue was resolved.
"I will let him know about you and explain the situation. I promise it's going to be fine, I'll never let anyone tell me that I can't get to know my soulmate!!" Blue then squeezed Slim's hands once more, as he added with a soft voice that had Slim's cheeks turn a lovely golden hue, "I'm really happy I got to meet you today. I already care about you a lot, Slim."
Slim smiled, gratefulness and emotion clear in his gaze, while Blue gathered his coffee and got ready to leave. Before he could do so, Slim grabbed his sleeve.
"wait, i… i forgot to ask your name?"
"I'm Blue! Talk to you later, Slim," Blue replied as he waved with his phone so the other knew not to worry.
If going to the coffee shop had been fast, going home was noticeably longer, what with traffic jams starting to break out throughout the city. When Blue finally arrived home, Sans was already up and about, still visibly tired but what was new when it came to the lazybone? He immediately noticed something was up, and he made Blue sit on the couch.
Blue then told him what happened at the coffee shop and how he met his other soulmate. To his credit, Sans took it very well, he didn't show any sign of jealousy or concern that Blue was going to leave him for his new soulmate. He did bring up the fact that the timing was particularly inconvenient, what with the wedding and all, but to Blue's absolute joy, he offered for Slim to join the reception after the official ceremony.
"i'm sure we can squeeze an additional guest somewhere," he managed to say before Blue threw himself into his arms and sobbed in relief and happiness, telling Sans how much it meant to him.
The rest of the morning flew by, their brothers and friends arriving to help them get ready, then extended family and all their guests, and then it was time for the ceremony and Blue never thought his SOUL could beat so fast but he guessed that was what it felt like to marry his soulmate. Everything was perfect, the ceremony was beautiful and emotional, and Blue couldn't be more grateful to get to marry his soulmate. Stars did he love Sans.
There was some hassle before the reception, but as Stretch put it while helping Blue change into his second outfit for the day, what's a wedding without a little hassle here and there. As a result, they ran a little late, which gave Sans and Blue some time to relax before the reception. Blue used the opportunity to check up on Slim.
"Slim? Is everything okay?" Blue asked into the phone, worried that he hadn't had any news of his soulmate since his quick text earlier this morning.
Slim briefly explained that morning shift at the coffee shop unexpectedly extended well past noon, but that he was on his way, and sure enough, less than half an hour later he was calling Blue to let him know he was at the entrance. He didn't want to just barge in, worried that guests wouldn't recognize him and question his presence, and he didn't want to cause any commotion by spilling the beans about his mating with Blue.
"let's go meet him, then," Sans said simply, taking Blue's hand and leading him toward the entrance. "i'm actually curious as hell, and i do think it'll be better if we meet him privately first."
Blue was suddenly thankful that the reception was running late, or he would've probably missed Slim's call entirely. Or worse, Slim would've missed the reception, and that was just unacceptable!
The two small skeletons made their way out of the reception hall, answering any inquiry about where they were going with a simple 'to find somewhere private' that never failed to make their guests blush. At least they wouldn't need to worry about anyone bothering them.
As soon as Blue saw Slim, he picked up the pace and pulled hard on Sans' hand.
At the sound of his name being called out, Slim turned around and a furious blush spread on his cheekbones.
"wow, blue, you look stunning!" He breathed out.
Blue was about to throw himself at Slim when he felt Sans' hand squeeze his very tight. He almost yelped as he stopped dead in his tracks and checked his soulmate, his SOUL suddenly pulsing anxiously in his chest.
"oh," Sans just said, before releasing Blue's hand, though he didn't even seem to notice what he was doing, too busy staring at Slim, who stared right back. "hi," he said in a strangled voice as he took Slim's hands in his. "i'm sans. it's… really nice to meet you."
Blue took a couple steps back. Something was odd. With Sans, with Slim, and with the whole situation. Sans looked way to happy about meeting Blue's soulmate, and Slim looked way too emotional, and the way his eyelights glistened reminded Blue too much of this morning when Slim had realized that… that…
Hold on.
"GUYS, ARE YOU TWO…" Blue began, unable to finish his sentence as he slapped his hands on his mouth to hold back a happy sob.
