#jedi as indentured servants to the republic
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The Many Names of Peace (pt.1/?): Mercy
Inspired by Why We Did Nothing by BairnSidhe
Part I | Part II
Cultural genocide (discussed in detail). The Ruusan Reformation is made much worse here, and the Dral'han/Excision is also commented upon.
Child murder (discussed). Padawan hunting, and how Mandalorians killed children and took braids and beads as trophies.
Corpse desecration (discussed in detail). Lightsabers and Padawan braids and beads are taken from their owners. I realize this doesn't seem important for many of us, but it's very important for the Jedi.
Systematic identity erasure of a mixed race character (discussed). Tarre Vizla's Jedi status is barely known by Mandalorians because House Vizla treated it like a dirty secret.
Please mind your headspaces.
"If you hate genocide so much, where were your people at the Dral'han?" Terith asks with a scoff.
The Jetii stops muttering and goes still. Slowly, she turns, with a movement too fluid for a human. She's shorter than them, very slim and apparently frail, and her blond —almost white— hair is tied in a braided bun. Her eyes, which are a glowing emerald green, are burning.
"Where were we? You're asking me why we did nothing when your people were attacked?" The kage Jedi asks the Mandalorian with a soft tone of voice and a polite nod, looking almost like a respected jaieh accepting a padawan's question.
It is not.
Underneath their buy'ce, Terith's lips curl at her words, at her threat.
Zahara begins to move from one side of the room to another. It's too controlled to be called pacing, but the tension is visible in her movements.
"Not all Jedi are human. In fact, most aren't. There are species with very long lifespans and, considering Force-sensitives tend to live a few decades longer than others of their species, two hundred is far from an uncommon age among Jedi" The Jetii doesn't seem to be answering their furious question at first. "We were not there, Mandalorian, because every sitting member of the High Council during the genocide of your people remembered how Mandalore reacted when they came for us, first."
Drovan, her crechemate, her enishee, her brother of the soul, was a member of the EduCorps. He hadn't wanted to be a Knight, done the math, and decided to free up a space for somebody else. In particular, he was fascinated by the History of the Order. Zahara remembers quiet nights, when she was at the Temple resting after a taxing mission, when she Drovan used to sit down on comfortable cushions and her closest sibling rambled about what he was learning.
She's heard him ranting about the Ruusan Reformation, and the cruel limitations it places on her people even now. She's read it herself, once she began her Shadow training, learning every single restriction in search for loopholes that could be exploited to make the Order's job and life easier.
Her people's memories are long. Kages remember. The Jedi remember. Zahara remembers.
"They vividly remembered when the Republic we served brought down our Temples, when they took us from our homes, when they tried to destroy a whole branch of our Order" Zahara lists, voice cold and eyes blazing, "when they took our armor, our back-up and defenses, when they stole everything but our Lightsabers… and when your people laughed and called it easy hunting."
The Mandalorian pride in Terith's heart wants to protest, to deny the Jetii's words. But she speaks like a scholar in a subject she's clearly well versed in, like a grieving verd mourning the violence against her people they'd known nothing about.
History isn't always kind, Mandalorian history in particular rarely is, but it's always worth learning from. It's something Kyr'tsad and the extremists among the Nu'Mando'ade don't understand, and Terith refuses to make their same mistakes.
So, they swallow the growing lump in their throat, ignore the stone sinking in their stomach and try to listen.
Zahara's voice begins to break away from the calm, even tones of a teacher, and slowly fall into the ragged tones of soul-crushing grief. Her breath becomes shallow and rapid, and air gets stuck in her throat. Still, she continues.
"The Republic had been destroying us for two hundred years by the time of the orbital bombardment on Mandalore, and in that time, the number of Lightsabers and Padawan braids and beads seen on Mandalorian armor as trophies skyrocketed" The Jetii hisses, spitting the word trophies with the same venom he would use to say hut'tuunla or demagolka. "We were trapped, betrayed and dying… and your people murdered our young and desecrated our corpses, and had the nerve to carry the stolen lives of our kin as proof."
The air grows colder, a sharpness in it that's as familiar as her own reflection. The galaxy around her sings with promises of vengeance, of justice. Justice for her enishee, justice for Feemor and his charges, justice for Jaieh Ta'ra's murdered Padawan, for the all Jedi dead during the Mandalorian sack of the Anohrah, for the bastardization of Jaieh Tarre Vizla's story and the systematic erasure of his Jedi identity, for all the Jedi younglings dead at Mandalorian hands.
Not against the Mandalorian that did any of those things, but against a Mandalorian, anyhow.
"Your people sacked the Temple, stole the life and soul of a respected Jedi Master, got two of his Padawans murdered, erased every single hint of his Jedi upbringing, and perverted everything he stood for in life, all because he happened to be Mandalorian as well."
The song reaches a crescendo, the highest notes she's ever heard in a Force song, making her ears ring. The melody sounds off-key, and the final notes become loud and insufferable high-pitched screams. Zahara grits her teeth, and breathes in deeply. The xari in the air slowly dissapears.
She will not take revenge.
She's a Jedi, and revenge is not the Jedi way.
She will not Fall. She will not let her anger act upon her and betray everything she, Drovan, Feemor, Ta'ra and her Padawan, Tarre Vizla and his Padawans have ever stood for.
Zahara will not take revenge because it's not what Drovan would have wanted. It's not what any Jedi would want.
She will not take revenge because it's not as useful and satisfying as the thores of passion lead you to believe.
This Mandalorian is innocent. They haven't done anything wrong. They're angry about their people's genocide and rightfully so. They're ignorant, and ignorance can be fixed.
Words, the sharing of knowledge, bringing understanding when there was previously none. Those are her greatest weapons, and she can wield them freely and with as much efficiency as a Lightsaber.
Terith is frozen in place, mind racing with the desire to be anywhere else, away from this hurting, angry sorceress that sees them as an enemy. The manda in their chest screams, in offense or the pain of dishonor Terith isn't sure.
They wish their buy'ce was recording. That way they could investigate the Jetii's claims.
Everyone and their mother has heard the rumors about the Jetiise. Sorcerers from the Core that don't reproduce like other beings, but take children from their parents and train them to be as emotionless as droids, beings that beat all the love and concern for others out of themselves because they believe attachment is a weakness.
Terith believed them, once.
Now Terith doesn't know what to believe. The Jetii speaks with too much knowledge and pain to be lying, nobody can fake that well, and the air around them both is mournfully singing as the truth of her words sink into the depths of their runi.
Zahara breathes out slowly. Still hurt, but… determined not to Fall, not to take out her grief and anger on someone who's done nothing wrong.
"So" the kage Jedi flashes a polite but completely unfriendly smile, "why did we do nothing when they came for your world?"
Within their battered heart, stung with the pain of dishonor, with the stain on the manda itself, Terith knows the answer before the Jetii says a word.
"We did nothing because Jedi are merciful, Mandalorian."
(Notes under the cut)
Dai Bendu
Jaieh — Jedi Master (rank and role).
Padawan — apprentice, learner, student. Lit "the one who learns". Please picture a Jedi hearing a politician saying "Padawan learner", and containing the urge to eye twich.
Enishee — crechemate.
Anohrah — Jedi Temple, home. Before the Ruusan Reformation used to refer to the Temple the speaker was from.
Xari — darkness, the Dark Side of the Force.
Jetii(se) — Jedi (add 'se' at the end to make the plural).
Buy'ce — helmet.
Verd — warrior.
Kyr'tsad — Death Watch, lit "death society".
Nu'Mando'ade — New Mandalorians.
Hut'tuunla — coward. Very harsh insult.
Demagolka — someone who commits atrocties, a real-life monster, a war criminal - from the notorious Mandalorian scientist of the Old Republic, Demagol, known for his experiments on children, and a figure of hate and dread in the Mando psyche
Manda — collective soul of the Mandalorians.
