#idk what else to label this haha
we-are-so-close · 2 years
Another Appetizer
Kageyama x reader --crack, fluff wc: 1.2k author's note: this is for @milky-fixx . Tati, you deserve to have pro-athlete Kageyama Tobio buy you your own appetizer every time you go on a date.
The sun hung directly overhead, the sky a pale blue with no sight of a cloud anywhere. The day was warm, but felt much hotter on the rooftop patio with no refreshing breeze to cut back on the heat. The umbrella that jutted up from the middle of the table provided shade, but rays of sunlight were still able to pierce through. While you were happy to finally be trying this new restaurant that had been on your radar for months, you were more ecstatic to be there with your friend and longtime crush, Kageyama Tobio. If he wasn’t away for volleyball, you certainly had some school duty you needed to fulfill. Regardless, you were glad that the two of you were finally able to hang out. 
The more you stared at him, the more in thought he seemed to be. It was funny; you weren’t sure how someone could look like they were thinking about everything and nothing all at once. But sure enough, Kageyama never failed to surprise you. Trying to figure out what was going on up there was a mystery you weren’t sure you’d ever be able to solve fully. 
“Kags. Kags…Tobio. Tobio. To-bi-ooOO. TOBI!” you stated with some force in your voice. The change in volume and pitch effectively pulled him back to the moment with you. He stared at you, a little lost. 
“They brought the appetizer out.”
“Oh. Thanks,” he said as he took the whole pastry and popped it into his mouth. 
“Tobio!” you whined. 
“Whaght,” he mumbled, his face comparable to a chipmunk storing goodies in their cheeks. 
“I really wanted to try that, too!”
“Oh,” he swallowed hard, every bit of food slowly making its way down his throat. 
Quickly, he got up from his chair and towered over you. His eyes scanned your face and you stared right back at him. Without any warning, Kageyama’s lips pushed his way onto yours. You could feel yourself getting hot in the face. This was not how you imagined your first kiss with Kageyama going. For the first time today, you were grateful for being the only ones out on the patio. He slipped his tongue in rather forcefully, and it made you wonder if he’d done this before. 
A brief moment later, he pulled away and sat back down in his seat. 
“Did you get it?” he asked in a most serious tone. 
“The taste of the pastry.”
“Is that why you kissed me?!” A new heat rose within you. 
“You said you wanted to taste it. So I thought since I just ate it, you might still be able to.”
“Kageyama, ew! I could just order another one!”
“Oh yeah, I guess you could have done that.”
A few moments of silence pass, the two of you staring off into different directions. The waiter finally came back out to check on the two of you. 
“Can we get another order of this?” Kageyama pointed to the empty plate before the waiter had finished his formalities. The waiter simply smiled and said, “of course, sir,” before clearing the plate and leaving once again. 
A few more minutes passed by and the silence was so awkward, even Kageyama took notice. 
“How has work been, ____?”
“Same old, same old.”
“Any funny stories?”
“That’s too bad. Your stories are always really good.”
A few more minutes go by before the waiter comes back out with the second round of the appetizer. Kageyama’s gaze was boring directly into your soul. He was going to make sure you ate it and enjoyed it. What he doesn’t realize is just how uncomfortable it’s actually making you. 
“Is there something wrong with it? Why aren’t you eating it?” He asked with concern. 
“I can’t eat it with you staring at me like that.” 
He scrunched his face and tried to make himself smile a reassuring smile. You knew the smile. The smile that was more of a grimace or it looked like he was constipated. It was funny when he did it to other people. But now that he was doing it to you, it somehow wasn’t as funny. 
“Is this better?”
“Um, could you just close your eyes for a minute, maybe?
He gave a little pout, but obliged. You stared at the food on the plate. You wanted to know what it tasted like, but you needed to know something more. 
“Was that the only reason why you kissed me?”
“What?” His eyes flew open and immediately went back to analyzing your face. Tobio had never been the best at reading people, but he’d always been pretty good at understanding you. As best of a face you tried to put on, he could tell that something was up. 
“I guess I just ate it without thinking, and then acted without thinking,” he shrugged sheepishly.
A sinking feeling sat in the pit of your stomach, but you let out a soft chuckle regardless. “Is your brain even in there today?”
He squeezed his eyes shut again, seemingly trying to stop himself from saying anything else. You took the time to finally savor a bite of this pastry you’d been eagerly wanting to try. As soon as you took a bite though, Kageyama scooched his chair out from the table and, once again, startled you with a kiss. He pulled away with a look of disgust. 
“Uck, you have food in your mouth!” 
After you were able to stop your coughing fit and prevent yourself from choking, you looked at that man as if he had three heads. 
“Yeah, I had food in my mouth! Did you not see me take a bite?!”
“You told me to close my eyes!”
“Kageyama Tobio, you are going to be the death of me!”
He sat with his arms folded across his chest and pouted. A tinge of pink lingered across his cheeks. 
The waiter awkwardly cleared his throat as he was standing there with both of your meals in his hands. How long he was standing there, you couldn’t be too sure. He quietly set the plates down and turned on his heel as fast as he could. 
“This date is not going well,” Tobio finally spoke out.
“Yeah. I think it’s obvious I like you, dummy. You must like me, too, if you would wait months just to come try this place for the first time with me.” 
This was the most sensible thing you think he’s ever said. You were in awe. 
“Tobio, I-”
“I was hoping you’d want to be my girlfriend, but I have ruined that!” He threw his hands up, defeated. 
“Tobio, I-”
“I think about you all of the time; I can’t get you out of my head. I want to know what it feels like to experience new things with you. I-”
Now you cut him off with a kiss. No food this time, only the lips of two goofballs who like each other. 
“Tobio, I want that, too,” you said gently. 
“Really?” The tinge of pink across his cheeks turned darker and covered most of his face. 
“Really,” you paused. “But only if I can call you baby bird.”
“Baby bird?” He furrowed his brow. 
“Think about it,” you said as you sat back down and began eating your meal, a smirk plastered on your face. 
A second or two passed before your words finally clicked. 
“____, gross!”
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isekyaaa · 5 months
I know it's the point for reader-inserts fics to be romantic, but the way people write them so dripping in unrealistic fantastical puppy love really triggers this innately viscerally repulsed reaction in me.
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fullsunstrawberry · 10 months
Love Beyond Labels
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synopsis: the misunderstood "rich girl," reveals her academic struggles to a loner with his own challenges. In an unexpected twist, they form a unique friendship—she gets study help, and he gains a true companion.
genre: slice of life, humor, fluff, angst, smut, freaky nerd
warnings**: bullying, swearing, self-hate, mentions of anxiety, jokes of social "suicide", dreamies are kinda mean in this..., no condom mentioned, praising, fingering, marking, lots of boobie touching cause haechan loves them okay, make-up sex, idk probably more lol
word count: 8.9k
a/n: first ever written fanfic....kinda nervous haha
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School is easy, all you have to do is sit there and look pretty. Well, that's what all your classmates thought. They didn't know how difficult school was for you. You never got what was happening in class. Anytime you got an answer wrong, no one batted an eye because who expects the rich pretty girl to get an answer right? But little did they know you would cry in the janitor's room after each time. You just hated feeling so dumb.
"Ugh, I'm not ready for today's test," Jaemin huffed, plopping down beside you.
"Wait, there's a test?" you sighed, already predicting the outcome.
Mr. Moon whispered a half-hearted "good luck" as he handed you the test, before moving on and finishing handing out everyone else’s tests. He already knew how it was going to go.
You hated how even the teachers knew you were stupid.
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After the test, you already knew you failed it. You were the last one to turn your test in, when Jaemin asked if you wanted to meet up with him, Jeno, Mark, and Chenle for lunch. You nodded telling him you had to stop at the office real quick.
Instead of walking towards the office, you sped walked to the janitor's closet, already feeling the tears threaten to escape. You knew you failed that test. Even though you acted like you didn’t know you had a test, you lied. You’ve been studying for it for a long time. Even canceling plans. But you would never admit it to anyone. You studied your ass off but still failed, that’s even more pathetic than forgetting about it.
You quickly took out the keys and opened the door quickly so no other student would see it. You thank the janitor for being so forgetful that you could easily steal one of his keys. He has a bunch of copies, one missing wouldn’t hurt. Right as you locked the door you sat in the corner, not even bothering to turn the lights on.
you were always an ugly crier, but it was okay cause you bought the most expensive waterproof makeup for these occasions. Only a quick bathroom stop is needed before meeting your friends for lunch.
As you were drying your tears you heard the door jiggle and then open. you quickly hid your face just in case it was someone you knew.
"Y/N?" a voice you didn't recognize spoke, interrupting your quiet moment in the janitor's closet.
Confused, you wiped your face and looked up at the mystery voice. You kind of recognized the thick black glasses boy in front of you. You knew he was in some of your classes but you couldn’t think of his name.
Fearing the worst you cleared your throat before asking “What do you want?”
“Uh, I don't want anything!" the boy replied, swiftly stepping into the room and closing the door. You noticed he had his lunch tray with him. "This might sound pathetic, but I like to eat my lunch here."
confused, you asked him “Why would you do that?”
“Well I don’t really have friends and I don’t want to get picked on” he explained sitting down next to you, not having much of a choice because there wasn’t that much room.
"Oh, I'm sorry for bothering you. I'll just go," you said, preparing to stand up. But before you could, he quickly called out your name, making you look down at him.
"You're not bothering me! You can stay and talk about what's going on. I know we don't talk, but I can listen to you." His hopeful eyes convinced you to sit back down. You quickly wiped away your tears before confiding in him.
“You can’t tell anyone this!“ You put your pinky finger up and put it near him. “promise?”
“I don’t have many people to tell” he let out a small laugh while putting his hands up defensively. “promise!” he took your pinky finger in his
“okay” you nodded “I failed my psychology test today”
you looked at his face and he looked confused “What?” you questioned
“Oh it's just, you always fail your tests. Everyone knows that”
As he said that you felt the tears start to come back. Of course, he wouldn’t get it. Why did you ever think he would get it?
“I didn’t mean it like that, I’m so sorry” he panicked “I shouldn’t have said that!”
you turn away, quickly wiping away your tears again. “no I get it, I’m the dumb girl”
"No, no, no, that's not what I meant. Hey, want to hear something embarrassing about me? I'm only here because of a scholarship. That's why no one wants to be friends with me!" he confessed.
you start to giggle “That’s not embarrassing!”
“It made you laugh! But here is something actually embarrassing, my teacher forgot my name today. Even though I've had her for the whole year.”
Your eyes widen, feeling bad that you forgot his name.
“ahh you don’t know my name either”
you smile “If you tell me your name, I’ll forgive you”
“That's a nice name, haechan” You smiled at the way it rolled off your tongue. 
“thank you, I have a proposition or a proposal”
“I know what proposition means” you teased
he giggled, “I’ll help you study”
your eyes lit up, “really? What can I do for you?”
he avoided your eyes and cleared his throat “Be my friend”
your eyes softened “That’s not hard, I was going to be your friend after this conversation anyways” You pushed his shoulder.
