#since 1908
jefkphotography · 5 days
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Swiss made since 1908.
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I gotta wait for my ipad to charge so i can draw this shit but here are my field hockey player!scully head canons:
- She was number 7. Like if she was at a school and she had to pick a different number whatever but seven was her number (because alliteration, Scully or Seven)
- She was that girl who ran like three miles a day during pre-season and then out passed everyone at tryouts
- never wore her mouth guard, it was always in her bra strap (and if her coach was like mine that means taking a hike 🗻🏃‍♀️🏃‍♀️)
- ridiculously muscular thighs, had to start training arms to balance it out, giving you a 5’3 very muscular redhead
- she played midfield, probably left or center
- since she was changing schools so often every so often she’d get culture shock at one of those rich schools where they put your last name on the back of your jersey and shed get to keep it when she left
- one of those girls who wore a headband
- was NOT one of those girls who wore a glove (that shits for pussies, and she believed that)
- broke her thumb and kept playing anyway
- had the same stick from 6-11 grade and got a new one her senior season, it wasn’t the same
- played in college but probably just on a club because she had so much homework or only during undergrad
- played pick up games/summer leagues while in med school
- miss girl was NOT the team braider, someone was definitely etly doing her hair for her and if she didn’t know anyone well enough to ask she just wore pigtails to keep all her hair out of her face
- always forgot she had to take jewelry off for games
- I feel like she’d talk shit on the field
- has drawn blood while playing
-has gotten into a fight on the field
- it was with a guy and she bit him.
- I like to think she was at Mulder’s school for a couple months
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antiquatedsimmer · 2 months
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November, 1908
The early, crisp autumn morning began with what was thought to be the unfortunate consequence of an uncontrollable bladder flooding the bed. However, it quickly transformed into a scene of chaos and urgency.
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"HnnnhH AUGHH—HELLS!" Josephine shouted, clutching her lower belly in agony. She gripped the bedpost for support, her knuckles white, as Lucile tenderly but urgently guided her to the other side of the bed.
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"One step at a time, love! It's not a race," Lucile urged,
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Josephine slumped over the side of the bed, propping herself up on her elbows. She took deep, labored breaths, "HUFF HUFF HOO," each exhale a desperate attempt to manage the relentless contractions surging through her body.
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Lucile kept rhythmically massaging Josephine's lower back. Josephine winced, then sighed in relief as the contraction that had gripped her like a vise finally began to release.
"Ah!" Josephine whined, her voice trembling. "I know," she panted, "but they're getting closer."
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Slowly lowering herself onto the bed, Josephine continued, "Lucie, I need a midwife."
"What—really? Are you sure?" Lucile exclaimed, her feet dancing nervously, a mix of anxiety and excitement coursing through her.
"Yes, this isn't like any other cramps I've felt before... It's time."
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trying not the let the panic and fear of feeling the first time jitters creep into her Josephine did her best to keep breathing.
" This will all be over soon! " she thought, " Women were built for this sort of thing, "
she huffed " Surely, it will be over soon. "
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balaclava-marks · 2 years
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the b in group b stands for babygirl
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lupinus-bicolor · 11 months
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shoutout to this dude dressed as a frog and absolutely killing it in La Legende Du Phantome (1908)
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sonjabysonjamorgan · 2 years
i’ve said this before but why can’t the grey’s wiki keep as detailed house pages as corriepedia!!!!!!!!
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gemisbored · 23 days
just watched that polish oil painting animated film. pretty sure it was called peasants. was pretty cool. the music slapped. my bad facial and name memory hindered my experience tho
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yasmeensh · 1 year
A Master Study featuring Zelda II: The Adventure of Link. In which Link hangs out with the two Zeldas post-game (Who do you think became the Queen of Hyrule?)
This was a difficult piece, but I'm happy with it!
Based on 'The Chess Players' by Jacques-Clément Wagrez (1902)
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Information on inspiration and process under the cut!
Original piece: "The Chess Players" by Jacques-Clément Wagrez (1846-1908).
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The moment I saw this artwork I immediately thought of Zelda II. One of the women is wearing a medieval-esque red velvet dress, and she looks a lot like the design I made for the cursed princess Zelda!
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I thought it would be very fitting to reimagine this artwork in a Zelda II context, so I went ahead with it! doubles as a master study and LoZ fanart.
I learnt a LOT from making this piece! Since I worked on it digitally, I got and made brushes that acted as close to traditional brushes, and I also worked on the entire piece in one layer. So whenever I made a mistake, I'd have to paint over. No return. But it was a big learning experience! Learnt more about rendering silk and velvet by observing how they are painted and blended in the original.
Here are some WIP shots! It took a long time to get to where it is now xD It was difficult to finally pen down the right proportions and placement. I probably should've done a grid copy, but I opted to just eyeing it out all the way through. It was... hard. (lesson learnt?)
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I read that in a lot of older pieces, they are made in greyscale, then flat colours are overlaid on top. makes rendering much easier. and it truly has! I probably should’ve rendered the greyscale version even more. Since there were still a lot of mistakes that I had to rework and adjust while colouring.
Very fruitful experience overall, and I’m just happy to make a grand-scale Zelda II artwork xD I’ve never seen one so I made it!!!
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petermorwood · 28 days
I have a sword question, if I may. Or more of a sword confusion Im seeking clarification on.
In my mind a fantasy european standard sword (that obviously doesnt really exist, but like, when a knight or someone in a story has an unspecified sword), I always imaged a straight blade with a triangular tip, both edges sharp cutting edges.
Then at some point I learned about eg scimitars that have a cutting edge and a ...blunt edge?
I was looking at your recent addition to the post about the Turkish sword, where you distinguish between an inner cutting edge on a sword v an outer cutting edge.
