petitelepus · 5 months
The Demon Gift: Choosing Hantengu, Part 1
Demon!Slave!Hantengu X Fem!Reader
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Summary: It's your birthday and your adoptive father who is filthy rich and corrupted, takes you out to get you a brand new present, a Demon slave and you get to pick one! Only you pick the worst there is, Hantengu, and suffer for it.
Warnings: Abuse, Violence, Domestication, Implied Domestic Abuse, Hantengu Is Abused, Reader's Father Is A-Grade Asshole, But Things Get Better
A/N: Demon Slave AU, Domesticated Demons, Reader Insert, Fem!Reader, Hantengu, Master/Slave
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12
EXTRA: Originally this was a Demon Pet!AU, but I wanted to travel to the depths of Demon Slave!AU and I think I can do more with slaves than pets. Please, sorry, and thank you for understanding!
You were on your family's limousine, on your way to God knew where. One moment you were in your room and the next moment the servant had come to fetch you, telling you that your father wanted to see you. Why, you had no clue.
The dark windows didn't offer you much to see, so you had no idea where you were at. You glanced at the man sitting across from you, scrolling through his phone and not even sparing a glance at you.
"Dad-!" You were saying but the man shot you a quick glare, "What was that?"
"I mean father." You quickly corrected yourself. "Where are we heading?"
"You're an adult woman already, Starfish."
God, you hated that nickname. You used to love it as a kid, but as you grew and learned what responsibilities, and burdens came with the nickname you started to hate it.
"So you deserve some responsibility." This man who had married your mom and taken you as his own when you were just a toddler, said and you tried your hardest not to frown, visibly at least. He always had something in his mind, and most of the time it was not your well-being.
"Father, I-!"
"Hush, we are here now!"
The limousine came to a halt and the servants rushed to open and hold the doors for you and your father.
"Happy birthday, Starfish!" Your father smiled and you followed him out of the car and looked at the huge warehouse before you. You blinked, confused and completely unaware of your surroundings or place. This place was secure and far out from any civilization, just what was here that he wanted you to see?
"Father, this is…?" You left the sentence unfinished, giving your father a chance to fill you in.
"It's a Demon Market!" The man smiled as he stepped forward and one of the servants closed the car's door behind him and you. You looked at the place and frowned, "Is this place even legal?"
"Why, does it matter?" Your father asked and you wanted to frown and object, tell him how cruel and horrible these places were, but you saw the look in the older man's eyes and you knew to keep your mouth shut.
"I guess, not…" You murmured and your father nodded as the two of you walked up to the warehouse's door and knocked in a quick rhythm. The doors slid open and the smell of blood and rotten meat struck you like lightning. You coughed a little, trying to hide the gagging as you followed your father inside the dark building.
You looked around in horror, seeing Demons in cages on top of cages, running from one side of the warehouse to another, stacked on top of one another. Despite the smell and the darkness, it looked like the Demons were in fairly good shape but you could never tell unless you got closer to inspect them.
"Mister Sliver!" A man, a human walked up to you and you were momentarily taken aback by how huge the man was. He was tall and pure muscle, but maybe it was needed when handling Demons.
"Barney, I'm happy to see you!" Your father laughed as they hugged and you almost gawked. You had never seen your father hug anyone, even your mother before, so this man Barney must have been important.
"And is this beautiful woman your wife?" The muscly man asked and you almost gagged again. Your father laughed, "No, no, this is my beloved daughter!"
"My bad!" Barney laughed, "Nice to meet you, young Lady."
"Good afternoon." You nodded back but you didn't return the smile. Not that it seemed to make any difference.
"So Slick-!" Barney started and you assumed Slick was your father's nickname, "You said you are looking for a Demon for a special someone?"
"Yes, that would be my daughter!" Your father laughed and you almost felt your heart drop down your stomach.
"Da- Father!" You gasped, "A Demon? For me?"
"Why not? Your siblings also got their Demons from here!"
Same siblings who made your life living Hell and once they matured they turned their abuse to those poor Demons they had chosen? No, you weren't like that and you didn't want to turn into something like that!
"Father, as nice as the thought is, I doubt I want-!"
"Nonsense! Pick any Demon you want and I will buy it for you!" He said, "What you do with it is up to you!"
"I…" You swallowed, "I'm not sure I'm cut out for it…"
"Picking your first slave can be challenging, but you are my daughter!" He laughed as he patted you on the shoulder with a little too much force, "I'll be waiting outside. Oh, I can hardly wait to see what you pick up! I expect nothing but perfection from you!"
Yeah, nice, lay on the pressure.
"Take care of her Barney and send me the bill! Remember, nothing but the best!"
You weren't sure if your father meant the rest of his sentence to you or this master, and you honestly didn't care. You watched him leave the warehouse and you felt sick as you looked around almost as helplessly as a baby chick.
"So?" Barney grinned and you noticed he was missing one of his front teeth, "What kind of Demon are you looking for?"
