#jeremy wmcj
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lcandothisallday · 2 years ago
Jeremy concepts: Jeremy sees you at a pickup game and shows off to flirt
A Shot Worth Taking - Jeremy (WMCJ) x f!reader
Part 1 - Meet Cute
note: this started as a concept (that’s why the writing is very unprofessional lol) but the idea has sparked an idea for a series
warnings: none
series masterlist!
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no because imagine you and your girl friends are there because your friend vanessa is supporting her man while he plays a different game, and you're just sitting there on the bench slightly bored and scrolling through your phone.
but then jeremy sees you and his breath gets caught in his throat--your beauty just stopping him in his tracks completely. and he glances down at his outfit--specifically at his wacky sandals and its the first time he feels a bit self-conscious so he KNEW he had to step up his ball game if he wanted to impress you even an ounce.
kamal notices jeremy's internal conflict and he follows his line of sight and sees you sitting there which causes him to smirk. "finally considering your god awful outfit choices?" he teases the curly haired man. Jeremy scoffs and shrugs him off nonchalantly. "fuck off" he mutters. "we gotta win this pick up," jeremy mumbled.
kamal begins laughing before he smirked, his intrusive thought winning. "AYO!!!" he yelled out towards you, causing you and your home girls to look up and pay attention to the group. immediately Jeremy's eyes widened and he smacked kamal. "man what the fuck are you doing?!" he exclaimed.
"getting her to pay attention," kamal responded. "now pull up and work your magic," he mused, moving towards the middle of the half-court to begin the game.
jeremy groaned and sluggishly followed, hoping you didn't catch on. but the thing is--you did catch on. after kamal had shouted for your guys' attention, you were intrigued, a playful smile on your lips.
"oh my god," Vanessa exclaimed. "what the hell is the white boy wearing?!" she laughed. you cringe playfully but you can't help your giggle.
"its not...that bad" you laughed. "I wonder if he's any good."
your other friend destiny scoffed. "looks like he was dragged from an organic smoothie shop to play in the pick up...aint no way this white man can jump."
as the game starts, you lean forward, resting your elbows against your knees as you and your girls watch intently. jeremy nervously glances you once more before he laser focuses on the game.
you observe as he runs around the court, effectively working with kamal before he approaches the 3-point line for the first time and easily sinking the ball into the basket. your friends gasp in shock and all you can do is grin. jeremy had a proud and cocky grin evident on his face, before he turned, made direct eye contact with you, and confidently winking your way, causing you to blush madly.
destiny instantly caught on and playfully shoved you in disbelief. “the white boy is into you!” she laughed. you go to deny and she scoffs. “don’t try to deny that shit! own it babes!”
“i cant lie…he’s really cute,” you breath out, feeling your face get hot at the confession. you all continue watching as jeremy puts on a record show. he was unbelievably good and extremely funny just from what you overheard him say to the other team.
“oh he’s definitely showing off to get your attention,” vanessa points out after a while with a smirk. “i say you shoot your shot after the game…maybe you need a white guy after the shit show you experienced with that lebanese guy that did you dirty.”
“ugh don’t remind me,” you shutter.
jeremy and kamal were huffing as they stood in front of the other two guys, effectively waiting for the pay out with smirks on their faces.
“pay up bitch,” jeremy mused cockily, his right hand held out while the other held onto the basketball.
the guy whined as he pulled out the bills and handed them over. “you’re gonna get beat up one day with that strategy,” he muttered sourly.
jeremy could only grin. “pleasure doing business.”
“nice game,” he hears someone say, causing him to swing around to face the person, coming face to face with you. he grinned even wider if possible.
“hey,” he breathed out.
“hi,” you smile. “you were really impressive…i cant lie—me and my girls didn’t think you’d play that good,” you admit shyly.
jeremy licked his lips and looked at you with amusement. how the fuck did you manage to be even prettier up close? “i played at gonzaga—”
“yeah i figured with your knees,” you replied, causing him to smirk. “so you paying attention huh?”
you scoff playfully. “how can i not when you’re so obviously trying to impress me,” you flirt back confidently.
Jeremy grinned. “how can i not when such a pretty girl is in the stands watching me?” his comment makes you blush. “im jeremy by the way.”
“im y/n…”
“would you maybe wanna grab dinner sometime?”
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years ago
Breaking Point
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Gif by @harlowgifs 💕
AN: angst ahead and this takes place a few years after Through Thick and Thin 🤭
Synopsis: Jeremy has been lying to you and sneaking behind your back playing basketball when he promised you that he would quit and find a stable job to take care of the both of you. When a certain video comes across your timeline on instagram, you reach your breaking point and your patience has run out
Pairing: Jeremy x Reader (WMCJ)
Requested by: The treacherous twin @harlowsbby 😘💕
Jack Harlow Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
You and your boyfriend were sitting on the couch having a quiet night inside and you were scrolling through your phone while he was talking about one of his new clients that he was working with at the gym named Kamal and getting him to do the 30 day detox program and had his head laying in your lap. You had heard of him since just about everyone who lived in your area knew who he was and you were excited to meet him on Saturday for his son’s birthday party since Jeremy spoke so highly of him.
Just then you caught sight of a video of Jeremy and Kamal playing basketball over on the east side and you felt your heart rate pick up and your face getting hot from anger. You had to take a second to breathe because you were two seconds away from letting him have it.
“Baby, did you hear me?” Jeremy asked and you promptly slid him off of your lap to sit next to him and you were simply staring at him.
“Do you have something that you want to tell me?” You asked and he was looking at you dumbfounded.
“No, I don’t think so. What day is it? It’s Thursday, right? Did I forget something?”
You simply turned your phone around to let him look at it and he suddenly got a look of panic on his face.
“So you mean to tell me that you have been fucking lying to my face this entire time?!” You said while getting up and crossing your arms.
“Wait, baby let me explain.”
“Explain WHAT? Now you’re playing basketball for money? WITH KAMAL? 30 day detox program MY ASS. I cannot believe you fucking lied to me. WE NEVER LIE TO EACH OTHER JEREMY! NEVER! AS UNDERSTANDING OF A PERSON THAT I AM?!”
“Y/N, I know you’re mad, but…”
“You don’t know SHIT! I am so fucking tired of being the only one making money in this house with a steady income! And here you are fucking gambling the little bit of money that we do have saved because how the fuck else are you doing it and entering competitions?”
“You take care of me with what? THE FUCKING EBT CARD? Baby, I want you to be SAFE! That is my main concern! Do you remember when I found you on the FLOOR after your last surgery because you tried to get up by yourself and your knee gave out? What if it happens again and it’s worse, huh? What will happen if you have to get surgery again? HOW THE FUCK ARE WE GOING TO PAY FOR IT WHEN NEITHER OF US HAVE HEALTH INSURANCE?! AND I WON’T HAVE IT UNTIL I GET A BETTER PAYING JOB WITH BENEFITS! WE ARE BARELY FUCKING SURVIVING…. BARELY!” 
“This might be the only shot that I have left to get into the league and I’m going to fucking take it!”
“You are addicted to popping pills no matter how much I try to get you to stop and you most definitely lied about that to me also saying that you were done when I found the bottle yesterday, you have had multiple surgeries and you’re pushing 30 years old and you honestly think that the goal is still going to become a reality? How can we build for our future if you are still living in a fantasy land?! I’m holding on because I don’t want to leave you behind but WAKE THE FUCK UP!”
