#since ive had it forever hes at least 20 years old. i dont know where he came from. i think it mightve been homemade?
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bmpmp3 · 4 months ago
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ive mentioned this before but i really do love my key rat so much. i need to try to reverse engineer how this thing was constructed. i need to know how he was created
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Aita for "yelling" at my teenage sister for putting earrings through the ears of my childhood stuffed animal?
🤬🐘 <- cause that was me holding them when I found out lmao
So I (22 two spirit, I was 20 when this happened) have had Ellie (Ive used He/she/they for Ellie my whole life, they never had a set gender), a stuffed realtively realistic elephant, since I was at least 3 years old. He was a plush of big Al, the elephant mascot for crimson Tide of the university of Alabama. (Roll tide?) that my dad owned but eventually it was cuddled by 3 yr old me and dragged to my room and out of his man cave (which I don't know why he had a big al plush, we're from Ohio) never to return. I think she had a jersey or hat or something at some point but she doesn't now. Considering just how cuddled Ellie was, it's a miracle how good her condition is. No rips, tears, bald patches or holes beyond the plasticy coating on one of his tusks ripping off in a few places. I wasn't super violent with my toys and never drew on them or ripped them up. The most I did was put hair ties around her ears so they'd look like pigtails.
I've had Ellie a very very long time obviously and he means a lot to me. I very rarely cuddle him now because I want him to stay in that good condition. Well, when I was 19, I moved to Maryland to be with my partner and Ellie went with me obviously. 3 or 4 times a year, me and my partner make the trip to Ohio to visit my family, about 8 hrs away. I bring Ellie because she comforts me when we're there (Alot of traumatic memories are wrapped up in childhood home). Well, one time Ellie got left behind and I was devastated. It was gonna be at least 3 months till I went back and even though my mom offered to send ellie through the mail, i was not willing to take the chance that ellie could get lost forever in said mail so i waited.
Here's the part where I mention I have a younger sister who was 14 at the time. we have a good, if not distant relationship that is a much better place now. Here's where the problem occurred. I returned home after about 3 months after accidentally leaving ellie and immediately wanted to find him once I arrived. My mom told me my sister had been watching them while I was away so I went to her room. My sister then excitedly held up Ellie to me... Ellie's big ears were absolutely littered with my sister's (real) earrings. There had to of been at least 150 piercings in her ears, if not 200. I held myself together as best I could and very sternly told her I was pissed she'd do that, she knew how much Ellie meant to me and she should never treat other people's things that way.
I make a very strong point to never insult, scream or yell or not explain why I'm angry at someone. If I get so angry I can't handle my composure, I leave and gather myself then come back. I never insulted my sister or raised my voice but I definitely hammered how disrespectful and destructive this was to something that wasn't hers as I took out her earrings one by one. My childhood stuffie did not deserve to be turned into Swiss cheese and used as an earring display. If I had done anything like that to her stuffed giraffe, her stuffie, she'd have a cow. Once they were all out I took Ellie and went to my room. Luckily, they were normal sized earrings so the holes were very small and I can't see them if I don't look for them but it felt so disrespectful.
My sister apologized pretty quickly but my mom said I didn't have to yell at her (I never raised my voice but I was clearly hiding an angry one trying to explain to her) nor should I have said it 5 times in the moment (shes exaggerating). I'll admit I repeat myself twice or thrice in the moment as a way to keep myself from raising my voice or stewing in it if I feel like i haven't properly expressed my anger or I feel like the person wasn't listening. Everything is cool now and we dont really talk about it (it's not taboo or too painful to touch, it just doesn't come up) but I wonder if I over reacted considering the holes are tiny, not super visible and I don't think my sister did it to spite me or hurt Ellie, she was just young and dumb and didn't think about how it could mess up Ellie. Should I have held my tounge since shes my sister? She was only 14 but I feel like you should know earrings can cause damage to fabric when you're 14, there's no way she didn't know that wouldn't leave tiny holes in Ellie. I just think she didn't think of them as a big deal.
What are these acronyms?
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adudelol-reblogs · 11 months ago
undertale oc that i've never heard of before????
tell me NOW
LMAOO yeah rye :)
oh wow this got long putting this below a . read more <3
so. okay ive been an undertale fan since the game first came out right like i remember looking at the trailers for a new game releasing (2015) and so me and a friend, @scooky2 made ocs together! (Oh my gods scooky sun n rye are nine years old.)
but yes we've had them around for forever, snr (the oc group, stands for Sun aNd Rye, or Sun N Rye), are our ocs. Sun created by Scooky and Rye created by me. They've changed a lot over the past few years, but yknow, as all ocs do <3
So, rye is my beloved baby ray of sunlight . she's a trans gal (she/it/[redacted]), and lives near sun. she's adopted by a poly family, the smiths, and her social worker, stacy, is suns mom!
so thats how sun n rye met when they were. 13ish? Something like that
pretty much they've always been close friends, and sun has punched several transphobes whove been mean to rye LMAO
OH a note here: rye is pronounced like "Ray". She named herself to match Sun (Sunray, a ray of sun, etc) and i just find that so wholesome i love them your honour
Um. Pretty much when they're like,,, 19? 20? I don't exactly remember, but one day when they were walking on a trail they fell into mt ebbott into the underground
sun has a bravery? soul? I think? bravery yeah the orange one, and rye has the typical determination red soul. they kinda go through the underground like normal, until theeee undyne fight, where sun dies. rye freaks out and panics, causing her to also die BUT!
as the DT soul, she is sent to this voidlike place for a moment. in the distance, she can hear a voice talking to her, and it tells her to just believe in herself. and she comes back to her last save point!
rye loves her honorary sister, and so she leaves without sun and fights undyne. during this, rye feels like the only thing she can do here is to kill undyne to save sun so yeah . rip o7
throughout the story rye dies a bunch more times, and each time she finds herself in the void place, the voice getting louder and louder until one time she sees its some weird, melted goopy skeleton monster (gaster!)
i dont exactly remember everything said, but the point is during the first run, gaster built up his trust with rye, and when she fights asgore, gaster convinces her to reset (aren't you curious? find out what else could happen?) (you promised you would save me. how can you do that without learning more information?) (do what i tell you. don't you trust me? im showing you how to use your soul. your determination) all that kinda stuff
so rye agrees, resets and resets and resets doing dozens and dozens of different things -- genocide, killing everyone besides one specific monster, only kill this one, seeing how everything reacts. but the one thing, the one thing rye would never do was hurt sun
(don't you trust me, rye? killing sun might be the one thing that can unlock this information. trust me, she won't even remember it. she wont know it even happened)
the one thing rye would never was hurt sun, before.
sun.... it was always a quick, painless death. at least, rye hoped it was. rye still loved her sister, but... she needed to know after all, right?
eventually sans manages to convince rye that he remembers everything blah blah and that rye is being manipulated by gaster, that she doesnt have to do this
and rye, tired of the resets, tired of killing sun or hurting sun over and over and over stops. she fights against gaster, telling him to leave her alone and that she's not playing his game anymore
so, she finally gets to her pacifist route. she finally did it, but... there isn't enough human souls to break the barrier. so both rye and sun are stuck down here until frisk (who in our oc would is not a DT soul, since we have the lore that only one DT soul can exsist at once) comes down and the barrier is broken by frisk
thats the overall story done!
oh i totally forgot to mention this. but both sun n rye are humans at the start of this story. sun is part phoenix (oc monster race we have), and part giant (also oc monster race). she looks human though, and game-wise, is human with human stats in everything until around sometime in waterfall, where she falls off a cliff or something and nearly dies -- but the monster part of her soul unlocks and she transforms into her monster form (which is birdlike -- wings on her back, eyes change, feathers, etc).
rye, on the other hand, is human. but remember stacy? suns mom, rye's social worker?
stacy is part giant, and has been around since before the monsters were locked into mt ebbott. stacy had gotten away, just looking like a tall lady to most of the world, and every couple decades she has to move to get a new ID+keep up the act of being human since, after 50 years, how do you still look 20 LMAO
but yes, stacy is a monster. and she had given rye this one magical item -- that if rye was ever in serious trouble, yes, use this.
well, in the underground, rye went through several life or death serious situations, and had used the device -- it unlocks even more of the DT in her soul, transforming her into her monster form.
Rye becomes a medusa like creature, legs shifting into one long snake tail, and hair turning into a mass amount of snakes. when she was being manipulated by gaster, she learned that her human form did more damage to monsters, so she never used it often.
but once she realized she was stuck down here, she found out that the snake form felt more comfortable as long as she wasn't outside in snowdin (due to the cold). so she ends up spending most of her time in her medusa form, because well
i should say . snr are oc x canon. we made them when we were younger and idk that its cringe now cringe is dead etc etc but
but yes, oc x canon, and the canon characters? ...sans and papyrus. though sun and sans is romantic, rye and papyrus are a qpr :D
but yeah like i was saying . rye spends most of her time in her snake form because it also just makes sans feel idk like safer? that when she was being manipulated, when she was killing monsters, she did so in her human form and her snake form was her willing to be weaker yknow
anyways uh . wow this is long i just rambled
sorry if like none of this makes sense LMAO i didnt realized how long this is oh my gods
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fwkei · 4 years ago
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Draken x fem!reader (mainly fluff slight angst)
Finally got my first request yall 🥳 I couldn’t strictly follow the request like i wanted to but i hope thats alright, the gist is still there. anyways thank you sm for it and i hope you enjoy��
TW/CW: Mentions of sex, mentions of alcohol, mentions of sex work
WC: 7k (omg the most ive ever written🙆🏻‍♀️)
Note: I changed my writing style a bit for this request so i hope yall don’t mind! and again i dont read my stuff over so my apologies if theres any mistakes lmao
You sat on the street, overheating as you watched the ‘heat waves’ coming off the ground. You held your hair up with one of your hands since you had nothing to tie it with, while the other held a lukewarm water bottle. You sighed, you felt so anxious and frustrated.
What now?  
You thought letting your mouth part due to your heavy breathing 
You took things too fast. It had been about 3 weeks since you left your parents ‘home’ and why did you leave? Well there were a number of reasons that are a bit too much to list, but all that matters now is that you’re completely and utterly on your own. 
You only managed to scavenge small jobs here and there to get some money to buy some basic necessities but nothing more. 
“Sorry Y/n, my niece is coming down to Tokyo and I told her she could have a job here and stay at the studio above...I’m gonna have to let go. I’m sorry.” said your boss to you only a couple hours ago, with pity filled eyes 
“...No it’s fine really! I understand.Thank you for taking me in while you could.” you said bowing your head at the man, biting your inner cheek trying to keep a level head 
“I’m happy you understand. You can leave your apron and hat on the cashier. On your way out.” he said patting your shoulder as you slowly brought your head up 
“Right..” you said taking off your apron and hat as you walked slowly to the cashier, placing it down 
You brought your hands to your temples out of stress, trying to figure out what you could do now. You only had very little money, and there was a heat wave striking Japan this week. At least your boss allowed you to live and pay rent in the small studio right above his store, which had an AC, but now that was for his niece.  
This had been the first time in a while where you had no idea what to do. You had always been the type of person to be able to take care of yourself and your problems..on your own. All your life since you can remember, you always had to be the one to take care of others, not that you mind or minded...but you were only so young. You never really had a childhood, at least not that you can remember. You do remember cleaning up after your parents who lost all will just to even... parent. You remember taking jobs as a babysitter at a really young age in your apartment complex to make some money.. You remember being the reliable older kid of your school and complex, where kids would come to you asking for help with things like homework all the way to buying something for them to eat because they were hungry. Not once did you ever say no, because you really did want to be there for those kids who’s parents didn’t give them the care they needed. But it just became too much.. You ended up spending all of your saved up money on them, just so they could have something to play with or something to eat. 
Before you even realized it, you were in your last year of high school, with no money saved over, no scholarships, no one to rely on but yourself. Not even a friend. Was it really the right thing to do? Use all your money that you worked so hard for to help kids he lived next door? Or just plain stupid? You knew you couldn't support them forever...but you tried so hard to. All you wanted was to give them a childhood they never had, and someone to look up too. But now you left them. All because you were frustrated. You felt so unbearably guilty. All the work you put into your studies to get at least some type of scholarship just went to waste because you couldn't handle your life anymore. You were being so so so stupid. 
Before you even knew it, the sun was going down, and you grew even more tired and sleepy. You signed, taking a jacket out of your bag and placing it on the ground so you could rest your head on it. You brought your hands to cushion your cheek as your eyes started to close. The air finally got a little cooler making it easier to breathe and well...do anything. 
As you were falling asleep you could hear chatter and laughing, and finally a tap on your shoulder waking you up. You cringed your eyes before opening them up more to see 2 women. One had blonde hair and the other had pinkish hair. They looked older than you, maybe in their 20’s. One held a bag and the other held a bottle of wine with two glasses, they bent down so their heads could be closer to yours. After examining you for a bit they turned to each other and smiled happily before turning back their gaze to your confused face. 
“Hey?” you said sitting up more, a little startled by the intimate contact they were giving you 
“Hey there, say...what’s a pretty girl like you sleeping on the street for?” asked the girl with pinkish hair that was tied into pigtails 
“I uh..don’t have a place right now so..” you said scratching your head 
“Really? Hmmm.” said he one with blonde hair 
“How old are you? And what’s your name? I think we can help you out! Woman to woman!” said the pink haired girl smiling sweetly making you feel fuzzy at their niceness 
“18, and it’s Y/n.” you said smiling nervously 
“Nice to meet you Y/n, I’m Remi, this is Rema, my twin sister.” said the pink haired girl pointing to the blonde as she waved sweetly 
“Hi, it’s nice to meet you too..!” you said bringing your hands to your thighs smiling 
“So did you just turn 18?” asked Rema 
“Sorta, 2 months ago, why?” you asked 
“Oh good!” they both said 
“Well, it’s your choice really. One of the girls left today, and the boss sent us to scout another girl to take her place, buttt we just went to buy food with no intentions of finding someone but luckily we just found you! It’s perfect!” said Remi 
“Oh? What work?” you asked getting excited 
“Oh silly, we live in a brothel! It’s really not all that bad you know, great pay and rooms...so what do you think?” asked Rema 
“A brothel..” you said under your breath 
Your mind was in a serious state of concentration. 
It can’t be all that bad, right? You just have to please people and go on with your day so… that’s what i've been doing my whole life… plus… there's a bunch of women in those things right? I probably won't get too much attention from customers if there's sweethearts like Remi and Rema walking around...so...just for the time being… I think it could really work out in my favor. 
You thought to yourself 
You brought your head up, giving the girls a closed eyes smile before shaking your head ‘yes’ making them jump in excitement. 
“Oh good!” yelled Remi grabbing your hands 
“I’m so excited! We haven't had a new girl in years! How do you think Ken will react?” asked Rema smiling as you 3 all started to walk 
“Ken?” you asked furrowing your eyebrows at the familiar name 
“Oh right, We’ll have to introduce you to him and everyone else tomorrow. He’s the bosses foster kid..I think you two are actually the same age.” said Rema bringing her pointer finger to her chin 
“Mhm mhm! Oh and since you're new, tomorrow I will take your pictures for the board, you can borrow one of my sets till you can afford to buy one for yourself, how does that sound Y/n?” asked Remi smiling and holding your hand 
“It sounds..great! Thank you so much.” you said bowing your head slightly 
“No worries! Hopefully the boss will take you in.” said Remi patting your head 
“Yeah..” you said as you 3 continued to walk to the brothel 
You couldn't seem to get your mind off of that familiar name..Ken? You swore you knew someone named that. It definitely wasn't a popular name so it’s not like you knew it from some type of T.V program.. After thinking hard your whole way to your new home you couldn't seem to remember them. The person named Ken. And so you decided to brush it off for the time being. 
The brothel was pretty big, and consisted of 12 girls, not including yourself. It was really late so everyone was asleep. Remi and Rema showed you to your room which was much more spacious than your room at home. They told you that you were allowed to decorate it and style it however you wanted. But they told you it was important to know that this was the room where business would be done, and not to leave important things around since some of the men came into brothels for the sole purpose of stealing. Remi even told you a story about how one of her clients tried to steal one of her panites, but then the boy named Ken stopped him by knocking him out with one punch to the stomach.   
“He sounds strong-” you laughed as they gave you a small tour 
“He sure is! Like the bodyguard of this place! He’s a sweetheart!” said Remi smiling 
“I’m sure..!” you smiled 
“Alright that’s about it, you should shower now and get ready for tomorrow. The boss will probably wanna take a look at you before seeing if he wants you. But I'm sure he will! You're pretty so it’ll go smoothly!” said Remi handing you her shower stuff for you to use for tonight and a set 
“Got it, and again...thank you so much. I really appreciate it.” you said again 
“Of course! Remember..we’re neighbors so feel free to knock whenever you need something..Also I can give you some tips before your first client so you know what to do.” she said smiling 
“Right, goodnight then!..” you said feeling your face get hot at how she so easily talked about sex. 
After that, you did exactly as she said, you showered. You thoroughly washed your body, face, and hair. Getting out you looked down at the set Remi gave you. It was just a black bra and matching panties with a silk cover up which made you feel better knowing you could cover up with that.  
You rubbed your mouth as you started to rethink your decision. I mean...you respected sex workers..but was this life what you were willing to settle for? Aimlessly waiting around for some random horny man to choose you and do things with you just for you to get only 40% of the payment? Was this all really worth it? Leaving home to avoid your problems...to end up here? You were grateful, yes, Remi and Rema were so sweet and open with you. You could only hope that the others were just as nice. You really wanted things to go well, and that can only start with some good rest. 
You woke up to a knock on your door, to see Remi and Rema walking in with a smile 
“Morninggg!” they sang as you quickly got out of bed 
“Hi!” you said frantically 
“No need to rush! Usually men start coming in at 10, but since you don't work here officially yet you got to sleep in a bit! But the boss called for you, you should go to the set up room down the hall to get ready, remember it?” asked Rema 
“Yeah I do. Thank you for waking me-!” you said smiling and grabbing your stuff and shoes 
“Course, good luck Y/n!” they said as you quickly walked out of your room to get ready 
As you walked in, there were a few other girls getting ready. You smiled and introduced yourself to them, and them to you. They were all so nice and pretty. It made you feel a little bit better about being here, and less nervous since they complimented your looks. You got ready in about 10 minutes, letting one of the other girls help you out with your hair and stuff like that. You gave yourself one last look in the mirror before stepping out and waving to the girls ‘bye.’ 
You nervously walked to the boss's door. You took a deep breath before knocking. You heard a muffled ‘come in!’ so you walked in smiling while holding your covering close. You gave a nervous closed eyes smile before seeing his office was simple, just a desk with a bunch of papers and a chair on the other side. 
“Y/n, correct?” he asked placing down his paper and taking off his glasses to look at you
“Yes.” you said smiling 
“Pleasure-” he said leaning over the desk to shake your hand 
“Likewise.” you said smiling, shaking his hand firmly before sitting down
“Well, I’m sure Remi and Rema told you just about everything you need to know, I take 60% of your earrings, I use that stuff to pay for rent and bills for you girls and my kid… which usually takes up about 30% of that 60%, meaning you make a profit of 40, while I make only a profit of 30 per girl.” he said 
“Yeah, I was told.” you said smiling nervously fiddling with your hands
“Good good, now that that's over with..” he said getting up ad signing 
“I’m just gonna take a look at you, no need to be nervous I’m not gonna touch you or anything, so please don’t feel worried.” he said smiling 
“Right!” you said getting up 
“Alright just do a quick 360 with arms up.” he said smiling 
“Okay.” you said doing as he said 
He looked you up and down but not in a lustful way at all, it was more of like a ‘just seeing how you’ll hold up’ kinda look, almost like he was a bit worried for you. 
“Thank you-” he said sitting back down as you did the same feeling nervous
“I was also told you’re 18? Right?” he asked looking down at his papers 
“Yeah that's right.” you said 
“Well I don't usually have this talk with the other woman because they're older. I know the age of consent in Japan is 16 and blah blah, but you’re still pretty young, are you sure you wanna work like this?” he asked looked into your eyes 
“...Not entirely but it’s the best I can do right now.” you said with a determined face
“I see- we’ll then welcome, and just remember you can leave whenever you want, but give a 2 weeks notice. When Remi is done, ask her to take your picture.” he said 
“Understood, thank you!” you said said smiling and leaving   
You walked out of the room, closing the door carefully signing in relieve 
That went pretty well.
You thought 
You started to walk down the hall so that you could ask Remi to take your picture. But when you put your ear to the door, you heard lewd noises letting you know she wasn’t done just yet. It was already 5, and the brothel closes at 10. You didn’t really know what to do, so you walked over to the kitchen, sitting down at one of the stools waiting for Remi and or Rema to finish up with their work. You tapped the pen that was on the table and started to look around the kitchen. You remembered Remi told you there were snacks in the cabinets, so you got up and started to open and close them one by one to find something to eat. You finally found a cabinet filled instant ramen, you grabbed one and started to pour water into it, popping it into the microwave that was on the counter top. You stood in front of it waiting, playing with the loose strings of you covering when suddenly you heard the door open. 
“I’m home.” said the tall boy with dark hair tied back to reveal a dragon tattoo on the side of his head 
Is this Ken? 
You thought as the microwave beeped, making his eyes turn to you
You quickly shot your eyes to the microwave, hoping he didn’t notice your stare. He looked so familiar it was almost irritating how you couldn’t remember him. You took the hot cup out of the microwave, placing it down on the counter top, ignoring his presence as he walked over, placing down the plastic bag in his hand, noticing your frustrated face trying to figure out where the utensils are. 
“Left of the sink are where they are.” he said sitting down on the stool across from you after looking at your face a bit 
“Thank you.” you said smiling nervously turning around to grab a pair of chopsticks 
“Are you new here?” he asked taking out a styrofoam box from the plastic bag, opening it to reveal a hot meal of meat and rice and vegetables 
“Yeah..I was supposed to start today but I don’t have my pictures taken yet.” you said smiling turning back to mix your noodles 
“Could you grab me a pair too?” he asked realizing he forgot to take a pair of chopsticks from the restaurant 
“Sure-” you said turning back quickly to grab some for him, placing it in his hands as he gave you a soft smile making your eyes widen slightly. 
“You look familiar..” you both said at the same time making both your eyebrows raise in shock then turn into a slight scoff from the both of you 
“Glad we’re on the same page then.” he said taking a bite of his food as you did the same still standing 
“You know you can sit down, don’t feel nervous.” he said looking up you slightly 
“..yeah.” you said smiling, walking around and sitting next to him. 
“So when’d you come?” he asked turning his head slightly to see your mouth filled with noodles making him smile a bit 
“..I came by last night, really late with Remi and Rema.” you said after finishing your bite
“I see...I feel like I remember you from somewhere, can’t pinpoint it though.” he said looking back down at his food 
“Same here, and you must be Ken though, right? When I first heard your name I swore the same thing but I just can’t remember..” you said before sipping some of the broth of your soup
“Yeah, but you can call me Draken and your name?” he asked getting up to grab a napkin from across the table 
“Draken...sure! Oh right, my bad. It’s Y/n. Nice to meet you-” you said smiling holding your hand out for him to shake
He only completely shot up to look into your eyes with his wide ones. You gave him a confused look as you watched him get knocked out of his thoughts, bring his hand up to shake your hand before clearing his throat and walking back over to sit. Maybe you struck a nerve? Maybe had the same name as someone who hurt him in the past? You really didn’t know but it made you feel interested. He looked like he just had his life flash before his eyes or something. 
“Are you okay?” you asked 
“Uh yeah, I’m fine. My head just hurts a bit.” he said looking as if he was deep in thought 
“Oh? I have some tylenol in my room.. You want one? Or I can make you a cold drink, you’re probably dehydrated?” you asked smiling a bit 
Draken turned his head to look at you, his mouth was parted, and he just looked so..anxious? You couldn’t even tell, almost like congested because he wanted to say something. 
Draken felt his heartbeat quicken when he heard your name. As soon as you said it, a random memory that was buried deep in the back of his mind hit him as he quickly re-lived it. But could it really be you? The Y/n he knew from so so so long ago? Around 10 years ago? There could be no way, he remembers the girl moving to a different city..the chances were so low that it could really be you already. 
But the second you said those words.. Those words of offering to make something for him, or give him something, despite you thinking you only just met him...Made him know that it was really the Y/n he met when he was only a little boy...but how the hell did you turn up here? In a place and part of town like this? He was so confused and just wanted to ask you...but you still didn’t remember him. 
“..No I’m alright, thanks..can I ask you somethin-” said Draken before being interrupted 
“Y/n!! Come on, let's take your pictures!” yelled Remi coming out of her room waving as a man walked out too buttoning his shirt 
“Sorry, just remember what you wanted to say and tell me later.” you said smiling and standing up and walking over to Remi
Draken watched you as you walked away. He saw Remi give you a hug, and the man that was walking out checked you out to which Draken gave him a pissed off look. Making the man smile nervously, wave, and leave. 
Do you really wanna live your life like this, Y/n?
He thought to himself before packing up his trash and throwing it away
Remi took your pictures, telling you to do different poses etc, and you finally settled on one. You walked over to the front of the house to place your picture in its designated area above your name. You signed, stepping back to look at it, fixing your gaze to see Draken was walking over with his hands in his pocket, looking as he was going to leave. You saw him glance at the photo making you feel slightly embarrassed.
“Nice.” he said smiling but looking into your eyes in a way where it looked like he was concerned for you. 
Just as you were about to thank him a man walked in and started looking at you making you feel nervous. The man requested you, and so you smiled at him pointing your hand to where the showers were, as you started to walk behind him, you turned your hand giving a thumbs up to Draken with a nervously flushed face, smiling, as he he brought his hand up giving you a thumbs up with soft and concerning eyes before opening the door and leaving. It made your smile fade slightly, you’ve seen that face before from him. But not from today.. And it was all you could think about during your work. 
As you laid in your room, after work you couldn’t help but feel a little bit...stupid? You felt so unsatisfied, not because of your customers but because you just couldn’t remember. It felt like an itch you couldn’t scratch hard enough, and with every interaction you had with the boy almost felt like a tease, like the itch just became more itchy and your scratches just became more weak. Maybe if you spend more time with him, you’ll remember? 
It had been about 4 weeks, 4 weeks of saving your money, and every 4 weeks the boss collected his fair share of the cut. It wasn’t a pretty 4 weeks, it was probably the worst 4 weeks of your life. But... you and Draken would often exchange stories about your lives late at night which you enjoyed a lot. It always makes you feel better. But yet again you still couldn't figure him out. You felt as though you’ve met him before, and as though you two have had these kinds of talks before. 
Draken only grew more and more helpless, seeing how you still haven’t remembered. He was slowly watching your life crumble. He felt so angry that you settled and believed you deserved to live like this, barely scraping by. He felt so awful, and saw how you grew so tired of it all. He just so badly wanted you to remember him, so that he could once again talk to you like he did before.
You had one last customer before closing, going through your usual routine, this n that, the man offered you a drink. You stupid obliged drinking it, hoping it would make your time more enjoyable but you were wrong, so very wrong, and so very stupid for drinking that stupid drink. You remember some parts, you did your job, then it all went black.. You woke up after hearing knocking on your door. You jumped out of bed, confused. You remember seeing the man leave as you started to fall asleep but that's about it. Usually you never fall asleep after the work because you never do much, your mind started to panic. But the door opened revealing Remi smiling.
“Hey sleepy! Boss says it’s your turn, come on, get your cash!” she said smiling 
“Right let me just..it’s in my drawer..I don't know why I fell asleep so fast I think alcohol makes me sleepy.” you said getting out of bed and kneeling in front of your drawer to get the envelope of cash you had been saving.
“Heh, same here. I never accepted drinks from clients..they never had good intentions with that!” she said coming over and sitting at your bed 
“..yeah.” you said starting to feel that panic arise in your body when seeing the envelope was...gone.
“What's wrong?” asked Remi noticing you were frozen 
“I- the money..It’s gone..he took it..” you said with wide eyes feeling as though you were about to sob realizing you had just lost thousands of yen.
“Don’t say that..it..it probably just got misplaced! Come on, I'll help you look!” said Remi getting up  
You couldn't even respond because of the amount of panic you were in. Your heart was racing and you felt tears fall from your eyes. After about 15 minutes of looking, you two found nothing. Absolutely nothing. You sat on the floor with your hand over your mouth, again, trying to keep a level head. 
What now..?
You thought to yourself feeling hot tears stream from your face.
“Hey..guys? Boss is calling for you Y/n..what’s going on?” asked Rema walking in seeing you covering your face, crying 
“She was robbed by the guy who just left, he put something in her drink to knock her out while he looked around and took the money...she doesn’t have the money.” said Remi 
Rema’s mouth parted in shock and pity. 
How could you mess up something so easy? All you had to do was keep your money safe. But you even failed at that. 
“You have to tell him, Y/n.” said Rema rubbing your back
“Yea..yeah, could you two just give me a second? I’ll be right out.” you said smiling while wiping your face 
“Sure.” they said frowning and walking out 
You fisted your hands, and grabbed your covers before screaming into them to muffle your sounds..