He finally met your eyes and smiled at you. “then you don’t have to do anything, friends help friends”
As the bell faintly rang, you pulled out your phone. "Here, give me your number so we can talk."
he paused for a second before taking your phone
standing up and thanking him before you quickly left to go touch up your makeup in the bathroom. Reminding yourself you would have to tell Jaemin you were sorry for ditching him and the guys.
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You walked into your next class as the late bell rang. 
“there you are! Jaemin told me you ditched us” Mark laughed. 
“I didn't mean to ditch you guys, just got carried away.” 
“carried away, with what?” 
“I was working on my psychology essay, and I can't believe she makes us write one every week!” you huffed out, setting your bag down before sitting down. 
“Could have just said you were talking to guys instead of lying.” Mark laughed, too interested in whatever was on his phone to notice your face drop. What did your friends think of you? 
“What do you mean?” 
Mark glanced at you before laughing, “You always procrastinate, there is no way you even started it!” 
Instead of arguing you turned to face the front, pulling out your notebook. The essay is due in two days, of course, you started it. There would be no way for you to finish the four pages if you didn't. Turning towards Mark again you huffed out, “Well someone is helping me study.”
Shocked, Mark quickly faced towards you “What? What happened to y/n?” 
You scoffed, “Really? That surprising”
“I am, you never really cared for grades”
“Well I'm sick of failing every test” 
“So who's helping you out?” Mark leaned towards you “Could have just asked me”
“His name is Haechan”
Mark’s eyebrows furrowed “That one kid that eats in the bathroom?”
“He doesn't eat in the bathroom!” You defended 
“Just be careful, he’s a little weird” 
“What do you mean, you don’t even know him” You started to get upset.
“He doesn't really talk to anyone”  He could see how your face scrunched up and you were about to start an argument with him so he shrugged, not really caring “Why didn't you ask me, I'm one of the top students”
You didn't really want to explain what happened so you just blew his question off. Before he could press you for an answer, the teacher walked in. 
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Haechannie🤓🐻: When do you want to start?
Y/N☺️: I have my psychology paper due soon. Could you read it over before I turn it in?
Haechannie🤓🐻: Yeah meet me at the public library after school 
Y/N☺️: Thanks!
Haechannie🤓🐻: No problem :)
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Jaemin and Jeno are probably thinking you're going crazy when you tell them you didn't need a ride after school. But you didn't want them to drop you off at the library and question you the same way Mark did in class. So you just said you were meeting up with a girlfriend of yours who wanted to walk to the park. At the mention of a girl, they didn’t question anything. 
Now that's how you ended up looking around the library for Haechan. He wasn't on the first or second floor, so you started making your way up to the third floor. Questioning why he even would go all the way up there, no one liked the third floor. As you looked around you spotted Haechan sitting at a table in the corner. 
As he heard you coming, he looked up and smiled. “Took you long enough!”
“Who even uses the third floor of the library, all the books up here are just textbooks.” You huffed out, setting your bag down and taking out everything you needed. 
“That’s the whole point! It’s quiet up here” 
You can admit, that he has a point! Maybe you will actually start using the third floor more. As if you ever go to the public library without your friends dragging you there. Liking your room for studying a lot more because there are no judging eyes. 
“Okay, let’s get started! Let me see what you have already” Haechan smiled at you. 
You pulled out your notebook and quickly found the page you started to write on before handing it to Haechan. As you handed it to him, your fingers brushed, which made Haechan pull away quickly. 
You watched as his eyes read through everything you wrote. Anxiety started to fill you up. What if it was really bad and he thinks you're even more of an idiot than before? Ugh, he’s a nice guy, he wouldn't think like that. But you don’t really know him— Before your inner monologue continues Haechan put down your notebook. Shock showed in his eyes. 
“Wow, that was really good! The way you described Sensation and Perception was easy to understand. How do you usually fail with papers like this?”
Shocked that he actually liked your paper it took you a couple of seconds to register his question. “I usually get good grades on my papers and in-class work, but tests always seem to get to me.” 
“mmm, I understand,” Haechan hummed. “A lot of people have test anxiety, I have some tips I can give you if you want” 
Your eyes lit up as you nodded, eager to hear what he had to say. 
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“It’s getting quite late, maybe we should start wrapping this up?” Haechan yawned. 
You quickly looked at the time, not believing him that it was so late. You gasped, shocked at how quickly time passed with Haechan. “Oh, I better get going, before my mom starts to ask questions.” 
“Yeah, I have to get going too. It was nice hanging out with you.” Haechan quickly gathered up all his things before moving to leave. 
Haechan paused looking at you confused. 
“What are you doing tomorrow after class?” 
“Nothing, until I have to go in for work” Haechan sighed “I don’t want to study again tomorrow”
A little taken aback by the change in his tone, you quickly cleared things up “That’s not what I was going to ask you! I wanted to know if you wanted to hang out, like at the mall or something”
you couldn't quite read the emotion on Haechan’s face. Was he shocked? Happy? Confused? Maybe a little bit of each. 
“Oh um yeah, we can hang out.” 
“Good, I’ll text you the details” You smiled before turning away and leaving him to stand there not knowing what was going on in his head. 
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The final bell rang as you rushed out to find Haechan. Earlier promising that you both would take the bus to the mall together. 
Your eyes lit up seeing him standing at the bus stop, calling out a quick “Haechan” to get his attention. Which seemed to work as he found you in the crowd of other students. 
As you finally pushed through all the people to get to Haechan, your face dropped. He wasn't looking at you anymore. “What’s wrong?” 
“You don’t want to be caught hanging out with me, it will ruin your reputation.” He whispered 
Taken aback you laughed, which turned into a heavier laugher. Shocked and confused by your reaction, Haechan turned towards you, watching you laugh like you were crazy. “I’m not joking! Hanging out with me in public is literally social suicide”
You took a couple of deep breaths before answering him “Haechan, this isn't some teen drama! Who even cares about that” 
Haechan looked embarrassed by this and started to fiddle with his fingers. You saw the bus starting to pull up so you took hold of his hand. Stopping him from fiddling with them and making sure you didn't lose him to the crowd of people waiting for the bus. 
If you were paying more attention, you would have seen how bright his cheeks turned. Before quickly snapping out of it. 
As you got onto the bus, you noticed how full it was. Only noticed one seat in the back. quickly you pulled him towards the back and offered him the seat. 
Shaking his head, he told you to sit down. But you insisted that you were okay with standing. Looking around you noticed the other people starting to get annoyed, even hearing an older lady saying she hates teenage couples. 
Before he could protest, you pushed him down onto the seat and sat on his knee. “Are you happy now? It’s a win-win situation, we both get to sit now” You smiled. 
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The whole ride there was silent. Maybe the stunt you pulled on the bus was a little too much for him to handle. 
But you didn't let that stop you from grabbing his hand when the bus finally arrived at the mall. Excitedly telling Haechan about all your favorite stores and sales that are going on right now. 
He didn't seem to care when you kept dragging him to different clothing and makeup stores. It wasn't until you noticed how uncomfortable he was did you realized how rude you were being. 
“Oh shit sorry, where do you want to go next?”
 Taken back by this Haechan quickly tried to brush it off “No it’s okay, where do you want to go next?” Not letting him dodge the question you push him for an answer. “No, come on, let's go somewhere you like next!”
“Uh I like Gamestop” 
“Then we are off to Gamestop, I know where it is because it’s next to my favorite shoe store!” 
Haechan’s eyes lit up when he saw the new Lord of the Fallen had been released. “Cool! I’ve been waiting for this to come out” But as quickly as he picked it up he put it down. 
“You're not going to get it?” You questioned
“Oh no, it’s too much money” He turned to look at other things, leaving you the opportunity to grab and pay for the game without him knowing. 
Finding him in the back, you asked if he was finished looking around. Which earned you a nod. As you stepped out of the store, you held up the bag. “What did you get?” Haechan asked, confused. 
“It’s for you” You giggled handing him the bag. 
He hesitated before looking in the bag and gasping “Y/n, this is $80!” 
“That’s nothing! I love buying my friends things that I know they will like” You smiled, hooking your arm with his. “Now I'm hungry, let's go eat.” 
The food court wasn't your first choice, but haechan insisted. Arguing that he knew you were going to try to pay for his food if you went to some fancy restaurant. Which he is right, you would have. But you settled for paying for his Taco Bell instead. 
“Let's go near the carousel I love the view and plus not a lot of people sit over there”
Haechan nodded, letting you show the way. 
Everything was going very smooth. You wanted to do this again and again. But as you were in your own world you heard voices call out “Hyuck”. Haechan's eyes widened and looked around. 
Two boys, one tall and one short, sat down near you guys. 
“Long time no see, we missed you!” The taller one said either not knowing or not caring about your presence. 
The shorter one cleared his throat before asking Haechan “So are you going to introduce us” 
Haechan laughed nervously before looking at you, pointing to the shorter one “This is Huang Renjun” and then pointing to the taller one who seem to now noticed you were there “And this is Park Jisung” 
Before Haechan could speak you smiled “I'm F/N L/N!” 
Haechan winced at your mentioning your last name. You looked at the other guys and their faces dropped. Confused, you asked “what's wrong?” 
Haechan quickly cleared his throat and explained “It’s nothing! We used to know someone with that last name and so they're just surprised.” 
The two boys looked confused before nodding “Sorry, just bad memories” Renjun forced a smile before getting up and announcing “Oh we’re gonna be late for our movie, let’s go Jisung” 
They left before you could even get in another word. Noticing your shock, Haechan shakes his head “Those are my friends from my childhood, we haven't talked in a while because we go to different schools now.” 
Not wanting to push you just hummed.
Something felt weird but you didn't want to bring it up. Today has been one of your favorites and you didn't want to sour the mood by letting Haechan know his friends acted a bit rude. 
So the whole time you didn't bring it up, instead going back to your cheery self. After a few more stores, you both decided that was enough for today and Haechan really needed to get home so he could get enough sleep before having to go to his part-time job. 
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Soon days, weeks, and months flew by. Hanging out with Haechan really made things go by so quickly. You liked his company. So did your teachers, complimenting you on passing all your tests. One even accused you of cheating, but Haechan stepped in and confessed he had been helping you study.
Even your parents seemed to notice the change in your mood. Your mother loves getting her cheerful daughter back. The only people who seemed to hate the “new and improved y/n” were your best friends. It started with Jaemin accusing you of sleeping with Mr. Moon because he swore there’s no way you could have gotten scored higher on your test then him. Obviously, you were pissed that he could even suggest something like that.
So you ended up admitting to your not-so-secret tutoring sessions to your friends one day at lunch.
“So that's where you've been during lunch?” Chenle questioned. 
“Yes, we’ve been eating in the library together” 
“So you’ve been ditching us for that nerd this whole time!” Jeno’s voice raised, causing some of the other students in the cafeteria to look at your table. 
“Don’t call him a nerd!” 
