#slept miserably + can’t fall back asleep
echidnana · 2 years
why is our immune system so weak. hell world
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floral-hex · 4 months
So this is my thing now, I’m afraid to go to sleep. This is kinda bullshit, brain.
#I feel like I’m going to die when I fall asleep#see… I’m afraid you think I just mean I’m scared of death#no no no. no. I feel like I’m suffocating. I have to force myself to breathe. my body tingles (in a bad way). I get really overheated.#I get dizzy and feel like I’m going to pass out from lack of air. I feel sick.#I haven’t slept much lately.#I’m miserable alllll the time. I can maybe force sleep with super exhaustion but I’m drained no matter what#this isn’t the first time it’s happened but this is the longest it’s gone on#from that my anxiety is now blanketing everything bc I’m so tired and scared about not getting to sleep#sickening anxiety. I feel like puking or passing out. and I got hit with some heavy (but thankfully short) virtigo yesterday#terrible terrible terrible#and seriously. anxiety. so bad. I’m constantly trying to get high right now to fight it but it’s rough#getting high is starting to make me feel sick too. and my tolerance is building. it’s like… it’s all bad. all options.#I hate this.#AND it’s the weekend and my new primary can’t see me until Wednesday and then I’ve got to beg for… I dunno… the good stuff#god. I told myself I’d go see my doctor about this a couple of weeks ago when this last hit and I didn’t 😓#ideal scenario: all doctors fall in love with me and medically induce a short coma for me to catch up on sleep and then they give me drugs#this new doctor doesn’t know me! I haven’t laid enough groundwork! how am I supposed to beg for klonopin if we have no banter!?#that wasn’t a joke. I mean it was but it’s also serious. I need some GOOD anti-anxieties and he doesn’t know me enough to know I NEEDS IT😬#also my tinnitus is just… no sleep + stress means it gets stronger and it’s… a fucking wet willy shoved through my ear into my skull#and if I hit a bad patch of virtigo… I will… redacted.#I won’t! I will go running crying and screaming in the street before I off myself.#HEY! my insurance says I can get 30 days in-patient and I always keep that thought in my bad pocket.#*back pocket. I’m not about to go back and start redoing tags because of a few misspellings#this is so rambly#my brain is fried! I’m tired! my appetite is fucked! I don’t want to do ANYTHING!#I mean… I never want to do anything. I love being lazy. I should say that right now I CAN’T do anything. but I can. but it’s… a lot. fuck 😔#this must sound so whiny. I’m sorry. I’m sure I’ll be making more posts like this until this goes away#you can ignore this#text
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joelslastofus · 4 months
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[SUMMARY: Joel deals with his jealousy as Tommy and you get more serious.]
PART TWO to my last reblog!!
Smut, drama, infidelity, angst
“Did he make you cum?” His sudden question catching you off guard. His eyes darkened as he waited for your response.
Sarah’s mother showed up the next morning to take Sarah to school since Joel had to leave early with Tommy. When she arrived she noticed Joel acting stranger than usual, he was quiet not making eye contact with anyone, he seemed like he was in a bad mood.
“Woke up on the wrong side of the bed?” She whispered leaning toward him making him look up.
“Just gettin’ ready for work”
Tommy showed up and poured himself coffee yawning as he greeted Sarah’s mother.
“Well you missed the show last night, these two gettin’ locked in the basement”
“My brother and my girl” Tommy raised his brows as her mother quickly turned to Joel who kept himself with his back to both of them drinking his coffee.
“Oh really?” She raised a brow.
“Mhm, but it wasn’t for long” he continued.
“You ready to go or ya gonna keep yappin’” Joel uttered before taking another sip from his mug.
“I’m ready, let’s go” Tommy grabbed his bag as Joel walked out yelling out to his daughter that he would see her that night and not saying a word to her mother.
“I wanted my dad to take me to school” Sarah came out the room as she grabbed her backpack.
“Well we all can’t get what we want, can we?” her mother snapped at her before walking to the bathroom and slamming the door shut. Sarah didn’t understand why her mother had returned if she acted like she couldn’t stand being a mother.
As usual, Tommy would see you in the morning on the porch while Joel got the truck ready. Packing his stuff in the back he watched Tommy greet you with a kiss. He failed miserably at trying to keep his eyes off you, his eyes blazing with envy as he watched your lips touch his once more before Tommy walked back to the truck. Joel looked away before he could notice, walking to the front of the truck he looked up and locked eyes with you for just a moment before you quickly turned and walked inside.
Joel drove in silence, his expression rather serious as he kept his eyes on the road.
“You got back in late” he suddenly spoke, thinking about how his brother left with you and didn’t return till nearly three in the morning.
“What are you monitoring me now, dad?” Tommy chuckled but Joel quickly became lost in his thoughts thinking about what you two were doing so late together. Thinking about what you had said the night before in the basement.
His brother fucking you.
The thought making him breathless with anger before realizing Tommy was calling his name.
“Joel! You listening?!”
“What?” He snapped looking over at him, the look in his eyes weirding out Tommy. It was rare when he saw his brother angry to this extent, yet he didn’t understand what was triggering it.
“Nothin’” Tommy uttered before turning back to the road as Joel pressed his foot on the gas and continued driving.
Little did he know, you and Tommy hadn’t slept with each other that night. Instead you cuddled watching a movie and ended up falling asleep in his arms. The guilt still eating at you as you continued to think over and over what Joel admitted to you the night before.
After all this time.
After all this fucking time.
Now when you were giving his brother a chance, now when you were getting to know the sweet charming man his brother was, Joel admitted something to you that you would’ve killed to know earlier.
It didn’t matter, it didn’t change anything. Joel forgot about any history the two of you had when Sarah’s mother showed up. He forgot how much the two of you had in common, how twice for Sarah’s birthday you baked her a cake when Joel called that he would be running late from work. Hell, how you baked him a cake and helped Sarah surprise him with a gift. He forgot about it all…
“It’s Friday night brother, how about a double date with your lady and mine at the bar?” Tommy hesitantly approached his brother at work hoping he’d be in a better mood.
“No, uh, I don’t want Sarah alone and-“
“I’ll call the sitter and set it all up, come on, it’ll be fun. Cheer up a bit” Joel remained silent giving in to the plan.
That night you wore a brown milkmaid dress with a pair of heels you forgot you even owned. You were excited to spend time with Tommy while also secretly excited to get a rise out of Joel. Maybe you were being immature but the more you thought of how he treated you that very day he cut ties, it all made sense to you.
Meeting them at the front of their house you walked out of your door looking out to see if they were there. Joel being the first one to look up spotted you walking in their direction, his eyes drifting down to your body, noticing just how well the dress complimented you.
“Jesus-“ he whispered to himself before quickly looking away. How the fuck was he suppose to ignore you all night?
“Tommy” you poked a finger at his back making him quickly turn and immediately get taken back by how you looked.
“Look at you, you look gorgeous, baby” you smiled before all four of you got in the truck.
Sitting in the back with Tommy, Joel was given the perfect view of you through his rear view mirror. You could feel his eyes on you while Tommy looked out the window, Sarah’s mother complaining about things she had to do for her daughter, Joel was over it ignoring her. Tommy unexpectedly turned around and kissed you making you smile, Joel bit the inside of his cheek and looked away.
Once getting to the bar, Tommy was quick to order more drinks which you were more than excited to try to relieve the bit of anxiety you felt. The night continued and you found yourself drinking more than you had planned yet you felt just right.
“You wanna take another shot?” Tommy leaned over to you with the drink in his hand.
“Sure” you laughed before the two of you took the shot together.
“Oh that one was strong” you made a sour face as Joel watched with furrowed brows. Joel had never seen you drink that much before. Apart of him wondering if you were doing it on purpose just to get under his skin. Whatever you were doing, it was working.
“We should dance” you excitedly turned to Tommy who bit his lip with excitement and got up with you to the dance floor.
“What the hell are we even doing here?”
Sarah’s mother complained while Joels eyes subtly followed you.
“I came to have a drink” He responded without turning to her.
“And you have to figure out something with your daughter cause I’m not gonna be taking her to school everyday” Joel raised a brow as she sucked her teeth. She wanted nothing to do with being a mother. All he heard her do was complain about any little thing she had to do for Sarah.
“Did you hear me, Joel?”
“You can leave if you want, what the hell was the point of you comin’ back?” he responded bluntly before chugging his drink not caring the way Sarah’s mother felt.
He had enough. He knew she wasn’t for him, he knew too late in time that she wasn’t right for Sarah. Angrily she got up and grabbed her bag leaving the bar. Joel watched as you danced with Tommy, your arms wrapped around him, his hands running down your waist. Joel brushed his hand over his lips and looked away, the sight was too much to bare. After a few minutes he could hear the sound of your laughter coming closer before he looked up.
“That was fun” you sighed as you slid into the booth.
“Hey where’s your lady?” Tommy asked as he sat beside you. Joel simply shrugged and took another sip of his drink.
“That’s done” his words making you look up at him. For some reason hearing he was no longer with Sarah’s mother bought you some kind of happiness.
“Well forget her, I never liked her for you anyway” Tommy responded before he took a shot. Just as he did you and Joel looked at each other for a moment before you quickly looked away.
“Im gonna go get us some more drinks, I’ll be right back” Tommy leaned in towards you, before you could say anything he left you and Joel alone together. Uncomfortably you swallowed looking away as Joel stared you down, the jealousy in him rising the more he thought about what his brother had told him earlier. You staying the night with him the night before, Joel hated the thought of it.
“We should get going soon” you spoke casually trying to find something to speak of.
“Wouldn’t wanna keep you from another night with Tommy” he responded with sarcasm.
“What was that?” You raised a brow as he leaned forward.
“You and Tommy…ya know I ain’t surprised you already slept with him, that’s just what girls like you do. I guess Sarah’s mother was right about you after all” Joel letting his anger and drinking take over, allowing himself to insult you in a way he never had.
“Excuse me? Girls like me?” Was he calling you a whore? Before you could respond Tommy showed up beside you making you quickly look away.
“One more drink before we go” Tommy smiled looking down at you.
“Yes…but I need to use the restroom” you quickly stood up almost stumbling as Tommy caught you by your waist.
“You alright?”
Joel almost stood up for a split second to help you before catching himself. Even through the anger he couldn’t help his immediate response.
“Yes….I’ll be right back” you quickly made your way to the bathroom as Joel glanced at you with the corner of his eye watching as you hid your face.
“I hope she invites me back to her place again tonight” Tommy grinned.
“Im sure you’ll get lucky again, don’t worry” Joel uttered low.
“I didn’t get lucky last night,-“ Joel quickly looked up not expecting what he was told.
“She doesn’t move like that, it ain’t what I’m used to but I like it. It’ll happen when it’s suppose to”
A part of him relieved to know nothing had ever happened while the other half of him feeling like a dick for what he said to you. He knew he fucked up, his jealousy getting the best of him, he regretted what he had said. You stepped out of the restroom looking at Joel from where you were. You couldn’t believe the audacity he had to speak to you in such a way, you knew you didn’t deserve it.
“We should get going” you showed up to the table making both men look up.
“What’s a matter, don’t want your drink first?” Tommy pushed the shot towards you.
“No…I’ve had enough” Tommy shrugged and took the shot before he stood up and walked out with you with Joel right behind. Joel’s eyes following Tommy’s hand move lower and lower down your back.
He couldn’t fucking stand it.
The three of you too intoxicated to drive you took a cab as Tommy assured his brother he’d pick up the truck in the morning.
Sitting in the back of the cab next to Tommy you looked out the window thinking about what Joel had said to you until Tommy’s voice distracted you.
“You wanna stay with me tonight?” Tommy’s question making his brother look up into the rear view mirror from the passenger seat. The thought of seeing any more of Joel in that moment only irritated you but you knew him seeing you with Tommy would bother him more and so you agreed to stay over.
Once you all walked inside you quietly sat on the couch with Tommy and watched some tv. Joel ate in the kitchen attempting to sober himself up and slowly he did. Silently watching you two as you both were distracted with the tv when the phone rang making you look up.
“I gotta pick up Sarah!” Joel called out as he hung up the phone.
“Ain’t she sleepin’ over her friends?” Tommy asked.
“That’s what I thought- I’ll be right back” you watched as he walked out and slammed the door as you stood quietly until Tommy turned to you.
“You feel ok?” He asked caressing the side of your face. You nodded just as he grabbed your face and began to kiss you. Yet, somehow you still managed to think of what Joel had said to you. It didn’t sound like him at all. The anger towards him driving you to wrap your arms around Tommy eagerly . His hands touching every part of you he could grab as he kissed your neck and began to undress you.
Joel drove tensely not liking that he left you two alone, not liking that he hadn’t apologized for what he said. His mind racing when Sarah once again called him and told him she didn’t need to be picked up. With a sigh he turned back around and headed home.
By the time Joel returned he noticed the lights were out and no one was in the living room. He walked towards the kitchen when the sound of your sudden moan made him stop in his tracks. Joel froze in place as another moan echoed from down the hall. It wasn’t the first time he overheard his brother sleeping with a woman but this time it wasn’t just any woman…it was you. Angrily he grabbed the bottle of whiskey off the counter and began to drink it. A rage he never felt before settling within him when there was a sudden silence.
Tommy gave you a pair of shorts and a t shirt of his as you stood aside watching him put on a shirt. You couldn’t believe you just had sex with him, having sex with him out of pure anger against Joel. It didn’t feel right.
“I’m gonna go use the restroom” you spoke low as he finished cleaning up before you quietly walked out.
Just as you closed the door behind you, you looked up to find Joel standing by the kitchen. You gasped in shock as he took a step forward, you noticed a half empty bottle of whiskey in his hand.
“I…I didn’t know you were here” you whispered as he looked down at you. The sight of you wearing his brothers t shirt, your bare legs in his view. He didn’t say a word but the silence was very loud. Pure pain in his eyes he took another chug of his drink, the sounds of your moans still echoing in his mind before he abruptly walked away and slammed the door loudly making you jump. Anxiously, you ran to the bathroom with tears in your eyes. You didn’t understand why you felt this way, you were suppose to be angry with him, he was the one who did wrong, not you.
“I’m so fucking stupid” you whispered to yourself just as you heard Tommy come out of the room. Trying to compose yourself you washed your face and freshened yourself up before walking back out. Not wanting to run into him again you quickly went back to the room and lay in bed.
The next morning you dreaded leaving the room, afraid to find Joel in the living room. Tommy nudged you playfully as you got dressed before kissing your cheek.
“What’s wrong?” He asked pulling you against him.
“Nothing, just tired”
“Yeah, we got in pretty late. Come on, let’s go” he took you by the hand as you took a deep breath and followed him out.
There was Joel sitting at the head of the table having breakfast when he looked up at you both, adjusting himself in his seat.
“Where’s Sarah?” Tommy asked.
“Gonna pick her up in the evening” Joel uttered low without looking at his brother. He couldn’t bare to look him in the eye, not yet.
“Ain’t you late for work” Joel took a sip from his cup as Tommy raised a brow.
“It’s Sunday- oh shit!” Tommy went running through the living room grabbing his bag.
“I forgot I told those two guys I’d meet with them today, and I gotta get the truck- fuck!” You watched as he paced around the house before grabbing his keys and going for the door.
“Tommy?” You screamed out confused.
“I’m sorry baby, it’s a big contract, have some breakfast I’ll call you as soon as I’m done”
“But Tommy-“ the door slammed leaving you and Joel alone together. Awkwardly you stood as he looked down at his paper, his broad shoulders rose high with each deep breath. He looked pissed, you didn’t know what to say.
His knee jumping under the table the more he thought about it before you finally decided to say something.
“You know, it’s not fair for you to act this way” you hesitantly spoke as he suddenly stood up grabbing his plate without looking your way and walked to the kitchen.
The loud sound of his the dishes hitting the sink making you jump before he turned to you.
“It’s not fair?” He spoke low as he walked towards you making you step back.
“I had to hear my brother fucking you last night in my own house, your moans so god damn loud I heard it the second I walked through the door” he continued walking towards you until he backed you against the wall.
“Well-“ you took a deep breath not expecting him to have been so blunt.
“You did say it was easily expected of me…you know girls like me?” Joel regretted saying that to you knowing damn well he didn’t feel that way about you.
“I know he never slept with you before last night, he told me”
“Oh great, so now that he did I guess he will report that to you and brag about it-“
“Did he make you cum?” His sudden question catching you off guard. His eyes darkened as he waited for your response.
“Did he? Did he give you what you were lookin’ for?” You were speechless, your lips parting yet you couldn’t make a sound. Joel didnt take his eyes off you, his heart pounding hard in his chest.
“I’m not having this conversation with you-“
“Tell me, or are you afraid-“
“What the hell would I be afraid of?!” You yelled back just as he roughly pulled you against him and kissed you muffling your shocked whimper. His hand brushing up the back of your head grabbing a hand full of hair, pulling at it as you smacked his chest before he pulled his lips away. Still, he held you close forcing you to look up at him as he tugged at your hair. As much as you looked like you were trying to stop him, you wanted him to do anything but stop.
“What are you doing?” You whispered as he looked down at you. Joel knew right there he needed to have you, he needed to feel you with whatever time he had alone with you. Carrying you on top of the closest thing near by, he sat you on the edge of his desk and quickly began unbuttoning his pants with one hand. You didn’t stop him, wanting it just as much as him you pulled your dress up above your thighs watching as he pulled out his hard member.
He was ready for you, panting you quickly pulled down your underwear and let it fall to the floor. Joel placed himself between your legs and spit in his hand, his eyes looking into yours as you felt his fingers touch you and make sure you were ready for him. Placing his cock at your entrance he slid himself in you as you both breathed into each other’s lips. He wasted no time in moving at a steady pace pushing himself as deep as you’d take him. Grabbing onto him you kissed him passionately, moaning against his lips wanting to feel every part of him. Throwing your head back you moaned as a wave of pleasure burst within you. He kissed your neck moving his mouth slowly up against your ear.
“This is mine, you hear me?” He spoke breathlessly as he continued to fuck you. His cock filling you up more than his brothers had, stretching you with each thrust. Unexpectedly he carried you off the table, taking you to the couch. He sat down with his hands on your hips as you took over and began to ride him.
“Oh shit baby…just like that” he squeezed your ass as you moaned bouncing on him when you suddenly heard the truck pull up in the driveway.
“Oh my God Joel-“ you froze.
“No don’t stop” he slouched down on the couch and began thrusting upward.
“Joel- he’s there-“ you panted but Joel wouldn’t stop. His eyes squeezing shut as he bounced you on his cock and came inside you. Joel cried out deeply, holding you in place as his pelvis jerked beneath you.
“Oh my god” you whispered looking down at Joel, your hands on his chest balancing yourself when you heard the car door open.
“He’s coming!” Quickly jumping off Joel you ran to the bathroom as he struggled to get up catching his breath.
“Tell him I left!” You screamed from the bathroom hoping Tommy would leave fast. Joel quickly dressed himself wiping himself wit paper towels noticing how drenched in sweat he was.
“Shit” he whispered before noticing your underwear still on the floor. Quickly Joel picked it up and put it in his pocket just as the door unlocked and Tommy walked in.
“I forgot the damn paperwork” he rushed inside not even taking a look at Joel. Rushing past him, Tommy grabbed the folders off the very desk he had just finished fucking you on.
Tommy so distracted with being late to the meeting it slipped his mind to ask about where you were and he simply left. Joel waited for the truck to pull out and called for you.
“He’s gone!”
Hesitantly you came out of the bathroom still in shock with what had just happened.
“I have to go” you awkwardly tried to walk past him until he caught you by your arm slowly pulling you to him.
“Ya don’t have to-“
“No” you pushed him away.
“Why the hell did we just do that?! Tommy doesn’t deserve that”
Joel looked down at you not knowing what to say as he knew you were right.
“I guess you were right after all” you chuckled sarcastically.
“About what?” He looked down at you confused.
“Girls like me right, now I really am a whore-“
“Don’t say that” he pulled you against him hard.
“You know damn well I ain’t mean it when I said that” he whispered.
“Doesn’t matter, cause it’s true. And…and-“
“I have to get a morning after pill now”
“I’ll get it for ya”
“No! Just leave it. Look I gotta go” you pulled your arm back and quickly ran out to your home next door.
Your thoughts running a mile a minute you rushed inside and locked your door. Heading straight for the shower you let your dress fall to the floor as you began to cry in guilt…in confusion. Never had you felt like such a shitty human being.
That same day you ran some errands and noticed Tommy had left you a couple messages. Of course, talking about the night before, telling you how he wanted you even more. His messages making you sick to your stomach you didn’t respond.
Out at the pharmacy you picked up a plan B rushing home hoping you wouldn’t run into Tommy or Joel. With your luck, just as you pulled up Tommy was right outside.
“Hey babe,” he walked up to you as you got out of the car.
“You alright? I called you a few times”
“Yeah sorry I just-“ you dropped your bag on the floor making the after pill come out of the bag. Tommy furrowed his brows as he picked it up from the ground and suddenly chuckled.
“Baby, we were careful. We used a condom, I don’t think you need to take this” your skin hot from anxiety you awkwardly took back the pill.
“Yeah…I just…I’m sometimes paranoid and I-“
“Alright, it’s ok. I understand” Tommy smiled making you feel ever shittier. Why would he expect you were taking the pill because his brother had just came in you. You smiled and began to walk to your door as he followed.
“Why don’t you come join us for dinner-“
“I don’t think I can” you responded anxiously trying to unlock your door as fast as you could.
“Please baby, I really enjoy spending time with you” he left you speechless. What the hell else could you possibly say?
“Sure” you whispered. Tommy happily leaned in and kissed you before walking back to his house.
Tommy walked in to his brother fixing something beneath the sink for the third time that week.
“I tell ya, I’ve grown tired of fixing this damn thing” Joel lay on the floor as Tommy laughed.
“Well maybe you’re not even fixing it, that’s why it’s always broken” Tommy teased.
“Haha. Hey do me a favor, the laundry’s been sitting in the washer for twenty minutes now, mind puttin’ em in the dryer for me?”
“Yeah sure” Tommy went on to walk to the laundry room as he informed his brother that you would be coming for dinner.
“You ok with y/n comin’ for dinner again right?” Joel froze and cleared his throat.
“She’s comin’?” He asked surprised that you didn’t find an excuse to not show up.
“Yeah,” Tommy began moving the wet clothes into the dryer when he noticed something sticking out of his brother’s pocket.
“Well, alright but I ain’t cookin’” Joel responded as Tommy grabbed Joel’s pants and pulled out the black material that was sticking out only to see it was the same underwear you had on the night before.
Tommy didn’t move, in disbelief he stared down at the underwear not knowing what to even think.
It couldn’t have been…at least he hoped not.
But what other explanation would there be for this?
“Tommy you hear me?” He suddenly realized his brother was still talking in the background and quickly put the underwear away in his pocket.
“Yeah, yeah I hear you” he called back out to him. Tommy had no idea how he was going to deal with the situation but he decided to first move in silence and see how the evening was going to go with you around Joel…you had no idea what was in store….
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silent-stories · 19 days
Pairing: Noah Sebastian x reader
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The morning sunlight seeped through the curtains, painting the room with a soft, golden glow. You were wrapped up in Noah's arms, your bodies entwined under the covers as if the world outside didn't exist. He was still half-asleep, his face buried in the pillow, his breathing slow and steady.
You took the opportunity to study him quietly. His dark hair was a mess, falling over his forehead in soft waves, and his lips were slightly parted as he slept. You reached out, brushing your fingers gently over his cheek.
The faint freckles that dusted his face were barely visible in the dim light of the bedroom, but you knew they were there.
You loved his freckles. Loved how they became more visible when he spent time outside, when the sunlight kissed his skin just right.
It was one of the many little things about him that you adored, and every time he hid away indoors for days on end, you found yourself missing them.
You ran your fingers down the bridge of his nose, smiling softly to yourself as you watched him stir.
"Noah…" you whispered, your voice soft but insistent.
He grunted in response, his eyes still closed. "Hmm?"
"You need to get out in the sun more."
That got him. He cracked one eye open, squinting at you through the hazy light. "What?" His voice was rough with sleep, confusion evident in his tone. "Why would I need to do that?"
