#singable english lyrics
gareleia · 1 year
Singable english lyrics for Kiss The Villain
All's according to the script, down to a T, And this love will have a quick unhappy ending. All alone I stand, the spotlights all on me, But no audience is watching from the seats.
And the role assigned to me I must perform - Be the villain, so despicable and hateful. While another takes your hand into his own… Such a happy role just wasn't meant for me
The light is shining down, illuminating us While we stand there and recite our words by heart. Forced by my role, I spew my horrid lines, And it's time for me to leave and fall apart.
It doesn't matter just how much I want to hold and reassure you, Cause in this story I can never change the ending. But if I have to be the bad guy, if you really have to hate me - Then I'll be the worst damn villain that you've seen!
Such a one-dimensional, cliche good girl Couldn't hope to be the heroine they needed. So, for happiness to ease your weary soul, You must suffer first through your defining arc.
Tears flow down your face, so flawless and so smooth, And gracefully onto the ground they drip. Each of them is fake, a calculated move. It's all pointless, nobody can fight the script.
The sun is setting on this town made out of cardboard decorations, It's dyeing our goodbyes in all its pretty colors. And all your tears and all your smiles, and all your meaningless confessions… You can drop the act, so stop with all the lies!
Background music stops, And the lights all dim. All my racing thoughts, They all suddenly become so very clear…
When the performance ends and darkness sets, can I just grab your warm hands And ran away with you while nobody is watching? But as the seconds pass, I lose my nerve: it doesn't make any sense! I don't have the time to wallow in my dreams!
So I just turn my back and leave you all alone, so strong and clever - You've won your perfect happy ending, I'm defeated! I promise you, you'll never see my face, I'm leaving you forever! …Was I bad enough for you to never forget me?
As the curtains drop, your face I cannot see…
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keeyisbored · 6 months
Orthodoxia - Guichiry ENGLISH LYRICS
I made english singable lyrics, not sure if they're the best but idk if u plan to use them please credit BoreedKeeys on youtube - that's my name there!
the-the-the god said miracles happen so often so if you believe you may just receive one pray your prayer, wholeheartedly pray by yourself, wholeheartedly devote all that of your voice devote all that of your arms devote all that of your tongue devote all yours to the lord the wishes that they wish each one of them is a life worth returning to
blind followers go marching in packs no matter who, they all simply search for a life the "correct one" thats secondary, quinary even their selfish wishes - you see, status quo even thats what broken can be reborn all anew thats all just such a stupid fucking lie thruly, there are no such things you see, once more another pretty lie.
Give up your life away each desire I will gladly take I breathe through each misforune that meets your worthless soul! devote! devote! The world was never a wonderful, place to live in any fucking way Those whom are saved by the flattering, fake idols around No correct doctrines await them.
A-A-A-Another time he has said, "miracles fool you again, such stupid fiction they say, its all a lie wont you say?" Even if, still pray on, wholeheartedly pray all by yourself, wholeheartedly devote all that of your all devote all that of your heart devote all that of your breath pray with all yours to the lord So jealous, and envious, they all go, drown in their, greed in such, gloomy lives.
blind followers go marching in packs no matter who, they all simply search for a life the "correct one" thats not something they themselves decide self-sacrifice's = not so justified can broken leaves be alive through such miracle? only frivolous idealism floats around further, you misunderstand your belief again, once more, my voice cannot be stopped so-
Religious fanatics revolve all around whoever comes along with their ride will die the saints recite scriptures, saying "we'll die, so pray down to the lord!" Religious fanatics revolve all around whoever comes along with their ride will die the follower's runaway, laughs all alone look, hey look, so ugly isnt it?
Taking your lives away devouring each wish you say I breathe through each misforune that meets your worthless soul! doubt! oh doubt! humans was never such a wonderful, kind to live in any fucking way and those who couldn't be saved by the worthless scamfull idols around there are no more doctorines left for them.
all of your lives devoured all you had's been devoured I breathed through each misforune that has met your stupid, worthless soul "was love really not, a wonderful thing in the world?" what in the hell are you trying to imply?! hypocrite!
