#sleep mully
owlown · 8 months
Kind of wanna write a "The boys" fanfic (one shots) so hit me up with your ideas
(Can be jokingly or srs idc)
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crispystarfishhottub · 2 months
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A Crush Huh?
A visit to your bother ends up with a happy ending
"Ugh" I groaned as my alarm sounded. Jet lag was a bitch sometimes and it was kicking my ass today. "Good morning!" My brother Narrator shouted as he swang open my door "gods Grant let me rest" I say pulling my pillow over my face "I just want to sleep" I pulled my cover over me again ready to fall back to sleep "No no no today all the boys are coming! You have to help me sort the house before they arrive!" He said laughing as he pulled my cover off. I reluctantly got out of bed and pulled on my hoodie "fine but im doing it all in my pajamas until they actually get here. How bad can it be to clean?"
Turns out, cleaning is a lot harder when jet lagged. It took hours "oh shit they're here!" Grant said running to the door. I blinked before bolting up the stairs to put on a pair of jeans. When I rejoined him downstairs I saw the familiar faces of his friends "hey guys" I said giving a small wave "good to see you all again" a chorus of "hellos" sounded back as I took my place on the couch next to Eddie "hey how've you been kid?" He asked bumping my shoulder "im not that much younger then you Eddie im not a kid" I laugh "and I've been good! A little tired from the flight over but otherwise im ok"
Out of the corner of my eye I saw juicy looking at me. He sent a wink my way and I felt my cheeks heat up. "Oh?" I hear as Josh moves onto the arm of the couch "what's this im seeing?" He said in a teasing tone "nunya" I reply getting back up "I think someone's got a crush~" Mully sung causing the room to laugh "oh shut up Mulls" I laughed before yawning heading up stairs "im taking a nap im still jetlagged. Later nerds"
I flop onto my bed and sigh. Was my crush on him that obvious? The only one aware so far was Grant and thats because he caught me twirling my hair once at Juicys joke. I hear a knock at my door causing me to sit up "come in!" I call watching as the door opened. Juicy stepped in "hey" he smiled closing the door behind me "hey Gaege. Wanna join me on the bed?" I ask patting the spot next to me "how forward of you (Y/n)" my face must of burned like a thousand suns "oh just sit down" I mumbled covering my face in embarrassment. A comfortable silence fell around us before I felt his hands gently take mine. "Let me see that beautiful face"
I slowly took my hands away from my face. "There you are" he said softly his face inches away from mine "so you have a crush on me huh?" He asked "who blabbed" I whispered softly "Narrator did. I don't blame him though. I've been trying to give you signals" he admitted "maybe this one will be more clear". I felt his hand gently cup my cheek as he leaned in, eyes half closed. I met him half way as our lips touched in a hesitant kiss, my hands moving to rest on his shoulders. His free hand pulled me by my hip into his waist as we kissed. The kiss growing more passionate with each passing minute. When we pulled away I kept my eyes closed "ok wow" I smiled "does that make it more clear?" I felt him chuckle softly "yes it does" I confirmed opening my eyes to meet his "safe to say we both have a crush on the other" he nodded and gently stroked my cheek "so how about we give us a go?" I blushed and grinned
"I would like that"
From outside I heard a loud cheer "FINALLY!" Grants voice was heard saying making us both laugh.
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wavernot4love · 6 months
hello fun 2ourdust albany things (note i typed this at like 4:30 am last night when i simply couldn't sleep but then passed out before i could post it so it may not be the most coherent)
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- pete talking about upstate being special 2 him due to memories of taking a bus to a tattoo parlor in syracuse and feeling inspired by all these cool achc dudes... god i love hardcore scene lore fob stuff ESPECIALLY when upstate gets brought into it
- reinventing the wheel for the first time in apparently seventeen YEARS (i take full responsibility for making this happen due to my showing up in my tttyg crewneck /s)
- andy waved to us!! long story short about 30 of us were waiting by the wrong buses sadly & just barely missed pete & patrick meeting folks by the right ones. we were pretty heartbroken when we came over & found out, but a combination of the andy thing & meeting/trading bracelets/caroling along to folie songs (if ya know ya know) with cool folks turned waiting after the show into a fond memory regardless. i love the fob community, dude. t/2ourdust has changed everything for me.
and still i just find it worth noting how sick it is that this tour pete & patrick have been taking the time to come out & talk w folks. you don't see that much with bands playing arena shows and it makes me happy to see.
- lots of celebration for the smfs anniversary!
muse live (shit is INCREDIBLE live dude), kintsugi & what a time to be alive for medley, lil pete speech about the record.
- ginasfs instead of sixteen candles as a wild card again!!! i cannot believe i have heard her three times now when if you asked me two years ago i never would have thought i'd hear her once!
- smfs is definitely a worthy replacememt for srar in every sense. i appreciate both similarly, and i love that they recall tourdust's srar performance in the sense of it serving as a great medley transition, also in regard a to collaboration (everyone joining in to sing at the end, in this case joe especially)
- that reminds me, it seemed like pete did a lot of backing vox tonight which was nice
- i may only really know a handful of jimmy songs well but great band and jim adkins is one of those people that just seems nice. i like watching the dude do his thing.
