#skrip black
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Late Night Delite. 2023 K.E.A Lux Hill. 35mm film.
#black and white film photography#black and white film#black and white portraits#35mmdiary#35mm photography#35mm portrait#skrip club#skrippa#dancers#sw#americana#americana aesthetic#american gothic#southern gothic#grungecore#regional gothic#photographers on tumblr#artists on tumblr#female photographers#gothic#film photography#platform heels#fashion photography#film diary#girls who shoot film#swampcore#swampgoth#swers#support swers#support female artists
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anyway good morning i'm too lazy to make swatches myself because i have too much ink to dig through, but remember that fun little talk we had about emmrich and stationery, no, well we had that, so here's the modern inks i'm deciding are emmrich-coded, i do not accept criticism at this time (swatches from mountain of ink, fwiw):
there's a couple others that i'd throw in here for giggles that either don't have a swatch at moi, or have the vibe but i don't think he'd use, like iroshizuku ina-ho (now discontinued, too light / non-water and light resistant for academic use), krishna lyrebird blue-black (takes too long to dry), herbin emerald of chivor (too fussy as a shimmer, though i could also see him using the unshaken ink so the shimmer is absent), colorverse a lib (too light for academic/practical use but it hits that lilac button hard), and like a million more that would be fun, but not practical. like i'm with you, i'd love to give him multi-shaders/tri-colors/prismatics, but lbr.
(also this is a record for me, so i can remember what i have inked for what i'm using with his handy dandy shit he would know that i'm too stupid to know notebook. i'm sorry for you and me that yama-budo is the only fun one, tbh, but it writes darker in the pen i'm using it in, so outside of gold sheen, even it's not that fun in practice.
there's also a few that i'm using that don't have swatches because they are extremely hard to come by, like post-wwii late-1940s parker quink permanent blue-black, 1950s sheaffer skrip washable blue, wwii-era parker quink microfilm black, etc, and ink that's bog standard, anyway, like waterman serentiy blue and kaweco royal blue.)
but they all, in some way, exemplify important facets of use for an academic, because these are all qualities i looked for in an ink for note-taking, which is water-resistance/waterproof, fast-drying, works well on any kind of paper, legible on literally all paper, and with the exception of yama-budo (though, again, in certain nibs it's much darker / much less pink and more really, really dark magenta) exude a certain professionalism (which lbr for all his flamboyance is clearly important to him).
thanks for coming.
#( headcanons )#// ish?#// but also as a note for#( mun )#// amanda why are you like this think of all you could get written#// if you stopped picking apart shit like ink qualities#// i know!#// but i am who am as a person#// and while i also don't want to be doing what i'm doing#// deconstruction is both fun and profitable#// and what ifs like this actually offer an interesting view into someone's head#// i said what i said#// if you're new here i'm sorry#// i did this for tony too and decided he was a pilot g-2 and field notes man#// so this is a step up let me live#// anyway join us next time when i decide to question his taste in socks (grey stripes my guy?)#// (really?)#// (after that jacket you decided to wear?)
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Sheaffer 300 Matte Gray Lacquer – Sheaffer is BACK Fountain Pen (Medium/Fine) $72 Rollerball Pen $68 Ballpoint Pen $48 The sleek pen of the 300 line. All metal cap and barrel gives a weighty presence in the hand. Brushed gray lacquer finish with polish black lacquer trim. Firm stainless steel nib. Includes removable piston converter and two Sheaffer Skrip cartridges. Check them all out by clicking here: https://www.penherostore.com/300-1/ Customers outside the USA can purchase on eBay: https://www.ebay.com/str/penherostore
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Menyelami Dunia Penggodam dan Implikasinya bagi Keamanan Siber
Hacker adalah istilah yang sering digunakan dalam berbagai konteks, dan sering kali memiliki konotasi yang berbeda tergantung pada perspektifnya. Secara umum, hacker merujuk pada individu atau kelompok yang memanipulasi sistem komputer, jaringan, atau perangkat untuk mencapai tujuan tertentu. Artikel ini akan mengeksplorasi berbagai jenis hacker, motivasi mereka, teknik yang digunakan, serta dampak dan upaya mitigasi terhadap aktivitas hacking.
