#sleep walking animals fanart
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yomna-art · 1 year ago
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enough time has passed, so I'm finally posting my art submission for the sleep walking animals art contest
I'm still really upset about the band taking a break, but I do wish them all the best😭❤️
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anythingforstories · 4 months ago
Currently reading Lord of the Rings for the first time. Never seen the movies (I want to read the book first) and the majority of my LOTR knowledge comes through memes and spoilers on Tumblr analysis posts. I've made it through Fellowship of the Ring and am now in The Two Towers, specifically the chapter where Merry and Pippin meet Treebeard.
Thoughts and predictions at this point (contains spoilers, but it's been out since 1954, so deal with it):
-So I guess "They're taking the hobbits to Isengard" was Merry and Pippin? In which case, they did not end up taking the hobbits to Isengard. Pity.
-(No but really, I had thought that referred to Frodo and Sam because I think they're slaves at some point? IDK. Maybe they're slaves in Mordor. I shall have to wait and see.)
-I am happy that Merry and Pippin have had more page time and got to have a clever escape. I was beginning to wonder why they were there in the story. I do like them, though.
-I wonder if Treebeard is important?
-During the entire second half of Fellowship of the Ring, I was thinking, "Surely Legolas has a bigger role, based upon the number of fangirls?" I now see that he does have more page time, though still at this point, I feel his fangirls may have overinflated his role within the story. Perhaps he shall do more later, though. Still a cool dude, in any case, sleeping while walking and all that.
-Gandalf's defeat was less dramatic than I'd always imagined. Pretty sure he's not gone forever, based mostly upon memes and fanart. And also the fact that he seems to be rather too important to be gone this soon.
-I'd honestly anticipated a long redemption arc for Boromir. Based upon all the analysis I've seen about him, I had vaguely known he sacrificed himself for the hobbits, but didn't expect it to be this soon. Not sure how I feel about this. (I did cry, and then I cried again when Aragorn didn't reveal what he'd been up to to Legolas and Gimli. I didn't actually expect to cry while reading LOTR. But the tragedy hit hard.)
-I know there's gonna be a romance between an elf-lady and a man, but I'm not sure who with whom. I don't think there's been a single hint of that yet. Maybe I'm wrong.
-Pretty sure they're going to see the ocean?
-"I am no man!" (Or something along those lines. I hope that wasn't movie-original; I think I've seen pictures of that text in the books? But it sounds very epic.)
-Gollum is a persistent chap. I rather like him. I do, unfortunately, know his fate. My sisters watched the movies when they were little and that's one of the only things they can remember.
-It's definitely picked up compared to the first book! Unlike many people, though, I did read through all those pages of pure worldbuilding lore at the beginning. It was boring and yet delightful.
-I need a map. I'm borrowing a friend's version where there's all the books in one cover with lots of illustrations and such. There was a map of the Shire but not of everything. I could easily look it up online, but I'm stubborn and want to see if the book will have one at some point.
-Can't wait for Aragorn to come back as king. I assume this shall happen in Return of the King. It would make sense. He seems a good fit for the job.
-I would DEVOUR an anime of this series. Specifically, a book-accurate one.
-Sam is excellent.
-Lots of fantasy seems so much less original after reading LOTR :P
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istharoth · 6 months ago
In love with a 2-D Character?! Frostheim Edition!
Blurb: In which you are a character in a popular game the Tokyo debunker boys are coincidentally in love with.
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↪ Jin Kamurai:
Has no interest in games whatsoever.
Only caught wind of the game because Kaito was crying about not getting his favourite character.
Out of curiosity (to bond with the Chaos Combo) he downloads the game. Lo and Behold, he finds himself playing as an Inspector attempting to cure his curse.
You don't catch his eye in the character selection screen, but he goes with you anyway because you're the first person he sees in the character selection.
When he sees you, sleeping on that sofa while his character is walking towards you, trying to wake you up, something shifts in his heart.
THEN, he goes on to find information about your story and other lore tidbits.
Finds out you play the piano and despairs because why tf are you not real?!
He gets every edition of you. R, SR, SSR, including your best equipment. He only pulls on your banners and spends money only for you.
Every other character in his roster is stuck at level 1 while every card of you is maxed out.
He doesn't go out of his house but whenever there's a convention that the fandom is going to be at, he goes outside.
Buys every single merch of you he finds his eyes on.
If there's an official event for you at a cafe or restaurant in another city, he won't go but he will pay others to go for him and ship him the additions you get from participating in the official event.
He has a fan account of you on twitter, retweets every art and fanfiction of you he finds. His home screen + lock screen + pfp will change every time he finds a new art piece of you.
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↪Tohma Ishibashi
He's also on the list of wasn't interested in the game.
But Jin started playing it and all he could talk about was his favorite character so he gave the game the chance.
Immediately did not like Jin's favourite character. You didn't catch his eye, instead he went for another character.
When he first saw, suit and all, lifting that heavy-ass weapon, he realized he needed something he didn't have.
OH AND YOUR VOICE!?!?! The way you tease your younger classmen, even though it's an invasion of privacy, he's strangely attracted to you.
You're like a butler, and when he finds out you're not as smart as you look (this is literally just Tohma's character omg) he's going to buy a ring to propose to you.
AND YOU'RE FRIENDS WITH THE CHARACTER HE SELECTED?! Now he just has to wait for your banner to get you.
[He's one of those people who loves a character but they go years without obtaining that character.]
Literally makes edits of you with those same official pictures. He likes the characters that the company keeps in the basement.
HAS taken pictures with every cosplayer who cosplayed you.
Will correct everyone if they say something wrong about your lore. He will not see misinformation about you being spread around, nuh uh.
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↪ Lucas Errant
Luca also isn't very much into games. He's focusing on his studies for now but when Kaito shows him a picture of you and his favourite character saying "Us, unfortunately" he downloads the game.
Selects the first character that pops up on the selection screen thinking he can change it later, he doesn't and he's going to lament it forever.
But luckily, he gets you on his first ten pull! You're his main now, every good piece of equipment he has will immediately go to you, though he's so guilty every time he takes a piece out from another character to give you.
When he sees you're a bit unhinged but very protective, he decides that he's going to make the best content for you, very wholesome content. He loves interacting with fanwork of you.
Is the nicest in your fandom. He's replying with those cute animals under every fanart of yours, like every fanart someone presses on, Luca's comment is already there.
Isn't too obsessive over you, you're just a character, he understands boundaries, he isn't too big on merch either.
But, he LOVES your voice actor's covers of about anything. Classical music goodbye, covers of songs by your voice actor is on repeat.
wants to attend your events so badly but he's a bit nervous about meeting so many people who also adore you.
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↪ Kaito Fuji
...okay where do I begin.
He got the Frostheimers into the game in the first place.
Spent two whole hours deciding on who to select in the character selection screen. EVERYONE WAS TOO DAMN GOOD LOOKING.
But then he saw you in the prologue, you were stuck with his player character in a closet and you were so understanding of him!!
He fell bad right then and there.
Cue the regret of not selecting you for the selection screen.
every fanart on Twitter knows him, a few of them even blocked him because of his atrociously downbad comments about you.
his tweets about you belong in the hall of shame or fame, whatever you prefer.
Gambling? Gambling.
Maybe his bank called him one or two times telling him he didn't have money to spend.
Eventually had to borrow money from Romeo and even then failed to get you. His luck is bad irl and ingame, cut him some slack.
He loves you though, and spends his life daydreaming about you and his life together in a cottage in the woods, away from money-hungry debt collectors.
you know those people at kpop concert who bake sweets to give to people while they camp outside? Yeah, when there's an official event he goes around doing the same. He gets freebies of you for making cookies.
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Next: [Vagastrom]
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welivetodream · 3 months ago
Started the new year on the wrong foot by watching DIABOLIK LOVERS;
Is it wrong to call it my guilty pleasure, mostly the anime; the game is 😱😨😨😨😳🫢🫢
So naturally here's a rating of the boys; DISCLAIMER---- I KNOW they are terrible and would never be hot irl but this is fiction and we love mentally ill mfs in this house. I do not condone violence and assault. And I don't think this is a good representation of bdsm community. It is a work of fiction that should be taken as such.
1. Shu Sakamaki: babygirl
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When I first saw him, he was already my fav. Lowkey the best choice despite his actions, he's the least likely to harm you, cuz he will just ignore you. And man is PRETTY. He looks like a prince okay? If he calls me a perv and a slut, I will just accept it cuz I am FOR HIM. (I am just gone, bye bye my long lost sanity). He was okay in HDB, but in Dark Fate, with the cat, I am sorry, I can't take it 💓💓💓💓. Shu takes first place mostly cuz this is an Otome game and I find him the most attractive, but this also might be cuz he is more laid back and older, which makes me feel more interested in him. His backstory makes sense of why he is so distant, if my brother killed my best friend and HIS ENTIRE VILLAGE I would stop giving a fuck too. Also while we are at it, Fuck Reji, Shu did nothing wrong 😡😡😡🤬🤬🤬. If he is a red flag, I am colorblind.
2. Subaru Sakamaki: baby tsundere
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I have a history with loving tsunderes the most, so naturally his whole "....I lik---fuck off" made me giggling and kicking my feet. But not for long, his violent behaviour actually fucking scared me (all of their behaviour ofc) but the fact he is a walking rage ball doesn't help his case. BUT he is definitely the least perverted out of all of them (Shu isn't, he is on level with Laito when it comes to it). He blushes from the start of the game, he warns you multiple times not to get close and leave. And when he says "I love you" I believe it okay. Cuz I think he does truly love Yui. He doesn't make fun of her looks, he likes hugging her and while violent at the start, by Dark Fate, he is just a big old softie. I don't think any of the Sakamaki's love Yui as much as he does. I just want to give him a hug okay? I feel so bad for him at times. Fucking Karlheinz, fuck him. When he kissed Yui while she was sleeping ahhhh, he also apologize to her, asked for consent, as well as felt embarrassed when he saw her in a bath. Him and Yui also bicker like an old married couple and she doesn't hold back when it comes to him. I dock points at his wall breaking 😭😭😭 and the fact he feels a bit too young for me now (I don't like younger guys sorry).
3. Ayato Sakamaki: dumb jock energy
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I didn't like him at first, his whole "yours truly" drove me insane but he kinda grew on me. Mostly cuz of the fanarts and stuff. I didn't think I'd give him this much credit but I had to. He's the main guy after all. With marrying Yui in all good endings and just generally being the one who wants to claim her the most (all of them do but I think ayato especially hates seeing her with anyone). He gives off massive jock energy, and his "pancake" made me mad at first but that became funny (I should not be laughing at the scene where Yui was reading his magazines but I did 😭😭😭). Now he is SUPER aggressive with Yui, my girl never deserved any of this, at times he really gets on my nerves cuz he is so contradictory. Like if you want her just say it, throwing her in the pool and then rescuing her??? Bitch, you are stupid. But his whole stupid behaviour feels charming to me, I love dumb guys they are funny as hell unintentionally. Cordelia can rot in hell, that's all. To me, the best looking and the best choice out of the triplets. I understand why him and Yui are the best Dialovers ship cuz I get the memo.
