#sinistraes ; thoughts
seleneprince · 5 months
Snape's gang (following the fem! Severus au)
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Sevrina Snape-Prince - Slytherin
-Also known as Ina or Rina by her gang and other close friends, like Lucius and Narcissa. None of them call her Sev or Sevy. They have a silent, unspoken agreement about that.
-A magical prodigy, but doesn't get the recognition she deserves (except for her friends)
-Her skills in Potions are unmatched. Not even Slughorn stands at her level. It's a common saying within her friend group that "Seeing Snape brewing something is more terrifying that seeing her with a wand".
-"Give her a cauldron, ingredients, a quiet space, and she'll conquer the world" - Evan Rosier
-Whenever she hears the teachers claiming that a certain feat is "impossible", she takes it as a challenge (and she mostly succeeds)
-She keeps her hair short for the majority of her time in Hogwarts because it was easier to handle. Also, short hair is harder to grab or pull, a lesson she learnt from the Marauders during her first year.
-Dark humour enthusiast. She crackles at the most fucked up jokes and also shares some of her own. It's also her copying mechanism.
-She has a glow-up in her sixth year, when her friends finally step in and force her to take better care of herself (while also distracting her from her fallout with Lily).
-Until fourth year, she didn't comprehend she also liked boys. The bi awakening hit her hard (you can guess who triggered it)
-She has secretly improved multiple potion recipes for her own benefit and to help her friends, and even invented some of her own. Same goes for spells. She's constantly coming up with new ideas and doesn't stop until they become reality.
-She's the kind of girl that would come up with a cure for Blood Curses when she was in the shower, or create an improved version of the Wolfsbane simply because she was bored.
-She's an overachiever. It started as an effect of the harassment and insecurities she faced, making her eager to prove herself that she was better than everyone else. Now it's more of an extension of her own ambition. She just loves the feeling of achieving something.
-During her first years in Hogwarts, she struggled to afford basic tools, like notebooks and clothes. She relied heavily on Lily and any Slytherin kind enough to lend her anything. This also applies to basic hygiene products, which is why her appareance was so neglected initially.
-The main reason her hair often looks greasy it's because of the amount of time she spends brewing, since the smoke of the cauldrons gets in her hair. She combats it by insistently washing her hair afterwards, but it doesn't always fix the problem.
-She and Aurora are the responsible ones. She voices out her disaproval for the others' antics, but rarely stops them. She can be seen standing close, with faux disinterest and a glint of amusement in her eyes. She only intervenes when they're about to hurt themselves or get caught. If there's a chance of Gryffindors becoming collateral damage, that's when she actively joins the games.
-Snape's angry mom voice is well known by the entirety of House Slytherin and they all know that when she uses it, they must listen and obey. Surprisingly enough, Barty Jr and Regulus Black are often spared from this.
-Addicted to coffee, goes crazy if she's deprived of it for more than a day. Since it's forbidden for students, she acquires it from the muggle world and sets up a secret stash that only the gang knows about. Only shares it with Aurora and Evan, and charges them for it.
-She smokes occasionally, either alone or with Mulciber and Avery.
-A natural Occlumens with a proficiency in Legilimency, courtesy of her Prince heritage.
-Has had multiple jobs in the muggle world to substain herself, including illegal ones. She occasionally sells some of her potions illegally in Knockturn Alley too.
-She never does anything for free. If you want her help, you have to pay up. There's little she's not willing to do for money.
-Eventually settles down for a job in a muggle restaurant during the summer, as a chef. Charity, Aurora and Barty become regulars only to ask for the "chef" to come out everytime to praise her. Snape pretends to be annoyed, but she feels warm at the gesture.
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Edmund Avery Jr - Slytherin
-Rarely anyone calls him Edmund. He's known as Avery by everyone, including those who've known him before Hogwarts. The gang calls him Ave, or Ed, but this one is rare.
-He doesn't think highly of his father and it's annoyed that he's named after him, so he prefers to be referred to by his family name.
-He suffers from a Blood Curse, the result of a failed ritual one of his ancestors attempted centuries ago. It appears each generation and it's similar to anhemia. He coughs blood and can't engage in physical activities too much, as it strains his body. That includes flying.
-Childhood best friends with Mulciber. He's the only person Avery trusts before the gang is formed. He rather cut off his hand than admit this, but is very emotionally attached to Mulciber.
-He's a mean bitch 24/7. It doesn't matter if you're pureblood or not, he'll insult you and make fun of you simply because he can. He's known for making people cry with few words.
-Calls Snape and Charity "mudblood" on the daily. They're used to it already, but he can't get enough of the horror and anger in other people's faces when they hear him.
-If anyone else calls them that, he laughs at it, but secretly curses that person later. They might be mudbloods, but they are his mudbloods.
-He believes in blood purity, but in a cynical way. While he thinks that pureblood wizards are naturally superior and deserve to have privileges in the wizarding world, he has nothing against half-bloods and muggleborns. To him, it's just the way things are, and there's no reason to hate on people simply for being inferior.
-Which is way he frowns upon those who go out of their way to harass non-purebloods. To him, it's a stupid reason to go after someone and a waste of time.
-He mocks people and hexes them for his own entertainment or for revenge.
-"I only make decisions out of spite or greed"
-His parents have always referred to non-pureblood wizards as "mudbloods", so he's grown to normalize that word. He doesn't see it as a slur, just a regular term for those with muggle blood, and doesn't understand the heavy meaning it carries for those who fall into that category.
-He and Charity have a complex relationship. You can't tell if they really hate each other or if all those insults and death threats are just their love language. If they're not being snarky with each other, they're either talking shit about others together or enjoying Charity's secret stash of weed.
-Smoke buddies with Mulciber and Snape. It only makes his breathing problems worse, but does he care? Absolutely not. And it's not like he would admit his weakness anyway.
-Deeply resentful of his condition and hates being deprived of so many things, so he takes it out on the world and everyone around him. That's the main reason of his assholery.
-Aside from his sickness, his magic presented later than normal, so his parents began to assume he was a squib. They grew cold with him and conceived another son to replace him, a healthy and strong boy whose magic manifested soon enough. They doted on him while Avery watched from the sidelines, slowly being removed from the family's picture.
-All changed when his little brother fell from his broom one day and entered a coma. Their parents tried everything to save him and, in the meantime, Avery's magic awakened and his health improved a little. His brother ended up dying anyway and his parents began to pay more attention to Avery, but he ignored them or brushed off their words.
-It's rumoured that he caused his brother's death to absorb his magic and ensure he was the only heir to the Avery fortune. He has never acknowledged this rumour.
-Hates bright colours, which is another reason he clashes with Charity.
-Dark humour enthusiast #2. He's usually the one telling the jokes while Snape laughs at them.
-Secretly craves the same level of comfortability with skinship and affection as some of his friends, but can't bring himself to join them. Doesn't know how to, so he convinces himself he's above that.
-Raging homosexual. He struggled to accept it at first, not because homophobia, but because he couldn't stand being attracted to anybody.
-Needs a can to walk most of the time. However, he's ready to withstand the pain to run away from consequences or to spite people.
-He and Wilkers are more than friends. They haven't labelled it yet but their friends know and are waiting for the shoe to drop.
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Bruce Mulciber - Slytherin
-Also known as Mulci by his friends. Pretty much like Avery, very few people call him by his first name.
-He was named after his uncle, one of Voldemort's first followers, who ended up in Azkaban for his crimes in the First War and lost his sanity. He grew up hearing stories about him, about his "bravery" in fighting for the Dark Lord and the "cleansing" of the wizarding society. As he becomes older, he becomes terrified of ending up like his uncle.
-He feels that naming kids after dead relatives is like placing a curse upon them, as well as an unnecessary heavy weight on their backs
-He and Aurora are distant relatives, both of them being related to the Zabini family. They've known each other before Hogwarts.
-He and Avery have known each other since they were on diapers and they've been glued to the hip since then. He's the one who "translates" Avery when he's being a rude bitch, by just repeating what he said with easier words.
-Group clown #1 and a prankster. When he's not giving the marauders a run of their money with Avery, he's joking around with his friends. Rarely takes anything seriously.
-The tallest of the group, a trait that he makes use of a lot. He also looks older than he really is.
-He has an older sister, who's openly favoured by their parents despite not being the designated heir. She and Mulciber have a cold relationship.
-He uses humour to deflect personal questions and hide how he really feels.
-"If I can laugh about it, then it doesn't hurt"
-Has a dark sense of humour, but it's not really sadistic. He doesn't see the point of inflicting serious pain without a reason.
-He doesn't trust muggleborns, simply because they haven't been raised with the same culture and so he believes they would disrupt the magical society. However, he thinks, if they assimilated the wizarding traditions and left behind the muggle world, he could accept them.
-He feels contempt towards muggles and refuses to interact with them personally. His family has had bad experiences with them in the past and he sees them as destructing creatures that ruin things because of their greed.
-Like Avery, he won't go out of his way to hurt non-purebloods without provocation. He doesn't see the appeal.
-Sees Dorcas more as a sister than his biological one.
-Plays on the Quidditch team as a Beater. He doesn't have the best aim, but makes up for it with his strenght and fluid movements.
-He tends to forget Snape is actually a girl, so he treats her the same as any other dude he's close to and sees nothing wrong in her hanging out with them in "boys activities".
-His friends tend to steal his clothes for themselves because they're so big and warm. He doesn't bat an eye anymore.
-He's a subpar student and struggles a lot, so he gets Snape and Aurora to tutor him.
-It's really attached to Avery and can't imagine a life without him. He doesn't say it, but he's perpetually worried that the blood curse might take him away one day.
-Due to spending a lifetime together, he can sense when Avery is about to have a seizure and knows all the procedures to assist him when this happens.
-Has been weirdly fixated on Mary McDonald since fourth year, much to his embarrasment and his friends' amusement. Because of her muggleborn status, he doesn't dare to approach her but he can't ignore her either.
-In the privacy of the dorms, he's a bit more calm and serious than people think.
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Dorcas Meadowes - Slytherin
-Dorky or Dork for her friends. Anyone else that calls her those will get hexed until they cry.
-Plays as a Beater along with Mulciber. Her bludgers always leave marks and she makes it so the pain lasts for a couple of days.
-A mean lesbian
-The only living heir to the Meadowes family, so whoever marries her would have to acquire her surname instead
-She and Marlene McKinnon have a complicated past, and it has led to a tense relationship in the present that not even they can grasp. Both groups of friends try to avoid these encounters.
-Childhood friends with Mulciber and Avery, which means she has also witnessed Avery's seizures as they grew and knows how to handle them.
-Her friendship with Mulciber and Avery is no longer what it used to be, but they still care deeply about each other.
-She doesn't agree with the blood supremacism and bigotry. One of the reasons she distanced herself a bit from her childhood friends.
-Has a lot of friends from other Houses, specially in Hufflepuff.
-She was bethrothed in her second year with a fellow Slytherin classmate. They get along fine but they're not friends. Acknowledging his existence can be uncomfortable for her at times.
-She and Snape hooked up at some on their fifth year, after Slytherin won a match against Gryffindor. Prior that, there had been some intense sexual tension between them for weeks.
-Only the gang knows about this, thought. One of their many little secrets.
-She can be impulsive and reckless, getting into fights for what she believes or simply to defend her pride. There's no between.
-If she thinks she's right, she'll make sure her point gets across and the other person feels stupid for talking back.
-She gets off men's tears
-Fascinated with muggle inventions and eager to know more. She bombards Snape and Burbage with questions at any chance.
-Mostly an average student, but shines in Defense Against the Dark Arts. She's terrible at Transfiguration, though.
-You wouldn't guess she's from a noble upbringing. She's a troublemaker, with a rash attitude, wearing her uniform in a messy manner and curses like a sailor.
-But if the situation calls for it, she knows how to pull off the etiquette and act like a perfect aristocrat lady
-"My mother didn't raise a fool. A psychopath, maybe, but not a fool"
-She's overprotective of her friends and more than willing to beat someone into a pulp for them.
-She's a bit of a tsundere. She bullies her gang constantly and acts like she doesn't care, but the minute they're in minimum danger she's freaking out and ready for war.
-She's open about her sexuality and has never felt asshamed because of it. She only feels frustrated because she knows she wouldn't be able to follow her heart after she graduates.