And then Im thinking of those enormous zweihander types that are all about momentum and do those even need a particularly sharp edge? They seem in dnd parlance to be a bludgeoning weapon not for slashing.
And while Im asking, like. Rapiers are very stabby weapons, do they have sharp edges at all or judt a sharp point?
I guess my overall question culminates something like "what parts of swords are designed for what damage and why? Is there anything all swords have other than blade and handle like can they all be used for stabbing or do some have very blunt points etc? Is it a big deal for a sword to be double-edged, does that necessitate specific training? Whats up with different sword blades?"
I realise thats a pretty enormous question that might be unreasonable to ask. Im happy with whstever response you are or arent willing to give. Hope you have a good day :)
Sharp edge / blunt edge is the setup on any kitchen or table knife you've ever encountered, and being able to put a hand on the blunt "edge" - usually called the back of the blade - not only helps when mincing herbs or garlic, but also features in some techniques of swordplay.
Other techniques employed non-blade parts of the weapon, using the pommel like a mace and the crossguard like a pick-axe.
Whether swords should be straight or curved, single- or double-edged, was an argument which continued as recently as the early 1900s.
The last swords issued to cavalry for combat use (modern parade swords don't count) were both remarkably similar designs, straight-bladed for thrusting, adopted by the UK in 1908...
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...and the US in 1913.
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There was, of course, strong opposition from those who insisted cavalry swords should be sabres curve-bladed for cutting instead.
Equally of course, both sides failed to notice - or ignored, since a certain kind of cavalry officer was only bright as regards boots, buckles and buttons - the uncomfortable fact that machine-guns and repeating rifles had made the whole ta-ran-ta-rah "cut them down with your swords, men!" cavalry charge an exercise in futility.
D&D, unless they've considerably upped their accuracy game, isn't much of a reference for weapon realism.
"Enormous Zweihanders" and other big swords such as the Montante were a lot lighter and more nimble than they'd seem from reading an encumbrance chart.
They had their own techniques to take best advantage of length, leverage and momentum and were indeed sharp. Given a choice between a sharp combat weapon and a blunt one, sharp makes far more sense.
In addition, a sharp blade is lighter than a blunt one simply through having less metal. It may only be a few grams of difference, but it IS a difference.
That's also the reason behind a fuller, the groove(s) along a blade.
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They're not "blood gutters", tough and cool though that may sound, but a way to reduce a sword's weight while preventing its blade from getting excessively flexible.
The re-enactor is wearing half-armour, but these big swords were also meant for use against unarmoured opponents. Bodyguards often carried them (they looked impressive) and those sweeping strokes could block an entire street while The Boss got away.
That's when an ability to cut rather than merely bludgeon makes all the difference. Determined assassins might try to rush a blunt sword, but a sharp one would give anyone second thoughts...
Double-edged swords versus single-edged ones seem to vary depending on cultural preference - also on period of history and intended function.
Bronze Age European swords had straight or leaf-shaped blades with double edges...
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...while Ancient Egypt had the curved, single-edged khopesh, a shape which also turned up in Ancient Assyria (this one's in the Metropolitan Museum, New York USA).
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It's listed as a "sickle sword", an incorrect term which I wish would go away because sickles are sharp on the inside of the curve while swords like this - their grip-shape shows how they're meant to be held and swung - are sharp on the outside.
And just when "the Ancient Middle East used curved single-edge swords" looks like a handy generalisation, along come straight swords, one from Ancient Egypt...
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...another from Luristan, now part of modern Iran.
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This next one comes from Ancient Iberia (Spain), right at the other side of the Mediterranean. Evidence of trading links? Your guess is as good as mine.
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Iberia went on to use the falcata, a short single-edged forward-curved sword.
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Those extra bits round the blade are scabbard metalwork; the wood and leather scabbard is long gone. This repro shows how they would have looked when in place.
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Iberia also used a straight double-edged sword which so impressed the Romans that they adopted it, refined it and used it for several centuries. Here's one of the several Roman versions of that gladius Hispaniensis (Spanish sword), double-edged, mostly meant for stabbing but capable of very effective cuts as well.
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Here's my repro of a similar sword, the elegant "Mainz" pattern with its long point and waisted blade. Very pretty, and pretty wicked.
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"Curved single-edged swords are Eastern, straight double-edged swords are Western", is another generalisation that won't work.
Here are Eastern straight swords...
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...and Western curved ones.
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Viking swords were all double-edged...
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...except when they weren't.
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Many rapiers could cut. Smallswords, which came later, couldn't.
Earlier rapiers with broader blades cut better than later ones with narrow blades, but IIRC even the later Italian and Spanish rapier styles include cuts directed at the opponent's face and sword-arm.
I have a notion that the modern thing about cutting with rapiers is based (like back-carry) on seeing it done in movies. IMO - more about it here - that's actually more a modern stage-combat safety thing than a period real-combat move. A fumbled cut is bruising and unpleasant even with a "safe" prop sword, but a fumbled thrust into the eye-socket or throat with that same "safe" sword can be fatal.
Even those early rapiers wouldn't sever a head or limb - a finger maybe, hence the elaborate hand-protection of swept and cup hilts - but blood from a forehead wound running into the eyes was, and in boxing still is, an efficient way to finish a fight by ensuring the opponent can't continue. One of the duels in "The Duellists" ends this way.
This example is a bit optimistic, IMO...
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...but a longsword (double-edged)...
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...or a messer (single-edged)...
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...was quite capable of disarming an opponent in a very literal way.
Some swords had minimal points, being intended mostly for cutting. One example of this is the Indian khanda broadsword. The second example is also very clearly single-edged.
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Another cut-only sword without a point (but with double edges) is the Richtschwert (justice sword)...