"I… I don't know yet." You replied honestly and he nodded, "Nice. Just look around and whistle if you find something that catches your eye!"
"Sure…" You nodded as you stepped away from the muscle man and started to go through the cages filled with Demons. They were all very different and no one was similar to one before them. Despite their awful living spaces, they were all pretty well taken care of.
How should you be able to choose one and what would you do with them? Maybe make them help around the house? That would require either muscles or grace so maybe a strong Demon or a woman perhaps?
"Yaaah!" A sudden blood-freezing screech almost made you jump out of your skin and you turned before heading towards the source of the scream.
It was just around the corner, in a more lit area of the factory which confused you since Demons preferred darker surroundings. What you saw shocked you to the core.
A muscular man, thinner than Barney but pretty damn muscly also, was roughhousing a Demon dressed in nothing but rags, showing off his boney body. He was such an ugly feeble and old-looking Demon, but the most notable thing in him was the large bump on the top of his head, just above his horns.
"Please…! Please stop! It hurts…!" The Demon cried, big fat tears running down from his red eyes as he covered in fear.
"Shut the fuck up you worthless piece of shit!" The man, another master shouted as he reeled his hand back and smacked the Demon on the cheek so hard that the force of the slap almost sent him flying. The Demon landed on the floor with a loud thud and let out an even louder cry of pain, moving quickly to huddle into a corner and curl into a defensive ball.
"Get back here you ugly son of a whore!" The man shouted as he started to undo his belt and you froze as memories flashed through your mind. The belt, the swoosh, the burning pain when it made contact.
Suddenly it was harder to breathe in the stuffy blood-smelling warehouse. Time felt like it froze around you and everything stilled. You would have been trapped in the trance if it wasn't for the sound of the belt moving through the air and hitting the Demon, making him cry out in pain.
"Little shits like you don't deserve to-!"
"S- stop that!" You don't know where the courage to go between the man and Demon came from, but you stood there, arms wide and protecting the Demon, "Stop that at once!"
"Who the fuck are you!?" The man shouted and raised the belt over his hand, about to hit you also, but you stood your ground and-
"Charlie lay off!"
You and the man turned to look and saw a very mad-looking Barney walking at the three of you, "That's Slick's daughter!"
"Shit." This master, Charlie cursed as he looped the belt back around his pants just as Barney made it to you guys, "Everything okay?"
"What the Hell?" You hissed like a furious cat and Barney looked at you, "Charlie didn't hit you, did he?"
"No, but he was hitting this Demon!" You pointed at the poor Demon shivering and crying behind you.
"That one?" Barney laughed, "That's Punchy!"
"Punchy?" You repeated, highly doubting that it was this Demon's name and if it was, it was either a horrible name or had a darker meaning.
"Yeah, he is our little friend, aren't you Punchy?" Charlie laughed as he stepped past you and nudged the Demon with the heel of his shoe, making the poor thing whimper in fear.
The master laughed, "Don't worry girlie, Demons can take a lot of beating! As long as you feed them, they heal. As far as I'm aware, Punchy has always been an ugly piece of shit. Haven't you?"
"P- Please…!" The Demon cried as he furiously rubbed his tear-filled eyes, "Don't hurt me…!"
"Go look for a slave you like. Charlie will take Punchy to another room and you can focus on some prime Demons!" Barney said and his friend Charlie grabbed the Demon's upper arm and was about to yank the poor man up… But before Charlie could do so, you snapped your hand around his wrist and squeezed as hard as you physically could.
"What the-!" He looked at you and you glared at him, "I'm buying him."
"What?" Both Charlie and Barney were shocked and honestly, so were you. Did you really want this old Demon as your first one, no, as your only one when there were much younger, prettier, and stronger Demons?
…But something in this one pulled your heartstrings. You wanted to save him and that's what you were going to do.
"That?" The masters could barely believe what they were hearing so they replied with laughter and mockery. You frowned as you listened to them badmouth poor the Demon while he was right there. Had they no shame?
"You have a good humor kid!" Barney laughed as he reached for you, no doubt going to escort you away to look at some other Demons, "Let's just go there and-!"
You were damned if you would let this barbarian touch you! You slapped his hand away and he looked stunned as you frowned and stood by the poor Demon's side, "I'm picking him. No buts or ifs, I want to buy him."
Barney and Charlie shared looks before they both burst out laughing.
"Chick is crazy!" They laughed as they walked away and you growled but stopped when you heard the Demon behind you whimper in fear. He was so pathetic when you looked at him, trying to press so hard against the wall as if he wished it would swallow him. You tried to show sympathy to the frail being so you kneeled down to his level to make yourself less scary.
"Can you stand up?" You asked, voice hushed and gentle as you offered your hand to him. The Demon shivered and sobbed as he looked at you and your hand like he was expecting this to be a mockery and for you to smack or do something much worse to him.
But you were patient with him and finally, he nodded and shakily raised his bony hand and placed it on your awaiting palm. You smiled a little as you helped him up to his feet, but as soon as you got him standing you noticed that he didn't straighten his back.
