#sleep and reproductive health
goodup · 12 days
When Dealing with Fertility Challenges caused by Stress and Sleep Deprivation, Find  The Best Fertility Clinic in Delhi
In this stressful life, where demands from work and personal life often seem unending, many individuals and couples find themselves caught in a cycle of stress that can profoundly affect their fertility. Understanding how stress, stemming from overwork and inadequate sleep, impacts fertility is crucial, especially for those seeking assistance from The Best Fertility Clinics 
 The Stress-Fertility Connection
Stress is a natural response to challenging situations, but when it becomes chronic and overwhelming, it can disrupt the delicate hormonal balance needed for reproductive health. For both men and women, high-stress levels can:
Disrupt Hormonal Balance: Stress triggers the release of cortisol, a hormone that, when elevated over long periods, can interfere with the production of reproductive hormones like estrogen and testosterone.
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Affect Menstrual Cycles: In women, chronic stress can lead to irregular menstrual cycles or even halt ovulation altogether, reducing the chances of conception.
Impact Sperm Health: Men experiencing high-stress levels may produce fewer sperm or sperm with reduced motility and morphology, affecting fertility.
The Role of Sleep in Fertility
Alongside stress, inadequate sleep is another critical factor contributing to fertility challenges. Quality sleep is essential for overall health and well-being, including reproductive health. Sleep deprivation:
Impairs Hormonal Regulation: Lack of sleep can disrupt the body's ability to regulate hormones involved in fertility, such as melatonin and cortisol.
Reduces Libido: Sleep-deprived individuals often experience decreased sex drive, which can hinder attempts to conceive.
Affects Sperm Quality: Men who do not get enough sleep may have lower sperm counts and poorer sperm quality.
Seeking Help from the Best Fertility Clinics in Delhi
Recognizing the impact of stress and sleep on fertility underscores the importance of seeking expert guidance and support from reputable Best Gynaecologist in Delhi
Seeking Help from Experts
Recognizing the signs of stress and its impact on fertility is the first step toward seeking appropriate help. In Delhi, known for its advanced medical facilities, several clinics and specialists specialize in treating infertility and related issues. It is advisable to consult with experts, such as to assess and address potential fertility problems.
Best Fertility Clinic in Delhi
Choosing the right fertility clinic is crucial for receiving comprehensive care and effective treatment clinics like gynecologists, and personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs. 
Best IVF Specialist in Delhi
For couples considering assisted reproductive technologies such as IVF, finding The Best IVF specialist in Delhi has compassion and a track record of success in helping couples achieve their dream of parenthood. They guide patients through every step of the process, ensuring they receive the highest standard of care.
 Help you find information about  Best Infertility Clinic in Delhi 
   Renowned for its state-of-the-art facilities and high success rates in fertility treatments like IVF and IUI,.
Offers comprehensive fertility assessments and personalized treatment plans.
Navigating fertility challenges exacerbated by stress and sleep deprivation requires a holistic approach that addresses both physical and emotional well-being. By consulting with the best gynecologists in Delhi, individuals and couples can access the latest advancements in reproductive medicine and receive personalized care to enhance their chances of conceiving. Prioritizing stress management, adequate sleep, and expert guidance are crucial steps towards achieving a successful fertility journey.
For more information:https://drnalinigupta.com/contact/
Call us on  -  +91 9599754466 
Email us at - [email protected]
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dailydynamic · 12 days
When Dealing with Fertility Challenges caused by Stress and Sleep Deprivation, Find  The Best Fertility Clinic in Delhi
In this stressful life, where demands from work and personal life often seem unending, many individuals and couples find themselves caught in a cycle of stress that can profoundly affect their fertility. Understanding how stress, stemming from overwork and inadequate sleep, impacts fertility is crucial, especially for those seeking assistance from The Best Fertility Clinics 
 The Stress-Fertility Connection
Stress is a natural response to challenging situations, but when it becomes chronic and overwhelming, it can disrupt the delicate hormonal balance needed for reproductive health. For both men and women, high-stress levels can:
Disrupt Hormonal Balance: Stress triggers the release of cortisol, a hormone that, when elevated over long periods, can interfere with the production of reproductive hormones like estrogen and testosterone.
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Affect Menstrual Cycles: In women, chronic stress can lead to irregular menstrual cycles or even halt ovulation altogether, reducing the chances of conception.
Impact Sperm Health: Men experiencing high-stress levels may produce fewer sperm or sperm with reduced motility and morphology, affecting fertility.
The Role of Sleep in Fertility
Alongside stress, inadequate sleep is another critical factor contributing to fertility challenges. Quality sleep is essential for overall health and well-being, including reproductive health. Sleep deprivation:
Impairs Hormonal Regulation: Lack of sleep can disrupt the body's ability to regulate hormones involved in fertility, such as melatonin and cortisol.
Reduces Libido: Sleep-deprived individuals often experience decreased sex drive, which can hinder attempts to conceive.
Affects Sperm Quality: Men who do not get enough sleep may have lower sperm counts and poorer sperm quality.
Seeking Help from the Best Fertility Clinics in Delhi
Recognizing the impact of stress and sleep on fertility underscores the importance of seeking expert guidance and support from reputable Best Gynaecologist in Delhi
Seeking Help from Experts
Recognizing the signs of stress and its impact on fertility is the first step toward seeking appropriate help. In Delhi, known for its advanced medical facilities, several clinics and specialists specialize in treating infertility and related issues. It is advisable to consult with experts, such as to assess and address potential fertility problems.
Best Fertility Clinic in Delhi
Choosing the right fertility clinic is crucial for receiving comprehensive care and effective treatment clinics like gynecologists, and personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs. 
Best IVF Specialist in Delhi
For couples considering assisted reproductive technologies such as IVF, finding The Best IVF specialist in Delhi has compassion and a track record of success in helping couples achieve their dream of parenthood. They guide patients through every step of the process, ensuring they receive the highest standard of care.
 Help you find information about  Best Infertility Clinic in Delhi 
   Renowned for its state-of-the-art facilities and high success rates in fertility treatments like IVF and IUI,.
Offers comprehensive fertility assessments and personalized treatment plans.