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...though this was a single-function (and hopefully single-cut) tool rather than weapon, neither balanced for nor intended for combat.
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Hope this has helped answer the questions!
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you are love itself (君は愛そのものだ)
cw. fem!reader, childhood friend au, established relationship, love as worship, love as a choice, reader has a defined devil fruit ability
pairing. portgas d. ace x reader
synopsis. his skin is dotted in stardust.
notes. a 1.3k look into those short moments of privacy you have with ace on the moby. i got the title from 'therefore you and me' after rewatching this amazing asl brothers animatic for the billionth time. cover comes klimt's the kiss (1908).
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Everything is made of stardust; the stars that made Ace are simply visible to the eye.
They couldn't be contained in the depths of his body like the rest of the world's inhabitants. It's scattered all across his skin in a beautiful display, matching the skies they fell from. Isn't that something? You brush a hand against warm skin in awe. It's all right there. The stars themselves rest upon his skin, how beautiful is that? How could anyone want someone like that dead?
When you were children, Ace told you he would bring you the moon.
What do you need the moon for when you've been touching the stars since you were 10?
Straddling his lap, you can't help laughing as you think you'd been fighting a losing battle from the start. From the beginning, you'd been drawn to Ace and his stars and you wanted to follow where they'd go for the rest of your life.
"What's so funny?" Ace murmurs into your shoulder.
"I think I was born to love you." It is the only plausible conclusion for you to reach after 10 years of loving the same person. For the half of your life you've known him, you've chosen Ace from day one. You will continue to choose him for the rest of the life you have. You chose to chase him all around Mt. Corvo, you chose to be his friend, you chose to join his crew and your heart chose him even if your head had been slow to realize. "We don't need to find the One Piece," you murmur as you lead a trail of kisses from his shoulder to Ace's cheek. "I already have everything the world has to offer right here."
You feel Ace stiffen beneath you before he laughs sheepishly, "I think you need to have your eyes checked if you think that."
"Hey," you lean back so you can see his face. Your brows are furrowed sternly but your eyes sparkle with mischief and your lips stretch into a challenging grin. "I have better eyes than you, I can see the soul."
Ace snorts but his voice is light and as warm as the smile painting his face, "souls of the dead, yeah." Smiles suit Ace more than the frowns that were once commonplace when you were younger.
"That still counts," you protest with a chuckle. He doesn't have to believe he's worthy of it, you'll tell Ace all the same. You cup his face in your hands and enjoy the vibration of his mellifluous laughter under your fingers tips as you squeeze his cheeks. "There's a lot you can learn about this sort of stuff when you can see the dead." How the soul carries its wounds even after death. How the soul carries the essence of everything that makes something itself. How love can carry on beyond the grave.
You've seen it countless times by now in your truthfully short time of being a power holder.
The spirit of a man who wanted a few berries to leave as a surprise his husband could stumble upon to brighten his day.
An elderly woman dancing in the town square, seemingly alone following the steps she took with her lost love long ago. Unbeknownst to her, however, her love danced with all the same as they did once a long time ago.
Pods of orcas full of members past and present, refusing to part from their birth pod even in death.
How beautiful it is, a love like that.
Even while deceased, they choose to remain by their beloved all the same.
Whenever it is Ace's time, he'll take his stars with him and they will rest on his skin just as they did when he was alive. But I'll make sure you're so happy you won't want to stay, you vowed when you partook of the sea's cursed fruit. You carry this vow even now. Ace will die a happy death but more importantly, he will live a long and mirthful life.
(You can tell for as sure as your eyes are dry; the urge to cry and scream in mourning and warning nonexistent. Still it's your heart's desire that you go first so you don't ever have to risk the day you know death will come for Portgas D. Ace.)
"You know what I think," you cease your pinching, letting your lax thumbs stroke his face. Dark eyes look up at you like you're a dream and gold like sunlight rests in your chest. It's light yet heavy and even if your heart is calm, its rhythmic beating tells you something precious. And he's so, so precious. "I think that when people move on, they're reborn as someone else. Then they get to live life all over again. And one day, that's gonna happen to us."
Then you'll cease to be the 'you' you have been and so will he.
Maybe that time, you'll be raised in separate seas and there will be no trio of brothers you'll latch onto. Maybe he'll be born somewhere in Paradise but I'll be from the West Blue. Or maybe he'll be a fishman. Or a giant!
Maybe next time, Ace will be a short girl with firey auburn hair and chocolate brown eyes with the disposition to match. Or he'll be a scarred and gruff dragon moray eel fishman who is an overt romantic.
Maybe next time his stars will follow him as the marker that ties him to his previous life. Then you'll recognize him the moment you see him. But even if I don't, I'll love you then too. You don't need reminders of who he was to make you want him again.
Whatever the outcome may be, you will embrace it wholly.
"Whenever that happens, I'm gonna find you and I'm going to love you all over again. You can be a girl or a giant or a fishman." Or maybe he'll be the tiny human and you'll be the giant. It will be nice being taller than Ace for once, you tell him as much with a laugh. There's a spot of wetness at the corner of his eyes that you wipe away instinctively. "Or… maybe this world runs in one big loop and we get to be us again but that time we get to make different choices. Do the stuff we didn't do last time. But regardless of all the different things I might end up doing, the one thing that is gonna stay the same is that I'll choose you all over again."
There's a pause before Ace ducks from your gaze with a wet laugh, forehead pressed against your shoulder again. The unmistakeable feel of warm droplets subsequently follow. "Thatch must be cutting onions," he chuckles weakly. "Sorry."
"Dummy," you wrap your arms around his shoulders and inhale his scent. There's a natural sweetness to it you can't explain; it's sweet but there is a peppery kick. It's been that way since the first day you met him. I love him, I love him, I love him. The sentiment echoes throughout your entire being. "it's okay to cry."