"it seems so," Slim said with an adorably coy smile, which Sans echoed.
"OH MY STARS, MY SOULMATES ARE SOULMATES!!!" Blue howled into the night before throwing himself at his two favorite people in the world, the familiarity of Sans' arms perfectly balancing the awkward way Slim had to bend down to accomodate Blue's much smaller size.
"slim come on, i wanna introduce you to my bro!" Sans pulled his newly found soulmate toward the reception hall.
"WAIT, NOT FAIR!" Blue pouted as he grabbed Slim's other arm. "I WANT TO INTRODUCE HIM TO MY BROTHER!!"
Slim happily laughed as he let himself be pulled by the two smaller skeletons, happy to have been accepted so swiftly.
All three knew that this wouldn't be simple. Double-mating was rare enough as it was, and what they had might even be unique. They didn't even know if there was a word for it. Triple-mating?
But Blue knew that it would be okay, because as long as they cared for one another, they could do it. And stars did he care for Sans and Slim, his two beautiful soulmates.
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bigoltrashpile · 1 year
All Mine (Yandere Slim x Reader)
The lovely @tkspersonaldump commissioned me for a yandere Slim x reader! It does get spicy near the end, so I'll put a read more right before that. Thank you for commissioning! :D
Slim sighed.  You were over at the skeletons’ house, once again.  It seemed like you were here more often than your own house.  Which Slim was happy about!  He loved you, of course!  But…it made him jealous.  Really jealous.
Right now, Butch was leaning against you, gently petting your hair.  Slim was pretty sure he could see him whispering something in your ear, but he couldn’t hear it from here.  At the same time, Papyrus had your hand in his, occasionally pressing kisses to the back of it.  The rest of the skeletons were trying hard to be as close to you as they could, all while you watched some tv show.  Everyone except Slim.
Trying to contain his jealousy, Slim looked away.  As if that would stop him from hearing your gorgeous laugh.  Subconsciously, he let out a small growl.  He knew about how the others felt for you, of course he did.  All of them loved you, more than anything else.  But Slim knew.  He knew that you would never love him back.  Not when you had all these other much cooler, sexier, more charming versions of him and his brother.
Trying to stop the dark thoughts, Slim left the room.  He didn’t want to ruin your good evening.  He was so wrapped up in his own thoughts that he didn’t notice your soft footsteps following him.
Slim shut his door, before flopping face down on his bed with a loud groan.  Sadly, his pity party was interrupted by a gentle knock.
Immediately, Slim sat up.  Nobody else knocked like that.  It was either a loud, constant pounding, or a shave and a haircut pattern.  No in between.  Was it…you?
Cautiously, Slim opened the door.  His eyes went wide.  It was!  You were here!  Right outside his room!  “Can I come in?” you asked.  Your beautiful eyes didn’t meet Slim’s.  What he wouldn’t give to be able to gaze into your eyes for hours and hours and oh fuck he was quiet for way too long.
“yeah, yeah, come on in, uh, do you want a drink?  wait i don’t have any drinks in here, do you want me to go get you a drink?”  Very smooth, Slim.
“No, I just wanted to talk to you, actually.”  You pushed some hair behind your ear.  “Can we sit down?”
“uh huh, have a seat.”  Gingerly, you sat on the edge of his bed.  Slim had to fight to not squeal in excitement.  Fuck, you smelled so good!  And now you were on his bed!  He sat next to you, close, but with a bit of room in case you were uncomfortable.  All his previous bitterness was completely gone, just from the novelty of having your complete attention.
You fidgeted nervously.  “I wanted to…to tell you something.”  You took a deep, shaky breath.  “So…we’ve been friends for a while.”
Slim nodded.  Oh stars, this was sounding an awful lot like a breakup.  Slim fought to keep away his dark thoughts.  What if you were trying to leave him?  He couldn’t let that happen.  His eyes drifted to the closet, where he had a few ropes, bought just in case his jealousy got the better of him and he needed you to stay with him forever.
Oh wait you were still talking.
“I know the others like me,” you said, a slight blush on your face.  “It’s kind of hard to ignore.  And I like them too!”  There was that jealousy again.  “But…”  You took a deep, shaky breath.  “I like you the most.”