- seeing hot mully in an arena was crazy. was pretty sad they cut featuring mark hoppus but still was nice 2 see them
- i remain wholly not a fan of seated shows, at least not for this kinda music, that did get me down at a couple points as i just can't move the way i wanna (not being able to mosh to cbts etc like at tourdust sucked, as well as just being confined to my seat/row all night) & also it seems to keep the crowd in general way more stagnant.
but at least i could see well + no one around me was particularly disrespectful!!
i also respect fob's ability to make a concert at an arena like this still feel like a SHOW (in the scene sense)
- and finally, have nightmare quality pete randomly crawling inside the inflatable dog (i am currently forgetting dude's name)
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undeadvinyls · 4 months
Leave any rants about espresso x mulberry if you want under this ask, I NEED TO KNOW MORE ABOUT THEM :>
they r sooo nerd x nerd + sleep deprived. they started off as rivals but slowly switched to friends and then lovers. :3
at first they were all over pointing out miscalculations and other errors in thie theses, but overtime they realized how compatible they r so they switched to actually mashing them together into one!!
usually when they r forced to go to sleep they cuddle up and espresso is the big spoon to mulberry's little spoon. espresso isnt rlly the best hugger but for mulberry it's a big exception
madeleine is their supportive third wheel best friend
they like to do calmer activies for their dates. eat at a fancy diner, hang out in sparkling's bar who always knows their orders, or even just sit at mulberry's house in the hollyberry kingdom and watch a stupid movie. despite both being huge workhalolics, they do enjoy a moment of peace and love
i feel like mulberry secretely loves swimming, a lot. sometimes they got dates at the swimming pool or the beach and mully is currently teaching espresso how to swim........ and espresso needs a floatie still or else hes hovering over the water
mully sometimes falls asleep on espresso's lap and espresso falls asleep on mulberry's shoulder
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dokubabu · 1 year
- Yellow can't fly naturally because he is too heavy for his wings to support his body weight while airborne
(this is roughly based off the logic that birds can only fly because they have hollow bones)
In addition to this: Yellow also cant fly naturally because Red intentionally created him like that. Its also because Red has a tracking device inside of Yellow's vest that keeps track of him at all times. That way, if he ever escaped or got lost outside of Odd World, Red could find him. Of course, the tracking device inside of the vest is only something Red knows of and Yellow is not aware of it.
- Yellow's propeller has modes that he can adjust for how high he wants to fly. How does he adjust the mode? I haven't really thought of that yet.
- The propeller on Yellow's vest is detatchable. You will only see Yellow without his propeller if he's sleeping or if it's getting repairs done on it, however.
In addition to this also: You will rarely see Yellow without his vest on.
- Yellow's Propeller is fueled by battery. If not charged, it will stop in midair.
Red usually charges it up for him before he goes to bed, as Yellow forgets to charge it often.
- Yellow has gotten his propeller stuck on things before, which is a reason why he prefers to fly high.
- Yellow's propeller was customly made by Red for him. Its wiring and such is inside the little box compartment on his back.
So yeah um heres my hcs for Yellow! The hc with the vest thing also kinda comes from Mully's/Rainbowfriendsfanatic's hc about Yellow needing it as a posture corrector!
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abattoirstars · 1 year
1, 5, 20!
1. A song you like with a colour in the title.
Clearest Blue - CHVRCHES. A song I shamefully totally missed despite being a low level CHVRCHES fan because I just never listened to their second album for some reason. Then suddenly last year (I think because it was in Heartstopper?) I got massively massively into CHVRCHES and particularly Clearest Blue and Bury It, both off the second album. A girl's attraction to Lauren Mayberry is something that can be so personal (gender).
5. A song that needs to be played loud.
Equip Sunglasses - Hot Mulligan. I see hot mully live in less than a week now and I'm Very Excited. This song needs to be loud in general but I specifically find myself cranking the volume for the chorus so you get a real punch out of 'it's good to Hate isn't it' on the downbeat.
20. A song that has many meanings to you.
This is an interesting one and not something I think about very often. I feel like I get a read of what a song is to me and then kind of embed that on relistens, meanings only changing a huge amount if I suddenly realise a lyric I've misheard.
I'll go with the Charlie - Bugs, their triple J like a version cover of the Mallrat song. It replaces the piano line and triphop (?) clicks of the original with a more traditional Indeh pulsing guitar line that I like a lot and changes the kinda girl-looking-out-of-train-window-timelapse feel of the original into a slightly more feral one, especially with the vocals at the end. Beyond the 'it being a cover' thing which is maybe cheating, though, it reminds me of one very specific night out in 2020 where I, amongst other things, ended up sleeping on my own floor because I'd given my bed to friends who were up for the night. It's such a specific, fond emotion and kind of the opposite what the actual song is trying to do. I could elaborate but it would require a whole lot of PSBB lore that isn't actually too interesting.
