#since Irminsul does that too
reginrokkr · 2 years
‘ you are not a failure. please believe that. ’ (from nahida!)
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Heinous laughter that emerges from uttermost darkness rings his ears, the eerie presence of life-consuming poison rises short, platinum blond hairs on the back of his nape. In Dáinsleif's eternal search to understand if there was something he could've done to spare Khaenri'ah from its cruel fate, he encountered the most horrific scenario he never hoped to find. Hushed whispers that invoke forbidden and tainted mights feel no different than feeling all demons of his body trying their luck to find their way out of him by force, and a smile. Smiles that belong to astral pupils of kings of yore allow dark ooze to fall from their mouths, dilated pupils look straight to him as if they could trespass the limits of his soul.
It is that dream what marked the end of the self-imposed Samsara to find answers, a hundred years in abyssal time spent for that purpose alone— for it is then when Dáinsleif knew: Khaenri'ah had no saving if great part of its very kings are the responsible ones of the kingdom's downfall.
Blood coloured heavens fill his vision next, witness of the horror of celestial beings releasing their punishing wrath over innocent and guilty alike. The rain of the Heavenly Principles forgives none, with little to no regard whether all of them have sinned or only a part of them were too deep into their madness. Everything that mattered was the identity as Khaenri'ahn, so feeble was the divine filter to impart their so-called justice.
Twilight is meant to represent the end of the last drop of light and the beginning of dawn, as the blue hour that allows golden sunlight permeate everywhere so long as it is under the Seven's watch. In the dark corner of the world that Khaenri'ah was, Dáinsleif was a beacon of light, a ray of hope.
And yet, what could he do to protect them from divine's wrath? Nothing.
Warm tears roll down moon-kissed cheeks, a gasp that abandons roseate lips preludes a heavy panting that comes with the habitual pattern of having nightmares— as part of his own guilt, as part of the divine curse that threatens to replace his soul anytime were he lower his guard just a second. Dáinsleif sits up on the bed, shoulders rising and falling byproduct of the heaviness of his pants, then they tremble with the might of his crying. 500 years has it been since then, yet his guilt still persists and it is bound to last forevermore. Not even now has shame and remorse have diminished.
Truth is, this is the comeuppance he deserves. For failing to protect them, for failing himself. He is failure incarnate, committing sowing chaos everywhere he walks. It did not suffice to fail to protect them that nowadays he has to be on their search to mercy-kill them and prevent them from scheming more against those whom are not at fault for what happened. Everywhere he goes, there are those whose suffering resonates within him— though forgetting may equate to death to him as the only analogous that can be applied to him, there is truth in the belief that those Hilichurls fare the best without knowing. He failed them, too.
「You are not a failure. Please believe that.」
Amidst all sorrow and misery comes a ray of light to shine his dark voice in the form of a young and hopeful voice that shocks him whole. Glacial sapphires widen as his heart skips a beat seconds prior to come to the realization to whom this voice belongs. The audacity, is the first thought that crosses his mind at the prospect of a god leaving him no space even in his mind after all the irreparable harm that was done. Then a second thought crosses his mind, one that makes a heh escape trembling lips. Are his thoughts so troubling that they threaten the stability of Irminsul?
Whatever the reason for her intervention may be, it helps him relax in an odd way. Despite one may think that this is no different than rubbing salt to the injury, that this is the same as being insulting... he finds a strange sense of comfort in her voice. Just like he did from Greater Lord Rhukkadevata before her passing. How ironically fitting.
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To give credit to a divine being despite how out of character it might be of him, recent events of Sumeru helped him inter a strange fact about himself he did not know— or perhaps it was stolen from him, a memory pertaining to his person from halcyon times preluding his arrival to Khaenri'ah. There can only be one reason for not being affected by Irminsul despite the unbreakable bond he harbors with it, one that he daren't utter albeit unbeknownst to him, it is related to his seraphic origins.
His frantically beating heart lowers its rhythm to what little sense of normalcy that exists around Dáinsleif, as his heavy breathing does. All sense of time eludes him, for he ignores how much time must've been since Lesser Lord Kusanali communicated with him through telepathy— sifting through delicate connections that unite them both via the Axis Mundi. This wayward luminary bears no doubt that the obscure nature of his thoughts related to his person must be concerning in view of his connection to Irminsul, how could he blame her for stirring the pot and set things right so they won't affect the sacred tree? Regardless of the little importance he has in comparison to Irminsul, there is an unmovable truth the Bough Keeper is cognizant of: just like Greater Lord Rhukkadevata before her, even if Irminsul is a priority, her sentiments are genuine.
「I cannot do that lest I risk believing in more lies than that.」 He responds at long last, partly unsure if she would listen him still, partly positive that she does and that she's been waiting for something— anything indicative enough that he hasn't lost himself and that he can still form an elaborate answer to assuage whatever concerns she has.
「But I can try. To suppress that thought and impede its pass to my soul before it's too late.」
@maquiscursed ✦
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silkjade-archived · 8 months
scaramouche x reader ⤀ warnings: gn!reader, second chance romance ⤀ synopsis: he meets you again for the first time since erasing himself from irminsul, and new hope flickers in the barren cold. ⤀ notes: for the best reading experience, pls think of the outro to all too well (10 min version) while u read this !
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When Scaramouche inevitably accompanies the golden haired traveller on their journey to Snezhnaya, the last thing he expected was a pit stop in your little village on the outskirts of the capital. and although his puppet body does not shrink in the face of this nation's biting cold, his skin burns under the curious, yet cautious, gaze of those once familiar to him.
He keeps his head down, dipping his hat so that its large brim might hide his visage, eager to avoid any unwarranted attention. Still, his eyes cannot help but wander and his heart, imaginary as it may be, cannot help but wonder.
Were you well? The last he'd seen of you, he had promised to return a god — one who would whisk you away from the barren cold of Snezhnaya to live out your days in glory as his mortal consort. But for all that had transpired, and then that fateful traipse beneath the Irminsul, he's now no more than just another stranger passing through — fleeting as the falling snow, just another memory to be buried in the desolate stillness of winter.
He cares not for the stars in the sky, yet somehow they still dictate that his traveling companions would task him with purchasing commodities, of course from your family's stall. He's long grown out of his naivety; knows that in this infinite realm of possibilities, there’d always be the chance of meeting you again, slim as it may be. If it really came to, he had been prepared to let you live your life, free of him this time around, but it seems this world has its own twisted sense of humor, for he cannot tear his eyes from the ring that sits upon your finger.
"That ring. Where did you get it?" He's never been one for small talk, but the biting curiosity rivals that of the wind, as it chips away at his exterior. He keeps his tone even, ignoring the multitude of emotions whirring in his head, though irritation clearly seems to buzz the loudest.
It should have been impossible that a ring he'd forged with his own hands should still exist, but as the fate of this world has yet to reflect that… if he hadn't given you the ring, then how? Or perhaps even who... the cold, gunmetal glint laughs in his face as your swift fingers wrap up his purchase.
The stranger's question takes you by surprise, and you look up, taken aback by the intensity of his indigo gaze — beautiful, and bitter, and so blatantly familiar, yet you cannot quite figure out why.
Your village is nowhere near the main road, so it isn't often that you'd host any foreign guests; even if you did, you're sure you'd remember if someone like that were to ever have passed through. Nevertheless, you flex your fingers, pulled out of your thoughts by his impatient sigh.
"I'm not sure. I've had it ever since I could remember."
You're the same as he remembers, he thinks. A rose amidst the snow, with frost resting in your hair and on the curls of your lashes. Out of habit, he takes your hand, inspecting the ring at a closer proximity.
'How rude,' you think. and yet your hand in his, feels comfortable, and warm, and right. Like an electric charge drawing two magnets home to the other. It’d be blasphemy to pull away, but you manage to do so anyway, furrowing your brows at his boldness, the frown on your lips more so a reflection of your confusion, rather than displeasure.
“If you wanted to look, you could’ve just asked,” you mumble, as you slip the ring off your finger, offering it to him in the palm of your hand.
The detailed metalwork, the particular branding imprinted in the iron… there’s no denying the influence of the raiden gokaden, though it was perhaps, a subconscious decision made from muscle memory. In hindsight, he thinks that, in the moment, he must have felt—still feels—that same overwhelming affection that came as second nature to kabukimono. after all, it was forged as a promise of his love, and there’s no question about it when, hidden beneath his clothes, its pair hangs on a chain around his neck.
"It’s made with excellent craftsmanship," he boasts, "any merchant worth their weight, would give you a good price for it." He figures you might as well get something out of it, and a piece like this, though meaningless now, is still sure to last you until at least the next winter.
But a stubborn pout is painted across your snow-kissed features. "Absolutely not! it’s actually quite dear to me, you know..."
