#similar to cancer au only they have more time.
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Sad Human Au
Adam and Lucifer are going on a roadtrip to see the country but it's Adam's last roadtrip because he's dying of a terminal illness.
They're trying to take their time and just have fun because they know when they get home it'll be nothing but doctors visits and medicine treatments to try and help him.
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kinardsevan ¡ 8 months ago
so i have this other au that's been floating around in my head that I might not ever write, but I wonder if anyone else has it.
basically, knowing Buck was born as a savior sibling, I get this idea similar to My Sister's Keeper. in essence, Daniel still dies, but he dies after Evan's a little older. Maybe not that much older, but old enough that he remembers the procedures that Margaret insists on to save her oldest son. Buck gets put through all the needle sticks, bone marrow draws, etc., but obviously none of it works and eventually Daniel still passes, but this really drives a wedge between Buck and his parents. Maddie becomes that much more of the person Buck relies on because Margaret was always too busy worrying about Daniel to pay attention, and Philip just wanted her to be happy so he went along with it.
Except, things still kinda pan out the same way they already did. Buck was still young enough that mostly what he remembers is spending a lot of time in hospitals, but not really why. He remembers pain, but not much more than that. Maybe he doesn't even really remember Daniel, because he was always kept away from him due to neutropenia. And then when things come out about it when Maddie is pregnant with Jee-Yun, he kinda loses it.
Ultimately, he still meets Tommy, falls in love with him, etc. But Tommy sees how skittish he is with doctors, sees the scars (both from inadvertent self-harm to get his parents attention as well as maybe some from them taking cells, etc., for Daniel. headcanoning that maybe he has one from donating part of his liver or a kidney.)
But basically, the Buckleys want to work their way back into Evan's good graces, and Tommy isn't here for it at all because he can see the ways in which they abused their privilege of being parents on the son they only wanted for parts. This would all culminate in some level of an explosion at them. Maybe through it all, Evan has his own cancer scare, and Tommy snaps about who's going to show up and be his donor when they've already used up the pieces they wanted from him.
(I literally would name the fic spare parts. I got that far in plotting it in my head.)
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sturniozo ¡ 1 month ago
Dead Moon
Vampire! Chris x Reader au
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Hey guys! I know I have two works in progress already, but it's that time of year where my autistic ass binges twilight 300 times in a month and I've been in love with the idea of Vampire Chris. So, tell me whether or not you guys like this and if I should continue this or scrap it! I'm trying to make it seem twilighty, but also be its own thing. So, some background. The vampire lore will be very very very similar to twilights in many aspects. I wanted them to be older than in twilight so I could include smut because let's face it, we're all horny sluts and would go crazy for Vampire Chris.
Enjoy my loves! Please give me your thoughts and feedback!
Part one
I never gave much thought into how I’d die. I always assumed it would be something normal, and far into my future. A car crash, cancer, old age. Surely not during my college years, and not by my own choice. 
August twenty third was my last day at home, living with my family. My mother helped me move the last of my boxes into my car, crying and hugging me goodbye. I was leaving for college, one that was a few states away. I loved home. I loved the smell of the wet grass and the sun that always shined. I’d miss Cali. 
I was moving to a state where the weather is always gloomy and terrible. No, not Alaska, but Maine. Gloomy and rainy, my least favorite weather. But I was accepted into the University of Maine on a full scholarship. I’d be able to study anthropology without putting my mother out of any money. She struggles enough, being a single mother with three kids. 
My two younger siblings, Carl and Rachel, are twins. They’re five years younger than me and spoiled in their own ways. Carl never listens to anything anyone says and just does whatever he pleases with no repercussions. The only tragedy he faces is his decline in grades. He’s a straight D student. And don’t get me started on Rachel. She’s a liar and a thief, and the reason I’m so happy to move across the country. I had to put a lock on my bedroom door to keep her out and stop her from stealing my things. 
I never bothered my mother with their antics, she has her plate full enough. With a full time and part time job, barely being home, she can just barely pay the bills in the house my father had left us with, one that put my mother in debt as he left as they were still paying off the loan. I got my own job, so I was able to afford things for school, like a prom dress or maybe just splurge on some makeup. I was able to buy my own car the year prior to my leaving. 
I hugged my mother tightly after we had finished loading all my things into my car. “I’ll call as soon as I get there.” I told her. 
“Maine has terrible weather,” My mother stated. “What if the plane can’t land and-.”
“Mom.” I cut her off. “I’ll be fine.” I hugged her tightly once more before turning to my siblings. Despite their faults, I still love my siblings. It’s not fully their fault, they were only 15 at this time. They were even younger when our father walked out. Almost too young to remember him at all. Our mother has been working overtime for the past five years, ever since the bank had sent a letter saying if she doesn't keep up with the agreed upon amount for the payments, they’ll foreclose the house. So my siblings haven’t gotten to have much of a relationship with either of our parents. 
“Come here shit heads.” I said to them and motioned them to come over and hug me. My brother doesn’t hesitate, wrapping his arms around me tightly. 
“I can’t wait to have my own room.” Rachel said as I hugged our brother. 
“Can you at least wait until I’m gone before you make plans to take over my room.”  laugh as Carl lets go of the hug. 
“I’m sorry but I’m 15 and still sharing a room with my twin brother. I’ve been waiting for this since you got a job two years ago. I was hoping you’d move away sooner.”
”Wow. Okay, well you don’t get a hug then.” I mumble as I turn away from her. I always wished for a good relationship with her. But she turned out to be just like all the girls in high school I tried so hard to stay away from. But nonetheless, I love her. And I know somewhere in that black lump of coal she insists is her heart of gold, I know she loves me too.
“Y/n, wait.” Rachel said. I turned around to see her with her head turned away from me, but her arms were held out to embrace me. 
I hugged her tightly. “I’ll miss you so much.” I mumbled to her. 
“I guess I’ll miss you too.” She huffed in response. 
I let go of the hug. I stepped back and looked over my family one last time before I left for college. I got into my car, buckled up my seatbelt, and started off for the airport, my family waving me goodbye in the rear view mirror. 
The plane ride was tiring. I tried to sleep so I’d have energy to unpack at my new apartment, but it was difficult. I had always had difficulty sleeping. Most nights I would have been lucky to get four or five hours of sleep. 
I left the baggage area with all my belongings, thanking god that nothing was lost. I only had a few bags, as I didn’t own much. Of course, then I had to go find my car at a moving lot within the next few days. So, it was all uber and taxis from here. 
It was over an hour ride from the airport to my new apartment. Well, it wasn’t quite an apartment. It was a house, one that me and three other students had to share. Four bedrooms, each with their own bathroom and closet, built specifically for students. Almost a dorm, but believe it or not, more affordable. Especially since three others would help pay rent. 