Runi — spirit, soul of the individual.
Zahara is a kage Jedi Knight, officially a Sentinel and a Finder, which is used to explain why she can be in places she isn't supposed to and bust slave rings without prior Senate authorization. Unofficially, however, she's a Shadow. It's common practice for the Jedi to register Shadows as Finders in order to give them more freedom of action.
Terith is a Mandalorian bounty hunter, but they're very picky about their jobs and have interest in medicine, particularly "mind-healing". They were born in a New Mandalorian family but found greater calling to Jaster and the True Mandalorians and switched allegiance once they were of age. They are mildly Force-sensitive, not enough to become a Jedi and only gives them good instincts.
The Dral'han is the orbital bombardment of Mandalore done by the Galactic Republic in roughly 800BBY. The Republic used Jedi ships, but there were no Jedi involved. Mandalorians believed the Jedi were guilty at first, but the truth was uncovered only a decade later.
Dai Bendu is not my creation. It's a colang, although the story of the language is something I made up. Dai Bendu is the language spoken by the Order of Dai Bendu and, later on, the Jed'aii Order. It fell out of use after the Jedi joined the Republic in 25,000BBY, but came back in full swing during the Jedi-Sith Wars when it was very useful to speak a language the enemy couldn't understand.
I don't know if it's canon, but in this story Force-sensitives live longer than the average of their species. Those who aren't trained only live a little longer (a decade in humans), but for those who, like the Jedi, have training that lifespan increases (three to four decades in humans).
"Free up a space". Taken from the Jedi Apprentice series, where Jedi age out at thirteen and there are limited Masters, and where those who aren't chosen are sent to the Corps. Drovan knew he didn't want to be a Knight, so he requested to be sent to the Corps as soon as possible to give the chance of becoming a Knight to someone who actually wanted to be one. Unlike Jedi Apprentice, however, this is an imposition from the Ruusan Reformation, and the Jedi try to bend this rule as much as possible.
Kages' memories begin forming almost at birth. Zahara remembers with vivid detail most of her life. She's doing an alliteration: she remembers because she's a kage and because she is a Jedi.
This is the "Ruusan Reformation but make it worse" AU:
"Brought down our Temples". The Ruusan Reformation demanded the centralization of the Jedi Order. Therefore, all Jedi were forced to move to Couruscant, and their other Temples were either destroyed or repurposed.
"Took us from our homes." Although Terith doesn't know it, Zahara is being redundant. The word for Jedi Temple in Dai Bendu also means home. She's putting enphasis on how painful it was for the Jedi to lose their homes.
"Tried to destroy a whole branch of our Order." The Shadows were supposed to be dissolved after the Ruusan Reformation was signed. However, the Jedi managed to keep training Shadows in secret.
The Jedi used to have weapons, armor and many defenses besides their Lightsabers, but the Ruusan Reformation ordered their demilitarization and "demilitarization". Among the things they lost were the right to carry their birth cultures' sacred armor and weapons. A Mandalorian Jedi wouldn't be allowed to have armor, for example.
Mandalorians tend to take trophies from their enemies after a battle. This is done both for, well, bragging rights and to respect the memory of a worthy opponent (similar to their remembrances for their fallen comrades). However, the bragging rights part can overshadow the respect for a worthy opponent part, and many Mandalorians hunt down defenseless "enemies" to steal important objects from them. The Jedi in particular were a favored target for these… individuals, seeing as they had no armor, only carried one weapon and were usually alone or in pairs because that's how the Senate decided to send them in missions. The victims were usually Padawans, hence the name Padawan Hunts.
Tarre Vizla's story shows the greatest difference between how Jedi and Mandalorians (at least in that era) treat different cultures and double cultured children. The Jedi don't hide that Tarre Vizla was Mandalorian, everyone knows that he left the Order to rule Mandalore, and know what happened to his armor and what he wanted to happen to his body and Lightsaber. However, Mandalorians either don't know or refuse to recognize Tarre Vizla's Jedi status.
"Sacked the Temple". Tarre Vizla left his armor to his Clan and his Lightsaber to the Jedi. When he died, he wanted to be burned in the Temple (both cultures burn their death, so little to no issue here) and his ashes to be spread on Mandalore. House Vizla, however, did the equivalent of spitting on Tarre's funeral pyre and sacked the Temple to steal the Darksaber.
"Stole the life and soul of a respected Jedi Master". Tarre Vizla was a Jedi, and the Darksaber is his life. House Vizla, however, had no respect for their relative's other culture and did the worst thing they could do to him: killing and hurting his Jedi family, and stealing a sacred item they knew was sacred.
I headcanon that Tarre Vizla had three Padawans. He finished the incomplete training of the first because their Master died, did the whole training of the second and got promoted to Master as a result, and only started the training of the third before he went to his home planet to unite Mandalorians against the Sith Empire. Two of them were killed during House Vizla's sack of the Temple.
"Erased every hint of his Jedi upbringing." House Vizla replaced the Jedi Order symbol on Tarre's armor with the symbol of House Vizla, refused to acknowledge Tarre's desire to be remembered as a Jedi and forbade anyone from speaking about his Jedi status, and never say that the Darksaber is actually a regular Lightsaber they stole.
"Perverted everything he stood for." Lightsabers are a Jedi's life, hold their souls in the same way beskar'gam holds a Mandalorian's. Tarre. Ever since it was stolen, the Darksaber has been used as a symbol of authoritarian and tyrannical leadership, warmonging, imperialism and military violence. It's so fucked up that the crystal is beginning to break (the white cracks, originally the Darksaber was pure black) and, had those who held it been trained Force-sensitives, the crystal would have bled.
Terith doesn't know they're Force-sensitive, but they know their instincts are rarely wrong, and they can feel the honesty and grief coming from Zahara in waves. They don't doubt her precisely because they know she's not lying, she's seeing things as she sees them and, even if she's wrong, it's something Terith believes to be worth looking into.
#star wars#my fanfic stuff#the many names of peace au#alternate universe#pro jedi#jedi culture#jedi as indentured servants to the republic#ruusan reformation#star wars history#jedi history#mandalorian-jedi history#jedi friendly#abuse of italics#tw child murder#discussions of child murder#there are a hundred ways to be a slave#anti mandalorians#mandalorians critical#terith is a decent person but… well#zahara IS talking about a very dark part of mandalorian history full of child murder#mando'a#dai bendu#conlang#jedi oc#mandalorian oc
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A Star Wars Sequel series AU idea
Ben Solo wasn't Han and Leia's only child. They had a daughter too, but around the same time that news broke that Leia was Darth Vader's biological daughter, that little toddler girl was kidnapped. They never found her and it was the first big crack in the foundation of Han and Leia's marriage. When Ben turned to the dark side, they ended up drifting apart. Leia becoming more involved in the political movement opposing the First Order and Han returning to his smuggling roots.
TFA events are largely unchanged, but Rey doesn't immediately head out after Luke. They wait for Finn to recover, then Leia sends Rey with Finn, Chewie, Poe, and R2 to track down Luke.
Now, Luke is not the 'last' of the Jedi. Not only is Leia trained as a Jedi, but there are various others who are members of a new Jedi Order. It's not what the old Order was, but so much of that history was deliberately lost that they couldn't recreate the exact same thing from before. Ben Solo's defection killed off a number of the order, so they're all currently spread across the galaxy. Some searching out new force sensitives to teach, others using their abilities to help people in need...
Luke, specifically, went in search of the origins of the Jedi. He entrusted his flight plan to very few in order to keep the growing First Order off his back... but also to keep his other objective from being found out. He didn't want to give Leia false hope after failing to find her missing daughter all those years ago. But new clues have surfaced recently and there are a handful of planets where they might be able to pick up clues to his missing niece's whereabouts.