Scaramouche scoffs at the irony. ‘Why?’ he wants to ask. He is not foolish enough to believe himself an exception from the rules of this world; not when he's already convinced himself to give up on chasing the impossible. Still, here you are, turning destiny on its head — his heart, right within reach.
“It can’t be that dear, if you’d so willingly hand it off to a stranger.” his face reveals nothing, though he cannot say the same for the bile that rises in his throat. He crosses his arms, a brow raised in skepticism. "How do you know I won't run off with it right now?"
“I don’t,” you start, “so I suppose you could call it a leap of faith.”
“Or a doomed attempt at flight,” he counters. “You’d leave something so precious up to fate?”
You ponder for a moment as to why you feel so drawn to this stranger, why this back and forth comes so easily, why you seem to somehow just trust him.
"We don’t get many visitors here,” you start, “and as fate should have it, the day we do, it happens to be someone as interesting as you. that must count for something, no?”
The realist he’s learned to embody rolls his eyes at such ridiculous notions: your blind optimism… putting such faith in these false stars…. but the tenderness he had buried begs to differ, planting roots between the cavities of his chest, sprouting until it breaks through the surface.
He takes a further study of the intricate details, the careful inazuman script engraved on its body. ‘My heart,’ he had wrote.
Scaramouche dips his head as his fingers close a fist around the piece, the large brim of his hat hiding the fondness glimmering in his eyes, and the ghostly smile settling on his lips. He does not cringe as he recalls the lingering remnants of Kabukimono's innocence: stubbornly deluding himself to believe that his hollowed chest was naught for his natural lack of a heart, but because fate had dictated you to be its keeper.
Perhaps the warmth of sumeru had indeed rubbed off on him — melted the frost that crawled upon and tore his skin, whilst teaching him to hope again, not for anyone else’s sake, but for his own. What was that Vahumana saying? It’s difficult for people to truly understand themselves — and as much as he’d like to disagree, judging by his current predicament, he knows he cannot.
“Have you ever considered that this ring might be one half of a pair?” he tosses it in the air, nonchalantly, as if he were merely flipping a coin, catching it mid-way before you have the chance to swipe it back.
“What do you suppose fate would have to say about that?”
It’s almost impossible to tell whether he’s truly genuine in his queries, but the mischievous gleam in his bright eyes, and the smug look on his face, seem to nullify any regards you may have had. Your brows twitch in vexation. was he not just here to buy provisions? And yet he toys with you so…
“Well if that were the case, then it would be between me and whoever owns the other half,” you huff, reaching over once again in an attempt to snatch back your belonging, only to miss by mere seconds thanks to a quick slight of his hand.
Breathing out something between a chuckle and a scoff, Scaramouche tugs at the thin chain around his neck, hard enough for it to snap right off, and toss in your direction.
"A leap of faith," he says plainly. it lands in the palms of your hands: a ring, near identical. 'My soul' it reads. If he lacked a heart, then it could only have been forged from his soul.
A flurry of questions swarm in your head, as you stare at his ring. you want to ask him why and how, but he's already pivoted away, the tassels of his hat barely missing you by inches, as he quickly grabs his purchase.
“Who are you,” you manage to blurt out, calling out to him, and asking him to wait, so he might answer these questions he’s planted in your heart, but he only bids you farewell with a lazy wave of his hand.
Though there's nothing he'd like more than to hear the sweet song of his name falling from your lips, he's learned it best to leave the past where it belongs. once he's settled his scores... Then he'll get his second chance with you—he'll make sure of it, vowing to come back for you, not as Kunikuzushi who you had once known him, but he hopes you might one day be able to love him as he is, as well.
‘My soul’ your new ring reads. You shake your head, pursing your lips at the mysterious wanderer, wondering if you’d ever see him again, but a gust of wind blows your way — not a prickling cold as you’re used to, but a warm summer breeze that seems to caress your cheeks so sweetly.
Perhaps it's only in your head, but you swear the wind seems to carry the whisper of a name in its flurry. 'And don't you forget it,' it seems to say.
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notes2: pleaseeee associate this with the outro of all too well (10 min version) like imagine the camera slow panning out amidst the falling snow, to the hopes of another chance together (⸝⸝o̴̶̷᷄‸o̴̶̷̥᷅⸝⸝) anyways, tysm for reading, reblogs/feedback vry much appreciated ♡
© silkjade — do not steal, plagiarize, translate or repost any content onto any other platform
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jennifer-jeong · 5 months
Fluff + Angst | Wanderer x GN!Reader Human
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SUMMARY You make him feel human.
CONTENT Angst to fluff, mentions of Wanderer's trauma, mentions of suicidal ideation, he's kinda mean to you at first, CHARACTERS ARE 18+
AUTHOUR'S NOTE THIS IS WAS INSPIRED BY YOU MY POOKIE @thepurestgirll TY FOR BEING SO SWEET ESP BECAUSE I DON'T HAVE MANY MOOTS JFKDS;LAJ I love your fics and aesthetic and I hope to continue to see your content because I will always be here to love and support it >:)
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Quiet sobs rack through the empty metal chamber. In the middle sits a man puppet of a man. Clutching the electro gnosis to his chest as his tears pelt the cold floor. Wasn’t this all he ever wanted? He finally has a “heart,” he should feel human, loved, and fit in now, right? But why is he crying? Why does he still feel hollow? Why does he want to give it all up to just be a normal human? Why did his mother create him this way just to throw him aside and make him suffer even more? Why not just have killed him long ago? Should he do it himself? Be free of this wretched body? Be free of all the earthly pain?
So many questions swirled in his mind. His gentle soul has been beat and battered to the point where he doesn’t know the meaning of peace anymore. He’s been alive for so long, chasing the same answer, the same goal. Yet, here he is. So many questions and not a single fucking answer.
Even after all that extra bullshit with Nahida, the traveler, and Irminsul, he only got bits and pieces of answers he needed. He was still lost and hurting, not that he’d ever admit that. So naturally he’s a complete ass to you when all you’re trying to do is help. You’re another adventurer and you often help the traveler when needed. You witnessed a good amount of Wanderer’s tragic journey in Sumeru and afterwards asked Nahida (his mom) if it would be a good idea to try to talk to him. She said yes but that it’d be quite… difficult.
You persevered, though. Through every insult thrown your way, all the times he ignored you, and even the times his attitude almost got you hurt when adventuring. After weeks of it, he found himself here, crying, but this time, in your arms.
He was yelling at you like he usually does but this time it was because you almost got crushed by debris while you two were out on combat commissions. He was telling you how stupid you were, how it would’ve gotten you killed, and how he… couldn’t let it happen. You smiled at him, hearing him say something caring for the first time since you started this whole mission of yours. You walk towards him slowly as he continues to insult you.
“You stupid humans, you never think before you act. Imagine what would’ve happened if I didn’t call out to you to warn you. You-… You’d be dead! I’d spite you because of it! You and your human body, so fucking fragile. Why did I ever want to be like your kind anyways?”
As you close the distance, he gets panicked and confused, shouting at you.
“Why are you even still here anyways?! Isn’t all this too much for you? Why would you want to help someone like me? Don’t you know I’m not human? Why would you want me here? Why would you want to stay? W-why…”
You reach out your arms to slowly envelop him in a hug as his tears well in his eyes. He puts his hands on your shoulders to push you back lightly as if he didn’t want the contact, but he was barely putting up a fight. You both knew that if he didn’t want you to touch him, you wouldn’t even be able to.
“Why… do you even care about me,” he croaked out as his voice started to crack.
“Because I see all the good in you, and I want you to let others see it as well,” you say gently as you pull him close, arms around his waist.
He feels his emotions finally boil over as waves of sadness wash over him. His legs fail under him and you lower the two of you to the grass. He buries his head into your shoulder, sobbing harder as your warmth permeates his body that has only known the cold for so so many years. His arms clutch your head as he stains your shoulder with tears.
You feel so warm. You feel so human. It makes him feel human.
You’ve been taking such good care of him and he doesn’t think he deserves it, but he doesn’t voice it to you, at least not now. You let him cry it out while patting his back. You imagine he hasn’t ever been comforted while crying before and it’s what’s making him cry harder.
You two end the afternoon with him exhausted and you offer to let him rest his head on your legs. You pat his hair as he drifts into sleep, feeling safe for the first time in a long while. The sun warms both your bodies and you bask in it.
You two probably have a lot to talk about when he wakes up. But you stay silent for now. Enjoying the peace that he rarely gets to have. It’s a long healing journey ahead of you two but this puppet man knows that he wouldn’t rather embark on it with anyone else.