A. Jenis-Jenis Hacker
Hacker dapat diklasifikasikan dalam berbagai kategori berdasarkan tujuan dan etika mereka. Berikut adalah beberapa jenis hacker yang umum dikenal:
White Hat Hacker:
Definisi: Juga dikenal sebagai hacker etis, white hat hacker adalah individu yang menggunakan keahlian mereka untuk mengidentifikasi dan memperbaiki kerentanan keamanan dalam sistem. Mereka bekerja dengan izin dari pemilik sistem untuk meningkatkan keamanan.
Motivasi: Tujuan utama mereka adalah untuk membantu organisasi melindungi data dan sistem mereka dari serangan berbahaya.
Contoh: Peneliti keamanan, konsultan keamanan siber, dan tim respons insiden.
Black Hat Hacker:
Definisi: Black hat hacker adalah individu yang melakukan hacking dengan niat jahat. Mereka mencari keuntungan pribadi, seperti mencuri data, mengakses informasi rahasia, atau merusak sistem.
Motivasi: Biasanya, motivasi mereka termasuk keuntungan finansial, pencurian identitas, atau menyebabkan kerusakan.
Contoh: Penjahat siber, peretas yang mencuri data kartu kredit, dan pembuat malware.
Gray Hat Hacker:
Definisi: Gray hat hacker berada di antara white hat dan black hat. Mereka mungkin melanggar hukum atau etika untuk menemukan kerentanan tanpa izin, tetapi mereka tidak memiliki niat jahat. Setelah menemukan kelemahan, mereka biasanya melaporkannya kepada pemilik sistem.
Motivasi: Biasanya, mereka ingin menunjukkan keahlian mereka dan mendapatkan pengakuan atau reward.
Contoh: Peneliti yang menemukan kerentanan dan mempublikasikannya tanpa izin tetapi tidak mengeksploitasi kerentanan tersebut.
Definisi: Hacktivist adalah hacker yang menggunakan teknik hacking sebagai alat protes atau untuk menyebarkan pesan politik atau sosial. Mereka sering kali menargetkan organisasi atau situs web yang mereka anggap tidak etis atau berbahaya.
Motivasi: Mereka terdorong oleh ideologi dan tujuan sosial atau politik.
Contoh: Kelompok seperti Anonymous yang terlibat dalam aksi protes siber.
Script Kiddie:
Definisi: Script kiddie adalah individu yang kurang berpengalaman dan tidak memiliki pengetahuan mendalam tentang hacking, tetapi menggunakan alat dan skrip yang dikembangkan oleh orang lain untuk melakukan serangan.
Motivasi: Biasanya, mereka mencari pengakuan atau mencoba mendapatkan keuntungan tanpa pemahaman yang mendalam tentang teknik hacking.
Contoh: Remaja yang menggunakan alat peretas yang sudah ada untuk melakukan serangan DDoS.
B. Teknik Hacking Umum
Hacker menggunakan berbagai teknik untuk mengakses sistem dan data. Beberapa teknik hacking yang umum meliputi:
Deskripsi: Teknik penipuan yang melibatkan pengiriman email atau pesan yang tampaknya sah untuk memperoleh informasi sensitif seperti kata sandi atau nomor kartu kredit.
Contoh: Email yang mengaku berasal dari bank yang meminta pengguna untuk memperbarui informasi akun mereka.
Deskripsi: Perangkat lunak berbahaya yang dirancang untuk merusak atau mengakses sistem tanpa izin. Ini termasuk virus, worm, ransomware, dan trojan.
Contoh: Ransomware yang mengenkripsi file pengguna dan meminta tebusan untuk membuka kunci.
SQL Injection:
Deskripsi: Teknik serangan yang memanfaatkan kerentanan dalam aplikasi web untuk menyisipkan kode SQL berbahaya ke dalam query database.
Contoh: Menyisipkan perintah SQL untuk mengakses data yang tidak sah dari basis data web.