All Jeremy did was look at you in disbelief before slipping on his slides and grabbing his keys.
“Go ahead, run away like you always fucking do. You’re so scared of me telling you the truth. You need to hear it whether you like it or not. Why can’t you see how much I love you and care about you?!” You said while looking at him and all he did was remain quiet.
“Now I’m beginning to think that you love basketball and popping pills more than you do me.”
“Don’t you ever say that out of your mouth EVER again.” He quietly muttered but all you did was shake your head and threw the pill bottle at him that you got from beneath the couch cushion since you found his hiding spot. He dodged it and it quickly hit the floor.
“Hmm, go ahead and pick it up because I know you want to. If you love me more than the pills, then you won’t.” Was all you said before he turned around and opened the front door to walk out.
Not even ten seconds later, the door was opening again and he quickly picked the pill bottle up off the floor and you just shook your head.
“So, this is what it’s come to? Grow the fuck up because you’re about to be a father and I absolutely REFUSE to bring a child into this mess.”
Jeremy left without another word and all you did was sigh as you sat back down on the couch with tears streaming down your face.
It had been a total of three weeks and you haven’t spoken to Jeremy once since the two of you had that huge argument. You were currently staying with one of your best friends, Sadie and she was trying to convince you to hear him out.
“Go and talk to your man, it has literally almost been a damn month since the argument. He loves you more than life itself.”
“Sure doesn’t seem like it.”
“Y/N, come on. You know how much basketball means to him. Now look I am not defending him in any way, however just hear him out. He definitely shouldn’t have lied but I mean come on, if he had asked you there was no way in the world that you were going to say yes to him playing again.”
“Sadie, I’m just scared. This is exactly what I thought was going to happen. The surgeries not working and him trying to hold onto his dream by literal threads. I saw this coming ever since the first two surgeries didn’t work. I… my baby is addicted to popping pills. What if he overdoses and leaves me? Leaves us? I cannot fathom what I would do. I have been with him since I was 17.”
“And all your feelings are valid. But instead of telling me, you need to tell him that. It’s like he knows that he needs help but… I just can’t describe it. Y/N, you know good and well that the last thing he wants is to be addicted to pills. The last thing he would ever want to do is lose you. Just go talk to him. He has been blowing up your phone and MINE for that matter.”
All you did was nod before picking up your phone and sending him a text.
You- Baby, meet me at that new vegan restaurant in an hour
Not even two seconds later you got a response
Jeremy- Is this the part where we break up?
You- If you think that I would give up on you that easily, then you don’t know your girl very well
It was now 7 PM and Sadie had dropped you off at the restaurant and you were nervous. You just wanted for the two of you to be okay. You’ve overcome a lot in the past, but this had to be the one argument that you didn’t know your relationship could come back from. 
You walked in to see him sitting at a table near the back and immediately made your way towards him. He spotted you and quickly hopped up and pulled your chair out for you.
“Thank you.” You said while looking up at him and he gave you a small smile before responding.
“Of course.”
He then went to sit back down in his seat across from you and the two of you were simply staring at each other.
Jeremy was the first one to break the silence.
“Umm, baby I missed you.” He said while grabbing both of your hands and your eyes immediately started to water.
“I missed you too.”
“I… I’m sorry for lying to you and I just wanted to hopefully make some money in order for us to save for our little one but I admit that I shouldn’t have done it. I was being reckless and I… I can’t take the thought of me losing you. You have been there for me more than anyone else has and no matter how much I tried to push you away you were always there when I needed you. I didn’t think about me getting hurt again and the last thing I want is to put you through that because I saw what it did to you too. You mean more to me than anything else in the world, more than basketball and definitely more than the pills and whatever I have to do to make you see that, I’ll do it.”
“I just worry about you so much. Deep down I know that you aren’t happy and… you have to do something for me if nothing else please do this.”
“Anything, baby. I’ll do absolutely anything for you. And being with you makes me happy.”
“I just love you so much but please get help about the pills. I cannot…. “
You took a deep breath before continuing knowing that you were about to cry.
“I don’t want to wake up without you by my side because you overdosed on them. What am I going to do without you? What am I going to tell our little boy? Daddy’s not here because he couldn’t see how much this dream was costing him his actual life?”
“I promise, I will. I’ve gotten so dependent on them and it’s just that it makes me not be able to feel anything and the last thing that I want to do is leave the two of you. I’m so sorry for everything that I’ve put you through and I’m going to prove to you that I won’t go back on my word.”
You simply nodded while wiping your tears away and it looked as if Jeremy had gotten a sharp pain in his knee and winced while leaning out of his chair.
“Ahh, shit, my knee.”
“Baby, what’s wrong?” You asked while attempting to stand up but he then looked up at you holding a ring in his hands as he was down kneeling on one knee.
“Y/N, I said all that to ask you if you would marry me?”
“Wait… how did you pay for this?” You asked while looking down at the pear shaped ring that you told him years ago that you wanted. 
“Baby, don’t worry about it, just give me an answer.”
“If you can get yourself up off the floor without my help, I might consider it.”
“Whaaaat? Seriously? Baby, I have not one but two bad knees! Help me out!”
“Of course I’ll marry you silly! And come on you big baby.” You said as he slipped on your ring and you leaned down to help him up while giving him several kisses.
“Oh, shit. We’re really doing this aren’t we?” Jeremy asked and you simply laughed.
“Yeah, it looks like we are.”
Just then you got a text from Sadie and all you did was smile looking at it
Sadie- I already know what happened since I’m literally sitting across the room. NOW LET ME SEE THE RING!
“Through thick and thin, right?” Jeremy asked and you immediately smiled again.
“Through thick and thin, baby.”
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moody4world · 2 years ago
A/N: finally managed to finish this fic and i personally love it so i hope you guys do to!!
BEFORE READING: look up what a one handed biellman is. Personally for Michael i envisioned Michael B jordan but feel free to envision whoever you’d like🫶🏾
DISCLAIMER: apologies in advance for the angst
Jeremy x Plus size! figure skater! reader
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Being an ice skater was always a big dream of yours from a very young age. It wasn’t always easy especially being a bigger size compared to the average ice skater but you worked hard everyday to be where you are now. You had met Imani in high school and the two of you have been like sisters ever since. You were there when she first met Kamal and that unfortunately means you know his obnoxious friends Renzo and Speedy too. You were there when she had her son aka your favorite and only nephew. Which means you spoiled him absolutely rotten whenever you could, especially on his birthday. You had organized a major birthday party for him in the park with large bouncy houses and barbecue.
You noticed Kamal and Imani talking to a tall white guy you had never seen before while you were fixing up the gift table and they walked over with a new one. “Yo y/n this is Jeremy, Jeremy this is y/n, Imani’s best friend” Before Imani and Kamal could say anything else, they were called over by another family member.
“It’s nice to meet you” “It’s very nice to meet you too, you look very pretty.”
“Thank you, how come i’ve never met you before Jeremy” “Oh Kamal and I met recently, we I mean I play basketball with Renzo and Speedy and he’s been giving me some advice and stuff on that” Jeremy was completely overexplaining himself but he couldn’t help it. He was very nervous because of how pretty he thought you were.