-She almost ended in Gryffindor, but the hat ultimately decided she was too ambitious and cunning for it.
-Hates Voldemort and the Death Eaters, seeing it as most of her family and friends are being sucked into that cult, while she can only watch. She leaves when someone in the common room brings up the topic, or else big ass fights ensues.
-She's only few inches shorter than Mulciber. She loves the feeling of towering above people and make them nervous.
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Evan Rosier - Slytherin
-Only the gang calls him Evan. Snape calls him Eve sometimes.
-Plays as a Chaser in the Quidditch team and it's also the vice-captain. He's considered the best Slytherin has had in years and has beaten records in his broom.
-He's grown up in the centre of a tough succession crisis, where he suffered multiple attempts on his life from his own relatives, and so it forced him into a permanent state of paranoia because he couldn't trust anyone or anything in his family.
-His cousin Pandora was the exception, since they were engaged at that time and so she couldn't benefit from his death, but they didn't talk much until Hogwarts.
-The engagement was called off by their own accord, since they grew to love each other as siblings, which made the idea of marriage disgusting to them. Althought, it's rumoured they had other reasons to do it. More personal reasons.
-When he arrived at Hogwarts, he was a fucked up kid in expensive robes and became known for lashing out at the slighest provocation.
-He was unpredictable and dangerous, like a tickling bomb, and so people stayed away from him, even his fellow Slytherin.
-He met Snape on first year when she sat next to him during some class. He was used to people being too afraid of him to aproach, so he was shocked that someone finally got the never. And a half-blood, no less.
-"I've been treated like a monster for so long that I forgot what it feels like to be looked at as a person"
-He and Snape clicked right away, and he was the first to accept her as a fellow Slytherin despite her blood status.
-He shares the room with Mulciber, Avery and Wilkes. It was a hellish experience at first, due to Evan's paranoia, until they were finally friends.
-He has improved a lot on his trauma, but there are still situations that trigger his extreme survival instincts, like someone touching him from behind.
-For obvious reasons, he's a light sleeper, and keeps his wand under his pillow.
-He also checks everything before eating it, changes the bedsheets himself and basically refuses to let anyone do stuff for him, in case it's manipulated.
-Because of this, he's an hyper-independent person and knows a lot of skills most rich pureblood kids don't, like cooking and cleaning.
-If he even eats or drinks something you made, it means he'll trust you with his life.
-Very protective of Pandora and sensitive to any comments that sound remotely offending towards her. He has sent people to the infirmary in her defense.
-Asking for help it's like saying "i love you" for him. He's admitting vulnerability to someone.
-He's incredibly good in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Again, for obvious reasons.
-His favourite subject is Potions, mostly because he loves watching Snape shine in the class.
-Has been invited to the Slughorn Club, but refuses to accept unless Snape goes too.
-Doesn't really buy into the blood supremacy rethoric, but believes the muggle and wizard world should remain separated and never interact with one another.
-His family trauma has left a permanent mark on him, in the form of sadistic tendencies, insomnia, and a very high pain tolerance.
-Beneath his calm and smooth demeanor, he's still that feral child willing to torn anyone into pieces if he deems it necessary and fantasizes about bathing in his enemies' blood.
-Another dark humour lover, but like, very fucked up. There are times only Avery laughs while the others look at them concerned.
-He's cousins with Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa through his father's side, so he's grown close to House Black.
-Snape and Pandora are the only people who can calm him down when he's mad. He'll only listen to them.
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Wilhelm Wilkes - Slytherin
-He prefers to be called just "Will" by his friends. Wilkes is for everyone else.
-They also call him WilWil to mess with him. He shakes his head when they do, but he's instantly smiling.
-Formerly a Durmstang student, until he transferred to Hogwarts in third year, for unknown reasons.
-German father and British mother, so he's fluent in both languages.
-The hat considered putting him in Hufflepuff, but it eventually decided he was better off in Slytherin.
-A cinnamon roll that could and would kill you
-People have a hard time linking him to Slytherin because he's so sweet and kind with everyone all the time. He stays out of trouble and the teachers like him. Younger students look up to him.
-Classy gay that gets along better with girls than with boys, and cares a lot about his appareance.
-Big and bulky, gives the best hugs and makes you feel protected.
-Quidditch team captain and Keeper.
-He and Pandora were bethrothed in third year to unite both families. He wasn't thrilled with the idea, but he prefers Pandora over some stranger. They also have some secret agreement regarding the union.
-He has psychopathic tendencies, but hides them well.
-Sunshine boy. Even Gryffindors are somewhat friendly with him.
-He trips a lot and clashes with things.
-The clumsiness dissapears when he's duelling, though.
-Always in a good mood, greeting everybody when he arrives to class with a huge smile. It's rare to see him serious or angry.
-"Don't mistake my kindness with naïvety. My reluctance to violence doesn't mean I'm uncapable of it"
-The only person that enters History of Magic with a smile and actually asks questions to the teacher. His housemates see this as another proof of his madness.
-He's not as innocent as he looks. He's a Slytherin for a reason.
-The only time his clumsiness dissapears is when he's duelling.
-Secretly, his favourite subject is Herbology. It gives him joy to care for plants and helps him relax.
-Naturally good with children and animals, so the younger slytherins often go to him for help or comfort.
-He and Avery are golden retriever/black cat coded.
-Excuses Avery to people when he offends them and drags him out of the conflicts.
-He often agrees with the boy's mean comments and chuckles with him, but doesn't let it show because of his good boy reputation.
-He sneaks into the girls' dorms a lot to spend time with them and even sleeps there sometimes.
-Due to his good grades and reliable nature, he was chosen to be Prefect.
-Extensive knowledge in Dark Arts, courtesy of Durmstang.
-He rarely gets angry, but when he does, it's absolutely terrifying.
-People have a hard time denying him anything because of his face. His puppy eyes are deadly effective.
-He and Pandora get along great despite their arrangement. He's very fond of her and viceversa, and they both agreed to try make the best out of the situation when it comes to it.
-He's very physically affectionate. Cheek kisses, forehead kisses, hugs, cuddles, cute nicknames. Everything. It's hard to discern when it's platonic or romantic.
-He has a lot of admirers.
-Actually indifferent to violence, unless the victims of it are people he cares about. If he saw a random corpse, he would simply shrug it off and go call someone to check it, or examine it himself out of curiosity.
-He and Avery have an on-and-off relationship, but they always remain fiercely loyal to each other. It's an emotional mess no one else is allowed to meddle with. Unless they want to suffer.
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Pandora Rosier - Slytherin
-Mostly known as Dora by her loved ones. She's not as attached to the Rosier name as Evan is.
-She was raised separatedly from the crisis succession mess, in a different house from his relatives. She only saw them all in family dinners, where fights were strictly forbidden.
-The reason for this was that she was born with a rare gift, an extension of Legilimency that allows her to see people's emotions and their thoughts without even trying. This made her very valuable for her family, as they all coveted such gift.
-Which is why she was engaged to Evan. They wanted to ensure the gift remained in the family, away from others.
-Until she learnt how to shut it out, she was constantly hearing everyone's minds at once in her own head and sensing their emotions as if they were her own, overwhelming her to the point of anxiety and several bursts of accidental magic.
-She can also project her own thoughts unto others and show them what she's thinking.
-She knows everything before anyone else does. She's always one step ahead in most situations. Like nothing ever surprises her. She keeps what she knows mostly to herself.
-There are rumours she might be a Seer too, but only a fool would believe that, right?
-She's very introverted and wary of people. Her overprotective upbringing thwarted her social skills, along with her gift.
-Most people who have approached her hadn't done it with genuine intentions, so it fed her general distrust towards others.
-She and Evan didn't have a close relationship until Hogwarts, despite being engaged. They broke off the contract on their first year, despite their family's protests.
-Snape is the first person she hasn't been able to read instantly, which sparkled her curiosity and fascination towards the girl.
-When she found out Snape was a natural Occlumens with a spark of Legilimency, she was delighted at finally meeting someone similar to her in that way.
-But mostly, she was happy to meet someone she could actually get to know like a normal person instead of already seeing everything about them from the first moment.
-This new found obstacle in her gift frustrated her, because she relied on it heavily to navigate the world around her, and also thrilled her, because it was something new for once. A change.
-As they grew closer and began to trust each other, Pandora was able to see more and more of Snape, but only as far as the girl allowed.
-She and Snape talk to each other a lot through their Legilimency. It's common to see one of them chuckling or frowning out of nowhere and throw a knowing look at the other, with no words exchanged.
-Due to her struggles with verbal communication and getting people to understand her, she usually shows her thoughts to Snape or Evan first and then they help her put them into words.
-(She has Helaena Targaryen vibes. If you know her, that's pretty much Pandora's character)
-She's very eccentricy and chaotic, which only fuels people's waryness of her. The only reason she's not downright bullied is because of her family (and Evan).
-Careful, though, she's far from naïve. She's every inch of cunning as any other Slytherin and doesn't forget a slight against her or her loved ones.
-"The thing about always seeing people for what they are it's the never ending amazement of how utterly fake people can be"
-After breaking off the engagement with Evan, her parents hurriedly tried to set her up with another pureblood, pressuring her to accept a good match soon. Out of all the candidates, Wilkes was the only one she remotely liked.
-Her favourite subjects are Astronomy and Divination.
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Charity Burbage - Hufflepuff
-Also known as Cherry. Don't you dare call her that if you're not her friend. She'll take it as an insult.
-She comes from a traditional British rich family. Very strict but loving.
-Muggleborn. Doesn't give a shit about being called "mudblood" and would answer to it with a smile just to be petty.
-She's the third of four sisters.
-Her father runs a line of restaurants, one of which is the where Snape works in the summers. After finding out the odd jobs her friend was taking to survive, Charity inmediately got her the job.
-The fact that it gives them the perfect excuse to meet more often during holidays and Charity can boss her around is pure coincidence.
-Looks like a cinnamon roll but could actually kill you #2
-The type to insult someone to their face with such grace that they don't process they're getting insulted until a while passes.
-Gossip queen. She knows everything about everyone, and it has nothing to do with a mysterious gift. She's just nosy and sneaky like that.
-A typical spoiled rich girl with a rebellious vein. A mean girl with an angel-like facade. She's a demon dressed in pastel colours.
-When she's really pissed at someone, all etiquette and grace goes out of the window and unleashes a torrent of curses that shocks even Snape, who's by far the most foul mouthed out of the group.
-"I'm an awful person. But I'm also rich and pretty, so it doesn't really matter"
-Fighting to get Hogwarts their own cheerleader team for the Quidditch matches because c'mon, can't they see how perfect it'll be?
-Also, she would have an excuse to design the uniforms and be the captain, because of course she would be.
-Bisexual. She's dated a lot of people before falling in love with Aurora.
-Charity had no chill and made her interest in Aurora publicidly known when asking her out. But she didn't harass her like J*mes Potter with Lily, until Aurora finally paid attention to her. Instead, she waited patiently as she wooed her and knew when to stop.
-She has a passion for gardening. Her room is fully decorated with different plants and flowers she religiously cares for. Because of this, she possesses an uncanny talent for Herbology, rivalling Professor Sprout herself.
-She's specially proud of the stack of weed she's been cultivating for years behind the teachers' back and that she only takes out for inter-house parties.
-She takes advantage that her common room is right next to the kitchen to sneak in for snacks whenever she wants to or to meet up with Snape when the girl is having insomnia again.
-Because of this, she has befriended some of the elves and knows their names.
-Cares a lot about her appareance and always makes sure to look her best in any situation, including emergencies. The type to take her time to escape during a fire because she doesn't want to be seen on her pyjamas.
-She's the one that gets Snape out of her shell. Convinces her to go out to Hogsmeade with Aurora and herself, drags her out of the library to take breaks, helps her with her social skills and overall just reassures Snape that she also deserves some happiness.
-Very clingy. Skinship comes of as necessary for her as breathing, so she's seen wrapped around people like a koala and cuddling with her friends. It makes her feel loved and safe.
-Knows more about people than she lets on. She has enough shit to blackmail them and even ruin someone's life.
-When she gets really angry, she becomes considerably quiet and uses few words. That's a sign she's plotting your ultimate demise.
