#simply Taty
rhaegxr · 3 months
𝐎𝐎𝐂; Writing a reply out of the 35463 owed? How about doing yet another 10+ multi para headcanon post instead?
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renaerys · 10 months
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@coloriza Tati ma’am?!?! THESE TAGS! I just wanna say, it is a testament to your unhinged thirst for SasoSaku that it motivated you to improve your English. That is S tier fangirling for your OTP and we should all aspire to that level of dedicated sweating.
Also shut up I love you so much 😭😭😭😭😭
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vaedar · 1 year
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𝐎𝐎𝐂; I have been distracted (in between the usual busy in the life of a mama) watching the Summer I Turned Pretty today but now I stopped and I am determined to do an ask reply or two before calling it a night. Hope everyone has a nice weekend!
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Almost thirty year old woman teaches herself how to do winged eyeliner again for the first time since she took her clothes off for money so she can write a fan fic where kylo ren is the love child of Tati and Simply Nailogical, more at 12
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dearmrsawyer · 1 year
the crows reading thirst tweets has over 800k views and i think at least 100k of them were me 😂
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missholloween · 4 months
Why Joey's EOTPII/Casino character was Owen: a theory
Tagging @smytherines , @toringo and @just-watching-dont-worry. This will be long
First of all, let's introduce our guy: waiter #4 or, as he's called in the subs (more on that later), the manager.
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During the first Spies viewing, one usually pays attention to Joey, as they might be expecting Owen to return in one way or another. I personally got so caught up with this character because of Joey's body language.
Eyes on the Prize II is a very showy number: the ensemble must move at the same time, and they should all be in the same page. They are showy, yet classy; ostentatious, yet controlled. They have to be all the glamour and riches they are singing about.
That's why waiter #4 stood out to me: he's serious as the other are, yes, but he also seems angry. Here are some ensemble photos so that you can see it:
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Why the intensity? Why those gestures? I really encourage you all to rewatch A1P6 so that you can see it, as he keeps the energy for the whole number (even the quick "keep your eyes on the prize" changes). He's not even the waiter that Curt knocks out after his PTSD attack.
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It is also remarkable how these expressions are really similar to another (queer) villain of Joey: Wilbur Cross. Wilbur in Made In America and this waiter has a really similar body language. Coincidence? I don't think so.
If it was only Eyes On the Prize II though, I wouldn't be thinking that much about this... But waiter #4 is one of the three waiters with lines in that scene (the other two being Brian's and Lauren's), so let see what he does.
Joey's waiter first talks when Curt loses it and threatens the Informant, quickly jumping to defend them. Joey's character reacts almost immediately, so he must have been nearby, and is so aggressive that Curt backs down quickly. After threatening Curt with throwing him out of the Casino, he checks the Informant to see if they are okay.
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The subs call this character "Manager", and it would thus explain the way he acts: he was nearby because he's in charge of everything that's going on, and he does have the power to expel costumers if they act inadequately. A manager also spends a lot of time with his employees, so it makes sense that he's protective with them.
Why then, is the next character Joey plays also called "Manager"?
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This character (that, according to the subs, is the same person) has a foreign accent, something none of the other waiters had, and a silly high-pitched voice. His purpose in this scene is to finish humiliating Curt: he tells Curt he has an immense debt for the night and also rebounds his check. The manager is cordial to Tatiana, greeting her while Curt struggles with his payment. He also leaves once Tatiana suggests a solution, and, in a lower voice (similar to no moustache!Manager) says "thank you, ma'am".
Why are these two characters technically the same role? One may think it's because other actors need to be prepared for a quick change or something, but Tessa doesn't! Her next role is ensemble in Not So Bad, and they have a good 3-4 minutes until that. And if they are supposed to be different characters, why would the subtitles use the same name for him? Joey's choices also seem to be stage directions, especially in the coreo. There are too many details for it to be simply a coincidence.
What's the reason, then? Joey is playing Owen at the casino: after his first encounter during A1P3, Owen is on alert knowing that he might cross path with Curt again. He thus decides to go undercover in the casino to see if he'll meet him before attending to Von Nazi's plan. Owen wants to be close, but remain unseen, so he plays one of the waiters of the floor. However, when Curt threatens the Informant, Owen's feelings betray him and quickly intervenes, probably triggered by Curt "brutish ways". After that, Owen has to return with a new role (moustache), as he wants to know where Tati and Curt are leaving. He thus takes advantage of Curt's state to mess a little with him, a little bit of foreplay before what he has prepared for him.
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This also provokes so many fun little headcanons and possibilities. Like, did the Informant and Owen had a relationship then? Would Tatiana have noticed it? Does Owen really think Curt is stupid enough to not recognize someone just by a different voice and a stupid accent? I think it could give way to a lot of fun ideas (but also I do need to know why did they have Joey twice and not Joey and Tessa)
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angelsmist · 2 years
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prompt: a leak in your residence hall calls for unexpected pairings…
contains - cursing, shuri x fem!reader,
disclaimers - this is not my idea!! all credits to @vargskelegore for hbcu shuri. it is an amazing idea. however, the storyline is mine. also, i would prefer if only black people read this story, simply because it is a reader insert specifically for us. thank you <3
this will be a continuous story that i use, but with different prompts. but it will follow about the same storyline. feel free to request !
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“Girl, are you fucking serious?”
“Look, my girlfriend offered and I have no reason to decline. I’m sorry.”
You resisted the urge to lunge at your roommate. There was a monoxide leak in your dorm, meaning that you two were kicked out of your housing, amongst many, many others. Both of you agreed that it’d be better to just get a nearby hotel for the time being, but at last minute she switched up and decided to stay with her girlfriend and her girlfriend’s roomie.
You knew you wouldn’t be able to find anyone else on such short notice because, who the hell would accept a third person, especially a stranger, into a dorm meant for two?
“So, what am I supposed to do then? Nobody’s gonna wanna room with me, and I don’t have enough money to pay for any hotels nearby right now,” You argued, practically fuming. The agreement was to split the bill, but now that she had backed out, there was no way for you to pay solo.
“I’m sorry, (name). I’ll try and ask people if they have room to squeeze you in, but for now, just worry about finishing the rest of your classes. We’ll talk later.”
You shut your eyes, huffing loudly. “Okay. But I swear, if I can’t find a place to stay tonight-“
“Chill,” Your roommate, Tati cut you off. “We’ll figure out something.”
“We better,” You grumbled, readjusting your laptop and notebook in hand before turning on your heel to get to your next class.