I got out of the uber, where I met the landlord of the house. He held a clipboard and envelope, standing at the front door talking with who I assume must have been another student. 
From what I had known, I would have been sharing the house with two other girls and one guy. The guy was called Alexander, but he preferred to be called Xan. He essentially had the entire basement of the house to himself. It had one bedroom, a bathroom, its own living space and sliding glass door at the back of the house, where the ground had indented down hill. But it was also where we would all do our laundry, so it wasn’t entirely private. 
The main floor had one bedroom and bathroom as well, along with the kitchen, dining, and main living area. That space was taken by one of the girls, Maya. She was kind, supportive, and for some reason terrified of stairs. 
Then there was the second floor. That’s where Natalie and I had our rooms. And that’s all that was up there. Two bedrooms and two bathrooms. 
The house was on a street of many like it, each housing students from the University of Maine. And each of them, as I at the time rightfully assumed, was owned by the same man and his sons. 
The owner stood at the entrance. I made my way to him to greet him. “Hello. I’m Y/n.” I said to him, holding my hand out for him to shake. 
He looked over his clipboard before nodding, and handed me a key. “This is your only key, don’t lose it, and don’t ask for another one to give away. Keys are for residents only.” He told me, not even looking up from his clipboard. I grabbed the key, and felt his cold fingers. So cold they made me shiver. Does the heat not work in this place? It’s still August and it shouldn’t have been this cold. 
And it wasn’t. It was warm out that day. So warm I didn’t question why he was standing in the shade. He was so pale, another thing I didn’t question. We were in Maine, one of the gloomiest states in the country. This was probably the one nice day I’d ever see in my whole four years I was going to spend there. 
“I see you have already gotten a job here in maine?” He said to me, “Not an on site school job then like a dishwasher or librarian?”
I shook my head. “No,” I said, “I’ll be working as a waitress at a Cafe not far from the school.” 
He shrugged me off, and looked back at his clipboard. “As long as rent is due on time and you’re still attending school, that's all I care about.” He said. 
I nodded, gripping onto my bags as I began to walk into the house. 
“Your room is on the second floor, the one on the right. You’ll have a nice sized closet and your own bathroom.” He said. “One of your house mates is already here, Maya. She might help you settle in.” The landlord turned to me as I held my bags in my hands. “My name is Jimmy, and if you have any concerns or questions feel free to contact me, or my sons Chris, Matt, or Nick by these numbers. We’ll get back to you by the next day.” He said as he handed me a slip of paper. “They will also be staying in a house down the street, they all attend the University of Maine as well.” Jimmy explained.
I nodded in response, and put the numbers in my pocket to make a mental note to put them in my phone later. “So is this a family business then?” I asked.
Jimmy lifted his head to look at me. He smiled softly, almost a smirk. “You could say our family has been providing homes to students for hundreds of years.”
My eyes widened in surprise. Hundreds of years? What housing could they have provided at the start? I shook my head and walked into the house. It was best not to dwell on the tiny details right now. I needed to get settled in. The next day I would start my new job, one that I thankfully got over an online interview. 
I was a waitress at a very popular restaurant in Cali. My old boss had helped me get this job, as he had let me put him down as a reference on my application. 
It didn’t take long for me to settle in. I walked up to my bedroom, opened the door on the right, and was greeted with a bland room, with only a bed with no bedsheets, and an ikea bed frame and dresser. Honestly, I was thankful for those furnishings, since I hadn’t brought my own. 
I placed my bags on my bed, and sat next to them. I kicked my shoes off and started to root through my suitcase full of my clothes. 
My clothes and shoes took up two suitcases and a bookbag, my makeup in a small makeup case the size of a hefty purse, and my essentials such as deodorant and a toothbrush and hairbrush and other things were in a smaller bag. Then there was my school things that were all in my computer bag. No, I didn’t have much. I took everything from home and brought it here, and well, the things I didn’t bring, now belong to my sister Rachel.
I unpacked my clothes and shoes, putting them away in the closet and dresser. Both were less than half full when I had finished. I had put my computer on the dresser, trying to make it into a make-shift desk. I’d get one of those later, once I had made some money. I set my makeup case on the dresser as well, and put all my essentials in the bathroom. 
I started to make a mental list of things I would need. Towels, wash-rags, mirror, desk, chair. The last thing I pulled out of my bag were my bedsheets. I made my bed up, finished unpacking. I had put my suitcases under the bed after. 
I checked the time on my phone. It only took me half an hour to finish this. I left my room to make my way downstairs, hoping to meet some of my house mates. 
Instead I’m met with a taller man, one I know could not be Xan as we had all made a group chat prior to moving in, to get to know each other and sort out who’s room will be who’s, and house rules. Within getting to know Xan, I knew that he was far, far, too short to be this man. Xan was 5’4. He had express his wish for us not to tease him when we all finally met.
This man wasn’t the tallest, but certainly taller than Xan. He was helping one of the house mates, one who I later learned was Maya, bring her things in. The man had dark colored hair, like a brunette, but in a way that you could tell he was blonde at a younger age, and his hair had just gotten darker with age. He didn’t look too much older than me either. Maybe just a year or two? 
He was holding Maya’s boxed dresser like it was nothing, carrying it to her room. He didn’t look like he had the muscle to carry it with such little ease, but he did. 
He wore a red jacket over a black shirt, and loose fitting black jeans. Such warm clothes for the weather we’re having. I thought it was odd at the time, but didn’t question it. I knew people in high school that wore the same hoodie everyday to school, no matter the weather. 
He passed me as I stood on the steps of the stairs, locking eyes with me. He had dark piercing blue eyes, and pale skin surrounding them. His eyes looked sunken, like he’d never slept in his life but still was refreshed for the day somehow. 
His face contorted into a grimace when he passed me. Was I really that repulsive to him? He turned his head away from me as he continued to help Maya bring her things into her room. 
Maya was more prepared than I was. Or at least she had more things. She did bring a desk and towels and a mirror and her own dresser and bed frame. She came fully prepared to the house. 
The more the day grew on the more I realized I was the least prepared person of the house mates. Xan had already set up before I had even got here. He was just in the basement doing his own thing and ignoring everybody, which I would soon learn is normal behavior for him. Natalie settled in last, but just after Maya had finished bringing all of her things in. The man had left after helping Natalie, not saying a word to me the whole time, as if he was avoiding me completely on purpose. 
It didn’t take long for me to realize that he was one of Jimmy’s sons. I didn’t know which one just yet, but after I saw him get into a car with Jimmy after helping Natalie settle in, it clicked in my brain. 
Jimmy had said his sons were living in a house down the street, and that they attend the college as well. I wondered if I’d see this guy again, whether in school or sometime else, and if he’d always avoid me like that.
Maya came running up to me as I walked down the stairs to make my way into the kitchen. “Y/n, right?” She said. 