Navigating fertility challenges exacerbated by stress and sleep deprivation requires a holistic approach that addresses both physical and emotional well-being. By consulting with the best gynecologists in Delhi, individuals and couples can access the latest advancements in reproductive medicine and receive personalized care to enhance their chances of conceiving. Prioritizing stress management, adequate sleep, and expert guidance are crucial steps towards achieving a successful fertility journey.
For more information:https://drnalinigupta.com/contact/
Call us on  -  +91 9599754466 
Email us at - [email protected]
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digital4us · 12 days
When Dealing with Fertility Challenges caused by Stress and Sleep Deprivation, Find  The Best Fertility Clinic in Delhi
In this stressful life, where demands from work and personal life often seem unending, many individuals and couples find themselves caught in a cycle of stress that can profoundly affect their fertility. Understanding how stress, stemming from overwork and inadequate sleep, impacts fertility is crucial, especially for those seeking assistance from The Best Fertility Clinics 
 The Stress-Fertility Connection
Stress is a natural response to challenging situations, but when it becomes chronic and overwhelming, it can disrupt the delicate hormonal balance needed for reproductive health. For both men and women, high-stress levels can:
Disrupt Hormonal Balance: Stress triggers the release of cortisol, a hormone that, when elevated over long periods, can interfere with the production of reproductive hormones like estrogen and testosterone.
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Affect Menstrual Cycles: In women, chronic stress can lead to irregular menstrual cycles or even halt ovulation altogether, reducing the chances of conception.
Impact Sperm Health: Men experiencing high-stress levels may produce fewer sperm or sperm with reduced motility and morphology, affecting fertility.
The Role of Sleep in Fertility
Alongside stress, inadequate sleep is another critical factor contributing to fertility challenges. Quality sleep is essential for overall health and well-being, including reproductive health. Sleep deprivation:
Impairs Hormonal Regulation: Lack of sleep can disrupt the body's ability to regulate hormones involved in fertility, such as melatonin and cortisol.
Reduces Libido: Sleep-deprived individuals often experience decreased sex drive, which can hinder attempts to conceive.
Affects Sperm Quality: Men who do not get enough sleep may have lower sperm counts and poorer sperm quality.
Seeking Help from the Best Fertility Clinics in Delhi
Recognizing the impact of stress and sleep on fertility underscores the importance of seeking expert guidance and support from reputable Best Gynaecologist in Delhi
Seeking Help from Experts
Recognizing the signs of stress and its impact on fertility is the first step toward seeking appropriate help. In Delhi, known for its advanced medical facilities, several clinics and specialists specialize in treating infertility and related issues. It is advisable to consult with experts, such as to assess and address potential fertility problems.
Best Fertility Clinic in Delhi
Choosing the right fertility clinic is crucial for receiving comprehensive care and effective treatment clinics like gynecologists, and personalized treatment plans tailored to individual needs. 
Best IVF Specialist in Delhi
For couples considering assisted reproductive technologies such as IVF, finding The Best IVF specialist in Delhi has compassion and a track record of success in helping couples achieve their dream of parenthood. They guide patients through every step of the process, ensuring they receive the highest standard of care.
 Help you find information about  Best Infertility Clinic in Delhi 
   Renowned for its state-of-the-art facilities and high success rates in fertility treatments like IVF and IUI,.
Offers comprehensive fertility assessments and personalized treatment plans.
Navigating fertility challenges exacerbated by stress and sleep deprivation requires a holistic approach that addresses both physical and emotional well-being. By consulting with the best gynecologists in Delhi, individuals and couples can access the latest advancements in reproductive medicine and receive personalized care to enhance their chances of conceiving. Prioritizing stress management, adequate sleep, and expert guidance are crucial steps towards achieving a successful fertility journey.
For more information:https://drnalinigupta.com/contact/
Call us on  -  +91 9599754466 
Email us at - [email protected]
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mapleleavesart · 8 months
Random late night thought:
I wonder how many people take birth control to manage their periods compared to those who take it for the intended effect - to avoid pregnancy
Like. I wanna say those who take it for period management is higher? But idk???
Like. A friend and I take it bcuz heavy flow (amongst other symptoms that were getting unmanageable) but like. What are the statistics. I wanna know
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mental-mona · 8 months
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The 12 Houses in Astrology:
1st house: Our identity, appearance, personality, our physical body, our ego, sense of self, impression you make on others, our brain, head, & face.
2nd house: Finances, security, stability, food, material items / things, our values, your beliefs, giving / receiving, our eyes, voice, & mouth.
3rd house: Communication, early education, siblings, neighbors, our interests, the environment, short travel, our shoulders, arms, & lungs.
4th house: Family, our home, our mother, parents, childhood, our roots, traditions, self-care, feminine energy, our chest, stomach, & lungs.
5th house: Creativity, talent, romance, fertility, children, hobbies, fun, self-expression, our abdomen, the pancreas, heart, & spine.
6th house: Daily routines, health, fitness, work, our coworkers, service, animals / our pets, our stomach, intestines, & our digestive system.
7th house: Long relationships, marriage, partnerships, contracts, business, our lower back, ovaries, & our kidney / uterus.
8th house: Sex, finances, shared finances, transformations, rebirth, trauma, intimacy, our reproductive system.
9th house: Travel, adventure, religion, higher education, growth, wisdom, our grandparents, our butt & thighs.
10th house: Work, career, our reputation, public image, the father, achievements, our knees, and our skeletal system.
11th house: Friends, technology, social media, money from your career, manifestation, our uniqueness, our ankles, & our calves.
12th house: Spirituality, psychic abilities, sleep, healing, mental health, isolation, enemies, old age, our feet & eyes.
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crippledpunks · 2 years
shoutout to every disabled person who has to spend a lot or most of their time in bed, on the couch, or laying down. here's to everyone with any kind of mental illnesses or neurodivergence that can cause depressive episodes, migraines and sleep disruption, here's to everyone with chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis, here's to everyone with chronic pain, fibromyalgia, lupus, arthritis and multiple sclerosis, here's to everyone with bad backs, here's to everyone with chronic gastrointestinal issues, here's to everyone with chronic reproductive health problems. many of us have to spend most of our waking hours resting and we're not here by choice, but we're making the best of things. here's to us bedbound bitches
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esmedelacroix · 5 months
𝕬 𝕽𝖊𝖆𝖑 𝕶𝖓𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙 𝕴𝖘𝖓'𝖙 𝕬𝖋𝖗𝖆𝖎𝖉 𝖙𝖔 𝕲𝖊𝖙 𝕭𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉 𝖔𝖓 𝕳𝖎𝖘 𝕾𝖜𝖔𝖗𝖉…
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pairing: crown princess!reader x knight!miguel o'hara
cw: messy period sex, unprotected p in v, size kink, blood, dom!miguel o'hara, fingering, size kink, edging kinda, dacryphilia, slight degradation kink
a/n: hey lovies, this isn't my usual content but I have endometriosis and I hate it. But period sex always helps so here. This is set in sort of medival times. Hope you like it, a like, comment, or repost is always appreciated. Let me know what you think!
wc: 2.5k
"Ughhhh," "UGhhhH"
"Her Highness has started her menstrual cycle," Archibald, your retiring personal knight, explained to your new personal knight in training, Miguel.