Anyway, ty for the questions flamingplay !
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mlcheely · 2 years
It's Just A Game... CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE. ☆
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“There is a woman that is looking for Jill Valentine, though I am not sure what for.”
 “Oh? Do tell; what does she look like?”
 “Small frame, long dirty blonde hair, big doe-like eyes — ” The voice from the other line of the radio interrupts him. “Did she tell you her name?”
 “No, but I happened to overhear the name ‘ Erica .’”
 “Keep an eye on her and don’t underestimate her.” There’s a pause from the other line. “She’s not what she seems.”
 “ Affirmative .”
 Nikolai steps out from behind a wall as he finishes his exchange, shoving the radio into his back pocket. He glances through the windows of the civilian tram, eyeing Erica as he walks past. She’s inside socializing, putting on such a convincing facade. Nikolai knew there was something strange about her when he aimed his weapon between her eyes — she was too calm; too collected to have been in the heart of Umbrella’s disastrous mishap. ‘It explains why she is unscathed, too…’ He thinks, but he shakes the thought as he enters another tram.
 Erica has been talking to the survivors to pass the time; she re-encountered Judy Marks, the nurse she met at the hospital when she first arrived in Raccoon City. She spoke to a woman named Aliyah Littles, a journalist who worked for Raccoon Weekly, and a young college student named Janet Mullis. She recognized Emmy Stanson, the owner of Emmy’s Diner — well — previous owner . Unfortunately, none of these people are the person she’s looking for.
 None of them are Jill.
 She sighs to herself in defeat, catching the attention of the mother next to her. Erica had come to learn her name is Hope Stevens and she worked at Raccoon University as a professor. Her teenage daughter, Dawn Stevens, was going to attend the University in the spring, but it’s obvious how that turned out…
 “Can’t sleep?”
 Erica turns to her and laughs a little. “Oh, no, I’m just looking for someone…” Hope purses her lips. “Do you think they’ll show up?”
 “I don’t think so — ” Erica says, causing Hope to frown. “ — I know so.” The frown leaves the older woman’s lips and turns into a grin. Erica grins back at her before catching a glimpse of a familiar face in one of the windows. Is that?
 “Excuse me.” She mumbles, grabbing her backpack and exiting the tram. As she does, the sound of another tram door closing echoes through the subway’s tunnel. She glances in the direction of the sound and spots a woman with short brown hair speaking to Carlos, Tyrell, Nikolai, and some other older man with a red beret. ‘That’s gotta be her!’ She thinks, immediately rushing towards the tram and ripping the door open. The passengers all turn and look at her as her heart flies out of her chest. It’s Jill!
 Jill is in awe as she stares at the young woman in front of her. She was telling her the truth — she’s alive! She’s really here, physically standing before her. It’s not a dream this time; this is all real.
 “Is that really you?” Warm tears prickle Jill’s eyes, threatening to fall as she feels her breath catch in her throat. “Of course it’s me!” Erica cries, tears spilling from her eyes as she goes in for an embrace. “It’s me, Jill — I’m alive, I’m really alive!” Jill pulls Erica close, squeezing her tightly and entangling her fingers in her long hair. Erica buries her face in Jill’s shoulder, unable to compose herself. She was alone for so long…She wants to fall to the floor and sob; she wants Jill to hold her and console her, but now isn’t the time for all that. They need to get out of this godforsaken city.
 Jill looks at Erica’s wet face with her own. “Where have you been? How are you here right now?” Erica quickly glances at Nikolai, realizing that she shouldn’t tell Jill anything right now and risk exposing herself to him. She has a feeling he might already be suspicious of her. She swallows. “We can talk about that later.” Jill shakes her head. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to. All that matters is that you’re here now.” Erica smiles at her friend’s reassurance.
 “Are you two ladies done?” Nikolai retorts, observing the smaller of the two women. “Sorry…” Erica mumbles, avoiding his gaze and shifting it to the floor. Jill squeezes her shoulder to which she straightens her lips.
 “Do you think you can do it, Jill?” Tyrell asks, breaking the awkward vibe in the air. Jill nods, focusing her attention on what the group had begun to discuss prior to Erica’s arrival. “Of course she can, she is Special Tactics and Rescue Service.” The older man with the red beret states, and as the conversation continues their voices start to drown out as Erica’s eyes fall onto the older man sitting in one of the seats. She reads over his name tag: Mikhail Victor. She didn’t know much about the man, but as far as she knew he was a mercenary hired by the U.B.C.S. where he served as leader of the Delta Platoon. He unfortunately never made it out of Raccoon City alive, much like everyone else. He looks like he’s in pain, gritting his teeth as he listens intently to the group’s plan. As she breathes in, she’s able to smell the blood seeping from the wound he’s currently clutching. It seems death is already breathing down his neck. A lump forms in her throat; the scent makes her stomach growl, but just as she takes a step forward Jill lifts a hand to touch Erica’s arm. Nikolai happens to notice her trance before she’s pulled from it and turns to look at Mikhail.
