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villa-anj · 6 years ago
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Retroactive #day28 of #simplegratitudes is the beautiful creation of the Cobb Salad. 9 times out of 10 at a restaurant i'm going to order this dish amd be one happy camper. Ive had chicken Cobb Salad, steak Cobb salad, lobster Cobb salad and each one holds a special place in my foodie heart. #cobbsalad #salad #foodie #yummyinmytummy https://www.instagram.com/p/BzWzxzKpkzd/?igshid=ueu6292j8rk1
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smallstudiodesign · 7 years ago
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Thank you BriBri, for the Friendship Bracelet & our 16 year #friendship (coming up) Just wanna return the #gratitude backatchya. @brianknoxmcgugan ... AND #thankyou for the invitation & arrangements to organize my overnight guest accommodations to join in part of the meditation retreat up the coast ... I have #simplegratitude so #grateful for the simple - including the #gift ... I'm very heartwarmed by you sending what's just an ordinary text containing such extraordinary words too. We've both had many ups & downs in life ~> from the hard times we've learned to appreciate the easy times all the more. #lifeisnteasy ... It's nice when someone's in life who can bring simple #joy #happiness & sense of #ease & #play. #thanksgiving #canadianthanksgiving (at Smallstudio Design)
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gkrusesilva · 8 years ago
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Valentines, desserts and loving messages. #valentines #simplegratitude #simplegifts
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villa-anj · 6 years ago
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#day25 of #simplegratitudes is unashamedly and unreservedly the new Queer Eye. Every episode has me in awe and crying buckets. I just picked up this gem today @tanfrance and the first three pages had me laughing, crying, and snapping my fingers saying "yass queen". If you havent watched an episode better change that real quick. @queereye @netflix #slayqueen #tan #tanfrance #jvn #karamo #Bobby #antoni #inspiration #queernation #naturallytan https://www.instagram.com/p/BzKSMjwJJYC/?igshid=hrc3x7paoaph
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villa-anj · 6 years ago
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#day24 of #simplegratitudes is air conditioning. I am a delicate flower during summer heat and having air conditioning ensures I don't get cranky and makes everything just that much more manageable. #summer #socallife #socalsummer #airconditioning https://www.instagram.com/p/BzHjCoWpmZb/?igshid=4ajzh5nb1evy
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villa-anj · 6 years ago
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#day22 and #day23 of #simplegratitudes is this stunning movie Moana. These two scenes are so powerful in empowerment, representation, and postive messages from all genders. When I was writing my dissertation this soundtrack was one of my top choices. #moana #iammoana #representation #girlpower #girlup https://www.instagram.com/p/BzHiDIXp1WF/?igshid=2vsdp4rqgowi
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villa-anj · 6 years ago
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#day21 of #simplegratitudes is self care and intraspection. Today I got a massage as I have incorporated them in my monthly rituals of self care. I have also incorporated this lovely app to give my daily inspirational quotes. Many of which really stick with me throughout the day. Today's quote has really gotten to my core at how many things I have let go or not pursued due to being afraid. This quote also got me thinking about HOW MANY things I have done that were scary and unconventional. Each ones, the ones not taken and the ones fulfilled are each about of me at this current moment. And for that I am grateful. #selfcare #intraspect #innerthoughts #foodforthought #ponder #lifesmysteries https://www.instagram.com/p/BzAARxQpk9v/?igshid=nbiqpiqmh1rs
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villa-anj · 6 years ago
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My #day20 of #simplegratitudes is flavored sprarkling water and the beauty that is La Croix. These jems are essential to making life grand. #sparklingwater #lacroix #apricot #bourgie #heylookmaimadeit #flavoredwater https://www.instagram.com/p/By9MmVnpj8m/?igshid=bwhevm09587q
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villa-anj · 6 years ago
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#day18 of #simplegratitudes is the magical Thai Tea with Boba. @coffeenutzz is by far one of my favorite places to satisfy my craving of a good Thai Tea Boba and they have a drive thru which is magical in its own right. I also want to give a shout out to @m3lf4c3 @baby_newbie @jenlikesduckies for being my gateway to this magical drink and who always is up for searching for new tea places. #thaitea #boba #friends4life #friendsthatdrinkteatogetherstaytogether #friendsthatdrinktea https://www.instagram.com/p/By3oHECJDRI/?igshid=6q9tpd5ysiek