No, he was crouching as he got behind you and grabbed your upper arm with both hands, making you winch a little. Despite looking frail, he was rather strong.
"Easy, not so hard please?" You whispered and the Demon shivered as he looked at you, and slowly he nodded and loosened his grip a little so it wasn't painful anymore.
Walking outside with him was a little more challenging with him clinging on to you, but you made it. Sun was setting so there wasn't so much light that would burn him, but what sunlight there was must have stung him as he sobbed and clung to you tighter.
Your father was leaning against the limousine, smoking a cigarette, but when he saw you step outside the factory he flicked the cancer stick aside and smiled… But that smile died when he saw the Demon clinging to you.
"Barney, what the fuck!?" Your father snapped as he looked at his friend, "What the fuck are you playing at!? What is this ugly piece of shit!?"
"Relax Slick, your daughter picked him!" Barney laughed as he pointed at you with his thumb. You realized that you might have made a huge mistake choosing this Demon, as you hadn't even stopped to think how your father would react.
"Take it back and choose something else!" Your father shouted, his loud voice scaring the Demon behind you. You frowned as you stood your ground, "I want this one."
"Take it back or else-!" He left the thread hanging, and despite fearing him, you stuck to your decision, "You told me to pick a slave I wanted and I want this one."
"Your girl sure is funny Slick!" Barney laughed, not helping at all and he just made your father angrier. Seeing that there was no way for him to win this argument, he scowled as he turned around and the servants opened the car door for him.
"Get in the car." He snapped and you swallowed nervously as you followed him, your Demon clinging close to you. As the servants got in with you guys, the limousine took off.
The Demon was on his knees, hugging your legs like he was too scared to let go of you and what would happen if he did so. You couldn't help but notice that his nails were long and chipped, not being taken care of at all. You glanced at the servants and even they were looking at Demon of your choice with disgust.
Your father was on his phone again, but he was frowning and that alone was a scary sight. Suddenly you weren't feeling as brave as you felt back at the warehouse. The whole drive back to the civilization was quiet save for the Demon's sobbing but finally, your father broke the silence.
"You made a fool of me today." He stated and you swallowed nervously, "Father-!"
"I have never been this humiliated!" He shouted suddenly and pointed at your Demon who let out a small shriek of fear as he hugged your legs tighter, "You got the weakest, ugliest thing there was!"
"I'm sorry-!" You were trying to apologize but the limousine came to a halt. A servant stepped out and opened the door for you, but you looked out and saw that you weren't back home but by some hotel. You blinked in confusion and turned to look at your father who didn't even spare a glance at you.
"As far as I'm aware, I have one daughter less." The man grunted and your eyes widened in shock. Was he really going to disown you for this? How petty could a man be?
"Father, I-!"
"Here," He snapped his fingers and a servant offered you a briefcase.
"What is this?" You blinked in confusion as you accepted the heavy case and your father grumbled, "Take that as your inheritance."
"My what?"
"I'm buying you out of the family. You get all that money and you stay away from me, your mother, and your siblings."
"Y- You can't just-!" You tried to protest but he shot you a glare that made you quiet down immediately.
"I can, and I will!"
"What about my stuff at home?"
"I'll have a servant bring them to you when you find your own place." Your father glared at you, "Now get the fuck out of my car you no good brat, and take that ugly thing with you!"
You bit your lip, trying to hold in your tears as you got up and out of the car, your new Demon slave following close behind you. As soon as you were out, the limousine door was slammed shut and the car left quicker than you could blink.
You sighed as you looked at the hotel and then at your Demon who was shivering and sobbing. At least he didn't appear to be in any pain thanks to the sun setting down and nighttime coming while you were in the car.
"Let's get a room for the night, okay?" You said and the Demon whimpered as he nodded shakily and followed you inside the hotel. You got yourselves a room meant especially for customers with slaves with them.
The briefcase you had gotten from your father was full of money, like, lots of money. He appeared to be pretty generous when he wanted stuff or people gone from his life.
"Okay, this will be our place for a while until I find us a proper place to live in." You said as you opened the door to the hotel room and you let your feeble Demon step inside, who immediately went to cover in the corner of the room.
Seeing that he was pretty shy, you decided to give him a moment alone. After you locked the door, you set the briefcase down by the bed and collapsed on the soft mattress. What a heck of a day you had.
"I- I'm sorry…!" You heard the Demon suddenly whimper, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry…!"
You blinked as you pushed yourself upright and looked to see the poor thing crying and apologizing like it was his mantra. Frowning, you got up and walked to the Demon, but he flinched as soon as he noticed you and froze like he was expecting you to lash out at him.
"Hey hey, it's okay…" You said quietly as you kneeled by the Demon's side and gently rubbed his upper back in a comforting manner.
"What's your name? Do you have one or are you really Punchy?"
"…H- Hantengu…" He replied quietly and you smiled a little, feeling like you were making progress with him.