“But he is one!” Jeno threw his hands up in the air. 
“Just because he gets good grades? Then why don’t you call Mark or Jaemin a nerd?”
“Y/N Come on, why are you defending him? He’s just some loser who eats in the bathroom when you're not at school” Chenle laughed, trying to get everyone to calm down. 
Taken back by how rude your best friends were, you looked around and made eye contact with Haechan. 
He was supposed to meet your friends today. He was really excited after you hyped all of them up. But as he was walking to your table, you could tell that he heard everything. 
You saw how his eyes were starting to water. 
“Maybe he is a nerd but he is way hotter than all of you! Bet he can actually get me to cum unlike any of you” You smirked knowing this would get on their nerves. Hitting it where it hurt, their egos. 
You heard Jaemin scuff, “Yeah right, we all know your type! You wouldn't even kiss him” 
Taking the challenge, you looked around and spotted Haechan again. But this time his face was red and his eyes were wide. You smirked, “wanna bet?” 
The tension in the cafeteria was thick after your bold statement, and all eyes seemed to be on the unfolding drama. Your best friends wore expressions of disbelief mixed with irritation. You made your way over to Haechan.
Haechan's eyes showed surprise, his cheeks flushed with embarrassment. You could feel the weight of the challenge in the air as you took a hold of his sweater collar, the fabric warm beneath your fingers. The cafeteria buzzed with hushed whispers and curious glances, but your focus was solely on him.
Pulling him down gently, your lips hovered near Haechan's ear, and you breathed out a teasing question. "Can I?" The words were soft, carrying a hint of playfulness.
In response, Haechan nodded fervently, his eyes wide with anticipation. "Please," he whispered back, his voice barely audible.
With a mischievous smirk, you seized the moment, closing the distance between your lips and Haechan lips. Time seemed to slow as the cafeteria fell into a stunned silence, and then erupted into a mix of gasps, whispers, and scattered applause. The unexpected turn of events had caught everyone off guard, including your best friends, who now wore expressions ranging from shock to disbelief.
Breaking the kiss, you stepped back. You saw how Haechan went to lean back in again. Quickly placing a short kiss to his lips you whispered “everyone watching us” His eyes widened and looked around the cafeteria. Making you giggle and whisper a hushed “Cute”
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After your little stunt in the cafeteria, everyone’s been asking you who that guy was and if you two are dating. You already knew poor Haechan was getting the same questions. 
Y/N😊❤️: People keep asking me if you’re a good kisser
Haechannie🤓🐻: Well am I?
Y/N😊❤️: Absolutely
Y/N😊❤️: What are you doing after school?
Haechannie🤓🐻: Working and then going home
Y/N😊❤️: When do you get off? Want to hang out with you
Haechannie🤓🐻: 9 pm, at the convenience store on the other side of town
Haechannie🤓🐻: we can hang out only if you promise to kiss me again
Y/N😊❤️: we’ll see ;)
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The convenience store was a far walk from your house so you asked your friend Yuna to drive you. But that didn’t stop your parents from scolding you for going out so late. All you had to say was that you were staying over at Yuna’s house. Yuna is your mom's best friend's daughter. She had no problem with this because last summer you had to do the same thing for her. 
There was only a few people at the convenience store. You saw Haechan slumped over at the counter scrolling through his phone. “Aren’t you supposed to be working”
Haechan jumped up from his sitting position, ready to be scolded by his manager. But when his eyes landed on you he shook his head “Ah you scared me! I still have 10 minutes until closing” 
“I wanted to get here early, I heard there is a cute cashier boy here” you smirked
You can already see Haechan’s face start to become a light shade of red. 
“Stop flirting with me, I'm working!” 
Before you could say a comeback, an older guy put down his stuff on the register. 
“She’s just trying to get free stuff” The random guy scoffed
Taken aback you scoff, tilting your head “What do you mean by that?”
“You’re too pretty for him”
You looked at Haechan and saw his head lower. 
Looking back at the guy you laugh “Nerdy guys are the freakiest” you winked
Haechan’s eyes widened, not being able to make eye contact with anyone. 
“All girls are the same” The guy harshly stated before throwing ten dollars on the counter and leaving. 
“How do you know I’m freaky?” Haechan busted out laughing. 
“I don’t but guys hate when their masculinity is threatened” You shrug.
“So what do you want to do after I close” 
“I don’t know, I told my parents I was staying over with a friend tonight. So I’m all yours”
“All mine? I like the sound of that” Haechan smirked leaning in “I live alone”
You gasp “How do you live alone?” 
“It’s a small place, I don’t have a relationship with my parents anymore” Haechan grabbed the keys to close the shop. “It’s not too far from here, only a five-minute walk” 
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Entering Haechan's apartment, the reality of his living space matched his earlier description. It kind of reminded you of a college dorm. Only a small living area with his bed and a tiny hallway that leads to his bathroom. 
As you took in the surroundings, Haechan couldn't help but laugh at your reaction. "I told you it was small," he remarked, his eyes glinting with amusement. "It's not the fanciest part of town, but it's affordable."
"It's nice!" you assured him, a genuine smile gracing your face.
Haechan, skeptical, teased, "You don't have to lie to me."
Your laughter filled the room. "I'm not lying! I was expecting much worse for a guy living alone." Your lighthearted comment elicited a chuckle from Haechan, getting rid of any lingering tension.
Looking around the compact space, you ask, "So, what do you want to do?"
"I was promised a kiss," Haechan said with a mischievous smirk.
Your laughter continued, but before you could respond, you felt his hand gently cup your face, pulling you into a kiss. This wasn't like the previous one in the cafeteria; it was more intense, and filled with passion.
As the kiss deepened, Haechan guided you backward until the back of your knees met his bed, causing you to gently fall onto it. Yet, he didn't break the kiss, instead, he adjusted his position to hover over you. Placing his knee between your legs, he elicited a soft moan from you. The sound only fueled Haechan's desire, and he broke the kiss momentarily, his gaze locking onto yours.
"You sound so beautiful," he murmured, his eyes fulled with desire. His fingers delicately traced the curve of your jawline, leaving a trail of electrifying sensations.
The air was charged with a blend of desire and anticipation as Haechan, deepening the kiss and found a comfortable position on top of you.
His hands, warm and assertive, traced subtle patterns along your sides, sending shivers down your spine. The small apartment seemed to fade away, leaving only the two of you entangled in the intoxicating rhythm of the kiss.
As the kiss continued to deepen, Haechan's movements became more deliberate. He pressed himself against you, and the warmth of his body radiated through the layers of clothing, intensifying the sensations.
The noisy world outside seemed to disappear, leaving only the echo of shared breaths and the subtle noise of hearts beating together.
Breaking away from the kiss, Haechan's eyes held an unspoken question, seeking affirmation in the depths of your gaze. Without uttering a word, you nodded, granting permission.
Haechan's lips traced a path from your mouth, leaving a trail of lingering kisses along your jawline and down your neck. Each touch sent shivers through your body, awakening a heightened awareness of the closeness between you.
As Haechan's fingers delicately traced patterns on your skin, he whispered “God I can’t get enough of you”. 
“I need you inside of me right now” You moaned as he started to take your shirt off.
Your words seemed to ignite something in Haechan, his eyes darkening with desire. He gently removed your shirt, his touch making your skin tingle.
You felt Haechan’s warm breath against your skin as he buried his face in your breasts. The sensation of his lips approaching your skin caused you to gasp, and the sound fueled his desire. As his lips made contact with your nipple, you felt a wave of pleasure run through you.
“God, Haechan”
His lips found yours once again. The pleasure of his lips on yours left you intoxicated.The feeling of the soft sheets against your bare skin and the warmth of Haechan’s body made you feel safe, yet vulnerable. Your heart skipped a beat as you felt his lips take your nipple in his mouth yet again, and the pleasure and excitement was overwhelming. The intensity of the sensations had left you without words, and you felt yourself wanting to scream with pleasure.
The moan that escaped from your lips seemed to ignite something in Haechan, and he moved his mouth to your other breast, leaving a trail of hot kisses. Each one caused you to gasp with pleasure and your hands explored the his back from under his shirt. The pleasure and excitement was too much, and you needed him inside you, but he kept teasing you in different ways.
When he finally moved to kiss you again, his hands gently moved down your body to rest on your waist. He seemed to be asking if it was okay to continue, and you nodded, silent. His hands moved to take off your pants, and you felt your heart start to race. 
His touch was gentle and soft, and his lips were warm against your skin, leaving behind a trail of goosebumps. You could feel the bulge in his pants pressing against you. The feeling of his skin against yours was intoxicating. As his hands kept tracing patterns across your skin. As his lips reached your thighs, you moaned with pleasure, begging for more
"Please..." you moaned, "I need you inside me."
Haechan looked up and gave you a mischievous grin, and his body tensed for a moment before he moved to undress himself. His movements left you breathless, and you stared at him as he removed his pants. The light of the room glinted off of his skin, and you felt your body start to quiver with anticipation.
His eyes seemed to penetrate you as he looked at you, as if he could see things you didn't want anyone to know about. There was a moment of silence as the two of you stared at each other, before he moved over you and hovered on top of you. The moment was perfect, the way his body molded to yours.
His lips found yours once again, and the kiss started off soft but eventually deepened. The intensity of the moment was something you had never experienced before, and your body felt on fire as his hands explored your skin. As his fingers traced patterns on your skin, you felt more and more aroused, and you moaned with pleasure as his fingers moved down across your sensitive skin to your underwear.
As you felt his fingers graze across your most sensitive parts, you gasped with pleasure, and Haechan smiled
“you’re hands please, i just need something inside of me” you begged.
Haechan smirked as he continued to tease you over your underwear. “then we have to get rid of these”
He slowly removed them before stuffing them into his nightstand.
You could feel your heart pounding in your chest as Haechan's fingers continued to tease you over your underwear. Your body throbbed with need, and you couldn't help but beg for more. The anticipation was driving you wild, and you craved the touch of his hands inside of you.
"Please, Haechan," you whimpered, your voice laced with desperation. "I need you inside me."
Haechan's smirk widened, his eyes darkening with desire. He knew exactly what he was doing to you, reveling in every moment of your vulnerability. Without a word, he slowly removed your underwear and discarded it into the nightstand.
The cool air caressed your exposed flesh, making you shudder in anticipation. Haechan positioned himself between your thighs, his gaze intense and hungry. You could feel the heat radiating off his body as he hovered over you, his breath mingling with yours.
His lips crashed onto yours once again, this time with an even fiercer hunger. The kiss was bruising, and passionate, as if he wanted to consume every ounce of your being. His hands roamed your body, leaving a trail of fire in their wake. Every touch sent electric shocks through you, heightening your desire.
But Haechan was not one to rush. He knew the power of anticipation. His fingers danced along the curves of your thighs. You squirmed beneath his touch, unable to suppress the moans that escaped your lips.
"Patience," he murmured against your skin, his voice laced with a raw sensuality that made your heart race. "I want to savor every moment."
