#slander posts to come
lemurlord · 2 months
Gleaming 9.15
Well, well, well, Amelia Claire Lavere-Dallon...
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peoplesprincessgeorge · 8 months
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txt posts + f1 = true 3.0
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fridayyy-13th · 11 months
i swear sometimes i think people forget that Jon's s1 skeptic act was just that—an act. it was an act!!! he believes the statements!! he's believed them since episode one! do we so soon forget that he denied the statements were real because he knew the Eye something wanted him to be scared, and he knew that was bad, so he decided to act like the statements just didn't scare him? remember, he was working with extremely limited information ("when i record the tape statements, i feel watched, like something knows i'm afraid, and i don't want it to know that"), and came up with a genuinely solid solution with what he had! not his fault that the thing watching him was a literal unknowable eldritch entity that feeds on fear, and he was just some underqualified archivist.
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chilledstrawberrysoda · 5 months
Kevin Day isn't actually a coward, Neil and Andrew just have very different ideas of what it means to be brave. Kevin is a survivor. He spent most of his formative years walking a middle ground of being useful but not so much that he showed riko up. He had every reason to be afraid of riko. He was the only one that truly understood what riko was capable of aside from Jean. Neil and Andrew are fighters, they are all or nothing types, they don't understand how someone could walk a middle ground just for something that resembles safety when they fought so hard to not give in to threats until it threatened someone they care about and almost killed themselves in the process. Kevin didn't even know he was ALLOWED to fight back because that was never an option. Leaving the only life he's ever known was so much braver than anyone gives him credit for. It isn't until he has something to fight for and is given permission (not just by the moriyama's and Neil but by himself) to be his own person for the first time that he is able to defy his abusers.
It's not cowardly to do what you can to stay safe. Not everyone has Andrew and Neil's blatant disregard for their own personal safety. Being afraid of pain and death is perfectly reasonable.
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boygirlctommy · 2 months
i love the bit from oct 17 2020 when tommy and quackity trapped wilbur in a cobblestone box to keep him from pressing the button... wilbur punching through the blocks with his bare hand to try to get to the button... tommy frantically replacing the block in front of him yelling for quackity to do something... the moment when tommy stops, blocks the exit, and tells wilbur to do it. press the button. but then theyd die with him. quackitys like "wait, wait-" but tommy holds his ground and wilbur. ohh wilbur. "why'd you have to make it so hard?"
#my post#this is just me rambling sorry i love that stream ive watched it sososossoooo many times from all 3 povs#AND AFTER TOMMY AND QUACKITY LEAVE....#wilbur replaces the button. i just need to know that its there.#and he goes on and on about how hes such a showman. how he shouldve just pressed it when he was alone.#but he just NEEDED someone to see him he needed someone to bear witness. guh#shaking. shaking. shaking. tommy put so much trust in him in that moment. he looked at him and said i know you want to hurt yourself but yo#wouldnt hurt me. and is he right to believe that? is he? maybe back in lmanberg maybe back during 'your life is worth more than the#revolution' but in pogtopia?? during 'wilbur wanted to be treated poorly so he treated others poorly'? it was a gamble for sure#and i mean as time went on tommy realized that. that as much as he cared about wilbur he couldnt trust him all the way.#but either way. in that moment i think tommy was sure that wilbur wouldnt press it if he realized that tommyd be killed as well.#that even though at this point people were saying wilbur was crazy. that hed lost it. that even if he didnt get it he knew something was#different about wilbur now. in that moment he bet everything on if there was anything of his brother left he wouldnt hurt him.#fucking. collapses onto the floor#disclaimer if anyone actually reads this far im not trying to slander pogbur in 2024 by calling him crazy thats just how like. every single#other character saw him.#anyways thanks for coming to my ted talk
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bruciemilf · 11 months
"Comic books are the authentic form of canon and you should stay faithful to them," okay but like you realize that's limiting!! You realize that official content is put in front of you to be analyzed and criticized and adapted in your individual form of enjoyment, otherwise its just fucking boring, right? You realize it's extremely rare for official content to be enjoyable when it's written by someone who doesn't understand a character because they like them, but because they have to appeal to popular trends and what sells best, right? You realize you don't possess some superior leverage over others just because you stick to that only, right? Right?
