#slept from 10am to 1pm
mellowdarkness · 8 months
Spent another afternoon sleeping..... :')
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medstudentblues · 11 months
i am Spent. i’m from duty so i slept until 830am. at 10am, it was announced that we have an intubation lecture at 1pm so i went to the hospital… only to be told that the class was cancelled. if there’s one thing i hate the most it is wasted effort. there was no emergency surgery or anything, they just wanted to cancel it… i mean, why make us come in if they knew beforehand that they were going to cancel it anyway. 🥹
i see this rampant toxic culture in medicine everywhere even at the start of clerkship. in our first rotation, pediatrics, the resident announced that we had to go to the hospital at 10am, and it was already 8am/9am. it was sudden, and we had to go on duty immediately. no warnings or whatsoever. i mean— if there are no emergencies or whatever, why is it so fun for those doctors to waste our time? i try not to complain but i’m just so Tired. our next rotation is internal medicine and we all dread it. why is it that our time is less important than others?
gaaah. anyhow, my beau took me out to a nice and simple dinner which i very much enjoyed!!! i was craving for a hot soup and my cravings were satisfied. i also walked my dog which was great. now i’m on my bed, about to watch killing vote because it’s SO GOOD until i fall asleep. i’m on Duty starting tomorrow (10 days straight of 7pm-7am duty, just kill me now pls) and even though i want to sleep at 4am to reverse my circadian rhythm, i know i won’t be able to fulfill that tonight.
i had two exit exams and i’m exhausted! good night. hopefully i’ll be in a good mood when the morrow comes.
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meezer · 9 months
world's most fucked sleep schedule
stayed up all night on new year's eve in hopes of fixing my sleep schedule (like 6am-1pm, sometimes even worse, got woken up at 5pm one day)
I got very very sleepy in my quest despite being determined to stay up so I napped from 8am to 10am
then I napped again from like... maybe 1pm to 3pm?
then I started getting sleepy early tonight and I was like fuck yes this is my moment. so I went to bed at 9pm. woke up at 12am. have not slept since 🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂🙂
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fapper · 11 months
Im fucking onsessed with sleeping i just slept again from 10am - 1pm
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possiblytracker · 2 years
when i first got on these meds i got warned one thing: if you wake up past 10am and still havent taken them, dont. cut ur losses and just manage without them. it isnt worth what happens if you do. anyway my hubris in thinking im immune to consequences just got the better of me considering i slept through my alarm yesterday, only remembered to take it at 1pm because fuck it whats the worst that could happen, and spent my entire night from 2 to 5-6 in the morning staring at the ceiling in bed regretting every choice ive ever made
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creamdemonsworld · 2 months
Hi Tumblr, here's what happened today.
Today is Thursday which is my Sunday because I take Wed-Thurs off. I tried my best to fix my sleep schedule last night and woke up at 10am! which is better than 1pm. I notice that when I wake up earlier I feel more refreshed and less foggy. So tonight we're shooting for 9am wake up time.
I did not eat breakfast because I needed groceries so I lazed around until I had therapy. I showered, got ready, and had a very productive therapy session. I love my therapist she's amazing. I've been going to therapy since early childhood and with my current therapist I feel like I'm actually getting things done with my trauma. I talked about how I suddenly feel safe in my new home because of an accident.
The accident: Every night I make sure to lock all my windows and doors to my house - including my bedroom door - before yesterday I never even dared to sleep with the window open. But yesterday I went to go open the huge window on the front of my house, unlocked it, realized it was locked. And then came to the conclusion that my window had been unlocked ever since I moved in here. A happy accident! Because nothing bad has happened since my window was unlocked. Which in my mind means that I am safe!
To celebrate my conquered fear, I slept with my window open and my bedroom door unlocked. I slept so good with my nice cool room. I has been so stuffy these past couple weeks. But yay!
There was more stuff that I talked about with my therapist but it's just housekeeping stuff like my relationships and my art. She really wants to heal my relationship with art. I do too.
After therapy I went to the grocery store for my weeks worth of groceries. $98 later I put it all away and my cold brew kicked in so I deep cleaned my kitchen.
My kitchen/living area has been a total mess from moving. I moved into a much smaller place so I've been slowly chipping away at this huge pile of stuff I no longer have space for in the kitchen. Today I made a HUGE dent. I was brave and threw a ton of boxes in the recycling, and even put three boxes by the door to eventually put on the sidewalk.
