#slightly tipsy posting
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quasi-normalcy · 2 months ago
Most snoggable Star Trek alien races
In view of @noctumsolis's comment about how SNW has too much Vulcan snoogging, I'm going to make a list of the most snoggable Star Trek aliens!
The Borg
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As if you've never been curious! Look at those kissable lips! Those understanding eyes! Also their ships are 39 degrees celsius so it stands to reason that they're probably really warm
The Other Borg
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Now, some might say that this is redundant, but as fuckin whassname, Terry Matalas, has been keen to explain to anyone who will listen, the Jurati-Borg are not the ~REAL~ Borg. Now, in the past, I've found this kind of an insulting attempt to pander to the most obnoxious sort of fandom menace types, but who cares, it gives me the opportunity to kisss TWO WHOLE BORG COLLECTIVES. It's like I'bve died and gone to Borg Heaven!
Lore's Borg
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Now, these ones are someone less snoggable because they have iNdIvIdUaL pErSoNaLiTiEs or whatever, but they've still got that attractive bloodless palour, those tubes going you know not where, and i bet they smell nice too. Oh Be A Fine Girl, Kiss Me
Species 8472
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Can't say I approve of their regressive anti-Borg agenda, but if you can find their lips, go to town
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The great thing about these guys is that every part of their body can be kissable lips if they're trying hard enough. Just wade out into the Great Link making kissy faces, and it's sure to work out!
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Now, as fish-people go, they could have way more kissable lips. But who cares if they look kind of like a septuagenarian physics professor? If you say you've never wanted to kiss a big fish, you're lying.
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There, you see, it's puckering up to kiss you. Assuming that's the front end. All of which is fine. But the most kissable alien in the Star Trek universe is surely...
Salt Vampire
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Unlike the others on this list, it really wants to kiss you! And unlike the others on this list, it has a mouth that's really adapted for it. One kiss from this beauty and you will remember it for the rest of your life!
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torchstelechos · 1 year ago
the main difference between SJ and SY is that LBH made them unable to walk in different ways ✌️
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aspecbuddie · 2 months ago
Thinking about Eddie wondering how the fuck he's ended up living here again after he thought he'd got out for good. He thought he wouldn't have to go back ever again once he'd moved to LA other than to visit.
Because visiting is extremely different than living here again. Same shit, but with an end date in sight.
There's no end date this time, just a constant dampened mood that he cannot shake no matter how hard he tries.
It's only been two weeks, and he's already having to spend ten minutes sat in his truck before he goes inside the house, because he thought he'd be able to find a house sooner but no, he's ended up staying with his parents, and his son who is slowly letting him back in but too slowly to not make Eddie feel like utter shit.
And being here is the right choice, because Christopher is here, and he's done missing out on his son's life.
But then two months in he goes back to LA for a few days - accompanying his abuela on a trip to see Pepa mainly, but he makes time to see everyone he left behind, and its the lightest and easiest that life has felt since he moved, since Chris left for Texas last summer.
Still, he misses Chris. He cries in the bathroom on the flight back, because it had almost felt normal being back there, like he was gearing up to return to the 118 after taking some personal time to visit Texas, and not the other way around.
The brief respite feels invigorating; it makes everything he's returning to in Texas feel so much easier. He can do this. He can live in Texas and visit LA and most importantly mend things with Chris and things will get easier.
And then the first twenty four hours back in Texas he's reminded why he left in the first place. Things haven't changed. They're the same as they were when he was a kid, the same as they were before the last few days, and of course things wouldn’t be any easier. Since when does the universe give him a break like that.
It feels worse, even, because his visit to LA was a glimpse into how life used to be, that it did get better for a brief moment in time. But he doesn’t get that. Eddie’s not allowed that apparently. So reality comes crashing down on him harder than before. Not the soft gentle easing back into Texas living that he had a couple months ago, but suddenly and immediately feels impossible.