"Hantengu, none of this was your fault." You were lying, but honestly, maybe this was a blessing in disguise, being kicked out of your own horrible family and getting money from it also. It wouldn't be easy, but you could start again now with a fresh start.
"First thing first, are you hungry Hantengu?" You asked and the poor thing was absolutely shivering as he nodded shakily and you nodded also, "Okay, I'm gonna order you some meat to eat. You like meat, don't you?"
It was a pointless question as Demons were almost completely carnivores, but you wanted to be polite. He nodded and you smiled as you got up to order him something to eat from the hotel's kitchen.
Once the morning would come, you would head out to find you and Hantengu an apartment where you could live and some proper clothes for him instead of the rags he was in. Despite the rocky start, you had a good feeling about this.
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Little colored sketch of a gladiator/slave Crowley from @angellilou-art Roman Empire AU! (I saw this "costume" on Pinterest and couldn't resist... ☺️)
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fistfuloflightning · 12 days
Art prompt from the lovely @pr0cyon-lotor, and a new au to go with it 😉
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When his mother dies, Luo Binghe doesn’t go to Cang Qiong Mountain. He doesn’t get the chance. Instead, he gets sold off to pay his mother’s medical fees and eventually winds up on the black market as a cultivation cauldron. Over the subsequent years he gains the notoriety of being the most sought-after cauldron, his auction bids growing more and more outrageous.
Until rumors start spreading of a group of cultivators targeting the trafficking rings that supply human cauldrons to the black market. Some say they’re connected to the Beggars Sect, others that they’re unacknowledged members of an orthodox sect. But all agree that cauldrons are vanishing as if into thin air.
And then it’s Luo Binghe’s turn.
His supposed rescuer just so happens to look like the disgraced second son of the Ming family…
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petitelepus · 5 months
The Demon Gift: Choosing Hantengu, Part 6
Demon!Slave!Hantengu X Fem!Reader
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Summary: You, Hantengu, and his clones are living your life as you should… Only, the past comes to take you back.
Warnings: Abusive Family, Threatening, Arranged Marriage
A/N: Demon Slave AU, Domesticated Demons, Reader Insert, Fem!Reader, Hantengu, Master/Slave, Karaku, Sekido, Urogi, Aizetsu, Urami
Tags: @hantenguclonesimp-minuszoha, @star-dust-wanderer
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5 - Part 6 - Part 7 - Part 8 - Part 9 - Part 10 - Part 11 - Part 12
It was a beautiful day and not a cloud was in the sky, yet you chose to spend it inside with your beloved Demons, behind closed curtains so the sunlight wouldn't hurt them. You were chopping meat while the 5 Demons were in the living room, playing games when suddenly the doorbell chimed.
"Who could that be?" You wondered out loud as you put the knife down and wiped your hands on your apron as you approached and opened the door.
"Yes-?" Your breath got caught in your throat when you saw a tall man standing behind your door. You knew this man. The glasses, the suit, the gloves on his hands.
"Nicolas?" You gasped and the man nodded, "Good day, young Lady."
You flinched as you heard him and you immediately tried to slam the door shut, but the man put his foot between and forced the door open. "I wouldn't do that if I were you."
"How did you find me?" You wondered out loud and suddenly you felt four murderous auras coming from behind you. All the commotion had alerted your Demons who came to see what was happening.
"What the Hell is going on!?" Sekido shouted and Nicolas looked at your Demons over your shoulder.
"I see you have chosen to spend your money on other Demons. At least these ones appear more appealing than the one Master bought for you." Nicolas said and you frowned, "What the Hell do you want?"
"I have come to bring you back home." The man said and you blinked, stunned, "What?!"
"Master wants to have a word with you."
"Didn't you know that he kicked me out?" You asked back, "What makes you think I want to speak with him?"
"I couldn't care any less what a spoiled child like you wants. What Master wants, Master gets."
Ah, as always, Nicolas was a cold and calculative bastard who only cared about your stepfather's wants and needs. The butler stepped aside and showed you a limousine with the door wide open, "Hop in."
"I'm not-!" You were about to object, but the man gave you one of his famous chilling glares, "I wasn't asking, young Lady."
"…" You glared at him before you finally nodded and stepped outside, "My Demons-!"
"Your Demons stay behind."
"…Fine-!" You were saying when Karaku suddenly reached for you from behind and your eyes widened as you saw his hands burn as sunlight touched them. The Demon hissed as he grabbed you and pulled you back inside.
"Mistress isn't going anywhere with you!" The Demon hissed, but the butler didn't even blink, "My orders were to take young Lady back to Master. I won't let some uncivilized Demons who don't know their place stop me from carrying out my orders."
"Just a second Nicolas!" You said as you closed the door and the first thing you did was to grab Karaku's blistered hands, "Karaku, your hands…!"
"I'll live." The Demon grunted but he and his fellow clones were agitated.
"Mistress, you can't go with that man!" Urogi shouted, and you frowned, "I don't want to but I have to!"