“So you’ve met dumb and dumber” You joked, referring to Renzo and Speedy. The two of you laughed together until Renzo came over to annoy you like he always does. “Look who it is, Chubby bunny and Justin Bieber” “Renzo can you shut the fuck up” You said while rolling your eyes at his childishness. “Yo white boy, you tell her you a G-league reject yet?” “I’m not a G-League reject. I’m an athlete on hiatus due to health reasons.” Renzo patted Jeremy’s chest and sarcastically said “Yeah right” You rolled your eyes at him again but luckily this time he left. Or so you thought, he wasn’t next to Jeremy anymore but he was behind you and you had no idea.
Ignoring Renzo’s unnecessary comments towards him you decided to bring up the only part that seemed relevant based off of Jeremy’s reply. “So you’re an athlete?” “Something like that, yeah” He suddenly became bashful and it was one of the cutest things you’ve ever seen.
“Well that’s great, I'm actually an athlete myself!”
*Cough*”Sure don't look like one” *cough* Renzo mumbles VERY indiscreetly behind you. You turned aggressively and glared at him, scaring him enough to finally walk away and leave you and Jeremy alone. Jeremy kisses his teeth in annoyance. “Don’t listen to him, he's always an asshole” he says, trying to comfort you at Renzo’s offensive comment. But unknowingly to him, you were already used to not just Renzo’s but other people’s rude and unnecessary comments. Especially being a plus sized girl in a sport where skinny is the norm.
Shaking your head you tell him “No it’s fine, most people have their own idea of what an athlete is supposed to look like anyway.” you shrug it off.
“Plus i’ve known Renzo for way too long. I’m used to it.”
“Why don’t I come to one of your games? What team do you play for?”
You looked at him super confused until it hit you that Jeremy must’ve thought you played basketball. Quickly correcting him you reply “Oh no no I don't play basketball..or any kind of ball actually..” as you laugh awkwardly.
“So you…..” “Skate…i’m a figure skater”
Jeremy’s eyes go wide with excitement “No way, that’s cool as fuck.” “You do those crazy spins and stuff then. That’s super impressive.”
“I mean I suppose it is..” “Don’t be humble about it, that takes a lot of talent y/n”
“Thanks Jeremy” “I’d love to come watch you perform some day actually” He suggested and took a step closer to you. At first you were hesitant but I mean…he’s cute and he seems nice so far, what harm could it cause? Plus those bright blue eyes were very mesmerizing in the sunlight, how could you possibly say no?
“Yeah sure we’ll make that happen then.” You shrugged calmly but on the inside you were freaking out.
As agreed, Jeremy showed up to your next competition and the next…and the next and now he’d even show up to your practices. He found it mesmerizing how smooth you’d glide and how graceful you’d twirl. He was still getting over his fear of the big leaps and the jumps but he loved watching you do what you did best. After the second competition he attended he asked you out to dinner which led to the two of you laughing and conversing all night.
After the third competition you two shared your first kiss right outside your mom’s bakery. And yes your mom caught you two and she could not hide the excitement of finally meeting the boy you wouldn’t shut up about. Texts became daily and non stop between the two of you and so did casual drives and hangouts. Like right now you two were laying in his bed talking about his parents.
“So you’ve been living here since then all by your self?” “Uhm…not exactly. My ex, Tatiana lived with me for a while till we broke up.”
“Oh….you used to date Tati…..the ballerina?”
“The dancer, yeah. You know her?”
“Uhm no, not really.”
Now that was a lie. You and Tatiana went to the same elementary and dance classes when you were little. You even liked her a lot as a friend until she crushed your dreams of wanting to be an ice skater when you were 8. She even went as far as comparing you to a Chubby bunny, causing the nickname to stick around even after she switched schools.
You never saw Tatiana in person again but you definitely remember her.
“Are you guys still in touch?” “I mean we work at the same gym but we’re just civil now. Why?”
“Just wondering, Jer”
“Hmm. What about you then?” He asked you.
“What about me?”
“Who’s your ex? Is he some crazy ice skating olympian i gotta watch out for?” He said jokingly, making you both laugh.
“Not far off, he’s actually a crazy football player.”
Jeremy squeezed his eyes shut. “Please don’t tell me he’s in the NFL y/n.” You rolled your eyes playfully at his dramatics.
“Even if he was, I wouldn’t know Jer. He broke up with me a year before we graduated college and completely ghosted me so I have no idea.”
“Well that’s an asshole move.”
“Tell me about it.”
The mood in the room suddenly got sad and Jeremy wasn’t having it.
“Want me to order pizza? We can get your favorite toppings.”
If one thing made you happy aside from being on the ice it was food.
And just like that the mood was restored and the night went on perfectly.
It had been a couple days since youd seen Jeremy in person due to long practices while also helping your mom with her deliveries. Today you finished said deliveries a bit early and had a special batch that your mom had made specially for Jeremy. You knew these were the hours he was usually at the gym so you drove straight to there.
Walking into the gym with the tupperware and a big smile on your face excited to see your favorite basketball playing hippie. Your excitement decreased the moment you spotted him though. There he was, being a bit more than just civil with you guessed it, Tatiana. Her hand was on his arm and they were both laughing very amicably. A million thoughts started racing through your brain but before you could escape, Tati noticed you standing at the door and pointed you out to Jeremy.
Once he turned around to see you standing there his smile somehow grew even bigger than it already was. Jeremy started making his way towards you but felt like walking was taking too long so he did a little awkward jog.
“Hey pretty, I didn’t know you were coming” He wrapped his long arms around you in a crushing hug only to realize you weren’t squeezing him back like you normally would.
Pulling away he noticed the tupperware box in your hand. “I just wanted to bring you these vegan cookies my mom made, she wanted you to try them before she adds them to her inventory at the bakery” Is what you said as simple as possible while trying to hide your true feelings of what you saw when you walked in but your bluntness and lack of usual excitement was suspicious to Jeremy.
Regardless, he took the tupperware from your hands when you handed it to him but couldn’t help and double check on you.
“That’s so sweet of her, are you sure you’re okay?” “Yeah im totally cool but I gotta get going”
Rushing out of the gym you hear him yell “I’ll text you after your practice!!” without looking back so he wouldn’t see your teary eyes you yell back saying “No need, its gonna be a late one!”
It wasn’t a total lie, you did go to practice but it wasn’t a scheduled one. You just wanted to get your mind off of your own insecurities for a bit while also practicing a certain move you just couldn’t get down. Staying true to the distracting yourself part, hours had gone by and you didn’t even notice.
After trying the one-handed biellman for what felt like the thousandth time and failing, you frustratedly sat on the floor angrily. “Don’t beat yourself up too bad, you almost had it” You jumped a little because you were not expecting to see anyone else at the rink and you were also in your own world until he spoke. It was none other than your once skating partner, Michael. “I’m embarrassed you even saw that, how long have you been standing there?” You still didn’t even bother standing up from your slumped position on the cold ground. “I forgot my charger in the locker room so I came back to get it and then I saw you getting frustrated.” “Want some advice?” “I’ll take all the help I can get Mike” “Say less, c’mon get up” He put his ice skates on and joined you on the ice.
After four consistent tries with Michael’s advice you were finally able to do the spin successfully. Out of pure joy and excitement you both hugged each other with laughs of relief and pride.