But he bears it, for Christopher.
He never does find a house in Texas, so he spends a suffocating six months at his parents, simultaneously feeling ten years old and older than ever.
Then one day Christopher turns and asks when they’re moving back to LA – a possibility Eddie had completely ruled out until this point – and they start making plans to move back.
A month later, Eddie is sitting in his truck again, smiling to himself and wondering how he ended up back here when he thought he never would be. It doesn’t matter, he doesn’t care. A year ago he thought he’d completely ruined his life.
He’s in the middle of taking a moment to be thankful when Buck knocks on the truck window and asks if he’s actually coming inside to get changed before their shift starts.
Now he’s home.
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moonchild-in-blue · 1 year ago
Imagine you're having dinner and you feel something touch your legs. Is it your pet?
No. It's iii slithering like a snake. Hiss hiss motherfucker.
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mydaylight · 6 months ago
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I was looking at this picture again and it got me thinking... could that be the Van Rhijn house? 😳 I am 90 % sure the man in the back is Larry, and he's standing next to a woman with reddish hair in a mourning dress. I feel she could be Ada - mostly based on the shape of the hat, which reminds me of the one Cynthia Nixon is wearing in some BTS photos we have seen so far
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ghost-lobster · 1 year ago
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vampyriix · 6 months ago
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rt yakuza lets gooo
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anachronistic-falsehood · 9 months ago
hwy does anyone else ever thibk about how spoderbit never got to see each other again and cellbit thinks that roeir abandoned him <3 do u ever think about that
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skinnyscottishbloke · 11 months ago
it’s David’s bday tomorroowwwwwww - I’m expecting my dash to be full of his beautiful face. Come on dash don’t let me down.
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rookflower · 7 months ago
Sorry to ask, but what platform did you stream on? I love watching warrior cats streams and I want to watch it! 😃
Gosh I always feel do childish ahhhh
Sorry if you explain somewhere else in your blog!
hiya!! it's no problem, don't worry! i should have probably posted the vod earlier, you can watch it here! (if you can put up with nearly 6 hours of me breathing heavily into the mic LOL)
i don't stream too often, but when i do it's on youtube and i usually post links here and twitter. my vods are all unlisted and i can't speak to the quality of any of them, but i have a public playlist on my channel you can find them on!
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epicdogymoment · 9 months ago
slightly tipsy. please tell me about typos in my descriptions pleaseeeee
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mallach · 8 months ago
i love seeing a post w reblogs turned off in my queue like…you’re not getting away lmfao
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ausrache · 9 months ago
my friends surprising me with an invite to a new burger place & some drinks… 😭 actually might be just what I needed ngl. soo!! I’ll probably be properly here on Sunday 💜 depends on how long I’ll be out for!
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halorocks1214 · 9 months ago
to give a little bit of context: within the first hour of big big run i, for all intents and purposes, successfully beat my literal first triumvirate. HOWEVER, it was beaten DIRECTLY ON THE BUZZER, meaning the game decided to not count it as a real win. i can say this with confidence as my stats in the game said i lost but the mother-flipping nintendo app says i *akshually* won so like AAAA-
i knew right then and there that i would not go down without a fight! i was going to get this stupid badge before i went to bed even if it was the last thing i did!! lo and behold, after hours of grinding, including reporting one player for going off to the edge of the map and doing nothing the entire shift one time (thanks for that one you massive jackass), right on the cusp of 3:30 AM, i for-realsies-this-time beat the triumvirate with 20 seconds to spare even!
i call it poetic cinema as looking back over clips i took from tonight, i realized my first buzzer beater win is on the exact same map and exact same tide as this win; it was as if it were destiny itself that blessed me for this moment (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ✲゚。⋆
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twohornycannibals · 2 years ago
literally went full sherlock mind palace mode while brainstorming my serial killing = autism metophor abt hannibal this evening so. that was an autism moment
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bleakfated · 1 year ago
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