-She and Avery have a confusing dynamic. They hate each other most of the time, either arguing or throwing insults whenever they're in close proximity, but they are times where they're civil towards each other in an almost friendly manner. They've been caught getting high together with no one else around, and judging people together as they sit side by side, all like it's an everyday activity for them.
-She enjoys when her friends rant to her about their passions, even if she doesn't always understand theml. She just loves seeing them so open and expressive with her, and she encourages those feelings.
-She aspires to become prefect only to share her duties with Aurora and spend more time with her, but her grades aren't high enough yet. She's constantly bitching about the female prefect because of this.
-She's very, very petty. Doesn't ever forget a slight and goes great lenghts to return the favour.
-Loves pastel colours and country music. You know she's been in the Slytherin common room recently by the colorful pamphlets and flowers she leaves behind to "light up the place" (although she does it mostly to piss off Avery).
-She does ballet since she was little. She practices whenever she has free time and performs in muggle shows. Gets the best seats for the gang, and not even Avery dares to miss a show.
-Because of this, she's very flexible, and combined with her short height, she can fit basically everywhere.
-She convinces the gang to go through a complete self-care routine with her. Face masks, snacks and everything. No one can ever say no.
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Aurora Sinistra - Ravenclaw
-Also called Rory by her friends. Charity lovingly calls her Roro sometimes.
-The voice of reason, constantly reminding them what the rules are and warning them when a certain idea is definitely going to get them in trouble. She never tries to stop them tho.
-She's usually the responsible one, but enjoys breaking the rules from time to time too. She blames her friends for being such a bad influence.
-One of the best students at Hogwarts. Straight A and a perfectly clean record. Gets along with the teachers. No one would ever suspect she's done anything wrong in her life.
-She does. Quite often in fact. She's just really good at hiding it.
-The Sorting hat considered putting her in Slytherin, but her thirst for knowledge eventually placed her in Ravenclaw.
-She excells at Astronomy and Ancient Runes, two of the hardest subjects in school. Hence why she's considered a brilliant student.
-Her long-term dream is to become a teacher at Hogwarts, specifically the Astronomy teacher. The short-term dream is to win Ravenclaw the House cup.
-She was selected as a prefect by both the teachers and her classmates.
-Lesbian. She kept a low profile about it until she fell in love with Charity.
-They met in a study group, on their third year. They clicked instantly, despite their differences, and became close friends quickly. They found every chance to meet up and spend time together.
-When she realized she had a crush on Charity, she panicked for a moment because she was afraid of ruining their friendship, and she wasn't ready to come face to face with her sexuality yet.
-Until Charity confessed her own feelings too and decided to make her courting with Aurora as publicidly as she could.
-Seeing Charity being so open about her love and her own identity gave her the confidence to embrace herself too, and so that's how they began.
-Her mother was born in the Zabini family, just like Mulciber's mother. She's particularly close to Belladonna Zabini (Blaise Zabini's mother), who sees herself as a mentor figure for Aurora while they're at Hogwarts and a big sister for Mulciber.
-It was Belladonna who introduced her to the intricate art of poisons and ancient runes. Aurora goes to her whenever she needs a certain substance for her own plans.
-Comes from a very rich, privileged background, but she was still taught the importance of hard-work and sacrifices. She knows that, in order to achieve her goals, she needs to earn them first.
-Charity introduced her to muggle shows and now she's obsessed with them. She's working a way to bring electronic devises to Hogwarts purely to have a TV where she can watch them.
-She befriended Snape when Charity brought her to one of their study group sessions. Instead of being put off by the girl's snarky nature, she found her entertaining and a worthy intellectual rival.
"Attempted murder. Can you imagine how would that look in my reference letter? Everyone would know that I failed at the task"
-She already met Snape in their second year, when they were paired together for a Potions project. Aurora has always known of Snape's intelligence and respected her for it. The only reason she didn't reach out earlier was the girl's obvious retinance to anyone that wasn't Lily Evans or a fellow Slytherin.
-She never starts a fight, but she knows damn well how to finish one.
-When she wants to get back at someone, she doesn't do it right away. She waits it out, letting the person think it has been forgotten, and when they moved on, she surprises them with a carefully planned out revenge that they wouldn't recover from in a while.
-She and Snape sneak into the Restricted section of the library together whenever they can. They haven't been caught yet.
-She also loves research and developing new runes or spells. As long as she's gaining knowledge, she doesn't care if it's morally correct.
-If you want to do something forbidden or morally wrong, she's the person to go. She won't stain her hands for you, but she'll tell you step by step how to do it.
-She and Mulciber met through Belladona, but became closer when they both joined the gang.
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Bartemius "Barty" Crouch Jr - Slytherin
-Or if Daddy Issues was a person.
-His father has always been an absent but extremely demanding figure in his life and his mother tries her best to make up for it. It's not enough.
-He's completely, one hundred-percent devoted to be the best at everything so he can impress his father and win his approval. It's the thing he craves the most.
-He met Regulus on the train and talked his ears off the whole ride. They've been inseparable since then.
-He arrived at Hogwarts touch-starved and insecure, so when second year Snape showed him some kindness without second intentions, he glued himself to her and the gang like a lost puppy.
-If he decides to befriend you, he's going to do so. You cannot escape. He got all his friendships by annoying the shit out of them until they relented.
-"Bad attention is better than no attention at all"
-As a result of his lonely upbringing, he's actually very socially awkward and doesn't understand most social cues. He genuinely thinks that friendships are made when someone picks a person and "brands them" as their friend.
-ADHD. Since these disorders aren't widely known in the magical world, everyone just assumed that Barty was lazy sometimes and purposely loud. His parents considered him another case of a difficult child and tried to suppress that kind of behaviour by strict means.
-Despite this, he's managed to be a brilliant student and never get anything beneath an Outstanding in all subjects.
-He has hexed himself a few times to force his brain to concentrate at the task, but he only hurts himself and worsens everything.
-His friends helped him come up with methods that allowed him to concentrate in a way his brain could handle. He feels less stressed and anxious thanks to it, but he still puts a lot of pressure over himself.
-He and Snape bonded over their terrible fathers. Barty tries to defend his, while Snape straight out calls both men out on their shit.
-Has hyperfixations and struggles to keep his mind on just one thing at a time. Physically uncapable of staying put in one place for long. He needs to be moving and doing things.
-It's a vital rule in the gang to never let him taste coffee.
-He knows a lot of silly facts about all kind of topics he gets fixated on and he'll rant about them for hours to whoever is willing to listen. Usually Regulus.
-He was expected to end up in Ravenclaw, just like his parents and most members of his family. Him getting sorted in Slytherin was received with dissapointment in his house, particularly his father.
-He's been physically punished when he displeases his father or his performance isn't good enough to his standards.
-Loves quidditch and really wants to join the Slytherin team, but his father doesn't approve because "i'll distract him from his duties", so he simply goes to every match he can to watch.
-(He's canonically the only character to have taken 12 OWLs. Not to mention he managed to fool Dumbledore himself when he was posing as Alastor Moody and also manipulated the entire Triwizard Tournament so Harry could win, and no one suspected a thing. Boy is a fucking genius)
-Speaking of which, he and Snape are friendly academic rivals, like Aurora. They're constantly trying to outdo the other in class and get the most points.
-He and Regulus look up to Snape a lot and see her as an older sibling figure. In Barty's case, almost a maternal figure.
-The one thing he wants most in the world is validation. He spends every breathing moment in his life seeking it and drinking the smallest drops he gets of it. Seriously, anyone that shows him some sort of approval, will instantly win him over.
-His aspires to follow his father's footsteps and become a Minister, most likely to take his place after he retires.
-Takes his studies very seriously and gets mad when people distract him from his homework or studying sessions.
-Gay. Homosexual. Gay.
-His worst fear is dissapointing people.
-Panic attacks are to be expected during exams week and when doing homework. Or when his father mails him after the seeing the results. Or right before he returns to his house.
-He's been conditioned to turn away from any source of entertainment or superficial interests because "he can't afford getting distracted". Now he'll gladly join his friends in any fun activity they propose and plan them (as long as his father doesn't hear about it)
-Indifferent to the pureblood supremacy rethoric, although a bit prejudiced due to his father's teachings. He doesn't care if someone is a muggleborn or half-blood, but can be condescending towards them without realizing.
-A lot of repressed anger that's bound to explode.
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Regulus Arcturus Black -Slytherin
-Reg or Reggie for his loved ones. No one outside them is allowed to call him that. Unless they don't mind getting hexed.
-Was kind of a little shit when he arrived to Hogwarts. Snobby, arrogant, and prejudiced, pretty much like Draco. He slowly improves with the gang's influence, but not too much.
-The Seeker in the Quidditch team. He's good at it, but not exceptional.
-Contrary to popular belief, the Blacks aren't really royalty among purebloods, but they consider themselves as such. Regulus is no different.
-He's grown up spoiled and without ever having to lift a finger for anything. The type of rich guy that thinks dirtying his hands for something is below him, so convinces other people to do it for him.
-He used to be close with Sirius growing up, since they spent all their time together and they were still too innocent about the world they lived in. The relationship grew strained when Regulus started to envy Sirius' position and the latter began to reject the family's beliefs.
-By the time Regulus arrived to Hogwarts, they were more like acquaintances than anything. Sirius had his friends already, all of them so utterly different from the people Regulus was supposed to mingle with, and that was it.
-Deep down, he feels sad for having lost the contact with his brother, but comforts himself that "Sirius made his choice".
-One of the reasons he stood up with his parents against Sirius during the disagreements, besides the fact he genuinely agreed with them on their beliefs, was because he didn't want them to get mad at him too. He never understood why Sirius just couldn't play along and make thing easier for everybody.
-His relationship with his mother is loving but complicated. He cares deeply for her and values her opinion a lot, but he feels her love for him is transactional. It'll exist for as long as he remains a good son in her eyes, and if he dissapoints her, she'll turn her back on him.
-Because the concept of hard work hasn't been drilled into him and he's used to get what he wants easily, he's not really a great student. He manages well enough so his parents don't get mad at him.
-He looked down on Snape at first, since she's a half-blood and so he believed her sole presence tainted Slytherin's prestige. Seeing how talented she was, surpassing him and many other purebloods, made him dislike her even more, because she defied everything he was raised to believe and defend ("purebloods are naturally superior and blah blah")
-He began to look at her differently when he saw Narcissa took the girl under her wing and openly doted on her. If his cousin deemed the half-blood worth of her attention, he trusted her judgement.
-Slowly, he grew to begrudgingly respect Snape and trust her. He still has prejudices and struggles to see her as an equal, but they're getting there.
-Deep down, he cares a lot about Snape and thinks of her as family. Although he much rather face a Crucio than admit this.
-While his views regarding half-bloods and muggleborns aren't quite the same as they were in his first year, he still believes firmly in pureblood supremacy and sees the non-pureblood wixen as second class citizens.
-Thinks that there should be separated schools for pureblood and those who aren't. This way, it'll all follow the "natural order".
-He avoids talking to Sirius, but when they cross paths, they usually throw snarky comments to the other.
-He plays a big role in helping Barty out of his shell and pushes him to have fun. In return, Barty motivates him to work harder.
-He and Barty are glued to the hip. You'll rarely see one without the other.
-Physically, he takes a lot after his mother.
-Always dressed in the finest clothes and using the most expensive tools. Appareances are a must for him.
-He and Wilkes are the only ones that genuinely enjoy doing Charity's self-care routines. Might be the only muggle thing he doesn't disapprove of.
-Doesn't know how to swim, but can keep himself afloat. He refuses to learn because "a man of his status doesn't need to learn such skills".
-Quite an egocentric, due to his upbringing.
-Secretly, he likes being coddled, but it's too embarrassed and proud to let it happen.
-He claims to find pranks childish and unbecoming of a pureblood heir, but he actually loves them. He'll cough and turn his head away to hide his reactions.
-Very close to the Black sisters, specially Narcissa. Refuses to admit it, but felt heartbroken when Andromeda left.
-He likes the Rosier cousins too, with Pandora being one of his best friends.
-He used to dream about becoming heir and prove he was better than Sirius, but when it finally happened, he realized such title came with new responsabilities and expectations he never had to face before, and he's not sure he can keep up with it.