Okay..it was a couple of thousand yen...not too bad right? I can promise the money by tomorrow..I’ll pick up some sort of street job...yeah! That’s good. Everything is fine..it’s fine.
You thought to yourself before wiping your face on more time and slapping both sides of your cheeks to wake you up.
You got up and walked to the bosses door feeling the eyes of people on your back. You knocked on the door before opening it slowly, refusing to make eye contact as you went to stand in front of the man with your arms behind your back.
“Alrighttt, let’s see here, in the last four weeks you had a total of 37 customers, so you should have around 300,000 yen, correct?” he asked looking at his paper 
“Yes.” you said still looking down
“Alright, just hand it to me so I can count and divide it, you can sit.” he said smiling holding his hand out 
“I..I don-” you said before being interrupted by a knock 
“Come in.” he said 
“Hey sorry dad, Y/n left her money with me while she went out. Thought I should bring it to her. Remember, Y/n?” said Draken walking in with an envelop in his hand smiling as he came to stand next to you, as you nodded your head ‘yes’ 
“Oh, thank you Ken.” he said smiling and taking the envelop 
Your mouth parted as you gave a confused look, Draken only smiled and gave you a thumbs up while his dad counted the money. You felt so guilty and shocked, and all you could do was just stand there, like an idiot. 
“Here you are...120,000 back..” he said, patting the money on the table to make it flat, putting it back into the envelope and handing it to you
You hesitantly brought your hand to grab it, glancing over at Draken who gave you small smile
“Thank you-” you said to him seeing Draken was already opening the door to leave 
You quickly followed after him as he walked into his room. Before entering his room he turned around and looked down at you 
You felt your eyes soften as you felt as though you were about to cry again, you tilted your head and neck down biting the inside of your cheek to keep in your cry. 
“I promise I’ll pay all of it back by tomorrow, all 300,000.” you said 
“Do you ever give yourself a break?” he asked as you brought your head up to look at him seeing he looked almost irritated 
“You didn’t even ask why I did it, you just immediately jumped to feeling guilty. And you don’t need to pay me back. Really.” he said bringing his hand to close to the door, but you stopped him by grabbing his wrist making his breath hitch 
“Why?” you asked looking into his eyes 
“You still don’t remember? Even after all this time we’ve spent together?” he asked smiling as you took your hand off his wrist 
“Remember...?” you asked furrowing your eyebrows in confusion, but then it suddenly hit you
“I swear it wasn’t me! I didn't steal!” yelled a little boy with blonde hair as two cops stood in front of him 
You tilted your head and walked closer, but still keeping your distance to hear. It was a winter day and you were on your way to the corner store to buy some snacks, but you were met with an interesting scene. You kept your hands in your pockets as you listened over to the boy screaming and pleading his innocence 
“I wouldn’t steal something so stupid! What would a kid like me need a lighter for!! I don’t know how it ended up in my pocket! Lay off!” he yelled as the officer dangled the lighter in front of his face
A lighter?
“Keep it down! We know how troubled you kids are here! Especially with those tattoos!” yelled back the cop as the boy grew angry and fisted his hands, ready to punch the cop
“Hey!!!” he heard a voice yelled 
“Hey wait a minute!” you yelled waving your hand smiling as you ran to the scene 
“Can we help you?” asked one of the cops in a soft tone 
The blonde boy grew quiet, and you saw his hands loosen as he looked at your smiling face 
“Yeah, why are you two yelling at my brother?” you asked furrowing your brows at the two grown man 
“...Your so-called brother stole a lighter from the corner store right behind you, where are your parents? We would like to have a word with them.” he said standing up straight 
“Yeah, and talk about how they let their son tattoo himself already..” said one under his breath making the other laugh 
You looked over at the boy growing angry, you gave him a smile..making him calm down.
“He said it was just an accident, I asked him to pick up a lighter from the store so that we could light a candle at our father’s grave! See!” you said digging into your bag to pull out a candle 
“He probably felt pressured because I asked him to get it, so if you’re gonna get mad at someone, get mad at me!” you said as you started to fake cry 
“It’s our father's death anniversary, and you're yelling at kids for making a mistake.” you faked cried
“Yeah!!” yelled the boy making you smile under your hands as the two officers became anxious, feeling bad for what they had just done.
“..we’re sorry. Please let us apologize.” they said slightly bowing at you two 
“I don’t think we can accept it...you two also made fun of the dragon tattoo on his head!...dragons were our dads favorite animal. He risked his life fighting for Japan and you two are laughing at him! Is that how your mother taught you how to behave?” you asked pretending to wipe you tears as the blonde boy watched you in awe seeing you toy with grown men 
“Please let us treat you both to whatever you’d like from the corner store as an apology!” they both said bowing lower making you smile and look back at the boy. You gave him a thumbs up as a smile grew on his face 
“Fine..come on then?” you said as both the officers raised their heads, opening the doors of the corner store for you both 
You and the blonde boy walked around the store, filling your baskets with all types of things. The blonde boy watched you in just pure awe as you walked around picking your favorite snacks, as he did the same, glancing at you every now and then. 
“Here.” you said smiling at the cops 
“Right!” they said frantically taking out their wallets as the boy placed down his stuff nervously, still watching you
“Oh and-” you said reaching your hand to grab the lighter from the officer and placing it into the bunch of snacks 
You smiled, your hands were behind your back as you watched the officers pay for yours and the boys' food, placing them into bags for you guys too. You grabbed the lighter and your bag, as the boy did the same 
“Mom told us to meet her at the cemetery steps, remember?” you said looking into the boys eyes
“..yeah, I remember.” he said smiling feeling his face become hot 
“Let’s go then.” you said smiling and taking his hand as you two ran out of the store 
After a bit you two stopped and sat on the curbside while you both chose a snack to eat.  
“Here’s your lighter, you don’t have to stay with me by the way.” you said handing him the steel lighter 
“..Thanks” he said 
“Sure- what do you need it for anyway?” you asked smiling 
“My boss asked for it.” he said putting it in his pocket
“Oh, are you in some type of delinquent group?” you asked looking at him 
“Yeah..” he said smiling 
“That's cool, what do you guys do?” you asked taking a sip of your drink 
“We kinda just...like...do stupid stuff and fight..” he said 
“Sounds fun, but...stupid.” you said laughing making him scoff 
“Why’d you do it?” he asked 
“Do what?” you asked back turning you gaze to him 
“Come in to cover me. You could’ve gotten in a lot of trouble because of me.” he said with a frustrated face 
“You’re right, I just wanted to, that's all.” you said smiling making his mouth part and cheeks redden
“You seem pretty fun too so I thought we could be friends or something..” you said nervously 
“Yeah! Sure- We can be friends!” he said happily making you feel flustered 
“Well then, it’s nice to meet you, my name is Y/n, yours?” you asked holding over your hand 
“Ken, but you can call me Draken-” he said taking ahold of your hand gently as you gave him a closed eyed smile blushing 
“where the hell did you find that candle and com up with that whole sob story Y/n?”
“Dunno, I saw the candle on the ground by a newspaper, I kinda just winged it- “
After that day you remember hanging out with Draken almost every other day. You remember him telling you how he and his close friends started their own gang and needed some sort of funding, and so you gave it to him, on his birthday.
“I saved up! You said that you and your friends needed some money to start off so that you guys could buy a flag or banner? Right? Well, here’s 30,000 yen for your birthday!” you said handing him an envelope and a small balloon.
“Are-are you serious right now Y/n?” he asked taking the gifts, opening the envelope to look inside to see the money as his eyes lit up 
“Yeah, I babysit more kids now so I was able to put some aside for you.” you said smiling satisfied with his reaction 
He didn’t even say anything, all he did was bring his arms around you upper body, hugging you tight making you laugh as you brought yours to hug him back 
“Thank you- you’re the best! The guys will be so happy!” he said smiling while grasping your wrists in excitement. Your eyes traced over his face as they soften. You smiled. 
And- after that, you remember the day you 2 separated as friends. You both sat on the curbside, you remembered you called him to come and see you. It was a winter night and the sun was going down. 
“I uh..well I don’t really know how to say this without sounding cliche but-”
“What? Are you gonna confess that you’re madly in love with me or something?” he asked grinning, making you sweat drop 
“Jeez be quiet...I’m trying to make this a memorable moment-” you signed smiling, placing your palms on the cold cement 
“Alright let’s hear it then Y/n-!” he said bringing his hands to the back of his head as he laid down looking up at the stars 
You only frowned slightly, you shifted your position so that you could sit beside him and have a good look at his face. 
“You’re scaring me..” he said jokingly making you smile 
“It was really fun the past year.” you said smiling as Draken shot his head up to look at you face to face 
“The hell are you talking like that for?” he asked furrowing his brows 
“My parents can’t afford living in any districts in Tokyo anymore, so we’re moving to another city… about 4 hours train ride from Tokyo so-” you said looking down at your hands on the floor
“So? You act like I won't be able to come and see you or you come and see me..” he said ducking his head a bit so that you could look at him 
“Draken, train tickets are about 220 yen per person, I can't afford it, and if you came by to see me I'd feel guilty because you’d be wasting your money just to only see me for like an hour.” you said 
“How can I be wasting my money on you? It’s not wasting if I wanna do it and see you, plus what makes you think it'll only be a couple hours?” he asked 
“I’ll have to start working once we get there, so I wouldn’t have anytime...I wanna start saving so that one day I can come back to Tokyo and live here, so that I can see your dream come true of helping your friend create a ‘new era of delinquents’ you know? I’ll even help you guys if you want with financial stuff or something.” you said smiling at him 
Draken bit the inside of his cheek. He wanted to tell you so bad how he felt but..
“Look, I have a feeling I know what you’re gonna say..just remember what you wanted to say and tell me later, okay?” you said placing your hand on top of his causing his eyes to widen 
“...You’ll remember me, right?” he asked looking into your eyes deeply making your mouth part 
“Yeah, I’ll remember you as long as you remember what you wanted to tell me. Cause I feel the same” you said smiling as a tear fell from your eyes 
“good...I will.” he said smiling back and tilting his head and wiping it off your face
After the memories hit you, you stood there with wide eyes and tears, with your wrist covering your quivering mouth. You had completely suppressed your memories of Draken, and your feelings because you knew you wouldn't be able handle being apart from him for so long. And he did the same. You couldn’t imagine how unbearable it was for him to be waiting up like this. You looked up at him seeing his eyes were softly looking at you. You could do nothing but bring your arms around him hugging him, as he brought his arms around you to do the same. You were still such in shock. 
“I never thought you’d end up in a place like this, living a life like this.” he said against your ear 
“I don’t wanna see you like this, please let me take care of you like you did for me..” he said said tightening his grip slightly  
You could only cry at his words, you didn’t even wanna try to speak because you knew it would only come out as a sob. Was it really alright for you to rely on someone so much?
He pulled back from the hug and looked at your face, seeing you were still crying as you nodded your head ‘yes’, he smiled and wiped them away with his thumb. The smile on his face...he looked so satisfied...and happy...happy that you finally remembered. Finally remembered him.
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wickedpact · 4 years ago
dear tumblr user crim wickedpact pls write the essay/dissertation about nicky being shakespeare's fair youth (if you have time, ofc!!)
Not To Imply Nicky Was Shakespeare’s Fair Youth But Ive Read The Fair Youth Sonnets & Nicky Was Definitely Shakespeare’s Fair Youth, an essay by me, tumblr user crim wickedpact
background knowledge: our man shakespeare wrote some 120 sonnets about a young man referred to as the Fair Youth during the mid 1590s; there has been some debate among shakespeare enthusiasts whether shakespeare’s interest in the Fair Youth was platonic or romantic (but like. they were definitely romantic). no one knows for sure who the Fair Youth was, but it was definitely nicky and my first and most important piece of evidence regarding this hypothesis is the ‘lmao babe do you remember that guy who had a crush on me?’/ ‘i try not to remember the guy who had a crush on you’ look joe and nicky exchange when Merrick brings up shakespeare during the movie. especially since gina confirmed in a tweet that joe and nicky canonly did know shakespeare
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my second piece of evidence is that it just Works (except for a couple small facts like.. the Fair Youth was prolly closer to his 20s than his 30s. and the fact that shakespeare implies that the Fair Youth slept with his mistress at one point. but he doesnt know what hes talking about shhh we IGNORE)
long post under cut
A. The Description Matches
when describing the Fair Youth (who I’ll call the FY from now on), shakespeare says he has a ‘gold complexion’ and ‘beautiful eyes’ and compares him to a ‘summer’s day’. He says the FY has “A woman’s gentle heart" and “An eye more bright than [women’s are], (...) Gilding the object whereupon [they] gazeth”
As much as shakespeare’s perceptions of sexuality and gender are very........  late 1500′s (whoo boy sonnet #20 is a wild ride) ...... the description does match, and also:
  B. The Fair Youth Refused to Get Married
it’s never really said why one way or another (shakespeare assumes it’s because the FY is selfish) but the FY didn’t/wouldn’t take on a wife and have a kid, and this was something that was a real sticker for our man Willy S. because, as he says in his sonnets a million times: beauty doesn’t last forever, but having a child not only passes down the FY’s beauty, but also blesses the woman the FY would have a child with (im not saying shakespeare wanted to bear the FY’s children, but he definitely did)
Whose fresh repair if now thou not renewest, Thou dost beguile the world, unbless some mother. For where is she so fair whose uneared womb Disdains the tillage of thy husbandry?
(ie. If you don’t renew yourself/ have children, you deprive the world and deprive a woman from having your child, since what woman out there is so beautiful that she wouldn’t want to bear your child?)
1.) if nicky is the FY then so many of these poems center around the idea of nicky growing old sometime soon and that must have been pretty funny to Nicky and
2.)  the fact that shakespeare would have been So Desperate for nicky to find a wife must have been the opposite of funny to joe. considering the ease of his and nicky’s relationship and the fact that being gay in late 1500s england was probably not a walk in the park, it is very likely shakespeare wouldn’t have known they were in a committed relationship-- or at least not known how close they actually were. Thus:
  C. The Rival (aka. Joe)
shakespeare mentions having a poetic rival in regards to the FY in several sonnets. In sonnet #21 he talks about how he’s not like Those Other Writers who use grand metaphors to talk about their muses
So is it not with me as with that Muse, Stirred by a painted beauty to his verse, Who heaven itself for ornament doth use And every fair with his fair doth rehearse, Making a couplement of proud compare With sun and moon, with earth and sea's rich gems, With April's first-born flowers, and all things rare,
(ie. I’m not like other poets who, when inspired by a ‘painted beauty’ use heaven and every other beautiful thing on the planet to make a grand comparison to their muse: he specifically lists the sun and moon as examples as well as other beautiful things)
He then goes on to say
And then believe me, my love is as fair As any mother's child, though not so bright As those gold candles fixed in heaven's air:
(ie. my love [the FY] is as beautiful as any other beautiful person, though I wouldn’t compare them to the stars/heavens (which is what he means by the 'gold candles’. those are stars.))
So shakespeare insults poets who compare their subjects to the sun, moon, and stars (amongst other things) and in the comics, Joe does literally exactly that
That man is the stars in my sky, and the sun that lights my days. That man is the moon when I'm lost in darkness, and warmth when I shiver in cold.
shakespeare also goes on to say in the same sonnet “Let them say more that like of hearsay well / I will not praise that purpose not to sell” which is to say ‘let people who like that kind of language use it, I wont because I don’t want anyone else to have the subject of my affections (the FY)’.
(which is a bit of a contradiction regarding his feelings abt the FY getting married, but these sonnets are full of contradictions. shakespeare was a confused dude; man spent the first 100 or so sonnets convinced the FY loved him back only for him to start wondering if the FY ever loved him near the end)
(not to mention Marriage For Love wasnt really.. much of a thing in Ye Olden Times but thats a different conversation. so shakespeare prolly didnt associate marriage with love/competition? anyways)
Shakesy-boo goes on to complain about this rival several times. In #79, he says
Yet what of thee thy poet doth invent He robs thee of, and pays it thee again. He lends thee virtue, and he stole that word From thy behaviour; beauty doth he give, And found it in thy cheek: he can afford No praise to thee, but what in thee doth live.
(ie. everything ‘your poet’ (as the FY apparently favored this unnamed rival) says about you, he takes it from you in the first place. he talks about your virtue, but learned the word from watching your behavior. he calls you beautiful but only discovered beauty by looking at your face. every compliment he gives you he took from you in the first place)
[and, as a smaller example, he also bemoans the fact that people want to paint the FY in #67, saying, “Why should false painting imitate his cheek, / And steal dead seeming of his living hue?”. and yknow. Joe’s an artist.]
And then another example in #86
Was it the proud full sail of [the rival’s] great verse, Bound for the prize of all too precious you, That did my ripe thoughts in my brain inhearse, Making their tomb the womb wherein they grew?
Was it his spirit, by spirits taught to write Above a mortal pitch, that struck me dead?
(ie. he’s talking about how he’s having difficulty writing abt the FY and is rhetorically asking if ‘the proud sail’ of the rival’s verses was the reason his ‘ripe thoughts’ were killed in their ‘womb’. He then asks (again rhetorically) if it was the rival’s ‘spirit’ (or creativity, maybe) ‘’’‘by spirits taught to write’’’’ that killed his own drive to write. none of the analyses I’ve read really explain what shakespeare means by ‘spirits taught to write’, other than maybe being a joke or reference to something we dont know, but... ‘taught by dead people to write in a way mortal people can’t’ very much sounds like a description of an immortal poet, eh?)
Which brings me to,
  D. Willy Boy Thinks There Are 500 Year Old Writings About the Fair Youth
shakespeare talks about people having written about the FY ‘500 years ago’ from the late 1500s in #59 which......................... would have been around 1100 AD. :thinking face:
Oh that record could with a backward look, Even of five hundred courses of the sun, Show me your image in some antique book, Since mind at first in character was done, That I might see what the old world could say To this composed wonder of your frame;
(ie. Oh if I could look back 500 years and see how you were described in some old books so I could see/reference what people used to write about you)
Which again brings me to,
  E. I’m Not Saying shakespeare Stole From Joe, But:
1.) In #22, shakespeare says this,
For all that beauty that doth cover thee, Is but the seemly raiment of my heart, Which in thy breast doth live, as thine in me: 
(ie, your beauty is due to the ‘clothes’ my heart gives you-- probably means something like ‘you’re beautiful because i love you’. goes on to say his heart lives in the FY’s chest, and the FY’s heart lives in shakespeare’s chest)
so: shakespeare tells the FY he has shakespeare’s heart. in comparison, Joe calls nicky ‘my heart’ in the comics...... :thinking face x2:
2.) In #109, shakespeare tells the FY ‘thou art my all’,
For nothing this wide universe I call, Save thou, my rose, in it thou art my all.
which rings similar to Joe’s ‘he’s all and he’s more’ as well as (from the comics) ‘he is my everything’
and just saying. joe looks pretty #done the mention of shakespeare.
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  F. The last One
Despite shakespeare writing 30+ poems about the FY eventually growing old, the very last poem he writes about/for the FY says,
O thou, my lovely boy, who in thy power Dost hold Time's fickle glass, his sickle hour; Who hast by waning grown, and therein showest Thy lovers withering, as thy sweet self growest. 
(ie. you [the FY] have power over the ‘mirror’ (fickle glass) of time as well as time’s ‘harvesting’ ability (sickle hour) and as you grow older, you remain beautiful while your lovers [shakespeare] wither and grow old)
The transition from ‘get married and have a baby before you get old!!!!’ in #1-20 to talking about the FY’s presence in 500 y/o books in #59 to admitting the FY isn’t growing old in #126 kinda seems to imply shakespeare learning of/about nicky’s immortality at some point, and this last poem is him accepting it.
TLDR: not only does it make perfect sense if nicky was the Fair Youth from the FY sonnets, but it also makes perfect sense if joe was the Rival from the FY sonnets. its canon nothing will convince me otherwise
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ca1e70-deactivated · 5 years ago
a list of my entirely way too niche headcanons ive actually implemented for everyones imagination:
name options ive used and refuse to retire: david elizabeth strider (sometimes i dont feel like being a douche to others and saying thats not his name), harley davidson strider, and david james strider for the sake of simplicity
im not gonna tell yall the like. oc exes ive given him bc thatll take eighteen years. 
i dont rlly have an explanation on the ghost thing besides the fact he just can? ive occasionally pulled from family ghost stories and experiences bc i somehow got landed with family members who lived in a haunted house for a decade and enjoy scaring me with all the stories (including the time my cousin literally died on the kitchen floor from a bronchial spasm and one of the friends that was over asked my aunt later what was up with the old man she saw in the corner of the room that night - my cousin is fine btw shes just a huge bitch and a third grade teacher and i dont like her)
whether or not hes done drugs is based on absolutely nothing besides how im feeling in that moment. either hes the designated driver and sober friend forever or he got fired from his job after doing a line at work during graveyard with some random customers theres no inbetween (this absolutely happened @ waho. if dave works at waho hes a mess of a person and thats on the diner itself.)
ok look i hc dave w/schizophrenia besides when i was 14 i had a hyperfixation with learning about it and then at 16 was prescribed a medication and had side effects so wack my therapist genuinely thought 14 yr old me was onto something and its a weird way to cope with the idea that lady put in my head that i might “develop it in my twenties” which i turn 20 this year and i havent been able to stop obsessing and panicking over the prospect so PLEASE dont come in my inbox calling me ableist im not out here all harley quinn in suicide squad with the voices ok hes medicated, he goes to therapy, the hard fast delusion that lil cal was nearly sentient and informed bro of every single thing dave did no matter how asinine it was is no longer a debilitatingly affecting him ANYWAYS
i actually use the chicken/egg farming family pretty often just because its hilarious to me to give dave like. an actual mom and dad. hes literally an uncle to like three different kids he just never visits because they make fun of his skinny jeans and he hates one of his (incredibly bare-bones ocs all of them) brothers who threatened to bash his head in with a little league bat after dave broke his star wars lego set apart on accident (but not rlly) so their parents were like “why dont you stay with your brother in the big city for a lil while champ” and then they just never picked him back up? and thats on favoritism 
the other one is that his name is actually david reed and hes the middle child of a family of three who literally live the standard golden retriever white middle class life only they went to disney land or something equally as dumb one year when dave was like 6 and he wandered off so bro literally just went “huh free game” because frankly he was an idiot who thought maybe i should take this kid home because its real dangerous in parking lots and then it was too late to NOT have it seem like a kidnapping and thats why daves never had a summer job, seen his birth certificate, or gone to school. but vaguely remembers what kindergarten was like and having a pet dog and calling someone mom as a kid. 
im not making a bullet point about his sex life headcanons just use your imagination and acknowledge the fact bro essentially worked within the sex industry and i enjoy putting dave through trauma as a catharsis 
i stopped doing this one usually but if he did go to school hes been in percussion since fifth grade and played the drums in his high schools jazz band as well as various edgy teenager garage bands he likes to pretend dont have a youtube presence and that hes absolutely never been shirtless in front of plenty of his classmates because he wore a hoodie to a show like an idiot. idk occasionally ill put him in an actual band he doesnt hate but keeps separate from his lil turntechGodhead internet persona (which i will ALSO touch upon in a sec) until they wind up getting looped into a tour with some bigger named band that has a show in *insert beta kid here*’s city and hes gotta come clean solely so he can visit his online friend. sorry derseasterous thats the one time weve ever run into each other and i made him have a crush on one of his bandmates i was in my anti-daverose phase where i made dave a hoe and also didnt want to admit i still loved the ship all these years later 
i hate it so much but you know the whole vr loli trap voice shit that was popular a while ago? hes fucking baller at it for some reason. he did it as a joke while talking to bro and they both about shat their pants. if im feeling real ambitious, hes got a separate soundcloud solely dedicated to doing dumbass rap covers or making his own but in the voice under the pseudonym elizabeth “beth” davids that he will never admit is his. well, he will, but hes gonna be really fucking embarrassed about it. irony or not.
talking abt seperate soundclouds and stuff ive always had it where turntechGodhead was his like. essentially internet fucking persona facade shit he used because we all had that phase where we wanted memorable urls and stuff but also didnt want to totally ignore the nagging fear of people finding you in real life, until it turned into real life ppl finding you on the internet. so he also has basically an adjacent set of social media under the same name but its just a boring username i havent decided on so everyone he knows irl doesnt mix up with what hes made for himself as TG and the people he knows as TG dont know what highschool he goes to. (this occasionally comes with the territory of ppl on parp being pissed that daves “lying” or “hiding things” from his friends as if he was doing it out of spite instead of just keeping embarrassing tagged photos and videos from football games or when he ate shit at the skatepark from fucking with his “rap career”)
every once in a while i get on a kick where hes just german. like, i just replace houston texas with hamburg germany and have him apply to a university in whatever state is applicable for whoever im chatting with and it goes from there? sometimes he moved when he was little and went through the whole visa thing, sometimes he didnt go through the visa thing, sometimes hes a dual citizen because of family and shit, its all dependent on what suits the situation best. 
one that ive been fucking with for a while but hardly break out (until recently with like 5 roses in the span of one day hell yeah) is that he has a neighbor at the end of the hall who is like a thousand year old witch lady that hes basically adopted as his mother figure in lieu of not having one and shes totally cool with it, especially bc when she kicks the bucket she fully plans on giving dave all her occult stuff so her figure-skating coach and realtor daughter doesnt sell it at a garage sale and lets it all go to waste. she also once brought rose up by name in a conversation without any prompting of her existence which dave didnt realize for days, and then one time cryptically stopped and stared at an empty space in the wall, went “she has potential, you know.” then looked at him sitting on her kitchen counter with a smile “lots of it” and hes thought about that weekly ever since. (it is important to note one of the occult items he leaves her is literally her own personal book of shadows shes been filling out for decades its like a 600 page leatherbound book dave has no idea what its used for but the sheer amount of homemade spells and etc in it is like. gonna murder rose the second this chick gets her hands on it i promise you.)
theres the standard strife shit? im not rlly gonna get into those theyre all basically cookie cutter bullshit. its just standard bro and dave abuse talk. i like to inclulde the whole 24hr live cam up in the apartment that definitely watches dave in every room besides his own and the bathroom, but that quickly delves into the prospect of middle-aged men stalking him online and basically sexually harassing him in his own god damn home by talking about how they can see him just trying to take his shoes off in the living room after getting home and frankly? its not one of my best takes! but once you throw it into the headcanon bin, its there forever. 
he actually really does do something with his photography but not enough to warrant anything exciting, but he has his own branding for it and regularly takes pictures of his friends or anything else he thinks is moderately interesting enough to take pictures of, but those are just thrown into shoeboxes under his bed in favor of posting genuine shots because he wants to keep his image intact and blurry photos of jade smiling in the tree they climbed up together while bec paws at the base of it while whining isnt exactly something he wants the whole world to see.
i also pretty often but him into either paleontology OR i put him down as trying to become a mortician because he thinks handing roadkill once he graduated from museum giftshop specimens to doing his own taxidermy on the side has prepared him enough to perform an occasional autopsy and start embalming real human corpses. (sometimes i put my own desires in and make them his bc i have to project at some point and put him through the same EMT course i dropped out of bc it was one semester and he already has pretty decent first aid skills, but he definitely didnt expect it to be as fucking wild at times as it is, but whats he gonna do? get a job back at waffle house? the company hes working for just offered to pay like half his associates in paramedicine tuition and hes already got all his pre-recs done when he started for paleo. at least its a stable job and hes got the ability to be compassionate in the moment) 
im running out of things that ive done to the poor kid. OH 
hes not a virgin he had a girlfriend all four years of high school (shes also one of his optional and designated exes plz keep up) and their relationship ends in one of two ways: she dies in a car accident a week before their high school graduation, or she stops talking to him entirely a week after their high school graduation until a couple years later she gets into (guess what) a car accident with her current wife/girlfriend and dies which leaves behind their daughter. who just so happens to also be daves daughter. her name is hannah and i love her like my own but no one ever likes her and thats on the conditioning of dirk. does dave end up taking her in? yes. shes awesome and the first time he takes her to the park to like run off some fucking steam she disappears for two minutes and dave is moderately terrified until she comes back holding a dead baby squirrel and thats the moment he realizes huh maybe things really do be genetic.
ok at the bottom of the list im gonna add the couple of times hes been a camboy which usually coincides with the live apartment cam thing and the amount of people in his dms calling him hot or whatever, but typically its more of a started the day he turned 18 and basically dipped around 20 in favor of showing up randomly with no warning to complain about a video game dick in hand because it gives him an outlet that wont annoy his friends bc this is the fifteenth time hes had a lot to say this week about a certain boss battle and also the comments fuel his ego and daddy issues.
the last one wasnt the bottom but literally unless its explicitly proven otherwise every time anyone rps with me there is the underlying fact dave strider was a goalie on his high school lacrosse teams all four years and (shocker another one) definitely had the hots for one of his teammates like major hots like first gay experience hots. like it was painfully obvious that teammate also liked him back hots. like one night at a team sleepover one of the other guys was like can yall just makeout and get it over with were fucking tired and dave really had the balls to be offended and ask what the fuck they were talking about while literally sitting halfway in the mans lap bc for some reason they had to share the same chair. 
he is also guilty until proven innocent of being the worlds biggest loner outside of that sports team and even though hes literally a jock he still opts to eat his lunch alone in the hallway or something like that and has a tendency to leave girls on read, but bc hes got an in with the rest of the jocks hes basically drug around to plenty of parties and since hes conventionally attractive enough and popular in the aloof way that he is, hes got plenty of tagged insta posts and twitter directs and snapchat streaks going. 