Your lives taken away- desires eaten up till they're gray I breathe through each misforune that meets your worthless soul! hate! such hate! So the way as I am "you reap what you sow" I say
Those who've been saved by flattering idols wandering round Their worthless, unrewarded lives worth complete nothings Their unslight stupidity and beauty of living theres no teachings left for them at all!
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nekomikulyrics · 6 months
"愛されなくても君がいる" by PinocchioP
Romaji title: Aisarenakute mo Kimi ga Iru English title: Even if I'm Not Loved, You're here Official English title: Because You’re Here Interpreted by: NekoMikuLyrics
Even if I get the worst grade, even if I fall short again If you tell me it was a good effort made in the end I'll be happy whether it's the truth or not, I'll be happy whether it's a lie or not
Even if I don't give off warmth, and even if I'm not real too, If you felt a part of me has carried itself beside you I'll be happy whether it's the truth or not, I'll be happy whether it's a lie or not
Even if the whole world stares at me with disdain in their eyes If you see me within yourself for even a moment Then all of the hopes and the dreams that I couldn't reach because I had been so afraid We'll turn them into music Even if -- I may not be loved by them, that's okay If you're still here by side I'll keep singing out, Giving voice to your thoughts and feelings It's alright! I may not be loved by them, that's okay If I can paint a smile on your face Then from that day on -- I'll stay Hatsune Miku 'til we're gone.
As time keeps ticking on by, we butt our heads and we fight But when we do, you still tell me that you love me so I hope it's true though I fear it's a lie, I want to know but I am scared to try
Even if those who swore to stay are nowhere in our sights If you're still here with me it's enough for me to get by A familiar and fond melody, one that sounds so artificial and yet sounds so real Weaves kindness into a song And it goes--
I may not be loved by them, that's okay If you're still here by side I'll keep singing out Touching your heart with a trembling voice It's alright, I may not be loved by them, that's okay. If you still want me to try Then from that day on -- I'll stay Hatsune Miku 'til we're gone.
I may not be loved by them, that's okay Buried in what remains, I'm a planetary stray, Orbiting the world from perspectives that were convenient for us I may not be loved by them, that's okay Because in this world of music, one made up of odds and ends I think I've found something new that's really and truly unique
I may not be loved by them, that's okay If you're still here by side I'm always going to sing Giving voice to your thoughts and feelings It's alright! Even when the party's over and done, making you smile has only just begun Then from that day on -- I'll stay Hatsune Miku 'til we're gone!
Notes & Thoughts Under The Break
Man this is one of those PinocchioP songs that always gets me in my feelings for Miku. She's been like a friend that I grew up with since I was thirteen, and it's incredible to see that she's had that effect on so many people around the world <3 When I was listening to it again, I knew I wanted it to be one of the first songs I put on this blog.
While writing this, I ended up swapping out the opening line to the chorus like three different times and going through a couple drafts. Part of what was driving me crazy was the words 'even if' are repeated SO much in the original lyrics and in mine, but I felt like changing it to something else constantly would make it confusing, and I tried to look at it from a lyrical and narrative perspective rather than a novel-like one like I'm used to writing. I attempted to make it so it stresses that, essentially, this coming and going to and falling in and out of love with Miku isn't new to her. So it's 'even if you do this, even if you do that, I will still be here', and I think it's plain and simple and good as it is.
I think I'm happy with what I settled on though, and I kept it the same throughout every chorus. Originally I had it switch part way through and I was like 'why??? did I do that???' ... A huge part of my process is listening to a line or two of the song to get the melody, then referencing the original translated lyrics to compose my own, and constantly looping and singing it back to make sure it's actually singable to everyone (hopefully) and not just my brain lmao.
I'm aiming to make the lyrics wordy enough that they can follow the melody of the originals, but not so wordy that you're about to bust out into 'Kitchen Sink' by Tyler Joseph (aka, singing at 90 mph). Anywho, enjoy!
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cto10121 · 9 months
Really sucks there isn't an official karaoke of this song, so you'll have to contend with this echo-y version of “Als Jij.” Love the Dutch version, and all, but it is a bit different than the Austrian. Ah, well. This is a mic test above all.