“I like you.  A lot.  Like, a lot a lot,” you said with a laugh.  “I might love you?”
Oh stars.  Was Slim dreaming?  He had to be dreaming.  He dug his fingers into his ulna.  Yep, that hurt.  He wasn’t dreaming.
“holy shit,” Slim whispered.
“-I understand if you don’t feel the same, I just wanted to have all cards on the ta-”
“i love you too.”
You blinked.  “You do?”
“fuck, honey, i love ya so much!  more than anything!  i just thought there was no way you’d fall for me when ya have all these choices,” he laughed, almost giddy.
“Really?”  You laughed too.  “Wow!  That’s such a relief!”  You put a hand on your chest, as if calming your heart.
For a moment, the two of you just smiled at each other, like big dorks.  Finally, Slim broke the silence.  “sorry to ask, but…can i kiss ya?”
You jumped, like you weren’t expecting it.  “Y-yeah!”  You shifted so you were facing him more directly.  Carefully, like you were made of glass, Slim put a hand on your cheek.  It was warm.
Slowly, Slim leaned closer.  His eyes were focused firmly on your lips, the lips he had dreamed of kissing every night since he had met you.  With a shaky breath, he closed the distance.
It was even better than he had dreamed.  Your lips were soft, softer than he thought was possible.  He gently moved his teeth against your lips, and you instinctively tilted your head to deepen the kiss.
Suddenly, Slim felt something touch his teeth.  He jumped.  It was your tongue!  You pulled away, seemingly afraid you had messed up.  “I-I’m so sorry, I just thought-”
Before you could say anything, Slim slammed his teeth against your lips again.  This time, he was more than ready.  His tongue invaded your mouth, like you would disappear if he stopped for even a second.  His hand cupped the back of your head, tangled in your hair.
The two of you kissed for a long while, until your hands finally found Slim’s shirt.  Without breaking the kiss, Slim helped your cute little fingers undo the butons, before eagerly stripping you of your top.
Slim pulled back just long enough to take in the sight.  “fuck,” he whispered.  “you’re gorgeous!”
You seemed embarrassed.  “You’re more gorgeous!” you pouted.  Slim just laughed.  The two of you fell onto the bed, Slim landing on top of you.
“do ya wanna go further?” he asked.  Fuck, he wanted to go further.  It was all he wanted, to mark you inside and out, so all the others knew exactly who you belonged to.
“Please,” you whimpered.
Unable to hold himself back, Slim tore your pants into shreds.  You yelped.  “i’ll buy you new ones,” Slim panted.  “i just…i need ya.”
His words, along with the display of strength, seemed to really get to you.  Despite the fact that your thighs were squeezed tight together, Slim could smell your arousal.  Fuck, he hoped your scent stayed in his bed forever.  “O-okay.  But I really liked those pants.”
Slim laughed, before gently pulling your legs apart.  His mouth watered at your scent, and at the sight of your wet folds, on display for him.  And only him.  He looked you in the eyes as he let his long, orange tongue loll out of his mouth.
You swallowed hard.  Almost instinctively, you tried to squeeze your legs together again, but Slim was much too strong to let you.  “no ya don’t,” he growled.  “only squeeze those pretty thighs around my head.”
A soft moan escaped from your mouth, but you let him pull your thighs over his shoulders.  Then, without further ado, he let his tongue get to work.
Slim tried to go slow, to savor this moment he had yearned for, but he couldn’t help himself.  You tasted too damn good!  Plus, you had said you loved him.  He would be able to have you whenever he wanted~
True to his word, your thighs squeezed his skull beautifully when he hit an especially good spot inside of you.  You tried to muffle your moan, but Slim nipped the inside of your thigh in warning.
“don’t ya dare hide your sounds,” he growled.  “i’ve waited too damn long to hear ya.”
You let your hands fall to your side, and when Slim found that spot again, your moan was beautifully unfiltered.  Slim was sure that this was what heaven was.  His thumb found your clit, and you practically screamed as your orgasm washed through you.
Downstairs, the rest of the skeletons paused in their bickering.  They had been fighting over who deserved to cuddle you next, when they heard a gorgeous sound.  Your moaning.