Cross-Site Scripting (XSS):
Deskripsi: Teknik serangan yang menyuntikkan skrip berbahaya ke dalam halaman web yang kemudian dijalankan di browser pengguna.
Contoh: Menggunakan skrip untuk mencuri cookie sesi pengguna.
Brute Force Attack:
Deskripsi: Metode yang mencoba berbagai kombinasi kata sandi atau kunci enkripsi hingga menemukan yang benar.
Contoh: Menggunakan perangkat lunak untuk mencoba ribuan kombinasi kata sandi untuk mendapatkan akses ke akun pengguna.
C. Dampak Hacking
Aktivitas hacking dapat memiliki dampak yang signifikan baik untuk individu maupun organisasi:
Kerugian Finansial:
Deskripsi: Serangan siber dapat mengakibatkan kerugian finansial yang besar, baik melalui pencurian data keuangan, biaya pemulihan, atau denda akibat pelanggaran regulasi.
Contoh: Perusahaan yang mengalami serangan ransomware dan harus membayar tebusan untuk mendapatkan kembali data mereka.
Kerusakan Reputasi:
Deskripsi: Keterlibatan dalam serangan siber dapat merusak reputasi organisasi dan mengurangi kepercayaan pelanggan.
Contoh: Data pelanggan yang bocor dapat menyebabkan pelanggan kehilangan kepercayaan dan beralih ke pesaing.
Pelanggaran Privasi:
Deskripsi: Pencurian data pribadi atau akses tidak sah ke informasi sensitif dapat melanggar privasi individu dan menimbulkan risiko identitas palsu.
Contoh: Pencurian informasi identitas yang digunakan untuk melakukan penipuan atau pembelian tidak sah.
Gangguan Operasional:
Deskripsi: Serangan siber dapat mengganggu operasional bisnis dan menyebabkan downtime atau kerusakan sistem.
Contoh: Serangan DDoS yang menyebabkan situs web atau layanan online menjadi tidak dapat diakses.
D. Upaya Mitigasi dan Perlindunga
Untuk melindungi diri dari ancaman hacking, individu dan organisasi dapat menerapkan berbagai langkah perlindungan:
Pendidikan dan Kesadaran:
Deskripsi: Mengedukasi karyawan dan pengguna tentang praktik keamanan siber dan cara mengenali serangan phishing atau penipuan lainnya.
Langkah: Pelatihan rutin tentang keamanan siber dan kebijakan keamanan informasi.
Penggunaan Perangkat Lunak Keamanan:
Deskripsi: Menginstal dan memperbarui perangkat lunak antivirus, antimalware, dan firewall untuk melindungi sistem dari ancaman.
Langkah: Menggunakan alat keamanan untuk memindai dan menghapus malware serta memantau aktivitas mencurigakan.
Pemantauan dan Respon:
Deskripsi: Menggunakan alat pemantauan untuk mendeteksi aktivitas yang tidak biasa dan merespons insiden keamanan dengan cepat.
Langkah: Menyusun rencana respons insiden dan melibatkan tim keamanan siber dalam pemantauan 24/7.
Pengelolaan Akses:
Deskripsi: Membatasi akses ke sistem dan data hanya kepada individu yang berwenang dan menggunakan autentikasi multi-faktor untuk meningkatkan keamanan akun.
Langkah: Menerapkan kebijakan kontrol akses berbasis peran dan menggunakan sistem autentikasi yang kuat.
Pembaruan dan Patch:
Deskripsi: Menjaga perangkat lunak dan sistem operasi tetap terbarukan dengan patch keamanan terbaru.
Langkah: Menginstal pembaruan perangkat lunak secara teratur untuk mengatasi kerentanan yang diketahui.
Hacker memainkan berbagai peran dalam dunia teknologi, dari penjahat siber yang berusaha mencuri data hingga hacker etis yang membantu melindungi sistem. Aktivitas hacking dapat memiliki dampak serius, termasuk kerugian finansial, kerusakan reputasi, dan pelanggaran privasi. Untuk melindungi diri dari ancaman ini, penting untuk menerapkan langkah-langkah perlindungan yang efektif, termasuk pendidikan, perangkat lunak keamanan, pemantauan, dan pengelolaan akses. Dengan pendekatan yang tepat, individu dan organisasi dapat mengurangi risiko dan menghadapi tantangan yang ditimbulkan oleh hacking di era digital saat ini.