You pressed a quick kiss to his shoulder before resting your chin on his chest, staring up at him with a pout. "Because when you do, your freckles show up more, and I love them. I can barely see them now."
He blinked at you, still half asleep but clearly trying to process what you were saying. “Freckles?” he asked, a sleepy smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
“Yes,” you said with a huff, trying to keep your voice serious but failing miserably as you giggled a little. “Your freckles are pretty, Noah. And I’m being deprived of them.”
He closed his eyes again, this time grinning as he rubbed a hand over his face. “You’re ridiculous.”
“I’m serious,” you insisted, sitting up now, the blankets falling down to your waist as you stared at him with mock frustration. “You’ve been cooped up inside for days—writing, recording, doing your broody music stuff—and I barely get to see them. You need sunlight for them to come out more, and I miss them.”
Noah opened one eye again, peering up at you with an amused smirk. “So, let me get this straight… you want me to go outside and just… sit in the sun so my freckles pop out more?”
You nodded, leaning down to poke his nose lightly. “Yes, exactly that.”
He shook his head, letting out a soft chuckle as he pulled you back down onto his chest. “You’re lucky you’re cute, because that is the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard.”
“I’m not being absurd,” you protested, though your tone was light as you snuggled back into him, resting your head in the crook of his neck. “Your freckles are pretty, and I want to see them. Is that so much to ask?”
“They’re just freckles,” he muttered, his hand trailing lazily up and down your back.
“No, they’re your freckles,” you corrected, your voice softening as you pressed a kiss to his neck.
He paused for a moment, his fingers halting their movement on your back as he let your words sink in. Then, with a sigh, he tightened his arms around you, pulling you closer. “I guess I can’t argue with that, can I?”
“Nope,” you said, smiling into his skin. “You can’t.”
Noah let out a dramatic groan, but you could hear the smile in his voice when he spoke again. “Fine. I’ll go outside more. I’ll soak up some sunlight for you, just so you can see my stupid freckles better.”
You grinned, lifting your head to look at him. “They’re not stupid. They’re cute.”
He rolled his eyes, but there was a softness in the way he gazed at you, his expression relaxed and full of affection. “I still think it’s ridiculous, but if it makes you happy…”
“It does,” you confirmed, leaning down to plant a soft kiss on his lips. “It makes me really happy.”
His lips curled into a lazy smile as he kissed you back, his hand coming up to cradle the back of your head. “You’re lucky I love you,” he murmured against your lips, his voice a playful mix of teasing and genuine affection.
“I know,” you whispered, resting your forehead against his for a moment. “And I love you too. And your freckles.”
Noah chuckled, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead before leaning back into the pillows, his arms still wrapped around you. “Okay, okay. But let’s stay in bed for now. I’ll go outside later, I promise.”
“Deal,” you agreed, settling back into his embrace with a satisfied smile.
You lay there for a while longer, feeling the steady rise and fall of his chest beneath you, your fingers tracing absentminded patterns on his skin. There was a comforting silence between you, the kind that came from being so at ease with each other.
Then, you spoke again.
Noah kissed the top of your head, his voice softer now. “Yeah, yeah. You’ll get your freckles.”
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jessejaredstories · 11 months
Type Casting
“C’mon, let’s just give it one more go!” 
“I don’t want to…” 
Robert was slumped against the wall with his head in between his knees. His friend Aidan was looking down at him. Aidan let out a heavy sigh, then bent down to meet Rob at eye level.
“Listen man, I’m trying to help you out here but you’re making it really difficult.” Aidan tried to make eye contact with Rob, but he turned the other way. “What was that thing you used to say? The best actors can turn themselves into anyone they want? What happened to that energy?”
“Let’s be honest, I was just lying to myself. Even I didn’t believe that bullshit.” Rob said muffled through his hands. He then let himself fall over onto the ground, much to Aidan’s growing annoyance. While Rob was laying on the asphalt, he looked up to the sky above. The dark of night had just settled in and the first few stars had just come out. 
Ever since he was a kid, Robert dreamed of being a big time Hollywood actor. He always imagined himself up on the silver screen whenever he went to the movies. Although Rob had spent most of his childhood and adolescence performing for local theater groups, he unfortunately never made it into the big leagues. He had all but given up on his childhood dream and settled for a life working in retail.
However, just as Rob was getting comfortable living an ordinary life, everything changed one fateful day when an acting agent walked into the store. The agent was in desperate need of an actor for an upcoming commercial shoot after the previous guy dropped last minute. Rob just so happened to be on the clock that day. They had a conversation, one thing led to another and next thing you knew, Rob got the part. It was a minor acting gig with only two lines, but it was enough to reignite the passion Rob had for acting. So much so that he decided to quit his day job and pursue acting full time. 
But unfortunately for Rob, his good luck started as well as ended on that fateful day. He hasn’t been able to land another acting job despite having gone on numerous auditions. While Rob was already on the verge of giving up again, his best friend Aidan was still holding out hope for him.
“Bro, c’mon, they’re looking for a Filipino dude and you’re the only one auditioning. How could they not cast you?” Aidan said.
“It’s really not that simple… I can’t just be type casted into a role because of my race. They’re looking for a gym bro kinda guy, and I’ve seen cats with more upper body muscle than me. I don’t even look the part, much less act it. It’s hopeless!” Rob sighed and rolled over. They both lingered in silence for a minute.
“You know, maybe we should just call it a night. You’ll feel better after a good night’s sleep,” Aidan said.
“I doubt it, not unless I can somehow become a gym bro overnight.”
“Stranger things have happened, you know…”
Rob was expecting Aidan to dismiss what he just said, not go along with it. He was only kidding after all! But Rob decided not to think twice about it and just laugh it off.
Robert went to bed that night restless and miserable. Normally he had no problem falling asleep, but for some reason, he just couldn’t sleep that night. Rob was eventually able to fall asleep after enough twisting and turning, but he was plagued by strange dreams. He kept dreaming about some muscular guy entering his bedroom while he slept. The dream was extremely lifelike, Rob felt he could reach out and get a feel of the dude’s jacked bicep!
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Rob tried to touch him, but when he reached out, he found himself awake in his bed. Rob blinked and rubbed his eyes as he looked around his empty room. It was just a dream, nothing more and nothing less. Rob nodded off again. As he slept peacefully, the same muscle bro came back in his dreams, albeit in a very different way the second time around.
In the dream, Rob was still just laying down sleeping in his bed. He tried moving his body, but couldn’t. His body was in a deep sleep, and all Rob could do was watch himself sleep. 
At first, the dream was nothing more than him sleeping. After a couple of minutes passed, the muscular man made a reappearance. He crept back into Rob’s bedroom, except he was fully naked this time! Rob was caught off guard, but quickly found himself enjoying the view. The man was clean shaven all over his body except for three places: his thick mustache, his hairy pits, and his unruly bush of pubic hair. Rob loved the glorious sight of masculine, well-kept yet hairy man standing in his bedroom. He knew intuitively that the man’s name was Jacob. He watched as Jacob approached him on the bed. He also noticed that the dream version of himself had woken up and had begun stripping down naked. Jacob then hopped on the bed with him, placing himself in between Dream Rob’s open legs. Jacob was stroking himself while Dream Rob was feeling around his well-toned torso. He cupped one of Jacob’s pecs and felt how firm the slabs of meat on his chest were. Jacob had a cocky grin on his face as Rob worshiped him. He then bounced his pecs for Rob, which made him whimper from pleasure.  
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Even though it was a dream, everything Rob was feeling felt just like real life. He could feel Jacob rubbing his hardening cock against his own dick, which made him get erect too. Rob felt Jacob’s thick bush brush up against the underside of his thighs as he thrusted his hips into him while jerking off. Soft, sensual moans escaped Rob’s lips, matching Jacob’s gruff, baritone groans. Once they were both at full mast, Jacob moved onto the next step of their little “play session.”
Jacob moved up closer to Rob. He grabbed his rock hard cock and positioned it right next to Rob’s. Rob was stunned at how hung Jacob was. He had both length and girth to his junk, and with a big, pink tip too! Jacob then put their dicks together in one hand and jerked them both off. Rob let out a loud moan as Jacob pumped away at both of their cocks. Jacob’s hand had a rough feel to it, most likely due to calluses from working out. Rob also noticed how warm his hand was, which added to the warm pleasure Rob was feeling as Jacob jerked them off. It was the best feeling Rob had felt in a long while.
Precum soon began leaking from the tips of their cocks. Jacob noticed his leakage and shuffled away slightly to reposition himself. Rob was purring with anticipation. He was expecting him to put it in, but instead he got something he could’ve never guessed. Rob started stroking himself off at a rapid pace and with bated breath. Rob assumed he was about to finish, but that guess was wrong too. Instead, Jacob’s cock started growing even longer and wider. Jacob then closed the gap between them again. He hovered his cock over Rob’s junk and lowered it. Jacob’s cock then engulfed Rob’s entire dick and balls area. Rob winced. He felt a pinch when he got swallowed up by Jacob’s engorged member. Jacob’s dick was throbbing. The vein running from the base to the tip was pulsating. Rob could feel Jacob twitching due to their dicks being conjoined. Only a few more seconds before Jacob let out a primal moan from deep within. Rob had no idea what was happening, but unfortunately had no time to react.
“Ahhh… Ah!? Arghh FUCKK!!” Rob moaned. He could feel the warmth of Jacob shooting out ropes of cum. However, because his cock was inside of Jacob’s, his loads had nowhere to go except inside of Rob’s dick. Rob was squirming as he felt all of Jacob’s spunk rush through the slit of his cockhead and down the length of his member. Jacob kept shooting out load after load and all of it was getting pumped straight into Rob’s balls. Rob’s cock and balls grew thicker and heavier as a result of getting filled up. He had become hung like a horse, sporting a cool 7 inch cock with some hefty girth to match its length too. Jacob’s seed had overwhelmed Rob’s reproductive system, forcing it to produce Jacob’s DNA rather than Rob’s. All of the testosterone filled cum Jacob had pumped into Rob began transforming the lower half of his body. 
The body transformation was as pleasurable as it was intense. Waves of ecstasy-like warmth spread throughout Rob’s legs and thighs as they grew exponentially bigger, forcing Rob to throw his head and moan as it all happened. The lower half of his body essentially exploded with mass. Once they finished growing, Rob’s body immediately shaped the extra mass into chiseled, muscular legs that looked just like Jacob’s.
Rob felt like his body was on fire after the explosive growth his legs went through! He was huffing and puffing for breath after that bodily experience. Rob was thankful that no more cum was getting pumped into him. It seemed like Jacob had finally been drained of every last drop. However, although his balls might’ve run dry, Jacob knew of another way to keep the transformation fun going. 
Jacob let Rob’s dick wiggle out of his own. Once they were detached, his engorged cock shrunk back down to its usual size. Jacob then positioned Rob to sit up against the headboard of his bed. He then hopped on top of him, placing him in between his beefy legs. Rob was now at eye level with Jacob’s massive chest. 
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Rob salivated being so close to Jacob’s beefy pecs. He reached out and grabbed his left nipple with thumb and forefinger. He felt the few hairs surrounding the nipple tickling against his fingers as he gave him a light squeeze, causing Jacob to groan with delight. Rob then leaned in and planted his lips against Jacob’s succulent nipple. Rob could taste the salt of a few sweat drops as he used his tongue to flick his nipple around in his mouth. The thought of suckling a man’s juicy pecs made Rob get hard again, encouraging him to give Jacob the best service his mouth could offer. 
Jacob was breathing heavily as Rob sucked off his sensitive nipples. He began running his fingers through Rob’s hair while Rob went to work. While they were both having the time of their lives, this only lasted a few minutes before Jacob decided to switch things up again. He grabbed hold of Rob’s head and pressed him against his pec. Rob didn’t think twice about Jacob’s sudden dominance; he simply assumed he wanted him to suck even harder. He proceeded to suck and lick and bite as pleasurably as he could. Meanwhile, Jacob was using his free hand to rub down his pectoral muscles. He started squeezing at the top of his chest and ran his hand down to the nipple, stimulating his pecs until they started lactating. 
“Mmmm… Mmmrrngh? Mmmmm…!!” 
Rob noticed there was a sudden new taste in his mouth. However, it was a sweet, slightly milky taste that he quickly grew addicted to. It didn’t deter him from sucking Jacob’s chest, it only encouraged him to go even harder. Rob drank it all like a starving kitten while Jacob was in a world of heaven due to the combined sensations of lactating and having a man’s warm mouth sucking down on his nipple. 
Rob struggled to swallow all the milk. Some of it leaked out and ran down Rob’s mouth, causing an even wetter mess than before, but Rob kept at it. Jacob’s pec milk was the key to the second half of the transformation. The more of the sweet, sweet pec milk Rob drank, the stronger he was becoming. His torso began swelling up with muscle mass just like his legs did. His arms grew until he had two cannons with melon-sized biceps. His shoulders and back grew wider and chiseled. His pecs ballooned out but stayed firm with muscle, giving him a set of man tits that would put anyone to shame with their voluptuous size. By the time Jacob’s chest had finally run dry, Rob had been completely transformed into a beefy bodybuilder just like him. 
Rob leaned back from Jacob’s now swollen chest and swallowed the last few drops of milk he managed to suckle out. Once he swallowed, he let out a satisfied exhale and a loud burp. He then looked at Jacob with pleading eyes, the same eyes you would see on any submissive bottom eager to please. Jacob looked down to match Rob’s gaze, then grinned. He leaned down and gave Rob a big, fat kiss on the lips. Rob kissed him back too. He then opened his mouth slightly to let Jacob stick his tongue inside his mouth. Their tongues danced together in Rob’s mouth with Jacob’s tongue taking the dominant role. They then locked lips together for one last triumphant tongue kiss. Once Jacob pulled away, Rob noticed some course hair touching his upper lip. He reached out to touch his lip and with one stroke of the finger, he realized what had happened. Jacob had bestowed upon him the finishing touch of his transformation- his thick mustache befitting of a muscle daddy like the new him. 
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Robert woke up in an incredibly great mood the next morning. He laid in bed with a wide smile on his face as he fondly replayed the weird yet awesome wet dream he had last night. Although he would always have the memory, he hoped the dreamy muscle man would visit him again sometime in the future. 
Rob noticed his body felt heavier as he laid in bed. He took a look down at himself, then smirked. It was the kind of cocky smirk any guy with a great body would have. He was hot and he knew it! 
He jumped out of bed with glee and ran to the nearest mirror to check himself out. Surely enough, his reflection in the mirror matched the same beefy cupcake his own eyes showed him. Rob almost couldn’t believe he had actually transformed overnight. He had so many questions running through his mind, but standing in front of the mirror, all he could think about was how hot his new body had become.
“Fuck yeah! I’m ripped as fuckk!!” 
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While Rob was busy admiring his new self in the mirror, someone had been knocking on the door. Rob didn’t even notice someone was knocking. As a result, their knocks had evolved to them pounding on the door. The pounding was enough to finally get Rob’s attention. Annoyed, Rob pulled himself away from the mirror and hurried to the door. He opened it to an equally annoyed Aidan waiting on the other side.
“Where the fuck have you- Woah.” Aidan stepped into Rob’s apartment ready to chew him out but stopped after taking one look at the new him. He almost didn’t recognize him due to his new muscular physique. He had to look closely at his face just to recognize him. “Rob? Is that you!? Holy shit!!”
“I know right! Check me out bro, you like my new look?” Rob flexed his bicep for Aidan while he hyped him up. Though Aidan was happy for his friend, he remembered the reason why he came by in the first place.
“I don’t know how the fuck you managed to go super saiyan on me overnight, but we don’t have time for this right now. Your audition’s in an hour and it’s all the way across town!”
“Oh fuck!! I completely forgot about that, let’s GO!”
Rob quickly threw some clothes on and ran out the door with Aidan by his side. They barreled down the highways at dangerously high speeds, driving as fast as Rob’s car could manage. They were able to make it to the rec center where auditions were being held just in the nick of time. Rob ran into the waiting lobby just as the producer called out his name. 
“Alright bro… You got this… Break… A leg!” Aidan said in between huffs, fighting to catch his breath after sprinting from the parking lot. Rob nodded and followed the producer into the backroom.
“Welcome, Robert, please feel free to take a minute to catch your breath. I know you had to run to get here on time, what happened?” the producer asked as she took a seat next to the director.
“Nothing, just traffic. You know how it gets in this city,” Rob responded.
“I see. Well then, feel free to start whenever you’re ready.”
“Actually, before I start, is it alright if I do a little improv? I have the sides down but I wanted to add my own little flair to the scene.”
“Do as you must, just be sure to show us your best performance.” The director answered with a bored inflection in her voice.
Rob nodded, then proceeded to perform the sides for the audition. He had the sides perfectly memorized, and he followed the script’s exact punctuation down to the comma too. Rob didn’t stray far from the script for the most part, but for his rendition of the scene, he decided to take out his shirt and play the character as an aloof himbo rather than just an arrogant jock.
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Once he finished performing, Rob looked up to see their faces. The producer looked irritated, while the director still had the same poker face she had when Rob first entered the room.
“Well! Thank you for your time, Robert, we’ll let you know if-”
“No need,” the director waved her hand to stop the producer. “After seeing over 20 auditions today, I can say with confidence that you’re the best fit for the role. Congratulations Robert, you got the part.”
Rob was bursting with joy. He shook the director’s hand with an over enthusiastic vigor and a wide grin on his face. He then walked out to share the great news with Aidan, who was just as excited as he was. He had done it; he had landed a role in a major Hollywood production as the main character’s meathead yet lovable brother. 
Several months have passed since Rob finished filming his last major role. His newly acquired looks granted him the confidence he needed to perform at his best. Coupled with his eagerness and passion for acting, Rob had become the total package, and other big names in the film industry agreed too. Word had gotten out on how Rob was set to become a rising star. A couple of directors had even scouted him for their upcoming projects! All in all, Rob was enjoying the new life he was only just starting to build up for himself as an actor.
However, there was one slight problem. Rob and Aidan’s friendship had taken a turn for the worse lately. While Aidan was happy for his buddy’s success and Rob was more than happy to share some of the Hollywood glamor with his best friend, the two had begun bickering a lot. 
It started back when Rob first transformed into the beefy bodybuilder he was now. Rob was slowly becoming more and more arrogant ever since then. Aidan didn’t notice at first, but it was becoming more obvious with every passing day. Every other sentence Rob said had the word “bro” shoved into it. That, and if it didn’t involve his acting career, going to the gym, partying, or fucking hot dudes, then Rob simply had no time or patience for it. Even Aidan, his best friend since primary school, had been shoved into the sidelines! Rob had become the epitome of a selfish, gym rat narcissistic. 
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But Aidan was never the type to simply roll over and give up. He would sooner die than let his best friend go without a fight. So he decided to try and get the old Rob back, much to his dismay. 
Rob was in the middle of getting ready to go out clubbing with his other actor friends. While getting dressed, he decided to take a moment to admire himself in the mirror. He made sure to keep up with the maintenance a hot, muscular body like his needed in order to be maintained. He was proud of his physique, and it was then he decided he was gonna find another hot guy to fuck all night long. It had been too long since he last got off after all, his balls were already hanging low with how full they were! All he needed was someone to drain him of his load.
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As Rob was recording a new thirst trap to send out on dating apps, he got an incoming video call from Aidan. Rob grunted and declined the call. Annoyed, he threw his phone off to the side. But just as he was about to resume getting ready when he felt something strange in his chest. He looked down and bounced his pecs again. Rob noticed that it took him more effort than usual to flex his pectoral muscles. He grabbed one of his pecs, gave it a squeeze and when he did, he felt like something was about to leak out of his nipple. Something… Like milk.
Aidan called again. Rob turned to look at his phone ringing on the bed. He then looked back down at his body. It was then a brilliant idea had hit him. Rob and Aidan were going to be the best of friends again after he was done.
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lbxbx · 4 months
Blackmail 5 | KTH
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Pairing: Idol!taehyung x reader
Genre: smut, angst. Five shot
Synopsis: being part of their staff meant you had to be around them all the time, Taehyung has a checklist of all the girls he slept with and filmed and you were next on the list, as he lures you using several ways one of them being actually showing you the content he films, before you finally give in and he actually films you to tick you off of his list. Little do you know it’s the biggest mistake ever.
Disclaimer: events and incidents in this fiction are either the product of the author’s imagination or used in a fictitious manner. This does not resemble Taehyung’s character whatsoever. taglist: @idkduewhy @wiebouquetbarbarian @tan-veee @pookiej @xstfudaisyx @junecat18 @whipwhops @mother2onsters @lil0u0 @whoa-jo @latinapoetbts
Your doorbell rings twice before you rush to open it, your joints still feel loose from the night before and today hasn’t been quite your day, despite it being your weekend, you’re not enjoying your time still trying to recover from last night’s hangover.
You were on the verge of doing something very stupid when alcohol was at its peak in your entire system, but you got lucky, and realized this morning that thankfully nothing happened.
The exact second you open your eyes the next morning you feel instant regret, you want way overboard with drinking to the point of actually falling asleep still in your dress on your couch. Immense pounding headache makes you close your eyes again and frown, you’re extremely sweaty and you need to shower like right now.
You do remember something happening the night before but you can’t pin-point it. It’s something that had to do with Taehyung, but you’re not quite sure what it was. Good god, why is the sun so bright, what time is it?
Your head snaps quickly to your surroundings trying to locate your phone, your neck is stiff from the long sleep on the couch and your back hurts like hell. You end up finding your poor phone thrown down on the floor, and it seems like it spent the night laying there.
Your sore joints don’t help when you stretch your arm over to grab your phone and unlock it, you looked so miserable this morning to the point of face ID barely recognizing you, you have to rub your eyes before looking back onto your screen and finally unlocking it.
And it unlocks straight into a post you wrote the night before and you instantly rewind the tape from last night and what exactly happened. You know you do stupid shit when you’re drunk heavy so it was a little expected for you to do such thing, luckily when you clicked share last night you still had to select an option on where to post the media you selected, you had to choose a platform to post onto.
You let out a breath of relief when you finally make sure that none of the media you selected was posted, you delete the entire post and lock your phone again before getting into the shower and proceeding with your usual morning routine.
“Jungkook? What are you doing here?” You’re standing near your doorstep in utter confusion, you started questioning yourself on when did he figure out your address? But then your call that he drove you here once.
You’re still oblivious over the reason why he suddenly showed up on a Saturday morning. “Can I come in?” A heartwarming smile sits over his face, you invite him in and close the door behind him. “What’s up?” He takes a seat onto your couch.
“Not much, is there anything wrong? Are you okay?” You take a seat on the same couch only a couple seats away from him. “I was driving nearby, I figured I’d come over maybe we could have a chat.”
“Couldn’t this chat wait until Monday?” You ask, and he pauses to look at you feeling a little unwelcomed in your place, which makes you laugh nervously and scratch your temple. “I didn’t want it to sound like that, would you like a drink?”
He shrugs it off right away and answers. “Just water please.”
And as soon as you turn your back and head to your kitchen, Jungkook looks around the place scanning every single corner, memorizing the details around your place just like he was taught, he even gets up onto his feet and walks towards the console under your TV to search into the three drawers.
“Stay out of this Jungkook.” He’s about to leave the room before he gets pulled back by the wrist, “No I can’t stay out of this, just so you know, your stupid kink can not only ruin your career, it could ruin mine too, and I can’t sacrifice everything I worked hard for this past decade just so you could have your own fun.”
Taehyung has his own selective hearing and fully decides on not listening. “Look, you know I want the best for you right?” Jungkook asks which makes Taehyung pay a little attention.
“Yes, and?”
“I’d say you keep your distance from Y/N specifically, she’s after you. And I’m afraid if you’re not careful enough she might just… tell someone, or make a scene, and you don’t want that do you?” The younger genuinely cares about his friend, he’s even frustrated when Taehyung scoffs and immediately argues. “Trust me she won’t. she can’t prove anything. Besides.. I can’t post anything you know that, I’d be harming myself before I harm her, and honestly I could care less about her.”
“We kind of had a chat the other day , I’m pretty sure she said she has something that could possibly ruin your career, I don’t know what exactly, but she does. And I need you to be careful because she’s onto something.”
Taehyung drives Jungkook frustrated when he grabs Jungkook’s arm away from his own wrist and mutters. “Stay out of this Jungkook, I know what I’m doing.”