The Way You Do (Wie Du)
Elisabeth Mama’s having fam’ly over How boring it will be All the aunts and all the cousins Are coming here
How I wish I could escape from All that gossip and all the fuss But my governess won’t let me She says I must
Father, can’t I go with you To hunt or fish?
Max It can’t be done Elisabeth But all the things you like I like them even more
Max Your place is here with Mother
Elisabeth Writing poetry and stories Or riding in the wind I want to live The way you do
Max: Life is too short to waste it on family gatherings. And with our family, it’s best to avoid them like the plague.
Elisabeth: I know!
Elisabeth Father, why can’t I go with you To have some fun?
Max Your mother wants you here to help support your sister
Elisabeth Or dance along a tightrope In the sun?
Max Helena will be Empress for sure
Elisabeth Or play games with all my brothers In the backyard where we run?
Max It simply can’t be done
Elisabeth But my governess won’t let me It just isn’t done
Max I need to leave right now
Elisabeth Father, can’t I go with you To see the sights?
Max With any luck, I’ll be back home by tomorrow
Elisabeth Just as far as Egypt, Spain, or Katmandu?
Max Time to part
Elisabeth Like a gypsy running wild With a zither in my arm I’d do what I love
Max: Adieu, Sisi.
Elisabeth And love what I do
Max: Be brave.
Elisabeth How I long to live The way you do...
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phantomguitar · 2 years
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»» ──────ஓ๑☩๑ஓ ────── ««     ❝ ᴀʟʟ  ᴛʜᴇ  ᴘᴇᴏᴘʟᴇ   in  the  world  don’t  know  my  name,  when  i’m  finished  they’ll  all  be  winning  the  game.   when  i’m  here  they  can’t  look  in  my  eyes,  don’t  want  you  to  fear  me  but  see  me  for  real.   looking  at  myself  and  thinking  that  i’m  crazy,  are  we  all  not  just  the  SAME? ❞
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hydnes · 2 years
"jeremy how can you tell the norwegian is more engaging than the english when you don't speak norwegian" well the lyrics rhyme and i can hear that, first of all lmao
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Meleanor's lullaby English lyrics
This is not a direct translation, it's singable lyrics that I made for an English cover
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Love, you are safe here, cradled in warmth
All I have, my starlight and my pride, my joy 
Even now, I am watching over you
Let’s stay together, dear
Nothing to fear, though we will part and dreams won’t last
Rest well tonight, my dearest, now rest in my arms
Listen to these words I sing,
I pray you will walk towards the light
And never be lost 
In sweet dreams for life
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denofven · 7 months
I tried to translate 『 Rakka Girl 』 !
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[ official image source ]
★ Disclaimer: I'm an english speaking casual student of the language and my translation is in no way anything but amateur, I mainly rely on kanji dictionaries and researching individual syntax with very slight MTL assistance. I started to translate Ikigusare songs late last year for myself in order to simply gain a personal understanding of the music and thought I'd share what I have for others now that the idols are finding traction in western spaces. very open to critique!
『Fall Girl』 English Translation [ original lyrics and singable romaji ] cw: explicit suicide mentions, suicidal ideation
Right in front of you, a girl falls from the sky This love story started from here That’s the kind of convenience you wish for, right? Just now, I felt like flying through the sky I might as well fulfill that desire Removing my shoes and arranging them properly,¹ Climbing over the fence, aiming for the top of your head Diving, diving
There! Make sure to catch me In a freefall I make my approach to you Now! Together our journey in the afterlife begins Don’t say such things as “don’t take me” or “don’t involve me” Take responsibility and go out with me, okay?
I looked for a chance atop the apartments I tried to ambush you You make for a moving target after all Hitting it properly will be troublesome In the love letter hidden in your shoebox, I wrote that I’d wait for you behind the complex My chest swelling in anticipation, with ulterior motives I restlessly turn to face you Diving, diving There! Make sure to catch me In a freefall I make my approach to you Now! Together our journey in the afterlife begins Don’t say such things as “don’t take me” or “don’t involve me” Take responsibility and go out with me, okay?