"What if he hurts you!?" Sekido snapped and Aizetsu cried out, "We don't know what they might do to you when we aren't there to protect you!"
"Guys, you don't understand! Nicolas is an asshole and knows how to hurt Demons even without exposing them directly to sunlight! I won't let him hurt any of you!"
"But what about you and your safety?" Karaku asked and you bit your lower lip, "It can't be helped…"
"M- Mistress…?"
You all turned to look and saw Hantengu looking at you desperately from the couches. The clones shared a look, nodded, and looked at you, "We have a plan."
It took a couple of minutes, but finally, you stepped out of the house and made sure to shut the door behind you. Nicolas nodded as he held the limousine door for you and as soon as you were inside, he followed you.
As the door shut, the car took off and you kept glaring at Nicolas during the whole ride… with Hantengu hidden between in your shirt, between your breasts.
You thought back about the conversation you had with the 5 Demons.
"So, this is the plan. You will take the original one with you and he will be our eyes and ears." Sekido said and Aizetsu nodded, "And if things appear like they might go south, the original one will pop out and protect you."
"No offense guys, but how can Hantengu help me if something bad happens?" You asked as you pulled your shirt's collar down and Urogi dropped extremely nervous Hantengu inside
"Trust us." The clones nodded, "He can and he will protect you."
You weren't sure how sweet little Hantengu could protect you, but you trusted him and his clones. Enough to even take the little shy Demon with you.
"What, no small talk?" Nicolas broke the silence and you frowned, "Why would I want to talk with you?"
"Now now, young Lady. I may work for Master, but I did look after you through your whole childhood."
"You mean how you would teach me manners? Yeah, hitting me with a ruler certainly made me a better person." You hissed at him and you could feel Hantengu silently whimper inside your shirt.
Nicolas didn't even flinch as he took off his glasses and wiped them with a napkin, "I see you could have used a little more disciplining."
"Touch me and it will be the last thing you ever do..!"
The rest of the car ride was quiet, but inside your head alarms were going off. You couldn't understand why your stepfather wanted to see you after kicking you out months ago. Whatever he wanted, it wasn't going to be anything nice.
Finally, the car stopped and Nicolas stepped out to hold the door open for you. You followed him outside and into the mansion. As soon as you stepped inside, you could see the many Demon slaves turning to look at you.
You frowned, hating the fear you could see in their eyes as Nicolas passed them by. You were certain that he disciplined them also, only worse since they were just slaves to him and not honorable members family. The butler took you to your stepfather's office, knocking first before opening the door, "Master, I have retrieved young Lady."
"Good." Your stepfather who you hadn't seen for months nodded. The man was sitting on his huge chair and smoking a cigar as he looked at you and you blinked, stunned by the look he was giving you. He looked almost excited to see you, but your stepsiblings sitting next to him weren't.
"Well done Nicolas. You may leave now." The man said and the butler nodded as he left, closing the door behind him, but you stayed glued on your spot.
Well, until your stepfather motioned you to approach him, "Starfish! What are you doing all the way there? Come here, come here, my good child!"
You scowled as you walked over but you refused to take a seat. You weren't there because you wanted to be and you wouldn't lie to yourself.
"What the Hell do you want?" You asked but your stepfather didn't flinch. No, he blew out some cigar smoke and grinned, "Straight to the point? Alright, I was hoping we could do this quickly."
"Do what?"
"I have out of the goodness of my heart decided to take you back to the family."
"Back? Here?" You weren't believing what you were hearing. Cecil and Amanda, your stepsiblings scowled, "Trust us, we aren't that enthusiastic about this either."
"Quiet!" Your stepfather snapped at his kids and then he just smiled at you like nothing was wrong.
"What your brother and sister are saying is that they are sorry for what they did to your belongings." He glanced at them, "Aren't you?"
Cecil and Amanda looked like they wanted to be anywhere else but there. Reluctantly, they both nodded and their father smiled at you, "I have everything prepared for your return back home. Your stuff, money, and even your soon-to-be husband!"
"Whoa, whoa! Husband!? Marriage!?" You raised your hands up, stopping everything, "With who!?"
"I thought you might ask! A highly potential business partner of mine is looking for a wife and I thought that who could be better than my own daughter!" The man was all smiles but you weren't exactly happy.
"What, why can't Amanda do it!? Pimp her with him!" You snapped and your stepsister scowled at you, "I don't want to marry some old fart!"
"So I have to!?" You couldn't believe this. Your stepfather dragged you back only to match you with some business partner of his? You were pretty fucking sure that he was after some deal or better yet, money.
"I already suggested Amanda, but my partner wasn't interested in her." Your stepfather said and you crossed your arms, feeling completely and utterly disgusted.
"Why? Did she keep her legs open long enough to attract flies?" You asked and your stepsister glared at you, "Fuck you!"
"That's exactly why no one wants you." You shot right back at her before looking at her father, "So, let me get this straight? First, you kick me out and now, after months, you want me to come back and marry someone I don't even know!?"