“Ahem” The sudden sound made you both turn to the direction of its source to find Jeremy standing there looking quite upset. “So this is why you left in such a hurry and didn’t wanna text me back?” He had his arms spread out to really show you that he was angry. Michael immediately got the message and decided it was time for him to leave. Once Michael was finally away from both of you’s vicinity he repeated his question since you had yet to answer. “So this is what you’re doing now?” At this point you had skated closer to him and you were eye to..almos eye. “What are you even talking about?” Was all you could ask, what did he mean by ‘this’? “You get all weird from me talking to Tati but you’re allowed to be in a rink alone with some buff ass dude?” his voice was slowly raising and he was visibly turning pink.
How did he figure out it was about Tatiana, did she tell him that she knew me?
“Hello?” “That is not the same Jeremy” “HOW IS IT NOT THE SAME Y/N?” Him raising his voice was your final straw, the tears you had been holding back came flooding down along with your insecure thoughts.
“UNLIKE YOU, NOT ALL MEN THAT TRY TO TALK TO ME WANT ME JEREMY.” Jeremy the oh so clueless was oblivious to everything that you have noticed during the few months of you two being together.
“That’s not true” He shook his head in disagreement.
Even after months of knowing you and being with you Jeremy had never seen you this hurt and angry before. You are the most soft spoken and calmest person he had ever been close to so to say he was shocked was an understatement. Along with his shock came speechlessness. All he could do was stare at you apologetically, full of regret for not putting himself in your shoes. He thought that he could think of the right words to fix things and get your relationship back to where it was a few days ago but the next words that came out of your mouth felt like a knife being twisted into his chest. The tears in his eyes mirrored yours. “I think what we had was fun but I don’t think we should continue whatever this was” “y/n don’t say that” “I’m sorry Jeremy”
Without even giving him a chance to defend his case, you skated off to the locker rooms leaving him to sulk in his heartbreak.
While you cried in the locker room, Jeremy decided to leave and give you some space. Deciding against driving all the way home with how much he was crying, he went to the person he knew could help him get you back. After three knocks on the door Kamal opened it to find Jeremy. He was surprised at his sudden visit only to become worried once Jeremy looked up and he noticed the sniffling, red nose and face covered in tears. “Yo what are you doing here? wait are you crying?” Jeremy was already so exhausted from crying that he only felt like saying the minimum. “Can I please talk to Imani? y/n just broke up with me and I don’t even know how to fix this”
Noting Jeremy’s distress Kamal decided that he’d leave his curiosity for another time. “Yeah..yeah sure, come in, I'll get her.” After offering Jeremy a seat at the dinner table Imani decided it was best to help him calm down first. “Would you like some tea Jeremy?” “Uh yeah some tea would be nice” He replied. “Okay what kind of tea would you like?”
Jeremy thought about it then simply said “I’ll just take the hottest one”
To which Imani just stared blankly in confusion. She still questioned why you were so fascinated by this goofy white boy. “….Okay” shaking her head Imani left to make him some tea.
Once Jeremy took a couple sips of the tea and had calmed down quite a bit, Imani decided to initiate the conversation that Jeremy suddenly seemed to be avoiding.
“Okay so what’s up with you and y/n? I thought everything was cool with you two”
“i don't know what went wrong so fast, she saw me with Tati at work and started acting all reserved. She wouldn't text me back for hours so I went to the rink and that's when I found her with some buff ass guy” “You mean Michael?” “I don’t know his name” Jeremy shrugged “Was he fine as hell?”At Jeremy’s offended stare Imani confirmed that it indeed, was Michael. “Sorry, go on” “As I was saying, I saw her with some buff ass guy and I may or may not have shown some jealousy”
Knowing you,Imani had more than an inkling that there was more to the story. “And?” “And that's when she lost it. I mean I had no idea she felt that way Imani. I would've done anything to reassure her from those thoughts if I knew” Jeremy’s voice had gotten more trembly the more he thought about how hurt you were during the argument. He decided to end his story there, not wanting to cry his eyes out in front of your best friend at her dinner table.
Imani could see that you meant a lot to Jeremy. She may not understand your attraction to the guy but you meant a lot to her too and that is something that her and the curly headed white boy had in common. She couldn’t believe that she was about to help him get back in your good graces but here goes nothing. She took a deep sigh and repositioned herself. “Listen Jeremy it’s not your fault, y/n has a lot of insecurities she’s still working on that have nothing to do with you. However, I haven’t seen her this confident and happy in a minute so you must've been doing something right.” She encouraged him. But Jeremy was already wallowing in guilt. “Yeah well that didn’t last very long did it” “Look, what i'm saying is…you gotta be honest and straight up with y/n about your feelings. Tell her how you really feel and what you really think. Never leave anything up for assumption with y/n, that’s one advice i'll give you. You didn’t hear this from me but that girl loves your pale ass. So go get your girl NSYNC” “ I actually prefer Justin Timberlake” “Jeremy..” “Yes?” “Get the fuck out of my house and go get y/n back” “Yes ma’am”
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90363462 · 6 months ago
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slvttyharlow · 2 years ago
Prompts For Requesting!
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Notes. The list will be updated whenever I find new prompts. These prompts are permanently open | None of the prompts were made by me, all credit goes to the creators!! 
Rules. Please look at my rules to see who I write. | When sending prompts, specify the name of the list it came from + specify the number or the quote of the prompt + the genre of the prompt + the person you want it with. | You can send multiple if you want, you can also combine | If I already receive a prompt with another person, I'll probably do it for another but it depends on if I get another idea for it, I'll always let you know and you can send another prompt.
Last Updated — 7/8/23
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✶ — ›Domestic/relationship situation prompts
✶ — › Romantic confession dialogue prompts
✶ — › Different ways to say ‘i love you’
✶ — › Sleepy prompts
✶ — › Couples who aren’t together just yet
✶ — › Reconciliation prompts
✶ — › Asking them to move in
✶ — › First date prompts
✶ — › Movie prompts
✶ — › Touch-starved prompts
✶ — › Friends to lovers prompts
✶ — › Considerate prompts
✶ — › Taking care of a lover’s injury
✶ — › Cold prompts
✶ — › Cuddling prompts
✶ — › Sweet words
✶ — › Staying the night prompts
✶ — › Secret dating, writing prompts
✶ — › Soft and sweet sentence starters
✶ — › First kiss prompts
✶ — › "I wanna hold your hand" - excuses for your characters to hold hands
✶ — › Comforting sentence starters
✶ — › Grumpy x Sunshine sentence starters
✶ — › Compliments and praise prompts
✶ — › Pregnancy Dialogue
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Hurt + Comfort!
✶ — › List of “you’re not unlovable, love” prompts
✶ — › Hurt and Comfort Dialogue Prompts
✶ — › Found family sentence starters
✶ — › List of hurt/comfort prompts
✶ — › Soft six word prompts
✶ — › Hurt/Comfort Dialogue Prompts
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✶ — › Dirty little compliments
✶ — › Prompts for the morning after
✶ — › Sexual tension prompts
✶ — › Smut prompt list
✶ — › Soft dirty talk sentence starters
✶ — › Build the tension sentence starters
✶ — › Nonverbal sexual situations
✶ — › Subtle Smut Sentence Starters
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✶ — › More intense vibes (or smth idk they’re just vibes)
✶ — › "i want to save this relationship, please." prompts
✶ — › 'Sheddin a tear' prompts
✶ — › Soft angst sentence starters
✶ — › Empathetic sentence starters
✶ — › Angst starters
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All Genres!