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|| MASTERLIST ♡ || Thank you for reading! ||
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llocket · 6 months
the reason why i'm making this post is because i am SICK and TIRED of seeing OTHER PEOPLE fight for MY CULTURE in the most INCORRECT WAY POSSIBLE. "nahida rcta queen!", "why are you blackwashing her?", "she switched teams!" all these comments and more under artists' posts that decided to give her melanin.
artists are just giving back her melanin as she is based off a culture with people who have dark skin. this is not racist. this is literally the opposite. i understand if a character already has an established skin colour that's apart of their character (ex. ei or zhongli) though with nahida this makes no sense.
i am indian, do NOT come after me. sumeru is based off of MY culture. i know what i'm talking about. a good 70% of sumeru is based off hindu culture, it's based off south asia.
more of my yapping:
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you all need to shut the hell up about saraswati and how nahida is based off saraswati because saraswati's description is saying "shes as white as the moon" and nahida is white. you ALL need to BE QUIET ABOUT THAT.
this is saraswati, for reference:
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saraswati is not ever mentioned in genshin impact. NOT ONCE. but, the aranara call rukkhadevata queen aranyani. aranyani is a very obscure hindu god known for taking care of the forest and dancing n stuff
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THIS IS WHAT NAHIDA AND RUKKHADEVATA ARE BASED OFF OF. NOT SARASWATI. the only thing that saraswati and nahida (+ rukkha) have in-common is that other than being white and based off a hindu goddess
saraswati isn't even white, the pale as the moon thing refers to a godly glow. so even IF nahida and rukkha are based off saraswati, hoyo does NOT HAVE ANY REASON TO MAKE THEM WHITE SINCE SHE ISNT EVEN WHITE. she has a GODLY GLOW.
literally the only excuse nahida has for being that pale is that she's the avatar of irminsul (a white tree) HOWEVER. they didn't need to make her THAT pale. if they wanted to make her pale skin they should've added more colors like pinks and purples and blues like the actual irminsul
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as you can VERY CLEARLY see, they did not do that. they did not even try to take this route.
everything could have been fine if they did take this route or make her eyelashes white and say she's albino if they really wanted her to be white. but they didn't.
indians can be pale, YES. but they aren't this paper caca toothpaste looking ass WHITE like how nahida is. REPRESENTATION FOR SKIN COLOUR MATTERS TOO. ITS NOT JUST THE CULTURE THEY'RE BASED OFF OF.
anyway thanks for coming to my yapping session. i love talking about my culture 👍 desi nahida layouts are here if you want to see :)
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r4izx · 7 months
This masterpiece, I won't forget.
painter!scaramouche x gn!reader
summary: he paints you everyday, just to remember the face he had long forgotten.
- 907 words and 4,833 characters.
warnings!: implied death, slight spoilers to sumeru archon quest (?)
you took care of kabukimono. teaching him household chores, letting him live with you and all those kind actions that made him trust you. but just like every other of his companions and just like any other mortal, you die at the end. what did he expect? kabukimono always thought he was betrayed. leaving him? just like that? just like the rest? he knew it- you were no different- he assumed and believed such foolish thoughts. but that was because he was too naive. he realized only now that you truly cared for him. otherwise why would you waste your time to entertain a stranger like him? teaching him all kinds of emotions. why would you even accept him to your home? to the point he could call it his home as well? guilt builds up in his throat, he regrets everything everyday. but his biggest regret--
...is that he can't remember your face.
how long has it been since he last saw your face? a hundred- no, more than that, probably. several hundred years has passed since he last saw the face that saved him. saved him from internal emptiness. despite having no heart, every memory of you fills his chest with a warm, stuffy feeling. a bright smile coming from you in every memory. oh how he wishes to see your face. despite barely remembering what you look like, he paints you. every. single. day.
the moment he went from the balladeer to wanderer, he looked back to the past he tried so hard to escape even when you were included in his past. another one of his regrets it seems. all his paintings of you were never finished. he just can't get it right. he knows paintings aren't enough to replicate your radiance, but why does it not give off your vibe-- not even a bit? but still. he tries. he tries anyway. he continues to paint his memories of you. he remembers all the warm memories, every detail but just not... your face. in his paintings, your face is either blurry, scribbled at-- out of frustration probably--, or a face that doesn't resemble you at all. scaramouche wishes he would remember.
he thinks of every possibe way he could to remember you. asking the traveler, nahida, heck- even al-haitham for archon's sake! but it all leads to one thing. irminsul. he got his memories back from irminsul, so what are the chances? he went to irminsul. nahida didn't even hesitate to let him go because she for sure, already knows the reason why he wants his memories back. he doesn't pray to archons. he doesn't want to. but if... just if there's a slight chance of remembering your face. even if it's just a glimpse of it. he would even go as far as to beg to the archons.
he takes a deep breath, closing his eyes, and remembering. deeply focused, he could hear fire crackling. maybe a little bit too loud. oh. too loud. and all of a sudden he sees a burning house. no- a home. his home. your home. he took steps closer to inspect it. 'this is definitely a memory' he thinks to himself. he had forgotten it though. impossible. what could it be in this memory that would make him forget it? especially if it included you- oh.
a faint call for help, slowly fading through the smile you let out. underneath all the burning rubbles, you were there. in a life and death situation. scaramouche now remembers. the one memory he wished he never did remember, even if it included you. the memory of you dying. now, you were a mortal. you dying wasn't really the reason why he wished to forget this memory. it was all because of another regret. he regrets it that he left you there. if he only took a step closer to you and lend his hand for you just like you did for him, maybe you could've been with him right now. but he didn't. at that moment he hated you. resented you. he was far too greedy. how many betrayals has it been? he swore he had good memory but there's no use to keeping track of things like this. he was too naive. when he was out there resenting you with his whole body, leaving you to death- you never hated him. until the very end of your life, you never did. why didn't you scream at him? tell him to go die? why did you smile? you were dying but you still smiled. at him. truly, every memory of you has your smile. this wasn't the way he wanted to remember your face, no. but if there was no other choice then, what could he possibly do? he regrets everything. but now he could finally paint your face. paint the smile that kept him safe and sane the way he is now.
alas, a painting of you is finally finished. just like how he filled in an empty part of your face in his painting, you once again has filled his empty chest with this warm, stuffy feeling. is it comfort? love? the feeling of security? he doesn't know. but what he does know is that he will continue to paint you for eternity. he will paint you until there is no more paint to paint with. until there is no more space in his canvas. because he doesn't want to forget you again. he doesn't want to regret anything, ever again. he truly regrets everything--
...but you.
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genshin-scenarios · 1 year
Reunion: Pretenses [Part 3]
Read the first series (Adopt a Wanderer) here! An AU where Scaramouche/Wanderer gets isekaied to your world - a found-family series.
Summary: A new (but familiar) person meets your acquaintance, but perhaps things aren't quite what they seem?
Warnings: contains spoilers of Wanderer's story in the archon quest!
Part 2 <-
-> Part 4
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Despite your awkward attempts to bid him goodbye, Wanderer did a pretty good job of finding interest in your temporary home.
From what you can tell, he currently has no memories of his past, stuck in that uncertain stage of the Archon Quest after he’d tried erasing his existence. However, while you had an idea of Wanderer’s circumstances, a part of you still couldn’t get used to seeing him like this.
“So you found this place from exploring the forest?” He studies your small home, taking a quick look around. The space feels much smaller with two people, but you push that thought to the back of your mind.
“It’s nothing much.” You’re not sure if you should be wary or worried for him, with how good-natured he’s been acting ever since you met earlier. “I’m sure you would’ve seen better homes during your travels.”
“Sometimes when I wander too far away from civilization, I end up sleeping through the rain under a tree.” Wanderer chuckles to himself. “I’d be quite happy if I found a spot like this to return to.”
“R… Right…” For lack of better words, you resist the urge to ask him if he’s okay. “It sounds like you’ve traveled quite a lot.”
“Not as much as I would’ve liked.” He pauses. “I feel like I’ve been searching for something that is still unknown to me, even till this day.”
'If you smile as you feel joy and cry when in grief, isn't that enough to be considered human?'
The voice of your past self echoes in your mind, but the words die out before they can reach your tongue.
“I’m sure you’ll find it eventually.” You offer him a smile, genuinely hoping he’ll find some closure after the Traveler runs into him. Not you, who can't do much for him this time. You’d forgotten how conflicting it is to be a bystander in a situation like this, where the person in front of you was so close yet so far. 
At least back then, within the safety of an apartment and world you knew as yours, you had the chance to offer him some shelter from the rain.
…Kuni does have to admit, seeing your internal conflict whenever he makes a request as ‘Wanderer’ really is quite amusing. Try as you may to push him away with a variety of excuses, you couldn't seem to bring yourself to shut him out when he bore such a well-meaning, doe-eyed demeanor.