His words only fueled the fire within you, igniting a primal need that consumed your thoughts. You could no longer wait, your body aching and yearning for release. With desperate boldness, you reached for him and pulled him closer. Haechan's eyes gleamed with a mixture of surprise and desire as you guided his hand to where you needed him most.
Without hesitation, his fingers slipped between your slick folds, finding your throbbing core. His touch was electrifying, sending waves of ecstasy through your body. You arched your back, giving him better access as he explored every inch of you, driving you to the edge.
As his fingers moved in delicious circles, your moans filled the room, mingling with the sound of his breathless whispers in your ear. It was as if time had stopped, leaving only the two of you.
Haechan's lips found yours once again, muffling the cry that escaped from deep within you as he brushed against your most sensitive spot. Your body shook with pleasure.
Every stroke sent shockwaves coursing through your body, building the pleasure to an unbearable peak. Your hips instinctively rose to meet his ministrations, wanting to feel even closer to him. The room seemed to spin as you felt your orgasm start to wash over you.
Haechan's fingers quickened their pace, pushing you further. With a sudden burst of overwhelming pleasure, your climax finally crashed over you. Your body shuddered beneath Haechan's touch as waves of intense bliss radiated from your core. It was an explosion of ecstasy that left.
As you finally started to get all your senses back you quickly reached out to Haechan. "Let me make you feel good too"
Haechan's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as he chuckled nervously, avoiding your gaze. "I-I get pleasure just from giving you pleasure," he stuttered.
The corners of your lips turned up in a sly smile as you teasingly asked, "Did you cum in your pants?"
In response, Haechan groaned and buried his face on your neck. "You just sounded so beautiful, I couldn't resist," he admitted shamefully.
You couldn't help but feel a mix of desire and amusement at his confession. Pulling away from him, you leaned into captured his lips with yours. "That's incredibly hot," you muttered against his mouth before breaking into a giggle.
"Alright," you said with a mischievous glint in your eye, "let's get cleaned up...and maybe we can find a way to get out of those pants too."
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In the morning, you felt the warmth of hands around your body. With a content smile, you turned around to find Haechan already awake, looking at you. "Good morning, beautiful."
"How long have you been awake?" you inquired.
"Not too long, I didn't want to wake you up" he replied.
Leaning in to plant a morning kiss on Haechan's lips, you were halted midway. "I messed up," he confessed.
Shocked, you asked, "What do you mean?"
"I slept with my only friend," he admitted.
A chuckle escaped you. "Well, if you play your cards right, you might end up with a girlfriend instead."
He chuckled at your response, pulling you in for another kiss
As the soft morning light streamed through the curtains, the intimacy between you and Haechan deepened. The laughter from the lighthearted exchange lingered as he pressed his lips against yours.
Breaking the kiss, Haechan looked into your eyes with a mix of affection and sincerity. "I'm serious, though. I don't want this to change things between us."
You traced your fingers gently along his cheek, reassuringly. "Haechan, it doesn't change anything. We both have our pasts, and what matters is what we have now."
A grateful smile played on his lips as he held you close, appreciating the comfort of the moment. "You're amazing, you know that?"
The tenderness in his words made your heart flutter. "You're not too bad yourself," you teased, your fingers intertwining with his.
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Your mother has noticed a change in your demeanor, catching glimpses of smiles and laughter while you were on your phone. Initially, you tried to dismiss it, claiming it was just conversations with friends, but the façade crumbled when your mother overheard you on a Facetime call, and she didn't recognize the voice. Peeking into your room she also didn’t notice the face on the screen.
Now, you found yourself anxiously anticipating how your parents would react to meeting Haechan for the first time. Your mother insisted on the introduction, pointing out that you had never appeared as happy with your previous partners. Which you had to give it to her, it was true. 
While you were confident your mother would adore Haechan, your concern was with your father. He was often distant, engrossed in his role as the owner of a major technology company. His strict views on your relationships were rooted in a desire to maintain a family business, yet he doubted your ability to contribute to it.
Hoping your father would be too occupied to attend dinner wasn't far-fetched, he frequently skipped family gatherings. However, your mother's pleas for him to take a rare evening off for his "precious" daughter won him over.
When you first brought it up with Haechan he was terrified. Always saying he was too busy to meet them.
But you finally caught him. He was complaining that he hasn't seen you in some time and that he misses you. So you asked if he was free later. Implying something sexual so he would change his plans if he needed to. When he took the bait and said he would be free all weekend, you told him to get ready to meet your parents. 
As the doorbell rang, you rushed to answer it before anyone else could. "You look so handsome," you cooed, admiring Haechan in a suit that, while not perfectly fitted, he still made it look good.
Haechan, in turn, was taken aback by your appearance. Clad in a baby pink puffy spring dress with pearl accessories, you radiated elegance. The elaborate outfit was your response to your father's decision to turn a family dinner into a business-oriented event.
Warned in advance, Haechan contemplated rescheduling, but your disappointment look and tears swayed him. 
"I can't do this," he admitted.
"Yes, you can. It's okay," you reassured him, leading him toward the dining room.
As the evening unfolded, Haechan appeared more nervous than usual. Sensing his discomfort, you offered solace by whispering in his ear, "We can go to my room after we finish dinner." This seemed to ease his tension, evident in the subtle relaxation of his shoulders.
Upon entering the dining room, you wore a big smile, catching your mother's approving gaze. "Ah, this must be Haechan! I've heard great things about you," she greeted warmly.
"I've heard a lot about you too, Ms. [Last Name]," Haechan replied.
The initial interactions went smoothly. Haechan answered a few questions from your mother, and the room dissolved into various conversations. However, your father remained engrossed in discussions with his employees, seemingly oblivious to Haechan's presence.
Sensing Haechan's ongoing nervousness, you discreetly held his hand under the table. "You're doing amazing, we can sneak out soon."
As if on cue, your father redirected his attention to Haechan, acknowledging his presence. "How rude of me! I haven't even spoken to my daughter's new boyfriend," he announced. "So, what is it your parents do for a living?"
Haechan hesitated before revealing, "Well, they don't do much anymore. I work at a convenience store to pay for my apartment."
Your father raised an eyebrow. "Already working for yourself, impressive. Do you do anything else in your free time?"
Releasing the breath of air you were holding in, you smile. This was a small victory, your father rarely asked the guys you brought over questions. Not even caring for your friends. Remembering the time Jeno once threw up in your bathroom from how your father kept ignoring him. 
"My father taught me how to code when I was younger," Haechan disclosed.
"That's impressive," your father acknowledged, swirling his wine before taking a sip. "What's your surname? You look familiar."
Haechan gulped before confessing, "Lee."
A collective widening of eyes among your father's employees followed, and your father smirked. "I knew you looked familiar, Lee Donghyuck."
Confusion furrowed your eyebrows. You expected Haechan to correct your father, but instead, he flinched and looked at you.
"I'm guessing you lied to my daughter?" your father quipped. "What was the name you came up with again? Haechan."
Tears welled up in your eyes, and to salvage any remaining dignity, you stood up and hurriedly left the room.
Your mother exchanged a glance with Haechan before whispering something to him. He excused himself from the table and followed you.
You slammed the door shut, intending to cry alone. However, Haechan entered the room moments later.
"Please let me explain first," Haechan begged, attempting to pull you in an embrace, but you resisted.
"What is there to explain? Have you been lying to me this whole time?"
"No, God, no! Yes, my name is Donghyuck.. Haechan is just a nickname," he clarified. "My dad worked at your father's company, coding for years until he was fired. They wanted someone younger."
He gently held your face in his hands, "At first, I hated you. But when I saw you tearing up and running to the  janitor's closet, it made my heart hurt, so I had to follow you."
"I told you my name was Haechan because that's what I go by in school. I wouldn't have gotten the scholarship if they knew who I was related to. Your father basically runs this town! I had to!"
"I swear I was going to tell you, but then I started developing feelings for you. I couldn't risk it! This is the best thing to ever happen to me, you're the best thing to ever happen to me!"
As you stood there, emotions swirling within you, you listened to Haechan's explanation. His vulnerability and genuine regret were evident in every word.
A mixture of anger, confusion, and empathy danced on the surface of your emotions. "Haechan, why didn't you trust me enough to tell me the truth?" you asked, your voice a blend of hurt and frustration.
his eyes pleading for understanding. "I wanted to, but the fear of losing you, or jeopardizing everything we had, it paralyzed me. I never meant to lie to you. I just didn't know how to tell you."
You took a deep breath, attempting to collect your thoughts. The truth was a bitter pill to swallow, but his honesty and the vulnerability in his eyes struck a chord. "You should have trusted me, Haechan. Relationships are built on trust, not on secrets and lies."
He nodded, remorse written across his features. "I know, and I'm so sorry. I never wanted to hurt you, and I understand if you can't forgive me."
The room fell silent for a moment, the weight of everything hanging in the air. You finally spoke, "I need time to process this. It's not just about the lie but the fact that you felt you had to hide something from me. Trust is something we'll need to work on."
Haechan nodded, his eyes reflecting a mix of regret and determination. "I'll do whatever it takes to make things right, even if it takes time.”
“I love you, and I'll always be honest with you from now on," he promised, enfolding you in a tight embrace.
Your body resisted at first, still in shock of everything that just happened, but you eventually gave in, wrapping your arms around him. The familiar scent of his cologne and the warmth of his embrace made you realize how much you loved him despite the lies. 
You looked him in his eyes, studying his face before slowly letting your body finally connect your lips to his. 
Haechan’s kiss was soft and gentle at first, but it quickly grew in intensity as the passion between the two of you grew. You felt his hands on your waist as he pulled you closer, deepening the kiss.
Despite the initial shock and hurt, you found yourself unable to resist Haechan’s touch, his lips, the way he made you feel. You knew trust would take time to build, but right now, you couldn't resist the heat between the two of you.
Haechan’s hands moved up to your hair, tangling in the strands as he deepened the kiss even further. “Donghyuck” You moaned softly, unable to control the pleasure that coursed through you.
“I love the way you moan my name” he growled
As the kiss came to an end, you were both left breathless, panting from the intensity of the moment. You looked up into Donghyuck’s eyes, seeing the love and desire there, and you couldn't help but smile. “I love you so much” he whispered
"I love you too,"
Your eyes met his and your lips curved into a smile. "Thank you."
"For what?" he asked
"For loving me enough to tell me the truth," you responded.
“I will never hurt you again”
You stared silently, soaking in his presence, and a moment later, a small smile stretched across your lips. Donghyuck pulled you in for another heated kiss causing you to let out a small moan before pulling away slightly. 
“You promise?” voice still shaky from the kiss.
Donghyuck grinned, his hands moved to your waist. There was a brief moment of discomfort as he lifted you onto your bed, but your objection was quickly silenced once you regained your balance.
You couldn't help but giggle at the boyish grin on Donghyck’s face as he looked at you from between your legs.
“I promise” he spoke as his hands traced the edges of your panties underneath your dress, teasing you and leaving you desperate for more.