One of those worlds was Jakku where Luke's friend - but not a Jedi himself - Lor San Tekka has been scouring for records of a girl matching Breha Solo's description having been taken through one of the many spaceports some sixteen or seventeen years ago. And he's not only found that evidence... he thinks that girl is still on the planet.
He gives this information along with the map to Poe, as the First Order has been taking an interest in Jakku and it's only a matter of time before they show up... a matter of time being mere minutes in this case.
When R2 wakes up and displays the map, he keeps the other information private. it's coded specifically for Luke. But Leia, and even Han before he died, felt a connection the young woman from Jakku.
Leia wonders, if her daughter was still alive, would she be something like Rey? Han wishes he'd been the kind of father who could protect his children, but maybe there's still something he can do to make this girl's life better?
Luke's been setting up his secret enclave Jedi school in a system similar to the Corellian system (as in, it's artificially created and maintained) where he has reason to believe the Jedi originated in the time following the fall of the Rakatan Infinite Empire, long before the rise of the First Republic. The Ancient precursors to the Jedi believed in, and taught, the balance between the light and the dark and the necessity of followers of both paths, something the Jedi eventually lost. For all that they believed in balance, by making the dark side something forbidden and taboo they may have inadvertently created an imbalance of the Force. He still has a lot to learn about the origins of the Jedi, though, so a lot of what he's deciphered is still speculative at best.
This is where Rey and Finn find him, along with R2, Poe, and Chewie. And Luke welcomes them. Though of course he's especially excited to have two more students to learn the ways of the Force. And then R2 delivers his second message from Lor San Tekka.
He found the girl, Breha Solo. He's sure of it. She was brought to Jakku and sold as an indentured servant to one of the local scrapyard owners: Unkar Plutt. She'd earned her freedom at the age of sixteen but was rumored to still be on planet, living as a scavenger. Going by the name Rey, which Tekka suspected was a child's derivation of Breha.
Rey, the girl that Leia just sent to Luke for training...
#star wars#fanfiction#rey (star wars)#finn (star wars)#luke skywalker#leia organa#lor san tekka#throwing in some dawn of the jedi lore in there for fun
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No magical fix-its
Trying to figure out an AU where Order 66 never happened for handwavy dead Palpatine reasons. The war continues on for a few more years before the new Chancellor get the Seps to the table and manage to hammer out SOME kind of agreement. No one’s really happy with it and there’s bad blood on all sides, but the cease fire holds. The droid army is reprogrammed to work restoration on worlds devastated by the war. Clones become indentured servants, working to pay off the cost of their creation, implementation, and upkeep.
The Jedi fight hard to try and help the clones, but despite a “better” Chancellor being in charge they just don’t have the numbers to do much. Plus there’s a lot of backlash against the Jedi themselves from the Senate, the general public, and the CIS. They lose even more autonomy and a number of worlds ban them from any interference at all.
Thus the Jedi retreat to their Temple and do their best to recover from the war. So very many of them died and more are permanently traumatized. Adjusting back to a “civilian” life is hard on everyone, but especially on the padawans who’ve never known anything but war.
Yoda steps down from the High Council and disappears, seeking to rebalance himself.
Anakin leaves immediately after the cease fire is official. He’s one of the Order’s most vocal detractors and the twisted tale he spins of emotional manipulation, impossible standards, and brainwashing does more damage than Palpatine could have dreamed. The fact that his wife leaves him not long after and takes their children with her makes him an even more tragic figure in the eyes of the public. He may even find himself elected to office.
The decline of the Jedi Order continues. They’re fading into obscurity when the Clone Rebellion reminds the galaxy that they exist. The Senate calls upon them to take up arms once more and defend the Republic from this new threat. The Jedi refuse, ignoring public condemnation and the accusations of cowardice, collusion with the enemy, and malicious intent towards the government. Their right to exist as an organized religion is rescinded and they’re ordered to comply or leave.
They leave. Or go into hiding. A few do join up to fight the clones, mostly the ones who never actually fought with them or who were so damaged by the war they don’t care who they’re aimed at as long as they can fight. Some of them head to the older Temples, seeking to rebuild somewhere beyond the Republic’s reach. Many find ways to help the clones in their rebellion, either joining the fight as advisors or bolstering the Underground to help those who wish to escape.
Not everyone hates the Jedi or has a misinformed understanding of their purpose. Padmè shows up at one of the smaller temples, seeking admission for her children and protection from her ex, who has continued to pursue them from one end of the galaxy to the other. All three are given a safe place to live and grow. The twins learn the ways of the Force alongside others, many of them orphaned by the war or rescued from conditioning camps Palpatine implemented before his demise.
Rules vary from Temple to Temple. Some allow families to live with the students if they wish while others impose a 1-5 year ban on visitations so the students can concentrate on the basics. Education is more varied, with some preparing their students to rejoin the galaxy at large rather than following the path of a Jedi. Help is given to all who need it, although there are a few scattered groups who cut themselves off from everything in order to focus on their own continued healing.
Obi-Wan splits his time between helping the clones and teaching classes at the Temple where Padmè lives (she chose that one because of him).
Ahsoka is at the forefront of the clone rebellion and maintains a fractious relationship with her former Master. She still loves him, but when he speaks out against the rebellion she isn’t the only one left feeling betrayed.
Eh. I just think it’s interesting to veer off from the happily ever afters. The Jedi have fuckloads of trauma and a juggernaut of bad PR that continues to steamroll after Palpatine’s demise. The war doesn’t end instantaneously because wars never do. The clones definitely aren’t going to get rights overnight, either. And Anakin is so steeped in anger and arrogance that even without falling I can’t see him becoming a good father. He’d run hot and cold with them and that’s hella dangerous.
Anyway, fun little experiment. I added some flexibility to the “rules,” but TBH I think the original ones are just fine. The problem is that we’re viewing them through the incredibly skewed and self-centered lens of Anakin Skywalker. ;)
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2021 Reading Challenge:
Star Wars the High Republic: Into the Dark by Claudia Gray
My thoughts below…
Okay, I rounded up to 4 stars on Goodreads since they don’t let you do half stars and this book is definitely more interesting than some other books I’ve rated at 3 stars. The big problem here is that a majority of this book is a slog to read. There is an interesting story in here, and a few likable characters, but at the same time the story dragged a lot of the time, and I just never cared about the majority of the people we were introduced to.
You may be thinking, “But Light of the Jedi had a ton of characters!” and you would be right, but that book didn’t really set any of them up to be the main protagonist. It was much more broad in its storytelling as different people were reacting to different things. The action in this book is only divided between two main focuses: a group consisting of Jedi and civilian pilots, and a flashback to an event 25 years ago that’s supposed to give us insight into two of our Jedi characters.
Our Jedi Characters: Padawan Reath Silas, the human male apprentice of Togruta Master Jora Malli; the newly self-declared Wayseeker, the white-skinned female Umbaran Orla Jareni; human male Cohmac Vitus, a folklorist; and finally Jora Malli’s former apprentice, human male Jedi Knight Dez Rydan. Our pilots: Affie Hollow, a young female human, the co-pilot of The Vessel and foster daughter of the Byne Guild leader, Scover; Leox Gyasi, human male pilot; and Geode, the ship’s navigator...and a rock.
I was really uninterested in the flashback chapters and found them very boring. Spoilers... Orla and Comach are padawans at the time. They are on their way to resolve a hostage crisis, two rulers from two different planets were kidnapped. Comach’s master gets killed in a crash. Orla hesitates to follow her instincts because she believes they go against the Jedi’s teachings and one of the hostages ends up dying. So we are lead to believe this event pretty much traumatized Orla and Comach 25 years ago. The book takes forever to actually tell this small story, making it really difficult for me feel any tension with such dragged out action. It is difficult for me to believe the impact this event had as well, since Jedi seem to frequently teach the benefits of following your instinct and trusting in the Force. Why is Orla under the impression that this is wrong? It makes no sense. Comach on the other hand, is struggling with intense anger over the fact that he’s not allowed to mourn his master...but like...no one told him he can't? It feels like this is a self made problem. He keeps telling himself that the Jedi are wrong for not allowing him to feel anything over losing someone he was close too, but they never tell him he can't...in fact, with the way they handle Reath later in the book, I’d say they’re very supportive dealing with loss! So this whole part of the book was weird.