I then called my girlfriend and had a lengthy talk with her. We're poly and she has a fiancé. I came from being strictly mono to being wither her so this is all new to me. I told her that if she wants two life partners she needs to treat me like a life partner. And we decided to start things over with no expectations just to see where things go. It was a really satisfying conversation honestly. I do wish she could come see me more but if that doesn't end up happening I'm just gonna end it by the end of the year. I can't handle being with someone who has the resources to come visit but still doesn't.
After my conversation with gf I clipped my cat's nails. He is such a good boy. He just complains about being wrapped in a towel but never bites or scratches. He got lots of treats.
The rest of my day was relaxing, I vegged out in bed for a minute and then decided to try and paint something after 3 years of not creating. I need to start it over but I'm not mad at myself like I usually am. I really hope the therapy is helping heal my relationship with art. I crave creation so badly but my brain has so many triggers around it so it's a very hard thing for me to do.
Anyway, it's time for bed. My work week starts tomorrow and I have rent damage I need to make up. Goodnight Tumblr!
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parakeetpark · 4 months
My throat was so sore I kept coughing myself awake most of the night, until 7am when someone else woke up who could help me out
I knew I bought a humidifier a few years ago because I learnt that dry air when recovering from a cold is what was most likely blocking my nose, and tickling my throat etc when i breathed so that i coughed hard every 1-2m while trying to sleep
So they helped me find that and set it up, got me another honey ginger tea. I was wide awake so i played a game in bed until 10 then lay down next to my beautiful humidifier.
FINALLY I slept for 3 whole hours
I still feel fucking awful but holy shit my heart was pounding so hard earlier and I was shaking when i hadn't slept. It wasn't even 'woke up every so often but did sleep in fits' it was NO sleep other than one hour or so.
Anyway here's a list of my accumulated sessions of sleep
- 5am to 6am
- 10am to 1pm
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deyzalee · 5 months
Dear God,
Thankful and blessed today. I woke up late because I only have 1 hour duty. I drank my vitamin. I pass stool at 10AM and went back to sleep again. I woke up at 1PM plus. I scrolled my social media accounts, chatted my family and friends. I played cooking fever. I watched random vlogs. I ate yema, tupig, gem bites, tarts and pastillas given by Yonica all the way from Pinas. I watched random videos. I slept again cause I m very tired. I woke up at 4PM and made strawberry shake. I also had chit chats with my housemates. I prepared myself for 1 hour duty. I arrived at Saif’s house safely. I cared and monitored my patient with the help of Ate Carme and with you Oh God. I did cortex. Ate gave fruits but I only get one banana and apple. I let her add to cart on my temu account. 1 hour duty ended and I arrived home safely. I cleaned my bed side table. I had my self and skin care routine. I read few pages of the Bible. I drank my medicines. Have mercy on us Oh God. Guide us always to the right path. Remove sickness, danger and negative things in our life. Answer our prayers in your perfect time. Thank you and I love you God.
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Travel Day 0
Talk about a long day. Mom flew in from Newfoundland to watch Nara on Monday night. After learning the ropes of Austin and Joe’s level of care, we were ready to begin our trip to Italy. Austin and Joe left for LAX at 1pm, arriving at 2:15pm. After breezing through TSA, their flight to Amsterdam took off at 4:45pm. They arrived 9 hrs and 45 minutes later in Amsterdam around noon local time. A two hour layover (and a Netherlands stamp in the passport later), they were off on a two hour journey from Holland to Rome!
Upon landing in Rome, Austin and Joe ventured into the public transportation system. Taking a 30 minute train from the airport to Rome Centrale, transferring to the high speed rail from Rome Centrale to Napoli (1.5 hours), and finally grabbing the Napoli to Sorrento train after much Train station confusion (another hour).
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Arriving in Sorrento, our wonderful Alta Marea host, Marco, picked us up and drove us to the hotel 15 minutes from Sorrento. He told us of Sorrento’s history and Joe understood about 10% due to sleepiness and Marco’s excited Italian accent. Don’t worry, Marco retold the stories the next day and that plus Austin’s explanations caught Joe up.
Marco asked if we were hungry and ended up keeping Luigi’s restaurant for us around 10pm. We ate a wonderful private dinner on the beach albeit slightly awkward as the staff staying for our dinner sat around waiting to help us. We ate a wonderful meal of ravioli, and seafood pasta, plus some local white wine.
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And the cats. Oh, the cats!
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We ended the night with exhausted bedtime routines and slept undisturbed (except for falling in the hole of the bed) until approximately 10am the next morning. Jet lag mostly conquered!