A mischievous grin spread across Donghyuck’s face as he slowly began to slide your panties down, revealing more and more of your skin. You bit your lip, enjoying the sensation as he removed the final bit of fabric.
Donghyuck’s hands quickly moved to hook your legs around his waist, and you felt his fingers move towards your wet core. He teased you for a few minutes before moving his fingers up your slit, one finger brushing against your clit.
You moaned softly, biting your lip as you tried to keep yourself from making too much noise. You couldn’t help yourself though, the sensation overwhelming you as he began to circle your clit.
The sensation was so intense you couldn’t help but squirm beneath Donghyuck, his lips leaving a trail of kisses up your clothed stomach. His fingers slowed and he looked up at you. “Shh…” he whispered, lowering his head to your chest, kissing your exposed skin as you tried to regain control of yourself.
For a few moments you could barely breathe, light kisses upon your skin driving you wild. You could feel his cock pressed against your leg, and could tell it was straining against his pants. 
“You are so gorgeous,” Donghyuck spoke softly as he moved up your body. His lips pressed against yours, his fingers teasing your clit as he moved his hand away.
Your lips were breathing heavily against his, your hips bucked as you felt him tease your clit again. You began to breathe hard, hot breaths gusting between your lips and his. "I love you” he repeated as his lips moved to your neck. He bit your neck, his lips sucking just hard enough to leave a mark.
You moaned softly as you moved your hands to his pants, fumbling with the button before pulling them and his underwear down so he could step out of them.
You felt his cock pressed against your skin, and you couldn’t help but reach out for it. You could feel his shaft pulsating against your hand as you stroked it.
Donghyuck let out a small grunt, his hips bucking into your hand as you teased the head of his cock. “goddamn” he moaned as you pulled him closer.
“I want you inside me. You could feel his shaft twitch in your hand as you said the words, your fingers tightening around the shaft as you moved to stand in front of him.
You pulled your dress over your head, tossing it to the floor as you reached behind your back to unclasp your bra. The garment fell to the ground, your breasts exposed to Donghyuck’s hungry gaze.
Donghyuck reached up, taking your breasts in his hands. He gently laid you back on the bed, his hands moving from your breasts to your hips. 
You waited with heavy breaths as he finished stripping down, your eyes eagerly scanning his chest and abdomen. Reaching for his cock again eager for him to be inside you. 
Donghyuck quickly shifted his hips, slowly sliding his cock inside you. You let out a soft moan as he slowly filled you up. He began thrusting slowly, his thrusts growing stronger and deeper.
He moaned loudly as he thrusts inside you, letting you slowly push against him. His thrusts were desperate.
As he felt his climax coming he reached down to grab your hand, intertwining his fingers with yours. The connection between you intensified, your bodies moving in perfect sync. It was a dance of pleasure and desire, each movement bringing you closer to that sweet release.
As his thrusts became more urgent, his hips snapped against yours with a hunger that matched your own. The room filled with your moans and the rhythmic sound of skin slapping together. Time seemed to blur as the world around you vanished.
Your nails dug into his back, leaving red trails as he drove deeper into you. Waves of pleasure crashed over you, dragging you deeper into the abyss of ecstasy.
Donghyuck's breath grew ragged against your ear as he moved faster, chasing his climax with fervor. His grip on your hand tightened, his body trembling with anticipation.
You arched your back as you felt yourself approach climax, your hands gripping the sheets as you sought more friction. Donghyuck’s pace quickened, his cock sliding in and out of you as you felt your orgasm approach.
Your body tensed as you came closer and closer. You cried out, moaning his name as he kissed you. “Donghyuck!”
Donghyuck’s thrusts grew more and more erratic. He began to let out a series of moans as he continued to thrust. He groaned loudly, your walls tightening around his cock as he continued to thrust. You could feel his cock twitch as he came, his cum filling you up.
Donghyuck’s cock slid out of you as the two of you came down from your orgasm. You curled up against him, his arms wrapping around you as you kissed him. 
“I love you too.” you whispered, kissing his lips softly. You rested your head against his chest, and for the first time in a long time, you fell asleep without any worries.
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The morning sun peeked through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. Donghyuck stirred, his eyes slowly fluttering open. He blinked sleepily and focused on the beautiful sight in front of him--your peaceful face, bathed in gentle morning light.
As he realized your arm was still snugly wrapped around him, a soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips. The night before had been filled with whispers, laughter, and tender kisses shared between you both. And in this quiet moment, as the world outside continued to awaken, Donghyuck felt an overwhelming sense of contentment.
Leaning in closer, he pressed a lingering kiss to your forehead. His touch was feather-light, melting away any lingering traces of sleep from your mind. You stirred slightly, a drowsy smile playing on your lips as you looked up at him.
"Mmm, good morning," you murmured, your voice filled with warmth and affection.
"Good morning," Donghyuck replied, his voice low and husky.
His fingers gently traced the contours of your face, his touch so tender it sent shivers down your spine. As you peered into his eyes, you could see the love that radiated from within him. It was in those moments when the world was still and quiet, that you truly understood the depth of his affections. Donghyuck was not one to wear his heart on his sleeve, but in these stolen moments, he bared his soul to you.
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taglist: @yesohhsehun @numberonekeehostan @rjreins @yutaswh0re @haechansbbg @fullsunahceah @sundamariis @sinsgaybutthatsokay @nae-vm @hcheach @snflwrhaerecs4u @jenodreamer @mystverse @lhcread @onlyoursol-ace @enchantingtreedrea @jaeimjaemin @justforme211 @jakejaehyun @nk-3554 @hyunniesvlog @bbyjayb @nodisdino @qwonii-111 @pwarkkjisung @wettestpoussy @bomi-ja
(srry if i forgot you or if it didnt tag you)
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1K notes · View notes
catinasink · 3 months
greetings from the sink
am i in post limit jail? nope :3
posting less due to school 👍
most recent edit: 9/21/24
im the one and only cat btw. if you even care.
also im the ultimate faggot btw
im not a vampire im notttt im notttttttt
main shit
minor. (my birthday is november 8 :3c )
i go by cat and nico and pluto and neptune and siffrin and calypso mainly and you can call me any of those (more about that here)
it/any/ask :3c
my labels arent any of your business blast. polyam + aspec + queer if you really need to know
dont call me your friend + no /p tonetag (im aplatonic :] )
no chain asks + no tag games + no donation asks please.
uhh no real dni? just no porn blogs follow me pls im a minor 👍
what youll find here: reblogging. og posts. gayposts. ventposts (tagged #neptune is complaining again or #delete later). lyricposts. fandom posts.
i spam reblog a lot. like a lot. do keep this in mind
i have two cats, kim and shego (or floorshitter); a sister (she/her); and the irls (in real life people i know; i tend to use irl as a term to describe the people i am close to irl) i mention most are pb / pissboy (he/him), cherry (they/any), and eve (she/her)
pst timezone (usually)
scorpio sun saggitarius moon scorpio rising . ok yeah thats a fucking Lie the constellations have shifted but i cba to check again lol
i speak english + russian, learning german + hebrew + ukranian
couple sideblogs, including @nymph-of-the-sea (rp blog for calypso from pjo) (no i never use it); @catinabath (for when im on post limit); two gimmick blogs; i definitely dont own @totallynotcatinasink; as well as @forehead-kiss-mutual-kill-polls :] a few others but ill keep those secret 💥
matching descs w @shrimpysstuff (shrimpy !!!) and banners w @homoashell (starr !!!)
i have four very lovely qpps mwah mwah <3 also a very dear spouse <3
i have an ao3 if that matters :]
discord server link :3 preferably join if youre around the age of a minor so everyone feels comfortable
literally just a cat in a sink btw
fandoms im in / rb from
warrior cats. i love em
will wood. hes so silly . is this a fandom idk
genshin impact. grhghrhgr
pjo. whoag
isat. save me isat
object shows. i like object shows
danganronpa. uhmmm yeah haha dont look at me
most of my og posts: #cat's rambles
asks: #cat's asks
schoolposting: #cat's schoolposting
ventposting: #neptune is complaining again
lyricposting: #cat's lyricposting
art: #cat's art
music i write: #cat's lyrics
polls i make: #cat's polls
pics of my cat: #cat's cat
yearning sighhhh: #nico catinasink is yearning
queued or scheduled posts: #queue you
posts i write in my notes app: #drafts
submissions: #eris' submissions
the penis saga: #the penis saga
pissboy mentions: #my lovely pissboy
lightning anon: #lightning anon
blender anon: #cat's blender anon
rizzler anon: #rizzler anon
brain anon: #🧠 anon
pineapple anon: #pineapple anon
sparkle anon: #sparkle anon
mcchicken anon: #mcchicken anon
sink lore: #happenings of the sink
dreamscape nexus: #dreamscape nexus
posts i want to look at later: #fave
posts of mine that are more popular than others or i want to find em later: #save
i tend to only tag the following tws: sui, sh, ed / eating issues, and emetophobia pls lmk if i should tag anything else !!!
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have a good day
61 notes · View notes
wikiangela · 5 months
fav lines game
rules: share your favourite lines or paragraph you've written from one of your fics, posted or wip.
tagged by @lover-of-mine @bidisasterevankinard @diazsdimples @dangerpronebuddie @hippolotamus
so ofc suddenly I'm forgetting everything I've ever written lol but here's some of the most recent ones idk
from I wanna breathe you in
“Both.” Buck nods, so confident and sure in this. “I want- I want my family, my friends to know that I’m- that I’m bi.” he says, a smile splitting his face. He’s taken a minute to label himself, but when he found this one, it felt right. Bisexual. That’s what he is, that’s what feels like him, like Buck, like Evan. Like all the parts of himself that felt scattered and chaotic and weren’t making any sense are finally settled in the right place, glued together by this realization, by this one simple word – bisexual. The only person who knows so far is Maddie, and he wants to tell everyone else, wants them all to know, and wants to share how happy he is. Besides, he thinks she’s going to explode if she keeps it from Chimney any longer – and once Chim knows, well, even with the best intentions, he sucks at keeping secrets. He doesn’t want Tommy to be his secret. “And I want them to know you’re my boyfriend.” he adds confidently.
from I'm comin' back, don't let me go
He feels like every single action, just getting up, getting dressed, pouring a glass of water, getting something to eat, just anything takes much more effort than it should, than it used to. Living takes much more effort than it used to. Sometimes he thinks maybe it’d be better if he- He doesn’t want to die, not again, not really, but he can’t help thinking that he’d rather not be here. Not when he feels the way he feels. He doesn’t feel like himself, he’s just putting up a front, a Buck-shaped mask in front of people. He feels like a hollow, empty vessel. He just- he doesn’t want to be here.