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mikumutual · 5 years ago
answers aa themed questions nobody asked because i’m cool and sexy
also i havent played the 5th or 6th games so
YOUR FAVOURITE…? 1. Favourite Ace Attorney game? honestly? phoenix wright ace attorney! everything’s fresh, there aren’t many weak characters, and the plot is remarkable (especially the fifth case). the whole trilogy is really good as one unit though 2. Favourite case? 1-4, 1-5, 2-4, and 3-5 are tied lol, i can’t make a decision to save my life. 2-1 is really really funny tho 3. Favourite defendant? as a defendant, lana skye. as a person, edgeworth 4. Favourite prosecutor? as a prosecutor, franziska von karma. as a person, edgeworth 5. Favourite ship? wrightworth obviously... ive probably put more thought into them over the last 3 years than any other ship 6. Favourite victim? probably mia fey or gregory edgeworth... but for non-relevant victims, neil marshall :( 7. Favourite murderer? shelly de killer, i LOVE that guy. but dee vasquez was very cool as well 8. Favourite assistant? maya fey!!!!!!!!!! but i like kay faraday a lot too (im so sorry ema) 9. Favourite witness? adrian andrews... or maybe iris? i mean i didn’t like iris but god what a person 10. Favourite quote? “It doesn't matter how many underhanded tricks a person uses... The truth will always find a way to make itself known. The only thing we can do is to fight with the knowledge we hold and everything we have. Erasing the paradoxes one by one... It's never easy... We claw and scratch for every inch. But we will always eventually reach that one single truth. This I promise you.” - Miles Edgeworth i made this one of my senior quotes :]
YOUR LEAST FAVOURITE…? 11. Least favourite Ace Attorney game? uh fucking apollo justice. literally what the hell was that 12. Least favourite case? turnabout visitor wasn’t very strong? i guess it’s fine as an intro, but it’s also wonky with the timeline of aai 13. Least favourite defendant? max galactica. he’s better in the anime though 14. Least favourite prosecutor? manfred von karma, obviously. i like every other prosecutor (who i know of) though, even winston payne is pretty funny in hindsight 15. Least favourite ship? “miles edgeworth/female oc”. there are a lot of bad ships though, mostly involving phoenix & his assistants. dont do that please 16. Least favourite victim? zak gramarye for kickstarting that shitty, shitty game 17. Least favourite murderer? again mvk... but also fucking frank sahwit LMAO 18. Least favourite assistant? i guess trucy 19. Least favourite witness? fuck everyone from turnabout big top unless it was the anime episode 20. Least favourite memory of Ace Attorney? repeatedly trying and failing to download the emulator for aai2 hbjsjhdb i eventually got it but someone had to send me the download fully pre-patched and i felt kinda useless DO YOU PREFER…? 21. Phoenix Wright or Apollo Justice? phoenix wright. fuck that “GOTCHA!” mechanic jesus christ 22. Maya Fey or Trucy Wright? maya fey. nothing personal against trucy but i just dont like aj hbjsdjhsdb also maya is really sweet and fun and she has the best sprites. she seems like she’d be a good friend, it’s too bad that she doesn’t have the time for them as a spirit medium and all :( if maya ema and kay got to hang out together itd be wild 23. Investigations or trials? trials are easier in my opinion because investigations have several things you could be doing without such a linear style, so if you miss something, you won’t really know until you wander around forever 24. College Phoenix or Hobo Phoenix? college feenie!!!!! he’s like trilogy feenie but more emotional and less witty. i like to pretend that hobo phoenix doesnt exist 25. Klavier Gavin or Kristoph Gavin? who would say kristoph 26. Ace Attorney or Ace Attorney Investigations? ace attorney but only because phoenix is in it lmao. im actually rewatching a playthrough of aai now, and playing aai2 at the same time, so while it is on the mind, i feel like the cases characters and mechanics - while loved - don’t hold up to the OGs 27. Apollo’s perceive, Phoenix’s magatama, or Athena’s Mood Matrix? i actually kinda like the mood matrix more than anything because it has a really good UI and the magatama is kinda grating. but FUCK the gotcha mechanic it is SO FUCKING STUPID and IMPOSSIBLE TO USE.  where is logic chess 28. Ace Attorney trilogy or Apollo Justice and Dual Destinies? you already know my answer to this one 29. 3D models or sprites? i do like the 3d models a lot but i like the original sprites more! imo original pixel sprites > 3D models > HD sprites. mostly bc the hd sprites are garbage (see here, here, and here) 30. Ema Skye as she is in Rise from the Ashes or Ema Skye as she is in Apollo Justice? rfta !!!!!! shes actually really nice as an assistant, esp considering the fact that we actually see her interact with her sister, which is something maya didn’t have very often. also her random appearance in aai was well appreciated by me
MISCELLANEOUS 31. Did you like what they did to Phoenix in Apollo Justice?
32. Your opinion on Dai Gyakuten Saiban? haven’t played it! it looks pretty cool though
33. Do you think Dai Gyakuten Saiban and/or Miles Edgeworth Investigations 2 will get localised to the West? doubt it, since the creators have said that it won’t be. but the fan translations are pretty good, so i think it’s okay
34. Do you think Miles Edgeworth should get another Investigation-game or do you think another character deserves a spin-off? i mean he already has two, so i guess he doesn’t need another? like i love edgeworth but he’s not as fun without phoenix around. ngl i would play a franziska game. or a maya game, or any spinoff revolving around a side character. hell i’d play hotti game if it meant it took place in the trilogy era
35. Opinion on the soundtrack of the Ace Attorney-franchise? REALLY good. really really good. i love how each game of the trilogy has different composers but each track has the same theme and feel!!!
36. Do you like where the franchise is heading or did you prefer the atmosphere in the original trilogy? seriously absolutely completely prefer the trilogy. i’m sorry but the rush of youth and trust is way, way more enjoyable than whatever “i’m 35 and therefore middle aged” nonsense is happening in the 2020s
37. Capcom suddenly announces that Phoenix will no longer appear in the Ace Attorney franchise! Your reaction? He’s been replaced by Penny Nichols. Fuck you.
38. Capcom suddenly announces that the Ace Attorney franchise has ended for good! Your reaction? it was me i ended it
39. Would you like there to be another Ace Attorney/Professor Layton crossover game? i didnt play it but i really like the idea!!!!!! aa crossover games are really funny to me, i mean have you seen edgeworth in project x zone 2, lmao
40. Would you like an Ace Attorney anime? we have one now! honestly i don’t think it did a very good job of representing the cases, but it did do a good character remix of turnabout big top so that they’re not creepy anymore. they also did a really good job with the anime-specific cases, like the one on the train! it feels a lot better paced when it’s intended for that medium rather than just adapted.  also the childhood episodes made me cry
41. Opinion on anime cutscenes in Ace Attorney? like in 5 and 6? mm, the art style is kinda weird, and i don’t really like the voices, but i guess not everything can be pachinko and prozd
42. Would you want to play an Ace Attorney game where you take on the prosecutor’s role? YEAH ACTUALLY!!!!!! it might be kinda weird being on the right side of the screen though lmao
43. Do you like having DLC in Ace Attorney-games? uhhh i hate having to buy extra things, but i’ll admit that they are pretty funny
44. Opinion on Lamiroir’s storyline? i only played aj so if shes in other games idk but i thought she was fine
45. One thing you think the Ace Attorney games can improve on? stop having creepy characters please. also jesus christ if phoenix and edgeworth arent wearing rings in aa7 i will become the ceo of capcom myself
46. Capcom suddenly announces an Ace Attorney movie! Would you like it to be based on an already existing case or would you like an all new storyline? i mean the musical did a pretty good job of adapting existing cases, so it might as well be new. it would be kinda hard to balance the games’ timeline & character development without being repetitive or an au
47. Capcom suddenly announces an Ace Attorney movie! Would you prefer it being live-action, 3D animated or 2D animated? stylized 2D animation, probably? i would want it to feel more like into the spiderverse than an anime, though. in my dream ace attorney movie, they’d just need a high art budget, several plausible deniability wrightworth scenes, and prozd to voice edgeworth
48. If there could be an Ace Attorney crossover with whatever franchise you’d like, which one would you choose? (Does not need to be a video-game franchise) your turn to die is probably closest in characterization, although its premise is more “locked in a room” than the open-world investigation of aa
49. Opinion on recurring witnesses? (Wendy Oldbag, Lotta Hart, Larry Butz, etc.) honestly, i like them a lot! i don’t know why people hate them so much - i mean, i know lotta lied, and wendy is a horrible old flirt, and larry just kinda sucks all around. but they’re also pretty funny to have around! larry is a constant comic relief who reminds you how much better nick & edgey are in comparison, lotta is likeable as a general character (like in 2-4, although yeah, not remarkable), and wendy oldbag is really funny. she’s so fucking funny. none of you appreciate wendy oldbag’s quirks and you are SLEEPING ON IT!!!!!!!!!!!!
50. Do you think Dual Destinies deserved its M-rating? no idea, holy shit, it got an m-rating? i mean every game before it has had blood violence and very mild swearing, and since DD probably doesnt have anything too sexually risqué, i doubt it deserves a rating any harsher than the rest of the series
okay thanks thats all
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i-want-to-be-manhandled · 7 years ago
more trans ramblings (tramblings?) - to T or not to T, that is the question
so i’m writing this so i have some thoughts to show my therapist next week instead of scouring my brain for them but im posting it on the internet instead of keeping it in a word document or some shit cause i need some of y’all to relate and i’m already way too personal on here anyways. and also at this point this is my personal blog too, i’ve given up entirely on keeping it just for video games. tl;dr: please tell me i am not the only one with stupid amounts of doubt going against the stupid amounts of evidence that i am very transgender. 
tw: long post, doubts, testosterone/hrt effects discussed in detail, (don’t read this if you know me irl and haven’t personally talked with me about being trans? otherwise go ahead), nsfw cause we’re talking about genitals but mostly towards the end of the second to last paragraph (i’ll strike the nsfw stuff), mention of rape but no discussion of it happening, lemme know if i missed anything
so as my last transpost said im very excited for my hysto that im nowhere near getting but im flip-flopping as to whether or not i want to go on t. i know i can get it fairly quickly if i decide i do want it. there’s a trans health clinic in walking distance from where i am moving in 23 days, i have 3 therapists who will write me a letter of recommendation for testosterone, and my mother even found me the trans health clinic so she’ll try to find me somewhere else to go if they don’t take me in for some reason. (having a supportive mom is great i don’t miss her crying about how hard it is to have a trans kid in january and february.) and i’ve looked thoroughly at the effects of testosterone and have sorted them into pros, neutrals, and cons. (posting it here again mostly bc i need to do it but i also need some of yall to relate and/or validate me and/or answer my weird questions)
voice drop. im so tired of having a squeaky voice which is exacerbated by me always being anxious, and my sister has a deeper voice than me and always tries to sing ridiculously low parts to stretch it for some reason which makes me feel insecure. and apparently my voice is “always squeaky” according to my dad and like? shit man i pass until i talk that’s just the tea. 
i dont even care if i have a super deep voice, i actually think i’d rather be a solid tenor because that’s the vocal range of most of my favorite songs, but i want to sound like a man when i talk and not an 8 year old girl
side note apparently a lot of trans guys have male “internal voices” but mine just sounds like how i sound when i talk because i’m a very literal person and that’s why it took me forever to figure out i was trans and not having a male internal voice makes me dysphoric sometimes and even doubt that i’m trans at all... that’s dumb af i know it’s just my literal personality type not me actually being a girl
more muscle. i dont work out as it is right now but if i knew i’d see results the way i want them then i probably would. also im getting ripped during the school year anyways bc i walk everywhere with a 15-20 pound backpack strapped to me so i’m at least gonna look semi muscular which is what i want anyways. please give me strength quite literally i can barely lift bro
bottom growth. ik it’s still not going to be ~enough~ or whatever but i’d have... something? that would be nice. 
side note would packers start to be uncomfortable with something there bc i wonder about that sometimes. not that mine is super uncomfortable now or anything (i just haven’t figured out how to make it sit right) but i wonder about that
if im one of those guys whose periods dont stop on t i am actually going to perform a hysto on myself
fat shifting from hips, thighs and butt to my stomach. i don’t care if i have stomach chub or not, but i DO care that my hips are Like That and my things are Really Girly and i have a fucking Girl Butt TM like please just let me Not Have These Problems
having a more angular face. doesn’t happen to everyone per se but because of my facial structure as it is and also what my dad looked like when he was my age, i probably will get this change. i have actively wished for this since i was 13 and didn’t even know dysphoria was a word. hopefully it makes my lips a little thinner too or at least more masculine.
veins becoming more prominent. i have this one pic of me where it looks like i have Guy Arms and i just wanna look like that all the time ya know
lookin like a dude and passing? that counts right
facial hair. i know a lot of trans guys want this but i’ve never wanted one. i just want a jawline to cut a bitch tbh i’m never having more than stubble except the beard imma wear to my high school reunion
body hair. this is more of a pro-neutral ig bc i want it on my arms and legs but would prefer not to have a lot on my chest and stomach. fortunately i dont think my dad has a whole lot but i’m a pretty hairy afab person as it is i just dont wanna be a werewolf lmao
hair loss at temples. i just don’t care about my hairline enough for this to really bother me. maybe i will when it happens but *shrug*
scents of sweat/bo/urine changing? idk i feel like it will be weird, maybe gross if it turns out bad but honestly i don’t really care what i smell like as long as i don’t smell like a dumpster fire? i shower it’s fine lmao
rougher skin? i dont know if i’d like having rougher skin but i also dont like being an uwu soft boi so
acne. nobody wants it but like... i already have stress-acne right now and don’t really give a shit because i hate how my face looks anyways. not that i want a fuckton of acne because nobody does but im not gonna cry myself to sleep over it ya feel? it’s an annoyance but not really a con
increase in sex drive. not to be nsfw but masturbating is a chore as it is. it hasn’t been fun since i realized i had crippling bottom dysphoria and even then i can’t get off unless i’m completely distracted from my body (either through porn or being too tired to care). also i have like a 2% chance of ever having a partner so i really dont wanna have to deal with having the sex drive of a 12 year old boy when im 19, single, depressed, and dysphoric. im not even asexual but this is the worst con
emotional changes. yall know at this point i dont have the best temper, and i dont want t to exacerbate that. now, some of my friends have said that t has made them much calmer and actually less irritable, but the rest of my friends said t makes them angry. i have poor anger management and i know it. i don’t need it made worse. it’ll fuck my life up for real
increase in appetite. listen i have gastritis, ibs and acid reflux i cannot afford to be needing to eat more than i currently do
so as yall can see i have a fair number of all 3: 8 pros, 6 neutrals, and 3 cons. and what’s more, all of the cons are things that don’t have anything to do with my appearance (which my therapist and i noticed during our session a couple weeks ago and really made me think i should go on t). so then the answer should be clear: i should go on t, right? deal with having a fucked high sex drive and be pissed off because of it but finally be able to see my reflection in the mirror. so it should be obvious. what the hell am i waiting for?
the main reason i’m hesitant is i’m afraid i’ll want to detransition. even though i KNOW it rarely happens and the women who do thought they were trans because of unaddressed traumas relating to being female or have a personality disorder. i have neither of those things: the only female-related trauma i have is being slut shamed by my mom for wearing tank tops and any shirt that wasn’t a crew neck and one guy saying he’d rape me in 9th grade because he thought rape and sex were the same thing (for his sake i hope he’s grown the fuck up!! i’m not traumatized from this i just made my teacher not let him sit next to me in class and told him to stop talking to me. sadly this is the most sexual attention i’ve ever gotten), and the only mental illnesses i have are depression and anxiety (unless we’re counting dysphoria, which i definitely have). i also sometimes feel like i discovered it too late: i didn’t say “i’m not a girl” until i was 14, refused to explore my gender until i was 17, and didn’t fully accept i was trans until i was 18. and other dumb shit: i never tried to pee standing up so im not really trans even though i didn’t know what a penis was until i was like 9, ive caught myself twice recently wishing for longer hair which made me feel feminine and gross and dysphoric (even though i know hair length =/= gender??), and im not in danger of suicide if i don’t get testosterone and top surgery RiGhT nOw. the prospect of me detransitioning isn’t likely, when you look at all the facts, but the prospect makes me anxious because everything makes me anxious. i am the poster boy for anxiety. and yes, i know i would have said that even when i accepted that i was technically the poster girl but i would have said poster boy anyways because it was “gender neutral” and didn’t rub me the wrong way like poster girl would have. same reason i insisted on being a dude instead of dudette and only described myself with words that didn’t have a female equivalent in french class even if it wasn’t true. so what the hell am i waiting for.
like i know i shouldn’t be doubting at this point because it’s so, so obvious that i’m trans. just because i didn’t try to pee standing up when i was little or ask why i didn’t have a penis doesn’t mean i’m not a guy. i logically know this. like when i was 11 and i insisted to myself i had a male brain but knew i shouldn’t say that out loud because that was weird and i wanted to be a normal girl who didn’t have a weird male brain, and when i was 7 and at my friend sarah’s house and her room was super pink and girly and i literally thought the sentence “is this what i’m supposed to be like?” and when i was 14 and cut my hair into the Typical Queer Girl Pixie Cut and my hair was just??? gone like i wanted it to be when i was 9 and ended up with a bowl cut instead, and instead of looking in the mirror and thinking i looked like an owl when i was 9 i smiled at how “androgynous” (masculine) i looked, and when i was 11 and only hung out with boys at summer camp and they treated me like one of them and the girls were really mean to me but it was the best summer i’d ever had, and when i was 15 and my friend chris joked that i was the “guy” in my lesbian relationship and i was so fucking happy, and when i was 15 and starving myself because i loved my “angular” figure and jaw,  and when i was 16 and wearing a dress to winter formal because my ex met me in one and i wanted to be cute for him but i picked the dress that looked like a suit because it looked very “queer” (masculine), and when i was 14 and literally went “hmmm im gonna bind my chest just because i wanna know what it would look like” and it made me so euphoric and i knew in that instant i wasn’t a girl but repressed it for 3+ years because dealing with it would just be too hard, and when i was 11 and knew it was going to be my last day going to school without a bra on and just being so ashamed even though i wanted breasts so i’d be a normal girl, and when i was 16 and wearing that backwards snapback all the time and my friend said it was what tops did and i was so happy that nobody would consider me a bottom or whatever stupid shit because i couldn’t imagine myself being penetrated ever in my cisgender gay life, and when i was 16-17 and scouring the lesbian section of pornhub for pov/strap-on videos bc i wanted to know what it would look like to fuck a girl with a dick without watching straight porn because i’m 100% a gay female because the word lesbian is too girly im not a trans guy or anything haha, and when i was 14-and-onwards wondering why it felt so empty between my legs and why it felt like i was supposed to have a dick lmao im totally a girl though haha, and when i was 15 and had to google how to masturbate bc i couldn’t figure it out naturally and still felt like i was doing it wrong, and when i was 15 and looked at my vagina in the pocket mirror i got from selling like 30 boxes of girl scout cookies in 2007 and my first thought was “that is not my body,” and when i was 16 and actually very upset that i couldn’t ejaculate when i orgasmed. trans who? what the fucking hell am i waiting for
seriously. i was 7 and looking at my 2nd grade yearbook photo thinking “that doesn’t look like me,” and i was 13 and looking in the mirror saying “that doesn’t look like me,” and i went through all of my adolescence waiting for “puberty to turn me into a girl” and then i was 17 and done with puberty and crying because my body was still wrong. i can’t believe how hard i tried throughout my whole adolescence to be some facet of “normal girl” so i wouldn’t get bullied and be dateless forever and thinking “puberty hasn’t turned me into a girl yet” and not stopping to think about what i was if i wasn’t a girl until puberty was done, i realized it wasn’t going to happen, and it was too damn late for me. now i’m 19 and don’t leave the house without either a binder or a sports bra/baggy layers combo and i’d wear my packer everywhere if i could figure out how to get it to sit right (and also get it past my parents lmao).  like if anyone else rattled off that list of trans shit i wouldn’t question them for a second. but because it’s me and i’m like “what if i’m transwashing my memories? what if i’m gaslighting myself?” i’m still not on testosterone and please validate me. tell me other trans people doubt themselves, no matter how obvious it is that they’re trans. tell me it’s okay to doubt hrt, even though you know it will be so much more likely to help you. tell me it’s okay to be afraid of detransitioning, even though it’s okay if i DO decide to detransition and it’s so unlikely anyways considering all the evidence of Me Not Being A Fucking Girl.
if you read this all the way to the end here’s an awkward hug and some brain bleach im not even drunk or high i can’t even blame substances for this behavior 
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insarations · 7 years ago
these are actually hella fucking cute y’all
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? more cereal
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? oh yes :) but gotta  get me some hot chocolate or blanket
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? usually just a scrap of paper or whatevers close
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? i put soy milk and sugar in my coffee....just sugar in tea
5: are you self-conscious of your smile? ya :/ well at least if my mouth is open...I have terrible teeth
6: do you keep plants? no
7: do you name your plants? noo lol
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? painting/drawing/crafting..sometimes writing or poetry
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? very much
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach? usually side, sometimes back
11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends? too many to name
12: what's your favorite planet? hmm...never thought about it strangely. saturn for looks. but mars cause idk..it holds the most possibility
13: what's something that made you smile today? my cats
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? uhhh....idk
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! A day on Venus is actually longer than a year on Venus... wrap your head around that ;)
16: what's your favorite pasta dish? ooooh all of them lol but probably lasagna... ooh or alfredo
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair? just darker...dark brown or black
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up when i made us play hide n seek in a hotel room and i hid behind a curtain. or when i peed on my friends foot cause she got stung by a jellyfish XD
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? I used to :/ I dont' really anymore..probably should
20: what's your favorite eye color? um idk really it depends on the person..I usually like brown or blue. not that green isn't nice but again depends on the person lol
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. ugh I really don't use bags or purses or anything like that much. currently my black vans drawstring
22: are you a morning person? nah, never will be. i'm used to getting up early but still hate it
23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations? SLEEP
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? yes..a few people
25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? umm i dont think ive broken into anywhere
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit? i got rid of all my own shoes but the ones ive had a while i wear the most are my black slipon vans
27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? mint
28: sunrise or sunset? sunset
29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? only she could do it, cant even explain lol
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? more than a few times
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. I LOVE SOCKS lol absolutely not all white socks. I like fun patterned socks..especially my vans no shows... sometimes sleep with them on
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. oh gosh dont let me start
33: what's your fave pastry? uggghh too many. recently something amazing I tried... lobster tails from carlos bakery. but really..any pastry lol
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? lots of them. the main one I can think of is a small little grungy horse named Wickee lol...got him at this amusement park called Wickee Watchee... idk where he is atm :/
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? ooooooh yesssss...from time to time
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now? 21 pilots
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean? I mean I like it clean.... but it's messy most the time anyways lol
38: tell us about your pet peeves! ugh so many. the #1 thing probably is when I'm walking like in a store and someone just stops right in front of me..like i'm tryna get somewhere please move haha but otherwise I just had selfish spoiled people and attitudes and people who think they're better than everyone else
39: what color do you wear the most? black and gray
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you? um honestly I don't have any jewelry besides my liprings. There is this necklace that was my grandmas but I don't really wear it anymore
41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving? It's called Pawn by Robin Roseau
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! Starbucks. it's amazing. it's life. that is all.
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? this girl
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? um hmm on and off lately and I think i'm getting there again...but probably really completely like...last spring
45: do you trust your instincts a lot? as much and often as I can
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of. oh you don't want me to do that
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe? donald trump. oh food. hahahahah omg. i thought it said thing. hahahaha. i cant even answer now.
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? roaches. yes still same. I HATE THEM
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? eh neither like or dislike..rarely ever buy cds never records. But I did recently buy the Gwen Stefani Christmas album ;)
50: what's an odd thing you collect? nothing really odd. oh well.... unique boxes. I guess thats strange lol
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? so many songs.
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far? uh hmm.. probably the spongebob mocking one lol
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? honestly..dont kill me...no
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? myself XD
55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point? gotten out of the car and walked a mile home XD
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? just being genuine and truthful and sweet and trying to be funny even if you're not really
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? BEAUTIFUL. I didnt actually listen but I did in my head. BEAUTIFUL SONG
58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why? uhhhh..... dont really have a group of friends XD
59: what's your favorite myth? hmm too much thinking
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? depends, most the time...the Footprints poem
61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received? given um...idk I used to get a buncha stuff from the dollar store for my fam every year lol received? a rock from my ex bf -_-
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? nah not really a juice person
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? yes organized
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? black
65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? yesss....
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? uhhh eh..not for me
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? either calm or sad or sleepy or a combo
68: what's winter like where you live? it's florida. not usually cold. this week is as cold as it gets...low is like 38 but usually it doesnt even get there
69: what are your favorite board games? clue, monopoly is alright too
70: have you ever used a ouija board? no
71: what's your favorite kind of tea? not huge on tea but I like mint, or something fruity like berry or lemon or peach
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it? with certain things
73: what are some of your worst habits? leaving drinks or bottles half finished out or like letting my room get messy
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. funny. sarcastic. sometimes an asshole. good time. gorgeous. fun.
75: tell us about your pets! They're two cats, sister, Lamb and Rue...they're 2 and 1/2 years old..and sweet and mischevious and fluffy and soft and cuteeee  and I love them more than anything
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't? not really
77: pink or yellow lemonade? dont really like lemonade much but they dont make much a difference to me
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? fanclub :)
79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? wrote a song for me
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? white..nah I didnt choose
81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. honestly my minds going black lol im tired
82: are/were you good in school? yes for the most part..had my moments but overall good
83: what's some of your favorite album art? so many I could name. coldplays is always really colorful and abstracty. and imagine dragons.
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? already have two. want a lot more..too much to name and i dont even know still what all i want
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? nah
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? YAS. many. but first came to mind, Skillets Rise
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? Silver Linings Playbook. Paper Towns. Shrek. All the disney movies. Avatar. Wizard of Oz. many more
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? all of them haha... pop art, impressionism, renaissance..just all of it all special in they're own way
89: are you close to your parents? eh idk i cant explain..neither close nor distant. like we live together and talk alot but not really the close relationship as some do..im very different from them
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. Knoxville. the city I went to college in... interesting place with lots to do..best of both worlds. beautiful mountains and hills and views. but also the downtown areas are cool..lots of fun stuff
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? going to savannah ga for my bday. not sure where else yet but i'm sure there will be other places. i'd really like to go to phoenix..boston..new orleans..california..portland ugh so many places
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? CHEESE AF
93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? just up in a bun which is boring but its too messy and long to put up with lol
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? my dad
95: what are your plans for this weekend? nothing really so far. probably will go to lunch or something with my friend
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? procrastinate
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? myer briggs- INFJ (advocate) sign- aquarius house- ravenclaw
98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? legitimately...like 3 years ago...hated it...too much walking and pain XD
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. ugh sooooooooooo many. pretty much any song by skillet or gwen stefani/no doubt recently..dusk till dawn by sia, new rules by dua lipa... also songs by ben howard..lots of indie stuff
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? 5 into the future... i've already lived my past, and i've made a lot of progress...wanna jump to even more progress hopefully
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chickenfetus · 7 years ago
all moongan
thank you for asking falen tbh i love u sm and i love doing these 
omg is this ask for this ask meme i literally almost posted this along with the wrong ask fml
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
more cereal than mik because.. i dont eat cereal with milk……… i love the crunch
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
as someone who lives in a tropical country is that what its called idk we dont have seasons and it never gets lower than 25 degrees so yes that would be ideal
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
hrmmmmm… i just remember the page number?? or try to lmao if i dont remember i just skim through the pages and try to recognise where i left off
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
with at least 2 packets of sugar tbh…. i dont drink coffee
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
omg story time i went 2 get my braces removed and the dentist wanted to take pics so he was like “smile with your teeth!” and i was like ok! but then he kept saying i wasnt doing it right lmao… guess whos never smiled b4… (me) so he told me 2 practice my smile lol i didnt answer the qn but ya,,, i am probably
6: do you keep plants?
i used 2 be very against plants… now theyre okay i guess i dont rly keep any
7: do you name your plants?
refer 2 6
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
art??? i havent drawn in awhile
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
no LOL
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
on my side!!!! i cant sleep on my back bc i gotta hug smth.. and my stomach is out of the qn
11: what’s an inner joke you have with your friends?
