#sir not appearing in this story despite it being about him
flynndesdelca · 11 months
For Day 18 (Doug Rattmann) of @chelltastic’s Portal Drawtober 2023 Challenge. As I’m not really an artist, I chose to write short pieces for the prompts.
Another mural to mark the occasion.
Being trapped in the facility and under the mercy of the (then) unknown computer had left Chell frustrated and angry.  Certainly, she completed the tests, but it was never out of a sense of desire.  It was only necessity that spurred her onward.  The notion that something, anything could happen once she completed the tests.  The idea of 'cake', a carrot dangled on a string over her head, had never been as much of a draw as whoever designed that system - the core-addled GLaDOS, perhaps? - had intended.  Chell only had one goal in mind with the completion of the tests: finding a way to escape.  Perhaps finding the people who were administering these tests and negotiating with them over her cooperation, or perhaps simply just punching them, stealing their keys, and running.  She was fine, either way.
In her displeasure she often deliberately attempted to do tests in foolish ways, just to see if she could get a reaction.  She wasn't happy about her situation and she wanted to show it.  Normally there was no reaction, but on the odd occasion that her actions did actually cause trouble, the calm voice of the computer would chide her in its way and then do something to get her out of said situation.  There were myriad ways for her to potentially kill herself, but yet these ones, the ones that didn't involve physical harm, the ones that involved her sitting and doing nothing until she died of starvation or maybe asphyxiation - it was hard to tell how well sealed some of those small chambers were - where the ones that warranted intervention.
It was during her rattling around in her anger that she found the first of the strange 'dens'.  She'd been accidentally - she doubted it was an actual accident - sent on a test course full of live turrets.  She'd been slowly making her way through, cursing everything she could think of silently, when she'd turned a way she perhaps had never been intended to go.  Rather than a dead end or a face full of turrets, she'd found a small secret room.  There scribbled on the wall was a statement that echoed her own misgivings:  the cake was a lie.  It also showed a method to deal with the turrets from afar, which she greatly appreciated.  It had been such a shock, to see signs of life in the otherwise empty, dead place.  Clearly someone had been... living here? Staying? Hiding, most likely.  She had a strange feeling of safety while there, as though somehow she was out of notice.  From then on she started to keep an eye open just in case there may have been more of the same.
She had been rewarded, of course, as in the next test chamber she'd found another place to squeak into.  She had to put down the Companion Cube to do it, but she had been rewarded with another discovery.  While she was certain she was being fed a line about the Companion Cube, whoever it was who had been staying there seemed to be obsessed with them, and was angry and distraught about one having been... killed.  The words chilled her to the bone to see, scrawled on the wall, and she spent the rest of the test being very careful with the cube... only to have to throw it in the incinerator.  She hoped that whoever this person was, that they wouldn't be angry at her for her actions.  If they were still out there, of course.  She hadn't actually seen any evidence of their presence outside of what had remained in those two hidden rooms.
The next one hadn't really been a secret room per se... mostly just a hidden corner, a reprieve.  She had ducked inside to catch her breath but also to try to come up with a plan.  The end was coming up soon and she hadn't thought that far ahead.  She sat and listened to the radio and its tinny little sound, wondering just who would have left it at that station.  Who was the cube-obsessed survivor? Where were they now? What were they doing? Had they made it out of the tests, or had they been one of those who had died there?
Finding the next one had been the furthest thing from Chell's mind when she stumbled across it.  She'd been quite busy after the attempted murder with stalking through the strange rooms she'd found herself in once she had broken out of the testing tracks.  Beyond the clean and sterile testing environment, Aperture had seemingly been left to slowly decay.  While there had been signs of people being there once, there was no longer anyone there.  They were all dead or gone.  Even the mysterious person whose secret sleeping room she now stood in.  She couldn't imagine how uncomfortable it would be to curl up on cardboard, terrified of the murder-minded computer lurking around just outside, calling out in the distant hope of somehow getting compliance.  Laughable, really.  Was that how the test was supposed to end, dropping the test subjects into fire? Or was that something reserved just for her? At this point she wasn't sure what to think.  Right now, though, she was glad for the moment to sit, to try to think beyond her next few steps.  Some of the rooms had bottles of water in them, the outside dusty and the contents stale from sitting but still drinkable, and she was grateful for it.  She was also intensely grateful for the guidance, as without the directions they had left for her to follow she wouldn't have had a sense of where to go in some of the areas.  Even the simple directional arrows had been a great help in navigating the confusing corridors of the rooms behind.
And then it had been her and her alone.  There had been no further signs of her unseen ally, and given the situation she had just managed to drag herself out of she felt as though perhaps they might not have made it through.  The rest of her journey she had made on her own, slowly picking her way through the last areas until she had finally come face-to-face with her tormentor and won her freedom.
Or so she had thought! She had woken up not in the parking lot that she had remembered seeing distantly in her dreams upon the computer's destruction, but inside a Relaxation Chamber as part of its standard subject revitalization protocol.  Had the whole thing simply been a dream? Had she imagined the whole thing, all of the tests and dealing with the mad computer at the centre of it all? Was this her really having finally been awoken for the tests she had been conscripted to? She had no idea what was real and what wasn't, and the ramblings of the crazed core that had taken her Relaxation Chamber and smashed it around before dumping her into an overgrown testing track hadn't helped her to confirm one way or the other how much of what she could recall had actually happened.
All of that reminiscence hadn't prepared her for what she was currently seeing, of course.  The feel of the Single Portal Device in her hands was oh-so familiar, like a glove that had been made for her, and her left hand curled under it instinctively while her right hand hovered over the double triggers with a familiarity that could only have been born of endless repetition.  She stared up at the wall before her, horror and shock creeping onto her face.  It was another of those secret rooms, she recognized the scrawling drawings, but she hadn't expected to see a huge painting of herself there.  This person had been alive the whole time, had seen her, and judging from the paintings in this room had been there for the whole thing right from the computer’s creation.  She stared at the mural of herself, almost certain that she could see paint trickling down from it as though it had only just been daubed up there moments ago.  It was bone dry, of course, but the fact that it was her...  Who was this person who had guided her unseen out of the facility? Where were they? How had they been watching her? So many questions swirled around in her mind.  Would she find signs of their passing again? More secret rooms where they had tucked themselves away? Would she finally get to meet them?
Escape was her plan, once more, and perhaps it would be more straightforward now that the facility was in ruins and she had actual help on her way.   A part of her hoped that she could meet the strange, cube-crazed person who had been so instrumental in her escape.  Knowing that what she had been thinking wasn't simply paranoia from being alone and constantly watched.  Knowing that it was okay to have those feelings had helped her to keep from going completely insane by the end.  If she did happen to find that person... she would really like to thank them.
Really, she hoped that she wouldn't get to see them because they had finally managed to escape.
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alastor-simp · 8 months
Alastor with a female reader who is selectively mute Part 2
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Here is part 2 of this story. Mimzy is gonna be in this story as well, since we havent heard her talk yet or what her personality is like, im just gonna write how I think she will talk and act. Enjoy everyone:)
***5 Months Later***
You had adapted to hell surprisingly well. Yes there was some bumps along the way, due to you being mute, but you adjusted as time went on. Your relationships with everyone in the hotel had grown significantly. Charlie adored you and loved you like a sister. She was this close to telling her dad if it was possible to adopt you into the family, but you frantically declined as you suspected it would complicate things, but it was sweet that she loved you so much to do that. Vaggie slowly adjusted to you, don't blame her, she was always untrustworthy of everyone in the hotel, but she came around sooner or later. She offered to teach you some self defense as you were still an easy target. It was a bit difficult, but you managed despite your clumsiness. Angel Dust was a bit annoying in the beginning as he really wanted to hear your voice, but the puppy dog eyes you gave him made him quit. Now he treats you like his bestie, taking you shopping and having you attend some of his shows, which flustered you, but you wanted to support him. Niffty found you adorable when you first met and she still does. She has tried not to speed run towards you, since it always shocked you, causing you to drop your notepad in the past. It took a while, but she was able to do it. Husk was literally your dad figure. He always came over when you appeared upset about something and offered to cheer you up with his card tricks or make you a virgin cocktail, especially since your alcohol tolerance was negative 1000. You loved that he became that caring towards you, especially how gruff he was with everyone else. Sir Pentious was a new addition to the hotel. He first appeared when he tried to blow up the hotel a second time, only for Al to defeat him easily. Later after that, he became a patron at the hotel. He wondered why you didn't speak, but after a talk with Charlie and Vaggie, he no longer questioned it. He did enjoy your company, whenever you came to his work space, as he was crafting his inventions. His Egg Bois adored you as well, which pleased him. Alastor had become almost your protector/best friend. Its crazy to think how in the beginning, he was a bit annoyed when you didn't respond to his question, to now where he was always there to help you whenever you were in a pickle. His radio tower was your sanctuary as you always headed up there during his broadcasts. Alastor would always anticipate you coming as well, as it made his day a whole lot better whenever you showed up and took a seat next to him, admiring him as he continued his broadcast.
Getting ready for the day, you stood in front of your mirror, making sure you look spiffy. Alastor had invited you to attend one of Mimzy's shows at her club. Excitement raced through your body, and you nodded quickly when he asked you. Alastor mentioned before that her shows were very entertaining, so it made you very happy when he invited you to come. After a few minutes of looking yourself over, you walked over to the bed and grabbed the cell phone that was there. Charlie had gotten you it a few weeks ago as a gift. She had installed a text to speech app on it, so whatever you typed on the phone, a voice would respond back. Tears filled your eyes when she gave it to you, almost apologizing for all the trouble she had to go through to get it for you, but she said it was fine and it hardly cost anything. You knew she was royalty, so one cell phone wouldn't be a big deal, but it was to you. After a bunch of persuasion from Charlie saying it was really alright, you accepted the cell phone, not before engulfing Charlie in a hug. It took a while to get use to it, but it got easier over time, and it was a whole lot better then the notepad.
Rushing out of the room, your feet carried you over to the lobby, where a certain deer demon was patiently waiting. Alastor's ear twitched when he heard the pitter patter of your feet, turning to face you with a smile. Stopping to catch your breath, you stood in front of Al and gave a small wave, causing him to chuckle. His eyes scanned your outfit and found it to be perfect for today's activities. "Excited are we, my dear?" Looking at Al, you nodded your head, smiling widely. How adorable he thought. Hooking his arm with yours, Alastor banged his microphone on the ground, causing a portal to open in front of you. "Transporting like this may be new to you, my dear! Hold on tight!" The both of you entered the portal. It felt extremely odd, but you powered through it. The portal had brought you in front of a large building, with a large neon sign reading "Mimzy's." There was a crowd of demons around the building, probably ready for the show, as Mimzy was very popular. Entering inside, your eyes were drawn to the decor. It was a lavish place, the walls were covered in burlesque posters, and string lights decorated the ceiling. It had a very spacious bar and in the center of the room was a large stage with a small band in the background. Heading over to a certain section, there was a table that read VIP. This must be for us, since Alastor was a frequent visitor at this place. Sitting down in the seat, Alastor called over a server, asking for their most popular giggle water, while turning to you and asking what you would like. Taking your phone out, you typed your answer and played it out:
"𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚊 𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚛𝚕𝚎𝚢 𝚝𝚎𝚖𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎."
The server was confused at that, but just shrugged and nodded while going over to complete the order. Alastor was not fond that you had to resort to that annoying technology to speak, but he did noticed how more calm you were using it then the notepad, so he kept his opinion to himself. After the server returned with the drinks, the lights began to dim, and the crowd began to let out cheers, as the main entertainer made her way to the stage. Mimzy was a very short demon, a little chubby, but very gorgeous. Her flapper dress suit her very well, as she made her way to the center of the stage. "Good evening, Ladies and Gents! Y'all ready for tonight's performance?" Cheers and whistles were the response to that. "That's what I like to hear! Hit it boys!" The stage lights flashed, as Mimzy walked closer to the front of the stage, standing in front of the microphone, ready to amaze everyone.
(LOVE THIS SINGER, Check her out)
The performance drew to a close, and you were blown away. Her voice was amazing. Loud cheers and applause radiated throughout the whole room, as Mimzy gave a bow. Both you and Alastor clapped with the crowd as Mimzy left the stage, leaving the band there, as they played some jazz to keep the entertainment alive. Alastor turned towards you, asking if you enjoyed the show, to which you responded with an enthusiastic nod. "Why Alastor! You made it" a familiar voice, called out from behind the both of you, as you saw Mimzy walking towards the both of you. "Of course, Mimzy my dear! You do know how much I adore your performances!" Alastor smiled as he greeted Mimzy, placing a kiss on her hand. Mimzy's eyes then locked on you. Oh boy, you hoped she was friendly. "Oh My Goodness! Who is this adorable little peach?!" Oh thank Lucifer, she was a nice demon. "Ah yes! This is another acquaintance of mine! Say hello my dear!" Mimzy glanced at Al when he spoke, then turned back to you with a kind smile. "How ya doin suga~? Did my voice blow you away?" Feeling uncertain, you wondered if she was going to treat you differently if she knew you were a mute. She seemed friendly enough, plus Al said she was a good friend. Slowly you grabbed your phone and typed out what you wanted to say to Mimzy.
𝚈𝚎𝚜! 𝙸 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚙𝚎𝚛𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎 𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢 𝚖𝚞𝚌𝚑. 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝚑𝚊𝚟𝚎 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚣𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚟𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎. 𝙸 𝚊𝚖 𝚜𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚌𝚝𝚒𝚟𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚖𝚞𝚝𝚎, 𝚜𝚘 𝙸 𝚊𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚒𝚣𝚎 𝚒𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚊 𝚋𝚒𝚝 𝚘𝚍𝚍.
After the voice played, you pointed your eyes to the ground, feeling very shy. Clenching your hands under the table, you worried Mimzy was going to mock you for not speaking. "Oh my satan! Alastor, where did you find this angel? She is simply precious!" Mimzy had grabbed your cheeks, and began to squish them, like what a mother would do to a baby. "She had arrived in Hell a few months ago! She is a shy little one!" Alastor chuckled as he watched Mimzy coo at you. "No apologies needed suga~! Just happy you enjoyed the show! Here, let me give you a VIP pass so you can visit with no problems. Okay, darling?" Mimzy let go of your cheeks, and handed you the card. She had a very motherly side to her, which you liked. Grabbing the card, you nodded your head and smiled. Mimzy smiled and hugged you again. She then departed both of you as she had to meet up with some gents on the other side of the room. Both you and Alastor stayed at the club for a little bit, chatting about certain topics until you realized it had gotten late. Exiting the building, both you and Alastor decided to walk back to the hotel. Could have teleported, but the breeze was nice plus you both needed to stretch your legs after sitting for a long time. Your arm was hooked with Al's as he walked with you. Always such a gentleman. After walking for a couple of minutes, Alastor had stopped in his tracks. "My dear, may I ask you a question?" Alastor turned towards you, as he let your arm go, as he left you to stand in front of him. Staring into his eyes, you looked to see if there was any evidence of anger in them, but you found none. There was a little hint of sadness though, yet Alastor was still smiling. "I noticed during conversations with others, you always apologize! Why is that, my dear?" Tilting his head at you, he waited for your response.
Painful memories from your past began to flash in your mind once Alastor asked that question. Tears started to form, but they were blinked away. Reaching for your phone with trembling hands, you slowly wrote your answer and played it for Al.
𝙳𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚟𝚎, 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚠𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚘 𝚍𝚒𝚍𝚗'𝚝 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚢 𝚌𝚘𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 𝚊 𝚋𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛 𝚠𝚑𝚒𝚕𝚎 𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚜 𝚍𝚒𝚍. 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝚘𝚗𝚎𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚍𝚎𝚝𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚒𝚝 𝚜𝚊𝚠 𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚜 𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚗𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚢, 𝚊 𝚏𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚔, 𝚊 𝚠𝚎𝚒𝚛𝚍𝚘. 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚎𝚍 𝚍𝚘𝚠𝚗 𝚊𝚝 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚋𝚎𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝙸 𝚊𝚖 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚜𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚕𝚢 𝚋𝚞𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚒𝚝. 𝙾𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚝𝚒𝚖𝚎, 𝙸 𝚋𝚎𝚐𝚊𝚗 𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚎𝚕𝚒𝚎𝚟𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚠𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚝𝚊𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚙𝚘𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚒𝚣𝚎 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛𝚢𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐. 𝙸𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚜𝚗'𝚝 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛𝚎 𝚏𝚊𝚞𝚕𝚝 𝙸 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚠𝚊𝚢 𝙸 𝚊𝚖, 𝚒𝚝 𝚠𝚊𝚜 𝚖𝚢 𝚘𝚠𝚗.
Tears rolled down your cheeks, as you pointed your head to the ground. Everything you felt from back then began to pour out of you, and you couldn't stop. Alastor was silent in front of you, and you figured he was upset with you, but before you could type a response, you were caught off when you felt someone wrap their arms around you. You found your head being placed in the crook of his neck, as he held you tightly. HE WAS HUGGING YOU?!? The last months while staying at the hotel, you were able to find out that Alastor didn't liked being touch. Yes, he would touch you and the others, but it mostly involved an arm hook, slight shoulder hug or head pat. You never expected that Al would be hugging you like this. After a few seconds, he began to speak. "I am truly sorry you had to suffer through that, my dear! But let me tell you this, people who mock and taunt others for being odd or a little strange are the ẗ̸̝́r̴̦̒u̵̦̅ē̴̢ ̶̰̈́s̴̱̈c̷̪͒ù̶̧m̶͇͐ ̸͎̔ò̴̦f̸͔̈́ ̶̦̃t̶͈̽h̶̟͌ȩ̴̾ ̴̯̀è̴͍a̴̞͝r̸͙̊t̸̰̕h̸̤̉! They are the true monsters! Don't believe their heinous words! To me, you are the sweetest and most unique demon in all of the seven rings! Never apologize for being the way you are ever again!" His words made you cry even more. Moving your hands slowly, you placed them on his back, tightening the hug. You felt the slight flinch from his body when you did that, but he slowly relaxed and squeezed you tighter.
The hug lasted for a bit before Al slowly released you, snapping his fingers to have a handkerchief appear in his hands, as he wiped your tears away. Once he finished, he leaned down and placed his hands on the sides of your mouth, moving them up to make it appear you were smiling. "Come on, my dear! Smile!" The smile on his face was outstretched, revealing all of his sharp teeth. His antics never ceased to make you laugh. Looking at him, you gave him a great big smile. Chuckling, Al leaned back up and grabbed your arm again, continuing his walk back to the hotel. After about a few minutes of walking, you both stopped in your tracks as an unknown voice called out to the both of you. "Well well well, if it isn't the Radio Demon."
Part 1 of the Story is Here
Part 3 of the story is Here
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moonydustx · 7 months
A not so funny story
requests | mastelist
Summary: With Uta controlling everyone and the marine attacking, you needed to contain an unconscious Law who was looking to join the fight. Now, you need to deal with the consequences of him finding out about this.
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x F!Reader
Warnings: blood, Law hurts Reader (not on purpose), they both love each other, but they are idiots who don't know how to talk. Law doesn't know how to express his feelings in this one. Angst, kinda fluff/happy ending.
W/C: 3.6k
A/N: I just saw the movie Red and the idea came to my mind. I need to shake off the rust and get back to writing, I thought it would be a good solution. Despite being linked to the film OP Red, there may be some things that differ from the canon.
For those who haven't seen the film, a spoiler-free context: in the film, we see a singer called Uta, who Bepo is a fan of and, together with Law, go to the show. Problems happen, she puts everyone to sleep and with her power, she manipulates these sleeping people to fight with other people who want to stop her.
italics apply to flashbacks and thoughts
Part 2 | Part 3 (NSFW)
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The cold stone beneath you contrasted with your hot, sweaty body. You could feel the wounds burning on your body and if you reached out your hand, you could find the cause of them, your captain.
In the distance, you could hear someone calling your name and it didn't take long for Penguin to appear in your field of vision.
"Are you okay?"
"He gave me a hard time, but I'm fine. And you?" You grumbled, sitting up and taking in your surroundings. Apparently everyone had gone back to sleep.
"We're tired but fine. You're bleeding, do you need any help?"
"Everything is fine." You stood, with his help. "We need to get them out of here, I doubt the marines will miss the chance to catch so many pirates gathered in one place. At the very least, this will end in a fight."
You chose to help carry Bepo back to Polar Tang. Even though he was big, sharing the weight would be much easier than carrying Law alone. As soon as you entered the submarine, you disappeared from sight, leaving all of Uta's fight behind.
"Do you guys need help? I can see some pretty bad injuries from here." Ikkaku approached, already stopping the blood on your forehead. "Are they both okay?"
"We should take them to the infirmary and keep them under observation." you warned, seeing two other crew members carry them out of sight. "Can we get away from the fight?"
"Yeah, off their radar." someone answered you in the background.
"Perfect, keep us at this depth, keep an eye on the radios, any sign of change, if Law hasn't woken up, you look for me." You leaned against one of the tables, trying to ignore some of the pain in your body.
It was supposed to be just a quick show, at least that's what Bepo had said. Unfortunately for Law, he ended up being the polar bear's requested companion.
"Sure you don't want to change places with me?" Law appeared next to you, while you finished cleaning the kitchen.
"No captain, I'll be right here, with my duties." You smiled at him and, despite being frustrated, he let out a sideways smile.
"You know that I'm the captain right? That I can give the order and you have to go and I don't."
"You wouldn't be so mean, would you?" you asked indignantly and on one of the few occasions, you heard him laugh, even if it was low tone. "Captain!"
"I'm kidding. Just keep an eye on everything, okay? Don't let Shachi and Penguin cause any trouble."
"Yes, sir. And you, enjoy the show."
You were almost regretting not accepting the proposal. Law would certainly be much better at containing you and preventing you from getting into a big fight than you would be doing the opposite. But you liked the idea of ​​him trusting you.
"Everything is alright?" Ikkaku took you out of your reverie, noticing your body slightly bent and the blood falling on your forehead.
"Try holding back a furious Trafalgar Law from wanting to get into a fight and tell me if that's okay." You laughed, even though it took some of the air out of you. "Just a few bruises, nothing major."
"Come on, I'll help you take care of this." Ikkaku gently pulled you by the hand.
"Boys, do you deal with them?" you asked and they both nodded. "If Law wakes up, don't say anything to him about our little fight."
"You mean, about the big fucking beating he gave you?" Shachi teased you, earning a push.
"Exactly. He has bigger problems to worry about than dealing with this."
You and Ikkaku headed towards the dorm you shared. Your friend made a point of supporting you at every step, even if you insisted it wasn't necessary. She sat you down on the bed and grabbed a small first aid kit hidden on one of the shelves.
"Why not tell the captain?"
"Outch" you mumbled with one of the stitches she had on your face. "I have a feeling he's not going to like that we got into this fight without his presence."
"I think he'll be more resentful that you were the one who held him back." You laughed at her silly observation, then grumbled with another needle. Damn fight. "Don't act stupid."
"What you mean?"
"I'll let you choose. Between you being the only one who can steal books from him without him complaining or about every time we disembark, you having to be on his side. Should I mention that time he freaked out because Kid wanted to take you to the crew from him?" she laughed to herself, at her own memory. "What do you need to see that he likes you too?"
"And who said I like him?"
"Okay, you still want to keep hiding your feelings for him, just hide it better." she laughed again. It was clear to her - and anyone else who saw - that there was something between the two of you. You just prefer not to feed this illusion. "Still, I agree that he won't like all this one bit. Let's try to keep out of his sight."
Law was still trying to assimilate everything that happened. Uta's show had turned into a war scene and in the end, even he had become a puppet. That idea would haunt him for a long time.
Despite recent events, Polar Tang was quiet, too quiet. He could hear some buzzing, nothing he could identify. Another thing he couldn't place was you. The last time he saw you, he had tried to bargain for your presence at the show, even though he had asked to change places with you, he didn't think the idea of ​​going with you was bad. You'd probably hate the song, but he'd enjoy your sarcastic comments about any awkward situation. A small laugh crossed his lips when he thought about what you would say to see little Bepo.
At dinner, he observed Shachi, Penguin and Bepo, talking to each other. The concerned expressions denoted the seriousness of the matter, but that could come later. Even though he slept through it all, he still felt tired.
At lunch the next day, again, nothing from you. Ikkaku was also missing. It was impossible for the two of them to have disappeared together and without any justification. He tried not to think about the worst-case scenarios, but no matter how much he denied it, he wasn't such an optimistic person.
It only took a few seconds of your three companions stalling for him to know that you and Ikkaku were up to something or had already been up to something. He left them behind, following with firm steps to your room.
"I didn't see you two at lunch or yesterday at dinner, I wanted to know..." you two found Law leaning against the door of your room. His relaxed position disappeared in seconds when he looked at where Ikkaku's hand joined your forehead. "What happened?"
"Just a few scratches, nothing major." your colleague replied before you could open your mouth. She knew - actually, you weren't that good at hiding it - about your feelings and how easily you could wrap your head around your own words.
"Yeah, they're from yesterday, some scratches." you tried to complement, the captain's serious expression made it clear that that hadn't helped at all.
"Nothing much and that's why you haven't shown up since yesterday?" he grumbled and before he could continue his lecture, he felt his body being pushed forward, with Bepo, Shachi and Penguin falling beside him. "What the fuck?"
"We just wanted to know if you already know that she was the one..." before the bear finished speaking, the other two covered his mouth.
The grey eyes trailed from you to Ikkaku, to the group lying next to him, and back to you again. The small stress that was forming inside Law turned into concern when he saw the small trickle of blood dripping from your eyebrow.
It only took a few moments away for you to appear like that and he would never tolerate that, you didn't need to know about his feelings or how he was already thinking about taking revenge on whoever had done that, he would deal with it after taking care of your wound .
"Everyone out." you made to follow Ikkaku, stopping a few meters away. "Not you, I need to see this."
The door to the small room knocked subtly behind Law, who waited for a few seconds to approach you. The two of you already had a considerable height difference, but when you felt Law's cold, tattooed fingers on your chin, you felt even smaller. He turned both sides of your face, despite the cold touch, you could feel your skin burn beneath his fingers.