“what the hell?” Hound muttered.  “is she jerkin’ off?”
Sans scanned the room.  “nah, slim’s gone too.”
A bitter silence filled the room, only interrupted by your beautiful noises, coming faintly from Slim’s room.
Lucky tried to fight back the proud expression from his face as a pleasured scream echoed through the halls.  “I Guess That Solves Our Little Argument,” he smiled.
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A group of tall, skinny gay men, who smoke: is known as A Faggot.
A single tall, single gay man, who smokes: is know as a Fag.
This is a gay joke: from a queer person. I mean it loving.
I thought others might find it funny, as well.
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eriscary · 23 days
What's Tear's heigth compare to others shorts sans like Swap and Ink?
In the past, I made Tear be 4'0", but I'm changing it to 3'10". This does make Tear taller than Ink and Swap still.
My reasoning behind the change is... Tear had to eyeball Sanses height so the chances of getting it right are slim. I think it just adds a little more to the story and the change is so small. Classic Sans has no game canon height and everyone has their own take on that, so I will just state that his height is 4'0" in Tear's original AU.
Tear also appears smaller in the comic because UF Papyrus they encounter (and UF Sans) are both taller than their Classic/UT selves. This of course only applies to the AU variant Tear fell into. I like to believe heights can change based on AU variants.
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egypt-museum · 1 year
Tumblr media
Winged Scarab Pendant of Tutankhamun
This winged scarab pendant of cloisonné technique is inlaid with semiprecious stones and colored glass. The central element of the pendant is a scarab of Libyan desert glass, grasping on one side a lotus and on the other a papyrus flower, flanked by two uraei, or rearing cobras.
A gold frame outlines the main composition and supports pendants of lotus flowers, papyrus, and poppy seed heads. A slim solar boat rests upon the front feet of the scarab and carries the wadjet or Eye of Horus. It is flanked by two uraei or rearing cobras.
The wadjet eye is surmounted by a lunar crescent of gold and a silver disk with images of the gods. Thoth and Ra-Horakhty can be seen crowning the central figure of king Tutankhamun.
From the Tomb of Tutankhamun (KV62), Valley of the Kings, West Thebes. Now in the Egyptian Museum, Cairo. JE 61884 Read more
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ratsoh-writes · 2 months
Maybe do an updated version of the introvert vs. extrovert list ask in masterlist 2, but with all the skeles?
Alright. *breaks fingers* let’s do this!!
Introverts: honey basil red rust lord mutt coffee butler gold Pluto Helios peaches ram pitch moose quill harpy papaya sails Alden barin saga snipe slim pop tempo green lens cricket tinker partner rowdy
Extroverts: papyrus Star willow lilac edge noir mal cash charm sugar sparks lush sir Flambe pesto Jupiter orion barley crow roost mango fisher Jasper Finn hook captain silex Ollivander arwin Hilda bruiser butch boss rhythm vibrato gears zen thistle yarrow
Ambiverts: sans oak wine salt pepper weasel atlas Artemis rancher cider maple Pearl ace G compass taffy pudding stitches shield
Longer answers: under the cut cause it’s a long fkn list
Sans: he truly is fine with or without company. Simply put sans is just too lazy to care. While he does value his privacy, that’s more in the lines of what his thoughts are. Sans doesn’t give out his true intentions easily. And he can keep being a secretive little jokester in the privacy of his own home, or surrounded by friends. It doesn’t make a difference to him.
Papyrus (and willow): papyrus loves people! He thrives on being surrounded by other happy faces. When he’s alone too long, his more anxious thoughts start turning creep in, so having friends or just any people around is always preferable.
Star (and lilac): he’s an extrovert cause it’s a lot easier to have fun with others than by yourself. Daily tasks just don’t hit as hard without commentary from other people to fill the silence. Star hates silence lol
Honey (and basil): he’s an introvert cause people are scary. It takes a while for him to get comfortable. Therefore it’s just easier to have his me time by himself.