¹ A pair of shoes left on a rooftop denotes suicide and jumping to one’s death. A concrete source was hard to find, though I found a few reasons suggesting why ranging from the separation of life and death akin to entering a house, to leaving behind a mark that you were here. You’ve probably seen it in things like anime and manga too ^^
i LOVE this song and mv... the pov nature of the final camera angle is so cool, and the guitar solo is one of the best imo! i really hope the nuance in my translated chorus comes through😁
support Ikigusare and their producer Namaichirou on their official channels! I own nothing but my rough translation
Website | Youtube | NicoNico | Twitter/X | Bandcamp | Shop
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nenestansunsthings · 10 months
hi guys. guess who spent several hours trying to figure out singable english translyrics from deep cover with only potentially inaccurate rough translations! im going to cry when the official translations come out and deeply fuck my translyrics
anyway sorry about the self hate im pretty sure youre trying to repress kotoko i wrote all the lyrics like youre talking about aspects of yourself you hate And Also The Prisoners
depending on connections that're worthless searching for warmth, a goal so vile and shameless— it's stupid, right? stupid, right? hey you're such an ass, a vicious ass, you know? you're so lame! it'll never change, but play like you're the ruler no-one is saved by this value stealer— it's stupid, right? stupid, right? hey but still "i like you", oh, "i like you"— what a pain! what don't you or this world need? i take them all on, the guilty! that's why i chose to be the fangs you bare at them all! for the hero i had craved, i'll make them fall! i've carved the answer into bones and blood "no, just stop"? but why stop? why call off the hunt? i can't be stopped! i want a reason! give me reason to bring justice down i need, i need you to give me the next hope, the next dream hiding from truth, somebody thrives, gilded and greedy but nothing stops this enduring faith, unyielding and mighty it's stupid, right? stupid, right? hey you say you can't recall, can't recall? so dull, hey imprisoned here, so unusable, in memories your verdict sways— do you call this farce just? please! it's stupid, right? stupid, right? hey i'll knock and break this door away! that's why i made you into the reason i fight at all! call them guilty, show them they're unforgivable pity only turns into an obstacle judge the evil, and hate that they're evil no, i can't stop! i want a reason! give me reason to bring justice down i need, i need you to give me the next hope, the next dream under, under i want to live to bring the justice i craved i want to crush this future that rots away it's stupid, right? stupid, right? hey, just trust me with it all that's why i am the fangs you bare at all for the hero i had craved, i'll make them fall i've carved the answer into bones and blood "no, just stop"? but why stop? why call off the hunt? i can't be stopped! i want a reason! give me reason to bring justice down i need, i need you to give me the next hope, the next dream i need, i need you to give me the next hope, the next dream not worth his life is 01, the parasite shameful and vile is 02, the whore, and too shit to change, is 04, the fake queen unsaveable is 05, dissector so quick to hide, is 07, liar unusable is 11, the warden— it's stupid, right? stupid, right? hey will you all stay behind, stay behind? you damn pains!
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great-heropon-riki · 3 months
VOID [空の箱 (井芹仁菜、河原木桃香)] translated
Follow up to my last post on the matter, the TogeToge brainrot has properly set into my mind and I went and translated the rest of VOID into singable English. I'm still very new to this, but I did my best to match the pacing and meaning of the lyrics without deviating too much from what was written. I also had a lot of fun with slant rhymes and playing with how the different phrases screw with rhyming patterns. Hopefully soon I'll work up the courage to record this soon. With that said, enjoy!
[Intro] Nothin’ left but a blank, stretching out on the page And yet all the answers, just now takin’ a shape, it’s all just a cliché But my fingers are trembling anxiously
[Verse 1] Stuck at a crossroads a lonely place no one can find Nothin’ but conflict in my mind Moving forward I want to but what should I do, I’ve no guide Everyone’s always telling me to do it by the book Yet it’s all words that I don’t understand So today is no different from those days I had to withstand
[Pre-Chorus] Would me filling up this void of space solve anything or lead me astray I look to you and cry out how would you move forward unto a new day?