“Except you’re not.” Jungkook interrupts him right away. “I never thought I would say this, but I’m willing to testify against you if she decides to post anything, Hyung, I thought I’d choose you over her, but now I’d choose my career over you.”
Finally something manages to mess up Taehyung’s mind, Jungkook’s words finally knocked sense into him, “And Taehyung, if anything happens, you’re on your own.” He’s about to leave, but this time he’s the one being pulled by the wrist. “Jungkook wait.”
And the youngest turns towards Taehyung with a knot formed between his brows, “Jungkook tell me what should I do?”
And apparently, this is why Jungkook showed up to your place uninvited just so he can start his so called plan with Taehyung. Jungkook panics and gets back to his seat right away when he hears your footsteps coming back to the living room, he’s never done anything like this before and he’s nervous himself, worried that he’d get caught by you.
“Here you go.” You hand him a glass filled with water and he takes a sip to calm his pounding heart down, “I’m sorry I showed up uninvited, but I figured we could talk and probably help each other out.”
“Help each other?” You get back to your seat, he nods and puts the glass down. “I’ve been thinking about this whole thing with Taehyung, and I just wanted you to know that I’m fully on your side no matter what. He’s been doing this for so long to so many girls and it can’t be right.”
This by the way is totally against Jungkook’s principles, but fuck his principles right now he’s going to try and save his career that could vanish right after Taehyung’s.
“Look I tried so hard to talk him out of it, but he’s really determined to do it, so I figured I’d talk to you, maybe find out what you have against him, we could try and figure out something that could save us both.”  He gets closer to your seat before his hand lands onto your knee. “I care about you Y/N.”
The problem is that he sounds genuine to you at this moment, he’s worried over himself and his own career so this is his last minute decision to try and save it. “Thank you, Jungkook.” A faint smile sits on your face and you put your hand over his. “I have what it takes to end this man, you shouldn’t be worried.”
You feel the physical tension when he suddenly moves even closer and tugs your hair behind your ear before he whispers. “I trust you, Y/N, but we have to work together, and I want you to trust me too.”
“Just leave it to me Jungkook—“ And before you even finish he interrupts. “Shh, I know you can do this whole thing, but Y/N, I can help you keep your job.” He ends up pressing a kiss onto the warm skin of your neck right above your pulse, “Look we don’t have to decide anything right now, you seem a little tense and tired, maybe I can help you relax a bit.”
“I’m okay, I just..” You release a breath when he starts rubbing your shoulders and neck, making your eyes almost shut close. “.. I fell asleep on the couch last night.”
He gasps and clicks his tongue. “You shouldn’t have, that’s why your neck feels all tense.” He climbs up on the couch and wedges himself in between your back and the back of the couch, making you sit between his legs, he collects your hair away from your neck and pulls it to the side. “I was just thinking, that maybe you hand me what you have against him, maybe I could show it to someone without having to post it.”
“Taehyung wanted to post it, maybe we could grant his wish.” Your tongue feels heavy as you speak when he keeps rubbing all your knots, and right after rubbing each one he presses a kiss onto your skin. “Don’t just give him what he wants on a silver platter.” He argues, running his fingers down your covered back, “How did you manage to get your evidence?”
His fingers trace your spine and stop right by the hook of your bra, he leans his chin onto your shoulder and you can feel his breath right by your neck which sends goosebumps all over your body. “I got access to his folders when we spent our last night together.”
“On his iPad?” And you nod right away, he feigns a little giggle before he presses another soft kiss onto your neck, one of his hands running down your thigh. “Gosh have I ever told you how beautiful you are?”
This feels a little forbidden to you specially after all you’ve been through with Taehyung, you’re aware that you shouldn’t repeat your mistakes. “Thank you.” You’re about to get up from your seat but he wraps his arms around you and buries his face into your neck. “No please stay.”
“Jungkook this doesn’t feel right.” You whisper as if you’re worried someone might hear you. “I’ve been thinking about you ever since we spent that night together, I kept thinking how much I’d like to have you just for myself.”
And in one quick movement he slides his hand into your shorts and panties to run it over your cunt, ever so gently rubbing your sensitive bud while kissing your shoulder and whispering. “I dreamt about how this cunt would wrap around my dick and take it so well.”
You tried resisting letting out any noise but your body seems to give in even when this feels absolutely wrong, Jungkook has a different touch than Taehyung, his is more gentle and softer, and he could easily give any girl the placebo effect that he adores her even when he’s just touching her to prep her for what’s coming next, while Taehyung was more explicit, his touch was tougher and stronger onto your skin.
“So is it on your phone?”
Something smells fishy to you at this exact second, you open your eyes and clear your throat, it takes you a second to answer. “No, it’s on one of his cameras.”
“So you have it?” He asks.
Could he possibly be here just to set you up? Hundreds of thoughts are all up in your head when you’re trying to figure out what’s the matter, Jungkook isn’t like Taehyung, he can’t be.
You can easily test the theory you have in your head, you’ve already copied the file on your phone so you can easily hand him the camera and still you’ll be one step ahead of him.
“Yeah, but I trust you Kook, you know that right.” You turn your head to look at him and your noses hit, you’re about to pull back but he pulls you in and dares to steal a quick peck from your lips. “You can trust me.”
He notices how different your body language suddenly got which makes him force a laugh. “Friends kiss like all the time, and we’re friends, aren’t we?”
“Yeah sure.” You get up and rush inside your bedroom, Jungkook quickly takes his phone out and sends a voice message to someone, you figure it’s Taehyung when Jungkook speaks. “Consider it done.”
Of course.
Taehyung never had to think and list his priorities regarding this because it basically never backfired, his brain doesn’t function like other people and he’s extremely selfish, he’s willing to do anything just to save himself even if he had to hurt someone. You’re basically a threat to him right now.
He recalls what Jungkook sent him an hour ago, consider it done? Which means you really have something that could ruin his career? Like what? He doesn’t recall you taking any pictures or having any of the clips he filmed, Fuck, Taehyung. Think.
He throws himself down on the nearest chair and buries his face into his palms, the man has an excellent memory, so he tries to recall the nights you two were together, you could’ve possible hid your phone behind something like he does, or you could’ve stolen the date on his iPad or perhaps one of the cameras.
The cameras, his bag of cameras is in the building hidden in one of the lockers, he rushes up from his seat and takes the elevator up to the lockers. And after looking around left and right making sure he’s not spotted by anyone, he fishes out his keychain and unlocks the metal doors of the locker, he takes out the handbag and when the bag keeps being shuffled in his hand, the cameras are clearly heard being mixed into each other.
He puts it down onto the floor and gets onto his knees, how can he make sure that all the cameras are in there when he doesn’t know how many he has in the first place?  But this doesn’t stop him, when it comes to his own benefit he’s willing to do anything, he could try and dig out for the receipts when he bought them but this goes back to years ago, and he uses his cards all the time so it was nearly impossible to find the receipts.
Okay scratch that. He shakes his own head and proceeds to count the cameras, he opens each and every one of the cameras and he finally realizes, that the content from the other night you two spent together doesn’t exist on any of the cameras.
And that night he recalls pressing the record button after his stupid mistake he made when he spent  the night with Jungkook and you, plus he was sober. Could you possibly have one of the cameras?
“Hyung, I got the camera.” Jungkook barges in to the locker room with a tiny go pro sitting in his hand, and finally Taehyung feels a little relieved, totally oblivious that you were able to copy the folders more than once.
“Thank fucking god.” He releases a sigh and grabs the camera from Jungkook and opens it, the folders are still there which makes him a little too sure that you’re no longer able to do anything.
“Please use it wisely, and don’t fuck things up.” The youngest is relieved as well and he leaves the locker room knowing that he’s safe too. Taehyung turns the camera off and shoves it back into the handbag and locks it inside.
Monday morning felt so off for you, you woke feeling nauseated and exhausted, you barely got any sleep the night before and you feel like you’ve reached your dead end. Things can’t get worse than they actually are.
You’re going to try talking to Taehyung like the adult you are for one last time, hoping that he’d go sane or perhaps understand and change his mind, well practically you weren’t too hopeful but of course you’re willing to give it a try.
“Morning!” It makes you flinch at how cheered up Jungkook sounds, you scoff on the inside and fake a smile behind your face mask. “Morning.”
“How are you today?” He puts his bag down and takes his seat. “I’m doing pretty well thanks for asking.” And you walk past him to your destination, mumbling under your mask. “Fucking hypocrite.”
You actually thought this man could be different, but he’s just like his friend, willing to drown anyone just so he can survive.
You reach the makeup station and you roll your eyes when you see Taehyung already seated, they were pre recording something today so you rush yourself and get to work. “Good morning.” He looks at you through the mirror and you answer right away. “Taehyung we need to talk.”
Even when it’s the beginning of the week, the styling room was empty only him and you left alone inside, you had to have a chat with him, he’s a little taken back to see you behaving agitatedly when it’s still morning time, but he can easily guess what you’re about to say.
“Alright.” Taehyung gets up from his chair and closes the door shut before moving back to his seat “What’s up? Why are you being all weird?”
“We need to talk.” Your worried expressions don’t even trigger his fight or flight and he couldn’t care less on why you look so agitated. “Yeah, you stated that earlier, what do you want?”
“I think we should both go on separate ways, we both have a career we should focus on and I think it’s not worth losing it for the stupid thing we did, we both can’t lose what we worked hard on. Now I know you’re not going to post anything and neither will i—“
He high key rolls his eyes and crosses his arms. “Y/N, sweetheart, If anyone is going to lose anything then it’s going to be you, I can’t lose anything. Look, I don’t know why it seems so difficult for you to understand, but you just have to do what I say, and when I call you to spend the night you just come over and that’s it. Doesn’t sound too hard does it? We can make each other feel good.” He makes it sound so easy, but what he doesn’t know is how your self worth is long gone when you’re left on the floor in the middle of his hotel room all soiled and sore and worn out, he doesn’t understand what it feels like to be actually called by him and having to be there because you were forced, just to have him pleased and satisfied, it never mattered to him how you felt, he only thought about himself the entire time.
You too agreed it was sex only and this is a sealed deal, but every time he kissed you and made you feel good, it was his twisted way of making himself feel good, every time he fucked you or went down on you, it was just for himself, he felt good doing it, it didn’t matter how you felt. And even if he eventually found out you faked a performance the last time it wouldn’t probably matter to him, at least it made him feel good and he was left satisfied.
“No.” You give him a solid answer. “Don’t expect anything from me anymore, I’m not willing to give you what you need and I believe you already know other people who can give you the exact same thing, but I can’t anymore.”
“I’m quite sure I already told you, your family and coworkers won’t be happy when they see the clip—“
“Save it Tae, I’m not scared,” You cross your arms too. “Whatever happened between us was a stupid mistake. I wish you can really see how I feel about you, because Taehyung, really, I pity you, and I think you truly need help, there’s nothing half appealing about you anymore, actually it’s the exact opposite, to me you’re someone that being with was just a waste of time, and honestly, I don’t think I’ve ever enjoyed my time when I’m with you.”
It hurts his ego for you to tell him this even when he tries to deny it in his head that you mean it, he thinks you’re just saying this to piss him off and just belittle him. He grits his teeth again and you can see his temples growing bigger with each time his jaw tightens, he tilts his head before squinting his eyes. “I know you’re just doing this out of spite, but I don’t have to remind you and show you the video where you literally begged me to fuck you.”
“Again Tae, save it really, I’m watching every move you make, and if you’re going to post the videos just do it, I don’t care anymore, but I want you to know that I’ll always be one step ahead of you.”
When normal people feel threatened they’d actually do something to protect themselves even if they had to fake an entire brave persona when they could nearly shit their pants, and that was the normal behavior for someone like you, but Taehyung’s career is jeopardized right before his eyes and he’s standing still with a straight face not even blinking, totally careless about everything you’re saying.
It doesn’t take you twenty minutes to finish working on his face, it felt like twenty hours with all the tension in the room, and whenever someone walks in they’d either question on why the door was closed on you two, or questioning what’s wrong when they can easily sense the electrocuted atmosphere in the tiny room.
Once you’re over you and Taehyung get back to the practice room to start filming whatever they had to film and you take a seat, you clearly see Taehyung and Jungkook talking in the corner and you know it’s about you when Jungkook tries to avoid looking into your eyes.
“Did you give him the camera?” Your voice rings across the practice room, you stand behind them, Jungkook crossing his arms and facing you fully.
“Who do you think you are?” Taehyung gets defensive as he walks towards you with a smirk on his face, “I knew about the camera all along, Y/N, I’m not that stupid, I know that you stole it.”
You have nothing to lose anymore so you giggle and nod. “Mhm, yeah, I’m pretty sure your friend retrieved it back for you.”
“I’ll give it back and you can consider this a gift, you can keep it, and to prove to you that I’m not afraid, I’m willing to show your videos to everyone.” He takes another step closer, his scent that you personally find repelling is wafting up your nose. “Let them see how much of a great performer you are.”
“Maybe they can see their favorite idol performing too.” You challenge him. After all you still don’t want anything to be posted for your own sake too. “I’ve got nothing to lose Taehyung, but you have everything to lose.”
And in a blink of an eye, the sore loser closes the space between you two and grabs you by the wrist tightly right in front of everyone, and with his tightened jaw and reddening face he whispers. “You have nothing to prove sweetheart, and you’re wrong. I’ll always be one step ahead of you.”
“Taehyung stop.” Jungkook stands between you two and tries his best to push his friend away, but the firm grip was really tight around your wrist to the point of hurting you. “Get away from me.”
“Y/N, you don’t have to do this.” Jungkook who’s shielding you looks behind his shoulder. “Let us discuss this like adults.”
“Oh fuck off you’re no different than him.” You glare at Jungkook still trying to escape Taehyung’s grip.
Taehyung isn’t doing his best right now and his brain was completely fogged by hatred, he’s now positive you’re hiding other things from him and he’s getting furious by the second, he’s getting the taste of his own medicine.
Around the practice room there were several people who are now watching Taehyung’s behavior that they’re not so familiar with. “Prove it, show me what you have against me.” And his grip is getting tighter and he’s being louder than before.
“Taehyung stop.” Jungkook seems embarrassed by Taehyung’s behavior.
They’re usually so secretive about their personal lives and their staff aren’t used to seeing them being like this, they always tried so hard to isolate their lives and their personal problems but right now it’s a show for everyone to see.
Your heart races and through the rush of adrenaline you pull your phone out of your pocket and unlock it. “Looks like you are afraid after all.”
“I’ll fucking end you, Y/N.”
“Not before I end you,  Kim Taehyung.” And finally you click post.
“Y/N, don’t—“ Jungkook tries and his attempt ends up failing.
The entire media is finally out for everyone to see, this is your only way to get your revenge at him.
People can now see how Taehyung degrades women in bed and humiliates them using his sick and twisted ways, they can finally see the true man he is. And not only you published the clips you had in your hand, you also managed to dig into the folders of your phone and find the nudes he sent you back during the tour, and it’s quite obvious that it’s him, It’s Kim Taehyung in the photos and in the videos.
Taehyung never saw this coming, he always thought he had control, he never imagined that he’d taste his own medicine this way. Not only did you show people his true personality, you managed to do something to the career he never thought he could damage or even lose.
Around the practice room the atmosphere was quite tense and stressed, but around the building people were going insane, continuous calls and paper work trying to do anything to hide this or even deny it, the headquarters are in shock knowing that the idol they trained and known since he was a young kid grew up to be this kind of person. They gave him everything he wanted, why in hell is this happening?
The social media has gone crazy and people are reposting and the post has now gone viral to everyone, it sucks that even with evidence people seem to still defend him, people are still trying hard to prove that this isn’t their idol, this can’t be their idol, but it is.
The image he painted for his fans is ruined by every second longer your post stays up, and frankly there’s not an ounce of regret inside you, this person deserves it, goodness he even deserves worse.
Back in the practice room it’s as if time froze, everyone’s phones started beeping and buzzing texts and calling, and monotonously they all pick up their phones and manage to read the news, whether it’s emails or even relatives asking if it was true? Some even having their families calling to tell them to get away and quit their jobs.
Girls around the practice room who’ve been in your place somehow feel relieved that it’s not only them, the man they despised finally got the end he deserved.
“You should’ve thought about this before you started it Taehyung.” You try to escape his grip but it only tightens, you look him up in the eyes and he dares to smirk even when his career is almost over. “Don’t come crying later, Y/N.” And he finally takes his hands off of you to leave the practice room, you look around the practice room to see everyone watching you with terrified faces.
You convince yourself that you shouldn’t panic, but you’re slowly starting to, it’s quite a fine line between regret and panic right now and you can’t identify which one is it.
“You must have lost your mind.” Jungkook finally faces you. “You shouldn’t have done this.”
“Oh how I wish the night I spent with you was caught on camera, I would’ve ended you in fucking seconds Jeon Jungkook.” Your chest is heaving and your heart is pounding, it feels like you were running for miles, and as much as you tried having respect and self control to not slap him in the face, you couldn’t. “Just fuck off Jungkook, turns out you’re exactly like him.” His eyes meet yours for one last time before he turns his back and leaves the practice room.
“What have you done, Y/N?” Mira asks, you clear your throat and try to talk but nothing seems to be able to escape your mouth, you’re sweating and stuttering hoping you’d come up with some sort of sentence but zero.
You knew it could backfire to you but you never thought how it would, you’re practically alone in Seoul and you have no one to stand with you, it’s basically you, against Taehyung and the entire world. Even the girls who were hurt by him, they never thought it would get serious, and most of them are now worried, what if the videos they were in got published? They’d be in trouble too.
You’re having second thoughts, you probably should’ve given up and just let him do whatever he wants, maybe you shouldn’t have sought for revenge, But he wronged you, of course you have to seek for revenge, he deserves it.
Fuck, you’re looking around, the girls are no longer satisfied with what you did, they look like they hold grudge against you now, but you practically helped them.
Could you possibly be the only one wrong? Could they be right? It’s getting complicated by the second.
“Y/n?” Their manager enters the practice room and you hold your breath, you can feel your heart beating against your back and pounding into your chest. “They want you upstairs.”
 It’s been almost four hours around the meeting table and you’ve never seen anything like this, it’s too much paperwork for you and people are talking endlessly, you’re too lost to keep track of what they’re saying, but it seems like they’re talking about lawyers and lawsuits.
Even when you can barely process what they’re saying, still you were able to “try” and defend yourself, but they did end up taking down the post.
Your train of thoughts is interrupted by a stack of papers landing in front of you. “Sign those.”
“What’s that?”
“Your resignation papers. You no longer work here.”
“But he deserves to be punished too, I was forced to sleep him just like the other girls were forced too.” you try to deny but it’s a lost cause at this point. They were all seeking for his protection, after all he matters way more than you do.
“Just sign it Y/N.” They hand you a pen and you end up signing anyway. Apparently this is your only way to end everything, this blackmail was the worst thing that ever happened to you, but even when it costs your job, you still were able to show Taehyung’s true colors to the world.
It’s getting suffocating around the meeting room  so you rush things to get over with and just leave, the world feels so small around you and you’ve never felt like this, it sucks big time that the career you actually imagined staying in is now completely over. You can’t deny that you wish none of this happened, you regret it a little now.
You collect your bag and leave the meeting room, you have so many things around the building that you need to collect that belong to you so you rush upstairs to the dressing rooms and pack your stuff, and you can’t not notice every set of eyes that’s been watching you pack quietly for the next 20 minutes, it does make you tense a little so you look up to meet their eyes. “I know what you’re all thinking.”
You’re looked at in pure pity and it hurts to your core, the other week people respected you and enjoyed your company but today they’re all afraid to even talk, it hurts that the girls you enjoyed working with stare at you like that which makes you sulk. “I did this all for you, for us, I did what you girls never dared to do.”
You sigh when they turn their heads away and move on with their day and you finish collecting your stuff, it’s all over now.
Right when you’re about to turn and leave the dressing room, you feel a hand wrapping around your wrist so you turn to see Luna, who’s looking at you with the same look of pity, her mouth slightly opens before she sighs in frustration. “You shouldn’t have done it.”
“Luna I—“
“Before you say anything, have you seen the media?”
“Yeah, I know, and I did it on purpose, he was after all of us.” You argue, she tilts her head and argues back. “What are you talking about? It’s all denied, Taehyung is innocent.” You feel your eyelids getting heavier, and it feels like someone dumped a bucket of cold water all over your shoulders and back.
You’re in denial that your entire body stops functioning, your head is shaking left and right subconsciously. “No.”
But she was right.
You lost your job for nothing, and honestly what were you expecting? Kim Taehyung is considered an international icon, of course they’d think you’re making rumors. Once your post was published it was taken down in less than ten minutes, and if you even bothered to pick up your phone and scroll through the media, it’s like nothing happened.
People are totally unbothered and it drives you insane, no one even reposted anything or tried to look through the evidence you posted, they’re all on his side even if they saw everything right before their eyes.
“I’m sorry Y/N, you should’ve thought this through.” It’s the same look of pity on her face. “He’s Kim Taehyung, he has people for everything.”
You had to wait a couple of minutes by the elevator door hoping that it’d stop any time soon, the box you were carrying was extremely heavy, you feel your arms and fingers cramping and you’re no longer able to hold the box,  your body is barely able to hold its own weight so you cannot wait to get home.
Just when the elevator doors open and you step in you drop the box and all your stuff splatter on the floor, you fall onto your knees and begin collecting your stuff back onto the box, the elevator doors got too impatient and they immediately closed and you forgot to press the button to the ground floor, and you don’t realize that until you’re half way through the box and it feels like the elevator is not moving.
You’re about to get up onto your feet to click the button but the doors open on their own, and fucking Kim Taehyung enters the elevator. He’s the last person you’d want to see right now.
The first couple of seconds are completely silent but you can feel his eyes on you when he sees you down onto your knees, he puts his hands into his pockets and clicks the button down to the parking lot before the elevator doors close again.
He laughs quietly and watches you for a second before deciding to spit out words that remind you that you shouldn’t feel guilty at all. “Didn’t expect to see on your knees this soon.”
You brace yourself and bite your own tongue to avoid talking back to him because really you’re seconds away from beating him up.
“You know Y/N, I really admire how brave you are.” He starts and you roll your eyes, collecting the last few items and putting them into the box, before getting back up onto your feet. “I know you don’t believe me but I truly do.”
You look up hoping the numbers would go down faster because you can’t tolerate a second longer with him.  “You know what’s the difference between you and me?”
This time he turns to face you and takes a step closer, tugging your hair behind your ear and inhaling your scent for the last time. “You and I are both sluts, but the only thing different between me and you is that I have someone to cover up for me and clean up shit after me, and you don’t.”
You turn and finally face him again with denial, he can’t be a true human being with a heart, you’ve never seen someone like this man, you had a little faith in him that he might actually be nice after all, you thought he’d been taught a lesson after all this that happened but no, he’s both careless and heartless it shocks you.
“You thought you’d win, I feel kinda bad for you.” He sighs, “I warned you, I’ll always be one step ahead of you Y/N.”
This is Kim Taehyung.
The one you met years ago no longer exists, the new whole different version of him now exists and he feels like a fucking epidemic. And even when you lost your job, and the future you had planned for is now long gone too, at least you’re no longer around him.
And even when you couldn’t make justice with your story, someone else will and they’ll get him eventually.
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petit-etoile · 1 year
Congrats on 200 followers! :D For drabble ideas, how about one where Tav is becoming overwhelmed from being the leader of their group and they end up having a bit of a breakdown in camp, so Astarion whisks them away and dotes on them for the evening to help soothe some of their worries.
i  am  tired  of  being  brave
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pairing: astarion/tav wordcount:  1,036 content warnings: none other tags: canon compliant, introspection, character study, idiots in love, established relationship, gender neutral tav, human!tav archiveofourown: here.
tag list: @azrielshadows1nger, @pandimoostuff, @faevi, @microskies, @foreverthemaraudersera, @queenofthespacesquids, @claryvoyantfray, @6doodlaang14, @anne-isnotokay, @itshimbotime, @yeeteth-the-raven, @sessils,@8-opossums, @worryknotdear, @abirdaboxandachippedcup, be added to the taglist here
summary: All you want is to get away from everything. Astarion indulges you.
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‘Enough!’ you shout.