Red (and rust): introvert. He doesn’t like people. And he’s territorial and likes his space. There’s really nothing deep to it
Edge (and noir): extrovert. The best work is done with a proper team and edge prefers his allies around him. He’s learned over the years that just life is simply more.. enjoyable with others, even if they sometimes hold him back he feels
Oak: while he and sans are both ambiverts, it’s for entirely different reasons. Oak simply can’t be introverted. It’s not safe for him to be along long times with his memory. And his perception of time is trash, so he gets nervous if he’s alone too long. But at the same time he would really rather not be always surrounded you know?
Mal: extrovert obviously. Come on, this gossip queen can be nothing else! After all you need many friends in order to get good tea~
Cash: he loves his besties, and causing chaos is always better in groups. You need people to take the blame with you after all lol. Cash prefers having company, mostly of very close friends, but he’ll take others too. He’s pretty extroverted
Lord: he’s a total introvert. He’s only happy to be around a small handful of special people all day, and even then he still needs breaks from them periodically lol
Mutt: he was an extrovert before his LV sickness, but his inability to connect has made him loose his taste for always wanting companionship, so he’s more introvert these days. Unless it’s the right person that is…
Wine: he quite likes lazy days alone, but he equally loves outings with groups. Wine just lets the day take him wherever it may go with no real preference. So ambivert
Coffee: total introvert. He doesn’t like people, and when he is actually in the mood to socialize, it’s for a very limited time frame lol.
Pluto: he’s such a little introvert. He has to get himself psyched up for a day beforehand first when he knows he’ll be in a group larger than four for a few hours. Pluto is perfectly happy spending his days researching alone instead
Jupiter: sports are better with teammates so 100% extrovert.
Orion: his lazy devil may care personality is deceiving. Orion thrives in company, he craves interaction. He’s the guy who will look at a complete stranger and go up to them to get their life story. Total extrovert
Atlas is an ambivert because while he can enjoy company, he doesn’t necessarily need it. He just needs adventure and gossip. It doesn’t have to come from a face to face source, but it doesn’t have to be alone to be enjoyable either
Helios: while he has a great stage face, that’s all it is, a fake face. Helios never liked the spotlight, it’s just another thing he endures so he can stay in the fight. He’d much rather be chilling alone in his Snuggie than dealing with people all the time
Artemis: she’d have been extroverted if she hadn’t been shut away in a hospital room for most of her life. Artemis is used to being alone, but she also loves interaction
Charm: he hates being alone with his thoughts. The brain is cold and hard, other peoples beds are soft and warm~ extrovert
Sugar: he just loves everybody! Of course he wants to hang out!! Total extrovert. If anyone argues otherwise they don’t know sugar at all
Sparks: I could repeat sugars answer and you have sparks pretty much. He loves everyone! Extrovert!
Salt: he’s ambivert as he likes people, but he likes his own space too. He needs a healthy balance of both to feel fulfilled
Lush: he’s a tragic extrovert. Lush craves companionship and company, but finds it very hard to make said friends that fufills that. So he pretends it doesn’t matter when it very much does. Please be friends with him!
Pepper: he’s incredibly picky about the company he keeps, and honestly doesn’t care if that means a few days alone or not. Pepper can entertain himself. But he does throughly love hanging out whenever with the ones he deems worthy. Ambivert
Sir: he’s a nosy bugger and likes being around every one so he can know what’s going on at all times. Sir is a great extrovert!
Weasel: he doesn’t really care if he’s causing chaos with friends, or just chilling alone. There are many ways weasel keeps himself entertained. He’s pretty independent. Ambivert
Butler: he tolerates large groups if he likes the people in them, but it doesn’t stop him from craving that sweet sweet alone time. He’s a social introvert.
Gold: while he does love being with friends, his social battery is way smaller than he acts it is actually. You can tell golds getting tired the more he flirts. He’s secretly hoping he can get this interaction over with so he can go back and work on his outfits
Flambe: all eyes on him ladies and gentleman~ extrovert lol. He loves attention too much not to be
Pesto: like Flambe, pesto craves attention and validation. And he wants it from lots of friends. He’s not in a place where he can feel that again, but he’s getting there. Extrovert
Peaches: he’s perfectly happy with just his trees, and family. But even with a large family, he knows he’ll get all his me time during his work in the orchid. He’s a sweet introvert
Rancher: he’s top goal driven to be introvert or extrovert. He doesn’t care if he’s alone or together with people, as long as he’s achieving the thing he wants to do right now!