 Why was she staring at him like a fat kid staring at cake? Could she be infected? No, that isn’t possible — she should have fallen victim to the virus, but is there a possibility she retained her intelligence? He wonders if that’s what Wesker meant by ‘she’s not what she seems.’
 “Hey, are you going to be okay here?”
 Erica looks around to the rest of the group’s faces before looking at Jill's. “Uh, no I’m not gonna be okay. I’m going with you.” Jill shakes her head.
 “Oh, no you’re not. It wouldn’t be smart for you to go…” She chews on the inside of her cheek. “It’s better for you to just stay here.” Erica is taken aback, feeling frustrated that Jill doesn’t believe she’s capable enough to venture through the death and devastation outside. She made it out of the NEST facility and managed to get all the way here and find Jill. She survived death for Christ’s sake! She is fully capable of handling herself — even if it’s from the help of the virus in her body. She also wants to make it out of here before she starts getting hungry again. The smell of Mikhail’s flesh and blood makes her toes curl in her shoes. She hasn’t eaten, and if she stays she has a feeling her hunger might be satiated.
 “I’ll be fine.” Erica laughs, brushing Jill off. “I made it here, didn’t I?”
 “Dammit Erica, why don’t you just listen? I don’t want to lose you again.” Jill snaps, prompting Erica to look at the floor. She feels her fists clench and her heart begin to pound in her ears. It’s soon replaced by the sound of ringing, relentlessly beating against her ear drums, and she takes a deep breath. The rest of the room is quiet, awkwardly standing around as they wait for her response. “Jill, I’m sorry, but it doesn’t matter what the fuck you say — I’m going with you.” She purses her lips. “You need to trust me on this…” Pause. “...I’ll be right beside you the whole time.”
 “But — ” Jill starts but Erica interrupts. “Look, I appreciate you looking out for me but I’ve already been through my fair share of bullshit and there’s no reason to coddle me over it. I’m fine .” The room goes silent once again but it doesn’t last for long as Mikhail bursts out in a painful laugh, wheezing as the laughter bellows from his chest. “I like this one.” He remarks.
 “It seems your friend here is pretty determined to help.” Carlos steps forward. Jill chews her lip as he reaches for a gun from his waistband. He turns to Erica, “Can you shoot?”
 “I’m no professional, but I have a pretty good idea.” She replies, and he turns to Jill. “Problem solved.” He shrugs, holding out the pistol to Erica. “I — ” Jill starts to protest, but she holds her tongue.
 Erica is right. She did manage to make it here. Jill isn’t sure when or how she escaped from Umbrella’s grasp, but they’ll have plenty of time for that when they get out of the city. There is something Jill can’t put her finger on, though. Why does she not have any wounds or scratches? How was she able to avoid the monsters and zombies? More importantly, what did Umbrella do to her?
 Reluctantly taking the firearm, Erica clutches the hilt with a frown. She never really liked guns, and for good reason. They always terrified her — from the loud pop to the possibility that it can go very wrong very quickly if you don’t know what you’re doing. She knows she needs to take it to prove she can defend herself, but hopefully she won’t have to use it. She shakes away her thoughts and focuses on the task at hand. She and Jill need to get going.
 “Let’s go.” She says, heading out the tram door’s entrance.
 “She seems fun.” Tyrell comments and Jill quickly defends her friend. “She’s not really like that — she’s just…been through a lot.” She sighs.
 Nikolai watches Erica as she leaves, observing her behavior. She was so quick to snap at the other woman he wonders if this is only the beginning. What if she eats one of them? What if she turns and possibly infects someone else? “I would keep an eye on her.” He mutters.  The group looks at him, and Jill knits her brows together, eyeing him suspiciously. “What are you implying?” Nikolai chuckles at her reaction. “It is just an observation, Miss Valentine — not an implication.”
 Jill shrugs him off, but she can’t help but let curiosity grab her by the tongue — what does he mean by that? Whatever, it doesn’t matter; she doesn’t trust anything he says anyway. She doesn’t have a good feeling about him.
 Her attention then falls onto Carlos. “Wish me luck?” She jokes.
 “You’re gonna need it.” He quips.
 “You’re telling me.” She laughs, quickly following after Erica and arming herself. She catches up to her, spotting her leaning against the railing at the bottom of the stair entrance. Erica had heard the conversation that continued after she left the tram, and she can’t help but wonder if Jill might question her or distrust her now. ‘No, Jill wouldn’t switch up like that…Nikolai is just trying to get inside her head.’ She tells herself, but she secretly worries he might be right. She’s unsure if she has any control over her hunger, and she’s unsure if she’s a real danger to people. She had no problem controlling herself on the civilian tram, so why did she feel like she was going to eat Mikhail?
 “You ready?”
 Jill rips her away from her thoughts and she puts on a fake smile. “Yeah — I’m ready.”
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“Are you okay?”