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sassy-cass-16 · 2 months
ashton greymoore is a very interesting and deeply flawed and beloved character who is currently functioning with chronic pain, a point of exhaustion, and a charisma stat as low as grog strongjaw's intelligence. it makes perfect sense that they sound pretty fucked up right now. however.
i keep wondering what the fuck they want. they've been saying a lot of philosophical mush for the last little while without actually making a meaningful statement about their current goal. obviously they're not a fan of the gods and keep making vaguely disparaging statements about pretty much every deity, which is perfectly reasonable given the circumstances. but they haven't said anything about what their actual goal is right now. do they want to let predathos loose? probably not, considering he also isn't a fan of ludinus. do they want the gods to abandon exandria entirely? that seems like his best-case scenario, but that's not happening. they have to KNOW that's not happening.
but complaining directionlessly isn't going to get anything done. it's not forwarding a goal.
so what does ashton want?
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acedcoffee · 7 months
Not a meaningless crush: Ochako's crush on Izuku doesn't have much to do with Izuku at all
- Vague Manga Spoilers
Many people who watch My Hero Academia go through a similar process with Ochako Uraraka’s character: they think she’s the typical Female Lead That Could Be A Love Interest, then grow to like her when some of her motivations are revealed early in Season 1, and then get annoyed by her when the latter half of Season 2 – the Final Exam Arc – puts some focus on her crush on the main character, Izuku Midoriya.
While it seems like shallow and unnecessary fanservice, this crush of her serves an actual purpose in the plot and for her character, but not in the romantic sense. In fact, I'd argue that it doesn’t have much to do with Izuku at all.
Enter Himiko Toga. Here's a comment made by Horikoshi himself:
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There's a lot of similaties between them, but here we're going to focus on the crush and romance aspect, to see why Ochako's crush on Izuku was a way to establish her relationship with Toga.
Season 2: Final Exams
The first proper focus we have of Ochako’s crush on Izuku is during the second half of season 2 - first during her final exam, and later in the final episode at the shopping mall.
Toga is also properly introduced to us during these episodes, although we see a glimpses of her (and Dabi) earlier in the Season.
Season 3: The Training Camp
This is where it really starts, as Ochako and Toga meet for the first time.
Tsuyu is also at the scene, and Toga shows an interest in both of then, referring to both of them as “cute”,
But she focuses more on Ochako, saying something along the lines of her sensing that Ochako has a crush on someone, which of course, was shown to us in the earlier episodes.
Tsuyu doesn’t have a crush on anyone, and thus recieves a little less of Toga’s attention.
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A major point established about Toga’s character is that when she likes someone, she doesn’t only want to become like that person, but actually become that person.
As shown to us before, Ochako has a pretty high level of respect and admiration towards Izuku.
Toga notices this, and coupled with the crush, she assumes that Ochako also wants to be like Izuku “You want to be the same as the person you like, right?”
At this point, we’ve also learnt that Toga also has a crush on Izuku, and wants to become him.
So, it’s easy to understand that Toga thought Ochako would understand her in regards to this. [this is then confirmed in Chapter 289 and 348]
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A conversation: Chapter 342
Toga is a villain that has killed a lot of people, and has no qualms about bringing destruction to the city.
Ochako has fought her a couple times, but only as a hero vs. a villain.
Their conversations [chapter 289] consisted of Ochako saying things that was obvious to her with the way her life has been up until now.
In her conversation with Izuku in chapter 342, she mentions how she realizes now that Toga is just a person too, and that what’s obvious for her doesn’t apply to Toga.
Izuku mentions how he feels the same with Shigaraki and the cying child inside him.
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Chapter 394: Ochako vs. Toga
Yes, Ochako explicitely states that she fell in love in Izuku Midoriya.
No, that is not the point of the chapter.
The point is that her love and admiration made her want to be more like him, to see people’s hearts like he does. [re: chapter 342, Izuku trying to save Shigaraki’s heart]
As stated before, Ochako has realized that she hasn’t been trying to see Toga as more than a villain she had to defeat, and now she is reaching out, trying to save Toga’s heart even if it’s too late.
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Love and Smiles
“Smiling is why we live our lives”. - Dabi to Toga, Chapter 341
This has always been their thing.
Toga, who has been cast out of society due her “weird” and “creepy” quirk, and the way she shows her love,
Toga, who wants a place where she can exist just the way she is, loving who she loves, and smiling when she wants to
Ochako, whose parents always happily encouraged her and made time for her even when they were struggling with money and tired from work
Ochako, whose eyes were drawn to the smiling citizens when a hero saved someone and defeated a villain, and wanted to be the reason for those smiles
Also reminder that as much as they are made for each other they also exist as characters outside of that
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In conclusion,
People who think Ochako is nothing more than a heroine that has a crush on the main character are stupid and have no reading comprehension.