✶ — › Prompts of all prompts
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© harlowsthetic 2023.
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harlowsbby · 9 months ago
First Jack Harlow Master List
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Too Much
So Over
Fading Out
Stranger Danger
Deserve U
Days With You
Late Nights In
Out Of Luck
Lovin On Me?
Traditions With U
Double Take
Love Sick
Forever Attached
Fun & Games
Polar Opposites collaboration with @harlowcomehome
Come See Me
Morning Routines
Arcade Love
Scared Much?
Someone Like U
My Everything?
All About You
Jeremy Master List (WMCJ)
What You Heard (WMCJ)
Massages & Smoothies (WMCJ)
Love In Paris
Good Off You
Who Is Who
Cater 2 U
Soft Life
Enemies To Lovers To Strangers
Should've Been Us
Pranks & Making Up
Whatever It Takes
Coming Together
Something Tells Me
Top Priority
Games Women Play
Circles part two
Timeless Love
U Remind Me part two
Inhale & Exhale
How Does It Feel
Keep You In Mind
Love Cycle
All For Me
Could've Been
Little Weirdo
Chef Harlow
Ten Thousand Hours
One Last Time part two
Next To You
All That Matters
Pranks & Kisses
Baby Love
Best Thing
All Me
Cry Together
Closure part two
Video Games
Disclosure part two
Jealous Much
Impalas & Airforce Ones part two part three part four
Football Shenanigans
Grass Ain't Greener
In The City
Heated part two
Sink Or Swim part two part three
Still Yours
Gaslighting Queen
Wait For You
Trust Issues
Calling My Phone
Forever Fling
Us Or Them
Petty Too
Unspoken Words part two
Up At Night
He Say, She Say
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harlowgifs · 1 year ago
wait how did you get the hd version of WMCJ? Hulu allows users to download their videos? sorry I’m just curious cause I’ve tried to download it but failed 😞 fking love these gifs tho Jeremy is literally my husband 🤭
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if I speak I’ll be in big big trouble lol but someone uploaded it somewhere and I downloaded it! And thank you 🤭 everyone seemed to have moved on from Jeremy but not me
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jackslilsecrett · 2 years ago
I wanna talk about WMCJ! I've been thinking about Jeremy's parents and their back story. Do you think they're into health and meditation like he is, or do you think they don't approve of his current lifestyle?
i think they do approve!! it’s what makes him happy!! just not him popping the pills tho 😭
kinda wish we got more of a back story about his parents
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lcandothisallday · 2 years ago
jack harlow masterlist!✨
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Pranking him with a pretend BJ
Reaction to someone sliding into your DM
Tension turned more
Movie night 1
Goofing around on live
Freezing hands
First date nerves
Jack playing Santa
Playing with his PG ring 2
Making fun of his Rudolph claymation crush
Tattling on Jack
Friends to Lovers 2
Stay the Night
Jack jealous of Urban and Clay
Jack asks his mom how to know if you’re in love
Late night FaceTime
Silly Childhood Crush - y/n has the opportunity to work with Harry Styles
More like you - in which your daughter starts to look more and more like Jack as she grows
Jack accusing you of losing his PG ring
Naming your baby after Urban
Argument with Jack in front of his friends
Jack’s birthday
Play fighting with Jack
Jack spotting you in the crowd of his show
Princess- your older daughter is jealous of her newborn sister
Rough Nights - Pent up frustrations leads to the boys breaking down in your arms
Jack FaceTiming you late a night after having a bad day
Hesitant - where Jack asks you to move in
Perfect - late night drives
Funny Seeing you Here part 1
Different Light part 1 part 2
Storm into my heart
I’m Yours
Instagram Live part 2 part 3
Full time Home - Jack buys a house without consulting with you first
Unfair - reader hires Urban for a project (some f!reader x urban)
Glancing your Way - you and Jack keep making eye contact at a party
Red Carpet Lovers part 2 - going to the met gala with Jack
Highschool Sweethearts - Jack discusses on an interview how you and him met
Dancing Queen - Giving Jack head after his Grammys performance
Birthday Girl - It’s your birthday and Jack claims he isn’t able to make it but he actually has a few tricks up his sleeves
Fireworks - Joining Jack in Kentucky to watch the fireworks
Right Person Wrong Time part 2 - Jack has a history with Urban’s younger sister
Lil Secret - where a couple photos of you and Jack surface and he gets asked about it in an interview
Advice - Jack’s mom gives him advice
Moving On - You break up with Jack
Drunk in Love - Joking around on a yacht with Jack
Not that Simple part 1 part 2
Someone Better - Jack is in love with you and he has to see you with another guy
One Bed - Enemies to lovers have to share a bed
Cute when you’re Jealous - Reader is jealous
Hurt - Jack wants to keep your relationship secret
Pretty Views - Reader admires Jack while he reminisces on his accomplishements. Lead up to sexy times
Promises - Reader and Jack used to date and his mom tries to get you two back together
Court Side Butterflies
Wedding Season - where Jack is convinced to bring the reader (the girl he hates) as his plus one to a wedding
Ice Skating Date
jeremy wmcj✨
Couple's Yoga
Post ACL Surgery Confessions
Jeremy sees you at a pickup game and shows off to flirt
Jealous Jeremy
Fool for you
Silent Treatment
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years ago
Through Thick and Thin
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AN: I'm literally obsessed with WMCJ and keep watching it lol
Synopsis: When your long term boyfriend Jeremy first gets injured, you do your best to help take care of him. But now that he has had multiple surgeries, it all comes to a head when he realizes nothing is going to be the same anymore
Pairing: Jeremy x Reader (WMCJ)
Requested by: the gorgeous @nattinatalia 😘💕 and shoutout to @hoodharlow since these two are always letting me bounce ideas off of them 🥰
Jack Harlow Masterlist
Please Do Not Repost My Content Anywhere
You woke up with a start and glanced at the clock on the nightstand which read 2:57 am which led you to then peek over to see your boyfriend wide awake staring off into space.
"Babe, why are you up? Are you in pain?" You asked while sitting up and brushing a hand through his curls.
"Just couldn't sleep. That's all." He answered while taking your hand in his and rubbing the back of it. 
"Well why didn't you wake me up? I'm worried about you."
"I'm good, babe. I promise, just go back to sleep."
"As long as you're sure?" You asked while moving closer to him.
"I'm sure, you have to get up early for work in a few hours. Go back to sleep." Jeremy said while leaning over to kiss your forehead.
"Don't stay up too much longer, okay? I love you." You said while snuggling up to his side.
"I love you too. So much."
When he heard your heavy breathing, he pulled his phone back out to continue watching his highlight reel from when he used to play basketball and sighed. 
He tore not one, but both ACL's and since having multiple surgeries, his body wasn't nearly the same and had a feeling that him playing basketball was a thing of the past.
He was currently recovering from his latest surgery with you being his primary caregiver and this was putting a huge dent in both of your finances. 