 Erica — who was previously staring out into the city, observing the area for any threats as a lookout — turns and looks at Jill. She’s looking at her with concern, and Erica feels her chest tighten. She bites her lip, trying to stop it from trembling.
 She doesn’t know, honestly; she doesn’t know if she’ll ever be okay after all this. She doesn’t know if she’ll forget falling into a fictional world. She doesn’t know if she’ll ever forget getting kidnapped, experimented on, eating someone , or dying, and waking up in the middle of a zombie apocalypse. Not like anybody else would be able to forget something like that, either. She sighs as a tear trickles down one of her cheeks, overwhelmed by all that’s transpired.
 “You know, I’m not sure. I uh, I don’t know.” She laughs nervously.
 “You can tell me anything…” Jill mumbles and Erica feels salty water coat her cheeks within seconds. “Jill, I — …Umbrella turned me into some kind of — some kind of freak. During my capture I-I got hungry and I ate somebody. You don’t really come back from something like that…” She sniffles. “The only reason I came with you was because I didn’t want to risk eating anyone else…” There’s a long pause. “...And I only trust you to take me out if — no, when — that time comes.”
 Jill already knew Erica was experimented on, but she wasn’t fully aware of what exactly happened to her. Chris alluded to her being infected with the T-Virus and possibly some other virus known as the G-Virus, but what does that mean for her? Does that mean she’s capable of attacking someone without warning? Does that mean she’ll lose control and mutate into something inhuman? After being infected for this long, she should have turned…right?
 “Listen to me, Erica — ” Jill walks over and puts a hand on her crying friend’s shoulder. “ — it’s not going to come to that.”
 “I don’t think it’s that simple, Jill.” Erica chokes.
 “What do you mean?” Jill furrows her brows.
 “You won’t understand. Shit, even I don’t but I can hear and smell everything — I can smell the sweat on someone’s skin or the smell of their meat and muscle. I can hear the sound of heartbeats and blood pumping through veins.” She takes a deep breath. “I can hear the thoughts and voices of infected hosts. I can feel them, Jill. I can feel when they’re around — I’m losing my fucking mind here.” Erica sobs and Jill frowns, worried for her as she breaks down. “Hey, hey, I promise that everything is gonna be okay. When we get out of the city, Chris and I will figure out how to help you.” Jill reassures, but Erica shakes her head.
 “I died , Jill…” She sniffles again. “...And when I found out I was still alive I was in some kind of place in my head. There was a voice I couldn’t recognize that spoke to me. It told me it brought me back from the brink of death; it said it was a part of me now …Whatever Umbrella put inside of me — it’s not going away.” Jill swallows, slowly getting hot from worry. “You’re gonna be fine.” She says, but she isn’t so sure if she believes what she’s saying now. What’s happening to Erica?
 “You keep saying that, but — ” Erica starts wiping her face with her sleeve, trying to think of something to tell herself to feel better but it’s useless. “Forget it.” She mutters.
 Jill grabs Erica’s hand and squeezes it tenderly. “I don’t think you’re a danger to anyone. Besides, weren’t you alone with all those civilians before I showed up? Why didn’t you eat any of those people?” Erica doesn’t say anything, silent as Jill looks into her teary eyes. “I believe you can control yourself. If we can find something to satiate your hunger, you won’t even think about eating anyone else.” Erica feels a lump in the back of her throat, thinking about the binders in her backpack. Everything will be okay. Even if she isn’t — she knows the two of them have enough evidence inside of her backpack to be an absolute slam dunk for the case against Umbrella. She hasn’t mentioned to anyone what’s inside of the bag yet, not even Jill, fearful someone might overhear and rob them of such information. She still has yet to read her own file through and through, curious as to what exactly happened to her and her body during her imprisonment. Maybe it could hold a clue to a cure.
 “Everything will be okay.” Jill smiles.
 “Will it?”
 “I’m sure of it.”
 “Thanks…” Erica looks down sheepishly at their hands, taking a deep breath before letting go. “Let’s go find some power for the station, yeah?” Jill pats her on the shoulder. “Yeah…” Erica smiles.
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 After the two women return to the tram, Jill radios Carlos to inform him that they’ve restored power to the station. Carlos responds with a “That’s great! Tyrell and I will be on our way there shortly.” As the message echoes loudly through the tram, Erica looks over to Mikhail. He’s still hunched over and grabbing at his wound in pain. She breathes in, and a frown spreads across her lips. He smells like he’s starting to die…
 She can pinpoint the smell of death — she’s smelled it all damn day. She shifts her attention elsewhere, turning to Jill who gives her a smile. “Are you ready to finally get out of here?” She asks.
 Forcing a smile of her own, Erica nods. Of course she’s ready to get out of here — why wouldn’t she be? She’s ready to finally get out of the city so she can get a moment of peace — maybe after that she, Jill, and Chris can figure out what’s wrong with her and fix it. Or at least, try . “I’m ready to — ”
  Boom .