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villa-anj · 6 years ago
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#day17 of #simplegratitudes is bacon, fried mac and cheese, and food delivery. Bacon says it all. Fried Mac &Cheese. Like whoa. Mac&Cheese was already awesome but this is a whole new level. Thank you weird and adventurous fair folk who attempt every year to fry all matter of foods for this awesome adventure. And food delivery is also a no brainy. Today I finally felt well enough to start doing a bunch of projects and when I looked up it was after 4 and had no ambition to make dinner at all. Enter food delivery app service for the win. #bacon #macandcheese #friedmacncheese #delivery #amerika #yummyinmytummy #dinner https://www.instagram.com/p/By1Nuyfptbp/?igshid=p59g3a0l3493
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villa-anj · 6 years ago
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#day12 of #simplegratitudes is the modern convenvience of roadside assistant. I walked out my door today to do some errands and was met with a flat tire. AAA was out in less then an hour with my flat off and my spare on. Throughout the years AAA has jump batteries, opened doors, pulled a truck out of a sandbank, towed, and changed my tires. Everytime I call, the operator asks if I am in a safe place. Two summers ago I was driving home at night with a dead cell phone when my car died and it died in a very seedy area of town. I had to walk to a convenience store and have them call AAA. When i was asked if I was in a safe place i responded with not really. She immediately redirected a tow truck, stayed on the line for an extra 10 minutes calming me down, and let the driver know to pick me up at the store. I drive by that area everyday and am reminded of her kindness and the safety and security that AAA provides for me. #aaa #car #driving #flattire #grateful https://www.instagram.com/p/ByoOy7opbWw/?igshid=czu3qnn5adfy
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villa-anj · 6 years ago
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My #day11 of my #simplegratitudes is the US Women's National Soccer Team. SLAY ALL DAY QUEENS. A baker's dozen in goals. An unbelievable first game to the Women's World Cup and history or HERSTORY witnessed with the most goals in one game in a World Cup. No one can say playing like a girl is weak with this match and this team. #uswnt #shebelieves #fifawwc19 #carlilloyd #abbywambach #alexmorgan #meganrapinoe. #slayqueen #yassqueen #showtheworld #playlikeagirl https://www.instagram.com/p/BylaKLMpWr0/?igshid=179m1mejm02fn
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villa-anj · 6 years ago
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#day9 and #day10 go hand in hand. Board games are great things to be shared. Having family that is patient to teach you a new game is also wonderful. Growing up, my closest relative was 8 hours away so it was always a special thing when our family was able to get together. I am so grateful for all of my family. All the laughter, the eye rolling, the embarrasing stories, and the time spent together. #family #familia #simplegratitudes #boardgames #thefamilythatplaystogether #laughsharder #laughter https://www.instagram.com/p/Byk4dXiJ3A5/?igshid=70m8llcy7wzp
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villa-anj · 6 years ago
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#day8 of #simplegratitudes is soccer. But more importantly women's soccer. This summer is the Women's World Cup. These women are badass, they are incredible athletes, and they are a joy to watch. #womensusasoccer #womenssoccer #soccer #football #futbol #futball #thisgirllovesfootball #fifawwc19 https://www.instagram.com/p/ByeMGgOJEQM/?igshid=13bldgq4u51om
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villa-anj · 6 years ago
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#day6 of #simplegratitudes is grocery stores. What a world to live in to go to one place and get all my food for the month. We take such things for granted at how much of a luxury grocery stores are but it never escapes me at how easy my life is due to grocery stores. #grocerystores #food #modernluxury https://www.instagram.com/p/ByZS0bjp87u/?igshid=x6bb4c87ygj3
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villa-anj · 6 years ago
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My retroactive #day4 of my #simplegratitudes is popcorn. Cause I'm in awe of how smart our ancestors ie native Americans were in figuring out how to make popcorn. Nothing better then a fresh made bowl of popcorn with salt and butter when watching a movie. #popcorn #yummyinmytummy #amazingancestors https://www.instagram.com/p/ByWkJtypEaA/?igshid=1s0k9ihytd4wz
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