You had history next, a class that you were dreading simply because your professor was an absolute snooze fest. Nothing in that class was enjoyable.
Well, scratch that. There was just one thing to look forward to in that class.
That happened to be because of the girl who sat next to you during that class. It was none other than the princess of Wakanda herself.
Towards the end of freshman year in college, there were rumors that the Princess Shuri would be enrolling there. It was all just talk, though, so you never really trusted it. Plus, out of all places, why would literal royalty waste her time at a college when she could be traveling the world?
You had moved back in a few weeks before the first day and thought your mind was playing tricks on you when you saw her while you were trying to figure out where your dorm was supposed to be.
You hadn’t even realized you were staring until her eyes eventually met yours. She offered a smile, but you stupidly stared back at her dumbfounded, still in shock. That got a laugh out of her as she walked away, leaving you feeling incredibly stupid.
That encounter had lived freely in your mind for a long time. You even told Tati about it, which only made her laugh at you and mock you for actual months about it. She couldn’t blame you, though. The princess was fine as hell.
What you didn’t know was that you’d get a second chance later to make a better impression.
Surprised would be an understatement when you saw Shuri enter your history class. You hoped your mind was playing tricks, but looking around, just about everyone had the same reaction as you.
You looked away from the princess, not wanting a repeat of last time. Everyone else in the class silently hoped that Shuri would make the choice of sitting next to them.
It was when you heard shuffling on the opposite side of you that you realized someone had taken the seat on the very end of the row you were sitting in.
The seat next to you.
And well, the rest was history. Heh, get it?
“You look stressed,” Shuri noted, snapping you out of your thoughts. It was like your brain had been in auto-pilot while you were walking to class.
Shutting your eyes, you grumbled in frustration. “Is it that obvious?”
She hummed in response with a nod, sitting up from her chair to shift closer to you. “What’s wrong?”
“Nah, we can talk about this later. We got a presentation due like next week and we’ve barely started,” You dismissed, pulling up Powerpoint. You two had been paired up for a project.
“Yes, but I know you, and I know we won’t be able to do this assignment properly until you tell someone why you are so tense.”
“Okay, first of all, you don’t gotta call me out like that.” You narrowed your eyes at the princess. “Second of all, you heard about that leak in one of the residence halls?”
Shuri’s nod was your signal to continue. “Yeah, so, I was living there. And my plan was to book a hotel room with my roommate until the college can get us a more permanent place to stay, but she just backed out at last minute because of another offer. A free one. I can’t afford to buy my own room, so as of now, I literally have nowhere to live. Like, most of my stuff is in my locker in the locker room.”
“You should’ve said something sooner,” Shuri chuckled, tapping her pencil against her notebook. “Like texted me, or something. You can room with me for tonight. Or however long you need to.”
There was no way you’d turn down that offer. “Seriously? You’re okay with me crashing for a little?”
“Of course. It gets lonely every once in a while and I have enough space for two. Consider it a thank you for helping me adjust to college in the first few weeks,” Shuri confirmed, a smile playing at her lips.
“You are a lifesaver,” You breathed out, nodding at your friend. “Thank you.”
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Once class ended, you told Shuri you’d meet her in the quad as soon as majorette practice ended. Unfortunately, it was a whole lot longer than you had anticipated. The worst part was, it was an outside practice, so not only did you have to work your ass off, you also had to do with the heat of the sun basically frying you.
Practice could not be over soon enough. By the time it did end, the sun had already began to set and the sky turned a cool blue. You hadn’t had the chance to tell Shuri you’d probably be a little later than you told her because you didn’t have time.
You grabbed your water bottle, wiping sweat off your neck. When you felt a tap on the shoulder, you turned around to see Tati. “Hey, you know Kendall? That junior who bombed her tryout for the team? She has a free spot in her dorm cause the last girl moved out.”
You furrowed your eyebrows suspiciously. “Why’d she move out?”
Tati shrugged in response. “I don’t know, but I could ask her if you want.”
“Nah, I think she has like, a personal vendetta against me. Pretty sure I took her spot this year,” You replied.
“Girl, that wasn’t her spot. She messed up that audition all on her own,” Tati spoke, only half-joking.
You laughed at her harsh, but true words. “It’s all cool, though. I found a temporary roommate, anyways.”
“That’s good! I’m sorry again for bailing on you at last minute.”
“Don’t worry, I get it. We don’t got the money to be booking hotels when there’s a free option. You’re good.” You smiled, closing your water bottle.
You and Tati looked at the other group of majorettes socializing and noticed they had stopped talking to stare at something. Or rather, someone.
“Is that the princess?” You heard one say.
Tati turned to you. “Quick, look away before you end up staring at her like a deer in headlights again.”
You narrowed your eyes at your roommate. “Funny.”
You looked to the entrance of the large stadium that your group was practicing near and you couldn’t say that you weren’t surprised to see Shuri coming through them, looking around your group as if searching for something.
Once her gaze met yours, her eyes lit up as she began to walk towards you. It was like she didn’t even notice the entire team gawking at her.
“Hey, I was getting worried,” Shuri greeted you with a grin. “Are you ready to go?”
You looked at her slightly confused. “Wha…oh! You here for me?”
The princess looked at you as if you were crazy. “Who else would I be here for?”
“Right.” You mentally face-palmed, shutting your eyes for a moment in embarrassment. “I’ll be ready in a second, can you just meet me in the locker room so I can get my stuff out of there?”
Shuri nodded silently before turning away and heading towards the locker rooms just like you had asked.
When you turned to Tati, her eyes were practically bulging out of her head. “You didn’t tell me your new roommate was the princess!”
Tati must’ve said it too loudly, because her word quickly attracted the attention of your teammates, who began to walk towards you.
You knew exactly how this was gonna end. You’d be bombarded with questions you didn’t feel like answering, nor feel comfortable answering. You sent a wave to Tati before jogging towards the doors Shuri had just left through.
“You better tell me everything!” You heard Tati yell before exiting.
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Good morning, black transfem voice actors!
First of all, happy pride month! We love you. You are beautiful simply because you exist. Sorry, there’s no getting around that. Get loved and appreciated and accepted for the wonderful being that you are.
Second of all,
Hey! Do you want to play a beautiful, smart, funny, badass black transwoman in our podcast?
Sick! Then get over here!
Tatiana is a secondary main character in hit podcast (note: not yet a hit podcast) Before I Forget (Again). We are looking for a voice actor worthy of our queen. Technically, we have not begun casting yet, but I just wanted to get the word out early so we can drum up some interest.