"You're warm, but I don't see any trace of infection." Not this one, you thought. "Give me the name?"
"Which idiot did this?" he replied without much patience, his fingers leaving your face behind.
"This is going to be a funny story." you laughed, stopping immediately when you saw him look deep into your eyes, his expression serious in an almost irritating way.
"Someone decided to hurt one of my crew. I don't think it's such a funny story. Who did it?"
"Captain of the Heart Pirates, Trafalgar Law." your answer didn't seem to catch him instantly, with each word that left your mouth, you could see him getting paler and paler. "I believe you already know, but Uta managed to control everyone who was asleep to attack the pirates and the marines and with that, you and Bepo were also controlled. The boys held Bepo and I had to deal with you, but everything is fine. "
"They told me about Bepo..." he seemed lost for words, taking a certain distance from you and leaning on the small table in your room. "So you restrained me, alone?"
"You, actually Uta, didn't have access to your Devil Fruit powers, it ended up being easier. After all, our mission was just to keep you two away from the navy." you explained, leaning on the opposite side to where he was, seeing his crestfallen expression. "Like I said, it's okay captain."
"Where else did I hurt you?" the question took you by surprise, making it difficult to hide your reaction. "I know my strength, I have a feeling it wasn't just that. I could see it myself, but I trust you, so please."
With your fists clenched and your gaze following your every step, Law could see your hand go to your ribs, along with a grumble, as you bent down to pick up a small cloth and fill it with something that smelled similar to alcohol. As much as he noticed you trying hard, he could see you limping. He watched you smear the contents on one of your cheeks and your arm, revealing some bruises.
You stopped in front of him, letting him analyze. Despite the pain throughout your body, Law's proximity was almost like an anesthetic. If he stayed there, you wouldn't mind spending the day under his gaze. Law took your arm, gently sliding his fingers under the bruise, watching you flinch in discomfort. His hands practically put your arm back in place and placed themselves on the zipper of your jumpsuit.
Your hands placed themselves next to his, pulling the device and opening the entire piece. Of all the times he had dreamed of touching your skin, none had felt like this. He liked to imagine how soft it would be, to think about how your body would shiver, to feel with his own lips every piece of exposed skin, while he heard you ask for more. All the purple spots he had dreamed of leaving on your skin were nothing like the one he saw. Thoughts would need to be put aside at that moment.
His hand knocked down one side of your jumpsuit, showing the large bruise on your rib, which made him hold his breath for a few seconds.
"What else?" his voice was barely audible. He knew there was more to it, but he didn't want to be invasive.
"Just this cut." you took off the other strap of your jumpsuit and let it fall below your waist, showing the wound on your thigh. It wasn't that big, but when you both looked at the place, you understood where all the warmth in your body was coming from. "Shit. It wasn't like this last time I looked." actually it was, you just wanted to spare him the worry.
You adjusted your jumpsuit, leaving the top hanging around your waist. Your eyes searched for Law's, but he seemed to be far away, even just a few centimeters away. For some time, he didn't say anything. His eyes followed one point you had shown and others, looking for other signs. His hands prostrated in front of his body, why had he done that? Why hurt you?
"I...I..." the words seemed stuck somewhere inside him. His hands placed themselves next to your face, a gesture you hadn't received from him yet. "I don't know how to apologize. Forgive me, I didn't want any of this to happen."
"No need, Law, really. I was doing what any of us would do, taking care of our crew, taking care of our captain."
Again the words seemed to have escaped him. He just wished he could hold you and apologize a thousand times, hold you there and heal every little part of you and never allow anything to hurt you again. Some conscious side of him screamed in the background that this wasn't anyone's fault, but the sound seemed so far away to hear, while the picture of what he had done was so close to him.
A few seconds passed, his hands were still on your face, while you just enjoyed the awkward affection you received. He didn't know how to deal with that feeling, it was a guilt like he had never felt. Along with a fear, a need to see you well. There were too many things to deal with and at that moment, he chose to be the most rational one.
"It's infected and may have broken something." Law let his medical side take control of the situation. "Room. Shambles."
Before you even noticed the blue dome surrounding you, the two of you had already been transported to the infirmary. You remained standing in your place as you watched the captain hurriedly walk around the room, collecting some materials and before you could try to get on the stretcher, the two of you were already being taken to another place.
The table full of books, the small window of the Polar Tang showing some little orange fish passing by outside, a cozy bed, even with the sheets spread out. That definitely wasn't your room. You watched Law leave the materials on the table and reach Kikoku. You saw the blue dome again, this time, you knew that he was using his powers to confirm that you had indeed presented all your injuries to him.
"I was worried about your rib, but apparently it was just the bruise. Now about your leg, I may need to redo those stitches and medicate you. I can't let the infection spread."
You knew he was nervous, bordering on anxious, but you had known him long enough to know that stopping him from treating you would be even worse. You had chosen to hide your injuries so that Law wouldn't feel guilty, now that he knew, you didn't have much else to do.
"Law." you called out to him carefully, as he prepared the medication. "Do you mind if I bathe first?"
"Sure, I mean, no problem. Just wait a second." He walked away from the table and piled up some things, which he handed into your hand. "Here's my towel, I also left some clothes in case you want to use them, if you don't want to, that's okay. I can ask Ikkaku..."
"This is perfect, thank you Law." you hugged the small bundle of clothes close to your body.
"Room." again, in a matter of seconds, you were at the bathroom door. "I'm sorry, but your leg is really hurt, you shouldn't force it while walking."
"Okay" unlike the time he had taken you to the infirmary, now he had transported you close to each other, which made the air disappear from your lungs. "Can you wait for me? I mean, you said I wouldn't I should force my leg and..."
"I'll be outside, just call me and I'll be here." Please call me, Law's inner voice practically screamed.
Your shower was much quicker than you expected. Just knowing that he was waiting for you outside made butterflies fight in your stomach. You gently dried your body and took the clothes he had given you. Something that looked like shorts - it might have been underwear, but you didn't worry about that right now - and a black button-down shirt. As soon as you button the last button, you can pay attention to the smell of the fabric. Something soft, woody, you wondered if that was his scent.
"Law?" All it took was a small call and he soon entered the bathroom. Not as discreetly as he expected, his eyes roamed your body. "Can you help me?"
"Of course" your feet left the floor, giving you a few seconds to assimilate that he had picked you up and carried you back to the room. He hadn't done this before, but you preferred to just enjoy the sensation, locking your arms around his neck.
With a few steps inside the room, he placed you lying on the bed, pulling a rod further to the side, only then did you notice the hanging IV.
Law bent down, reaching your arm level, cleaning it with a small piece of cotton. He looked at the wound on your leg. In silence, he cleaned the area and took some bandages, placing them across the entire length of the wound. The contrast between your warm skin and his cold hands was strangely comfortable. You wished they would last a little longer there.
"I think we can leave these stitches for another day, but I need you to take this medicine. It's an antibiotic, the infection is small, but I'd rather take care of it soon." He pulled the small needle, seeing your face pale. "I'm sorry darling, but it's the best option we have."
That word would echo in your mind for a long time. The fear of the needle that was about to come into contact with your skin eased when you saw the care he took with each gesture.
"Just don't look, okay?" He waited for you to close your eyes. "Just a few seconds and that's it. You'll feel sleepy, but that's normal. As soon as you wake up, I'll bring you something to eat."
He got up and started to adjust the pillows on the bed, the ones that were around and under you. His hands rested around your body, his body was on top of yours, even without any immediate contact. It was inevitable not to get lost in his eyes, or see him do the same with yours. You would like to engrave that in your memory, forever.
"Are you comfortable?" his face still had the same tense expression from the first moment he found you in the room.
"I am, I promise." you replied, in a burst of courage, you brought your hand to his face, touching his cheek. "Law, what worries you so much?"
He walked away, sitting at the foot of the bed. You just straightened up so you could look at him. His tattooed hands took off his hat, fingers tangling against the dark strands.
"I can't deal with the fact that I did this. I did this to you. Of all the people that could have been there, I hurt you." he grumbled, turning so he could look at you. "You do not understand."
"Actually, I understand." your answer left him stunned for a few seconds. "But don't blame yourself, you didn't choose this, captain"
"I know, but at the same time..." he huffed, trying to find the right words, which scratched his insides every time he looked at your scourged face. "You understand me, huh? I mean, I don't just see you as a crew member and something tells me you don't just see me as your captain. And knowing that of all the things that could have happened, I hurt you. I promise compensate you for everything."
"About what you said, about what we see in each other." your thought was interrupted by a long yawn. "What should we do about this?" You made to get up, but the IV attached seemed to transmit drowsiness straight to your body. Your eyes were already starting to get heavy.
"That we can deal with this later. You took care of me, now it's my duty to take care of you. For that, you need to rest." His hands reached yours, giving a slight laugh when he saw you fighting with your own eyes, wanting to leave them open. "I promise not to hurt you again or let anyone else hurt you."
Before you fall asleep for good, you can feel his lips on your hand.
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bones4thecats · 8 months
What If They Were Fathers?
Type of Writing: #5 - Poll Result Characters: Bonten! Manjiro Sano, Sanzu Haruchiyo, Kakucho, and Hajime Kokonoi Name: What If They Were Fathers? Original Poll Link: Here
A/N: The Reader is FEMALE in this, since they're pregnant and whatnot.
WARNING! This contains: Mentions of drugs, overdoses, alcohol addiction, and drug addiction
Spoilers for: Bonten Arc
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🍵 It shocked Mikey enough that you still loved him even though he wasn't the same happy-go-lucky boy he was years ago, instead, he grew into a emotionless and dead-appearing individual
🍵 So, when he heard that you were pregnant, he'd be lying if he said he didn't feel a small bit of love grow inside his now cold-heart
🍵 Mikey was very good when it came to caring for you during your pregnancy, he would have the others go get you things you needed, since he suspected someone was after him and you
🍵 After all, being pregnant slows down a woman from whooping ass
🍵 It was surprising, but, when you went into labor and you were yelling at him as he tried calming you down, Mikey stayed as calm as ever
🍵 He would slightly flinch at the loud screams of pain you let out, and he was honestly kinda scared he may lose you when the gang's doctor rushed you to lay down and stay calm
" Mr. Sano, sir, would you like to hold your baby? "
🍵 Looking behind him, he stared at his first child, a son, and he felt a shimmer of happiness and sadness rush through him at the same time, it reminded him of when he first met Emma, how he cared for her automatically without any reason
🍵 As he held your baby, he let a tear rush down his cheek as you chuckled at his small moment of vulnerability, something he swore he would never show was in-fact showing, he was still human inside
🍵 Now, while your son grew up, Mikey was a hint of a helicopter-father, he runs a very dangerous organization, one that is being hunted by authorities constantly, and he had enough to do when worrying about you, but, his son was so similar to younger him
🍵 The boy would run up to strangers and make them laugh without a care in the world as Mikey would hide himself deeper in a hoodie while you got your son back to you guys
🍵 But, despite many beliefs, he's a decent father
🍵 Mikey would put some things behind and would play with his son, for example, if his son wanted to mess around with some sock puppets and make a story, Mikey would indulge him and mess with him, making his voice deepen and rise for his son's laugh to erupt
🍵 He does have his faults though, as his work can end up making his son mature faster than a child should, or he could end up saying or doing something that upset you, making his son start disconnecting with him
🍵 Overall, he's a 7.5/10 father, he's good in certain situations and bad in others
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🔪 Sanzu and you have known one another for years, planting the first time you ever met nearly 10 years prior to this one
🔪 When he went through the years of torturous addictions, whether it be to alcohol or drugs that he somehow got a hold of through means even you didn't know of, you were always there to pull him away
🔪 Because of those issues, he had no idea why you settled for him of all people, you were so beautiful, you could've gotten with any other member of Bonten, maybe even his own boss
🔪 But, you settled with him, the guy who had nearly overdosed from his drugs and alcohol multiple times
🔪 While pushing those hateful thoughts of himself to the back of his brain, Sanzu had gone through multiple attempts of rehabilitation, and after a few failures and your threat of leaving him, he began taking it seriously, he loves you and he needs you to be there
🔪 It took a while, but, once he made it to your first milestone of a year of sobriety, you gave him a reward, which led to something bigger than expected
🔪 You had gotten pregnant, leaving Sanzu is shock, and his brain nearly, nearly, slipped away to him grabbing a large bottle of whiskey and wine mixed with a large bag of his old drugs
🔪 In the midst of his panic-attack, it took Kakucho's words of affirmation with his boss' assurance of him getting a form of paternity leave to just calm him down
🔪 He takes excellent care of you during your pregnancy, and that carried onto him as a father, to a degree, that is
🔪 When you went into labor, he was panicking badly, he had nearly passed out when you began to scream in pain, and during this mass of chaos, the doctor had to usher Ran and Rindou to take him out of the room
🔪 Hearing your screams of agony stop made his heart sink, what happened? Were you okay? How was his baby? Oh God, what if he lost you and the baby?! How would he live with himself?!
" Mr. Haruchiyo, your wife and daughter are in perfect condition. Would you like to come and see them? " " Yes! I- I mean, yes, please. "
🔪 When he held your daughter for the first time, he swore on his life he would protect you guys from everything, including himself. And, that day, he swore to stay sober for good. No fuck ups this time, he couldn't, no, he wouldn't risk harming his child and his own wife
🔪 Ever since your daughter was born, the rest of Bonten began to hide their deals from your home more often, by orders of Mikey, since, he knew how a traumatizing childhood can affect someone
🔪 Sanzu loves to play with her, for example, at just a few months old until she was around maybe seven years old, he would pick her up and toss her in the air for him to catch
🔪 Unlike Mikey, Sanzu doesn't really fear anyone harming his child, if they were a boy that is, he has a full-fledged belief that boys are far more feared than women, so, whenever his daughter starts talking to a stranger, he glares from behind her to make sure that random guy didn't even attempt touching her
🔪 He definitely tries holding back his tears during her first day of school, or really during any massive part of her life, especially when she graduated and moved out, his baby was so old now... he's getting back pain!
" Dad... I'm just moving across the street in another apartment, don't worry! I'll come see you and Mom whenever I can! Please don't cry! " " I'm not crying about that! Your Mother swat a fly earlier, I feel bad for the fly! "
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❤️‍🔥 This guy is the definition of husband and father material, that I cannot deny
❤️‍🔥 When you guys started dating, he always had the idea of your future, from marriage to having children, whenever he would come home from a fight all injured, he would ask you if this was what you really wanted
❤️‍🔥 Did you really want to be with him? For crying out loud, he could get possibly killed at any time! This especially set in when you guys lost Izana (I believe that still happens... correct me if I'm wrong!)
❤️‍🔥 It still shocks him to this day on the fact you married him, he worked for Bonten, a gang very well known for their heinous actions, all members, including Kakucho himself, have done horrible things, how could you look him in the eye, nonetheless propose having children?
❤️‍🔥 You really surprise him at every turn, don't you?
❤️‍🔥 He smiled and gave you the thumbs up. Thankfully, it didn't take very long for you to find out you were pregnant, and as your stomach grew, he read many books on parenthood, he couldn't risk his child having a childhood as rough as he did
❤️‍🔥 When you went into labor, he was scared out of his mind, all of a sudden the floor was wet and you were heaving over in pain, leaving him to carry you bridal-style as he ran to Bonten's doctor
" I think they're in labor, Doctor! " " Girls! Get her in the delivery room, stat! "
❤️‍🔥 Hearing you scream in pain made him flinch as Kokonoi and Takeomi tried keeping him from busting down the door to comfort you
❤️‍🔥 Once the doctor came outside of the room and asked for him to come inside, he burst past the man dressed in scrubs and hugged you as you laid on the bed with a blanket in your arms
❤️‍🔥 You hushed him and held up your baby girl's head, and when your husband laid eyes on his daughter, he began to tear up, he really started crying was when she gripped his finger with her tiny fist
❤️‍🔥 You guys really made this? How surprising is this, huh?
❤️‍🔥 As your son grew up, Kakucho adores messing with her hair, he always had his in a buzz-cut as he grew older, so, whenever she asked for him to braid her hair when she was small, he obliged and gave her such a cute hairstyle!
❤️‍🔥 Kakucho obligates his family in first place alongside his work, though, since he was one of the top four people in Bonten, he got quite busy, but, he always tries pushing it all away as best as he could
❤️‍🔥 Thankfully, Mikey was more lenient with that since he knew of Kakucho's family-oriented life
❤️‍🔥 He is definitely one of the best fathers in the Tokyo Revengers Universe, he wants his child to grow up in a world where they feel wanted, and that roots deep with his own childhood
❤️‍🔥 This guy is also very protective, he's lost so many people, his best friend, Izana, for example
❤️‍🔥 Anyone tries harming his daughter, there will be hell to pay.
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💰 Kokonoi, much like Kakucho, is still surprised that you wanted to be with him, but, he's also surprised that he was still with you... he believed that after the loss of Akane that he would never love again
💰 Thankfully, when you came into his life during the earlier years of Bonten to help with some issues with relations between gangs, Kokonoi began to bond with you
💰 When he asked you to marry him after a few months of dating and a couple weeks of courting, he remembers exactly how you smiled when you confirmed you wanted the same as him
💰 Kokonoi has enough resources to care for his family, so, when you proposed having children, he wasn't very worried about expenses, this guy knows so many ways of making money that even the richest people in the world would be baffled
💰 He was very excited when you found out you were having a baby, nonetheless when it was found out to be twins
💰 During your early months of pregnancy, he would grab everything for female babies and male babies, since the gender was hard to tell until your fifth month
💰 This guy was on cloud nine when notified you were both genders
💰 Now he doesn't have to worry about Mikey being mad that he bought so much male and female items for these babies
💰 Anyways, when you eventually went into labor, Kokonoi was as calm as a butterfly on the outside, while on the inside he was like a swarm of angry geese, thoughts flying faster than the snitch in Harry Potter
💰 He stayed in the room with you, allowing you to squeeze his hand, despite the immense pain you were bringing to his hands, he probably was getting bruises from your hold
💰 When the sounds of your first baby's cries entered his ears, he swore he forgot all about the pain in his hands, but, when his daughter came out just a few minutes later, his heart swooned
💰 If you've seen Friends, you might be familiar when Frank Jr. ran out to the gang and was yelling about his first child's birth, oh yeah, he definitely does that
" Yes! We have the first one down! I cannot believe I have a son... oh God! I have a Hajime Jr.! " " Has your wife even agreed to that name, Kokonoi? " " Nope! "
💰 Kokonoi held his son, whom you had to turn down his ideas of naming him Hajime Jr., and you held your daughter, and you had to turn down him naming her Sanzu-ia, he loves pissing Sanzu off too much...
💰 As your babies grew up, Kokonoi spoiled them beyond belief, and you had to hold him back from doing something stupid, like buying a TV show because his little baby girl wanted to meet a character she loved
💰 While the two grew up, he, much like Sanzu, cries at mass events for them, but, unlike Sanzu, he doesn't try holding himself back from showing his emotions to his children, prompting their embarrassment and you laughing at their antics
" Dad... please stop crying, God you're so embarrassing me... " " I can't! My babies are growing up so fast! Can you believe that just eighteen years ago you're mother was pushing you out of her- " " DAD! "
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battymommastuff · 7 months
A Night with the Knight
Batmom x Batman, Batmom x Batfamily
Prompt: While digging through the attic, Dick Grayson and Jason Todd uncover a secret about their adoptive mother. A secret that reveals the true, and dark story of the most loved couple in Gotham City
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Masterlist
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!!DISCLAIMER!! - This likely won't be comic accurate (Obviously), but I did draw inspiration from the comics. If you are looking for something accurate, then this fanfic isn't for you.
Wherever you were, it was warm. Warm, but cold at the same time. You felt safe, but you were also in danger. Maybe the danger was the freaky cult that tried recruiting you. The warmth, you came to realize was a blanket draped across your body. You'd woken up in a dark, unfamiliar place for the second time tonight. The sound of rushing water filled your ears along with the faint buzzing of the dim lights, and sounds of machines in every direction. 
This place was far too dark to be a hospital, and you were glad for that. Any public setting was the last place you wanted to be right now. The last thing you remembered was Batman hovering over you after saving you from your kidnappers. After that were faint memories from you going in and out of consciousness. The city flying by faster than it ever did, the masked face of the man who saved you, and brief images of a black tailcoat with white gloves. All of these images were taking their sweet time processing in your mind. Your entire body felt like it was hit by a train despite you having the body of an acrobat. 
Slowly, you got out of the hospital bed you were in. You wanted to find somebody. It was too quiet, and it felt like you had eyes on you at all times...which you did. Walking out of the little room you were in, you saw a massive screen that lit up the area around it. Pictures of your captors, the leader of the Court...and several members of the circus were all over the screen. You looked down to see the back of Batman's head as he typed away on the keyboard, "How are you feeling?" He asked, suddenly. You jumped then looked around. No one else was around, but how did he know you were there? You didn't make any noise. 
"A-A little sore..." You answered while closing your robe around your body more. The warmth you felt was definitely from the blanket you had when you woke. It was freezing in here, "Where am I? I figured you would drop me off at the nearest hospital and leave me there." You asked, with a small laugh at the end. Batman stopped typing on the computer and turned his chair to face you. He stood up, and you were in awe at his size. Not only was he tall, he was very well built. No wonder it was so easy for him to take down all those Court members. You felt very intimidated by his presence, but oddly attracted to it. 
"You're in the Batcave. It's too dangerous to take you into any public setting. You have knowledge of the most dangerous group in the city, the entire Court is no doubt hunting for you." Batman explained, in the most monotone voice. You already knew this, but hearing it just made it worse. Where would you go? All of your possessions, money, your life was still at the Circus. You didn't have any family that cared for you anymore, and you had nowhere safe to go. The more you thought about your life being over, the more emotional you got. It made the man in front of you highly uncomfortable to watch you break down. 
"You could have broken the bad news to her in a more gentle way. Maybe start with offering her warm clothes, Sir?" A British voice asked, followed by the sounds of footsteps coming down metal steps. You wiped your eyes quickly then looked over to see the man in the tailcoat that you saw briefly. His face was very familiar, but where? As he stepped closer, your eyes widened. This man was the butler of billionaire Bruce Wayne. You've seen him in pictures as well as on the news when Bruce Wayne made an appearance at events for the city. You looked from him to Batman, and you could tell from the uncovered parts of his face who was under the mask. It seemed that Batman also knew what you were thinking, so he lowered his mask.
"Would you like some warm clothes?" 
"Ugh...excuse him, his bedside manner is in need of work." 
You looked between the two men who just told you the one thing that the entire world wanted to know, and acted as if it wasn't a big deal. Did they trust you to keep the secret? Of course you would keep it, but how did they know they could trust you? Did they have some memory wiping device that would erase your memory after they got what they needed out of you? Judging from the tech that covered the place, it didn't seem that far fetched, "W-Why are you telling me your identity?" You finally ask after several seconds of awkward silence. 
"I'm going to move you into my manor, that I way I can monitor you as well as get information about the circus." Batman answered while turning back towards the computer. Your jaw dropped a bit. He didn't even consider if you wanted to live with him or not. Not that you were going to turn it down. The chance to live in a mansion? You'd be stupid to refuse, "I will retrieve your things later, but I will take you to buy a new wardrobe in the morning." You're going to be spoiled too? Maybe you should be thanking the Court for kidnapping you. 
"I suppose I should thank you then, Mr. Wayne." You said with a small smile. He turned towards you and gave you a small smirk. 
"Call me Bruce."
@maxinehufflepuffprincess @tayswhp @rainycloud858 @luna-zendra-star @starlets-things @simpfourmarvel @kawaistrawberry21 @js-favnanadoongi @kodzukenmaaa @xxrougefangxx @pixviee @discocactus-world @b4tm4nn @minimoxha @crutoyu @nightw-izhu @legendarylearner18 @mangegeek17 @pixiedust0604 @that-one-fangirl-69 @ilovetaquitosmmmm @irelanrose @asterelz @angelxx7 @millies0bsimp @marie0v @starmansirius @amberpanda99 @hoshi-is-ult-bbg @inutheangel
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dewdropdinosaur · 7 months
Only For You
ALASTOR X READER Summary: You are beautiful there is no doubt about that. But Alastor would prefer that you kept that beauty only for him Warnings: NONE. Just sassy narrator as always(I will applaud anyone who figures out who the snarky narrator is of my stories) This was a request for the lovely @anon-of-the-void. Enjoy darling! REQUESTS ARE STILL OPEN. See pinned post for rules.
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In the heart of Hell, where the shadows danced to the tunes of torment, there resided a figure unlike any other – Alastor, the Radio Demon. He ruled over the airwaves of the infernal realm with his charismatic voice and sinister charm, a being of darkness wrapped in the allure of the old radio era. Having a penchant for old-fashioned charm and a twisted sense of humor, he found himself entangled in an unexpected romance with a fellow sinner….you.  There was a peculiar softness within Alastor, a hidden warmth that few dared to perceive save yourself. It was in the tender glances he shared with his beloved, the unspoken acts of service he provided and yes…even his certain shall we say—possessive nature. 
You were Alastor's almost in every way opposite. Which made it hard for many of the Hotel’s residents to understand how you even got together in the first place or even got along(That dear reader is a story for another time)
You exude confidence and have no qualms about your appearance. Proud of your demonic allure, you revel in showcasing curves and radiant skin. Yet, all of this sexual tension that is exuded was for none other than the Radio Demon himself, and for your own sense of amusement of course. Flaunting oneself for all of Hell only to be uninterested and leaving both men and women alike all hot and bothered was particularly entertaining one could speculate. 