[Chorus] Nothin’ left but a blank, stretching out on the page And yet all the answers, just now takin’ a shape, it’s all just a cliché But my fingers are trembling anxiously There is no right answer, just keep pushing forward All I’ve got is my life, I can only march on, that’s all there is to it No more crying, if I stay here I won’t see tomorrow’s light
[Verse 2] A map that can’t guide I find I’m lost but not my fault Path ahead is nothing but pitch dark Putting up a front but I’m not strong, still end up with the same marks Just bottling it all up to the point it overflows Glancing at others anger fills my mind I can’t even fake a smile to just protect my obstinate pride
[Pre-Chorus] If there were no blanks or voids of space left in my way, it’s easy to say it’s all a lie to think that we can just keep everything the same way
[Chorus] it’s just an empty blank, nothing left in its place Whether it is all gone, or if it’s only begun, I haven’t got a clue We got no choice but to keep moving forward What is the right answer, the worth that we hold dear All I’ve got is my life, I can only be me, that’s all I want to be No more crying, if I stay here I won’t see tomorrow’s light, ah
[Outro] yet I struggle, just to see tomorrow’s light
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sonimiki · 2 years
BT: Lower (One’s Eyes)/ロウワー
This is a base translation, meaning these are not singable/translyrics but rather a translation which seeks to provide a more direct meaning without having to worry about the constraints of rhythm/etc.
That being said, my translation style prioritizes meaning/helping English speakers to understand the beauty of the song’s lyrics over strict literal accuracy, so keep this in mind while reading.
そう簡単な祈りだった 端から
sou kantan na inori datta hana kara
That’s right– It had begun as nothing more than a simple prayer.
dandan to kieru kandan
Gradually becoming disillusioned with you,
ima kara donchou ga agaru kara
The curtain’s about to rise– it’s showtime,
shizuka na kaijou o ato ni sayonara
Thus we’ll soon say goodbye to the quietness of this theatre
iikakete ita koto ga hitotsu kiete mata fuete
I’d cut myself off from saying one thing, but soon the urge to say another would rise
senaka ni ushirometasa ga nokoru
Left with a guilty conscience ever weighing-down upon my back
shitagaitai kokorone o hakidasanu you ni komete
I wouldn’t dare obey my heart’s desires– instead bottling them all up,
mune no naka ga ori no you ni nigoru
And now it feels like my heart has been polluted with their rotten remains
uketometai koto ga jibun sae kakaerarezu
There are things in theory I’d like to come to terms with, but I just can’t
moteamashita sore o mamotte iru
I’ve been keeping them all to myself, though I might explode from it
kasunda koe wa karakara ni nodo o yaite umetsukusu
With a mangled voice, a throat that feels both completely dry and choked up at the same time,
nani o iu beki ka wakaranakute
I never know the right thing to say
kanjite ta mono ga tooku hanatarete ita
So I’d let my feelings out somewhere far, far away
onajiyou de chigau nandaka chigau
Same as always– something about it wrong, just feeling a bit wrong1
何時まで行こうか 何処まで行けるのか
itsu made ikou ka  doko made ikeru no ka
How much longer until we go? How far are we even able to go?
sadaka janai nara nani o omou no
If you “don’t know yet”, well then what’s keeping you from knowing?
僕らが離れるなら 僕らが迷うなら
bokura ga hanareru nara  bokura ga mayou nara
Should we be fated to part, should we be fated to lose one another,
sono tabi ni nankai mo tsunagareru you ni
I pray we may be reunited each and every time such a thing happens2
ここに居てくれるなら 離さずいられたら
koko ni ite kureru nara  hanasazu iraretara
If you’d just do me the honor of staying, staying and never to part,
mada dare mo shiranai  kankaku de sukuwarete iku
Then I’ll get to remain the only one who knows what this salvation feels like
heion to wa shoumou o motte kawari ni nasu
“Peace” is replaced with attrition3
jissai wa doumo kawari wa naku
But in truth, there’s hardly a difference between them
kyouraku to wa uso de naru
“Pleasure” is founded upon sin4
“hokorobu mae ni koko o dete ikou ka” to
“Why don’t we get out of here before it all goes to hell?”