Casting call is expected to release in early 2025, so if you or someone you know has interest in playing Tati (or Danny, our transmasc secondary protagonist! See his post here), please reblog and drop us a follow! Even if you don’t qualify to play any of our trans characters, we still have a wide variety of queer and POC characters that we would love to have you try out for.
With that said, have a wonderful day, and a fantastic rest of Pride Month! Lots of love from all of us here at the V.A.S.M.
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destinyc1020 · 2 days
Tom seems happy working with POC: Taty, Sophia Ali, Sasha Lane, Fran, even he had a POC for his first, kind of, gay role.
And he for sure had a say in those castings, if he wasn't comfortable, they wouldn't been cast.
He won't stop because some Social Media idiots.
I totally agree Anon. Tom isn't going to just stop working with poc or woc simply because of racist people, or because of Fran's testimony.
Even though some fans would like for him to 🙄, Tom does what he wants to do. And nothing is going to stop him. 🤷🏾‍♀️
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lcandothisallday · 1 year
A Shot Worth Taking - Jeremy (WMCJ) x f!reader
Part 3 - First Date Continued
warnings: none
series masterlist!
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Your date with Jeremy was going much better than you had ever anticipated. He was extremely charming and his jokes had you doubled over in laughter more times than you could count.
The way he smiled too, with his dimple showing made your heart flutter and put butterflies in your stomach in the best way possible. Simply put, it was very hard not to fall for him.
When it came time to pay, Jeremy flagged down the waitress and instantly pulled out his wallet to pull out some bills. Instantly you reached for purse. “We can split—”
Jeremy shook his head with a smirk. “What kinda gentlemen would I be if I didn’t pay for our first date?” he asked, causing you to smile shyly and pull back while saying a small thanks.
Jeremy nodded with a grin and slipped the amount into the bill book. “Now I don’t know about you…but I kinda don’t want this date to end yet so are you down to hang out some more?” he asked.
You couldn’t help the wide grin that made its way onto your lips. “I’d love that actually.”
“Great,” he mused. When the waitress finally came back with his change, the two of you got up but not before the waitress gave you an obvious once over before turning to Jeremy with a dubious smirk. “Whatever happened between you and Tati? Y’all would always come in here together—”
Jeremy felt like a deer caught in the headlights with the question catching him off guard. He looked at you shamefully before he turned back to the waitress. He wanted to cuss her out for being messy—obviously wanting to start something with the boring day she probably had. But it was completely unnecessary of her.
“Uhhh…we broke up…but that’s not really your business huh? Now if you’ll excuse us,” he mumbled, taking your hand and beginning to lead you out the restaurant. Once far enough out, he turned to you with the most apologetic look on his face. “Y/N I’m so sorry about that—I don’t even know why she felt the need to bring that shit up,” he groaned. “Just being fucking messy.”
“Jeremy it’s fine. Clearly she was just bored and wanted to rile you up for entertainment…makes sense why she kept looking at me funny the entire time,” you reassure. “Although I am wondering why you brought me to a restaurant you frequented often with your ex girlfriend…”
Your comment made Jeremy’s eyes widened, “it’s cos I know the food is good—it’s not—”
“Jeremy I’m only teasing!” you exclaimed with a laugh. “C’mon—I don’t care about that stuff—it’s not like I expect you to be some virgin,” you giggled reaching for his hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “It’s all good. I promise.”
Jeremy let out a breath of relief. “I just really like you…”
“That’s good…because I really like you too. Now come on—what did you have in mind?”
Jeremy grinned as he began to lead you towards his car. “You’ll just have to wait and see.” As you approach his little porche, your eyes widened slightly.
“This is your car? It’s so cute!” you exclaimed, your fingers tracing the smooth metal before you looked back at him and catching his awkward expression. “What?”
“It um…it belonged to my ex-girlfriend’s dad actually,” he replied, cheeks warming up as he scratched the back of his neck awkwardly.
“I’m not helping my case am I?” he asked bashfully, you shaking your head ‘no’ with a giggle. “Not really,” you teased. “How long did you two date?” you asked, testing the waters a bit.
Jeremy shrugged, fidgeting with the car keys in his hand. “Like six years,” he mumbled in response, causing your eyes to go wide and a ‘wow’ to escape your lips. “She didn’t like that I got back into basketball.”
You furrowed your brows. “That’s a dumb reason to end things with someone you’ve been with for six years,” you pointed out, clearly not knowing the full picture since he was leaving out some key details.
“Yeahhh…but that’s not important anymore,” he mused, wanting to move on from that topic and opening the passenger side door for you. “I’ve moved on to bigger and better things,” he mused, winking your way.
You giggled and stepped into the car, watching as he went back around to his own side and hopping in from the top. He settled in before he began the drive. You didn’t know exactly where he was taking you, but you welcomed whatever the adventure was with open arms.
He parked in front of the beach and hopped out of the car, you doing the same. "Alright...I'm thinking we go sit by the beach?" he suggested, although you had another idea in mind. You had taken notice of the basketball that sat in his backseat and the empty court nearby, so instead, you grabbed the ball and smirked as you turned to look at him. "How about you teach me a few things instead?"
Jeremy grinned and raised a brow at you. "Thought basketball wasn't really your thing?"
"Hmm but you're my thing and I wanna be able to keep up with your interest," you shrugged. "Also you seem to forget that me watching you play is what got us here on this date in the first place--"
Jeremy smirked. "Baby--just say you think it's hot watching me play," he shrugged nonchalantly with confidence. The way he used the term of endearment with such ease caused your cheeks to heat up. "Yeah what if I do?" you challenged.
"Then how can I deny such a pretty girl her request and desires?" he teased, causing you to roll your eyes and let out a laugh.
“Yeah yeah,” you scoff, tossing him the basketball which he caught with ease. He grinned at you with amusement before he began to dribble the basketball towards the court before he began with a light run and proceeded to finish with the perfect layup. He swung around and smirked before he passed you the ball.
“Know how to do a lay up?” he asked, and you shook your head.
“Just because I know the rules of the game doesn’t mean I know how to play the game,” you laughed. Jeremy grinned and shrugged, “that’s fair” he said, before he walked his way back over to you. He moved to stand behind you, placing his hands on your waist. His warm touch sent a pleasant shiver down your spine, and you couldn't help but lean into his embrace.
