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Je suis trop heureuse de ma perte de poids 💖💖 #sleeve #sleevegastrectomy #sleevegastrectomie #regime #pertedepoidsextreme #poids #bypass (à Carthage, Tunis, Tunisia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpOKC2GriKb/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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The Surgical Procedure of Sleeve Gastrectomy
Many Singaporeans suffer from the health complication of obesity, especially males. Hypertension is a common complication of unhealthy weight.
Are you among those suffering from obesity in Singapore and finding it hard to achieve a healthy weight despite trying various weight loss programs? Don't lose hope; there are still other ways that can help you achieve better health, such as sleeve gastrectomy—a surgical procedure that is popular in Singapore to help control the health complications of obesity, like sleep apnea, arthritis, diabetes, and many more. Learn more about sleeve gastrectomy in Singapore on this page: https://www.nexussurgical.sg/weight-loss-surgery/sleeve-gastrectomy/
You may also want to explore the different types of weight loss surgery available in Singapore: https://www.nexussurgical.sg/weight-loss-surgery/
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डॉ.आशीष श्रीवास्तव (एम.एस., एमसीएच-जी.आई. सर्जरी (एम्स, नई दिल्ली)) गैस्ट्रोसर्जन :- एसोसिएट प्रोफेसर-सर्जरी विभाग जी आर मेडीकल कॉलेज, ग्वालियर पूर्व वरिष्ठ रेजीडेन्ट सर्जन जीआई सर्जरी विभाग अखिल भारतीय आयुर्विज्ञान संस्थान, नई दिल्ली
सुविधाऐ :-
● लिवर ट्रांसप्लांट ऑपरेशन
● वास्कुलर शंट सर्जरी बच्चों एवं वयस्कों में खून की कमी, खून की उल्टी, - तिल्ली का बढ़ा हो जाना।
● बिगडे हुए पेट के ऑपरेशन वाले मरीजों का इलाज ।
● तेजाब पीने से डैमेज खाने की नली का ऑपरेशन
● पेट के कैंसर की सर्जरी- (लिवर, पैन्क्रियाज, पित्त की थैली, पीलिया की नली, खाने की नली, आमाशय, आँतो एवं मलदार के कैंसर)
● क्रोनिक एवं एक्यूट पैनकिटाईटिस का इलाज। पित्त की थैली की पथरी का ऑपरेशन, लैप्रोस्कोपिक हर्निया सर्जरी।
● मोटापा कम करने की सर्जरी, लैप्रोस्कोपिक फंडोप्लाईकशन।
CLINIC:Shop No.17- In front of Madhav Dispensary M k Plaza, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh
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Nach drei Monaten voller Veränderung, voller Stress und Kälte wird es langsam warm. Früher hießen steigende Temperaturen Stress und Angst. Alles wurde noch anstrengender, luftnötiger und vor allem schweißtreibender. Während andere den Sommer genossen haben verkrümelte ich mich in den Schatten, oder in die Wohnung. Am Fluss liegen und entspannen oder im See Baden gehen war für mich undenkbar. Schon der Gedanke daran was die anderen denken könnten war zermürbend. Jeder Blick oder jedes Getuschel habe ich auf mich bezogen und hat mich mehr und mehr in die Isolation getrieben.
Jetzt über 40 kg leichter sieht es anders aus. Ja sicherlich strotze ich jetzt noch nicht vor Selbstbewusstsein, aber ich habe gelernt zu genießen.
Nie war mir bewusst wie schön es ist sich einfach die Sonne aufs Gesicht scheinen zu lassen und den frischen Frühlingswind zu fühlen. Einfach die Ruhe und Musik der Natur zu genießen und nichts zu tun.
Aber nicht nur das nichts tun begeistert mich jetzt. Nie habe ich verstanden warum Menschen wandern gehen. Es ergab für mich keinen Sinn seine Freizeit mit Laufen und Klettern oder spazieren zu verbringen. Gut Sinn ergab es vielleicht, aber es war nie eine Option für mich. Wenn es schon bei kühlen Temperaturen anstrengend war ist es im Frühling oder Sommer ja unmöglich. Aber auch das habe ich schätzen gelernt.
Für mich gibt es aktuell nichts schöneres, als an einem sonnigen Wochenende mit meinem Lieblingsmenschen raus zu gehen und zu spazieren, zu Wander, Fahrrad zu fahren oder einfach an den Fluss setzten und dem Konzert der Natur zu lauschen.