"This is a common occurrence, nothing has ever helped her Highness," Archibald continued.
"Are the doctors not equipped with the medicine needed?" Miguel asked as he heard a high-pitched wail.
"They are but Her Highness has rather odd and abnormally painful symptoms. The doctors can't figure out a cure for it," he sighed.
Miguel bit the interior of his cheek in deep thought and during his break, he decided to go to the library. He sat at one of the desks with piles of biology and anatomy books.
He didn't know any way to make himself useful to you other than to try to study your condition and perhaps figure out a way to help you.
It was hard for him to find much of anything because scientists at the time paid little attention to studying women's bodies and the female reproductive system. It's quite disappointing because women are amazing. They can create life but all male scientists care about is themselves. "What a shame," Miguel muttered to himself as he opened up another textbook.
He didn't take the time to read the cover so he was flabbergasted when he began to read the contents of the book.
He was reading a study about the health benefits of an orgasm when in pain. There are specific chemicals released when both males and females experience an orgasm.
What if these same chemicals can combat menstrual pain, Miguel thought to himself. "Miguel it's time to return to your post," Archibald said as he entered the library.
"I'll be right there," Miguel said as he organized all of his books for later.
"You were studying?" Archibald asked as he led you down the halls.
"Yes, I wanted to see if there was anything I could do for Her Highness but I don't know much about menstrual pain," Miguel sighed.
Archibald hummed in response. "If you want to help the crown princess then you will take her lunch and medicine to her and attempt to get her to eat," she doesn't like to eat or do much anything other than squirm in her bed when she is experiencing menstrual pain.
"Okay," Miguel answered as he opened the doors to your room and brought your food and medicine to you on a tray. Archibald closed the door behind him and wished him luck.
Miguel was content to see that you were asleep and not suffering. You were curled up in a fetal position with a hot compress over your abdomen. Small tears were formed at the corners of your eyes. The pain had even made you cry in your sleep.
Miguel's heart sank seeing you in such a distressed manner. He softly shook your shoulder to wake you up. "Your Highness," he started softly seeing your eyes flutter open.
"It's time for your meal and medicine," he continued. You jolted awake as your eyes adjusted to the light then turned to look at him before feeling your face heat up.
"Who dares enter my room when I am so indecent?" you asked, pulling your sheets up because you were still in your nightgown.
"Where are my manners? I'm your new personal knight, Miguel O'Hara," he introduced with a bow.
You nodded in response, allowing yourself to calm down. You stretched out your arms and sat up against your headboard. Just as you did so, you winced in pain. "My lady, are you still feeling pain?" he asked.
"Yes, I should eat quickly so I can take that medicine," you groaned.
"Yes," Miguel said as he began to cut your food for you and held a forkful up to your lips. You were rather surprised by the gesture but you weren't opposed to it. Archibald never does this for me, you thought to yourself as you enjoyed your food.
There were moments when you had to take a break because of the pain but you finished your meal in record time. After finishing the medicine you were still in tears and extreme pain.
It was enough pain to make you wail. The rumors were true though, you were the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Your voice was soothing even when you sobbed. When tears trickled down your cheeks they only added to your beauty.
Miguel hated to see such a beautiful woman in pain. Especially when there was nothing that he could do to alleviate it. Well, there was one thing he could do. He could suggest that you touch yourself. But weren't in the state to do even that. I could give her an orgasm, he thought to himself before shaking his head.
"No, that would be out of line," he muttered to himself quietly.
"What would be out of line?" you sniffled, turning to him.
"Um well, there was one remedy for your pain that I was researching. But it would be out of line if I helped you perform it," he explained.
"Please do it for me I'll do anything to stop feeling so much pain," you practically begged.
"I'm not sure if a lowly knight like myself should help you do this," he said, trying to convince you to let it go.
"Just tell me what it is, I'm sure I wouldn't mind you doing please just do this one thing for me, Miguel," she pleaded. Miguel was going to deny once more but once his name left your lips pounding like a beautiful song, he felt he couldn’t say no.
"Well, the remedy my lady, is to give you an orgasm," he admitted as his cheeks flushed.
Your own cheeks flushed when you realized that you were basically begging your personal guard to have intercourse with you. "Oh, that's most certainly not what I was expecting you to say," you said as he averted his eyes when you looked in his direction. You weighed the pros and cons of having sex with your new personal knight. You couldn’t even believe you were thinking of sex with a palace guard.
You put your hand to your chin as you thought about it for a good minute sizing him up out of the corner of your eye. He wasn't too bad looking. He was very big, you wondered if his penis was also big.
And his face, well it was magnificent. He looked like royalty in your eyes with that handsome face of his. You could see yourself having sex with him.
“Dismiss everyone on this floor of the palace, Miguel,” You commanded. Miguel shot you a confused look.
“I’m very loud in bed, chop chop Miguel,” you whispered as another wave of pain hit you. Miguel was surprised how your voice went from a sweet soft soft-spoken voice to one dripping in sin.
He got up and stepped out to the hallway relaying your command to Archibald who had everyone on the floor you were on gone in minutes.
“Now that we have some privacy, come here,” you demanded as you winced in pain.
Miguel walked up to you as you laid back holding onto the edge of his t-shirt bringing him down with you. Your faces are inches apart. Hot breaths fanning each other's lips. "Unsheathe your sword, Miguel," you whispered looking into his hungry eyes.
Miguel stripped himself still hovering over you. The second his name left your lips, it was as if you put him in a trance. He did everything he was asked to do. He then bunched up the hem of your nightgown slowly lifting it above your legs slowly. “May I?” he asked, trying to be as gentle as possible.