“Yeah, that’s my name.” I muttered back in response. She followed me as I went into the kitchen for a snack. 
“How do you feel about a block party?” She asked me. “The whole block is throwing a party for the week before school starts.” She stated.
“The whole week?” I asked. 
“Well, the whole week nights. All the houses are open doors and I wondered if you would be okay with our house being involved?” She looked at me with puppy eyes. 
I opened the fridge door and pulled out my bologna lunchable. I loved those snack lunches, when I still could eat food. “What did Natalie and Xan say?” I asked.
“Nat’s all in, she loves a party.” Maya exclaimed happily. “And Xan’s fine with it as long as the basement door is locked and no one disturbs him.” She looked down with a slight smile. I should have guessed then that Maya had a small crush on Xan, but at that time I was too wrapped up in myself to notice anything significant. 
“Okay, I’m in.” I said. 
Maya looked up with bright eyes. “Really?” She smiled big.
“Only if I can have the same rule as Xan.” I said. “I’ll lock my bedroom door and not be disturbed.” I crossed my arms, lunchable still in hand. 
Maya’s smile faltered slightly, but she still seemed happy and content with my answer. “Okay, deal!” She said with a smile. She left the kitchen, meeting Natalie in the living room, and told her the ‘good news.’ They both squealed in excitement and started planning decorations and themes. 
I took a deep breath and made my way back up the stairs and to my bedroom. Night parties for a whole week before school starts. I always hated parties. I never had close enough friends to go to them with. Even at high school events and dances I didn’t attend, I hated the thought of everyone seeing me in my loneliness. 
I sat on my bed and started on my lunchable. I opened my computer to put on a show to watch while I ate my snack. 
Hours passed, the sun had gone down. I was laying on my bed half asleep, trying to pay attention to my show but failing. I had almost drifted off to sleep when I heard footsteps and voices and music begin downstairs. I guess the party had started already. Figures, the one time I might sleep I get interrupted. 
I sat up in my bed, continuing on with my show. I made it through two episodes before feeling the need to stretch my legs. It wasn’t too late at night, only around eleven. I walked over to my window to give my legs a little bit of exercise, and looked upon the street. 
My eyes got caught in the stare of the man that helped Maya earlier today. He was standing on the street with a cup in hand, along with two guys that looked very, very similar to him. I was right to assume that those were his brothers. 
It didn’t surprise me that they would attend these block parties, with their family owning the houses on the block. It did startle me that as soon as I looked out my window, he was already looking at me. 
I felt a chill go down my spine. My hair stood on end as my lip quivered. The man’s brothers paid no attention to me, conversing with each other and presumably with the man who paid little to no attention to them. 
I took a step back and closed the blinds of my window, shuddering at the moment that passed. I walk back to my bed when there's a knock on my door. I looked up in confusion. I was sure no one would bother me, as Maya and Natalie blocked off the whole staircase. Only the main floor was accessible to the guests. 
I walked over and opened my door, and to my surprise, it was him. How did he get here so fast? Not ten seconds ago I saw him on the street outside the house, and now he’s at my bedroom door. 
“Who are you?” He asked me in a gruff tone. 
I paused for a second, confused about the question and what was going on. “What?” I managed to say. 
“Who are you?” He asked again. “What are you doing here?” He added. 
“I’m Y/n, I’m attending the University of Maine.” I said. “Who are you?” I added.
“Chris.” He said. “My family owns these houses.” 
I nodded in response. I had so many more questions. How did he get to my door so fast? Why did he glare at me earlier today? Why has he taken such an interest in me? Why was he staring at me from the street?
He stared at me for a moment. Glaring like he did earlier. He seemed disgusted and intrigued with me. Like I was a gross thing he wanted to figure out. 
I took a step back, uncomfortable with the situation. Chris seemed to take this as an invitation and swiftly entered my bedroom. 
He looked around, seeing the barren room. The soft blue bed sheets, ikea furniture that came in the room already. He looked back at me with the same confused look he always has on his face when he looks at me. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked. 
“Like what?” He said, looking away from me. 
“You know what I mean. You made that face when you saw me earlier today too. Like I sink or something.”
Chris scoffed. “Maybe you do.” He said with a smirk. 
My face reddened with embarrassment. I looked down and sniffed my shirt. Maybe I’m blind to my own smell, I thought. I smelled no different than usual, like fresh laundry and lavender body wash. 
I looked back up at Chris, who was watching me intently. I had grown more uncomfortable with the situation. 
“Can I ask you to leave?” I said. 
Chris shrugged. “You can.” He walked to the door and looked back at me. His eyes roamed up and down my whole body, causing me to shudder again. He made the confused and disgusted face once again before leaving. 
I shook off the discomfort before I sat back down on my bed. God I hope I don’t have to deal with that guy often.
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oktopiasscarletqueen ¡ 2 months ago
Neurotic Erotic (Bloodweave Fic) playlist
Alright, so, heres the playlist I made for the fic and unreasonable analysis I made relating the songs to Gale and Astarion.
I know writing all this is a touch cringe, but I’m at peace with that; BG3 is a special interest of mine, and so is musical/literary analysis. That being said, I’m not trying to write any kind of groundbreaking, profound interpretations here. Moreso, I’m yelling my funny words at you because I like to yap. And, sometimes this is what me and my little sister do for fun; J and I put on music and go, “ [insert character would like this sound in a Modern AU” or, “this song is incredibly [insert character]-core because…”
Before you jump in, I’m gonna warn you, the transition between ‘Francis Forever’ and ‘Cancer’ (track 6 & 7 respectively) is a touch jarring, as is the inclusion of ‘Cancer’ in the middle of the playlist  in general, lol. Second, I’ll warn you this list is bound to get updated here and there eventually. Also, I may update/add to these in future.
I have put the songs “in order”, or as best “order” as my brain can think of right now.
Oh, and of course, spoilers ahead for essentially the whole game.
Fic Link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/56262295/chapters/142934368
Youtube Link: https://www.youtube.com/@Oktopiasscarletqueen/playlists
Spotify Link: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/3BIufG9W5783HUh3OvDboD?si=675313ddfbbe4664
Song list, and correlation (with my interpretation and justification, if that interest you at all, lol):
¡Aikido! (Neurotic/Erotic) – Everything is a Lot by Will Wood & The Tapeworms
This song is about being obsessed with death, or the idea of dying; Theres something very Gale & Astarion about it (one being asked to die and the other literally being dead). Astarion being dead is a sort of representation (within this fic) of Gale’s later focus and near idolisation of dying, which really reminds me of the song. It’s title and the general idea behind it inspired me to write this fic. Mostly the title, its catchy and interpretive whether you know the song or not.
2. Maya the Psychic – Hesitant Alien by Gerard Way
So, y’know the tadpoles, right?