from you can see it with the lights out (you are in love)
 It’s sweet and soft, and it makes Buck’s stomach flutter even more, but at the same time it feels like everything is finally as it should be, like relief, like coming home after a long trip, like taking a breath of fresh air after being in a smoke-filled burning building. It feels familiar, like home, like they’ve been doing this forever, like maybe they’ve been in love through multiple lifetimes, always finding their way to each other. It’s a ridiculous thought, a little bit, that he knows Eddie would fondly roll his eyes at and tell him there’s no such thing as past lives or fate. Buck believes what he believes, though. He feels like he’s loved Eddie for an eternity, and he’ll love him for another one, or a hundred, or a thousand eternities, as long as the world keeps turning, and if there’s anything after that, then even longer. He’s never been more sure of anything in his life.
also this from my most recent fic bc for some reason i just love this little moment haha - we don't know where this is going now (don't be afraid of heights, let me open your heart wide) 
“I know.” Evan chuckles, his gaze settling on Tommy’s. “I just- I really want to.” “Okay.” Tommy repeats, smiling, and waiting. It’s fine if Evan changes his mind, but this is his to initiate. Tommy will wait. He’d wait forever, is the thing, and it’s scary, with how short they know each other. “Okay.” Evan echoes, and then he’s grabbing Tommy’s chin, similar to how Tommy grabbed his during their first kiss. His thumb nestles into his cleft, and Tommy sees a flash of an endeared smile before Evan’s lips are on his, fingers not letting him go.
no pressure tags: @elvensorceress @thebravebitch @shortsighted-owl @eddiebabygirldiaz @watchyourbuck
@eowon @loserdiaz @evanbegins @ladydorian05 @wildlife4life
@diazpatcher @monsterrae1 @thewolvesof1998 @weewootruck @loveyouanyway
@spagheddiediaz @rainbow-nerdss @epicbuddieficrecs @pirrusstuff @spotsandsocks
@alliaskisthepossibilityoflove @nmcggg @rogerzsteven @giddyupbuck @tommykinards
@honestlydarkprincess @underwaterninja13 @exhuastedpigeon @911-on-abc @jesuisici33
@steadfastsaturnsrings @theotherbuckley @buddieswhvre @tizniz @daffi-990
@fortheloveofbuddie @hoodie-buck
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imaginespazzi · 3 months
There are too many fanfics involving Paige that always have Paige being jealous or Paige chasing after "reader" or Paige messing up and have to win "reader" back or smut. I feel when people write about Paige through a heteronormative view like she the "guy" of the relationship. And I'm starting to see alot of those same plots being used in Pazzi fics. It's just weird that people stereotype Paige through that scope. Many people may label Paige as a masc but she is still a woman that seems to be sweet kind with a good heart and appreciates people around her. It's interesting that these are the qualities that people say they love about Paige but these qualities are rarely written in their fics involving her.
Can we switch things up a bit? It's okay to write about someone falling for Paige first and trying to figure out to navigate their friendship knowing how she feels then one day someone else is interested in Paige, and feels jealous and is afraid of losing her. Or someone having to win Paige back if something happened. It's boring reading the same tired plots. Can Paige be adored, chased after, taking care of, or desired/wanted (not in a smutty way) haha.
Oh clock it anon! I've always been a little hesitant to say this cause I think everyone should write what they want of course and I'm just grateful for all the writers, but you're so right about how people seem to typecast Paige as "the man" in fics and it's definitely annoying, especially because, and this is a discussion for another day, but Paige isn't even really that masc to me beyond how she dresses *sometimes* so honestly idk why that's the depiction that seems to have stuck.
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quartzslab · 4 months
(this is a little long of a ramble SORRY i have a lot of thoughts and can talk about ghostknife forever)
i finished listening to all of the pd s2 rolleds and i need the boys to know that if they're afraid of changing vyncent and williams dynamic by making them date, it would change their dynamic MORE if vyncent rejected will because they've had romantic tension for TWO. SEASONS.
this is not me saying it needs to be canon or anything like that but charlie did bring up how it would be realistic for vyncent to reject william because they're both so young and like yeah??? they are??? which is kinda the point?? idk maybe it's cause i'm aroace but dating is NOT that serious- let them date and let it be awkward and messy and cringefail because they're young and have crushes! (the same way william tries to flirt and it's awful but vyncent doesn't mind!)
what makes ghostknife so compelling is yes they're best friends and family and also a little something else that separates them from being JUST best friends. like "yeah we're best friends that make each other jealous and hold hands and sometimes use pet names and watch movies together and stare into each others eyes and yea i'd die and kill for you if you asked me to bro haha i got you!" do i need to introduce them to the best friends to lovers trope because...
the thing about ghostknife is if they dated nothing would change except they would be allowed to be more romantic and flirty and obnoxious and gross and that would be it. like they are already the worst...so them putting a label on it is like okay??? they were doing that already????
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raytorosaurus · 1 year
i've been so curious about this 'unofficial therapist' that thursday had???? which member is he? how did they find him?? could he always play an instrument or did they ask him to learn so they could keep him around? did he actually help that much? how did it change thursday's writing? i don't expect you to have the answer to all of these things but you seem to know a lot about them and if nothing else i need to know who their therapist is and what 'unofficial' means in this case if you can help at all!
oh lol haha unofficial in the very literal sense so my guy andrew everding of the "no one ever expects it" chest hair fame from my chemical romance in the studio 2002 (@3:10) is like...the y/n of thursday.
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he's just a nice dude who hangs around and everyone likes, good friend of the guys in thursday, and then his house burns down and he has nowhere to stay so thursday were like yo just come tour with us and he did. because he's also a very talented (multi?-)instrumentalist and, as it turns out, a great composer too. also at some stage he lived with geoff's mom? it is unclear if this is before or after the fire and/or joining thursday as a touring member. he also photographed their first west coast tour in 2002?
so like anyway by 2003 he's playing keys for the watt tour which is like.....I'd say the darkest point of thursday's history but that would be a fucking lie lol. let's say the darkest point of thursday's history so far. the guys are super stressed, super overworked, super depressed, and under loads of pressure from their label who's saying they're underperforming the expectations they had for them. geoff in particular is copping a lottt of criticism for his singing which he really internalised, and basically everyone in the band is miserable. they were also. not fucking talking to each other. like at all. they would just all constantly bitch about each other behind everyone's back and never say shit to their face. andrew, as a touring member but not official member, and as a Nice Guy, ends up becoming like...the intermediary to whom everyone in the band went to vent. so he's like trying to fix their shit and be positive and he puts his foot down and is like guys you NEED to learn to COMMUNICATE. (spoilers they didn't) but anyway the band after a particularly nasty and conflict-laden tour of australia in 2004 are like fuck this we're breaking up! but then as soon as they agreed to breaking up they were like wait. so much of the pressure is gone now. actually we're good we just need a break :) but media has kind of already picked up on the story of them breakup up so it was all dreadfully will they/won't they. this is also right as three cheers is blowing the fuck up btw 😭😭 #we'retwosidesofthesamecoin #he'smyvillain.
oh shit and then they go on warped 04 as what would have been kinda their last thing but they're like hey look at this we're sorta starting to work on our problems! oh and then at the vegas date 24yo geoff gets shotgun married to a woman he'd been dating for two years with mcr, tbs, and the bouncing souls as the wedding party 😭😭😭😭😭.
ANYWAY. they end up not breaking up but take a break from touring and then all move in together for a while? i think bc they were a little scattered at that point and geoff might have been living in sydney (his wife was australian) at the time idk so when he came over to do thursday shit they just like lived together apparently. and they write city by the light divided (so titled bc the band, naturally, was totally divided on how they wanted the album to sound lol). anyway the main difference now is this time round they've invited andrew to join as an official member!! :DDD
...unfortunately for andrew, this is also the time thursday stops being even slightly commercially viable lol so he's like technically im earning less money now than i had been on a tour salary lolz. anyway he becomes a big part of the writing process, especially for that album and no devolucion, the instrumentals if which were apparently driven pretty heavily by him!
then in 2008 onwards thursday were all broke as fuck and needed to get day jobs to pay rent. most of them went into like...food service or painting houses, but tucker drummed for mcr for a bit and andrew worked as.....a guitar tech? for patd????? (also after the break up, tucker was in boy band the wanted for a while as their touring drummer. he loved it lol <3)
anyway tragically, andrew hasn't appeared at any of the reunion shows 😔. he's private so no details but he was dealing with some health issues towards the end of thursday that contributed to the band deciding to break up and has a baby and shit now. but he did continue touring as a musician a bit, like with neil finn in 2014!!!!!! playing some wacky fancy midi/synth electronic instrument iirc? epic collision of my childhood fave and new-adulthood fave.
anyway lol this is all typed out in bed on my phone off the top of my head so there might be some chronology errors in there, but a lot of this is from their documentary, kill the house lights! it's a comedy. dark comedy.
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#andrewnation <3
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lowkeychenle · 7 months
profiles: NCTU’s most musically inclined🎶
masterlist ← profiles: ISO: Sugar Daddies🥺 → chapter 1: musically FUCKED ❌
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Description: Being paired up with NCTU's most popular music major for a song composition project wasn't on your list of 'what-else-can-go-wrong-in-life', but here you are...and finishing the song isn't as easy as everyone assumes it will be.
Pairing: Zhong Chenle x Reader (featuring NCT Mark, NCT Haechan, NCT Jisung, NCT Jaemin, NCT Renjun, NCT Xiaojun, aespa Ningning, & aespa Winter)
Genre: SOCIAL MEDIA AU! :D suggestive, crack, funny haha stuff idk; college au; new fic collab with @lowkeyjaemin !!
Content Warnings: suggestive content, man-hating jokes, kys jokes, etc etc will add more when I think of them
Notes: first real part up 3.6!
taglist: @defzcl @kpophosblog @zhonglele02 @carelessshootanonymous @haechanielove @daegale taglist is open! message me or comment to be added🥰
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zhong chenle (AKA chenle) - music major; cares about nothing but music. isn’t interested in anything that might distract him from his studies/work. kind of cocky? but rightfully so ig
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park jisung (AKA andy) - dance major; chenle’s shy bestie for the restie. loves to perform but is also nervous as hell 24/7. will be dancing for haechan’s new upcoming music video (featuring chenle), and has danced with ningning before for a different haechan music video.
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mark lee (AKA mark) - graduated music major; just a canadian people think is american. rap legend of NCT University, and signed with haechan’s label, full sun records, after graduation. once worked on a project with y/n y/l/n in his senior year, and will invite her for a feature on his upcoming solo album.
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lee donghyuck (AKA haechan) - graduated music major; founder and main artist of full sun records. graduated the same year as mark. has features with many different artists, including mark and chenle. has casted others in his music videos, including jisung, ningning, and renjun. thinks he’s a legend (up for debate).
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huang renjun (AKA renjun) - fashion major; sassy model who doesn’t actually like people despite his nice, happy front. barely tolerates his gc, but haechan’s music video got him an agent and a modeling deal so…
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rubra-wav · 7 months
Further Hazbin Hotel lore/worldbuilding : Tech demons/ Vox-like demons
A/N This is hella disorganised because I'm just kinda rambling my thoughts on stuff so yeah. I was reading back on stuff I wrote and just thunk a really fucked up thought about Vox. Idk how to label this properly - I'll say it's crossed haha.