Was it a chore to feign innocence around you? Yes. But when it came to matters of predicting human intention, Kuni has grown to be more critical than not. It helped that he’s grown into a pretty good actor after centuries of questionable exploits. Whether it was to simply appear human or to play the part of a confused traveler, he’s practiced quite a lot of roles. It’s amazing what can be brought out of a person’s character when they believed the other person had nothing to hide, or was too innocent for their own good.
And while you may try to act like a simple stranger and resident of Teyvat, he could tell that you’ve been observing him, trying to match some information in your mind. 
Suffice to say, Irminsul did not contain data of you (you were not from here, much like the Traveler), yet after recovering his memories from his encounter with the Dendro Archon, Kuni started to receive odd visions in his dreams.
They contained bits and traces of an uneventful life in another world. For weeks it had only featured himself doing menial tasks such as chores and reading books, but the headaches only began when another character appeared; you.
It started as a flood of memories, one after another settling into his mind as if they belonged to him far longer than he’d been the Balladeer or Kabukimono. But just as quickly as that clarity came, it was snatched out of his hands as he woke, a foreign bundle of nerves crawling up his throat - burning, burning.
When asked, Kuni would simply tell Nahida that sleeping to pass the time was just about as interesting as the mundane ongoings of Sumeru. Within his dreams, he continues to piece together the puzzles of a past that seemed to evaporate from reality the moment he'd returned to Teyvat. 
Perhaps it was some cruel experiment by the gods, to place him in a life that might have been worth living, only to return him to a fate written by the stars.
But what of you, who was privy to the story of this world long before it occurred? As he continued upholding the image of a good-natured, amnesiac Wanderer, his suspicions that you were already aware of his fate only confirmed itself; for someone who tries to leave his side as soon as you'd met again, you were incredibly bad at controlling your body language from betraying your emotions. Why else would you look at him with such an odd tangle of relief and remorse?
Yet with every interaction, Kuni is finding it hard to feel anger towards you. Perhaps it’s because he’s encountered far greater evils in his long life — or perhaps it is because of the way you try to maintain your distance, only to give in to the illogical urge of stepping back towards him (out of sympathy, or guilt? He intends to find out.)
His own feelings about the matter was another story, so Kuni instead focuses on the matter at hand; finding a way to bring you into the city, which you seem to have been avoiding for a while. (Admittedly, after he found a name and general idea of your profile from his dreams, he’d begun to investigate if you could have existed in Teyvat or had a counterpart. The search came up empty, but luckily the Aranara were quite willing to pass along gossip to Kuni, and he soon learned there was an odd outlander living around the Avidya Forest. You seemed to be living quite cautiously, perhaps to avoid him.)
Kuni’s flattered that after arriving here, you’d seemingly based most of your actions around him (asking around about the situation in Sumeru, if there were any new gods cropping up… without actually trying to make contact with him. He'd settle that bit with you later.)
While slightly exasperated and annoyed about your avoidant antics, Kuni has to admit it was quite amusing to see how long you could keep up the act, squirming every time he prodded and tried to bait you into a situation where ‘Wanderer’ might unearth your lies.
“With how much it’s been raining lately, it’s easy to get sick.” Kuni says as he places down the firewood you’d collected together. Ulterior scheme or not, he highly doubts you were able to chop wood by yourself with no prior equipment or practice. He glances at you, playing this off as a passing thought. “Have you ever felt unwell lately?”
There’s a pause as you contemplate your answer. “...I had pretty bad headaches for a while, but they’ve subsided by now.” It’d occurred the same night you arrived in Teyvat, as if your body and mind were having to adjust to this new world and in recovering the memories you’d lost. Luckily, the Aranara you became acquainted with was quick to find you some herbs to soothe the pain. “I managed to get some medicine though, so it wasn’t too bad.”
The amount of herbs packed into bags around your desk says otherwise, but Kuni doesn’t mention it. “I see… If you’re free after this, would you like to head to the city together, then?”
“Oh, what for?”
(Was it a betrayal for you to shield him from the truth all those years ago, when you were already aware of what his future would hold?)
“I’ve worked for a merchant there, who has some products you may be interested in.” Kuni dusts off his hands, giving you a reproachful look. “I believe that the… produce you’ve been living off so far, may not be the most suitable for a healthy lifestyle. That is, if you don’t mind me saying this.”
In other words; ‘your living conditions are a little concerning, and that’s coming from me’. You can practically feel your pride deflating at the fact he’d tried to word it nicely. 
(Just what is truth, and why does it only ever bring him pain?)
“I… I see.” You clasp your hands together, entwining your fingers to calm your nerves. “I suppose we could do that, yes.”
But what if it triggers the Traveler’s quest? What if me being there changes something, and…
Before you could reconsider, Kuni takes your hand and leads you out the door. He offers you a smile and asks if you’ve been to the city before, letting the conversation fill the air.
(And why is it that despite you being the first to lie to me, the time we spent together remains the kindest in my memory?)
(Just why do I feel such regret?)
-> Part 4
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sorry-moots · 15 days
Inversion of Gensis But I Changed It
it's been FOREVER but i'm finally done with this piece of shit and i am never ever posting anything EVER AGAIN (except the stuff i have in my drafts) characters featured: scaramouche, nahida, katheryne, lumine, paimon cws: none wc: 1,651
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Chapter Twelve
A year, six months, two weeks, and three days have passed since the incident. You can’t remember your last visit. They all go pretty much the same: examine his unmoving form, wait for him to wake up, try not to feel disappointed when he doesn’t.
In the beginning, you would bring little flowers to leave floating around him. Now, they’re all shriveled and brown. 
The sight strikes you. It’s such a desolate representation of how life has moved on without him. Even you have a new life after all the time that has gone by.
You're on the verge of tears when you hear a voice.
“Why do you look so sad?”
In the midst of the withered flowers, Scaramouche is staring at you with his face scrunched in confusion.
“Lord Scaramouche, you're awake!” you exclaim with a wobbly smile, eyes welling even faster.
“Lord… who?”
“Oh… uh,” you stammer. “Stay put, I’ll get help!”
Your thoughts are racing as you rush out the door. He doesn’t remember anything. What happens if he never recovers his memory? Would that make me his keeper? Could I even bear such responsibility knowing all that I’v– we’ve lost? He has to remember. He has to.
The seemingly youthful archon strokes her chin in thought. “Retrograde amnesia, huh…”
It’s taking everything in you not to descend into hysteria. Just deciding who to ask for help took a good fifteen minutes. Finding Lesser Lord Kusanali took even longer. Now, you’re not even sure she’ll be able to do anything.
Her outburst startles you out of your rumination. “I’ve got it.
“Everything that has ever happened is recorded in Irminsul. We can use the Irminsul to show Scaramouche his past and restore his memories,” she finishes.
Hope stirs in your chest. That doesn’t sound too hard. “So, where do we find this Irminsul?”
“That part is a little more complicated,” she admits. “As the dendro archon, I am an avatar of Irminsul and therefore have constant access to it. I can send him there and bring him back.
She did her best to suppress it, but you still noticed her grimace. “I cannot, however, lead him through Irminsul. I have to remain in Sumeru in order to pull him out of Irminsul, which means someone else would have to guide him.”
Before you even get the chance to volunteer, she shoots you down. “It can’t be you. There are many dangers in Irminsul, dangers that an unskilled fighter wouldn’t be able to overcome.”
Your faces darkened in unison as she said what you were both thinking.
“It has to be the Traveler.”
Everyone knows the Traveler is a member of the Adventurers’ Guild. Some of her most famous conquests started out as commissions given to her by the same Snezhnayan puppet found at every guild headquarters.
“Katheryne, I’m looking for the Traveler.”
She smiles warmly as she always does. “Welcome to the Adventurers’ Guild! Are you interested in commissioning an adventurer?”
“Something like that,” you mutter. “Can you tell the Traveler to meet me at the cafe? Tell her it’s urgent, thanks.”
Before Katheryne can ask for your name or the details of the commission, you’re off to wait at Puspa Cafe. It’s better that she doesn’t know who’s requesting to meet with her anyway.
When the Traveler meets your eyes, it’s clear she wasn’t expecting you. Her eyes are widened and her eyebrows are raised. Everything about her expression tells you she’s thinking, “I thought we were done with this bitch.”
As she and her companion make their way to your table, you quash any uncertainty running through your head. Every hesitation, every shred of reluctance, every ounce of apprehension.
“I know I’m probably the last person you’d like to see,” you start, averting your eyes from her judgemental stare. “But please hear me out.”
 The Traveler’s frown deepens the longer she listens.
“Why should we restore his memories?” Paimon asks with an accusatory tone. “He might try to destroy Teyvat!”
“It’s safer for everyone if he forgets his past,” the Traveler agrees.