People who say that Ochako’s character “fell off” after the romance was introduced only care to see their bias about female leads proven right have no patience for the actual story.
Her crush is a way to establish her story with Toga.
[Edited to add the panel for ch.289]
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multi-fandom-bi · 1 month
Percabeth or Kanej?
... ok, so we're starting strong I see.
*screams into the void*
Ok, listen Percabeth was the very first fictional couple I truly fell in love with but.... I have to say Kanej
I'm sorry Percabeth nation, I love you, I really do but Kanej is just.... oensynevdksnahahend. It just changed the way I view love and also I feel like it's a smidge more interesting than Percabeth (this is not by any means Pecabeth slander). Also Kanej is just so unique in the fact that it's a relationship between two ppl who can't yet touch eachother and it's showing how ppl can love eachother in very unconventional ways.
And I read SoC relatively recently but I read PJO and HOO like years ago, so my SoC interest is way stronger than my PJO one rn and that kinda plays into my decision
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twiixr4kidz · 1 year
ticci toby headcanons!!!!
taking a break from asks to write for my favorite character of all time :3 i've been mega-fixated on him since i was like 9 that's fucking crazy (also slendermansion haters dni!!!! im a slendermansion TRUTHER)
he smells like dirt and cigarettes and irish spring bodywash
actually he probably eats dirt
and occasionally gravel
he'll go on like, 7 hour long walks and collects dead bugs in a plastic bag and (tries to) pin them
he's the type of guy to have a pet spider
literally lives in the same musty hoodie and only takes it off to wash it
his music taste is a combination of numetal and emo, and hollywood undead is his favorite band
he's very 2000s older brother aesthetic if you know what i mean
he has a lot of body mods because he 1. thinks they look cool and 2. can't feel the pain that it takes to get them
lots and lots of stick n pokes
he has his septum, a nostril, both eyebrows, dolphin bites, n his tongue pierced (he did them himself)
he's in the process of stretching his ears and his septum too :3 but not too big cuz it freaks him out
he's literally always chewing on something
obviously really good at axe-throwing
his go-to snack is a cherry pepsi, cool ranch doritos or pizza combos, and sour patch kids
the woods is his happy place
he loves messing with his appearance :3 he thinks of it as just getting to customize his character
he keeps his hair on the longish side but you can't really tell because it's curly
he likes to mess with it every now and then n change the style (which you can tell by the faded raccoon tails and blonde-ish ends of his hair)
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sbg-confessional · 5 months
when some of yall say “Logan haters” let’s cut out the middle man and say my bestie @b3achysurfur
Once you get past the layer of In-Your-Face Logan Hate ™️ and get to know her, she’s honestly really funny and sweet.
It’s ok to defend your favs, but let’s not pretend Logan is facing scrutiny. I think he’s a pretty decent character but as far as I can see, nobody else is really hating on him that hardly.
sorry idk if this counts as a confession I just wanted to set the record straight
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kiwinatorwaffles · 5 months
the hate towards amber in the invincible tv show is wild honestly because other than that one line (the one where she reveals she knew mark was a superhero) that was a slight fumble on the part of the show runners, she’s actually really excellent and excels at her narrative role compared to her comic counterpart who is just kind of there to be a placeholder date before mark gets with eve.
i admit that line was kinda poorly set up and could’ve been written better (like maybe her instead saying “ugh i expected it but that doesn’t excuse the way you treat me”) but like. Really? did that negate every single thing her character stood for prior to this point? how amber is actually really good for putting up with his bullshit for so long even after he flaked out on dinner with her parents? how she put mark in his place for thinking he could get away with neglecting his relationships just because he’s a hero? how it showed that he’s acting just like how nolan treats debbie? did One single line, said during a moment of anger and frustration, change all of that?
her character is a great parallel between mark and his dad in s1 and is even better in s2 at showing how mark physically can’t live a normal life no matter how much he wants to. like we know amber isn’t endgame and that’s what hurts a lot. they want to be normal college kids going through their awkward teen years together but i guess that one slightly weak line of dialogue made her character “terrible” and “ruin mark.” also even setting aside the myriad of… Other biases, a lot of people just seem to forget the fact that she’s a teenage girl sooooooooooo
(also i’m thinking about this one comment i saw on youtube where someone was like “i didn’t watch that scene initially so i didn’t understand the hate but after i watched it i hate her as well” and. seriously. are you being so serious right now.)