tsugou no ii negai o onaji you ni onaji you ni tsubuyaku
…Again and again, I’m whispering that too-good-to-be-true wish to myself
何処から聞こうか 何を見失うか
doko kara kikou ka  nani o miushinau ka
Where to even start, what it is that I’ll lose--
sadaka janai kara koko o ugokenai
The uncertainty of it all has rendered me frozen in place
僕らが疲れるなら これ以上無いなら
bokura ga tsukareru nara  kore ijou nai nara
Should we ever tire, should we ever feel as though we can’t take anymore
sono tabi ni nankai mo nigedaseru you ni
I pray we may be able to run away from it all each and every time
心が守れる様に 奪われない様に
kokoro ga mamoreru you ni  ubawarenai you ni
So we may protect our hearts, so they may never be stolen away,
互いに託して 身体を預けてよ
tagai ni takushite karada o azukete yo
Let’s entrust them to one another-- put your trust in me
君と泣く 君と笑う 君と怒る
kimi to naku  kimi to warau  kimi to okoru
To cry with you... To laugh with you... To get angry at something with you...
君と歌う 君と踊る 君と話す
kimi to utau  kimi to odoru  kimi to hanasu
To sing with you... To dance with you... To talk with you...
itsu made tsuzuku darou to onaji you ni onaji you ni tsubuyaku
“I wonder how much longer this’ll last” Again and again, I whisper
ima wasurenai you kizumareta kuuki o
I wonder how much I’ll think back on
kore kara nando omoidasu no darou
This moment that feels so etched into my brain, in a “you’ll never be able to forget” way
bokura dake ga
Should we-- as in nobody else--
僕らが離れるなら 僕らが迷うなら
bokura ga hanareru nara  bokura ga mayou nara
Should we be fated to part, should we be fated to lose one another,
sono tabi ni nankai mo tsunagareru you ni
I pray we may be reunited each and every time such a thing happens
ここに居てくれるなら 離さずいられたら
koko ni ite kureru nara  hanasazu iraretara
If you’d just do me the honor of staying, staying and never to part,
mada dare mo shiranai kankaku de boku no ikite iru subete o tashikamete
Then please, as I live on with this feeling nobody else has yet to feel, look at that existence itself5
tadashiku shite
And tell me if it’s right
This is a line I can’t really think of a way to transcribe its wordplay into English, but essentially 違う (chigau) can mean both different and wrong. It’s being used as an antonym to 同じ (onaji), but also incorporating that double meaning in here I believe.
I know there is a popular translation going around which I think accidentally misinterprets the 様に (you ni) here to be used with the meaning of “in order to”, however I’m pretty sure the kind of 様に (you ni) here is the sort used to make wishes. Example: 神様の恵みがあります様に。= May the blessing of God be upon you
Literally “peace, as it is to be defined, exhaustion is made into its replacement”. But 消耗 (shoumou) might also refer to 消耗戦 (shoumousen), i.e. attritional warfare. This is a military strategy where a country attempts to beat the enemy by basically wearing them down until they’re flat out of resources and any real way to fight back. My personal take on this lyric is it might be referring to how in the singer’s mind, feeling “peace” has been replaced with feeling “exhaustion”. Yet “nothing has really changed”, since the singer cannot spit out thier feelings and thus bottles this “exhaustion” up despite its existence, as if peace were still present. Also just a side note, but I enjoy the wordplay here with 代わりに成す (kawari ni nasu) and 変わりはなく (kawari wa naku). 
A bit more liberal here. But I’ve only ever seen 京楽 (kyouraku) used in settings meant to evoke religious/fantastical imagery... 京楽の悪魔 (kyouraku no akuma) or a demon of pleasure, etc. 嘘 (uso) means lie but it can also refer to the more ambiguous idea of just something not beign what you thought it was... So I thought “sin” would be the best choice here, given the song’s themes. For similar reasons, I also have translated 救われる (sukuwareru) or to be saved as “salvation”.
Credit to StiglerCS_TV on Twitter for helping me to understand this line! Felt like I was all “awwww yeah I totally get this” until the very end which suddenly stumped me haha
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gareleia · 1 year
Singable english lyrics for Haiboku no Shounen
I fought so hard, I ran so fast, Still, I Just found myself Standing right back at the start.
I wanted to Become a hero worthy Of people's love, But I failed and fell apart.
Of course, I knew that Pathetic ones like me Are bound to never reach the stars!
A boy defeated Sung praise to real world That wouldn't let us fly into the bluest sky like we dream. If there's a meaning Somewhere in this dark night - Even then, we're bound to concrete.