Alastor, however, was not as open-hearted about such boldness from you. His possessive nature stirred within him, a jealousy that simmered beneath his charismatic facade. Oh how the screams of many who had dared look at his darling for a second too long made a horrific melody over his radio tower…You had long since tried to stop him for it was pretty much a futile effort at this point. Despite being the only one privy to what lied beneath your revealing clothing, the red demon still felt the swells of envy within him. He craved attention and that your beautiful soul only be turned in his direction and for him only. When you in the nude simply invited Alastor in the bathroom while showering for a chat. Poker was a common pastime while doing your makeup, to which he would often let you win, or listening to LPs while you both danced around half dressed. 
One fateful evening, as the shadows draped the corridors of Hell, Alastor and you found yourselves amidst a gathering of the Hotel residents and staff. Your laughter rang through the air, form draped in silken garments that accentuated every curve, every line of demonic beauty.  Wearing an outfit that highlighted everything, your fiery eyes sparkled with mischief. Alastor couldn't help but feel a mix of pride and possessiveness, his snarky smile masking the growing jealousy within him. He watched from afar, his ruby eyes ablaze with a mixture of desire and resentment. As the eyes of Hell lingered upon you(mainly Angel and Sir Pentious, the latter unable to help himself, poor gentleman), a surge of possessiveness consumed him. With a snarl disguised as a smirk, he approached your side, wrapping his coat around your shoulders; his voice dripping with honeyed venom.
“Here my dear, you must be cold.” Leaning down to whisper in your ear, he spoke so only she could hear “Darling, must you parade around like a succubus on display?" Alastor quipped, trying to hide his true feelings behind his charismatic persona.
You chuckled, a demonic laugh echoing through the chaotic streets. "Oh, Alastor, dear, why hide what I have? It's a crime to keep such beauty under wraps." Turning to face him, laughter dancing in your eyes. “Must you always be so possessive?” You teased with a voice so close to a melody that stirred the depths of his being.
Alastor's snarky smile faltered for a moment, replaced by a flicker of insecurity. "I just prefer to keep you all to myself, my dear. No need to share your radiance with the whole underworld."
However, not one to be controlled and quite liking to rile up your partner, you sauntered away from Alastor. With a mischievous glint, after taking off his coat and handing it back to him, you teasingly exposed more of your demonic allure. The other demons ogled in admiration(except Husk who knew better than to get between his so-called boss and his partner….also a story for another time), and Alastor's jealousy reached its peak.
Alastor's smile faltered, his grip reaching out towards your form and  tightening around your waist. "In a realm where darkness reigns supreme, one must guard what is precious," he replied, his words dripping with thinly-veiled jealousy. Little green lights flickered around the hotel as the shadows smirked and moaned, yet you stood there unafraid. 
Determined to claim your attention for himself, Alastor conjured a stylish black coat from thin air and draped it over your bare shoulders. "There, my love, let's keep a bit of your mystery, shall we?"
Laughing heartily and not bothered by the sudden cover-up, you relented. "If it makes you happy, Alastor, I'll indulge your possessiveness." Walking your fingers up Alastor’s chest to adjust and fix his bow tie, you flashed a soft and genuine smile up at your partner. 
"My dear Radio Demon," you whispered, breath warm against his ear, "there is no need for jealousy. My heart belongs to you and you alone."
With those words, Alastor's doubts faded into the abyss, replaced by the warmth of the embrace. In the depths of Hell, amidst the chaos and the shadows, love had found its way into the hearts of demons, a flickering flame in the darkness that refused to be extinguished.
“And besides my love, you know I never much cared for that kind of attention from anyone but you anyway.” 
As you and Alastor  continued your stroll through the Hotel while mingling with guests, Alastor clung to your side; content that he had, at least momentarily, subdued his jealousy. Little did he realize that love in Hell was as unpredictable as the flames that flickered throughout the underworld, and the dynamic between the snarky Radio Demon and his confident partner would continue to evolve in the fiery depths of their unconventional romance.
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m-ilkiee · 2 months
Deadly Affairs: Bonten! Manjiro ‘Mikey’ Sano x Bonten Reader (+ Bonten)
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Chapter 1: Genesis
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➞ [series summary]: you’ve seen this story multiple times, where the girl does everything to end up as the wife of the king. In any other timeline, you would have done the same. This time is different. You don’t want to marry the king. You want to be him.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➞ [chapter summary]: your destiny starts on your 23rd birthday, at the back of Manjiro Sano’s car, with the loss of your virginity
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➞ [content warning]: DARK CONTENT, NSFW, DUBCON, bonten timeline, fem reader, power imbalance, age-gap relationship, sexual harrassment/abuse, sexism and misogyny, implied torture, flashing, alcohol/drug use, slight manipulation, drunk sex, public sex, fingering (f. recieving), virginity loss (reader), unprotected sex piv, rough sex, dirty talk, degradation, slut shaming.
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➞ [r-18+] [not suitable for 17 and under]
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➞ [wc]: 4.5k
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➞ [masterlist] [chapter2] [taglist]
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➞ [notes]: I will no longer be using the series colours on each chapter, since tumblr keeps glitching. Sorry guys :(
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BONTEN, one of the most dangerous organizations that has ever arisen from Japan and possibly, the world. Led by men born from the era of brutality, Japan had never seen such a business successful with covering the tracks of organized crime as much as BONTEN has.
Despite the brutal murders, torture chambers, human and drug trafficking and even bodies found with teeth missing and finger prints skinned off, the police could never completely trace it back to BONTEN. They knew it would have something to do with such a deadly corporation, but as far as the higher ups and Japan's government were concerned, they were just business men with the usual ethical issues.
Anyone who tries to dig in too deep will face Bonten's hammer of judgment.
It's the life you've grown accustomed to for a while ever since Kokonoi had picked you up from the street.
Poverty made you sell your morals to the devil in the designers before you could regret it; Bonten sponsored your university course in accounting, trained you how to use a gun and taught you how important you were to them. Inappropriate touches and comments on your appearance by your fellow workmates and your superiors, you knew that no one would give you the time of the day to care about your accusations.
Besides, you've seen prostitutes that went missing after complaining so much about bonten members being rough with them.
"When is my flight for Makarti scheduled?"
You break out of your thoughts and raise your head to meet the dark eyes of the man sitting in front of you with his head down, Hajime Kokonoi, the man who took you out of the gutters to become his personal assistant who helped with calculations, estimates and other errands.
"It's supposed to be by twelve," you say, preparing yourself for his complaint as you explain the situation. "But your private jet needs a few maintenance checks before it's ready for your flight, so I had to shift it to two pm."
You waited for him to say anything to berate you for not doing the maintenance checks yesterday like he told you to, but instead he kept his head on the work he was doing and brushed it off, making you sigh in relief internally. "That's good, I have some meetings to attend to anyways, so I can avoid having extra work when I return. Also, you've gotten my suits from the dry cleaners?"
"Yes sir."
"And you've sent a message to Mochizuki and Kakucho about the change in flight times?"
"Yes sir."
The room falls silent, save for the noise coming from Kokonoi's fingers typing away on his laptop. You tap your feet lightly, waiting for either his next question or for him to dismiss you until he raises his head to look at you with confusion and annoyance written all over his features.
"Yes?" He stops typing to pay complete attention to you. "What are you still doing here?"
"Sorry sir."
You immediately stand up from the chair with your bag and scramble for the door in haste, adjusting your dress that had ridden up to your thigh. The last thing you wanted was for him to scold you again with disapproving eyes glaring down on you.
Hajime Kokonoi was very hard to please and easy to anger, you could never tell when his switch would flip and you don't like being around whenever it did.
You don't see the way Kokonoi's eyes rest on the curve of your ass strained against the office skirt you had worn today, before looking down your legs as you struggled to open his large office doors
You stop halfway, leaving the door half-open as you turn to the man sitting some feet away from you. Kokonoi rests his angular jaw on his intertwined fingers before clearing his throat. "I just remembered that you would be joining Mikey and Sanzu for a meeting tonight."
You feel the blood in your veins turn cold as you process Kokonoi's words, your fingers curl around the door handle tighter than before, anchoring you to the ground and keeping you from stumbling at the news. Kokonoi doesn't miss the way your face turns sour at the news he had broken, and frankly, he can't exactly blame you for your reaction. The top two executives are frightening, even more brutal than he himself was, especially when it came to you.
"I'm giving you the rest of the day off to prepare." He goes back to his laptop screen and keeps working on the audit he was doing before. The world of the yakuza cares for no man, and if you despise someone, either you kill them or you stick to them like glue. "Someone will come get you by 7pm so be ready by then. You can go now."
The room goes quiet again. Kokonoi can feel your questioning glare asking him why he would break his promise of not letting those men come near you, again.
"Yes sir."
You stomp out of the room angrily and the door slams shut after you, leaving Kokonoi all by himself to keep doing his work. He had to admit, the head on top of your shoulders wasn't just for decoration, you actually do know how to use it.
You knew better than to ask him questions.
THE noise from the club was deafening the moment you stepped into the place.
Once upon a time, Ran had told you he and his brother used to rule this place with an iron fist, before finding a much smarter way to make everyone submit to them. Now, practically all the clubs littered around Japan, including this one Manjiro Sano had decided to be the venue of the meeting, belong to them in Bonten's name.
Dressed in a sequined two piece cream top and skirt paired with heels, you certainly turned heads with your looks. You could hear whispers of men and women asking about who you were, seeing as you walked up to the V.I.P area with an air of confidence, somewhere only known Bonten members, business partners of Bonten or unlucky women foolish enough to entertain any executive were allowed to enter.
As expected, the guards in charge stopped you in your tracks. You could practically feel the predatory gazes of the men aimed at your choice of clothes, oozing lust, before flickering into disapproval at how you were dressed.
"V.I.Ps only."
His tone was condescending for someone that just stared at you like a piece of meat, although it was nothing new to you when it came to the men in Bonten. You don't pay mind to his attitude, instead lifting up your skirt partially to reveal the Bonten tattoo on your inner thigh. You could see his eyes practically entranced by the flesh of your thighs and the panties peeking through the skirt, greedily absorbing the details of every inch of skin as you lowered your skirt down.
You blame Kokonoi for letting you go through with that idea. Flashing people to reveal your tattoo isn't exactly ideal for you.
"Can I go in now?" You say and without waiting for them to finish, you push past them and got into the entrance to the V.I.P lounge.
IF you had a nickel for everytime Kokonoi lied to you about something, you would be extremely wealthy by now.
You could see the collection of wine bottles distributed across the tables, each to every individual's taste. Smoke billowed around the area, mixing with the scent of weed and alcohol. Voluptuous women were strewn on their laps, sides and even at their feet, smiling and pouring drinks, talking loudly or laughing at something they said.
This is not a meeting. This was a private party and you want nothing to do with it.
Haruchiyo, Bonten's number 2, is the first person to notice you awkwardly standing there and staring at the rest of them in horror and shock. His lips break out in a smile aimed at you, calling your name loudly and garnering everybody's attention, including Manjiro Sano who looked tired and bored, despite the woman who was sitting on his lap and feeding him. "The birthday girl is here, come sit down."
'Birthday girl? Does this look like a party I would like to attend?'
You mindlessly walked towards the space Haruchiyo had made between him and Manjiro, and sat there stiffly. You notice Haruchiyo hasn't touched his drinks at all, as if he was waiting for you to see this madness while he was sober. Electricity runs down your spine as he leaned so close to your ears, lips brushing it lightly to whisper;
"So, do you like it? Boss said I could plan it however I wanted since Kokonoi wasn't around."
'You shouldn't have.' The voice in your head is dry, sarcastic even, but you know better than to trigger him on his good days. Even if the urge to slap him across the face is creeping along the surface, you decided to keep things to yourself.
You glance briefly at Manjiro who was following (or trying to) a conversation the chatty escort he had hired had started. Your gazes meet briefly and you shyly avert your eyes away back to your lap.
Of course it was him that gave Haruchiyo the reins to host this party. Who else could do something like this?
You sigh weakly and turn to Haruchiyo, who was still waiting for your answer with a huge expectant grin on his lips. It wasn't like you could tell him the truth about how this party felt like it was for the men of Bonten and not for you.
"It's um…" you forced a smile at him before you continued lying. "... nice. Thank you sir."
A sigh of relief escapes your lips when his grin widens. You feel his arm drape over your shoulders, drawing you closer to his body. He dips his head into the crook of your neck, hot breath dancing along your body as he whispers in your ear again.
"Anything for you princess."
You sit frozen when he pulls away from you and goes back to the escort he was chatting with as if he didn't just make your heart race. You didn't get to think about it for long when a wine glass is put right in front of your face. Manjiro does not look at you as he shakes the wine glass in your face and you take it from him, trying to ignore the electricity running through your fingertips that brushed his.
"Thank you sir."
"Try to relax." His voice is low enough for only you to hear him speak. Your body grows hotter when he turns his gaze completely on your body, slowly scanning your attire for the evening before focusing on your face again. "We're not punishing you this time."
You nod quickly, making a huge effort to keep the glass in your shaking hands. Being so close to Manjiro Sano and Haruchiyo Sanzu proved to be more difficult than it should have been. Was it the fear that had been instilled into you by these men themselves?
Or was it the fact that you were surrounded by the constant reminders of your twisted sexual fantasies?
"A toast, to the birthday girl!" Ran's loud voice brings you out of your thoughts and you absentmindedly raise your glass up into the air. Whatever it is you feel about them doesn't matter, you couldn't afford to get anymore involved with Bonten beyond office contact.
"To life and a fatter ass!"
You don't notice Manjiro watching your facial expression morph into a scowl before hiding it with a fake laugh and repeating. "To life and a fatter ass."
  "YOU didn't like the party.
You don't say anything in response, with the light hum of the car's engine serving as the only sound in the vehicle and opting to look out of the window instead, watching the cars drive past yours. Of course you absolutely hated everything tonight; hell even your sour facial expression couldn’t be hidden by your usual fake laughter and flirty words. Manjiro Sano had noticed and offered to take you home early when you said you were tired.
You don’t feel bad for cutting his time short despite him having little time to be frivolous. It’s his fault anyways for setting up a disaster like this in the first place without even being considerate enough to assume you wouldn’t want it and you don’t owe him any gratitude for a job terribly done.
He sighs after a while, now looking out of his own window to distract himself from the way your skirt rode up to reveal the flesh of your thighs. "I'm sure Sanzu tried his best given how he ... is."
Something in you snaps at that moment and you face him with annoyance in your eyes. You were just about done with the way he kept digging the knife deeper into your gut. "I had plans for the evening Mr. Sano." You put it bluntly, not caring if he took offense to your words or just ignored you completely. "I did not ask for anything. I'm beginning to think you do this to make me miserable."
Your frown only deepens when you hear him chuckle quietly before turning around to face you with a curious look written all over his face. Somehow, seeing you upset made you cuter in his eyes; You always looked so vulnerable in times like these, whether you're walking on eggshells around him or outright being ungrateful to him. Maybe it's the alcohol giving you an extra boost to speak your mind, and he'll allow it for now because he wants to hear what you have to say.
But it won't go unpunished.
"What were the plans you had for this evening?"
Manjiro doesn't miss the way your face contorts slightly into an uncomfortable smile. It's not like he didn't know anyways, he had overheard your discussion with Ran’s assistant about what you wanted to do about two weeks ago and it was what made him call Haruchiyo to plan the most disastrous party ever to stop you from going ahead with your plan.
"It's nothing, never min-"
"I know you wanted to hook up with some idiot you met on a dating app, don't play coy with me."
You swallowed hard at his harsh tone, flickering your eyes anywhere but his face. The ridiculous last minute party made sense now that he had ripped the band aid off. Manjiro must have heard of your plans to hook up with someone you had met, since Kokonoi never let you even breathe in peace or left you alone whenever you wanted to do something.
"Today was my only chance and you ruined it." Your voice cracks slightly as you hiss at him. It was frustrating honestly, the one time you had to yourself without Bonten breathing down your neck, they found a way to make you even more miserable. "I have needs too for god's sake! I have a life outside being your lackey-"
"So you were going to let some lowlife stick his dick into you because you can't keep your legs shut."
"Excuse me?"
"You heard me."
You try to reply to him again but no words come to your head. You can only close your mouth and look at your lap; it's unbelievable that he was berating you for wanting some form of intimacy in your life after being so pent up and going through so much shit. "So what do you expect me to do Mr. Sano?" Your voice is bitter but you didn't care any more at this point. "Ask Kokonoi to fuck me? Or should I go to Ran or Haruchiyo? Or…"
A smile makes its way to your face the moment an idea pops into your mind. You raised your head sharply towards him and jabbed a finger into his chest to buttress your point.
"Or should I ask you to do it? To corrupt and taint me?"
"Stop that."
"Do you want to fuck me, Mr. Sano? Is that why you hate seeing me with those low-lives? Is that it?"
"Don't start something you know you can't finish, (name)" it's a stern warning and you know Manjiro Sano isn't just being petty as usual. He was actually getting riled up from your constant taunting, which only served as entertainment with you because when was the last time you saw Mikey ever react to anything? "Or else."
But you don't listen to him. Even though you know from past experience that angering your volatile boss could end up with a bullet embedded in your brain, you push yourself closer to his body until you were flush against him, watching him stiffen as you lowered your lips next to his ear and rested your hand on his muscular thigh. It's obvious you're not thinking straight since you've had a couple of drinks and he's trying to keep that in mind, especially when you begin to trace a line towards his crotch area.
"Or else what, Mr. Sano?"
It happened so fast you could barely comprehend how he had you on your back to the seat with his body hovering over yours. Bleach blond bangs frame his face, highlighting the once empty, soulless eyes into darkened gazes full of lust and greed, hot breath hitting your face. A strong pale veiny hand pins your arms above your head, his knees separating your thighs, your jaw in a bruising grip of his other hand.
"A bit too late for that." He cuts you short, before turning his head to the driver of the vehicle. "Stop the car, now."
Your heart thuds loudly against your chest as the driver pulls the car into a dark corner hidden from the streetlights, coming to a stop. Manjiro does not ease up his grip, nor does he stop gazing into your soul as he tells the driver to "get out" in less than polite terms. You can hear the door of the car open and close quietly, along with the faint flicker of a lighter as the man walks away from the car.
With the two of you alone, Manjiro doesn't hesitate to crash your lips against each other in a messy kiss. Your boss wins the battle of dominance almost immediately with the sheer force he uses to force your mouth open with his hand so that he could explore your mouth. Your moans are silenced with each bruising kiss from him, his teeth grazing your lips before his tongue swipes over the marked place, engulfing your mouth with his until your lungs burn for air.
Moans of "sir" escaped your lips in sync with every wet kiss he placed on your face and cheek. Manjiro moves his lips from your lips, to your jaw and then settles onto your neck. The feeling of his teeth grazing your neck has you mewling and leaning into his touch. His hand leaves your jaw and quickly makes its way to your skirt, hiking it up a bit to reveal your panties and the Bonten tattoo on the plush of your inner thigh.
Manjiro pulls away from your neck and you let out an annoyed whine, already craving for his mouth on your neck again. His eyes sizes up the lace panties you had worn, a wet patch forming on it and he begins to trace a finger up and down your slit, teasing you through your panties. You let out a soft "hngh" from your lips as he moves to your clothed clit, rubbing tight circles, sending waves of electricity all over your lower region.
"Don't think I'm going easy on you." He mutters whilst pushing your soaked panties aside to reveal your bare cunt. A soft whine escapes your lips as two of his fingers start entering into your tight pussy, forcing its way into your walls until you accommodate the intrusion. "As soon as I'm done stretching out this cunt, I'm going to ruin you for anyone else."
You don't get to reply as his fingers begin to move at a pace that has your body trembling.
His fingers curled into you, pumping them in and out of your pussy. A loud moan escapes your lips when his fingers brush that spot, making your eyes roll back and pussy pulse around his fingers. "You like that?" He whispers close to your neck, biting and sucking marks into your skin, not letting up his rough finger fucking, curling his fingers even the more that has your legs shaking and the coil in your belly tightening. "Of course you do. You like it so much, look at how you're clenching on my fingers like a needy slut." His tone is mocking and yet, it only seemed to add fire to the flame.
Your body spasms in his hold, breathing fast as a violent orgasm rips through you until it becomes a dull throbbing and your head hangs while trying to catch your breath. Manjiro pulls away from your cunt and kneels upright. You peek through your lashes, watching him impatiently unbuckle his belt with one hand and toss it aside on the floor, followed by him working down the zipper and buttons of his pants, tugging it to his knees along with his boxers to reveal his thick, veiny cock springs free of its confines, drops of pre leaking from it.
He takes his dick in his free hand and smears the tip with pre before lining it up with your hole. A quiet groan escapes your lips as he rubs his length against your glistening pussy gathering all the slick, your heavy breathing matching his own. His grip on your hands above your head tightens, keeping you in place as he positions his tip in front of your entrance.
The pain when he pushes his tip into you is almost unbearable.
Your eyes snapped shut in response and you bit your lip to keep yourself from screaming as he slowly inched into you. "It'll be much easier for the both of us if you relax." He hisses at you, before reaching for your clit and circling it gently, trying to distract you from the pain. "Breathe."
His words were like a mantra and you found yourself taking in a deep breath and letting it out, trying your hardest to relax. Slowly, the pain from being stretched out gave way to feeling so full for the first time until he was buried at the hilt. A groan escapes Manjiro's lips; the feeling of your velvety walls around his hard cock was divine and if he didn't have any ounce of self control he would have cum immediately. His hips experimental rolls against yours and the loud "Manjiro" you let out had his brain short circuiting.
Everything is a blur after that.
His pace is fast, angling himself to your g-spot and abusing it, the whole car shaking with the power of his thrusts. His finger plays with your clit, despite you screaming "too much sir, too much!" in between moans and trying to squirm away from his brutal ministrations.
"Don't run away now, (name), I'm just doing what you want. Look at how well you're doing for a virgin." He says in between pants, thrusting into you even faster. He doesn't miss the whimper escaping your lips as his tip abuses your g-spot repeatedly- in fact it only encourages him to keep up the pace. "You're so obedient, I like this version of you. Might make you my personal slut- shit-"
His balls tighten at the feeling of your cunt fluttering around him at that sentence. Seeing him staring down at you condescendingly as he fucks into you hard is shamefully arousing, and your mouth can't help letting out loud moans of pleasure when his fat tip prods against your cunt.
The noises of skin slapping skin from the intensity of his thrusts in the car is obscene and noisy, you're sure the guard standing outside is well aware of what is going on.
He lets go of your clit briefly to put your leg on his bony shoulder, bringing you even closer to him and presses a hot, messy kiss on your lips, his tongue playing with yours again. You answer his kiss with another weak moan, the coil in your belly tighten once again with the urge to snap.
"You look so fucked out, it's pathetic" he laughs against your lips and moves his head to the crook of your neck. His grip tightens on your hand as he holds your trembling body in place. "I would have mistakened you for a slut if you weren't so fucking tight." His hips stutter, before regaining his pace again. He spits out darkly; "Since you're so cock hungry, maybe you should be our personal slut, huh? Bonten's cumrag?"
Maybe it's the alcohol coupled with the intense feeling of pleasure that has your mind completely dumb for him. Maybe it's because he's the one in control of everything as he rolls his hips into you, bringing you closer and closer to edge, his dark eyes clouded with lust and greed peering into yours that had you saying "yes, yes yes yes-" until your second orgasm washes over you, more intensely than the first and knocks you out completely soon after.
He falls over the edge too, pumping loads and loads of cum into you as he bucks into you with a few more thrusts, more than anything he's produced before until he's spent completely. He pulls himself away from your cunt immediately and sits on his heels, dark eyes watching cum leak out of your abused hole and pool down your cunt with interest. Manjiro's eyes flicker up to your face and realized you have passed out.
'It must have been too intense for you, huh.'
He releases your hands above your head, taking note of the fingerprint bruises on his hand and reaches for your bag to take out your wipes. He cleans the cum and specks of blood outside your cunt and tries to dab off the stain on the chair as well before tugging your skirt down and adjusting his pants. Wounding down the window of the car, Manjiro signs the driver outside to come in and he obeys immediately, putting out his cigarette on the concrete wall.
A sigh escapes his lips, in sync with the car engine revving up again. Manjiro's eyes flicker down to your sleeping figure that he's maneuvered to his lap and trails his gaze down to the marks littered all over your jaw and neck. Deft fingers circle around the swelling skin, still lost in thought about how pretty you look with his markings.
Something in him is selfish when it comes to you. He’s never been outright with his affections, but there’s just something about you that makes him want to have you in his cage, trapped with him. Perhaps it’s why he let Koko take you in all those years ago and why you haven’t died yet despite your misdeeds. Maybe it’s because he sees himself in you; the pain and the loss, the madness that you’ve buried deep down in your heart.
But for now, he’ll settle with whatever you both have. As long as you stayed with him. And as long as you stayed loyal to Bonten.
"Take us to my house."
Forever. Even in death.
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special thanks to: @officiallyjaehyuns @haikyuusboringassmanager @cockonoi @rindou24689 @short-cxke @kokoch4n3l @genawi @getonite @reiners-milkbiddies @gh0stgirl333 @kawaiikoalagarden @raven-nevra @ilovetwodmen @kodzubaby @straightfromheaven @manchie55 @tenjikusstuff4 @hapikiou @Lovelyartistz @lik0
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ghouldump · 2 months
Your lestat x louis x claudia fic EATSSSSSSSS
If your are up to it could you do something with my pretty husband armand and his manipulative ways?
Beautiful Deception | Armand x Reader
ෆ moving to paris, the last thing you expected was to come across the ancient vampire.
lol thank youuu so much, i hope you like this 💕 sometimes i take a while to post because i rewrite my work over and over until i think it’s good. this was a great idea and i don’t mind taking more.
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“How long will you continue to claim that you are a vampire?” The interviewer, Daniel Malloy asked. Crossing your leg over the other, you smiled.
“It is merely one of many truths, but I will let you and the readers decide if it should be accepted,” you said.
It had been nearly a year since you turned 100. Since you made the blog, originally to share stories from your past. Despite all events being true, and the website becoming a success, it was all seen as fiction. You were seen as a character, an upcoming writer dedicated to your role, but it would be coming to an end. Daniel, someone you’d been studying for some time now, needed a story, something fresh. He was getting the raw unspoken truth, things you hadn’t shared before, publishing it along with an interview.