A deep sinking feeling clutches at Erica’s stomach as she turns around and faces the direction of the ominous sound. What was that? Whatever it was, it didn't sound good. She swallows nervously, feeling the terrible anxiety start to grow. Her body grows hot with worry, and she begins to feel a little nauseous. She instinctively lowers her body to the floor, pressing her ear against the cold metal surface. Vibrations rumble against her ear, tickling the inside of her ear drums. As her fingers graze against the floor, she hears it again. Boom, boom . It’s closer this time. Something is coming — and fast.
 “Erica, what’s wrong?” Jill asks, knitting her brows together. Erica’s answer is almost immediate as she stands and turns to her. “Everybody needs to get out of the tram — now .”
 “Why? What is it?”
 Jill is concerned, fearful that Erica might be succumbing to her infection. Erica’s response, however, is nowhere near what Jill expected to hear.
 “ Something big is coming . I can feel it — ”
 “Oh, God …”
 Jill knows exactly what Erica is talking about. She’s seen it; she’s seen the horrific creature that has been relentlessly searching for her. It gives her a fear she’s never felt before, and she prays that Erica won’t lay her eyes upon its disgusting visage and feel the same — if she hasn’t already. It’s as if Jill can’t escape the damned thing, constantly running from impending death — and now it’s found her. She doesn’t know the monster’s name and she doesn’t care either, but she cares if it were to hurt all of these innocent people waiting hopelessly to get out of the city, including Erica. Her stomach gurgles and she has a wave of nausea hit her in the head. She takes a deep breath.
 “Are you sure?”
 Nikolai’s body tenses as he listens to the conversation; he’s aware of what this strange girl means, but how is that possible? How is it she can sense that beast coming? Is that why Wesker finds her to be of value? If he does, then who’s to say Umbrella won’t be eager for her capture, too? Hm …Her data might get him more money than he could ever imagine, perhaps it’s not a bad idea to keep an eye on her after all. For now, however, he needs to make a quick getaway before the monster makes it to their location. ‘Maybe the girl can fight off the monster… ha ! What a laughable thought.’ He thinks. Backing away into a corner, Nikolai slowly starts to make his way over to the door leading into a neighboring tram. Erica just so happens to notice him in the corner of her eye, slinking away like the roach he is. ‘He’s just going to leave us to die…’ She thinks, and her heart pounds in her ears. As he places his hand on the handle, Erica addresses him. “Nikolai,” She starts as he turns to her, “If you step out that door — the next time I see you you’re dead .” She balls her fists and clenches her jaw tightly.
 “Oh?” Nikolai lets out a sinister chuckle. “I would like to see you try, little girl .”
 Just as Erica steps towards him, there’s a sudden explosion that shakes the tram violently. It rattles loudly as the four inside the tram’s cabin are sent flying before crashing down onto the floor. Jill groans in pain and Erica sucks in a breath through her teeth as she sits up. Those binders probably weren’t the best thing to break her fall with, but the thought slips her mind as the two women hear Mikhail grunt as they get up. Erica immediately whips her head around to find Nikolai nowhere to be found and the door leading to the next tram wide open. ‘That bastard …’ She curses to herself before turning to Jill who’s getting on her feet. “Are you okay?”
 “Yeah, what the hell was that?”
 Erica shakes her head. “I don’t know, and I don’t know if I’m ready to find out, either.”
 After they collect themselves they rush over to help Mikhail get off the floor, but as the three of them make eye contact with the civilian tram — all that’s left are its demolished, fiery remains and burning bodies of innocent people — and a giant, terrifying looking man standing amidst the flames. Could she even call it a man? It appears to be over seven feet tall with seemingly impossible broad shoulders and arms that are a bit too long for its body. Its large body pulses with tentacles slithering around its massive torso, but its face…it's unlike anything she’s ever seen. It looks like its skin had been pulled over the top half of its face and stapled down, its nose seems to be nonexistent and deformed, and it has a large mouth with teeth that extend to almost the entire lower half of its face. 
 “ S.T.A.R.S ….”
 The rumbling howl reaches Erica’s ears and she feels her heart fall into her stomach. Her eyes widen and her lungs tighten — her body is struck with a fear like the one she felt seeing the Hunter step towards her, eager to spill her blood onto its lips and sharp claws. She can see the evil in its barely visible, milky eyes as it steps towards the three survivors. Tearful eyes stare as the monstrous creature stalks towards them, and as it takes a few steps forward Erica lets out a high-pitched scream. The sound of her scream causes Jill and Mikhail to cover their ears, and it echoes around them until the windows of the tram they inhabit burst, shattering pieces of glass all over the place. They shield themselves from the impact of the glass, and as Jill looks towards the Nemesis she realizes it’s stunned…but how? Is it because of Erica’s scream?
  OhHh, WeLl LoOkIe HeRe …
 Erica freezes as a voice whispers in her ear. Is it…talking to her?
  ArE yOu HeRe To HeLp Me KILL hEr ?