🅱️… and .. same brainwaves…. poor mans ____…. this is all from the shady hq im so sorry my other pals
12: what’s your favorite planet?
the moon for no real reason
13: what’s something that made you smile today?
hMMm, watching astro and mx perform??? and just being shady with bell lmao
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
this… question,,,..so im thinking of a bright place with white walls and translucent curtains so the light call fill the (living) room perfectly and everythings really ??? sunny and shit idk its warm… the floor’s made of (fake?) wood and theres a small kitchen bc i cant cook and idk if my friend would be able to lol.. theres 2 bed rooms both are painfully small but it works.. theres one other room with a closet for clothes… the bathroom is just a shower, sink and toilet… theres no washing machine rip and ?? thats about it poor mens life
i watchd the like we used mv again and i realized ...... that is literally where i got this imagery from thanks the rose i love a relatable band
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
heres a fact (?) from me first: it rains diamonds on one planet ?? mecury maybe?? mars??? whomst.. this isnt even a fact its ,me trying to recall shit
ok real fact: There are thousands of other planets out there. sorry lads this website doesnt wanna have fun
16: what’s your favorite pasta dish?
is spaghetti bolognese a pasta dish
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
im chill with my current hair colour??? bc its brown sometimes idk shitty hair
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
i asked my irl friends (group name: panic support group) and this is what they said
K: everything
E: when u were one hour late (i dont remember this happening but i do know im always late but never for an hour past me wyd)
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
goDD i dont but i sure want to
20: what’s your favorite eye color?
this is strange but every eye colour is my favourite although ppl with two or more colours in their eyes are so cool
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that’s been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
its just my school bag lmao i got it 4 years ago and i take it everywhere even if the event is “small” and they ask us to bring “smaller bags” ill bring my big ass school bag anyway it looks like this (i dont have to but linking stuff is so fun)
22: are you a morning person?
technically.???its the holidays but i still manage to get up before 10 (most of the time) and … even if i have like 5 hours of sleep i manage to feel awake really easily????
23: what’s your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
tf i just use my phone lmao this is what ive been doing for like a month now… i could watch every vlive i havent watched yet, i could make video compilations i could practice my art but… even though im out of school im still procrastinating.. legends only
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
mmmm falens the closest to that
25: what’s the weirdest place you’ve ever broken into?
my classroom
26: what are the shoes you’ve had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
white converse??  i have 2 get new ones every like 2 years since theyre also my school shoes and break easily….. other than those i have my blueblack converse too (i dont wear them as much so theyre still in one piece)
27: what’s your favorite bubblegum flavor?
i dont eat bubblegum bc im always afraid ill swallow it and die and im p sure its illegal here
28: sunrise or sunset?
sunset but i dont look outside enough for either
29: what’s something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
hm……… with jen its when she sends me asks on anon despite it being super obvious like im not a Fan when my friends send me asks on anon bc sometimes i cant tell and i get a sense of false hope but w/ jen its okay but i know its her
with bell its when they reply to my keyboard smashes with their own keyboard smashes lmao and when they just??//?? say smth cute abt their faves (lately its been sanha thank u sh)
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
ya lmao when i have 2 sleep alone and its completely dark i have half a mind 2 believe some random supernatural being is out for me
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
hmM. socks are great i always wear them bc i wear shoes almost every time i go outside… i dont have any weird socks bc im Boring but i have 3 pkmn songs and 1 gudetama socks/.. bUT I DID buy my friend those socks with individual toe pockets… it was so funny when my other friend saw it she choked on her drink and almost spat it out. we laughed so hard we hit our heads against each other i love friendship.. i have 2 wear white socks for sch bc… aesthetic? god if i know lmao….. i only ever wear ankle socks bc….. socks any higher than that? cancelled.
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
listen ive never stayed up later than like 1am ok maybe 2am??? but i was working on like a project that was due the next day for school with my groupmates (friends) so does that count lmao
33: what’s your fave pastry?
bread………. sugar donuts…….. i am Aware that thats not how u spell it but wtv
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
why does this ask so many qns in 1 qn……. i had a cat?? it had pink stripes and it didnt have a name bc i dont name my stuff… even my pokemon.. and yeah i still have it except its in a big dusty bag where all my other toys are kept
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
i kinda have to use stationary for school so ya.. p often is correct… pretty pens??? i dont rly see the point whoopS!!! in exams u can only use black or blue so
36: which band’s sound would fit your mood right now?
im listening 2 day6 so like day6
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
my room isnt even my room i just go there to sleep .. the place im always at is like a study area except its open?? so everyone can see me lol and . its not messy?? if u look at it from far but the shit on the desk and shelves are so fucking messy god i need to pack those
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
aLRIGHT LADS welcome 2 megans ted talk
(skip this if ur not fond of drama)
so something (refer to the song he said suits myday) happened with jae recently and ive seen fans trying to defend him by @ing him and saying that they love him which is fine - great even! but what i dont approve is how everyone’s basically forgotten about the whole matter because they had concerts so instead of @-ing him and asking him to explain himself, they tell him what a great concert it was which is also great bc their concerts are honestly amazing. basically my pet peeve is when ppl dismiss the problematic action of some people just bc they like them.
another thing is that there were some fans who started guilting others for wanting to drop day6 completely because of what jae did and in my opinion i think it is totally cool to want to drop a group if they did smth bad like??? its ur life???? u can choose who you want to like. what is not cool is pulling out all the good things the person has ever done in their entire life and try to remind others about the positive sides of the person. yes. they’re an encouraging person, etc. but that does not cancel out the bad things they’ve done until they explain/apologise. what is infuriating is just the manner some people took it?? they literally went ahead and tweeted shit like “would your parents drop you if you did smth wrong?” and “you’re seriously gonna drop someone whos been nothing been nice because of one incident?” yes. people will and you dont have any fucking right to stop them? so dont go pulling out receipts.
another thing. its also okay to want to stan the whole group even if someone has done smth problematic. like? to me youre cool if youre able to see and acknowledge the bad shit someone has done and still stand by their side while educating them at the same time its nice to have faith in your idols. however, i wont say much when your idols dont respond and/or respond in a way that shows absolutely no remorse. its cool if you want to support them too, despite that.
tldr; dont fucking excuse someone’s behaviour/action just because youre so far up their fucking ass. dont pull out shit from before either, be it good or bad. and lastly, its okay to want to drop/continue supporting them, its your life.
i just wanted to talk about this tbh,, it was nice to see a few mydays trying to urge jae to explain the whole situation but seeing as he still hasnt and couldve it really irks me :-/
okay update its been a day and i havent really thought about this but im kinda conflicted now bc jae still hasnt talked about the song and im probably just making a big deal out of smth that will never happen again but it really doesnt sit right with me knowing that jae recommended that song to his fans and said it suited mydays?? bc looking at the lyrics... i SURE hope not... idk i have neither forgiven or forgotten but he’s okay now.? i cant stay mad at someone for that long anyway ill never forgive him 4 it though lmao petty ppl only
another thing... jae’s still an amazing person to me with all the encouraging words he says to mydays but this one incident is just soOOOOO hrm and i did go off tangent with the question as usual lol
39: what color do you wear the most?
i wear a lot of colours tbh??? but bc its rly hot out ive just been wearing the same shirt every time i leave the house and its black so
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what’s it’s story? does it have any meaning to you?
i dont wear jewelry rip
41: what’s the last book you remember really, really loving?
challenger deep
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
hm,, ive only ever visited this coffee shop like more than once bc the girl i used 2 like showed it to me b4 like 2 years ago and it was nice i liked their mocha frappe and its cozy i guess??? sometimes i go there with friends to study/just eat but i havent gone in awhile.., its two stories and it has an open air sitting area too i prefer sitting inside bc the sun is a big no thanks.. the ceiling is kind of like?? going downward?? like the kind iin attics???? idk man it was nice
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
u cant see shit here sorry
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
cant relate
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
yea?? sometimes i just gotta bc my brain wont shut the fuck up
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
suddenly all of the puns i know have left my mind thanks @ me
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
the dark and whats basically in it???? like ghosts zombies and shit u kno the scary shit
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
i like buying albums?? theres a CD in those so it counts lmao i bought sunrise by day6
50: what’s an odd thing you collect?
boxes??? like containers????
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
boxy and letting go by day6
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
me: rocky.. ?????? from astro.. /?? no ive never heard of any of those and i saw the word horror so u wont hear abt those from me any time soon
54: who’s the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
i literally havent been outside for 2 days
55: what’s the most dramatic thing you’ve ever done to prove a point?
be petty aka yesterday i changed my twitter icon from jae 2 brian bc jae’s being a child rn so hes out
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
when they ramble abt smth they like thanksk buds
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
is this the song from p!atd i have it in my playlist lmao oh i fucing hate this song i always skip it im not listening
58: who’s the wine mom and who’s the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
idk what either of those are but bell and boxy
59: what’s your favorite myth?
idk any
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
anything that eunwoo has ever written
61: what’s the stupidest gift you’ve ever given? the stupidest one you’ve ever received?
ive given eggs for karissa’s birthday b4 and i got a kermit its not stupid tho its just the closest thign i could think of
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
i drink water juice everyday every minute every hour
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
my books are all in shelves lads i just  heard the fucking keys rattle im not doing this shit im logging off night
ok day 3 and im back like i said previously my books are on shelves i tried rearranging them by series b4 but my housekeeper rearrnaged them randomly the next day so i gave up
i make playlists for songs that i like, really like (i still skip them sometimes rip) and songs that my friend recommends me i have a seperate playlist for the songs i like in japanese 2
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?
light blue?? like its actually p white bc its cloudy
65: is there anyone you haven’t seen in a long time who you’d love to hang out with?
m not rly
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
just. leaves maybe??
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
Horror Movie
68: what’s winter like where you live?
oh winter is fucking fantastic it never gets colder than 25 degrees celsius here and if it does rain it lasts for like 10 minutes
69: what are your favorite board games?
i used to rly like snake and ladders and monopoly :-o
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
im not ready for that kinda death
71: what’s your favorite kind of tea?
english breakfast or earl gray??? those r like the standard right
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you’ll forget it?
ya but i never do bc i either forget to or am just 2 lazy
73: what are some of your worst habits?
being lazy + procrastinating :-D
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
okie :-o ..
they’re great ok ive talked abt them like 10 times in the span of 2 months but whatever folks
they’re super nice, kind and just all of the positive adjectives out there in the dictionary ...... they’ve helped me multiple times and they’re always there 2 lend me a listening ear (or in our case, eye lmao) idk??? im just super comfortable around them always and im honestly so thankful we became mutuals (and subsequently friends) last year!!!! i cant say a lot bc ill just get v repetitive but overall they’re an awesome friend and im glad we still communicate daily via twitter and sometimes our skype sessions even if they’re kinda awkward bc i never know when 2 talk bc im scared ill speak and theyll say smth and itll turn into a MESS which actually happened lmao  
im looking forward to the day our skype sessions become super smooth and easy going!!!
75: tell us about your pets!
i have none but id die for boxys cats
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren’t?
well yeah always tbh but its not smth i have to do but more like want to do im just 2 lazy to get around doing it
77: pink or yellow lemonade?
?? i almost said lemons arent pink but i Remembered...... yellow lemonade
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
i feel like this is an Attack? okay LISTEN so story time again.
on the flight back from japan i watched the alien covenant and i couldnt even get past the scene where the baby alien was gonna kill the poor guy who ended up being locked up with the infected dude as soon as i saw the blood and the alien emerge from the guy’s back i bolted lmao
so to calm myself down nd block that memory from my mind i went ahead and watched despicable me 3.. which HONESTLY im the worst critic ever but in my humble opinion.... the movie was good????????? idk i didnt watch minions the movie though i got lazy again whooopS!
anwyay i sidetracked but im neutral im not a fan but i wouldnt go out of my way to call minions annoying?? bc they really arent? i feel like its only seen that way bc of how people make posts abt how annoying minions are even tho.. they arent??
79: what’s one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
my memory hates me so every specific thing my friends have ever done for me has left my mind but .
the cutest thing? everything my friends do for me
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
theyre yellow and no i didnt theyve been there ever since i could remember
81: describe one of your friend’s eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
lava cake
82: are/were you good in school?
yeah i was good in school for like the first three years and this year i just flopped so badly lmao and its my important year too oh well my exams r over and i still dont have a backup plan in mind
83: what’s some of your favorite album art?
all of dance gavin dance’s albums have awesome art
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
back when i was really into 5sos i thought of getting a tally since that was their logo at that time but now no not really unless i decide to get lance’s face tattooed onto my forehead on impulse
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?
im keeping up with hq, bnha and tg manga!!!!
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
idk what those r but sure
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
big hero 6
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
who wrote this whats up with these questions
i googled and.. not really?? they all look nice
89: are you close to your parents?
close enough to stand being in the same room as them but not close enough to want to initiate conversations
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.
tokyo was really cool (literally) and if i ever go again id love to go with friends so we can explore more??
91: where do you plan on traveling this year?
japan was supposed to be the only plan for this year but my grandad passed away so i had to go to malaysia multiple times earlier this year ik this wasnt the qn but ive already went to the planned destination tm so
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
93: what’s the hairstyle you wear the most?
um. like?? i tie the sides of my hair that cover my face back??? bc i dont like hair in my face
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
95: what are your plans for this weekend?
hopefully something useful
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
i also click remind me tomorrow lmao
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
infp-t, capricorn, hufflepuff (same as falen nd jen yay)
98: when’s the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
uh ive never been hiking and i dont plan on it sorry body
99: list some five (or id never shut up) songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
when you love someone - day6
like we used to - the rose
crazy sexy cool - astro
death of a strawberry - dance gavin dance
if it means a lot to you - a day to remember
idk if these actually “resonate to my soul” they just sound nice
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
oh worm.. i wouldnt miind either???
i know i have 2 choose but like
if i go back into the past i could be less annoying?? but the past has actually helped me be the way i am today and i think im learning to be a better person?? im definitely way better than how i was previously 5 years ago and im just grateful i was able to learn from my mistakes???
so i wouldnt go back to the past.
if its in the future i can see how ill end up and if its not good i might end up being able to change myself so i dont get my “bad end”..???? maybe or i can just see what happens in the future and i can look forward to it
itll also give me a chnace to have the most fun while i can if its not too nice
so my decision is to go to the future
thank you so much for asking falen god this got so long lmao
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salazar-slytherin-8867 · 8 years ago
I challenge you to answer ALL the unusual asks. (If not just answer the ones you want to)
1) Spotifiy, Soundcloud, or Pandora? 
2) Is your room messy or clean? 
Messy. very. very. messy. 
3) What color are your eyes? 
4) Do you like your name? why?
Not really. I got bullied for it in third and fourth grade about it, so Ive kinda disliked it since, but at least its not generic. 
5) What is your realationship status? 
in a relationship. 
6) Describe your personality in 3 words or less. 
Really fucking annoying. 
7) What color hair do you have? 
Blonde, but Im thinking of dying it. 
8) What kind of car do you drive? color? 
I cant drive, but my mom car is a green 2000 Toyota Camry 
10) How would you describe your style? 
All over the place and completely random. 
11) Favorite Social Media Account? 
Probabaly my Facebook, cause thats where I talk to most of my family. 
12) What size is your bed? 
Twin, I think. 
13) Any sibblings? 
I have two half sisters and two half brothers on my fathers side, and a twin brother. 
14) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be, and why? 
Mars cause I want to go to Pigfarts  Probabaly like the Oregon coast. cause I like cold weather and the West Coast
15) favorite Snapchat filter? 
I dont use Snapchat, soooo. 
16) Favortie makeup brand(s) 
I dont wear a lot of make up, but I do like e.l.f. 
17) How many times do you shower in a week? 
On a good week, 5-6, on a bad week, 2-3. 
18) Favorite Tv show? 
Rick and Morty, or NCIS 
19) Shoe size? 
 sometimes I wear a 5, others a six or seven, it varies depending on the style of shoe… 
20) How tall are you? 
21) Sandals or Sneakers? 
22) Do you go to the gym? 
23) Describe your dream date.
probably just like, picnic by a lake or at a park. 
24) How much money do you have in your wallet right now? 
I dont have a wallet, but I have a jar of pocket money with $83
25) what color socks are you wearing? 
Im not wearing socks but earlier I was wear black socks. 
26) How many pillows do you sleep with? 
I only have one for my head, but I have 12 pillows on my bed. 
27) Do you have a job? what do you do? 
does being annoying and sad count as a job? 
28) How many friends do you have? 
12, but only half are close friends. 
29) What is the worst thing youve ever done? 
In third grade I gave a kid a black eye…
30) whats your favorite candle scent? 
Spring Rain. 
31) 3 favorite boy names?
Max, Alex, Jake. 
32) 3 favorite girl names? 
Raine, Sage, Autum. 
33) Favortie actor? 
Lenardo DeCaprio 
34) Favorite Actress? 
Emma Watson 
35) Who is your celebrity crush
Dont have one. 
36) Favorite Movie? 
37) Do you read a lot? what is your favorite book? 
I’ve actually been trying to read more, I love Sparrow Road, If I stay, and Shadow. 
38) Money or brains? 
Brains, teach a man to fish.
39) Do you have a nickname? 
Moxie Clean, Moxanne, Molly Molly Moxen Free, Marshmallow, mo, mox. 
40) How many times have you been to the hospital? 
Once, when I was five, when I cracked my forhead open I Have a Scar I am Harry Potter
41) top ten favorite songs? 
Thats What You Get~Paramore,Thnks Fr Th Mmrs~ Fall Out Boy, Misery Business~Paramore, Whatsername~Green Day, It Ends Tonight~All American Rejects, Be my Escape~Relent K, 21st Century Breakdown~Green Day, Always~Blink-182, Ignorance~Paramore, A Drop in the Ocean~ Ron Pope. 
42) Do you take any medications daily? 
Zyrtec, and Asprins. 
43) What is your skin type? 
No clue, kinda dry I guess? 
44) What is your biggest fear? 
Probably abandonment having no one care about/like me. or being a disapointment. 
45) How many kids do you want? 
probably just one. three max. 
46) What is your go to hairstyle? 
I just leave my hair down. 
47) what type of house do you live in? 
I live in an apartment, that is super tiny, and hasnt been updated since the ealy 90′s… 
48) Who is your role model? 
the woman my mother works for. and my Grandmother. 
49) what is the last complement you recived? 
one of my friends told me he liked my rant about depression. 
50) What is the last text you sent? 
‘bro, did you die?!?’ 
51) How old were you when you ofund out Santa wasnt real? 
I was 5, I still put out cookies, but now they’re for my Grandmother and Grandfather. 
52) What is your dream car? 
I dont know yet, maybe just a Pale Green VW bug, or something that costs less. 
53) Opinion on smoking? 
I dont like smokers Ive been bullied my entire life cause all my clothes smell like cigerette smoke, but I dont really get to voice my thoughts cause most of my family smokes. But I have no plans to when Im old enough. 
54) Do you go to college? 
No. And I wont be anytime in the next five years or so.
55) What is your dream job? 
Chemist/Nurse/Author, or something that does good and pays well. 
56) Would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? 
Rural Areas. Its nice to see all the stars so clearly. 
57) Do you take the shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? 
should I not? 
58) Do you have freckles? 
No, but my mother says that I did when I was younger. 
59) Do you smile for photos? 
60) How many pictures do you have on your phone? 
I dont have a phone so….
61) Have you ever peed in the wood? 
62) Do you still watch cartoons? 
63) do you perfer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? 
 I cant afford to eat out. (just for the record, Micky D’s) 
64)Favorite dipping suace? 
65) What do you wear to bed? 
it depends, it I dont feel like changing I’ll sleep in what Im wearing, otherwise, just sweats and a tee shirt. 
66) have you ever won a spelling bee? 
Ive never even entered cause in third grade, my teacher told me not to bother trying cause my spelling was too bad, so I havent entered since. 
67) What are your Hobbies? 
Is eating a hobby? I like to read, draw, write, and sit around being sad. and kazoooo
68) Can you draw? 
Not well. 
69) do you play an insturment? 
Clarinet, Guitar, and piano. 
70) what is the last concert you saw? 
a band concert, that I was in. 
71) tea or coffee? 
72) Starbucks or Dunkin? 
that depends on the day, what planets where seen last night, what color socks Im wearing, when the next full moon is, and weather or not I have money. 
73) Do you want to get married? 
74) what is your crushes first and last initial? 
75) Are you going to change your last name when you get married? 
76) what color looks best on you? 
teal maybe? I honestly have no clue. 
77) do you miss anyone right now? 
My friends from school, and old nieghboirs. 
78) Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? 
normally, I would sleep with my door closed, by my brother broke the hinge, so now it can only be open 
79) Do you believe in ghosts? 
80) what is your biggest pet peeve? 
 people who only care about others and never help themselves, people who act entitled when they arent, and people use terms they dont know the deffinition of. 
81) Last person you called? 
@geez-man, in like, June
82) favorite Ice Cream flavor? 
mint or coffee. 
83) Regular oreos, or golden oreos? 
84) Chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? 
both. yes. all of the above. 
85) What shirt are you wearing? 
its a leopard with the David Bowie lighting blot on its face. 
86) what is your phone background? 
*doesnt have phone* 
87) Are you outgoing or shy? 
A bit of both, it depends who Im with, 
88) do you like it when people play with your hair? 
sometimes, depends who it is. I have trust issuses with people who touch my hair, cause in fifth grade a girl told to whole school I had lice, even though I didnt. 
89) do you like your neighboirs? 
I dont know my nieghboirs that well, cause most poeple are only here a couple months and then they leave, so really Im indifferent. 
90) Do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? 
in the mornings. 
91) have you ever been high? 
92) have you ever been drunk? 
93) Last thing you ate? 
A chicken sandwhich with pesto, chedder and pita chips. 
94) Favorite lyrics right now? 
“why do we like to hurt so much?”~thats what you get, Paramore; 
“The walls start breathing My mind’s un-weaving Maybe it’s best you leave me alone”~It ends tonight, All American Rejects;
“Well there’s a million other girls who do it just like you Looking as innocent as possible to get to who They want and what they like, it’s easy if you do it right”~Misery Business, Paramore. 
“If I could find you now things would get better We could leave this town and run forever” Ocean Avenue, Yellowcard.
“Where’s your gavel? Your jury? What’s my offense this time? You’re not a judge but if you’re gonna judge me Well sentence me to another life.”Ignorance, Paramore
“Don’t wanna hear your sad songs I don’t wanna feel your pain When you swear it’s all my fault Cause you know we’re not the same”~Ignorance, Paramore. 
95) Summer or Winter? 
96) Day or Night? 
97) Dark, milk or white chocolate? 
Milk chocolate. but if you offer me white or dark chocolate, I wont refuse. 
98) Favorite Month? 
99) What is your Zodiac sign? 
100) Who was the last person you cried in front of? 
I dont cry when Im with other people. 
(I probabaly mispelled 50% of this. Im sorry.) 
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low-budget-mulan · 8 years ago
All of the "hella [...] cute yall" asks! Muhahaha!
First of all tumblr changed and for some reason I am not getting all the asks that are being sent to me. So sorry for the late response 
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk?
More cereal than milk.
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day?
I absolutely love the cold. it is my favorite thing ever 
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books?
I have used very weird things. Usually whatever is closest. i used a slice of cheese once... 
4: how do you take your coffee/tea?
i take my coffee the way I like my men rich and creamy or strong and black. there is no in between . 
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?
I don’t ever really smile. so i mean not really 
6: do you keep plants?
until they die yes. 
7: do you name your plants?
no??? i’m not weird 
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings?
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself?
if absolutely nobody is around 
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?
11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends?
where to begin. Snao, i dont need this my man has two jobs, it’s the strangest thing. it’s the weirdest thing, drugs, AMERICA EXPLAIIIIIIIIIIINNNNNNNNN, i eat dogs for breakfast. there is so many more that I am just going to stop here. 
12: what's your favorite planet?
13: what's something that made you smile today?
my friend 
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like?
empty because we would be using all of our money to pay rent in the stupid place 
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is!
My dad is helping to build the satellite to replace the hubble space telescope. 
16: what's your favorite pasta dish?
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up.
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it?
no. I have always been unable to keep journals because my family doesn’t respect my personal space 
20: what's your favorite eye color?
tbh I really like brown eyes. 
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces.
I don’t really have a favorite bag. 
22: are you a morning person?
hell no 
23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?
sleep and netflix 
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets?
25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into?
the church 
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit?
i recently had to throw them away. I am now forced to wear shoes that are too small because I am too stubborn to buy new ones 
27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor?
28: sunrise or sunset?
29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing?
whenever i do something stupid/awkward/embarrasing my friend being completely honest will say “youre cute” she is great and must be protected at all costs 
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared?
when i was forced to walk through the women’s march in san francisco 
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks.
i prefer bearefoot, but i wear silly socks or just don’t match my socks 
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends.
for a second i though turtles said quack 
33: what's your fave pastry?
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it?
it was a little stuffed girl doll thing. its name was sara (at the time I thought my name was Sarah so my doll had a different name than me) 
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often?
yes, but am not artistic, so they just go to waste 
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now?
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?
clea, but it is alwasy messy 
38: tell us about your pet peeves!
idk can’t think of them off the top of my head, but when people do things then i get annoyed 
39: what color do you wear the most?
black to match my soul 
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you?
my scapular, but it isn’t jewelry. I don’t wear jewelry just religious items. my scapular is blessed by pope francis and a third class relic of a couple saints 
41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving?
the bible 
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it!
honu. its smol, family owned, and peaceful. 
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with?
it’s been too long. cant remember 
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything?
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.
it’s kinda cheesy so i don’t think it will be very gouda. 
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?
pineapple on pizza 
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today?
idk wasn’t really a scared kid 
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought?
yes. can’t remember 
50: what's an odd thing you collect?
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them?
the digicatholit fam and taste of eternity 
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?
united memes 
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them?
no, no, yes, yes. the ones ive seen I liked 
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face?
my grandpa when my grandma was in the hospital last week 
55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point?
ummmmm can’t remember, but i do lots of things to prove points. 
56: what are some things you find endearing in people?
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics?
it’s overplayed, but I like it. no. I am a normal person 
58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?
me and me 
59: what's your favorite myth?
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves?
yes. i lik the bred 
61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received?
i gave someone a lego once. not a set of legos, not a lego man. a singular lego piece 
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind?
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be?
no. theyre everywhere 
64: what color is the sky where you are right now?
 blue and cloudy 
65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with?
yes. renee. it’s been almost 2 days 
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like?
non existent. i’d like to not die of allergies 
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel?
i love them. 
68: what's winter like where you live?
69: what are your favorite board games?
monopoly and quelf 
70: have you ever used a ouija board?
i was forced into playing it by someone who used to be my friend. I STRONGLY RECOMMEND NOT USING THEM EVER. 
71: what's your favorite kind of tea?
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it?
yes, but im too lazy 
73: what are some of your worst habits?
all of them 
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns.
75: tell us about your pets!
theyre ded 
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't?
77: pink or yellow lemonade?
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub?
79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you?
my friend will stay up super late watching movies with me even though he has things to do in the morning. 
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why?
dark blue. no. 
81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of.
puddles of poo 
82: are/were you good in school?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA i could have been better 
83: what's some of your favorite album art?
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones?
hell yea. mostly catholic stuff 
85: do you read comics? what are your faves?
john paul ii comic books 
86: do you like concept albums? which ones?
i guess 
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives?
monty python, heavyweights, nacho libre 
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy?
catholic ones 
89: are you close to your parents?
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities.
it’s hot and theres a lot to do 
91: where do you plan on traveling this year?
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch?
93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most?
not brushing it because i am lazy 
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday?
95: what are your plans for this weekend?
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot?
i wait until it won’t let me wait any longer 
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house?
infj sign of the cross slytherin 
98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it?
idk it was fine 
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them.
taste of eternity, your love
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why?
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I'm a B average student, and I'm looking to get a 2011 Kia Soul as my first car. I've gotten my learners permit and are trying to get my Driver's Liscence. Also does the color have anything to do with it? If so I want my car in green.""
""Am I required to add my 16 year old student driver to my auto insurance policy, we live in Illinois.?""
As the student drivers parent, is my current auto insurance coverage in effect and still valid (for me and my 16 yr old) when my 16 year old student driver is driving my vehicle (supervised driving\practice), even though I have not added them as a driver on my auto insurance policy. We live in Illinois. After the student driver receives their official drivers license am I required to add them as a driver to my auto ins policy, or am I and this new driver still covered by my policy because I have given them permission to operate my vehicle?""
Quote for a day car insurance????????????
how much does a 1 day car insurance cost? It is the first time I need to do it, so I don't have any idea. When I try to get a quote, I'm always ask to register to the website... I don't really want to do it before having a quote :P Anyway would you please recommend me an agency? thanks""
""How do i find car insurance for my 55 Chevy Bel Air, in Australia?
we have recently bought a 55 chevy (left hand drive) but i cant seem to find any insurance companies on the net to get a quote on how much the insurance will be...can anyone out there from Australia in particular help me out? thanks :)
How do I apply for free health insurance when I have a terminal illness but am still able to work?
