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This machine can peel up to 600 pcs of copra per hour, leaving you with smooth and clean kernels ready for oil extraction or other uses. #copra #coconut #oil #machine #peeler #skinremover #LiveMachineryVideos
Website:- https://atommachinery.com/
#atommachinery #reels #USA #instagram #viral #business #entrepreneur #startup #bhavikchudasama #trendingreels
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MEET @love_life_gets_fit I’m 42 years old. I’ve been overweight MY ENTIRE life. Through the years I’ve done many “fad” diets. Lost a little gained a lot. I had my first child at 19 and gained 74 pounds with her. I was at about 245lbs when I had her. After that I got the Depo shot and gained probably 30 pounds the first year of her life. I had my son at 23 and didn’t gain much with him but didn’t need too either..Finally when I was 33 I had hit 313 pounds at my heaviest. Got a little under 300 and stopped yet again. At 39 I decided to stop. I was tired of being tired. I’d had knee surgery at 37. I hated getting dressed. I was self conscious and tugging shirts down and wearing stuff oversized to “hide” the rolls. When I stared my journey I told 3 people My husband, My best friend and my trainer. I got to help me learn to things the right way. I just started following a flexible diet plan. Tracked my food and met with a trainer. Once others noticed it was even more exciting. I just kept going. 5 months in I was below 200 pounds and at my one year mark I had lost 145 pounds! I went from a size 20 to a size 4/6. Excess skin removal on 9/25/19. I’ve maintained my weight over a year now and couldn’t be more happy with my body. I didn’t have a “goal weight” as long as you’re happy with you. Starting tip: Find a good support system to keep you accountable and track your food. ________________ How has the Wlstories community influenced your journey? The @wlstories community has totally been a number one motivating factor for me in my weight loss journey by all the great friends I’ve made that help keep me going and are always so positive! ________________ 💙 SPECIAL FEATURES: To anyone who mentions us in their post captions!! Ex: @wlstories and / or TAG US in your pic!! ________________ New Shirts 👉 @wlshirts NSV page 👉 @wlstories8 Editor 👉 @6months100pounds ________________ #fitover40 #fitover40mom #momof2 #healthymomma #healthymomlife #weightlossjourney #weightlosstransformation #skinremoval #bekindtoyourself #bekindtoyourbody #wwcommunity #myweightlossjourney #momweightloss #weightlossmom #weightlossmotivation #healthylifestyle #foodtracking #calorietracking https://www.instagram.com/p/B4tPE9iDspy/?igshid=bv30uis05bgc
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Viele fragen mich für was ich diese ganzen OP’s gemacht habe bzw. machen lasse 🤔 (Mehr Infos zu meinen OP’s in meinen Instagram Highlights und demnächst auf YouTube).Das sind oft Personen die mich nur optisch schlank kennen 😌 Das Problem ist niemand weiss wie es unter der Kleidung aussieht genauso wenig wie Fremde wissen wie es in einem aussieht, was man denkt oder fühlt. Ich habe knapp 60 Kilo abgenommen und da bleibt es nicht aus dass die ein oder andere OP gemacht werden muss bzw. man es machen lassen möchte. Ich bin noch nicht ganz da angekommen wo ich hin möchte aber ich bin auf dem Weg und es ist der richtige Weg. Begeitet werde ich auf diesem Weg von meiner Familie und von einem Team welches für mich auch schon fast wie eine art Familie geworden ist, danke @aesthetictravelcom @aesthetictravelyaseminozt 😊 #aesthetictravelfamily 🚨PS: Es wird auch ein YouTube Video zu dem ganzen geben und den Link zu meinem Kanal findet ihr in meiner Bio. *Werbung da Namensnennung . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #aesthetictravel #bauchdeckenstraffung #armstraffung #beinstraffung #fettabsaugung #tummytuck #armlift #thighlift #brazilianbuttlift #chestsurgery #schönheitsop #schönheitsoperation #weightloss #beautysurgery #liposuction #skinremoval #hautstraffung #thebiggestloser #transformation (at Worms, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0TMcJAI_gD/?igshid=frvfgjv2nixk