 She takes a step back. No, no, no —
 Adrenaline surges through her body, and she can feel her veins pulsing inside of her. It’s as if the world is suddenly coming to a slow stop, keeping her prisoner in her moment of peril. She takes a deep breath as the heartbeats of Jill and Mikhail bring her back to reality, followed by a roar that makes the tram quake. Erica starts shoving Jill and the U.B.C.S. member to the other side of the tram, ushering them towards safety.
 “You need to get out of here!”
 “ What about you ?!” Jill yells and Erica shakes her head. “Don’t worry about me!” She hollers back at her before the Nemesis begins entering the tram. The three of them look on in horror until Mikhail lets go of Jill and stumbles forward. “What are you doing?! You’re gonna die!” Erica shouts as he begins approaching the towering creature. “I was going to die anyway! I may as well make my death worthwhile!” Mikhail remarks, pulling a couple of grenades from his belt before addressing her. “Well, what are you waiting for?! Get to running for your lives!”
 Jill grabs Erica’s hand as they take off for the door, the two women passing through and slamming it closed before entering the next tram. This is repeated until they reach the front of the tram — to which Jill finds a spot in the driver’s seat and scans the terminal in order to start the engine. Erica stands at the door, keeping an eye out for any noises or signs of the monster coming their way. The sound of a mechanical hiss causes relief to come crashing down on the both of them, but it doesn’t last for long when they hear a bellowing roar reverberate through the subway tunnel. 
 “Can’t this thing go any faster?” Jill frowns, searching for a button to give the two of them a boost of some kind. There’s a boost alright — one that sends the tram skidding down the tunnel and off the rails. The last thing Erica hears is a scream slipping from Jill’s lips before she feels a shooting pain in her stomach; the sensation of something piercing through her abdomen pulling her into a sudden slumber.
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ch3zzy-duxks · 2 months
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JOSH: h-huh? Oh yeah I’m-I’m fine I’ve just been having the same nightmare over and over…
EDDIE: shit fool for real?
JOSH: I haven’t been getting much sleep lately…..
MULLY: wanna tell us about it?
JOSH: naw- I-I’m fine, uhm Eddie tell us about that..haunted house thing
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aemoloser · 4 months
My Favorite YouTubers
 I love ✦ YouTube ✦ (つ◉益◉)つ ! Like, fucking love it where I can’t sleep without listening to a YouTube video (mostly Game Grump Compliations). It’s almost like I am so dependent on the app. I barely use Netflix and Hulu cause I have everything on YouTube and when I don’t have anything to watch on YouTube, I would keep refreshing my For You Page until I find something new. It kinda.. sad. But do I care? No. I love YouTube, and I also have an app where I don’t have ads along with other tweaks and stuff. (It’s called uYou is you were wondering. I had Cercube but I don’t use it anymore.)
I have an assortment of favorite YouTubers since I was 12-14. When I first started my YouTube journey. My first YouTuber I actually watched and loved was PewDiePie. Yes, everyone loved PewDiePie when I was younger and they still do now. But I loved the old PewDiePie, the Amnesia PewDiePie, the Happy Wheels PewDiePie. Yeah, that PewDiePie. I kinda fell off when he said the N word. And I just.. didn’t like him anymore even before that. I missed the old PewDiePie, but people grow up and grow out of stuff, like Felix did. And I grew out of him as I grew older. I like PewDiePie and all but, yeah. Miss the old him
The second YouTuber I liked was cause of PewDiePie. It’s Markiplier. I think I was watching an Amnesia from Felix but I saw Mark playing the sane game and decided to watch him. Or Mark was playing with Felix. I don’t remember, I was 13-14 at the time. I started to watch Mark more and more with his Amnesia gameplays and Tiny Box Tim (Oh how I miss Tiny Box Tim). Then it was Happy Wheels, then it was GMod with JackSepticEye. Then it slowly turned into Five Nights at Freddy’s, which was his peek and I watched each episode, trying to figure out the lore and stuff, but also to watch Mark react. I sorta watched Unus Anus but I should had watched it all and I didn’t . . . And after Unus Anus, I fell out off with Mark. I would just watch his 3 Scary Games from time to time or just watch a video after a long time from not watching him cause I was bored or didn’t have anything to watch. Mark is good and all but I just . . . Like I said before, people change and I fell almost out of love with Mark unlike Felix where I just stopped watching him in general. But I still watch Mark and all but not all the time.
The third YouTuber I aboslutely fell in love with, was in the beginning of this blog post and its Game Grumps!
Game Grumps
The Boys
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owlown · 10 months
Narrator: Dammit that's it!
Mully: Dammit those bastards!
Josh: Dammit juicy!
Juicy: Dammit... It's my turn to say dammit
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curiouscatmatt · 2 years
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Still watching mully instead of sleeping
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common-grounds-blog · 2 years
The Movie Mully
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The movie “Mully” is about a man named Charles Mully. Charles is from Kenya, Africa. One day when he was a young boy his parents left him completely alone. His parents left in search of new land and with no plans to return to their son. Charles went to his uncle and his uncle rejected him. So, he lived on the streets for 10 years. He spent 10 years begging and trying to make it. Then he traveled to Nairobi, Kenya where he went knocking door to door until someone would help him. One lady decided she would help him, and she gave him chores to do around her house. She noticed how well he would do those jobs, so she decided to tell her husband about him. Her husband owned a farming company and decided to hire Mully to work for him since he saw how well he did the chores around the house. Mully started saving up from his farming job, he found a wife and had kids. Mully eventually started his own business being a taxi driver and it grew and grew. Mully continued to start many more businesses and he became one of the wealthiest people in Kenya. 