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In Hazbin Hotel, there don't seem to be any demons who are much like Vox (what I refer to as tech demons). This could be because they just haven't been shown - which fair enough.
BUT. What if it's something else?
What if the reason why there aren't any/ many tech demons in hell is because they end up getting chopped up and sold for parts to places like Voxtek or to Carmine's weapon industry?
I mean, think about it.
With the progression of things like social media and how often people use devices in society, you'd think that there would way more demons who are like Vox. So like, why aren't there?
Also, there would be a lot of money in that. Hell is ever changing, and people want to get ahead and protect themselves in whatever way they can, so of course, everyone's going to be fighting to try to keep up to stay alive.
I was looking back at stuff, and this ask really stuck out to me and now i have an extra fucked up headcanon to boot. I mentioned that Vox can't be upgraded in some regards (at least in my headcanon here), and that pisses him off. I say it has angst potential. BUT.
What if the reason why tech demons like himself don't exist/ keep getting torn up is also because he specifically CALLS for them to be destroyed?
Vox doesn't want to be replaced by some newer, shinier model. He's from the 50's, and there are certain things about himself he will never be able to fully adapt in some ways.
There's surely going to be/ has been demons like Vox who are far more recent who are just as or even more capable. So where are they? Why has he stayed the only dominant technology based overlord when there would be demons falling into hell after things in the living world have surely allowed for demons who are higher tech than he could ever be?
I think it's because he is so insecure and deranged about this that he not only has his company purchase dismembered tech demons for his work but actually calls for people to actually kill them.
I'm talking straight up advertises everywhere how much his people will pay for tech demons for experimentation upon them so that he doesn't have competition.
I can also see him having full groups of people working to find them as they show up in hell. He would be terrified of being replaced by someone new. Someone better than he is. So he wants any demons who are technology based/AI-like in any way to be killed as soon as possible so they don't have any time to form a presence at all.
So yeah, now I'm thinking about Vox personally seeing to it that demons like him - who would logically understand him and be able to connect with him in ways other demons cannot - are put down and him getting a sadistic as fuck power trip off of it like: "you're supposed to be better then me yet you're getting fucking killed fucking loser LMAO"
I can see him sitting his broadcast room after hours watching footage of that shit happening and laughing like it's prime entertainment.
Maybe he'd even broadcast it as such himself.
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beanghostprincess · 9 months
was thinking about my asl bros headcanons and started laughing when i realized ace is the only allo one (bi with a preference for men, luffy is aroace and sabo demi and only really interested in koala btw)
Idk if Luffy would, but Sabo definitely makes fun of Ace for being allo. He wouldn't let anyone else do it, though, he's the only one allowed to slut-shame his brother.
And you didn't ask but these are my ASL headcanons (+ Uta) because we have basically the same thoughts:
Ace: Bisexual. Bi. Bibibi. Would sleep with anybody, probably. Definitely. The preference for men is so real too. Going insane. I luv him. Also you didn't mention gender headcanons but I feel the need to say he's the most transmasc character I've ever seen. But this is a fact already, so.
Luffy: Aroace. Always. I think it changes depending on my mood tho??? Like for me it's either Aroace or Demi but tbh his feelings when it comes to my ships with Luffy transcend romance so calling him Demi would be an understatement. But yeah. Whatever. Aroaspec. And also he's transmasc. And demi-boy. Don't ask me why I think this it's just the vibes.
Sabo: I'VE BEEN SAYING SABO IS DEMI SINCE DAY 1 HE HAS THE FACE OF A DEMI PERSON I SWEAR HE'S SO-- It started as a joke to me bc I was like "haha his clothes look like the gay flag haha and Koala's look like the lesbian flag haha" and I ended up saying "what if they're both demiaroace with a preference for their own gender but at the end of the day it doesn't matter bc they're married". You know the whole "She's A Lesbian, He's Gay, And Their 33-Year Marriage Will Change Your Perception Of Love"? That's Saboala to me. Also Sabo doesn't look like somebody who'd use labels at all so his gender is unknown to mankind.
Uta: Lesbian. Just lesbian. Her gender is also lesbian. Idk how that works but yes. Also she's dating Perona. I'm a firm Perouta believer. Let's go lesbians!! She's also dating me, specifically.
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This pics are so fucking stupid but I'm sick and bored so please have the stupid siblings saying stupid things with their pride flags
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irusanw4 · 2 months
Ok so bc of the hyperspecific poll I'm gonna explain my potato dreams. Currently I've only had 2 but I'm hoping that at some point I'll have a third, bc I really wanna see what my brain has to offer. Buckle in because this is a long post.
Dream One
(PT: Dream One)
There were Minecraft mechanics in terms of digging and building and sizing, but nothing else. I, and I think a few other people, were carving out 18 obstacle courses within the city-sized potato. Each one was themed around a different Pokemon type, and the one I cared the most about was the flying course. It required flying between close-together plants and was 2 blocks wide and less than 15 blocks long with a 90 degree turn to the left at the VERY end. Like, the first block in that new section was the finish line. I was super particular about where each plant went, and the real challenge was just how fast you'd fly through it!
That was what pretty much the entire dream fixated on, and it ended when I finally did it perfectly
Dream Two
(PT: Dream Two)
This one was much more lore-heavy! The potato had been split in half and there was a vaguely circular or ovular area set between the two halves with maybe 10, 20 meters of wiggle room max (I'm very bad with scale)
That round area never got filled in by my brain, but it was very clearly mentally labeled as Unsafe. Nothing was allowed to enter that empty area, to the point it wasn't even possible for me to consider walking into it. It was just. Not a space. However, laser cannons could fire through it! That's important for later!
The dream began with a guy, who I'll call uhhh. Boss. There weren't names in the dream but explaining this without names will get confusing. Boss found the essence of a weakened god. The essence visually was just a green fire, smaller than a campfire and floating a bit above the ground. We'll call the god Green because it's consistently associated with the color!
So Boss speaks to Green while his crowd of guys he had with him stand back! And Green tells Boss what boils down to "I'm weak now, but if you work to make me stronger then I will help you with that power!" and Boss agrees. It's unclear if this particular agreement was binding or if Green just kept its word, idk, my dream didn't explain itself
So Boss gets his many followers to carve out a shrine in the halves of the potato. Initially this shrine copied the obstacle courses from dream one, but over time it became huge rooms with defense systems in each one. I don't recall most of them, but the important one was laser cannons, which pointed inwards for some reason.
Eventually, some of Boss' followers betrayed him, shutting down most of the aforementioned defenses, so what was left would require manual direction rather than automatically activating. Boss still had younger, particularly loyal follower who we'll call Frank. Frank looked up to Boss a LOT and idolized him, so he was happy to risk his life using one of the remaining cannons to attack the half of the potato that had been taken over.
At the same time, Green was hit with a strong attack and was an essence again. And essences are very much able to be killed by laser cannons, the strongest of which was actively charging up to hit and kill both Frank and Green.
Boss decides in the moment to sacrifice himself. He makes Green promise to look after and protect Frank in exchange for taking over Boss's body, and Green agrees. It then teleports to Frank, grabs him, and teleports far away so it's just Green and Frank on a hill in the middle of nowhere.
The dream technically ended there, but there was a very clear impression left on me by the ending and some details I missed.
For one: that promise was binding. Like, Green HAD to protect Frank when it agreed to that. I'm unsure if Green knew that at the moment, but it definitely realized it at the end
Two: Green was also associated with rabbits, wind, and fast movement. Which. Haha. WindClan moment.
Three: Frank had VERY mixed feelings after he realized what happened and saw Green. Because Green was still using Boss's body! And Frank genuinely cared a lot about and truly looked up to him! And Boss cared about Green and also maybe about Frank? But Boss is DEAD now, there's no coming back from what Green did in that moment. And yet that's Boss's face.
Genuinely insane that my dream included this level of detail btw. Usually I'm lucky if it all has one plot line. Especially since I don't dream super frequently. I do like my potato dreams though! They're never scary or upsetting or uncomfortably close to a recent stressor, they're just. A story. I didn't add shit to that explanation. Hell, I cut some stuff out like the exact layout of the potato for brevity's sake. The only thing that's stopping me from making an actual story out of my potato dreams is that I want to see if I'll have more naturally. I hope so :)
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fandomfluffandfuck · 4 months
hi S ok you definitely dont have to answer this bc its basically just me venting and its pretty lame haha but im curious if its something you've ever dealt with or if u have advice... basically i have diagnosed ASD and marvel is my special interest and has been since i was a kid and im pretty positive its going to stay my favorite thing for the rest of my life lol. and sometimes i get so sooo sad and kinda lonely thinking about the fact that like .. i know its basically still one of the biggest fandoms out there but like all my favorite fics were posted like 5-10 years ago mostly from authors that arent even in the fandom anymore and theres never gonna be another movie with steve and bucky together that everyone gets excited about and wants to talk about and theres also just so much less of a fun goofy little tight knit community for stucky on tumblr and online like ... idk i just miss so bad when the mcu was at its peak and there was so much content to consume and so many people passionate about it... and i know theres definitely still a huge presence and like im so thankful that youre an author that i love thats still super active and im always glad to visit your page and to see that theres still so many fans out there that care and wanna interact yknow. but tumblrs different now and its been like ten years since peak stucky content and the actors are all doing their own thing now idk it just makes me sad 😩😩 i feel like such a loser saying it i swear i have other interests and an irl life that is very fruitful and lovely hahaha its just makes me a bit frustrated at my autism because i know i wont be able to ever really stop loving these characters even as others move on
Hey, sweets!
I understand what you mean and you're not a loser, not at all. It's fucking great to have an interest in something, anything--what else is life for? You gotta have something to be focused on and interested in that gives you joy, otherwise, what is there? Just blandness. And, yeah, Marvel fandom is still very much active and that's wonderful and great! But, it's also true that it will never be the same as it was in its heyday. Personally, I wasn't around when the stucky fandom was exploding along the release of CA:TWS/the general MCU height, but I certainly see all the old art, edits, cosplay, etc. that's still reblogged and I've read so many of the fics from years prior, so I have a grasp of what was happening. And I can totally see how you'd miss generally, but especially if your fixation has attached deeply to these characters.
I have a sibling on the autism spectrum (who's old enough to have been diagnosed with Aspergers's syndrome before that was phased out but they are, of course, on the spectrum regardless of arbitrary hierarchical labels that I will restrain from ranting about because I fucking hate that shit, don't talk to me about "high functioning" ugh) and they have a few different life-long hyperfixations as well. So, you're not alone, but, it is hard to think of any actual advice per se. I think you're already doing what you need to be doing, y'know? You're here and enjoying what is going on now, connecting to blogs that are active, finding space where you can talk about these characters, you've got other things to do that also capture your attention, and, of course, you know you're sad about what isn't going on anymore. It's okay to be sad. You can't control what you're passionate about in the same way you can't control who you fall in love with. Are these silly little fictional characters not just people we've fallen in love with a little or a lot, no matter if they don't "exist"? I love that for us. Humans are so cute and full of love.