-He can be very possessive with people and has a hard time "sharing" them.
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711ratdog · 4 months
"Grrr" severus groans. "Did you guys know that James has been spreading a rumor that sev's a vampire?" Evan rolls his eyes, severus grabs a pillow and smothers his face with it before pulling it away and getting up, "I have an idea..." severus grinned mischievously."Oh god, " barty rolled his eyes."h-b-p... dude... don't tell me we're gonna commit to the bit," severus laughed evilly "maybeee...? To aurora's rooms!" Severus pointed at the door, and everybody got up, ready to see where this was going
Btw, h-b-p stands for half blood prince
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atlasdoe · 8 months
i've been watching bojack horsemen for the first time and i have the urge to write a snape centric fic inspired by the show
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sinistraes · 4 months
I'll work on the gojo fic guys, if i got cringed out I'll drop it. (/j.)
I'll change my theme later, goodbye alma (it'd still be alma tbh..) 💔💔
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lilacmingi · 7 months
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My works are 14+ ONLY. If you’re under 14 DO NOT interact with me or any of my works
Pairing: Hufflepuff!Seonghwa x Gryffindor!fem reader
Word count: 5,246
Note: Reminder that this is an imagine from my Wattpad from 2022 so there will not be extra parts or continuations
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Seonghwa could hear the whispers from the students around him, he was aware of all the eyes lingering on him as he walked down the halls of Hogwarts. This had been going on for quite some time and it was something he'd like to say he got used to, but he didn't. Every comment made under the breaths of students hurt him, their words sticking with him for days on end.
"He's so scary."
"Is he really a Hufflepuff?"
"Maybe the sorting hat got it wrong."
The sorting hat never gets it wrong. Seonghwa knew that. He knew he was in the right house, he just didn't look the part. Or maybe he didn't look the way people thought Hufflepuffs should look.
He knew he looked intimidating, maybe even scary, but he wasn't. In fact, he was the complete opposite, but no one would know that because no one has ever bothered to approach or get to know him.
He stepped into his last and favorite class, astronomy. It was the one thing he looked forward to every Wednesday. The class took place in the evening just as the sun set, a time when the stars first start to come out. All the students around him seemed to disappear when he was in astronomy. Their comments and stares didn't matter in the slightest. It was just him and the stars.
You scurried into your astronomy class, sliding into your seat just a couple minutes before the bell sounded, indicating the start of class. You heaved a sigh of relief. The walk to the astronomy tower is incredibly long and though you were always prompt, tonight you were worried you wouldn't make it in time.
"Alright class, last time we convened I mentioned that our next class would be a bit different. Do you all remember that?" Professor Sinistra spoke.
A few students nodded in response.
"Good. Tonight, we're studying Jupiter moons and you'll be partnering up with another student to study them. Do try and pair up with someone from another house. I want you all to get to know your classmates."
You watched as people got up from their seats and began to pair off with their chosen partners. It all happened so quickly, you could hardly process it.
Your gaze moved around the vast classroom in search for a partner or your own. Your eyes drifted to the corner of the room where a lone Hufflepuff sat at his desk with a forlorn expression, his eyes cast down on the table. You were quick to notice how everyone seemed to be avoiding him and that didn't sit right with you at all. You hated when people got excluded or alienated for seemingly no reason at all. It made you sick.
Grabbing your things, you approached the boy, standing in front of his table.
"Hi." You greeted.
His eyes became slightly wider as he gazed up at you, clearly not expecting anyone to approach him.
"Hi." He responded quietly, his voice soft and timid.
"I noticed you didn't have a partner yet."
"Would you like to be partners with me?"
His round eyes stared up at you for a few drawn out moments before he nodded.
"Great." You smiled softly, taking a seat beside him. "I'm Y/n."
"Seonghwa." He responded.
"Alright, everyone seems to be partnered up. That's good. Let's begin." Professor Sinistra announced. "If you'll get your telescopes out and follow me to the roof, we'll start analyzing."
You and your partner grabbed your things and trailed behind the large group of students as they made their way outside.
Sinistra instructed everyone to get out their telescopes and observe the stars, directing the group on which direction to look.
"Way over to the right at that cluster of stars." She pointed.
Holding your telescope to your eye you peered at the galaxy above, looking for any constellations.
"What does everyone see? Anything that look familiar? Perhaps a constellation you've seen in your textbooks?" Sinistra inquired. "Something you learned during first year perhaps?"
"Centaurus." Seonghwa answered.
"Well done, Mr. Park. I've got to keep you all on your toes."
He only gave a faint smile before peering back through his telescope. Your gaze lingered on him for a few moments before you got back to work, your mind more focused on Seonghwa. He seemed shy, that much was obvious. However, you're almost certain he's only that way because of the way others treat him. Now that you think about it, you'd seen him in the halls before in passing and he was always alone. Never had you seen him walking with friends. It was always just him by himself. You think you may have also seen him in astronomy from past years, but you can't be sure.
"Can you not see it?" A voice broke through your thoughts.
Blinking yourself back to reality, you turned to see Seonghwa looking at you expectantly.
"See what?"
"Oh. I... zoned out." You murmured. "Sorry."
"It's right there." Seonghwa moved over to you, pointing up at the sky. "The bright one."
"I see it. Thanks."
He only nodded, quietly moving back to look through his own telescope.
"It's quite beautiful, isn't it?" Professor marveled. "The planet stands out from the other stars. It's quite intriguing."
She continued to speak, explaining the planet's position in the sky and listing off a few facts about it before directing the class to migrate back inside, urging everyone to sit with their partners.
Once back in the classroom, you and Seonghwa sat together at his table, an uncomfortable silence hanging in the air between you.
"So, have you been taking astronomy for a few years or is this your first time?" You asked in an attempt to make conversation.
"I've been taking it since first year."
"Me too. I couldn't remember if I had this class with you before or not."
"I tend to keep to myself."
Before you could pry any further, Professor Sinistra spoke up, getting the class' attention.
She opened up a large chart, charming it so that it would float mid-air for everyone to see.
"This is Jupiter, the planet you all just observed outside. This year you'll all be learning about the planet along with its moons and its environment. Does anyone know how many moons Jupiter has?"
"37?" A student guessed.
"That was a good try, but no. It's much more than that."
"50?" Another surmised.
"Not quite."
You raised your hand until you were called on.
"Yes, Miss L/n?"
"80, right?"
"That's correct. Well done." She gave you a small congratulatory nod before addressing the students. "That's a lot of moons, isn't it? Does anyone know how many have been named?"
A silence settled over the class for a moment as Professor Sinistra observed the group, waiting for someone to answer.
Slowly, Seonghwa lifted his hand up.
"Mr. Park? Any guesses?"
"That's right. You and Miss L/n know your stuff. Good job."
The both of you turned to look each other with small, bashful smiles before avoiding eye contact.
The rest of class was spent listing the names of Jupiter's moons as well as discussing the planet's inhabitable and stormy environment. Seonghwa was quiet, not saying a word as he wrote down notes on his parchment.
Your conversation with him earlier had been abruptly cut short and you wanted to pick up on it, maybe get to know him more, but that would have to wait until later.
As soon as class ended, you turned to speak to Seonghwa, but he was already out of his seat and heading towards the door. You opened your mouth to speak, but it was too late, he had already walked out of the classroom. Your shoulders slumped as you collected your things and walked out the door. On your way back to the Gryffindor dormitory you looked for Seonghwa, hoping to spot him while he was on his way back to his dorm, but you had no luck. Maybe you'd get a chance to talk with him another time.
The next morning at breakfast, you spotted Seonghwa sitting at the Hufflepuff dining table, an empty seat on either side of him and one in front of him. You frowned at the sight, noticing how the other students avoided sitting near him. You despise when people alienate others for no reason, making them feel unwanted and isolated.
Your knee bounced anxiously as you weighed your options, wondering if you should go over and sit with him or not. If you didn't join him, you fear you'd regret it later and it would eat away at you. Plus, you were wanting to talk with him a bit more. Now could be your chance.
Before you could back out or change your mind, you stood up from your seat and made your way over to the Hufflepuff table, making yourself comfortable in the chair across from Seonghwa.
His round eyes gazed at you in surprise.
"H-Hi." He stuttered out, caught off guard by your sudden appearance.
"Is this seat taken?" You asked, noticing the students around him beginning to whisper.
He shook his head.
"Why are you over here?" He inquired.
"It looked like you could use some company."
"You don't have to be over here if you don't want to."
"I want to." You responded, adamant on staying.
Seonghwa, who could see that you had no plans on leaving, merely gave a nod going back to eating his breakfast. He didn't know why you chose to sit with him, especially since you had no reason to. Did you want something from him? Maybe it was out of pity. Were you aware of the way others treated him?
"One of my favorite things about Hogwarts is the food. It's nothing like I've ever had before." You commented.
"Yeah. It's good." He responded with a small nod of agreement.
Having a conversation with the timid Hufflepuff proved to be tougher than you originally thought. It was obvious he wasn't used to having someone try and converse with him before. Despite the challenge, you were willing to keep trying.
From then on, you made it a habit to sit with him for every meal. Some of your housemates questioned why you suddenly started hanging out with the "scary" Hufflepuff, but you never gave an answer. It wasn't really their business anyway.
Progress was slow, but Seonghwa did start to open up a bit more during astronomy class. Wether that was because he had to assist in group work or because he felt more comfortable around you, you weren't sure. You hoped it was the latter.
You were seated beside Seonghwa in astronomy class looking over a star chart when you broke the silence.
"Hey, I was wondering if you wanted to go to Hogsmeade with me this weekend." You offered, keeping your voice low so as not to disturb the other students.
"Don't you have friends to go with?"
"A couple, but I'm not really close with them."
"And you're close with me?"
The question came off a bit harsh, catching you by surprise. Seonghwa seemed to realize as he hurriedly looked away, muttering an almost silent apology under his breath.
"Well, no but I thought you might like to tag along." You responded.
He wanted to ask why him, but your offer was nice and he's never been invited out by any students before.
Seonghwa couldn't help but feel a little giddy at the fact that he had plans for the weekend. The closer it got to Saturday, the more excited he became. When the day finally arrived, he found himself standing in front of his small closet in his dorm, wondering what he should wear. He didn't know why he was so concerned about his attire, it's not like this was a date.
Why would that word even cross his mind?
He didn't know you. You're just partners in astronomy class, that's all. Yes, you spend time together in the dining hall, but you don't know much about each other. The both of you are just... acquaintances.
"Thanks for agreeing to tag along." You thanked Seonghwa as the both of you waited for the train to arrive.
"Thanks for inviting me."
"You're not used to this, are you?" You asked after a beat of silence.
He shook his head.
"That's okay. I won't pry, but you should have fun today."
The massive locomotive rolled to a stop on the tracks, allowing all of the Hogwarts students waiting outside to get on. The both of you went into one of the roomettes on the train, making yourselves comfortable on the cushioned benches inside. He kept to himself, turning his attention to the view outside the window as the train slowly rolled into motion. Something told you this ride would be extremely quiet if you didn't make an attempt to fill the silence in the roomette.
"You took astronomy in past years, right?" You inquired, unsure of how to start a conversation.
He nodded.
"Were you there when that Slytherin stuck his face in front of Professor Sinistra's telescope and scared the daylights out of her?"
A small smile tugged at the corner of Seonghwa's lips as he huffed out a chortle through his nose.
"Yeah. That was pretty good. I did kind of feel bad for her, though."
"Me too."
"How about when that Gryffindor made the Uranus joke?" He asked.
You let out a stifled laugh. "Yeah. It was so lame."
"But funny." He added.
A couple minutes later, the snack cart came by making you light up with excitement. The kind lady pushing the trolley asked if either of you wanted anything to which you immediately responded with a few of your favorite treats. You noticed Seonghwa ask for a couple small boxes of cauldron cakes.
Thanks to your conversation starter (and some yummy treats from the snack trolley) the ride to Hogsmeade was enjoyable and flew by. Before you knew it, the train was pulling into the station, slowly rolling to a stop, the brakes squeaking in response. You and Seonghwa stepped off the train and headed into town, the familiar smell of tea, sweets, and baked goods lingering in the air.
"Where would you like to go first?" You asked Seonghwa.