“Why now?”
“Why not now, Daniel? We live in a new age, where we people of the night should be known,” you smirked.
Just then, the door opened, and Armand, your partner of over 80 years entered. The sleek black turtle neck was perfect against his glowing brown skin. Turning to him, you looked up in admiration, as he placed a soft kiss on your lips, before sitting next to you.
“I hope you don't mind, my husband, Armand, joining us”
“Armand the vampire? You said some concerning things about him,” Daniel said, trying to get under both of your skin.
“We’ve moved past those times,” you said, as Armand intertwined your fingers.
“Alright, whatever that’s supposed to mean, shall we start?”
“Yes, let’s,” you smiled, nodding.
“Let’s start here…”
Run, run, don’t stop, keep running.
Your heart pounded, as you ran through the streets, gasping for air as you grew more tired. Afraid to look back, you kept going, you were sure you’d drop dead in fear seeing him behind you. Turning on nearly every corner, relief washed over, seeing a store owner closing his shop.
“Sir,” you called out, as you jogged to him.
“No, no, I’m closing,” he pointed at the sign.
“Please help me, he’s going to get me,” you cried, as the man finally turned to face you, genuinely concerned.
“Come in,” he said, letting you into the store. As you came in, he locked the door behind you. With the adrenaline coming down, you could feel pain in your foot from stepping in glass.
“We have to hide,” you told the man, tugging at his sleeve.
“You go,” he pointed to the back, before he went behind the counter, pulling a shotgun out.
Limping to the back of the store, looking back one more time, you screamed as the door burst open, the shop owner being killed instantly. As the elderly man fell to the floor, you cried out, before he appeared in front of you.
“Y/n,” his eyes softened seeing your tear stained face, all of your makeup running down, mixed with the tears.
“You’re moving ahead of yourself, Daniel, we have to start from the beginning, I had just moved to France-
“So Armand didn’t kill the shop owner and was about to kill you next?” He asked, as Armand clenched his jaw, glaring at the man.
“Daniel, you only get one session, you have to get this right, just let the story seduce you as it had done to me,” you said as he begrudgingly nodded, finally ready to listen.
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"Here are your keys, rent is due on the third of each month," your new landlord, Henri said, handing the keys to your husband, Phillip.
“Thank you, sir,” he muttered, while you giggled, your eyes exploring the place. Neither of you was the best at French, at least speaking it. Despite the previous months of studying and reciting, your articulation was still overwhelmingly, American.
He didn't say anything, giving you both a questionable stare, before leaving the small apartment. Compacted in size, and already cluttered with furniture, but it was your new home, and that's all that mattered. Shutting the front door, you walked over to the full-sized bed. This was the fresh start you needed.
“What do you think?” Philip asked.
“I love it,” you told him, jumping into his arms.
Living all of your life in the States, you were the youngest of two children. Your father, you never knew, not that it mattered too much to you. It was your mother who came from a wealthy family in France. Before she decided to move to its child, New Orleans.
She didn't talk about her time there much, only telling short stories about your grandparents or her early life in Paris. She was lonely as a child, and her parents were oftentimes neglectful, as a result of having her at an old age.
Having her own children, you and your twin brother, Elijah, from a hookup with an attractive soldier, she vowed to dedicate herself to both of you. She made sure neither of you ever went without, providing the best of your desires.
Around 9, you were certain you wanted to be a performer. It didn't matter how or what you did, the idea of being adored, captivating the crowd, your juvenile mind was set. Your mother soon paid for all sorts of lessons, dancing, singing, and instruments, she was just as determined that you would achieve your dreams.
While you were striving for your goals, your brother, Elijah, struggled with living in your shadow. You took up most of your mother's time, which is how she didn't notice the bullying. He had always been introverted, harmless as a butterfly, nose deep in a book. While you were holding onto hopes and dreams, your brother was guaranteed a successful life with how smart he’d always been.
However, there was a problem, jealousy. She was a demon, stronger than most, willing to compel whoever that would allow, to do whatever their deepest desires were. This is why, on that Saturday evening, on your 14th birthday, you and your mother left for the market, intending on baking a cake for the two of you, she attacked.
Bullies from his class saw him as he was taking out the trash. They never liked the boy, coveting the lifestyle he had been fortunately given. Attacking him, they only meant to roughen him up a bit, until he fought back. Then, filled with that ancient spirit of jealousy, one of them picked up a rock.
Thankfully, one of the neighbors heard the commotion and came running to save him, but the damage had been done. From that point on, your brother was different, as was your mother.
The life that he was once guaranteed to have was gone and your mother spent all of her time focused on caring for him. She still paid for your classes, but you were no longer a priority.
At 18, you met and eventually married Philip, a 22-year-old, journalist. He was very handsome with the most alluring brown eyes and soft wavy hair. He didn't have much money, but once he settled somewhere and established his career, he promised to give you the world.
Your mother disapproved of the marriage, how could you carelessly marry a poor man trusting his empty promises, she screamed at you. Which is why, out of spite, you told her you’d be moving to Paris. You watched as the hardened expression dropped, and sad memories flashed through her eyes. Throwing her hands up, she gave up with her argument, letting you leave, sending a parting gift of a few thousand dollars, before you were out of the country.
Now in the beautiful city, Phillip’s future seemed to be already looking up to be just as bright, as he had already been hired by a popular news corporation. Securing the apartment was simply the final step in your new life, at least that's what you thought.
Immediately, Philip worked day and night, hoping to begin to provide you with the life you deserved. Dates weren't as frequent as they once were in the States, but intimacy was just as regular as before, if not more.
Meanwhile, you oftentimes left home, looking for work. Not many places would hire women and the people who did expected their workers to work twice as much as they were paid. Until The Grand Cabaret, Edward, the head director of the restaurant/theatre was in dire need of new performances.
He'd stopped you on your way home from the store, captivated by your looks, giving you his card. Telling Phillip about the man, he agreed that it could be a good idea. Perhaps even a step towards becoming the big star you always wanted to be.
The next night you went, Philip was going to be out a little later than usual, finishing work. Anxiously, you made your way to the address on the card. Stopping in front of the building, you were surprised by the lack of guests. The establishment was nice, a few people were seated eating, and slow music was playing, but people continued to walk past.
“Ah, mademoiselle,” Edward smiled, as he stepped out.
“Not a busy night?” you asked him.
“People are more willing to eat with an equally lovely performance,” he said sheepishly, his eyes shifting to his left.
Following his eyes, you stared at the theater, Théâtre des Vampires. You could see the line of customers, excited to get into the theater. Although, the workers looked extremely rude and intimidating, dressed in the vampire costumes.
“I’m sure you just need the right act,” you told him, making eye contact with security, catching his brash expression.
“Do you sing or dance…?” He asked, waiting to hear your name.
“Y/n, and yes, I’ve been trained in both, I will admit, I am still not the greatest singer,” you laughed, as you accepted his hand.
“Please allow me to offer you a job here, as one of our employees. I trust your word, I am desperate, you’ll be paid weekly-
“I-when would I start?”
“Tonight…I mean, if it is possible,” he said.
“I can only stay for a while, my husband isn’t aware that I am away”
“Yes, of course, come right this way,” he said, leading you to the dressing room, allowing you to set your things down.
The cast members were all kind, introducing themselves as you glanced at yourself, checking your makeup.
“We have our newest act of the evening, the lovely and beautiful, Y/n,” Edward said, introducing you, before leaving the stage. He could already see the attention shifting to you, excitedly he opened the door, along with the windows, allowing potential guests to see.
“Just follow my lead,” you spoke to the small orchestra before you began singing a song you’d heard back when you lived with your mother. As the audience grew more interested, you felt your confidence rising by the second, as you danced freely, shutting your eyes, thrilled to finally be performing.
That night, for the first time, The Grand Cabaret was a full house. Everyone who passed wanted to see and hear more of your talent. As everyone clapped for you, and you could see now, you would be a star.
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“What is the meaning of this?” Santiago frowned at Sam, wondering why he hadn’t been notified about any signaling of the play starting.
“Well…” Sam faced their leader, who stood, waiting for an answer.
“They’ve all gone to that stupid cabaret,” Estelle crossed her arms.
“Apparently there is a new girl, American, she’s bringing them a bit of attention with her…performances,” Celeste told him.
Not saying a word, Armand furrowed his eyebrows, leaving the theater. His steps held a steady stride as he approached the building. Never since the theater had been opened had the place been empty. He had to see with his own eyes, this person, what had you done to take all of the loyal guests.
As he approached the entrance, the first thing he noticed was everyone wearing all black. The Dance of the Dead, starring the beautiful lead, Y/n,” his eyes skimmed the sign.
“Excuse me,” you said, brushing past Armand, and nearly running to the dressing room.
It had been a little over a month since you began working and although at first anxious, you were more than grateful for the opportunity. Edward was incredibly generous, wanting to keep his main act satisfied. You began to recommend themes, scenery, and new music, the guest needed to be able to visualize the show further than what you were giving.
The Dance of the Dead was a mockery of the vampire theater but with your own twist. A few people you'd grown familiar with had gone, telling you about how real everything seemed. How they’d managed to pull off some sort of screenplay, like movies. You never took the time to visit yourself, but saw the action as simply a little fun competition.
As the lights dimmed, Armand sat down, unintentionally gulping as you sauntered onto the stage. Immediately, the music started, along with your dancing. Armand watched as everyone focused, hypnotized as you were oozing in sex appeal. He nearly second-guessed himself about you, it shouldn't be possible for a mortal to captivate so many people in such a way, Armand thought to himself.
Going to your knees, as your head went back, he couldn’t help but think of how supernatural your beauty was, how luring your essence was. Going further to the floor, you faced the audience, your eyes meeting his. He smirked slightly, nodding at you, while you bit your lips.
As the song came to an end, you stood up, bowing your head. The audience cheered loudly, clapping and whistling.
‘Beautiful’ you heard, your eyes going to Armand, as he stood up.
“Thank you,” you blew kisses at the crowd, before going backstage.
He watched in amazement as they still cheered for you, the way that you moved ingrained into his thoughts. Coming from the dressing room, you looked almost different, blending in with the audience. He walked to the door, as you talked with your boss, accepting the envelope, along with a quick hug.
Moving outside, he stayed not too far behind you. Seeing that no one was around, he sped up, intentionally bumping into you.
“I’m so sorry,” you apologized, as his hand brushed against your waist.
“No, it is my apologies, I may be mistaken, but do you work at the Cabaret?”
“Yes, I do,” he watched as your eyes twinkled with joy.
“I’m Armand, I am the director of Théâtre des Vampires,” he held out his hand.
“Y/n,” you went to shake his hand but froze as he lifted your hand, placing a soft kiss near your knuckles.
“I…I have to get home, my husband is waiting,” you told him, emphasizing the title, as he stared into your eyes. You couldn't deny the mysterious man was quite the sight.
“Allow me to walk you home,” he offered.
“Oh no, I wouldn't want to take up your time-
“Nonsense, a woman of your caliber should be escorted, perhaps we could talk business,” he said, making you smile.
“Okay,” you nodded.
“Ladies first,” he motioned for you to lead the way.
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Armand was unnaturally enchanting in every aspect, a forbidden fruit your heart told you to stay away from, but your flesh tingled in his presence. It was an unspoken understanding that you could only see him at night at these shows. You anticipated seeing his youthful face, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday. He'd sit within the audience, watching your every move. Then backstage, approaching you, he'd always have a fresh bouquet. You would give him a look and he’d say something along the lines of how a star deserves flowers.
“Knock knock,” Armand said, catching your attention, turning from the vanity.
“Hi,” you smiled, standing up, and closing your robe.
“For you, the beautiful star of the show,” he said, handing you the bouquet.
“Thank you, Armand,” you told him.
“You never have to thank me,” he shook his head, reaching for your hand, and placing a soft kiss on top. Pulling away, as your heart leaped, you shifted your eyes.
“I have to get home soon,” you said.
“Right, your husband…it is a shame he doesn't come out to support you,” Armand said, a mischievous gleam in his eyes.
“He works a lot”
“Unfortunate, I mean for him, because I get to have you to myself,” he said, smirking.
“Are you walking me home?” you asked, your face burning at his shameless joke.
“I'm ready when you are, angel”
You admired Armand, greatly, how confident, bold, intelligent, handsome-wait. Being around Armand, you oftentimes had to remind yourself you were married, as well as him. He had no problem blatantly flirting and laughing as you froze up in embarrassment. The two of you were growing closer than you should have been, while, it seemed like your marriage was crumbling.
“I don't want you working there anymore,” Philip told you, as you replaced the water in the vase, setting it near the window.
“Why? The extra money is helping…” you said, still staring at the flowers, Armand crossing your mind.
“My colleagues have been talking about the place nonstop, they think you’re some exotic whore,” he grumbled.
“Okay? There opinions aren’t paying us,” you told him.
“I don’t need them having you as a subject in the paper, you’re quitting,” he began to raise his voice.
“Philip, the money is great”
“I told you, I would provide the life you deserve-
“When? We’ve been out here for nearly a year and you have no signs of a pay increase. Am I supposed to sit around and hope? My mother was right about you,” you spat.
“What did you say?” He stalked towards you, your hands went up defensively as he walked towards you, as if you were prey. Raising his hand, he held it high, ready to strike you. You’d shut your eyes, waiting for the blow, but it never came.
Opening your eyes, you watched as he stood still, realizing what he was about to do, he shook his head.
“I’m sorry,” he began to repeat, reaching for you before you ran out of the building. As you made it down the flight of stairs, you mentally cursed yourself, realizing you forgot to grab your coat, but were too afraid to go back.
Instead you walked the streets, stopping in your tracks, seeing the familiar faces. The cast members dressed as creatures of the night. You were about to walk towards them when a hand lightly pulled you backward. Gasping, your face relaxed as you bumped into Armand.
“Hi,” you said, breathlessly.
“What are you doing out here, in the middle of the night?” He tilted his head at you. You could ask the same thing, they were all here, a good distance from the theater.
“Just walking around, clearing my mind,” you said, shrugging.
“Something happened?” He asked, a concerned expression on his face.
“I’ll be fine, it’s nothing,” you shook your head. Armand was the last person you wanted to burden your problems with.
“Then allow me to join you, we can clear our minds together,” he intertwined his arm with yours.
“Are you sure? I don’t want to-
“Shall we go to the park? It’s quiet around this time,” he thought, leading you in the other direction.
“What are you all doing out here, in the middle of the night?” You asked him.
“Finding…inspiration,” he smirked.
“Can I ask you a question?”
“Of course”
“Do you think it is wrong to regret big decisions you’ve made?”
“I think there are no coincidences, your mistake can lead you to your biggest culmination, regret is unnecessary, stress about something from your past, but tell me, what is it, you wish could have been done differently?”
“Maybe stayed home, pursued my dreams there, found a husband who was a man of his word, who supported my ambitions despite if others thought negatively of me,” you said, you hadn't realized you were crying until you felt Armand's finger brushing the tears away.
“This is nothing to be ashamed of, your dreams are coming to reality and I am a man of my word, I couldn’t care what anyone has to say when you’re on stage,” he smirked as you started laughing.
“And why is that?” You stopped walking.
“Because my eyes are blessed to see an angel and I don’t want to miss any parts of your beauty,” he said, as he gazed into your glossy eyes. Stepping closer, he pressed his lips against your own, and your arms guilelessly went around his neck.
“Where have you been, all my life?” you peered into his eyes.
“Waiting for you,” he said, kissing your lips, once more.
“Sorry to keep you waiting,” you giggled as the kiss broke.
“You’ve been worth the wait, come, it is getting late, I’m sure there are still some hotels opened-
“I can go home”
“Trust me, I’ll be fine at home,” you smiled, as he redirected the walk to your apartment.
“Are you sure you want to stay here tonight?” Armand asked, as you both stood outside your door.
“Knowing Philip, he left,” you reassured him.
“Come to my theater tomorrow night”
“Okay,” you nodded.
“See you then,” he grinned, pecking your lips, before turning away.
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“Edward, I don’t understand?” You frowned, trying to fathom what he was saying.
“I think it’s better this way, I’ve been more than grateful for the business you’ve brought to us, but we can’t risk having the article released, it will do more damage than anything,” he explained, his eyes full of pity.
You had extra time on your hands, stopping at your job, when Edward gave you the news. He was firing you, not because you had done anything wrong, but because he had received an anonymous tip about the cabaret soon to be in the media, and not for anything positive - going as far as being compared to a brothel.
All coverage wasn't good coverage in Edwards's eyes and he knew the target audience would turn away from the establishment in an instant.
“I'm sorry, Y/n,” he said, as you sighed, before putting on your best smile. You wouldn't cry now, sometimes this happened to big stars, you told yourself.
“It is alright, I wish you nothing but the best, goodbye,” you told him, leaving the cabaret.
You never looked back, keeping your eyes forward as you approached the ticket collector. His eyes snapped to you as he slightly frowned.
“There is a line,” he told you matter-factly.
“Is Armand here?”
“You can find out after you get in line just like everyone else-
“Y/n,” Armand walked outside, giving him a look. You watched as he lowered his gaze, almost in submission.
“Come,” he motioned, reaching out. Smiling, you accepted his hand, letting him lead you to his booth.
“Is there a reason you look like you’re on the verge of tears?”
“Just trying to figure out why everything is going wrong in my life,” you said, with a chuckle.
“Perhaps your culmination is closer than you realize”
“I hope you’re right”
“I’m in love with you,” your eyes widened at his words as you spoke at the same time.
“Armand, I-
“Since the moment you graced my eyes, I’ve been bewitched by your presence and…and I don’t want to leave it. I can give you the life you deserve, a stage to perform, love unlike any other, and pleasure beyond comprehension, choose me,” he told you, his eyes went to your lips, before he turned, watching as the lights dimmed.
Throughout the play, you could hardly focus, as your finger interlocked with Armand’s. His thumb caressed your warm flesh, bringing your hand to his lips. You could agree with your former colleagues, the play seemed real, almost too real. If it wasn’t for Armand’s swooning, you would be panicking.
You watched as the girl screamed, begging to be saved, but death came to collect. Surrounding her, her shrieking faded away as the curtains closed.
“That was…intense,” you gulped, as Armand laughed.
“It is all apart of the show,” he reminded you.
“Yes, doesn’t change that it was a little scary”
“You would look ravishing on that stage, whatever you'd like, singing, dance, it's yours,” he told you.
“I have to go,” you bit back your smiled, flattered by his bold promises.
“Stay, for tonight”
“I can't, it has been on my heart to write to my mother, so I want to get a head start,” you told him.
“Then will I see you tomorrow night?”
“Tomorrow night,” you nodded, accepting his kiss, before you left, making your way home.
Thinking of the steady decline of your marriage, you worried for your future, if you were headed towards a divorce. Your mother was the smartest woman you knew and although she was disappointed, you knew she would never turn her back completely. Like the prodigal son, you’d return home if it meant better circumstances, and your mother like the father, would accept you with open arms. Your heart wanted to believe Armand, but you couldn’t allow yourself to fall for more empty promises.
Settling back into the apartment, you sat at Philip’s desk. You wouldn't consider yourself nearly as good as a writer as he was, but he had taught you a few things to better your craft. Grabbing a pen, you started a bit formal, it had been a while since you'd seen your mother after all.
As your writing progressed, you poured your emotions out into the paper. Dealing with the suppressed feeling of being the reason for your brother's condition, your failed attempts at marriage, and your career, since leaving home. Glancing at the clock on the wall, you raised your eyebrows at the time. Had it already been two hours of writing? Albeit, there was a pile of crumbled papers.
Suddenly the door burst open, Philip rushed in, terror covering his face. Locking the door, he immediately went to the small kitchen, pushing the stove in front of the door.
Hearing his name, his head jerked around as he met your gaze. Rushing over to you, he stopped, seeing you back away nervously.
“Y/n, please, I won’t…just let me explain,” he said, opening the manila folder.
“It started when you wanted to work at the Cabaret, I was so excited for you, I started an article, you were going to have an entire page. But…but then my brain began to get distorted and fuzzy, I could hardly think. Before I knew it, the article was on fire. I came to your show and I noticed someone”
“You came to my show before?”
“Always, after the first time, you came home gushing, I promised to try to make it,” he said, pulling out the stack of photos he continued.
“This man, he came to every show, front row, bringing you flowers,” he showed a series of pictures of Armand, some of the photos you were in. His arms around you, his lips pressed against your own.
“Just listen,” he shook his head, stopping you.
“I went to his theater, to confront him, to win my wife back, but then I found this, in his office,” he pulled out more photos.
“He has been watching you since we came here, from the time we arrived, there are photos of you taken. Then, I looked around, and what I saw, they aren't human, none of them. Those aren't plays, they're actual murderings,” he cried, showing the hardly developed pictures of the coffins and corpses in a box full of rats.
“I think he has been getting in my head, since I began to suspect him, I’ve felt like another person is living inside of me,” he said, wiping his tears.
“I waited until they all settled in for rest and I set the hell house on fire, we have to leave, now, we can go home, start fresh, leave all of this behind us,” he stressed.
Moving to your shared closet, he began to rip all of your clothing from the hangers, throwing them on the bed. You stood with your hand on your stomach, trying to process the photos. Indeed, there were photos of you from the moment you stepped off the boat. You didn't want to believe any of these bizarre claims, but here was the proof right in your face.
Unexpectedly, the stove was pushed out of the way, as the door burst open. Armand walked in, his hair slightly disheveled, the scariest glare set on Philip.
“Armand?” you called his name, hesitantly.
“Y/n, run,” Philip told you, as you jumped away from the table, the paper catching ablaze.
“Run, now,” he shoved you, right as Armand grabbed him. His hands around his throat, lifting him off the ground. Philip struggled, trying to free himself, gasping as fangs came out. Armand seemed to be growling at him, before sinking his teeth into him, determined to drain every ounce of blood from him.
“Run,” Philip strained, as you covered your mouth, rushing out the door.
Run, run, don't stop, keep running.
Your heart pounded, as you ran through the streets, gasping for air as you grew more tired. Afraid to look back, you kept going, you were sure you'd drop dead in fear seeing him behind you. Turning on nearly every corner, relief washed over, seeing a store owner closing his shop.
"Sir," you called out, as you jogged to him.
"No, no, I'm closing," he pointed at the sign.
"Please help me, he's going to get me," you cried, as the man finally turned to face you, genuinely concerned.
"Come in," he said, letting you into the store. As you came in, he locked the door behind you. With the adrenaline coming down, you could feel pain in your foot from stepping into the glass.
"We have to hide," you told the man, tugging at his sleeve.
"You go," he pointed to the back, before he went behind the counter, pulling a shotgun out.
Limping to the back of the store, looking back one more time, you screamed as the door burst open, the shop owner being killed instantly. As the elderly man fell to the floor, you cried out, before he appeared in front of you.
"Y/n," his eyes softened seeing your tear-stained face, all of your makeup running down, mixed with the tears.
"Please, don't kill me,” you cried, shaking your head.
“Shh, shh, there is no need to cry,” he consoled you, forcing your head into his chest.
“Why did you kill him?”
“Because he married you,” he admitted.
“What are you?”
“A vampire,” he shifted his eyes as you looked at his face.
“They weren’t acting,” you shook your head, trying to shove him away.
“Not at the end, no,” he confessed. Wrapping his arms you, he walked you out of the store. You continued to try to fight him, but he was much stronger, holding you effortlessly.
Lifting into the air, you gasped, realizing he was floating, no flying! Wrapping your arms around him, you shoved your face deeper into his soft coat. He smiled as one of his hands held your head.
“We were out hunting, when I noticed you, stepping off of the boat. I could hear your precious thoughts, you were sure you'd be the next big star. You had dreams but weren't putting yourself out there, so I sent Edward to you, and I made sure he paid you like the star you are,” Armand said, as his feet landed on top of the museum.
“I showered you with praise and gifts of all kinds, and yet you left every night, going back to him, what is it that he could possibly have that I couldn't give you?” he asked, a gloomy look in his eyes.
“He was my husband, he didn’t have much, but I loved him,” you cried.
“He wouldn’t have given you the opportunities you can have. He would work himself to death, not without cheating on you to fill the void within himself because he knew he could never give you the life he promised”
“You killed him,” you continued to cry. Rolling his eyes, he felt himself growing frustrated with you.
“Because I love you, I can love you better than his wretched human mind could ever think to fathom. I could give you the eternal gift, lavishing you, treasuring you, why can’t you see, has your love for me left that quickly?” he asked, as he grabbed your face, forcing you to look into his eyes.
Glamouring you, he hoped to find the truth, that your heart had turned cold at the sight of him. Wiping your eyes softly, his hand trailed to your lips, brushing against them softly.
“No,” you said, breathlessly.
“Then choose me, you have no need to fear me, we will be companions, equals, I, your maker, and you, my angel,” he said, a bloody tear slipping out of his eye. As he looked away, you snapped out of the trance, your heart ached to see Armand this way.
“I don't think I can forgive anytime soon, but I love you and I want you,” you told him, as you began to cry all over. Reaching towards his face, you wiped the blood away, before cupping his face in your hand. Searching your face for reassurance, you nodded.
“This will hurt for a short moment, but our eternity together will make up for it,” he told you, softly pecking your lips. Swiftly dipping you, you held onto him, as his fangs sank into your neck.
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“Then what happened?” Daniel raised his voice, leaning towards you.
“I drank from him, and became his fledgling. I would say the rest is history, but it’s on the blog,” you laughed.
“You forgave him, just like that, after what he had done to Philip?”
“She actually took nearly a decade before I didn’t hear anything anymore,” Armand said, lifting your hand to his lips.
“If you don’t mind, I’d like to go back to a few things,” Daniel said, writing on his notebook.