"Alright, I'll show you the basics," Jeremy said, his voice low and comforting. "First, you want to dribble the ball like this." He gently guided your hands to hold the basketball and demonstrated the dribbling motion.
You followed his lead, bouncing the ball with a bit of uncertainty at first.
"Now, when you're ready to go for the layup, take a step with your left foot, jump off your right foot, and extend your arm for the shot," Jeremy explained, demonstrating the moves as he spoke.
You nodded, focusing on his instructions. With Jeremy's hands still on your waist, he gently guided you through the steps, helping you find your balance and timing.
The first time you got it in with the correct moves, you squealed and jumped up in joy. "Did you see that?! I think I did that one perfectly!"
Jeremy laughed as he hummed in agreement. "I can see...you're a natural," he mused.
"Only because I have such a good teacher," you grinned.
"That was your plan all along wasn't it?"
You merely shrugged, although the smirk was growing wider on your lips. "What if it was? Wanted an excuse for you to put your hand on my waist," you mused.
"Ohhh...so it's like that?" Jeremy asked in amusement.
You pretend to think for a second. "Hmm--I think you're reading too much into it."
"Nah clearly I wasn't reading into it enough."
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Against the Tide - Twenty-Two
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Rating: Explicit Pairing(s): Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez x Original Female Character, Silvio Ricci x Original Female Character Characters: Grimmjow Jaegerjaquez (Bleach), Silvio Ricci (Ikemen Prince), Olivia DuBois (Original Female Character of Color) Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergent, Pirates and Princes, Slow Burn, Action/Adventure, Worldbuilding, Angst, Some Subtle Racism, Sexual Tension, Political Subplot
Previous Chapter: Twenty-One
Chapter Masterlist
“I wouldn’t blame you if you did, you know,” Thalia replies, nodding her head sagely. “Go off with him, I mean. If you really love him, there must be something really good about him.”
“Thank you, Tati,” Olivia smiles. “And you’re right. There is something really good about him - there are lots of good things about him.”
Thalia looks at her sister with interest. “Livvy, is he really a pirate? That kind of pirate?”
“Who can say?” She smirks at her sister. “I know that he sometimes acquires rare goods from foreign countries. I hear he’s a fairly successful merchant.”
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Read on AO3
“Oh,” Thalia exclaims, looking at Olivia’s ring. “I haven’t seen you wear that in a long time… I thought you might have gotten rid of it.”
Olivia laughs. “I may not wear jewelry often, but I never get rid of any of it.” She thinks then of the little wooden chest full of jewelry upstairs in her old bedroom at her parents’ manor. “Though there are some pieces I probably will never wear again,” she adds softly. 
“What made you decide to wear that one again, after all this time?”
She looks down at the ring. It is a very pretty ring, made of seaglass in a bluish-green color. For a time many years ago, she had taken to wearing it on her index finger, but it was always a little too snug there. Today, she wears it on her ring finger. 
It fits perfectly there. 
“It just felt right,” she says simply, with a smile.
Thalia looks at her a little sadly. “I can’t believe you’re leaving for a whole year.”
“I am,” Olivia agrees, “but I won’t be far, and I’ll be back for your wedding. I promise.” 
“Mama says you’re not coming back to Clario even after the year is up.”
Surprised, Olivia stares at her younger sister. “She told you that?”
Thalia nods. “She says you’re going to go off to sea with… the Captain.” Thalia whispers the last bit, looking furtively around as if afraid someone will hear her. It almost makes Olivia laugh. 
“She would say that, wouldn’t she,” Olivia murmurs. She sighs. “I don’t know what will happen in a year, Tati.”
“I wouldn’t blame you if you did, you know,” Thalia replies, nodding her head sagely. “Go off with him, I mean. If you really love him, there must be something really good about him.”
“Thank you, Tati,” Olivia smiles. “And you’re right. There is something really good about him - there are lots of good things about him.” 
Thalia looks at her sister with interest. “Livvy, is he really a pirate? That kind of pirate?”
“Who can say?” She smirks at her sister. “I know that he sometimes acquires rare goods from foreign countries. I hear he’s a fairly successful merchant.”
This makes her younger sister laugh. “Oh Livvy, I’m glad to see you haven’t changed at all. I’m really going to miss having you close.”
Olivia gathers her in a tight hug. “You’re welcome to come visit Vora anytime,” she tells her. “And like I said, I’ll be back for your wedding in a few months. Try not to let Mama drive you crazy with the planning in the meantime.” 
“She’s already starting to.” Thalia rolls her eyes. “I think she’s planning the wedding she always wanted for you… and even though it’s not a political marriage, she’s still making a really big affair of it.”
Olivia clicks her tongue sympathetically. “Now I feel even worse for leaving you alone with her at a time like this.”
“It’s ok,” her sister smiles. “I’ve got Papa on my side to keep her from getting too out of control. And I want to hear all about your adventures in your letters, alright?”
“I’ll write to you often,” Olivia promises. “Long, boring letters filled with every little detail about where I am and what I’m doing. You’ll get sick of me before long.”
“That will never happen.” 
“I see you’ve been filling Tati’s head with all sorts of fables,” Olivia remarks dryly. 
“Fables?” Mirelle looks curiously back at her. “What do you mean?”
“She said you told her that I was planning to go off to sea with the Captain.” 
“Well, aren’t you?”
“I haven’t planned anything beyond what I need to do for the year that I’ll be helping Vora reestablish their government.” Olivia laughs. “What brings you here anyway? I thought you said you’d never come to my… how did you put it?” She taps a finger against her chin. “My filthy little hovel… I think that’s the way you described it.”
“In my defense, I didn’t know what it looked like at the time,” Mirelle protests. “And you can’t imagine the picture my mind conjured up when you told me you’d be living in a room down at the docks.”
Olivia raises both eyebrows questioningly, a wry smile pulling at her mouth. “And now?” 
“Now what?”
“What do you think of it, now that you’ve seen it?” She’s expecting criticism and braces herself for it. 
“It suits you,” Mirelle says after a moment, taking her daughter completely by surprise. “Has… he been here?”
Olivia can’t help but to laugh at the way her mother has phrased it - Mirelle is looking furtively around as though someone will hear her, not unlike the way Thalia looked when she made mention of ‘the Captain.’ “Of course he’s been here,” Olivia answers reasonably, as she folds clothes and sets them aside in piles to be packed. “He doesn’t always sleep on his ship, you know.”
Her mother tries not to look scandalized. “And he’s going with you to Vora.”
“He’s taking me to Vora,” Olivia corrects her. 