4. Laito Sakamaki: hear me out---call cops
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Dumbass fedora wearing little----
I thought he would be lower in the list when I first saw him. But...he's kinda funny to me. Idc but his whole "bitch-chan" made me laugh so much. Maybe I was just looking for the bare minimum to like any of these guys, cuz I think Laito doesn't suck as much as I expected. Would I run from him? Yeah. Everything he does is overtly perverted and sexual. But there is a reason behind all this. Cordelia really DID HIM BAD. She fucking groomed him, I understand why he went all crazy in the head. HIS MOTHER...IM SORRY I CAN'T TAKE IT. While I don't like his route and in terms of the romance aspect I don't want him. But he gives SO many funny moments and is just such a goldmine in memes that I can't help but like him. Also being a thigh guy, huge respect. I definitely don't hate him, unexpectedly, he can become one of my "hear me out---". If he didn't fucking assualt Yui so many times, I might have put him above Ayato.
5. Kanato Sakamaki: Demon child
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He looks mentally ill. He actually looks like a malnourished victorian boy. He looks possessed. And I DON'T LIKE HIM.
My feelings towards Kanato are so complicated. Like I do find him funny at times but he usually makes me roll my eyes. In terms of the romance aspect, just no, no, NO. Even my 14 year old self wouldn't like him, he looks like a CHILD. There's nothing attractive in him, the other boys have something, Kanato is just a demon child. And his teddy, I want to burn that teddy just cuz it makes Kanato even more annoying when he's talking to it. Did you not take your pills Kanato? Why are you the way you are. Ofc it's all his deadbeat dad and especially his bitch of a mother's fault. She had affairs in front of this little boy, no wonder he is so ill. He's definitely the most unhinged of the brothers, even they find him scary at times. He would just kill you for funsies. He would. I don't hate him but I don't like him either.
6. Reiji Sakamaki: Bleh Bleh Bleh
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I am sorry I can't take this man seriously. Everything he says and does makes me go "ughhhhhhh" so bad. When he got mad at Shu for leaving their weekly dinners, aura point loss, loser behaviour. The only reason I gave him 1 point is cuz he's hot...sometimes. I generally love glasses guys but no Reiji just gets on nerves each time he opens his fucking mouth and says smtg on the lines of "um....akschully 🤓"
Fuck you. Fuck Reiji. His entire backstory is just being jealous of Shu. And then he spends his entire life trying to get on Shu's nerves and the fact Shu doesn't give a fuck drives Reiji even more. When he killed his mother and wanted to revive her just to kill her in a satisfying manner...bro... 😭. His relationship with Yui sucks, his little tea parties suck, he just sucks. I know Reiji has his fans, but I am a hater. With Kanato I don't like him romantically but with Reiji I don't like him at all. And when he spanks Yui and is like "don't drink her blood assholes" and then does the SAME thing. He actually made me mad. I was ready for whatever came my way when I got into this but Reiji is so annoying that I would take fucking Latio over him. All of this rage just cuz his mom didn't listen to his poem or whatever. I am sorry you are parentless Reiji, I just cannot care less about you 🍵.
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I love you Yui. Such an adorable girl. I feel so bad for her the entire time. She deserves so much.
Top 3 ships ranking:
1. Ayato x Yui
2. Subaru x Yui
3. Shu x Yui
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thebluester2020 · 10 months ago
[SDV] Infection AU
Summary: It was supposed to be another day on the farm. You'd wake up, check the mail, feed the animals, maybe even go into town to pick up some new seeds! But...when the wizard suddenly appears at your door to tell you that a mysterious plague had fallen upon Pelican Town and Ridgeside Valley, causing the townspeople to morph into hideous flesh-eating creatures while also emboldening the monsters of the Mines and Ridge to come out and attack all who aren't affected, you and your spouse stand as one of the few who aren't amongst the affected but...how do you both survive such a horrid new reality?
Warning(s): Some explicit character death (I've played Dead Space y'all, I'm not holding back on kids being man-eating monsters), Some good ol' angst, the Farmer really shines as a monster-slayer here, Y'all are gonna hate me for Shane's part and I'm not elaborating on that,
Note(s): I've been CRYING out for someone to make an Infection AU of Stardew ever since I saw it trend for MLP on TikTok. But hey, as they say, want something done? Do it yourself ig. I decided to only include three bachelors because A. I want to make a part 2 sometime since it's way too long as it is tbh and B. I NEED TO MAKE FANART OF THIS AU DUDE. I LOVE ZOMBIES AND DEAD SPACE MONSTERS
About a week ago, Marlon had told you that an emergency commission had come up, one that was apparently so important that it needed to be put as your main priority over any other commissions you may have had at the moment. At the time, you didn't have a mind to think much of it when he explained the nature of the commission, that it was brought forth to him by an anonymous source. The commission spoke of a monster, one that displayed an "Alpha-like" nature over the rest of the monsters and was far more aggressive than the others.
Since the moment you took on this commission and began searching for this mysterious creature, you had a mind to think that Marlon was finally beginning to lose his sanity as you hadn't once spotted this mysterious creature...at least, until it was too late.
Sebastion : "The Long Walk Home"
You couldn't sleep.
You had been tossing and turning in your bed for hours before you finally decided to get up and go to the mines. And the culprit for your sleepless night? The emergency commission that was thrown to you by Marlon around two weeks ago. The fine details of the commission were forgotten by you by now but basically, the older man had went on and on about how this creature was a major threat to not just the region of Stardew Valley but potentially everywhere close to it!
The monster was described to be as big as a fully-grown Pepper Rex. Thankfully it was unable to breathe fire but it came with a different quirk, which was the fact it had a disgusting ooze about its skin. One that was rumored to make you dizzy and eventually burning with rage if you breathed in the smell for too long.
If you were to be honest with yourself, you thought Marlon was exaggerating a little.
And that thought only grew more and more as you continued to search through the deeper levels of the cavern with your poor spouse trailing behind you.
"What's this monster called again?" Sebastion said from behind you.
The two of you had been searching for hours now, looking under every rock and peeking into any crevice you could find in hopes of at least getting some type of hint as to what this creature was and where it may have been. "Don't know," You yawned. "Marlon didn't give me a name, just a description." You said, patting your cheeks to try and keep yourself awake as you started to feel a bout of sleepiness wash over you.
"It's really important and really dangerous as well." You added on before you looked behind you. "You know, you didn't have to come...you know that right, Sebby?"
Your husband flashed you a shy smile. When he had drowsily woken up to the blurry sight of you putting on your boots and clothes, grabbing your weapon from the weapon's rack. He stopped you and insisted on coming along with you. It wouldn't have been his first time venturing into the mines, especially in regards to the deeper levels, and he was good with a sword as well! But, more than anything? If this creature was so dangerous...he couldn't bear the thought of you facing it by yourself, even if he wasn't up to your level in terms of swordsmanship.
He at least wanted to offer support.
"I didn't have to but I wanted to. I won't let my spouse face a boss-level monster alone." The joke made you giggle a little before you stopped in your tracks and sighed.
"Well..." You took out your phone to check the time.
It was going on three in the morning and you had a busy day tomorrow. You had planned to visit the Skull Cavern in search of more iridium as well as buy some more Starfruit seeds from Sandy! "Think we should call it a night? I'm getting sleepy and I want to take a shower."
Your husband's brow rose a little. "You sure? You've been at this commission for around a week now, right? Maybe tonight is when you can finally finish it."
As he sheathed his sword, you snickered teasingly as you pinched his cheek, resulting in the man's cheeks beginning to tint ever so slightly. "I've taken longer on other things, besides, I feel bad making you trail after me. Plus, I don't think it would be a good idea to face a boss level monster while we're both tired as shit, right?"
Sebastion nodded his head in agreement before the two of you started off in the direction of the ladder. He never minded following you, no matter how long it took, in his eyes? Spending even a single millisecond longer around you was much more preferred compared to spending that time all by himself similar to how he did in the basement. But, once the two of you were out of the mines and felt the cool night air on your skin once again...immediately, you felt that something was...off.
When things suddenly became too quiet in the mines, you knew that there was something dangerous in the air.
The same could be applied to the outside. More or less, you don't think you'd ever felt unsafe out in the town but...tonight was different.
So, you slowly unsheathed your sword. "What is it?" Sebastion said.
"Something's not right- GAH!" You suddenly shouted and dropped your weapon when the wizard suddenly appeared in front of you, making you fall to your bum as your chest heaved up and down in fright.
But as you quickly picked up your sword and got up, about to tell the man off. Your words caught in your mouth when you noticed the wizard's appearance. He looked...bloodied and bruised, scratched in some places too. A stark difference from the typically noble and wise air he gave off. "Farmer, are you and your spouse okay?" He quickly asked as he checked you over.
Your eyes widened as he took your arm and looked you over. "W-We're fine..." You answered before he then walked over to Sebastion, looking over him like a worried mother hen. "Why? What's wrong? Why are you bloody?"
"Something's happened," He said. "The townspeople...they're-"
Your blood ran cold. "What happened?" Sebastion asked for the both of you.
"The townspeople-" A shrill yet guttural howl rang out through the air, interrupting the wizard and causing him to suddenly raise his hand before a strange see-through rune appeared out of thin air near the entrance into the mines.
"Why did you-"
"Half of the town is dead," The wizard said, a little bit more quietly this time. "There's some type of...virus going through the air. It's turning the townspeople into twisted versions of themselves."
Your breath caught in your throat as your mind immediately went to the monster you and your husband were just searching for a few minutes ago. "I-Is it...is it related to the-"
"No," You let a sigh of relief. "The virus is related to the Shadow people, however, that creature that you were tasked to kill may have been a variant of them."
A guttural roar from outside made all three of you jump, your heart pounding in your chest as you took Sebastion and tried to lead him to the train cart. "Well then, as fun as it is to talk to you wizard...we need to go-"
"I wouldn't recommend the train cart." He said.
Sebastion looked back. "Why?"
"Because the creatures are fast enough to keep up with a moving train cart."
You clenched your free hand, exhaling through your nose. "Then what do we do?"
"You sneak back to your farmstead. I have placed a barrier around your farm, protecting your animals and eventually you and your spouse's until you return."
"What about the monsters?"
"The barrier seems to have made the area invisible to their eye. So far, they haven't gone near."
Your attention then went to Sebastion as the prospect of sneaking back to your farm to avoid a horde of monster-turned-villagers was...frightening to say the least. Sure, you've had moments in the Mines where you've snuck past monsters and managed to somehow fool ghosts but this? You couldn't help the chill that went throughout your body, especially seeing as your spouse was going to be right there beside you. "Sebastian." You said.
Although he didn't look at you on account of looking down at the ground, his brows furrowed in thought. He at least hummed in acknowledgment of his name. "What are you thinking?" You continued.
"This is dangerous."
You scoffed, that was putting it mildly. "No kidding, but...I'm worried about you. The quickest way back to our farm is past your family's home and-"
Although you didn't continue with your sentence, Sebastion understood what you meant. You were afraid for him, you were afraid for his family and the potential happening that they were...not human anymore. You didn't wish that type of pain upon anyone, especially your husband. And if the both of you needed to take a longer, more dangerous route to hopefully keep his sanity safe. You were willing to make that sacrifice.
Eventually, Sebastion sighed. "I'm fine," He said before fully turning to you. He rubbed his hands up and down your arms. "Right now? You're my most important family, so long as you're safe? I'll live, I'll be okay."
"That's not what I meant-"
"You two," The wizard interjected gruffly. "The night wears on, it grows more dangerous by the minute and I need to try and secure as many more areas as I can. You must leave."
You both nodded in his direction before you looked back at Sebastion. "Ready?"
"No," He dryly chuckled before his hand rested on his weapon. "But, I have your back."
"Good luck you two, I'll make sure to check back in with you both in a few days."