Fandoms and people change and sometimes it fucking sucks when it happens, sometimes it's great. Either way, it's part of the ecosystem of life. Water and nutrients and air and sun--it makes people change, it makes them grow, and you're allowed to be sad about what they used to be, you just have to keep growing, too. Remember what they were and know who they are now.
Hopefully, something in there helped you feel better, even if it was just from telling someone how you feel.
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coldflasher · 8 months
there's this one guy at work who will constantly put extremely hyperspecific memes/images in the office group chat. like no matter what the joke is he ALWAYS has some kind of image for it. and everyone in the chat will be falling over themselves like "omg how does he do it, how is he finding these images so fast, it's crazy, he's soooo funny haha"
and like. it's AI. all of these images are AI. earlier everyone was losing their minds because someone made a joke about a goth kitchen and he immediately posted a very clearly AI-generated image of a kitchen mashed up with a gothic-style church and everyone was like "HOW DID HE FIND THIS" and i'm like "HE LITERALLY COPY AND PASTED THE EXACT PHRASE YOU TYPED INTO MIDJOURNEY OR WHATEVER THE FUCK AND CLICKED A BUTTON" (i don't actually know what program he used but you get the gist)
i'm sat there with a twitchy eyelid staring at a picture he "made" of walter white sat surrounded by bottles of heinz ketchup, except the ketchup bottles have lids on both ends and if you zoom in on the labels, they don't actually say "heinz", they're just vaguely word-shaped blobs, and the hat is sitting weirdly on his head and the whole thing has that weird, too-smooth texture so i didn't even need to notice any of the weird proportions or the not-writing or the double-ended bottles, because i could just immediately recognize it for what it was, and i'm like, how the fuck is nobody else seeing this. or are they seeing it and they just don't care? but they're acting like he's doing something cool and revolutionary and not just playing madlibs with other people's art. i feel like they genuinely don't realize it's AI. and it's at best annoying and at worst actively troubling that people just don't have the ability to recognize even the most obvious AI-generated images, because like, i'm not an expert, i've been fooled before, but this wasn't even remotely subtle or well done and idk i just. hate this a lot
and i so badly wanna be like "you guys know this is AI, right" but the most likely result of that is that everyone will dislike me for "ruining the fun" or whatever and they won't care anyway
anyways fuck AI art
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fefairys · 11 months
now ive got quadrants on the brain specifically kismesissitude because i see the general attitude towards "do you use hs quadrants to label ur irl relationships?" as "i have a moirail/understand having a moirail but the black quadrants just dont work for humans, theyre for a fictional species" or "i have a kismesis but its like a joke" and im like lol. lmao even.
i guess it is my troll kinnie ass but the most common crush i get on people is a pitch one lmao.. my relationship with my fiance started as a kismesissitude and slowly morphed into kismoirailsprits over time, but like, we were a healthy kismesissitude and we still are partly kismesisses! idk if yall saw that gay little interaction we just had (scroll a few posts down on my blog lmao) but like we are still antagonistic towards each other a lot and our relationship started with us hating each other and was built around how much we annoyed each other.
its a very specific feeling and emotion to me! because i have dated people and NOT felt that way, too, so its not like "oh but everyones playfully antagonistic to their partners sometimes!" no no no this is so different. because when i was with my last girlfriend, yeah we would tease each other sometimes, but it wasn't the same feeling as Pitch Romance to me. it's a whole different feeling.
i very often get crushes on people where they annoy the hell out of me. i find them attractive, and even charming at times, but most of the time when they talk im like oh my god you are the most annoying person in the world. i want to make out with you about it. pitch feelings are about being ANGRY that you like you someone so much, to me. like "why the fuck do i like you so much when you're always getting on my nerves. why do i want to be around you all the time even though everything you say pisses me off. why do i want to kiss you." lmao. thats my experience at least! and also wanting to annoy them and rile them up in return. thats how i felt about juice at the start of our relationship, and i still have those feelings towards it now, though i also have other feelings like just plain and simple genuine Love and Affection without the annoyance as well. it fluctuates. depends on if we are annoying each other at the moment or not haha
i've told ppl this and they've been like "oh so its like tsundere" and im just like. I GUESS????? but to me it is so different like i feel like tsundere is when you like someone but cant admit it so you act like you hate them (maybe you even believe that you hate them, but truly, you like them) whereas kismesissitude is truly hating someone, finding them annoying and infuriating, but in an exhilarating way. i hate you and you hate me and its fun to annoy each other and watch each other get all mad.
the quadrant i'd personally never feel the need to be part of is the ashen one because its main purpose is to prevent cheating on ur kismesis and its like. well im polyamorous so. lol. i could see it being used in human relationships if its like, someone who functions as your moirail and helps mediate in arguments you have with other people where you/the other person are getting too angry with each other? i guess?
and also like. treating a moiraillegience as monogamous and something you can "cheat on" someone else with is definitely not the way to go imo. i mean im in a pale throuple rn. we call each other moirails because we trust each other more than anyone with talking about our feelings and stuff! but back in the day i remember people literally being like "he said *paps you* to my moirail what the fuck thats MY moirai only *i* can pap them!l" and its like alright calm down...
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madtomedgar · 2 years
Confession: I've nearly dropped out of CQL fandom because people have gotten so much Worse about Nies vs JGY in the last year or so that I can't stomach it. I like JGY and NHS but really really do not like NMJ, and it seems like the latter is a dealbreaker with all parties because I feel bad for NHS insofar as NMJ also victimizes him and he's so fucking In It that his family treating him like shit completely consumes his life in a dead-end revenge quest in which he takes it out on everyone else while attempting to target JGY, and everyone else is like. Well that clearly just means he loves his brother so much, OR he's just complicit/willing to accept anything from NMJ. Either way these two are joined at the hip forever, Do Not Separate, and any inclination that maybe NHS would've been better off, and done far less harm, if he was less Stuck with his own family (going down with the ship there!) is shot down because he Sided With NMJ In The End (and is privileged enough to *checks notes* live with someone who is explosive/abusive towards him but also dotes on him allegedly, which cancels the former out), so everything else is impossible to have ever changed, unnecessary or undeserved. It's like if he liked or was loyal to NMJ then he deserves no sympathy for having been collateral in NMJ's outbursts, or he wasn't hurt enough compared to others for that to count. I don't like the brother who terrorizes his sibling, I'm upset by the scenes in CQL and FJ of him blowing up at NHS, destroying his stuff, terrifying him, AND the scenes of him attacking JGY. I'm sensitive to the ~less bad~ stuff with NHS because they are siblings. I feel bad for both the terrorized-but-loyal sibling and the even-more-terrorized and more-threatened sworn brother, and that's got no place anywhere.
Anyways confession goes here bc you're the only person I've ever seen talk about NMJ in terms of explosive anger for which he does bear some responsibility in terms of dealing with the fallout, and talk about how "if you don't want to be hurt then just don't be there when I'm angry, and if I can't help it you can't hold it against me" fucking sucks as a framework, and even if you don't share this take on NHS (which is fair, like I said I don't think anyone probably does) you'd at least get why NMJ is so... much (derogatory) in ways that aren't solely because he's a shit employer/sworn brother.
Nonny, you are so valid and cool for this ask and I love you.
I... really hate how, because the actor tears up a lot and seems like a nice person whose personality inflects his acting, fandom has decided that Nie Mingjue is actually a sweet, sensitive and reasonable person who never "really" treated anyone too badly. And haha Nie Huaisang is such a brat! Like. I don't talk much about it but that honestly makes me see red.
I... look. I think anyone who has ever been on the receiving end of a mentor figure, parent figure, or sibling's explosive anger issues is going to project our shit onto this dynamic. And in my case that... unfortunately comes along with the fantasy of it actually being possible to make that person see what they're doing, and understand, and stop so that you can still have, or have again, the parts of that relationship that are/were good without having to worry about your safety and tiptoe around them. So I often wind up giving Nie Mingjue more credit or energy than is really warranted, because I want Nie Huaisang to have a brother who shows care for him in a way that isn't yelling at him, threatening him, and controlling him, and I want Jin Guangyao to be able to keep that deep respect and affection you see in his eyes in some of their early scenes.
And, like I said, you are very correct about Nie Huaisang. Idk I don't... like to label character dynamics as abuse unless it's explicit. Partially because I feel like it makes it hard to talk about the dynamic, in that it supersedes and flattens every conversation into "person A bad, person B good/helpless," and because in my experience, when someone calls a dynamic abusive, or even says it reminds them of something they experienced that they're calling abuse, people get REALLY mad and REALLY nasty really fast and I want to enjoy myself here lol.
That being said, yeah, frankly, a lot of how Nie Mingjue treats Nie Huaisang, if you just described what is happening without attaching character names, most people would think was deeply fucked! I think a lot of "Nie bros" people write it off by blaming Jin Guangyao, or say "oh he didn't really mean it" because... Nie Huaisang continually runs away and refuses to do saber practice? Which isn't the evidence they think it is.
The place I have a hard time with Nie Huaisang is that, while he didn't want to be a cultivator, especially in the saber style, he was given literally the best education and opportunities in the world, despite sucking and not wanting them. And then you have Meng Yao, who wants to go to school so bad and would be so diligent and happy and good! And instead he has to do jobwork, which involves taking care of Nie Huaisang and his education. And unfortunately the extent to which he gets to be a pampered little princeling turns me off the character big time. Which doesn't negate the incredibly fucked up situation he's in with his brother, or his suffering there. I think also the way he responds to Nie Mingjue's... everything by kind of antagonizing him and being a refusnik also pushes some buttons for me for reasons I don't want to get into, while Jin Guangyao's waffling between appeasement and trying to reason with him resonates big time. And then of course the "I have turned your explosive rage into a bomb and the next time you turn it on me, you will explode and die. Just fyi." Is like. Amazing, Incredible, Phenomenal, Iconic, etc.
Idk this is not the first fandom I've been in where there's been a like. Physically much larger and stronger character who has serious anger issues that they externalize onto characters who are visibly weaker and smaller, and somehow a large chunk of the fandom has decided that actually, it's the big scary yelling violent one who is so sad and in need of gentle handling and hugs and maybe if everyone stopped being so mean to them etc. And the weaker character, when they deploy the methods available to them to defend themselves, are like. Evil conniving manipulators who are playing the victim card and 100% emotionally abusing the person... being violent towards them. It's weird and it keeps happening and I don't get it other than that it might be like... people love twists and the unexpected, and so "what if the person who looks like the dangerous one here actually wasn't!" seems like good storytelling?
But yeah. I don't think Nie Mingjue is like. Evil or a one-dimensional monster or anything, but I also wish fandom was more willing to really dig into his explosive anger issues and the negative effects that has on his brother and Jin Guangyao (and Lan Xichen tbqh).
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