“Couldn’t you just go with Prince Silvio on his vessel?” 
Olivia sighs. “You know very well why I can’t.”
“Mama,” she interrupts, trying not to sigh again. “It’s my last night here… I don’t want to fight.”
Her mother is quiet for a moment. “I don’t want to fight, either,” she confesses. “And you may not believe me when I tell you this, but… I am proud of you.”
“Why?” Olivia snorts. “Aren’t I a colossal disappointment? I’m not doing any of the things you wanted me to do.”
“You’re not,” her mother agrees. “But you’re doing the things you want to, and that’s why I’m proud of you.”
Her words leave Olivia speechless. She’s still struggling to find the words to say when there’s a knock at her door. “Come in,” she calls.
“Olivia!” The word comes out as a hiss. “You don’t just invite people into your home without first checking to see who’s at the door!”
“I know who’s at the door,” she laughs, as the knob begins to turn. 
“Oh,” Grimmjow says, standing in the doorway. “Didn’t know ya had company. I can come back later---”
“Stay,” Olivia says, motioning him in. “My mother isn’t company - she’s my mother.”
“It’s nice to know what you really think of me.” Mirelle stands. “It’s quite alright,” she goes on, her words addressed to Grimmjow. “I was leaving soon anyway. The carriage is waiting for me out on the road.”
“I’ll walk ya,” he offers. 
Her mouth is set to refuse him, but one glance at Olivia and she reconsiders. “If you’d be so kind,” she says gracefully. 
Olivia reaches out, pulling her mother into a tight embrace. “Thank you,” she whispers. “For what you said.”
“I meant it,” her mother tells her sincerely. “And whatever… whatever you decide to do once you’ve finished your time in Vora, make sure it’s what you really want to do.”
“I will,” Olivia smiles. “I promise.”
“There’s my carriage.” Mirelle turns to face him. “I’d like to ask a favor of you.”
“Me?” Grimmjow chuckles. “Ain’t sure what I could do for ya, but whatever it is, I’ll try.”
“Take care of her, please,” Olivia’s mother requests, her voice soft. “Olivia is many things, but she’s never been foolish. If she loves you… if she trusts you, I know it’s because you’ve done something to earn her love and her trust. So please,” she goes on, “take care of her, even when she isn’t taking care of herself. Especially when she isn’t taking care of herself.”
Her words seem to surprise him. He recovers quickly however, flashing Mirelle a charming grin that makes her think she’s getting a little glimpse of what Olivia sees in him. “I give my word, M’Lady,” he offers. “Me, I might be a lotta things ya don’t agree with, but I can tell ya I’m a man of my word. I’ll look after her.”
“Thank you,” Mirelle replies, her smile relieved. 
Grimmjow waits until she’s safely in the carriage before he turns away. 
Olivia is waiting when he gets back. In just the quarter of an hour or so that he’s been gone, she’s managed to get all of the piles of folded clothes packed away and her bags set by the door. 
“All ready to go, I see,” he observes with a smile. 
“Mmhm,” she agrees. “Did my mother give you an earful?” 
“Nah.” Grimmjow chuckles, reaching out and pulling her by the waist until she’s flush against him. “She told me to take care of ya.” 
“She did?”
“Yeah.” He wraps his arms around her. “Told me that if you love me and trust me, I musta done somethin’ to earn it.” He leans back, tilting her chin up with his hand so he can look into her eyes. “Did I do somethin’ to earn it, Sae?”
Olivia looks back at him, her eyes lit up with amusement. “You mean to tell me you’ve been going along all this time without knowing?” 
She expects him to laugh too, to make some clever joke about it. Instead, his eyes are serious and searching, and it makes her realize that he legitimately wants to know. “Come here,” she says softly, taking his hand in hers and leading him over to sit next to her on the bed. Even when they’re settled there, sitting side by side, Olivia doesn’t let go of his hand. She links her fingers with his, raising her left hand to his eye line so he can see the ring there. “Do you remember this?”
Grimmjow squints. “I bought ya that.”
“You did,” she agrees with a smile. “It was one of the very first things you brought me back from Vora.” She looks down at the ring. “Why did you buy it?”
He considers her question but not for long, and it makes Olivia think the answer is something he’s already thought about. “You seemed so happy whenever I would bring shit from Vora for ya,” he starts. “I just liked seein’ that little smile on your face… the way your eyes would light up when ya got excited.” He chuckles. “You’re always pretty Sae, but ya look prettiest when you’re happy.”
She can feel them - the little butterflies that haven’t left her stomach since she’s embraced what she feels for this man. “That,” she says quietly. “Since I met you, you’ve been trying to make me happy. Even when I didn’t realize that’s what you were doing, you were only trying to make sure I was always smiling. That I always felt my best.
“Sometimes that meant bringing me beautiful things from Vora,” she goes on. “Little pieces of home, things that reminded me of the place I loved and missed so much. Sometimes it meant teasing me in a way that would make me forget whatever was troubling me in favor of a laugh. It often meant sharing a drink with me, or letting me cry on your shoulder - sometimes both at the same time.” She pauses, remembering something specific.
“I woulda kicked his ass if you’d needed me to,” he interjects quietly, and it’s then that she knows he’s thinking of it, too. 
“I know,” Olivia laughs, even though there are tears in the corners of her eyes. “But what happened back then wasn’t his fault, and I loved that you respected that fact enough to let it be.” She turns to face him, bringing his hand up to her lips and pressing a kiss to each of his knuckles. “I love you, Grimmjow. I love everything about you… even the parts of you that you think I wouldn’t.” She reaches up with both hands, cupping his face and bringing him close for a kiss. 
One kiss turns into two, two turns into three, and it isn’t long before they’ve shed the thin layers of fabric separating their skin. As she always does when he’s fully sheathed inside of her, Olivia marvels at how good he feels. 
Grimmjow holds her close, his hands tightly gripping her hips as she moves on top of him. He is hard-pressed to take his eyes off of her even to blink. 
It makes her feel like a goddess. 
Afterward she rests her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and feeling the way his chest rises and falls with each breath he takes. “I’m always happy when I’m with you, no matter what we’re doing or where we are,” she tells him, her voice solemn and hushed. “I trust you with my life, and I…” She trails off, her gaze dropping once more to the ring on her finger. “I wouldn’t mind spending the rest of that life with you. Wherever that takes us.”
“Even though you deserve better?” 
She stares up at him. “What I deserve,” she starts, her gaze never leaving his, “is a man who loves me the way that I am and who is happy with me. Are you saying you’re not that man?”