To me the best characters were Reath and Affie. Dez was hardly even in the book, so I really don’t have much to say on him. That seems to be a problem with every character besides Reath and Affie. No one else was developed enough, or just not interesting. Reath didn’t want to leave Coruscant because he prefers reading all day in the archives instead of going to the “backwaters” of the outer rim. He has the most character development, and this book is really his story.
“Adventure is usually a euphemism for going somewhere with lots of bugs.”

Affie’s story is more interesting than Orla and Comach’s backstory, but still a little under developed. She was orphaned at a relatively young age, and was taken in by the leader of the Guild her parents’ worked for. She finds out while exploring the abandoned space station they’re stuck on, that the Guild uses this place for some secret and nefarious purpose. She finds out the Guild uses indentured servants, that her parents were indentured, and this is likely where they died. The Guild would “reward” indentured workers by knocking off a few years of their service for doing dangerous jobs, but I never really understood what the Guild was doing at this station. The place was overrun with plants, and presumably the Guild did not use the hyperspace pods that made the station valuable to the Drengir and Nihil, so I suppose it was only for tech that was stored in the station? I’m unclear on it. In the end, she exposes her foster mother and gets her arrested. Despite not liking the side-story so much, Affie was an interesting character and I wouldn’t mind seeing her show up again in the future. I guess Leox is okay too.

The villains of the piece:
The first part of the story takes place right after the Legacy Run disaster. Our Vessel crew have to jump out of hyperspace and take refuge in an abandoned space station. They send a message to all other ships in the area to meet there as well, hoping they can work together to survive for a while. Well they don’t get a long great, but not much time is spent on the conflict. We get over-protective killer pruning droids and creepy statues, but not much else during this first time in the station. Among the refugees are an old man and his ward, Nan. Nan acts flirty with Reath, but not much happens between them. The older Jedi think the statues are evil, so they plan to take them back with them to the Temple. Dez appeared to die in an accident while exploring the lower levels of the station. They get word that it’s safe to come home and they leave. Then they realize they need to go back. And they do lol. I just don’t think the way the story was broken up was really the most effective way to tell this story. The statues were actually keeping evil sentient meat-eating plants dormant, so by removing them, the Jedi inadvertently woke them up! Nan turned out to be Nihil, a connection Reath makes when seeing pictures of their distinctive ships. Nan had summoned her Cloud to the station. Dez is alive, a prisoner of the killer plants, and discovered after Reath gets transported through some funky hyperspace magic to the plant folks’ home world. Orla uses the Drengir to distract the Nihil. Reath ends up saving Dez, and ejecting all their enemies into space. That’s about it. Nan gets away.
So yeah, the story wasn’t great. I liked Reath though, but don’t know how i feel about him being apprenticed to Comach now that Jora Malli is dead. I really appreciated the way the Council dealt with him after his loss though. They made it very clear that whatever happened next to him would be entirely his choice and on his own time. They were very supportive. This is supposed to be Jedi at their best, so I hope that’s really reflected in future stories. I worried a bit after the mess of Orla and Comach’s backstory.
When this book was described as having people stuck on an abandoned space station with a weird monster, I was really hoping it was going to be more creepy, and my expectations were completely unmet. I really struggled to keep my attention on what I was reading.
Nitpicks: I have always said that if the Jedi are so set on preserving life then maybe their weapon of choice should not be a lightsaber, but a blaster that only stuns! It’s such a silly part of Star Wars, but it’s even funnier here because it actually came up multiple times in this book that a blaster would be more efficient.
Too many humans.
The narrator for the audiobook made Nan sound like Stitch from Disney’s Lilo and Stitch, which made even the slightest hint at a flirtation between her and Reath laughable in the extreme.
Claudia Gray seems to like putting in a lot more sex and drugs in Star Wars than I would personally like. Even underage drinking found its way into this story. The part I really hated, however, was the super gross rapey scene with a pirate who was trying to kidnap Nan. “Good market out there for little girls” is one of the grossest things I’ve ever read. I know the universe can be a dark place, but I just really do not want sex slavery in my Star Wars. Even in space fantasy women can’t just be.
Reath did a heck of a lot during this book, to the point where I was surprised he wasn’t Knighted at the end. I’ll just say he did a heck of a lot more impressive things than we’ve seen Vernestra do. Ugh lol. Yes, I am still bitter about A Test of Courage. Vern is 15 or 16, and this book refers to Affie (19, I believe) as a child. Vern is a child! She should not have a padawan!
More continuity errors! High Republic seems to have a lot of these, unfortunately. Lightsaber blade color differences and straight up gender differences between this book and Light of the Jedi. There’s more too, you can read them on Wookieepedia. (x)
Things I liked:
Wookie baby. Sentient rock.
#star wars#star wars books#book thoughts#high republic#2021 reading challenge#books#into the dark#star wars high republic#star wars reads#the high republic#star wars the high republic#my book thoughts#reading challenge#thedroidsyouwerelookingfor reads
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An Impulsive Purchase
Title: An Impulsive Purchase Ship: Of Kindness and Evil [Xena/Darth Maul - OC/Self Insert X Canon] Rating: T
Summary: Xena is an indentured servant, paying her way out of her boss’ shop by working as hard as she can. When a mysterious stranger comes in looking for information, only to find her instead, his offer to pay off the rest of her remaining debt is more than surprising. What’s even more surprising than that, though? The reason why he did it.
A/N: Wrote a little fic about how Darth Maul and I first met and how he recruited me onto his ship! I couldn’t resist writing for myself a little between commissions ;w;
Tatooine’s sands were endless, but that was not something Xena wasn’t used to. She bore it as well as any native of the planet might do, with an occasional wince to her face as sand dug itself into her vision and comfort in the heat that burned her sweat-laden skin as she moved box after box of heavy supplies from her bosses shop onto a cargo-freight pulled along by droids who looked nearly bored in their impatience for her to finish up. She ignored them, too, for the most part, focusing instead on making sure that the cargo was not damaged in any way as it landed on the freight, less the price of each piece come in years until she was free from him.
Indentured servitude wasn’t the way she had wanted to settle into Tatooine, but it was the only way she could escape her native home and the war that ravaged it. The Clone War had devastated a number of planets and, she remembered back with bitter annoyance, the Republic was only so keen on helping those with little to no profit within the Galactic Trade Federation. So, stealing off on a cargo ship, her Boss had simply offered her a ride for a few years of helping him manage goods and wares on other planets. The deal was nice at first, and he treated her with respect. Not as a slave but as a co-worker pushing away a debt. There was, at least, some dignity in it.
“That’s the last box,” The man’s gruff voice echoed behind her as he pat the cargo with a caring gesture to it, “They’ll be going to take it off planet, I believe.”
Xena only nodded, her longing hidden behind a small wave of regret as she watched the cargo slowly fade into the distance of the setting sun. She had grown stir crazy too fast on this planet. On this little shop selling nothing but smuggled goods and secrets for those willing to pay the price for them. Her Boss wasn’t a cruel man, well, not a cruel man on the planet’s standards, but he had a set of demands that were required to be followed. Sometimes she was a scapegoat for work and money more than she was an actual worker in itself...
A sharp nudge on her side made Xena groan and wince, glaring up only slightly at the man to her side, who ruffled her short hair with a frown.
“New customers coming in, little one, focus.”
“Yes, Sir.” She responded with an automatic huff before focusing on the sight of those walking towards their shop. Her breath caught in her throat as she stared forward.