anyway i’m an amber defender to my death she’s amazing in the show and deserves nice things. if you are a video analyst who actually sees her as a normal character instead of calling her “the other woman” you immediately gain my respect
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chaoticentitled · 8 months
breaking news!! woman who watched a player become good at dnd over the years is shocked by the player being good at dnd. more at 10
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seaofreverie · 23 days
Sparkstember Day 12: In Outer Space (Cool Places)
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Oh boy, it's finally here!! Having been a Sparks fan for nearly a year by that point, I finally got to an album I just straight up don't like! I honestly forgot by then that this was even a possibility. But a world where I can enjoy everything in such a vast catalogue of a favourite band of mine would be too perfect. It would be pretty strange and unsettling even. Not to always make it about my other favourite band whenever I'm talking about the first, but with TMBG also I eventually got to that one studio album release that I just couldn't bring myself to like, no matter what. So I think I discovered a bit of a personal repeating pattern here.
Alright then. My verdict on this album, which already got a pretty mixed response from fans as far as I know, is that it's not very good, or at the very least, it's not for me. Even the songs I like here I mostly like in the sense of, well, this one I could listen to again outside of the album every once in a while, but they're nowhere near being an actual favourite (besides one song, or two, mayyyybe four if I'm feeling particularly generous).
So I think that my main problem here comes down to how the arrangements / instrumentals seem rather empty to me but not in a cool minimalistic way. And, dare I say, they're pretty damn uninteresting - very few elements of suprise or anticipation to be found here. This is the only Sparks album that just... doesn't feel Sparks to me. (And that's coming right after Angst, which might really just be one of the most Sparks-like of Sparks albums in a way). Something is TERRIBLY missing here and a couple catchy melodies and fun synth lines aren't enough to make up for that. It drags on quite a bit and is underwhelming to listen to as a whole. With only a couple moments of change and something more interesting and engaging. It's this sort of situation where I feel like the whole time I'm waiting for some kind of resolution that never happens ultimately. First instance of me putting on a new Sparks album and forcing myself to sit through the whole thing. And last one I hope! (and expect...? well, better not jinx it)
Ok, having said all that... This will be a historical event because I can't finish this post before I have my obligatory listen to the album of the day on its day. So, time for some real time documentation of my changing opinion, or lack thereof. Time to hear IOS in it's entirety for the first time since april!
...Ok, I'm glad that I didn't say all this in vain at least, LOL! Because I'm still underwhelmed! No major change here. Definitely still not something I'm going to return to more often than very occasionally and the "waiting for nothing" effect was very present and real once again. And it just dawned on be, but do most of these songs not have a bridge?? Maybe that could be part of why it all feels pretty predictable! But alright, as per tradition, let's look at some highlights anyway.
Favourite songs (and other highlights):
Cool Places: never felt in any strong way about it but repeated listens made it an enjoyable little ditty over time, lol. One of my first impressions here was how LOW Russell's voice is, this must be the lowest he's ever sung, right?? And oh, quick shoutout to the 21×21 version of it too
All You Ever Think About Is Sex: ok, this one's really cool and exactly what convinced me that the rest of the album would be enjoyable in the same way. Not for me unfortunately!!
Please, Baby, Please: my definitive fav here that I like a whole lot and that for whatever reason doesn't seem to have any of this album's problems that I described earlier. And I'll always be partial towards songs that I can interpret as being aspec-coded, thanks to my predisposition to do that as often as possible
I Wish I Looked A Little Better: very similar case to All You Ever Think About Is Sex
Dance Godammit: it's funny. It's fun to listen to sometimes
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I keep thinking about how botw confirmed that Twilight's clothes smell like wolf/dog which has led me down the rabbit hole of what the rest of the chain smells like
Hyrule: moss and gravel
Legend: apples and rain
Wild (during adventure): dirt.
Wild (post game w/ zelda): floral shampoo
Four: iron/metallic and firewood
Wind: salt
Time: hay bales
Warriors: musty sweat
Sky: fallen leaves in autumn
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sebnameyourcar · 1 year
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“The car that Charles Leclerc has stepped into is a Sebastian Vettel car”
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