Traut euch. Geht raus. Es ist wunderschön.
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SLEEVE GASTRECTOMIE : la perte de poids vaut de l ' OR !
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Sağlıklı olmak yada olmamak, işte bütün mesele bu.
Herkes kendi hayatına karar verir ve yolunu çizer.
Çözüm isteyen kişi gereken adımı atar.
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I had spent years of my life struggling with weight problems.
After exhausting all other options, I decided to undergo bariatric surgery in hopes of a new beginning and the chance for a healthier lifestyle.
But despite my dedication to diet and exercise, 125 lbs still seemed impossible to shed off until I stumbled across all natural supplements that promised sound health benefits.
Out of desperation, I decided it was worth giving them a try.
To my surprise, the supplements worked wonders!
I soon found myself feeling energized and more optimistic about life than ever before - something that had been missing from my routine for too long.
My gut health improved as well as my sleep quality which resulted in better digestion and higher metabolism - helping significantly with weight loss goals!
The road wasn't easy but thanks to these natural supplements I was able to stay motivated throughout the journey and finally reach my dream body goal after 15 months - weighing less than half what I used to be at one point!
Nowadays I enjoy an active lifestyle full of healthy habits while also continuing taking care of myself through daily supplement use – something that has become part of who I am now.
My story proves no matter how hard things are you should never give up on your dreams because eventually they will come true if you keep pushing forward day by day!
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What Health Issues Can Improve with a Sleeve Gastrectomy?
Have you been struggling to lose weight for a long time? You might have already considered sleeve gastrectomy to help you get in shape. But did you know that this weight loss surgery can improve several health conditions? Watch the full video to discover the five health benefits of sleeve gastrectomy for obese patients.
Read more about sleeve gastrectomy on this page:: https://www.nexussurgical.sg/weight-loss-surgery/sleeve-gastrectomy/
You can also read this article about Weight Loss Surgical Options for Obese People: https://www.nexussurgical.sg/articles/weight-loss-surgical-options-for-obese-people/
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100 questions and answers about bariatric surgery book by dratef ahmed #shorts 36#surgery #bariatric
BariatricSurgery #shorts #WeightLossSurgery #ObesitySurgery #GastricBypass #LapBand #SleeveGastrectomy … source
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Mr. Babu Rao, Owner of Spice Garden Restaurant, Anantapur underwent Sleeve with Loop Duodenal Switch (SLDS, Single Anastomosis Duodenoileal Bypass with Sleeve, SADI S) Bariatric Metabolic Surgery by Dr. V. Amar in November 2021. He lost 62 kg weight (from 130 kg to 68 kg) in 1 year.
Bariatric surgery gave him a new life. Bariatric & Metabolic surgeries are very safe and highly effective to induce long lasting significant weight loss and long term remission from Type 2 diabetes.
SLDS Surgery is the most powerful combination of Sleeve and Bypass surgeries. It is more powerful than Sleeve Gastrectomy (SG), Roux En Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB), Mini Gastric Bypass (MGB) - One Anastomosis Gastric Bypass (OAGB) or any other Sleeve and Bypass combination surgeries such as Sleeve with Proximal Jejunal Bypass (SG PJB), Sleeve with Duodenoileal Interposition (SG DII), Single Anastomosis Sleeve Ileal Bypass (SASI Bypass) and Single Anastomosis Sleeve Jejunal Bypass (SASJ Bypass).
99% people respond very well after SLDS surgery. Weight regain and diabetes recurrence chances are less than 5%. If anyone regains weight after any of the above mentioned surgeries, converting them to Loop Duodenal Switch re-induce weight loss and diabetes remission. It addresses several problems associated with RYGB and MGB - OAGB. Unlike in RYGB, MGB-OAGB, after SLDS Surgery, endoscopic access to the stomach is maintained, there is no at risk gastric remnant, dumping syndrome chances are less due to preservation of pylorus, calcium and iron deficiency risks are less due to preservation of first part of the duodenum. Unlike in RYGB, after SLDS surgery, there is no risk of marginal ulcers, no risk of internal hernias. SLDS surgery is technically more advanced surgery compared to other surgeries.
Chief Consultant Bariatric & Metabolic Surgeon
Dr. Amar Bariatric & Metabolic Center
Jubille Hills
🌏 www.drvamar.com
📱+91 96 76 67 56 46
📱+91 99 89 79 78 68
#singleanastomosisduodenoilealbypasswithsleeve #singleanastomosisduodenalswitch
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