The man walking between two other guards was sharp looking in all senses of the words. The thick black coats he wore billowed in the sandy winds of the desert and echoed in their flapping. It hid most of his body well, but the vague remnants of light that did shine on his available face made the shadows of its hood cast further across him. The hints of crimson and black shone across his skin, horns poking slightly from the top of the hood as he moved forward. The billowing of his cape revealed a thin tube at his side. A tube that even she knew what the sight of meant.
Her Boss knew too. A slap to her back made her push forward towards the door of their shop.
“Go and set up in the shop, girl.” He hissed with a demanding tone in her direction. Xena scrambled into the cooler interior of the shop, organizing things here and there, though not really sure of what he wanted her quite to do. So she stood behind the counter and twiddled her thumbs, ears straining as voices grew closer and closer, her Boss’s above the rest as he talked about one thing or another to the new arrival with a nervous cadence about his tone. He was scared. She could feel it warp in her chest like a strong empathy and she swallowed at it, trying not to allow it to consume her.
“The information you want is rare,” Her Boss’ words were sharp as he added, “The more rare the information, as I’m sure you know, the more expensive it is.”
The man had little words to this, his quip simple as he spoke in his dark, heavy cadenced growl:
“My master is willing to pay whatever is necessary to acquire it. Your price is no hassle.”
“Good, good,” He hummed with a smirk, gesturing to Xena after a moment, “My servant here keeps up to date on all going ons around Tatooine. I’m sure what you ask of her she will know.”
She tried to smile, but it faltered when the man looked at her.
His amber eyes were intense. More intense than she had ever seen in her life. Deep and terrifying, she felt something crawl out of him. An energy that touched at her and prodded with angry curiosity. Yes, she read in surprise, it was anger. Anger and a restlessness that filled her stomach and bit at her insides as their eyes continued to lock. What did he want to know, she wondered? What did he see in her that they kept staring like this? Oh god, she realized with horror, had she been the one staring this whole time? Was she the rude on here?
The stranger’s voice startled her as he drew closer, brow ridges furrowing as he gazed with something akin to frustration across his handsome face.
“Y-Yes, Sir,” She murmured out after being addressed, “I... I know most of the going abouts here... Anything you ask I will likely-”
She quieted as he drew closer, squinting further at her and the feelings around his aura grew more and more intense with every second until they were a loud, screaming hum in her ears. Xena winced and bit her lip, trying to avoid his eye contact but she felt as though to pull away from that dangerous look would be a sin of some sort, so she remained compliant to the apparently silent interrogation.
“Sir,” Her Boss’ voice echoed above the screaming hum, “She’s an informant, not a whore. If you want to fuck her with your eyes like that then I suggest you-”
With a whip of his hand, the stranger sent the other man flying back, crashing into a nearby wall where he kept him there by the throat, struggling to breath where the invisible power clung to his trachea.
“Your sensitivity to the Force is something to be admired,” The Stranger spoke slowly, “... and something that may be used.”
Xena bit her lip, unsure of what else to say as she gazed on at him. Her eyes flitted to behind him, where her Boss hung groveling in pain. Seeing her gaze, the stranger pulled away from the other man, allowing his body to crumple to the ground as he gasped for air. Turning away from her, the stranger approached her Boss with an intense look in his eyes. She was starting to feel that all of his looks were intense.
“I have no need for your information,” His voice was even as it was dark, making Xena shiver, “But there is someone else I would like to purchase.”
Someone else... The word was not lost as Xena inhaled sharply. Was this man really... ?
“My servant,” Her Boss gasped bitterly, “Is not for sale, Sir. Besides, she is indentured. She will be free once her full debt is paid off here.”
There was a snarl to his features as he turned to face Xen again, bright amber eyes staring into her. Slowly, surely, she realized a sound rang out in her head. A voice, similar to the man’s but distorted in some way. She chewed on her lip as it murmured words softly somewhere in her brain.
‘Come with me.’
She could only find a small will to think in return:
‘If I were free, I would.’
Suddenly the stranger pulled a satchel from his side, the coin falling to the floor in front of her boss with a low clatter as he growled, “Will this cover it?”
She wasn’t even sure her boss counted before he agreed a little too eagerly.
And that was how Xena found herself being pulled away from her once home, turned prison and turned past residence. How she found herself trailing behind the Dathomirian Sith Lord known as Darth Maul. She said nothing as she followed him through the darkened sands of Tatooine, nor did he. They were silent until they reached his ship.
Upon entering it, Xena stopped her jaw from dropping. Stopped her eyes from wandering with too much awe as she pet at the smooth metal surfaces around her. A real ship. One she hadn’t ever been in before. The reality of her decision settled into her chest as the door closed behind her and the being before her stood, intimidating and taller than her, to look down with apprehension at her shrinking form.
She licked her lips, knowing she was free but still scared to speak outright.
“Speak,” He demanded, as though her mind was clearly being read. Xena exhaled.
“I appreciate your assistance in my debt,” She spoke finally, “But I’m still wondering why you would buy a random servant girl from a slum in Tatooine without even receiving the information you were bartering for in the first place.”
He said nothing for a long time, and it prompted her her next question:
“I don’t even know your name.”
Fingertips gripped at his hood and Xena inhaled. She watched as it fell away, rivulets of silken material balling at the base of his neck to reveal the intricate tattoos against red flesh that littered his entire face. The horns (there were more than one, she could see now) stood proud. Like a crown around his mind. It only made his gaze more intense as she looked him over, fascinated and curious and oh-so interested. He was... handsome, certainly. But her question still wasn’t answered, not even as he turned away from her and began setting up the cockpit in his ship for take off.
“You’re a Jedi, aren’t you?” She asked curiously. A mistake, it seemed.
He sneered from his seat and looked on at her, glaring sharply and making her flinch away from the look before he spoke with a spite in his tone the likes of which she had only heard in the most hated of enemies:
“No, little one, I am no Jedi.”
“Then what are you?”
“Darth Maul,” He spoke curtly, “is what I am called. As for you... You feel it, don’t you? The hum of the Force around you. Its substance reaching out to you. Touching at your core and burning at your fingers...”
Xena swallowed as she didn’t answer. He knew what her answer was. What she recalled as the memories of their voices echoing without words sounded in the distance.
“Someone as Force Sensitive as you should not be ignored,” He continued, “and, with training, I can help you to use it. Help you to understand the power you weild.”
It was all so much. All too much, almost. Xena’s head spun as she took it in. A Force user? Like the Jedi? Like the Sith? The man before her was clearly not on the Republic’s side, that was for certain, but did that matter? What had the Republic done for her? Not as much as he did, paying her out of her debt and taking her away from a planet of danger...
Slowly, she smiled. Excitement built and curiosity welled eagerly as she tightened her grip on her arms.
“I... I’m Xena,” She spoke softly, “Is there anything i should call you in particular, Darth Maul?”
“... Refer to me as Master from now on, little one.”
“Yes, Master.”
And it was the beginning, she knew, of something wonderful.
#of kindness and evil#self ship#selfship#self shipping#oc/canon#oc x canon#star wars#darth maul#its shitty but i lOVE IT
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aifsaath replied to your photoset: Master and Apprentice | by Claudia Gray I DON’T...
Qui-Gon is a good man strangled by his own hubris. And on the issue of leeroy jenkinsing the slave situation: you do realize they’re essentially hostages. The moment anyone comes with the force at the slavers, it’s *slaves* who’re going to pay the price.