You propped yourself up on your elbows letting out an exasperated sigh, rolling your eyes. “You don’t have to be so formal, I need you, to fuck this royal pussy like I’m some common whore at a brothel, that’s an order Miguel” you spat as your face contorted in pain.
Miguel was surprised by your sudden dirty unladylike language. But that went straight to his hardening dick.
He took your nightgown off with a newfound sense of urgency. He was pleased to see that you were almost completely naked underneath, still sporting your menstrual underwear, nipples hardening at the feeling of the cold air hitting them.
He wasted no time pulling off your menstrual underwear and setting it aside. You spread your legs for him to get a better view of your pussy that was now throbbing with want.
Miguel ran his index from your bloody slit to your clit picking up the moisture of your blood and slick. Pressed on your aching bud with his thumb moving it in circular motions. A long moan erupted from your throat. Your hand gripped his wrist tightly as he pushed a finger into your aching hole still playing with your clit with another.
The muscles and veins in his arms flexed and pulsated as he worked your sopping-wet pussy. He added another one of his thick fingers stretching you in preparation for his fat cock. You only looked down for a second when he took his pants off and fear struck the pit of your stomach. He was so big you weren't sure if he'd even fit. That made your sick and twisted mind even thirstier. Wanting more and more of him.
Your hands gripped his arms until your knuckles practically turned white as you tried to suppress your moans as he slipped a third finger into your cunt that was coating his whole hand in your wetness and blood. "Don't conceal it, I wanna hear you, wanna make sure I'm making you feel good," he grunted into your ear as he began to rut against the bed. He lay in between your legs focused on fucking you with his fingers.
Your blood was dripping onto the sheets, but you didn't care, you felt too good. You moaned for him chanting a mantra of his name until his name and the stretch were all you could think about. "Miguel, inside, I want you inside please," you begged.
"Oh yeah? You want this cock in your pussy?" he taunted as a smirk graced his lips.
"Yesyesyesyesyes," was all you could moan out your mind going almost blank as your legs began to shake.
"Tell me how badly you want it, show me how badly you want it," he growled into your ear as he added a fourth finger and picked up the pace.
The pleasure almost completely took you over as fat tears formed at the corner of your eyes. "I need you, inside, Miguel please, need your cock," you moaned shamelessly moving your hips against his fingers matching his speed.
You grip the sheets with one hand, the other holding onto his, as your back arches. Blood and slick gushed out of your pussy as your orgasm approached you at lightning speed. Until it didn't, and you felt the pleasure died down completely. You let out a frustrated whine letting go of the sheets. "Miggy, why," you whined almost sobbing because of the stolen orgasm.
"You said you wanted me in you, you're going to have to work for it, my lady," he said as he lay on the bed and put you on top of him with ease. You straddled him looking down at him with tears in your eyes as he grinned at you.
"Miguel please, help me," you said as you positioned your slit in line with his bulbous tip that was dripping with precum.
"Uh uh uh, you gotta do that on your own," he cooed as he whipped a falling tear from your face.
"I will be your queen soon," you said sternly.
"But right now you're my whore, now get to work, this cock isn't going to ride itself," he spat as he slammed you down onto him practically impaling you on his dick.
You took a moment to adjust to his size. The stretch was amazing. You had never felt so full and he was hitting a sweet spot. You moved slowly, then faster, then much faster. You heard Miguel let out a moan almost sounding like a whimper.
He grips your hips tightly, surely making bruises as you milk him. His eyes rolled back as he tried his hardest not to explode right then and there because of how warm, wet, and tight your pussy felt.
Helpless moans of his name were spilling from your mouth as your blood spilled onto him staining his skin and your sheets. “That’s it, princess, just like that,” Miguel groaned.
Quickly you felt your orgasm approaching, the coil in your stomach about to snap. Your legs began to feel like jelly and you felt yourself stop moving. “I can’t, Mig, help,” you whined trying to keep moving.
“You’ve been a good girl, I’ll take care of ya’,” he said as she moved your hips with his hands that rested on them fucking himself up into you.
The Lewd sound of you chanting his name and wet skin slapping wet skin filled the room. As he picked up the pace your moans became more and more high-pitched. “You’re fuckin’ me s’ good Mig,” you moaned.
“Yeah? Tell me how good I’m doin’ you,” he grunted as fucked you harder too kissing your cervix as his dick started to twitch in you.
“S’ good, love this fat cock,” you whined as you clenched him hard as your legs shook violently.
“Cum with me baby,” he grunted as he pumped himself into you.
“Cumming, I’m gonna cum,” you whined as you creamed around his cock making a mess of him only being able to think of him and utter his name.
Miguel continued to fuck into you elongating your orgasm as he released his hot, thick, cum deep into your womb. You collapsed on top of him panting and trying to catch your breath.
You slowly slid out snuggling into his side. “Sorry, about the mess,” you started, gesturing to his half-soft member that was coated with your blood.
“Oh, no worries Your Highness, a real knight isn’t afraid to get blood on his sword,” he stated.
“I suppose that is true,” you replied, giggling a bit.
“So how is that menstrual pain?” Miguel asked as he caressed your bare back and planted small wet kisses into your neck.
“Honestly, I forgot I even had it, I guess it’s gone, I mean, you made me feel so good,” you sighed breathlessly.
Miguel slowly got up covering you with your bed sheets. “I’ll go ahead and run you a bath my lady,” he said as he prepared your towel, shampoo, and bath salts.
“Thank you, Miguel, I wouldn't be so opposed to you joining me,” you chirped.
“Oh, I do not wish to impose-“ he started before you cut him off.
“That’s an order, Miguel,” you whispered, with a small smirk playing on your lips. You were nowhere near done and neither was he.
"You little minx," he hummed as he disappeared into the bathroom.
. . .
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theambitiouswoman · 10 months
GUT HEALTH: How it Affects Your body 🍽️🤍✨
Having a healthy gut is important because it plays a central role in the overall functioning of your body. The state of a healthy or unhealthy gut affects all of these things:
Digestion and Nutrient Absorption: The gut's main role is to break down food and absorb important nutrients, including vitamins and minerals. When the gut is healthy, it digests food effectively and maximizes nutrient absorption. When it is not, it can result in digestive issues such as bloating, gas, and diarrhea, as well as nutrient deficiencies.