“Okay, let’s hear it”
“Philip said that he came to your shows, nearly every single one, up until you were fired. But, during your time with Armand, he always seemed to working”
“He was saying a lot of things that night, him showing up to my shows was the least important thing to me at the time, but it was like 80 years ago, I don’t remember it like it was yesterday,” you laughed.
“I understand, Philip and Edward both spoke about an article, did this said article ever come about?”
“The fire was talked about, it took any attention from Y/n,” Armand interrupted.
“And what of the Cabaret? The Vampire Theater?”
“As far as we know, no one made it,” Armand said.
“The Cabaret went out of business a few years into my new life, I hear it’s a bakery now, you should visit,” you told him.
“If I’m not busy, I will think about it. What about your mother and brother?”
“I checked on them a few times, but the bloodline has ended with me,” you said, your smile faltering.
“I see,” he nodded, writing a note down.
“I trust you will do well with my story Daniel, reflecting on my past, I was a child, I didn’t have a real grasp of love and what it meant. I cared for Philip, he is who influenced my writing, but I can finally understand how much I didn’t actually love him,” you told him before he stopped the audio recording.
“Well, that’s it,” he sighed, saving the contents, before closing the computer.
“Lovely, would you like to stay for dinner?” you asked, as Daniel rubbed his head.
“No, I already made plans,” he said, his head feeling distorted and fuzzy.
“Awe, too bad, let me at least walk you to the door,” you stood, leading him to the front door of the spacious penthouse.
Sitting alone, Armand clenched his jaw, his eyes sharply piercing the air. Years upon years, nearly reversed in a single session. He could tell by the way Daniel was asking these questions, he wanted you to remember the obvious, but the truth was far too blurred for you to ever remember things how things were.
From the moment he saw you, he wanted you, filled with jealousy seeing you kiss him. He immediately began to find information about the two of you, watching from a distance. He did hear your thoughts, about how you wanted to be a star, which is why he sent Edward to you. The Cabaret had been nearby for some time now and hardly got any attention, you could work there for a while until you were ready for his stage.
Philip had been to nearly every show, but Armand was too far into your mind for you to ever notice him. Dancing and singing for the vampire alone, he had changed your memory too many times for you to even recount your performances. His breaking point was after stalking you, approaching your apartment, his heart shattered hearing you moan for him. The man he despised.
Lastly, he wished him turning you was as romantic as you made it out to be. After you told him you didn’t love him anymore, he promised that you would learn to love him again, before draining you. The thought of the fire infuriated him, his hate growing towards him. Philip ruined his plans and for that, he paid with his death. You were supposed to be turned, in the most beautiful way, becoming the lead actress at his theater. All of his plans, plans for you, the both of you, went to waste, because of him.
Armand knew some would come to this conclusion, and begin to question why. The answer was simple, so simple that many would hate him for his actions. He was jealous, seeing someone have what he wanted, so he took it. He had lived too long to care about his decisions hurting others and he held no regrets.
“Hey, are you coming to get ready for bed?” You asked, coming back to the entrance of the living room. Standing up, in an instant, he stood in front of me.
“Am I forgiven for my choices, my angel?” he asked, rubbing his face against your hands as you held his cheeks.
“You don't have to ask, don't let this story get to you, it's in our past,” you told him, furrowing your eyebrows at him.
“I love you,” he smiled, kissing your lips.
“I love you too,” you told him, kissing him once more.
“I'll join you soon,” he said, watching as you turned, walking away.
Armand would never admit how prideful and monstrous his nature could be. Selfishly, he has taken you away from any and everything you knew, keeping you all to himself. However, none of these things mattered, he had won, in the end. You were a star, only meant to perform on his stage.
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cryptidghostgirl · 6 months
Rapture (Alastor x Ex-Partner!Gn!Reader)
Pairing: Alastor x Reader
Warnings: ANGST.
Word Count: 3,000
Previous Part: Ritornello
Master Lists:
Master Lists 
Hazbin Hotel Master List
Rhapsody Master List
A/N I got a request a while ago to continue this so here is the next part!! Sorry for taking so long. When you guys request things,, it lets me get to them quicker which I appreciate (esp when its about my own projects) :)
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It had been about a month since Alastor had joined the hotel staff and things were going smoothly. Well, as smoothly as they could go when trying to rehabilitate sinners but, some good things had occurred. The best of them had been the addition of their newest guest: Sir Pentious.
Y/n had been suspicious of him at first, as had Vaggie and Angel Dust. They had heard of him before, fought with him in the past according to Pentious himself. Y/n knew the demon had a desire in him, a want to become what they despised most. It became quickly evident that when he had joined the hotel, Pentious had not only given up his war machines but that dream of his as well.
Settling in to the new pattern had been... difficult. It was such a strange thing for Y/n to be around Alastor. There had been a time, a long time, when they had known his every affect, the essence of his being. That time was gone. He was not the many they had known just as they were not the demon he had known. However, there was something that lingered between them still -- the memory. It filled the silent spaces, consumed the air. It was large and complicated.
The first week or so after his arrival, Y/n had been a wreck. They didn't cry, they didn't yearn for him, but they still suffered. It was so hard to escape the old patterns. Each demon found themselves nearly doing things, saying things, experiencing things that belonged in the lives they had once led, not the ones they were involved in now.
Y/n had stopped missing Alastor when their relationship with Charlie had solidified. Suddenly, despite the fact that he was right before their very eyes, inhabiting the same places as they did for the first time in three decades, it was almost like they were loosing him all over again.
Slowly, the need to stop themselves faded. There was no longer the necessity of catching the words in their throats, of pinning their hands to their sides, of burying questions or requests in the recesses of their minds because the need, or habit perhaps is the better word, began to fade. New routines came into being. The world kept turning.
Still, there was the odd awkward silence. Still, Y/n felt a tingle in their spine, butterflies in their stomach, when they ended up alone together. Alastor just smiled through it all, like he always had.
The only real step Alastor had taken that showed any emotion at all towards his former lover was that he blocked any contact Y/n had with Husk and Nifty. Y/n was intent on interrogating them, seeing what sort of a master he was, learning their stories and working to free them from their contracts. Alastor must have sensed this, must have guessed, drawing on his own experience with them, that they would want to do something like that. Every time Y/n managed to come even close to a moment alone with one of them or the appropriate environment for a more personal, private conversation, he appeared and shut it down.
If Y/n were younger, they would have thought it was a game. Perhaps some part of them still saw the competition in it all but, if they did, Alastor couldn't tell. They had changed -- god had they changed -- but, so had he. Change was what time did to a person. He couldn't blame them.
Alastor spent a lot of time watching Y/n. He wasn't sure why, for what he was searching. It was a compulsion. He searched for the bits and pieces he remembered of them, tried to fill the gaps between who they were, and the person standing before him now.
There had been some things he was able to observe. Firstly, Y/n's diet had changed. While before they had eaten whatever was available, now they seemed only ever to eat raw meet. Alastor had absolutely no idea why and the only plausible reason he could come up with was simply that they liked it. Second: where Y/n used to spend hours composing, messing around with various instruments and musical genres, they were rarely found with even their lute in their hand nowadays. Alastor knew that a busier schedule provided by Charlie and the hotel could be at fault but, that answer was unsatisfying. Y/n loved music more than anything, more even, Alastor was almost certain, than they had loved him.
There were a handful of other small details, minor things about the way they held themselves, the musicality of their voice as they spoke. Then there was the biggest change, the cloud looming over his head. This was the way Charlie had changed them.
The days of Y/n running off, rushing away mid conversation, were gone. They regulated their emotions with much greater ease now, Alastor had even caught them doing breathing exercises a few times. There was a certain sense of freedom he hadn't seen them hold within themselves in a long time, not since they had first gotten together. While on the one hand he was happy for them, grateful beyond belief that Charlie had managed to help them regain that sense of themselves, it hurt on the other. It hurt so much because he had tried and this was the evidence that the failure had been his, not theirs. He had tried, he had given them his all, and it hadn't been enough but somehow, in some way, Charlie had been.
Charlie had been enough for Y/n. Charlie had... had... Alastor hadn't.
Something had happened. Alastor didn't know what because it had happened without him. If he had had the chance to talk to Y/n about the interim, the time they had spent apart, he would have. The thing was, Y/n didn't seem too keen on the idea of a private chat.
They were never rude to him. No, they always kept a friendly lilt to their voice, said hello to him when their paths crossed. Alastor could tell they weren't avoiding him either. He knew that if they were, he would never see them at all and he saw them all the time so it wasn't that. Still, every chance he had, every spare moment they shared just the two of them, Y/n found a way to quickly and kindly exit the conversation.
Alastor could force them to engage with him, he knew that, but that had never been their style. There was no precedence for it. He lied to himself, saying it was just that he knew how Y/n would react if he tried to capture them, to force them into any situation they didn't want to be in. He needed to be at the hotel and Y/n had the power to remove him from his position. He told himself that, again and again, while the real reason lurked under the surface.
The truth of the matter was: Alastor did not want to force them. He never wanted to force Y/n to do anything, whether physically or through mental manipulation. Even the consideration of such action felt like a betrayal of them, of himself in a way, of what they had.
What had they even had? Alastor had been in love, loved Y/n still in an odd and nostalgic sense but, he was also angry with them. The newfound regret of having failed them mingled with the decades old infestation of anger, of feeling like they had failed him. At the end of the day, they were the one who had left first. Alastor might have said the words, pulled the trigger, but they were the one that left. They had withdrawn from him long before that conversation on the hill. Y/n committed the murder, allowing the corpse to dry out in the sun, to be picked apart by birds and wild animals. Alastor had just buried the body. It had been the right thing to do, it had been necessary.
Slowly, the silences between them lost most of their tension, became a bit more comfortable. Slowly, they each learned to inhabit their new roles in one another's lives. There had been something and, yes, that something was gone, but there was a new something growing in its place. Alastor had thought the ground was barren. He was grateful anything grew at all.
They were gathered in the lobby, Y/n running a workshop on how to properly wrap presents. Alastor, like the rest of the hotel staff, had been invited to participate but, he had opted to watch. It was a skill he already had, one he had no use for. There was no need to learn what he already knew, but watching Angel, Husk, Pentious, and Nifty struggle was entertaining.
"Okay, well..." Y/n put a finger to their chin, gazing at the box Nifty was holding up to them with pride.
It was perfectly wrapped in white paper with a big black bow on top. Beside the bow, Nifty had drawn a detailed picture of a cemetery for all the bugs she had killed in the hotel thus far.
"You did a great job." Y/n finally settled, patting Nifty on the shoulder, "Well done."
Nifty squealed in glee, turning to present the box to Angel for him to examen. Angel had managed to get tangled up in his project and, realizing this, Nifty quickly dropped her own in order to help him. Witnessing this, Y/n smiled.
Alastor felt the place where his heart would have skipped a beat if things weren't so complicated. He felt the lack of an emotional reaction almost more deeply than if he had had one.
Just as Y/n moved to help Nifty untangle Angel, Charlie bolted into the room.
"Y/n! Y/n Y/n Y/n! I figured it out! I finally figured it out!"
Y/n turned to Charlie as they came to a stop before them, breathing heavily. Their brow was furrowed, their head tilted slightly to the side in confusion.
"Figured what out, Sunshine?"
"Your curse?" Charlie replied as if Y/n should have known.
Y/n tensed. Charlie didn't notice, but Alastor did. He knew them too well not to. It also did not escape him how actively they were avoiding looking at him.
"Y/n, if you get redeemed, wont it go away? Curses can't exist in Heaven, can they?"
His mind was absolutely reeling. What curse? In all the years he had known them, Y/n had never once mentioned a curse. The others gathered seemed equally as surprised and at a loss as he felt.
At last Y/n looked at Alastor. Though only a few seconds had passed since Charlie's revelation, it had felt like an eternity. Charlie followed the path of their gaze, the smile falling from her face immedeatly.
"Fuck, wait, I... fuck. I'm so sorry, I-"
Y/n took a deep breath, turning back to Charlie with a smile fixed firmly upon their face.
"It's alright."
"No!" Charlie insisted, "I swear, I di-"
"No, Charlie, it's alright. I told you, I stopped looking for a cure years ago."
"But you cou-"
"I don't want a cure." Y/n shook their head, taking Charlies hands in theirs, "I want to stay here, at the hotel. With you."
Almost as soon as Y/n had spoken, Charlie's eyes filled with tears.
"I... I..." she stuttered for a moment before throwing herself into Y/n's chest, "Thank you!"
Y/n patted Charlie's back with a comfort that was unexpected to Alastor's eyes. The look on their face as they pulled Charlie from them, wiping the girls tears, was a sort of kindness Alastor had never seen.
A curse? What curse?
A million questions flooded through his mind as he continued to watch the pair.
"I have some business to deal with, are you okay with me leaving?"
Charlie sniffed, nodding her head slightly.
"Do you want to help finish the workshop? We're wrapping presents."
"You're wrapping p-pr-presents? That's so sweet!"
Charlie's tears started anew and Y/n chuckled, ruffling her hair comfortingly.
"You sure you're okay if I go?"
"Just go." Angel advised, getting up and walking over to Charlie, "we can handle this."
Y/n shot him a grateful smile before turning on their heel and walking up to Alastor. He looked down at them, his expression unreadable.
"I'm ready to talk." they stated.
Alastor nodded.
"Let's go."
When the shadows released them from their grasp, Y/n half expected them to be on the hill, their old haunt. It would have been fitting for Alastor to do something like that and he had every right to be so cruel in their mind. Instead, he had brought Y/n in to their studio. The anger radiated off him, the confusion, and still he had thought to offer them such a kindness.
Y/n, their back to Alastor, balled their hands into fists. They could feel the panic rising in their chest, the fear. They took a few deep breaths before turning to face him.
"Do you want to ask me anything? Or do you just want me to talk."
Alastor crossed his arms over his chest, eyebrows raised as he tapped one foot impatiently on the hardwood floor.
"Stupid question." Y/n nodded, "Right."
They took one final steadying, breath and then, they began to speak.
"So, curse. Um... fuck."
It wasn't that they hadn't thought about what they would say before. They had. They had played this moment out in their mind in a hundred different ways a hundred different times. Nothing had ever seemed right, felt right, gone right. Even if it had, they had no idea of where to begin now. The memory of all that practice had been ushered out long ago by the anxiety.
"Some overlords got mad at me and cursed me?" they said at last, their words coming out as more of a question than a definitive truth, "I..."
"Is this why you always left? Is this..." Alastor ran a hand through his hair, looking away, "is this what your secret was? The curse?"
Y/n nodded and Alastor sighed.
"I know you must be furious." Y/n began, trying to keep their voice steady, "Angry that I was so foolish as to allow-"
"That's not why I am angry, Y/n." Alastor cut in, "That's not why..." he shook his head, "I am angry because you didn't tell me."
The breath caught in Y/n's throat. They took half a step back.
"Why didn't you tell me?"
Halfway between an accusation and a plea. He was begging them, he had only done that once before. Y/n hadn't been strong enough then, but they were now.
"Because it was my burden to carry, not yours."
"I carried it anyways! I knew something was wrong, for years! I just had no idea what, no... no... frame of reference. Why didn't you tell me!?"
"I... I..." there was no hiding the truth, Y/n looked away, "I was scared that you would leave."
Alastor watched them in disbeleif.
"And you left anyway." they finished.
"I left because you didn't tell me. We could have stuck together, figured it out. We could have..."
It was Y/n's turn to be angry now. They turned back to him, their eyes alive with fire.
"We could have what?! You could have what?!" the scoffed, "You think I don't know it was all my fault?! You think I don't... don't blame myself for everything?! Didn't know why you really left?! Didn't... didn't realize?! I fucking know that you left because I didn't tell you! I know I caused... that I..." they let out a frustrated little scream, their hands tangling into their hair, "I. Know."
"You could have told me then, why didn't you? Why didn't you stop me if you knew you could!?"
"Because I was scared!"
Their eyes began to grow dark, their skin shifting and writhing like there were bugs crawling beneath its surface. Seeming to notice this, Y/n closed their eyes, taking a few deep breaths before opening them once again.
"Is that the curse?"
"Part of it." they admitted, "If I don't stay calm, I don't get to stay... well, stay me."
The reality of the situation hit Alastor like a ton of bricks, like a moving car. He did his best to calm himself.
"Whats the rest of it?"
Y/n said nothing and so, he tried again.
"I could have helped."
"Helped how, Alastor?" they asked, their voice coming out tired and nearly desperate, "How?"
"I could have found a cure."
"There is none." Y/n shook their head, "Believe me. I can do things to stave it off, keep it at bay but, nothing will take this beast away from me."
"You could try being redeemed."
They raised a fist to their chest, holding it over their heart. A pained expression had taken over their face, their body curling slightly in on itself.
"I don't want to. Not anymore. It... this thing... it's a part of me now. Besides, I couldn't leave Charlie."
"She has lots of people who care about her, people to take care of her. I am certain she would be fine."
"No, you don't understand." Y/n shook their head, "I can't leave her. I know she'd be fine on her own. She is such a wonder, such an incredible person. I need her."
"I wanted you."
Y/n straightened up, their eyes meeting his as their hand fell back to their side. They stared at one another in silence.
"I am sorry."
Alastor had never expected to hear those words. Not from them, not from anybody. He wasn't worthy of apology.
"I am too."
NEXT PART -> coming soon
@willowshadenox @i-love-jafar @elfyeet @reader3 @lazygirlfanfic0-0 @kahlan170 @wendyphan01203-blog @fairyv-ice @clarakainda @lunaramune @mcueveryday @luxky-aish @peterpankat @corvid007 @juskonutoh @simpingsohard @sethianaa @gabile18 @slytherin4ever @skyeliteratures @zombiesnips-blog @cannibalcoyote @moonmark98 @luzzbuzz @snowlotr @randomuser-89 @fakeguysarehot @xdolls-crownx @sassycasy8467 @i-like-potatoes12533 @huskersbooze @idontreallyexistyet @fairyv-ice @clarakainda @lunaramune  @peterpankat @mcueveryday @corvid007 @luxky-aish @juskonutoh @simpingsohard @sethianaa
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outermaybanks · 2 months
jj shows kook!reader what she's missing part 3 part one ★ part two
a/n: this just seemed to be the natural place to take the story... honestly i am enjoying this couple so if you have any requests/ideas for them lmk. warnings for smut (i had to sorry)
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“So, how’d your parents take it? Do I still have a job?” JJ asked as you got out of your car, not even giving you time to close your car door. “My mom was surprisingly supportive…” you answer with a sigh. Today had been the day you and JJ had been waiting for for over a month, you were going to tell your parents JJ Maybank was your boyfriend. You expected your father to be okay, and your mother to be the one to throw the fit, but you got the opposite, your father was the one saying you should be with someone with ‘more potential’, and your mother said she always liked JJ, but you didn’t know if you wanted to tell him that. 
“That wasn’t really an answer…” JJ murmured, taking his hat off to run his hand through his hair. You took a deep breath and then turned to face him, wrapping your arms around his neck. “Of course you still have a job, JJ. Don’t forget who’s really in charge over there… my dad just needs to warm up to the idea, get to know you like I do.” JJ put his hands on your waist, the two of you swaying slightly. “I don’t think you want your dad to know me quite as well as you do.”
You couldn’t fight off a giggle, “Jayyyyy”, you whined, JJ pressed his forehead to yours. “What’ll it take, mamas? Extra shifts? Dinner with the family? What do I gotta do to win your pops over?” “Well… you could always make a good impression at the End of Summer Party.”
JJ’s head fell back in a dramatic groan, making you roll your eyes before his head snapped back up. “Fine. I’ll do it. But I won’t have fun.” “What if I can promise you fun after?” you ask, tilting your head and looking up at him. JJ shook his head in disbelief, a smile taking over his face. “You are something else, y/n, you know that?” You smiled and stood on your tiptoes to press a kiss to his lips. “Don’t forget it, Maybank.”
The End of Year party was hosted by the family knighted at Midsummer’s, this year, that was the Cameron’s. When you told your parents you were bringing JJ, your mother was happy, but your father went silent. He had never acted this way towards you. Your father had always lavished in everything you did, so proud of you, unlike most fathers on Figure Eight, his love for you wasn’t just shown through money. He had even been supportive when you said you had started dating a nice boy, but his smile fell when you told him it was JJ. 
But he didn’t oppose. And when JJ showed up that evening, in a white button up and black dress pants no less, your father did his best to appear supportive, even if that meant saying nothing more than a greeting. But JJ wasn’t an idiot, and he had actually had a pretty decent relationship with your father before this, so he knew what your dad’s silence really meant.
But despite that, JJ was on his best behavior. 
“So, Mr. y/l/n, I, uh… I noticed you checking out the Cameron’s boat. Thinking of upgrading?” JJ tried to talk to your dad about common interests. “JJ knows a lot about boats,” you added, hoping to pique your father’s interest and get a conversation going. “Hm. You have a boat, JJ?” your father asked, bringing his lager glass up to his lips. “No, uh, just work on a lot, sir. My dad used to captain a 1983 Formula 402 SR1-” My dad chuckled, and the sound made your blood boil. “I don’t know if I’d say ‘captain’ is the right term for it.” “Dad…” “It’s fine, y/n,” JJ whispered to you, before clearing his throat, and giving a small forced chuckle. “Right, of course, sir.”
You didn’t like this. You didn’t like any part of this. Why was your dad being the biggest asshole ever? Why was JJ not being… JJ? The only logical explanation was he was trying to make a good impression on your parents, which meant he was hindering himself for you.
“Actually, it’s not. Dad, JJ is the hardest working person I’ve ever met, you don’t get to talk down to him just because you have more money than him. It isn’t okay. JJ makes me happy, and I want you to treat him with respect.” Your mother’s eyes widened, but other than that was expressionless, you couldn’t tell what she was thinking as she looked to your father, who quickly cleared his throat, before pulling you aside, out of earshot from your mother and JJ.
“Sweetheart… I love you more than anything. All I want is your happiness… and your security. I think JJ is a fine man, sure… but you need someone who can take care of you, give you a good life, and I don’t know if he can. Maybe this is my fault, hiring him-” You couldn’t believe what you were hearing, but you knew you were done hearing it. Without a word, you turned on your heel and walked away from him, returning to where you had left JJ with your mother, and pulled him away mid conversation.
“We’re leaving, right now,” you huffed. “Yes ma’am,” JJ replied, following after you to his bike. He handed you his helmet then helped you pick up your dress before climbing and holding his hand out to help you onto the back. “Y/N! Y/N!” you heard and turned to see your father running towards you. “JJ, go!” “You sure?” “Yes! Go, drive!”
JJ didn’t need to be told twice, his bike’s engine roaring to life as his wheels ruined the grass before he sped off. As he drove down the road you knew lead to the Chateau, you leaned your head against his shoulder, it was in this moment you realized just how much JJ meant to you, you would throw everything away for him.
When the two of you arrived at the Chateau, JJ helped you off the bike and took his helmet off of you, and you immediately wrapped your arms around JJ, causing him to stumble back a bit before he stabilized. “Wooaahh, there. You okay, princess?” You nodded the best you could with your head still against him. “I just… I didn’t like the way he talked to you. I’m never gonna let anyone talk about you like that.” You lifted your head to look up at him, he was staring down at you with focused eyes before his hand moved to cup your cheek before he pressed his lips to yours. Your hands rested against his chest, then raised to his neck as he deepened the kiss.
“Where have you been all my life, y/n y/l/n?” JJ asked with panting breath after the two of you separated. “Locked up with the kooks, but you found me anyway,” you answered softly. “Damn right I did,” JJ once again dove down to press his lips to yours, this time, he leaned down to pick you up, and you wrapped your legs around his waist as he carried you inside the Chateau, small giggles escaping you. 
He carried you to the hammock, attempting to sit and hold you on his lap, but the sway of the hammock caused you both to fall back, with you on top of JJ, the hammock still swinging as you and JJ just stared into each other’s eyes.
“I love you, JJ. I don’t care how my dad feels about it, I don’t care how anyone except you feels about it,” you say softly, your thumb gently caressing his cheek. JJ’s eyes widened as he sat up a bit. “You love me?” You bit your lip, then nodded softly. “I do… you don’t have to say it back or anything. I just wanted you to know.”
A smile slowly crept onto his lips. “C’mere,” he said, pulling you back down for another kiss. You couldn’t help but giggle against his lips, this time sliding your hands down his chest. “I believe I promised you some fun after the party,” you mumbled between kisses. JJ raised an eyebrow as he smirked at you. “Ever have sex in a hammock?”
You bit your lip excitedly as you shook your head no.
When you and JJ first made your relationship official, it took a minute for the two of you to have sex, but after the first time, it was constant. JJ just got you, which was something you had never felt with anyone before. 
JJ helped the two of you readjust, laying vertically and allowing you to lay comfortably on top of him, straddling his lap. “Your dress is really pretty,” JJ breathed out as his hands carefully worked on his belt. “Mmm, thank you,” you mumbled against the skin of the neck you were currently marking. “You don’t look so bad yourself, handsome.”
Hidden by your dress, JJ managed to push his pants down to his knees. You couldn’t help but let out a satisfied moan as you started to rut yourself against the thin fabric that separated you from JJ’s delicious cock. “You’re so fucking hot, princess. So dirty for a Kook,” JJ said softly, his hands gripping your waist, encouraging your movement. 
“Shut up and fuck me, J,” you mumbled, reaching down and under your dress to pull your panties aside. “Someone’s worked up, huh?” JJ teased, but still he got to work, lining himself at your entrance, then moving his hands to your waist to help you sink down on him, a soft hiss coming from him.
You let your head fall back at the feeling of being full by him. This was exactly what you needed. Usually, JJ was completely in charge in the bedroom, but he could tell that wasn’t what you needed right now, you needed to get your anger out. You didn’t give either of you a moment to adjust, using JJ to steady yourself as you began rocking your hips. “I hate him. I can’t.. Ugh.. believe him!” you grunted with each snap of your hips. “Fuck him. I’ll be your daddy,” JJ said before pulling you down to his lips, his hands sliding down to your thighs only to slip under your dress and paw at the flesh of your ass as he began thrusting up into you. JJ kissed down your jaw to your neck while you let your head fall into his shoulder, eyes still closed. “Fuck! You feel so good, JJ,” you purred, grinding your hips against him. The more you loved JJ, the more anger you felt towards your father. How could he think so badly of the man you loved?