Lae’zel and Shadowheart have the decency to look properly chagrined when they peer over at you, frozen as if turned to stone. Shadowheart’s knife dips underneath Lae’zel’s chin, but the pretense of applied pressure goes away. You have no idea what hour it is or how long they’ve been going at it but the little patience you have snaps like a fine thread.
‘We have only gotten this far because we trust each other,’ you snap at them, pulling your nightshirt tighter around your shoulders. ‘But if you want to ruin that, leave me out of it!’
In what is likely the silliest mistake to make, you turn around and march to your bedroll to pick up your hunting knife and then march beyond the outskirts of camp  —  beyond Halsin and Jaheira and Gale and Wyll and Karlach, and Withers who seems to be musing over the situation with faint interest.
If Shadowheart and Lae’zel want to fight to the death, let them! You’ve done all that you can to get the group this far. You’re tired, you’ve been woken up two nights in a row, and you’ve had it with the drama.
You plunge yourself through the nearest bush you can find and sit next to running water, your arms pulled across your chest to keep the breeze from chilling you to the bone. You’re miserable beneath the moonlight. You can’t remember the last time you’ve slept more than four hours.
You almost doze off in the underbrush beneath a tree, but then there’s a hand sliding over your mouth and a body behind yours, somehow wedged behind you once your eyes closed. You gasp and try to reach for your knife, but Astarion tuts and continues sliding between you and the tree. It would be annoying if you weren’t relieved it was him. You relax back against him despite the feeling that your heart is going to leap out of your throat.
‘You shouldn’t fall asleep in the woods,’ Astarion warns you. ‘There are terrible beasts that have made this place their hunting ground.’
You shiver. ‘I didn’t mean to fall asleep,’ you say. ‘I just needed to get away.’
He hums. ‘Did something happen back at the camp?’
It doesn’t do any good to keep secrets, and your other companions had already witnessed it. You tell Astarion about Lae’zel and Shadowheart’s never ending fight. It doesn’t make sense to keep attacking one another, especially since the Artefact is the only reason the worms haven’t burrowed deeper into your skulls. It wears you down every day to keep making decisions for everyone when there are people with better experience. Everyone looks to you no matter how much you wish they’d look elsewhere. You never wanted this fellowship to hang on your every word. You just wanted allies.
‘It’s hardly fair,’ Astarion agrees. ‘To have the weight of this…Absolute sitting on your shoulders. I can’t imagine what it must be like to wrangle us all into cohabitation.’
‘Some discomforts are easier to resolve than others,’ you say. ‘It was easy making everyone throw their stakes away.’
‘I’m fairly certain Wyll kept his,’ Astarion snorts.
‘Yes, but he doesn’t wake us all up holding it at your neck,’ you say, elbowing him. ‘They don’t have to become friends or lovers or anything of the sort. They just have to get along until we arrive at Baldur’s Gate.’
Baldur’s Gate still seems so very far away. Acknowledging this drags you down more than you wish it to. You’re tired of walking and fighting and lying your way out of every other conflict. You miss your family and your life before the worm. The only good that’s come of it is Astarion. He lets you lounge on him when you please in exchange for some blood, and…
It’s more than that.
Astarion lets you do whatever the hell you please as long as it doesn’t annoy him. You’re free to nap in his tent or sit at his side while he reads, and he’s even allowed you to style his delicate curls with pomade. He lets you kiss him if you ask, holds your hand. If you asked him to kill someone for you, you’re certain he would without question.
Reluctantly, you sit forward. ‘I should probably head back,’ you admit. ‘I should make sure everyone is still alive.’
‘To the hells with it,’ Astarion disagrees. He wraps his arms around your waist and pulls you back. ‘You close your eyes and sleep. Let them come looking for us if it troubles them that much.’
‘And if Shadowheart kills Lae’zel?’
‘I’m almost certain Lae’zel would win,’ he says. ‘But, I have no doubt they’ll behave. You, on the other hand, are being naughty.’
You laugh but you do as you're told. You worm further in the roots and lean back against him. It’s chilly, but having someone else there does wonders for how willing you are to fall asleep. It’s almost nice how secluded you are away from the drama and stress. You almost wish you were a vampire so that you could sneak out and use hunting as an excuse.
The respect for all you do is nice. Sure, Halsin and Jaheira have both commended you for how hard you work for your age, but it isn’t the same. You still stand in the middle of camp trying to handle things on your own. The planning, the decisions. They somehow fall on your shoulders. A little more input would be nice, or a sign from a god that you’re doing the right thing. You try not to think about it as you feel sleep edge toward your consciousness. Astarion hums softly in your ear, and though it’s uneven, you can’t help but think it’s so off-tune that it’s lovely.
You yawn so hard your jaw pops, and Astarion hushes you, kissing idly behind your ear. It lulls you into an ease you haven’t experienced for a while. You melt into the touch. If you could purr, you would.
‘This,’ Astarion says, ‘is what you deserve. To relax here in my arms. Sleep now, and we’ll deal with what shall come in the morning.’
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Hii, do you think you could do a piece with a sleep deprived and overworked hero, and then the villain notices and takes care of them please. Thank you, and I love your writing!!
The hero stared at the ground, trying to catch their breath as best as they could. They were wheezing, in fact, and they couldn’t handle the sudden adrenaline rush very well. Soon enough, their body got tired again and they wanted to sit here for an eternity.
“Is this gonna be a regular thing? You know, just ask me on a date, that would spare me a lot of trouble.” The villain offered the hero their hand and the hero begrudgingly decided to take it.
“I didn’t ask you to save me. Again.” The hero staggered and more or less luckily, the villain’s hand was on their lower back immediately, preventing an undoubtedly embarrassing fall. “And I didn’t ask you to be in my business all the goddamn time.”
The hero took a step back and tried to put more distance between them. They couldn’t waste their time with the villain here, they had work to do, they had things to take care of. The hero needed to collect more data, needed to fight more criminals, needed to work harder and be better.
“Jeez, relax. Was just trying to help, sunshine.” The villain shrugged and let a knife of theirs disappear in their pocket. They looked the hero up and down. ���But seriously, are you alright?”
“I’m fine,” the hero said through gritted teeth, lying as if the villain wouldn’t notice.
Obviously, the hero wasn’t doing well. For over a week now, they couldn’t sleep. They were so stressed with upcoming elections (and thus potential sabotages as well as assassinations) that they couldn’t fall asleep, even though they were a walking corpse that longed for rest more than anything. As if that wasn’t enough, they had to concentrate on their usual tasks: battles and paperwork put more stress on them than they could’ve ever imagined.
“You can’t concentrate, your coordination is shit and you’re easily irritated. Don’t think I wouldn’t notice that.” The villain took a step forward, so close to the hero that their head started spinning.
“Honestly, don’t worry about it. You shouldn’t care. We’re enemies,” the hero said. They avoided the villain’s eyes. At work, no one really talked about overworking. No one acknowledged how miserable this job could be.
“We slept together like six times,” the villain said.
“And that was a mistake.”
“Six times? Seems more like a habit.”
“Okay, well, urgh.” The hero put a hand on the villain’s chest. Admittedly, they craved the villain’s attention and touch. They craved a lot of things right now, especially someone who could comfort them. But they made it seem as if they wanted to stop the villain from coming closer.
“We’re not strangers,” the villain said. “I know you. I know you’re not okay. You carry a bunch of stuff with you and you refuse to unpack it. That’s fine, I respect it, but I’d really like you to be okay.”
The hero closed their eyes. Was it bad that they wanted to feel the villain’s fingers on them? Those bloody and scarred hands?
“It’s just…lots of work at the moment. I don’t do well under too much pressure.”
“So, you can’t sleep? Is that it?” The villain’s eyes pierced into the hero’s and the hero could remember the last time they’d been this close a little too well.
Not that it mattered but back then, the hero had stared down at the sweating villain whom they’d pushed into the mattress.
“It’s difficult.”
“You know you can always come to my place.”
“I don’t wanna trouble you.”
“You only trouble me on the battlefield and those are two sides of the same coin.” The villain took in a deep breath. “Just think about it. I kinda miss you. And we don’t even have to do anything. You just need someone to make you a proper dinner.”
“As if I’m living on instant noodles.”
“You are living on instant noodles. Think about it.”
They pressed a soft kiss to the hero’s cheek and it was safe to say that the villain spoiled the hero when they visited them that night.
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poisoncoveredkisses · 19 days
Heaven Knows I’m miserable now🍂
… A lot more Jeremy…
@sarcastic-cookie @herondale-lightworm
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It’d been four months ; four months since you moved in, four months since your hallucinations and four months since Alan had died. Your mom has finally stopped crying about three months after , i mean she did only know Alan for two months…and she did kinda rush everything…maybe this was the worlds way of telling her he wasn’t what she needed? Your mom seemed happier ; you bonded alot more now, you cooked, you baked and you even gossiped together. She’d started work about a week ago , working at the local libary and you’d started studying…which you weren’t exactly the best at since you found it hard to concentrate. You’d stopped seeing Jeremy around..he’d left you alone..or so you thought .
You wake up, it’s lunch time..you’d slept it once again. Your dog cuddled into your side, your laptop left open and still playing which ever Scream movie you’d left on…you had a habit of picking scary movies and then falling asleep before the end. You stretch, the usual coldness of your room hitting your body as you slink out of bed , eyes darting around before they land on..well…the ghost boy who’d been pestering you the first couple of days you’d moved in and then disappeared for four months.
“hey..” He hums, hand in his pocket and one behind his back, he stands there sort of awkwardly before he looks back out of the window, “i…uh look look i’m gonna apologise for how much of a dick i was..i mean i still want you to die and join me..cause..well that way your mom would leave and then i wouldn’t be so alone..! “ He scoffs out, “but but that’s not why i’m apologising…i’m apologising cause i’m sorry your step dad died..and that you had to deal with me…” He nods, you almost fall for it…but you can’t , you know he murdered his parents and you know he’s probably just saying all of this so you do join him.
He stands there for a moment before rolling his eyes,”i mean it..come on! Believe me, babe. I’m being so-“
“prove it. You can do stuff with your ghost powers so prove you’re really sorry.” You interrupt him, arms crossing over your chest , subconsciously pushing it up in your tank top ; giving the teenage boy before you a view he’ll probably think about for the rest of his undead life . His eyes move, scanning you before they slowly make their way to your face..would you blame him?…he’s still a teenage boy even after years of being dead .
He snaps out of it, “what do you want me to do? posses someone? “ He rolls his eyes before stepping closer to you, his hands now reaching for you before he chuckles out, “hm? i’ll do anything for you..” he whispers against your neck, now nuzzling into your neck causing you to gasp against his ice cold hands and how much his touch seems to taint the warmth you were feeling.
“i don’t know..come on get off..” You mumble out , pulling away which only causes Jeremy to follow, chuckling as his arms fully wrap around you ; his head finding the crook of your neck as he hums out
“i’d do anything for you..” he whispers against your skin, his lips ghosting over your neck . His eyes moving to focus on the way your skin looks, his tongue swiping his bottom lip for a moment before he scoffs out , snapping his head towards yours and his eyes back onto yours .
“i don’t know…just…prove it.”
“how can i prove it if you won’t even tell me what you want? that’s so-“
“can you leave this house?”
“why? want me to run to the store for you..?” He laughs before rolling his eyes, “no. i can’t leave past the treehouse.”
You look over to the treehouse before his hand pushes your face back towards him, his thumb brushing your bottom lip as his eyes fall so intensely onto your lips , his own parting in the process.
“i wanna read the book.”
“that’s all you want ? that’s how im gonna prove it to you? you don’t wanna like…possess your dog for a moment or even..possess your mom..or ask me about the 2000s…you just want the book..?” He stands there, offended that you hadn’t chosen anything that showed his powers or even boosted his ego.
“mhm…the book..and also you have to hang out with me all day-“
“already was planning on that, pretty-“
“and you have to show me your music taste cause..i have no clue how that thing over there works and-“
Before you could even continue, Jeremy laughs, smirking at you before pulling you over to the record player.
“okay okay okay..now we’re talking..!”
He smirks , his eyes moving from you to the record player . He pushes the glass top off of it , his hand moving yours in the process to over it . He stands behind you, his hands moving under your arms as they start to guide your hands to things .
He moves you around , causing small giggles to leave your lips..which just stun him more and..well completely fill his mind ; maybe Jeremy did secretly like you alot more than he let on..and maybe he did actually enjoy hanging out with you. He continues, “okay so this..and this..and this..all make this..” He hums out , guiding your hands and making you press buttons .
“this..!” he hums out, letting a song play before his hands snake over your waist ,pushing your chest against your back as Heaven Knows I’m miserable now plays and fills your ears.
You hum out, giggling as he sways you around , your hands holding his forearms as he continues to gently push you around , you giggle at him ; your head resting against his chest as he continues to sway you around , humming out at the lyrics at you as he turns his head to look at you…admiring you…his eyes stuck on you as he smiles ; it’s a soft smile, not one of the cocky ones he’s worn before , this is a new one you’ve seen..so new it causes you to smile back at him.
He rolls his eyes before his hand lifts your chin a little higher , his eyes stuck on you before his lips meet with yours.
Your eyes close , arms wrapping over his neck as he turns you so your chest to chest , you kiss him back . Continuing to kiss him even after you feel the faint hit of air , your body lifting up before Jeremy pulls away, causing you to look away and around .
You gasp which causes him to chuckle before he sets you both down, he smirks before his hand brushes through your hair , he continues to watch you for a moment before you speak up.
“i said show me the record player not kiss me.” You sarcastically hum which causes him to roll his eyes
“shut up..” He rolls his eyes, laughing for his lips crash against yours again, this time it’s a little rushed and alot softer . You’re not floating around this time, you’re on the ground . Your hands in his hair as you continue to kiss him…this was probably one of the coolest things ever ; kissing a ghost ? how many people would say they’ve kissed a ghost? not many…cause they’d probably be called crazy..but come on it’s cool!!
Jeremy pushes away again, smiling down at you before he grabs the book, his eyes run over you again before he lays back on the bed , “come on..”
“i need a minute…gonna go change..” you hum out , grabbing an old band t shirt and some black flares , Jeremy smirks before nodding at you ; letting you go change before he settles on the bed.
You return , fixing the shirt before moving next to him, eyes scanning the book before you take it from him ; reading the cover before opening a page . Jeremy hums out , his hands moving to your waist as he pushes you down, his head on your chest , “so are we like…undead boyfriend and…alive girlfriend..?” He hums at you
“what?” You’re too busy reading the different parts of the book to even take in whatever he’s saying , just reading it and admiring each part ; your own interest pinning you to each page .
“are we like girlfriend and boyfriend now..?” He whispers which causes you to stop for a moment
“woah..where’d that come from..?”
“we kissed…”
“ i know we kissed,Jeremy..”
“right so…are we together then?”
“i…i don’t know..” You mumble out before continuing to read , holding the book before Jeremy’s head raises to nuzzle into your chest , his eyes stuck on you
“do you want like..flowers ? cause i can get you flowers…? we should be together, come on…you’re the only girl i can see and im the only boy…who..uh..look let’s just date..!”
“you wanted me dead a couple of months ago.” You remind him, now half way through the book before you stop on a page ; The Living….which clearly meant you and the non dead.
“yeah but i’ve only always wanted you dead cause then we can be..like a cute little ghost couple.”
“you’re rushing me.” You hum out , continuing to read before repeating a line, “the living cannot form a relationship with a non living..”
“bullshit..” Jeremy scoffs out , reading the page before he smirks, “another reason you should get someone to repeat this…” he flicks to the page , “so then i can be alive and we can…do alot more than kiss..” He winks
“oh yeah cause the town would just love it if their old..psychopath teenage boy comes back..” You roll your eyes and sarcastically hum out, causing Jeremy to laugh and pull you closer , throwing the book away.
“i wouldn’t murder anyone..again..i’ve learnt my lesson..”
“have you?”
“yeah. I’d be forever yours and i wouldn’t do anything you didn’t approve of..” He smirks , guiding your lips back to his as he kisses you again…you continue to kiss him, giggling as he now rolls you both over so you’re underneath him.
His tongue darts over your bottom lip ; it’s cold..and slightly dry against your skin but who are you to complain? you part your lips for him , letting him push his tongue into your mouth as your own slides against his , your lips capturing his . You’re making out with him…a literal ghost..you should be trying to get him out but no…you’re kissing him , your hands in his hair and your lips moving against his.
The front door opens which causes you to gasp and scramble away from a now chuckling Jeremy , he looks down at you, “look how beautiful you are…” He whispers before you playfully push him away, rolling your eyes before his arms snake around your waist and push his head into your neck , humming out .
“so this is..my daughters room…!” Your mom’s voice interrupts which causes you to jolt up and away from a now annoyed Jeremy who’s now sat so neatly and nicely on your bed. Your door opens to your mom and..some guy , you stand there sort of annoyed and..confused.
“get a load of all this vintage stuff..” The man announces as he moves closer to most of Jeremy’s stuff , “are you selling any of this..?”
“no.” You and your mom quickly reject him, you look back at your mom
“Dan here is gonna buy some of the old…stuff we don’t want..he’s already bought our entire tool supply in the garage .”
“ooh..” You smile before watching your mom move away and out of the room
“are you sure you’re not…selling any of it?” The man hums out , smiling at you
“yeah no i actually love all of this stuff so..i’m keeping it..”
“you don’t look like the type to…enjoy these things-“
“well i do so…”
You stand there for a moment before looking back at Jeremy who’s now well, pushing the open page of the book towards you, “so…are you new to town or..?” you ask Dan, your hand swiping the book as he nods
“yeah yeah…” He hums out before you quickly nod
“you collect vintage stuff right? so..i mean you could buy this ?” You push out the book towards him, watching as he stares down, his hands offering you five dollars before he swipes the book, already reading the page out . The room glows green , a part of the wall opening and dragging Dan and Jeremy in, jeremy waves to you before they both disappear. The wall closing and then room silent…dead silent . Why did you even let Jeremy’s words influence you…was it the fact he kissed you? was it the way he looked at you that stirred you so badly to doing whatever he wanted..?
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clarisse0o · 2 months
Camp Wiegman-Part 35
Lucy Bronze x Ona Batlle
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Alternative Universe : Military School
Words: 5k
Sunday, January 10; 10:55 AM -  Lucy’s Room
I roll over in bed onto my stomach and groan in frustration as I realize I'm alone again in this big bed. The reason becomes clear when I see that it’s almost eleven on the clock. She must have been awake for at least two hours, if not more.  Lucy won’t be able to say I didn’t catch up on sleep—I haven’t slept past ten in a long time. I stretch out all my limbs on my back, then take a moment to look around this room, unsure if I’ll ever see it again. It’s the first time I’ve felt this comfortable in a place I’ve only just discovered. I take a deep breath before leaving the room and slowly heading to the living room. When I arrive,  Lucy is casually lying on the couch with a book in hand. I smile when I see she’s wearing the glasses I like so much. Not wanting to disturb her, I just sit beside her bent knees.
“Hey,” she says, looking up from her book.
“Hey… I didn’t want to bother you.”
“You’re not bothering me,” she smiles. “Do you want something to eat?”
“No thanks… Considering the time, I think I’ll just wait until noon.”
“Whatever you like. You can still eat if you’re hungry. Did you sleep well?”
“Yeah… Better once I fell back asleep.”
“No more nightmares?” she asks, and I shake my head in response. “Good… Think about what you want to do today. I’m going to shower in the meantime.”
“Did you wait until I got up to shower?”
“Yeah, I didn’t want to wake you up by rummaging for my things in the bedroom.”
“You’re silly, you could have. I’m a heavy sleeper. Not much wakes me up.”
“I’ll remember that next time.”
She sets her book down on the small table before getting up. I can’t help but let my eyes follow her as she walks down the hallway. How could I not when she’s still in pajamas that show off her perfectly smooth, bare legs? That outfit proves she didn’t go for a run; otherwise, she’d be in joggers.
“Wait, Luce!”
“Yes?” she says, turning around.
“C-Can I use your phone? I’d like to call Mapi while you’re busy.”
“It’s right there, code 4086.”
I give her one of my brightest smiles, which she returns before disappearing into the bathroom. Once she’s out of sight, I grab her phone and enter the code, which works. She’d never told me before; she always entered it herself. I’m not about to betray her trust, so I just dial my best friend’s number, which I know by heart. She picks up after the fourth ring.
“Hey guapa, you finally found time to call me?”
“ Lucy’s in the shower, I’m taking advantage.”
“Of course, because otherwise, impossible! You’re calling from her phone, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, don’t you dare save her number.”
“Yeah, yeah,” she giggles. “So, how’s the weekend going?”
“Perfect, really.”
I give her a rundown of everything  Lucy has shown me. I leave out a few details, like how she let me drive or the secret spots she took me to. I also tell her about the evening we spent with her friends. She asks if Ingrid and Jenni were there, sounding a bit sad that she couldn’t join us. She was here just a few days ago, but I think she enjoyed her time in Manchester. She acts tough, but I know she has a big heart and gets attached quickly. Probably faster than I do, which says a lot. I used to get attached to people quickly before the incident I went through. I fall silent when I hear someone talking to her. I try to recognize the voice, but it’s too faint.
“It’s Ona, I’ll be there in ten minutes.”
I hear her respond, but she’s moved the phone away from her ear. I try to listen more closely and finally recognize the voice— Lana. You’ve got to be kidding me!
“You’re at it again?” I scold.
“No, no, no, don’t give me that! You’re giving her false hopes again when she’s just a hookup to you!” I snap.
“I can’t help it, OK?” she blurts out. “Ever since I came back to Barcelona, it’s been miserable,” she sighs. “And you not having a phone isn’t helping!”
“I’m sorry, Maps… I’ll ask Ale to let me borrow hers more often.”
“When are you getting your new phone?”
“I have no idea,” I sigh. “ Lucy destroyed my SIM card. I have to go through my mom to get a new one.”
“Great,” she says sarcastically. “I need a distraction! I’m going to explode otherwise.”
“I’m sorry I’m not there…”
“It’s not your fault, don’t worry about it. Anyway, let’s change the subject.”
“Do you want to come to Manchester next week?” I suggest.
“Very funny, and where would we stay?”
“I can ask Lucy if she knows of any good places. We can use taxis to get around.”
“That’s going to cost a fortune… I can’t afford it, and you know it.”
“My mom gives me money every month, Mapi. It’s one of the few things she does right.”
“There’s no way you’re paying for everything, don’t even think about it,” she grumbles.
“You can stay with me.”
I jump and turn to see Lucy. She’s leaning against the couch with a smile plastered on her face. I can’t find any words or react. I hate her. She has no right to show up in front of me in just a robe with her hair still dripping wet!
“Sorry, I heard my name so I figured I’d listen in. She wants to come to Manchester, right?” she asks.
“Uh… Yeah,” I reply, avoiding eye contact.
“You two can stay here if you want.”
“No way! I don’t want to bother you for another weekend.”
“It wouldn’t bother me if I’m the one offering.”
“Can we talk about this later?”
“Sure, I’m not done anyway. I’m going to get dressed and dry my hair.”
She runs her hand through my hair and heads back where she came from. I put the phone back to my ear as Mapi bombards me with questions. She asks why I turned down  Lucy’s offer and comments on how weird I was acting. How could I not be? I’m relieved to hear the hairdryer in the bathroom.
“Oh, shut up,” I groan. “Stay out of my love life, for God’s sake!”
“I never mentioned your love life,” she teases.
“I’m bringing it up because I ran into Alex last night.”
“Alex, the guy you met at the skating rink?”
“Yeah, that Alex.”
“Oooh! No, wait, that guy was so annoying! He kept asking me questions about you! I forbid you from going out with someone like him!”
“Girl I’m straight as a circle of course I m not going out with him ,” I roll my eyes.
“Can we go back to talking about Lucy? Seriously, you like her, admit it already!”
“Never, Leon.”
“Liar! She doesn’t leave you indifferent, I noticed it when I saw you two together.”
“Whatever. What are you getting at now?”
“It’s as clear as day. I haven’t seen you so much like yourself in a long time! She does more for you than I ever imagined.”
I sigh, massaging my temples. I wanted to talk to her about this, but not over the phone. Plus, I don’t like being pressured into saying things.
“Admit it, Batlle.”