When the wizard disappeared, so did the rune that was on the exit of the cave. Allowing you and Sebastion to quietly tiptoe out of the cave and...out into the silent night.
And by Yoba's name, it was eerie. You wanted to suspect that the Adventurer's Guild would be hustling and bustling by now, maybe Marlon would be attempting to gather as many weapons in a bid for them to be readily available for anyone who would need them. Maybe he'd be trying to make sure Gil was safe but...as you slapped a hand over your mouth to withhold a gasp, you saw the blood splatters on the ground.
Had he...
Sebastion came up behind you to gently shield your eyes away from the sight, gently urging you to keep walking. "C'mon," He whispered as the two of you made your way to the steps where the blood splatters continued to grow in frequency as well as the amount of blood that was shed until...you started to spot oddities with the blood.
On the side, there was purple blood, the stench was terrible. Like cow dung mixed with charcoal. A little further up near the curve of the path next to the bridge that lead over the small stream was a weapon, Marlon's sword no doubt, before more blood splotches started to appear again only...slowly but surely, they morphed into a more purplish color- "Hide," You whisper-yelled as you dragged Sebastion into some bushes the second you heard a deep clicking from up ahead.
Quickly the two of you crouched down, you took up the task of just barely peeking out from behind the bushes to get a good look of what was making the sound until...you saw it.
Easily, it stood as tall as a fully grown Pepper Rex and it walked on four legs like one too.
Its entire form was the shade of a raven's feather and it hulked with muscle lurking underneath its seemingly armored skin. Yet a peculiar detail to note was its lack of a mouth before your eyes trailed down to its paws where claws as long as your forearm lay, bloodied and some even having remnants of skin still stuck to the tips of them.
But...when you looked back at the face of the stalking creature.
Then you noticed the scar over one of its glowing purple eyes.
'Marlon...' You thought as your eyes started to brim with tears.
But the creature- or...Marlon didn't stay around for very long. He only looked side to side with a hiss before it stalked onwards, its thudding footsteps slowly fading away.
You and Sebastion waited a few more minutes until you finally decided it was safe enough to keep moving. Your hearts pounded in your chests as you made your way across the small bridge, each squeaky step setting off an alarm bell within you that screamed out that you were going to get caught any second. But, thankfully, the next long stretch of road was where Robin's home was.
Maybe- "Hey," Sebastion whispered before he pulled you to the side, around a corner where you both were decently hidden from sight.
"Should we stop by my mom's house? Maybe-"
"Of course," You didn't have to be convinced to see inside your in-laws house. Though, for whatever reason Sebastion wanted to, you yourself just wanted to check up on his parents and his half-sister. If everything hadn't gone to complete shit yet then...they'd still be alive and you could take them with the both of you and let them live on your farm.
"We'll need to be careful though." You sighed as your mind flashed back to Marlon, taking out your weapon.
"Y/N, they haven't-"
Your eyes narrowed. "I thought that way too, with Marlon." Sebastion huffed. "I'm keeping the weapon out," You pressed before you resumed taking the lead, your weapon out in front of you as the two of you lightly jogged until you were at Robin's house where...everything seemed to be fine.
Aside from the lights being out that is.
"Maybe they're sleeping?" You said, hopefully.
"We can go in through the garage." Without another word, your husband crouched down and tried to gently open the garage, the harsh squeaking making him and you freeze in your places for a second before he continued a little more until it was high enough for the both of you to squeeze under. But, once the two of you were in you slowly opened the door to the inside of the house.
Still, it was so eerily quiet...like death was waiting just around the corner.
"Get some food from the kitchen, I'll watch-"
"I'm fine," Sebastion said, gesturing to the sword on his hip. "I'll see if there's anything just...please, make sure my mom and sister are okay. Wake them up, anything."
You nodded your head before you walked off and looked around the house.
Your first stop was Sebastion's old room. You slowly creaked open the door and all you saw was nothing, nothing but Sebastion's old things and the smell of growing dust in the air.
So, you turned your attention to upstairs.
All before you stopped the second you heard dripping sounds upon the wooden floor. Your breath caught in your throat and your mouth went dry the second your mind immediately flipped back to Marlon and his monster-turned state, if it could happen to him then...it was obvious it could happen to anyone. But, for the sake of your husband? You prayed to whatever god was listening to you at this moment that his family hadn't experienced a similar fate.
Yet as you followed the noise all the way until you reached the end of the hallway, where you could see Robin and Demetrius' door slightly ajar. You tried to quietly tiptoe your way to the door before your jaw nearly dropped to the floor. An organ hung from the top of the door, the dripping noise being the- the blood...a gorey trail of flesh, blood, and even more intestines trailed all the way to the bed where...there Robin and Demetrius' bodies lay as a monster feasted upon whatever was still left inside of their cracked open stomachs.
What do you tell Sebastion?
Do you even tell him at all?
He couldn't know about this...you saw it in his eyes, the worry and concern he had for his sister and mother.
He'd be beyond heartbroken and you didn't think you had the strength to tell him, not right now when...maybe, j-just maybe you were seeing things. And you, oh so desperately, tried to convince yourself that you didn't see Robin and Demetrius' crops as you slowly continued to back up until you were in the kitchen once more where Sebastion was currently putting different canned foods in a backpack he must've taken out from his room.
"Did you see anything?"
You immediately tried to wash off the horror on your face. "N-Nothing," You stammered. "Just...nothing, it was dark."
As Sebastion slung the backpack over his shoulders, his brow quirked up a little. "Are you sure? You look like you saw something, you can tell me."
You shook your head again, placing your hands on his arms before you gently leaned your forehead into his chest. A heavy sigh escaped your lips as you shook your head. "No...I-I'm fine, I promise. I'm just still- I'm still thinking about e-earlier, M-Marlon and all."
"Oh," He gently rubbed his hand in a circle on your back. "Everything's going to be fine." He said. "We'll always come out on top, okay?"
Although you nodded your head to try and get him to follow you out of the house quicker, you couldn't help but doubt him just a little.
Robin and Demetrius were gone and his sister was turned.
You don't think that image would ever leave your head, those familiar traits of Maru still present despite her warped form. Like how Maru's form still had traces of that familiar purple undershirt she'd wear over her overalls or how there seemed to be cracked pieces of glass on her face, illuminated by the faint light of the moon.
However...one day you'd gain the courage to tell your husband what you really saw, for as you slowly approached the end of the path that led onto the farm.
Your only focus was making sure the two of you survived from now on.
Sam : "Pack Starter"
How did the apocalypse start?
A seemingly simple and straightforward question. But in truth? Depending on the person at least, it was rather broad and filled with so many possibilities, all depending on where you were personally from the start.
For some? They may have not first noticed that anything was amiss. Perhaps they were out in the woods taking a hike or maybe at home sleeping, looking at a movie rather than trying to watch the news! It would be a normal day or not until all they saw was...carnage.
Others, their start may have been more brutal. Being out in the city or in a place where a lot of people gathered was a rather "in your face" start to the end of the world. People would be screaming in terror as they ran for their lives, trampling happening at every turn as everyone would quickly turn to making sure they stayed alive and worried about other people last.
Perhaps some would take the new world and quickly decide on doing the essentials.
Rushing for weapon stores and grabbing anything that they could.
Maybe even to see their families.
All valid but...completely unlike how your introduction to the end of the world was for the apocalypse came to you last. It was peaceful in Pelican Town, about a few hours away from the nearest city! Nothing extreme happened here unless you wanted to count your trips to the Mines, the Skull Cavern, or even Louis and Marnie's not-too-secret relationship.
Of course, that was until tonight happened.
Where you were rushing door to door with Marlon after he woke you up by pounding on your front door and screaming to get up and grab your weapon.
You didn't need to be told the exact details to know that it was bad.
Despite your groggy, freshly awoken state. You made the immediate moves to barricade and secure your farm from whatever threat made Marlon's hair turn grayer than gray, but...when you had spotted one of the monsters outside of your farm. Your memory of your commission flashed back to you, of what you were supposed to do but the monster was as elusive as a slippery fish. The creature seemed to size you up and down almost, all before it slipped away and rushed to terrorize someone else.
"Fuck," You had whispered after locking the last barn door before your legs carried you back to your home to see if your husband, Sam had waken up yet. "Sam!" You cried out as you slammed the door open, expecting him to still be deeply asleep in your bed, ready to be woken up by you until...he wasn't.
Panic immediately filled your being as a cold sweat broke out on your forehead.
He was just here.
The both of you were cuddled up beside one another until you got up to open the door.
"Sam?" You went to another part of the house, upstairs this time. "Sam!? Sam! Where are you!?" You cried out. As you rushed all around the house like a headless chicken, you felt like a madperson. You were cursing at yourself, you should've checked on him first before anything else! Yet as you tried to slow yourself down and think, consider the options of where he may have gone, your mouth became dry inside of your mouth as you thought of the one place you knew he'd most likely immediately go the second anything went wrong in this town.
And with your answer, you took the extra few minutes to shuffle into clothes more suited for running rather than your bedtime clothes before you dashed in the direction of town. And when you arrived...the sight of multiple fires and the scent of ash filled your senses as you looked around.
Monsters that resembled four-legged versions of shadow people roamed the cobblestone streets. Howling in triumph as some carried bodies within their large jaws whilst others tried to scratch and claw their way into homes that seemed to be locked and barricaded securely. However, as you quickly crouched behind a bush, a creature stomped its way by.
You got the faintest peek at its claws.
Like daggers, you thought. Sharp enough to cut straight through a tree without even breaking a sweat. And as your eyes continued to tail the creature, it walked through fire without even seeming to let out a noise resembling pain.
The lava katana that you tightly gripped within your palm.
You couldn't help the slight feeling of fear that began to grip you at the thought that a powerful weapon like yours couldn't even think to burn it at the very least.
But, you shook the thought from your head as you pressed forward, sneaking down the same path you would've usually taken to get to Sam's house until you heard a shrill scream, causing you to pick up the pace every so slightly until...your stomach lurched at the sight of blood and innards.
Blood flooded the once heavenly green grass and intestines littered the streets, walls of homes and dangled from the tops of fences. Effectively turning the town into hell on earth until you finally reached the street Sam's home was on, causing you to stand up straight and- "Sam!" You screamed before you could think when you saw him kneeling, his body shaking ever so slightly here and there until you quickly slowed down when...
When you saw Jodi, her ribcage was exposed and cracked open as she was feasted upon a smaller version of the monsters you saw earlier.
Yet...you recognized that yellow and red striped shirt- or at least, the tatters of it that hung off from the creature. Its smaller yet nonetheless sharp claws bloodied as the body of Kent lied not too far away from his wife's.
"S-Sam..." You said gently, almost a whisper as you both tried to get to him first as well as not disturb the monster from its meal. "Honey, l-let's go. Please."
"Vincent..." Those were the first words he uttered, his voice shaky and clearly holding back a sob. "Vincent." He repeated.
This time, the creature looked up with a tilt of its head and a strange insect-like chitter. All before it slowly moved away from its meal and started to stalk towards Sam.
You readied your weapon, your eyes narrowing as you recognized that hunter-like crouch from similar monsters, both in the Mines and the Skull Cavern.
"B-Buddy?" Sam said, hopefully. "Vincent, we can fix this. Y-Y/N can help fix you, they know a lot of things! They can help, we can bring Mom and Dad-" Before you knew it, the monster launched itself towards Sam with a high-pitched snarl, causing you to spring into action and shove Sam aside before you swung your sword.