There, in my ear: I hear a faint Buzzing. An offering Of a miracle I found.
"Your dream is to Become a mighty hero. Why don't I make It come true about now?"
When it's just handed To me so easily… Then what's the point of it at all?
A boy defeated Sung praise to living Like all the rest of us who never got our moment to shine. If there's a meaning Somewhere in this dark night - Even then, we're bound to concrete, Bound to crawl on concrete.
I feel my heartbeat And take a steady breath: "Thank you so much, but I decline!"
A boy defeated Sung praise to normal: "Promises from gods like that are just a cheap and easy way out!" I don't trust that, So you just leave me be!
(go away now)
The boy defeated Sung praise to real world That doesn't have a special fate in store for any of us. There's still a meaning To every precious night! We'll just stay here, bound to concrete, Always bound to concrete!
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this song is important to me emotionally, because I had that 'oh, I'm not actually special and I'll never be' realization pretty early in life and it wrecked me at first. honestly, there's something comforting and beautiful in knowing that you're not statistically important, that you're just like everybody else. our lives will never be like what we see in movies, most of us will never be great in any significant way. but it's still okay. our simple, boring lives still matter and we can be happy. we're not meaningless - we are the meaning, the bulk of humanity, immortalized not by being unique, but by being a part of undying, ever changing whole.
or something, idk.
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general-illyrin · 11 months
English "Voilà"
I heard "Voilà" by Emma Kok recently, and fell in love with it. Here is the original:
The singing is beautiful and the lyrics are incredible! They could be the cry of any artist (or person, in a way), whether singer, writer, or artist. Of course, I wanted to be able to sing this myself, but unfortunately, I don't speak French, so I have created an English singable version of the lyrics. This is below the cut, along with the original French lyrics for anyone interested.
Listen to me The singer, not yet full-realized. Speak about me To your loved ones, and to your friends. Speak to them of the girl with dark eyes And her crazy dreams. All I desire is to pen stirring* tales That deeply touch your soul That's all.
That's it, that's it, that's it, that's all that I am Here I am, even though I'm afraid when laid bare Here I am in the midst of noise and the silence.
See who I am Or at least what's left of me. See who I am Before I loathe all of me** What can I say that another's lips Haven't already said? It's not much, but everything I am I lay it out here, here it is***
That's it, that's it, that's it, that's all that I am Here I am, even when exposed I persist It's my voice, my cry, here I am, regardless That's all, that's all, that's all This is it, right here Me, my dreams, my desires How I die, how I laugh Here I am in the noise And in the silence
Please don't leave me I implore you to stay a while It may not save me, no But without you, I don't know how.* Please love me as you'd love a dear friend Departing forever I yearn for your love, because I don't know how To love my own contours** well
That's it, that's it, that's it, that's all that I am Here I am, even if I'm stripped bare, it's done Here I am in the midst of the noise and the furious tempest Look at me, truly, see my eyes and my hands All that I have is here, it's my mouth, it's my cry Here I am, here I am, Here I am Voilà, voilà That's all, that's all Ti-di-di-di di-di di-di-di di-di di-di di-di-di-di-di Ti-di di-di di-di di-di-di-di
That's it, that's it, that's it, that's all that I am Here I am, even if I'm stripped bare, it's done It's my voice, my cry, here I am, regardless Ti-di di-di di-di di-di-di di-di di-di di-di-di-di-di Ti-di di-di di-di di-di-di-di Ti-di di-di di-di di-di-di di-di di-di di-di-di-di-di Ti-di di-di di-di di-di-di-di
* Alternatively, one could replace "stirring" with "moving" ** Alternative line: "Before I loathe what I see". *** This has one too many syllables for the line, but I like "Here it is" as a translation for "Voila" here better than "That's all" or "That's it." * The entire idea of this line is "But I don't know how to do it without you". ** Alternatively, one could replace "contours" with "edges" *** This line could be sung as "That's all!" instead, if one prefers.