I have a terminal illness but I am still able to work, however, I am on COBRA because my last job wrongly fired me. I am not poor but I simply cannot keep paying for COBRA. I cannot go for Medicaid because my good doctor does not accept Medicaid and I do not want to owe lots of money and have to worry about paying it off. I heard there is a program with either Social Security or Medicare where all you need to do is fill out a few forms and get a letter from your doctor stating that you have a terminal illness. Then you will receive health insurance for little or no cost and your doctor has to accept the insurance. Does anyone have any info on this? I am not disabled to the point where I cannot work, but my bills are a lot of money even with the COBRA coverage.""
What is the cheapest Insurance for a first time driver?
What is the cheapest Insurance for a first time driver?
Cheap car with cheap insurance?
Im 18 and Ive just passed my driving test and im looking for a good car for around 2500. The cars with cheap insurance are more expensive and the cheap cars have a relatively high insurance cost. The budget for the insurance is not set but I don't want to pay a ridiculous price. Any suggestions on a perfect car which is in my budget but with a low insurance cost? P.S. I understand because im young the insurance will be expensive but if anyone has any advice on how to get cheaper insurance please let me know.
Where can i get cheap auto insurance for an 18 year old student with a 2000 mustang?
Well this may sound like a long shot, but I just recently bought my son a 2000 Ford Mustang, Now its insurance time, hes 18, gets A's in school and has had drivers ed. Why do the quotes from Progressive and esurance estimate its going to cost nearly $500 a month, even with a 1990 honda junker it still cost nearly $400 do these prices seem reasonable, i cant recall them being that high, when i first got insurance, thanks.""
Insurance on my car after crash?
my car as in a hit and run accident my car was the hit and run car i wasn't the driver my frined was i want to call my insurance company to get it fixed but i dont want to get my friend in trouble can the insurance company tell where the car got towed from and if i tell them i crashed into a ditch and got it towed will they know
Has anyone insured a 17yr old learner driver if so where?
Hi I want to insure my 17 yr old son 18 this year he is about to learn to drive on my car insurance, I rang my insurance they said they dont insure anyone under 25yrs it it due to run out in may so i will be going elsewhere any ideas where would insure someone of that age and how much did it cost many thanks""
How much would insurance cost. The car is a 2000 Lincoln Continental.?
How much would it cost I would mostlikely be put on my parents policy. Just wondering how much it would cost. Im 16.
Car insurance loopholes?
What are the loopholes for lowering your car insurance? Ie. will putting the car in my parents name lower the insurance? Adding someone else on? Lowering the estimated value? etc.
""I want to insure my trike,anybody know a good and cheap insurance company....thanks!!..?""
I want to insure my trike,anybody know a good and cheap insurance company....thanks!!..?""
suzuki jimny insurance
suzuki jimny insurance
""What could be small, lasts forever, has expensive insurance, and there are 12 or 13 to choose from?""
What could be small, lasts forever, has expensive insurance, and there are 12 or 13 to choose from?""
Motorcycle insurance question?
I recently had an accident on my 2003 Harley Davidson. It is essentially totaled. How much on average will my insurance cover. I have relatively good insurance. Just wondering what you thought.
Learner driver insurance.?
Hi, I'm just wondering if anyone knows of any companies that offer cheap learner driver insurance. One of my friends are going to be giving me lessons but I cant find any companies that offer insurance for me in their car that is like less that 60 a month! any ideas anyone?""
I double paid home insurance?
I just found out that I paid my homeowners insurance seperate and my morgage is paying for it as well. Its been 2 years....should I ask for a refund or what?
Auto Insurance?
I am 18 years old and I am trying to buy insurance for my car. I noticed that the prices for insurance are really high for teen drivers. I was just wondering if my parents could buy the insurance under their name so the payments can be cheaper or does the policy have to be under my name.
Buying a new car but confused on car insurance...what should I do?
I am going to be part exchanging my old car for a new one. In terms of car insurance I still have 2 months left so I believe its cheaper if I just go with another insurance company as my current insurance might charge a lot for just 2 months. I am thinking of using my previous insurance NCB( elephant 1 year ) for the new insurance as proof of my NCB but the problem is I sent my NCB 1(year) (elephant) to my current insurance(Directline). Basically I would like to know if its possible to use my previous NCB (Elephant) which I it proves I have 1 year no claims for the new car insurance. I done some research and found it that having 2 years NCB makes 20 compared to 1 year NCB. What should I do?
""I have experience working in the health insurance industry, now im wondering what job I could apply for?
I worked as a medical case manager at an insurance company. We were a 3rd party company. I did phone interviews with people applying for individual insurance for several ...show more
Where do you find affordable health insurance with a pre-existing condition?
Where do you find affordable health insurance with a pre-existing condition?
Is the nissan 240sx considered a sportscar when dealing with insurrance?
which would cost more for insurance, a 1997 nissan 240sx or a 2008 scion tc and is the 240sx considered a sports car?""
How do you buy insurances?
I don't care which insurance it is, you look up complaints there is a looooong list about all of them.""
Cyclist and insurance?
I am having a debate with a few people about cyclist with insurance, One thing I would like to know, If I hit a cyclist and damage his bike, Would my insurance cover the cost of a new bike? or injury? This is for the UK""
Classic mustang AAA insurance?
How much does it cost (annually or monthly) to insure a classic mustang (1964-1972) with AAA?
Where can i get really cheap auto insurance. when i turn 18 I am getting my own car and own insurance.?
I don't make that much money probably only about 200-300 dollars a month so I wanted to know where i could get the cheapest car insurance in ME. i don't want to do a car quote now because I am not old enough and I don't actually have my license and a car now but I would just like an average or what around what the cheapest cost is. Thanks
Does any one know where to get cheap insurance 4 low mileage use under 4000 miles a year?
Does any one know where to get cheap insurance 4 low mileage use under 4000 miles a year?
MAZDA3 with insurance questions?
u think i'll be charge high cost of car insurance by getting mazda3 sedan..im 18 first time driver and a female i live in san francisco. and how much is mazda3? like with the taxes and everything?? serious answers are greatly appreciated. i want to stay under $20k
Cheapest Vans to insure?
Hi, I was looking into getting a van as a first car, ideally I was after something like a van/car cross, basically an estate with no back windows, I'm not sure of the group. I was wondering what decent vans are out there and what would be cheapest to insure? The main reason for wanting a van is I regularly surf and would sleep in the back occasionally.""
How much does a teeth cleaning cost w/o insurance?
I got a mailer coupon from a dentist that says they only charge $46 for a regular cleaning & $29 for an exam & x-ray so total $75. I live in Las Vegas. Seems kinda a cheap gimmick? But what is the average price for exam/x-ray/teeth cleaning w/o insurance?
Should i get 20 year term or a 30 year term life insurance?
My husband and I currently have a 20 year term life insurance policy. We are switching companies because we were paying too much at State Farm. I'm 30 and he is 33 and we are both in very good health. We have a 9 month old baby boy and our policies are for $500,000 each. The rate I'm getting is $45 for both of us for the 20 year term and $70 for both of us for the 30 year term. Which one should I go with?""
Will Geico insurance rate increase for storm damage?
Will geico insurance rate increase if your car got damage due to storm or some object that flew at ur car?
Do pcv holders get cheaper car insurance?
Do pcv holders get cheaper car insurance?
Car insurance help buying car but insurance is costing way too much...?
My mom has a 2002 explorer and she is going to cosign for me on either a g35 or a 350z, insurance is ridiculous on both cars(Z and G35, both the explorer and my car will be on the same policy, I got a quote for both cars being about 300 a month, is there any way to lower the cost of insurance, like switching primary cars around and I will be insured, I am currently on the policy but with adding my car insurance will go up right? Because it is a sports car...the total I am spending on the car is 10k, I live in California btw, I am just curious how this all goes into effect and how much it will raise my insurance cost""
""I am 20years old born in 1992, however to get cheaper insurance can i make my age at 1982 as a second driver?
What will happen when police stop you to do insurance check? If you are going to be showing your age at 28 born in 1982 instead of 1992 insurance is suddenly cheaper for cars. What will police see if you get stopped for insurance check? Also what can you say if they say why is your DOB 1982?
Will getting one speeding ticket increase my insurance bill? Will it show up at all on the bill?
I have Allstate if that matters at all..
Health insurance costs...what do you pay?
My husband is in the military and is thinking about getting out. Our health insurance is totally covered right now but in the civilian world we have no idea what the cost will be if he doesn't get a job that offers benifits. I'm looking for any info about what people pay monthly, and co-pays for health insurance for a family with 1-2 children. Thank you so mcuh!!!""
Car insurance on second how is it covered.?
I am very confuse. I added a second car so that my lil brother can be insured under my policy because its more affordable for him. both car is stored at different address and my address was the permanent address on the policy. Is he still insured? His registation and license is still listed at my address because he use to live with me. Now that he moved out will he still be insured because his licesnse and registration permanenet address is still listed at my home, but his mailing address has change? If he get in accident will it affect me personally like insurance sue me for any damages that is beyond the coverag. How does adding a 2nd driver and car works? Also, Is there such thing like if I insured his car without added him as a second driver and still be insured if he or anyones drives it. If you are an expert and clarify this for me. I want greatly thank you in advance for taking time to help me.""
suzuki jimny insurance
suzuki jimny insurance
What is the best car insurance company for young drivers ? HELP!?
So the lowest price I have been offered is 3000 , I cannot afford to pay that JUST for insurance ! does anybody know cheap car insurance for younger drivers I am really struggling ! NO companies that put a limit what time the car is used please !""
How do I get cheaper car insurance?
I am trying to get my first car so I can drive my girlfriend and myself to work everyday. I am 19 and have had my license for about a year, I am going to get an older car a early 90s which I know lowers the insurance and live in new york and just getting the new york state bare minimum insurance. Even with that the quotes I am getting are around 200 dollars a month! About $2500 a year! About twice what I am paying for the car. Is there anyway I can save some money on this?""
What would be the insurance of a teen driving a 2004 Toyota Camry?
My 16 year old daughter just got her lisence and i want to put her on insurance right away. I just need the range of about how much this would cost me.
Im looking for car insurance?
coverage for individuals who are less able to afford auto insurance
How much will my registration fee be in California for a used car purchase.?
I recently bought a used car from a family friend and we have to go register it in California (that is where the car is from also so no change there). The tags are also due next month. So, how much can I expect to pay for transfer of ownership fee and can I pay my registration now or do I have to pay it again next month? I already have the smog cert and insurance. I am writing in a purchase price of $300.00. thanks.""
Whats a good health insurance company?
One that is affordable, has good coverage, good selection of choices? Fair, good quality, what do you recommend ?""
How much would a Fiat Grande Punto 1.2L cost in insurance for a 17 year old male driver?
I'm 17 and male and I was wondering how much this car would cost to get it insured, please help.""
How would I insure my drivers license?
Hi, I live in Maine and was wondering if its possible (if at all) to insure my drivers license. I don't have a car but live with people who do, it would cost to much to be put on their insurance. So is there insurance out there for just a drivers license so I can drive someone else car.""
Where can I find cheaper car insurance quotes?
I'm 17 in a few months, have a car, and have been checking insurance quotes. From my previous experience of quotes from Churchill, Quinn-Direct, Directline etc. it doesn't cost much, if at all, to insure on my provisional license with hopes of changing the policy to insure me on a full license in the future. I have got a 1997, 3 door, 5 seater, diesel peugeot 106 with a 1.6 litre engine and the best insurance quote I have recieved so far was from Quinn, but they have recently stopped insuring in the UK so I won't be able to use it when I am 17...They gave me a quote of around 800 whereas everyone else are offering me 1,500. Does anyone know of any other companies who can give me cheaper comprehensive cover? Thanks for any answers""
What kind of car could i buy under around 4200 and is a cheap on insurance but is fast ?
What kind of car could i buy under around 4200 and is a cheap on insurance but is fast ?
Begginning drivers and insurance?
When a high school student gets a permit, do I have to call the insurance company and add them to the policy? I know it may increase the rate drastically, so what is best to do?""
""What kind of car insurance do I need for a rental, when I DON'T have any current auto insurance?""
We are looking to rent a car for a month, and since we are both ex-pats, we don't have any USA car insurance. We've looked up and discovered we should get Collision, Liability and Comprehensive insurance. Where can we get these for cheap? My travel insurance includes a Collision option, but no Liability or Comprehensive (I'm American, my husband is English).""
How can i sell truck insurance?
appointed agent to sell truck insurance
How much does it cost to insure a child care center?
I am enrolled in a college course called Administration of Early Childhood Programs. My final project is creating my own child care center (the project covers everything and is very detailed so we can use our materials if we actually do open up a center). Anyways, I am stuck on one part of my budget. I have been researching for hours and cannot find what my estimated cost of what liability insurance would cost me per year. Because this business does not actually exist I am having difficulties obtaining a quote from insurance companies. My center is licensed for 140 children at one time. If anyone has an estimated cost or a source that would give me an average cost per child or an insurance estimate calculator or anything like that would really help. Thanks!""
""Which monthly expense is more expensive: car payment with insurance, or health insurance?""
Wining and dining, or health insurance? Travel and accomodations, or health insurance? Cigarettes or health insurance? Street drugs or health insurance?""
Not sure how much condo insurance to get?
I'm in the process of buying a condo, and I need to have condo insurance set up. However, I'm not really sure how much insurance I need on a condo. The homeowners association covers everything on the outside, so I would only need to cover walls-in. This is what I've come up with after doing a quote: Contents Amount: $50,000 Building Property Coverage: $15,000 Condominium Loss Assessments: $1,000 Deductible: $500 Earthquake Deductible: 2% Personal Liability: $300,000 Medical Payments to Others: $1,000 The condo is selling for $125,900. I really don't have a lot of furniture, and what I do have is all hand-me-downs. I have a four year old, so all the furniture and stuff that comes along with having a kid. I don't have really nice jewelry. I have a 32inch hd tv, computer (i paid 150 for it, so nothing fancy lol), and a kindle fire, wii....that's about it for electronics. I want to make sure I have enough coverage if something happens with counters/floor/walls/etc, but I don't want to be unnecessarily paying a high insurance bill. Any suggestions? Also, is earthquake or identity theft something that would be good to add in? I live in Iowa so earthquakes aren't really an issue...but is that one of those you never know, so at least you're covered things?""
Affordable Insurance?
My boyfriend is looking for some affordable insurance for himself. We live in Indiana, I already have insurance and our daughter is covered as well. I am finishing up college so I still qualify to use my father's insurance. What are some options for my boyfriend. (and I'm pretty sure he doesn't qualify for low income health insurance).""
Who do you have for car insurance? open!?
looking for a cheap car insurance, buut not to cheap were if i get into a car crash they'd give me 10 cents. any suggestions?""
""My wife is pregnant, we do not have insurance. What should we do?""
We do not have insurance, but are having a baby. We are happy to add to our family, but do not know how we are going to be able to afford the up coming medical bills.""
Dental Insurances in California...?
I live in California. What is the difference between HMO vs PPO? Meaning there cost and coverage. I know that HMO has a very small selection of Dentists and PPO means you can pick from a larger selection, but I am asking about costy and coverage. I am in need of either Dentures, Bridge work, and eventually Dental Implants badly. 2 emergency dentists that I have seen have mentioned something about... if I have a PPO then they will cover everything, but when I ask them to explain, they tell me to look it up because they don't have time to explain it to me. I have tried to look it up, but I can't seem to figure out what they are talking about. What did the dentist mean by... they will cover everything? As in I will not have to pay anything out of pocket? One dentist even said that if I have a PPO then he can do the work while I wait for the insurance to start, pay him directly, then he will give me back my money when the insurance pays him. But what does that mean? All the PPO and HMO plans I see say that I would still have to pay 50% of the cost. I am unemployed so money is a huge problem, but with my current problems with my teeth, I can not go on interviews. What is the best Dental Insurance in California I can get to cover the most of the expenses of the work I need done??? Free clinics have a 1-2 year waiting list and won't handle problems like mine. Please help!!!""
Are there anyways of lowering my car insurance? 19 Yr Old Male.?
Im a 19 year old male and I have my own suzuki swift sport which I have worked hard for for the last few years. The only thing is my insurance is around 3000 a year (brand new car)........ I dont mind going on my mothers insurance for example, im not worried about not being able to build my own no claims bonus............................. I have done a small amount of research into going onto my mothers policy and it wasn't that much cheaper........................are there and other ways of legal going about this? Thanks for your time, Matt.""
How does a car insurance company make money?
Does the government back the car insurance companies?
How much is Car Insurance in the US for a new driver?
Does it depend on the state? Just give me an average price. Im from the UK and my Insurance was 1700 for 1 year.
How much do you think my Motorcycle insurance would be? for a 250CC bike?
I signed up for a motorcycle MSF class to get my license and to get experience riding a bike. I plan on getting a 250cc bike because I think it's what suits my needs and desires of what I want out of a motorcycle. Also, I don't need anything bigger/faster because I'm quite a daredevil and broke my back 3 years ago. Anyways, I'm 25 now and have matured enough to know my limits and to take it easy. Well, one of my main concerns is the cost of insurance. As of now I pay $330 a month for my car insurance. I have somewhat of a bad driving record, and that's why my auto insurance is pretty high. But i haven't done anything too crazy, like no DUI's or license suspensions. Only 1 speeding ticket too out of all these years. Anyways, i've been looking primarily at the Honda CBR250r. What would you guesstimate i will be paying for insurance? A quote for the average coverage and for leisure purposes only too. Thanks.""
""What car has low insurance fees, cheap parts, and is some what fast stock?""
I get a car in a little bit and I don't know what to get. I have some ideas such as a Nissan 350z, Mustang Cobra, Mitsubishi Lancer Evo or a Subaru Impreza but I don't know how much the insurance would be to cover those for a 16 year old male.""
suzuki jimny insurance
suzuki jimny insurance
How can i find good affordable insurance?
How can i find good affordable insurance?
Who has the cheapest insurance for a 2004 Chrysler sebring lxi touring?
Who has the cheapest insurance for a 2004 Chrysler sebring lxi touring?
What is the cheapest car to insure for a 17 year old male? 10 points?
I'm getting ridiculous quotes for a Citreon C1 Group E insurance for 7000+ under 1 liter engine size !!! By using compare the market and other comparison sites! Where can I find affordable insurance quotes? My brother was insured on a 06 1.2 Polo for 2,300 and only been driving for 6 months. surely a C1 will be cheaper!! Need help""
How much is motorcycle insurance compared to auto insurance?
Just wondering because one of my friends says she only pays half of her auto insurance a month and she is paying $300 and that seems pretty steep.
Where can I find cheap auto insurance after a DUI?
I have a bad driving record that includes a DUI and driving with a suspended. I am looking for some way of getting reasonable priced auto insurance in Florida. I went to Geico and they want to charge me around $700 a month! Also what is an SR-22?
Responsible Insurance company won't pay up.?
Long story short. Not my fault. The guy backed into my car. It was parked to sell it. So no insurance policy on it. My BF and I were sitting in the car out of the rain writting out a new for sale sign. The car vibrated like crazy when we drove it to move it back to my place. The guys insurance company didn't even check the alignment or add it to the estimate. The other estimates don't even include the alignment. There could be more damage. I decided to get cash to another car. I have not signed anything yet or recived the check. My car is worth about 2K. It wouldn't be worth it to fix it. Insurance Company $1013.76 Auto Body Shop $1162.00 Ford Dealership $1284.90 Les Schwab Alignment $90.00 361.14 difference. I asked to raise their quote. The Insurance company said no. If I had go to an auto body repair shop of my choice with 1013.76 they would call and ask for them to kick down more money. I am going to notify the insurance company that in writting that I am taking them to small claims court. Any ideas on the letter that I submitt? My BF and I were injured. The medical people are refusing to bill the insurance company responsible. They wanted me to pay up front and get rembursed later or have some other insurance cover it. I didn't want to wait. I used my work health insurance. So they are getting the bill. Any way I can get the Car insurance company billed?
How much is the insurance on Brady Quinn's new car?
How much would car insurance in North Carolina be for an 18 year old?
I was wondering how much car insurance would be for someone my age? I've been told by a bunch of other people my age that their car insurance is $140 a month....Thanks for any help:]
What would happen with my insurance company?
I hit a car 10 months ago. The guy said I didn't have to pay for it because he said the car was a piece of crap. So no reports were filed or anything. 1 month after the accident, he wants the car fixed. What would happen if I called my insurance and told them this? Would my rates rise? Would I pay extra fees? Would my insurance still cover it? I live in California and have Farmers and I am under 18""
How Much Is Insurance For A Mustang?
I'm 16 and am looking into getting a 2000 or 2001 mustang/mustang gt. im a great driver. my parents have travelers for auto insurance, and they're going to add my car to their insurance. my parents are also great drivers, no wrecks/tickets or anything. what is the average i would have to pay for my car insurance each month? thanks:)""
How much does car insurance cost for a 18 year old?
I can get my license anytime now. North Carolina doesn't offer good student discount. I'm Asian, will be driving my dad's 2000 Ford Windstar with 70,000 miles. My dad says that adding me on to his Allstate account would cost 1100 every six months. That sounds a little exaggerated. Is there anywhere else where I can find cheaper insurance?""
Where is the cheapest place to go for cheap car insurance for a young male?
I am 19 years old and currently insured by statefarm. They recently found out about a disobeying stop sign ticket that i got last year. Also, they found out that i am not currently in school. I own a 2007 saturn ion (manual, 2 door) that i am currently financing a few thousand dollars on. Since they dropped the steer clear and good student discounts, i am paying 166 dollars a month. Before that i was paying 108. It just seems kind of high to me. I am pretty sure i am getting a couple discounts from my parents. Also i have signed up for classes in the fall making me a full time student eventually. Is there any car insurance company that could get me a better deal? i have tried farmers, progressive, and geico.""
Wich is is best life insurance ?
wich is is best life insurance ? MY AGE IS 32
Question regarding car insurance?
Hi, My car insurance runs out on the 26th March, does that mean I can still drive it on the 26th(that day)? until 23:59? Also, I will be going on holiday from 28th March to the 7th April, can I just leave my car on my driveway during this time and renew my car insurance once I'm back home? It has got MOT and road tax. UK answer not US. Thanks.""
How can I tax my car without insurance?
I am planning on selling my car, which doesn't have tax or insurance as I haven't passed my driving test yet. I have some interest in the car but as it isn't taxed, people ...show more""
Vw Lupo S insurance group 1.4L?
What insurance group would a 1.4L Lupo be in. Also roughly what price would it be in that group. Im 17 and after a quote with no modifications.
At what age does your car insurance rate go down?
I am 22, I own a new truck, and my insurance is really expensive. what age does the rate go down? I am waiting for the next school semester to start so I can get my good student discount.. thanks.""
Do I have to make an appointment to get car insurance ??
or do i go in the car insurance building and they give me insurance that day ??
Ideas for first car 10000 including insurance?
Hi i'm 17 male and have a budget of about 10000 to spend on a car and insurance. Looking for something fairly cool, nothinglike a micra or ka! Also want something pretty reliable no no american or french car suggestions please Thanks! :D""
How much will motorcycle insurance cost?
im going to start all the things i need for it in march -15 1/2 -going to take msf course summmer -used bike -using it to go to school and job if i get one -suzuki gsxr600 or kawasaki ninja 500r is what i wanna drive
""How many people out there would love a health care insurance exchange, where you can buy insurance on your own?""
and not have to choose a job based on benefits, and you could switch jobs without worrying about losing coverage. Why would people be against this, unless they are part of a union and do not want everyone to have great benefits like they do?""
Where can i get car insurance for over 50?
looking for a good company that deals with car insurance for 50 years old and over
""If you are driving someone else's car while they are in it, does insurance cover an accident?""
Hey, I have my full G license however I am not insured under any car because I do not own a car. However, my girlfriend does own a car and we're planning on going on a trip which requires 12 hours of driving. She wants me to drive but I am unsure that if we got into an accident we would be covered. So question: Are we covered by the insurance company in the event of an accident Note: I am driving, have no car or insurance in my name on any car She is in the passenger seat during the whole duration of the trip""
Ford focus insurance?
any one know which type of ford focus has a low insurance group, i am looking to buy one soon but want one that has a cheap insurance policy, i am thinking of a focus ghia 1600 or 1800cc around 03 reg, any help please
How much does motorcycle insurance in Texas cost?
I'm 16 and plan on buying a motorcycle and getting my license soon, how much would I pay a month/year?""
suzuki jimny insurance
suzuki jimny insurance
0 notes
kawaiifunhologram-blog · 7 years ago
I will be living abroad for at least a year. I will quit my job and not have health insurance. Where can I get quotes? 407/mos is not right!?
"I will be living abroad for at least a year. I will quit my job and not have health insurance. Where can I get quotes? 407/mos is not right!?
I'm in early 30's... going to Australia.
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://financeandcreditsolutions.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Health Insurance Question?
If I sign up with a health insurance for 1 year and I was undergoing heavy treatment towards the end of our contract and I need to renew. Can insurance company deny the renewal? In state of California. I want to get Blue Shield Of California
""Someone reversed into my car, is it better to go through maaco instead of insurance? its jus ta minor scratch?""
i was at a stop sign and i was abou tthe 4th car, well the 3rd car decided to reverse to leave and backed up and hit the front of my car. its not really that bad but its still a big scratch. is it best to just have her pay my estimate at maaco? or deal with insurance? i don't want to get jacked up insurance rates because someone doesn't know how to reverse.""
""Car insurance, i am confused ?""
basically i think i will be driving around around 20 miles a day possibly 24 miles a day depending on traffic. If i times this by 5 it will be 100 miles a week or 120. if i times this by 52 for the whole year it will be 6240 miles driven a whole year. So why the fucccckkkkkkk when i type i am driving 100 miles week in the insurance calculator they estimate i will be driving 26,000 miles a year ???? Who is correct? i am confused, this is important because i got quote for 1700 a year for around 6000 miles.""
""Moving to Toronto Canada, Need Car Insurance?""
I am moving to toronto, canada and looking to see what company provides the best coverage for the lowest cost as I understand insurance is privatized in Toronto.""
Health insurance after an injury?
I'm currently a student without health insurance. While playing football, I injured my knee. I went to the college student health and found out I have an injured MCL, a bruised bone and a torn meniscus, and the doctor recommends I have an MRI and visit an orthopedic surgeon but without health insurance I can't do these options. First off is with attending a college student health and not a hospital, would the health insurance find out about the injury if I get Health insurance, and if not, how long do I have to wait to wait to get treatment done on my knee that the health insurance would cover?""
How much is car insurance for a 16 year old living in Florida?
Hi, I'm fifteen and I'm getting my license soon. I was wondering, what's the average cost for car insurance for a child at the age of 16 driving a Ford Mustang GT? I included my car model if that's any help at all to you. I also live in Central Florida. Thanks in advance!""
Would you purchase this type of car insurance?
I wanted to test a business idea. 1 million people come together each paying 225.00 membership fee. This membership fee includes one years fully comp car insurance. In year 2, all of the companies costs are calculated and split between members. So if costs are 30m then each member pays 30 and this fee includes a years fully comp car insurance. My question to you is, if this business idea were proposed by a large brand (to give it credibility) would you purchase this style of car insurance? If no why not? You don't need any no claims (although you still accumulate them should you wish to leave), there is no excess to pay on claims, the insurance category of your car isn't relevant (inc make and model etc), and your insurance is fully comp.""
Good grades and auto insurance?
I heard that if you get a 3.0 GPA or above, you can get discounts for auto insurance. But do we have to email the grades to the insurance company or do they call the college for it?""
When you buy a new car ... does it come with insurance?
someone told me that after you buy a new car .. the dealership gives you insurance for a month until you get your own. is that true or do I have to get insurance before I buy the car?
Will obamah care effect temporary staffing agencies?
considering that the main reason behind temporary staffing agencies is that they give employers a way to retain the labor and productivity of employees, without having to pay for their benefits, mainly health insurance. if everyone already has their own coverage, it seems to me that employers won't be as reluctant to hire people if they don't have to pay for health care. the temp services would then become overkill.""
Adrian flux car insurance?
is this a good car insurance company, has anybody got any good/bad coments or opinions about this company, i am a new driver and this will be my first insurance so i would like the advice. thankz in advance!""
CAR INSURANCE for a17 year old??
i just passed my test and have the old ford fiesta waiting for me to drive but atm the quotes i'm getting for insurance is around 2000 What are the cheapest sites for car insurance? Should i do Pass Plus?
How cheap could i get insurance?
im 17, gonna be 18, no parking violations tickets or accidents whatsoever. the reason i ask is because the state i live in requires insurance.""
Insurance company help?
Ok so im getting insurance in manhatten because i live there ..... but my vehicle is garaged in long island ..... I have to tell the insurance company ? and do i have to show proof ? if so what kind of proof is there to show ?
If im on my parents insurance when i buy my motorcycle do i have to pay for insurance?
I have to save for it and its hard to get a job in Jacksonville if your a teen so how much the insurance cost and do I need it if I do have to buy it or can I just buy the motorcycle and go its the Honda cbr250r its the only in my price range for now
I am looking for affordable car insurance?
husband has restricted licence. neither of us have had tickets or accidents.
Why are white cars cheaper than other colours?
im trying to find a more of an economic based answer.... thanks
Does it matter if spouses use the same insurance company?