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Happy Wednesday 💕 I couldn’t have asked for anything more 🥹 3 more weeks until I’m headed back to wrap up the #skinremoval journey! . . . . #looseskinremoval #lowerbodylift #surgeryafterweightloss (at USA, Canada and UK) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnbBvohrgCM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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And here it is! 🖖🏻 I posted a picture of this 9 years healed #skinremoval I did on my buddy J at @calmbodymodification and I was sorry that I couldn’t find the “fresh” pic. It was on one of my old phones before there were cloud services. Luckily @hejviolen had it on his computer! Thanks buddy! ❤️☀️As written above this wasn’t skin peeling but skin removal. Why? Because I didn’t know shit from shit back then and that this even healed nice was pure luck and a lot of taping during the aftercare. We were both skeptical to this procedure but as we were/are friends we went ahead and did it. Luckily J can heal pretty much anything. Once again this was a DUMB procedure to perform and it healed well out of PURE LUCK so DON’T TRY THIS. The #bodymodcommunity has grown a lot these last couple of years and there’s TONS of info EVERYWHERE so there’s no reason at all to experiment like this. This could have gone really bad but it didn’t. Learn from this post. #totaltransparency Use chaiatcalm@gmail.com for questions and bookings. #scarification #scarification_artists @scarification_artists #bladesworkers @bladesworkers #sometimesicutpeople ----------------------------------------------- RUDE COMMENTS WILL GET DELETED! ----------------------------------------------- #BeCuteOrStayMute #calmbodymod #bodymod #calmbodymodification #bodymodification #bodyaltering #bodyart #bodyhacking #stockholm #sweden #södermalm #hornsgatan #mariatorget @all_bodymodification #chaiatcalm ----------------------------------------------- INSTAGRAM: @chaiatcalm www.calmbodymod.com www.calmbodymod.tictail.com ----------------------------------------------- (på/i CALM Bodymod - Piercings and Modifications)
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Some #skinremoval #scarification from recently. Fresh and covered with @saniderm for initial healing. #bodymodification #bodymods #sanidermproteam #h2oceanproteam https://www.instagram.com/p/CmCruY7uuSq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Meet @That.Sleeved.Texan My journey to this -161 lb weight loss began in the summer of 2017 at my highest recorded weight - a solid 295 lbs. Within the year prior, I had 3 painful miscarriages and was on a quick road to being diabetic. I lived most of my life in an obese depression, and hated to be that sideline mom to my son. With the encouragement of my immediate family, I’m so thankful to have made the decision to push forward to having VSG that Sept. I took control and refused to let processed food be my sole obsession. I’m now a healthy 134 lbs, and living the life I never knew was possible. I hope to be a source of encouragement and inspiration in the weight loss community, while at the same time be a positive example of what our bodies are capable of accomplishing with using VSG as a tool. Starting tip: Make small attainable goals. You are your number 1 motivation, and anything is possible. Drink that water and eat your greens. They do the body good, y’all. . . 🍍 Florida Meetup!! Aug 24th Tampa Bay. Message for details. . 99% of our stuff YOU AINT SEEING!! Check our Insta stories!! . . 👕 Wlstories Shirts avail at @wlshirts . #bbg #rny #fitspo #vsglife #vsgsupport #vsgcommunity #gastricsleeve #sleeved #bariatricsurgery #bodypositive #transformstiontuesday #nsv #tummytuck #plasticsurgery #healthylifestyle #cleaneating #plastics #vsgbabe #skinremoval #mealprep #mealprepsunday #bariatricbabe #wls #sleevedlife #verticalsleeve #fattofit #bodybuilding #dontmesswithtexas https://www.instagram.com/p/B0ey8NpDKpi/?igshid=jpv1lb7m94rb
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😲 Wow. 🤔 I've been stressing over whether or not I should get arm skin removal or not because I felt so self conscious about how my loose skin looks now. 😔 But comparing my arms now to what they were before, they look so good... 😭 It's just the loose skin that dangles now that I don't like... 😫 What should I do? Spend the money now that I have, even though I should be saving money for grad school and moving back home? Or should I just wait, and just feel uncomfortable for who knows how long until I can afford it again...😥 #brachioplasty #skinremoval #skinremovalaftervsg #skinremovalafterweightloss #delima #moneyproblems #weightloss #weightlossjourney #wls #vsg #vsgjourney #losingweightjourney #losingweight #weightlosssurgeryinkorea #surgeriesinkorea #vsginkorea #weightlossinkorea #korea #plussizeinkorea #bigtoslim #gettinghealthy #changingmybody #lifestylechange #abetterme #physicalandmentalhealth https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Z6VkZBQM0/?igshid=zg3e233hzevi