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Five different and best kinds of calligraphy pen sets
Calligraphy is a beautiful art form of writing wherein one can make letters come across as beautiful and elegant. In order to do that, a nib and some ink are all that is needed for the art of letters. Even if you aren't into calligraphy or a professional, you can take your writing from mundane to graceful with the right tools and some practice. Moreover, with all the different options available the market, following are the best of the different selections of nibs and pen styles available for different writing styles.
Tombow Fudenosuke Brush Pen 2 Pens Set
Perfect for beginners, the nib of the Tombow Fudenosuke brush pens offer a great deal of flexibility in script styles. These calligraphy pens use black water-based inks with a flexible brush nib, and the pair includes one hard tip and one soft tip to give greater range when creating extra fine to medium strokes.
Speedball Calligraphy Set
A great set for calligraphy beginners, the Speedball Calligraphy Set features a dip pen with a smooth and lightweight plastic handle and three nibs with different widths having special ink storage that keeps the ink flowing effortlessly.
Zig Memory System Calligraphy Marker
A great set of calligraphy markers with 8 different colors to choose from, which can be mixed to create color gradients to add an extra dimension to your script. Each pen has a fine 2 mm chisel-shaped tip at one end and a wider 5 mm chisel-shaped nib at the other to enable variations inline style and thickness.
Faber-Castel PITT Chisel Tip Calligraphy Pens
Easy-to-handle for beginners, each pen in this pack of three Faber-Castel PITT Chisel Tip Calligraphy Pens has a 2.5 mm fine tip charged with permanent fine India black ink that will not smear or stain. The marker-style flat, chisel-shaped tip has a sharp-angled edge which allows for creating fine lines and works well with italics.
Sheaffer Calligraphy Maxi Kit
This substantial calligraphy pen set has three fountain-style pens, 3 nib sizes (fine, medium, broad) and a variety of 14 Skrip cartridges. The attractive pens each have their own individual viewing panel to enable ink level monitoring.
Penkraft conducts classes, course, online courses, live courses, workshops, teachers' training & online teachers' training in Handwriting Improvement, Calligraphy, Abacus Maths, Vedic Maths, Phonics and various Craft & Artforms - Madhubani, Mandala, Warli, Gond, Lippan Art, Kalighat, Kalamkari, Pichwai, Cheriyal, Kerala Mural, Pattachitra, Tanjore Painting, One Stroke Painting, Decoupage, Image Transfer, Resin Art, Fluid Art, Alcohol Ink Art, Pop Art, Knife Painting, Scandinavian Art, Water Colors, Coffee Painting, Pencil Shading, Resin Art Advanced etc. at pan-India locations. With our mission to inspire, educate, empower & uplift people through our endeavours, we have trained & operationally supported (and continue to support) 1500+ home-makers to become Penkraft Certified Teachers? in various disciplines.
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"I really don't like the loud yappy ones either. Just because I like peace and quiet. It's hard to read or enjoy a cup of tea when someone's dog is barking over and over again," he sighed. He can already guess who the other was talking about.
"Yeah, I think it makes her super cute too. I don't think Saku will bully her as she gets older. The two get along and usually cats can gauge when they're being rough and not to another cat. The two never fight and they usually just play or sleep together."
The man blinked and then smiled a bit as he was asked his rats' names. "Of course they have names-- they're my pets. I adore them. I have two, a white female named Skrip and a black one named Tsvetok.." Both were naturally, Russian names.
"They're good with people, they don't bite unless you were to handle them roughly. I usually let them roam my home when I am there."
"....They bug me. They're loud. Kind of reminds me of a certain enemy of mine I try to avoid from the mafia. A yappy dog." Poor Chuuya--
"I think he did mention it, but honestly, I think that makes her cuter. I just hope Saku doesn't bully her when she gets bigger...." He hummed softly to himself as he thought about it. "But I mean, she doesn't even try to bully the birds, so I guess she might not. We'll see. Do your rats have names?" Because now he was curious. "I've heard there's all sorts of fancy colors and stuff, but I know nothing about it. I've never seen a pet rat before."