Immune System Support: About 70% of our immune cells are located in the gut. A balanced gut supports a strong immune response, helping the body fend off illnesses and reduce the risk of infections.
Emotions and Mood: The gut and brain are intricately connected through the gut-brain axis. The gut produces many neurotransmitters, including serotonin, which regulates your mood. An imbalanced gut can influence mental health, leading to issues like anxiety, depression, and even cognitive impairments.
Hormonal Balance: The gut plays a role in the production and modulation of certain hormones. This can impact various bodily functions, from stress responses to reproductive health.
Weight Management: The gut microbiome can influence metabolism, appetite, and fat storage. An imbalanced gut can lead to weight gain and metabolic disorders.
Protection Against Chronic Diseases: Poor gut health has been linked to a higher risk of chronic diseases, including type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and certain types of cancer.
Detoxification: The gut plays a role in eliminating waste products and toxins from the body.
Inflammation Regulation: A healthy gut can help regulate inflammation in the body. Chronic inflammation, often resulting from an imbalanced gut is a root cause of many diseases.
Skin Health: There's a connection between gut health and skin conditions. Issues like acne, eczema, and rosacea can be influenced by the state of the gut. An unhealthy gut can lead to inflammation, which may manifest as skin issues.
Barrier Function: The gut lining acts as a barrier, preventing harmful substances from entering the bloodstream. A compromised gut lining, often referred to as "leaky gut," can allow toxins and pathogens to enter the bloodstream leading to various health issues.
Production of Vital Compounds: Your gut produces essential compounds, like short-chain fatty acids, which has a lot of positive effects on health from reducing inflammation to supporting brain function.
Sleep Function: The gut produces neurotransmitters and hormones that regulate sleep, such as serotonin and melatonin. An unhealthy gut can disrupt sleep patterns.
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h0bg0blin-meat · 1 year
Underrated af Hindu deities that DESERVE recognition:
1. Pratyangira: Goddess of magical spells.
2. Narasimhi: Goddess of witchcraft.
3. Aranyani: Goddess of forests.
4. Yami: Goddess/lady of life and sister of Yama.
5. Pushan: God of marriage, travelling, roads and feeding cattle.
6. Varuni: Goddess of wine.
7. Kamakhya: Goddess of desire.
8. Ratri: Goddess of night.
9. Nasatya and Dasra (Ashwins): Twin gods of medicine.
10. Annapurna: Goddess of food and nourishment.
11. Shakambhari: Goddess of vegetation.
12. Mariamman: Goddess of rain.
13. Shitala: Goddess of cold and disease.
14. Dhata: God of health and magic.
15. Vishwakarma: God of architecture.
16. Skanda: God of war.
17. Shani: God of karma and justice.
18. Manasa: Goddess of snakes and fertility.
19. Kubera: God of wealth.
20. Nidra: Goddess of sleep.
21. Chamunda: Goddess of war, famine and fear.
22. Akhilandeshwari: The Cosmic Egg, she who is never not broken, Goddess of brokenness.
23. Dhumavati: The Widow Goddess.
24. Chitragupta: God of justice.
25. Murugun: God of war, victory and knowledge.
26. Jyestha: Goddess of laziness and elder sister of Lakshmi.
27. Alakshmi: Goddess of misfortune and twin sister of Lakshmi.
28. Amsha and Vivasan: Solar deities.
29. Dantakali: Goddess of teeth.
30. Himavat: God of the Himalayas.
31. Samudra: God of seas and oceans.
32. Dyaus: God of sky.
33. Tapati: Sun Goddess.
34. Rohini: Moon Goddess and one of the Nakshatra deities.
35. Pramatha: God of ghosts...? (sources unclear)
36. Shachi: Goddess of jealousy.
37. Jara: Goddess of old age and daughter of death.
38. Mara: Goddess of death.
39. Chhaya: Goddess of shadows.
40. Ushas: Goddess of dawn.
41. Sanjna/Sandhya: Goddess of dusk, clouds and chastity, sister of Kama.
42: Bhramari: Goddess of bees.
43: Bankamundi: Goddess of hunting and fertility.
44: Bhadra: God of hunting.
45. Rundas: God of hunting and fortune.
46. Vasanta: God of spring and flowers.
47. Savitr: Solar deity, mostly of sunsets and sunrises. Also god of motion.
48. Anila: God of cosmic elements.
49. Danu: Goddess of (primordial) waters.
50. Revanta: God of hunting, horses and warriors.
51. Bahuchara: Goddess of chastity and fertility.
52. Rati: Goddess of love, desire and passion.
53: Kanyakumari: Goddess of chastity.
54. Nirrti: Goddess of death, decay and sorrow.
55: Kotravai: Goddess of war and victory.
56: Vac: Goddess of speech.
57: Sarama: Goddess of intuition (and dogs but not that sure)
58: Karni: Goddess of power, victory and mice.
59. Asvajayu: Goddess of fortune, joy, good luck and happiness.
60. Dhisana: Goddess of prosperity.
61. Mohini: Goddess of enchantment.
62. Lajja Gauri: Goddess of abundance, fertility and sexuality.
63. Shashthi: Goddess of vegetation and reproduction (also benefactor and protector of children).
64. Anumati: Moon goddess of spirituality.
65. Poleramma: Goddess of plague and smallpox.
66. Phul: Goddess of disease.
67. Santoshi: Goddess of satisfaction.
68. Tara: Goddess of felicity and optimism (she is different from Tara, who is a Mahavidya, a tantric form of Parvati).
69. Oladevi: Goddess of cholera.
70. Apam Napat: God of water.
71. Bhaga: God of wealth.
72. Vinayaki: Elephant-headed Goddess of wisdom
73. Chelamma: A Scorpion Goddess
74. Saranyu: Goddess of clouds.
Note: When I first made this post I didn't quite notice it but here are a few things.
1. Some of these Gods and Goddesses are the same person. Like Pratyangira and Narasimhi, or Murugun and Skanda, etc.
2. I didn't add many lesser known forms of Parvati and Lakshmi, but many ppl have added them and I'm grateful.
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dragons-and-handcuffs · 6 months
Psycho doctor Aemond
He isn’t expecting his estranged sister’s daughter (you can decide if blood related or not) to walk into his office. It’s a shock to him. More than a shock. Seeing her completely vulnerable wakes something in him that’s been dormant for a long time
At first he might ignore it
But eventually he wonders…. He could get away with this
He’ll have her strip and examine her body VERY thoroughly. He’ll question her about her sexual activity while pinching her nipples. He says it’s an old way to test for pregnancy. He’ll say he needs to examine her further and have her on her back, her legs spread. The excuse he comes up with is “I need to see that everything is working as it should, now don’t I?”