"Would you really want me again?" His voice is soft and unsure like a young bird who doesn't know if it can trust its wings.
Who else would I want?
Why would I want anyone else?
I've known you for 10 years, Ace. There's nothing about you I don't want.
"Over and over again," you kiss his temple once, twice and then a third time before you lift his head and kiss the corners of his eyes. "It's you and no one else."
A noise of surprise escapes you when Ace's lips press against your own but you relax a beat later, humming tenderly. You relish every sensation, how his arms wrap around you tight and how his fingers gently dig into your back. The taste of salt on your lips is akin to the ocean and your heartbeat reverberates throughout your chest.
Yes, it's telling you something precious.
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barrenclan · 2 months
probably been asked, but what are you planning on doing next, since dog star and pinepaw are ending pretty much at the same time?
Thanks for asking! PATFW will be ending around December of this year, and TDS around March of next year. After that I'll be taking a break from making longform comics, probably for about a year, but my next project is one I've been working on in the background for a couple years now.
It'll be called Gilded Roses, and it's a supernatural murder mystery comic set in England in 1908. I'll be posting it on ComicFury and maybe Tumblr. I'll be chuffed if people read it, but it's utterly made from passion so it's really for me more than anyone. I don't expect much of my... you know, Warrior Cats audience to track me to my deeply researched historical human comic.
Anyways, here's a drawing I made last year with the four main characters.
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Eisteddfod Chairs: Pick Your Winner!
It's almost June! Nearly time to reveal the 2023 Chair! So come, gather round Tumblrs, let me tell you of the furniture-based customs of my people
So Wales has been celebrating Eisteddfodau (festivals of poetry, music, and disco dancing), in some form or another, since at least the 1100s, when Lord Rhys of Dinefwr had one all formal-like and made it into a big fun party and that. The word basically means 'sitting place', and probably refers to the way people in summer would gather round the twmpath in the village to listen to bards that passed through and drink mead and shout 'hurrah!' a lot. Amazingly, this is not where the Chair Thing comes from.
Part of Welsh history is the Bardic Age, and it was custom for bards to travel the country and visit the courts of assorted gentry types (also normal people's houses and taverns and twmpaths but let's stay on topic) and play for them. If the lord paid well, great; if not, the bard would write a Super Mean Song about them and sing it everywhere, so they were pretty well treated.
But if they were particularly good, rather than making them play for the WHOLE meal, the lord would offer them a chair at the table to join in the feast as a guest, rather than a worker, and THAT is where the Chair Thing comes from.
Anyway that's preamble to say that every year in the biggest Eisteddfod of all - the Eisteddfod Genedlaethol - the highest honour awarded goes to the Prifardd - the bard who writes the winning cywydd (super complex Welsh poetry WE DON'T HAVE TIME TO EXPLAIN ALL OF THIS). And the prize for writing the winning cywydd is that you are awarded, you guessed it, the Chair.
Now these Chairs (capital C, please, we like a bit of Fantasy Novel Capitalisation and for this cultural reason I will never understand people who complain about it) are unique. They are thrones. They are carved each year by one chosen carpenter, who crafts a one-of-a-kind Chair with symbolism and that, never to be replicated. They usually have the year carved on, but otherwise, they vary wildly in aesthetic and symbolism. In a No Award year (because Eisteddfod judges don't subscribe to the Western idea that there HAS to be a first, second and third place; if no one is good enough there is no award, and I have seen choir competitions for seven year olds where there was no first or third place but there were two choirs in joint second), the Chair is sent back to the carpenter who carved it, and they get to keep it. In a year where the bard died before the ceremony, it is draped in black, and given to next of kin.
(That has only happened once. RIP Hedd Wyn, 1887-1917. Also the only reproduced Chair; the original, known as the Gadair Ddu (the Black Chair) is on display in his family home, but a 3D printed replica has been made for display by Amgueddfa Cymru)
BUT THEREFORE a big part of Eisteddfod fun is seeing what the Chair will look like this year. Traditional ones, see, we tend to think look like variants of this:
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(Apologies for the substandard attempts at alt-text; I have no clue how to describe these properly)
This one is from 1896. The phrase "Y gwir yn erbyn y byd" means "The truth against the world", and was included in a lot of old ones. Modern ones tend to incorporate the druidic symbol for awen ("poetic inspriation") instead. Some of these incidentally turn up in lil' chapels and that about the country.
But actually even the old ones were mad different, look; clockwise from top left, these are y Gadair Ddu (1917), 1876, 1926 (when the carpenter was Chinese and enjoyed the cultural fusion), and 1908.
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Still the same theme, though, but in the modern day the carpenters are all off the shits! They're all over the place! Fuck the rules! And I have Opinions.
Category: I See What You Did There
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SYMBOLISM!!! 2011 is a pit wheel from Wrexham's mining past! 2013 is the head of a harp, from Denbighshire's cultural harp-making past! 2017 is fish, from Anglesey's maritime present! Fantastic. Love it.
Best in category: 2017. Why does Anglesey's have so many eyes on the fish? We don't know. Wylfa B protestors reportedly furious.
Category: The Modern Throne
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TALL!!! That silhouette! That height!! They have the range, darling! Christ knows 2016 doesn't have anything else going for it! Shout out to the Conwy river on 2019, the different woods from the forests of Maldwyn for 2015, and the red kite symbolism for Ceredigion in 2022 (the spiritual home of the bird, where the species was first saved).
Best in category: 2019, Conwy. I like the bridge and the river lines and the water effect on the front of the seat it's just so pretty.