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“Hatake! I say! My blighter of an aunt is popping into town, and she’s bringing the sprog with her!”
“Very good, sir. When shall we expect to receive Lady Tsunade and Miss Sakura?”
“She’s invited themselves over for tea! But–dash it all–I’m supposed to be helping Abby prop up the Uchiha this afternoon! How the devil am I to be in two places at the same time?!”
“Perhaps you could be honest with her, sir.”
“Honest? With Aunt Tsuny? Gads, man, have you taken leave of your senses? That would never do!”
–excerpt from Uchiha in the Tulips by Kishimoto Pelham Grenville
#kakashi#naruto#jeeves and wooster#kakashi hatake#naruto uzumaki#upper crust british hijinks#kicked into high gear with the aid of chakra#stuff i made#sketch dump#inked#sailor fude de mannen 55#skrip black#horrible ink feathers like crazy in every pen i use it with
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Please enjoy this drivel about picking a notebook and fountain pen for note taking:
I love writing with my fountain pens so much that I try to use them for anything I'm recording—I only keep a ballpoint for emergencies, basically—so I've landed on sorting them out for different uses. I keep a bullet journal/planner and a hodgepodge of other notebooks, each with a corresponding pen or two.
Above is a Soumkine Universal Planner that I decided will house my miscellaneous academic reading: stuff that I want to take notes on but not necessarily stuff I need to keep in a dedicated project notebook. Today I'm reading a guide to history writing because surprisingly, I have never been taught how to write a history essay.
The paper here is a bit toothier than is ideal, but the grid layout and narrow page are excellent for jotting notes down alongside a book when you need to have both out on a desk. It's also thin enough that I can just slide it under my book and leave a page peeking out to write on.
I typically write in two colours at a time (one neutral, one colour) so I can have some highlighted elements in the text, but not an overwhelming amount. I find having to switch pens or highlight distracts me from actually understanding a substantial amount of information in a text because I'm so distracted by how I should be recording it.
Today I'm accenting with a Stabilo beFab! M nib inked with Sailor Irori (red) and doing the bulk of the writing with a Platinum Prefounte F nib inked with Sheaffer Skrip Black. Both of these are cheap pens geared for everyday writing, and I find both to be great for note taking, so much so, that I think they're going to become my dedicated writers for this purpose.
First, they each have a nib that plays nice with toothy paper—the Prefounte especially. I don't want something extra fine that's going to scratch or skip constantly while I'm trying to take down a lengthy quote, that's endlessly annoying.
Further, they're both made of light plastic and have comfy grips. I have hands that are weak and tiny! I have other heavier pens that feel nice, weighty, and fancy in the hand, but that lengthy quote isn't getting any shorter. Especially in full length pens, I prefer a light body and comfy grip. Bonus points to the beFab! here for having a grip that is long and slightly squishy. I also am left-handed and hold my pen like a gremlin, so I don't want to be muddling around with any grip correctors (seen on the infamous Lamy Safari and Al Star) or cap threading.
Speaking of caps, I don't want to use a screw on cap. This is my primary reason for writing with these two pens; it's so irritating to be unscrewing a cap every time you need to jot something down, or worse, having your nib dry every time you spend a few minutes reading a compelling passage. Both of these pens have a pop on cap that I can easily take on and off with one hand. The Prefounte goes the extra mile with its spring-loaded cap seal that is not only airtight, but also closes with a satisfying click.
So that's that. My best pens for taking notes. While they are the least fancy pens in my collection, they're the best suited for the unique conditions of taking notes on a lengthy piece of text: stop and start writing of wildly varying lengths for potentially an extended period of time. All elements of their construction from nib to body material, to that precious pop on cap lead to a, dare I say, enjoyable reading experience with minimal annoyances and distractions.*
#*The minimal annoyances and distractions I experienced today came from my cats not my pens so I'm not writing about that.#stationery roll call:#Soumkine#soumkine universal planner#soumkine carnet perpétuel#stabilo befab!#stabilo#platinum prefounte#platinum#sailor ink#sailor irori#Sheaffer ink#Sheaffer Skrip#fountain pens#fountain pen#fpgeeks#stationery#studyblr
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Me on stage ♡♡:))
Hold On Tight. 35mm 2023 Lux Hill K.A.