3. Starman – The Rise & Fall of Ziggy Stardust & the Spiders from Mars (2012 Remaster) by David Bowie
So, y’know the “Dream Guardian”, right?
4. Cover This Song (A Little Bit Mine) – Everything is a Lot by Will Wood & The Tapeworms
Early game, Gale’s caught up on Mystra, and that’s an objective fact.  That’s what this song is in relation to him. Wishing to have her back, or at least her grace and favour. Like, imagine being cast aside by a god. A god who was your previous lover and kinda decides your fate.
5. First Love/Late Spring – Bury Me at Makeout Creek by Mitski
More Gale “pining” songs (you’re gonna see a lot of this). In the case of this one, the song is a sort of ‘love, life and duty is painful’. After the Mystra heartbreak, I can imagine Gale’s not exactly keen on letting anyone in else they abandon him again (Gale has a big ego, but he feels he’s not enough—he’s scared he’s not enough). Also, a few lines stick out for interpretation in regards to Gale. ‘One word from you and I would jump of this cliff I’m on, baby’ is very fitting for Mystra being like “lmao, kys” and how Gale is fully ready to do that as a show of faith. Another line that I wanna note, ‘And I was so young when I behaved 25…’ reminds me of not only Gale’s early magical prowess, but the fact  Gale being only 8 when he met Mystra for the first time; Gale had big shoes to fill, extremely high expectations to live up to and also an omnipotent, ever-present god leaning over his shoulder. This is where I’m gonna put a link to this Tumblr post because the OP does a fantastic job at dissecting all that (TW: mentions of grooming): https://www.tumblr.com/kirain/739521230081851392/i-want-to-take-a-moment-to-talk-about-gales
6. Francis Forever - Bury Me at Makeout Creek by Mitski
Kinda similar to above, but more “romantic” in a really twisted way. Gale really did love Mystra, I think; In the case of this song, it’s less about him as a character but more his past feelings and the grief there (obviously this isn’t what the songs exactly about, but we’re running on interpreting them into fictional characters, so… lol.
7. Cancer – The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
So, y’know the Nether Brain fight and Gale’s Orb, right?
8. Goodbye Yellow Brick Road – Goodbye Yellow Brick Road (Remastered) by Elton John
Acceptance and a return to the “average”. If you don’t let him ascend, Gale has the option to just live life at his own pace, and for me that’s his canon ending. My boy deserves a rest, and this song just remind me of that.
BLOODWEAVE (songs that just scream them)
9. Cannibal Queen – Tell It to the Volcano by Miniature Tigers
I just feel like the lyrics suit Gale’s feeling for Astarion in a really  fun way, idk man. It’s just weirdly them-core.
10. Baby You’re a Haunted House – Single (no album) by Gerard Way
Another ‘Gale to Astarion’ song. ‘…you’re a haunted house’ as a lyric reads as someone who has a lot of metaphorical ghosts in them (closet full of skeletons). Shout-out to the versus: ‘In the dark, we dance together…’  ‘In the dark we laugh together, because the misery’s funny to you’ ‘Sometimes you scare me, but I’ll come around to you… And I’ll find a way to scare you too’.
That’s just them (you’ll hear this from this section a lot).
11.  Red Moon – Everything is a Lot by Will Wood & The Tapeworms
First and foremost, this song is SO underappreciated (as is the album). It’s one of my favourites. This so in particular just sounds like the embodiment of Bloodweave. I take a lot of inspiration from this song when it comes to Neurotic Erotic (the fic). This song analysis would be paragraphs upon paragraphs long, so I’ll sum this up as simply as I can:
- Astarion is kinda ethereal looking (moon-elf-core) - Gales heart go doki-doki later in fic (referring to the 5th verse: 'Waxing to the rhythm writhing my chest’) - Gale and Astarion are drawn together by circumstance - They remain in each others orbit regardless of circumstance - Night is their time
Theres so much more, but I’ll leave some of the linking to you, lol
12. The Rhumba of Death ��� Camp Here & There: Campfire Songs Edition by Will Wood
*see to every other comment in this section*
13. We’ll Never have Sex - Single (no album) by Leith Ross
I think it’s not necessarily an argument that Astarion has issues around intimacy, particularly sexual intimacy. That’s what this is; this is why the song is here.
TRANSITION (A heads up to Astarion Territory, lol. Plus, I just like the song :P)
14. Interlude – Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge by My Chemical Romance
Every playlist needs a good intermission, and this one has an Astarion-vibe to it. Serves as a good heads-up for whats to come and as a cool down from the previous song instead of just jumping right into a different tone. Plus, I’ve not gotten over my emo days, so…
15. The End – The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
The end. The end of Astarions mortal life, the end of being under Cazador’s thumb while tadpoled.
16. Dead! – The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
You can’t put ‘The End.’ without ‘Dead!’ and vice-versa. But, the lyrics do speak to me in encapsulating some surface-level Astarion plot, especially when it comes to his mortal, Magistrate days. Did Astarion get what he deserved? (referring to the versus: ‘I’ll be here waiting, babe; Did you get what you deserve?’). The BG3 artbook tells us Astarion was a corrupt magistrate, so this feel fitting. It’s speculative, but I think Astarion wasn’t too popular when he was alive, lol.
17. The Sharpest Lives – The Black Parade by My Chemical Romance
‘I’ve really been on a bender and it shows’Astarion doesn’t have the best coping mechanisms and skills, and this song is that. Plus, it’s another vampire-related song so it fits in well. And the lines below feel like they were written for him (y’know what I mean?): ‘You can take off your skin in the cannibal glow, Juilet loves the beat, and the lust it commands, Drop the dagger and lather the blood on your hands, Romeo’
18. Brand New City - Lush by Mitski
I feel like Astarion has a lot of issues around control, like specifically in regard to needing to be in control in some small way. He’s emotionally withering away with his destructive ways, but it’s the only way he knows how to grasp onto some semblance of control over his life. ‘I think my ways are wearing me down, But if I gave up on being pretty, I wouldn’t know how to be alive,’
19.  The Jetset Life is Gonna Kill You – Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge by My Chemical Romance
This song is about Gerard Ways substance abuse and struggles with it, his addiction personified as a woman. In a similar vein, I’m using this song as a representation of Astarion’s own addiction (or obsession) to power and revenge. Its fuelling him, but its also slowly him a dark, toxic (and even dangerous) path.
20. Hand Me My Shovel, I’m Going In! – SELF-iSH by Will Wood & The Tapeworms
Another case of a song about self-destructive behaviours that just really fits Astarions own trauma and his response to it. Will Wood is a genius lyricist, don’t @ me, and this is a prime example of his work capturing addiction and other self-destructive behaviours, feeling powerless in stopping/not being able to stop, even though you could (with a lot of effort of therapy, mind you).