Voilà - Original French Lyrics
Écoutez moi Moi la chanteuse à demi Parlez de moi À vos amours, à vos amis Parlez-leur de cette fille aux yeux noirs Et de son rêve fou Moi c'que j'veux c'est écrire des histoires Qui arrivent jusqu'à vous C'est tout
Voilà, voilà, voilà, voilà qui je suis Me voilà même si mise à nue j'ai peur, oui Me voilà dans le bruit et dans le silence
Regardez moi Ou du moins ce qu'il en reste Regardez moi Avant que je me déteste Quoi vous dire, que les lèvres d'une autre Ne vous diront pas C'est peu de chose mais moi tout ce que j'ai Je le dépose là, voilà
Voilà, voilà, voilà, voilà qui je suis Me voilà même si mise à nue c'est fini C'est ma gueule c'est mon cri, me voilà tant pis Voilà, voilà, voilà Voilà juste ici Moi mon rêve, mon envie Comme j'en crève comme j'en ris Me voilà dans le bruit Et dans le silence
Ne partez pas J'vous en supplie, restez longtemps Ça m'sauvera p't'être pas, non Mais faire sans vous j'sais pas comment Aimez-moi comme on aime un ami Qui s'en va pour toujours J'veux qu'on m'aime parce que moi je sais pas Bien aimer mes contours
Voilà, voilà, voilà, voilà qui je suis Me voilà même si mise à nue c'est fini Me voilà dans le bruit et dans la fureur aussi Regardez moi enfin et mes yeux et mes mains Tout c'que j'ai est ici, c'est ma gueule c'est mon cri Me voilà, me voilà, me voilà Voilà, voilà Voilà, voilà Ti-di-di-di di-di di-di-di di-di di-di di-di-di-di-di Ti-di di-di di-di di-di-di-di
Voilà, voilà, voilà, voilà qui je suis Me voilà même si mise à nue c'est fini C'est ma gueule c'est mon cri, me voilà tant pis Ti-di di-di di-di di-di-di di-di di-di di-di-di-di-di Ti-di di-di di-di di-di-di-di Ti-di di-di di-di di-di-di di-di di-di di-di-di-di-di Ti-di di-di di-di di-di-di-di
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vampthropologist · 9 months
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哲学的問いは 宙に 宙に 宙に舞う
Number 1 song of 2023 for me! I listened to it a lot as I worked on singable English lyrics. It's also really good to listen to on loop. Requested by @zen1dol
Alt version under cut. Click for full quality!
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I went abstract with the colors, then hid the colors behind cool lighting. Also Zen keeps ending up with angsty drawings for some reason. It looks awesome though, you can't deny that.
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cto10121 · 1 year
Europeans translating American musicals: So we worked closely with the original composer to make sure our translation is as faithful as possible while remaining a singable rhyming translation. If a literal translation is not possible, we use a localized replacement that works in the target language. Please don’t hate us, we tried our best!!!
Literally anyone translating European musicals: *splotches lyrics on a plate like spaghetti, spits in it, and shoves it in your general direction* Here’s your stupid Eurotrash pop slop in English, happy now???? Also, we turned your corny-ass fauxpera into a comedy and replaced half the score with useless reprises. As is PROPER.
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oso-mirm · 6 months
Singable English lyrics for Wild Screen Baroque from the Revue Starlight movie! Wild Screen Baroque is one of my favorite songs, so I wrote some lyrics to sing along with it. I've been working on these for a while now, and I'm pretty proud of them!
The rules are set, don't you understand?
It's begun, don't you understand?
This is my, wild screen baroque
To sing and to dance is what we are for
Life will end, but the world keeps
Spinning, round and round
What happens next,
Do you know?
Do you know?
Do you know?
In the end, where will you go?
Where is that brilliant shining light?
Is this the result of your Starlight?
You're all dying stars, lost to time
There is no excuse for this
All you can, do is just,
Run away, run away
But you can never leave the stage
You have nothing to say?
Is it because your words are meaningless?
Come on, show me your true self
La la la, la la la la la
La la la, la la la la la
This is my, wild screen baroque
In the end, we surrender to our fate
You were beautiful, mademoiselle
That wild nature, where did it go?
The ones who survive, are the only ones who will:
Put on that mask, never take it off
Become another person to survive
Give up your life, there's no point in -
Living on, dying off, dying off
Living on, dying off, living why?
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