It makes him laugh, the intensity of her stare. “You are one fuckin’ scary woman when you wanna be.”
“But am I wrong?”
He shakes his head, still chuckling. “I want ya, Sae, more than ya know. And if you’ll have me, I’ll stay with ya until I get old and ugly.”
“I can’t ever see you being old or ugly,” she laughs. “And even if you are, I’ll still want to be with you.” 
“Might live to regret that,” he warns her, his blue eyes twinkling with mischief as he shifts in bed to hover above her. 
“Somehow,” she giggles breathlessly, “I doubt that will ever happen.”
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A/N: Here we are, at the end of this little tale. If you've made it this far, thank you for being patient with me (especially while I worked up the nerve to finish and post this last chapter). I had so much fun writing this fic this time around, because I let the characters tell me how the story should go.
Fear not - this isn't the end of Grimmjow and Olivia's adventures. There will be more of them to come, hopefully in the not-so-distant future. I have ideas for them, and I hope you'll stick around to see those ideas come to fruition.
Thank you for all the likes, kudos, comments, and reblogs - I appreciate each and every one of them.
Val 💙
Previous Chapter: Twenty-One
Chapter Masterlist
Tag list: @chrissie2003 @kryptoniteforsale @pamakali
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therealcocoshady · 5 months
Not going to lie : this is ENTERTAINING AF ! Last time I was this entertained was when I was still active in the beauty community and witnessed Dramaggeddon with Tati, James Charles, Jeffree Star and Shane Dawson 👀. That was messy and I was here for it !
I became a hip hop fan in most recent years and… oh what a great time to be alive 🙈.
Ironically enough, nor Drake nor Kendrick are on the list of my most listened to artists so I cannot offer much insight that would take their careers into account or that sort of things. Because I’m simply not that kind of fan so I don’t want to lie and say I’m an expert in something I am not 😅.
That being said, here is what I think :
- I am more into Kendrick than Drake. I don’t mean to say that Drake sucks or anything, but it’s just not my style. Some songs are cute and fun but none (so far) has hit me like a gut punch. Also, not my style of production. (I’m starting to think I’m just too old to enjoy Drake)
- For real, remember when Drake’s meat leaked in an online video ? Almost found that more enjoyable than his music 🙈
- Kendrick, on the other hand, has always amazed me. I don’t listen to him too much and I don’t consider myself a fan, but the way he has with words is incredible to me. I mean… that man has a PULLITZER PRIZE, ffs !!! His lyrics are always on point. I’m also more into this type of production.
- Kendrick is also very much an activist and I AM HERE FOR THIS ❤️.
- Listened to all the diss tracks that have been dropped by both parties so far and… in my mind there is absolutely no doubt that Kendrick won 🙊. Those tracks were fire 🔥
I don’t have enough background info for the beef. Should I do some extensive research ?
Anyway, one thing is for sure : I would KILL to be in the group chat Marshall has with Denaun and Royce because I know these men are having the time of their life 👀
What do Y’ALL think ?
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you know who was screwed over by the clave and we never talk about it? gideon, gabriel and tatiana. honestly the whole tlh drama would never have happened, any of it, if they simply sent them to the institute earlier, tati was there when will told about the curse and her husband wasn't eaten because benedict was locked up like he should be
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justarandomlambblog · 5 months
Hello and welcome to my Cult of the Lamb blog! The title of this blog might change, but you can call me Justa.
Don't be afraid to send me asks or dms! I don't bite and I love rambling about stories, AUs, situations(hips) and What-Ifs.
I don't have a schedule- I don't update or upload on a schedule and I can’t even promise regularly. I have a full time job and go to school part time, and in August will be in school full time and working part time, so what I do is in my free time. That being said, if you do message me, be patient please- I'm usually either at work or at school.
You can find me on AO3 under JustaWrites! I write pretty much just as much as I draw. Please don't mind the inconsistency in my art, I'm still trying to settle into an art style and figure out how to draw these mfers in a way that I'm happy with. I haven't drawn in YEARS and I was a traditional realism landscape artist when I did, so this is a learning curve for me. I am also still figuring out names for the Lamb and Yellow Cat so you'll see their names change between AUs as I look for names I like.
Now, I am not a One Story Gal. I get an idea and I play with it, which even tho I have been involved in Cult of the Lamb for like... less than a month, means I have a lot of AUs already. They're mostly canon-divergent or twisted in some way, but I build a lot on worldbuilding and culture.
Something to know for basically all canon-divergent/adjacent fics: Narinder's region, through the doorways behind the Gateway, is called Sleeping Hollow. It is blocked off from the rest of the world and has been isolated for a thousand years, so it has remained untouched by the Bishops' devolving madness.
Now for the part this post is for; the AUs.