He will gaslight her. He’ll insist this is necessary to fully understand her physical health. You just can’t know the full picture unless you’re VERY “hands on”
He’ll be fingering her aggressively while her legs are spread. He swears he’s just “throughly examining” her insides. But he’ll be covering her mouth with one hand to keep her quiet and with the other fully tormenting her poor cunt
Perhaps he’ll write her a prescription for “hormone regulation” that’s really just a strong aphrodisiac
If he gets bolder he’ll have her legs in stirrups with a curtain between them, and tell her he’s going to “more closely examine her”
But really behind the curtain he’s close to losing it all. He needs just one go. He’ll take out his cock and thrust himself inside her. If she makes a noise he’ll comfort her and tell her “it’s just the tool I’m using, it’s a stretch at first. Just relax and let me do my work. You trust me, don’t you?”
Behind the curtain he’s fully using her, and occasionally she’ll whimper for him to be gentle and he’ll just tell her not to worry, be a good girl.
He justifies the cum inside her by saying it’s an internal medicine. It’ll help her overall reproductive health. At least that’s what he says
He might even get bolder. Have her come to his office late at night for a “procedure” that supposedly requires her to be asleep. She won’t question why he uses sleeping pills instead of anesthetic. He doesn’t give her reason to question it
And when she’s asleep, THEN he can finally fully have her. Stripping her bare and fucking her until he swears he can hardly feel his own cock. Perhaps he got too carried away. She is sore for a long time after. But it’s nothing more fingering by him can’t fix
Maybe he’ll just continue using her this way, with no one questioning or knowing. Or maybe he wants to take it farther. He does like the idea of her just getting pregnant because of everything he’s done. Or maybe he’ll actually inseminate her to make SURE it happens
He’ll make sure her pregnancy flies under the radar. For months he tells her that the symptoms she’s experiencing are for different things. He makes every excuse he can. And he’s clever with it
Once she starts showing he gradually finds more and more excuses
Perhaps someone will eventually figure it out. Maybe she will. Or maybe he somehow slips it by until he decides it’s time for her to give birth. Once again, alone with only him. He doses her heavily with aphrodisiacs and eats her out until she’s squealing. Such a foolish girl, too far gone to question this.
But then he finally reveals what he’s been doing, when she looks up to see him with a painfully hard cock. And before she can say a word, he’s inside her.
Maybe it all clicks in her mind then, maybe she just can’t think straight. But Aemond takes her harder than he ever has. And he won’t stop until her contractions begin
Once they do he’ll smirk at her. He will keep going until he finishes. But then he’ll pull out and continue to play with her clit. As well as toying with her nipples
The poor confused girl can hardly think straight, as Aemond brings her over the edge as she gives birth to a baby she didn’t know she had.
Aemond of course knows what to do. And he’ll do it, then put the child in her arms. She’s still coming down completely and extremely confused. But slowly it’s coming together
However now it’s far too late. Aemond realized what he can get away with. And there’s no chance of her ever escaping him now
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assortedseaglass · 8 months
Curl Into Me
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Billy Washington x AFAB Reader
Summary: Billy looks after you during your period.
Content Tags: Fluff, Drabble, Language, Talk of Feminine/Reproductive Health, Suggestive Language, Talk of Period Sex
Notes: Guess what came early? 🩸🩸🩸
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“Babe?” Billy kicked the door closed behind him with a trainered foot. “Babe? Took a while ‘cause they didn’t have any of those ones you wanted in Boots. Had to pop to Superdrug to get ‘em, then off to Sainsbury’s for supplies.”
Shrugging of his jacket and kicking off his shoes, Billy padded through the small flat and into the lounge.
He’d left you there an hour ago, curled amongst the cushions watching some trash on the telly. A few scrunched up tissues remained, an empty packet of paracetamol and an unwrapped chocolate bar.
The open plan room was empty. He filled the kettle in the small kitchenette, placed a peppermint teabag in one mug and a Yorkshire tea in another, and made his way to the bedroom.
He pushed the door open a little. Light was streaming into the room, the white sheets invitingly crumpled and glowing under the bright sun’s rays. Billy would never get over this room.
In the old flat, his bedroom was like a cardboard box. Dark, brown, damp, uninviting. Made simply for sleeping, clothes littered the floor along with empty glasses and dirty plates. Whether it was an old habit or the result of his trouble state of mind, Billy wasn’t sure, but he’d never drawn the curtains nor made the bed. Here it was different.
You bounded into his life like a whirligig, full of curiosity, patience and open-hearted joy. Spent endless nights in the pub listening to him pour his heart out. Tentatively invited him to back to your new flat, the one you’d since decorated together. Helped piece himself back together, along with the small home you’d made your own, with picture frames and matching mugs. Your record collection alongside his games.
The little flat was just as bright as that day you’d unpacked the final box. Sure, the bookshelf needed dusting and there were a few dirty mugs in the sink, but you’d get to those later. Together.
Billy looked around the room. At the pillows rearranged on the bed. The abandoned romance book on the duvet. The blanket hanging of the frame.
-I will but you a bottle of wine
And we’ll laugh and toast to nothing
And smash our empty glasses down
Let’s have a round for these freaks and these soldiers
A round for these friends of mine-
Shit. Joni could only mean one thing. Her voice crooned from the record player and, at the sniffle from the corner of the room, Billy found you.
You’d dragged a pillow from the bed, folding yourself around its lumpy shape on the floor. Your comfy jogging bottoms and been discarded, and the two hot water bottles you owned were pressed against your back and tummy.
Through the mess of uncombed hair, you looked up at Billy from your position on the floor.
“Did you get chocolate?” You croaked.
He laughed a little and held up the plastic bag of essentials. He couldn’t help it. Some sick part of him loved seeing you so weak and needy. At last, a chance for Billy to step up and look after you, just as you had always done for him.
“Get on the bed?”
“I don’t want to move,” your voice was a pathetic whinge of pain and tiredness.