My husband and I have health insurance through his job, and now my job is offering to pay for some of my life insurance. We are going to get life insurance from his company, but I just wondered if it was a bad idea to have life insurance through two companies.""
Whats the cheapest car insurance in ga?
trying to get full coverage on a used car..i need to find out some real cheap car insurance places in georgia
What is the cost of an insurance for a 250 cc scooter? (Louisiana)?
I know that there are many options, but a vague answer is fine. I just want to know if it will be around 100$ or 500$.""
Motorcycle Insurance?
I am currently trying to get a motorcycle license and I'm wondering if there's any insurance company that would insure me. I'm 18, in California and I don't have a drivers license yet. I have passed the written test for a drivers license but haven't been able to schedule a behind the wheel test yet because my family's lack of cars (mom/dad uses them to get to work until ~8). So while I'm waiting for that to happen then I'm might as well try to get a motorcycle permit because we have my dad's old (but not so old) one. But question is, is there an insurance company that would insure somebody like me? Price isn't too much of an issue because I have a job with no added financial duties so to say.""
What is the cheapest auto insurance company for young drivers?
i'm a 19 yr old male buying a 94 ford escort. what is generally the cheapest insurance company? i got a rate of 445 for 6 months. take it?
Can i get insurance now?
I recently had my wisdom teeth taken out, and they said i needed to come back and get my teeth cleaned, and they said I'm gonna need some fillings or something, but there wasn't another appointment until June.. well i don't have dental insurance, so i had to pay for this all on credit cards, which is do-able i guess, since we dint use those cards for anything else, but i was wondering could i get dental insurance between now and then? or would it not cover the appointment thats already scheduled? where can i find affordable isurance?""
On getting a quote for car insurance I am not sure if i qualify for no claims bonus.?
I have been down as my granddads named mobility driver as in hes the main driver and im his named driver, I have been in this situation for 3 years with no crashes bumps speeding tickets, no problems what so ever, Now im finally trying to get car insurance for myself can i claim that I have had 3 years no claims ?""
What are 3 reasons why insurance rates are higher for driver's under the age of 25?
What are 3 reasons why insurance rates are higher for driver's under the age of 25?
I will be living abroad for at least a year. I will quit my job and not have health insurance. Where can I get quotes? 407/mos is not right!?
I'm in early 30's... going to Australia.
Help with car insurance?
Hello, I am 18 and saved up alot of money for a car, I passed my test around 9,10 months ago and now i want to buy a focus rs. I dont want people saying that i shouldnt buy it and something else is better. All I want is to know roughly how much my insurance is going to be and where i will be able to get it from? Thanks in advanced""
Roughly how much will my insurance cost? (New driver)?
I am a 17 year old female, I am thinking of getting a car If I got a 1999 VW Polo and registered myself and my mother (who has held a full license for over 10 years) as named drivers, roughly how much will my insurance cost? I was hoping about 500? Is that unreasonable? Thanks""
How to get cheap car insurance ?
I have just passed my driving test 2 weeks ago and im 18 ive been searching forever to get a cheap quote but its not working anyone know what to do and who to go with
Cheapest insurance for young driver (UK)?
Whats the cheapest companys for somone who has just passed? one of my mates say co-ops deal for young drivers, another one of my mates says a guy at college says you can get insured with the farmers union even if your not a farmer and get it cheap, is this true? also, any other companies?""
Kawasaki Ninja 500R insurance?
Dose any one know how much the insurance would be on a Kawasaki Ninja 500R for someone that is about 18 with no accidents, or speeding tickets and good-ish grades?""
Should I call my auto insurance?
This afternoon, I was at a gas station and I backed my 2003 Pontiac mini van into a concrete barrier very hard. The left rear bumper is falling off, the hatch is dented fairly bad in the corner so it is difficult to open (that dent is about 4 inches in diameter but very deep) and the side with an automatic door has two shallow dents about a foot across. One of my taillights chipped on the side but didn't crack or shatter. No broken glass or anything. The plastic bumper is cracked in a few places, and has red paint all over over it from the barrier. the doors still work (excepting that the hatch catches on the taillight area), no electronic or mechanical issues, just body damage. The question is, should I call insurance? I am almost 17 and I've had my license for about 6 months. Roughly how much would the body work cost, since my insurance with AARP is sure to go up dramatically? Or would I want to play it safe and place a claim? My parents know all about it, and it was a total accident (I missed the brake pedal and hit the accelerator). Just looking for the way that will cost me less in the long run. Thank you for your help.""
What is private health insurance?
can anyone give me a definition of private health insurance please? thankyou!
What is the average cost of general liability insurance for someone that does light field work like surveying?
Live in Oklahoma and do alot of surveying and consulting. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas about what it might cost to insure my employees against bodily damage ect.
How much is a teen's car insurance per month?
I am planning to get a 2004 Lexus is300. I know because it is a luxury car, the insurance will be a little higher, but the car is 10 years old...I am recently licensed, a female, and I have a 4.0 gpa so I know I will have some discounts. I will be turning 18 in 6 months but will only be having my license for less than a year. So if any other teen, parent, or car insurance agent knows how much a teen's car insurance would be for a 10 year old luxury car (specifially Lexus), please help me out by letting me know!""
Want better insurance coverage??
It looks like that because of the conflicting passages in the ACA that you just might be able to qualify for better coverage by renouncing your American citizenship. http://blog.heritage.org/2013/11/27/obamacare-undermines-american-values/
Car Insurance question?
ok so im a newbie teen at understanding all this so this may sound dumb. When you get car insurance is it insuring the car? or are you getting it to insure you AND the car? my mom said something about adding me onto her insurance as a driver so under her policy that she has she would just add me as a driver? like can someone help me understand like the basics please.
Finding restrictions on a California car insurance policy?
I was involved in a minor accident while driving my mother-in-law's car. I am on her policy, so assumed I would be covered, but was just told that I might not be because I was driving for work. Where on the policy does it show whether or not I was covered? I don't want to keep driving her car for work unless I am.""
Is insurance expensive for a Motorcycle?
I want to get a 1982 Yamaha Virago and was wondering how much is the insurance? Im 23 years old
How much should I be expecting from my insurance accident. ?
Hi I'm only 20 years old and last year I was involved in a car accident were the girl turned and hit me ad made me run into a house. I was unconscious until I was in the ambulance and I went right to the hospital were they have done X-rays. I found out that my t-12 lower spine was fractured and I had a concussion. Now my career was working sheet metal and I was told due to my injury I won't be able to continue or else I'll get more injured. The accident was on may 26th 2011 it is no march 17th 2012 I only receive 300$ a month from benefits and I am l looking for a new career now and going back to school. I just did a MRI and I am seeing a orthopedic surgeon in a couple weeks. Now the girl that hit me had no isurance and invalid sticker. She pretty much ruind my life but it happens. I am going through a lawyer here in Toronto suppose to be the best. I'm still in very much pain hurts everyday can barly stay still for no longer than a couple hours. I am doing physio. I was wondering how much I should be expecting. I heard that I sue my insurance cause se doesn't have any, then I go sue her? Is this true?""
Please Help me to find the cheapest insurance for my car?
Hello, I've baught a car two months ago, but I havn't insured it yet because insurencse is so expenive. I'm trying to find the cheapest deal and I need your experince in that. My car is Honda, accord, year 1999. My age: 23 Single State: Virginia City: Richmond. I'm international student and I don't have social security number I'm not sure if that would make a difference ! I've just got the driving license. I need reliability insurance if this would make a big discount. By the way, my GPA is very good. If you can help me out with agencys phone numbers or any guess about the insurance It will be greatly appreciated Thank you in advance""
To restart car insurance they want money down?
I was paying $140 a month for 6 months of car insurance. Around the 6 month mark or a little before i said i want to cancel and they said if i cancel today i wouldnt owe anything and my policy be good until 6-22-2011 (i called in may). I tried to restart the policy today and they want $290.04 down,which includes $143.68 for any previous balance and/or any state-mandated fees or charges* If there was a previous balance why did i not owe anything???""
Whats the difference between insurance and bonded insurance on roofs?
i started my construction business and im looking for some good insurance, and im not too sure whats the difference between a regular construction business insurance and bonded insurance? any suggestions?""
I dont understand how kids can afford a car and insurance?
for me it will take about a year to save up for a decent car, but the insurance is like 5000 a year, how could someone afford that, is there something im missing? and is it only like this where i live (ontario)?""
Is there a way to get cheap car insurance at 16?
So I'm 16 and Ive had my restricted for over a year now but me nor my parents can afford a car or insurance right now. So i was thinking if i drove my moms car is there a way to get insurance cheap. Can i stay under my moms insurance? Is there a way to lie to the insurance company so that i can get it at an adult cost or at a cheaper cost? Anything? Thank you.
What is a good insurance for a home recording studio?
A recording studio has been set up at home, all i need to know is which insurance will cover it.. and the websites?""
Can I buy a car under my own name and be covered under my parents insurance?
I am currently a college student and considering in buying a car. It will be my first car and I have never had car insurance before. Therefore, my insurance would be really high if I just had insurance by myself as a first time driver. My question is if the car is titled under my name, can I somehow have my parents insure the car under their name and have them add me as a driver on their insurance even though I own the car? Is this legal and normal? Some info: This is in the state of Nevada. I also live with them and they don't mind the liability.""
What kind of Certificate of Insurance do I need.?
Hi. I just found a new apartment and in the lease contract there is something about a Section 1940.5 of the California Civil Code. The code basically says that if I have a waterbed or fish tank that is over 5 gallons I need to provide the landlord with a certificate of Insurance in the amount of $100,000. What kind of insurance would I be looking for to cover this? I have a 18 gallon fish tank that I would like to keep. Thank you!""
Will this be covered by insurance? i damaged the radiator didn't realize it kept driving and engine overheate?
A little over a week ago i bought a 2006 honda civic from a honda dealership. While driving i hit a rather large pothole that i guess put a hole in the radiator. I got out to check for damage didn't see anything no smells, didn't see anything leaking figured i would continue to drive home. While on my way the car was driving completely normal but stalled out. Apparently the engine overheated and now when the car starts it sounds horrible and stalls if you put it in drive. The car is under the most protection the insurance company offers but someone said that they wont cover the engine because I continued driving on it even though I didn't know that there was something wrong. After further examination The radiator actually got dented and hit one of the fans for the engine but theres no way to tell that unless you lift the car looking at it with the car being normal you cant tell it ever hit anything.""
How much is an SR22 insurance cost?
More or less...
Do you need car insurance to rent a car in Massachusetts?
I have insurance for my own car but will Hertz rental make me pay for their auto insurance? Can i just say I already have insurance even though I don't know if mine will cover me in case something happens? I have the least amount of coverage you can get in Mass and I use Commerce Insurance.
I will be living abroad for at least a year. I will quit my job and not have health insurance. Where can I get quotes? 407/mos is not right!?
I'm in early 30's... going to Australia.
""Car insurance rate, Toronto, 18 year old?""
How much for a MALE 18 year old, 20 year old, and 25 year old would car insurance cost if you got your License when you were 16. In Toronto.""
Where do insurance proceeds go on a 1041 estate tax return?
Lady died in a tornado. House was destroyed and personal belongings. She got 200K in insurance proceeds, which will be distributed to her 2 kids equally. Where does this $ go on the 1041 estate tax return? Secondly
Car insurance question?
I got an insurance question. I let my fiance, who is not insured by my insurance company drive my car. I was in the car with him. He was intoxicated and hit 9 parked cars causing minor damage to all of them. Will my insurance company have to pay for the damage?""
Does anyone know how Obamas health plan is going to work?
If everyone will be required to have insurance, will the insurance offered be affordable? Will it be based on your income?""
""Looking for a good first car, one with low insurance rates preferably?""
I just turned 16 and am currently in the market to buy a car. I am looking for something in the price range of around $2,000, possibly a small four cylinder pick up, or a japanese sedan. Does anyone have any sugestions for a good first car, and if any one has expeiriance with insurance can you tell me a price range of what I would be looking at for isurance, I have good grades and looking for a minnimum policy in Florida. Thanks if anyone can help me although I know I probably wont get much help with the insurance part.""
Is unemployment insurance really an insurance?
1. What other insurance allows people who are guaranteed to be unemployed to be on it (such as actors, waiters, other short term employed workers)? 2. What other insurance is mandatory? Or, specifically, unlike car insurance, who is actually affected by being uninsured if one is unemployed?""
I dont have car Insurance?
I am buying a new car, I dont have Car insurance this is my first car! Can I have someone else drive it home for me. that has Insurance""
CAR INSURANCE?!?!?!?!?!?!?
well my older brother is going to go on my dads insurance on his own car. It comes to 100 a month. i was wondering if i can also go on the insurance, and if it would cost any more for me to do so. And please say if there is any other policy i an go o where me and my brother can go onto my fathers insruance.""
How do I cancel California Blue Cross insurance?
I have been trying to cancel my policy for 3 months. I even tried to stop payment at my bank, but they keep getting around the stop payments by charging different amounts each month. (This month they decided to charge me $50 more than last month) When I call them, I am on hold for over 30 minutes before I finally just give up. On their website, there is NO information about how to cancel your policy whatsoever. Why is it that they don't have ANY information on their California Blue Cross website about how to cancel??? Does anyone know of an address or fax number or wherever I am supposed to send written cancellation to or how do I go about cancelling????""
What is the cheapest way to get insured on a Ford Fiesta 1.2 for an 18 year old?
Hey, I just passed my driving test and the trouble is insurance :( I've found the perfect car for me which is a Ford fiesta 1.25 studio, 2006 model which has done 49000 miles and is valued at 3800 pounds. The insurance is nearly triple the amount of the car which is something I simply cannot pay. I was considering coverbox or insure the box but I'm not too sure. I've been researching online for a good few months now and all price comparison websites and insurers' websites seem to be suggesting the same price. So please if you know how to get cheap car insurance for a 18 male who has 0 months no claims, I would appreciate your help :)""
Car Insurance - help me please people :(?
Ok so I have my driving test tomorrow and if i pass, i wont be able to get insurance for my car because i dont have enough money for it yearly, and I heard that if you pay insurance monthly, you have to pay a large amount of money before hand? I asked my nan to borrow some money but the money wouldn't have cleared on time so I was wondering is there an alternative for me being able to pay it the next month or something? because i know for MOT you can have up to a month to pay for it so i was wondering if it can be the same for paying car insurance? thanks for ur help in advance""
Government Insurance or Private?
Private insurance is monitored by the government, but if we get government insurance, nobody will monitor the government. I would take my chances with Private Insurance anyday compared to a government insurance thats is filled with lazy bureacrats""
Do I have to list my step-daughter on my NJ auto insurance policy?
She lives with me. She is covered under her fathers policy. Her and her car are listed on his policy. If I don't tell my insurance company what would be the penalties? If I do tell them would my policy go up and how much? Thanks!!!
Can someone recommend affordable health insurance?
I lost my job. COBRA is too expensive. Are there any high deductible plans? I really only want coverage in the event of a serious illness. I live in NJ.
Roughly how much per month is Homeowners Insurance?
What is the 12 month insurance premium for a $100,000 house?""
Cheap car insurance? and cars that are cheap to insure?
Im 17 and had my licence about a month and really want a car but insurance is a killer. anyone knoe of any cheap cars in insure and companys that are cheap for people my age? thanks
Do I need insurance to drive my father's car?
recently i have passed my driving test and my father have a comprehensive car insurances!!! i can't effort to buy a car or car insurance? do you think is legal to drive it? thanks
What company offers the cheapest car insurance for a first time driver?
And also what types of cars are the cheapest to insure? I live in nyc, the 11434 area code. I desperately need a car for college and everything I've checked so far is asking a fortune a month! Help! Thx in advance.""
Why would the insurance companies be against the affordable healthcare act?
Why is this new healthcare law suppose to do and why are the insurance companies against it for.
Is it true that I am paying taxes to directly to Allstate Insurance now?
Sure sounds like the Chief Justice said so.
Can my bf receive settlement from a car accident if he doesn't have insurance but the car that hit him does?
My boyfriend just got in a car accident. It was a hit and run. The police found out that the car that hit him was stolen but had full coverage insurance. The problem is my boyfriend's insurance expired 2 months ago. The police saw the accident happen and had him to come down to the station and file a report. Since he does not have insurance can he still receive a settlement for damages since the car that hit him has full coverage
Staying on my dads health insurance (i'm 24 and not in school)?
im confused for the most part about the affordable act im currently 24 and dont 25 until april of next year . my dad works for the county parks and recreation here in miami and up until a few years ago i was under his insurance. because im not a student i didnt qualify to be under his insurance. im unemployed and was thinking about purchasing a bronze/catastrophic level insurance. but with the act now passed could i latch on until im 26 under my dads coverage despite not being a student? thanks for the help in advance
Looking for health insurance for a parent?
I have a parent that was dropped from her medical insurance in nov. 07. She recently just found out about her coverage. She is disable, and medicare states she do not qualify for medicare. My job do not cover disable dependents. What are some affordable plans she can enroll into or what can she do?""
Open driver car insurance?
I have recently got a job which involves me driving a disabled mans car. I have recently passed my driving test (october 2010) and I am only 19 years old. Does this mean the company I am working for needs to pay more for me to drive the car as I am not a experienced driver?
""Regarding auto insurance, is it allowed to add my friend while visiting her in AZ?""
I live in California. I am visiting a friend in Arizona for 3 months and staying at her home. She will be driving my vehicle frequently. Although my policy covers any driver, should I or am I allowed to add her to my auto policy? Even if she has an AZ license? I'm assuming they would have to check her AZ record? I'm wondering how all this works. My insurance provider is Clearside General and I cannot get a hold of them quickly enough... on hold forever! Thanks""
I will be living abroad for at least a year. I will quit my job and not have health insurance. Where can I get quotes? 407/mos is not right!?
I'm in early 30's... going to Australia.
What will the average insurance payment be for my BMW?
Ever since I was little I've always wanted a BMW. Well now since I'm turning 16 in the fall I have the option of getting a 2004 BMW 5 Series 545i for $9,000. It's in extremely good condition and I just love it. I will be making around $200-250 a month and my monthly payment will be about $106 to the bank till my senior year in college ( yes that's 84 months but it's in good condition so it's worth it) and I was just wondering if any one had a idea how much insurance would cost? I really want to get this car but I won't if I'm not able to pay a payment and insurance at the same time due to other small bills i have. Thanks""
Parents own car and insurance but im moving to California with it.?
My parents own the car and the car insurance is under their name. Im pay them montly but its cheaper that why i think. Im planning on moving to California in june but I need to take the car with me. Is it ok if I jus take it over their with no problem or do i need to put the car under my name as well as the car insurance? but i rather not change anything. thanks
How much does a broken wrist cost after insurance?
I have a paper from school and in it I must in include all details of a situation. My story line includes a child breaking their wrist. I was wonder what someone would have to pay after insurance? If you could help me be detailed as much as possible like how much would it be for like x rays, doctor visits, medicine, etc. I've never broken anything so Im a bit lost. Even just a average estimate would be appreciated.""
What is the average cost of insurance for box truck owners?
looking to start a company and i am wondering how much it would cost so i can get the ball rolling.
What do I do if a car insurance company overpays on a claim?
My parked car was hit last week. The gentleman who hit it gave me his information, and his insurance company assessed the damage and wrote me a check to pay for its repair. When I took the car to the Toyota shop it will be repaired at, the worker analyzed the car and the report filed by the insurance agent. He said that one of the repairs was not completely necessary. If I choose not to get everything on the insurance report fixed, what do I do with the extra money? Can I keep it, or do I have to return it to the insurance company? Can I get into trouble if I do not return it in a timely fashion?""
Accident no insurance?
I was in a wreck today but it wasnt my fault my insurance is about a month late the other driver has insurance full coverage what is going to happen
On average how much is horse insurance for a 5yr old 16hh Thoroughbred Show Jumper for example?
I'm trying to calculate expanses for when I get my own horse. I will most likely be getting a Thoroughbred around 5 to 8 years of age. I will have him/her for Show Jumping purposes including competing. On average how much will insurance cost for this horse?
Does anyone know of a good /cheap health insurance?
I need to get health ins. for a nursing program I'm going into, do you know of a cheap one? I have no pre-existing ailments, an 46yrs. old and in good health. I live in San Antonio, Tx. thx.""
What insurance coves surrogacy?
My wife is becoming a surrogate. She has already found a match but we need to find an insurance that covers surrogacy.
Can I switch to another insurance company?
I currently have a life insurance, but I want to switch my life insurance to another insurance company. Can another insurance company finish all the process for me? Or I need to tell the insurance company that I am currently with that I want to leave. Thank you.""
""Speeding ticket, have State Farm, will my premium increase or not?""
The reason I am questioning the premium increase is because a friend of mine, who also has State Farm, never saw an increase in premium two years ago when he received a speeding ticket. what's the deal? anybody know?""
Does anybody know of any cheap (but credible) motorbike insurance companies?
For a 125cc bike. thanks
Cadillac Insurance Plan Question?
What would b a good example of the deductible , copays, coinsurance, lifetime max for a Cadillac Insurance Plans""
What would an insurance company pay for a totalled 2006 Toyato Camery?
What would an insurance company pay for a totalled 2006 Toyato Camery?
Am I covered under my parents car insurance?
I got my License yesterday and I want to drive my parents car, am I covered by their car insurance? I am 16 Years old.....""
What is the cheapest car for a 17 year old to have?
So I'm 17 and just got my drivers lisence! Woo! I'm trying to find what the cheapest car to have is? Like to buy, insurance and maintaining all together of you get me?""
What car insurance is best/cheapest?
I am going to be getting a used car from my uncle and would like to know your opinion on what car insurance to get. My parents wont put me on their plan(this is my first car btw) so I have to get my own. I need a cheaper plan considering I only work during the summer as of now(thinking of getting a job on my college campus next semester). Any help would be good(your experience etc) I tried going onto the General insurance website(commercials say their cheap) for a quote but they keep on sending me to a Geico website, has anyone else had this problem? Thanks in advance for answering.(BTW I am a girl, I know that we get cheeper insurance typically for some reason lol and I also went through drivers ed in the past and I know most companies will give me a discount for that)""
Health insurance in florida?
if you dont have a job yet and have children how do u get health insurance in florida and if you had a c section and a premature baby why would an insurance company deny you insurance also if your child is underweight because of being premature why would their insurance be ridiculously high each month?
Any ideas on how to get cheaper car insurance?
Any ideas on how to get cheaper car insurance?
Cheapest Car Insurance - Canada?
Need a cheap car insurance... Don't spout off answers if you have no idea... I've researched: TD, RBC, CAA, AllState and Statefarm Living in Ontario!""
Im losing all my teeth & I cant get insurance anywhere!!!!?
I am only 22 years old & I noticed all of my back teeth slowly breaking away about 6 months ago. I went to a clinic & found out I have a bad infection, next to no enamel & serious gum disease. They gave me prescription & that's when I found out I had no medical insurance. I never got the meds. because I could not afford them. Since than it has gotten so much worse. I am a single mom of 2 young boys. I pay my own Rent phone electric & everything else with a next to nothing paycheck. So at the end of the month I am left with Nothing. I went to the welfare office & was turned down because I make more than 400$ a month. My job doesn't provide dental but this infection has spread so fast that I don't have 1 tooth that's not infected & the only ones that can even still be saved are the top 4 in the front. I don't even remember what it feels like to eat solid food & I have tried everything to get health insurance..but I have no $ left over @ the end of the mouth. I feel lost. Does any1 know of anything I can do? This is painful in every way.& I think it is crazy that I can not have dental insurance because I have a job. I cant quit my job to save my teeth. My fronts probably have less than a month b4 they start to chip away from the gum line...& I am out of options.""
Convertible insurance?
I'm a new driver and have been browsing car dealerships for an affordable car. Right now I'm interested in a 1998 Chrysler Sebring Convertible LX. I was just wondering on average how much more insurance is for a convertible than a non-convertible?
Is it unsafe to get a home loan with no deposit?
I would really like to take advantage of the first home buyers grant but will not have a deposit in time. I have looked at no deposit home loans but have heard they can be dangerous. Is that true?
My car was involved in a hit and run and am not covered by insurance?
I just got a message from my friend saying that the car that I now own was involved in an accident. Specifically a hit and run. I know for a fact it wasn't me who hit the car and ran. It had to have been my other friend who borrowed my car. The car is not insured. I'm guessing my friend took off at the scene of the crime and came back not telling me about it. I really didn't notice anything wrong with the car until today putting 2 and 2 together with the newish scratch I had on the nose of my 1997 v6 camaro. It looks like he rear ended the other car from the outline of the marks on my car. Thing is he is not in California anymore and moved back to the east coast. I met the guy and became friends for about a month and a half. He knew alot about cars and he said that he would take it down to this one guy he knew how to flush out the radiator. He did that on the 24th of nov. and the claim of the other driver was said to be on the 24th. What do I do? I can't make any contact with my friend who drove the car because I can't locate him. Am I charged with a hit and run or is he? I forgot his last name so I really can't hold him responsible or report him liable The previous owner got the memo about the claim report because it is still in his name kinda. I told him to say he does not own the car any more and give the insurance company my info and I'll see what i can do. Well what should I do? I need some legit legal consulting.
Does anyone have Traveler's Auto Insurance?
I got a quote from a travelers auto insurance agent thats a good $75 less a month than what im paying now to progressive. The coverage isnt even bottom of the line either, its all the recommended selections. Anyone have any experience with them?""
I will be living abroad for at least a year. I will quit my job and not have health insurance. Where can I get quotes? 407/mos is not right!?
I'm in early 30's... going to Australia.
0 notes
state of maryland insurance license renewal
"state of maryland insurance license renewal
state of maryland insurance license renewal
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Need help with insurance quotes?
Can anyone give me an estimate on insurance for these particular cars. I work during the day so its a little difficult to call around to insurance companies for quotes. I am over 25, clean driving record, will be buying one these cars with cash, lives in florida. Thanks""
Should i get 20 year term or a 30 year term life insurance?
My husband and I currently have a 20 year term life insurance policy. We are switching companies because we were paying too much at State Farm. I'm 30 and he is 33 and we are both in very good health. We have a 9 month old baby boy and our policies are for $500,000 each. The rate I'm getting is $45 for both of us for the 20 year term and $70 for both of us for the 30 year term. Which one should I go with?""
Do we qualify for medicaid?
Medicare for me & my boyfriend.? My boyfriend and I have an apartment of our own. I'm 19(next week), and he's 20(in August). I'm working at an insurance company, and I make about $1500/monthly. He's currently unemployed (he's looking for a job). I pay rent, all the bills, car insurance, and all the other little things. So i'm broke at the end of the month. He has a cyst in his chest (we're assuming). He went for a check up about a year ago, and the doc said it was a cyst. It's been getting bigger and worse, so we want to get it fixed. Since he lives with me, and I make enough for the both of us, will he qualify for medicaid? I WILL NOT be able to afford all the medical bills! Will both of us qualify? How will this be done? They will ask for paycheck stubs and rent papers and everything...right? We are also both in college, we applied for a Pell Grant this semester. If that helps any. And where do I go to apply for medicaid? Can i do it on the phone or something and avoid the 5 hr wait? Please answer ALL of my questions! Thanks!""
Who do you think would have the cheapest car insurance for an 18 yr old who has just passed her driving test?
Who do you think would have the cheapest car insurance for an 18 yr old who has just passed her driving test?
How much will my insurance go up from a honda oddessey to a bmw x3?
How much will my insurance go up from a honda oddessey to a bmw x3?
Trying to find cheap car insurance for myself and daughter (she has a provisional licence) any recommendation?
small Matiz. 7years Ncd
Do i need insurance to mot a bike?
also will the mot service station ask to see my licence?, how much does an mot cost, and how long do i have to wait? its a honda cb 500. thanks""
What is this type of insurance called? And how much?
So from general information, i know typically an arena will say that you need some insurance to cover (X) amount, like $1,000,000. My question is how does that person get that insurance? What does the insurance policy look like? And how much would he/she have to pay to get that insurance?""
How high will my insurance go?
I got pulled over the other day for going 59 in a 40. I have state farm. how high will my insurance go? ps. in pennsylvania
Can i drive a newly purchased car with a dealer's tag without insurance?
i just bought a car that isnt registered because the tag is being sent by mail. Can i get insurance without a tag and can i drive the car with a dealership tag?
Comprehensive car insurance ?
My comprehensive car insurance will be expirering next month. At the moment I'm with youi and they are asking $876 to renew it for my 2003 Mitsubishi pejaro. Pls help me to find best and cheapest insurance in Victoria Aus. Tks
How much money should I budget for insurance on a car dealership?
My bank needs an estimate for a car dealership insurance but the insurance company is taking forever? HELP!? I've been trying to get a hard insurance quote for over 2 months. they keep coming back with more questions because i'm doing a slightly unique business model. Thats fine and all, I understand why and that doesn't bother me, but what the problem is that the bank said they won't submit my loan app to the SBA until I have at least a rough insurance estimate in my cash flow, and the insurance companies I'm talking to (2) won't give me a rough idea at all! I don't know if its $2500 a year or $500,000 per year. Can anyone who knows anything about business insurance or car dealerships give me an idea within $5000-$10k of what I might want to budget for? Could it be 1/2 a million? or is it likely going to be more like 10 or 20k per year? Total inventory will not exceed $65,000 and we will also have a two service bays. Thanks!""