Category: That's Just A Chair
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(I am actually friends with the Prifardd who won 2018 at the bottom there :D )
WHAT ARE RULES WE JUST WANT FUNCTIONAL CHAIRS. Man even so 2014 was fucking ugly. You could have 2018 in your house. Around your table, like. Even 2012 has a sort of IKEA vibe that's boring but palatable. 2014 is only coming in the house under sufferance.
Best in Category: 2018, easy, and not just because it's the one I'm most likely to get to sit in one day. It's pretty.
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artist-ellen · 8 months
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Fooduary Day 8: Key Lime Pie
Another 1930s invention (allegedly since hard dates are when cookbooks are published and no always the first one made), what I’ve discovered are that since a lot of the foods on this list are American classics we’re going to see 1908 to 1970 as the date range for a lot of these... unless I decide to go off script. Could happen. Anyway, for some reason my family as a whole wasn't big on pies so I can't actually say I've ever had key lime pie. Have you? Is it your favorite pie?
I am the artist! Do not post without permission & credit! Thank you! Come visit me over on: instagram, tiktok or check out my coloring book available now \ („• ֊ •„) /
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cherrikii · 3 months
╰╮﹕ 002 — 심재윤           𝒽omesick.
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( 1908 w. ) 𝒢.angst, hurt, some texts, comfort   𝒫.boyfriend!jake x fem!reader    𝒞𝒲.arguing, kissing, hugging, mentions of alcohol, crying, pet names, slight starving (?), isolation, not proofread (let me know if i missed anything!)
◌     ∘˙    𝒜. 𝒩. — i cannot believe this took me almost an entire month.. i tried a new sort of layout as well, um i’m learning as i go bear with >< as always, please do leave feedback and enjoy ♡︎                library.
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it’s been a week without him. you wonder where he is, what he’s doing, how he is. you’ve spent what feels like years rotting away in your house, in the place you and him would call home. it’s empty, it’s cold, and you find yourself balled up in bed, tugging at your hair. about a week ago, you and jaeyun had gotten into an argument, over… what was it again? god you can’t even remember, all you can think of is jake. you wish you could take it all back.
— more under cut..
“you’re insufferable jake! the one time i drift to sleep without waiting for you to come home, i find out that you kissed another girl? are you crazy!?” you felt tears tug at your waterline, but you pushed them back. you wanted to be strong, to feel strong. jake saw right through you though, he knows how you suppress your emotions in stressful situations. “no baby, please listen to me,” he pleaded, “i swear on everything, i swear on my own life that it was accident. you know how low my tolerance for alcohol is, it was my first time drinking so much in one sitting. baby, i didn’t even know left from right or up from down. i can’t even remember how i ended up kissing her! i swear only have eyes for you, you’re the only one i’ll ever love! please.” you’ve never seen jake cry. this was a first. he was practically sobbing, on knees in front of you, begging for your forgiveness. he couldn’t lose the love of his life, not over something so stupid like this. he couldn’t live without you, not without knowing you forgave him. you wanted to drop to your knees next to him and hold him until the end of time, but in the heat of the moment.. “get out.” he looked up frantically, “wh.. what?” “get. out. i can’t even look at you!” you turned your back to him, and waited. “i’ll always love you, y/n.” those were his last words before he shut the door behind him, and you immediately broke down. and since then, you haven’t seen anyone and no one has seen or heard from you.
— “jake, i’m sure she’ll come back. she was probably just hurt at that moment and needed a break.” heeseung sat next to jaeyun, rubbing his back in circles for comfort. jake was destroyed ever since the argument. he went back to the dorms late at night, bawling his eyes out. the members usually stay up late anyway, so once they heard his cries they rushed towards him, jungwon immediately wrapping his arms around jake.
“what’s going on??” jungwon questions, still hugging jake. the other members crowd around him, placing a few hands on his back and head to comfort him.
“we fought,” he sobbed even harder, “and it’s all my fault.”
“don’t think like that jake, i’m sure it wasn’t,” heeseung consoled. jay and sunghoon shot each other a glance knowing damn well what happened since the three of them went out last night. “give her some time. i promise you she’ll come back and you guys will forgive each other,” jay said. “in the meantime, why don’t we play fifa hyung? to get your mind off of it.” ni-ki proposed, excitedly rubbing jake’s tummy to cheer him up. he smiled and agreed, jungwon let go of jake giving him one last squeeze so he could go play with their maknae, and the rest went as they were. (checking on jake every now and then ofc) — no one has heard from you in two weeks, hell, you haven’t even seen the sunlight since the argument. life without jake was horrible. you feel like it’s all your fault, you’ve rot in bed since the argument, getting up only to use the bathroom and eat. you’ve lost about 6 pounds due to not eating enough, not having jake there to remind you to eat well or take good care of you made you miss him even more. 
you decide to take the bold step of finally opening your phone, and to your surprise, hundreds of missed calls, voicemails, and text messages from all the members. you thought no one would care, why would they anyway? it’s not like you mattered or were worthy of being cared for. it’s not like you deserved to have people worry about you. it’s not like you deserved to live. your mind was running at a thousand miles, and no one was there to stop you. usually jake would have taken your cheeks in his hands and made you look at him, then he’d go and tell you some comforting words to calm you down. god you missed him. all you wanted was to be in his arms. listening to his heartbeat would always calm you down, but where is that now? as you scroll through all your notifications, you come across jake’s voicemails. he actually left you something? he didn’t ghost you? you click on it, and it begins to play. “hi pretty girl. i miss you.. a ton. i really..” he takes a brief pause, “really hope that you’re doing okay. no one has heard from you since.. well, you know. it’s been two weeks. i’ve reflected on what i did and i admit it was wrong of me. i really hope you can forgive me,” you can hear the hurt in his voice as he continues, “i went shopping with heeseung yesterday, and i saw a pet store so i went inside. they had these really cute kitties..” you hear him sniffle, “they reminded me of you since.. you know, you’d always tell me about the one you had.” your heart was shattered and you were sobbing listening to his voicemail, the hurt in his voice, the way he still told you about what he’s been doing, god you loved him so much. “i hope to hear from you soon. i love you, baby.” the voicemail ended.
you continued to go through all your messages.