"NO!" You heard Sam scream from the top of his lungs, your eyes wide and your sword dripping with black blood as the monster hung off the end of your sword for a moment before...it fell to the ground with a heavy thud.
"S-Sam." You said once the shock started to wash off from you. "Honey, that-"
Sam answered with a sharp inhale as you could've sworn his normally soft blue eyes turned red when he glared at you, tears streaming down his face before he looked back at the creature. You were about to crouch down and try to comfort your husband, make him see where you were coming from and your reason for doing what you did until...you heard snarls from the distance.
You'd have to put your emotions to the side for a little while longer.
Sam, he was allowed to be upset at you for as long as he needed to until he understood.
And until you both got out of this situation alive.
Shane: "Supplies"
It was a hot summer's day today. The sun was beaming down upon you and the cicadas were screaming out for water like they've never had before, but while you would have welcomed the arrival of summer in the past. Nowadays? You couldn't help the sour taste it left inside of your mouth! It was harder to grow stuff, crops were dead and there was no longer a place to readily buy season appropriate seeds.
You had to make weekly rounds back to the old supplies store just to try and keep your family of three, plus the pets alive and that alone was a trip!
The monsters that had arrived a little over a year ago were vicious, hungry creatures that spared no mercy whether or not you were a child or an adult.
Too many times did you toss and turn in your sleep at night when you remembered the scratched up and limbless body of Vincent outside of Sam's house on the night everything started, how he cried and begged for his brother to wake up despite...well...everything.
Since then, you haven't seen Sam in a while.
Or anyone else for that matter.
The town was quiet as there was nothing but abandoned buildings and homes. Everyone had already left a while ago, hoping to escape the monsters and their terror but you- well, your spouse insisted on staying, stating that the two of you had a lot to live for here and that there was no point in moving away from everything you had worked so hard for! And to a certain extent? You agreed with him, your farm and animals provided more than enough food for the both of you.
There was still plenty of supplies to be had so long as you knew where to look and every now and again? When you went to the Mines, you were able to find lost items that helped in fortifying the area around your farm just a little bit more from the creatures!
But then again-
"Y/N," A voice chirped from below. "It's hot."
"It really is, isn't it?" You agreed with a sigh before you took off your sun hat and handed it to Jas. "Maybe this will cool you down? Sorry I don't have anything better Jas," You smiled sheepishly, the little girl only smiling gratefully in return as she proceeded to put on the hat that was far too big for her then.
Then again...Jas was still here.
Marnie died at the beginning of the attack upon the town. When you had defeated the monster, Shane had rushed into the farmstead and found Jas hugging her stuffed animal in the corner crying and wondering where Marnie was, from what he told you. And although the little girl had her moments of sadness...all things considered, she was taking things well.
Her new reality with monsters and not being able to go outside as she pleased anymore, at least, beyond the boundaries of your farm, she was taking it well.
"Alright Jas, c'mon." You crouched down to allow the girl to climb onto your back before you carried her the rest of the way to Pierre's shop. It was both a way of making sure she didn't get tired as well as a way that...if something was here, you'd be able to run as fast as possible without worrying whether or not she was keeping up. But, thankfully, the two of you reached Pierre's abandoned shop without too much of an issue, causing you both to go in through the broken window you've both been using for a while now before you rummaged around the shop.
Although it was easy to take as much as you could from the store and haul it all the way back home, safely avoiding multiple trips off the farm.
You thought it would be good for Jas, now that Vincent was no longer around due to...reasons. It was good for her to get off the farm once in a while with supervision. Not to mention, after you finished your "shopping", the two of you made it a routine to go the beach if you could! Anything to hopefully keep Jas' childhood as intact as it possibly could be.
"What do you want to eat tonight?" You asked after letting out a frustrated sigh after seeing the summer seeds in the back of Pierre's supplies were all crushed.
Did you still have tomato seeds? You were growing some in your greenhouse so there wasn't too much of a fear of running out of the produce anytime soon but...
"Alright," You eventually caved in after deeming it not too much of a waste of resources to make the item.
"I think...I think pizza would also make Uncle Shane happy too."
You sucked in your bottom lip at the mention of your husband. Before everything went to hell, you and him were dating, the two of you even discussed getting married at one point! Shane was getting help for his alcohol addiction and was going to therapy regularly! Everything seemed to be going nowhere but up for him and you couldn't be happier, yet...as of lately? He had been in a stump.
There was no more therapy.
No more avenues to find a healthy substitute for drinking.
You'd never seen someone crave the taste of a beer like Shane had and it was only your luck that you had a few forgotten cans in your cellar. It was keeping him sane for now but, you worried for him. You'd have to figure something out quick, for all his hard work to be crushed just because the world decided to end at an inopportune moment...not only would it crush you, you knew deep down that it would silently crush Shane as well.
Yet, you tried shooing those thoughts away from your head as you zipped up your backpack and waved your hand for Jas to follow you. "Good idea Jas," You smiled. "I'll make you and Uncle Shane the best pizza ever!"
You were glad that Jas had gotten distracted by a mother hen and her chicks when the pair of you arrived back to the farm.
You planned to call her back inside when dinner was ready.
But...as you gently closed the front door behind you, your eyes trailing over the path of destruction inside your house. The worse immediately came to mind.
A monster attack possibly, but...there would've been blood and most smashed items rather than just bottles.
Shane wasn't exactly the type to leave your home a mess, he was good at cleaning to the point you joked about him being better at cleaning than yourself!
So, as you flicked on the lights downstairs. There was only one possible answer- "Where is it? Where'd they put 'em?" You could hear Shane mumbling as he searched the corners, nooks, and crannies of the cellar.
The scent of alcohol was heavy in the air as the spilled contents from the kegs were all over the ground. Shane's speech was slurred and as he moved around, not even taking the time to notice your presence, he more so limped like a shot dog than walked! You tried to cool your simmering rage, biting your lip and clenching your fists as you wanted to scream every possible curse word in the book at him.
He destroyed weeks' worth of supplies.
Ruined the house.
Ruined your hard work in this cellar...
All for a drink.
"Shane," You said.
No response.
"Shane." You said again as you slowly began to make your way to him.
Still, he didn't dare to give you a response. Not until you stormed the rest of the way to the man and slapped a hand on his shoulder to get him to pay attention to you. "Shane!" You screamed into his ear, your chest heaving up and down as tears brimmed your eye line."
"H-How could you?! Our- my hard work...everything, why-"
Shane grumbled as he half-hazardly pushed you away. "Where did you put it?"
"The rest of the drinks, I need a beer."
"Shane, please." You begged as you followed him around the room, both trying to control your surging temper as well as to get his attention. "Fucking goddamn listen to me!" You roared, your hand grabbing his shoulder and forcing him to turn around.
"Why, fucking goddamn tell me why you did all this!?"
"I need a drink." He repeated, slower than last time.
"You already tore into my kegs!? How much more do you need?!"
He didn't respond, going back to ignoring you but instead opting to go upstairs.
It seems that the end of the world had taken more from you in this very moment than anything else had in your entire life. Supplies, as well as a partner you thought you'd call your husband one day.
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until-another-one-comes · 9 months ago
My body headcanons for some of the boys:
Steven: slim but strong and muscular. He obviously has that military style training. Running 100 laps around the base, push ups, sit ups, swimming in an Olympic sized pool, weight training, anything to build up muscle and stamina. He can pack a punch and can wrestle a bear.
Izaack: absolute beefcake. More than Steven. He naturally has a big build but he works out regularly, mainly to keep his handsome image as a reporter. He’s very top heavy and has big strong arms that can carry two people and give the best hugs.
Angus: really slender. Not muscular at all. Doesn’t work out much but he’s the type to go out a lot. Nothing much to say here but he’s kind of a twink. Fans are saying Francis is a twink but I think the real twink is Angus here. Speaking of-
Francis: he’s mid sized to me. I know a lot of fanart depict him as some muscular anime guy but not to me. He’s not the slimmest but he’s not fat either. He used to have a slimmer frame when he was younger but you know how your metabolism slows down when you age, combined with a couple of poor lifestyle choices like not getting enough sleep and midnight snacking? Yeah. But he has broad shoulders, chest and strong arms due to carrying milk carts. Not the strongest but strong enough for manual labour
YESSS Steven is def a muscle dude. Probably has a punching bag in his house and goes on runs early in the morning (if thats allowed, but still).
Yeah out of all the four guys Izaack is definitely the strongest purely strength wise. Clark Kent type of build. Oh my God he is literally Clark Kent.
'He can carry two people and gives the best hugs' that is so fucking cute I love that.
YOU ARE THE FIRST PERSON I SEE WHO AGREES ANGUS IS A *TWINK*. I see most people saying its Francis but HELLO WHAT ABOUT THIS REGINALD COPPERBOTTOM LOOKING GUY?? Mfer has NO muscles. Built like a stick. I think its cuz people see him as a mob boss/mafia guy which is understandable but while I do think he's skilled with a gun and whatnot that still don't mean he's not a twink! (Despite this he does struck me as the type to have a ton of energy so there's that)
Finally, Francis. You are so right anon- he's not a twink and he's not a muscle guy either (no hate to anyone who draws him with muscle, I'm not exactly against that *coughs*). But yeah he's definitely average and in between in terms of build. Calling him a twink isn't right cuz his job still involves SOME manual labor. I also hc he had a bunch of odd jobs before being a milkman so theres that.
Oh wait this is a nice time for me to share a silly little headcanon. One time Angus saw Francis walking carrying a bunch of milk crates and offered to help him carry one. Francis handed him one and Angus immediately toppled over from the weight. After that he immediately just ran back to his apartment and too embarassed to look at Francis in the eyes for a week.
On a cuter note, Steven usually helps Francis with carrying them.
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My DDLC Headcanons
Pt. 1 Natsuki
Loves animation YouTubers
Draws fanart
Trying to get better at cooking
Has an older cousin she loves a lot
Didn’t realize her hair dye was permanent when she first dyed her hair
Only time she can watch horror is when Yuri is with her and it’s because Yuri will talk through most of it pointing out nuances and stuff
Tried writing fanfiction but she got frustrated with keeping the characters in character so now she just write about OC’s
Loves reading fanfiction but is very particular with taste (slow burn, 20-50 chapters, etc)
Started reading horror manga so she could talk to Yuri about the genre, but she still doesn’t want to read full novels
Favourite organization system is by colour
She loves pink (obviously) but also loves blues and purples
Her natural hair colour is a light brown
She loves sushi and seafood
Loves Laufey and Fiona Apple
Love language is acts of service and gift giving
She loves Monster High and her favourite of the movies is Why Do Ghouls Fall in Love
Sleeps with her hair down and wonders why her hair is tangled in the morning
Her best class is science but it’s because she’s good at memorizing so it helps with terms and facts
She lives really close to the school so she walks every morning (but will always accept a ride from a friend)
Struggles with acne but doesn’t really care
She watches twitch streams, mostly for games like Stardew Valley
She watches GameGrumps, loves the Ace Attorney series
Tries to write a poem everyday, but she struggles finding inspiration sometimes
She loves Pinterest and has a ton of boards for a multitude of things
In AP classes but doesn’t like telling people about it
Writes songs sometimes but will never share them
Loves cute pajama sets
Love Riot Grrrl music, along with J-Pop/K-Pop, acoustic guitar, and more
Awful immune system, she gets sick so easily
Can’t have a meal without watching something
She’s tried every ice cream shop in her city and keeps a tally of her favourites
She genuinely feels less safe around boys, and she feels better when she’s with girls
Doesn’t mind going to places by herself, she enjoys a mall/downtown day where she has her headphones and notes app to write poetry inspired by her surroundings
Makes her own pins for her favourite media (bottle cap method)
Very high metabolism
She sometimes wishes she had longer hair, but every time she lets it grow she hates how it feels on her neck so she cuts it again
Bruised very easily, like you could flick her and her whole arm would be purple
Very vivid and weird dreams, often wakes up like “what the heck was that????”