Instead of teaching multiple dance classes a day like before, you were down to two so you could be home with him helping him recover. Deep down Jeremy knew that you didn't mind it, but he couldn't help but start to feel as if he was a burden to you. He would never tell you that seeing as how much both of you loved each other and he knew for a fact that you would never think of caring for your boyfriend as a burden. 
So in the mornings, you would set him up on the couch with food, snacks, water, and medicine while you went to work. It was only for two and a half hours, but long enough for you to worry about your boyfriend. Ever since his injury happened, they were hopeful that this first surgery would work and he would be able to play again. Now we were on surgery number four and it was beginning to look bleak. 
When you got home, you would get there in time in order to open the door for his physical therapist to come in and work with him on different exercises.
You knew how much basketball meant to Jeremy and if he never got the chance to play again, you didn't know what he would do and you were scared. 
In the end, all you wanted was for him to be okay. 
Your alarm went off at 6:30 and you quickly silenced it. You looked over to see Jeremy sound asleep with his phone on his chest. You quickly picked it up to place it on the charger to make sure it would have a full battery just in case he needed to call you for something and noticed that it was playing a video of him playing basketball and you simply turned it off and sighed.
Once you were out of the shower and dressed, you went to his side of the bed and simply placed kisses all over his face until he woke up.
"Hmm? You okay baby?"
"Hey I'm fine. How do you feel? Do you want me to help you get in the shower or do you think you have it?"
"I think I got it and I feel okay."
"Okay, go ahead. I'll just lay out some clothes for you." 
He simply nodded as he moved the comforter off of him and proceeded to swing his legs around off the bed in order to stand up. You were watching closely as you stood in front of him ready to help if he needed you. 
One thing you never let him do was move from room to room or get in the shower by himself if you weren't home to help him. The last thing you wanted to risk was him falling.
He took the crutches as you handed them to him and he leaned down to kiss you before making his way into the bathroom. 
After you made sure that he got there okay, you took the opportunity to make up the bed and neatly laid his clothes on top of it. You then headed to the kitchen to make breakfast for the two of you and decided on bacon, eggs, and fruit even though Jeremy swore up and down that he was going to go vegan. 
Him always ordering McDonald's proved otherwise.
Once you were finished with breakfast and setting up all that he would need on the couch in the living room, you went back into the bedroom to see him finishing getting dressed and you simply walked over to him and placed a kiss on top of his curly hair and all he did was look up at you and smile.
"You sure you’re okay? I can stay home if…"
"No baby, we both know how much we need the money and I'll be fine. I should be back on my feet in no time."
"Okay. Come on, let me help you up." You said as you held out your hand for him to take and made sure he steadied himself as he stood up. 
You let him walk in front of you as you held onto him from behind until he was safely on the couch in front of the TV. 
"Okay, I made you food and you have snacks. Oh and your water. Here's the remote and your phone is fully charged. I shouldn't be long, okay?"
All Jeremy did was nod and you couldn't help but to frown.
"Baby, it's going to be okay. I have to go, but you know I love you to the moon and back." You said while leaning down to give him several kisses.
"I love you too. I'll probably just go back to sleep after I eat."
"Okay, you have your phone if you need me and do not get up by yourself."
"I know, I know."
“Be back soon.”
You turned the key into the door, finally getting home and walked into the living room to see your boyfriend on the floor and immediately dropped your bag and ran over to him.
“Oh my gosh, baby are you okay? Are you hurt? What did I tell you about trying to get up by yourself?! Why didn’t you wait for me?! Here let me help you.” You said while holding out your hand for him to take and he immediately pushed you away.
“I don’t need your fucking help, I can do it.”
“What the hell is the attitude for? Baby you’re on the FLOOR. I don’t want you to risk hurting yourself even more, you just had surgery! AGAIN.”
“And you don’t have to remind me. Don’t you think I know that? It’s the fourth fucking time.”
“Jeremy, lose the attitude immediately because this is not okay. We don’t talk to each other like that.”
He suddenly got silent as he pushed himself up so that his back was now resting against the couch and you were sitting next to him.
“Baby, please just let me help you.” You said while tears were forming in your eyes. It hurt you seeing him this upset and knowing that the one thing he wanted to do you couldn’t help him with. 
“I’m… I’m never going to play again am I?” He quietly asked while not looking at you and you immediately sighed.
“We don’t know that, yet.”
“It’s pretty fucking clear since this is now the fourth surgery that I’ve had for the same damn thing.”
“I get that you want to play, I do, but there is so much more to life than playing basketball.”
“Easy for you to say since you can still dance and do what you love. I can’t do anything anymore. I can’t even pay for a bag of my girlfriend’s favorite chips when I go to the store because I don’t know if my card will get declined or not. I was supposed to be playing in the NBA by now and now look at me. Just a complete failure at everything including being your boyfriend. What are you even still doing with me anyway? I have absolutely nothing to offer you anymore. I had so many plans for us when I made it to the NBA. Can’t even propose to you because I can’t afford a damn ring to put on your finger.” You could slowly see the tears start to fall and you immediately scooted onto his lap and embraced him while trying to wipe them away.
“I’m with you because I love you and I have loved you since I was eighteen years old. So what if you didn’t make it to the NBA? You say you had all these plans for when you did, but we can still make them a reality. Bottom line is we have each other and I am not going anywhere and have no plans to. You mean the absolute world to me and we are in this together. No matter how much of a fight you put up or push me away, I am never leaving your side.”
Jeremy was silent as he slowly rubbed your back before hugging you tighter when you suddenly had an idea.
“Meditate with me.” You said and he looked over at you as if you were crazy.
“I’m not doing that shit and since when do black people meditate?”
“Jer, come on. You’ll feel better. Just try. I recently started doing it and it helps."
You then took his hands in yours and started to slowly inhale and exhale telling him to do the same.
“When you feel like you need to be grounded, doing meditation helps.”
Before he knew it, fifteen minutes had passed and he opened his eyes and simply looked at you.
“Like I said before, you mean everything to me and this is just a minor bump in the road. We’re going to get to a place where we don’t have to worry about where our next meal is coming from and I just thought about something that you said earlier. You want to marry me?”
“Well, yeah. I thought it was obvious.” Jeremy said while looking down and playing with your hands.
“I’d marry you in a heartbeat but first I want us to focus on you getting better. I will be here for you through it all, you understand?”
“I understand.”
“And now do you feel better after meditating with me?”
“I.. do.”
“One step at a time and we’ll get there. I love you so very much and I just wish you could see what I see in you.” You said while playing in his curls.
All Jeremy did was stay silent and look away from you.
“If you don’t say you love me back, I will be forced to tickle you and you are at my mercy.”
“NO! I love you too and do NOT do that!” He quickly answered and you immediately laughed.
“I knew I would get it out of you when I said that. You’re going to do great things, baby. And I can’t wait to see it all unfold. Whether it’s on the court or off.” You said while leaning down to kiss him. 
“But for now can you help me up?”
“Last time I checked you said that you didn’t need my help.” You responded while eyeing him.
“Well I lied and this floor is anything but comfortable.��
“Of course I’ll help you, you know that you never have to ask.”
“Through thick and thin?”
“Through thick and thin, baby.”