Qui-Gon is absolutely a good person, a moral person, who is getting strangled by idealizing his own ideals! And there’s a few further inconvenient truths about the situation: Qui-Gon’s half-assed call to leeyroy jenkins it wouldn’t necessarily work, we know it doesn’t, because we’ve seen it in Star Wars already. We’ve seen it in Claudia Gray’s books already! The Rebellion overthrows the Empire and sets up the New Republic (which was after they tried to better the system and had hit the moral event horizon for the whole thing), the most leeroy jenkins thing they could do. And there’s still slavery. Leia walks right past an “indentured servant” in Bloodline and barely blinks, because the system hasn’t been changed and the public’s opinion hasn’t been changed. Not only are you right that the slaves are the ones who would pay the price in any faction coming at them in force (and would only be replaced, because it’s not actually solving the problem), not only does Qui-Gon ignore the reality of the numbers of the galaxy (the Jedi are 1 in something like 7 to 20 billion, no matter how good a Jedi is, there’s no way they can each stand up to a billion’s worth of people, they would absolutely get their asses kicked, along with they would lose any and all legal authority to help anyone else, they’d have to go rogue and given that we see the galaxy is willing to stand by and let their Temple burn and their children be murdered, I’m pretty sure everyone’s willing to turn on the Space X-Men on a dime)--but none of it would actually work. You have to change the system of oppression itself and you have to change the public masses, from top to bottom, you have to make it so that slavery isn’t tolerated by the majority of people, because otherwise it will just come back again and again and again. And Bloodline shows us that already. dotsandfoxes said:
I love your metas so much and this is a really smart take. A minor thing that really threw me was that Qui-Gon discovered the perpetuity clause in the treaty at the 11th hour. Like, seriously, no one else read it that closely? Or was versed in Pijali legal terminology? Where are the experts here, or is Qui-Gon supposed to be an expert in gov and law and trade policy in addition to being a space!Jesuit with a laser sword?
I think the book is on your side with this! It’s mentioned that, yeah, no one else read it that closely, that Rael Averross was supposed to have read it that closely, but he became so attached to Princess Fanry that everything he was doing was only for her benefit and he was losing sight of the rest of Pijal. I think they were all trusting him to give them a heads up if he needed help--which he does when it comes to the Opposition, but not when it comes to having actually paid attention to the treaty and how it wouldn’t benefit anyone but Fanry. Further complicating it was that nobody off-planet realized the power of the perpetuity clause, because it was cloaked in local metaphor that only people on Pijal would get, someone reading it on Coruscant would have no idea that it was a permanent clause instead of just fancy language, that they trusted the locals would advise them on any tricky stuff like this. But everyone on Pijal is just sort of sticking their head in the sand about the truth of it, is tunnel-visioned about it, or possibly in on it/wants Czerka to have permanent rights.
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The Many Names of Peace (pt.3/?): Communication
Child murder (discussed).
Rape/Sexual assault (discussed)
Slavery and sistemic oppresion (discussed)
Human/Sapient rights violations (discussed)
Ruusan Reformation (derogatory) (discussed in detail)
The mission was nothing complicated, just a standard corporate dispute. However, the intel didn't say a word about the pirate blockade on the orbit of Quarzite, not a single sound about how both corporations were using slave labor, or about the genocide going on on the planet.
Because the mission wasn't about those things. It doesn't matter that both corporations were using child slaves right in front of their noses, or that the planet belongs to the people the belugans are subjugating, oppressing, killing and enslaving.
The ade, Terith observes with concern, are terrified of them and the Jet'verde. One of them, a girl of near-human species, is clinging ont the Jet'ad for dear life and watching the adults surrounding them with mistrust. Terith's heart breaks a little.
"Agisti, Kenobi" the kage Jedi greets the Padawan-brother of her Shadow-brother. "It seems you found trouble again."
Kenobi sighs, looking a strange mixture of proud and exasperated. "It was all my Padawan this time, Jexha…"
Zahara smiles, a little amused. "Valehnan Jexha Zahara."
The Jetii approaches the scared ade, and kneels in front of them in order to put herself on the same level. She whispers something in a language Terith doesn't understand, but some of the ade seem to. The little girl clinging to the Jetii'ad relaxes once she hears the language, and calmly lets go of the boy's arm. Then, she turns to the other kids.
"She's a Warrior, she's Kin" the little girl says, switching into Basic, "and a Jidai. She doesn't mean us any harm."
The Jetii'ad looks surprised and confused, and a few other emotions that cross his face too quickly to be identified. However, the children immediately relax at hearing the girl's words. Apparently, whatever Heliost said was enough to make herself trustworthy.
Zahara smiles softly. "Don't worry. None of the people here will hurt you" she promises, and the look she gives Terith makes the clear threat of or else. "Do you have homes to return to? Kin?"
The children and Zahara switch to Kage again, and she manages to gather information about some of the children. She turns to the others.
"Most of these younglings are kages from Quarzite" she says in Basic, to make sure nearly everyone understands what she's saying. They'll be discussing these younglings' future, the least they can do is make sure the younglings understand them. "They are all from different Caves —homes, families—, and… some of them don't exist anymore. We have to make sure they all have places to stay in."
Then, she swallowed. "Others were stolen from families and homes in the Outer Rim, or bought from the Hutts. The others were taken too young to remember where they come from."
Anakin flinches slightly. He hopes nobody notices, but they all seem to be busy discussing what to do with the child- younglings.
They finish returning the kage ade to their homes and aliit a full standard day later. Now, the only thing left to do is return the remaining ade to their people or, in case they can't, find them a new home.
There is a tense silence in the subtram back to their ship. The recently freed younglings are wary of the three Jedi and the Mandalorian, even after Anakin freed them, and Zahara and Obi-Wan are obviously uncomfortable with a Mandalorian so close. Jedi and Mandalorian animosity runs deep.
The little kage girl that spoke to Zahara is roughly four standard, but turns five —according to her— in a few months. She's Force-sensitive, judging by her question of why Terith doesn't have "colors".
Zahara swallows a relieved sigh, but her shoulders still relax. Anakin hates it, how nobody cares about slaves unless they are Force-sensitive, how the Jedi do nothing about the planets in the Outer Rim or even the Couruscant underwold. So much for compassion.
There is tense silence as Obi-Wan, Boma and the Mandalorian sit around the table on Terith's ship, drinking slowly from their cups of tea. Hadia, the kage girl, has already drunk her whole cup, while Anakin's sits on the table untouched.
Is this what everyone does? Drinking tea instead of freeing slaves?
"How did you end up working with a Mandalorian, anyway? I thought, well, after…" Obi-Wan says, attempting diplomacy to break the uncomfortable silence.
"Not every Mando'ad is the same, even within the same faction" offers Terith. "Two verde, five opinions, as they say."
"It was you two, especifically" Zahara explains. "Terith despised the idea of a missing youngling, and I needed help to find you."
"Children are the future" adds Terith, sounding like they are quoting a sacred tenet of a creed they are part of. "If it helps… my clan will take care of any child we cannot bring back to their families."
Zahara clenches her jaw. "How wonderful for those you see as children."
The kage Jedi says it in a low mutter, but not low enough to avoid being heard by the Mandalorian.
"Look, you don't owe me the story of your pain" Terith tells her, having a silent conversation Anakin isn't privy to. "But Jaster's faction, the Haat'Mando'ade? We don't kill children. Nu draar, not ever. We are not Kyr'tsad."
Zahara sighs, but doesn't reply immediately. Instead, she turns to the younglings. "Anakin, Hadia, I'm about to explain something gross and disturbing to Terith, okay? I think you should leave. It's not a burden I want to put on you"
Hadia nods, and Anakin has to swallow the sharp retort that wants to come out of his lips. "Alright."
Hadia, still holding Anakin's hand, drags him out of the dinning room.
Whatever Knight Zahara said to the Mandalorian —Terith, they'd introduced themselves— was enough to make them feel disturbed. Anakin can feel their horror, even with their Force-presence muted through the armor.
"Mister Terith, are you okay?" Hadia asks.
The Mandalorian takes off their helmet and smiles, ruffling Halia's white hair gently. "I'm okay, just… learned something a bit upsetting. I'll deal with it."
Zahara and Obi-Wan come next. Obi-Wan squeezes Zahara's arm, and she smiles and squeezes his. They let each other go, and walk up to Anakin.