Prefers shoujo manga but doesn’t mind shounen
She writes most of her poems on paper, and if she really likes it she’ll type it up on her computer or phone
Always fidgets with necklaces when she wears them
Gets really frustrated with herself when she has feelings
Buys sketchbooks with the intention of improving her art skills but always ends up filling them with poetry and fanart (which is also great)
Really wants to be closer friends with the club members and made a list of things she could try to do
Loves makeup but she’s not confident in her own skills so she doesn’t wear much to school
Really into Percy Jackson
Her most used social app is discord because she talks to her online friends there
Fell victim to the “fell for her best friend” trope in middle school
Whenever she gets a crush, she convinces herself that the person would never like her
Stays up really late doing anything
Always always ALWAYS falls victim to the fake “X” in ads
Prints out her favourite album or book covers to make makeshift posters for her room
This is forever updating
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eggwishing · 7 months ago
LORD alfuckingmighty i don't think there is a single string of words i could piece 2gether to properly describe the absolute magnificence of ur art . you have such a vast understanding of art & so many of its intricacies. ur character designs are ALWAYS incredible, so so endearing & memorable. every time i see one i get incredibly excited & am strangled by the urge to make fanart because just. oh my god. you have some of the BEST color work i have ever fucking seen like it is genuinely fucking spectacular what you are able to create & look good with combinations of colors i would NOT think to place in the way you do if i were given the same palette. i feel like calling your doodles just "doodles" is like, WRONG, because every single one is something u could spend ages looking at on its own. i'd pick favorites to describe but we would be here for hours . you have the insane ability to keep your style consistent but are able to stretch it & change it for whatevers appropriate/the receive your desired result for the particular drawing and its just SO. SO. COOL. take literally all of this and add it to the fact that you can fucking ANIMATE !!! while still keeping all of these features of ur style intact and that fact is just OTHERWORLDLY to me in the best way possible . not only that but ur stories r always so very intriguing and it makes me SOO ANGRY that oc artwork & original stories dont receive the same attention as fandom work or otherwise because i swear 2 fucking god you go absolutely ABOVE and beyond in terms of creativity for ur stories & DESERVE THE RECOGNITION AAAAAAAAUUUUUUGHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRORWGGGGGGGGGGGGRWGGGGGGGGGGRGGGGGGGGGRGGGGGGGGGGGGGRGGGGGGGGGGGGGG okay im done. i hav been up for almost 24 hours and saw one of ur drawings and got real emotional ihope uhave an awesome day eebrt i hope to be at least 10th place in ur list of biggest fans .
oh my god . I'm responding to this on a computer which doesn't have any of my usual images OR emojis that I would usually throw at you like. I don't know Someone who's really really REALLY good at throwing stuff. so I'll just use my words. THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!!!! this means the absolute world to me.. I did not expect to be blasted in the face by one million kisses when I checked my inbox, I had to sit back in my chair like WOW.... I love you .... I love youuuu...... thank you so much for the encouragement, I've been feeling not so confident And kind of afraid (leaving to study animation in college very soon) for the last few days n your words are lifting me out of the void like bingbong's rocket from inside out. not gonna lie your comments are one of the highlights of posting on Tumblr, I love reading them so much when you reblog my stuff. they're beautiful and always make me feel better when I'm feeling down... you were there from the days of homestuck dragons... you were always there for my ocs... You are a "real one." If I had a heart locket I'd print out your icon and put it in there along with all the other people I treasure ^_^ so yeah, definitely in the ranks... when I'm up on stage wearing a solid gold tuxedo (they had to wheel me in because I could not walk in the Solid Gold Tuxedo) and giving my speech to the world before I take it over my i will start by saying First of all I'd like to thank Mel Tumblr user Melissa-titanium On Tumblr for always hyping me up... could not have made it this far without him. And then I'd press the doomsday button and blow up every world leader.
I wish I could respond with something that appropriately returns the energy of what you sent me, but this is all I've got. Just know I am vibrating in my chair right now... hope you got some sleep!!!!! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
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tonystark604 · 2 months ago
Phineas and Ferb - A fanfiction idea
I have been contemplating if I should post this for a while now, but I feel like even if no one reacts, I am at least posting that for me now.
There is this Idea I had/have for quite some time now. I recently have gone back into my obsession of Phineas and Ferb and I am really hyped about the newest season coming up soon.
And I kind of see a lot of people loving on Ferb (which is totally fine, don't get me wrong). Often when I read fanfiction about their teenage life's, it's Ferb who is the more darker version, the one who drinks and would try out drugs and stuff and it makes me wonder sometimes about a certain what if scenario.
And this what if scenario has developed in a full blown hyperfixation of me right now, so I am kinda developing a whole plot for it, just for funsies for myself right now and even drew some fanart (as a non-artist so please don't judge) and I thought I might share, just in case someone else might be interested in it.
The Plot Idea:
What if, in an alternative Universe Phineas was kidnapped as a child from his family. He is still a baby when he is kidnapped and in this universe the kidnapping would also be where Phineas' real Dad would die during, because he would try to protect Phineas, but he is obviously not strong enough. (I have not settled on a reason as to why they specifically chose Phineas).
Phineas grows up away from his family, without even knowing they exist. He gets raised in a laboratory where scientists experiment on him and other children (again, not really sure yet how they picked out those children).
It's a secret organization who's goal is to cross-engineer animal traits into the children and train them as weapons for special operations that should replace humans (as half animals/half human they would not be considered humans anymore and therefore would be worth less). This organization is funded by high ranking people in the military and the government, but it is all kept highly secretive as it is of course illegal.
A lot of children don't survive this as it is a very stressful and painful process.
Phineas does survive it though. He is being cross-engineered with a Fox, because I think it fits his character.
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Baby Phineas in a tank on the left and Baby Phineas being carried back into his cage on the right, he already has fox ears there. (sorry for the bad art, its just some sketches I made)
He doesn't understand what these people want from him, but I feel like, even though they hurt him, Phineas would still have his innocence from the TV Show to some extend and would try to give his best and make them like him. Because I feel like Phineas' innocence in the show is a character trait that is just purely Phineas. He is referred to as Subject 578 and truly believes that is his name in the beginning.
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On the left is Phineas seeing what the scientist had done to him and on the right is Phineas being led to another testing room from his cell, they are walking through rows of other cages with other children.
With the completion of the cross-engineering Phineas training would start. At this point he does understand that some things are wrong, but he doesn't know what exactly. He knows that some children leave their cages and never come back, but he isn't sure why. He is still convinced that this is normal, but he starts to be wary of the scientists.
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This is Phineas sleeping in his cage. The only thing he has is the thin blanket. Sometimes he would wave to the other children around him, but contact is limited.
The scientists would be very intrigued by Phineas. Not only because of his high level intelligence but also his resilience and his talent. At first Phineas thought that was good and would lead to them not hurting him anymore. But soon he found out that it didn't really matter what he did, he was just an Object for them.
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Phineas after a few training sessions, surrounded by scientists who give him another experimental drug to make him stronger.
When Phineas training session start, that's when he would start to understand that the scientist's are bad. They hurt them and degrade them and they don't really care about them. Phineas sees a lot of the other children die. They don't survive the harsh training and environment and that's when Phineas starts loosing some of his innocence. During the training he tries to aid the other children as much as he can, often taking the blame or guiding them/encouraging them. He behaves and does what the scientist's tell him to their excitement, all in a ploy to make them trust him and get careless.
During his time there, Phineas would gather all the information he could get. He gets sent to missions with his team, mastering them successfully. He develops into the perfect specimen the Scientist's want, until one day, when he had gathered enough information and finally manages to flee. In his escape, he destroy's the laboratory and saves those that had been held there just like him. But even though he destroyed this laboratory, he knows its not over.
In his time there he found out that this organization is an organization operating world wide, funded by multiple countries that do not know of each other (with countries I mean that there are only a few people that know of it in the government and support it, the vast majority doesn't know). The children are taken from their families at a very young age, experimented on and trained as weapons, being sold to the highest bidder for special operations deemed too risky for normal humans. Phineas was one of their greatest subjects, and the organization wants him back.
However, Phineas just wants to go and find his own family, but he knows he would bring danger to them, if he would return home like this. So he makes it his mission to hunt them down, destroy the organization one by one and show the public what was happening right underneath their noses. He would travel the world to find them and dismantle them and Phineas being Phineas would still try to make the best out of every day and have fun despite the horrors he had endured. Simultaneously he would be on the run himself as well, because the organization wants him back desperately.
Phineas would be twelve, when he would be sent to his first mission. He would be fourteen, when he would escape and he would be sixteen when he would have nearly dismantled them all. The information he would gather, he would send to a Reporter he met. He doesn't trust her, but he knows that she wants the truth for the sake of her story and carrier, which is why he trusts her enough with the information he gathers. There would only be a small piece of them left and then he could go to his family, but of course his family had other ideas and the Reporter he found wasn't as selfish as he thought.
Linda had never stopped searching for Phineas even though the police had already said it was futile. She would have still met Lawrence in this universe and married him. Ferb, who never had Phineas and therefore no one who would understand him on this deep level, would be forced to speak like every one else. Candace would be super overprotective of Ferb, as she had lost one brother once already. Ferb's inventions would never be as big as they were on the show, but he would still do some, only that they would be more helpful gadgets. He would still be friends with Isabella, Buford and Baljeet and he would still have Perry. Linda would have told Lawrence about Phineas and Lawrence would have gone on in supporting her in the search for Phineas. Linda and Lawrence would also be open about it to their children, but would be careful to not put their trauma on them. Ferb would have the same bedroom as he has on the show, but he would often imagine how it would have been growing up with a brother. Candace and Ferb would also have a very deep bond and often talk about Phineas late in the night, when the parents where already asleep. Even though Perry never knew Phineas and it wasn't his fault, since he came into the family later on, he would still feel guilty about having failed the family and use OOCA sources in secret to try and find Phineas. Even Ferb would use his brain to try and find Phineas, the brother he never met, even though they all knew how unlikely it would be to ever find him again. All of this would lead to the Flynn-Fletcher Family connecting to the Reporter, who had also tried to hunt down Phineas' family as well as alerted other law enforcements she trusts to help the child that didn't deserve all of this.
I am not sure yet how exactly they would all meet up again, but the family would get in contact with the Reporter through all of this and that would be how they would find out about Phineas. That he still lives. What he has been up to and so on and so forth. They would of course want to connect to him and help him.
Ultimately the organization would be destroyed and the Flynn-Fletcher Family would be united again, though Phineas would be different from his canon persona in that he lived through a lot of trauma. A healing journey would start, where Phineas would learn what it means to have a family and live a 'normal' life. Of course during all of this the focus would mostly be on the most important bond of the whole show, which would be the one between Phineas and Ferb. Slight hints to Phinbella would happen as well.
Obviously a lot of things are not planned in detail yet, but this would be the gist of it.
I have some more fanart I drew for this that I will post here regardless if people like it or not and I will maybe also write out a few scenes until I loose interest lol.