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you didn’t even know where to begin. you missed him, and clearly he missed you. you were worried about him when you should’ve been worried about yourself. you destroyed yourself. you barely ate, barely slept, barely moved.
you got up slowly and headed towards the shower. you wanted to feel like something again, you were disgusting right now. you stood under the warm running water, feeling some form of relaxation as you washed yourself.
stepping out, you dried yourself and changed into a fresh and comfortable outfit. you felt a little weight being lifted off your shoulders, but you still had to confront jake. how were you supposed to do that? after not saying a word for two weeks, suddenly a confrontation? your mind started to wander again and it brought back one of your favorite memories with jake. the day he confessed to you. he confessed to you on a bridge at the park, above a small fish-filled stream. why not go there to ease your mind?
as you make your way to the park, you get a funny feeling in your stomach almost like butterflies. this wasn’t the good butterflies though. something told you to turn back, but you didn’t listen.
you arrived at the park and sat down on the bench that was beside the bridge. taking in your surroundings and observing the people around you, you close your eyes and let your mind take you back to the day he confessed to you.
you vividly remember him being so excited when you said yes. you could almost see a tail wagging behind him, it’s uncanny how much he resembles a puppy.
“are you serious!!??” he exclaimed. “you’ll be my girlfriend for real???”
“yes, jake. yes i will.” you giggled and told him with a smile on your face.
thinking of that made you miss him even more. you miss his warmth, the way he’d rub his thumb in circles on your hand if he were sitting next to you, the way he’d kiss you randomly just to tease you. you had no idea how to even approach him after not seeing him for so long.
you pull your phone out and begin to text jake.
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jake immediately got dressed, he was in such a rush to see you that he forgot to tie his shoelaces. he didn’t care though, you’re the only thing on his mind right now.
“where are you going jake?” jay asked, watching jake fumble to put his jacket on.
“y/n texted. i’m going to see her.” he sounds so serious and so determined to make things right. he’s had the worst two weeks of his life and couldn’t bear to be without you any longer.
“oh shit.. good luck,” jay patted jake’s shoulder and went back to his room while jake hurried out the door.
jake soon arrived at the entrance of the park. he was panting and out of breath since he practically ran here. he opened the gates and scanned the scenery for you, he damn near missed you from the anticipation.
“y/n!!” he yelled as he hurried over to you.
you stood up from the bench and turned around to meet with the crook of jake’s neck as he hugged you tightly. you could hear his soft cries and feel his shaky breathing when you hugged him back gently. the both of you stood there in each other’s embrace for a few minutes before jake broke the silence, never breaking the hug. he didn’t want to let you go.
“are you okay? have you been taking care of yourself well sweetheart?? god i missed you so, so, so much. you don’t understand.” he wiped the tears from his cheeks and pulled back from the hug then placing his hands on your hips.
“yes, i’ve been okay,” you responded. he was going to say something but noticed you weren’t done. “i’m really, really sorry for shutting you out for so long. i didn’t mean to hurt you that way. i know we made a promise to never shut each other out and to talk to each other when something happens, but i just didn’t know what to do. i just—“
he cut you off. . .
with a kiss.
“i should be the one apologizing. i hurt you with my actions and i caused you to shut down. it’s all my fault, so don’t blame yourself for anything, pretty. i know that what i did was wrong, i won’t deny it. no matter if i was drunk or not, it still wasn’t something i should’ve done. i’m genuinely and sincerely sorry. i hope you can forgive me princess.” he took your hands in his and looked down at you with such sincerity in his eyes. you knew he was serious and you knew he didn’t mean it.
“of course i forgive you, ikeu,” you kissed his cheek and hugged him tightly, glad to have your one and only boyfriend back in your arms.
he was shaking so bad, you could feel his grip tighten around you. “i missed you,” he whispered. “more than you could ever imagine.”
“let’s go home, jake.” you pulled back and kissed his tears away. he stood still staring into your eyes for a minute before kissing you passionately and hugging you once more.
both of you walked across the bridge, holding hands, content and happy to be by each other’s side again.
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ashboy-3 · 1 year
Smash or Pass
Fandom: Danny Phantom and Batfam Prompt: https://www.tumblr.com/help-i-need-a-cool-username/719653067055906816/ashboy-3-please-tag-me-whenever-you-post-it?source=share Characters: Danny, Sam, Tucker, Jason, Batfam Words: 1908 Summary: Danny refuses to sleep and gets stopped by a reporter. Not fully knowng what she aks when questioning him about Red Hood Danny answers with a simple Smash. Now if only his crush Jason Todd would pick up on the social cues.
“So what’s the game tonight?” Danny asked, looking at the screen of the video camera to see Tucker and Sam staring back at him.
“Are you sure Danny. Isn’t it like ten over there?” Sam asked, worry clearly on her face.
“It’s not a good night for sleep Sam. Please. You two both have the day off, right?” Danny asked.
“Yeah we do dude. So I was thinking Smash or pass?” Tucker threw the idea out there.
“Oh that’s a good one. What should we do it on?” Danny asked.
“Super smash bros? It has Smash in the name?” Tucker suggested.
“Then we should totally do Pokémon!” Sam had an evil smirk.
“Oh you are both so on!” Danny quickly agreed as Tucker quickly found a full list online of the Super Smash bro fighters, sharing his screen and making sure to record, if anything for future black mail reasons.