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steamishot · 1 year
equinox x2/4th of july
this past weekend, we went on our second staycation to equinox for three nights. amex had a $200 off $1000 offer so we couldn’t resist. we checked in on 6/30, which i could not take off from work. unfortunately, i had to work until 8pm that day but it worked out fine. we knew what to expect this time around so the adjustment period was very short. the hotel offers such serenity and tranquility; it’s extremely quiet and the air is super purified and fresh. the quietness is so therapeutic, especially for matt who is often in a high stress and chaotic environment. he had just finished a 10 day working streak, 7 days on and 3 days of moonlighting. our lives are always a little insane:
neighborhood walk to white noise/coffee
checked out la bicyclette for the most expensive ham and cheese croissant ($9) 
matt had a 30 min virtual interview with LA USC, followed by a therapy session with gabbie
we do last minute packing, throw out the trash/cleaned, and head to equinox hotels around 3pm 
we settle in, i continue to work
ordered sushi on 35 delivery for our dinner 
restorative yoga at 8pm with babette godefrey: she was giving a whole ted talk during this session, stressing the importance of rest (in addition to exercise and nutrition). she said that we see more in a week in NYC than people did in their entire lifetimes 100 years ago. 
started off our day with an intense but fun workout by michael j. clark for kickboxing. this guy was literally on crack, performing acrobatics at 10am in the morning lol. he is by far the most memorable fitness instructor i’ve had. left me feeling sore for at least 3 days after
went for lunch at a nearby australian cafe and ate healthy food (salad & avocado toast)
picked up a matcha latte and vegan donuts from the nearby wholefoods
did a wind down/restorative yoga class at 4pm
checked out market 57 for food, starbucks reserve, and the google store
did a vinyasa flow class with robert nguyen that was quite intense. equinox instructors are all a little intense/arrogant lol, they really do not baby you in class
had an early dinner at jeju where we had a crazy dinner: the meal consisted of uni, caviar, wagyu, tartare, truffle, scallops, and lobster
walked back to market 57 and tried a signature latte (with blackberries and thyme), picked up xin fu tang boba and banana pudding from magnolia bakery
went back to the equinox gym where matt ran 30 minutes while i did an inclined walk 
my stomach felt like crap that night, with mixing of all the above foods - on top of drinking tea, and eating blueberries lol 
we had scheduled a hot yoga class for that morning but i wasn’t feeling well so i slept in. matt went for a 30 minute run and picked up some starbucks oatmeal for me. i called off half day from work.
checked out, got back to our apartment around 1pm and decided to go to hot yoga at our usual studio at 4pm with our favorite instructor matty
we were both so tired and knocked out by 10pm last night 
the price is hefty, but i told matt that it’s worth it because of how rejuvenating the experience is and it is a very healthy treat for himself. i believe it’s better to spend on wellness than to spend on something material. the gym is his element. it’s also always interesting to people watch at places like this. 
instead of keeping my bike in the bike rack down in the basement, it’s now stored in the apartment so that i can more easily go out for bike rides. i don’t have to rely on matt to help me carry my bike up two flights of stairs from the basement. it’s still quite a drag to get my bike from the room into the elevator and then down/up a few stairs, but i went for 3 solo bike rides last week and really enjoyed it! the first ride was about 5 miles, the second and third were about a 10 miles roundtrip. it’s a great way to start my day and to force myself to leave the apartment and get in some cardio. i decked out my bike - it now has a basket and phone mount. i realized my recent anxiety was breeding from boredom, and the best way to combat that is by doing more. 
there’s always some anxiety when i haven’t done something for a while or if i’m doing something for the first time (i.e. socialize, bike ride, drive, go to a new area etc) but i cannot be avoidant. the anxiety i have comes from having too much down time, where i have time to worry about things i normally wouldn’t think about if i had a busier schedule. i would just go do it. 
i’m spending 4th of july mostly alone, or matt may come home earlier. again, i always have fomo and wish i had family around during the holidays. it’s something i want to bring up in therapy.
interviews/applications have been really busy for matt. it seems he had about 10 (one in person, the other calls/virtual) in the past month or so. arrowhead is flying him out for an in-person interview on 7/11, and i am tagging along. they are paying for his flight, 3 day rental car and 2 nights at a hotel. i’m excited to be on this journey with him. it’s starting to feel like he’s “VIP”. as his partner, i am also defaulted to being in the advisor role. like in spiderman, “with great power comes great responsibility”. whew, it ain’t easy. 
another thing i want to bring up in therapy is this transition in class/wealth. for me, it’s the guilt that i get to experience such nice and luxurious things, that i feel undeserving. that i fear i will come off as “showing off” to my family if i share my experiences, or make them feel bad. at the same time, i realize feeling guilty is also negating all our hard efforts and sacrifices. 