Part 2 here
Part 3 here
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lovelykil · 1 year ago
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: ➛ main 4 x reader
hc; random
cw; none
note; silly little headcanons for the silly 4
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There's absolutely no denying that killua teases you because of your height. I see it so vividly..
he's only literally a FEW inches taller than you and he makes it such a big deal, always measuring his height with yours with his hand and smirking when you groan and fold your arms.
When you guys met during the hunter exam you were a little taller than him, and sometimes would tease him about it when you guys became closer.
Same with Gon he would always pout and make a fuss whenever you teased him about it.
That was when you guys were 12.
5 years later.. you have to look up to them to talk.
"Y/n remember when you used to be a pain in the ass when it came to our height? Well, look who's little now?" The ex-assassin shoved his hands into his pockets after moving his hand to measure the height difference.
His smirk was indeed full of play and tease. You crossed your arms as a big tic mark appeared on your head.
"I call bullshit!"
kurapika is literally mamapika
kurapika cooks.. to an extent but with the help of leorio, they make a great team in the kitchen.
The hunters live in a house somewhere in York city, signed under leorios name
Cause that man makes hella BANKK
Kurapika still does his missions, the 2 boys like to venture and go outside, and leorio is a doctor so most of the time they are all out doing whatever. They come home exhausteddd.
Leorio cooks up the best shit ever somehow and yall eat that shit upp.
oh did I mention you live there too? I'd assume you'd knew but
Killua just lovess sneaking into your room to annoy you, most times he does this because he is bored and Gon is asleep.
So he's in your room at night most of the time.
You guys watch movies, shows, animes you get it
but there's times where.. he gets lonely and wants to be with you.
As you two are watching a show he secretly sneaks a glance at you and smiles softly then returns to the screen.
He's NOT slick as he thinks he is😒
You know most of the time why he comes into your room, he doesn't just wanna 'hang out' no.
You still love the quality time though.
When you guys finally grow tired you turn off the TV and get comfortable in your bed as he walks towards the door about to leave, but he stops.
"can I.. uhm.. sleep-"
"you do this every night kil, just come here." He blushes hard, walking his flustered ass self right to your bed. You lift the blanket with a teasing smile.
He rolls his eyes, filling in the space between you and him.
"Just know I'm not sleeping here because I miss you." He grumbles in a whisper, facing you. You begin to roll your eyes, putting your hand on his face.
"Yeah okay, night jerk."
"I'm serious!" o (≧Д≦) o
Gon likes to sleep all over the place ..☹️
If you're sleeping with him just get ready to get kicked in the face.
He also talks in his sleep 🧍🏾‍♀️?
"w..wait.. don't take my.. hotdog.. hotdog man..." the ravenette murmurs in his sleep, his brows furrowing. Your eyes open and look to your side to see him grow frustrated in his sleep. You shrug it off and close your eyes again, leaning in to cuddle with him.
As soon as you touch his arm he screams making you jolt back and scream yourself.
I love to think killua has a mullet when he's like 17 or 18 idk but he definitely has GOT a mullet
have you seen those fanarts with him and a mullet? It just makes sense and ohhmylord🤭
You like to play with his hair as he just let's you after many attempts on swatting you away.
"You better not mess up my hair."
"I'm just braiding it 😒"
Killua is a cat and Gon is a dog
Kurapika once grew out his hair, he looked more like a women and guys were cat calling him more in the streets 😔
So that's why you were helping him cut his hair. He randomly asked for your help as you were playing UNO with gon and killua.
"NO now draw four" (´ 3`)
"I am NOT grabbing 4 cards, you CHEATED."
"Killua just grab the 4 cards so I can go."
The door opened slowly to reveal an annoyed kurapika with scissors in his hands.
"Y/n can you cut my hair, thank you." He placed the scissors on the ground then walked out of the room to go to the bathroom, all quietly and bothered.
You looked at him walking away then looked at the 2 teens.
"Uhhh, I'll be back?" You placed your cards down. Gon and Kil watched you disappear out of the room then quickly take a sneak peak at your cards.
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theforestwisperings · 7 months ago
walks in the forest
uhhh this one was pretty interesting to thinking! this born to the idea that they travel in meadowlark singing and making presentations.  disclaimer: those are headcanons! this is NOT CANON and doesn´t have the intention of spread misinformation. If you want to know more about yaelokre´s world, check their social medias! i´m running out of pics to post and i dont feel comfortable using fanarts so. sorry this doesn´t have pics :(
perrine usually leads the walks in the forest. They know the paths so well, and have a good step. behind them, is usually kingsley and clementine. cole close the group
talking about perrine and cole, usually they carry the bags and important things. 
perrine usually decides when is a good time to stop
“Are we there yet?” “kingsley, we start walking like five minutes ago.”
kingsley have a tendency to fall. they usually have a lot of minor injuries.  perrine always worry for them, so the group usually stops to heal the injuries
one time, kingsley accidentally slaps cole with a twig. they have the twig mark like two weeks before the accident.
remember that headcanon of clémentine loving walking barefoot? well their shoes are uncomfortable to walk in the forest so they´re usually barefoot.
cole and perrine have a huge knowledge about wild fruits and berries, so, they are usually sharing little fruits and eating with the group.
perrine and clementine carries cole and kingsley in piggyback when they are tired.  they have a lot of resistance walking
sometimes they can´t arrive to their destination, so they usually sleeps in the forest. 
kingsley knows how to light a bonfire so they usually have that homework.
perrine and cole usually put rabbit traps and they prepare an cook the animals. clementine picks some wild berries in the vicinity
clementine really enjoy the walks in the forest, because they usually feels that this works as a bonding moment
they sleeps together, involving everyone in a hug and a big larn blanket. they heat each other and sometimes talk until they fall asleep
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edennill-archived · 8 months ago
If Tolkien characters had Tumblr blogs part 2:
part 1
url: waitingtothewind
pfp: drawing of a fictional crush in pastel colours (babygirl fulfills her royal duty to exercise patronage over artists by comissioning reams of fanart lol)
bio: ✧˖・* princess finduilas of nargothrond :) ✧˖・* 47 ✧˖・* poetry appreciator ✧˖・* romantic at heart ✧˖・* girl of many fandoms ✧˖・* favourite animal: doggos ✧˖・* favourite food: strawberry juice ✧˖・* and if I had a voice that could make mountains melt I would walk over stars just to see how it felt ✧˖・*
title: ₓ˚. ୭ ˚○◦˚.˚◦○˚ ୧ .˚ₓ
has a very pink custom theme with a fancy font. runs a fandom/aesthetic blog and stays clear of discourse. writes really good meta that is quite popular and poems that get notes in the single digits. doesn't really know how to deal with anon hate. participates in every tag game she comes across.
url: keeps changing it between @molelol and @twilitdark because he likes small animals, but wants to sound edgy.
pfp: keeps changing it between a baby mole and the kind of very dark photo where you can't really see what it's supposed to be.
bio: M / not a minor
title: the dark under the trees
guards his personal info incredibly closely (a good practice, but how much of it is due to his father having been so controlling that he learned secrecy early on is up for discussion). rarely posts, mostly reblogs photos and shitposts. vaguely vents about his idril/tuor/gondolin/treason problems. when he gets into discussions with people he can be uncomfortably fierce, has sent anon hate on occasion.
url: craftingsilver
pfp: red eight pointed star (default variation, not technically fëanorian) on yellow background
bio: older/younger than you think | look I've seen the Trees that's enough | Noldorin jewelsmith | male
title: time and soul, wrought and tempered
mostly posts and reblogs crafting tiktoks and tips, sometimes adds a dash of science, philosophy or something personal. has made a resolution to filter out any posts pertaining to his family on his dashboard and keeps to it almost till the end. shows a strong sense of humour and has gathered quite a following.
url: celebrin-does-things
pfp: blurred photo of her with her back to the camera
bio: 500s - architect, wife and mother - everyone is welcome
title: "ammë, there's winter in my boots"
started off as a miscellaneous blog, but shifted to being mostly about Eärendil's shenanigans. she vaguely vents about maeglin/gondolin/cousin's treason sometimes, but still comes off as way more laid back than irl. hardly used her tumblr before her son was born and still treats it mostly as a place to document things he has said + a way to talk with like three treasured mutuals. the architect part in bio is mostly a ruse because she has only ever completed one or two projects but can hardly reveal she's a princess, can she? (before the fall of nargothrond if she got on tumblr it was to nag Finduilas to remove her personal info from bio hah)
@eri-pl, this is in part because you asked (a while ago, sorry), though I'm afraid I don't have much to say about all your suggestions. I prefer not to get into Sauron's headspace actually, but the idea of him having access to social media is horrifying lol. And Pharazon has all the worst characteristics of Reddit atheists, non-ironic modern white supremacists and racist trolls rolled into one with the added horror of the new unsavoury state cult. Míriel is not allowed a sim card🙁😬
also I'm just now realising I tagged a compatriot in something I wrote at 3 am so if you have time stamps on you now know my messed up sleep schedule and if you don't I've just told you lol but never mind.
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elbarkla · 1 year ago
Check it out everyone, 3 years of art progress! And I wrote a guide for beginners! 😊
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Hi! I’m Laura, age 31. I’ve always drawn occasionally, but never really stuck with it. Frankly it stressed me out. I’d draw for a month, then cry a bunch, then quit for a couple more years. But this time I turned it into a habit somehow. I’ve been drawing near-daily since Feb ‘21 and my life is better for it. Art’s a huge part of me now; it affects how I spend my time, how I express myself, and how I see the world. I feel like a happier, more complete human being.
So here’s what worked for me. This is a guide for hobbyists (I don’t have commercial ambitions) and it may or may not work for you. But I hope you can learn something from it regardless. Without further ado, my thesis:
 ~ Laura’s Steps for Drawing A Lot and Hopefully Getting Better ~
 1 – Manage Your Health 
Know what’s bad for your art? Depression! Glad I got around to treating mine. But for real, if you lack self-confidence you might want to check your mental health. It isn’t the sole factor but it can rapidly overtake the others. Every day I see a post like “how do I improve, every time I try to draw I’m overwhelmed with thoughts I’m bad at everything and a burden to the people around me”. That’s relatable but not a healthy way to see yourself. Low self-esteem can be treated. Please consider talking to someone - you’re a wonderful, lovable person and deserve a happy life.
Also, try to get plenty of sleep and eat regular meals; it helps with everything. Exercise is worth a shot too. Going for walks is good for your mind and body. Yes it’s boring, but boredom gives you space to imagine things.
 #2 – Make It Fun
You���re taking this too seriously. Yes, you. It’s just a hobby. Take the pressure off. Have fun.
What does that mean? It means you need to make art approachable. It has to be a comfort hobby you’re naturally drawn to. That means killing all thoughts of what you SHOULD do. If it makes you want to draw, go for it. Anime characters? Pretty ladies? Fanart? Furries? Doodles from imagination? Zentangles? Pencils? Digital? Do it. If drawing the “right way” burns you out, draw things the wrong way instead. You know who draws a lot? Children. You know who doesn’t draw super well? Children. Have that mindset. Draw like a child. Don’t compare yourself to others; just enjoy the process of creating something. You had that ability once and I know you can reacquire it.