Weekend only car insurance?
I'm looking for some car insurance but only need it for the weekends but every weekend. I was wondering if a) there is at all anyway that this is possible, and if so where I could do this? It is for an under 21 year old as well Thanks""
Why do I need car insurance?
Ok, i have my permit and will get my driver's liscence soon, but i am not going to buy a car for a while. If i am just going to borrow one of my parents' cars, to go shopping and stuff like that, do i need car insurance if i never borrow it overnight or anything like that?""
One day car insurance?
Does anyone know were a 20 year old girl can get one day/week car insurance or is it pointless looking? Can't seem to find any for under 21's and i don't have time to go to family insurance companies tomorrow. its urgent!!
Should the owner keeps the refund on new insurance?
I changed my homeowner insurance and the old company sent me a refund. Should I keep the refund or apply it to the new policy?
I need car insurance?
I'm 18 don't no anything about insurance I don't no where to start PLEASE HELP........
""How long until a DUI goes off your driving record, for insurance purposes?
My husband got one in 05 in Washington State. I heard it was three years and then you don't have to disclose the DUI to an insurance company. I will be policy shopping soon and I don't want my rates any higher than necessary.
Should i move to California?
im a senior in high school, i just finished my junior year so its the summer in between lol. i really want to move to california. i also want to go to college there too but im just worried about it. its really been stressing me out alot lately. so do you have any advice or suggestions?""
Short term car insurance?
i need UK car insurance for just one day, ive looked at various companies such as more than and the AA but they will only do it for people over 21 and i am 20. does anyone know any companies that can do this?""
Do I have to tax a car if it is insured? I know that you HAVE to insure a car if it is taxed.....?
What I know. You have to tax your car unless you do a SORN. If you have done a SORN you don't have to pay car tax or even insure your car if you don't want to. If you don't intend to drive your car but it has car tax then your car HAS to be insured by law. But what about the other way round ...? If you have a car insured but it is in the garage and you never intend to drive it, for example it is a collectors item, do you HAVE to tax it? I can find on the net yes you have to insure your car if it is taxed but cannot find confirmation either way whether you HAVE to also have your car taxed if you never intend to drive it but you do want it insured. If someone confirms that it doesn't have to be taxed, could you provide details of where you found this information so that I can obtain a copy for my records please? Many thanks Lisa""
Finding out cost of a car insurance claim - do i have to include this?
Im looking for insurance for a new car. My bf had an accident in our last car and i was wondering if there is a way you can find out how much we claimed in total? As alot of insurance companies want to know this.
How much will my auto insurance go up if I am at 100% fault?
I was in an accident recently where I was found to be at 100% fault - accident was not too bad-- other car's front bumper dent-- How much should I expect my insurance to go up?
How diabetics get affordable insurance w/ maternity coverage if your co. does not offer grp coverage?
My husband's company went to a high deductable health savings account. I can only get one company to insure me, on an indiv. policy. They are too expensive and that does not include maternity coverage. Due to other health issues, I am not able to work right now. Any ideas? HELP! Am I the only one going through this?""
Can I get health insurance for my nephew?
My nephew is 2 years old and I am really unhappy with the medical treatment he's been getting. He has asthma and has had an awful chest infection for months now, which doesn't seem to be going away. He coughs incessantly, often bringing up mucus. I want to know if I can insure him, as he's not my son. Also, is BUPA the best way to go or are there other private health companies that you would recommend?""
state of maryland insurance license renewal
state of maryland insurance license renewal
How much more is sr22?
great now i have to have sr22 for driving someone else's car that had no insurance. how ever i do have insurance and judge says i must pay sr22. i am just wondering how much i have to pay extra? i am with gieco. i am thinking an extra 50 bucks.
Anyone in California need a quote on Insurance?
I sell Insurance.
Are there any car insurance companies that only look back 2 years instead of 3?
Are there any car insurance companies that only look back 2 years instead of 3?
Car insurance Question?
I was driving my friends car. I hit someone. It was my fault. My friend has insurance but I dont know what kind of coverage. I was driving her car because she needed to borrow my truck. If her insurance doesnt cover her damage should I help her pay for it even though I was doing her a favor by borrowing my truck?
What should an 18-21 year old pay for motorcycle insurance? liability only?
if i were to get a motorcycle i would have to pay the insurance and i would like to know the cheapest but smartest way to do it.
""Im thinking about getting a car, car insurance ?""
Im thinking about getting a car I phoned up my insurance company and they said because I have not come to the end of my insurance with the car I got that I would lose my 3 years no claims bonus if I changed over cars also I would have to pay them 50pound to get out of the contract. The only way around it is if I insure the two cars I was shocked with this, I deal with tescos car insurance Is this normal ?""
I am planning to buy an insurance plan. What is this long term care insurance?
I am planning to buy an insurance plan. What is this long term care insurance? Please suggest me some good options for long term care insurance in Texas.
Insurance payments on a car?
Okay so to start off i am 16 as of today. I will get my permit today and in one year I will turn 17. I will then have my license. So when I turn 17 i will be able to buy my own car with a $5000 down payment with the choice of a car. But here is where I am stuck. I do not know too much on information on car insurance. I know that I will be under my parents policy from here until I am 17. Lets say that there is 5 of us under this car insurance, no one has a separate policy, all under one umbrella. What happens when I buy a car, I get insured with a new car, my own car, and still under the policy things with my family. How much is it going to be per month? Can you average it? Here is a list of cars I will choose from, and if you can, provide estimated prices per month I will have to pay. - (2008-2010) BMW 3 Series Sedan (No mods or extra horsepower, plain performance) - (2006-2011) Mazda RX-8 Coupe (same, no mods or any fancy performance stuff) - (2008-2011) Mazda 3 or MazdaSpeed3 (sedan) - (2008-2011) Volkswagen Jetta (sedan) - (2008-2011) Subaru Impreza (hatchback) Also I am an A-B student with an above 3.5 GPA Also I will take a drivers ed course at school""
Car insurance?
i have a license and live in CT and i have a question about insurance the web page says the vehicles should be insured. my dad and mom have insurance for their them but i dont so i dont have to get insurance because the vehicle is insured? or everyone should have insurance who drives on the road?
What is the cheapest online car insurance where no deposit is paid? Morethan is no good. (UK)?
What is the cheapest online car insurance where no deposit is paid? Morethan is no good. (UK)?
""How much does individual health insurance cost, on average, in the United States?""
How much does individual health insurance cost, on average, in the United States?""
Can anybody help me find the Greyhound Bus Auto Insurance ?
2 week ago I was in auto accident in NYC but I live in New Jersey a greyhound bus hit my parked car door as I opened it, I had a clear of view when i opened it, my car is beyond damaged (97 Honda Accord) thank god I didn't lose my hand, I finally got a official police report, I have the greyhound bus driver licence plate #'s and insurance policy #'s and the insurance code Texas Liability Insurance (not the insurance company name) I called Grey Bus company customer service and corporate office based out of Texas, both phone numbers keep giving me the run around and is a complete waste of time. I called my insurance, and they cant help me , i try google, waste of time as well, please help, all i am trying to do is file a claim and fix my car ASAP!!""
Will getting a speeding ticket and losing my license affect my insurance rates?
I lost my license for 3 months and got an $800 fine unfairly (see below for details) for doing 80 in what was previously a 50 zone and because I'm on my Ps the fine was totally way high :L But anyway I paid the ticket right away but now I'm worried it'll affect my insurance rates? It's my only ticket ever and I have no idea if it even affects insurance rates but I'm really worried too worried to call and ask them because they might not know until I tell them D: I live in NSW Australia BTW if that helps you answer (read this question if you want more details on the incredible audacity of the sneaky police: http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index;_ylt=AookRsU6pku7l6KJOtSFGcTsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20121113121907AA9izHx)
Mexico and USA car insurance?
Does anybody know a car insurance company that has coverage 15 miles or so miles outside US boundaries? Thank you!
""How much is your full coverage insurance cost? 19 year old, 2 speeding tickets, live in WA, for Celica GTS?""
I know it varies from place to place, based on driving record, car, etc, etc etc. Im just looking to get average insurance costs. I am 19 years old, I have two speeding tickets (both 30 mph over), student, live in WA, insuring a clean title 2003 Toyota Celica GTS. What are you paying on average for similar discriptions.""
Do you think its fair that young men have to pay more for auto insurance than a women?
Do they cause more accidents or is it the insurance companies know a young man will pay more for the privilege to drive?
About how much would my auto insurance be? (First-time driver)?
I'm budgeting getting a car and insurance and I don't know how much it would be. It will be my first time driving/having a car or license. So no record of anything, but I'd be a newbie. It'll be in the state of Pennsylvania and it will probably be a pre-owned small car.""
I am 20. I am a student. I have no health insurance? And no money..?
What can I do??? Please help I need 2 go 2 tha doc i am sick.
Would insurance be cheaper on a 99-01 mustang GT than on a newer 02-04 for a new driver?
I was thinking about getting a mustang GT sometime after I turn 18 and after I get a job. Right now im 16 and have no license but im going to take drivers ed soon.
""After buying a used car, could I drive it right away without auto insurance?""
After buying a used car, could I drive it right away without auto insurance? Do I have to have auto insurance in CA? Thank you!""
""Looking for a good first car, one with low insurance rates preferably?""
I just turned 16 and am currently in the market to buy a car. I am looking for something in the price range of around $2,000, possibly a small four cylinder pick up, or a japanese sedan. Does anyone have any sugestions for a good first car, and if any one has expeiriance with insurance can you tell me a price range of what I would be looking at for isurance, I have good grades and looking for a minnimum policy in Florida. Thanks if anyone can help me although I know I probably wont get much help with the insurance part.""
What the best life insurance for a 23 year old female?
i want what best so when something happen to me my girls has the money to buried me nice. I want something that don't go away in 30 years and i half to get another policy. ...show more
Car accident now what? insurance question?
I was in my first major car accident, my car was totaled. I was waiting at the light to make a left turn, the green arrow came on and i went and some one coming from the opposite side of the lane in the opposite way ran a red light and hit me, he claims on the report he doesn't know how the accident happened. I just wanted to know what do you think will happen? A witness was talking to the cops but his information is not on my police report. It has to go through his insurance what are the odds that they will know that he was in the wrong and not me??""
Where can i buy rebuild-able cars from insurance companies?
I live in the state of Indiana, is there a place where i can buy rebuild-able cars from insurance companies, or from a action place where they are not so expensive?""
How much would (teen driver) insurance cost?
I was wondering how much car insurance would cost for a teen driver? Info: Black Grand Cherokee (if that matters) Male 17 years old. 3.5 gpa
state of maryland insurance license renewal
state of maryland insurance license renewal
Were can i get cheap car insurance for a rover 214 16 valve injection?
i need to get cheaper car insurance for my car were can i get it am nearly 24 and i don't have ncb ?
Car Insurance query?
I have a car that's off road waiting to be sold, does the car need to have insurance legally? It's not being driven at all. I have fully comp insurance on my new car.""
""Ford Crown Victoria Insurance, and Gas cost?""
For you crown vic owners, I want to buy a 2001 Crown Victoria. Is it a real gas eater or what? How much do you think the inssurance would be for a 18 yrs old men? I like them crown vics, except when it comes time to be in the back of them in handcuffs.""
Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?
Which is better hmo or ppo insurance?
Do you have to report a DUI to the car insurance company?
My friend got a DUI not too long ago. This is the state of Florida, and she has Allstate. I understand that her getting a DUI is now public records because she spent the night in jail. Because the fact that it's public records now, is she required to inform her Allstate insurance company about her DUI? Also, what will happen either way whether she reports it to insurance company or not? Will they remove her from her insurance or jack up the rates? It is her FIRST DUI and other than that she has a good driving record. Thanks.""
Would my insurance still pay for this?
My car got hit the other day and I got an estimate for it. It'll cost $500 and it's just a long scratch. If I tried touching it up with car paint and whatever and it comes out looking like sh*t will the body shop still do it's work or would I have to pay for it since I messed with it?
What is 20 payment life insurance?
What is 20 payment life insurance?
Where can I get a cheap health insurance?
health insurance is so expensive... where can I get those health insurances?? especially the cheap one... yea...the best cheap..not the worst cheap
What is a good and cheep health insurance?
i only need it for a month i'm 19 years old and in good health. oh i live in florid
A guy crashed into my today and totaled my car-how much will his insurance pay towards a new car?
My car was worth about $8000, give or take (that's what the officer told me). It was completely paid off. How much will the other guy's insurance pay towards a new car, or should I ask for a check? Which will be the better deal?""
Why are car insurance quotes on comparison sites so high?
I'm almost 17 and I'm hoping to learn to drive and buy a car, I was looking on some comparison sites to see what the insurance might be on some possible cars (ford KA, fiat sciento, nothing too fancy) but the quotes were ridiculously high? I know being 17 will mean expensive insurance but this was really expensive, they said the cheapest was around 6000 for third party. This is really high because I know loads of people who drive at 17 and their insurance ranges from 1800-3000. So, why is it so high and will it actually be this price when I come to pay the insurance?""
Should i get a policy on My Dad's car insurance?
Hi all My Dad has been with Churchill a long time and says they are brilliant. I have been looking at my own policys and they are around 2.5k-3k which is so out of my price range it is unreal.I have checked how much it would cost to have my Dad as the main driver on another Churchill Policy on my car and have me as a name driver,Protect his no claims and i am also able to build up my own for future use with Churchill. The cost of this kind of policy totals at around 750. Should i take this or could there be any problems in the future.""
SOS Car Insurance for Foreigner? Please HELP?
Hi, I just Move to Canada I have a license for 12 years now, I undestand I can drive with this license here for 6 months but the problem is the Car Insurance, I just book the Writing test but they only have avalability is in a month time. but for the the road test I need a insureded car. Not Sure where to start :( I want to buy a Car but can't do it because I need an insurance, I called a few insurance companies but they don't insurance foreigner license. Please Help I really apreciate if someone point me in the right direction. Thanks""
Buying a new car on pay monthly + insurance ?
Hello, I am 17 years old. If I were to buy a new car on pay monthly (e.g Ford Fiesta/Fiat 500 at 150 per month) then does this include road tax and insurance? If not, then what would it cost me in terms of insurance (I live in london, and will keep my car in a locked garage)""
I need to find and inexpensive health insurance can anyone help?
My husband has a rare blood disorder and is on Medicare through Social security and we don't have alot of money but because of his illness it cost alot for suppliment insurance. Does anyone know how we can get some extra insurance that won't kill us we already lost our home because we spent so much on insurance and most places won't even cover this. Please only serious reply.
Something about getting health insuance?
yes i triedd to get free health insurance at a health place and i make to much money , i only work pt at my job, and i collect social security every month. I also tried to get medicade i can't get that. my monthly income is two thousand a month. there was another option is called healthy NY if i apply to that , the payments on that are $200 a month. i can't afford hat either i have too many bills , so is there any more ideas you people can give me. please help.""
First time car insurance?
i have been driving my parents car for about a year now and i am going to buy my own car. i am buying a 1.3 Ford KA 07 registration i am female and 19 do you have any tips for getting good insurance and reasonably priced insurance? i am aware it will be expensive. i am looking for fully comp insurance also does anyone have any experience with coop car insurance where they fit a smart box to your car and measure your driving?
Who has affordable health insurance for my family of 5 in virginia?
My husbands job provides insurance for $650 a month. We can't afford that at all. So looking for affordable health and dental please help we are in virginia. Thanks in advance
What's the best liability insurance for yoga instructors?
I will begin teaching yoga, and need to get liability insurance- what's a good inexpensive insurance""
Does PA or NJ have cheaper car insurance?
I'm wanting to know which state has cheaper car insurance. I have usaa. Does it vary state to state ?
Health Insurance N. Florida?
Health Insurance CHP (Capital Health Plan) Tallahassee FL is diagnosing me? Why did my health insurance company contact my primary doctor after a hospital visit? After a recent visit to the ER due to a esophageal stricter which scared us thinking Chest pain! Spent 16 hours being observed and tested! Finally send down to endoscopy for a esophageal dilation! Did the job!! I was sent home 4 hours later! Now two weeks later I get a phone call from my Primary care Doctors office manager saying that my primary received a memo from my health insurance (after my ER visit) company and I was instructed to call and make an appointment for alcoholism counseling???? The night of the incident where I couldn't swallow, and was in pain! we had guests over and had a few beers! I gave the attending ER doctor all information including I had drank beer an hour before I got there. OK, now, For the 16 hours at the hospital and the multiple blood tests, everybody including the Dr's said everything looked good! and the Dr. that discharged me explained to my wife in detail about my blood work, said things were fine. So, why would my CHP (Capital Health Plan) health insurance company be contacting my primary? Especially about alcoholism counseling, this has NEVER been an issue in the past! I'm so upset! I've been with my primary for over 15 years and due to a knee injury he prescribes me mild pain killers, and Florida Law makes him take a urine sample every 3 months! Again this has never come up. Is this normal for an insurance company to do??? I'm so upset!!!!""
Parents Insurance?
If I'm on my parents Insurance and I go to a doctors appt without them knowing will it show up on there insurence statement?
Esurance Homeowners Insurance?
does anyone, or did anyone ever have Home owner's insurance from Esurance? is it any good? pros ? cons? Thanks.""
What is the best place for an 18 year old to get health insurance?
My ex is dropping my daughter from his insurance because she is 18. To pick her up on my insurance would triple my premium, which is already outrageous. Is there a reasonable policy out there for a healthy 18 year old?""
Does affordable FAMILY Health insurance in California even exist? :( Desperate!?
Hello: My husband and I are in the process of moving on in our life and figuring out the next step. Rather than moving ahead now and planning later I would rather plan now then move ahead. I feel that its not smart to start trying for a baby until we know if its going to be possible to afford health insurance. Right now we are both working fulltime but my work is not family friendly when it comes to health insurance. Currently to add my spouse and a child to my insurance whether its PPO or HMO its over $1,200 for us 3!!! When looking outside of my employer at what is out there its over $800! We make about $4,000 a month but after rent, car payments, cell phones, car insurance, bills, groceries, and gas we are left with only about $800 a month to live off of. And that is not nearly enough for a baby with daycare and health insurance!! We obviously dont qualify for state funding or and government assistance. I am just wondering if anything exists out there for people like us! :( Unfortunately it seems things would be easier if we both worked at a low income job or not worked at all!! Please help, I want a good future for us all and dont want to depend on government funding!!""
state of maryland insurance license renewal
state of maryland insurance license renewal
Health Insurance question?
Who can you add as a secondary person on your insurance? Can it be a significant other or is it only a spouse allowed?
Where can I purchase affordable dental insurance that is effective immediately?
I would like to get braces or Invisilgn=]
How much would the insurance be for a Porsche Cayenne Diesel a year?
The insurance would be for a female driver with over 25 years of experience. How much would it cost a year, and also how much would the monthly diesel bill be? Thanks""
What is the best Healthcare Insurance for small business owners in Colorado?
I'm starting a new job in Jan and I will be 1099 - I need any suggestions from anyone currently paying their ownHealth Insurance and what is a good company to go with. Many Thanks!
Were can I buy cheap insurance to reg a 1966 Vw bug?
I live in daytona florida
What are california's car insurance laws?
Im a new driver and was wondering if its a type of insurance i need. I only have Liability on my car nothing else am i ok if i get pulled over and asked for proof of insurance??
""Motorcycle blown over in 35MPH wind, would the insurance company cover it? And would I be declared at fault?
07 zx6r. Left it outside while I was away came back to it on the ground. Heavy winds last night.
Insurance for a van ... not too sure..?
Hi I just bought a 1979 Dodge Camper van which is in great condition with low miles on it. I want to get it plated which is fine but also I want to insure it but I am not sure what to expect, is it going to cost me less or more because of it being older? I am 26 years old and Ive had my license since 17. Ive been insured under my parents insurance as a 2nd driver since 17 also. Even if I didn't drive it all the time they just kept me on it. Well I'm not sure what else I can say to help out with an estimate of the insurance. Maybe some of you have better knowledge, I live in Canada, Quebec. Thank you. Btw this is my first owned vehicle which is kinda weird hehe but yeah I'm learning.""
Car Insurance And 18?
I have a question, i'm 18 and I need car insurance. dont tell me to google it, cuz ive tried and tried, but no results. i live in indiana. any help. wood be great, doesnt have to be the cheapest car insurance, but the best for my age. thanks. 2 am in the morning, sorry 4 the terrible writing""
Cheapest Auto Insurance in Ca.?
Would you recommend me the cheapest auto insurance?
Car insurance/old car?
My parents have had this old minivan 2000 Ford windstar since 2001 to current. It is almost defunct- it will take three grand to get back to normal/ run.. Our family doesn't ...show more
Do I need life insurance for my baby?
I am about to have a baby, and see lots of ads for the Gerber Life Insurance for children, but don't know if I need it. The price seems to be less than what I would have to pay at my job. Is this something I need?""
Employer health insurance?
When you have employer health insurance is there a waiting period for maturnity coverage to start?
Can i get classic car insurance?
I have a 65 mustang so i know for a fact it will qualify, but im 17 (18 in a couple of months) and i dont know for sure if they cover people my age. I know that it comes with restrictions but all i will be driving it for is to school and back so that doesn't concern me. also it would be helpful if anyone can reccomend a decent insurer.""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I pay $380 a month for my car insurance. more than anyone else i know. Just curious what everyone else pays Im a 20 year old male, single, living in California, have a 2002 bmw and a 1998 lexus, with 4 speeding tickets""
Can my employer insure my privately owned car?
Hi, I currently have a company car, owned by my employer and assigned to me when I passed my test in May. However, I've been looking at buying a car on ebay to run around in. What I'm asking is, if I buy this car on eBay is it within the law for me to give back my company car and have my employer insure me on my privately bought car or does the car have to be owned by my employer? Kind regards, Phil""
Can I buy 1 month worth of car insurance?
So my car insurance coverage ends on January 4, 2014. Yes I know it is last minute but now I'm looking at extending or buying 1 month of insurance just so I have a month to shop around. I live in Alberta, is that possible with every insurance company to buy a short term 1 month coverage?""
The best insurance for juniors?
i just turned 18 and i need to get new insurance any ideas????
How much is pilots insurance ?
First of all is there such a thing as pilots insurance, if so how much is average""
What is the best (Cheap) insurance?
I live in Jacksonville Fl. I was wondering what is the cheapest, but good insurance for someone who just got their license. I am 17 right now, and in a few months I will be 18, since i have no one to let me drive with my permit i am going to pay someone to come out and teach me so i can get a car and my license.""
What is the average teen male's car insurance cost??
What is the average teen male's car insurance cost??
Best Health Insurance Quote for uk?
Can you Suggest me Good Place where I can get Quote to Life Insurance?
Will my insurance pay off my car?
My car was considered totaled due to fire damage in the engine, i only purchased the car about 2 months ago wich means my policy is also new, will my insurance pay off the car or what will happened? Has any one experience something similar??""
Exactly what would be wrong with letting each state determine it's own health insurance reform?
Is there some reason why DC is better suited to reform health insurance (obviously they aren't any good at it, given the debacle we've seen already) than Albany or Indianapolis?""
""If you had to guess, do you think my insurance will be high?
i am an 18 years old male. i have been driving for close to two years and i had one speeding ticket that i took to court and they let me off. i got no points. i drive a 2000 mercury cougar and with liability coverage it costs $90 a month. im on my moms policy. im want to get a 2005 chevy monte carlo lt that im gonna have to get full coverage on because im financing. i am also gonna be on my moms insurance. do you think my premium is gonna increase by alot? thank you. and please just give me estimates and dont tell me to call the insurance company. i just want ballpark estimates and answers. thank you :)
state of maryland insurance license renewal
state of maryland insurance license renewal
0 notes
What are legal steps to resolving an auto insurance claim?
"What are legal steps to resolving an auto insurance claim?
Allstate was supposed to compensate me for X amount of damage done to my car by the driver who had insurance upto 5 grand.     Notice that I did not have insurance with AllState but that because the driver was at fault, and had coverage of upto $5000, AllState has agreed to pay me a portion of that 5 grand.    However, the problem is the driver who was at fault is not agreeing to this and demands more in loss from AllState. Whereas, although, I myself deserve more in damage since the car was worth more than the amount I am being compenstated for, I have still decided to settle for less.    Now because the driver is delaying the decision to accept the remaining amount out of 5 grand"",I recommend one to try this web site where you  can compare rates from the best companies:""
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://averageinsurancecost.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Will we be covered by insurance when driving to get a new car?
I have bought a new (second hand!) car and will be going to get it today. Not having changed my car before, I have a question. Just before we go to pick up the new car, we will be changing our insurance in town from our old car to the new car. If I change my insurance to the new car, how can I then drive my old car as it will be uninsured? We will need the old car to drive a few miles outside town to get the new car! Is there a special way that this has to be done so that the the old car is still temporarily covered? We will be going to get the new car immediately after sorting the insurance. Please give as much details as possible of what I have to do.""
The minimum amount your auto insurance must cover per accident is:?
In California is? A. $15,000; 30,000; 5,000 B. $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 C. $20,000; $25,000; $15,000 D. $5,000; $15,000; $10,000 Thanks!""
Riding a 125 motorbike on fully comp car insurance?
hi does anyone know, if you can ride a 125 motorbike with l pates and cbt on a fully comp car insurance, i know i can drive other vehciles on fully comp insurance but it turns into third party only , can it be done with my motorbike , thanks .""
Insurance question for sport bike?
Ok so I drive already and im going to be 18 very soon. I'm thinking about getting a sport-bike for college mainly because they have very good mpg and are fairly cheap.Once i get my m1 licence im thinking on getting a kawasaki ninja 250 or a suzuki gsxr 600. How much would insurance cost extra on the gixxer than for the ninja, thanks !!!""
What would my insurance be for a kia forte koup 2010?
i'm an 18 years old male about to 19 in a few months,i live in New york and i'm really considering this kia,but i need someone to help me out on what my insurance would cost without having to go through all these insurance quote process,thanks""
Is there a way to get 6 month car insurance?
I need a 6-7 month car insurance quote and was wondering if there was a way possible to do this for example could i buy a year and cancel after 6 months.. that way do i get half of my money back?
Does anybody know any type of affordable car insurance (South.CA) for a teen who just got his driver license?
Do you know any car insurance that is not too bad (that covers stuff) yet not too expensive (lets say somewhere less than $500 a month)? And could you also please site a reference site? Thank you.
""Car Insurance, i passed my Drving test yesterday,Insurance Premiums?""
I live in Manchester(longsight), passed test yesterday, age:17...,can anyone plz tell me that how much will be the insurance premium for me(new driver), i asked from some of the insurers and most of them told that my insurance premium will be at least 2000. is it? Can any one tell me about some cheap insurance company who's price is 1000 or near about. Thanks.""
What 500cc/600cc sports bikes are good for the A2 licence & cheap to insure for an 19 year old with no clams?
i had in mind the Suzuki GSXR 600 Honda CBR 600 Honda CBR 500 Kawasaki ER6F Triumph Daytona 675 Are these bikes worth restricting to 33bhp? and are there any other good ones
Car insurance?!?!?!?!?! HELP!!!?
im 15 and i just got my liscence (you can get it at 15 in Idaho because i live in a hick state) im a good student, 3.8 gpa, and ive never gotten in an accident while i was a student driver with my permit. about how much can i expect to be paying a month for car insurance? dont tell me to go to a website and fill out a form, it takes forever and i dont feel like giving out my social security number, thank you very much. please does anyone have a ballpark estimate?""
Do red light camera infractions hurt your insurance?
on the ticket it reads: this infraction will not be a part of your driving record and will be processed as a parking infraction. I live in Seattle, WA.""
""My car was stolen and recovered, insurance are offering me a low figure or they will repair it.any advis?""
car: renault megane dynamiquie, 1.9 dci, mileage 106,000, black, 5dr, before stolen: smooth drive, nothing wrong with it.. after stolen recovered: insurance says it will cost 2300 to repair it hence offered me 'total loss' and got me a 'salvage offer' of 4k. Insurance is saying I only got two opetions accept offer or have it repaired. I think offer is low and dont want to get it repaired in case something else goes wrong with afterwards.. I always thought you can reject first offer so how come in this case I am not getting the option to reject offer??? Insurance are saying they are getting on 4k from salvages for the car hence wont give me more then that.. but shouldnt my insrance top up with some more or am I being silly? please advise.....""
Which is the best insurance policy with low premium and high returns --- Plz suggest me?
Which is the best insurance policy with low premium and high returns --- Plz suggest me?
Why are teenagers car insurance rates so high?
I just heard they just went up on our car insurance because we are teens that's not fair at all. I'm struggling trying to make it meaning going to college and work. Because I can not depend on my mom to take me everywhere I need to go. This economy is all ready down the drain that's not fair I have no money and I am trying to make it.
How much will car insurance be?
Let's say i buy a car next summer, i'll be 19 ..on my own insurance because my mom doesnt have a car, it would most probably be on an honda civic, not too old.......average cost?""