"You're the one who invited me. Why don't you choose?"
"Well, I kind of wanted to stop at Gladrags Wizardwear. My parents sent me a little spending money in my last letter and I've been itching to use some of it."
With a nod from Seonghwa, the two of you headed towards the shop.
Upon stepping into the shop, your eyes scanned the clothing racks scattered throughout the store, your gaze stopping on some sweaters that were on display.
You started perusing the cozy garments, pulling one out to hold it up to you to get a vague understanding of how it would fit before placing it back onto the rack.
Seonghwa had followed you over to the sweaters, standing awkwardly as you sifted through them. He knew he couldn't stand there the entire time. You told him he should have fun today, maybe he should loosen up and enjoy this trip.
His eyes moved about the shop, spotting a section that piqued his interest before heading over, leaving you to your sweaters.
"This looks warm." You murmured to yourself, feeling the thickly-knit fabric. It was getting cooler outside and you needed some warmer clothes, the ones you had back at the Gryffindor dorms didn't do the job. Moving about the store, you spotted the sock section, each one having a different wacky pattern on them. Gladrags Wizardwear is known for their quirky socks, so naturally you grabbed a pair, making sure not to get the pair that screams when they need to be washed.
After choosing a few different long-sleeved shirts and a pair of socks you found Seonghwa picking through a stack of pants humming softly to the music playing inside the store. He hadn't noticed you yet, so you took a moment to watch him, listening to his quiet humming, your heart fluttering slightly with adoration. He was actually quite cute, especially like this.
"Find anything?" You inquired, announcing your presence.
His humming immediately ceased as his head snapped up in surprise.
"Oh. Just a cardigan and a pair of pants."
"Would you like to look some more or are you ready to check out?"
"I think I'm done."
With that, the both of you went to check out. You set your items on the counter while Seonghwa did the same.
"You can ring all of his up together." He told the cashier.
Your eyes went wide as you turned to him with your mouth agape. He spared you a passing glance before reaching into his wallet for some coins to pay for the items. Your mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water as you struggled to form words, speechless at Seonghwa's incredibly kind and gentlemanly gesture.
"Could you bag our things separately, please?" He politely requested as the cashier dropped your items in a paper bag.
He said nothing more as he handed the money over, retrieving your bags in silence before the two of you headed out.
As soon as you were outside you spoke up.
"You didn't have to do that. I told you I had money."
"I know." He answered quietly, keeping his eyes focused ahead of him.
You realized you were possibly coming off as ungrateful, but the truth is you were surprised, not expecting a gesture like that.
"Thank you." You murmured shyly. "That was really nice of you."
He only gave a short nod as you proceeded down the streets of Hogsmeade. When passing by shops, you surveyed the items on display, wondering where to go next. There were other clothing stores to shop at, but you were pretty satisfied with what you had.
"Ah. I need more parchment. Is it okay if we stop and get some?" He asked.
"Sure. We can go anywhere you'd like."
The both of you made a brief stop at Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop where Seonghwa purchased some more parchment for school before you took to the streets once again heading to your next destination. It was at that moment you realized you were incredibly hungry. Admittedly, you hadn't eaten a proper breakfast and the snacks on the train hadn't done much to keep your satiated, especially with all the walking around you've done.
"I'm hungry." You announced. "Are you?"
Seonghwa nodded, placing his free hand on his stomach.
"We can go to The Leaky Cauldron and eat, maybe grab a butterbeer? My treat."
The Hufflepuff seemed caught off guard by your offer.
"It's the least I can do after you paid for all my clothes." You added.
It seemed he was about to turn down your offer to pay, so you hurriedly spoke up again before he could.
"Please let me do this for you."
After a few moments he finally relented, nodding his head in agreement.
The Leaky Cauldron was a cozy little pub, dimly lit by candles on chandeliers that dangled from the ceiling, old paintings hung on the rough walls of the establishment.
You and Seonghwa were seated at the end of one of the long tables inside after placing your orders. The low murmur of patrons inside filled the air, the mixed conversations accompanied by the clanking of glasses and chorused laughter. The atmosphere inside was jovial and easygoing, one thing that made the pub so popular, it was the perfect hangout spot.
"So, why did you decide to take astronomy?" You asked.
"I've always enjoyed stargazing and I was curious to know more about them."
You hummed, nodding your head as you listened.
"I guess I was born to like astronomy because my name means star."
He nodded.
"That's so beautiful."
He pressed his lips together, glancing down with pink cheeks.
"My name backwards is hwaseong, which means Mars, so yeah... like I said, born to like astronomy."
Seonghwa felt shy under your wondrous gaze, quickly turning the question on you to save him from getting flustered any more than he already was.
"What about you?"
"Oh. I've always enjoyed searching for constellations. I find it interesting how there are these clusters of bright lights in the sky that connect to make shapes. Like the Little Dipper and Big Dipper, I find it fascinating how the stars are just made like that, naturally in a perfect shape. Also, isn't it crazy how there's all that space up there? There are billions of stars and undiscovered planets."
Seonghwa felt his heart soar as you spoke about the vast and endless space. Hearing you speak so passionately about something he enjoyed made him feel a rush of adoration for you.
Your butterbeer arrived a few moments later, the both of you lightly clinking your glasses before taking a sip.
"I haven't had butterbeer in so long." Seonghwa commented.
He nodded. "My parents brought me here when I first enrolled at Hogwarts, then I stopped by a couple times when our house went to Hogsmeade for the weekend, but I've never had someone to enjoy it with, besides my family, of course."
"You didn't come here with your housemates?"
"I did, but I always sat alone."
Your expression fell, your heart feeling a little heavy upon hearing that. You weren't going to force him to open up, but hearing his confession further confirmed your suspicions about him being treated like an outcast.
"Sorry. I shouldn't have said that." He apologized quietly. "We're supposed to be having fun today."
"No, don't be sorry. We're still having fun." You glanced over, noticing a waitress approaching your table with two plates, a smile forming on your face. "Our food's here."
Seonghwa's face lit up as your dishes were placed in front of you.
After a delicious meal you kept your word and paid for everything, thankfully Seonghwa allowed you to do so. The rest of the day was spent shopping around Hogsmeade. Seonghwa seemed to loosen up a bit after your stop at The Leaky Cauldron, the walls he's built up seeming to fall down, even just a little. You felt like you'd gotten a glimpse of the real him.
Monday rolled around and you were sat in the study hall reading through your astronomy book, your tired eyes scanning over the same paragraph repeatedly, unable to comprehend most of it. A sigh of exasperation pushed past your lips, your head dropping into your hands. The homework in astronomy was always quite arduous, but it was never this bad. It was causing you so much mental strain you felt like you were about to cry or give up completely, maybe both.
About that time, Seonghwa was walking past, pausing when he spotted you in the study hall hunched over an open book with your head in your hands. The corners of his mouth twitched downward slightly, his chest feeling a little heavy seeing you distressed.
Should he check on you?
You've been good to approach him and you've been nothing but kind to him since the day you met, maybe he should return the favor.
A tap on your shoulder pulled you from your almost mental (and emotional) breakdown. Slowly, you lifted your head to find Seonghwa looking down at you with round, worried eyes. To say you were surprised was an understatement. This was the first time he approached you.
"Are you okay?" He whispered.
"Oh. Yeah, I'm fine." You waved him off.
"You don't look fine."
Your form deflated, shoulders slumping in defeat.
"For the first time in a long time, I'm struggling with astronomy." You admitted.
"Do you... need help?"
Seonghwa noticed Madam Pince glancing in his direction and took a seat beside you so as not to cause a distraction.
You were about to decline his offer when he sat down, your words dying on your tongue.
He gestured to your open astronomy book, waiting for an answer. You just nodded.
Leaning over, his eyes scanned the pages to see what it was you were trying to understand. Having him close to you had your cheeks heating up, however you did your best to take your mind off it and focus on the task at hand.
"Ah." Seonghwa nodded. "This basically means..."
He proceeded to explain the words on the page in a much simpler way, making everything abundantly clearer.
You huffed out a soft chuckle. "I can't believe I couldn't understand that."
"You're probably exhausted. If you look at something for a long time it can sometimes get harder to understand. How long have you been in here?"
"A couple hours."
"This work isn't due for another week, why don't you take a break? You can always come back to it later. Why don't we..." He trailed off, realizing what he was about to say.
Don't be a coward, Seonghwa.
"Why don't we go for a walk?"
Your face lit up at his offer. "That sounds good. I might actually need that."
After gathering your book, you and Seonghwa left the study hall and started making your way down the partially empty corridors of the school, the torches on the walls casting flickering shadows along the bricks.
The both of you walked in silence for a couple minutes before you spoke up.
"It might sound crazy, but it feels like my mind is already clearer."
"If you step away from something for a while and come back later, you tend to see things you didn't before. A word search for example, you stare at it for so long you can't find any words, so you take a break and come back later and suddenly you spot one of the words you were having so much trouble with."
"Yeah." You nodded. "That's a good way to describe it."
Your joint footsteps echoed softly as you both proceeded down the corridor going in no particular direction. The majority of your walk was silent, but it wasn't uncomfortable, in fact it was actually rather peaceful.
It was when Seonghwa started veering off towards one of the large windows in the school that your attention was grabbed.
You wordlessly followed him over, leaning against the wall while he took a seat on the windowsill.
"No one has treated me the way you have." He admitted suddenly, staring out the window.
"How so?"
"People avoid me, if you haven't noticed already. They're intimidated by me because I look mean, I guess."
"You don't look mean." You frowned.
It was true, he didn't. There were times when you saw him focusing hard in astronomy class and he did look intimidating, but mean? Never.
"A bunch of other people seem to think so. They call me scary. Some even think I should have been sorted into Slytherin. They say the sorting hat was wrong."
"The sorting hat is never wrong." You responded almost sternly.
"I know."
"And not all Slytherins are mean, don't they know that?"
"Apparently not." He chuckled bitterly.
You let out a sigh, placing your hand on top of his.
"Listen to me Seonghwa, you have me now and I will always be here for you. I don't know if you consider us friends, but I do and friends are there for each other."
He gave you a gentle smile, shifting his hand to where it rested on yours instead, his fingers curling around your palm, the gesture bringing heat to your cheeks.
"I want to be more than friends."
That's what he wanted to say, but he couldn't.
Luckily, he didn't have to.
"I like you."
The confession slipped from your mouth before you could stop it, your eyes going wide at your own words. Seonghwa seemed just as shocked as you, his wide eyes and bewildered expression showing exactly how he felt.
"I'm sorry." You blurted. "I-I didn't mean to say that out loud. That was completely unintentional."
Seonghwa's mind scrambled to come up with a response. You like him? You like him?
He may not have shown it, but he liked you too—a lot. When you first met he was a bit skeptical of you, but after spending more and more time around you, he found himself feeling differently. Instead of being wary, he welcomed you. His heart skipped a beat when you approaching him during every meal, coming to sit with him at his house table.
You liking him was hard to wrap his mind around, but he felt the exact same way about you.
Your hand let go of his, pulling him from his jumbled thoughts.
"This is so embarrassing." You murmured, humiliated by your slip up, the lack of response from Seonghwa making you feel even worse.
You were prepared to leave when Seonghwa's hand reached out, his slim fingers encircling your wrist.
"I like you too."
His voice was so soft, almost wavering.
"You don't have to say that."
"I do. I know I haven't opened up completely to you, but knowing that you like me even though I'm mostly closed off and don't always initiate a conversation means more than you know. You're the first person to willingly approach me and stick by my side. No one has ever tried to be my friend, granted, I haven't tried to be anyone's friend either. I've been so used to being avoided I assumed no one wanted to befriend me, let alone date me."
You grabbed his face, making him look at you.
"You're worthy of being loved. And I want to get to know the real you, the Seonghwa I saw at Hogsmeade."
He blinked a couple times, his eyes becoming glossy as your words tugged at his heartstrings. You're too sweet, too compassionate, too pretty, too perfect.
He wanted to kiss you so bad.