“I love you, y/n, so fucking much. Fuck your dad.” You were so close, you could feel it in your stomach. “Please, JJ, please, so close.”
JJ’s hand came up clumsily to grab your chin, turning you to look at him for another kiss as his pace became merciless. You let out a soft cry as you came, but it was muffled by his lips. JJ’s orgasm came quickly after yours, but the two of you stayed together like that for a while, your head resting on JJ’s chest as he played with your hair.
“You mean it, J?” you asked softly looking up at him through your lashes. “‘Course I did, princess. And I’m gonna figure out a way to fix things with your dad.” “Don’t bother. Fuck him.” JJ’s eyebrows raised, “I thought that was just the adrenaline talkin’.” “No, I’m serious. I don’t need him, or anything from him if he can’t accept that I love you.” JJ’s mouth ticked up at the corners, his hand sliding up your cheek. “How’d I get so lucky?” You smile before sitting up, lifting yourself off JJ before carefully getting off the hammock, fixing your dress. JJ sat up and watched you for a second before getting up. 
“Maybe I could just… steal all of his money,” you said dreamily, making JJ chuckle as you wrapped your arms around his neck, his moved to your  waist. “We could buy a boat, sail to Mexico, buy a huge ass house-” JJ added, making you smile. “But I think, for now, we have to settle with taking you back to that party.” You let out a small whine, but you knew he was right. You couldn’t run from facing your parents. “I’ll stay by your side, princess. I promise,” JJ said softly before pressing his lips to your head. You let out a soft sigh, “Fine…”
JJ mimicked your pout before pressing a peck to your lips. “It’ll be fun, looking your dad in the eye, knowing my cum is drenching your panties as we speak.” Your eyes widened as your face became hot. “JJ!” you scolded, making him laugh before pressing another kiss to your lips. 
The ride back to the Cameron’s had you gripping JJ ever so slightly tighter than usual. If you were honest, there’s was a part of you terrified that your dad would just magically make JJ disappear from your life, so desperate to hold on to him. \
When JJ parked his bike, he helped you climb off and you took a deep breath before taking his hand to walk back into the party. Your eyes first found your mother, one hand holding her cell phone up to her ear while the other held a wine glass. When her eyes met yours, her jaw dropped before muttering something to the person on the other end and hanging up, quickly making her way towards you.
“I’m sorry I ran away but I-” you were cut off by an ‘oof’ leaving you as your mother wrapped her arms around you. “We were so worried, sweetheart. Your father’s at the house right now, waiting for you.” You pushed yourself away from her. “It’s his fault I ran away in the first place! Did he tell you? Did he tell you the terrible things he said about JJ?”
Your mother gave you a sympathetic look before giving one to JJ. “Sweetheart, there’s things you don’t understand.” “What I don’t understand is how you guys can raise me the way you did, to think I should do whatever makes me happy, but when I finally find it, you don’t approve.” “I approve!” your mother tried to save. “I adore JJ, you know that.” “Appreciate that, ma’am,” JJ spoke up. “Dad doesn’t. I never knew he could be so… so… bigoted!” “y/n y/l/n! Do you seriously think that? Your father has done nothing but be open minded, hiring them left and right, giving them raises, helping them-” “Then why won’t he let me be happy with JJ?” “Because, y/n! He knows what it’s like to struggle, and he doesn’t want you to go through that! Everything he has done was to make sure you wouldn’t struggle like he did.”
That silenced you rather quickly. 
Your mother let out a deep breath before taking another sip from her wine glass. “When I met your father… He didn’t have a dollar to his name, jumping from job to job, crashing on people’s couches… I liked that he wasn’t like the rich boys, entitled. When we wanted to get married, he had to beg for my father’s approval, and… he didn’t get it. But we got married anyway. And when we became pregnant with you, he had to man up and go back to my father to grovel for money, for a job, and my father never let him live it down ‘til the day he died. All of it, all the embarrassment, the hard work, it was all so you would never have to struggle.”
Your face screwed up in confusion; sure, you knew your family’s money was inherited through the family business, but you never heard the version of the story where your dad didn’t also come from money. You felt your hand be squeezed, and looked up to see JJ staring down at you, his eyes all the reassurance you needed.
“Why… Why did I never know that?” Your mother sighed, almost impatiently. “Because what good would it have done? He was already embarrassed, he didn’t need his daughter to think he was a failure.” Another sigh. “Sweetie, just give your father some time. He’ll come around, I promise.” She put a hand gently on your shoulder, pulling you in for another hug. As your chin rested on her shoulder, you tried to make sense of the new information. 
You heard the beep beep of a car and you looked up to see your dad coming across the yard, heading straight towards you. You crossed your arms, a physical manifestation of you putting your walls back up to protect JJ. To hell with what your mom said, if your dad was going to take his insecurities out on JJ, then none of it mattered.
As your dad reached you, you opened your mouth to voice your feelings, but he beat you to the punch. “I’m sorry. JJ, I apologize. Sincerely. I became something I never wanted to be: my father in law. You have done nothing to deserve such harsh judgement, and I wish I could take it back, but I’m hoping… you’ll give me another chance to show you I’m not like that.” Your father held his hand out.
You felt like it was a dream, too perfect to be true. JJ stumbled a bit, looking between you and your father before shaking his hand. “Sounds good to me, sir.”
Your dad smiled then turned to you, the worried look returning to his eyes. “Sweetheart… I’m sorry I was harsh. I just want you to be taken care of, I want you to have a full life, full of opportunities, to be happy.” “That’s the thing, daddy, JJ makes me happy, and it’d make me really happy if the two of you got along.” Your dad’s smile returned, before he pulled you into a hug. Your eyes moved to your mother, who looked relieved, then to JJ who had a smug smile on his face. 
Your dad decided their fresh start would start immediately, losing time in a conversation about boats you couldn’t care less about, but you were so grateful they were talking. You decided to stand beside your mother. “Told you,” she said smugly, swishing her wine around in her glass. Your eyebrows furrowed together, eyes still watching JJ and your dad. “How did you know?” “Because your dad hated my father. I knew eventually your dad would realize who he sounded like.” You smiled to yourself, then quickly interjected yourself between them, muttering an apology as you lead JJ away.
“Woah! C’mon, princess, me and your dad were finally vibin’,” JJ said as he allowed you to pull him, all the way to the dancefloor. You wrapped your arms around his neck. “Mmmm, I decided I needed some JJ time.” “Ohhhh, that’s right. Forgot that you’re really the one in charge,” JJ teased making you giggle, his hands resting on your waist as his forehead leaned against yours. “Nothing between us anymore, princess.” “Mmm just the way I like it,” you said, before pressing your lips to your boyfriend, uncaring of who saw or what they thought.
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mama2bears · 21 days
Starting Over Again - Chapter 6
Warning: Not accurate medical stuff. Not accurate law stuff. Swear words. Some use of nicknames such as Sweetie and Darling. Emotional angst and physical angst.
A/N: Thank you everyone for your comments, reviews, re blogs, and likes. It means a lot to a new writer like me. This is my first try at a fan fiction so I am still working on trying to find the balance between making the story entertaining and not dragged out, but not being too quick either. All of your reviews and comments helps me try to learn how to write better, so I appreciate all your feed back. I hope you keep enjoying the story. I had thought it was going to end by now, but I am going to run with a idea and make it last a little longer.
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5
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Chapter 6
Laying on the hospital bed as the doctor examines your left side, you hiss in pain when he gently pushes on you. “It appears you have some internal bleeding, possibly from the spleen. I am going to order a few tests. Right now all your vital signs appear stable. I think we're going to have to go in there and do a spleen repair, though. I am going to try to wait and see what the tests show as long as you remain stable. If you become unstable we're just going to go in for emergency surgery without the tests.” he stated, jotting down a few notes on his chart, “There's a officer here to get a statement,” he looked at you and then over to Dani and Lily who had never left your side, “Are you all ready to give a statement?”
“Send them in.” you say, despite the pain surging though your left side and up to the your shoulder. The room seemed to be spinning now. You didn't want to wait a minute longer. You needed them to know how dangerous Lee was and how much danger Tyler and your friends were now in.
“Very well,” he said, “A nurse should be here in a few moments with some pain medication for you.”
“Ms. Y/LN?” the officer spoke softly and had a kind face as he entered the room.
“Yes, that's me.” your voice trembled.
“Do you know who it was that attacked you?”
“Yes. It was my husband Lee.”
“Has he done this type of thing before?” the officer asked.
“Yes. For the last five years. It's just normally beating, not stabbing.” you feel the tears rolling down your cheek.
Dani and Lily stand on either side of you, holding your hands.
“Sir, I am worried about my friends, one is here in the hospital and I am afraid my husband is going to go after him.” you say trembling. You had lived in this hell for five years. You knew what Lee could do and what he would do.
“Everything will be okay,” the officer assures you. “You and your friends are safe in here. We've alerted security. They will keep an eye on things.” he assured you. “Now, are you certain it was your husband? Could it be anyone who looked like him?”the officer continued.
“No..it was him. I am certain of it. I left him a few days ago and came down here. He told me he would kill me if I ever left him.”
The officer nodded, “And you said he beat you, often, right?”
“Yes.” you answer taking calm and steady breaths.
“Have you filed a police report against him before?”
“No.” you sigh.
“And why not?”
“I was afraid. I had no where to go. I didn't know what to do.”
“But you left him this time and came here? Where did you leave him from?”
“I left from Tennessee. I took his truck. I took some money from his account. Some people helped me and I got a bus ticket down here after finding a job opening as a storm chaser.”
The officer nodded and you looked up at him, “Am I in trouble for taking the truck and money?” you ask.
“Well Ms. Y/LN.” There are no warrants issued for you. If you were married then the money is considered partly yours. “Where is the truck now?” he asked.
“I left it back in TN, along with the keys and his wallet. The $500 was all that I took and used.”
“I don't see a problem then, Ms. Y/LN.” he jotted down a few notes, “But I am curious, how do you think he found you here?”
“I...I don't know.” you whisper.
“I have an idea.” Lily said. “There's a few photos of her with us that our fans have taken. They are asking who she is. If that bastard...excuse my language, if he were to stumble across one of those sites...the fans post all the information about us. It would have been easy for him to look us up and see where we were and what our names were. We knew Y/N was leaving a dangerous situation, so we have been careful not to show her on our videos or mention her name or anything...but...I guess that doesn't stop the fan base from being curious and taking photos.”
The officer closed his notepad and looked at you with a sympathetic expression. “Unfortunately, there isn't anything I can do at this moment except take down the suspect description and an account of what happened. There is no eyewitness, no video surveillance, and no proof that your husband came from Tennessee to Oklahoma to track you down and attack you. There is no record of abuse or past police reports filed.”
“So that's it? He's free?” you ask, your voice trembling.
“I am sorry, there's nothing else I can do. You can tell me the make and model of the truck he drives, a tag number if you have it. We can issue a BOLO, but even if we do find the truck...there is no evidence that he was the one who attacked you.”
“That's a load of sh...” Lily trailed off when Dani placed a hand on her shoulder.
The officer handed you his card. “If there is anything else you think of...call me.”
With that he nodded to Dani and Lily and left the room.
“Y/N, I am so sorry.” Lily and Dani hugged you.
You close your eyes fighting back the tears. A loud beeping filled the air as the machines sent off alarms You tried to hide it long enough to talk to the officer, but the pain was worsening. It was unbearable now. The room was spinning in circles and your vision was starting to blur.
“Alright Ms. Y/LN. I've got some meds I am going to put in your IV.” the nurse rushed into the room, “The doctor is concerned about your blood pressure, it's dropping too fast and that's a sign of serious internal bleeding. He's decided to go ahead with emergency surgery. We're going to start prepping you right away.”
Turning to Dani and Lily the nurse continued, “I am sorry, but you will have to leave for now. Visiting hours are at 8am.”
“No...please don't leave me.” you felt a panic rising. What if you died? What if that wasn't enough to satisfy Lee and he just continued to come after Tyler and your friends?
“I am sorry sweetie.We will be right out in the waiting room. We aren't leaving.” Lily promised.
“Make sure Tyler is okay.” You mumbled, already feeling the blackness overtake you.
“We will, sweetie. All of us are going to be right out in the waiting room, okay?” Dani promised.
* * * * *
Tyler awoke to see Dexter and Boone sitting in the chair next to his bed. He turned his head, scanning the room but couldn't find the one person he wanted to see the most.
“Where's Y/N? Is she resting back at the hotel?” he his asked, his voice still weak and groggy.
“Take it easy.” Dexter said calmly, “You need to rest.”
“I want to know where Y/N is! What's wrong? I know something is wrong.” Tyler's heart beat sped up and his breath was coming out in gasps, sending the machines beeping. Fear gripped him. Y/N wasn't here and his friends didn't want to tell him why.
“Guys, I'll have to ask that you leave. You're upsetting him. Mr. Owens needs to rest.” the nurse glared at Dexter and Boone as she entered the room, then turning to Tyler, “Sir..you must calm down. You got broken ribs, too much movement could puncher a lung. Your leg has stitches...if you were to pull them out you could bleed to death...do you understand me?” she was almost yelling at him.
“Don't make them leave. I just need to know where my girlfriend is. I need to know she's alright, then I'll lay here and be good.” he promised, forcing himself to calm down, if just for a moment.
“Very well.” she glared at the three men, “I don't want no more outbursts.” she warned.
“yes ma'am.” the three said in union.
Tyler waited until the nurse was out of the room, “Now tell me, where is Y/N?” he demanded with a glare.
“Promise not to get upset?” Boone asked. Tyler only responded with a glare.
“She's currently in surgery. Dani and Lily are out in the waiting room. We are just waiting on word from the doctor when surgery is completed.” Dexter said.
Tyler's heart skipped a beat, tears filled his eyes, “What happened?” he asked, his breathing becoming labored as a million thoughts raced though his head. She was fine last night. He saw her, talked to her. She was going back to the hotel with the Dani and Lily to get something to eat and rest...why was she now in surgery? A tornado? A accident? Was she hurt before and trying to hide it?
“What the hell happened!” Tyler yelled when no one answered.
“She had internal bleeding.” Dexter informed him, “they rushed her into emergency surgery.”
“Tell me...what HAPPENED!” Tyler demanded, making a move to sit up, but slipping back down in the bed.
“Man, calm down before you hurt yourself worse or get us thrown out.” Boone hissed, “We'll tell you, just calm down.”
“Calm down hell! I am getting out of here. What the hell happened!” Tyler's voice boomed though the room, even over the alarms now going off on the machines. He pushed himself up with more force this time and swung his feet over to the side of the bed, crying out at the pain that shoot though his injured leg.
“T...we're going to tell you, but promise to stay calm.”
Tyler glared at his friends with clenched teeth. He knew he wasn't going to like whatever his friends had to tell him.
“She was stabbed.” Dexter stated.
Panic filled him, “Oh my God! How did it happen?” he asked, biting at his lip trying to remain calm.
“Her husband. He found her.” Dexter said.
“It wasn't nothing we did.” Boone said quickly, watching Tyler's normally tanned face turn red in a rage of anger, “Fans apparently got a few photos of her and posted them online asking who she was. That gave this creep all the information he needed to track us down.”
“Where. Is. He.” Tyler was furious.
“That, we don't know.” Dexter said.
“What the hell you mean you don't know!” Tyler blasted out, tears streaming down his face, “Who was with her when it happened?”
“Dani and Lily were. Lily said that he attacked Y/N out there in the parking lot once they left your room last night. Dani tackled him and I guess he pulled a knife and Y/N went at him to help Dani and she ended up getting stabbed. The jerk ran off like the chicken shit he is.”
“I assume you called the police?” Tyler asked.
“Yes...there's nothing they can do right now as there's no evidence. No other eye witness or surveillance or anything.” Boone said softly.
“Well, I am going to do something about it.” he seethed.
“Alright. OUT! Both of you OUT!” The nurse stormed in. “We are over filled with tornado victims from last night and I can't be running in here every five minutes. Now OUT!” she pointed at the door. Then glared at Tyler, “What do you think you are doing? You are suppose to be in bed!”
“I am leaving too.” Tyler pulled at the monitors connected to him, “There's an emergency I need to deal with.”
“YOU sir, are not cleared to leave until at least tonight, but probably not until tomorrow. You are to be resting and letting your body heal before you do a lot of moving about.”
“Ma'am, I am leaving this room. Now get my papers and get me released.”
“Are you telling me you are refusing any further care?” she glared.
“Yes. I am refusing any further care. Just give me a prescription for whatever I need to take and release me.”
“Fine. You are going to sign a release stating we aren't reasonable. I warned you.” The nurse muttered as she unhooked the machines and turned them off, “We could use the extra bed anyway.”
“Thank you.” Tyler stated.
“I'll be back in a few minutes with your papers. I've got to inform your doctor first.”
Ty nodded and turned to Boone and Dexter, “Did you guys get my truck last night?”
“We did.” Dexter said, “She was flipped over, but otherwise just fine. We got the doors unlocked. It's back at the hotel waiting for you.”
“Thank you guys.” he said softly. “Don't suppose I have a clean change of clothes?”
“Sure do. We got your dirty stuff out of here and there is a clean outfit and your phone laying over there on the counter, waiting for you to get out of here.”
“You guys are the best.” Tyler stood, wobbling on his feet and almost crashing back to the bed. Boone was there instantly to offer him a steadying hand. “T..I don't really think you should be leaving the hospital man. What good will you be to Y/N if you get your self killed? You need to stay in that bed and rest.”
“I need to be with her! I can't lay here not knowing how she is or whats happening. I can't stay in this room with the possibility of that bastard getting to her.” Tyler seethed. “Now help me get my clothes or I will do it myself, even if I have to crawl!”
“Alright man, whatever you need.” Boone gave in, knowing he couldn't win this argument. Together, they shuffled over to the counter and grabbed his clothes, “Once I get released I want you guys along with Dani and Lily to head back to the hotel and get some rest. I'll call you once Y/N is released.”
“We can just hang around here. Y/N was worried that her husband was going to come after you or something.”
“I hope he does.” Tyler seethed, “I am going to kill him, after I beat him to death.” he couldn't hide the anger that was raging in him.
While he was in the bathroom getting dressed, Lily stopped by the room, instantly noticing the empty bed, “Where's Ty?” she gasped.
“He found out about Y/N.” Boone looked guilty. “I had to tell him. He was going to tear this room apart and probably us too if I didn't.”
“Tyler!” Lily called.
Hearing Lily's voice he threw open the bathroom door so fast he lost his balance and was falling forward, his shirt only half on, his pants still unbuttoned. Dexter and Boone caught him, helping him to get steady again.
“How's Y/N?” he gasped. Right now, that's all he cared about. The only thing he could think of. He needed to know she was okay. He needed to be by her side.
“She's out of surgery. The doctors were able to stop the bleeding. She's in a room now and they're just waiting for her to wake up. She's going to be okay, Ty.”
“I am checking myself out. I need to be there with her.” Tyler said, his voice heavy with emotion.
Lily started to protest, but the door opened and the doctor entered with a hand full of papers, “Mr. Owens, I hear you are refusing any further care? Is that correct?”
“I have to warn you, if those ribs puncher a lung or your stitches pull out, you could be facing possible death. It is my recommendation that you stay in the hospital just a bit longer.”
“I am going down to my girlfriend's room. I need to be with her.” Tyler said, “So technically, I am not leaving the hospital until she does.”
“That's all well and good, but you will not be under a doctors care and will not be monitored. You are facing possible death by leaving. I need to make that clear to you...if something happens we are not responsible.”
“I am warned. I understand the risks and I accept them. Now where do I sign?” Tyler asked.
“Here.” the doctor pointed to a few lines that he needed to sign, “And you can go down to the hospital pharmacy and pick up your medication. There's something for pain and to prevent infection.”
“Thank you.” Tyler handed the signed papers back and very slowly limped out of the room. “Now, where is Y/N?” he asked.
“I'll take you to her room.” Lily said,knowing it was too late to argue anyway. She also knew, once Tyler Owens made his mind up about something, there was no changing it. “We'll get you some chairs fixed up so you can be comfortable and rest.”
“And we'll go down and pick up your prescriptions.” Boone offered, “Anything else you want us to get?”
“Thank you. I really appreciated everything you guys have done.” Tyler gives them both a gentle hug, being careful not to move too much and hurt his ribs again. “Maybe a little food. Some for Y/N too, for when she wakes up.”
“You got it T.” Boone nodded.
Tyler tried to hid the pain that coursed though his body with each step as he limped down the hallway, following Lily to where Y/N was. Carefully, he opened the door and slipped into the room. He was relieved to see her resting comfortably, the steady beep of the heart monitor told him she was doing okay.
“Ty? What are you DOING?” Dani hopped up and rushed over to him.
“I signed myself out early. I wanted to be here with Y/N.”
“Tyler, you need to rest!” Dani scolded, “You're no good to her if you go and hurt yourself even worse.”
“I am going to rest. Dexter and Boone are getting my medicines and some food. I am going to sit in a chair next to her bed and be here when she wakes up.”
“I take it the guys told you what happened.” Dani shook her head.
“They tried not to tell me, but I forced them.” Tyler grinned then looked serious, “That's why I want to be here with her. How is she?”
“Doctor said everything went good in surgery. She's going to be okay, Ty.”Dani was already moving the chairs around, “Here, sit here.” she directed, then slide the second chair over, “And put your feet on this one.”
Grateful to be able to sit down again, Tyler eased himself into the chair next to your bed and Dani carefully helped him prop his legs up on the second chair.
“I'll go get some pillows from the nurse and ask for an extra blanket for you.” Lily offered.
“Thank you...” Tyler smiled at his friends, “I owe you both, really big. Thank you for taking care of her, for protecting her.”
“That's what family does!” Dani patted his shoulder.
“I am sorry, sweetheart.” Tyler whispered, taking your hand in his and leaning down to kiss it softly. He couldn't stop the tears from falling anymore and he didn't care who saw. He leaned his head on the bed next to you sobbing, “I am sorry I wasn't there last night. I am sorry you got hurt again.” he rubbed his figures gently over your hand.
As Tyler laid there, his figures intertwined with yours,..a new fear crept in. What if Lee showed up before he was fully healed? It was killing him just to limp down the hallway. He didn't care what happened to him, but what if he wasn't able to protect you? What if that bastard found you and he lost the fight because he was still injured, and Lee got to you. It would have to be over his dead body, but Tyler knew that could be a very real thing. If Lee showed up right now, he knew that he wasn't strong enough to over take him...not yet. He sure as hell would go down fighting for you though. Tyler knew he had to get you out of here and to safety for a few weeks.
Lily returned a minute later with a blanket and pillows, which she used to prop up Ty's leg and support his back. Boone had already returned with two bags of food and a change of clothes for Y/N as well as Ty's phone.
The four friends stood there watching the scene in front of them. Tyler was sitting in the chair, his leg stitched up and bandaged, his broken ribs wrapped and he was leaning over, his head laying on the bed next to yours. He looked drained and tired, eyes were red and puffy from the tears he cried, pain etched across his face. The friends watched in silence for a few moments, Tyler holding your hand, seemly lost in thought.
“I think our wrangler has been wrangled himself.” Lily whispered to the team, who smiled and nodded in agreement.
“Need anything else, T?” Boone asked softly. “We're going to get out of here and give you two some time alone.”
“No...you guys have been amazing and I owe you all really big. I was just thinking, what if we all took a week or two off and just went to the beach? A buddy of mine has a beach house down in Galveston, I think he'll let us use it. I am suppose to rest anyway so we can't do storm chasing for a bit. I think it will do good for Y/N to get her away from here for a bit and just relax.”
“Seriously?” Boone grinned, “You are offering us a BEACH vacation, rather then storm chasing?”
“Yeah..” Tyler nodded “Yeah I am..Why don't you guys get some rest and we will discuss this once Y/N wakes up.”
“Alright, T. Call us when you need us.” Boone said, stepping out of the door with the rest of the team...”YES!!! BEACH HERE I COME!” Tyler heard Boone yelling down the hallway and shook his head.
“What do you think, Darling? You, me, sun, sand, ocean...” Tyler squeezed your hand and leaned his head back against the chair.
A few moments of silence went by, then Tyler heard you respond...”I think that's a wonderful idea..”
“Y/N?” Tyler moved a little too fast and gasped at the pain. “Y/N? How you feeling?” he gasped between breathes.
You turn to look at him, hearing the pain in his voice.“Ty? What you doing here? You okay?” you asked, concerned.
“I am fine sweetheart. They released me this morning.” Tyler held your hand close to him and kissed it softly, “I was worried sick about you. They told me what happened...” he choked back the tears. “How are you feeling? You in pain? Let me go get the doctor.”
“I am okay...just tired.” you hold his hand tightly, “Ty...don't leave. Just stay here...please.” you begged, your eyes locking on him. You didn't want to be alone. You didn't want him being alone either.
“I am not going anywhere, Darling.” Tyler's voice was low and husky as he held your hand against his cheek.
* * * * *
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derangedanomaly · 9 months
So, I saw your writing and short stories. I love the way you write each character perspective of the reader so I wanted to ask. Can you do Dust, Nightmare, Error, Epic, Bill, Killer x Demon Slayer Reader (Like, in there au, they slay demons with a katana)
I'm glad you like my writing style pookie! ^^ (I'm sorry, I have no experience in writing Bill sans, so I didn't do him. Again, terribly sorry 😭😭 still hope you'll enjoy this nonetheless!)
(Dust, Nightmare, Error, Epic, Killer)
After he found out that there's another Au, he just needed to see it..see how much havoc he can cause! Of course he immediately went there.
Though, he didn't expected this.