Tears prick your eyes and you dig your nails into your fist. “You don’t know him like I do. He won’t cause any trouble.”
Sensing the Traveler’s misgivings, you finally raise your head to meet her eyes.
She stands from her side of the table and turns to you with a dissatisfied look. “Alright, let’s go.”
You jump up from your seat feeling lighter than air. “Thank you so much. I’ll take you to him, he’s in the Sanctuary.”
There’s a spark of hope in your chest as you lead them to Scaramouche. You’re already thinking of all the things you want to tell him, everything he’s missed in the last year and a half.
In the midst of your daydreaming, you hear a whisper that is not quite a whisper.
“Hey, Lumine, are we really gonna help them?”
“It’s okay, Paimon. If anything goes wrong, I can put Scaramouche out of commission. For good this time.”
The spark of hope you felt is extinguished by the fear that strikes your heart.
** POV Switch **
”Who was that girl, Nahida?”
“For a very long time, she was your most loyal companion.”
Shortly after you ran out the door, Lesser Lord Kusanali arrived and she’s been fielding questions since. “Who are you?” “Who am I?” “How did I get here?” That sort of thing.
Scaramouche only stops asking questions when you finally return a few hours later with another girl and a… fairy? Everyone is talking about ‘helping’ him, but he’s not sure what they’re planning or how they’ll accomplish it.
Eventually, their hushed conversation ends and they approach him. His ‘most loyal companion’ hangs back.
“Scaramouche,” the child-like god addresses him. “The Traveler and I are going to help restore your memories, but I need you to do as I say.”
She guides him and the traveler towards the center of the sanctuary and instructs them to sit cross-legged.
“Close your eyes,” she says, and the material world disappears. “Irminsul access granted. Initiating connection procedure.”
When he opens his eyes, everything is tranquil and pink. Then, he turns and meets the Traveler’s eyes to find her glaring at him with suspicion.
She leads him through mazes of information that is simultaneously tangible and intangible, careful not to touch anything particularly luminescent. It takes them what seems like hours to reach their destination, but when they finally do, the giant tree that had been before them is replaced by a traditional dojo.
He sees horrible things in that dojo. His creation, his creator. His ‘mother’ abandoning him. Dottore’s betrayal. His friends dying. His own cruelty.
But he also sees you. He gets to watch you trip over your words when you first meet, offer him sweets every time you baked (even if he said no every time), and sip tea with him in comfortable silence.
“…but if in a year you realize that I’ve stuck by you, you’ll have to take me seriously!”
Wow. It has to have been over a year since she said that, maybe two, he ponders. She really stayed…
Finally, they make it to that fateful day. They end up getting attacked by his past self, which is surreal and kinda creepy. He’s so startled he pulls a vision out of nowhere to destroy himself? I dunno.
Once they’ve broken the mech suit and reclaimed the gnosis, he sees you running toward it. You’re running as fast as you can to catch him, someone so undeserving of your loyalty, companionship, affection. So strong are your feelings, that you earn a vision of your own and use your newfound cryo ability to break his fall.
In all his centuries roaming Teyvat, he has never seen someone care so much for another person. Especially not him. The way you cradle his face in this memory is so tender, so filled with concern. And the way you shield him with your body, knowing Il Dottore could shred your mortal flesh with ease. Your determination and commitment is incredible.
It feels… nice, to be cared for, is his last thought before he’s released from the dream.
** POV Switch **
Their quiet trance was nerve-racking from an outsider’s perspective. At first, you could hear both sides of the conversation but the sanctuary fell silent after Nahida said “initiating connection procedure”. The only sign that anything is even happening is the telltale rapid eye movement that comes with dreaming.
It doesn’t take long for them to wake up. As with most dreams, the perceived duration is much shorter than the actual duration. The 500 years of memories they had relived lasted maybe half an hour in the real world. It was still a really tense half hour, in your defense.
Not once had you taken your eyes off him so when he came to, his immediate eye contact stole your breath. He stood, dusted himself off, and walked over to where you had been observing them from afar.
He offers you a hand. “Congrats on the vision.”
You take his hand gingerly, like you’re not sure if you’re supposed to touch him. “Thank you, my—“
“Don’t call me that,” he cuts you off. “We’ll think of something else.”
Beaming at him, you ask, “Does that mean you won’t be returning to the Fatui?”
“No,“ he said. “I won’t be returning to the Fatui.”
It occurs to you that your relationship with him up until this point was purely a result of working for the Fatui. What will happen now?
“…Does that mean you’ll no longer require my services?” you inquire with a light furrow in your brow.
“No…” He puts his hand to his chin, thoughtfully. “It just means I can’t pay you for them.”
And that smile is back and more brilliant than ever, almost like your boss didn’t just tell you you’d be working for free.
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a/n: this is short, but i really just wanted to get it done T_T there's a teeny tiny bit more that i have in my drafts for this storyline specificially, but i'll probably post the rest as bulleted lists esp since the fall semester already started tags: @lacunaanonymoused, @dollpoetwriting, @constantlyoverthinking, @melpomenelurks, @yourfavoritefreakyhan, @magicalink, @swivy123
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ha1azian · 2 years
SAGAU idea but spoilers for the new interlude quest with Scara/Wanderer.
(Here's the thing for me tho, I actually haven't started the Sumeru Archon quest yet so forgive me for lacking)
Ok, so you know how Scara/Wanderer/whatever changes people's memories of himself in the Irminsul? Well, what if something goes wrong and everyone including himself forgets? Like a sudden slightly irreversible amnesia?
Of course the Traveler would still know, so when they realize what has happened, they quickly take Scara to the creator to help him recover his memories. But surprise, this is the imposter au of SAGAU and the false god is sitting on the throne so they can't do anything.
They go to Ei and she's like "who is this". Then Yae with the same reaction and just when the Traveler is about to give up hope, they come across the player who scared of them but more so confused since Scara is being awkward and somewhat nice to them. The Traveler, who is tired of running around and doesn't care all too much for the creator, explains the situation and the player just goes "oh, ok" and accidentally does some divine shit and brings his memories back.
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bananamilkbunni · 1 year
greetings Miss Bun,
one of my best friends rts your account on twitter often and from what i have seen i have come to the conclusion Bun is somewhat of a Tartaglia analysis expert.
therefore i was wondering if you knew or had a guess about Tartaglia's loyalty to The Tsaritsa.
Do you think part of the reason Tartaglia is so loyal is because he believes it's what's best for his family, that the Tsarista does know best? or does he love the Tsaritsa & is loyal for a separate reason regardless of family? If Tartaglia had to make a choice to stay loyal to the Tsarista at the cost of his family getting hurt, do you think Tartaglia would make that choice? Is Tartaglia's family getting hurt worth making the Tsaritsa's vision come to fruition?
i understand if this is too heavy a question or if there simply not enough information to make a guess, just curious as to what Bun thinks as a fellow lover of Childe.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, hope you have a wonderful day
Thank you for asking! It's true that we don't have much solid information on this, but I'll do my best to answer your question based on the current info and my own personal interpretation.
Judging by what we've learned thus far, Childe's loyalty to the Tsaritsa is partially due to being granted a purpose.
There are three separate instances in which purpose/motivation is mentioned in regard to or by Childe, making it a recurring and significant theme for his character.
Childe's Collected Miscellany. In this video, Dainsleif says, "Since becoming a Fatui Harbinger, fighting for the Tsaritsa is his new motivation as a warrior." This statement raises the question of what his motivation had been prior to the Tsaritsa, or whether he even had a motivation at all. My personal theory is that he did not have one.
Labyrinth Warriors (Limited Event). "All those who stalk the battlefield yearn for meaning and value." This quote comes from Childe himself.
Childe's Act I Story Quest. The quote from this requires the full context, so I'll expand on this below.
In Childe's story quest, Teucer gets the opportunity to see Childe fight for the first time. After the fight, he says to Childe, "I wanna learn to fight too. I wanna be cool like you!" to which Childe responds, "...Fighting isn't about looking cool. You can only continue to get stronger if you know the reason why you're fighting. I can teach you. But think carefully, first. Why do you want to fight?"
Teucer briefly ponders Childe question. Soon, he replies, "I want to protect sister Tonia."
This dialogue between the two of them is crucial in understanding Childe's own individual purpose for fighting. Later in the quest, outside of the abandoned ruin guard factory, Childe references Teucer's response when speaking to Paimon, after she asks if he is concerned for his little brother's safety. His words are as follows:
"Of course I am...but no matter what the danger is, I will parry it. Isn't that what any older brother would do?" followed by, "Even Teucer understands that, now that he knows what he's fighting for...It's the very same reason that's been nestled in my own heart for so many years."