“Alright,” Billy got down on the floor beside you. “Here,” he handed you a sharing bar of Dairy Milk and, with his back braced against the bedframe, pulled you back onto his chest.
You groaned as your muscles stretched. “Kettle’s on, I’ll refill your bottle in a minute.” Billy’s hands wound their way to your front and removed the hot water bottle there. The skin beneath your tatty tshirt was red raw and hot to touch. “You’ll burn yourself,”
“It’s the only thing that helps,”
“Let me,” In slow, tender semi-circles, Billy massaged your lower stomach.
God, he was good to you. “Thank you,” you whispered.
“Bath later, yeah?”
You could do nothing but nod. His hands rubbing your tender body, the chocolate, the heat from the hot water bottles. This was all you needed. If you could stay like that for the next, you would. Fuck, Billy would let you if you asked.
When you’d brought Billy home to meet your parents, they were nervous. You’d told them about his past; better to be transparent. Billy was best taken at face value. What you saw was what you got, and why complicate it by skirting over what had happened to him? Their worry had eased at once, however, when they saw how dedicated he was to you. How he made the effort to talk to each of them, interested in what they had to say. How he pressed his hand to your back and gazed at you, even when you weren’t talking to him. They couldn’t have chosen gentler soul for you.
“Thank you,”
He looked down at you, kissing your temple as he did so. “What for?”
“Going out and getting my stuff. Looking after me-”
“Jesus Christ, I’d be a prick if I didn’t-”
“I know,” you laughed at him. “But thank you.”
You sat there on the floor together, Billy rubbing circles into your stomach and back until Joni finished her singing and the record crackled on the deck.
“How you feeling?”
“Better, a little crampy, but better.” You sat up and turned to face him, pressing a chaste kiss to his lips.
“You know,” Billy smirked as he chased your lips and settled his hands on the skin of your hips. “I did a little reading about what else helps periods, you know.”
“Billy Washington, you angel.” You teased, kissing his neck tenderly.
“Mmm,” he rubbed your sides lazily. What was the rush? A day of cuddles and cups of tea was all either of you needed. “Rosemary tea is meant to help the cramps, stretching your legs too, for some reason. And erm,” he faltered as you kissed his collarbone. “Sex, apparently.”
You stopped your kisses and looked at him with a smirk. “Getting ideas?”
Billy blushed. “It doesn’t heart to try. Said orgasms can help relax the muscles, and make periods shorter.” He was rubbing his neck, trying not to let his ulterior motives show. He’d do anything for your comfort, but if it was nice for him too? Even better.
You were still staring at him. What if you thought he was disgusting?
“We don’t have to, you know, fuck or anything.” Jesus Christ, he felt like a teenager. “But, I can give you an orgasm, if it would help-”
You shushed him with a finger to his lips. “Don’t be so embarrassed.” He smiled lopsidedly. “Maybe later?”
Billy nodded. “No pressure, though.”
“I know,” you laughed and settled against his chest. “Rub my back again?”
He did so diligently, and you hummed. “I love you, Bill.”
His hands squeezed you gently against him, and you inhaled his scent of laundry detergent and cheap cologne.
“I love you too,”
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Notes: Fluffy fluffy fluff fluff.
General Taglist: @arcielee @theoneeyedprince @targaryenrealnessdarling @babyblue711 @ewanmitchellcrumbs @exitpursuedbyavulcan @myfandomprompts @humanpurposes @whoknows333
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astrosky33 · 1 year
Hello Sky! Hope you’re having a smooth recovery 🙌🏼
I was wondering, since you use whole sign system, how do you interpret MC falling in the 11th and 9th house? Would love to know your insight
Have a nice day! 💕
For those who are confused by this:
In Whole Signs System your MC isn’t always in your 10H like in Placidus System. In Whole Signs your MC can be in the 8th-12th house
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MC in 8H
》 You’re meant to leave a legacy that transforms people and their lives
》 Your career may involve psychology, surgery, death/crime, mystery, black magic, sex, business, and/or reproduction
》 The public sees you as someone who’s very secretive and mysterious. This makes you very magnetic because they want to learn more about you
MC in 9H
》 You’re meant to leave a knowledgeable legacy on this earth that can help others grow and become better people
》 Your career may involve traveling, tv/media, teaching, law/justice, languages, and/or religion
》 The public sees you as someone that’s very optimistic, adventurous, comical, and honest
MC in 10H
》 You’re meant to leave a legacy that teaches others to achieve their goals no matter how hard they have to work
》 Your career may involve you being in charge/the boss, it may be a similar career to your fathers, it may involve gaining fame, and/or your career may heavily affect your legacy
》 The public sees you as someone who’s very responsible, put together, and hardworking
MC in 11H
》 You’re meant to leave a legacy through technology that teaches others how to invent new ideas through team work and manifest their dreams into reality
》 Your career may involve technology, politics, humanitarianism, inventing, film, and you can gain lots of success/wealth by making connections
》 The public sees you as someone who’s very intellectual, unique, looks out for others, and is sociable/friendly
MC in 12H
》 You’re meant to leave a legacy that heals people and helps them through their fears and helps them rough periods where they isolate themselves
》 Your career may involve healing people in some way, hypnotism, music, mental health, the elderly, hidden things, sleeping, and/or spirituality
》 The public sees you as someone who hides a lot of their life and has a hard time figuring you out
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© 𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐨𝐬𝐤𝐲 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐫𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐬 𝐫𝐞𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐯𝐞𝐝
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rubyroboticalt · 2 months
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Minecrafters grab your pickaxes, and catch up on the QBLR QUATERLY! What's up guys, update just dropped! It sure is something to try and decipher, huh. We've got pages of new stuff to go over, so let's catch up on all the events and mishaps that happened on the server this week!
Desnay finishes his base, and Perrito has a concert!
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A new emote touches the server, it's the purple guy stand emote. Surely, nothing can go wrong with that emote and so many creatures around.
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Smashing last week's record, Cheez logs a total of just under four full 24-hour days on the server. It has been up for 9 days. Does this man sleep? Eat? Stretch maybe?
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All this just in time for a special server event! The dark magician who clears dropped items every 15 minutes gathers up all the creatures running around the island, and distributes them to groups of carers! This goes about as well as you'd think for a server of people in the prime age to develop baby fever over a voxel egg.