“Fine, you win,” I groan. “I like her, okay?”
“Hallelujah! Oh my God, it’s about time! I knew it from the first time you talked about her,” she says excitedly. “You don’t even realize how attached you are to her!”
“I’m not attached,” I roll my eyes. “Anyway, nothing will ever happen between us.”
“Why not?”
“She’s my boss, remember? The girl completely obsessed with rules. She doesn’t even approve of Jenni and Ale’s relationship… She’s definitely not going to accept ours if anything were to happen…”
“I’m almost sure you don’t leave her indifferent either. But it’s obvious she doesn’t leave you indifferent.”
“You’re right, she doesn’t leave me indifferent, but I’m not in love. She’s just helping me feel better and get better. That’s all.”
“If you say so. Anyway, you two care a lot about each other.”
“Stop it, Mapi… You know I’m not ready for a new relationship anyway.”
“It would do you some good, you know.”
“And you’re the one telling me this?”
“Oh, come on! No need to compare us.”
“Anyway, I’ve got to go. Lucia is done and she’ll be back soon,” I say, hearing the hairdryer stop.
“Lucia, huh?” she teases.
“Maria Pilar Leon, enough already!” I groan.
“I couldn’t resist,” she laughs. “Try making her jealous. You’ll see if she wants more with you.”
“Okay, I’m hanging up.
"Yeah, go ahead and run," she laughs. "Say hi to her for me and have a good day with your girl!"
"Ugh... Thanks, you too. Bye."
Just as I hang up,  Lucy reappears. I notice she hasn't put on any makeup. She ignores me and heads to the kitchen. I get on my knees and rest my elbows on the back of the couch, watching her. It's hard when she's facing away from me.
"Thanks for the phone," I say, waving it in the air.
"You're welcome. Finished with Mapi already?" she asks, finally turning around.
"Yeah, that was enough for the week," I chuckle.
"I thought it would last longer. How is she?"
"Not too well," I sigh, resting my head between my arms. "That's why I suggested she come next week. Are you sure you don't know any cheap places we could stay?"
"I already offered here."
She turns to lean against the counter, crossing her arms. I smile when she tilts her head. I get the feeling she's trying to assess me curiously.
"I've already imposed on you long enough. Besides, you don't know what it's like having Mapi around for days."
"You're not going to pay for a hotel when I'm offering a free place, are you?"
"You're a pain... You have no idea what you're getting into."
"No, but I'm willing to take the risk," she laughs. "It only holds if you have permission, anyway."
"Hey, I've become responsible!"
"If you say so. Try to stay that way, then."
She turns back to continue what she was doing. I decide to join her to help out. I haven't done much since yesterday, and I'm eager to lend a hand now that I'm allowed to.
"Can I help?"
"I thought you didn't know how to cook?"
"It's never too late to learn, right?"
"That's true. How about some chicken stir-fry?"
"One of my favorite dishes," I admit.
"Perfect. You'll cut the chicken, then."
She looks for the meat in the fridge and then comes back to my side. I grimace at the sight of the fillets she places on a wooden board. She smiles, noticing my reaction. I've never cooked in my life, and she seems to have figured out my problem because she starts giving me instructions. I start by washing my hands while  Lucy looks for a knife. I grimace even more when I take the meat with my fingers.
"Ona, it's not going to bite," she laughs.
"This stuff is so slimy! It sticks to your fingers."
"You've never seen a chicken fillet before?"
"I've seen it... Touching it is a different story!"
She laughs even harder, which makes me pout. I put the chicken down when she hands me the knife.
"And you wonder why I think of you as a princess."
"Hey! I'm far from being one. It's not my fault I was never taught this stuff!"
"True. I'll get you used to it quickly, just wait."
She leans back against the counter, arms crossed, watching me cut the meat with a smile that doesn't leave her face. Her laughter tells me I'm doing it wrong.
"That's not how you do it, Ona. Watch."
She shows me there's a notch in the fillet. She opens it in half and asks me to cut down the middle. Once done, it's much easier to cut into small cubes.  Lucy still manages to critique me, saying I should make the pieces larger.
"And how do you plan to live later if you can't even cut a simple fillet?"
"I'll wait for you to give me lessons."
"Just that?"
"You're a whiz in the kitchen. I even prefer your dishes over Sam's, believe it or not!"
"How lucky. I haven't cooked anything special yet, just a pizza."
"That was enough to judge! I've got an idea! Can I hire you as my personal chef? But, like, for free, of course!"
"What next? If you want my services, you'll have to pay big."
She winks at me and moves to the other side of the kitchen. I watch her start the water for the pasta.
"Hey! Just because I'm not next to you doesn't mean you should stop," she scolds.
"Sorry," I giggle. "I was watching what you were doing."
I quickly finish cutting the two small fillets, which are more than enough for the two of us. She takes out a saucepan, places it on another burner, and asks me to bring the meat. She asks me to pour it all into the saucepan to cook, adding an onion and mushrooms. I watch as she stirs the meat occasionally and when she puts the pasta in the boiling water.
"Did you really learn all this by yourself?"
"Mostly, yes. Why?"
"I'll never be able to do this one day."
"Yes, you will. It comes naturally over time."
"It'll take a lot of practice before I get there."
"There's a first time for everything. Come here, you'll finish it."
"I'm not sure that's a good idea..."
"It's not difficult, I promise."
I position myself in front of her as she directs. She explains what to do and especially stops me from overdoing the cream, salt, and spices. We let everything cook, making sure not to burn anything. She then lets me handle the pasta while she sets the table. When everything is ready, we bring the dishes over. I realize I'm not even dressed yet, but it doesn't seem to bother  Lucy. She would have said something if it did. I sit in the same spot as yesterday morning while she serves us both a plate.
"You're aware you're about to taste your first dish, right?" she smiles.
"Yeah, but you helped me a lot."
"But you did everything yourself," she replies, sitting across from me. "I should've started with this, it's basic."
"Ha ha ha! I still know to put pasta in water to cook, thank you!"
"With oil and salt."
"With oil and salt," I repeat as if it's obvious.
My credibility just crumbled. Of course, I didn't know that detail. I'm ashamed that I don't even know how to make pasta.
"Next time, you'll do it alone."
I smile shyly, thinking she wants me to come back someday. On top of that, she'll teach me how to cook. I'm not going to complain about learning something so simple. Now I'm eager to taste what I've made. We wish each other "bon appétit," and I quickly fill my mouth with a well-loaded fork. I let out an involuntary moan of satisfaction as I close my eyes. Damn, this is good!
"Alright, you're really a good teacher," I say with my mouth full. "If I make this at home, they won't believe it!"
"Oh, so you're planning to do it again? Please do it with someone else, okay?" she laughs.
"You're so mean!"
"I'm joking, Ona," she smiles.
"Mhm, I doubt it."
"Of course I am. So, have you thought about what you want to do today?"
"You don't have anything planned?"
"No, nothing at all."
"Then I don't want to do anything."
"Oh, really?"
"Yeah, just enjoy the calm, if that's okay with you. A movie, read a book, or maybe a board game if you're up for it... But I don't really feel like going out today."
"Alright, that works for me."
I really needed this moment of calm after the weekend. I don't get these moments at school, where we're constantly around others. We finish our meal talking about current movies and series that might interest us for the afternoon. We clear the table, then I head back to my room to get dressed. I take the opportunity to make my bed, which I didn't use much. I wanted to do hers too, but she had already made it when I went to her room.
"Is something wrong?" she asks when she sees me standing in the doorway.
"No, no," I quickly reply.
"Are you done?"
"Almost. I just need to brush my teeth and hair because this isn't working anymore," I say, pointing to my head.
"If you say so," she laughs. "I'll wait for you in the living room."
I let her go out first. I stop by the bathroom, where my things are still here from yesterday. I easily find her toothpaste because I, of course, forgot mine at school, and I brush my teeth. Thankfully, she doesn't mind me using her stuff. It still bothers me to have to rummage through her things, like last time when I couldn't find her cotton pads right away. They were right in front of me the whole time. I must have taken too long because a few minutes later,  Lucy comes back to ask if everything's okay. She comes in with my permission just as I'm wiping my face.
"You don't need to make yourself pretty, you know," she laughs.
"I'm not making myself pretty. I'm making myself presentable."
"You're very presentable," she giggles. "Even with messy hair."
"Sure, keep teasing me."
"I'm not lying."
"Mhm. Does it bother you if I take another shower here before leaving tonight?"
"Of course not. You don't have to ask for that."
"Thanks... Are we watching a movie now?"
She nods and steps aside to let me pass. I toss the cotton pad I just used before leaving. After a long debate, we decided to continue the Harry Potter series. I was fully into it until  Lucy got bored and decided to mess with me. If you had told me one day I'd find myself on a couch with her, and she'd be tickling me, I would have laughed at the absurdity. But that's exactly what's happening.
" Lucy Bronze!" I cry out between laughs. "You're such a child!"
"You're the younger one!" she retorts.
"Well, it doesn't seem like it! Stop it," I giggle under her attacks.
I have to twist and turn to escape her. Since I can't, I decide to climb on top of her to pin her down. It's only when she stops laughing that I realize the position I've put us in. She's sprawled out beneath me as I straddle her hips, holding her hands on either side of her head. She stops when she doesn't hear me laugh anymore. My hair falling over her face must be hiding my blushing cheeks. I try to get up, but my hand slips, and I collapse onto her like a ragdoll.  Lucy's laughter rings in my ears. I try again to get up, but this time an arm wraps around my shoulders, holding me in place.
"Shhh. Relax and lay down a bit »
I catch her eyes, which show no hint of humor. She slowly forces me to rest my head against her chest so I can keep watching the movie this way. The feeling of being held captive against her gives me butterflies in my stomach. I bite my lip as she starts to gently stroke my hair.
"Relax, Ona..."
"Sorry... I-I’m not used to this anymore."
My trembling voice betrays me. I’m enjoying the moment, but I know it's not right.
"So enjoy it."
That’s exactly the problem. Enjoy. She doesn’t realize in what way I’m enjoying it. I admit defeat when I realize she won’t let me go. I can’t keep watching the movie like I was just a few minutes ago. My thoughts are consumed by the person I’m lying on. She’s going to drive me crazy if she keeps this up. I don’t understand what’s happening to me in her presence. It wasn’t like this at the beginning. Everything just changed. Or have I only just realized it? I let my fingers slide down her sides, moving up and down repeatedly. I smile as I feel her shiver. She asks me to stop, but the urge to continue is stronger. I would love to thank her for everything, but I stay silent to avoid ruining the moment. My hand starts to ache from twisting my arm this way, so I slide between her body and the back of the couch. She grunts slightly as I crush her in the process. I rest my head on her shoulder and leave one of my legs on hers. This way, I can continue the same gentle touches she’s giving me on my head, now on her belly, without straining my arm. I enjoy this peaceful moment by closing my eyes for a moment.
Sunday, January 10; 6:00 PM - At  Lucy's place
I grumble when I'm shaken gently. I cling to the fabric beneath my hand. I open my eyes when I’m shaken harder the second time.
"Wake up, Ona."
"Hummmm... Did I fall asleep?" I ask in a hoarse voice.
"Yeah," she replies cheerfully.
I release what I’m holding when I realize it’s  Lucy’s sweater. I rub my eyes under her amused smile.
"Come on, get up, Princess. I need to cook if we don’t want to be late for school."
"Can’t we wait a little longer?"
"I’ve already waited to wake you up. I need to cook so we can eat, and we need to pack too."
"What time is it?"
"Six Ale’clock. At least let me get up, please."
I shift to free her side that I was holding. I lie back down the moment she gets up and moves out of my sight. I sigh in displeasure, feeling only the warmth she left behind. I clutch the pillow, hoping it can replace her presence.
"You’d better not fall back asleep."
"Or what?" I challenge.
"You don’t want to know."
I chuckle lightly. I focus on the screen where a series has replaced our movie, which must have ended a long time ago. I recognize Grey’s Anatomy. I used to love watching this series, but that was before I started studying in the field.
"What are we eating?" I ask.
"We have some pasta left. I was planning to make bolognese. Does that work for you?"
"And if you would bring your butt here to give me a hand?"
"You’re asking a lot."
I still get up to drag my feet to the kitchen under her laughter. I lean against the counter to watch her prepare. She smiles at me and gestures for me to come over.
"Here, turn the meat if needed."
She leaves me in front of a pot filled with meat and onions cooking. I look at it with a panicked expression when she takes out things to set the table.
"What do I need to do?"
"I just told you. Just turn the meat," she laughs. "I’ve already seasoned it. You should be able to handle this without me, right?"
"I’m not sure," I joke.
"Only because of you."
"Oh yeah?" she raises an eyebrow.
"Yeah. You’re lucky, huh?"
"From what I see in front of me..." she says, looking me up and down. "Not really, no."
I part my lips in shock. It’s been a while since she’s scolded me like that, even if it’s in jest. She laughs while approaching me.
"Don’t forget to turn the meat."
I regain my composure while stirring the pot under her watchful eye. When it’s ready for her, she pours the tomato sauce and takes my place to mix everything together.
"A real princess," she teases with a shoulder bump.
"I’m more of a burden, really."
"What?" she giggles.
Her eyes settle on me when I stop answering. I meant what I just said. It’s how I feel. She doesn’t say anything and tastes her sauce with a spoon. Then she puts a lid on the pot and lowers the heat. I stay where I am while she throws the spoon she used into the sink. It’s at this moment that I feel her eyes on my back. I head towards the table to avoid her, but she blocks me against the counter before I can get there.
"I thought we had moved past this stage of feeling bad."
"Don’t think less of me."
"Hey, it was a joke. Look at me."
I turn to face her. She’s closer than I expected, but I don’t let myself be unsettled.
"It’s the truth! I’m just a simple burden you’re dragging behind you."
"No," she sighs. "You’re much more than that, Ona. Alright? Get that idea out of your head, okay? You might be a little princess, but I will always support you."
I lower my head, nodding slightly and biting my lip. Why does she always have the right words to reassure me? I let myself fall into her arms that she just opened for me.
"Come on, go sit down. I’ll handle the rest."
I do as she asks while keeping an eye on her. She heats the pasta and joins me shortly after with the dishes. I serve the drinks while she fills our plates. We enjoy our last moments together by chatting a bit. The conversation turns to what we might do with Mapi next week. It looks like she’s decided to host us. After dinner, I help her clear the table before we return to our rooms. I pack my suitcase with reluctance, making sure not to forget anything.
"It’s not the end of the world if you forget something, you know," she says, leaning against the door frame.
"That’s true, but it would bother me."
"We need to leave. Is everything okay for you?"
"Don’t make that face, you’ll be back next week," she teases.
"Hmm... Let’s go before I hide under the bed."
I roll my suitcase to the living room where hers is already. I take one last look at the apartment before she turns off all the lights and locks the door. With a heavy heart, we take the elevator to her car. This weekend was amazing. Way too amazing. I don’t say anything during the drive back. She stops after a while, and I realize we’ve arrived at the place where I joined her on Friday night.
"You’ll need to walk the rest," she says softly.
"Yeah... Thanks for the weekend."
"It was a pleasure. Is everything okay...?" she asks uncertainly.
"Yeah," I repeat. "Good night,  Lucy."
"Good night to you."
She gives me a smile that I return weakly. I get out of the car and grab my suitcase before watching the car drive off into the night. I finish the walk to the reception where the old secretary is waiting for us. This very warm woman wishes me a good week. I continue to my room where Alexia greets me as soon as I drop my things. She bombards me with questions about my weekend. She’s so much like Mapi with that behavior. The only difference is that she doesn’t force me to talk about it. I pretend I need to take a shower to escape, as I didn’t have time to shower at  Lucy’s after my nap. I manage to get into bed just before curfew. That kept me from having to talk, as I know Ale wouldn’t want to deal with the supervisor on duty. I wouldn’t want to either, given the weekend I’ve had. I think  Lucy would have saved the day, but I can’t always rely on her. She already does so much for me, and I need to adhere to the rules. In complete silence, I search for sleep, which is elusive after my long nap.
Monday, January 11; 2:20 AM - Ona and Alexia’s room
I startle awake, the duvet thrown off me. I’m seized by a sudden suffocation. I blink several times to understand that the light is already on. Alexia gets up and comes to me. I can’t catch my breath and feel sticky with sweat again.
"Hey, it’s okay, it’s just a nightmare."
I start to tremble under Alexia's caresses. Please, anything but this... I place my head in my hands to prevent the panic attack from getting worse. I flinch when the bedroom door opens to reveal someone I don’t recognize. It must be the night instructor  Lucy told me about. It's the first time she’s intervened in our room, and she doesn’t look very pleased.
- What’s going on here? she asks sternly.
- She’s having nightmares; it’s not the first time, Alexia explains.
- Br... Bronze, I manage to say. Call...
- Do you want me to get Bronze?
I nod faintly as I struggle to breathe. It feels like my head is going to explode. All I hear are hissing noises making me whimper and close my eyes. I bury my head in my arms to lessen the violent dizziness that’s overtaking me, but it makes it worse. I’m forced to pull it out to try and get some air. When I open my eyes again, I see Alexia trying to talk to me, but I can’t make out anything. She looks very worried and desperate. The minutes drag on until Bronze arrives in the room. It’s as if time had paused. I must look terrible with my face soaked in uncontrollable tears. Alexia immediately gives way to my supervisor. Her first instinct is to grab my head in her hands so that I only look at her. Her lips move, but I still hear nothing but unpleasant hissing. I pray that she understands my state as I desperately cling to her shirt. She lets me cling to her when I pull her close. Her arms simply wrap around my neck as I whimper against her. Her reassuring scent quickly fills my lungs. I close my eyes to savor her caresses that I can finally feel. There, she’s all I needed to feel reassured and safe. She stays as long as needed for me to calm down and return to reality. I start to hear her soft whispers again, and it’s at this moment that I realize I’m completely sprawled on her. My grip on her shirt slowly loosens as I understand that I’m safe now.
- I’m here; I’m not letting go, she repeats.
I take in all her words until I’m overcome with a sense of guilt. I start crying again.
- I- I’m sorry... I’m sorry... I... I stammer.
- Hey, shhh. It’s okay, alright? Calm down. I’m here now.
I close my eyes and bury my face a little further into her neck. I take in all the security she offers. A terrible headache comes over me, forcing me to pull away slightly from  Lucy. She loosens her grip slightly, understanding my intention. I try to make sure she can’t see my awful face. She doesn’t take it well and grabs my face to examine it with a worried look. I break our eye contact to look at Alexia behind her, who seems terrified. I panic when I feel  Lucy trying to get up. She smiles gently.
- I’ll be right back, I promise.
I trust her and release her against my will. She comes back shortly with a glass of water and a pill. I take it without a word, reminded of my headache. She sits back on the edge of my bed and runs her thumbs over my cheeks.
- We need to find a solution. I’ll have to talk to Wiegman in the morning.
I give her a difficult nod of agreement. I know she would do things differently if she could. She sighs, running her hand through her hair and staring at the door. It’s closed, probably to keep the whole floor from being disturbed by my fault. I lower my eyes to the glass I’m holding, but I look up immediately when  Lucy stands. I hold her back with my eyes.
- Stay with me... Please.
- Ona... she sighs. I can’t do that.
- I won’t be able to fall back asleep without you, I whisper, lowering my head.
I know this in advance. I’ve gotten used to something I shouldn’t have. I look at her when I don’t get a response. Her eyes linger on Alexia before settling back on me. I bite my lip, dreading her response.
- Alright, she cracks with a sigh. I just need to talk to the other instructor first, but for that, you’ll have to let me go.
She looks at where I’m holding her, and I immediately release my grip.
- Go back to sleep, Alexia. And I want your silence about what’s going to happen tonight.
With those words, she exits, taking care to leave the door open. I don’t like that she’s threatening Ale, but she risks a lot by agreeing to my request. I collapse onto the bed and look at my roommate, who was already staring at me.
- You scared me to death! I really didn’t know what to do this time! Luckily, Bronze came. I really couldn’t have calmed you down like she did! she rushes out.
- I’m sorry you had to witness that.
- Blake, I told you to go back to sleep,  Lucy, who has just returned, says.
She closes the door behind her. Alexia is still very intimidated by her, which makes me smile a little.  Lucy is so cold with her at the same time. She approaches my bed and grimaces, probably noticing the size. She sighs and turns off the light.
- Alright, move over, she whispers.
I comply by shifting to the side of the bed. I feel her slide in behind me, covering us properly before placing her hand on my stomach.
- We seriously need to find a solution, she grumbles in a way that only I can hear.
Luckily, it’s dark, and she can’t see my smile. I snuggle a little closer into her arms, pulling the blanket up to my neck. As usual since this weekend, she caresses my stomach to calm me, which works perfectly. She whispers goodnight before I close my eyes and fall asleep again.
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7-wonders · 2 years
Sick Day
Morpheus/Dream of the Endless x gn!Reader
Summary: You're sick, and the absolute last thing that you want is for an overprotective King of Dreams to find out. Of course, you should know by now that it's impossible to keep anything from Morpheus, and when it comes to you, there's nothing that he won't do to make sure that you're safe and well.
Word Count: 1.7k
A/N: I've been sick the past couple days and wrote an entirely self-indulgent sick fic. Yes, I am a full-on simp for this anthropomorphic personification. Fight me. No use of pronouns or Y/n in this :)
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You’re sick.
You had tried to deny it when you felt a tickle in your throat days ago, one that wouldn’t go away no matter how much water you drank. Allergies, you thought. There was no way you were getting sick, because you’re far too busy lately to actually get sick.
When you woke up yesterday with your head feeling like it was stuffed full of cotton, you still tried to brush it off as nothing more than a mere nuisance. And it was just a nuisance, until the day dragged on longer and you started to feel worse and worse until all that you wanted to do was just go home. You were freezing even though you were wearing a heavy coat, your limbs ached, and the exhaustion that clouded your senses made everything feel slow and jerky. You had left work early, which is something that you almost never do, and had fallen into bed upon returning home with the hopes of sleeping this bug off.
Unfortunately, the fever that you’re dealing with makes it impossible for you to actually rest. You hover on the precipice of sleep and waking, reality seeming to melt around you when you think that you’re finally asleep. There are times where you’re sure that you’ve slept for days, only to check the dimmed light of your phone and see that it’s been merely an hour. This sickness is really trying to make you miserable, then; you can’t even escape into dreams to see your own Dream, your Morpheus.
At some point, there’s a tapping on your window that brings you back to full awareness. You wish you could say that it wakes you up, but you can’t. You groan, blearily pushing your bedroom curtains open to see what it is disturbing you. After wincing from the sunlight and having to wait for your vision to clear, you make eye contact with a large, black raven sitting on the windowsill. You were wondering when Matthew would finally come looking for you, considering you haven’t left your bedroom since yesterday. Morpheus is nothing if not overly protective of you and your safety, which means frequent visits to the Waking by his raven.
Fumbling with the latches on your window, you finally unlock them and push the window open to allow Matthew to hop in. Early on in your relationship with Morpheus, you had taken the screens out of your windows to allow Matthew easy entrance whenever he was tasked with coming to check in on you. Once he’s in safely and you close the window behind him, you fall back against your pillows, the exertion too much for your weakened body.
“Hi, Matthew,” you mumble, looking over at him.
“You look rough, kiddo. I don’t need hands to know that you’ve got a fever.”
“Thanks,” you say bitterly.
“I was wondering why you hadn’t left your home for a day. Guess I got my answer.” He hops closer to you, and you have to turn your head so you don’t sneeze all over him. “One nice thing about being a raven now is that I don’t have to deal with getting sick.”
“Just keep rubbing it in, why don’t you.”
“Sorry,” Matthew apologizes. You wave him off, letting him know you’re not actually offended at his actions. “Do you need anything? There’s not a lot I can help you with, but I can do some things.”
“I’m okay, I’ve got the essentials.” Gesturing towards your nightstand, you name it off, “Water, meds, thermometer, crackers in case I finally get hungry.”
“Okay, if you’re sure.” Matthew doesn’t sound like he’s too assured by you, but if you say that you don’t need anything, he’s not going to try and force you to name something you need.
You lay in silence for a bit, your fingers lightly petting along Matthew’s silky feathers as you near that almost-sleep you’ve been in and out of for almost a day. When a thought actually forms in your foggy brain, you force your eyes open again. “Matthew?”