"Starfish, I'm just looking out for your well-being! You're my child and I care-!"
"I'm not even your child, I never was or am now! I'm not even part of this family! Don't you remember!? You bought me out!"
The man's smile dropped and he sighed as he took what was left of his cigar and stumped it on an ashtray and suddenly it felt like the whole room's temperature had dropped. It felt dangerous.
"I had a feeling that this might happen." He nodded and looked at you so coldly, it turned you breathless.
"If you don't do as I say, I will have my men led by Nicolas, to go to your house and beat up that ugly piece of shit you call your slave and then drag it out and let the sun burn it until only ashes remain. Of course, that thing will be begging for death by the time Nicolas is done with it."
You were shocked by what you heard. This fucker was trying to blackmail you by threatening your sweet little Hantengu?! The Demon who never hurt anyone, he shouldn't be hurt because of you or your fucked up stepfamily!
"You cowardly bastard…!" You growled as you squeezed your hands into fists, wishing you could take a swing at the bastard, but you knew he wasn't afraid to give you a black eye in exchange.
You could feel how Hantengu was shivering hard in your shirt… Only unknownst to you, he wasn't shivering because of fear, but fury. How could this man who was supposed to be your father be so cruel to you, his sweet kind Mistress? The Demon couldn't control himself anymore.
"Now, be a good girl and-!" Your stepfather was saying but a growl cut through the air, "You ungrateful…!"
"What was that-?"
"You ungrateful humans!" Came a roar and you yelped as Hantengu jumped out of your shirt. You almost couldn't believe your eyes when the small Demon grew into a huge one, twice bigger than his original form, and instead of looking fearful, he appeared so furious it nearly startled you.
"H Hantengu!?" You gasped but the Demon either ignored you or was too furious to hear you. Cecil and Amanda screamed as the Demon grabbed the huge desk and easily threw it across the room. While your stepsiblings screamed and ran away from the room, your stepfather was frozen in his seat as he stared at Hantengu with his eyes wide in shock.
"You hideous humans! So cruel, so cruel to my Mistress! Mistress who is kind and caring, my sweet Mistress who is so good to me!" The Demon shouted angrily as he moved to grab your stepfather, but you couldn't let him hurt the man, even if he was an asshole.
Demons who hurt humans were ordered to be put down and would be hunted down like animals, and you didn't want that to happen to your sweet little Hantengu!
"Hantengu, no!" You cried out as you tried to stop him. You grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled, but he wouldn't budge. He seemed determined to get to your stepfather and you became desperate as you feared for Hantengu's safety and life.
So you put all your strength into your arms, wrapped them around the Demon, hugging him with all you had as you cried out, "Please! Listen to me Hantengu and calm down!"
The Demon flinched and finally, it looked like your actions and words got through to him and he regained some of his senses back. Slowly, you felt him relax and as he calmed down, he started to shrink. You kept hugging him until he was tiny enough to rest on the palms of your hands.
"M- Mistress…?" He whimpered as tears rose to his red eyes and you smiled as you kissed the bump on his head, "Thank you for protecting me Hantengu. Please rest now, since I am safe thanks to you."
The poor little Hantengu sobbed as he nodded, furiously trying to wipe his tears. You smiled a little and planted a gentle little peck on the top of his head before pulling your shirt's collar down and slipping him back inside, between the warmth and safety of your breasts.
"W- what-!" You looked up and saw your stepfather looking at you, shocked and scared witless, "What was that monster!?"
"I don't need to tell you anything," You snapped at him before noticing that the man had pissed his pants. Disgusting, but he absolutely deserved the humiliation. In a way, it was satisfying to see that bastard trembling so hard his teeth clattered together.
"We're done here. You can tell that business partner of yours to find a wife from somewhere else." You said as you glared at your pitiful stepfather coldly, "If you ever contact me again or threaten me or my Demons, I will destroy you…!"
With that said, you turned to leave and as you made it to the door, a bunch of Demon slaves rushed to the room, led by Nicolas and your stepsiblings coming behind at the back of the group.
"Master, are you alright!?" The usually stone-cold man asked as he passed you without a second glance and rushed to treat the asshole who pissed himself in fear.
You saw Demons looking wide-eyed, but you didn't miss how some seemed… Kinda glad and amused by the fact that their Master had been utterly and completely humiliated. You smiled, relishing the fact that they had something to gossip about when they would be resting and away from the prying ears of their tormentors'.
As you passed the door, you saw Cecil and Amanda staring at you like you were a human for the first time, and more than that, you were the first one who had ever stood against your awful parent.
"Take a picture while you are at it. It will last longer," You snapped and they frowned but made no attempt to stop you from leaving. You marched through the mansion and straight to the limousine still parked in front of the huge building. You knocked on the front window and it rolled down to reveal the driver.