He was immediately jumped by a girl, holding a katana up to his throat, which... undeniably...made his knees turn into jelly... (Bro is actually into this freaky shit 😨)
He only awkwardly looked at you, a smirk evident on his face. "Hey...so... are you gonna point your pretty katana up to my throat like this forever...or you'll actually let go...?" Bitch was LYING. He didn't want you to let go. (SIR. Y'ALL JUST MET 😱)
Your glare hardened on him as you tighten your hold on your katana, not planning to move from him. (Damn..ya trynna start some shit? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
He chuckled at your unwillingness, and actually WRAPPED HIS TENTACLE around your katana. Your eyes widened, not really sure what his next move is going to be.
"What....what kind of demon are you?" You asked him, looking over his goopy body and slick tentacles. He became a little flustered from your stares, but didn't waver. "Demon? Heh... I've been called many things, awful things...but I wouldn't go as far as to call me a demon." He is a demon. 😐
You decided to interrogate him further, so you still sat, seated on his chest, a katana ready to end him anytime he would get out of line. (Which... let's be honest, really turned him on...)
You then began your special interrogation.
"What's your name?" "Nightmare. You?" ".....Y/n L/n...what about your... appearance? What's up with your tentacles?" He shoots you a flirtatious smirks. "Why? Interested..~?" You glared and pressed the katana to his neck more.. "Answer." He let out a shuddered sigh, almost as if trying to hold himself back... "I'm a skeleton. Not a demon, hun." It was finally then that he decided to free himself, using his tentacles to lift you up with ease. You questioned yourself why he didn't free himself earlier if he could very much do so without problems.
"Don't worry, Y/n. You'll see me much sooner then you can expect..."
Oh you knew. And next time he comes. You'll be prepared.
Oh he was SO going to kill the others for this! He made a bet with the others recently, and he lost. Again. As a punishment, he had to capture someone from this brand new Au. Which Killer, didn't enjoy. He rather much liked killing them on the spot! But not kidnapping! He HATED this mission....
Killer walked through the dark hollow forest with a bored expression, looking around. As long as he kidnapped ONE person, the job's done. And that's all he wanted to get out of here.
As he passed a certain corner, he was immediately startled by a loud voice. A rather...sweet voice. He slowly turned around to be met with a... girl's eyes, looking frantically at him. In his eyes...she seemed.. nervous, holding a katana in a shakey hold.
Thinking you were quite attractive, he didn't see the harm in a little flirting. Besides...he can't come back without completing the mission...so who knows how long he'll be stuck here. (Also, it wouldn't be Killer if he didn't flirt with any being he saw as attractive. 💀)
"Well hello gorgeous~" You let out a little squeal at that and the katana in your hand almost slipping out. Which he found rather cute.
Truth be told, it was your first day as the demon slayer, you never actually encountered a demon head-on like this before. Which made you quite nervous...
Despite being very nervous, you eventually found your voice and spoke to him, trying to assert authority. "L-Listen here demon!" Which failed as you stuttered. Ugh.. "-We either fight to death! Or you leave! Right now..." Killer couldn't help but chuckle as he leaned against a tree right next to him, with you still holding your katana and standing in a battle pose.
"Fight to death? Sounds a bit gruesome to me.." he chuckled again, sending shivers down your spine. "How about we change it up to something more...poetic? I've always been the romantic type~ how about...we fight till death do us part! Yeah... that sounds better.."
Because Killer is a dumbo, he completely overlooked the part where you called him a demon. So he was surprised when you called him like that, again. "W-What are you?! Some perverted demon?!" Your cheeks flared up in red as you squealed. Killer only looked at you in confusion. "A demon?? Nah...I ain't a demon sweetheart, I'm a skeleton! But I can act like a demon if that'll get you going..." You couldn't help out the grin that was spreading on your cheeks as you turned your head a little to the side, to avoid looking at him.
Killer smirked and suddenly threw you over his shoulder, you yelped and wanted to take out your katana, only to see it in the snow not being able to reach it. Killer smirked and not so subtly peaked at your...form. ;)
"So.. where's your house eye candy? I'm gonna crash at yours tonight." You thought he'll immediately kidnap you? Nah...call it selfishness...but he just really wanted to enjoy this a little longer.
To say that Error was furious was an understatement. He was fuming.
Ink went ahead, and created another fucking Au. Great...more work for him to destroy the anomalies.
As Error went on a search about the Au, his eyes suddenly catched your folder...it was almost like it was calling out to him, shining even.. he leaned in closer, taking your folder out. Y/n. Heh...that seems like an interesting 'anomaly'...
Error went into your Au, beginning his work of destroying everything. That was until you tried to step in, he thought you'd be furious and try to put up a fight, but all you did was....gush about his strength...or his demeanor, his appearance..he was..........flustered.
He turned to you with big blush. Out.of.words. what was he even supposed to say?!
"Oh man...you have such a strong arms..." You complimented, making it harder for him to destroy your world. He was having a stupid smile on his face. It was actually really adorable! "O-Oh gEeez...." He let out a huff as he looked you up and down. (Ayo sir, you checking out? 🤨😘)
He grumbled, trying to compose himself, showing clear signs of embarrassment. "I'm the destroyer of Au's. I'm supposed to eliminate anomalies. And you're one of em." You couldn't help the mischievous grin spreading across your face. You have no idea why, but something about this guy just screamed, 'I'm not dangerous!'. You trusted your brain. So you decided to not attack him. Now that you got a good look at him, he seemed to have trouble sleeping...
"What's your name, Mr. Au destroyer?" You didn't miss the corners of his mouth twitching into a smile, but chose to not comment on it. "....Error.." you smiled warmly at Error, pointing to your house. "You look like you're not doing so well... wanna come over my place and...rest up?" His face retorted to a frown suddenly, he stood up and made you come super close face-to-face with him, glaring at you.
"I'm not dumb..... you're not doing this out of kindness...no one is..WHY are you doing this???" you felt like bursting to laughter right then and there. Is this man serious? "I'm just offering you my hospitality, Error...is there a problem with my intentions?" His face blew up almost instantly, before landing you safely onto the ground.
"Great! My offer still stays...feel free to come...~" of course he'll come. How could he resist with you taunting him so much?
This is the hundredth time that Dust asked for Nightmare to go visit this brand new Au. Nightmare knew. He knew from the start when he heard about the Au that Dust would be interested. After all......monster species and their Exp is his forte...
After Nightmare almost blew a fuse, he finally agreed to Dust's request. "Are you....sure you want...to go alone...?" Horror asked Dust, eating a raw meat while doing so. "Yeah. Don't worry H. Killer will keep you entertained." Dust laughed when he heard Horror's next words. "Ugh... I'd rather hang...out with...a caterpillar..." Dust couldn't help but agree with his words, leaving Horror in their shared room. (I LIVE FOR HORROR AND DUST BEING BEST FRIENDS 😍)
After going through the portal, he looked at his surroundings, making mental notes. He liked to visit each and every new Au like this before him and his team destroys it...it made him feel a little alive...like he wasn't completely lost. Yes, he mostly did this so the others could have an idea of the layout in the Au, and how many people there were and what kind of species they were...but...it sorta became a hobby of his now. He felt good when he explored something new! It reminded him of Papyrus....
He shook his head and took out his book. For every Au, he had its own special book. Every book was different for each Au. He sometimes even decorated the cover... (Would NOT let anyone know...He would actually die).
This specific book for this Au is brown like cork, and has a golden lining around it. He began making small notes, looking at the scenery. It was like something BRAND NEW. He never saw an Au that was SO different from the others! And from the looks of it...it didn't occured in the underground.
As Dust sat under a tree, writing notes, he didn't noticed a figure approaching, until it was right besides him.
"What are you doing..?" He flinched. "What the FUCK!?" You both then proceeded to stare at the other, both of your faces showing concern for the other... "Uhm... I feel as though we haven't started off on the right foot.... I'm Y/n L/n! And you...? Stranger...?" He blinked a few times before responding. "Oh, I'm Dust..." You let out a giggle at the silly name, as you look at his book.. "And can I ask what you're doing? Dust?"
After awhile of pestering Dust to let you in on what he was doing, he explained what he was doing. You were pretty impressed when you heard his work. "That's so cool! Hey, maybe I can help you?" Dust only looked at you with unfazed expression. "Help me how?" You giggle, earning yourself an embarrassed Dust, avoiding your pretty eyes that he seemed to get lost in. "I'll show you how everything in here works! After all, wouldn't you want to hear the thoughts of the citizen?" Dust thought about it for some time, until he eventually gave up. "Alright.." you cheered slightly, making him chuckle quietly. Why wouldn't he take you up on the offer? After all...he wanted to talk to you for as long as possible.
Oh how did he get into this situation? This night, he snuck into Nightmare's mansion, to hang out with Cross, only to be found and chugged into a black room locked until the morning arrives...
"Oh come on, Nightmare dude!" He whined trying to force the door open. Nightmare only grimaced. "DON'T call me dude, Epic. Ever." Epic sighed after he heard Nightmare's steps walking further away. All he could do was wait. You'd think he can teleport, but nope! This room forbids you to use any form of magic...Nightmare really thought about everything when creating a punishment..
He only sighed more, and slumped down sitting on the ground, his back facing the door. He was getting pretty bored... Nightmare even took his printed out memes and his rubber chicken! What a crime! Truly a vile man...
After almost falling asleep, Epic heard weird noises...it was like some portal? He opened his eyes to be met with, truly an opened portal. It must've opened on its own...he observed it for awhile until deciding to come in.
When he opened his eyes. Again. He was met with a literal angel. Well, at least in his eyes. There you were, fighting against a big demon ruthlessly. As if it was nothing! Epic could only stare in adoration, still sitting on the ground. "Oh I wish I could describe this with that one meme...." But I don't have my meme privileges... He thought to himself, before fully focusing on you again.
He decided that, to make a good first impression on you, he'll get up and help you with your demon problem.
And he actually did! You had no idea who this man was, but you were grateful for him! He really kicked some butt!
After beating the demon, you looked to your side and faced the man that helped you... "Hey...thanks, man." Epic got a little smug and smirked. "You're welcome. What's your name brah?" You chuckle at his vocabulary as you both exchanged names.
"Well...see you around, Epic." You smiled teasingly, putting your hand on his shoulder before leaving him a flustered mess. He's definitely gonna see you around....you think that after this experience he'll just leave? Hell no! He'll visit for sure.. ;)
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themissinghand · 10 months
i was wondering if you could do another story with the 12th Harbinger you created "brighella" if if remember. i really liked reading the two stories about her
Genshin Impact: Oh Hydro Dragon, What is Your Wish?
Summary: In which Neuvillette discovers a new Miracle Magician in town, one who brings joy and wishes to life. He learns that humans are complex beings and that human feelings can be delightful, to the depressing.
Or, you, as Tsaritsa’s proxy, Brighella, infiltrate Fontaine for the purposes of watching over Arlecchino, but a certain Hydro Dragon appears to be more fun than you thought. 
Pairing: Neuvillette x GN! Reader
Note: Thanks for the request! Also, with the 4.2 update of the game out, how could I NOT write about it? 
Warning: A bit of angst and betrayal, after all, everything is just a play, and you are all characters of a show.
Also, spoilers for Fontaine Archon Quest!
The Opera Epiclese glittered with splendor as noble laughter and melodies echoed through the opulent halls. 
A new talent has emerged. 
A magician, not of mere tricks but of miracles, with the power to weave dreams into reality. The people of Fontaine, including the Hydro Archon Furina herself, and Ludex Neuvillette, were charmed by this mysterious enchanter.
“Tell me what you wish for, little noble child.”  
But perhaps it was not just their show that caught Neuvillette’s attention, rather their genuine love for humans. 
“I wish for you to heal my mother’s face!” A gasp echoed throughout the room with a mix of disbelief and mockery. 
Indeed, all nobles and VIPs did not believe such a thing, but even with so much noise, Neuvillette could easily pick out what the magician whispered.
“Which one is your mother, little one?” 
When the child forcefully pulled her mother to the stage, the noble lady already had a veil to cover her face. With the rumours circulating the room, it appears that the lady was burned badly in order to save her child from a house fire. 
Due to such a bad burn and scarring, no doctor has been able to restore her original beauty. 
Neuvillette did recall such a trial occur a while back.
“Shh, Shh. Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to ask everyone to quiet down. After all, you could only witness miracles if you paid attention.” Neuvillette watched closely, curious and attentive despite Lady Furina pulling on his sleeves and excitedly waiting for a miracle.
“Madame, please repeat your child’s wish. Only the person who wishes for it, may the miracle occur.”
Thinking of nothing of it, the noble lady repeated the wish outloud. The magician slowly drag one hand from one side of her face to the other, and right before everyone’s eyes, her burn had completely disappeared. 
“W-What?” The lady touched her face with shock, then with gratitude, and broke down on the spot. 
“What did you do?!” 
“That is a secret of course.” The magician out a finger on their lips.
“Thank you for helping my wife.”
Neuvillette was confused, he did not sense any use of a vision. He expected the magician to perhaps possess the powers of a dendro vision, after all, some of them could heal wounds. 
But this…he had never seen such power before. 
“Please, can I make a wish?” This gentlemen seemed like a middle-age worker, one who barely compiled enough money to enter the opera house for a show. 
“Go ahead sir.” The magician ignored the nobles and beelined for the gentlemen. 
“My house and many other homes near the sea was washed away with the large rainstorm last week, please...I wish for them to be rebuilt!” 
Once again, despite the gentlemen pleading and even tearing up for a wish, the magician smiled gently and held his hand. 
“Your wish is my command.” The magician handed him multiple unique keys, and looked at Neuvillette with a patient look. 
“If Monsieur Neuvillette could lead this gentlemen to his house safely, there would be no doubt to my credibility.” 
There was absolute confidence in their voice, and since everyone was looking at Neuvillette with such curious and pleading eyes, Neuvillette stood up. 
With a snap of fingers, Neuvillette felt the world shift underneath his feet. No, it was the shadows that engulfed a group of people to teleport them here.
In an instant, they had travelled from the center of the city, to the edge. 
As promised, those who were curious arrived at the area where houses were supposedly washed away, but instead were brand new as if a disaster has never struck. 
Neuvillette saw many people who cried at this miracle, and the gentlemen who made the wish immediately rushed into his own home to check everything.
"How? It was a wasteland just a day ago...how...you are a saint!"
When all the residents confirmed their house and nothing out of place, Neuvillette truly saw a miracle. 
An entire village built with just a wish. 
A truly great, but dangerous power. 
When Neuvillette turned to find the magician, they were already gone. 
The Miracle Magician.
A name that danced through Fontaine, and gained great popularity especially among the middle and lower class. 
Neuvillette made it a mission to find you and talk to you.
It wasn’t hard to find you.
Where there are moments of joy and wonder, the Miracle Magician will be there.
You who stood at the center of it all, made others smile and grateful for everything you’ve done.
The people loved you for your miracles and kindness, and gave back with what they can. 
Captivating outdoor performances that left Neuvillette enchanted, not just by the magic, but by the warmth and understanding that the Miracle Magician exuded.
The Miracle Magician was popular as they were desirable, for people of different status and desires approached them with good or ill intentions. 
Neuvillette was not surprised by this developments after all, he’s seen many of these human emotions in court.
Relief, gratitude, sincerity, and love. 
But also greed, envy, hatred, and distrust. 
He may not understand them well, but he can identify them.
Neuvillette was worried at first, and watched you from afar in case of any crime to occur. However, little did he know that you were just as talented as leaving the scene without a trace, and you appeared right behind him. 
“Hello, to what pleasure does the honorable Ludex Neuvillette have with me?” 
“Who are you?” Neuvillette asks, looking down at the Miracle Magician with vigilance and curiosity. 
“I am a Miracle Invoker. One who makes wishes come true.” Then with a mischievous smile, you extended a hand. 
“What is your wish, Ludex Neuvillette?”
“I do not have a wish.” The magician was stunned briefly, before they withdrew their hand. 
“That is fine too.” For some reason, the magician looked peacefully content with his answer. Sensing an unspoken initiation for conversation, the magician smiled politely at him. 
“Would you like to go on a walk? I can foresee a lot of questions from you, Monsieur Neuvillette.” He nods. 
“Follow me, perhaps our talk will be easier in a more private space.” 
Both of you went to a nearby restaurant, where the owner immediately recognized Neuvillette, and gave the two a private room. 
Little did Neuvillette know that this conversation was one of the most pleasant he’d had in decades. The magician began to share tales of distant lands, weaving narratives that spoke to the deepest corners of Neuvillette's ancient heart. 
They were naturally an entertainer, one who dramatize stories and share them as if they were in a play. Neuvillette listened for the most part, enjoying their little act.
They shared stories that sounded familiar, and ones that were foreign, regardless, he found you as good company while he drank his water. 
“Forgive me for being rude, but I haven’t gotten your name.” At the end of the two hour conversation, Neuvillette asked for this mysterious Miracle Invoker's name. 
With a polite curtsy, and a tip of their flamboyant hat, they responded with a professional smile. 
“I have no name, but if you must address me, you may deem me as a ‘Miracle’.” 
What a strange name. 
One who refers to themselves as their profession.
Neuvillette has many questions, but chooses not to ask.
As they spent more time together, the Miracle Magician became a confidant for Neuvillette. The dragon, who witnessed the passage of ages, revealed the weight of his solitary existence. 
The magician listened, offering a sympathetic ear and a comforting presence. Neuvillette, for the first time in centuries, felt understood despite his lack of expression in his feelings.
“I am not a god as you may have assumed, Monsieur Neuvillettte. I am simply an existence that is created to make wishes come true.” 
“Nonsense. Are there not requirements for a wish?” 
“The only requirement is that the person who wishes is happy.” 
“…you are lying.” A laugh, Neuvillette watches the magician break out of their polite demeanor. 
“Oh Monsieur Neuvillette, what is your wish?”
“I do not have a wish.” 
“I see. Perhaps one day you will tell me your wish.” 
One day, after a long exhausting trial, Neuvillette stepped out for a stroll. He walked and observed as humans walked past him with their own stories to tell, and their own role to play. 
A routine of his as rain fell from the sky. 
“Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon, don’t cry!”
But why in this black and white world, were you here?
“Monsieur Neuvillette, why are you standing in the rain alone?” You who held a colourful and flamboyant umbrella quickly shielded him from the rain. 
Startled by this unique predicament, he simply stared.
“Why…are you here?” 
“I enjoy the rain.” 
The magician smiled before extending a hand. 
“Would you like to make a wish, dear Neuvillette?”
This time, Neuvillette didn’t respond to accept or reject your offer, but instead accepted your hand and chose to walk ahead. 
Neuvillette held your hand like a gentleman, ensuring there was nothing scandalous that could occur from this action. 
But he felt his heart beating harder than before, as if he had come alive again.
“The world is beautiful, isn’t it?”
The magician suddenly says, as they take down the umbrella. Colour came back to his world as if the curtains of the stage unveiled itself.
Sun rays appear from behind the dark clouds and people rush out to see a beautiful rainbow stretching across the skies.
“The Hydro Dragon must be happy!” A little boy exclaimed as he ran around happily. 
“Monsieur Neuvillette, storms will come to pass, just as sunny days will turn to night. But what’s important is that you live now, where peace exists and people can be happy.”
The magician pulls out a blue rose from behind their back and suddenly slots it behind his ear.
With a cheeky smile, you kiss his gloved knuckles. 
“I wish for your happiness, oh Hydro Dragon.”
Neuvillette didn’t know what this feeling was, a quite foreign one for himself, but he doesn’t find it annoying or worthless. 
“Look! It’s a double rainbow!” 
As days turned to nights and nights to days, Neuvillette found himself drawn not just to the enchanting magic of the Miracle Magician but to the soul beneath the illusion. The Miracle Invoker, with genuine kindness, had become a beacon of trust and solace for Neuvillette.
So why? 
Why are you standing by the suspect’s side? 
“Stand down, dear 11th.” In an instant, the Tartaglia released his transformation. 
“Brighella?” Neuvillette heard the suspect whisper out your name, and he felt himself turning his hands into fists. 
“The Miracle Magician?! Why, why are you here?!” 
"Shh, shh," You hushed the crowd, a calming spell woven into your words. 
You stepped forward, gracefully interposing between Neuvillette and Childe. 
“What is going on?!” Lady Furina exclaimed, looking between Neuvillette and you with a bewildered expression. 
“Now, since the true guilty party has been brought forward, and even Ludex Neuvillette himself deemed my friend innocent, is there a reason for this show to proceed? Does Foutaine’s justice perhaps leave the final verdict to a machine? If so, why would we need a trial in the first place?” You put a hand to Childe’s shoulder, and the man immediately relaxed, and looked at you with a happy expression. 
You smiled, still in your new role that you’ve created for this very moment, and bowed. 
Neuvillette, sensing the unspoken authority, hesitated. 
“I wish for this trial to end peacefully, and ‘I’ to be forgotten by Fontaine.” 
Neuvillette widened his eyes and rushed towards you, but with a sly look, you stopped him with your flamboyant hat, a forcefield pushing him back. A huge tsunami burst forth in the court with water rushed around you. 
“You lied to me.”
You laughed slyly, your image as the Miracle Magician he’d always known slowly faded away.  
“Who are you?” Neuvillette felt a sense of loss and grief, and even for a moment doubted himself and his ability to properly “judge” humans emotions.
“Hydro Dragon, Hydro Dragon, don’t cry.” A hand reached out to wipe under his eye, your voice was the same, though you had a mocking expression on your face. 
“Oh Hydro Dragon, what is your wish?”
A portal appeared behind you, with Tartaglia pulling on your coat tail to signal you to leave. 
“I wish-” You put a finger to his lips.
“To think I’d see such an expression on Chief Justice, the Hydro Dragon Sovereign himself…” A smirk rose to your face, paining him even more.
“That is what it means to be human.”
In an instant, the two vanished, leaving behind a bewildered courtroom. Neuvillette felt a headache, but when he turned around, Lady Furina was already leading the court with her dramatics. 
And just as you wished, the “Miracle Magician” was no more, just as how Tartaglia was never part of the trial in the first place. 
The Oratrice Mecanique d'Analyse Cardinale still revealed the verdict as guilty, just not to Tartaglia, but to the true guilty party.
Neuvillette picked up your hat, and held it tightly in his hands. 
The next few days, it was raining harder than usual with Neuvillette’s figure disappeared completely from the public. 
He watched every moment he spent with you in the rain, and the joy you brought to the people. He regretted not making a wish. 
Now, no one in Fontaine knew you, and only he and Lady Furina recalled such a name. 
Neuvillette hoped to find you again, even if you were a lie.
Just like your name, you appeared like a “Miracle”, and disappeared like one too.
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guinevere-if · 1 year
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Demo: TBA
Guinevere is a text-based interactive fiction that draws inspiration from the rich tapestry of Arthurian Legends.
You will play as Guinevere and witness the journey toward gaining power and the struggles to keep your reign secure in a kingdom filled with political intrigue and external threats.
In the future, I plan to make Guinevere gender-selectable, and also make Arthur the opposite gender of the MC. However, for the time being, I would like to keep the story as it is until I can better determine the direction in which the narrative is heading.
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For many years, people believed that dragons were untamable creatures until one man proved them all wrong. Armed with a mighty sword and a formidable dragon by his side, Arthur set out with his army to conquer all of Britain and bring it under his rule. Unfortunately, your kingdom has found itself standing in the way of Arthur's quest for a united Britain.
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Choose Guinevere's gender (Soon!)
Customize your MC’s physical appearance.
Make tough and important decisions that affect you and everyone around you.
Four romances that the story heavily focuses on.
Have a dragon by your side and fight Arthur in the skies!
Form a family.
The fate of the realm rests on a knife's edge - it can either flourish under your leadership or crumble to its ultimate demise.
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"To achieve the greater good, one must first attain the power to make it a reality."
Arthur Pendragon: King of Camelot and the founder of the Round Table Order.
He is a man of few words, with a cold and aloof demeanor that can make him seem unapproachable. He prefers to keep to himself and often retreats into his own world. Despite his reserved nature, he is a strong leader who inspires loyalty and devotion in those around him.
His golden blonde hair and piercing grey eyes add to his air of regal authority and make him a striking figure. Though he may seem distant at times, he has a deep sense of honor and duty, and will stop at nothing to protect his people and his kingdom.
Will you be able to crack his armor and discover what hides beneath?
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"Your ignorance is truly awe-inspiring. I can only hope to one day reach your level of blissful unawareness."
Morgana Le Fay: She is a mysterious and intriguing woman, known for her use of sarcasm to keep others at bay. Her sharp wit and biting comments often serve as a shield, protecting her from anyone getting too close.
Despite her sarcastic demeanor, Morgana is an intelligent and perceptive individual. She has a keen sense of observation and is quick to pick up on the nuances of the people around her. Her green eyes are piercing and seem to see right through anyone who tries to deceive her.
Morgana's inky black hair is often styled in loose waves that frame her pale skin. She has an ethereal beauty that can be both captivating and intimidating. Her presence commands attention, and it's clear that she is not someone to be trifled with.
She's been hurt in the past and is hesitant to let anyone get too close to her. But for those who are willing to take the time to get to know her, Morgana can be a true and loyal friend or even something more.
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"When the going gets tough, the tough get going. I don't know what that means, but I, Sir Lancelot du Lac, never back down from a challenge."
Sir Lancelot du Lac: A knight is known for his charm, boldness, and impulsive nature. He has a reputation for being a ladies' man, with many admirers who swoon at his feet. Standing tall with a strong build and chiseled jaw, he is a man who commands attention wherever he goes. His dark brown hair and deep blue eyes add to his allure, making him a true heartthrob among the ladies.
Sir Lancelot is a skilled and dedicated knight who takes his duties seriously. He is fiercely loyal to his king and the Round Table and will stop at nothing to protect the people he cares about. His impulsive nature can sometimes get him into trouble, but his quick thinking and bravery always manage to save the day. His bravery and courage have earned him respect among many.
Before meeting you, he never found duty to be burdensome. Now he feels it weight more pressing every day.