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rackartyg · 2 years
my days go like this. i wake up at 6am to feed my cat. i'm so tired that i inevitably either go back to bed or fall asleep on the sofa. sleep for another three hours until 9-10am (i have at this point slept 10-11 hours). spend an additional two or three hours in bed on my phone or staring vacantly into the air with around 5/10 anxiety, until i can finally force myself up and outside to take a walk. get back from the walk at maybe around 1pm and the walk got rid of most of the anxiety, so i have coffee and sometimes breakfast and maybe do something productive. i can't concentrate for more than 20 minutes at a time but that just means i take breaks which is probably good. the rest of the day goes mostly fine until the nighttime anxiety hits around 9pm. sometimes i go to bed on time at 10pm, sometimes i stay up until 11pm because i want to distract myself from the anxiety and the whole relaxing thing you have to do to fall asleep tends to make me spiral. wake up at six to feed the cat. rinse and repeat.
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the-jewel-thief · 2 years
So I have a concussion. The fuzziness is getting better but here's the ✨super fun side effects ✨
2: My insomnia is so much worse! I can't fucking sleep. OR I sleep too much! A few days ago I slept from 12am-8am 10am-12:30pm 1pm-5pm. LAST NIGHT I FELL ASLEEP AT 5 AM AND WOKE UP AT 9!!! AND IM NOT TIRED AT FUCKING ALL AND PROBABLY WONT BE FOR A WHILE!!! AND NO SLEEP NEDS WORK! EVEN WEED DOES ABSOLUTELY NOTHING! I FALL ASLEEP AND IM AWAKE THREE HOURS LATER!!!
3: still can't drive or be in a car for a long time. if there's a car behind me when the car I'm in is stopping i start to have a panic attack. same thing if my fiancee doesn't stop fast enough.
4: completely unrelated but on top of everything I have a sinus infection
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molosmojo · 2 years
If it is meant to be, it will!
I was looking back at the year gone by and trying to see what some of my best (and worst) memories from the last 12 months were. While some of them I have already shared with you through the year, the one BEST memory I only shared in some of my in-person interactions, I realised I did not pen it down.
If you go back to the Aug-22 email below, I had spoken about the Ummeed (hope) of getting my daughter’s college admission process through – while the admission did happen, eventually, this is a story of the “how”. Read on…
After all the trials-and-errors, we were reaching Round 3 of the admission process and with no certainty of getting through that cut-off list, we decided to change her stream from Commerce to Arts (after discussing with daughter) before making our final selection of Round 3 colleges.
In between, I had spoken to someone senior in one of the colleges of our choice and they had asked us to come and see them on 26-Sep-22 (Monday). This meeting was set-up at 1PM.
However, at 10AM that day, we sat down to see the Round 3 allocations post changing the stream to Arts – and voila, she had made it in the cut-off list, finally. Now, we had a dilemma – should we go to this college (College M) or the college (College S) that had asked us to meet them later in the day at 1PM… we said, let us keep both active and take our call accordingly.
We went to College S at 1PM and this time because we had gone through a reference, the registrar stood up and greeted us – I told her, “Mam, I am a normal parent just trying to secure my daughter’s admission to your college, please do not break any protocols – you are a Teacher, and we respect that. Please don’t treat us any different”. She gave us some relevant contacts and we came back home.
Came back home in the hope that the next day we shall go to College M and secure daughter’s admission under the Gujarati language quota…we slept peacefully.
The next day (27-Sep-22), we reached College M at 10AM and thought we would be done with the admission in a couple of hours and then I can travel back to office and wifey and daughter can go back home. They asked for a pre-filled form which we had no clue about. Then we went to an internet café nearby and got that form filled by the owner himself – it took us an hour to get that done. We returned to the college, submitted that form and they said now wait for the process to start by 12:30PM and that is about it.
Given most of the formalities were done, I told wifey that I am leaving for office, you should be able to manage this. I went down, sat in my car and for some reason, I had to again come back to the college to meet daughter.
