pianotwede · 30 days
Another preview showing some of my music creation process in FL Studio.
This song is coming along really nicely. Not to toot my own horn, but I'm really happy with it. It was a little hard to work on since every time I would go to work on it I would catch myself just listening to it on loop and enjoying it instead of actually thinking about what's left to do to polish it up.
I'm open to title ideas. I started writing it one evening after feeling inspired by the view on my drive home after work. It had recently rained, so the sky was full of clouds and the sunbeams were streaming down between them. The end of my commute goes down a large hill that gives a good lookout over the nearby lake. This song is about the sunlight streaming through the clouds and reflecting off of everything- the lake, the puddles, the cars going back and forth on the freeway. That's obviously a bit much to capture in a few words, so I'm curious to hear other's thoughts on what it sounds like to them! My current working title is "Lakeside Glimmer".
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pianotwede · 1 month
Too busy trying to get others to play outer wilds to even care about there being two cakes.
But for real. Anybody who hasn't played it, go play it. It's been 2 years since I did and the themes and story and music still have me going like this if I think about them too hard:
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pianotwede · 1 month
I always feel torn about showing my work early before it's polished but I like this one enough to share. Besides, it's more fun this way, I should share rough drafts more often.
Picked up a piece I had started a few months ago and decided to try adding strings! As much as I enjoy adding more instruments, my fear was that in doing so I was just adding strings just for the sake of adding them without it contributing to the song in a meaningful way. But I'm pleasantly surprised with how this is turning out to where I think I prefer the string version now over the solo piano.
I have no idea what I'm going to call this one. Initial rough draft had me thinking of something tense, like a close race between two competitors, but the strings added more drama.
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pianotwede · 2 months
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pianotwede · 2 months
okayyyyyy. Wet Snorting creature.
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pianotwede · 2 months
You know that feeling when you're half asleep and feel like you're floating?
My latest relaxing single is out now, click through the link above to hear more on whatever platform you use to stream music!
More on how I wrote this piece below the break for those who are interested.
I feel like most songs have something significant as inspiration, like a sunrise, or rain on a pond. This song came from sleep deprivation on an 11 hour overnight flight to France a little over a year ago. I had been wanting to get back into songwriting and told myself I would spend this trip looking for inspiration, and the first place I found it was in a softly lit aircraft cabin with the gentle motion of the plane and the humming of the engines.
I tried to capture the feeling of being in that temporary liminal space between destinations. A cozy, restful place where time just slows down. Sure, there's a lot to worry about and be excited about when the plane lands tomorrow, but that can wait. All that exists right now is the present moment.
Wherever your cozy, timeless bubble is, I hope this song helps take you there. Thank you for taking a listen! -Brandon
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pianotwede · 2 months
My latest release is available a week early via Bandcamp!
The story behind this song is a bit unusual. It first came to mind while I was on a flight to Europe last year. Just half asleep, floating, with the gentle motion of the plane and the humming of the engines. I tried to capture the feeling of being in that temporary liminal space between destinations. A cozy, restful place where time just slows down and the worries and excitement of tomorrow can wait. I hope listening to it brings you a similar sense of calm.
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pianotwede · 3 months
So I've been very bad and about posting more frequently but another one of my songs released a couple weeks ago. This one is calm and relaxing and has a nice ebb and flow to it.
I'm also especially excited because it's the first song I've released that has been written recently as I try to get back into writing music again. (With more to come throughout this year!) I hope you enjoy it!
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pianotwede · 3 months
Gotta spread some of that Idaho Magic
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pianotwede · 3 months
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pianotwede · 4 months
Today's the day! My rework of one of my old songs is out now. I'm very happy with how it turned out!
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pianotwede · 5 months
New song out today! 'Seasons of Life'. I made a piano video for this one! I hope you enjoy it :)
Also, this is the first song for my next album. I’m doing something a little different/trying something new this year. I’m going to make a living album for 2024 - as I write new pieces, I will add them to the album and it will be the entire year in music!
I’ll have it up on YouTube and Bandcamp where you can follow the progress and listen to new additions. I think it will be interesting to look back at the end of the year and see how it progressed.
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pianotwede · 5 months
One more day left on the poll!
Help me name this song! Here's a bunch of poll options with words I like but I really can't decide.
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pianotwede · 5 months
A piece that would be easier recorded by an orchestra than it will be programming it in my DAW 😅
My portfolio:
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pianotwede · 5 months
something i made for one of my classes!
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pianotwede · 5 months
Help me name this song! Here's a bunch of poll options with words I like but I really can't decide.
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pianotwede · 5 months
Help me name this song! Here's a bunch of poll options with words I like but I really can't decide.
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