"Anakin" Obi-Wan begins, and swallows. "Can we speak alone for a moment?"
Anakin hesitates, not sure if he wants to deal with a lecture after the day he's had, but… Obi-Wan seems tired and worried, about him, and his chest tightens.
He hadn't wanted to worry Obi-Wan. He swallows the lump in his throat. "Yes, Master."
Zahara raises a brow at the form of adress, but doesn't say anything. Together, she and Obi-Wan lead Anakin into the dinning room of Terith's ship.
Anakin and Zahara sit down, as Obi-Wan pours his fellow Knight and himself a cup of tea. Anakin doesn't understand the Jedi's obsession with tea.
Zahara takes her cup to her lips immediately, while Obi-Wan leaves his on the table, waiting for his tea to cool down a little before drinking it.
There's a moment of uncomfortable silence, with none of the Knights knowing what to say and Anakin expecting the scolding to begin any time soon. Finally, Obi-Wan starts.
"What you did was very brave, Anakin" His Padawan flusters at the praise. "You did what was right even when it was hard, and I'm very proud of you."
Anakin's cheeks turn hot and red. He… hadn't been expecting the praise.
"But it was also reckless" Obi-Wan goes on. "There are many things that could have gone wrong, things you didn't consider."
Anakin feels anger rising. "I was trying to free the slaves!"
Knight Zahara sighs, suddenly looking exhausted. "Do or do not, Skywalker. There is no try." She leaves her cup of tea on the table.
"You're very lucky Hadia is Force-sensitive and under the age limit" Obi-Wan explains to his Padawan, with slowly dying calm. "You could get into great trouble if we don't thread carefully."
Anakin's anger explodes, and with it so does Zahara's cup of tea. The Valehnan barely shields herself and Obi-Wan in time to stop the hot water from burning them. "I was freeing slaves! I shouldn't need a justification for that! I don't need to tell the Council what I'm doing every second of my time so they can argue about everything and waste my time!"
Zahara picks up the broken teacup, using the Force to avoid cutting herself, and throws it into the trashcan. She's projecting calm into her expression, but the kage doesn't manage to hide her frustration in the Force.
"There is no could, there is no should, only what you must do." The kage Jedi says, words of wisdom beyond Anakin's reach flowing through the air and the Force. "You're right, you shouldn't need permission to do the right thing and free slaves. But we don't live in an ideal galaxy, and right now you do need authorization to fight slavery."
"Jedi must follow our mandates, Anakin" Obi-Wan tells him honestly. "We can't act however we wish, even if it's right."
"You sound like we are slaves at the orders of the Council! Jedi are free, we should-!"
Zahara grabs another cup and pours herself some tea. While she does that, she cuts Anakin off. "We are not, Skywalker."
Anakin's anger quickly turns to confusion. "What do you mean…?"
Obi-Wan sighs tiredly. "What do you know about the Ruusan Reformation, Anakin?"
Anakin blinks at the sudden change in subject.
"It's a peace treaty signed after the last Jedi-Sith Wars."
"In theory" Zahara allows. "In practice, it's… something else."
The kage Jedi and Obi-Wan exchange a glance. Then, all emotion disappears from their faces, but their Force signatures grow… louder.
"At the end of the New Sith Wars, a thousand years ago, the public view of the Jedi had shifted." Obi-Wan explains slowly, carefully. "Most of the galaxy doesn't understand the difference between a Jedi and a Sith, and coming from a centuries long war that caused a technological regression we are still recovering from…"
Anakin finishes his Master's sentence, sounding hesitant and almost hoping he's wrong. "People blamed the Jedi?"
Zahara sighs. "Yes. We were blamed for things we didn't do and for things we couldn't do even if we tried. That's why the Ruusan Reformation was written in the first place: to limit the power that Jedi could wield" The kage Jedi swallows the lump in her throat. "First thing they did was take away our power to participate in the political process, which means we cannot be representatives for any planet or system in any government, have representation in said governments, nor are we allowed to vote."
Anakin's face turns a shade paler. "But… isn't voting a right for all citizens of the Republic?"
"Yes" Zahara replies, and doesn't elaborate, lets Anakin reach his own conclusions. The Padawan doesn't like the conclusions he's reaching to.
"Next was… the demilitarization of the Order, right? I remember Quinlan talking about it" Obi-Wan adds.
Knight Zahara nods. "They took our armor, back-up and defenses, basically everything but our Lightsabers" She takes a sip of her tea. "This means that zabraks and kages, for example, cannot own their cultures' traditional weapons."
Anakin remembers an old male zabrak slave, who had always lamented the loss of his staff, and feels sick to his stomach.
"It gets worse" Zahara warns him.
"How…" Anakin swallows. "How does it get worse?"
"Jedi must follow their mandate, in theory to prevent abuse of power" Obi-Wan explains.
"In practice, it means the Senate can… request favors from us, and we are not allowed to refuse" Zahara tells him. Anakin's anger resurfaces.
"You mean they can use us as Blood Slaves, Pleasure Slaves and… they don't suffer consequences" Anakin says between gritted teeth.
Zahara, notably, doesn't deny it. "They also added other impositions, such as not allowing members of the Corps to carry Kaitahj or nevi padib being sent to the Corps if a jaieh hasn't chosen them once they turn their species equivalent of thirteen."
"Our ability to free slaves is one of those things they restricted" Obi-Wan adds mildly, but Anakin can feel the frustration underneath the calm surface prickling on his skin. "A Jedi cannot free slaves without prior Senate authorization… unless there is an enslaved Force-sensitive youngling, and the Jedi in question is a Finder."
"The youngling must also be taken into the Order" Zahara adds.
Anakin feels the weight of guilt and anger sink its claws into his stomach.
Jedi aren't free, he isn't free, and now he's condemned Hadia to the same fate.
"I wonder what it says about the galaxy that the Order is still the safest place for a Force-sensitive youngling to grow up in" Zahara mutters.
"Jedi can leave the Order and get the full rights of a citizen of the Republic" Obi-Wan adds softly.
Anakin feels anger curl up in his stomach, the familiar frustration that comes with powerlessness. That's not a choice, that's only cruel. Nobody should choose their culture, their traditions, their identity, or their freedom.
It's like the ghost of a choice he and his mother had in working in Watto's shop, the same choice Dancing Girls have in their outfits. Just an ilusion.
He remembers his mother's words, Elder Tena's soft explanation, what they had never managed to teach him because he didn't want to understand, because he'd been afraid of understanding.
There are a hundred ways to be a slave. Gold and jewels can still be chains.
Anakin's heart hurts. He wants… he wants to do something.
"Is there anything we can do?" Anakin asks, voice soft and timid.
Zahara nods and gives him a quick smile. "Yes, I have a plan" She drinks her tea, and adds: "I'm registered as a Finder, and Hadia is four standard, which is within the age range imposed by the Senate. We can simply say that I was on planet and Hadia was enslaved there, so after she was freed I took her to the Order."
"It's the truth." Obi-Wan replies, face in a cold mask but with amusement and defiance coloring his Force signature.
"From a certain point of view" Anakin is certain that Zahara takes her teacup to her mouth to hide her smirk.
Anakin is familiar with these games, these half-truths and careful lies told in order to hide dissent, the keeping of secrets done to get whatever smidge of freedom one could get. He knows the Tongue of Slaves intimately, even if he's never been good at it. Perhaps it's time to start learning another language.
His life dream of freeing all the slaves hasn't changed. It only has one more step. He and the Jedi will break their chains, and together they will free the slaves from the Outer Rim.
No chain or cage can hold a Sky Walker forever.
Dai Bendu
Agisti — hello, hi, a greeting between equals
Jexha — Jedi Knight, title.
Valehnan — Jedi Shadow. Lit "Master of physical darkness" Zahara is introducing herself as a Shadow who has completed her training.