#strip club project#skrip club#regional gothic#southern gothic#photographers on tumblr#artists on tumblr#35mmdiary#35mm photography#black and white film#americana#american gothic#pole dancer#pole dance#girls who shoot film#grainisgood#film photography#filmisnotdead#angelcore#americana aesthetic#trailer park queen#pleasershoes#pleasersheels#y2k fashion#luxhill336#gothic#y2kcore#y2kgothic#grunge#luxhill#me
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Meet Jim Skrip, Plus Her Two Ex-Husbands - Hollywood Life
Meet Jim Skrip, Plus Her Two Ex-Husbands – Hollywood Life
Here’s everything you need to know about Vanessa Williams’ current husband, Jim Skrip and her two ex-husbands, Rick Fox and Ramon Hervey II. Vanessa Williams shot up to stardom after she was the first Black woman to be crowned Miss America. The 58-year-old then went on to pursue a career as an actress, singer and producer. She has found success both on the stage and the screen. She has starred on…
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Sheaffer 300 Matte Green Lacquer – Sheaffer is BACK
Fountain Pen (Medium/Fine) $72
Rollerball Pen $68
Ballpoint Pen $48
The summer pen of the 300 line. All metal cap and barrel gives a weighty presence in the hand. Brushed green lacquer finish with polish black lacquer trim. Firm stainless steel nib. Includes removable piston converter and two Sheaffer Skrip cartridges.
Check them all out by clicking here:
Customers outside the USA can purchase on eBay:
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Hi there! I'd like to ask for a ship, please! My name is Ash, I'm Straight, Gryffindor/Horned Serpent, Sagittarius and Ambivert. I have brown hair and blue eyes. I'm 5'9. My Patronus is a Fox. I am fiercely loyal to anyone I love. I nearly never get angry, but you still don't want to piss me off. I love the city, the rain, the stars, and I have a lot of deep thoughts. I crack a lot of jokes. I act and sing. I love animals, hanging out with my friends, and sitting in trees. Thanks!!!
I ship you with…
Sirius Black
Oh baby, oh baby, you and Sirius would be the absolute cutest. Well, okay, not at first, but eventually. Knowing him, he’d be the exact person to piss you off some way somehow. Like, he’d probably pull a prank that went just a little too far on one of your friends and make them cry and meet your wrath. God, help him because as you yelled at him, he’d be like “Yep, this is the one. This one is good. I want this one.” After that he’d try his hardest to get on your good side. He’d laugh at your jokes and be really nice to all your friends. Things would go pretty well after that.
Let’s be real here; Sirius has some deep ass thoughts that he’d like to pretend he doesn’t. You’d be the exact person he needed in his life. You two would sneak off after curfew and go lay out by the lake to talk. Your dates would consist of watching the stars and swapping the deep thoughts that you’d had, sometimes even the shallow, stupid ones. You’d also swap jokes and laugh the night away or he’d ask you to sing. He’d ador your singing voice!It would be the only time you’d probably ever see him quiet and Moony like. Sometimes the other Marauders would giggle about Ash and Sirius sitting in a tree, but, like, that would literally be a thing you do. Sirius has 100% told you that he wanted to sit in the whomping willow. And, even though there isn’t a big city around, Sirius would take you into Hogsmeade to try to pretend that it was a big city. Anything to make you smile in just the way that would make your eyes seem bluer.
Don’t think for even a second that this boy wouldn’t use your acting skills to the fullest. He’d absolutely beg you to create distractions or cover stories to the Marauder could pull pranks and be stupid without getting caught. They still would, but probably not as often. Like, he’d come to you with actual skrips for you to learn before they went and pulled a prank that would get them all into heaps of trouble. Your life would be a hectic mess while dating him, but you wouldn’t trade it for the world. 10/10 Hogwarts hates you for helping them get off the hook with pranks and 10/10 the other Marauders love you so much that you get a nickname too.