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mattspoetdepartment · 2 years ago
For white men can't jump, I just loved it😂. Jeremy was the perfect character for Jack to play for his first role. And his charcter reminded me so much of how people write their fics for how Jack would be as a boyfriend so I found that kinda funny/cute. I seen that he's also going to be in a film with Casey Affleck, I can't wait to watch that too.-🐥
I love love loved wmcj!!! It was so good for his first movie!!
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moody4world · 2 years ago
reblogging this in honor of the release!!
The lucky one🏀
a/n: yall im obsessed with the trailer already so here’s a little something i was thinking about.
Kamal and Jeremy at the basketball court
Jeremy: So uh, who’s the fine lady over there?
Kamal: Did you just say fine lady in 2023? That’s y/n, don’t even think about it either cause she hasn’t given anybody that comes here the time of day. EVER.
Jeremy: But she’s never met me.
Kamal: Jeremy…be for real man.
Jeremy: Look, im just sayin maybe im the lucky one ya know? i feel like the universe is on my side with this one.
Y/n fine ass walks by winking at Jeremy as they both stare in awe
Y/n: Hey Kamal….hi white boy.
Kamal: Damn, maybe you are the lucky one.
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slvttyharlow · 2 years ago
Main Masterlist
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| Started — 7/6/23 | Last Updated — 8/26/23 | Total Works — 3 |
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◦ Jack Harlow
◦ Jeremy
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© harlowsthetic 2023. | All rights reserved. Do not repost, reupload, translate, modify, or claim my work as your own.
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harlowsbby · 2 years ago
What You Heard (WMCJ)
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“Did you hear Jeremy is supposedly cheating on Y/N with Tatiana?”
“Wait wasn’t Tatiana his ex-girlfriend though? The one that left him?” You furrowed your eyebrows as you listened to whoever it was talking about Jeremy and Yourself.
You were at the gym Jeremy had dropped you off before he went and met up with Kamal and the guys for a bit but if you knew you were going to be the topic of conversation at the gym you would’ve stayed home.
“I mean that’s what Tatiana told me last night Jeremy went out with her and said he’d be willing to sneak around with her-.” You couldn’t bare to hear anything else they were going to say and you didn’t care if they saw you, you quickly busted out of the bathroom stall as the two girls jumped and watched you leave through the mirror.
“Next time ima definitely check and make sure nobody I’m talking about is in here.” The blonde haired girl said.
You wiped the tears threatening to fall from your eyes and stormed out of the gym. You didn’t want to believe rumors from other people but I mean Jeremy was out late last night, he had said he got caught up playing ball with Kamal and the guys.
You went to call Jeremy so he’d come pick you up from the gym but opted out and walked to Kamal and Imani’s. You weren’t ready to deal or even see Jeremy yet luckily they didn’t live that far from the gym.
Luckily Imani was already outside playing with her son when she heard footsteps approaching she instantly relaxed upon seeing you but the worries quickly rushed back to her face when she noticed you had been crying.
“What’s going on? Did something happen to Jeremy.” She worriedly asked and took the three of you back inside. “Baby go play over there with my phone yeah? Ima talk to Y/N.” You smiled at her son and he smiled back before running to his bean bag chair Jeremy had gotten him and playing on the phone.
“It’s just.” You groaned and tossed your head back. “Jeremy dropped me off at the gym earlier and I guess I overheard some of Tatiana’s friends saying that Jeremy is seeing her again behind my back? I don’t know if it’s true or not I just.. I don’t know what to do.”
Imani was livid she loved you like a sister and if this was true trust she was going to pop Jeremy knee’s right back in place. “Have you talked to him about it babe? I mean I’m sure it isn’t true. Jeremy loves you I know he does.” Imani stood up and fixed the two of you some tea.
“I don’t know Imani last night he said he was going out with Kamal but the girls in the bathroom were saying that Jeremy was with Tatiana.” Imani’s eyebrows furrowed together. “He was with Kamal last night true me I know where Kamal is at all times I don’t play that shit.” The two of you laughed at her comment.
“Just talk to Jeremy alright? The guys should be back here soon.” As if they knew the two of you were talking about them they came through the front door almost instantly.
“Daddy!” Kamal’s son screamed excitedly upon seeing his dad and immediately ran into his arms. “Dang no hug for me? Even after I bought you a basketball.” Jeremy faked cried and Kamal’s son ran over to his his little hands fist bumping Jeremy’s.
“Talk to him.” Imani mouthed and Jeremy looked up and was a bit surprised seeing you standing in the kitchen. “Baby? What are you doing here did you walk from the gym? You know that’s dangerous, almost as dangerous as me walking through this neighborhood alone.”
“Really? See I told you he’s on some shit.” Speedy told Kamal. “White man got some serious issues.” Renzo said with a mouth full of Doritos. “Let’s just give them some privacy alone alright?” Imani pushed everyone outside leaving Jeremy and You alone to talk.
“Where are they going? What do we need to talk about.” Jeremy was honestly confused because just this morning the two of you were fine he had the love bites to prove it.
“Look Jeremy I don’t wanna beat around the bush so just be honest with me.” You paused and looked up at Jeremy, you had to admit this was the most serious he’s ever looked and been since you’ve dated him.
He was concentrated all his attention and focus was on you. “Are you cheating on me with Tatiana?” The moment those words left your mouth you regretted it. “What?” He said in disbelief.
“Wait am I getting punk’d right now? I must be.” He laughed and looked around the room trying to see if a camera crew was going to jump out.
“What makes you think I’m cheating on you with my ex-girlfriend that left me?! That’s a total downgrade move.”
Jeremy might’ve played or acted dumb at times but he’d be really dumb if he messed up any chances of being with you. “When I was at the gym earlier I heard.” You had to pause you didn’t even want to continue this conversation. “Tell me baby please tell me what you heard.” Jeremy whispered.
He felt as if he had to be gentle with you he didn’t want to lose you he couldn’t lose you he loved you, you were the only women he had eyes for and truly and utterly loved. “I heard two of Tatiana’s friends saying how the two of you met up last night and that you’d be willing to sneak behind my back and date her again and if that’s what you want I’m not going to stop yo-.”
Jeremy smashed his lips onto your lips he grabbed ahold of the back of your head and deepened the kiss. His hands curls around your waist and he finally breaks the kiss to look down at you.
“Well that’s one way of getting me to shut up.” The two of you laughed. “I’d never cheat on you Y/N I’d be really really really reall-.” You rolled your eyes at his ranting. “Stupid? I get it Jeremy so why did they say that.”
“One of my friends at the gym said they saw Tatiana watch you go in so I’m assuming she must’ve set it up and had her friends follow you around, I was with Kamal last night I’d never cheat on you not in a million years baby.” Jeremy defended himself.
“I believe you Jeremy I’m sorry for getting all worked up and stuff I just couldn’t help it.” He grinned and brought you into his embrace and tightened is arms around you. “I love you so much you have no idea.” He mumbled.
“I love you too Jeremy.” The two of you stood there in silence for a bit just enjoying one another’s company.
“Baby?” Jeremy said. “Yes Jeremy.” You pulled back and looked at him waiting for his question.
“Do you think if I got surgery to get a bit taller they’d start calling me the next Shaq? I feel like I’d get so much more street credibility.” You looked at him dumbfounded you never truly understood the things that came out Jeremy’s mouth.
“Jeremy.” “Yes baby?”