Xari — Darkness, Dark Side of the Force. Although in this context Zahara doesn't mean it literally.
Imkai'ans — murderers without sense or cause, people who kill without good reason, for its own sake. The worst thing you can call someone in Dai Bendu (it's very accurate for Death Watch and the Finder-slayer though)
Enishee — crechemate
Kaitahj — Lightsaber(s)
Nevi padib — the Initiates
Ad(e) — child(ren)
Jet'verd(e) — Jedi Knight(s)
Jetii'ad — Jedi child, Padawan or Initiate
Buy'ce — helmet
Mando'ad(e) — Mandalorian(s)
Jetii — Jedi (singular)
Aliit — family, clan
Verd — warrior
Haat'Mando'ade — True Mandalorians, followers of the Super Commando Codex and the Rewritten Canons who recognized Jaster Mereel and later Jango Fett as the rightful rulers of Mandalore
Kyr'stad — Death Watch. Lit "dead society"
Nu draar — a very strong no, not on your life, absolutely not, not ever, rather cut my eye out with a fork than do that. Lit "not never", since Mando'a uses double negative for emphasis
Jetiise — Jedi (plural)
Mandokar — epitome of Mandalorian virtue: courage, tenacity, loyalty and lust for life. Although in this case they're praising Zahara's guts
Shig — spicy Mandalorian drink similar to tea
Demagolka — someone who commits atrocities, war criminal, someone who hurts children, a real life monster. From the scientist from the time of the Old Republic, Demagol, known for his experiments on children, a figure of hate and dread in Mandalorian culture
Mand'alor — leader of the Mandalorians
Kage Language
Jidai — Jedi
"The mission wasn't about those things". Jedi cannot act without explicit Senate authorization, in theory to prevent abuse of power. In practice to keep them on a leash.
The belugan corporations were using enslaved kages as employees because that way they don't have to pay salaries. Anakin Anakined the whole thing and decided to free the slaves. He freed most of them, mainly the children, but others were killed.
Zahara doesn't have a last name because Kage Warriors don't do surnames the same way we do. They mean something, such as a vocation or an experience you went through, and Zahara hasn't decided upon one yet.
Baby Anakin is suffering from severe imposter syndrome and is trying to make himself fit into the Order. He's hiding his Tatooine accent, he doesn't tell anybody about the culture he was born in and tries to immitate the Jedi he meets. What he hasn't realized yet (partially because of internalized biases, partially because of Palpatine) is that the Jedi want him to keep his culture and traditions, that many Jedi have accents from nearly every planet and that they don't know he was a slave.
The atmosphere of Quarzite's surface is Type IV, which is incompatible with any form of life (save for perhaps some kinds of bacteria). However, its caves are deep and, just like some caves in real life, have their own atmosphere, where sapient life is possible. Most ships are not equipped to the pressure, winds or storms of the Quarzite atmosphere, so people have to take subtrams to travel from one breathable space to another.
Jedi are a culture that drinks tea often, since many of them tend to find the flavors and/or textures soothing. Anakin doesn't know this, but Zahara and Obi-Wan made different teas with different flavors for everybody, because they have different tastes. Terith, on the other hand, is drinking shig (a spicy Mandalorian drink).
Anakin is still a baby and doesn't understand that freeing slaves is not something that can be done just like that. It requires careful planning, money, manpower and resources that the Jedi don't have. The restrictions of the Ruusan Reformation don't help, either.
If you've realized, Terith uses a lot of Mando'a words, even when they know Zahara doesn't speak Mando'a and neither does (as far as they're aware of) Obi-Wan. However, Zahara and Obi-Wan do not speak Dai Bendu in their presence save for a couple words, and they are speaking to each other, not to Terith. This is because Terith, like most Mandalorians, is not used to people not speaking the same language, Basic is their second language, and they're not fully fluent yet. However, Zahara and Obi-Wan are well trained diplomats who have dealt with people who didn't speak Basic, people who didn't want to speak Basic, people who couldn't speak Basic and are used to switching languages when necessary.
Terith doesn't know what enishee means. However, they can guess that it's either sibling, friend or the name of weird Jedi relationships like Padawan. But they can understand thanks to context. Basic sucks.
Jaster is still alive because I said so. He's a massive nerd too because I love that characterization for him.
My intention with this fic is, aside from spiting the Jedi-hate and Mando-worship of the fandom, adressing the horrible history Mandalorians have with Jedi. Despite this, I'm intending to be kind to most Mandalorians that show up on screen. Terith is a decent person that's horrified by everything they're learning (spoiler alert: it's bad) and I intend to give the same kindness to many other Mandalorian characters because, in the end, I believe most people are good (or at least not evil) and many Mandalorians would want to fix things and make amends however possible (giving braids and Lightsabers back, giving those who murdered children to justice, etc).
"A bit upsetting" AKA it's really bad and I'm barely holding on, but I don't want to worry you.
Most Jedi only call their Masters that word in Basic when there are people they don't want to find out about Dai Bendu (politicians, mainly) or when they're upset. Hence Zahara's reaction.
In case anyone's curious, Quarzite is an Inner Rim planet and as such is connected to Couruscant by a public transport network, despite its proximity to Mandalorian space (in this fic, I did artistic lisense on the GFFA map). Zahara didn't want to draw attention to herself while searching for Anakin, and it's standard procedure for Shadows to hide their Jedi status whenever a Jedi goes missing, because it's assumed there was a Jedi hunter involved until proven otherwise. However, now that she's found Anakin, Obi-Wan and the half a dozen or so slave children that tagged along, she's not willing to go by public transport and draw attention to the children they're smuggling out of the planet.
"There is no could, there is no should, only what you must do." A kage saying. What's done is done, it is what it is, and you must do your duty regardless. In this context, she's telling Anakin that it's useless to dwell on what should be happening, because it's, by definition, not happening. There are things that should be but aren't, and Jedi must act according to the present, not the past, possible future or alternate reality.
"Blood Slaves" Slaves whose masters use them as assassins, the very common fate of Force-sensitive slaves.
Elders are, in my version of Tatooine slave culture, slaves who have survived hardships and passed trials, for a lack of better word, and are revered by other slaves for their wisdom. Their role is similar to that of a Jedi Master (because the role of wise mentor is present in many cultures, and not all slaves have parents or guardians), but not quite the same. Anakin will, like many other Jedi, learn to balance his birth culture with the life of a Jedi.
"There are a hundred ways to be a slave." Saying in Hutt Space, where slaves make up over half the population. Not all slavery looks the same, some kinds are worse than others, but all in all it's the same shitty situation. The second part of the idiom, "gold and jewels can still be chains", means that even the people that look the most privileged can still be enslaved to something. Jedi live in a pretty Temple, but that doesn't mean they are free or the elite. In fact, as Anakin realizes, they are the complete opposite.
"Tongue of Slaves" AKA lying, misleading, deceiving, flattering and keeping secrets from slaveowners.
"Sky Walkers" is what the slaves from Hutt Space call themselves. It's a reference to a long extinct red bird species native to Tatooine, wiped out when the Hutts took over. The saying "no chain or cage can hold a Sky Walker forever" is born out of a sentiment of hope and defiance, a way of telling themselves they will be free one day, even if what gives them freedom is death. It's used as a last name for slaves who don't have one.
I'm not very satisfied with this one, so if it suffers any surprise editions you know why.
#star wars#my fanfic stuff#the many names of peace au#anakin skywalker#obi wan kenobi#jedi oc#mandalorian oc#force sensitivity#original child characters#slavery#there are a hundred ways to be a slave#ruusan reformation#this is a pro jedi blog#jedi as indentured servants to the republic#pro jedi#mandalorians critical#not really but just to be safe#anakin skywalker friendly because he baby right now#and he still hasn't interacted much with Palpatine and doesn't think of him beyond “man who was nice to me”
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