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poisonhemlocke · 1 month ago
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happy Valentine’s Day! have some phyrexia themed valentine art i made last year! [feel free to use for any noncommercial purposes :3]
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memento--moray · 7 months ago
[Animatic] Jin-Gitaxias in Bloomburrow
He's the king of the junjle.
Feel free to use this image to your hearts' content.
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balis77 · 2 years ago
Meanwhile, in New Phyrexia...
Ixhel: *Frantically putting Urabrask back together* “Ok, good, you’re awake. Look, you’re the only Praetor with enough parts to put back together, so I’m gonna need you to help me get control of this whole... situation.”
Urabrask: “What happened?”
Ixhel: “The invasion failed and I’m pretty sure we’re permanently cut off from the rest of the multiverse... oh and all the other Praetors died.”
Urabrask: “Serves them right... so what’s the problems here?”
Ixhel: “The Hunters Maze is on fire, the Progress Engine doesn’t even know what to do anymore, the Dross Pits are in complete anarchy, the Quiet Furnace is... kinda the same really, and with Mother and Norn dead the Machine Orthodoxy is under new management and it’s... not going well.”
Urabrask: “Who replaced them? Ivor? Mondrak?”
Ixhel: “Uh...”
*At Elesh Norn’s old statue throne*
Skrelv: *Maniacal laughter*
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littjara-mirrorlake · 2 years ago
is this a bedbuge?
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ask-the-praetors · 5 months ago
Yo Jin.
Did you lie on the matter of the thief? that is unbecoming of a phyrexian praetor.
To ixhel and skrelp
Hi sweeties, warm hugs and love to both of you.
Of course not. My clarity of vision never lies. -J
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What... is that? Does it think? Does it speak? Can you compleat it? -I
(Chittering) -Skrelv
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orca-iguana · 2 years ago
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soylent-crocodile · 2 years ago
Skrelv (Monster)
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(Phyrexian Mite by Oriana Menendez)
(I'm pulling a Minotaur here and using the name of an individual for the species! Skrelv has a different design and is less evil, but I'm not using the mind control plotline for numerous reasons and this token has, I think, a more approachable design. I love the wrist mandibles even if they're utterly impractical. I converted mites, by the way, because I realized that I had a CR1 gap in the legions of Phyrexia, hardly appropriate for a campaign!)
Skrelv are small mitelike creatures first created on a distant planet by phyrexians. Like skirge, they breed true, and have come to be pests not only to places under siege by phyrexia, but to phyrexians themselves. Skrelv nests typically have one individual which reproduces asexually, gestating clones of itself and regurgitating them through its mouth. If one such queen is killed, another skrelv will quickly mature to take its place. This can be prevented by consecrating a skrelv hive, or by simply killing all skrelv in an area.
Skrelv are predators, and prefer to hunt in troops, where they typically ambush prey, trip them to the ground, and swarm them with their stings, rendering them immobile. Prey is then moved to the hive, where they will be eaten alive and frequently tortured for the skrelv’s amusement.
Skrelv are wisely agoraphobic, as they are defenseless when caught in the open and have little to no way of detecting distant enemies, especially fliers. As such, they prefer to live in surface-level tunnels and buildings, only venturing out at night when sighted creatures are at a disadvantage.