His hand hooked around the back of your neck, tugging you to him as his lips made contact with yours, all of this happening within a matter of seconds. Your eyelids fluttered closed, fingers moving to his dark hair as you relished in the feeling of his pliant, soft lips moving slowly and passionately against yours. His fingertips rubbed the nape of your neck sending a shiver down your spine. Your reaction made him chuckle softly, his laughter vibrating against your mouth. Seonghwa was quick to deepen the kiss, his head tilting to slot your mouth s closer together as his free hand slid around your waist, pulling you flush against him, standing between his legs.
You were grateful that the students lingering in the hallway had left, or else you'd be the center of attention.
His kisses quickly became heated, fingers squeezing at your waist, running up and down your sides as blissful sighs escaped the both of you.
You parted ways after some time, gazing at each other with half-lidded eyes, huffing out short breaths, reeling after that mind-blowing kiss. Seonghwa's thumb ran over your bottom lip languidly as his tongue darted out to wet his own.
"So, what now?" You asked.
"We should start planning to go on a date soon."
"What did you have in mind?"
It was impossible to hold back the grin spreading across your face.
"Let's do it."
Hongjoong ⟡ Yunho ⟡ Yeosang ⟡ San ⟡ Mingi ⟡ Wooyoung ⟡ Jongho
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exhaustedcatte · 9 months
Detention, boys!
“–pair of troublemakers, they are,” Pomona Sprout wailed. “I know it was them, but there’s no way to prove it.”
Minerva, who’d just walked in, already knew who the offending duo could be. “Potter and Black?”
“Potter and Black,” she confirmed. “Charmed all of my Mandrakes to sing! Sing! Can you believe it?!”
A smile unwillingly pulled on the Gryffindor House-head’s mouth.
“What did they sing?” Professor Sinistra asked curiously.
Pomona ducked, shy. “I didn’t recognize the song, but Ms Bones said it was a muggle band called—ehem.” She cleared her throat and whispered, “The Sex Pistols.”
Minerva suppressed a loud guffaw, forced it back down her throat, and allowed a small grimace. Sinistra had no objections, laughing cheerfully.
“I bet you that was all Lupin,” she said, still grinning. “I’ve heard him giving gospels on muggle music with such ardor, you’d have thought he was being paid to advertise.”
Minerva didn’t know muggle music, but she knew her boys. This prank definitely had their signature on it, not just the handle on magic, but the careless display of talent.
Charming those noisy crybaby Mandrakes was no easy feat.
“I’ll hand out detention for the weekend,” Minerva said easily. “Potter and Black for the frontline work, Lupin for definitely pointing them towards the charms and Pettigrew for stealing all of your Mandrakes,” she raised her brows.
Pomona sighed, smiling.
The thing was, it was easy to detain them for smaller, localised pranks. It had their magical imprint all over it. While they had stepped into juvenile delinquency and thrown dung bombs, most of their practical jokes were, well, practical. Neatly studied and practiced. Difficult charms and jinxes. Hexes that Minerva had almost forgotten about since her own school days.
They’d made the suit of armours duel outside the Defence classroom, transfigured every single notebook in their class into origami birds, charmed it to fly away and got them all let off class. Hexed the Slytherins to speak in haikus for two full days. They’d also frozen the Lake into an ice rink in the cusp of summer post-exams. Pranks against which Finite Incantatem were useless. They put a lot of effort into their jokes, which somehow turned out just as remarkable as their neglected schoolwork.
But she’d given them many cauldrons and trophies and broom closets to clean for all of those, because she knew only they could be responsible for such intelligent tomfoolery.
What was difficult to pin on them was larger, vastly spread magic, because their trace was faint when it was distributed wide, mingling with everyone else’s magic. In theory she would put all her money on it being the Marauders, but she couldn’t simply accuse them when no one had seen them out of bed, no misbehaving, nothing. Very mystifying.
Which was why she was effectively silenced when she walked into the Great Hall on Tuesday. Everything seemed fine at first, but then she noticed, after hearing the excited tittering.
The Slytherins were emerald green. Minerva almost marched down to the quartet – the rivalry was telling. But she glanced around and saw the Hufflepuffs drenched in yellow. The Ravenclaws and Gryffindors were not spared either, dyed in their own house colours.
Minerva peered down her table. The other professors were trying to puzzle out how this had been achieved. She was silently proud that they kept glancing at the four boys on the far end, as if trying to read the answer straight from their brains. They knew no one else was capable of such advanced magic while still being playful.
Minerva looked over to them.
The Marauders were maintaining a strong air of ignorance despite the obvious looks being thrown their way from students and teachers alike.
Remus was stirring his likely fourth sugar into his tea, while Sirius kept nibbling the untouched toast from his friend’s hand. James was roughing his hair up and laughing at something Peter was whispering into his ear. They were also painted a vibrant red, probably as an alibi.
“I know it’s them,” Dumbledore said lowly, eyes dancing with mirth. “But I do think it’s rather spectacular, don’t you agree, professor?”
She huffed a laugh. “Yes.”
It was hard to tack this on them, not when Potter and Black, who despite knowing magic straight out of the womb, would vehemently deny everything and call it a fluke of someone’s luck. Not when Lupin, a severely clever werewolf who often downplayed his own intellect, would disagree politely and be off in that quiet way of his. Not when Pettigrew, the most unassuming and yet the sneakiest of them all, would lie impressively through his teeth.
She sat back and sipped her tea, enjoying the humorous sight of the bright morning sun reflecting off of the colourful skins of her students. But mostly she was observing her band of troublemakers.
They were still hanging off of each other’s shoulders like limpets, clingy and supremely codependent, in the best possible way. She watched Sirius proof-read a parchment Peter had given him. Remus was feeding James his scones and cream, who was trying, futilely, to tame his hair with a bottle of Fleamont’s Hair Gel that had just arrived with the owls.
These idiot boys, she thought fondly.
There would be no way to prove it was them other than their excited footsteps and victorious laughter that echoed through her office later that day.
Minerva McGonagall stepped into the hallway, unable to tamp down the pride in her voice when she called out, “Detention, boys!”
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moonstruckme · 1 year
Aight just an idea I had. I like this song called Alabama song by the doors, it reminds me of cowboys dancing around a fire whimsically. Well I’d love if it was either the Marauders (or just Sirius, I’m weak for him) maybe on the run, have a campfire and whimsically dance around it, giggling, laughing and drinking. Anyway just a one shot idea, have a good one!
Thanks for requesting my love! I thought this might fit with apocalypse!marauders so I decided to take it in that direction, hope that's alright :)
apocalypse poly!marauders x fem!reader ♡ 1.1k words
You’ve decided to chance a fire. You and Remus had cast the best protections you could around your little camp, and though you know the smoke is still a risk, the nights have gotten too cold to go without. 
Your shoulders ache from your turn carrying the backpack this afternoon (though you’d rather die than complain about it, lest James never allow you to contribute again) and the soles of your shoes have worn so thin that the balls of your feet are sore and tender. Remus cracks his neck this way and that, leaning back on his hands as James builds up the fire, the radio blaring softly a few feet away. It’s your constant companion, the first thing you all unpack every night. You’re each too recognizable to risk going into public to try and gather intelligence, so the radio is all you have. Aside from when they list the names of the dead, you’ve mostly begun tuning it out. The government is disorganized, the economy is failing, blah blah blah. None of it matters while the death eaters are in control of the ministry. Frankly, it’s their problem now; the rest of you have larger concerns. 
Sirius plants himself between you and Remus, digging through the pack. “Perk up, buttercups.” He nudges you, a nearly full bottle of firewhiskey now in hand. “I know what’ll make you two stop moaning and groaning.” 
You look at the bottle skeptically, but Remus’ lips quirk upwards and he holds out a hand for it. 
“Attaboy, Moons,” Sirius says, passing it to him. 
Remus takes a swig. “How long have you been hiding this?”
“I haven’t hidden anything,” Sirius contests, grimacing as he takes a sip himself. “It’s been in the bottom of the pack for anyone to find. I just thought we could use it after a day like today.” 
You nod. The day hadn’t been eventful, but maybe that was what had made it so disheartening. The sky had clouded over around midmorning and stayed that way, making your now humdrum routine of trekking through the woods to stay ahead of death eaters that might be tracking you even drearier than usual. Today was the fifth day without even coming close to a town, and you’re beginning to feel like you’re not much help to the resistance at all (though Remus insists that staying alive until you’re needed is the best you all can do right now). The atmosphere had heavied around the four of you, bogged down by gloom and weariness. 
Sirius waggles the bottle in front of you tantalizingly. You take a swig, and the burn is so intense it’s a miracle you don’t spit it right out, gagging. James laughs as he swipes the bottle from you. 
“Don’t suppose you brought mixers too?” you manage. 
“Nope.” Sirius pats your back sympathetically. “Sorry, dollface.” 
“I’ll get used to it.” 
You take turns passing the bottle around, and you do get used to it, your chest warming pleasantly as the ache of your muscles fades into the background. The boys’ limbs seem to be loosening too, their laughter freer and more raucous than it’s been in the weeks since your world and sense of safety was burnt to ash and scattered on the wind. James has the idea of playing spin the bottle, but it only ends in Sirius demanding everyone kiss him regardless of who the bottle points to. Remus lies on the ground and attempts to teach you all the few constellations he remembers from Sinistra’s Astronomy class, but after finding Orion the practice descends into the rest of you pointing out which stars are clustered together to look like dicks or boobs. 
“See,” James insists, shoulder bumping into yours as he points, “those two little ones are the nipples.”
“They’re nowhere near the same size,” Sirius observes. 
“And do you have a problem with disproportionate tits?” you question boldly, to which Sirius only laughs, making a show of pawing at your chest before suddenly going still. 
You tense, scanning the treeline automatically, but Sirius only sets a placating hand on your shoulder, cocking his ear. “They’re playing music,” he says. 
You’re quiet for a moment more, and sure enough, there’s a faint melody crackling through the radio. James reaches over to turn the dial and the sound amplifies, a faint twanging and a slow, accented voice. It’s some American country song, both upbeat and laidback at once. 
“They never play music anymore,” you whisper, as if afraid the broadcasters will hear you and shut it off. 
Remus hums. “It has seemed like a slow day,” he suggests. “Maybe there’s nothing left to report.” 
Sirius hops up, wobbling just a little once he gets on his feet. “Dance with me, Moons.” 
Remus scoffs lightly, sprawled out comfortable and languid on the soft grass. “I think I’ll let you show us how it’s done.” Sirius shrugs gamely, beginning to spin around and kick out his feet sloppily. “Just don’t get too close to the fire,” Remus warns. “That’d be a humbling way to go during wartime.” 
“Or original,” Sirius proposes, but he dances back from the edge of the pit. 
James laughs as Sirius mimes a lasso, ensnaring you and tugging you toward him. You get to your feet obligingly, clasping your hands with his and moving to the rhythm. You don’t know the words to the song, but you hum along anyway, the both of you glowing orange in the firelight. You must make it look fun, because soon James has coaxed Remus up and they’re dancing beside you, the four of you trading partners every second and twirling each other around. James thinks it’s called do-si-do-ing, but none of you actually know and it doesn’t actually matter. You’re happier than you have been in weeks, happier even than when James had stolen that still-warm pie from a bakery and you’d all eaten it out of the tin. 
The song ends, eventually, and James makes you all go to bed so that you can hopefully get a full eight hours before the camp’s protective charms wear off in the morning and you have to set out again. You’re all crammed onto two pushed-together sleeping pads for warmth as the fire dies down to embers, the night sky big and open above you as the chill seeps through your blankets and two layers of clothes straight to your bones. The boys’ breathing evens out one by one, Sirius’ elbow jutting into your side while Remus’ stubble scratches at your cheek. You’ll wake the next morning cold and sore all over, and that’s alright.
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logolepsy-babble · 4 days
Marauders in the Riordanverse
(I’m bored and I randomly thought what if they were in the Riordanverse?)