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And for folks who would rather remain childfree, no need for concern! Planned Parenthood opens a clinic on the server where both reproductive health and world hunger concerns can be addressed. Any unwilling parents can pick up an Abortion In A Bottle free of charge!
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Of course, there are plenty of folks who have other ventures going on, including the theatre kids' first outpost on the server, and some autistic minecraft behaviors. No, I mean some really autistic minecraft behaviors. This is impressive.
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The theme of this week's builds is farms! A lovely community farm where everyone on the server is coming together to create a seed vault and garden that anyone can take a seed from if they're missing a plant.
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And of course, there are plenty of new seeds and plants found and collected by the several intrepid world border expeditions! All four borders were reached this week. The border is 30k x 30k in length and width.
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If you thought there was only one server event this week, you'd be wrong! Due to timezones and lag reasons, a second creature event was planned and held a day after the original! This event came with complementary drugs!
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With two creature events down, the creatures start settling into their new homes and bonding with their new carers. Some creatures are kept in utmost safety, and others partake in activities that perhaps a creature should not be partaking in. As of yet, there are no family vloggers on the server, so that's a win.
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While Nightmare Stalkers are nightmarish as the name suggests for the first few nights of having such vulnerable creaturess around, they quickly become nothing more than a regular nuisance. As such, traps and poisons to dispatch them swiftly are set up around the server.
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But wait, there's more! That's right it's a third creature event batch! The final group of creatures are assigned carers and begin to settle in.
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With all these creatures now assigned, a creature task system begins to be implemented, and carers take photos of the tasks with their creatures to earn tokens. These tokens ARE valuable.
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Otherwise, all the creatures begin to make their mark on the world, with players also building many important venues and farms for the server. This includes the server's XP farm, a mob farm designed for lag easing while still providing XP.
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And, of course, there are shenanigans aplenty with creatures and residents alike, including picnics, pole dance classes, abyss exploration, and the birth of G-dzilla.
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And the second week of the server is aborted peacefully.
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cosmicpuzzle · 1 year
8th Ruler and where you will face Crisis? 👾
The 8th ruler often brings sudden and unexpected events in the house it is placed in. The job of the 8th ruler is to bring transformation and spiritual purification through difficult life experiences. It balances your karma The 8th ruler gives bad results if it also rules 3rd or 7th or 11th house simultaneously.
8th Ruler in 1st: You may face challenges with some major health issues, exposure to certain risks, accidents, you should avoid taking too many physical risks as danger is often around you.
8th Ruler in 2nd: You may face challenges with money matters. You may have to rely on others for financial support. Inheritances and tax rebates could be tricky. You could have issues with mouth, throat, teeth and thyroid glands. Early childhood was very poor.
8th Ruler in 3rd: You may face challenges with younger siblings, short road travels, accidents are possible. Your communication can land you in trouble, you may mix sexual remarks in your communication, documentation issues could arise, you may lose imp. Docs.
8th Ruler in 4th: You may face challenges with land, property, vehicles. Your car or property could get damaged. War like situations can affect your property. You may have issues with mother or mother faces major crisis in life. Crisis comes after purchase of property.
8th Ruler in 5th: You may face challenges with child birth, abortions, miscarriages, loss of children. You may incur losses in speculation, trading. You could have heart troubles, cough and asthma. Your crisis could come after birth of children.
8th Ruler in 6th: You may face challenges with in laws, co workers, doctors, your workplace, possibilities of harassment in workplace, you get envy from others, your crisis comes due to your mistakes, legal troubles could arise with marriage.
8th Ruler in 7th: You may face challenges with relationships, marriage. Your relationships end suddenly or your mates cheat you (may be they are already married). You could face crisis in foreign places, road travels. Death could be sudden or due to love crisis.
8th Ruler in 8th: You may face challenges with inheritances, taxes, joint assets, finances, loans, in laws, reproductive system.
8th Ruler in 9th: You may face challenges with higher education, university studies, professors, father, mentors, spiritualists, long travels, foreigners, legal issues, hips, thighs, sciatic nerve. Your luck is wavering.
8th Ruler in 10th: You may face challenges with sticking to one career, you get caught for mistakes or crimes at work done by someone else, your general reputation is at risk, you could be in a taboo career (occult in some societies are considered taboo)
8th Ruler in 11th: You may face challenges with friends, social circle, elder siblings, regular income, paycheck, partner's longevity. Ear troubles could arise. Your finances could be up and down. Trading losses at times. Social anxiety and few friends.
8th Ruler in 12th: You may face challenges with sleep, feet. Your crisis comes in foreign lands. You may break some laws that land you in trouble especially in abroad. Your challenges come due to past life mistakes. You may face crisis with others resources.
For Readings message me here.
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witchofthesouls · 6 months
We need more cultural/species clash, especially in the "humans into Cybertronians" scene.
The giant robots don't have hormones like humans, so anyone who's afab or going through hormone therapy will be like, "Hey, no more pms-ing symptoms, endocrine dysfunctions, or related conditions? Neat!"
The thing is, the Autobots and Decepticons went through a massive, catastrophic war that they're still reeling from the widespread health impacts, but any random human-into-a-Cybertronian-via-magic-tech-bullshit... didn't. They're healthy. They didn't enter a starvation mode or constantly function at the dregs for countless millennia.
Imagine that human-into-Cybertronian going into a heat because of that. Even the non-Seekekin or beastformers because the conversion is trying to make heads-and-tails with old human body and new Cybertronian frame. So reproductive heat it is.
I know heats are generally seen as "Help me uwu," but we're sleeping on aggressively raging cat/FIGHT ME COWARDS
Imagine that slow, creeping irritability and frustration. That deep yearning for things you can't have anymore, even when it's dangled in front of you. A strange, persistent "itch" all over the body. (They have already been cleared of a potential rust infection by the medbay. Multiple times. And their diagnostics are running as a mocking clear.) Temperature every so slowly increasing until they have to occasionally step away to just steam out like a self-made sauna. And enough frustration/anger to power a few cities.
Imagine the relatively mild-mannered or relaxed civvie, just suddenly breaks the basketball pole -as in the one that was built for giant aliens- to use it as impromptu swatter and yeets it into an incoming raid or does it to clear space between them and everyone else.
The resident Seekerkin: Alright, I see where this is going...
Everyone else: What the flying fu-
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