#sleepy mun
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aealzx · 1 year ago
Hello, fellow artist! I was just passing through and I noticed that you’ve been working hard recently! And I was wondering…
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Do you need this?
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What gave you that idea?
Your timing is actually impeccable because I had insomnia for like 2.5 hours last night and my alarm went off in the middle of a really deep dream. I was so autopilot zombie this morning X'DDD
I actually sleep a lot, I regularly get like 14 hours every saturday and usually at least 7 hours on the weekdays. I just have not so great health so I'm always tired anyway |D Except around like 8-11pm at night, then I get pretty alert |D
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temporalbystander · 8 months ago
So, due to the insanely complicated way my body handles sleep to energy conversion, I am once again up when I probably shouldn't be. I am also incredibly stuck in my current chapter because I've created the most bizarre paradox ever. Without giving anything away, there was supposed to be the start of another subplot here... That needs later parts of the subplot to work. So I'm pushing that plot back and focusing on another one instead and now need to think of what I need to change and what I can keep. There, all the stuff a casual viewer would care about done. Under the cut is... What it is.
Okay so last time I got stuck was Eris giving me an idea. The time before that was me realising how much I did with Faybon in my head (again thanks to Eris) and before that was my realisation to start the scene earlier and before that was to get out of Faybon's head when writing. Already done the last two so it was back to Eris for inspiration. Or rather a certain tag.
Seriously, the ml writing salt tag is one of the best tools a writer like me could have. See, in my insanity of subconsciously having Faybon fix all the issues and explore all the potential characterisation the show misses, I have a warped view of what the earlier seasons and episodes were truly like. I am human and my memory is very flawed. Secondly, as someone who could not finish season 5 because he had invested so much into his "in character" reactions and the episodes were deviating wildly from what the character expected of his friends, writing a post season 5 fic is difficult.
The ml writing salt tag? Helps solve both these issues. It brings up characterisation in season 5 episodes, compares it to earlier episodes and goes "ya done f***ed up." It gives a guide to what seen as the "fandom accepted" personality of these characters while suggesting multiple events where these characters didn't act that way. This gives me precious fuel to write either "how they should have behaved" or "questioning why they behaved that way."
Given this story now has a character capable off seeing every aspect of someone and absolutely no filter? This is gold! Of course that character not showing up in this chapter leads to the above problems.
In short, if you're worried you're deviating from "canon" personality then just look at the tag and ask which season the character is more like and see if you're doing any of the things people don't like.
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antecrist · 3 months ago
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spidrboots · 3 months ago
angel on his motorcycle, wearing a leather jacket that says, ‘born to ride’ on it in hot pink. thank u for ur time.
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first-boy-wonder · 2 months ago
[The boy looked down at the item in his hand; it looked so real- so stupidly real. He shouldn't, he knows things like this are bad! He's not stupid, he knows that much- but they told him it was okay! In moderation it was better than not having them at all, apparently.
Just a little! Only a little,, that couldn't hurt.
He used the dropper and let a bit drip onto his tongue.
Gross- or maybe it just tasted gross since this entire thing was gross. He scrunched his eyes shut. This was stupid stupid stupid!! He shouldn't have done this, he was gonna get in so much trouble- what would mama and papa have had to say?
What would they have had to say? Ask them. Ask them? Ask them!
They were there- they were really there? It had been almost a full year since he saw them, he was ecstatic.
"It wasn't real. It was a bad dream!" They reassured him! "We're right here with you, ready for the next show!" They proclaimed to him!
He talked to 'them' for hours it felt like, and he could've sworn those hours were amazing. Some of the best in months!
He told them everything about everything! They seemed to be talking right back! Enjoying listening; hugging him closely. He loved that- but it wasn't real!
It wasn't- wasn't real?
Of course not!!
"Try out the trapeze again Dickie" But he's in Gotham,
"Next performance soon, son!" But he's still in Gotham,
"Why did you listen to the stranger, Dickie?" Because they're still dead and he's still in Gotham! That's why! He misses his life at the circus, he misses his parents who he'll never see again, and he misses the friends that are just gonna forget about him now they won't be talking daily!
"Stupid cheer drops" he would've thought to himself, wiping at his eyes. It was nice, just so so so nice- but it wasn't real! He's not happy anymore because it wasn't real!
He's crying, wailing, sobbing into his hands- as he kicks the remaining cheer drops away from him. He curls up into a ball and just lets himself cry.
No wonder people take more, he doesn't wanna feel like this! He liked how he felt before, but it wasn't real! He had already messed up, and it wasn't real. He wanted to see them again, to perform with them, but it wasn't real!!!
He messed up. He's sorry.]
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fvnnythiings · 3 months ago
struggling to stay awake but jax likes men. that’s the post, thank u for ur time.
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sadb0yhourz · 3 months ago
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Dino is wondering why he's so popular right now. [More importantly, why the attacks?!]
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perditus · 3 months ago
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|| teia doodle because??? Also her outfit is pain ||
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temporalbystander · 1 year ago
So I could try writing more. Or I could maybe do something on AO3 (HA like that'll happen) or I could maybe go looking for better story writers than myself, on here or AO3, but I think I'll just lie here and complain. Maybe even take a nap.
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ofovertime · 6 months ago
Friendly reminder. You are adorable and you are trying your best today. <3
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mine-ventures · 6 months ago
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[ Just posting some filler art with an old doodle on MS Paint here cuz yeah---
Imma try answering stuff rn lol ]
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askliamevans · 8 months ago
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Today was so much fun! I'm really happy to have met a lot of people here.
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I really wanna spend more time with you, but I have a mission tonight. Hah... What a shame. But I don't want to disappoint Will and the others.
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Oh, well. I'll just see everyone tomorrow. I'll be careful and come back. I promise.
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gastlyarts · 1 year ago
Could you tell us more about absintheshipping if possible? (Burgh x Grimsley)
Heya! Sorry for the late reply, I've been swamped with school and such but trust me, this question has been on my mind for ages haha ^-^
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There's no canon basis for absintheshipping, if memory serves me right (perhaps in the manga, but if it happened then I don't really remember)
However... I honestly feel like they'd have real chemistry together. A Gary Prince and Marshall Lee sort of relationship, y'know?
They're both pretty confident, though Grimsley is a bit more reserved while Burgh is relatively outspoken (he's an artist in New York, it comes with the job).
There's also the case where they're both effectively type opposites, which automatically gives the ship like, 40 ship points or whatever (sp for short). In @askburgh, Grimsley has a bug phobia (and shows no romantic interest in Burgh), but I personally think it'd be kinda silly if he still fell for Burgh anyways. Maybe learns to appreciate bug types a bit more, especially since he's in the region with the best buggies :)
There really isn't much else I can say about the ship, since I haven't been overly active in the Pokemon Community, but safe to show that I'll go bonkers for anyone who still posts about these squishies in 2023.
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schattenmagier · 8 months ago
// I wanted to do replies today and I sure did some but instead I ended up drawing vigilante Lilli all day :'D
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The lineart came out pretty nicely tho :D Gonna color these tomorrow probably
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inseparableduo · 18 days ago
Following you is a lot of fun. Also our chats are fun as well. Just a nice person/blog to be around
Meme || Accepting!
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sadb0yhourz · 3 months ago
❤️❔ Alright, give me Dino to the nun, lets get so problematic.
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It hadn't been something he'd known, being in love—this was love, no?—was something brand new to him. It made him audacious. It made him think things like ❛I'll fight God for her.❜ For the person he fell for was none other than a nun. And yet, despite the laughter it brought him, he thought ❛yes, I will fight God and I'll defeat him!❜
rp meme
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