"Hey, can you throw me back to my place?" You asked and the guy nodded and you thanked him as you stepped back and entered the limousine. As soon as the door closed, the car took off and you were on your way back home where your Demons were no doubt anxiously waiting.
But you did have some questions.
"Hantengu?" You asked as you pulled your shirt's collar and the small Demon yelped as he looked up at you, "Y- Yes Mistress…?"
"Thank you one more time for saving me." You smiled, and your curiosity got the better of you, "I didn't know you could change your size like that?"
"I- It requires energy…" The frail Demon started to tremble fearfully, "B- But that man was going to hurt my Mistress…! I- I couldn't stand it…!"
"Hey hey, breath Hantengu, breath," You said quickly before he could turn hysterical, "I'm not angry. No no, I'm thankful. You really saved me there, but…"
"B- But…?"
You wanted to tell him that a little warning would have been nice. You had no idea that cute little Hantengu could turn so furious and grow like that… But you knew he meant no harm to you and in the end, he cut that last link that connected you to that awful family of yours. Thanks to him, you were finally free.
"Nothing, I was just awed by how strong you can be when you want to be!" You changed the subject and Hantengu stared at you before he started to cry again, "Mistress is so good to me…!"
You smiled and the rest of the ride really went by with you spoiling Hantengu with sweet words and compliments. Finally, you were back home. You thanked the driver as you stepped out of the vehicle and you were about to enter your house when the front door slammed open and the 4 clones of Hantengu greeted you eagerly while avoiding sunlight.
"You're back!"
"Thank God…!"
"Are you okay!?"
"Whoa whoa!" You stepped inside, "One at a time!"
"What happened!?" Sekido asked and Aizetsu frowned, "We felt a strong pull in us… Did Urami appear?"
"Urami?" You wondered out loud and the clones nodded.
"He represents the original one's Resentment!" Urogi replied, and Karaku nodded, "He comes out when the original one is directly in danger or when his feelings take over."
"I think we met?" You wondered out loud as you picked Hantengu from inside your shirt and held him carefully in your hands, "That was Urami back there, wasn't it?"
The small Demon whimpered as he nodded. You hummed as you nodded, taking in and registering all this new info. You had a couple of questions, but before you could figure out what you wanted to say, Sekido scowled, "If Urami came out then something must have happened!"
"Yeah, something did happen." You nodded, "But Hantengu and he saved the day."
"Tell us all!" Karaku grinned and Urogi laughed, "We want to hear what happened!"
You grinned, "Okay, but you are never going to guess who pissed themself in fear!"
The Demons were already cackling and you chuckled as you promised yourself to enjoy your newly gained freedom to the fullest.
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There are some things that all troopers know Nat born's will never understand.
All the troopers grew up in a world where perfection was the standard and anything less resulted in death. Where individuality was a crime and being anything more than just another number was a danger, Where saying the wrong thing in front of the wrong person could get you killed.
All troopers know this, but post Kamino the Guards have had it drilled into them all over again. If they want to survive In the Senate they have to fall back on the lessons they learned on Kamino.
The Corries know that there are some things that nat born's will never understand. Things that Nat born's shouldn't understand.
So no one in the guard quite knows how to feel about the strange fallout of the Shiney squad's Jetti Cadets apparent discovery of the Guards position on Courcant.
It starts small, the guard notices that the boy stops being weird about the fact that most of the Corries don't use their names, when asked, the boys. "It's because I know that you have them now." raises more questions than answers, because apparently the boy just figured out that they used their designation numbers around the Senate because their names were a secret on his own. He also seemed to get an unreasonable amount of joy from the fact that all the clones chose their own names.
If it has stopped there then it probably wouldn't be so weird, but it didn't. From sneaking in extra medical supplies and food, (actual food, not just ration bars) when he discovered that 'depur' was cutting their budget for stuff that they needed to function, to the way he seemed to intrinsically understand their need for secrecy, and their reasoning for it. "secrets keep us safe." Without anyone seemingly telling him.
They all agreed that they weren't gonna ask about how the boy had managed to rangle several senators around to the truth of the situation and his point of view with only a few words to one of them. A point of view that not only had them working on trooper sentient rights bills, but also had them aiding in his more under the table helping.
At first it was weird and confusing, both because this kid was a nat born, and because how did a Jetti Cadet develop this kind of understanding, he was a child. It took them a while to connect the dots, Even as the boy started unconsciously dropping hints.
At first it was that weird little nickname he had for the Senate and Senators, in a language that even the most nerdy of Corries didn't seem to understand. They weren't sure what a Depur was, but apparently it applied to the Senate and was probably not a good thing.
The next clue was the stories, because as Anakin spent more time with the guard, becoming more of a Vod'ika than a Jetti Commander and subsequently beginning to learn more and more about the secrets that they kept from the rest of the Senate.
As the boy learnt about the lighter side of the inner workings of the guard, and how to speak the clones particular brand of Mando'a, the guards began to learn stories about Ekkreth, Leia and Ar Amu, stories about secret plots and tricking the The infamous Depur in ways that resulted in the freedom of those he enslaved.