“I think it’s best you just kiss me again.” He grinned. “I like the sound of that.”
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harlowgifs · 2 years ago
wait why was jeremy crying?
He got in an argument with Tatiana about him playing basketball and they never made up before she left to go on tour with SZA. So he was crying as he watches her leave
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lcandothisallday · 2 years ago
Request: Jeremy promised he’d be home in time to go grocery shopping with you but he completely forgets about it and when he gets home you give him the silent treatment. 🫢
Silent Treatment - Jeremy (WMCJ) x f!reader
gif by the wonderful @harlowgifs
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“Jeremy,” you call out to your boyfriend who was fidgeting around the living room, throwing items into his gym bag. “Jeremy did you hear what I said?”
He lifted his head up and looked at you confused. “Sorry what?”
You groan. “I asked if you’re joining me for grocery shopping later today.”
“Uhh yeahhh,” he dragged out while still looking around. He was too distracted for his own good. “We can go at like 7?” he suggested.
“Yeah sounds good,” you confirm with him. “Are you okay, Jer?” you pout, your arms wrapping around his neck to get him to focus back on you. “Seem distracted.”
Jeremy nodded. “I’m fine, baby,” he smiled, his hands falling to your hips. “Do you have a hundred though?” he asked with a mumble.
You furrow your brows and pull away. “What do you need a hundred dollars for?”
“I just need it—”
“Jeremy we can’t afford non-essential expenses,” you sigh.
Jeremy ran a hand through his hair in stress. “The guy who owns the gym won’t let me use the court to train my client if I don’t pay for a month’s membership—and the rest is for gas,” he lied.
Truth be told he was using the money in pick up games here and there to help Kamal come up with money to play in a competition together. While most of the time they end up winning said pick ups, there have been the occasional ones where they lose and have to give up their bets— and he wanted to avoid any incidents if possible.
The only issue was, he was lying to you. You didn’t know he was playing basketball again. The both of you had agreed he’d stop for fear of his health and to focus on building a life together.
Of course you didn’t know any better and his excuse was one that made complete sense so with a sigh, you walked over to your purse and pulled out a one hundred dollar bill from your wallet. “Try not to use all of it up…maybe then we can buy ourselves some wine as a treat,” you giggled, insinuating that it was a luxury, as you handed him the bill.
Jeremy grinned and leaned his head down to press a kiss to your lips. “Thanks, baby. I’ll see you tonight.”
You sat on the couch with your arms crossed and an annoyed expression on your face. It was now nearing 9 o’clock and Jeremy still wasn’t home. You had called him maybe 4 times to remind him of your plans and to see where he was but he never answered, forcing you to go alone.
Something felt off the entire day but you weren’t in the mood to find out tonight.
9:40 is when Jeremy finally unlocked and walked through the front door. He dropped his bag onto the ground and plopped down next to you, his hand moving to rest on your thigh. “Missed you, baby,” he hummed, moving in to press a kiss to your cheek but you swiftly moved away, ignoring his entire presence.
Jeremy looked at you offendedly before he scanned the room and noticed the grocery bags still laid on the kitchen counters. You hadn’t put them away in pettiness. You wanted it to be loud and clear that he messed up.
His eyes finally widened in realization. He had blown off your grocery shopping plans. “Shit y/n I’m sorry—I totally forgot.”
You continued to stare ahead ignoring him. He deserved the silent treatment. “Baby come on—talk to me,” he groaned.
Instead of replying and speaking your mind, you get up to finally put away the groceries with him following behind you hopelessly. “Y/N,” he called out sternly. When you didn’t show any response, he stopped in front of you and snatched the bag of bread out of your hand to stop you in your place. Now he was getting annoyed. “We don’t give each other the silent treatment,” he reminded you as he stared you down.
You couldn’t help your scoff, your arms crossing over your chest in defence. You looked away and Jeremy clenched his jaw before his hand came up to redirect your gaze back onto him.
“Where were you?” you finally speak up, gazing up at him.
“At work—you know that.”
“Jeremy I’m not stupid!” you exclaim, throwing your hands up in exasperation. “You blew me off completely! If you were busy then you could’ve just said that—I asked you for a reason,” you pointed out.
Jeremy shrugged. “I didn’t think training would run this late,” he mumbled, but you only shook your head. You weren’t having it anymore.
“You’re lying to me,” you say accusing him. “You come home later than usual every day—you’re always tired—always looking for extra money—you stopped caring about your drinks all together—not to mention I’m like pretty sure you’re back on the pills--so what’s going on?!”
Jeremy shook his head in denial. “Nothing is happening, baby. I just genuinely forgot. The training session like I said went on a bit longer cos the kid needed work— then I hung out with Kamal. It’s just groceries,” he muttered under his breath. “No need to get all worked up.”
You’re in disbelief. “I know it’s just groceries! It’s the thought, Jer. You’re keeping something from me! Are you cheating or something?” you ask softly, looking down in fear of the answer.
“Woah woah woah! How did you get that I’m cheating from all of this?!” he yelled, clearly offended at this particular accusation because he would never hurt you like that.
“Well what other conclusions should I draw?! Jeremy—you’re acting different,” you whisper, your eyes gathering with tears. “I just want you to be honest.”
“I’m not cheating,” he reiterated sternly. “I really was with Kamal—we…I started playing ball again with him…been doing pick ups to make enough to enter a competition,” he sighed, finally spilling his big secret.
His honestly was a relief. “Jeremy—baby your knees,” you say softly, your hands moving to hold his. “I don’t want you to get hurt.”
“But baby if we win we’ll be set,” he says hopefully, his eyes lit up with a passion. “I’d be able to take you on that Hawaii trip you’ve always wanted to go on—we could finally buy a new mattress—I’d…I’d buy you a nice fucking ring,” he whispered.
“I don’t need any of that, Jer. I just want you,” you whisper back, your arms wrapping around his waist. “I want you to be safe and healthy…and happy. So if playing basketball will make you happy—”
“You make me happy,” Jeremy interrupted but you laughed and shook your head.
“So does basketball and I don’t wanna be the reason you have to lie and sneak around to partake in your passion,” you sigh. “I love you too damn much,” you mumble against his lips before kissing him softly.
Jeremy kissed you back, his hands moving up to cup your cheeks to deepen it. When the two of you had to pull away for a breather, he rested his forehead against yours and smiled. "How are you so perfect?" he mused.
Your cheeks flush and you shook your head. "I'm not--"
"Nah you are," Jeremy said again. "Any other girl wouldn't have been so understanding."
"I think you underestimate just how down bad I am for you," you giggle, your fingers now playing with his beard. "I only see my life with you in it and I don't want it to be filled with lies...I wanna be able to support you, wherever or whatever it is you choose to do. It really is that simple," you shrug.
Jeremy felt like his heart could burst at your words. "Exactly why you're perfect," he smirked, giving you another soft kiss. "I really am sorry for forgetting about our grocery run."
"Kinda worked out...I didn't have to get your weird vegan substitutes," you teased, causing him to laugh. "But you definitely need to make it up to me..."
"How so?" he mused, a playful smile dancing on his lips as his hands moved down to massage your hips.
You shrugged, your own smirk growing on your face. "Hmm...I'm thinking maybe something that involves a bed...and your mouth..."
"Bet. Let's go."
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