21. Kill All Your Friends – Famous Last Words by My Chemical Romance
The opening lines capture more Astarion plot:  ‘Well, you can hide a lot about yourself, But honey, what’re you gonna do?’ Mainly, this song just feels like it fits him, especially with ‘I was killing before killing was cool,’.
22. Laplace’s Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!) – The Normal Album by Will Wood
Another vampire song, so naturally its here. A number of the lines in this song feel like inner turmoil within Astarion, but I can’t just copy paste the whole thing here, lol. Side note, this song has been in my private Astarion playlist for the past 2-ish years and I’ve always been like, ‘man, I wish I had the time to make an animatic to this (or Hand Me My Shovel) for Astarion’, and recently I stumbled upon an Astarion animatic someone made to this song and was SO SHOOK. So, I’m going to link it, because its fantastic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zWKObQgHaGg
23. Your Body, My Temple - Camp Here & There: Campfire Songs Edition by Will Wood
POV: Astarion’s manipulating you.
24. Vampire Reference in a Minor Key – “In case I make it,” by Will Wood
Very Astarion-core song, but specifically in regards to his softer side (in the case of this fic, his feelings down the line for Gale). Obviously the vampire song is gonna remind me of the twink vampire.
25. The Chain (2004 Remaster) – Rumours by Fleetwood Mac
So, y’know Cazador and Astarions “siblings”, right?
26. Against the Kitchen Floor – “In case I make it,” by Will Wood
So, yknow the confession Astarion has in act 2, right? My canon ending for Astarion is him healing, finally. He’s a spawn, yes, but he’s making the most of that his immortal life as he can. I’ll say it again, Will Wood is a GENUIS and (most definitely because it comes from his own experiences) he captures the process of healing but not being fully there in this song. In relation to Astarion, this is him trying—genuinely trying to be better and work out what he’s going through. He’s not there, he won’t be for a long time, but he’s willing to try. Trying is the first step.
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ametistapp ¡ 11 months ago
Since it's Autism Awareness Month, here's
Why the puzzle piece is offensive to the Autistic Community
[Large text: Why the puzzle piece is offensive to the Autistic Community]
Unfortunately, the most commonly used symbols to represent autism are all puzzle related, like the ones bellow.
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These symbols and similar ones are typically used by Autism Organizations that are run by allistic people rather than autistic, Autism Speaks being the best-known example across the internet, but not the only one.
I'm not going to go deep into how bad Autism Speaks is, but just to leave you with the tip of the iceberg, know they used to put out ads that demonized autistic people (and even one in which one of the organization's leaders spoke about wanting to drive herself and her autistic daughter off a bridge).
Autism Speaks, and many others, attempt to "teach" people about autism, without hearing what actually autistic people have to say, and that's their biggest (but not at all only) problem.
Now, stay with me as we dive into history...
The puzzle piece was first used as a symbol for autism in 1963, by UK's National Autism Society, later on being adopted by Autism Speaks, which made it more popular.
Back then, autism awareness campaigns were viewed as being similar to, for example, cancer awareness ones, because autism was seen as an illness, a disease (which it is not).
As I've made clear before, the puzzle piece is heavily associated with organizations that spread misinformation about autism, making it, of course, already a bad symbol to represent us, but there's something I personally feel bothers us a lot more, and that is the symbolism of the puzzle piece.
The puzzle piece represents an idea of "mystery" and — you guessed it — being "puzzled".
And us, autists, don't really appreciate being called confusing.
Not only that, these words were often used to describe autism offensively in the past (and still are). And, on top of that, most times, when you find a puzzle supposed to represent autism, it is incomplete.
Isn't the message clear enough?
We're people, not puzzles that have to be worked out. We're not incomplete and we're not "puzzled".
Which symbols can you use for autism awareness?
[Large text: Which symbols can you use for autism awareness?]
The infinity rainbow symbol is common for all neurodivergent people, while the golden infinity is specific for ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder, in case you didn't know the acronym).
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The infinity symbol represents the complexity and vastness of neurodivergence and autism.
Autism is less about "severity" and more about different struggles in different topics and areas (though not a lot of people seem to understand that, unfortunately). After all, autism is a spectrum, not a scale.
And if you're interested in why golden is the color of choice for us, that'd be because the periodic symbol for gold is Au, which I think is very clever, haha.
Some people also like to use red or plain yellow, I don't know a lot about that, but I'd recommend you research it.
And since we're on the topic of color, just a warning: in the Autistic Community we kind of avoid using blue to represent us, especially because it is heavily associated with Autism Speaks' "Light It Up Blue" movement.
Blue is seen as a representation of feelings like sadness, as well as being commonly associated with boys (this is important because women and other AFAB are often misdiagnosed and underdiagnosed because many people still think autism is only found in boys, and because many traits are viewed as "normal behavior" in AFAB people).
This isn't to say you can't use blue in the title of your PowerPoint presentation about ASD, it's just a thing we try to avoid.
Well, that should be all.
I decided to make this post because I've seen many people post about which symbols to use for Autism Awareness Month, but no one explaining why.
Thought this could help some poor lost soul understand it, lol
Happy Autism Awareness Month, my beloved Yippies, and a thank you to everyone who stopped to read <3 (heart).
Now I'm gonna go clean my search history and my gallery, just reading "Autism Speaks" gives me the ick.
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katyspersonal ¡ 5 months ago
Queelign for the ask meme pls lmao
That terrible, terrible man....
(Asks from this ( x ) meme)
Favorite thing about them:
The way he is basically suppressed, or lost, little version of Messmer! It is not just that he modelled his weapon after his spear and aspires to be like him, but also the way he speaks of Marika and feels about her! He is very infatuated, loyal and oddly.... naive, considering the context! I absolutely feel like he reflects that more hopeful, more puppy-eyed child Messmer doesn't get to be. Untouched by curse or hatred of abandoned child. I love when character serves like a window into someone else too!
Ignoring this narrative nonsense that I am probably just hallucinating, I just love how sensitive he is. Seeing how he sounds passionate or pathetic or both, I expected him to be a young man, but he is listed as 'mature'! So he is like, around 40! I love me a male who doesn't lose his sensitivity with age... to better or worse. In a better turn of events, he'd be a great poet, I can tell this. :pensive:
Least favorite thing about them:
This is a pain to explain but whereas I love how religious-fanatical he is, I ALSO hate it? He captivated me from the first invasion (as much as I didn't want to admit it), but also I read Crusade Insignia description and was like "ohhhhhh FUCK I reeeeally hate this guy already!!!" hfhghh I suppose, it is fair to be conflicted? He falls for the type of the characters you love in fiction but would dread to meet in real life!!
Favorite line:
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"Queen Marika, behold! I have excised another. Another cancer to thy joy." This kind of made me uneasy XD How he is this pathetic and this scary at the same time?