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"I hate you with every fiber of my being, but I can't seem to shake the strange pull you have on me."
Hey, just so you know, you could totally have a poly thing with both her and Arthur. Just throwing it out there. 🙈
Argante: Merlin's daughter and Arthur's childhood friend.
Argante is a complex and intriguing woman, born of the union between a fae and a half-human, she possesses unique abilities that she often uses to aid Arthur on his various journeys and battles. Her loyalty to Arthur is unwavering, and she is always ready to lend her formidable powers to his cause.
Despite her fierce loyalty, Argante can be possessive and quick to anger. Her emotions often run high, and she is not one to back down from a challenge. The complete opposite of her father, Merlin.
Argante's appearance is just as striking as her personality. Her snowy white hair and purple eyes create an otherworldly picture, the very air shimmering around her presence adding to the mirage. It's no wonder that many are drawn to her, be it out of fear or admiration.
Argante despises you with a fiery passion that burns deep through her every time she catches a glimpse of your face. In her eyes, you are the thief who stole the man of her dreams - the one she had loved for years.
And yet… there is another side to her that sometimes emerges whenever she catches glimpses of you. This side of her seems to yearn for your attention and affection, creating a peculiar dichotomy that is difficult to comprehend.
If you could somehow break through the wall of anger and resentment that Argante has built, and show her that you are not the enemy, there might be a chance to win her over. You might even be able to establish a relationship with both her and Arthur.
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youryurigoddess · 8 months
The stuff dreams are made of, or the interesting case of Anthony J. Crowley
We’ve talked a bit about Crowley’s trauma and his way of reclaiming the narrative in the past, but it’s time for some deep dive into the story he’s trying to tell. A story that meanders through the fabric of time and space, slightly changing with the human fashion trends, but slowly and surely bringing the demon closer to a certain angel like the red thread of fate.
Some stories start in a garden, some even Before the Beginning, but this one starts with an Arrangement. Or, to be precise, a little bit after that.
See, most of the iterations of Crowley we saw throughout the history until then didn’t delve too deep into human cultural tropes. If anything, they were the inspirations behind more or less prominent biblical figures, maybe some nameless villains matching his demonic provenance and role assigned to him by his employers.
But in the hustle and bustle of the revolutionary Paris, Crowley emerges as a prototype of the Scarlet Pimpernel — a chivalrous Englishman who rescues aristocrats before they are sent to the guillotine. Stan Lee famously called him “the first character who could be called a superhero”.
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Sir Percy Blakeney, the main character of the novel and the West End play under the same title, leads a double life. Appearing as nothing more than a wealthy fop, in reality he’s a formidable swordsman, a quick-thinking master of disguise and an escape artist. Even his own wife, Marguerite, has no idea.
Unfortunately Marguerite is being blackmailed with her brother’s life to find and expose the wanted Pimpernel. She regrets betraying her husband the moment she's forced to do it and spends the rest of the plot working to save him. She does, they make up, and return together to England.
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In Aziraphale and Crowley’s case there was just a short stop for crêpes. But what seems to be an inspiration of a specific scene might as well come up later in the wider perspective of the show, so keep in mind those fragments of the musical’s libretto:
We all are caught in the middle
of one long treacherous riddle.
Can I trust you?
Should you trust me too?...
We shamble on through this hell
taking on more secrets to sell
'til there comes a day
when we sell our souls away.
We seek him here, we seek him there,
Those Frenchies seek him everywhere!
Is he in heaven? Is he in hell?
Where is that damn elusive Pimpernel!
The London Blitz is when we see a full-fledged iteration of the superhero Crowley performing dashing and heroic deeds under the literal cover of darkness and air bomb smoke. In a bespoke double-breasted suit and a fedora — still free from the unfortunate modern connotations from the internet culture — he’s clearly channeling Humphrey Bogart as a private investigator Sam Spade in The Maltese Falcon (1941) now.
It all starts with a woman and a simple plan gone wrong: Spade’s partner is shot dead, just like the man he was supposed to be tailing upon the request of a mysterious Miss Wonderly. And when a very soft-looking, sweet-scented man named Joel Cairo appears in his office willing to pay a hefty price for a "black figure of a bird", Spade starts not only a new job, but also his own quest for truth.
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On the surface, The Maltese Falcon ends happily: the killer gets caught, and the hero winds up with the Falcon. But Spade's victory is completely hollow. The Falcon itself, originally meant as a symbol of loyalty, transforms into a symbol of a corrupting, futile, and self-destructive greed that makes people betray their own loyalties.
The treasure is just a worthless forgery and he’s fallen in love with the criminal — one of the first femmes fatales on screen. Despite his feelings for her and a kiss, Spade gives her up and submits the statuette as evidence, describing it as "the stuff that dreams are made of".
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Remember the eagle lectern? The eagle was believed to be flying highest in the sky and therefore closest to heaven, symbolizing the carrying of the word of God to the four corners of the world. Aziraphale in the 1941 church scene is the closest to Heaven we’ve seen him on Earth. Just look at him: dressed in a smart, well-fitted coat with peaked lapels, symbolizing his Heavenly allegiance, and doing good this time not as a work assignment, but of his own accord. Being the closest to Heaven means the furthest and most unattainable for a demon like Crowley.
The Maltese Falcon is a metaphor for unattainability — things out of reach to desire and fight for, although never truly possess. It’s “the stuff that dreams are made of”. But Crowley secured the original — made of gold and encrusted with jewels, but hiding its real value under black enamel — eerily reminiscent of the demon himself and the unending kindness behind his inappropriately tight black clothing.
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Quoting Michael Ralph — the production mastermind behind Good Omens — from the S01E04 “Saturday Morning Funtime” DVD commentary, “We wanted to tip our hat to the Maltese Falcon as being a precious object that no-one thought really exists but it does”. So we can safely assume that Crowley can and will achieve his dream in the future.
Do you know what else happens in 1941 in Scotland? Ian Fleming, a British naval intelligence agent, meets with the famous occultist Aleister Crowley and asks him to lead the interrogation of newly imprisoned Rudolf Hess — a leading member of the Nazi Party in Nazi Germany appointed Deputy Führer — given the two men’s shared enthusiasm for the occult.
This meeting has a significant impact on Fleming’s work as a writer; Aleister Crowley becomes the inspiration for his first villain Le Chiffre and creates a blueprint for most of the James Bond’s franchise ever since 1953, the publication date of the novel Casino Royale.
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Meanwhile our Anthony J. Crowley believes in himself not being the villain he’s usually and sometimes forcefully painted as, but a superhero in disguise. The character of James Bond in particular inspires him so much that he buys petrol to get the limited You Only Live Twice (1967) window decals for his Bentley, dons his own tactical turtleneck, and sets off to organize a heist like no other. Sean Connery style.
Like a typical superhero, Crowley’s once again both saved and betrayed by his love interest. Aziraphale leaves him with a thermos of Holy Water, a faint smile, and a hope that they’ll soon match their speeds to meet halfway at the Ritz. The cancelled heist is not an ending, but a promise of a new beginning. And the fact that UK decriminalizes homosexual acts in the very same year is more than telling in this regard.
An exceptional situation calls for exceptional solutions, and what’s more important than the impending Apocalypse? Demon Crowley does his best to put the arsenal of his 20th century film inspirations to good use.
"Ask yourself, do you feel lucky?" Crowley drawls, clearly imitating (although slightly misquoting) the titular Dirty Harry (1971). He’s hoping to be menacing and making the point of being the one on the right side of the law and history.
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Some situations require more than quoting action heroes is not everything though. He knows what to do:
A jeep was heading purposefully towards the gate, and it looked as though it was crowded with people who were about to shout questions and fire guns and not worry about which order they did this in.
[Crowley] brightened up. This was more what you might call his area of competence.
He took his hands out of his pockets and he raised them like Bruce Lee and then he smiled like Lee Van Cleef.
'Ah,' he said, 'here comes transport.'
When in doubt, Crowley acts. He transforms into a combination of a stoic martial arts phenomenon and a sardonic, menacing character. His smile alone — even on Aziraphale’s angelic face, as seen in one of the final cut scenes — seems to be enough to ward off evil spirits, angels, and humans alike.
But we all know that even as breathtaking performances as those can’t protect anyone from the cogs of the Heavenly machine and its plans.
No wonder that Crowley’s tactical turtleneck comes back in style after mere four years of retirement with a self-introduction “Former Demon, hated by Heaven, loathed by Hell. How will our hero cope?”. Something has changed during this time; he’s more mature now, not playing pretend by hiding behind the usual veneer of sarcasm and movie quotes anymore. Finally comfortable with the fact that this is his own story and there’s no need to become anyone else than himself.
The bookshop fire and the Heavenly trial still seem to haunt the demon in a way that makes him realize what all humans know: that every hero is his own biggest enemy. His ultimate dream might effortlessly change into his greatest nightmare any moment now, and the only thing he can do about it is hover in a two-minute distance from the epicenter of his feelings. But Crowley has no time to work on it when a new mission appears, to protect his angel from Gabriel and the combined powers of Heaven and Hell. Even if this — rather ostentatiously — is the last thing he wants to think about at the moment.
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Crowley tries to plan ahead, while his story slowly warps into a different genre due to Aziraphale’s interruptions. He eventually changes back into his usual Henley shirt after agreeing to swap places and guarding the bookshop while the angel is off to Edinburgh, collecting more clues. Did he finish his personal quest off-screen? Did he just give up on it in the whirlwind of matchmaking shenanigans? Remains to be seen.
In the S2 finale our master of disguise in yet another turtleneck proves that he can successfully infiltrate even the universe’s back office. We don’t know where he drives off in the end, but one thing is certain — he’s got a plan. And a world (and his dream) to save, like a superhero he is.
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makeyoumine69 · 11 months
Call Me Babydoll 3
— PAIRING: DBF!Patrick Bateman x Innocent!Fem!Reader
— SUMMARY: This game of cat and mouse between you and Patrick continues, and it seems that his patience is thinning. During a very heated makeout session, Patrick finds out about a shameful secret of yours.
— CONTAINS: Smut, Dom Patrick, semi-public masturbation (female receiving), Patrick being an asshole (as always), cursing, use of pet names (babydoll, etc), mentions of food, a little bit of corruption kink, Daddy kink, dry humping, dirty talk, nipple tugging/sucking/biting.
— WORDS: 3.3k
— A/N: Hey guys, thanks a lot for your support and patience! I'm so happy you like my story and I hope you enjoy this chapter too!🤞
— LINKS: [Ch.2]; [SERIES MASTERLIST]; [MASTERLIST]; [buy me a coffee]💓
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Your favorite local café welcomed you with the invigorating aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Despite the fact that it was quite crowded tonight, you couldn't stop smiling because you had been dreaming about that delicious cup of cappuccino since the morning.
"I can't believe you dragged me into this shithole," Patrick scowled in disgust, ignoring all the curious glances from the group of women sitting at the table next to the exit. "I was ready for anything but this..."
"You could just send your driver after me if you didn't want to leave Manhattan," you unbuttoned your coat, took it off and casually handed it to Bateman — the poor guy didn't even know how to react, so he just took it and held it over his hand. "Why don't you buy me a cup of coffee? They make a great cappuccino and latte here."
You accompanied your words with a brief lick over your lips that Patrick couldn't miss, his nostrils flaring with heat. With a mischievous smile, you pointed in the direction of display cases full of various desserts like cakes, pies etc. 
"Do you want one?" You asked him, pressing a finger to your lips as you thought about the cake you wanted to try.
"No," he growled, but followed your gaze anyway, staring at the different cakes with a disapproving expression. "I'm on a diet, and I'd advise you to stop eating such junk food since…since your physique is far from good."
No matter how much Patrick tried to mock you, you wouldn't give him the pleasure of seeing you affected by his words. You knew your body was not perfect, but you loved yourself anyway because it was your body and anyone who thought otherwise could fuck off.
"Oh yeah, you're right," you glared at him without ceasing to smirk. "But that didn't stop you from pouncing on me the day you visited my father."
"You can think what you want," Bateman replied, looking around with undisguised hostility at everyone who walked past you, especially guys who ogled you. "If it makes you feel better."
It appeared like you could continue this game of trying to cut each other with sharp words forever, but since you were quite hungry, you finally decided what you wanted to try today. Innocently batting your big eyelashes, you suddenly grabbed his hand, shaking noticeably at the size of his palm in comparison to yours, and led him to the barista who was standing on the other side of the counter.
"Hi, how can I help you?" A young girl asked you, her friendly smile widening as she saw Patrick behind your back. 
"I'd like a large cappuccino with a piece of chocolate cake," you murmured before locking eyes with Bateman — the difference in your heights almost forced you to stand on your toes, but as soon as you did, he gently wrapped his arm around your waist and rested his chin on top of your head, making your heart skip a beat. "Pat-Patrick, are you sure you don't want anything?"
"Do you have any whiskey? Scotch, brandy or anything?" He asked, his other hand already fumbling with his black leather wallet.
"Uh, no, sir," the barista replied, a little embarrassed. "But we do have amazing teas…lots of different kinds," the girl hiccuped when she saw Patrick's hand shamelessly tracing up to your breast, squeezing it through the soft fabric of your long sleeve, and you didn't even make a sound or try to push his hand away. "W-we also have juices..."
"Mhm, juices sound good to me," the undertone in his words set your body on fire and you couldn't fucking believe he was doing it right in front of the poor barista in the fucking café. "Do you have the orange juice? Is it fresh? I love fresh juice, it tastes so delicious."
Holy shit.
"Yes! Yes, of course we have orange juice," she started to dial on the cashier, her cheeks turning red by the second. "So a cappuccino, a piece of chocolate cake and a glass of juice?"
"That's right." You confirmed in a shaky voice and gently covered Patrick's hand to bring it back to your waist. 
Bateman didn't wait for the barista to say how much they should have paid, he just offered her a hundred dollar bill with a charming smile. "Keep the change, baby." He winked at her, watching your reaction from a distance, but you remained still. "Uh, thank you, sir. Please take a seat, I'll bring you your order."
At first, you thought you'd have to persuade Patrick to sit at a table, but to your surprise he didn't even say anything, just followed you until you chose the place you liked. In a few minutes, your coffee was in your hand and your mood brightened with the first sip of your favorite drink.
"Well, that barista is the only good thing about this shitty place," he grumbled, taking his drink and swiveling it in his hand to see the liquid splashing against the edges of the glass. "I hope I don't die trying this."
With that, he sipped the orange juice and looked over your shoulder to see some random girls at the table next to yours, gossiping and occasionally looking at you.
"This cake is amazing," you smiled as you took a bite. "Are you sure you don't want some?"
Your calm demeanor was oddly irritating to him, and Bateman just growled in reply before setting his glass back on the table with a thud. "Are you even listening to me?"
"Yes," your tongue slipped along the fork, and you almost moaned with pleasure, this cake was so damn yummy. "Did I…miss something?"
"You did," Patrick suddenly took the cigar and the silver lighter out of his jacket pocket. "One thing I don't understand. Why do you visit such places, since your father is not a poor man?"
Frowning, you quickly cleared your throat before answering. "What does that have to do with my dad?" 
Patrick opened the lighter with a click and wrapped his lips around the cigar, twisting it nonchalantly before lighting it. "In this world," he paused, blowing several rings of smoke. "Money is power."
You rolled your eyes and crossed your arms, suddenly losing all appetite. "Oh, please, don't lecture me. I have a job and I don't need anyone to give me money. Believe me."
"I see."
"Money is just a tool," you explained, his walnut eyes never straying from yours. "With which you can build something that can make you happy. But money itself cannot make you happy."
"What an interesting hypothesis," Bateman replied sarcastically, and then, puffing on his cigar, he reached into his pocket again and pulled out a small, soft box. "Here, I have something for you."
How primitive and obvious — you thought, but curiosity took over, and you quickly grabbed the box to open it. To your surprise, there was a beautiful pen with a color that reminded you of white gold.
"Oh," an unexpected chill swept over you like a bucket of cold water. "This is such a beautiful pen. But…but how did you…?" You took the pen in your hand, enjoying the pleasant touch of cool metal. "...my Dad told you this too?"
"What? That you wanted to be a writer and publish your own book?" He chuckled and put the cigar in the ashtray. "Well, he told me that you work in a publishing house, so I made some theories about your job and I thought you should at least have a good pen."
"At least?"
With a smug grin, he tilted his head to the side and ran his finger along the top of your hand holding a pen. "Do you like it?"
Embarrassed, you swallowed a lump in your throat and looked up at his arrogant face.
Damn it! Of course you like it, and you'd be lying if you said you didn't.
"Yes, Patrick," his name falling from your lips sounded like music to his ears. "This pen is amazing, really. I've never had a pen like this before!" You rumbled like a child who got a toy he dreamed about. "Can I try it?"
Bateman couldn't help but giggle and squeezed your hand a little before pulling away. "Sure, go ahead."
You didn't hesitate to take out your notebook, set it down on the table next to your coffee, and opened it to the last page you'd written. Carefully, you picked up the pen again and began to write. 
"I wonder what you girls write about in your diaries," he chirped with a boyish smile, rubbing his neck just above the mole. "Always wondered."
"It's not a diary, it's the notebook I use for my work," as you lifted your eyes to him, you noticed how relaxed and comforted Patrick looked now, casual even. "But I do have a diary…it helped me a lot during my darkest days."
There was a brief pause between the two of you after your words. Bateman wasn't in a hurry to resume the conversation, instead he continued to smoke, glancing at the window from time to time.
"The rain could start at any moment, if you don't want to get wet," he paused and a nervous laugh escaped from his chest. "I mean, if you don't want to get your clothes wet, we'd better go home soon."
Oh my God, why was he so fucking unbearable?
"Okay, just a minute," you admired your handwriting for a moment before rolling up your sleeves to make yourself more comfortable. "I'm shocked at how this pen fits in my hand."
Patrick's eyes narrowed as he saw the beautiful tattoo on your forearm. "I never knew you had a tattoo."
"Really?" You pressed the tip of the pen to the corner of your lips and threw one leg over the other. "That's not the only tattoo I have," you could see the interested glint in his brown eyes, so you decided to continue. "Have you at least noticed my nose ring?"
"I'm trying to pretend you don't have it," he urged, putting his cigar out on the ashtray. "To be honest, tattoos and piercings and stuff like that are not…my thing."
That was not surprising, so you just hummed and continued writing. "Yeah, I know guys like you only date blonde bimbos with fake tits."
Bateman chuckled softly at your words. "Oh, Babydoll, you don't have to be jealous. It's just that high society women don't spoil their perfect bodies with stuff like that." He pointed at your tattooed forearm before standing up to put on his coat. "'C'mon, it's getting late, and I've got a lot of things to do."
"Like what?"
"This," he paused as he buttoned his coat. "It's none of your business, sweetheart."
"'Mmm, your poor girlfriend is probably waiting for you," you clicked your tongue before tucking the notebook into your bag. "Just don't tell her you were here with me, or she won't let you cross the threshold of her apartment again. Patrick Bateman visited the cheap café in Brooklyn. How did it happen?"
Bateman stared at you like a cat ready to pounce, though his face remained straight. "The limo's outside, I'll wait for you there."
No, you were not disappointed, you were furious at how masterfully he thwarted all your attempts to needle him. At the end of the day, he was just treating you like a silly little girl, but you had your own leverage because you knew that he wanted you, that he thirsted for you, even if he tried to hide it behind his usual mask that he always put on when he was in public. Yes, yes. It was a dangerous game to play, but the thrill of the rush was so tempting, the irresistible urge to dive into the abyss of the unknown. It was crazy, and you knew that one day you would burn like a moth flying to the light, and you could only ask yourself — was the game worth the candles?
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Inside the limousine, you couldn't take your eyes off of the beautiful interior; the luxury was almost palpable in the air.
"Is this your first time in a limo?" Bateman asked when he noticed your curious look. 
"Uh, to be honest, I used to ride in pretty expensive cars with Dad, but not the limo," you turned to face him, his side profile looking amazing in the dim light. "And you were probably born for cars like this, right?"
His deep chuckle echoed around the car. Cautiously, Patrick closed the distance between the two of you and placed his warm palm on your knee, stroking it as gently as he could. 
"My family is fabulously wealthy, it's true," he began, turning in your direction, a broad smile forming on his perfectly sculpted face when he noted that you didn't try to remove his hand. "But that doesn't mean it's the only necessary condition to become successful."
"It does," you replied immediately, fidgeting in your seat as his hand slid up along your inner hip. "Because if you are born in such a family — all doors are open for you, you can apply to any college, any university...even if I don't agree that money is happiness, money is, as I said, a key that opens many doors."
"But not yours?" He whispered into your ear, scorching your tender skin.
"W-what?" You hiccuped and sensed your heart pounding against your chest.
For a brief moment, the two of you found yourselves looking into each other's eyes, the surrounding air as hot as if the limousine had suddenly driven around the mouth of a volcano. As Patrick pulled you closer, you understood that the source of this unbearable heat was his body — so strong and huge. In the blink of an eye, your lips locked together in a thirsty kiss, and Bateman immediately parted your mouth wider, sliding his tongue inside to take the lead in this lewd game.
"Mhm," you murmured through the kiss, wrapping your trembling hands around his neck while he worked to undo your coat. "Pat..."
Patrick didn't let you finish whatever you wanted to say because the blazing desire had already consumed his mind, and now it was your turn to get scared. You thought you could play with this man, test his limits and try to provoke him, but now you ended up writhing on the seats of the expensive limousine as his chiseled arms explored your small frame so delightfully, kneading and squeezing in all the right places.
"Ugh, you're so needy," he grabbed your throat possessively, pulling you closer, marking you with his tongue, his lips, his teeth. "You should see yourself, honey," Bateman murmured, alternating between licking your cheek and nibbling your neck. "So innocent, yet so hot, and all for me."
With one swift motion, he removed your coat and forced you to mount him, groping your ass without shame. Right now you didn't care about the driver who might see you doing this, you didn't care about all your stupid attempts to taunt him, because everything ended up exactly as you planned, even if Patrick might think otherwise, but let it be.
Growling in a raspy voice, Patrick lifted your long sleeve to quickly get under your bra and damn it, his mouth felt amazing on your engorged nipple and you couldn't deny that you had been thinking about this sensation all these days since that dirty episode in your bedroom.
"Patrick," you moaned, bringing him closer, his strong tongue swirling around your little tip as he stared at you from under his beautiful lashes. "A-aww, that feels so..."
"Good?" He asked in amusement, unbuttoning his coat. Then he grabbed your hips to make you grind against his hard groin, the friction making you wild. 
"Yes, y-yes." You hitched from the hard slap on your ass. 
"Arrghh, such a nasty Babydoll," Bateman left a painful hickey on your nipple and held you close in his sturdy arms, forcing you to move faster. "Is this what you want, huh? You want Daddy's cock so bad?"
Oh shit.
You wanted to say "yes," but instead you just whimpered against his mouth, not willing to ruin the moment with a confession that you were a virgin. 
"Daddy," you purred suddenly as he cupped your pussy through the tight fabric of your jeans. "Oh God...did I really say that?"
His devilish grin spoke for itself. "That sounded so good," he kissed you hard on the lips before returning to your swollen breasts, his sneaky hand beginning to unzip your jeans with expert ease. "I liked that."
Having said that, Patrick pressed you closer, lifting his hips to meet yours so that your mound rubbed against his fully erected cock, and you could swear to God —  it was so damn huge that your inner muscles were already cramping in pain.
"Babydoll," he crooned in a sweet voice when he noticed you were getting anxious as he slipped his hand inside your pants, outlining your oozing lower lips through your soaked panties. "Fuck, I can smell your arousal in the air."
"Aww!" Your high-pitched wail bounced off the interior of the limo from the sudden touch of his thumb on your bare skin, especially your throbbing clit. "Pat-Patrick...Patrick!"
"Shhhh, honey," he cooed to you, his voice laced with pure passion. "Daddy knows what he's doing...mmm...gonna make you feel so good."
Paralyzed by the new sensations, you arched your back into his face, letting him take your hard peak into his mouth once again, while his thin fingers rubbed invisible semi-circles into your bundle of nerves, smearing your flavor around your folds. 
"Good girl...you're so good for me," he praised you between sucks on your nipples, watching you tremble on top of him. "Let it go, Babydoll, I know you want it."
Fucking hell! How in the world did this man manage to treat you so right, as if he played you like his favorite musical instrument, knowing exactly where to press.
"Daddy," you couldn't even hear your own voice, and you didn't realize that you instinctively started to hump his hand, allowing the blissful rapture to wash over you at any moment. "I—I…! This is so good—I…!"
"I know, I know," Patrick brought you closer, gently kissing your collarbone and increasing the intensity of his rubbing motions. "You're literally riding my fucking hand," he groaned, watching you throw your head back, and then he could feel your whole body shaking so violently that he had to hold you to keep you from falling. " Just like that, Babydoll, just like that."
A soothing touch on your lower back seemed to have the opposite effect, fueling your orgasm, you screamed loudly, but there was no sound. "P-Patrick...mhm!" You hugged him like a lifeline, burying your nose in his soft brown curls. Everything felt so perfect, but then the sharp pain cut through your body like a flash of lightning as Bateman tried to shove his fingers into your moist cleft, and you even had to claw at your own skin to prevent yourself from crying. "STOP!"
Patrick literally froze and stopped doing everything as he realized that he had just found some resistance with his digits. "What the fuck?"
The limo was still moving, and for a few seconds you both remained silent. Only after almost a minute did you dismount him and get back to your seat, quickly zipping up your jeans and adjusting your top. All the while, Bateman was looking at you with a strange expression that was hard to read — a mixture of shock, irritation and lust.
"(Y/n), talk to me." Patrick raised his voice after cleaning his fingers by licking off your sweet juices. "You're a fucking virgin? And you didn't tell me?"
Yeah, this time you actually fucked things up.
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P.S. Thank you for reading until the end! I don’t have a taglist. You can follow my side blog @makeyoumineagain and turn on notifications to know when I update!
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