This means that, much like how Teucer concluded that he wished to protect Tonia, Childe wishes to protect their entire family.
According to the description of the Funerary Mask obtained from Signora, the Fatui's primary goal is to go against the Heavenly Principles, against Celestia. It reads, "...Only those who possess an obsession close to or exceeding the level of delusion might be willing to join this group that so rebels against the Heavenly Principles..."
This is to say that the Fatui possess a wealth of information and knowledge beyond the average citizen in Teyvat. They have knowledge about Khaenri'ah and Khaenri'ahn technology, the Abyss, Irminsul, the truth of the world—and Childe, a Fatui Harbinger with firsthand knowledge of the Abyss, who traveled deeper than any other living human being, is not exempt from this. He is aware of the stakes, and of the war they'll have to wage to defeat the Heavenly Principles. He knows what will happen if they lose.
With that being said, to sum it up, we can assume that his loyalty is in part due to 1) gratitude for being given a purpose and 2) to ensure a safer world and future for his younger siblings and the rest of his family.
As for whether Childe loves the Tsaritsa or not, that remains to be seen. Since the Tsaritsa is implied to be the god of love, this could serve as one of the numerous plot points for the future main archon quest of Snezhnaya in 2025. What does true love mean to a god, especially to the god of love herself?
The question also reminds me of a past discussion between myself and a good friend of mine, as to whether worship and love can be equated. Is love a result of worship, or vice versa? Is it possible to worship without love? Can it even be deemed worship without it? And how would these complexities influence Childe's path? How would this internal dilemma affect his relationship with his family? Who would he choose if it came down to that?
Personally I believe that, because Childe's devotion to his family is such an integral part of his character, it is unlikely for his loyalty to his god to surpass that, in the event that his family would come to harm. In fact, it is my personal belief that this is the one line that can never be crossed. It would be his tipping point. Not only are they an inextricable part of his life, but I have reason to suspect that their role goes even farther beyond what we've been shown or told. I believe that his responsibility to his family, as well as the love of his younger siblings, is the very thing that has allowed him to maintain his humanity.
(But this is already way too long. I cannot get into that. Lmao)
In Labyrinth Warriors, ran in version 2.2, we learn about Childe's sense of dehumanization—self-dehumanization, as it is self-imposed and reinforced by himself (though it was undoubtedly cultivated by the Fatui). The event's story contained strong parallels between Shiki Taishou—a shikigami in search of his master—and Childe. Both perceived themselves as weapons, and Shiki Taishou says an interesting line: "If I am able, I wish to retain the kindness in my heart until the very end. But a weapon cannot betray its master's will. If he was able to create me, then he is able to control me."
This evolves into a harrowing conflict when applied to the context of Childe's own individual story, especially with the addition of Xinyan's perspective on Shiki Taishou's dilemma.
"All you gotta do is find the thing that was most important and righteous to you."
In other words, my personal prediction for the course of Childe's journey as a character is this: Caught between multiple worlds, there will come a time when Childe is forced to make his own decision. Will he carry out the Tsaritsa's orders, or will he save his family from harm? Should a situation arise in which his family is in danger, I believe he will ultimately choose to protect them, even if it means going against the deity he loyally serves.
In a nation ruled by a god of love, a character choosing love above all else would be extremely impactful, a perfect fit for the narrative and a profound moment for Childe's own story and development. After all, I think that is the entire point of his character—someone who, against all odds, retains his kindness, even if he himself is not entirely aware of it.
I hope I was able to answer all of your questions! I apologize for how lengthy this response is, but I'm just always very excited to discuss him. If you ever have more questions, you're always welcome to ask! I promise not ALL of my responses will be this long lol
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reginrokkr · 2 years
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Do you ever think about the horrible experience this man had with gods and despite everything he has to criticize about them, he’s connected or affiliated with a divine entity itself—
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blood-orange-juice · 8 months
I'm not a fan of bridging Genshin and Honkai, but the authors seem to be doing it anyway, so... blame Hoyo for this post.
tl;dr of Honkai lore
At the core of Honkai's cosmogony are two concepts. The Imaginary Tree — a tree of branching parallel universes, each twig of which is a timeline and each leaf a world. And The Sea of Quanta — a boundless place of entropy and chaos from which the Imaginary tree spawned.
Order and chaos, basically. They exist in constant conflict, the tree tries to consume the sea of quanta and the sea tries to flood and dissolve the tree.
When a world fails to persist it can "fall" from the tree into the sea of quanta, becoming an unstable fragmented version of itself called a bubble universe. A shadow of a proper world. Such a universe is eventually dissolved in the sea.
Bubbles universes can also be artificially created or spawned from someone's memories. Either way they are unstable. If I recall correctly, Genshin was confirmed to be a bubble universe in a Honkai 3rd easter egg.
Ether Anchors
There's a technology allowing to extend a bubble universe's lifespan, is called an Ether Anchor. An Ether Anchor holds together fragments of a bubble universe that follow a fixed set of laws.
It seems to be more of a place/space anomaly than an object (“a topological formation that exists between the dimensional manifolds”), if I understood Durandal's and Roland's lore correctly, but also can take the form of an object, if honkai wiki is to be believed.
(I think space anomalies are anchor points, not the anchor itself? the places where it sews fragments of reality together. I'm still figuring this part out)
Quotes from Durandal VN summary:
At the core of the Ether Anchor, space from different dimensions were cluttered together like vines
"There, he witnessed the endless possibilities of another ancient world. "
Tartaglia's character story 4
Readjusted her body composition with the Ether Anchor to turn herself into a weapon.
I think there was a guy in Genshin who constantly talks about turning himself into a weapon. I can't quite remember his name though...
 Synchronized themselves with the Ether Anchor, becoming the “Son of God” itself.
"The purpose of this line in the ritual scripture is to forsake the self and sink into the abyss, and in the abyss, to welcome rebirth as a holy infant."
Narcissenkreuz Ordo note
Another property of the Ether Anchor is that it allows bubble universes to interact with one another. 
Or maybe not exactly different bubble universes but rather fragments of the same bubble universe (or, since we are in a multiverse, these could be the same thing)?
"Unborn life, unfulfilled wishes, Tragic dreams at the edge of the universal darkness that could never come true."
Festering Desire description
Ok, this is getting too long and no one reads long posts. Maybe I'll continue in a separate post later. There are still the topics of the Abyss (and why it's not The Sea of Quanta), Descenders, whether the anchors need to be sustained in some way, Tsaritsa's goals, why does everyone who has seen the Abyss speaks of ultimate injustice, Alice and Hexenzirkel in general, what is Irminsul exactly, and, of course, Childe, why Childe's promise of a battle at the edge of the universe is more important than it might seem, what are world cycles, and why Childe's part of 4.2 story sucked so much (I now have a Lore Explanation. or maybe a copium overdose. probably both).
For now I'm calling it though. Whatever Khaenri'ahns messed up, it had to do something with Teyvat's Aether Anchor.
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ajxrn-archive · 5 months
Random Paimon theory, I've been thinking about genshin lore a lot so why not post this? I need to look further into lore as someone wanting to be a lore player, and don't know too deep lore regarding the gods and stuff atm so forgive any mistakes.
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Long theory ramble underneath the cut!
I just watched a YouTube video mentioning the meaning behind the triquetra in genshin. Normally, it stands for a trinity of something, often the holy trinity. The guy mentioned the moon sisters theory, but I’m setting that one aside because I don’t know about the moon sisters and seelie story very well and the theory doesn’t hold as well imo.
On paimons outfit, there is a reverse triquetra. This usually signifies the opposite of whatever the normal triquetra means. The guy in the video mentions that we don’t know what the triquetra in this case would be, unless we look at the Genius invokation TCG game. There seems to be something called an Omni-element, which uses the symbol of the triquetra on it. It’s a combination of all elements, and is meant to be a sort of “light” element in genshin.
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So if the triquetra stands for light in genshin, what would the opposite of that be? Darkness, or, the abyss. This ties into my own observation I made about Paimon. Now we all think she has ties to the heavenly principles & unknown god (asmoday), but what if Paimon isn’t a light being from celestia? What if she has closer ties to the abyss? So how does this hold up?
First, her name. Paimon. Paimon was a demon king who had close ties to Lucifer. Why would she have a demon name? The archons as well as the unknown god (asmoday sounds like asmodeus) have demon like names as well, which makes it even more compelling.
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(^taken from Wikipedia)
Now let’s look at Paimon’s eyes. We all know what the abyss looks like now, having seen it various times. Why do Paimon’s eyes look eerily similar to the abyss? Why does nobody talk about that, actually? It’s really intriguing. She definitely has something going on and I’m curious about it. What conflicts this theory is the fact Paimon looks insanely similar to the unknown god as well. She definitely has ties to celestia, but why the abyss symbolism? Was she banished? Perhaps she sinned?