I feel like he and Moonrithyll would be friends! ….that are constantly bickering with each other. XD Whereas he is very fixated on Messmer and aspires to be like him, with Moonrithyll it is similar with Rellana! Rellana believes that sky and fire should be together, after all, and Moonrithyll respects trolls as descendants of Fire Giants more than she does as just loyal friends to Carians.
But whereas things between Messmer and Rellana are very good and settled, Moonrithyll constantly lets the attitude of "pledging to the Erdtree was a cringe phase for us, at least thanks to Messmer we are soooo back baby 😎" slide. Before Queelign. *million skull emojis* But despite them often fighting, they are not enemies. In fact, maybe frienemies? They have long conversations (mostly about their leages lol) that they enjoy a lot, and they have fun... until one of them says something they really should agree to disagree on already. -_- Queelign doesn't because he is too petty to not remind everyone how he is the only one to "really" respect Marika, Moonrithyll doesn't because she is honest to a fault!
I actually really like to think about him and Messmer? Help me??
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^^^ Messmer and Rellana are canonically a thing, apparently, so it is somewhere in AU drawer... but still!! There are just... a lot of things between them.
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^^^ Queelign is the only Fire Knight that seems to have been "spared" by Messmer's curse; he doesn't have red hair and trademark red cape! And I like to think this is deliberate. That Messmer cherishes his "innocence", seeing him as little naive version of self. He could not take that away from Queelign, nor ruin the hair color so golden, nor he wants Queelign's heart to break upon learning that true nature of Messmer's Flame comes from something existing as anathema to the Erdtree.. He never got to be a person so blinded with faith in Marika's love, but he can allow Queelign to be this...
At the same time, Messmer pities him sometimes. He sometimes feel bitter and hurt when Queelign goes on the rant about Marika's "boundless love" and "sure return someday" and wants to snap at Queelign. He has dark enjoyment pushing Queelign to think of dread of Marika's hatred and neglect and watch him break down and cry, as Messmer is almost dead inside nor he physically can have tears. He wants him to cry for them both. He also wants to comfort him. He is uncomfortable with Queelign wanting to be just like him. He also finds solace in it because Queelign gets to be a version that isn't cursed. He cherishes his naivete. He also sometimes wants to obstruct this little sunshine and curse him too but restrains himself. There are many conflicting feelings.
And yeah, it looks a bit one-sided, right? :p Messmer has such an internal conflict over Queelign, whereas the other just admires him and thinks being like him is epitome of a proper Marika's follower. But all Fire Knights know Messmer very well, and he is not an exception. Queelign is very insistent on Marika's holiness and perfection with anyone else, but when Messmer allows his suppressed hatred and knowing Marika will never embrace them again slide? Queelign argues for his sake and not hers. He genuinely hates to see him despair. The contrast between Queelign being very sensitive and Messmer becoming oddly cold for a fire wielder is also fun x)
They have a lot of tension between them most of the time, but deep down they both know. Messmer is not stingy with affectionate words for people he trusts and values, and Queelign is no more afraid to disagree with him than one would with a very moody friend. He can tell that he has special rights even compared with other Fire Knights despite not being given direct "communion" with his flame, and when Messmer tells him it is because he cherishes him the way he is, Queelign believes that.
Either I live under a rock or fandom is yet to invent ships for Queelign to BEGIN with. xD I legit don't know which ship for him would be bad? I'll know it when I see it, I suppose...?
Random headcanon:
He constantly fucks up cooking. Like, there is no way he doesn't ruin his meals. When it is not misinterpreting recipe or adding too much due to simple clumsiness, it is that he got distracted or lost in thoughts about Marika's grace. 🙄 Every time he is determined that he WILL focus and do it right, and every time he fails. When things are inedible, like, it is charcoal or looks dangerous, he resorts to making puppy eyes to other Fire Knight so they share their food with them gghkugg They are used to it! Hilde even used to cook a bit more dinner than she needed, fully expecting him to drop by!
Unpopular opinion:
Look, I do like jokes about his haircut, I am not humorless! AND I love this cursed image from Reddit proving "that he only looks bad because of his haircut":
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( x ) gfhghgb but- I disagree with allowing it to brush an interesting character aside!! Jokes are fun, but making whole character a joke isn't 😔💔 He deserves his place amongst other "fanatics who simpmaxx" like Lautrec, Alfred and Leda, and should have many bitches same as THEM!!
Song I associate with them:
Ironically, not the depth of introspection I see him reaching any time soon.
Favorite picture of them:
I can't really find Queelign fanart, let alone chosing a favourite tbh.. Myself, I have like, four WIPs featuring him, but you know me, I finish like two drawings per year at BEST. Scarlet Rot Depression eaten away my artist poweeerrrr...
Thank you for asking!! Lmao I can't shut up about this man
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exstasyplague ¡ 2 years ago
UnPopular Jujutsu Kaisen Opinions (with arguments) PT 2
hi god. it's me again. :)
—manga spoilers!
☆ Sukuna is not stronger than Gojo
i've noticed that both hardcore gojo fans and sukuna fans are delusional; almost on the same tier as the kpop stans that say their oppar is an angelic virgin who will marry them. they are willing to trash the character fighting against their favourite in a genuinely petty way 💀
in the manga it's said clearly that even back in the heian day, sukuna's presence didn't cause much uproar because times were rougher back then. the ones alive had a certain type of blood thirst so you were strong by default if you weren't dead. was sukuna the strongest back then and eventually made himself a name? yes.
gojo's birth caused a disbalance in the world.
let's not forget that. in shibuya, when he expanded his domain for 0.2 seconds, the people subjected to that received 6 months worth of information and had to be hospitalised for weeks.
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(that's one of my favourite manga panels, btw. will get to that in a second)
let's do some maths.
a minute has 60 seconds. 60á0.2= 300. 300x6months=1800. in a minute, you get 1800 months' worth of information. 1800á12= 150. 150 years in a minute. 150á6= 25. sukuna got information input worth 25 years of non-stop intense brain activity.
that's not only a face of brain damage. sukuna is shook by how powerful that shit was. mad props to him for enduring that. 👏
what's the point of this? to understand that gojo's power is terrifying. that shit hits you properly? it's over. it's not even instant death. it's absolute. no way, chance of recovery.
but sukuna is more well-versed in curse energy. he has a deeper understanding of it. that's his strongest skill— knowledge. gojo with his 6 Eyes can't sense people from a big distance well. sukuna could feel megumi hurting from kilometres away just because he dissected the theory of cursed energy that well, no innate technique. his use of RTC also shows that— it's one thing to get the hang of it, an entirely different one to understand it. sukuna could literally cure cancer if he wanted. (au! doctor sukuna? 🤭🤭 hanibal lecter way since he's a canon cannibal. that's how he became besties with uraume, they KNEW how to cook.)