 Intimidated by an empty sketchbook? Don’t wanna ruin a white page? That’s OK; find something you don’t mind ruining. Grab a half-used notebook and a ballpoint pen. You EXPECT those to look horrendous. If you can have fun filling that notebook, you can have fun drawing regularly, and if you draw regularly you can slowly improve your art. It happened to me. I went from rarely drawing to wanting to do it every day. I still sketch in ballpoint now; it’s fun and comfortable.
Also, if drawing’s NOT fun? That’s OK too! There’s loads of ways to express creativity; go do do one of those. For me it was The Sims 3, then knitting, then drawing. Find something accessible and build your confidence up. The world needs bonsai trees and Minecraft castles just as much as drawings. <3
#3 – Seek Instruction
You’ve made drawing a habit, congratulations! You’ve probably learned heaps already; it’s natural to work out techniques as you go. But deducing art wisdom from scratch isn’t super efficient. There’s no need to reinvent the wheel when you can learn so much from others.
You can do a paid course (great way to meet people), but you don’t have to. All the information’s free on the internet! Teachers will cover the same things in different ways or from different perspectives. There’s no exclusive knowledge; the more you study, the more overlap you’ll notice. It all comes together for a more complete understanding of fundamental concepts.
Here’s some of my favourite resources (currently all available free online)(except the Winslow one which was taken down, boo):
  r/artfundamentals, ie. drawabox.com . A great starter course on how to hold a pen, draw lines, build forms and so on. You can follow structured lessons or just practice whatever you need to.
How to Draw: Drawing and Sketching Objects and Environments from Your Imagination, by Scott Robertson. This book’s the gold standard on perspective and great for technical thinkers. It gets VERY advanced but there’s basic stuff to learn from as well. If the textbook intimidates you, try this excellent video playlist by Dan Beardshaw. He walks you through the same concepts in a simple approachable manner. Vital information if you want your work to look 3D.
anything by Andrew Loomis. He’s an icon for a reason; the Loomis head is a standard art tool to this day. I also enjoy the anachronistic career advice (“all advertisers will pay for a well-drawn head” or whatever it was). Here’s the ones I’ve read and enjoyed:
Fun with a Pencil
Figure Drawing for All It’s Worth
Drawing The Head and Hands
Creative Illustration (my current fave, great for composition)
Classic Human Anatomy in Motion, by Valerie L. Winslow. Hot take – people who say “learn anatomy” to beginners are idiots. SO MANY fundamentals come before anatomy if you wanna draw good-looking characters. You’ll get better results studying proportion, form, gesture, shapes and composition first. But if/when you want to learn bones and muscles, this is the book for you! It’s probably overkill, but I loved the breakdown of facial muscles and how they create expression. Top-tier reaction image material.
Proko!! Fabulous Youtube channel. Not only is Stan a great teacher, he invites on other artists too. Just go to his search bar and plug in a keyword; you’ll always find something helpful. I recommend his channel if you want to draw humans (loads of gesture, forms, proportion, anatomy etc.), but there’s a video or two on everything. Some of my other favourite videos:
Mind-Blowing Realistic Shading Tricks. Simple effective intro to light and shadow, I still go back and learn from it.
How to Draw Dynamic Shapes – FORCE Series Part 3. So compelling I bought the book afterwards. Blew my mind, instantly improved all my shapes and in turn my composition and gesture.
Painting Skin Tones and How Light Affects Color. Marco Bucci’s a genius with colours, he explains value and saturation in such fascinating ways.
Digital Shape Carving with Scott Flanders – good companion to the shading video above, teaches dramatic silhouettes and cel-shading within a really interesting workflow.
Google. Any question. Throw it in. Someone’s made a video or reddit post about it. You’d be surprised! I swear, the number of times I’ve typed “composition tips” or “digital watercolour clip studio paint” or “how draw horse head”.
Remember, take it easy. Don’t burn yourself out. Back off if you feel the tears creeping in. Study should supplement your drawings, not replace them. If in doubt, revert to step 2 – “bad” art is better than no art.
4– Study Life
If you did step 3 you’re way ahead of me on this one. USE REFERENCES. Draw things from photos (or real life if possible). Fill your brain with visual information. Here’s a thread I made for sharing references of humans.
What if you prefer to draw from imagination? That’s fine – try a hybrid approach. Doodle whatever comes to you, then look up references and try again. For example I’ll doodle a bear, then draw from photos of bears, then doodle new bears using the things I learned. It’s fun and also a good way to test your knowledge. You may also enjoy combining different references; eg drawing animal fusions, combining poses with an outfits etc. It gets easier to do the more you practice.
Between art pieces I keep a balance between drawing from imagination, drawing from reference, following art lessons, and studying other artists. Speaking of which –
5 – Study Art
Ever heard “Don’t draw anime until you’ve learned anatomy?” or “Learn the rules before you break them?” I strongly disagree with both of those statements. Fundamentals are great but there’s never a point you stop learning them, and studying life won’t teach you how to stylise. That’s why you also need to learn from your favourite artworks. This gets easier/more efficient as you build your broader art skills, but you can learn styles at any point of your art journey (see – step 2). In fact, it makes study more enjoyable, since stylised art can look better and feel more “you”. You already know what you want to create– why not start now?
Let’s take anime as an example. That’s a huge genre with loads of variation. So, what’s your personal taste? Round and cute, or sharp and serious? Choose your favourite shows and study how they do it. Observe their lines, shapes and proportions. Then try it yourself. Make fanart. Not only is replication good art practice in general, it’ll teach you a bunch of new tricks. For original work, pull from loads of sources, the more diverse the better. Work in your love for Silver Age comics or medieval tapestries or German expressionism. The more places you learn from, the more unique and personal your style will be. Your art becomes a visual scrapbook of all the artists you love. I think that’s beautiful. <3
 6 – Find Community
Art friends! Best thing ever. You can bond over your shared obsession, commiserate over tough parts, and learn about art together. A lot of my drawings are in-jokes exchanged with my BFF. I’ve known them from childhood (lucky) but apparently adults can make friends too. Fandom spaces are great for this; many Discord channels have a dedicated artists’ zone. You can also try r/sketchdaily or challenges like Mermay/Inktober if you want a sense of community.
If you don’t have art friends (yet), that’s OK; parasocial works too! I like watching “Draw With Me” content on Youtube. It’s great to put on while you’re creating, especially when you don’t have the energy for something educational. Not only is it inspiring, you can learn tips and tricks along the way. And of course, you can never go wrong with Bob Ross.
 7 – Be Interesting
The very first step was to manage your health. In a way, we’ve looped back to the beginning.  Because no matter what you do, art begins and ends with who you are. You can practice fundamentals 12 hours a day but if you never live your life, you’ll never make interesting art. No one cares for artists whose only character trait is how hard they grind. So go be the most vibrant version of yourself. Take up weird hobbies. Make weird friends. Seek new experiences. Question the beliefs you grew up with. Read books for a while instead of drawing. Develop your principles. Embrace what makes you different. Survive the worst year of your life somehow. Learn what makes you thrive. Your art won’t be for everyone. But it WILL mean the world to some. And to me, that’s the whole point of doing this. Good luck, fellow artist. The world is your adventure yet to come. I believe in you. <3
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fortheloveofarchons · 4 months ago
Outside, before the sun shines (A Getian x Зима fanfic)
Special thanks to @fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuc-k for giving me motivation and for showing me your adorable Getian x Зима fanart!!
(Full chapter in the link down below)
The wilderness has been chosen in the season of spring, one where the crisp air and the cool breeze could be arguably colder than winter itself. Зима knows it all too well as someone who was born in the land where the Tsar was born. 
He’d usually come to the wilderness to gain inspiration, sometimes encountering different acquaintances along the way. Moreover, he’d usually hide himself by the foliage that Vertin, the Timekeeper, had chosen to allow certain arcanists the choice to remain hidden from the rest of them.
Though this time, he brought someone else. 
As night falls, the place is cool and serene, a complete opposite to the whirlwind brewing in his heart. 
The tall, pure-blooded Miemeng bird sits next to him, which may seem imposing given it’s tall stature, especially when Зима sits down on the grass, leaning his back against a tree. 
Beside Зима, some thin parchments, a small ink bottle, and a quill are laid out.
Meanwhile, the little Зима flies over to bury itself into human Зима’s neck, rustling its feathers as it makes itself comfortable. 
Usually, for normal humans or arcanist interactions, they’d make some small talk or discuss a bit when they are about to do a task together. 
However, in this case, the two of them immediately fall into comfortable silence as they begin their work, broken only by the scratching of Зима’s quill and Getian’s inkbrush. 
We do not walk, but are driven; 
as things float, at the moment yet leisurely, 
and then whirl and stir, all depending on whether the tide is calm or turbulent.
Both of them do not reply, and when Зима’s eyes flicker to his left, he could only see Getian being too busy painting something on his parchment. 
As they continue occupying time together, the sun rises slowly, taking its sweet time. 
What time is it? 
It’s been a while since Зима dreamt. Most of his dreams are either nightmares or dreamless slumbers. 
The dark night remains dominant, making it difficult to read the time. 
Is it four, five, or six in the morning? In the words of the Timekeeper, the wilderness in the suitcase would mimic the outside world. 
“Зима, you look quite tired. When have you last slept?” 
The voice of the half-bird, half-man is more distinct and clearer than it was previously. The manner in which his question made Зима almost drop his quill, because if there’s anything as bad as admitting to his lack of sleep, then it was admitting that he had slept, though only a few hours. 
It was always hard for Зима to find comfort in laying himself to rest. Resting within the institution was hard with the deafening silence each night. Even with the comfort of the other animals back when he lived on an abandoned island, he could not bring himself to forget the cries and wails of those prisoners who were also thrown in there: Fighting, turning against each other, killing… he could not bring himself to erase those memories. 
At most, all Зима could do for them was to bury their bodies beneath the soil, putting them to rest. 
At least, resting in the wilderness made his heart steady. The sounds of birds chirping, the night air cooling his body, the sound of leaves rustling– all of it brings a soothing ambiance. 
“I… have slept.” He settles on the oldest reply in the book. 
“You are a mortal. Younger. Fleeting.” Getian replies bluntly. “You cannot continue like this.” 
Зима is about to ask how Getian has slept, but his gaze wanders down to his strong talons, remembering that he’s part bird. Birds would definitely have enough sleep. Though, that does question a lot of things. 
Does Getian sleep with one eye open like an owl? Does he have shorter sleep cycles?
Does he sleep while hanging upside down?
Does he enter into a state of torpor instead of hibernation? 
Still, he can’t avoid Getian’s question and remark. 
Instead, what Зима does is reach his inner coat, and brings out a small, worn out pouch, with simple designs of woven, blue-white snowflakes. He opens the pouch, and brings up a few red, ripe berries. 
“Here…” Зима hesitantly reaches his hand out. “Berries… for you…” 
While it isn’t obvious, Getian's heterochromia eyes glisten for just a moment. 
“Thank you. I haven’t felt the need for food for a long time.” Another tactic from the old book: Food. “But these red berries are… indeed appetising. Please pass me the little red, round berries. Yes, just put them on my wings.” 
Meanwhile, little Зима chirps out in frustration, his tiny beady eyes narrowing to a sulky look as if human Зима had stolen little Зима’s food. 
“Chirp! Chirp chirp!” 
“You… can have some…” Зима brings one to the little Зима’s beak, and it swallows the small juicy happy with a content expression. 
“Though, this doesn’t avoid my question.” Getian swallows the berries after he chews them. “You really need lots of sleep.” 
“Once… I’m done…” Зима concedes, turning to face his half-written parchment. “I apologise…” 
“Don’t be. You are tired, Зима.” 