Death's Beck and Call: The Lamb never killed Narinder, meaning Narinder did not lose his status as god of Death; instead, Lamb became a god of gods, the god of Life, when they chose to spare Narinder. Unfortunately, this also means Shamura's prophecy... was never completed. Five became four became three became two became one... and one still remains. The Lamb drags Narinder along on a journey to "reverse the prophecy"- to turn one into five again. This fic contains: Canon typical violence and death, OCs, Narilamb and Leshycat The Lamb: Their name is Azri and they use they/them pronouns Yellow Cat: Their name is Tati and they use they/them pronouns -
Dreams of Absolution: Modern-ish AU mixing modern day culture with a more traditional religious culture found in-game. Narinder is a single dad to Aym and Baal, coparenting with Forneus, and Lamb is new in town, Aym and Baal's new teacher. Lamb is smitten with the cute barista at Mystic Coffee House, and Narinder is just trying to avoid his estranged family. This fic contains: Past violence and death, (fictional) religion, family drama, Narilamb and Leshycat, dad!Narinder, past Narinder/Forneus (Narineus? Forinder?), not-evil Bishops The Lamb: Simply goes by Lamb, their real name is unknown. They/Them Yellow Cat: Their name is Tati, they/them. Art: Narilamb, Single Dad Narinder, Lamb is Lost, Tati and Leshy, Narinder and Lamb -
Second Chances [name will change when I think of something better]: In which Narinder wakes up after dying to find himself in the After again, and thinking it's Purgatory, just gives up. Then Aym and Baal arrive, and he decides- Purgatory or not, he'll play the game differently this time. Revenge didn't work and he will never be free, but... this time, these kits will be his children, not his guardians. Now, Vessels are not for wreaking havoc and seeking vengeance on his siblings, but for providing the twins with the mortal luxuries that he cannot. But... how, exactly, did time rewind itself? Well, the Lamb and the Bishops might have answers.... Or: Turns out in a world that relies on gods, killing them all is a bad idea. This story contains: this is a lighthearted AU, mostly, with mild angst, dad!Narinder, Bishops as a family, trying to undo damage, etc. There is definitely a pre-relationship Narilamb angle here, but it is not a core part of the story. Lamb: They are mostly just called Lamb, they/them Art: The First Vessel -
Song of the Eternal: In which fallen gods will eventually hear a song beckoning them to the Eternal Land. Narinder and Leshy hear the song and know they have to leave, something they're torn about as their family is only still recovering. This fic includes: It's a heavy story, including themes of loss and regret, and what it means to find peace. Feelings-realized-too-late, Leshycat, onesided/requited-too-late Narilamb Lamb: Just called Lamb, they/them Yellow Cat: Called Mer, they/them Art: A Hard Conversation (wip) -
Memories like a Photograph Faded: After saving the Bishops, Narinder is given to the Lamb... only, Narinder does not remember the last several thousand years. This fic contains: Amnesia, existentialism (to an extent), family bonding, hints of Narilamb and implied Leshycat Lamb: Just called Lamb, they/them Yellow Cat: Called Mer, they/them -
Unnamed: In which no one realizes Narinder is immortal, so Lamb offers him a golden skull which he rejects, expressing a desire to live as mortals do- have a family and grow old and die, all the things he could never do before. The Bishops protest this, as they've only just started healing, but ultimately let it be. Unfortunately for Narinder, he will never live this life. This story contains: Narinder/OC, Narinder offspring, pining Lamb, Leshycat, Bishops family, family bonding, angst Lamb: Just called Lamb, they/them Yellow Cat: Unnamed thus far, they/them -
Reincarnation AU: Modern-ish, post-canon, not-spared Narinder and properly-put-to-rest Bishops. Lamb has been the god of Death for 2,000 years now, and their cult has grown into a full blown society stretching throughout the entirety of what was once the Old Faith's Lands. The Bishops' true names and faces have been forgotten, lost to ancient history as nothing more than the monsters the Blessed Lamb had defeated... yet the world may have forgotten, but the universe never will. Lamb took their eyes off of the After long enough for the Bishops' souls to reincarnate, and now Lamb is trying to keep an eye on the family as they just live their lives, always ready for the shoe to drop. This story contains: Eventual NariLamb (is it breaking vows if it's the god the priest worships?), LeshyCat, and maybe Heket will get a girlfriend she deserves it, Bishops family (less angst more fluff), magic, reincarnation tropes/issues (memories of past lives/past lives carrying over into the present, accepting that Narinder and his family are and are not the Bishops all at the same time, do crimes in your past life carry over into your new one? etcetc), cultural worldbuilding and religious themes, technically a role reversal in that Lamb is now the ancient god and Narinder is now the mortal who is more than he seems The Lamb is simply called Lamb, they/them Yellow Cat's name is undecided, them/them Art: A New Crusade, Meeting the Family?, the reason Priest!Narinder doesn't recognize the Lamb...., The Lamb (previous drawing colorized)
Okay for now this is all I have time for, I will add to this and make it better later when I don't need to go to work <3
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we-are-so-close · 2 years
Another Appetizer
Kageyama x reader --crack, fluff wc: 1.2k author's note: this is for @milky-fixx . Tati, you deserve to have pro-athlete Kageyama Tobio buy you your own appetizer every time you go on a date.
The sun hung directly overhead, the sky a pale blue with no sight of a cloud anywhere. The day was warm, but felt much hotter on the rooftop patio with no refreshing breeze to cut back on the heat. The umbrella that jutted up from the middle of the table provided shade, but rays of sunlight were still able to pierce through. While you were happy to finally be trying this new restaurant that had been on your radar for months, you were more ecstatic to be there with your friend and longtime crush, Kageyama Tobio. If he wasn’t away for volleyball, you certainly had some school duty you needed to fulfill. Regardless, you were glad that the two of you were finally able to hang out. 
The more you stared at him, the more in thought he seemed to be. It was funny; you weren’t sure how someone could look like they were thinking about everything and nothing all at once. But sure enough, Kageyama never failed to surprise you. Trying to figure out what was going on up there was a mystery you weren’t sure you’d ever be able to solve fully. 
“Kags. Kags…Tobio. Tobio. To-bi-ooOO. TOBI!” you stated with some force in your voice. The change in volume and pitch effectively pulled him back to the moment with you. He stared at you, a little lost. 
“They brought the appetizer out.”
“Oh. Thanks,” he said as he took the whole pastry and popped it into his mouth. 
“Tobio!” you whined. 
“Whaght,” he mumbled, his face comparable to a chipmunk storing goodies in their cheeks. 
“I really wanted to try that, too!”
“Oh,” he swallowed hard, every bit of food slowly making its way down his throat. 
Quickly, he got up from his chair and towered over you. His eyes scanned your face and you stared right back at him. Without any warning, Kageyama’s lips pushed his way onto yours. You could feel yourself getting hot in the face. This was not how you imagined your first kiss with Kageyama going. For the first time today, you were grateful for being the only ones out on the patio. He slipped his tongue in rather forcefully, and it made you wonder if he’d done this before. 
A brief moment later, he pulled away and sat back down in his seat. 
“Did you get it?” he asked in a most serious tone. 
“The taste of the pastry.”
“Is that why you kissed me?!” A new heat rose within you. 
“You said you wanted to taste it. So I thought since I just ate it, you might still be able to.”
“Kageyama, ew! I could just order another one!”
“Oh yeah, I guess you could have done that.”
A few moments of silence pass, the two of you staring off into different directions. The waiter finally came back out to check on the two of you. 
“Can we get another order of this?” Kageyama pointed to the empty plate before the waiter had finished his formalities. The waiter simply smiled and said, “of course, sir,” before clearing the plate and leaving once again. 
A few more minutes passed by and the silence was so awkward, even Kageyama took notice. 
“How has work been, ____?”
“Same old, same old.”
“Any funny stories?”
“That’s too bad. Your stories are always really good.”
A few more minutes go by before the waiter comes back out with the second round of the appetizer. Kageyama’s gaze was boring directly into your soul. He was going to make sure you ate it and enjoyed it. What he doesn’t realize is just how uncomfortable it’s actually making you. 
“Is there something wrong with it? Why aren’t you eating it?” He asked with concern. 