but then you guys will be like: "ok plague, but doesn't that mean their power is equal since they both excel on their separate things?" no. LOL. knowledge can be attained— if gojo with his natural skills would have sukuna's knowledge... yeah. it would be over. but gojo is gojo and doesn't like putting in effort so he is balanced like that.
this fight is mastery vs innate talent among many other things. one of the main messages in jujutsu kaisen, especially in the plasma vessel arc, is that being powerful is sometimes not enough. and that's exactly gojo is so damn strong; he's the perfect one to prove that point. that's why he struggles against my fraudulent sweet prince. 😍
☆ Maki will never be Toji
never. lol.
people compare them, especially the ones in the jjk world because there are no other heavenly restricted people to draw a parallel between. toji's strength doesn't only come from the fact that he maxxed up his body. it's also his mentality and life philosophy— which maki will never be able to embody. giving up on everything. being all alone. giving up even on yourself and your pride, living to kill and killing to live. that's a certain desperation that's so powerful and strengthening it can not even be called desperation, just something rooting from a VERY similar place with it. toji was rejected by everything and he rejected everything around him. until he didn't and well... we know how that ended. 💀
her own principles will take her on a different path. this is not an opinion about power scaling or whatever, it's as simple as it sounds. SHE IS STRONG. BUT WILL EVOLVE DIFFERENTLY. maki is accepted by some people, by her friends. maki also has her sister; with whom she had a love-hate relationship wtv but in the end mai becomes her greatest motivation and unleash point. plus, maki became besties with that blood clan guy for whatever reason, i don't mind but that's more so to solidify my point. she was able to forge new connections and maintain her old ones.
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+ all great villains/ op protags have some backstories. some curses wanted to become the real humans. some mfs were homeless. maki ain't broke enough for this toji shit bruh.
☆ Kashimo is overhyped
"when kashimo wipes out his SUPER SEKRET CURSED TECHNIQUE—" bro. shut. the. fucx. up. my man can wipe out his d1ck and all it's gonna get him is an honorary spot on rule 34.
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he's has an unhinged mentality but that doesn't mean he is a goat. his only purpose in life (reason why kenjaku tapped that ass a bit) is to duel sukuna. very cool. but come on bro. YOU KNOW he is gonna have max 1-2 cool badass moments before he goes like "lul, xd. guess my life nice. bye bye minna-san☺️. the true jujutsu kaisen is the friends we made along the way."
if he actually does something cool and badass that will influence the plot beyond adding few cold ass panels, GGs. but there is literally no reason for all the WILD dick buffing this man is getting as of now. no basis.
you know he low-key shitting his pants watching that fight going on— would it be totally in character for him to get excited and hop in for the lols just to see how much damage/influence he'd have? yeah. but that's only because of his ambition. kthx
☆ Nanami has one of the best mentalities
i don't know and i don't care if this is popular/ unpopular.
in a shonen world filled with adults that push all the responsibility on children while they fucx off to party, he is refreshingly aware of the importance his position as an adult holds. (itachi, kakashi, sasuke and naruto could've really used a nanami. you didn't hear that from me though.)
even if in the beginning he didn't really like yuji and only viewed him as sukuna's vessel, a mistake for the jujutsu world, his mentality was: "you are a kid. my priority as an adult is to make sure you are safe." (not exact quotes. when tumblr lets me post more than 10 pics i'll spam you with manga panels, i promise.)
then, he grew fonder of him etc.
"even if you are a sorcerer, you are still a kid. you shouldn't be the one to blame yourself for x event. that's the the business of adults."
in the first light novel, even gojo told nanami that he is the type to be able to save a child's heart from the poison the jujutsu world has to offer. gojo says something among the lines of "for grown ups, the poisons this world has to offer are many and we learn how to deal with them. but for a soul as enthusiastic (as yuji's and many others' teens) one poison like is enough to mess them up for life. exactly because you are the type of sorcerer to know that i'm asking you to look after yuji, even if once, as the individual he is, not sukuna's vessel."
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as he was dying, a death filled with doubts and frustrations towards everything— he still thought about yuji's sake. he didn't want to become a curse to him. he could've said "well, i won't see his misery anw so i can put all this sh1t pissing me off on him". (would've been me fr, my self control 0)
that is peak adulting. peak. peak. peak.
RIP. you were one of the best, nanamin 🙏
another proof that you don't need to be mad powerful to be great and impactful.
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☆ Interfering in the fight between Gojo and Sukuna would be dumb
small jjk history lesson with your favourite sensei~! ✨
who is this individual? 🤔
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haruta shigemo!! 🎉
haruta shigemo was recruited to help the bad scawwyy villains to help with their plans!! yayy. all clear so far. gr8. he is not as strong as a grade 1 sorcerer but his innate technique is luck so he is super duper useful in battles!! (very cool, i know ^^)
now, let's see what happened with haruta shigemo once he faced sukuna (who was busy exorcising mahoraga).
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it's fuck1ng OVER man. i've just explained how powerful gojo is and he is striking sukuna with the intent to kill. also let's not forget: sukuna himself is very fuck1ng strong. those two want to rip eachother's throats out. gojo doesn't really care so much about megumi's safety and that's a very sensible smart choice since anything is better than letting him be as he is.
"but— plague 🙄, if he is close to geting backshots then ofc people should help!! they should go against the 2 shikigamis!!! they should've stepped in from the moment gojo's nose bled."
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the ONLY instance where it would be ok for someone to step in is when Gojo is literally laying on the ground DEAD or in a state similar with the thing he had with toji. (hopefully it won't happen, my majestic king gotta see another day 😔 👑)
haruta shigemo 🙏
☆ Side characters are meant to be side characters
like sure bro. i cope too. IT'S FINE TO COPE. as long as you know you're coping.
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but people get dead ass pissed off at gege because they "haven't seen todo in 10 years. haven't seen utahime in 1000 wet dreams. haven't seen gakuganji at the retirement home in 306 days."
i wonder why. wow. maybe it's because they are the supporting cast. stop. take a break. it's hard for everybody. i miss some characters too. but the focus on the story simply is not on them.
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let me know what other copium I should debate 😘
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meadow-hearthfire ¡ 1 year ago
Sentimental Veneer AU
What if Velvet and Veneer have a late father who was a lot like Floyd in terms of personality?
Veneer would be more melancholy compared to his canon counterpart, and he handles Floyd much more gently.
At first, Veneer views Floyd similarly to how Velvet views him. That attitude starts to falter when Veneer notices similarities between his dad and Floyd.
What actually kick-starts Veneer's change of heart is when Floyd chides him and Velvet for mistreating Crimp and asked them if their parents raised them to behave that way.
While Velvet brushes Floyd off with a "you're not our dad", what Floyd said and the gentle yet firm way he chided Velvet and Veneer makes Veneer think about their father, whom he misses dearly, and the things his dad taught him and tried to teach Velvet.