I went to that classroom and saw a visibly tensed wifey trying to justify that “we are Gujarati” – I interfered and said “mam, I can read, write and speak Gujarati, we are a Gujarati speaking community”. The staff said prove that you are Gujarati by:
either showing any of your marksheets where you had Gujarati as a subject OR
your parents marksheet where they had Gujarati as a subject OR
either your or any of your ancestor’s name in one the of the Gujarati census book OR
your wedding invitation card which is in Gujarati
We told them we have a letter from our Community office stating we are a Gujarati speaking sect – they outright rejected saying this is fake, cannot trust this. Give us another proof.
We had started to panic having come this close to securing admission for my daughter and yet so far – we made phone calls to our respective families to try and hunt for documents while we sat there in the classroom seeing similar discussion(s) with other parents too and most of them moving ahead since they had some proof. Our anxiety levels were going up every minute while trying to figure out what can we do now.
We received death certificates, wifey’s school leaving certificate where her place of birth was mentioned as Gujarat – submitted both of them but they said NO, this wouldn’t work. It was already 4PM by now!
And then…
My mother-in-law found her marriage invitation card from 1970s which was in Gujarati – she sent to it us. We showed that invitation card alongwith wifey’s school leaving certificate to draw the family tree…finally, they agreed to accept this is a decent proof and helped us proceed to the payment counter and complete the admission process. We were done by 5PM or so that day and the relief on our face when we sat in the car was something we had not experienced in a long time…
Today, after 3 months of college, daughter is enjoying her time, busy preparing for their upcoming college fest!
As we enter a new year, one thing I have realised is “if it is meant to be, it will happen” – you must keep giving your best and not lose hope. If it is not meant to be, I am sure there is something better waiting for you to happen!
Wishing each one of you a very happy, joyous, and meaningful new year 2023!
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iankarlo · 2 years
Can I Still Make It? | 49th
Another boring Sunday for me. Last night we went home around 2am from my cousin's birthday. I was typing my blog but I feel really sleepy so I just try to finish it as much as I could. 
Anyway, today I just slept the entire day. I woke up around 8am and my mom left already cause they will go to Aqua Planet. I prepare my breakfast and play with Bloom. Around 10am, I felt sleepy again watching some documentaries about the Pluto and I didn't notice that I fell asleep already.
I woke up and took a bath around 1pm and I asked my Dad to send to me terminal. Before I left, I hugged Bloom and my tears suddenly fell. I just feel like hugging her cause I know she felt what I am going through. I feel a sudden relief when I hugged her and when she kissed me and wished to play with me more. 
I was trying to hold up my tears and for the first time I feel like I was comforted by someone when I didn't talk even a single word. I wish Bloom is here with me tonight because I wanted to cry over these shitty things happening to my life. 
I tried to collect myself and to be okay as much as I could but the weigh is too heavy to carry right now. I kept asking myself if I can still make it, "Can I still make it?"
I bet no one understands how I feel. I bet no one can think of how much pain penetrates to me skin right now. They always thought that I am okay. 
Anyway, I hope things get better soon. 
Good night. 
Love always,
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marcholasmoth · 2 years
OSRR: 3000
what a day.
i got up late for PT this morning: i was supposed to be there for 7:30. i woke up at 7:28. so i got up real quick and called them. i got there late but i notified them so they were okay with it.
once that was done, i was definitely hurting, but it was time to go back to joel's and go back to sleep. so i did.
i slept until about 1pm.
then i proceeded to do nothing for a few hours besides talk to kimmy for a little bit because i'm an emotional disaster and am constantly stressed out.
i looked up why people crave ice cream and it said it's because you're craving calcium or are stressed and anxious.
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(to my understanding, that's spanish for "no fucking way." but i've been wrong before, and i'll be wrong again.)
anyway, i eventually went out again to get food and warmth because i was fucking cold, so i stopped for cocoa and mcnaldos and i got back in time to set up for class and not listen very much.
after class, i finally watched "thanks to them" and i'm emotional about it.
i'm still not gonna post stuff from it because some like me may have not gotten the chance to see it. it's on youtube if you wanna watch it. that knowledge was shared to me and i wish to share it to others as well.
and now it's 1:10am and i'm tired and joel's feet are cold and i'm hungry but mostly i'm tired. i still can't think and the stress is getting to me in a big way.
and joel and i have been together for three and a half years today. cute how that fell on a nice round number. makes me happy. both the number and the joel.
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narsh-poptarts · 3 years
Oh my god has anyone said Sky yet for the character ask game? Gonna say Sky, he’s part of your brand!!
No 😔 with the amount of times I think about him and draw him you'd think so but alas...
But THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! I slept an entire day two days ago so I'm living up to him well I think
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