“I can’t eat it with you staring at me like that.” 
He scrunched his face and tried to make himself smile a reassuring smile. You knew the smile. The smile that was more of a grimace or it looked like he was constipated. It was funny when he did it to other people. But now that he was doing it to you, it somehow wasn’t as funny. 
“Is this better?”
“Um, could you just close your eyes for a minute, maybe?
He gave a little pout, but obliged. You stared at the food on the plate. You wanted to know what it tasted like, but you needed to know something more. 
“Was that the only reason why you kissed me?”
“What?” His eyes flew open and immediately went back to analyzing your face. Tobio had never been the best at reading people, but he’d always been pretty good at understanding you. As best of a face you tried to put on, he could tell that something was up. 
“I guess I just ate it without thinking, and then acted without thinking,” he shrugged sheepishly.
A sinking feeling sat in the pit of your stomach, but you let out a soft chuckle regardless. “Is your brain even in there today?”
He squeezed his eyes shut again, seemingly trying to stop himself from saying anything else. You took the time to finally savor a bite of this pastry you’d been eagerly wanting to try. As soon as you took a bite though, Kageyama scooched his chair out from the table and, once again, startled you with a kiss. He pulled away with a look of disgust. 
“Uck, you have food in your mouth!” 
After you were able to stop your coughing fit and prevent yourself from choking, you looked at that man as if he had three heads. 
“Yeah, I had food in my mouth! Did you not see me take a bite?!”
“You told me to close my eyes!”
“Kageyama Tobio, you are going to be the death of me!”
He sat with his arms folded across his chest and pouted. A tinge of pink lingered across his cheeks. 
The waiter awkwardly cleared his throat as he was standing there with both of your meals in his hands. How long he was standing there, you couldn’t be too sure. He quietly set the plates down and turned on his heel as fast as he could. 
“This date is not going well,” Tobio finally spoke out.
“Yeah. I think it’s obvious I like you, dummy. You must like me, too, if you would wait months just to come try this place for the first time with me.” 
This was the most sensible thing you think he’s ever said. You were in awe. 
“Tobio, I-”
“I was hoping you’d want to be my girlfriend, but I have ruined that!” He threw his hands up, defeated. 
“Tobio, I-”
“I think about you all of the time; I can’t get you out of my head. I want to know what it feels like to experience new things with you. I-”
Now you cut him off with a kiss. No food this time, only the lips of two goofballs who like each other. 
“Tobio, I want that, too,” you said gently. 
“Really?” The tinge of pink across his cheeks turned darker and covered most of his face. 
“Really,” you paused. “But only if I can call you baby bird.”
“Baby bird?” He furrowed his brow. 
“Think about it,” you said as you sat back down and began eating your meal, a smirk plastered on your face. 
A second or two passed before your words finally clicked. 
“____, gross!”
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en-abime-updates · 4 months
June 4th
Henry answers an ask sent to @williamy3w from @chthonianalacrity, which includes a picture of a hand painted Big Red Box button he made. (Summary below.)
Will answers an ask at @williamyew that reads “what exactly do you feel or think when you touch something? just in general. (Summary below.)
Will reblogs a picture of vintage glass medical syringes to @williamyew. His tags read “#Ain't found a fitting sedative for this “Digital” world yet ! #Used: #White noise #Pink noise #TV static #Sine waves #Silence #At least when I performed that procedure* on Henry he said it didn't hurt a bit! #So I must be doin' somethin' right!”
* Will is referring to when he gave Henry bottom surgery
Will and Henry answer an ask sent to @williamy3w, which simply reads “Ground beef” and includes an image of raw ground beef. (Summary below.)
Tati responds to an ask sent to @fortunateisle, which reads “Tati you’re so cool! Happy pride month!” She responds positively, wishing the asker a happy pride month.
Will and Henry respond to an ask wishing them a happy pride month. They wish the asker a happy pride month and briefly flirt with each other. 
Will and Henry respond to an ask showing a bunny with a pancake on its head, captioned “I found a photo of Henry he didn’t want anyone to see.” Will says it looks just like Henry, and Henry jokingly claims it is insulting. 
Player Candle shares her En Abime Pinterest board in the discord. 
Summaries Below
Henry’s BRB ask summary:
Henry replies happily and lets the player know that he added it to “[his] collection,” by which he means the Big Red Box “Found Band Records” page. He adds that these items make the band more popular, or at least seem so. This comment may be in reference to how Henry has been creating fictional backgrounds for all of the fanart that has been created for the Big Red Box to make it fit with the website’s theme that it’s run by someone uncovering information about the lost band Big Red Box.
Will’s touch/feeling ask summary:
William describes how he feels things a “data ghost” (a term many of us fans call the people in en abime, as an affectionate joke) in the digital age. He says that it’s generally hard to discern, but image descriptions help because “[he] can feel that information too.” He says that “[p]ixels are sharp unless there’s a lotta them, in which case I s’pose it’s almost fuzzy…”. He seems to be talking about resolution, but we may not be able to have a clear answers due to his somewhat limited knowledge on modern technology, which is all foreign to him as someone who is (or maybe just we have theorized to be) from the 1900s. He goes on to describe how different images feel. His descriptions of graphite and Polaroid pictures seem normal, but it may be worth remembering that he describes ink as “hard to differentiate from the parchment itself — it’s caught in the li’l’ fibers of the stuff.” While this may at first seem to have no bearing on the story or character analyses, this may be a subtle reference to Thomas, which provides us with information (which is greatly needed). The last thing he describes that may have some significance is that he has “visited a sailor’s tattoo or two in my time, so I know what skin feels like…”. This comment begs the question “Why was he intentionally visiting sailor tattoos?” Such an activity may make more sense if it was possibly code for something else. Additionally, this statement implies that he can feel images, seemingly without needing to create them in the abime plane, and, therefore, it may be smart to carefully consider if an image is safe for William to have before sending it.
William and Henry’s beef ask summary:
Will responds by saying that it looks like a human heart, but Henry disagrees. William then says that it looks like what his heart when he looks at Henry, which- despite being said in a joking, flirtatious manner- may be an insight to William’s actual anatomy in the abime. Henry then replies by jokingly calling him a sap, before switching to a serious tone to, somewhat unsurely, say that he believes beef is “par    t o   f a c   o   w”. Will replies by saying “[l]earn somethin' new every day!” This implies that he was unaware that beef is a cow product, which may give us further insight into the full extent of his loss of pre-abime memories.
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