One day some boys on the street approached Mully and demanded money from him, Mully told the boys he didn't have any and when Mully went back to his car later that night it was gone, it had been stolen. After that day, all Mully could think about was why he didn't help those boys and how he was once in their shoes. From that point on Mully decided to help street kids above anything else and he told his family he would never work for money again. 
Mully started going to the street and taking in kids. He would bring vans full of children home each day to the point that they didn't have enough room in their house anymore and they had to build dorms in their backyard for the children to sleep in. Eventually they outgrew the dorms and they decided to move away to a big property and build all new dorms for the children. The name of his organization became Mully’s Children Family. There he turned a majority of the land into farmland, and he taught the kids how to work the farm. Mully said that most everything in Africa is funded by other countries “even the government.” Mully wanted his organization to be self-sustaining and it did just that. Over the 31 years of his organization, he helped 23,000 children and they all call him dad.
Something that stood out to me was the thing that changed Mully’s life is the thing he is now using to change others lives. 
Mully was offered a job in farming, and he now uses farming to help transform the lives of these street kids. 
I thought this movie was so sweet and powerful. I loved seeing how Mully continued to preserve again and again. His trust and faith in the Lord was inspiring and I know his legacy will live on even beyond him.
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alcohol-eyes · 1 year
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kisasiblings · 2 years
this blog is just a one giant pipeline that goes from mullet yamato to long hair yamato
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theantarwitch · 2 years
Book of Shadows: Peruvian Pepper (Mulli)
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Element: Fire. 
Planet: Mars. 
Gender: Femenine. 
Power: Mars symbolism.
Sacred to the Incas, who call it The Tree of Life or Mulli. Appreciated by the many uses it had, was planted in the communication roads for the Inca Empire to protect the Chasquis (messengers).
Is a beneficent tree by his strength, freshness and beauty. They said that sleep below one brings a calm sleep since their soft smell cover the senses, the air moves his branches and keep the bugs away.
The fruits reveal a softer side of Mars, with a warm scent but not at all hot and to my mind more complex than black pepper.
Fresh green leaves in bunches are used shamanically in Mesoamerican traditional ceremonies for cleansings and blessings.
Properties: Gummy, resinous, dyeing, medicinal, combustible and melliferous. The seeds are called Pink Pepper and can replace the normal pepper. The leaves are useful for ulcers, urinary system, menstrual cramps, to more menstrual flood, to fight the flu and help with pulmonar issues, especially bronchitis, antibacterial, antiseptic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antifungal, antiviral, insecticide and repellent, boost the immune system, antidepressant, diuretic, for toothache.
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gregoftom · 3 years
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sculder and mully a la s7 💚
full pic is here. it doesn't show anything per say, but it's a bit spicy. i have some headcanons regarding their relationship when it comes to the sexual which i'll put underneath the cut if anyone is interested - and will also explain any future art i draw.
so we all know mulder is a sweet, sensitive, gentle guy who gets taken advantage of endlessly because of this and his willingness to believe, right? and we all know he's been used and hurt by women in the past, particularly colleagues of his. so it would be no surprise that when he comes across a female colleague he actually really likes, not just attracted to, actually likes as a best friend, he wouldn't want to lose her.
but at the same time they're so intimate, so close, the tension between them is so tangible, that there's no way it can't evolve into something else or it would explode.
the term 'friends with benefits' would loosely describe them. but as mulder once said, they don't fit the conventional norms for a relationship. so i think they have been sexual with one another since s1 except for full penetrative sex. let me explain - the general (and often sexist) idea is that females become overly attached with a guy they sleep with, especially for the first time (and i have strong reason to believe that scully is a virgin and mulder ends up being her first time, but that's another story) but that's not the reason mulder is the one who refuses full on sex, he respects her too much for that.
it is he who would become attached.
and he wants to avoid his previous mistakes. because he loves and cares for scully a lot. it's complicated. they can relieve their urges and stresses and tensions between each other - and explain the damn jealousy, the gazing, the touches, the fact that people often mistake them for a couple etc, without the risk of a full romantic relationship. i mean ofc they're idiots because they clearly fall in love, but that was the intention. and it takes until s7 for them to finally take that leap and for mulder to let scully convince him to have full sex with her. imo it starts soon after she saves him from his brain surgery with csm because he acts very very very attached to her, like, first time sexual intercourse with her attached, and she acts very sexually confident, something very unusual for her. his confidence has also grown, but it has consistently throughout the whole season.
anyways. rant over! if you have anything else you wanna know or wanna discuss further, dm me! :D
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