About secret Languages, Tzai, Jappor snippets and secret rituals. About the ways one could steal back some control from the Masters in ways that they would never even notice. About things that the boy claimed that all Slaves should know, lessons that would help keep them safe from their Masters. A term that by now the guards suspended was not referring to the kind the Jedi had.
By the time the boy causally mentioned that he and his mother had been enslaved prior to him being taken to the temple, the Guards already had a pretty decent picture of the situation.
The fact that the boy had been adopting them into his own culture right under their noses had been vastly more surprising. He'd been a little awkward when he'd admitted it. Saying that he knew that they were sort of Mando'ade, but they could be Amavikka too if they wanted.
And sure, maybe it was a little dark that part of the reason the boy spent so much time in the barracks was because it felt familiar, but also this kid cared about every single one of them, to the point where he apparently sees them as family.
Well it really was no wonder that it was agreed that the entire guard would do just about anything for their Ad'ika. Including possibly stopping said Ad'ika from doing the same for them. (Bloody Skywalkers)
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sunlit-mess · 2 months
The michelin stars au reminds me a lot of the videogame Dead Plate! Was it intentional?
(Love the artstyle btw <3333)
In the early concepts of the AU, I actually didn't know what Dead Plate was until I had to research existing stories or whatever about culinary work. Took my sweet time knowing the game and figured yeah I can take inspiration from that! hehe
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ladymarthlovely · 3 months
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Do you wanna pass or worship? 😉
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wickedcriminal · 6 months
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Some age-old "HTTYD 3" Doods featuring Outcast Younger and Prison Darkheart Elder
"HTTYD 3" is books 9-12. Younger took Big Tooth with him in exile on Elder's request, to keep each other safe. They'd meet the Light Fury while on the run (who is Furious's right hand and is trying to kill them, mind you), and Grimmel would be one of the bounty hunters tracking down Minicup through Big Toothless. Unfortunate side effects of traveling with a night fury!
Elder takes Stoick's place in the books getting taken to Prison Darkheart along with the other Dragon Riders 😔
Bonus: Younger finding Elder in Prison Darkheart
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unforth · 8 months
@esper-aroon has enabled me, so here let me scream at y'all about The Imperial Uncle.
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Okay, so I recently read The Imperial Uncle (Huang Shu) by Da Feng Gua Guo from Peach Flower House and I really loved it??? It's first person pov, mlm, about the Emperor's uncle Jing Chengjun, who is mistrusted by everyone simply because of who his parents were and his position, and so he's basically given up on trying to convince people that he's actually a nice, decent person without ulterior motives. He's super trapped by his position, and there's so much he can't say and do, and he's also a hopeless romantic, like, from his own mouth all he really wants is to sleep beside and wake up next to someone who actually gives a shit about him, and even that is basically out of reach in his life. Like, the book starts with his wife (who he has never once had sex with) storming into a meeting he's having and announcing he's a cuckold and she's pregnant.
But also, this poor bastard really thinks he knows what's going on and his very smart. Very unreliable narrator. He's actually kinda a hilarious, impulsive himbo. But the TL:DR is that his loneliness and isolation and the extent to which he's politically trapped routinely lead him to make absolutely terrible decisions.
E. Danglar's translation is absolutely gorgeous, too, and... idk, if you love political plots, melodramatic idiot main characters, a dose of pining, and a slow burn that eventually pays off, come take a look??? (some people think it's a love triangle??? idk, I never really got that vibe, I never felt it was really in doubt which of the two potential dudes he'd end up with, but maybe I only feel that way because I got it right, lmao).
Anyway, I can't stop thinking about how these two idiots end up finally finding each other and getting together, and I have an entire AU in my head (a modern corporate one) and part of another (canon divergent from like a decade before the book starts), and I just want people to love this book as much as I did and scream with me about it.
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madmanwonder · 6 months
Fusion Slavery: Combat Slave & Gladiator Slave AU
When Weiss and Blake offer Jaune to train in different ways from Pyrrha.he accepts since he does want to learn new things. Problem is that what they plan on doing with him... it is less training and more working together to win him over from the others. To the point that after the three leave the gym hours later... the two girls putting back on their gym clothes definitely implied something happened there. Especially with how they tease their master.
(2-Koma) (Seduction) (Implied Sex)
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When he Weiss and Blake told him that they were going to teach him a new combat technique. He was excited about the new technique from the ex-heiress and former White Fang agent who were skilled and experienced in combat which made him eager in learning from them.
“You are going to learn some grappling techniques, Master~” Weiss said with a smile as she eyed him.
“A lesson you are going to need in the future with certain opponents in mind.” Blake said cat-like smile as she placed her hand on her broad hips.
“Do you heard that?” Ying asked her younger sister who was walking with her.
“Hear what Sis?” Yang asked looking at her carbon copy with a curious expression.
“The sound of flesh hitting flesh and…moaning?” Ying said with a bewildered expression.
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