How can i get auto insurance? Complicated story.?
Ok so i currently DRIVE a 2005 Mazda 3. When I originally moved to Florida 3 years ago, My good friend, who I moved to florida to live with, so graciously loaned out the car for me. My credit was and still is horrible, so at the time the loan was put solely under his name. Thus, the car is registered in his name. Three months ago, My friend moved to california with his Fiancee and I moved back to where i grew up in pennsylvania. Well long story short, I'm moving back to florida to get in state residency for college. While i was up in PA, Geico cancelled my insurance cause i was out of state for too long i guess. I had insurance with them under a family plan with my friend when we lived together in Florida. So basically the car is registered in Florida, the owner(my friend) lives in California, My credit is to crappy to change the loan into my name or even have me as a cosigner, and I need to somehow get insurance back so i can drive my car back down to florida next month when I move back. Any suggestions at all as to how i can get Insurance, while still having my friend as the only person on the loan/car registration? Again the car is still licensed and registered in florida, where i'm moving. ANY HELP AT ALL IS GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!!!!""
How can i get insurance for my kid in nj from the state?
I cant afford insurance for my kid can i get it threw nj from the state
Price for motorcycle insurance?
So my parents just bought my brother a brand new car and just told me that I wont be getting it til 3-4 years from now . and I'll be 20 something by then! I'm 16 turning 17 this year by the way. and it sucks even more because my other brother had received his car when he was 18, which is totally unfair because I have achieved more things than him, academic and community wise. So anyways, I've been wanting a motorcycle since I was a little girl and since I will be working this summer and winter, I was hoping on buying a used motorcycle, specifically any Kawasaki Ninja, at the beginning of 2010. Insurance price please? I know it ranges from age, experience, accidents, and etc. I'm a 16 year old female that will be getting her regular permit in June and after 6 months, I will be getting my motorcycle license. Won't be driving a car anytime soon, obviously. Oh and I'm in the bay area of California if that changes anything? Thanks for the help, just need to know how much to save. Oh and if your wondering why I wont just buy a car, because I only wanna save 5 grand max and that will only get me a wack car.""
What are we paying for when we buy car Insurance?
Does any one notice that we shell out thousands of dollars from our income for car insurance, and the insurance company gives us nothing back? Sure, if we get into a car accident, they cover the costs, but then they raise your rate. And you are paying far more than the cost of the accident anyway. And then if you don't get into an accident, what is all that money for? They don't give it back. I just think its odd that we are required by law to pay for nothing, after we already have paid for the car. And then if you don't, you are penalized and punished, so you are given no choice. But really, you're paying all this money and getting nothing back. WTF""
How can i get cheaper car insurance?
I have been looking around for car insurance for a while now and other than getting a pretty good quote from a company that fit a box inside my car, the other quotes are no lower than 4,500! It's a 1.4 Astra, nothing fancy about it. It's a bigger car than usual learner drivers drive but i'm sure the quotes i am getting ar way to high..1000 deposit and 492 a month? Help needed!""
How much is car insurance?
i'm 18 n i want 2 get a car very soon. i'm paying for my own insurance so i want 2 get an idea of an estimated price. if i get a care made between 1999 n 2005. so if any1 has an idea can u please help me out
Motorcycle insurance?
what would be a reasonable monthly rate for motorcycle insurance? For an 18 year old male, with a 125cc honda CL125S two-seater. In Pittsburg, PA. Looking for low-end prices.""
About how much would it cost to insure a commercial building?
I'm looking into buying a commercial building to teach martial arts in. I live in a small town in KY and the buildings I'm looking at are about $25,000. I'm not sure what type of insurance I will have to have or how much it will cost me. Could someone please give me some idea of what type of insurance I will need and how much it might cost? I don't know if I just need to insure the building or if I need business insurance too. Thanks.""
Family Health Insurance?? Question Help?
I was wondering does family health insurance, for example. like in my situation, i want to go to a dentist to whiten my teeth, but will the insurance cover for that?""
Is it okay to drive an unregistered car with insurance in California?
I'm in the process of getting the paperwork for registration, but it's taking longer than expected. The previous party (who I bought the car from) already gave up title to the car. I have the bill of sale and insurance and have been staring at an undriven car. Can I drive it? What are the consequences?""
What are legal steps to resolving an auto insurance claim?
Allstate was supposed to compensate me for X amount of damage done to my car by the driver who had insurance upto 5 grand.     Notice that I did not have insurance with AllState but that because the driver was at fault, and had coverage of upto $5000, AllState has agreed to pay me a portion of that 5 grand.    However, the problem is the driver who was at fault is not agreeing to this and demands more in loss from AllState. Whereas, although, I myself deserve more in damage since the car was worth more than the amount I am being compenstated for, I have still decided to settle for less.    Now because the driver is delaying the decision to accept the remaining amount out of 5 grand"",I recommend one to try this web site where you  can compare rates from the best companies:""
No Insurance. Car damaged. Should I call the insurance company?
OK This is really hurting me because some jerk hit my car in the parking lot ( I don't know when) and when wake up in the morning and see my car it is damaged. My problem is I don't have insurance to the car and my car registration has expired too. (I rarely use my car because I have a work truck). I dont know what to do. Should I call the cops? or just forget about it for now and get the insurance upto date and call the insurance people after some days. Please help.
Pregnancy and health insurance questions:?
I found out that I am 6 weeks pregnant, and have my own health insurance. What I would like to know is if I want to get on my husbands insurance for the new year will I be able to? Or will I not be able to get on his insurance because they will consider it pre-existing condition? His insurance is better than mine. My baby is due the end of April.""
How do You Show Proof of Auto Insurance to a Court?
In California, do you have to just show the insurance policy or do you have to show policy with payment receipt?""
Is the insurance company notified when you get a speeding ticket?
I got a speeding ticket for going 55 in a 45 and was just going to pay it so my parents wouldn't find out because I'm on there insurance. I no we are with USAA and i don't want them to find out about the ticket. Will they some how find out?
Average cost of car insurance for 18yr old?
never been in an accident, driving a car over 10 years old and has good grades?""
What auto insurance should I have for a car that stays in garage?
I live in California, I do have a car that I am not using anymore and it stays in the garage until I decide to sell it. By California law, is there any law that you must have insurance for car? even if it is not being used. if there is a law then what is my best options for auto insurance? Thanks, I appreciate any answer!""
Why can't i get cheap car insurance?
i recently passed my driving test and i'm thinking of buying a cheap 1000cc car but every site i check i can't get anything less than 6000 a year even tho the car is like 600. i even have pass plus..
Vw Lupo S insurance group 1.4L?
What insurance group would a 1.4L Lupo be in. Also roughly what price would it be in that group. Im 17 and after a quote with no modifications.
How much does it cost for a 28 year old man for car insurance?
How much does it cost for a 28 year old man for car insurance?
Car insurance question?
I only need to drive for 1 month. Could i be added to my dad's car insurance for only one month or do i need to do 6 month minimum etc
When does insurance go down for minors? at 18 or 21?
im wondering because i am getting a car and i am 17 and i am wondering if i should just wait till im 18 to get it cheaper or if i should just be on my parents plan
How i can get cheap insurance for my children?
How i can get cheap insurance for my children?
I received a speeding ticket while driving my parents car does that affect there insurance rates.?
I was also issused a ticket for driving without insurance, what should I do about that?""
What do you think is the cheapest insurance out there? i'm trying to switch from my current one.?
i currently use allstate. I pay about $160 a month and its not even full coverage
Motor cycle insurance for an 18 year old using usaa?
How much would insurance be for an 18 year old using USAA? I am going to get a Honda CBR250R for the gas mileage. I live in Southern California in Riverside county. the bike would be my primary transportation and i have a perfect driving record. along with straight A's. please help?
How much insurance cost would it cost for a provisional driver on a vauxal corsa?
hi, im 16 and soon to be 17 and learning to drive. i want to find out how much it would cost for me to be on a vauxal corsa (2001?)(1.3L) on a provisional learners license. i wanted to go on my mums tesco car insurance but they said i need to give them my provisional licence details but ive only recently sent off for one so i cant give them the details.. any ideas on the cost (any insurer) thankyou so much! katherine""
Does a Bank of America auto loan require full coverage insurance on the car?
If I were to take out an auto loan from Bank of America would I have to have full coverage insurance on the car until the loan is paid for? Or would I be able to just have liability coverage? Thanks!
How much does motorcycle insurance cost for a teen?
I am currently 15 , next year i will get my liscence and buy a Kawasaki Ninja 250R 2010. I live in Quebec, and I really need an answer, please not just a go get a quote.. just give me a number please!""
Should I do something to this company insurance?
Some how Bank of America took my personal information and gave to this company insurance that covers medical thing. They have my personal Banking information. I canceled the insurance policy on August 15 and they took out 29.99 out of my bank and I now have 60.98 in my checking account. Should I do something about?
How much is car insurance on average for a 17 year old driver?
I'm 17, and having to pay my own car insurance every month. How much is that going to cost me each month? I have Farmer's insurance.""
How much more a month is car insurance for a sports car than for something like a coupe or sedan?
How much more a month is car insurance for a sports car than for something like a coupe or sedan?
For how many traffic ticket you get before insurance rate increase?
i had a speeding ticket 3 yrs ago and it was dismissed after one yr. now i just got another red light ticket. will my insurance consider this red light ticket as second ticket or first and will they increase rate?? and for how many traffic ticket you get before insurance rate increase?
How much would be my insurance If my car is being registered in my name?
I am 21 years of age and I am planning to buy a used car to like 1998-2000 models which are not reasons for me to pay a lot for my insurance.
""What are my options, health insurance wise?""
I'm 19 and MassHealth is being a b**** and canceling my insurance. I got no job and I'm a full time student. Is there anyway to get insurance like this? I mean, Massachusetts must have something for people like me. Anyone else having this problem and have a solution? If so it would really help.""
In case of an accident where someone in a motorcycle is badly hurt will liability insurance cover?
Say there is an accident involving a motorcycle and a car. The person in the motorcycle is badly injured how much will liability insurance cover? The insurance would be from the person responsalbe for the accident this case the person in the car. Would there be a big difference if you have full cover isurance?
What are legal steps to resolving an auto insurance claim?
Allstate was supposed to compensate me for X amount of damage done to my car by the driver who had insurance upto 5 grand.     Notice that I did not have insurance with AllState but that because the driver was at fault, and had coverage of upto $5000, AllState has agreed to pay me a portion of that 5 grand.    However, the problem is the driver who was at fault is not agreeing to this and demands more in loss from AllState. Whereas, although, I myself deserve more in damage since the car was worth more than the amount I am being compenstated for, I have still decided to settle for less.    Now because the driver is delaying the decision to accept the remaining amount out of 5 grand"",I recommend one to try this web site where you  can compare rates from the best companies:""
""Buying a car with rebuild, or salvage title?""
I live in Texas, what is the policies/laws for buying a Salvage title or rebuild title car? What exactly is a Salvage title, and am i allow to have it insure by insurance company? ...show more""
Cheap health insurance?
anyone know of any cheaper health insurance (maybe like $ 50/mo) i am a single student.
Insurance on 2011 subaru STI?
I'm 19 sold my truck that had become a money pit and saved about 5 grand to put down on a new car. I make about $1950 a month at my job and have been there for a year. I came across a subaru Impreza STI for the price of $29000 only has 400 miles on the car and I can afford the payments per month (around $400) I'm just curious about insurance costs. I'm 19 been driving for 3 years no accidents and no tickets... What should I expect for insurance per month??(ballpark estimate) my insurance guy is not in til tomorrow just asking to see what you guys think
How much is Motorcycle Insurance for M1 in Ontario?
Im thinking of getting an 2012 WR250 for next summer for school, work and just the usual everyday running around, its a really nice looking bike and good on gas! I have had a dirt bike before so this will be no problem driving it around. I just wanted to know how much it would be for Insurance If I only have a M1.""
Cheap car insurance for a new driver?
like the title say do ya know a car insurance that is real cheap for new drivers got my license this month and my car and now i just have to register it and get insurance and i got a job and i just want to know how im going to budget stuff and how much you expect i should pay a moth
Ex husband to pay off car. Who pays insurance?
Since my ex is paying my car off in the divorce shouldn't he be responsible for the full coverage insurance? I cant afford full coverage. If I only get liability should he cover the rest to obtain full coverage? Help!
Car insurance - how short a time can you buy insurance for?
i want to get a new car but the insurance is more expensive than my current quote. my no claims bonus kicks in in a couple of months but until then my quote is quite expensive. i want to know whether i cn buyinsurance for this short time, and then get a new quote once my no claims is awarded, as otherwise im signing myself up for 12 months on an expensive quote""
Which is a feature of permanent insurance?
Which is a feature of permanent insurance? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- It provides protection for a specific period. It includes an investment component. It is relatively low cost.
About how much would my auto insurance be? (First-time driver)?
I'm budgeting getting a car and insurance and I don't know how much it would be. It will be my first time driving/having a car or license. So no record of anything, but I'd be a newbie. It'll be in the state of Pennsylvania and it will probably be a pre-owned small car.""
What is the best web-site to get insurance leads from?
mostly health leads, but some life leads""
Cheapest Car Insurance And Best car to get at 17?
Hello Guys, ive just passed my dirveing Test :D I Got a Pass Plus Witch aprently makes Insurance Alot cheaper. Anways, ive been on all the big sites such as Confused, moneysupermarket ect. And they are offering me around 8Grand for a 0.9l Fiat Cinnequento I dont want that car i just tested to see how much. I really need somewhere cheaper. so could you guys give me best car to try get insured on and where?""
Car insurance for a new driver?
i want to buy a small car, but im worried that the insurance will be expensive what company sell cheap insurance? how much about did you pay? i want a small car, like a 1 litre engine thank you""
What is online insurance?
onlin insurance pr5ocess and ways and meaning
Why do auto insurance quotes change day by day?
I received a quote today online, then went back to the same quote today and it was $22.00 more. I didn't change any of my info. Why do these quotes vary day by day? Is there a particular time I should search for quote? Thanks in advance for your answers!""
New Drivers: How much do you pay in Car Insurance a month?
I know this is a more personal question so I will just ask for a RANGE; like for example, $400-$500.""
Should I pay someone to do the body work on my car or file a claim and watch my insurance rates go up?
So I bumped into an SUV the other day, and the other person's car was totally fine, so they decided not to file a claim. I drove off with a messed up hood though.. So now I don't know what to do... pay cash for the damages (roughly $2500 which i don't really have...) or file a claim and have the crash go on my record for 5 years and watch my premiums increase. I have asked my insurance company and they cannot give me an answer as to how much my insurance will go up so its a guessing game at this point... I have a good driving record and having never crashed before... Please Help!""
""Pregnant With No Health Insurance In Houston, TX?""
Hello Yahoo Community, I am married, pregnant, with no health insurance. I have applied for Medicaid and CHIP and was denied assistance based on my income, I apparently make too much money to qualify. I slightly cross the threshold. If you subtract our bills minus our earnings we're left with peanuts. We only pay for necessities not for commodities. There is nothing I can cut back on because we're paying for the basic stuff. I've look for insurances but I am having a hard time finding one that covers maternity costs and if they do they're tremendously expensive and out of our reach. Also since it's a pre-existing condition, most insurances don't cover it. Does anyone know about any programs where I can partially pay for the services? Or affordable insurances that I could apply for? I've researched extensively and can't seem to find anything. I am 10 weeks already and have not had my first pre-natal appointment. It's becoming rather stressful. Any help or information will be appreciated. Thank You.""
Can my car insurance rate go UP if they pay for the medical bills of the other person in the car accident?
Ok so I was involved in a car accident November 10,12, I was at fault because I hit the car in the back, the guy just literally stopped and obviously even if you are right about saying that the other driver stopped too fast for you to stop,when you hit a car in the back (most of the time) you are at fault of the accident.Either way, my insurance paid for his damage ($2,000 worth) and I took my ticket to court,there I only paid for court fees but no points. Today, June 02,13 (almost 7 months after the accident) I get a letter from a lawyer( lawyer of the guy I hit in the previous accident) saying he is asking for a $10,000 on medical expenses,it says I should send the letter to my insurance company as soon as possible,which I will do tomorrow but my thing is, I don't want my insurance rate to increase, it already increased after the accident (was $130, now $170) so I'm just asking, will the insurance company approve paying for his medical expenses even if he is self-employed as a driver of big trucks (I guess he also lift heavy furniture in order to work) and has diabetes ( he was ketotic at the time of the accident,the guy is in his 60s)?? And if the insurance approves paying ( guessing he has all the medical papers in order) will my rate increase too? Again?? I have full cover in my car, and it also includes medical bills. I had to pay $1000 of deductible in order to fix my and his car so pretty much I don't want to loose more money is just horrible I am 21,full time student with full time job! Yes,is possible to do both things but honestly I don't think this is fair anymore, the guy wanted to leave at first and not only that he is sick (diabetes) and he was very rude at first but then the police ask him if he was ok and he said yes so I don't understan this... :(. Thank you!""
Will this work out properly to get cheaper car insurance?
Have my mam as the main driver of the car and add myself as a driver but it will be me that actually owns the car and drives it. I'm only 17 and my mam is 37 and she has 6 years no claims bonus.
Quick insurance question?
Can i put my insurance under m uncles name that way insurance would be cheaper and i drive my car? is it possible hes 45, and i'm 18""
Car insurance...?
When you get a quote online for car insurance you get asked so many question like deductible, collision... etc etc.. so many numbers to choose from.. Can anyone explain them to me? i'm just used to liability or full coverage.. right now i have liability on my car and i pay 135 a month. When i got a quote from allstate it turned out to be only 38 a month??? i'm sure i didn't pick the right numbers....""
(Australia) What is the normal procedure for a car accident without insurance?
I hit a car(Honda) 1 month ago, I was at fault. I don't have third party damage insurance on my car. For the other car, they have comprehensive. Recently, Honda's insurance company contacted me and told me to pay for the damages(the quote is $10,000). They haven't sent me the invoice yet. At the same time, Smash repair also contacted me regarding the damages(same quote, but can be cheaper if i pay cash to them immediately). Car owner also contact me saying that I have to pay Smash repair directly. My question is: If Honda's insurance company is invloved in this incident, should I deal with the insurance company direclty and ignore both of the car owner and smash repair? I will pay for the damages, just want to make sure it goes to the right person, and no more trouble(no double claim) in the future.""
Insurance question?
What is better on insurance if you have a spotless record: 2007 PT Cruiser Touring Edition 2006 Toyota Corolla LE Thanks in advance!
What kind of insurance do I need.?
I am hauling different random thing for people that dont have trucks. boats, 4wheelers, farm equipment..... I would like to keep my regular auto insurance. Is there something that I can add or get a separate plan to where I can cover what ever I have in my truck or trailer. say up to 50,000.""
Can someone take out a life insurance policy on a mentally retarded person who didn't know what he was signing
This person was mentally retarded (52) and died of brain cancer. HIs brother (an attorney) took out an insurance policy for the 52 year old. The 52 year old did not really know what he was signing. The amount of the policy is unknown. Is this insurance fraud?
What are legal steps to resolving an auto insurance claim?
Allstate was supposed to compensate me for X amount of damage done to my car by the driver who had insurance upto 5 grand.     Notice that I did not have insurance with AllState but that because the driver was at fault, and had coverage of upto $5000, AllState has agreed to pay me a portion of that 5 grand.    However, the problem is the driver who was at fault is not agreeing to this and demands more in loss from AllState. Whereas, although, I myself deserve more in damage since the car was worth more than the amount I am being compenstated for, I have still decided to settle for less.    Now because the driver is delaying the decision to accept the remaining amount out of 5 grand"",I recommend one to try this web site where you  can compare rates from the best companies:""
Can you insure a car that does not belong to you?
I am driving my friends car with his permission and have taken out a car insurance policy in my name. Is this legal?
What is the best and cheapest car insurance for me?
Okay so im 18 and im buying a brand new car all myself in about a month maybe less a kia sorte 2013 and of course i will need full coverage. I have good credit and i dont know anything about all this stuff i could use some help please...i just want to know what is the best choice for me i live in brownsville texas if that helps..
Decent Car Insurance Info?
Does anyone know of a decent car insurance provider for 18 - 20 year olds -.- I just got quoted 4k for a 1litre CAR that is almost double if not more than double of the 1 litre I would of bought if Insurance companies weren't FUBAR. Does anyone know of cars or car insurance providers that are cheapish like 2000 - 2500 mark. I mean I'm in a 1 litre I'll be topping 80 my acceleration is about 12 seconds -.- So yeah thanks to anyone :)
What will happen to our car insurance rate?
16 yr old son got his license. Wife and I have 2 fairly nice cars. Full coverage. When we added my son our rate doubled, more than doubled actually. His grandmother is giving him a car this week. Not worthy of full coverage. How should we handle the insurance. Can we list him as primary driver on that car and do liability only? Will that make the rate go down or will it go up even more?""
""How much do braces cost in los angeles, without insurance?""
I don't really have crooked teeth. My bottom teeth are straight... and my top teeth look straight from a frontal shot, but in reality one of my canine teeth is a little higher and outward then the rest. I want to straighten that one out. How much do braces cost without insurance? in cash! thakns""
Maternity Insurance?
Does anyone know of a good insurance company with maternity insurance? I'm not pregnant yet, but me and my husband are talking about starting to try, and need to get insurance first. I would like to find a company with very little or no waiting period. Any suggestions?""
Which auto insurance companies in California offer auto insurance for international driving license?
I already called a few but they tell me there don't offer auto insurance for someone w/ IDL
Teen car insurance question?
Everyone knows that if you get good grades your insurance costs are lowered. i live california just so you know i dont know if it matters. but if i got about a D average my first semester and B+ or an A average second semester will they look at that or average them together. also any other tips to lower insurance costs... thanks ahead of time.
How does purchasing a car that was subject to an insurance claim affect the new buyer?
I'm looking to buy a car on autotrader and to be honest I really do not know as much as I would like to about cars. Someone is selling a car for quite a bit cheaper than its worth but the reason they've given for this is that the car has been subject to an insurance claim. In what way will this affect me?
Auto cheap insurance required! I am seriously looking for cheap auto insurance for my car and my realtives too?
I am seriously looking for cheap auto insurance for my car and my realtives too. Can you suggest me some auto cheap insurance ?
Does the American political system of democracy provide health insurance??
I'm doing a report and I don't quite understand how the american political system of demorcracy provides health insurance ? Help please?? Thank you!
How can Geico claim to be Cheaper then State Farm?
I was very happy with State Farm until I got my new policy this month. They raised my rate by $55 for no reason. I have been with them for 5 years with out ever having put in a claim of any kind. So I went to check out GEICO. Even with my increase from State Farm, GEICO is still twice as much. Same policies identical amounts. State Farm $485. GEICO $865.""
Can an Insurance company still be held liable for the after affects of a car wreck?
Any advice is greatly appreciated. My problem is this, In July 2007 A man in a huge truck with a trailer hinge back up out from a parking space, it I saw him and the only thing I could at the time is speed up so he would not hit the middle of my car. He ended up hitting the side bumper and ripped it off. I have A 1999 Cryshler Sebring. It truely was a hard hit. Well the man's insurance did pay to fix the bumper, but now everything keeps going wrong. I did mention it to the person at the shop where we had arranged for the repair. I asked to please give me an estimated how much it would cost to fix it. When the time came, She did not do so and when I asked the lady she gave me a look like there is really something wrong with my car. I give two guys a ride to the bus so they do not have to walk the mile or so and they can attest that my car was running smooth. So many things one after another have gone wrong. I have put over 700.00 and still more problems. So my question is what do you think my chances are If I take it to the manufactor and they will rule in my favor. The Insurance Co-ordinator says if they say it was from the accident then they will pay for it. Straight from the start right after the accident my car kept dyeing out, so I had to drive it like a standard car with my feet on the gas and brake at the same time. So in the end , last I have heard there is a short somewhere so I took it to Spitfire and place that specializes in electrical problems and he told me my computer is bad. First of all the things my battery kept dyeing out, my car would not start up in the mornings,I took it to Auto zone and my battery was fat, swollen no good. Bought a new one, then I took it to a man at midas , he said I needed a valve cover gasket and he showed me my spark plugs we filled with oil, fixed that. Now Midas ran a scan and said I had either a bad map sensor or a short. Changed the map sensor the car is still barely running, so then another place said it was a short but had it for two weeks and could not find the short . I would like to know , if the guys Insurance is still on the hook for all the problems I have had with the car since the accident. Now I give these two guys a ride from work each day and they knew there was nothing wrong with my car before the accident. What is the best thing I can do. Many thanks , Sylvia""
Is it true it costs 6 thousand a year to add a teenager to your car insurance in michigan?
Is it true it costs 6 thousand a year to add a teenager to your car insurance in michigan?
Best car for a broke teen driver?
I'm 14, so I wont be getting the car for another year or so. I'd be paying for it myself, so I'd like it cheap, with good mileage and cheap insurance. I'd also like it ...show more""
""What do i do first, title or insurance?""
so i figured out what insurance company i'm going to use, and my cousin is giving me her car. do i need to get the title of the car before i get insurance or do i have to get insurance first. i'm 17 by the way.""
Can i stay on my parents health insurance after i am 18 and not a full time student?
I am 17 years old, I will be 18 in september. I just graduated high school and decided not to pursue a higher education at this time. I have heard with the obama health care plan that i can stay on my parents health insurance until i am 26. But i have also heard this doesn't take place until 2014. And i Have heard that you have to be a full time student. So i would like a simple answer that's easy to understand, preferably with a sited source for me to look up. Will i lose my health insurance in 2010 if i am not a full time college student and over the age of 18??? I live in california if that makes any difference as far as the health care plans go. Thanks and appreciate it :)""
How will 2 points on my license affect my insurance?
I live in South Carolina and am insured through State Farm. I recently recieved a speeding ticket that cost me 2 points on my license. What is an approximate percentage increase that I can expect in my insurance rates over the next couple of years?
What is a cheap affordable coupe for a teen?
i understand the insurance issue. im 17 . I absolutely love the 03 g35 coupe, but im starting to realize i cant afford to maintain, insure and repair it :( what else similar is a little more affordable. please help im losing my mind!""
""My buddy is suing my insurance company, what could happen?""
Ok, So a little over a month ago i was involved in a car accident with a friends car. It was and 1 hr and 30 min drive. My friend said he was tired and drunk, telling me to drive( I was sober) so i did. I did tell him I didn't want to drive because his car was manual(which i can drive, but i've been driving auto for 4 years now. On the way home I fell asleep at the wheel and the car was totaled. None of us were injured, I was good he was good. We did the police report called our insurances. His paid him for his car. Two weeks later he's calling me to come-over to talk. I get bombarded by his family for 2hours basically saying they need money for this and that. The claim was already settled but he insisted i called my insurance company and see if they can give them money because they used the money they got from there insurance to pay off the car(worth about 5 grand) I talked it over with mom because im under her insurance and she said its sounds shady. She calls the insurance company and said dont give him a dime. Insurance is to make you whole again not better then you were. I explained to him numerous times and a week later my mom calls me at work and says gieco called and my friend is suing them. she also said he has a lawyer. He's suing for bodily injury! My told me not to stress it but it bothers me so much. He definitely doesn't deserve anything and especially being in perfect healthy condition. In the accident if you wanna get technical i took all the hits. I know him, my insurance company doesnt. its not right for him to be compensated for some injury that doesn't exist. Whats gonna happen? does he have a chance. the claim opened up is for $25,000 or more. this kid goes out clubbing and partying every weekend and this is how he lies? any input is appreciated. thanks again..""
How much would the insurance be?
I'm a 17 year old male wanting to get full coverage on a 2006 Supercharged Cobalt SS. It's a coupe, silver, standard, and has a 2.0 liter supercharged engine. Does anybody know how much full coverage would be for me in this car?""
How much do you pay for car insurance?
I pay $380 a month for my car insurance. more than anyone else i know. Just curious what everyone else pays Im a 20 year old male, single, living in California, have a 2002 bmw and a 1998 lexus, with 4 speeding tickets""
How much would a jeep commander insurance cost if you have state farm?
I was wondering how much would the insurance cost and what is the average pay for insurance?
How much is a down payment on a insurance rate of $161?
Im looking to buy progressive and they're rating my car at 161 a month. if anyone has this rate, do you remember what you paid?""
My niece has a sr22 bond and insurance can she drive a car with that?
i need to know cause she is driving is hat legal?
What are legal steps to resolving an auto insurance claim?
Allstate was supposed to compensate me for X amount of damage done to my car by the driver who had insurance upto 5 grand.     Notice that I did not have insurance with AllState but that because the driver was at fault, and had coverage of upto $5000, AllState has agreed to pay me a portion of that 5 grand.    However, the problem is the driver who was at fault is not agreeing to this and demands more in loss from AllState. Whereas, although, I myself deserve more in damage since the car was worth more than the amount I am being compenstated for, I have still decided to settle for less.    Now because the driver is delaying the decision to accept the remaining amount out of 5 grand"",I recommend one to try this web site where you  can compare rates from the best companies:""
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