Camp Half-Blood
Cabin 1 - Zeus
- Emmeline Vance
- Aurora Sinistra (adopted by Hera)
Cabin 4 - Demeter
- Frank Longbottom
Cabin 5 - Ares
- Edgar Bones
- Amelia Bones
- Kingsley Shacklebolt
- Ludo Bagman
Cabin 6 - Athena
- Regulus Black
- Sirius Black
- Rita Skeeter
- Lucinda Talkalot
Cabin 7 - Apollo (Greek)
- Poppy Pompfrey
Cabin 8 - Artemis (Hunters)
- Marlene McKinnon (quit)
- Alice Fortescue
Cabin 9 - Hephaestus
- James Potter
- Arthur Weasley
- Pandora Rosier
Cabin 10 - Aphrodite
- Bertha Jorkins
- Zara Zambini
Cabin 11 - Hermes
- Peter Pettigrew
- Gideon Prewett
- Fabian Prewett
- Molly Prewett
Cabin 12 - Dionysus
- Rose Rosmerta
Cabin 15 - Hypnos
- Xenophilius Lovegood
Cabin 16 - Nemesis
- (arguably) Dorcas Meadowes
- Quirinus Quirrel
Cabin 17 - Nike
- Hestia Jones
Cabin 18 - Hebe
- Rubeus Hagrid
- Charity Burbage
Cabin 19 - Tyche
- Elphias Doge
Cabin 20 - Hecate
- Sybill Trelewaney
Camp Jupiter
Children of Neptune
- Amos Diggory
Children of Bacchus
- Florence Greengrass
- Severus Snape
Children of Mars
- Dedalus Diggle
- Bellatrix Black
- Narcissa Black
Children of Minerva
- Minerva McGonagall
Children of Bellona
- Albus Dumbledore
- Emma Vanity
- Aberforth Dumbledore
Descendant of Hercules
- Lily Evans
Children of Apollo (Roman)
- Remus Lupin
- Septima Vector
- Dorcas Meadowes
- Marlene McKinnon
- Benjy Fenwick
- Sturgis Podmore
- Caradoc Dearborn
- Mary Macdonald
Norse (but not dead)
- Lucius Malfoy (son of Víðarr)
- Tom Riddle/Voldemort (son of Loki)
- Alastor Moody
- Barty Crouch Jr (son of Tyr)
- Evan Rosier (son of Hel)
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nightingale2004 · 8 months
To my snape people. Allow me to present an idea I saw on tiktok.
So what if after the post-prank that was placed on Severus. He was so traumatized that he was sent home early, and after some time, he never had any sleep since he was always waking up due to night terrors and he gets punished for it by his father.
Snape was then eventually kicked out of his home, Severus was on the streets. So after a long thought, he decided to cast obliviate on himself. He erased every memory he had of the bullying, the pain, the abuse, the pranks, and even Lily, but he kept the memories of the good times of Hogwarts and the friends he actually had (Charity Burbage and Aurora Sinistra)
It was like he was a whole new different person. He was calmer, his hair was less greasy, he was happy, and he made new friends in Cokeworth who helped him out with money and everything, and he made potions for them, but never told them what it actually was.
When he came back to Hogwarts and Remus, and surprisingly, James and Lily went to check on him. He didn't remember anything about them and went on with his day.
James, Lily, and Remus were shocked. They tried to get answers, but Charity stopped them and then let it slip that he casted obliviate on himself (on purpose). Lily is now mad, James and Remus are confused.
You guys can figure out the rest because this is all I got.
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witchygfsgf · 13 days
rarepairs i think would be interesting but there's no love for
remus lupin/frank longbottom: 10/10 would read
hestia jones/edgar bones: hufflepuff4hufflepuff, bi4bi, adhd x autism <33
charity burbage/aurora sinistra: not quite academic rivals but, like tutor!aurora with top grades and tutee!charity both with very repressed feelings leading into a romance when they're teachers. perfection.
benjy fenwick/any man ever: i have a specific image in mind and that image is the gayest gay to ever gay
peter pettigrew/james or remus: the fact that both of these have less fics than jegulus makes me viscerally upset, like not hating but they're the main group?? you didn't play around with the dynamic a lil bit?? anyway pete thought all boys felt that way about each other but, growing up more involved in muggle culture (hc but it feels right to me, half blood tho) where it was less accepting of homosexuality, learned to repress it. remus, being the first person in hogwarts that showed him kindness by allowing him into the group when the others didn't want him, that's so good to have blossom into something else, even one sided, and i think every marauder had a crush on james at one point. love it love it love it
emma vanity/lucinda talkalot: lesbian quidditch rivals need i say more. emma being very committed to keeping her position as captain and lucinda sweeping in and claiming the title after she was injured in a match. actually as im writing this my brain is being flooded with headcanons. they...
barty crouch jr/being banned from being spoken about in fandom: hate this bitch.
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sommerregenjuniluft · 11 months
@jegulus-microfic - october 31 - halloween - 745words
insp by @regscupid october 3rd microfic <3
“Say ‘I am going to abduct you, earthling.’”
“I look stupid.”
“You look properly scary.”
“I have wobbly eyes on my head.”
“Don’t see what one thing has to do with the other, love,” James grins cheekily from behind Regulus in the mirror and then gives him a loud smooch on his cheek.
Regulus rolls his eyes and hopes the green-ish face paint over his nose covers his blush.
“Ready to go, Hazza?” James calls up the stairs.
There’s a giggle from the floor above, a few quiet steps and then Harry jumps down two at a time within sight of them with a loud Grawr.
James playfully jumps in place and clutches his chest with a gasp as Harry erupts into evil snickers.
The young boy comes bounding down the rest of the stairs in his skeleton onesie and black and white face paint that’s only minutely smudged (as of now) and holds up his sweets bucket that his father told him to get from his room. 
This one is distracted fighting to pull his spider legs shoulder straps over his thick coat so Regulus gives Harry a nod and a smirk and reaches his hand out to him, “C’mon. Shoes on and then off we go.”
“Yeah!” Harry yells with elation and passes his plastic pumpkin bucket off to Regulus.
It’s still light outside when they start their walk around the neighborhood.
James tells Harry to look out for the houses with Halloween decoration, anything creepy– candles, spiderwebs, carved pumpkins.
It only takes two houses down the sidewalk before Harry gasps and points at a prettily decorated front door.
James gives his son a warm smile, nodding, telling him to go on, as he snakes an arm around Regulus’ waist, pulling him closer into his side.
It’s not particularly cold but Regulus lets himself melt into James’ ridiculously puffy jacket with a sigh anyways. He’s warm and he smells good, like his cologne and their laundry detergent and the glass of mulled wine they shared before getting ready. 
He burrows further into James’ scarf around his neck as he watches Harry skip up the stairs, two pointy-toothed pumpkins out front, white cotton wool and black, little paper bats adorning the railing.
Harry rings the bell and then hastily presses himself against the outside wall next to the door, holding a finger to his lips as he looks wide-eyed and breathless back at them.
Regulus’ chest feels so full he might burst.
The door opens and a middle aged woman with a witch’s hat peeks around with a bowl of chocolates in her hand.
She has barely time to look confused at James and Regulus before little Harry jumps out of his hiding spot with a shrill, “Trick or treat!”
The woman yelps in a genuine fashion and throws an admonishing look over at him and James as Harry falls into a little giggle fit. “Well, thank goodness I’m no 60 something year old with poor blood pressure,” she says good-naturedly, crouching down in front of Harry with a smile to let him choose his pick. 
Regulus shifts his weight from one foot to the other a little uneasily at the thought of Harry actually giving one of the pensioners in their neighborhood a heart attack.
“As young and fresh as always, Miss Sinistra.” James says with a charming grin.
The woman grumbles a little and fixes James with a look when Harry turns his back to her to join the two of them again, “You fellas should dial it down a notch or two.”
When Regulus looks over again, James seems a little bashful as he smiles brightly, “Noted.”
Satisfied with that, apparently, she softens right up and gives them another pointed look, smug smile on her lips, “Happy Halloween to you.”
“Happy Halloween, dear neighbor,” James responds, squeezing Regulus’ waist knowingly.
Regulus curses quietly, giving Sinistra a wave, smiling strained.
“Happy Halloweeeen,” Harry shouts, racing past them and they quickly turn to follow.
Regulus gnaws on the inside of his lower lip while he feels James radiate with glee next to him, who waits until Harry is further down the sidewalk out of earshot before he leans down and rasps into Regulus ear, “Seems like she didn’t forget the way I fucked you against the window last year, after all.”
Regulus jams his elbow forcefully into James’ side.
The puffy-jacketed bastard doesn’t do much besides chuckle and pull Regulus into a kiss.
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hrhwilliamfox · 28 days
mulciber names + snape gang help
im looking into snape gang, ive always been interested in them and never really sat down with them fully anything for beginners (omg it sounds like a lecture or smth) on mulciber or even group dynamics (fic recs welcome!!)
anyway point of this, is that mulciber dearest, commonly shipped with sev, does not have a first name? ive heard seth, aurum malvolio and wolfric all before,
so my questions are; which name is commonly used by fandom or which do you prefer and why?
my breakdown for it and potential headcanons incoming (lemme know how much this interferes with collective fanon or even your own personal reading of it, im always so happy to chat abt anything marauders, especially debates!!)
Seth, no personal collection to it a i've heard its from a fanfic of a sort that i ofc have not read. seth x sev sounds funny and a bit of a tongue twsiter. also as a pureblood mass believer this man would be stacked with latin names
aurum, meaning glowing dawn. ive heard this used because of its connection to vulcan (or hephaestus) with fire and armory. i like it for a few reasons lore wise and then just name wise. as a name, the dawn is associated (at least to me) with new beginnings a new rise, a new dawn. i also hear that lion king speech in dream's voice about the sun and kingdom. so very ethereal and kingly befitting for him i'd say. the more convoluted lore section is something you're going to have to trust me on for a bit. aurum and auora are such twin names, so sinistra and him as twins! different last names of course, either due to marriage after hogwarts or more interestingly for me, seperated at birth. with the second narrative i'd say its a sonya (lizzy) and newt situation from the maze runner, lost and never found. however them interacting in the same group and displaying twin behaviour without them knowing is terribly tragic and dramatically ironic.
malvio, wont stay here long because far too close to marvolo for my liking HOWEVER its a shakespeare name and william my dearest namesake deserves all the respect in the history of ever. so. it means ill will, irony at its finest. bonus points if theres a benvolio (good will) in the hogwarts scene at current. these are also italian names and thus mulciber must be italian i wont accept it otherwise.
wolfric. honestly the one im leaning most towards, the most simple the most funny and the most ironic. all because of dearest remus lupin. severus calling his beloved his bestfriend the one that dramatically pines over him while sev believes hes unlovable being called "wolf" as a nickname and remus flinching every god forsaken time it happens is comedy (tragedy?) gold. after 5th year he started calling remus by "wolf" too and mulciber is absolutely betrayed by this fact and will not buy into the "lupin is a werewolf" conspiracy whatsoever, so just very fun stuff with the name wolfric!!
give me your thoughts!!! give me them all!!! love my fandom love to chat <3
whilst writing tags: FUCKING BRUCE??? TUMBLR YOU CALL HIM BRUCE??????????
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thehalfbloodedwitch · 2 years
Could you do a romance fanfic between reader and Harry Potter if possible? 💜 Thankyou
hello sweetie! Thank you so much for requesting this, I needed to write for Harry as it has been long. I really hope you liked this fic!
Cold Winter (H.p. x reader)
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Pairing- Harry x Femreader
Summary- Harry’s sweater has gone missing! He has tried searching for it everywhere, but with no luck...until he goes to his wonderful girlfriend to find it and sees a sight to behold forever!| Fluff
House- Slytherin
Requested by- an anon
Meanings- B/n= Book’s name
Words- 1,651 words
Harry Potter Masterlist Main Masterlist
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Today was one of the days when the weather was at its peak, it was the month of December and it was snowing heavily. Everyone’s noses and cheeks were a blush color because of the cold and Harry too was red completely.
He had thought it wasn’t that cold, but nature proved him wrong as he slipped his hands inside the pockets of his robes and went to his next class.
“If I go now, how much time would it take for me to go and get my sweater? The Gryffindor Tower is almost a 20-minute walk, and class starts within 10 minutes...maybe I’ll take it later” he muttered to himself as he started walking to his Potions class.
The dungeon's classroom made the room radiate a little warmth to him, he rubbed his hands under the table to keep himself warmer during this cold day.
The class started and as usual Professor Snape gave his boring lectures which no one was interested in. Everyone near him were talking among themselves as Harry turned to talk to his Gryffindor friends, which the whole school by now knows, Ron and Hermione.