“Don’t tell Morpheus I’m sick, okay?”
His body stiffens beneath your fingers. “Are…you sure?”
“He’s gonna freak out, because he doesn’t understand how mortal illnesses work. I’m gonna be fine, I just need to rest.”
If you weren’t sick, you’d probably remember that Morpheus has the ability to see through Matthew’s eyes, and thus it’s only a matter of time until he finds out. In fact, Matthew can literally feel the King of Dreams in the back of his mind right now. But since Matthew’s a good friend and he doesn’t want you to work yourself up when you’re already not feeling well, he just nods. “Okay, I won’t tell him.”
You smile and pat his head. “Thanks.”
“Hey, I gotta get going. Think you can open up the window for me before you doze off?”
You do as he asks, bidding him farewell before closing and locking the window. Pulling the covers up over your head, you burrow into the pillows and hope that you can finally get some rest…your lungs, of course, choose that moment to spasm and make you cough harshly. Groaning miserably, you mentally count the hours and sigh when you realize that you have to wait another four hours before you can take another dose of cold medicine.
It’s impossible for you to determine how much time has passed between when Matthew leaves and when a cold hand sneaks under your blankets to rest on your cheek. It feels so blissfully cool that you lean into it before remembering that you live alone and there shouldn’t be anybody touching your cheek. Tossing the blankets off of you, you try to ready yourself for a fight until you make eye contact with Morpheus, who looks like he’s teetering between chastising you and fussing over you. 
Logically, it makes sense that he would be the one here. But considering you’re sick, running on no good sleep, and have some heavy cold medicine in your system, logic has basically abandoned you.
“Hi,” you say guiltily, like a child with their hand caught in the cookie jar. “Matthew snitched?”
“No, Matthew did not…’snitch’.” You giggle at how odd the word sounds coming from Morpheus’s prim and proper vocabulary. “I wish he would have, though. You’re ill.”
“It’s just a flu bug.” You sneeze harshly. “I may look like I’m dying, and I may feel like I’m dying, but I promise I’m not dying.”
“It does not matter that you’re not dying. You’re unwell, and I wish you would have called upon me when you realized you were feeling poorly.”
Morpheus looks affronted. “So that I can take care of you, of course.”
“You have more important things to do than take care of a sick human.”
He removes his shoes, knowing how much you hate when he sits on your non-magical furniture while wearing shoes, and places his coat on the chair in your room before sitting next to you on the bed. You shuffle over to allow him room, feeling too tired to even bother to sit up. Instead, you look up at him as he begins to trace his fingers over the planes of your face. “You are not just a sick human. You are my sick human, and nothing is more important to me than you.”
If you weren’t already flushed from the fever, your skin would be blazing hot from the sweet words that just came from Morpheus. He can make the most mundane sentence sound like a line of poetry, and there’s something about the fact that this all-powerful king is shirking his responsibilities so he can sit in your normal, Waking bedroom with you that makes you feel extremely, undeservedly special.
“Will you let me take care of you, then?”
You nod, shoulders shaking as you try to hold back a cough. “There’s not much you can do for me, though. I really just have to wait it out.”
“Then I shall wait it out with you.”
You laugh again. “I love whenever you say modern verbiage. Sounds so funny.”
He hums, which is basically his version of a laugh, so you’ll count it as a win. Your eyes begin to close against your will as you quickly lose the small amount of energy you had gathered. When Morpheus pulls you into his arms and against his chest, you snuggle into his embrace before you remember that you’re sick and begin to push at him.
“Wait, no,” you say, “‘m gonna get you sick.”
Morpheus stares at you like you’ve lost your mind. Considering how hazy everything is, it’s not really that far off. “My beloved, I am Endless. I do not get sick.”
“...Oh.” You feel stupid for not realizing that. Obviously an immortal being who's been around for longer than you can even fathom doesn’t get struck down by the flu. Morpheus, for his part, doesn’t say anything. Instead, he just continues to hold you.
“You need not worry about anything beyond resting and recovering. I will handle everything else.”
Begrudgingly, you nod. The longer that you’re within Morpheus’s embrace, the more tired you seem to get. It wouldn’t surprise you if he were using some of his powers to actually get you to sleep; if it wasn’t Matthew that had alerted him that you were sick, it was probably the fact that you hadn’t properly been in the Dreaming for over a day now.
Before his power does fully send you to the Dreaming, you clutch just a bit tighter onto his shoulder to keep yourself tethered to the Waking. You look up at him through eyes that can only open halfway due to how heavy they are. “Love you, Morpheus.”
You think you see him smile as well before your eyes shut again and you allow yourself to be pulled to the Dreaming. “I love you as well, my starshine.”
In the safety of Morpheus’s arms, you finally have a restful, dreamless sleep; a sleep free of pain and sickness, a sleep that allows you to heal. Despite your concerns, Morpheus is more than content to simply sit with you and ensure that you remain safe, protected, and well. He would never lie to you, but especially not when he said that you are the most important thing to him.
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thedroneranger · 2 years
A Little Time Alone
Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw
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Précis: Bradley and his wife have been busy with everything except each other.
Note: One of two entires for @roosterforme’s #love is in the air tgm love song playlist challenge. This fic is inspired by Luke Comb's The Kind of Love We Make.
Warnings: 18+ only, smut.
Word count: 3.7k
It had been weeks since we spent any time together. 
Between the new curriculum and latest batch of pilots, I was coming home late every night and leaving early every morning.
At first, she was doing her damnedest to stay up until I got home. Each night, before sliding into bed, I would slip her tablet from her clutches and remove her askew reading glasses, placing both on her nightstand. Once I settled into bed, unconsciously, she would snuggle into me, allowing me to fall asleep with a smile.
However, lately, it was clear she had been sleeping for hours. Tucked into bed, fast asleep with just her hair peeking between the bedding. I would slide into my side and do my best not to disturb her.
Each morning, I didn’t leave without giving her a goodbye kiss, but guilt always edged my decision to not wake her. Instead, I would press my lips to her forehead or cheek, whichever was exposed.
Things seemed to take a turn after her plan to surprise me with lunch on base was foiled. Normally, she would coordinate with Maverick, if he were around, or the security guard she had befriended to sneak into my office with sandwiches from our favorite deli.
Of course, she always wore a dress, which made it easy for me to bend her over my desk for a pleasurable finish. 
We had a text code so I knew to expect her. The last time she plotted a lunchtime date, I, unbeknownst, stood her up. Unable to check my texts all morning, I never saw her message and never went to my office. It wasn’t until later in the evening I saw several messages and a couple missed calls. 
I was devastated and wanted to apologize in person. However, she was always asleep when I got home. I even tried to call a few times during the day, but I never managed to catch her. After that, we exchanged fewer and fewer texts throughout each day. 
Even our weekends had been spent separately. I found myself on base more and more for special events and training. Hell, the last couple weekends, I even slept there.
She, on the other hand, has been a godsend, representing us both at family get-togethers and other personal events.
I can only imagine how she felt, likely making up excuses for my lack of presence.
The whole situation made me absolutely miserable.
“Bradley. Bradley. Bradley!” My head jerked to find Maverick intensely staring at me.
“Yeah, Mav?” I coughed to clear my throat and gave him my full attention.
He and I were alone in his office. Maverick and I were co-instructors for an upcoming class. We were going over the lesson plan when my thoughts drifted. “What’s on your mind, Bradley?” Mav put down his pen, leaned back in his chair and looked at me.
Shifting in my chair, I noticed the tension in my shoulders and that I’d been holding my breath. Subtly untensing, I spoke. “I can’t remember the last time I spent time with my wife, and she’s getting distant.”
Maverick leaned forward. He loved her like a daughter. Actually, I was convinced he liked her more than me. Mav was always reminding me not to let work ruin our relationship. 
Not that he had room to talk. 
Although, he and Penny have appeared rock solid since getting back together. Once Maverick proposed and they wed, Penny was the happiest I’ve ever seen her.
I cut off Mav. “I know, I know. Don’t fuck it up.”
“Go home,” he said.
“What?” My eyebrow cocked.
“Go home. Report back on Monday,” Mav said. We stared at each other for almost a full minute. “Go fix it.” The tone in Mav’s voice told me he was about to make it an order, so I nodded, gave a quick salute and dashed out.
Not having been home at a decent hour in nearly a month, I forgot what traffic was like. It had me doubting if I would be home any earlier than as of late. 
Her vehicle was in the driveway when I finally pulled up.
My feet were carrying me faster than my brain was processing. My mind was trying to get my hands under control so I could get the key in the door, when the door flung open.
A gasp left her lips as our gazes locked. “Hey, stranger.” She did her best to hide a smirk. Unfazed, I walked toward her, forcing her to back up and allow me into the house. Once far enough in, I closed the door. 
“Hey,” I replied. My eyes raked across her form. She was wearing a short red sundress and some strappy sandals. My cock twitched. I could not recall the last time I saw her in anything other than our fluffy duvet. 
“I should go—I don’t want to be late.” She walked toward me and got on her toes to kiss my cheek. However, I turned my head and captured her lips with mine. She hesitated for a second, but melted into me as I wrapped an arm around her waist and the other hugged her ribcage. Her hand slid from my bicep up to my neck. 
We separated just enough to look into each other’s eyes. “I hate that I forgot what you feel like,” she said. 
The comment made me hold her tighter. “We can’t have that,” I said as a matter of fact. Her eyebrow and lips quirked. I smiled at her. “I’ve been missing you more than you can imagine,” I confessed.
She was still looking at me with a tight smile. “I may have an idea.” She pursed her lips and looked off the side. Then, she looked back at me and pressed her lips to mine. As we kissed, I uncoiled an arm from around her, so I could reach back to lock the door.
She heard the click. “I have to go,” she said with her lips still against mine. 
Again, we separated just enough to look at one another. “Cancel.” My voice was more demanding than either of us expected. She looked surprised but not offended. “We need a little time alone.” I sounded softer. “So tonight, I’m only gonna be your man,” I told her. She raised an eyebrow. “I’m off the entire weekend.”
“Bradley Alexander—” She was ready to scold me for messing with her. 
“Scout’s honor.” I held my fingers up in the Eagle Scout sign. We stared at each other. “There’s no way I’m leaving this house, especially when you look this good.” My hand dropped lower to squeeze her backside. She dropped her head trying to hide the blush in her cheeks as if I’d never seen it before.
“Go shower,” she said. My grip on her loosened so she could step away. “I’m not spending the evening huffing jet fuel.” She looked my attire up and down. I left in such a rush, I still had my flight suit on. 
Extra swagger in her hips, she sauntered to the kitchen. For a split second, I considered following her and bending her over the nearest surface. But tonight called for something slower, softer than a counter quickie.
Instead, I went to our ensuite bathroom and let the water pressure ease my muscles. Soothed by the water and steam, I lost track of time. When I realized, I hopped out, did a quick shave and dressed.
We were home, but she was wearing that sinful sundress, so I at least wanted to wear something I knew she’d love. I put on my favorite pair of worn jeans, a white tank and an Aloha shirt I knew was one of her favorites. 
I padded downstairs, noticing the lights were low and she’d lit candles. A smile turned my lips when I heard Led Zeppelin IV spinning on the record player—I thought about the countless times we made out to this soundtrack.
When I rounded the corner into the kitchen, I stopped in my tracks. She was sitting on our small breakfast table, palm supporting her, head tilted back, wine glass to her lips. One leg ran the radius of the table while the other hung off at the knee. Her heel popping to the beat of the music.
She turned to look at me. “Wine?” She held out her glass. I shook my head as a coy smile pulled a corner of my mouth. She winked as she polished off the last sip in her glass.
As I approached the table, she shifted so she was facing me and placed the glass at her side. Stepping between her legs, I pushed the glass further back. A hand on either side of her, I leaned so we were at eye level. 
Her hand cupped the side of my jaw, and her thumb ran along my lips. Mindlessly, I pressed a kiss to it. The tiniest smile curled the corners of her mouth as she searched my face. I hummed as her fingers traversed the raised skin of my scars and came to rest on the dip of my chest just below my clavicles. “Do you have any idea how handsome you are?” she asked.
Surely she felt my chest rumble as I chuckled. “Only when you tell me.” My voice was raspier than usual. Leaning further into her, I dropped my head to place soft kisses on her neck. 
“Surely other women tell you.” I knew exactly what she was doing. 
“I can assure you, they keep their thoughts to themselves,” I replied. Between kisses I told her about my latest class catching sight of her on base. It was the last time we had lunch together before our drought. A couple of them commented about a hot civilian. Turning, I found her chatting with Maverick. 
I told them the easiest way to not return from a mission was ogling another pilot’s spouse. One of the women who had been doing her damnedest to flirt with me blurted, “That’s your wife?!” I nodded at her with a wink. She paled and never looked me in the eye again.
The earned laugh that quickly morphed into a moan had me considering unzipping my pants and unceremoniously fucking her. But I had to pace myself. She was flat against the table, my body covering her with my forearms holding me up as I kissed whatever exposed skin was available. The raggedness of her breathing kept me going. 
“Do you know how hard it is for me not to wake you up every night at some ungodly hour?” I told her, picking my head up to see her response. 
Her bottom lip was between her teeth as her eyes twinkled in the low light. “Why wouldn’t you wake me up?” she asked. Her thighs were squeezing my hips, the skirt of her dress covering almost nothing. 
“First, you sleep through absolutely everything.” She chuckled as my hands skimmed her bare thighs. “We could be having a magnitude 10 earthquake, and you’d sleep through it.” She nodded in agreement as one of my hands slid between us. 
I froze. “Where are your underwear?” She never went commando without a purpose. 
She propped herself up on her elbows. “Maybe I was hoping you would be home, in bed, when I returned. And I could wake you up.” She paused. “If you came home.” Her gaze was intense.
My smile faltered and my head dropped with my shoulders in a moment of guilt. Quickly, I looked back up at her. “I’m sorry.” Still gripping her thigh, my thumb drew circles on it. 
“Show me,” she said.
“Excuse me?” I had expected her to scold me or for us to get into a deep conversation about the past month.
She moved my hand from her thigh to between her legs. “Actions speak louder than words.” Expertly, she maneuvered my hand to guide two fingers into her. “Show me how sorry you are. How much you’ve missed me.”
For a minute, I froze. Tired of waiting for me, she wrapped her hand around my wrist to slide my fingers in and out of her. Finally, I got a hold of myself, my thumb pressing to her swollen bundle of nerves and the pads of my fingers stimulating that spongy spot inside. Her breath caught as I took over.
“That’s it, honey.” She melted against the table. “Let’s take it nice and slow.” She clenched around my fingers—I thought I might come right then. “Fuck,” I said under my breath. She smiled as she watched me squeeze my eyes shut. 
Back on her elbows, her fingers snuck into my hair and pulled me until our lips connected. My lips parted just enough to allow her tongue in. It toyed with mine, matching the rhythm of my fingers pumping in and out of her. Her lips left mine with a smack. “Bradley,” she moaned as I alternated between scissoring my fingers and curling them against her G spot.
“That’s it,” I cooed, keeping the same pace and pattern. I could feel her tightening around my fingers. “Fuck,” I breathed out, enjoying the feel of her. My lips fell to her neck, knowing the additional contact would send her over the edge. 
The stutter breath she let out matched her contractions around my fingers. “That’s it, honey.” I watched her face as she went through her high, my fingers keeping pace. As she untensed, I slowed to a stop. She looked at me as she steadied her breathing and a smile appeared. She continued to watch as I cleaned her from my fingers. Immediately, she pulled me down to taste herself.
She hummed as we separated. “Go pick another album. I wanted to make out with you on the couch.” My cock jumped from just the words leaving her mouth. Standing to my full height, I helped her off the table. 
She shooed me with her hands to the living room where my inherited record player was housed. I thumbed the sleeves until I found the perfect selection: The Velvet Underground’s Loaded.
As soon as the needle fell into the groove, she appeared with the bottle of wine. We both traipsed to the couch. She split the wine as I settled into the sofa. I accepted a glass and then beckoned her to sink into my side. Together, we sipped and listened to the opening song. 
As the next began to play, she placed our empty glasses on the coffee table and straddled my lap. My hands came to rest on the tops of her thighs, pushing the fabric of her dress higher to expose more skin. She shimmied even closer to me, so she was at even more of a height advantage—my head was tipped almost completely back. 
Her fingers sifted through my locks, her nails massaging my scalp. A deep breath I didn’t even realize I was holding escaped my parted lips. She smiled as she watched me relax. My eyes were practically in the back of my head, her massage turning my mind to mush.
She tugged my hair, which earned a moan and caused me to shift under her. She ground against me, the stiff seams of my jeans caressing her most sensitive spot. I let her roll my head to the side so she had better access to pepper kisses along my neck. She continued to grind against my denim-clad crotch. Boy, did I wish there were less fabric between us. 
My fingers dug into her thighs as she sank her teeth into my neck. “Christ,” I said under my breath. She sat back and eyed me, proud of the reaction she got. Her thumb passed over the spot that would surely be purple later. “Maybe your students will have fewer questions come Monday.” Before I could say anything, she leaned in and sweetly pressed her lips to mine. 
“You’re such a sour patch kid,” I teased. She smiled at the nickname while she nipped my lips and swirled her tongue against mine. At the same time, her hands were busy unfastening my jeans. She climbed off my lap, and I lifted my hips to help her rid me of my garments. 
Climbing back into my lap, her knees bracketed my hips and the tops of her feet contoured the curve of my thighs. Her core rested against my length. I wanted nothing more than to guide myself into her.
“It’s really unfair you look this good in such a silly print.” Her fingers followed the shoulder seams of my shirt to the collar. Using the points, she pulled me back in for a kiss. As we separated, her hands dipped under my collar and over my shoulders to help shed the cloth. 
Once that was off, she took advantage of a tiny hole I hadn't noticed in my tank. Penetrating it with her finger, she pulled and the fabric easily gave way. I watched as the hole grew and she fisted the fabric to snap it at the hems. She untangled me from the ruined garment and dropped it to the floor. 
My arms snaked around her waist, pulling her closer and hands palming her backside through her dress. Her hips lifted, and with one hand, she guided me into her. Slowly, she returned to her resting position. A sigh left my mouth as I felt her adjusting to me.
“Honey,” I trailed off as she squeezed me a couple times. We kept eye contact as she began to slowly lift and lower herself. The pace quickened just a bit as she fell into rhythm with the music.
As she kept going, my hands slipped under her dress and began to pull it up until it was over her head. Once it was off, my mouth immediately found one of her nipples. The moan that left her lips was euphoric. 
It made me bite her harder. She let out something between a moan and cry as her nails sank into my shoulders. I hissed, enjoying the burn as she scored my skin.
She was frustrated, and I wanted every bit of that energy. 
Not wanting to miss any of it, I coiled an arm back around her waist and easily flipped us so she was laying on the couch parallel with the cushions. 
Her doe eyes stared up at me, filled with surprise. My quirked lip grew to a smirk, as I anchored a hand on the cushion beside her head and the other on the couch back. My hips began to rock, setting a new pace for us. The lust came back to her gaze as her soft thighs met my hips and her heels found purchase in the dimples of my ass. 
I held it together as her nails gently ran from the top of my cock to just under my pecs and back. Her touch was soft but firm enough not to tickle. I flexed a little extra. 
Watching her breasts bounce with each thrust was enamoring. Her breathy gasps each time I bottomed out were the only noise I was hearing. My eyes sank as she stopped touching me and started touching herself. 
My pace stayed the same, but my gaze was trapped where we connected. I slid in and out while her digits swirled along her swollen nerves. My hips stuttered from the added pleasure as her index and forefingers made a V around the base of cock. “Fuck me,” I whined. 
She smiled. “No, you’re fucking me,” she corrected. We laughed together. 
“I missed this so, so much,” I confessed. Wanting to be closer to her, I sank to my elbows. I tucked my palm behind her head, letting my fingers sift through her hair. Her eyes were hooded as she looked at me through her lashes. 
We locked gazes as she took a deep breath and moved her hands to my waist, her nails sinking into the flesh just above my hips. At the same time, I felt her entire lower half contract, thighs hugging me and core convulsing. 
“Bradley.” My name was long and drawn out as it left her lips. It was enough to make me spill into her. I breathed her name into the crook of her neck as I curled my arm under her head, my elbow became her head rest, to hug her whole body as close as possible. Her hand ran up my side and hooked around my shoulder. 
I followed her name with a pleasurable hiss as her teeth sank into the meat of my shoulder. She punctuated the action with a tender kiss. The first of several she trailed into the crook of my neck as we rode out our orgasms.
Just as we came down from our high, the record ended. “Perfect timing.” I pressed a kiss to her forehead before pulling out and heading to the record player. She whined, but turned to enjoy the view as I walked away. Patiently, she waited as I flipped the vinyl and put it back on the player. I lined up the needle perfectly, and immediately the opening notes seeped out of the speakers. 
By the time I was headed back to the couch, she was standing beside it. “Should we change the dress code in the house to birthday suits only?” I pressed my body to hers, enjoying the full frontal contact and handful of her ass I grabbed. She squeaked and arched her back. My lips covered hers to distract from her attempt to escape. “I’m sorry,” I mumbled into her lips. 
We parted just far enough to look one another in the eyes. Her expression was playful. “Apology accepted.” I squeezed her around her ribcage and stuck my face in the crook of her neck. Although we were stark naked, our hug was earnest. 
As we separated, she held my biceps, keeping us close. “Let’s go upstairs so you can keep doing what you’re doing to me all night long.”
“You don’t have to tell me twice.” Together, we blew out all the candles, and then walked upstairs hand-in-hand.
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The Baddie™ Bunch (my taglist): @roosterforme, @cherrycola27, @notroosterbradshaw, @taytaylala12, @malindacath, @violyn20
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cod-dump · 1 year
Soap steals Ghost’s sweatshirts all the time and uses them as pillows— they smell like Simon, and Johnny falls asleep instantly with them.
Soap used to sleep by himself without issue. Then he got with Ghost and now he can’t sleep without him. He needs to feel the man next to him, be held by him, in order to get a decent night’s rest. But he wasn’t aware of this change until Ghost went on a mission without him.
That night was miserable.
He was tossing and turning, missing the warmth of Ghost's arms and he secure he felt in them. Soap managed to get three hours of sleep that night and was dragging his feet the rest of the day. Gaz found him resting his head on his desk, groaning.
"What's with you?"
"Couldn't sleep last night."
"Really? Normally when you can't sleep at night it's because Ghost... kept you up."
"Well, turns out he keeps me up by not being there at all."
"Oh... Maybe try talking to him on the phone before you go to sleep? Might help."
Soap decided to try that later that day after settling into bed. Ghost picked up after a couple rings.
“Hey, Johnny. Shouldn’t you be asleep?”
“Should. Can’t sleep.”
“Oh, love. Something troubling you?”
“Yea, my usual bedmate isn’t here.”
Ghost chuckles, “That can’t be helped.”
They talked four a couple hours until Ghost had to get off. Soap sighed when the call ended, feeling tired but unsure if he would actually sleep. He sighs and closes his eyes, trying to quiet his mind. But sleep did not come to him until two hours before his alarm. He woke to the alarm with a groan.
Soap wouldn’t sleep peacefully again until after Ghost returned from his mission. Soap didn’t even know he came back, he was busy hanging over his desk staring at a report, trying to will it to complete itself. Ghost walked in and Soap was ready to snap at whoever walked into his office without permission.
“It’s common courtesy to knock before entering-“
He stopped talking when he saw Ghost, who was mostly amused by his tone.
“Wake up on the wrong side of the bed?”
Soap quickly got up, knocking his chair over, before he ran over to Ghost. He pulled him into a tight hug, sighing at his familiar scent and how his arms felt wrapped around him. He sagged against Ghost, closing his eyes as he did.
"Have you not been sleeping, love?"
"I've slept... just not as much as I would've liked."
Soap feels lips press to the top of his head and a soft murmur from Ghost, "How about you go to bed early, yea? Get some rest."
"Yours or mine?"
They took turns in who's room they slept in. They often slept in Soap's room due to the location being closer to both their offices and other areas. But, tonight, Ghost dragged Soap to his room. Due to Soap not sleeping there as often, he didn't have any spare clothes there. Ghost had a whole drawer with his things in Soap's room, maybe it was time for Soap to have such a space in Ghost's.