“Alright first up Mario,” Tucker announced, both his friends knowing that he would rather be the impartial party and narrator while they have their fun.
“Pass.” Danny and Sam voiced.
“Donkey Kong.”
“Pass,” Danny quickly said.
“Smash!” Sam was quick to say as the two looked at each other.
“You want to smash a giant monkey?” Danny questioned.
“First off he’s a gorilla, second you can’t tell me that he doesn’t fuck,” she quirked her eyebrow at him.
“Fair enough,” Danny yielded holding up his drink to take a sip in her honor.
“Dude that’s water,” Tucker rolled his eyes.
“Don’t’ remind me. Who’s next!”
“Smash” Tucker rolled his eyes at his two friends.
“Sometimes you two are so predictable. Samus.”
“Pass,” Sam waved her off.
“Smash. Let her fuck me up, in or out of that suit!”
“Dark Samus?”
“Same,” they both agreed, to keep their answers from last time.
“Smash!” Sam yelled out, Danny thinking about it before he to agreed.
“Why am I friends with you two? Kirby?”
“Pass,” Sam said as Danny thought abot it. “Yeah pass. I feel like Kirby is to innocent. And dude who else would you be friends with. Hit me with the next one!”
“Fox and Falco.”
“Pass on Fox smash on Falco,” Sam decided. “Pass on both,” Danny shook his head.
“How could you smash one but not the other? Their the same thing?” Danny asked.
“First off their not. I feel like Falco is more bad ass. Second, I don’t want to hear that argument when we get to pokemon.”
“Fair enough.” Danny agreed.
“Speaking of Pokemon I’m skipping them in this list since that’s our next list,” Tucker skipped the image of pikachu. They both passed on Luigi, Ness, Captain Falcon, and jigglypuff.
“I would so smash princess peach, daisy, and Rosalina. Line them up!” Danny cheered.
“Really Peach? I would only smash Rosalina. She at least had a story line,” Sam rolled her eyes.
“Smash the fucking hell out of me!” Danny cheered.
“Okay I know I’m a monster fucker, but are you sure you’re not one?” Sam asked him.
“I have never actually thought about it,” Danny shrugged. “But you still didn’t answer the question?”
“Of course, I’d smash Bowser. Pass on Wario, Waluigi, and Dr. Mario,” Sam rolled her eyes, a smile on her lips.
“Yeah, I can agree with that statement,” Danny shook his head in understanding. “We are passing on the ice climbers?” Danny asked.
“Of course!” Danny agreed. “and you know I’m smashing Sheik and Zelda!”
“Smash Sheik pass on Zelda.”
“You are aware that their the same person right?” Tucker asked her.
“I’m very aware. Sheik could kill me and Zelda is a broing princess. I know what I want in a partner.”
“point taken,” Tucker stopped his fight as he ended up pushing next multip times. Danny and Sam both agreed to pass on the fire emblem charctrers along with young link while Smashing Ganon.
“Mr. Game and Watch.”
“Pass,” Sam said quickly.
“I’d smash. I feel like he could give me a fun time. You saw how he handles that hammer. If I’m lucky he’d use it to pound me,” Danny smiled, making both of his friends laugh.
“You know Danny I agree with that statement and that’s why I’d smash meta knight.”
“To much armor for me,” Danny said, making Tucker snort.
They passed on the Pit’s, kept their same opinion on Samus and landed on Snake.
“Extra Smash!” Danny and Sam agreed.
They kept playing, ending pretty quickly with mostly passes. Danny wanting to smash Bayonets,, Ridley, and King Roll. Sam was agreeing with that list adding Isabella, claiming that she must have some evil dark side to her. This led the group to the pokemon list.
���Do we want to start with Gen 1? Or just go into chaos?” Tucker asked, knowing his friends answers as he got up the list for Gen 9.
“I’m being honest if it’s got three evolutions, I’m most likely not going to smash the first evolution. The second and third are still up for grabs,” Danny set down his rules.
“I can agree with that. So we passing on Sprigatto, Quaxly, and Fuecoco,” Tucker mumbled to himself, making sure to skip thoses options.
“I’m Smashing Floragato, Meowscarda and crocalor from the starters,” Danny stated.
“Chicken,” Sam snorted. “I’ll take your grass started and your fire second evolution and raise you a Quaxwell.”
“I feel like it’s only going to drown into madness from here,” Tucker groaned, knowing it’s not even midnight where Danny is yet and there are nine generations of pokemon.
“How can you not Smash Spidops!” Danny asked frantically.
“Are you kidding? All it does is shot webs. If I wanted to fuck something that shots webs I would fuck spiderman,” Sam rolled her eyes.
“You. . .bring out an excellent point, but I’m not changing my answer!”
“Smashing Arbolliva!” Sam slammed her hand on the desk.
‘Damn girl! I am right here! If you don’t want me then just say it,” Tucker teased her as Danny laughed.
“Smash. Samsh. Smash Ceruledge,” Danny was cheering, Sam cheering with him.
“You know it makes sense that the two of you dated in. highschool, but I can clearly tell why you two were never going to work,” Tucker observed.
“And why is that?” Danny asked, quirking his eyebrow.
“You have to similar of taste.”
“No way in hell you’re actually fucking Grafaiai. Sam do you just have a thing for monkeys or something? “Danny asked.
“I’m not the one who’s ready to throw a party for Toedscruel. I thought we agreed no judging?” She glared.
“Oh know we are judging. I think I’m the one who’s judging the worst,” Tucker laughed.
“That doesn’t count. You only have eyes for Sam. I can’t even recombed a person looks hot and fuckable to you without you saying Sam’s better,” Danny groaned.