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I haven’t ever seen anyone mention this and I think it’s really cool :( Paimons eyes look eerily similar to the abyss and it makes me question a lot of stuff, hence this theory post in the first place.
Another addition to this is Mona’s voiceline about Paimon, stating how she just can’t get any information about her, just like how Mona can’t get information about traveler, but this is because they aren’t from teyvat. However, Paimon IS from Teyvat, as her memories were wiped by Irminsul like everyone else’s during the Sumeru quests. 
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(It sort of leads me to think something similar is going on with the Abyss sibling, since they apparently are from Teyvat, despite actually being an outsider, making them not be one of the descenders?)
Oh you know what’s weirder? The Chinese name for Genshin: 原神 (Yuán shén) means original god, like I mentioned earlier. However, if you flip the characters with eachother, it’s spelt: 神原 (Shén yuán) which HAPPENS to mean abyss in Chinese? Interesting…
Something is definitely going on with Paimon and I am really interested in finding out. Honestly, I really hate the Paimon = unknown god theory, but I do believe Paimon has a connection to her or is maybe a former god/deity herself? Especially because of the whole “original god” and “abyss” name thing, which sort of ties into genshins logo having Paimons circlet/halo on it. (Which could just be because she’s the mascot but shh let me have this)
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anyways! What do you guys think? (Please be nice about this Ive only been playing since April last year and idk too much in-depth lore stuff!! This is just a fun theory I thought over. A GAME THEORY)
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lunareclipsa1026 · 1 year
Genshin x TWST AU Headcanons (might be more soon)
Yuuri does the most commissions for Lumine, so that way she can focus on finding her brother and rather than the commissions. Ace & Deuce sometimes help too.
The twst squad somehow create their own realm space in the serenitea pot with some magic, the space looks like the island NRC is located, their house is literally a copy of Ramshackle Dorm, the space in the realm has copies some things that are from the NRC & some details from the dorms, like Bonatical Garden, Stautues of the Great 7, The Roses in Red Pain & more.
(more below)
The twst squad would probably take some Genshin Characters to their world & experience it, mostly Lumine & Paimon.
After the We Will Be Reunited Quest, when Lumine was on the verge of breakdown of Aether not returning to her, Yuuri, Grim, Ace & Deuce would comfort her & reassure here that they will find Aether & will be there for her no matter the darkest of time.
Lumine sees the squad as her family now
Yuuri & Deuce = Cool & Calm Energy; Lumine & Ace = Confident Energy
Grim would sometimes be a bit of a thorn to Paimon whenever she said something dumb (like she doesn't know what an alibi is for example; Diluc story quest) , and would probably brag to her that he went to school unlike her (Grim has gained knowledge for the past 4 years attending NRC, he's still the stupid cat we all know and love)
Tho Grim and Paimon got along well with their love of food. Paimon is a bit weirded out when Grim eats the weird or bad tasting food.
Ace & Scaramouche/Wanderer get along well (at first they didn't, but after the whole Irminsul ordeal & after some time they got along well), they both are not afraid to speak on what's in their mind, and like to tease others sometimes. They ar basically each other's rant buddies
Yuuri brought the Ghost Camera with them, taking pictures & making memories in Teyvat. When people were to find out how the Ghost Camera works they'd probably bombarded Yuuri with question on how they obtain such an amazing device that can take photos that can jump out of the picture and replay scenes/memories.
Zhongli reminds Yuuri, Ace, Deuce & Grim of Malleus a bit, when it wa mentioned Zhongli was quite curious about Malleus.
Yuuri considers Childe their Frenemy and acts nice and civil towards him, despite him being a Harbinger. To which Childe happily accepts.
Yuuri likes Cyno's jokes that they express laughter which is a rare sight to see. Ace & Deuce are contemplating whether to be glad that Yuuri is expressing emotions more or cringe at the fact that Cyno's bad jokes are what Yuuri finds funny that made them express laughter.
Yuuri is pretty mad at Aether (Abyss Prince) for leaving Lumine behind without giving any explanation & that he chose the Abyss' mission over family. They swore next time they see him, they'll kick him in the nuts (literally)
Lumine is the 4th Descender, & since Yuu, Grim, Ace & Deuce came to Teyvat at the same time, they count as the 5th descenders, basically like MC & Grim being half students, this is a 4 in one. 4 people as 1 descender
Yuuri's favorite Region is Inazuma, mostly because it reminds them of their home back in their world Earth.
The twst squad would compare the Akademiya to Night Raven College at times from there time at Sumeru.
Yuuri would collect materials from Teyvat and experiment with it by combining it with materials from Twisted Wonderland in potions to see the results.
Since Teyvat Language is deffrent from the language the TWST squad speaks & reads, they luckily have a spell put on them whenever they to a different world that makes them read & understand Teyvat's language easier (like in the 1st epeiode of Welcome to demon school Iruma kun)
Similarly, the currency they bring from their world turns into the other world's currency whenever they go to another world (Madols/Traumarks turn into Mora when they got to Teyvat basically)
Anyway that's is all for now. If you have more suggestions of headcanons of this au, feel free to say it in my ask box or this post.
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(Have fun translating this 0u0)
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ephemeral--dreams · 1 year
take it & put it inside of me (2/2)
Rating: T
Word count: 1564
Warnings: Some references to what happened in part one but no violence in this one
Notes: Fucking around and finding out with the genshin lore
( part 1 ) 
☆ ☾ ☆ ──────────────────
Sifting through the information contained within irminsul comes with all manner of temptations and distractions.
It's not what he's here for, but he can't help prying a little. Who can blame him for his curiosity? You're an enigma that he can't pry apart, and here lies the chance to unravel the mystery. Just a peek. A detour, just to investigate you.
It's only the briefest of explorations. Scaramouche must return to seeking the information he's here to get. But he takes what little he finds and keeps it inside.
Getting his own memories back undoes what he did. Slowly, his existence returns to irminsul, memories of him seeping back into the world. And when they do, you eventually seek him out. 
Sumeru is so full of life. To see someone as lifeless as you standing in such a vibrant place feels wrong. You were more suited to the cold, dead environment of inazuma. Yet regardless, here you were.
"It's been a while. What, missed me too much to go on without me?"
"I was hardly going to hand myself over to be anyone else's outlet," You gaze at him assessingly. He can't quite read your expression. Never has he been able to. You linger on his vision before meeting his eyes again. "You look different."
"Well, I am different. Things happened. Life goes on. I'm never going back to Snezhnaya, before you ask."
"Where does that leave me?"
He waves a hand. "Do what you want… I guess I wouldn't complain about having you around again."
It's as much of an invitation as you would ever get from someone like him.
"Then I suppose I'll stay for now."
And so it is.
He lets you stay with him. You don't have anywhere else to go. Just by being here you've gone against the Tsaritsa. How foolish, that you've dropped everything just for a man who has only ever used you. Then again, that was exactly what you'd asked him to do.
Not that he is even doing that, as things are.
There really is something fundamentally different about Scaramouche. His words hold less bite, his teasing is more playful than harsh, but most of all… He's far less angry than he used to be. He hasn't raised a hand against you since you reunited. 
It's odd. 
In many ways it's a good thing. It's good, that he has grown, that he has changed. But it leaves you with this insistent, unscratched itch deep inside, one that hasn't been sated since the day he disappeared from the Fatui. 
You figure there is little you can do but wait and see. It's not the way it used to be, where a few well-placed words would provoke him. Your silver tongue is used for only two things - to keep people at a distance, or to lure them into playing into your hands. It is only able to do one of those things, to him, as he is. 
And it's not as if you're going to walk up and beg him to hurt you. That isn't the way it works between you. Not to mention how absolutely pitiful it would be to do so. 
You are a boat set adrift in too-calm waters. It's somehow worse than the storm.
A couple of weeks in, the dendro archon visits. Scaramouche seems irritated when he sees her at the door, but lets her inside nonetheless. 
Nahida is… very different than your former archon. Not in a bad way. It's pleasant enough talking to her. She doesn't seem at all surprised that you are there, but considering who she is, it makes sense that she knows already.
It's not until she stops in front of you before leaving, eyes suddenly sharp, that you feel uneasy. 
Her small hands hold one of yours. Her touch is careful in a way you're not used to. "You hate yourself so much. Is that why you think you should be hurt?"
The bluntness, the unexpectedness of the words sends you reeling. You've made yourself so hard to read, created so many layers of distance between you and everyone else. You suppose if anyone would be able to pick you apart it would be the archon of wisdom. Still, to do it in front of him-
"That's not relevant," you say, voice more unstable than you'd like for it to be. 