Ghost was in his private bathroom, cleaning up while Soap decided to just go to sleep as soon as possible. He stripped his clothes and grabbed a pair of Ghost's sweats and a hoodie before curling up in the man's bed. Instantly, Soap melted, Ghost's warm scent all around him. It got even better when Ghost climbed in next to him. The moment Soap settled against the man's chest, he was out. He would sleep a good twelve hours, Ghost not bothering to disturb him.
He only woke when Ghost shook him awake.
"Morning, Johnny."
"God, what time is it?"
"Around 1000 hours."
Soap groans, he slept way past his alarm, "Why didn't you wake me?"
"You looked like you needed the rest."
Soap sits up, stretching. He could see sunlight shining through the curtains but he didn't hear anything going on outside or in the halls due to Ghost's fan. Soap didn't remember him turning it on before he went to sleep. Soap was surprised when Ghost handed him a mug of coffee but his heart quickly melted.
"Big ol' softie."
"I can be. Tell anyone and I'll make you regret it," Ghost says with a joking tone.
He sips his coffee, humming when Ghost leans over and kisses the top of his head.
"Take all the time you need, you're off today."
"I am?"
"Lieutenant Riley decided to give you the weekend off."
Soap laughs, "Did he now? Well, looks like I'm going to have to thank him."
"Thank him by getting some rest."
Soap decided to not get out of bed that day. He spent the rest of the day and the day after sleeping. When he finally got back to work, Gaz immediately jumped onto him for 'abandoning' him.
"You could've at least convinced Ghost to give me time off, too!"
"Oh, and how would've I done that?"
"I don't know! Do whatever it is you normally do to get something out of him!"
"You can get your own time off by either asking Ghost yourself or going to Price."
Soap's nights would improve with Ghost being back on base. Things felt like they were getting back into the swing of things when another mission came up that Ghost would have to leave for. Soap knew once Ghost was gone he would be plagued by sleepless nights once more. So, the night before Ghost's departure, he clung to the man like a life line.
"I'm coming back. I always do."
Soap sighs, "I know. It's just- I can't sleep without you here."
Ghost squeezes him closer, "I'm sorry, love. I can't be two places at once."
Soap crawled on top of Ghost's chest, Ghost not saying a word as the man curls up on him, his head under his chin. Soap dreaded Ghost leaving, absentmindedly holding onto the man like he was just disappear if he let him go. When he woke, Ghost was gone. He left a note about having to leave earlier than planned, Soap frowning at it.
Soap worked throughout the day, knowing what would come when he tried to sleep. He prolonged his duties as much as possible, dragging his feet when he headed to his room having ran out of stuff to do. Soap got dressed in his sleeping clothes and laid in his bed. He noted how Ghost's scent was very faint on the sheets, making him frown.
Just like he predicted, he tossed and turned for a couple hours, unable to sleep. Finally, he just got out of bed, deciding to walk around with no particular goal in mind. He walked until he just stopped and leaning on the wall of the hall, missing Ghost. Soap blinks when an idea comes to him.
He walked quickly through the halls, stopping when he came to Ghost's room. He slipped inside, sighing when he got in. His eyes land on his target-- Ghost's bed. He walks over and flops onto the neatly made bed, sighing at the smell. Soap closes his eyes and lays there before he sits up. Ghost had left one of his hoodies draped on the back of his desk chair, having just worn it before he left.
Soap grabs it and holds it close. Smelled just like him.
Soap held the hoodie close as he laid on Ghost's bed. And just like that, he fell asleep.
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atticssmellgood · 1 year
hey babe!! can you do the 16 and 17 with alex, pls? 🥺
Alex Turner x GN!reader(no specific pronouns used)
Prompt(s) requested: “How Are you so comfy?” + Person A falls asleep on person B
Word count: 1k
CW: None❤️
A/N: I’m honestly so happy you requested these specific prompts lmao, I’ve always loved the idea of cuddling with Alex, I feel like he would be so sweet😭 anyways, hope you enjoy!
P. S. I feel like all of my fics end in sleeping I need a new way to close out💀
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Alex groaned, pressing the heels of his palms into his eyes as he sat slumped over his small notebook, scribbled out lyrics and messy handwriting decorating the pages.
Why was it that whenever he actually wanted to get some songwriting done, he couldn’t? Lately the inspiration seemed to slip out of his hands every time he picked up the pen, leaving him stuck and stressed. Most times, he would just end up in a significantly lower mood with nothing more than what he started with.
He sighed and leaned back in the chair, staring at the ceiling with a blank expression, too many thoughts swirling around in his head to possibly make sense of any of them.
Eventually he stood up and stretched, his limbs feeling heavy with exhaustion and a yawn coming from his mouth.
Alex hadn’t been able to get much sleep recently due to the amount of time he’d been spending on the new album, but he could never seem to rest when he was so focused on why his brain wasn’t working the way he wanted it to.
Before Alex could let out another loud groan of frustration, he heard the front door open and he couldn’t have been more relieved.
“Alex?” You called out tentatively, not sure if he was home from the studio just yet. You made your way to the kitchen and sat your car keys on the counter with a jingle before hearing footsteps coming towards you. All of the sudden you were pulled into a warm hug, a kiss falling onto your forehead softly.
“Welcome home darling…” Alex whispered as he rubbed soothing circles into your back. You could already tell from his quiet voice and the way he leaned his body on yours that he had a long day. Your suspicions were confirmed when you pulled away from his embrace to get a good look at him. There were dark circles under his eyes, and his expression looked overall drained. It didn’t take a genius to realize he needed some food and rest.
Your hand reached up to cup his cheek gently, stroking the apex of his cheekbone with your thumb in a loving manner. Alex’s hands still sat on your hips as he leaned into your palm and closed his eyes. A small sigh left his lips when he felt the tension in his muscles slowly dissipate, replaced with a warm feeling that seeped into his bones and gripped at his heart.
“You look miserable, Al.” you giggled quietly, continuing to stroke his cheek. Although disguised as a light-hearted joke, Alex could hear the worried undertone in your voice.
“It’s just some writer’s block, nothing to worry about.” He mumbled and pulled you a little closer.
You let out a little hum and let him rest his chin on your shoulder.
“You know I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure writers block doesn’t cause you to look like you haven’t slept in a week.” Your voice was a little more concerned now as you rub his back lightly “what’s wrong?”
Alex let out a small groan and snaked his arms fully around your waist, squeezing you tight and beginning to sway the both of you from side to side slowly. His body heat engulfs you in a comforting embrace and you could still smell a bit of the cologne he liked to put on before he left in the mornings. “it’s…” he starts, speaking tentatively “I’ve just been really stressed lately with the non-stop recording in the studio and it doesn’t help when I can’t seem to write properly anymore.” His voice is quiet and clearly exhausted. You once again pull back, this time giving him a soft kiss on the lips, then one on his nose. He closed his eyes and gave a sleepy little smile.
“Why don’t we go to sleep, yeah?” You brush a piece of hair out of his eyes “I think you really need it. And who knows? Maybe it’ll clear your writer’s block.” You smiled sweetly before Alex just nods in agreement.
His mind did feel a bit foggy from the lack of sleep. Maybe that was the problem?
Without another word, you stepped out of his embrace to take his hand and lead him to the bedroom.
Alex immediately laid on the bed, his eyes already beginning to close until he noticed you didn’t lay next to him. He glances over to see you taking off your shirt so you could change into something more comfortable than your work clothes.
He chuckled before reaching over to grabbing your arm and pull you onto the mattress with a sly grin.
You let out a little yelp and before you knew it, Alex’s full body weight was resting on top of you, effectively trapping you underneath him.
“Alex! You couldn’t wait five more seconds?” You laugh, still topless as he hadn’t given you the chance to put a shirt on.
“Nope.” He said with a satisfied expression “You were already taking too long.”
His head was resting on your chest comfortably, his soft brown hair tickling your bare skin.
You just laughed at his response, then snuck a gentle hand into his hair.
His features seemed to relax once you did this as his eyes fluttered shut and a small smile played at his lips.
You ran your fingers through the thick strands, nails occasionally scratching his scalp. The more you did this, the more he relaxed. The stress he held in his tense muscles looked as if it was melting away slowly with each brush of your hand on his hair.
“How are you so comfy?” Alex mumbled, nuzzling into your chest with a contented sigh. You just smiled as you gazed at him, leaning forward a bit to place a soft kiss on the top of his head.
He loved the spot he was in because he could press his ear right against where your heart was and listen to it beat with a steady rhythm. All the thoughts and worries in his mind were quieting down to mere whispers as he focused on the soft thumping in your chest. This was what he knew he needed.
Moments after that, you heard his breathing slow, indicating that he was indeed asleep.
You continued to stroke his hair in a loving manner even as he slept. The weight of his body on yours was comforting and it wasn’t long until you began to fall asleep underneath him, uttering a barely audible “Sweet dreams, my love” and letting your eyes flutter shut.
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anjelicawrites · 7 months
Reader and Michael can’t come to Billy’s due to exam season and revision. However, doesn’t mean they can’t send him videos of there own personal ways to de-stress so he doesn’t feel left out. Better yet, cause readers exams are longer than Michaels, Michael is round Billy’s when she sends him her latest round. And Billy and Michael get a little too hot and bothered to not do anything about it
Warnings: kissing, scratching, biting, masturbation, anal (m receiving), handjob, spicy video making, orgasm denial and control, Michael is a bratty sub.
NSFW and 18+ only please!
You and Michael have different dates for your exams this semester; usually there's a couple of days of difference, this year, due to the sudden illness of one of your professors and none of the TAs being available, your class is forced to sit this last exam a week later than everyone else, leaving all of you with almost no days off before the start of the term.
You are frustrated and angry, the stress for the whole situation turns your horny knobs to the maximum, not having the chance to have a quickie, with either of your boyfriends, makes having to bunk down in your room and study all the worse.
And you miss them!
It's not just the sex, it's the intimacy of sharing Billy's old couch while reading and watching telly, chatting about everything and anything, hearing them bitch and moan because you're taking too long to get ready: all those little things that let you know how much they love you, and you them.
And there's the sex, of course: making Billy beg and cry, fight against Michael for dominance, feel your mind shut down with every orgasm they give you. You miss their hands on your body and falling asleep lulled by their warmth: your room feels so cold and empty that you just want to throw all the study materials on the floor and run to Billy's flat to finally have a good night's sleep.
You stand up before you do anything stupid and walk the length of your room like a caged lion: two days of this miserable life, you have to hold on for two more days.
Your phone pings with a message, a friend from your study group slowly losing his mind over the most difficult part of the exam; you send him an encouraging text, offering to do a last study of that bit of the syllabus tomorrow.
You close the chat and your eyes fall on the group chat with your boys, the last message being a photo. It's not the raciest pic you three have shared, this one is Billy laying on his tummy with a fucked out expression on his face, droplets of sweat adorning his naked back, already marked by Michael's bite marks. It turns you on immensely because you know it's a post fuck pic and that Michael has made him beg like a whore, only to fuck him like he doesn't love him, as if Billy's feeling don't matter, as if he's only a toy.
The idea makes your cunt tingle; you can still ignore your body and throw yourself into your notes, the problem is that you don't want to.
Billy stretches his back with a groan. Between the long hours at the pub, and the vigorous fucking, his body is a mess of overused muscles and carpet rashes. Michael has been ravenous from the moment he was finished with his batch of exams; it doesn't help Billy's case that he has been quite defiant in the spicy videos he's sent him during the last few weeks, egging him on, saying he wouldn't be able to fuck Billy for hours, that he'd be too tired for the task. Michael had enthusiastically showed him how wrong he was and is now eyeing him like he's dessert.
It still surprises Billy how voracious Michael is, sex wise, that the lanky nerd with a grandpa style would, and could, reduce him into a begging mess and could go at it for hours. If he didn't know you and him had been an item before he met you two, he'd chalk it up to the fresh discovery of sex and hormones, but you two were a couple for almost a year and Michael was as ravenous as he was the first time he slept with you.
The dual ding of his and Michael's phone distracts Billy from his train of thoughts: it must be you, still trapped in exam hell.
He's worried about you, as is Michael, you look tired and stretched thin, the delay in the exam adding to your usual burden of stress and the fact that you are not leaving your college premises, to maximize your dwindling energies, means that you have no way to recharge your batteries. Billy is afraid you're going to burn yourself out and Michael knows how close you're teetering to the edge, because you've been not that active in your shared chat, not even after the last photo he's sent: if not even fucked silly Billy elicits a response from you, then something is truly wrong.
Billy carefully pads to the sofa where his phone is laying, his arse sore from Michael's use and the muscles of his legs burn with each step. Michael waits until he's sat on the sofa, before opening the message.
The video starts playing immediately: you're almost naked, wearing only your black undergarments, looking ravishing, ravenous in the way you're playing with yourself, calling their names with a broken voice.
"Christ." It's the only thing Billy manages to say.
Both him and Michael can see the desperation in your eyes, it explodes in the hurried way you make yourself orgasm, only to slow down and start again.
Unconsciously Billy's hand finds home on Michael's long neck, his thumb caressing the velvety skin as his fingers grab his poorly cut hair; he hasn't even realized he's got an erection, too focused on your body and your pleasure to feel his own and desire explodes in his loins when the video stops.
Michael is in no better condition than him, his breath comes out in short pants and his hand has already sneaked under his horrendous trousers to grab the base of his erection; he moans when Billy gently curls his fingers tighter in his hair and pulls his head backwards, forcing his long neck to arch, a temptation Billy can't resist.
Billy's teeth nip Michael's exposed Adam's apple and then his lips soothe the small harm, only to repeat the slow torture on the available skin, leaving glaring proofs of his need for Michael.
"Don't" Billy whispers as his hand grabs Michael's wrist. "Not yet." "Don't tell me what to do." Michael pants back, without a bite, he's already too far gone. "Come now and you don't get to do that later." "Bastard!" Comes out whiner that Michael would like. "Payback is a bitch, innit?"
Without you functioning as a buffer, their lovemaking is always rougher, the power struggle more prominent than when you're around to keep the situation under control; but you're in your college room, neck deep in your study material, and not in Billy's living room, pressed between them on the couch, sharing kisses and small love bites.
Michael tries to gain the upper hand again, but his tongue fails to subjugate Billy's and the latter's hand right around his base strips Michael of any vestige of control: Billy is going to fuck him, raw and fast, until Michael loses any form of sanity.
Michael's body arches when Billy's hand starts jerking him fast and rough, your last video on repeat in the background because you look too fuckable.
Michael shouts when Billy releases his cock with a smirk. This pleasure in exerting control is a new rush Billy is still trying to understand, used as he was to be the more submissive one: the way his cock seems to swell when Michael stares at him with accusing eyes, full of tears and frustration, still surprises him.
"I told you, not yet." He's still not sure where this cold voice comes from, but he likes it. "On your knees, face on the sofa." "Make me".
Michael is nothing short of a pain in the side even when he wants to be taken and fucked stupid, Billy is happy to oblige with a hand in his hair to roughly push him on the worn carpet, the other busy with removing his ugly trousers. The blatant show of brute strength flies directly to Michael's cock, who almost comes untouched. The hand on his back that keeps him face first on the sofa drives him absolutely mad with the need to misbehave, just to see what Billy would do.
Billy stares at Michael's long back, the fine, almost white hairs illuminated by the dying light of the day a beautiful contrast with the marks his nails have left there. On a whim he licks a long stripe where the deepest ones lay, his lips suck on the inflamed skin until Michael moans and tries to kick back with his arse.
"Are you going to fuck me, or what?" Michael barks from under him. "For someone with his arse up in the air, you sure talk big a lot."
Billy tries to infuse his voice with control, in truth he doesn't know how long he's going to be able to not ravish Michael: the way he struggles against his hold, the shift of his muscles under his pink skin and your moans in the background are driving him absolutely mad.
Michael tries to push back again, his ridiculous lack of strength clear against Billy's, who is used to move around kegs of beer for a living. His umpteenth act of disobedience wins him a round of spanking, given with Billy's full strength, that reduces him into a puddle of pain and want.
"You done?" Billy is tethering on the edge and hopes Michael doesn't realize.
Michael doesn't respond but shoots him a dirty look.
"You're always going to be a pain, aren't you, genius boy? All that brain and still you play the brat."
Michael's erection is painful, hanging between his legs; it hurts to wait but he doesn't want to bend his stiff neck. He brushes his arse against Billy's hardness, enticing him to fuck him like he deserves; this time Billy doesn't punish him but presses his raging erection between his arse cheeks, grinding against the abused skin until Michael whines in pain.
"All that brain flies out of the window when you want some cock, innit?"
Michael moans when cold lube is poured over his hole and Billy prepares him fast and rough, forcing his hole to gape, just because he can.
Billy grabs his hips, pulling him backwards, forcing Michael to put his weight on his arms; Billy's phone is in front of his eyes, your video all Michael can see now, your pleasure makes him moan with the need to smother his face in your wet pussy until he can't breathe.
Both men groan when Billy's head breaches Michael's hole.
"Always so bloody tight." Billy spats and Michael's hole clenches reflexively.
With slow pushes and pulls, Billy sheaths himself in Michael's arse, grinding cruelly when he finally bottoms out, making Michael keen and buck under him.
"Shh, shh, be good." Billy caresses his sweaty hair. "Do you want to do something for our baby?"
Michael can't find the words to respond, he can just nod his head with an empty brain: he'll do anything for you.
Michael's phone is shown in front of his face, set on record; he can see his own expression, his slackened mouth and the spit almost falling from his lips.
"Let's put on a show, shall we?"
Michael's begging starts immediately, Billy's pushes are too hard and fast for him not to, his insides accepting the invasion without a fight, his arse clenching painfully when Billy fucks against his prostate brutally, sparks of pleasure exploding in his belly that turn into a fire when Billy grabs his shoulders and forces Michael's back against his front, sitting him on his erection and bucking under him wildly.
Michael's head lolls back, spit falling from his mouth, desperate moans and high pitched keens spilling from his lips without his control. Billy's hands keep him still, forcing him to take all he's giving, Michael's erection slaps painfully against his tummy and he feels like Billy is going to split him in a half.
"Oxford's math genius fucked like a whore. What would everyone think of you if they could see you now?" Billy pants.
The way Michael's arse curls around his erection after his words almost hurts and he has to redouble the strength of his pushes.
"Would you like that? For everyone see you like this?" "No...ah!" "Then why is your arse tightening this way?"
Michael's body arches, his hands scratch and grab all the skin he can reach as Billy grinds cruelly against his prostate.
"You're going to come now." Billy says grabbing his chin, forcing him to look at the phone. "Let our sweetheart see your face, how much you love this."
Michael's hands grab Billy's hair to try and keep himself in position, one of Billy's hands curls around his cock to jerk it fast and rough; Michael has to force himself to keep staring at the phone, showing you what you can't see now, but the pleasure is too much, his nerves scream with it, his brain complete mush and he can't scream anymore, he comes with his eyes rolling back in his head, his body a mere ragdoll for Billy to fuck.
Billy isn't too far behind, the feel of Michael's body letting go completely kicks his own orgasm and he comes with a tortured moan and slumps against Michael, the two of them falling on the sofa, breathless.
"Mmmh, don't" Michael whispers when Billy tries to pull his softened cock out. "You'll get cramps. Behave." "Or you can get hard again." He moans, trying to wiggle his arse. "He's insatiable." Billy says to you through the recording.
Michael mewls when Billy's fingers grab his hair to pull his torso up again, to show you his face, the reddened cheeks and the spit on his chin, his almost vacant eyes. He's so pretty after he's been thoroughly fucked.
"We're proud of you." Billy continues. " And we miss you."
Billy lets his cock slip out of Michael's hole and the other man slumps against him, pliant and ready to be fucked again.
"Do you have anything smart to add?" "Come soon." Michael manages to say, he's so tired, he wants to be touched and to eat your pussy so bad! "You're probably going to do that sooner." Billy answers. "Do you want to film it? Show our baby how much you need to be fucked again?" "Yeah." He keens, hiding his face against the curve of Billy's neck.
You're in for a treat when you finish your studies for the day. Billy will make sure of it.
Cringefail throuple taglist: @fan-goddess @solisarium @lexwolfhale
113 notes · View notes
sadhours · 2 years
neon lights pt. 3 | b.h & reader
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18+ minors dni | prev chapter contents: adult themes, gambling addiction, angst, smut
“Oh, god, yes!” you hear through the paper thin walls of your apartment as you try to fall asleep, “Billy!”
You grab your pillow and try to cover your ears but it’s no use. They’re all so loud lately it was driving you insane. Billy was being cruel, bringing home a girl five nights a week. You had intended to bring someone home too, thinking two could play at that game but there wasn’t a single candidate at any of the bars you’d gone too that night. You know it’s because you’d started comparing men to your roommate and well, you found that Billy was so incredibly good looking that every man you looked at fell short.
The worst part of it is you feel like you lost your best friend. You two were so close before but now it’s different. If you carpooled, the whole ride would be silent but half the time Billy left before you were ready, forcing you to drive yourself. He gambled even more than before, he was late on every bill this month but you couldn’t say anything about it, afraid to push him out the door. A few of the girls even slept the night and he made them breakfast with the food you bought. It was infuriating and all you wanted was for things to go back to the way they were.
“Fuck me!” you hear the girl in the next room cry out and you feel physically ill, pushing yourself up from your bed and walking up to the wall.
You slam your fist into the it repeatedly, “Shut up!”
Then, you turn on your stereo loud enough to drown them out but there’s no way you can fall asleep with the music playing either. You just lie there and stare at the ceiling until Billy bursts into your room after the tape has flipped sides.
“Turn it off,” he calls into your room, you sit up to look at him. His skin glistens with sweat, curls stuck to his forehead and his face flush.
You roll your eyes, standing up from your bed again and stride over to your stereo. You hit the off switch and then stomp over to Billy, shoving him back so you can slam the door.
“Real fucking mature,” you hear him through the cheap wood.
God, you just wanna smack him right in his dumb face. But you take a deep breath and crawl into bed. You want to cry and you feel pathetic for it. You were the one who kept saying you couldn’t do this, he was just listening to you. The tears come and you can’t control them, seeping down over your cheeks until you have another miserable sleep.
When you wake up, you’re greeted with Billy and the girl from the night before sitting on your couch with coffee and cigarettes. You just roll your eyes when he says good morning, stomping over the kitchen to make your cup of coffee. You know he works today so you’re wondering why he hasn’t already sent her on her way. You’re very grateful you’ve got the day off and you won’t have to see him for the majority of it. He says something to you but you were deep in thought, watching your coffee slowly drip into the cup. You don’t ask what he said, instead deciding that it wasn’t important. However, you notice there’s no more creamer in the fridge and you see red. Billy drinks his coffee black, therefore this bitch sitting on your couch used the rest of your creamer.
“You’re fucking joking,” you seethe, picking up the mug and chucking it in the sink, hearing the ceramic shatter but you don’t give a shit.
“That’s what I was trying to tell you,” Billy says but you stick your hand up.
“Don’t even fucking look at me, right now,” you say before stalking to your bedroom and slamming the door. Looks like you’d have to do the grocery shopping earlier than intended. You grab a pair of jeans and pull them up over your legs, reaching for a random shirt and slipping your shoes on. You reach for your Walkman, shoving it into your bag before exiting your room and out of the house without so much as a glance at the worst roommate in the world.
After you slam the door, the girl laughs, “Your roommate is a real bitch.”
Billy sighs, lighting another cigarette immediately after stomping his out in the ashtray. You usually weren’t but these past few weeks have been brutal. He was confused, he had thought this is what you wanted in the first place but then you were being so mean all the time. He figured he probably wasn’t being that great either but he started going to the casino more days than not just to be out of your hair and well, that wasn’t good for his finances. As fun as it was, Billy wasn’t a lucky guy. He still hoped he’d hit a jackpot or at least double his money but he was usually hitting cash out when he’d lost half of it.
“She’s not so bad, I think she’s just going through something,” he shrugs, looking at the tv.
“Maybe she needs to get laid,” his guest says, smoothing her over Billy’s crotch.
He chuckles, “Maybe. I gotta start getting ready for work.”
You did need to get laid and Billy thought it was unfortunate that it couldn’t be by him. He grabs the girls wrist and pulls it off of him, “Let me call you a cab.”