“Not enough to–” 
Зима was then shifted from where he’s seated, and he could feel a large wing pulling him out of his train of thought. As he lets go of the quill, it clatters, and he feels the soft yet very powerful wing pulling him closer to Getian’s body. It was a sensation unlike anything he had ever experienced before.
Зима looks up to meet a pair of piercing heterochromia silver-black eyes when Getian gives him an unimpressed look, which looks a mix between greatly concerned from Зима’s weakened accent and stutter, and mildly annoyed from Зима’s flimsy lies. 
Finally, after what must be a minute or so–
“Rest. Sleep.” Getian says, his right wing embracing Зима, covering his face and body. “The sun will rise soon, which is a sign for humans and mortal arcanists to wake up and work. I will hide your face from the sun, so you can pretend it’s night through your eyes.” 
When was his ink bottle already screwed shut? 
Зима opens his mouth, then closes it and looks towards the little Зима already sleeping within his smooth-stitch scarf, then turns to Getian, his head subconsciously resting on his shoulder. 
“Alright… I’ll do… as you say…” 
Slowly, his tired green eyes close, already embracing this warm darkness. 
While his sleep is a dreamless slumber once more… 
At least his heart is in a steady rhythm. 
And… this bird smells like petrichor.
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miirohs · 2 years ago
3:45 [b.c]
pairing: Prepper!Bang Chan x GN!Reader wc: 0.8k cw: n/a an: take this half assed shit and run guys <3 btw this is based off some apocalyptic au fanart i saw of skz!!!
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Dogs were a hazard. At least that's what Chan thought.
It had been following you since his team had left the perimeter of the base. Slinking after you, it seemed unafraid of the threatening aura of the rest of the crew, tail wagging happily as you occasionally dropped a small bite for it on the walk.
It was yappy. Loud. Chan didn’t like that.
The others were aware of its presence, but didn’t seem to indulge the poor thing as much after getting yelled at for feeding it scraps.
The more days it seemed to follow you though, the closer you got to it. At times, it seemed like you were the only one who could get away with something like that.
You had settled down for the night, only a day away from the warehouse. Chan had made you promise you’d let her go, but it felt impossible.
“What if we called her Laika?” 
Chan scoffed, readjusting the strap of his gun as he watched you seated on the ground, playing with the dirty little dog. 
“Like the space dog?” He questioned, tone slightly snarky as you cooed at the dog.
As you played with her, he couldn’t help but sigh internally at the happiness written all over your face. This was the happiest he had seen you since the whole disaster had started.
“Isn’t she pretty?” You completely ignored his statement, picking up the dog and bringing it to him.
He sidestepped your attempt to show him the dog, hands up in front of his face as it reached out to give him a friendly lick. It wasn’t that he was squeamish, he just wasn’t trying to get attached.
“Say hi to your daddy Laika! Hi Chan!” 
Chan glared at you from behind his hands, motioning for you to put it down with his eyes. Slowly, you put Laika down on the ground, stomach dropping as he grumbled under his breath.
You stopped him, holding up your hands to him.
“Chan please. She doesn’t have a home, she’s a stray. Just like us?” You begged before he could even get another word out, pointing to Laika as she sat at your feet, staring curiously at Chan.
“Baby, you know the risk dogs pose. What if someone catches us because it won’t stop yapping like that?” He muttered, staring at his feet and kicking up dirt to avoid your pleading face. “It's a she, and Chan, please?” your voice got softer, reaching out to grab him, “we can’t just leave her here on her own. She’s just a baby. She can’t fend for herself.”
He was a grown man, and yet he couldn’t seem to control himself as you held his hand, running a finger over his gloves. His rough hand rose to your cheek, caressing your face as you leaned into his hand. 
Heat rose up to his cheeks and he turned away, breathing heavily as his heart thumped.
“Fine. You explain to the base why we brought a dog back on the supply run,” He grunted, the way he pulled his hand away from your face was gentle in comparison to his tone. “Really?” you whispered, giddiness seeping into your tone despite how hard you tried to maintain a poke face.
It barked, almost as if it- no, she understood. Both of you were obviously happy at the arrangement. 
Chan cringed slightly as you cooed at the dog, yet his heart slightly thumped at you talking to the puppy in your arms, disappearing into your shared tent.
“You let Y/n keep it? And you wouldn’t even let me or Han feed, you said it would be dangerous!” Changbin grumbled, rolling his eyes as he sat down next to Chan. “Yeah well… it’s different. Laika is here to stay.” He grunted, staring in the direction of your tent for a brief second before laying down on the ground, arm covering his face in an attempt to sleep.
“And you named it too?!” Chan smirked slightly at Changins indignation. “That was entirely Y/n. Be mad at her.”
“Damn, he really is whipped for that girl. He’s always bringing her something back on his trips and this time he let her get an animal. I wonder how Lee Knows gonna take this when he realizes he isn’t the only one with animal privilege,” Han snickered from behind, before suddenly getting hit with a can.
Chan was staring at him, and although it was nothing serious it was quite intimidating.
“Her happiness is my happiness, and if that happiness is in the form of a dog, so be it,” Chan shrugged, shaking his head at the mischievous looks on their faces.
“Looks like someones whipped!”
Before he could tell them off, you peaked your head out from the tent, face slightly illuminated by the fire.
“Are you coming?! I have something to show you!”
Chan looked at Han and Changbin, a serious look on his face.
“If either of you mention a word of this to Y/n, i swear to god.”
“Aye aye captain, whatever you say!"
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willowisapillow · 6 months ago
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💗🎵🐻 Tooty Fruity + Some Headcanons 🐻🎵💗
Recently I’ve been listening to the soundtrack of Banjo Kazooie and Tooie, and just kept on getting violent flashbacks to my cringey Banjo Kazooie phase from my elementary school all the way to my early high school days. And that ofc, inspired me to make some fanart.
This was made as a (late) birthday gift for one of my closest friends I know IRL and online, Gavin, AKA, Funtime Floof/FloofToon15. He enjoys Banjo Kazooie and Rare games in general like me, and I suggest you follow him on Twitter and Instagram, he’s a sweet and funny dude. And this was also made as a (again, late) 26th Anniversary to the game itself! Christ almighty, I can’t believe the series is this old already- 🥲
Tooty, my beloved. She was my main choice because she’s one of my favorite characters in the series. She’s so adorable and pure, but in all honesty, she kinda deserved better. I don’t mind Rare riffing on the fact that she straight up dipped after the first game, but she still had potential to appear in the other games after that. I don’t like how things like Nuts n’ Bolts or TV Tropes describe her as a walking plot device, ‘cause to me, she’s way more than just that.
That aside, since her OG design is pretty simple, working on my human design for her was pretty easy. Kept her iconic outfit and pigtails, and just gave her some cute freckles. Felt like going for a Y2K and kidcore vibe/look for the art. The Banjo Kazooie franchise was introduced in the late 90s, and it’s just oozing with whimsical, cartoony, childish, and colorful themes (especially the first game), so I thought the two aesthetics would be perfect to use.
And as the title also says, I’m gonna be giving y’all some headcanons of mine for Tooty that I came up with a while back.
• My version of Tooty is a mix between Bubbles from Powerpuff Girls, Lilo from Lilo and Stitch, and Cindy Lou Who from the Grinch. She’s cheerful, but also a little eccentric and does some pretty odd stuff, like one time where she made a cursed peanut butter and pickle sandwich combination. She’s also a curious, pure-hearted little sweetheart, but pretty naive.
• Since the Banjo Kazooie Wiki describes her as spunky and mischievous, I’ve always imagined her as being a tomboy with a girly streak. She loves going on adventures, running around and wearing casual clothing, but doesn’t mind wearing dresses for special occasions, loves stuffed animals, and loves the colors pink and purple.
• Rare enjoys leaving the ages of some of their characters ambiguous, so I headcanon Tooty as being around 7-9 years old.
• Sometimes when she’s too scared to sleep in her room by herself (an example would be when there’s thunder and lightning outside), she goes to Banjo’s room and asks if she can sleep in there with him.
• It’s pretty obvious that Tooty loves and looks up to her big bro Banjo. But I imagine that she inherited her spunk and love for adventure from him, and wants to be just like him when she grows up. But she’s also often haunted by self doubt and insecurity, since she feels like she could never live up to the legacy or fame of him. But luckily, being the S-tier brother that he is, Banjo’s there to lift her spirits and assure her that she’s smart, clever, and capable of being just as great as him.
• As a kid, I’ve always wanted to know whatever the hell happened to Banjo and Tooty’s parents, and I managed to come up with a small backstory for them that I might edit/expand on later. The bear brother and sister were born to two loving parents, Piano and Fiddle. They weren’t living in the greatest conditions, but they all still managed to be a happy, stable family. One day, the couple decided to take a small trip away from home, and the two parents entrusted Banjo to look after Tooty while they were gone. Unfortunately, that would be the last time the siblings ever saw their parents again, as the two were killed in a tragic accident. Banjo was only 17 when he found out about the tragic news, so while he was about to reach adulthood soon, he was still pretty young to nurture his then 5 year old little sis all by himself. That didn’t stop him from taking care of her, and basically promoting himself to parenthood. He fed her, potty trained her, taught her the ABCs, took her out to fun places, and basically made an oath to be the best big brother to Tooty, and to protect her at all costs.
• Tooty doesn’t remember much about her parents, because, again, she was 5 years old when they died. So she always goes to Banjo to have him tell whatever type of silly story about them when they were alive.
• Tooty and Kazooie didn’t have much interactions with each other, but I’ve always seen the two as having a, “aloof older sibling and annoying younger sibling”-esque bond. Kazooie doesn’t throw brutal insults at her like she does with the rest of the characters (especially poor Bottles), but she does call her some teasing nicknames here and there. But she’s not heartless, she does have a soft spot for the little scamp. Tooty sees her as a big sister figure, and Kazooie at one point calls Tooty, “the little sister that she never had”.
• I headcanon Tooty has ADHD. Since she is often seen running around, and being pretty hyperactive in general, so that’s where I got it from. I also imagine her being pretty impatient and impulsive. She doesn’t like waiting for long periods of time, sometimes has trouble following instructions, and gets easily distracted by pretty looking objects. Heck, even Banjo himself has often told her how much of a handful she was while trying to take care of her and calls her, “a living, breathing battery”.
• Since she’s seen eating coconuts at the end of the first game, I headcanon that they’re her favorite food, especially coconut milk. I also think that honey would be another type of food she likes (since she’s, y’know- a bear), but she doesn’t love it as much as coconuts.
• Her other best friends outside of the Banjo Kazooie gang are Dixe and Tiny Kong, and Conker. Since they’re all related to Rare, why not do some crossover friendship stuff. Tooty loves hanging out with the Kong sisters, and especially loves hanging out with Conker. Him and Banjo are childhood buddies, but Banjo still doesn’t want Tooty hanging around him because, well… he’s Conker. But Tooty doesn’t care, and just finds him cool.
• Ever since I’ve heard rumors about Rare planning to have a Banjo Kazooie show during the Nuts n’ Bolts era that never came into fruition, I’ve always made up a Banjo Kazooie show myself, which is something I may or may not go into more detail in the future. And my headcanon choice for Tooty’s voice actor would be Britt McKillip, and the main inspiration for her voice is Hannah Marie from Scary Godmother (AKA, one of my favorite Halloween specials ever). Both are pink wearing, timid little sister characters, so I thought it would be fitting.
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💗 🐻 💗
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