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𝐘𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐚𝐩𝐚𝐛𝐥𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠!... You don't even have to believe it! You just have to do it! 💯❣️ If you're interesting in starting plan and changing your life in 2023 contacting me today and let's make next year the year for YOU ❤️ #weightlossstory #weightlossblogger #weightlossblog #weighday #weighdayresults #one2onediet #121diet #caloriedeficit #weightlossjourney #weightlossdiary #dietcommunity #121dietbycwp #dieting #dietingtips #weightlossgoals #weightlosscommunity #healthyeating #wls #wlsjourney #skinremoval #excessskin #looseskin #skinremovaljourney #ukweightloss #weightlossuk #bigweightloss #changeyourlife #dietconsultant (at USA, Canada and UK) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cmxdz0goWuO/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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21 novembre - 21 décembre Déjà un mois que j’ai été opérée d’un bodylift, une chirurgie réparatrice abdominale et dorsale. Car malgré une forte activité physique, il a été impossible de se débarrasser des excès de peau naturellement. Déjà un mois que j’apprends à vivre avec cette nouvelle silhouette et cette cicatrise sur mon ventre et mon dos. Mais surtout un mois que j’apprends la patience et la résilience. Même si ça n’est pas simple tous les jours, je m’en sort plutôt pas mal au vu du type de l’opération. Car pour le corps se faire retirer 4,5 kilos de peau fatiguée, auquel s’ajoute une grosse liposuccion n’est pas sans impact. Ce n’est pas sans douleurs, ni gênes évidemment la nuit comme le jour. Mais la cicatrice est belle, les points ont bien commencés à se résorber... sur 85% de la surface. Il reste donc une petite zone de 15 cm récalcitrante. Elle s’est ouverte dès le début, agrandie quand les fils ont été coupés pour former une belle plaie. Qui a décidé de cicatriser à la vitesse d’une tortue ! À part des soins infirmiers quotidiens, il n’y a rien à faire. Rien que je puisse faire pour accélérer le process, pour avoir une emprise. Et c’est ça qui est frustrant ! J’ai demandé à la pharmacie si l’on pouvait acheter des doses de patience. Maintenant, je crois au miracle de Noël ! 🎁 #onfaitlebilan #patience #weightloss #bodylift #bodylift360 #skinremoval #chirurgiereparatrice #plasticsurgery #sleevegastrectomie #sleevegastrectomy #gastricsleevesurgery https://www.instagram.com/p/B6Z083OIpxT/?igshid=1y2n12gv2h3xg
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🚨Wie einige von euch wissen war ich früher ziemlich übergewichtig, ich hatte knapp 140 Kilo. 2006 habe ich dann angefangen abzunehmen und es hat ca. 1 1/2 Jahre gedauert bis ich knapp 60 Kilo abgenommen habe. Nun steht eine für mich riesige Veränderung an und zwar werde ich mich einer bzw. mehrerer Hautstraffungen unterziehen.Nach langer überlegung habe ich mich entschieden die OP’s bei @aesthetictravelcom machen zu lassen. Wenn ihr genau wissen wollt was ich alles machen lasse dann schaut euch das Highlight OP/SURGERY in meinem Profil an. Aesthetic Travel ist eine Schönheitsklinik in Antalya (Türkei). Ich werde am 23.6. hinfliegen und am 25.6. beginnen die ersten Eingriffe. Ich freue mich sehr darauf und hoffe natürlich dass alles gut geht damit ich in 2 bis 3 Monaten wieder hinfliegen kann um die restlichen OP’s machen zu lassen. Ich werde das ganze natürlich für YouTube festhalten und ich werde auch regelmäßige update Videos bei YouTube hochladen. Wenn ihr irgendwelche Fragen habt könnt ihr mir jederzeit eine Nachricht schreiben. *Werbung da Namensnennung ~~~~~~~~~~ As some of y’all know i was very overweight when i was younger, i had about 308 Pounds and lost around 132 Pounds. 