“Okay…” she pouts, and he walks to the phone, dialing the number he knew so well. He walks her out when the taxi arrives, but he turns his face when she goes to kiss him.
“Can I see you again?” she asks and Billy smiles awkwardly.
“I’ve got your number,” he says and waves her goodbye before going inside and hopping in the shower so he could start getting ready for his shift.
He hopes you’re back before he’s done so he an apologize for the whole creamer thing, he knew he shouldn’t have let her use the rest of it but he’d made the coffee and didn’t want to look stupid. He’d rather you look like a bitch, and he hated that. It wasn’t fair to you, and he thought he should be a little bit more considerate. He didn’t have to bring girls home every night, but they got his mind off of things and he was pretty much using them as a release- a kind of therapy.
He’s styling his hair when he hears that you’re home. He’d been frustrated with it, because he hadn’t had a haircut in so long it was just a mop of unruly curls doing whatever they wanted. He slips his boots on and opens his bedroom door, the front door wide open. He wanders out to your car and helps you carry the rest of the groceries in.
“I’m sorry,” he says when you start putting them away. “That was super uncool of me.”
“Everything you do is uncool,” you mutter under your breath, opening the cupboard to put away the boxes of rice you’d bought. Next, you pull dish soap from the bag and when you go to put it in its place on the sink. You look into it and notice Billy had cleaned up the mug you broke. That was cool of him, however he was the reason you’d broke it in the first place.
Billy groans, “Listen, we gotta talk. We have to work this out or I should move out.”
“No,” you sigh, finally bringing your eyes to meet his. “Don’t move out. I’m… I just need some space, okay? We can talk when you get home tonight.”
You glance over at the clock to see it nearing four, “You’re gonna be late.”
“I’m off at midnight, you’ll be awake when I get home?”
“Yeah,” you shrug, “I work 4-12 tomorrow too, so.”
Billy grabs his keys from the counter, nodding to you before leaving you all alone. You finish putting everything away and figure you should take a bath, calm your nerves. You pour yourself a glass of wine and start on some self care.
The club is packed for some odd reason. It’s a Thursday, these shifts are usually pretty boring for Billy. In fact, Thursday’s he usually cleans the floor drains out of pure boredom. He worries he’s not getting out of here at midnight like he’d planned but fuck, he was two hundred short on rent and the first of the month was just around the corner. Well, he wouldn’t have been two hundred short if it weren’t for his trip to the casino. He had his half of rent tucked away in his wallet and when his tip money ran out, he used his rent without a second thought. Well, the thought was that he could make it back or even more. Alas, he didn’t but Billy had a talent for survival, and he knew everything would be fine.
“Hi, is Cherry working tonight?” Billy freezes when he hears your stage name, he looks up to see a young guy staring back at him with a hopeful look in his eye.
He was no regular, your regulars already knew your schedule. This guy was different, he wore a fucking polo shirt and pressed slacks.
“I went to high school with her, heard she was dancing here and thought I’d stop by to see,” the guy says, and Billy can tell his intentions aren’t friendly.
“No one named Cherry works here,” Billy lies, easily, “Can I get you a drink?”
“Shit, she lied to me?” the guy asks and sits down at the bar, “I’ll take a Jack and Coke.”
Billy grabs a glass, filling it with ice before grabbing the neck of the Jack Daniels bottle.
“Sorry, bud,” he gives him an apologetic frown before counting the pour in his head, reaching for the soda gun and simultaneously filling the glass.
“It’s crazy, she told me this morning when I ran into her at the supermarket,” he purses his lips,
“Yeah, that sucks dude, chicks lie,” Billy says with a roll of his eyes, “Plenty of other girls dancing tonight.”
“Huh, she really doesn’t work here, ‘cause if you’d seen her you’d know these other bitches just don’t compare,” he shrugs.
“What a shame. It’s 3 for the drink,” Billy says, looking bored when he’s really just pissed off.
The guy slides a five to Billy, “I’m Chip.”
“And I don’t care,” Billy winks, grabbing the bill and walking back to the register.
“Why do you look so peeved?” Becky asks, leaning against the counter next to the register.
“Just an asshole customer,” he say’s quietly to her, pulling two dollars from the register to put it on the bar top.
“Hey, excuse me, maybe you know her. Does Cherry work here?” Chip asks and Becky sells Billy out.
“Yeah! She’s not here tonight though,” Becky smiles at him before walking back to her side of the bar.
Chip gives Billy an amused look, a smug smile on his face that Billy wants to punch. He sighs at being caught, “Look man, I have an obligation to protect these girls and I have no clue who you are.”
“Seems like you’d be hurting the business lying to dudes left and right, what if I had a fat tip for her?” Chip counters, bringing the drink to his lips.
Billy tries not to read into the insinuation, instead turning to the group of men walking up to the bar and taking their order. Chip chuckles softly before finishing his drink in two big gulps and trudging out of the club.
When Billy finally gets home it’s a little after two am and he’s surprised to walk into you blasting Foreigner on the stereo as you scrub away at the kitchen sink. He kicks his boots off by the door and walks into the kitchen. You look adorable, he thinks. Bright yellow gloves covering your hands and forearms add a pop of color to your rather simple pajamas, a simple black singlet and tiny spandex shorts. The clip in your hair doing a miserable job of keeping the strands up, loose pieces dangling around your neck.
“I’ve been waiting! For a girl like you to come into my life!” he sings exaggeratedly, raising his fist in the air, “I’ve been waiting for a girl like you and a love that will survive!”
You turn to him, an entertained expression smeared across your face and a smile breaking at your lips.
“You actually have a really nice voice,” you compliment him, impressed.
Billy snorts, patting your ass as he walks to the fridge and grabs a beer. “Ya think I can get a record deal?”
You stiffen at the gentle smack, but you know Billy’s just a touchy guy and it doesn’t necessarily mean anything. He walks over and turns the dial on the stereo, lowering the volume before walking back into the kitchen.
“Been cleaning all day? Place looks nice,” he muses.
Cleaning was something you did as a distraction, losing yourself in a good album and letting worrying thoughts fall behind. “Yeah, I got bored,” you shrug, rinsing the soap from the sink.
Billy smiles, “I saw the bottle of wine in the fridge, have a glass and sit with me. Take a break.”
That does sound nice, you think as you’re pulling the gloves off and tossing them around the faucet. “Have you eaten?” you call out, pouring a glass of moscato.
“I grabbed something on the way home,” he lets you know, sitting back on the couch and waiting for you.
When you sit, he wraps an arm around the back of the couch and coincidentally, your shoulders. He uses his other hand to pat his chest and you take the offer, leaning your back against him, holding your wine glass in your hand.
I Don’t Wanna Live Without You is the next song on your mixtape and it makes this whole thing feel so romantic. You’re not sure if you should just lean into it. Billy’s body feels warm against your back and you can feed his breath tickling your neck.
“So what do we do?” he asks, moving his hand to touch yours.
You sigh, “It’s been hard to push this stuff down.”
“Then why do it?” he wonders.
“Maybe it’s just lust,” you suggest, “Maybe all we really want is to just have sex.”
Billy laughs softly, “We could just do that then, who says we have to be together?”
You raise an eyebrow, “I don’t know if you’ve noticed but I don’t sleep around the way you do.”
He snorts at that, not really sure how to respond. He didn’t want to admit he’s only been so overboard with it because he gets so sexually frustrated at the sight of you. He had to get it out somehow.
“We could try it, I guess. If it doesn’t work then we just stop?” you think aloud.
“It’s just fun, we stop when it’s not fun anymore,” Billy says.
“We stop if it’s not fun anymore,” you correct him.
Billy pushes his nose against the back of your neck, you can feel him smiling against your skin. “So it’s a deal then?”
His breath against your neck makes you feel hot all over, “It’s a deal.”
Billy bites you then and you yelp, spilling your wine on the couch when you involuntarily jump.
“Shit,” he says, sitting up all the way, “I’ll get it.”
He saunters over the kitchen, grabbing a towel and bringing it back to wipe the couch. It’s definitely not how you’d clean it but you know the wine won’t stain the brown upholstery so you let it go.
“Thank you,” you say as you sit up.
Billy leaves to toss the towel in with the dirty laundry and when he gets back he says, “Oh, yeah, a guy came by the club looking for you.”
“Who?” you ask, shocked.
“Oh, god, he had such a douchey name! What was it?” he looks deep in concentration before he widens his eyes when he remembers, “Chip!”
You roll your eyes and groan, “I fucking hated that guy so much. We went to school together. I ran into him today and he asked what I was up to.”
Billy smirks, “He said he might’ve had a uh, fat tip to give you.”
“I’d rather have yours,” you say without thinking.
He laughs though and collapses back on the couch with you, pulling you onto his lap. It’s so easy being there, perhaps because you sat in men’s laps for a living. Still, it was rare a man like Billy would walk into the club. He wraps his arms around your waist and starts kissing at your shoulder. Your initial reaction is to recoil, the walls you’d spent forever building up hadn’t cracked yet. He must feel you tense up because he whispers into your ear, “Hey, relax. Let me make you feel good.”
His deep voice melts you, but his hands cupping your breasts over your thin tank top force you to drop your mouth open. Your body lights up with anticipation, you’d actually be sober enough to remember this. To see what all the fuss was about, why all those women were so loud in his bed. You tilt your head back, eyes looking up at Billy and he meets you with an intense gaze. His eyes are dark with lust and you wonder if he’d been desiring this as much as you have. He grazes his thumbs against your peeked nipples, biting his lip as he intently watches your face. You whine out his name and his lips turn up into a satisfied smile. Funny thing is, he’s not doing anything you’ve never experienced yet it feels like first time you’re being touched like this.
“Talk to me,” you demand softly, eyes fluttering shut as his hands move lower and rest on your stomach.
Billy laughs at that, tucking his fingers into hue waistband, “So you like dirty talk, eh?”
You blush as you admit, “I like your voice.”
It was one of the first indicators that you were attracted to him, when you’d hear his voice your entire body would ignite in arousal. Billy kisses against your temple, hands inching dangerously close to your aching core. He still isn’t talking, though so you look back up at him and see his face deep in concentration.
“What are—“
“I’m thinking!” he exclaims defensively, nudging your head with his chin.
A giggle erupts from you, “You can literally say anything. Your voice makes me so wet.”
You hear him groan softly, your self confidence raging from the confirmation that you turn him on too. “That works,” you pant, arching your back to try to wiggle his hand lower.
Billy licks against the shell of your ear and then bites the lobe, you feel it in your thighs as you moan out. He whispers against your ear, “You’re so fucking hot.”
Finally, you feel his fingers slide through your drenched folds and you bring your knees up and spread your legs further.
“Fuck— you’re soaking,” he continues and you’re head feels so fuzzy, the timbre of his voice only making his statement even truer.
“Mhm,” you moan out, “all because of you.” Your voice sounds foreign on your ears, higher pitched from the magic he’s doing on you.
“Yeah?” he breathes, sliding two fingers to your entrance and grazing the hole in circles.
You choke out another moan, much louder than the other ones and you get it. Those girls in his bedroom couldn’t keep quiet. It was impossible. His thick fingers were too damn perfect.
“Billy,” you pant, feeling his arousal present against your back.
He brings his fingers back up to your clit, scissoring the tender bud as he presses a sloppy kiss to your neck, his tongue feels so hot and certain against the skin. Your writhing against him, small moans and pants uncontrollably falling from your lips. His ministrations pick up an unbearably skilled rhythm, fast and then slow. It’s all so brutal.
“Take your fucking shorts off,” he demands as his free hand pulls your tank top up just above your breasts. You stand up to do so then turn to him.
“Yours too. Off,” you demand.
You wouldn’t dare tear your eyes away, watching as Billy kicks his boots off before hurriedly unbuttoning his pants and pushing them to his ankles along with his boxers. His cock springs out, slapping against his stomach and you groan at the sight of his red, leaking tip. You sit beside him this time, bringing your knees up to spread yourself for him. You lick your palm and reach down to wrap your fingers around the base of his cock, squeezing slightly as you turn to look at his face. He’s biting his lip, staring into you with those gorgeous blues. He then reaches down to rub your pussy again, groaning again at just how wet you are. You gasp out when he slides two digits inside, his actions a little more rough this time. You stroke him slowly, rubbing along his tip with your thumb every time you go up. He lets out a low moan. You turn your eyes forward and that’s when you catch it, you can see the reflection of you two on the empty TV screen. It excites you even more and your hips jerk forward.
“Billy,” you nod towards it, glancing to him to make sure he sees it too.
He laughs softly, spreading his fingers inside you and then pulls them out. He brings his palm up and slaps your pussy, clearly putting on a show for himself. And for yourself, you cry out at the strike, feeling as you clench around nothing. You squeeze his cock again, looking back to his face and smiling wide.
Billy moves to kiss you then, pulling his hands away and grabbing your wrist to pull yours away. He’s pinning you back on the couch and moving between your legs, deepening the kiss, grabbing onto your face as he does so.
You moan against his bruising lips, arms trapped beneath his strong body. His grip on your jaw is tight, his other hand grabbing a fistful of your hair and pulling while he hastily licks into your mouth. You wiggle beneath him, desperate for him. Billy’s pulls back and grabs your wrists, pinning them above your head with one hand. He leans back down and licks up your neck to your ear.
“Do not move your hands,” he demands, voice low and breath intoxicating against your ear. “Do I make myself clear?”
You whimper, “Yes, sir.”
Billy pats the side of your thigh, “Good girl.”
You ache all over in anticipation, so eagerly ready for whatever he wants to do to you. Another gasp falls from you as he licks the curve of your cleavage and his tongue descends down your stomach but entirely skips where you desire it most. You instinctively bring your hands to his hair when he presses his tongue to your inner thigh. You quickly realize your mistake and pull your hands away and bring them back over your head. But Billy won’t let you get away with it, he sits up and looks down at you.
“What did I tell you?” he asks, “Tsk tsk.” He shakes his head and wraps his fingers around your wrists.
“M’sorry,” you mumble as you squirm underneath him.
“Do I need to tie you up?” he asks, his other hand wrapping loosely around your throat and you’re speechless, gazing back at him with wide eyes and mouth agape. You can’t say you’re surprised Billy’s into this stuff but you are surprised by just how much you are.
“Is that a yes?” he tightens his fingers and you shake your head.
“I’ll be good,” you pant out breathlessly.
He leans his face down to yours, kissing you almost too chaste for the sinister way he’s behaving. He pulls back to continue teasing your thighs with broad strokes of his tongue. It’s starting to become overwhelming, you know you’re dripping down your thighs and you feel him licking it up slowly. You need his mouth on your pussy this instant, you need some kind of relief or you fear you might start crying due to frustration.
“Please,” you beg, “I need… I—“
Billy licks around your core, so close yet not quite there. He places a kiss on your hip and looks up at you, “What do you need?”
“You!” you whine.
Billy laughs, low and devious, “I’m right here.”
You whine again, squirming underneath him and digging your fingernails into your palms.
“Tell me what you need, kitten.”
His tongue smooths against your hip and you moan out, rocking up at him.
“I need your mouth on my pussy,” you plead, feeling your cheeks heat up as he makes you say it out loud. “Please…”
“Good job, dollface,” Billy grins up at you, smoothing his hand over your stomach.
“Please,” you beg some more, hoping it’ll make him move faster.
He hums before trailing kisses back down to your core, spreading you with his fingers as he licks a broad stroke from your hole to your clit. You swear you see fireworks behind your eyelids, letting out a breathless moan and arching slightly.
“Billy, yes,” you whimper out.
He’s fervent between your legs, almost like he’s been desperate to do it and doesn’t know when he’ll get to do it again. To be honest, you’d didn’t expect he was the type of guy to enjoy going down but you’re happily mistaken, feeling the pressure inside you pulled taut when he sucks on your clit.
“Ah—“ you moan out, the sound getting caught in your throat as Billy licks into your hole, his hands holding your thighs in place when he feels them begin to shake.
He looks up at you, “You gonna cum for me?” after he asks, he licks broadly through your folds and then begins lapping at your clit.
You pant out, “Yes, I’m…” then it crashes over you, hands diving into his curls and pushing his mouth against you as you ride his face. You cry out his name over and over, tears threatening to spill when he continues after you’ve climaxed, your hands pulling at his hair and you jolt up. He licks you clean until you’re whimpering and overstimulated.
Then his mouth is on yours, tongue pushing past your lips and you can taste yourself, you can feel how wet it is around his mouth, down to his chin. When he pulls back, his lips tug up and expose his teeth in a euphoric smile.
“Dear god,” you tell him, your breath coming out short, “I’ve never cum that hard in my entire fucking life.”
Billy laughs softly and you push his curls off his forehead, admiring his face hovering over you. His erection is apparent against your stomach, but he’s caressing your face and kissing your lips gently.
“Let’s go to my room,” you nudge his nose with yours.
Billy hums, kissing you again before pulling himself up to his feet and tugging you up with him. Your legs feel like jello and you wobble as you stand, so Billy lifts you up and you wrap your legs around his waist. He carries you into your bedroom, flicking the light on before laying you down and settling beside you. You turn to him as he turns to you, staring into your eyes. You hook your leg over his waist and reach for his cock, guiding his tip through your folds before lining it up with your entrance. Billy bites his lip, pushing his hips up and you feel a few inches of him enter you. Your breath hitches up and your eyes fall shut, the girth of him a little intense at first.
He smooths his hand up the underside of your thigh, fingers feeling himself connected inside of you and he groans softly. You’re desperate to hear more noises from him, pushing him onto his back and straddling him. You lower yourself so he’s completely inside you, moaning hoarsely at the sensation. He makes a noise a little more higher pitched than you’re used to and it makes your head swim, palms pressing onto his chest as you start grinding against him, his fingers grip your hips.
“So fucking good,” he grits his teeth, tilting his head back slightly.
Your jaw falls open when he hits your g-spot with a particular swoop of your hips, fingernails digging in his chest as you try to recreate it over and over.
“You’re so fucking big,” you whine out, grabbing his hands and lacing your fingers. You press his hands into the sheets, above his head as you bounce up and down on his cock.
Billy licks his lips, “You take it so well.”
His voice drenched in pleasure surges more wetness from you and he groans low and husky. His eyes are scanning all over your body and face, enamored with all of it.
“Billy,” you pant out, “Oh, fuck, Billy…”
You let go of your hands and straighten your back, cupping your breasts and squeezing them as you ground down on him.
His hands are back on your hips, holding you still as he drills into you, his hips snapping up in reckless force. He hits your spot each time, causing you to arch your back and your hand to drop down to run quick circles against your clit. You can hear your skin slapping together and the little grunts and groans coming from him.
“Shit,” you curse, “I’m gonna fucking cum again!”
Billy grins up at you, “Thatta girl. Cum all over my cock, cum for me, princess.”
The praise does it, your body convulsing above him as you ride out your orgasm, dripping down his cock while you scream his name out.
He doesn’t give you any time to come down, flipping the two of you and pushing your knees up, hands on the backs of your thighs as he pounds into you from above. That’s got you screaming, hands grabbing onto any part of him you can.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck,” he groans, pulling out and moving to the side of you. You turn over and wrap your lips around his cock, moaning as he empties into your mouth. You suck, wanting every last drop you can get from this man. He’s a whining mess before you and dear god, you’re already ready for more.
Never in your life though, have you tasted cum so delicious. It’s not at all bitter and you’re confused but even more so, incredibly infatuated. You think either he’s meticulous about his diet or you’ve met your soulmate. And you’ve seen what Billy consumes, his cum should taste disgusting.
You’re lying on your backs, panting and holding hands with the laziest and happiest smiles.
“Is that what you thought it’d be like?” you ask.
Billy’s tone is perplexed, “We’ve had sex before.”
You turn to him, “I don’t remember it. Do you?”
He scrunches his face up, out of hurt or realization, you’re not sure. But then he says, “I guess not. Like bits and pieces.”
You’re curious now, “What do you remember?”
Billy’s face flushes, “I honestly think we were too drunk to even finish.”
You grin, “Aw, good ol’ whiskey dick.”
He cocks an eyebrow, “Whiskey clit? You couldn’t cum either.”
“Whiskey clit is definitely a thing. Probably more frustrating than whiskey dick,” you counter, cuddling up to his chest and looking at him. “What else though?”
Billy looks like he’s thinking hard, “I ate you out, I think… I’m pretty sure you were slapping my face?”
You hum, “Sounds like me.”
He laughs, “Well you didn’t slap me once just now.”
“That’s cause you were the boss this round, just wait an hour or two,” you tease him, pulling him into a kiss.
“You’re gonna be too exhausted to go to work tomorrow,” Billy says playfully and you hum happily.
“You too.”
“My job is much easier than yours,” he admits and you like that he thinks so. The physical aspect of your job wasn’t the hard part, it was the mental gymnastics. Having to turn the charm on for men who didn’t even see you as a person, pretending you were the perfect fantasy. And now the added bonus of Billy watching. That’s why you knew deep down, this whole thing was gonna go up in flames. This never worked out. Boyfriends didn’t work. And that wasn’t even considering boyfriends who worked with you. Boyfriends who had to pour drinks bought for their girlfriend by men eager to see her tits. Maybe Billy was different. You worried still.
“And higher paying for a reason,” you reply and he mocks offense.
“You bet your ass if they had a ladies night, I’d be on that stage in a heartbeat,” he assures you, rubbing his hand over your bare ass.
“I’d throw all my money at you, too,” you smile.
Billy chuckles, “And I’d use it to pay our rent.”
“Ooh, meta sugar daddy?”
He laughs hard at that and you feel proud, loving when you could make a man laugh. It felt even better making him laugh.
“Are you ready to go again?” you ask which makes him laugh once more.
“Thought you said an hour or two?”
“Yeah, but your laugh made me horny again,” you admit.
Billy pushes out a breath, “We could try. My dick twitched at you saying horny.”
You grin and sit up, pushing his hair of his forehead and looking at him. “Oh, god, Billy… you make me so horny. I’m just so fucking wet anytime I see you.”
“Or hear me,” he teases and you glance down to see his dick filling out again.
“Would you look at that?” you point out with a humble smile.
“Keep saying naughty stuff,” he pleads, fingertips caressing your cheek.
You giggle, bringing your lips to his ear to whisper, “You make me so hot, you’re the sexiest man I’ve ever seen. Whenever I see you, all I want is for you to bend me over and take me. Wherever we are, whoever is around, I don’t care. I need your cock filling me up all the time, I’m so fucking desperate for it.”
“Alright,” Billy groans, pushing you onto your back and spreading your thighs against the sheets. He hovers over you, slapping his cock against your pussy and biting his lip as he watches.
“Need it,” you beg, wiggling under him, “Please, Billy.”
He slides inside you and you wrap your arms around his neck, moaning out at the feeling of being full again. You hook your legs around his waist and pull him flush against you. He grunts softly, rolling his hips excruciatingly slow. It’s nice and lazy, he kisses you and matches his rhythm, licking into your mouth every time he moves his hips back into yours.
“Mmm, you feel so amazing,” you muse, “Want you to be inside me all the time. Never wanna stop feeling this.”
Billy sucks in a breath, moving his hands to cradle your jaw as he peers into your eyes, the gaze intoxicatingly idolatrous. You feel panic creeping up but his loving smile diminishes it quickly. You gasp, moving your hand to his cheek and he drills into you particularly deep. Your moaning is breathy and high in tone, completely out of your control as he continues to pull them from you.
“Wanna make you feel this good all the time,” he purrs and it gives you the chills, your body trembling.
“Billy,” you whimper, eyes fluttering shut when he speeds his movements up. The sensation in the pit of your stomach letting you know that you’re there again. You pull him closer, softly chanting his name as he pulls the third orgasm from you and he’s soon after you, pulling out to shoot onto your stomach. You sigh, body going limp as he pulls away. You manage to look down at his cum on your stomach and you’re stunned by how much it is. You think, God damn, this dude must be so fertile, as you wipe it up with your fingers and bring it to your mouth, loving the taste of him.
Billy leans down to kiss your forehead and then lays down beside you, pulling you to him and kissing your neck and shoulder.
You feel so elated, you feel so cared for and so in love. You know it’s not good but you can’t stop it, you cling to him and don’t let go for the rest of the night.
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