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Watched Ric Ocasek’s Emotion in Motion music video last night so woke up this morning feeling kind of German fairy tale.
That charger needs to be way more magnificent but I was too lazy to get out of bed to get a reference or even a pencil. Either would have helped.
#stuff i made#sketch dump#im not tagging any characters#but i definitely had some in mind#pilot namiki blue#mixed with#that ink i hate aka skrip black
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Bryant Park's FrostFest is a winter oasis with bumper cars, igloos and moreicon-search | Bumper Car For Kids
‘Game of Thrones’ Delivers One of Its All-Time-Best Episodes With “A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms” According to Traders Village, the hand-carved wooden carousel is one of 148 such merry-go-rounds still in existence in the United States and Canada. One of the few remaining gear-driven carousels, the ride’s colorful horses coast beneath a crown of ornamental lights and painted winter vistas. “There has been keen interest about the auction sale since the signs were installed a few days ago, mostly from folks that spent time in the past at the water park,” Skrip said. “ It can be a lucky day for them if they purchase a piece of the park as a souvenir.” “I swore after growing up there that I would never have anything to do with it as a an adult," Guy Drollinger said. "That was a real life-changing moment when I bought that park, and I remember it all quite fondly."
Okpo Land in Okpo-dong was once very popular, but in 1999 it was shut down due to a number of fatal accidents. A duck-themed ride from the photo above was a cause of at two fatalities in the park and then the owner of the park mysteriously disappeared to never be found. Shortly after it, the park closed and was left to decay. With all the attention paid to The Shining, it’s easy to miss the allusion to Kubrick’s earlier film. But both Us and Orange feature a sequence in which a crisp, clean, upper-class dwelling is invaded by attackers to incongruent music (“Singin’ in the Rain” in Orange, “Good Vibrations,” and “Fuck Tha Police” in Us). The Evenflo Big Kid Amp High-Back Booster is popular due to its budget-friendly price, and it also comes bursting with brilliant colors that light up car seats stained by pets and children. It has six adjustable height positions and includes a belt clip that helps with the correct positioning of the vehicle’s seat belt on the child’s shoulder. It‘s the best booster seat for a six-year-old (or above) since it can transition into a backless booster for an older kid that can correctly use the vehicle’s seat belt when given a boost. WESTFIELD, NJ – The state, county and town are chipping in for the repaving of a part of Rahway ...
Sure, it's much cheaper to snag Disney apparel at your local big box chain store, but it's not nearly as much fun … or special. As a former Disneyland cast member told INSIDER, "I would say my best souvenir was a black sweatshirt decorated with Sleeping Beauty Castle and fireworks on the front, and the words 'Part of the Magic at Disneyland!' printed above the Castle." She explained that she wore it for "years" until she lost track of it during a move, so if you're coveting that Donald Duck tee, be sure to grab it before you head home. There are a ton of small details: the cast member uniforms, John Williams new original score, etc. The fact that (the DLR version) was positioned so guest can't see another areas / land of the park. So many things that suggest this was just an average land they added to the park. But it'd still rather go to Star Wars scenes I know, like Tattooine. Visit the cantina. Search for the smoldering remains of Owen and Beru. Scope out some moisture vaporators. “It’s very expensive,” Wishnatzki said of the process of getting visas for temporary agricultural workers—they are issued under a program called H-2A —because of all the red tape and the cost of housing. (“Expensive” is a relative term: H-2A workers are still among the lowest paid in the country.) “But at least it guarantees that we have workers, so we’re able to plant a crop,” he continued. Read the full article
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I'll have more black & white shots from the skrip club after this weekend!!! Got some better quality black and white film too.♡♡ more color photos coming just posting slowly 🐌 ♡♡
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Sheaffer 300 Matte Black Lacquer – Sheaffer is BACK
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Rollerball Pen $68
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Customers outside the USA can purchase on eBay:
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