This goblin-sized creature has no eyes, bared teeth, and white metal plating covering its head and limbs. Misc- CR1 Small CE Aberration (Phyrexian) HD2 Init:+2 Senses: Perception:+0, Blind, Blindsight 60ft  Stats- Str:13(+1) Dex:14(+2) Con:12(+1) Int:6(-2) Wis:12(+1) Cha:11(+0) BAB:+1 Space:2.5ft Reach:0ft Defense- HP:14(2d8+5) AC:13(+2 Dex, +1 Size) Fort:+1 Ref:+2 Will:+4 CMD:13 Resist: Acid 5 Immunity: Fear, Disease, Poison Special Defenses: Mycosynth Flesh, Negative Energy Affinity Offense- Bite +3(1d4+1 plus Trip) CMB:+1 (+2 Racial bonus to Trip) Speed:25ft Special Attacks: Sting +3(1 Str) Feats- Toughness, Power Attack (-1/+2) Skills- Climb +5, Stealth +10 Ecology- Environment- Urban (Any) Languages- Necril Organization- Solitary, Troop (3-6) Treasure- Half Special Abilities- Mycosynth Flesh (Ex)- A phyrexian’s anatomy is both flesh and metal, typically arranged in the most disturbing way possible. As such, it may be targeted or affected by a spell as either an aberration or as a construct, whichever produces a greater effect Sting (Ex)- The sting of a skrelv emerges from within its mouth when it senses vulnerable prey; it can only be used against creatures who are helpless, prone, or grappled by the skrelv.
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ceasars-mad-ramblings · 7 months ago
Here's my Magic: the Gathering fanfic based off this post. Hope Y'all enjoy!
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hyralc · 1 year ago
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my translation of mtgjp's comic
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ravingsrandom · 2 years ago
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The boy
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crystowl · 1 year ago
please tell us about your skrelv headcanons? i for one would love to hear more about the baby boy
ok. so like I said on my previous post, a lot of my thoughts on Skrelv came stuff I saw here, but those snowballed a bit as my partner and I ping-ponged ideas back and forth (unfortunately he's not on tumblr, but sometimes I inflict what I see upon him). of course, an amount came from actual lore (I have to admit, I am not a lore expert when it comes to Magic. I only got into the game last year, around the time New Capenna released. I try to at least understand what is going on in current sets but man oh man is there a lot of reading for me to catch up on). so take what little we know of Skrelv- he was declared worthless and was going to be recycled for parts, but instead bit the ever-loving shit out of anyone who tried- and then take that a little bit further. and it's occurring to me now that I've gone back to find the posts that inspired me- at least the ones I remember the most distinctly- that those were your posts! like minimalist Skrelv. 'This machine bites fascists'- hell yeah he does. so what naturally followed from that was deciding that Skrelv is a communist. hence, comrade Skrelv. The other one that really stuck out was about Phyrexian gender. to be honest I don't remember what came first- deciding that Skrelv would definitely be a trans ally because that seems fitting for one who is fighting against a fascist regime that seeks to destroy all individualism, or seeing that post- but those tags definitely got the wheels turning. 'Elesh Norn decides your gender and there's nothing you can do about it.' well...for Skrelv, the very act of living is an act of defiance. he was created for a purpose that he no longer fulfills, and is seen by his creators as worthless for that, but despite everything he continues to live and has created something of his own. sounds pretty queer to me! I like the idea that at the same time he is defying the role Norn assigned to him, he is defying the gender she assigned to him. in so many bites he is saying, 'no, that is not who I am.' so yeah, why not, he's trans now. further thoughts: Skrelv is alive and well after the events of March of the Machine because I couldn't bear it if he died. he and his hive have seized the means of production and implemented a communist form of goverment on New Phyrexia. they have established a peace treaty with the myrs and everyone is much happier now. peace and love on planet earth New Phyrexia
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whatsthatmagiccard · 11 days ago
I do approve of using reskins for the Spongebob Secret Lair, even if half of them had no legendary creatures of their type, but they could've made better picks. Here's my lineup. (It's still not great.)
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Skrelv, Defector Mite by Brian Valeza
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littjara-mirrorlake · 1 year ago
we havent forgotten about skrelv right please tell me yall havent forgotten about skrelv
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ask-the-praetors · 7 months ago
This is gonna be a terrible mistake but it must happen, it’s a canon event
Any hit with the Ray shall be turned into mass produced marketable plushies.
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aroaceaunt · 11 months ago
Marath, Will of the Wild tokens, part 4
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Knight Allies
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Phyrexian Mites
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And Saprolings
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