“You didn’t get your sweater?” Ron asked as he himself was wearing a sweater with gloves but still was cold, “Didn’t get enough time, thought it would be less cold” he replied rubbing his hands again.
“You should have known, it’s December for Godric’s sake!” Hermione scolded him as her eyes then diverted to the class. Ron looked at him and signaled him, asking him if he would want his sweater to which Harry swayed his head in a no. Ron still insisted on wearing at least his gloves and without a second thought, he removed his gloves and handed them to Harry.
Harry’s hands were still better at getting warmth than his whole body, all thanks to Ron. As the class ended, Harry sprinted out of the class but as he was going to head out, Snape had to call HIM out of everyone in the class.
“Mr. Potter, I have noticed you haven’t written anything in my class...you will have to clean this classroom as detention and 10 points from Gryffindor” he sneered and Harry mentally rolled his eyes, it was no new thing for Harry to receive detention even though half of the class wrote nothing.
He sighed and turned to Ron and Hermione and motioned them to go and they simply nodded and left without arguing as Snape already deducted 10 points from Gryffindor, and they didn’t want more points to be deducted.
Harry had to clean the classroom, which wasn’t so bad, it could have been worse as he had once been asked to clean the Potions classroom after some student had made a huge mess in the class and he had to clean it without magic.
The class was anyways clean just here and there bits of paper scattered around the floor that needed to be picked up.
As he finished his cleaning he then went out of the class and went for his last and final class, Astronomy which was apparently only TODAY, being conducted in the Astronomy Tower which was miles away.
Harry then sprinted and ran in the direction of the Tower and as he reached the Tower, he had to climb the stairs all the way up. “Are you kidding me?” he huffed and climbed the stairs.
As he reached the class Professor Sinistra asked, “Mr. Potter, why are you late for the class?”
“Professor I had detention..” he said breathlessly as Professor Sinistra nodded and Harry went and attended his last and final class,
After that run, he indeed felt warm but as he stood and listened to the class he started feeling cold once again, he tried rubbing his hands to keep him warm while Ron rolled his eyes and said “Next time, get your sweater no matter what”
“Done,” he said and then listened to the rest of the class.
As the class ended he then went down the stairs, a cold wind blew as they reached the castle. “I am going to get my sweater, you guys go on” Harry said and they both nodded and started walking away as Hermione was in a deep conversation with Ron.
Harry then went to the Gryffindor Tower and as he walked he saw the snow slowly falling onto the leaves of trees, the courtyard was fully covered in snow like a white blanket was spread over it.
He indeed liked winter, it was a beautiful season after all but, he didn’t like to be cold. He then climbed the Gryffindor Tower stairs and then went straight to his dorm, he opened the door and closed it.
Then he went through all of his clothes, “Umm, I swear I kept it right…. here….” he said and made almost a mess of the clothes he had kept neatly folded.
He huffed giving up, “I had kept my sweater right here, where could it have gone?” he asked himself and sighed.
He tried thinking of places he would have left it, but nothing. He didn’t even use it until today when he needs it the most is when it gets lost somewhere.
He cursed under his breath for not getting more sweaters, he did have many more sweaters but he left them at the Burrow.
Harry was in deep thought when he suddenly thought of someone, not a place, a person who could have taken his sweater, that person was the only one who would have taken his sweater from his dorm as no one else would have taken it.
He then got up and folded his clothes neatly and then sprang himself towards the Slytherin Dorms, he knew his wonderful girlfriend must have taken his sweater and he just wanted to check for himself.
He then went and waited outside the Slytherin stone door through which he could enter the Slytherin common room and Y/n’s dorm.
“Y/n!! Can you just come out and let me in!” he shouted from outside the door.
“What is your problem-, Oh Harry!” Daphne Greengrass, Y/n’s friend, exclaimed and Harry motioned as though asking if he could come in to which Daphne gladly allowed him to.
“Wanna see Y/n huh?” she asked wiggling her eyebrows to which Harry rolled his eyes and replied sarcastically “No, of course not I was here for someone else named Y/n who happens to be my girlfriend” which Daphne laughed to.
She then stopped right outside your dorm and said “Here’s where I leave you, Harry!” in a dramatic way to which Harry laughed and Daphne left.
Harry knocked on your dorm door to which you responded with a sweet “come in” as though you were engrossed in something else. Harry opened the door to a sight he wished he could capture in a camera forever.
You were sitting on your bed, with a book in your hands, reading it. The sun’s rays reflected from the water and created a beautiful watery sunlight effect which was reflected on your desk and your legs were spread on the bed, a pillow on your stomach, and eyes sparkling as though something good just happened in your own fantasy world of the book.
Harry smiled even wider when he noticed you, wearing his sweater, he just couldn’t help but feel a million butterflies in his stomach, lips in a permanent smile and eyes swelled with love.
He went forward and sat just beside you and was still grinning and not taking eyes off of you for even a second.
“Darling, what are you reading?” he asked still looking at you, “Oh, I am reading B/n, and I am literally in love with this book!” you exclaimed as you smelled his cologne from his sweater which you were wearing, It gave you a secure feeling, and as you looked towards him you couldn’t help but smile too at him.
You then went and wrapped your arms around him and he too went and wrapped his around your waist.
As you felt a cold hand on your waist you then remembered you had taken Harry’s sweater which happened to be the only one you found in his closet. “Harry you are freezing!” you exclaimed as you went and got a black hoodie that you owned and tossed it over to him, which he gladly took and wore.
“Better?” you asked “Yeah, much better,” he said and wrapped his hands again around your waist to which you laughed as you knew he wanted attention from you.
So you went and placed a bookmark in your book and placed it on your desk and went and laid on your bed and motioned him to come and cuddle you. He, without a second thought, jumped on your bed and bear-hugged you tightly as you giggled.
You comfortably positioned yourself in his arms and wrapped yours around him too.
As you both cuddled, the coldness which had engulfed Harry before soon vanished into thin air as he had the world in his arms, radiating warmth to him.
As he looked down at you he saw how beautiful and peaceful you looked in his arms and the smile on your lips which wasn’t wearing off so soon.
He tucked a strand of hair behind your ear and kissed your forehead and whispered “I will marry you in the future Y/n, I will” and he too then slowly drifted off to a peaceful slumber with Y/n in his arms.
His life was complete, just needed a ring to be added to this amazing relationship.
TAGS- @blackthunder137 @spring-picnics @gachabella23 @eichenhouseproperty @raajali3 @favblkgirl @zmxchs @ravenqueen777
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atlasdoe · 5 months
today (May 2nd) marks an entire year since i last updated Only Survivors so to prove to you that i am actually writing the next chapter here's a snippet
"And where are your school friends today, Severus?" Emmeline asked, feeling the blood rush into her ears with each word.
Snape looked unfazed. "One of them Is currently working at Hogwarts alongside me," he answered with a smile. Aurora Sinistra, Emmeline recalled.
Snape went on. "Another is working with children across the UK. She's helping provide homes for those who lost their parents during the war." Charity Burbage. "I'm not sure what one of them is doing. After the war he left and I haven't heard from him since."
Emmeline had a hard time placing that one before Remus scoffed with an eye roll. "Yeah, that's because he wasn't just a Death Eater but a liar," he accused, causing Emmeline to remember. Ah yes, Edmund Avery Jr.
Severus shrugged, but didn't say anything in response, he just continued. "Two of them were killed during the war." Evan Rosier and Juliette Wilkes. "And the last..." he sighed and finished his drink. "The last is in Azkaban." Bruce Mulciber.
Emmeline expected Snape to show some kind of remorse. She thought that he would cry or admit that he didn't spend their school years with the right people as she had seen Pandora do so many times since Frank and Alce's torture. Only Snape didn't seem sorry at all. Instead, he turned to Remus.
"Two are successful," he said simply. "That's something you wouldn't be able to relate to."
Remus' jaw clenched but he stayed silent. Snape smirked slightly and spoke again. "Two are successful," he repeated. "One I haven't heard from in years, two were killed and the last is in Azkaban." Their eyes locked as Snape's smirk grew. "What was that you were saying? About how different we are?"
"Don't you dare," Remus hissed, standing up despite his bad knees and pushing the table away. "Your friends killed my friends!"
"My friends had nothing to do with the death of Lily, James and Peter," Snape argued, also standing up and mirroring Remus' stance leaning across the table. "The person who killed your friends is called Sirius Black, and you know more than anyone that he is anything but my friend." Snape's head tilted, as his face suddenly grew an amused expression. "What was he to you, Lupin?" he mocked.
Remus' face did something that Emmeline had never seen it do before. All expression of anything gentle had been replaced with what could only be described as his wolf side coming out. She, along with Gilderoy both held their breath as they watched the two men stand off.
In the past six years that Emmeline had gotten to know Snape and Remus after the war, she knew that neither of their first insistences would be violent, but at that moment it looked as if Remus was about to transform into the wolf and kill Snape there and then. Snape's face still held the cruel smile. He knew that he struck the exact nerve that he wanted to and as much as Emmeline wanted to hate him for it, she couldn't. Snape was right. They really weren't that different after all.
Something in Remus' eyes told Emmeline that he was thinking the same. She didn't know if she should've prepared herself for him to hit Snape or hug him. In the end, he did what she really should've expected him to do all along, considering it's all he ever seems to be capable of. Remus didn't face the facts head on or even try to deny them. He just drew back and walked away.
That was the difference between them, Emmeline realised. At least Snape had the courage to not run away from his past.
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sinistraes · 4 months
I don't do stuff like these, but um. TEASER!?!? OMG???
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I'm not entirely sure on how i would do a damn teaser 😭 so i pulled out my notes app (light mode, shh...) and just took this tiny little sentence, or dialogue, idk. i hope I'll be able to publish this this or next week, i planned this shit out too ☹️
and this is x reader, hahahahahahahaa .......
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kimberlyannharts · 7 months
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LAST TIME ON MMPR: THE RETURN: Twenty years ago the Rangers went through some SHIT that broke up the team and left Kimberly a depressed hot mom. (Oops, spoilers.) So when Trini's niece Selena shows up at her doorstep demanding to become the next Power Ranger, it's the perfect opportunity for her to do some traumadumping.
it's MMPR: The Return #2!
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= that's not cranberry and squid juice
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= The intentional misdirection of Rita going to get *someone*, and then having her yell for Squatt, is honestly genius
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= First of all I love how this book skews darker and more mature but still has elements of classic PR camp like this big villain-ending bomb being called a "Benevolator"
= Second of all I'm glad this book is furthering the implication from the show that Kim does understand Billy's talk perfectly well, it's just that she thinks it's annoying
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= [It's Always Sunny jingle] Rita still gets killed
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= So according to Matt Hotson in an interview they weren't sure how they were going to get away with this until Nico Leon suggested making the arrow an energy beam, because clear onscreen stabbing is okay as long as there's no blood. All that matters is KIMBERLY GETS TO MURDER!!!!!!!!!!!
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= and yes they both knew that Kim was pregnant rather than my prediction that she didn't find out until afterwards, which, surprisingly, makes me want to chew glass even more
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= Tomberly hug, Tomberly i love you, Tomberly forehead touch, and Tomberly kiss all in rapid succession on the same page but GOD at what cost
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= maybe it's because my emotions are running high throughout this whole issue but why did that little "what...?" make me so emotional kjkjkf i guess imagining Zedd of all people saying something with that kind of vulnerable tone, and it being possibly his last word alive, got to me
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= BOOM really said "hey, it's been long enough since the last time Kim had to watch Tommy die in front of her, hasn't it"
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= the way the issue keeps pushing the fact that they don't know what the Benevolator would do and they don't know what happened exactly is fueling my delusion of Tommy coming back somehow. idk I refuse to let my White Husband/Pink Wife/Green Daughter concept go!!!!!!!!!!!
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= Funnily enough, even though the twist calls into question if Sylvia even has a daughter, this is still more thought given to Trini's opinion on her powers being passed on than Once and Always had lol
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= Thrax if he served cunt
= so I'm still going to call her Selena because the moon reference is too good and it's really not THAT weird for her to have a normal-ish name considering her mom's name was literally RITA. we just have to give her a cool alliterative surname. Selena Scandola? Selena Sinistra? idk
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= so is it too soon to advocate for Tomberly Daughter/RitaZedd Daughter toxic yuri
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