Cider: he prizes peace, but peace can come in a group just as much as when it’s just him. Cider is used to a cramped large family, so being surrounded doesn’t bother him. But he’s also perfectly fine alone for a while. He’s definitely ambivert
Barley: he’s so extroverted he literally feels itchy if he’s been alone too long lol. Barley jokes that he’s allergic to solitude
Ram: things are just easier to understand when it’s just him. Ram does prize his alone time and peace. So introverted.
Pitch is easily the most introverted skeleton on this list. He’d be just fine socially if the only three people left in the world were him, Ram and maybe a nice gal/guy for ram lol.
Moose: he’s pretty introverted. While he does like outings, he wants to plan ahead for them. Or else he feels very drained afterwards. It is what it is
Maple: as long as a chainsaw is involved, maple doesn’t care if he’s alone or with 100 people. People that know chainsaw safety that is lol. He’s ambivert
Quill: he’s so introverted it hurts. Groups larger than 3 drain him so fast. He even needs breaks from best friends occasionally
Crow: he’s totally extroverted! Crow thinks people make everything so much more interesting! Yes he would like to hear about your day! Give him all those details!!
Roost: he’s a ladies man~ and a lads man~ and a platonic but flirty chill dude/dudettes guy! Roost just likes fun banter and prefers it over none at all. He’s pretty extroverted
Harpy: she truly doesn’t care if she does everything by herself, or if she has competent partners around her. In her main social life she’s seen as ambivert, but personally she feels as if she leans more towards introverted. While she puts up a good farce, she does just feel.. better alone. More calm.
Mango: she feels more secure surrounded by people she likes, preferably humans but she has monster friends too who’ve earned her trust! Mango is definitely extroverted!
Papaya: he’s more on the introverted side of the spectrum. Papaya is friendly and kind, but he simply just needs a dose of peace and quiet every day to function.
Fisher: his favorite activity in life is playfully tormenting others, and since that requires other people to work, extrovert it is~
Jasper: intellectually he knows he’s a walking dumpster fire if left to his own devices so Jasper constantly seeks out company from buddies. And he does like it lol. So he’s very extroverted
Finn: he quite literally took a job in the royal guard, then as a scout master cause it involves working with other people! Finn loves people and loves helping them! He’s extroverted for sure!
Sails: his ideal day is just him, his dog and a nice day out on his boat in the ocean. Nobody needing anything from him. Sails knows he’s an introvert and is cool with this about himself
Hook: he gets lonely easily, and seeks out lots of companionship and drama cause of it. Hooks always been extroverted because of this. It’s why he’s so happy on the ship with all his crew mates
Captain has honestly never had a life where he was alone. In his old au he shared a ship with many others, and now he captains a navy vessel with a crew on his own. He’d feel quite off if he ever did find himself alone. Captain is definitely extroverted
Pearl quite likes her relaxing me time, but she has no issues pleasing the masses as well as a princess. The spotlight on her is heavy but not exhausting. She’s a good ambivert.
Silex: this man is so extroverted lol. He wants to meet every one and see it all!!! It’s hard to imagine him as anything else
Alden: he’s happiest when it’s just him in his art studio. No distractions. Alden is for sure introverted even though he comes across as one of the more friendly skeletons
Ollivander: the reason his bank is so successful is because in part of how personable Ollie is! Ollivander is an extroverted fellow, and that friendly helpful face he puts on at work is very much genuine. Unless you aren’t paying your debts that is~
Hilda: she’s so obviously extroverted lol. And sucks for her since she was raised in a family of quiet polite high class introverts lol. Hilda felt pretty repressed growing up, leading to the over the top personality she has these days
Saga: she’s very much introverted. Saga is happy to just be left to her books for the rest of her life. But she will tolerate polite companions for a bit each day
Barin: he’s introverted, always has been. But his duties require him to manage a lot of people. So Barin powers through like he does with everything else in life. He really really values what little alone time he does have though
Arwin: he’s the extroverted life of the party! Arwin is a fan of having many fans and wears his posse like a badge of honor lol
Snipe: he hates people. And he probably hates you too. So don’t bother him. Introverted
Bruiser: he loves meeting his favorite people. And things are simply just too boring without them! So bruiser is very extroverted. He’s a needy friend lol
Butch: in order to kick *ss and take names, there needs to be *ss to kick and names to take, so for the sake of all his crazy shenanigans, butch must be extroverted lol
Boss: he craves companionship despite his best efforts to pretend he doesn’t. Boss feels quite lonely when he finds himself with nothing to do. Hence why he bosses his brothers around so much. He’s extroverted
Ace: causing chaos with (or against) others is fun~ causing chaos alone is also fun~ ace is a true ambivert
Slim: he’d rather hurl than have to be around people all the time. And his best friendships are more than often done through a screen. Slim is introverted all the way
Pop: he’s a very friendly and random introvert! He comes across as a quirky socialite though when- oh where did he go? Did he ditch every one again?