2006 i startet to lose weight and it took me about 1 1/2 years to lose 132 Pounds. A for me huge change is gonna come because i will have skin removal surgeries. After searching to find the right clinic i found @aesthetictravelcom Check the first few Videos of my Highlight OP/SURGERY in my profil to find out what will be done. Aesthetic Travel is a Beauty Clinic in Antalya (Turkey). I will travel to Antalya on June 23. and my first surgeries will be on June 25. I hope everything goes well so i can return to Antalya after 2-3 Months for the final surgeries. I will record everything for Youtube.Just send me a DM if you have any questions. . . . . . . . . . . . #aesthetictravel #bauchdeckenstraffung #armstraffung #beinstraffung #fettabsaugung #tummytuck #armlift #thighlift #brazilianbuttlift #chestsurgery #schönheitsop #schönheitsoperation #weightloss #beautysurgery #haartransplantation #haartransplantationtürkei #liposuction #skinremoval #hautstraffung #thebiggestloser #transformation (at Worms, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByzUWX9I-UC/?igshid=1h8wu5smy4v4t
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This machine can peel up to 600 pcs of copra per hour, leaving you with smooth and clean kernels ready for oil extraction or other uses. #copra #coconut #oil #machine #peeler #skinremover #LiveMachineryVideos
Website:- https://atommachinery.com/
#atommachinery #reels #USA #instagram #viral #business #entrepreneur #startup #bhavikchudasama #trendingreels
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Escarificação realizada no Gustavo (@blackintatau) durante o guest no @studioinkgarden. Gratidão imensa pela confiança para esta experiência! 🧡 __________________________________ #scarification #escarificação #camisamapiercer #bodymod #skinremoval #saopaulo #sp #blumenau https://www.instagram.com/p/B5BQyaFHsk9/?igshid=12n9xkozao0v6
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Meet @jennaavh I had gone my whole life hating my body. To the point where it led me to having a nasty eating disorder. I binged and purged for many years. I Destroyed my stomach and my body through multiple addictions, including food. At my heaviest that I remember I was 230 standing at just 5 ft. I was 24 when I decided it was time for a change, I could no longer live like this, I wanted to die. Somehow, I found a will to live and started my journey to have gastric bypass surgery. In Dec 2017 I did just that. I lost over a 100lbs and am now at 117lbs. I even had my first excess skin removal in May 2019 and am patiently awaiting my next. It hasn’t been perfect and it won’t ever be. Earlier this year I was diagnosed with a painful autoimmune disorder of rheumatoid arthritis and I struggle to stay active and happy. But I am, I know I would have died or taken my life if I hadn’t of lost the weight. Now I’m on my way to being a nurse and I run and workout daily and have a healthier relationship with food. I won’t sit here and tell you any weight loss journey whether it’s 10 pounds or a 100 pounds is easy but it’s doable. Starting tip: find what works for you, don’t let the internet or the world around you decide what is best for you to be healthy or fit. This is your journey and it’s important you feel proud of it. ______________________________ 🤔 90% of our content YOU DONT SEE!! Check out IG stories!! . . 👕 Wlstories Shirts avail at @wlshirts . . #bbg #rny #fitspo #vsglife #vsgsupport #vsgcommunity #gastricsleeve #sleeved #bariatricsurgery #bodypositive #transformstiontuesday #nsv #tummytuck #plasticsurgery #healthylifestyle #cleaneating #plastics #vsgbabe #skinremoval #mealprep #mealprepsunday #bariatricbabe #wls #sleevedlife #verticalsleeve #fattofit #bodybuilding #bemorewithless https://www.instagram.com/p/B2vBWm7jj42/?igshid=1otylpezllu8z
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😲 Wow. 🤔 I've been stressing over whether or not I should get arm skin removal or not because I felt so self conscious about how my loose skin looks now. 😔 But comparing my arms now to what they were before, they look so good... 😭 It's just the loose skin that dangles now that I don't like... 😫 What should I do? Spend the money now that I have, even though I should be saving money for grad school and moving back home? Or should I just wait, and just feel uncomfortable for who knows how long until I can afford it again...😥 #brachioplasty #skinremoval #skinremovalaftervsg #skinremovalafterweightloss #delima #moneyproblems #weightloss #weightlossjourney #wls #vsg #vsgjourney #losingweightjourney #losingweight #weightlosssurgeryinkorea #surgeriesinkorea #vsginkorea #weightlossinkorea #korea #plussizeinkorea #bigtoslim #gettinghealthy #changingmybody #lifestylechange #abetterme #physicalandmentalhealth https://www.instagram.com/p/B7Z5ZMoBKIq/?igshid=10o1gx8vv4nqk
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