“Yep and it’s nice to see that my girlfriend does not have the same standards for me,” Tucker was looking towards her, a playful smile on his lips. He knows she loves him and that he’s not being serious.
“Ah shit guys! I gotta go and get ready for class!” Danny said after hours of playing the smash or pass game. They did eventually make it through all of the Pokémon, but now it was 7 am and Danny had to run to get to campus and stop at his favorite coffee shop.
“Make sure you stay awake dude. If you need to skip class I can write you a doctor’s note,” Tucker said.
“I’ll be fine. I just really don’t want to sleep right now. I should be better by tonight,” Danny said bye to his friends, changing into a different shirt, making sure to grab his jacket, wallet, and keys before leaving his small apartment.
Danny loved living in Gotham, but sometimes the hustle and bustle of the city can be chaotic and stressful, especially on the days when Danny could possibly be late for class, sleep deprived, yet to have his coffee and some report is stopping him to ask him question.
“Opinion of Red Hood?” was the only thing Danny heard the reported ask.
“Smash,” was all Danny could think of as he quickly walked into the coffee shop to get his black coffee with 12 extra expresso shots. Did is taste good? No. Did it wake him up? Absolutely.
Danny didn’t realize the absolute chaos he had caused till he was back home from his classes, Sam and Tucker spamming him with memes of what he did.
Seeing no other option but to go along with it. He found the original clip that tucker sent him a link to, tunrs out the news station put it up on twitter, and re retweeted it with just two words. “I’m right.”
Meanwhile on the other side of Gotham Dick is dying of laughter as he discovered the most hilarious news clip on the planet and proceeded to send it to every single person in his contacts and to every group chat that he’s in, just in case he didn’t have someone’s contact number saved.
He even found the clip being retweeted by the same guy who claims that he’s still right with someone else tagging it #plsdon’tkillhimmr.redhoodsir.
He was making fun of Jason for it especially because turns out his brother knows the guy in real life.
“Grayson what does he even mean when he says smash?” Damain asked as Tim and Dick were making fun of Jason at the cave.
“I have to agree with Damain. The video makes know sense,” Bruce agreed.
“I’m not explaning this,” Tim quickly grabbed his coffee and walked out of the batcave.
“No it!” Jason declared running upstairs, face fully red, Dick not far behind him.
“Why is it always me,” Duke groaned as Bruce wayne lifted a questioning eye brow up at him.
“Please don’t make me explain it,” Duke begged, but sadly when Bruce Wayne wants to know something he will know something.
“Keep making fun of me for this and I will no longer show up to family dinner,” Jason glared at his older brother.
“Aww. You know you can’t avoid Alfred forever,” Dick teased.
“Shit you’re right,” Jason groaned, knowing he was going to have to put up with his brother’s teasing no matter what.
Before anyone knew it Wednesday was upon them, which meant that Danny and Jason finished their only shared class and walked out together to get lunch.
“So did you see your famous news clip?” Jason asked, not able to look Danny in the eye.
“Yeah. I swear this I say the craziest shit when I’m sleep deprived. I stand by what I said though,” Danny got up from the table to grab his order.
“You’re not worried about Red Hood finding out or anything?” Jason asked, seeing a chaotic look within Danny’s eyes.
“Jason, I want nothing more than for Red Hood to come and find me. Hopefully then I’ll get my wish,” Danny smirked up at him, hoping his friend would catch on to the signs.
“Well one can always hope,” Jason gave an awkward laugh as Danny sighed.
Jason may be a bat, but Danny has a feeling that he’s as hopeless as he is when it comes to picking up on romantic cues. At this rate, it’s going to take a miracle to get Jason to realize that yes Danny has feelings for him.
@help-i-need-a-cool-username @spookytragedyshark @weirdfishy @meira-3919 @akikkobara @yjfk@shorterthanadverage@mistyaltair @seraphinedemort@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@idontgetpaidenoughforthisshit@thatonegaybitch68@fuck-you-too-world@stargirl1331@blackrabbitt3t@staresatyoufromaccrosstheroom@f-theworld
I think that was everyone that wanted to be tagged. I personally feel like this could you a second chapter. If I ever do decide to do that then I would definitely add more Jason moments than just having him in here at the last moment.
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ltwilliammowett · 5 months
Special sails
We are more familiar with ships that go up to the topgallant sail (t'gallant or t'garns'l), but there are still some special sails that are above it, these are the Royal, the Skysail and above that the Moonraker. Because of the height they reached, these ships were also called skyscrapers, but please do not confuse them with the skyscraper sail, which was hoisted above them in a triangular shape on much larger ships like clipper or steal barques during the 19th and early 20th century.
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A royal is a small sail flown immediately above the topgallant on square rigged sailing ships. It was originally called the "topgallant royal" and was used in light and favourable winds. Royal sails were normally found only on larger ships with masts tall enough to accommodate the extra canvas. Royals were introduced around the turn of the 18th century but were not usually flown on the mizzenmast until the end of that century. It gave its name to a Dutch term for a light breeze-the Royal Sail Breeze or bovenbramzeilskoelte was a Force 2 wind on the Beaufort Scale.
In the course of the 18th century (although the first written records do not exist until 1807), skysails began to be hoisted over the Royal, again in good weather and light winds.
The word itself dates back to the 18th century and was the name for a sail that was hoisted directly above the sky sail, and it was only hoisted when there was very little wind, because if the wind was too strong, it would simply tear off.
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The Regina Maris, a danish barquentine from 1908 with a watersail ( red circle)
A watersail is a sail hung below the boom. It is used mostly on gaff rig boats for extra downwind performance when racing. Often a watersail will be improvised from an unused foresail. Its psychological effects may be more effective than its aerodynamic ones. Surprisingly, its use can be traced back to as early as 1373. Possibly even earlier, since the 12th century.
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