Rhythm: dancing is simply more fun with a partner so rhythm must be extroverted! Besides you need a mob to make a flash mob lol
Tempo: he’s very much introverted. After all he need solitude in order to make the compositions he loves! And he’s happiest when he’s creating
Vibrato: it’s a good thing he’s extroverted with how much he’s on stage! He loves his fans so much! And the paparazzi, and his bodyguards who keep him from the paparazzi lol
Lens: even without his paranoia, lens has always been more on the introverted side. There’s certain people he trusts enough to be fine around whenever, but anyone else is very tiring for him emotionally. It takes lens a long time to open up
Cricket: he’s introverted as well, a bit of a surprising fact for anyone who often sees him with cash and mal. Cricket likes his alone time at the junkyard. Only best friends can drag him away from it lol
G: he’s ambivert for sure. G does quite like being surrounded by people, but there’s something equally alluring with exploring life on his own too. He’s a go with the flow guy. Whatever fits better with that days plans works fine
Green: while socializing is enjoyable, green needs time to recoup and heal from it. He thinks very hard when he’s with people and even if he likes them and what they do together, he’s simply just tired afterwards. So introverted
Gears: he’s extroverted, but just barely. Gears can be alone for ages when he’s caught in creating a new trinket, but when he’s away from that (and lucid after he gets out of the inventors haze lol) he craves companionship! He wants to chat! To hang out! To be doted on lol
Compass: he’s a true ambivert. He’s happy playing and exploring on his own, but if someone wants to join he’s perfectly chill with adding them. No fuss. It’s not that deep for him
Zen: he’s an extroverted boy! Zen is just so curious about people. He wants to hear their stories! Plus it pleases the little host inside of him to have lots of others around!
Shield: hes ambiverted. While shield enjoys company, he also enjoys his independence quite a bit. Shield likes toeing the line between popular social guy and cool independent lone wolf. Why confine yourself to one label when you can have both?
Taffy: she doesn’t care for quantity of friends, just the quality. And if that means she’s alone sometime, well that doesn’t bother her. Taffy is a good ambivert
Pudding comes off as extroverted pretty easily, but she’s quite ambiverted really. Most of her social butterfly mask is just that, a mask. She enjoys the play bit doesn’t need it to feel fulfilled
Partner: he’s more introverted. And it reflects in what he does when he’s off the clock. When partner isn’t playing his part as sheriff, he takes a lot of time alone to himself
Rowdy never really got to explore himself socially as a child, so he’s trying very hard right now to come across as social open and adventurous. He’s been realizing over time though that he really just wants to be left to himself for most of the time. Adventure is only fun when it’s scheduled in with plenty of me time breaks in between. He’s an introvert
Stitches: he’s happy nerding out with friends, or nerding out alone! Online forums are a thing too. Stitches doesn’t need lots of companionship to be happy although it is fun. He’s ambivert.
Tinker: anyone who knows this monster can just smell the introvert oozing out of him lol. He crochets all day alone and loves it that way
Thistle: he’s extroverted! In fact he gets jittery if he’s been alone too long. He starts feeling unsafe. Loneliness is scary man
Yarrow: yarrow too is more extroverted for sure. Being raised in a coven all about family inclusion and stuff kinda leaves you no choice lol. He’s cool with it though
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