"I think it's quite relevant. Perhaps not to me, but to the two of you," someone who looks that young should not be this perceptive. "That's not for me to decide, though. Welcome to Sumeru. You're free to stay as long as you wish."
And then she's gone, and you find yourself avoiding the eyes of the only other person left in the room. You can feel him staring at you, like he's trying to figure you out. And now he's been given the information he needs to do it, too. 
He wants to be mad at Buer for meddling in his affairs, but for once he cannot bring himself to be. Not when he's been handed what he wants on a silver platter.
He's had quite a while to think. Months to ponder on you, on the way he felt, on all your enigmas. The last pieces settle into place after Nahida's words. Yes, he has had more than enough time to come to terms with his own feelings.
Making you confront yours, on the other hand…
There's something purposeful in the way he moves forward. Scaramouche has never once been gentle with you. Or anyone, really. Yet the intensity of his gaze as he observes you is almost off-putting with how softly he reaches out to touch you. 
Your eyes are blown wide, like you're ready to bolt at a moment's notice. Not that he would let you escape his grasp. Not now.
Not ever.
The kiss, too, lacks the sharp edge of teeth the both of you are used to. He can feel you jerk against him, the movement slight but noticeable with how close he is. 
There's a part of him that wants to tear you apart right then and there, now that he's got you vulnerable. Instead, he pulls away to meet your eyes again. He's already made such a mess of you, and he's far from done. He's never once seen you this off-kilter or reactive. 
"What are you…" You trail off, like you can't quite gather your words together when he's behaving this way. "This isn't…"
"You're still mine, aren't you? You gave yourself to me so that I could treat you however I wanted to. Well, what I want right now is this."
He leans in to brush his lips across yours again, gentler than he had any right to be. You shudder as if you're about to shatter apart, tears pricking at your eyes, as if being loved is somehow worse torture than anything else he'd ever done to you. There's something almost cruel in the delicate way he handles you, ripping down each one of those carefully crafted walls that had kept him out for so long like they're nothing but paper. 
It's satisfying to finally get a reaction out of you, to feel like he finally understands.
(Scaramouche amends his former statement. You're not like the gods. You're like him, he thinks - so starved for anything like love that you have no idea what to do when you receive it. Trying to escape the need for it altogether. And in the end, failing entirely to run from it.)
He keeps you there for long minutes. He doesn't particularly need air, being what he is, but you do. It's the only reason he finally moves back. 
You gasp for breath, still shaking. A slow smile curves his lips.
"Red is a nice color on you. Let's make it happen more often."
"Don't-" you huff out, unable to look at him. The flush deepens. He smiles wider. "Don't say things like that."
He scoffs. "That only makes me want to do it more, you know."
"This isn't how things are supposed to go."
"It's how they go now. You're not exactly running for the door, are you?" The way you stay is all too telling. You can't resist him and more than he can resist you, even now. "Didn't think so. Want to tell me what fucked you up this much, or am I going to have to pick you apart for another few years for that?"
"That's hardly your concern," there's that familiar iciness to your tone, trying to keep him from prying. It doesn't work as easily as it used to. You're trying to put back all the defenses he just broke down… But he'll let it be. Scaramouche has gotten what he wanted for today. He will have forever to figure out the rest. He has never once backed down from a challenge. 
Sooner or later, he will know all of your mysteries. 
"Sure it's not. I'll put it this way, then. Since your so difficult. If I'm forgiven despite everything, then you can't reasonably say you don't deserve the same," he leaves little room for argument. "Well, it doesn't matter to me either way. You can even consider it punishment that you're stuck here with me."
Perhaps, in piecing you together, he can do the same to himself.
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wanderer-moonchild · 2 years
So, here's a crazy theory about the abyss twin, Khaenri'ah and the Alberich Clan...
// 3.2 spoilers
Nahida said in the 3.2 quest that someone is obscuring the fate of the abyss twin, right? I wonder if the one who did that was Irmin, the former king of Khaenri’ah. 
At the beginning of the 3.0 archon quest, we see the Irminsul tree under a red sky, which the traveler associates with Khaenri’ah, an underground nation (although probably not entirely undeground?).
AND the description of the Silver Twig, the item we get after the 3.2 archon quest, says this:
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Irmin is another name for Odin, and this is basically Odin’s story, so when I read the item’s description I was like OMGGGG. Odin hanged himself in Yggdrasil to gain knowledge of other worlds and to be able to understand runes. He did this before he exchanged his eye for knowledge too with Mímir, a being that lives beneath Yggdrasil.
Both the Abyss Mages and the Abyss Lectors draw their powers from sacred words, which leads me to believe that Irmin has passed on much of the knowledge he acquired, possibly causing what Nahida called “pollution of forbidden knowledge”.
Since the Irminsul tree is located somewhere underground, this ‘kingdom established along the tree’s roots’ is probably Khaenri’ah. One of the inspirations hyv used for Khaenri’ah could be Niflheim, a land of mist inhabited by the Nibelungs, a race of dwarves or elves, which seems to be another source of inspiration for the people of Khaenri'ah.
So, could Irmin have added information about the abyss twin in the Irminsul tree before he died or whatever happened to him? Could this be the reason they’re so determined to help Khaenri’ah?
Could the Alberich Clan know this?
The title of the abyss sibling is 'princess' or 'prince’, indicating that they aren't at the top of the hierarchy and Nahida’s words sort of confirm this. 
So, maybe they work under the Alberich Clan, but without knowing their true plan. Perhaps they're doing the ‘heavy work’, learning more about Celestia and looking for ways to break the curse, while the Alberich Clan waits for the ‘right time’ to act.
I also think that the situation could be the complete opposite: the Alberich Clan knows of the Abyss Order, but they’re doing their own thing and sometimes they might use them to gain intel. I mean, Kaeya seems to do that. 
In this case, I think Dainsleif might be on their side or, at least, know of them. He literally knows every character in the game. Wouldn’t he be aware of Khaenri’ah’s regent clan? 
Still, I think there’s a connection between the abyss twin and the Alberich Clan because Kaeya says this when the traveler talks to him in Jean’s office during the Stormterror’s quest:
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Did he mean the abyss twin? Does he have memories of the abyss twin from his early childhood or something? Does this mean the abyss twin and the Alberich Clan know each other? Why would Kaeya say that to a person he just met? This dialogue happens before the traveler received his gliding license from Amber.
It’s very odd.
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edgeray · 4 months
Hello Ray! 🍅 anon here! (Again, because life has finally gotten a bit easier now and I have spare time!)
Very happy that you liked the TL’ed piece! I originally put it in a word document, hence the page number, and the formatting.
Since you can’t read chinese, you Might have missed out on a subtle yet telling part of Arlecchino’s story quest.
There’s a lot. And I mean. A LOT. of meaning lost in translation! EVEN THE JP TEAM DIDN’T FLOP THIS HARD?????? HUH????
For everyone’s sake, the general gist is correct. But the more accurate translation would be “May we meet again in our next life.”
There is a HUGE difference. Just that small phrase already tells you a few things. First, it tells you that Arlecchino, logical as she is, has definitely NOT recovered from Clervie (which is why I ship them. Still.) and yearns for a life they can lead TOGETHER. Second, it shows just how much Arlecchino cares! She’s known to be very cool headed and logical and if she cares about something THIS much to verbalise it as such, you know that it’s. Beyond important.
Honestly, I had no words when I saw the English translation (I use cn dub). Just that someone really, REALLY, butchered this subtlety on the most important part of her SQ. STEM student or not, if any of my bilingual teachers saw me translating it like that I would be slapped to the next timeline on Irminsul.
(Also yes I use windows that tip is going to come in handy xD)
Looking forward to more of your writing! Domestic!Arle…. Hehehehehehehhe
She deserves it! All the fluff and softness and happiness!
Hey 🍅 anon! Sorry this response took so long... did a lot of traveling for vacay today. And oooh... yes I agree "may we meet again someday" and "may we meet again in our next life" is SO different, like I fr got a gut punch from reading the second one. the fact that arle is hoping in their next life that they're together makes me tear up... that's so much more impactful and meaningful than meeting again.
it seems like poor TL for ENG is a common complaint about the ENG dub, though I don't know too much since I rely on ENG solely. I heard that also happened in the Arlecchino animation, with the part that Arlecchino says "Mother... my answer is no." I don't remember what the actual translation was, but I remembered it being vastly different.
glad the windows tip worked hehe
once i come back from vacay, i will be GRINDING on these requests because i'm behind the schedule I said i would do. just tryna finish a request at this point before my vacay ends. once it does, i'll go back to my 1-2 requests done per day. let's see how long the daily streak goes >:D
cannot wait to get to these requests... especially that arlevie request i got... heh heh. <333 am super pumped to write your domestic arle request bc arle deserves everything. :DDD
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