Veneer also thinks about how he's been treating Crimp, so he apologizes to her and starts treating her nicer.
Out of guilt and shame, Veneer tries to help Floyd escape.
Veneer gets caught by Velvet who grabs Floyd, slaps Veneer, grabs him by the hair, slams him this way and that, and shouts him into submission.
Floyd, who just witnessed what Velvet put Veneer through, realizes the severity of the situation Veneer is in.
Floyd decides to stay to comfort and emotionally support Veneer, and get him to leave the abusive situation.
Floyd is not leaving until Veneer does.
When Veneer takes note of Floyd going pale and his hair turning white, and realizes he and Velvet are sucking the life out of him, Veneer is reminded of the times he visited his dad in the hospital. Veneer remembers seeing him going pale and his hair turning white from all the treatment he underwent.
As soon as Velvet leaves the room and is out of earshot, Veneer breaks down crying, uncorking the bottle and begging Floyd to leave this hell.
Floyd doesn't budge, insisting he's not leaving without Veneer.
Floyd is not leaving another kid behind.
Also, Veneer can sing really well in this AU without relying on Floyd's talent. He only spritzes himself to please Velvet.
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thefcguy ¡ 8 months ago
Thomas Astruc Newest Interview:
Thomas Astruc and Zag recently had an interview which they talked about things from season 6 specials and so on…
I am not 100% sure how official they are, so, don’t take this 100% seriously.
Spoilers below:
1- Vesperia isn’t forgotten by the writters.
They said that she hasn’t appeared in any posters yet because her model isn’t complete, and that she is important, and that the team does care about her…
(Wow, the team cares about Zoe/Vesperia? The girl that they added in season 4 and threw under the bus the moment they got rid of Queen Bee? The girl that didn’t even get a Kitty Noir transformation? The girl whose plot in Representation about getting a girlfriend that I forgot the name was deleted due to the runtime? Keep telling your lies, Astruc… keep telling your lies…).
(No, I don’t agree with the hate she gets. I like Zoe. But Astruc saying he cares about her, even after all he did is a bit… annoying to me).
2- The Japan Special is the next one:
They haven’t confirmed anything, but, since Zag said that Lady Tiger will be very important, cause she will be their first hero with cancer, and that we will meet her very soon, it’s very clear that this teasing indicates Japan special is next. And Rio Special is forgotten once again (wow, as a Brazillian, “thanks”, Thomas).
(I am also worried about how they will handle cancer, considering they didn’t even make what Rose’s sickness clear).
3- Samg won’t be returning:
Yeah, that’s it. Their lost work is the London Special. The artstyle will change, and they will try to keep the animating on France only due to the leaks.
4- Season 6 will be filled with hints that the audience will look with new eyes on Season 7:
They said that, once we start seeing season 7, out view on season 6 will change completely, and that these hints will be bombastic.
(right, they are “very good” with foreshadowing. And by “foreshadowing” I mean either blatant teasing for future events, or retcons).
5- They are considering a Live Action for Miraculous… again:
They said they still need to rethink and see if their budget can handle it… I hope not, it would be probably really bad with bad CGI.
6- Other Magical Creatures:
They said that there probably are other magical creatures besides kwamis and renlings out there.
(wow, we barely know 10% of the kwamis that exist, and they want to create more magical creature. I will just say I hate when people create more and more elements before flashing out their older ones. It’s lazy, it leaves many questions open and, summing up, just not nice).
7- The reason why Lila has become a villain and wants the miraculi was already revealed:
They said that they have already left enough hints to why Lila has become the new Hawk Moth, it’s just that we, the audience, didn’t pay enough attention to it.
(I wonder this time what will be the retcon. Lila is as old as Master Fu and is a rebel from the Order of Guardians? She is Manon from the future? Either way, I doubt it will be convincing. Except if it is that she is an orphan that wants her parents back).
8- Thomas Astruc already created many miraculous AUs:
Yeah, even the show’s own creator likes to make AUs about it. His favorite one is where Ladybug is similar to Sailor Moon and she leads her own super hero team. In this AU, there is also no romance.
(I wonder if any of his AUs are better than the canon he writes).
9- The Melody Movie I back on production I guess:
Zag explained about the movie synopsis, which is about a girl needing to learn how to trust herself with the power of music (yes, it’s pretty generic), and the main character will be voiced by Katy Perry.
10- Chloe will be back:
And no, she won’t be getting a redemption. Astruc said that they try to write their characters on a logical way, so that they are consistent. And, no matter how hard they try, they found no way of Chloe regretting her actions and be like “Oh, Marinette, I was so mean to you!”, so, it doesn’t matter what he wants, it’s Chloe’s fault she doesn’t want to get better…
(I am not even a Chloe stan and this angers me beyond relief. First, they try to write their characters with consistence. WHEN? ‘Kagami’s friendship with Lila, Felix’s redemption, the whole amok plot, anything related to Lila on season 5, the fact they changed why Marinette broke up with Luka, the concept of the bee’ are anything but consistent. And say that Chloe can’t get a redemption? There are many ways for a character to get a redemption. Amity and Hunter from Owl House, Peridot and Lapis from SU, Sasha from Amphibia, and Zuko from Avatar all got a redemption. If you guys don’t want to give her a redemption, fine, but don’t try this whole “she can’t”, she is a character! And you guys are writing her!)
(Also, bringing Chloe back? I though you guys were trying to break the formula with the season 5’s wish, not go back to it).
11- The Story will change:
Not because of a reboot or anything, they just want to make it more serious and gradual.
(No comments here).
12- The Team has ideas for how 12 series of miraculous would be like:
They know for sure the 6, 7, 8 and 9 arc, and are also still unsure of what to do with the opening.
(12 seasons… when shows like Steven Universe gets 5, the Owl House gets 3, and many others get only 1).
13- Andre will get a redemption arc:
Thomas said that, unlike Chloe, he clearly wants to change, and the scene in Collution was a big character point for him. They also want to, someway, somehow, tell about his and Gabriel’s backstory someday.
14- Fun Facts:
The Supreme (the bad guy from Shadybug’s universe), will make a comeback at the series; Zoe’s crush at Marinette was due to love at first sight at the bakery (I think this is cute); the writers love Rolland because he was inspired by Thomas grandfather (and Simplifier is their favorite episode due to this fact); Akumatized!Marinette is a possibility; the writing for season 6 is at is peak, and a better version of season 5 (wonder which criminal boy will be redeemed and which girl won’t get the same treatment and be sent to live with her abusive parent).
15- The whole story we saw until now is only 5% of all he showed Zag when he pitched the show:
You heard that right, miraculous has still 95% of stories to give to us.
(I know that Superheroes usually have many arcs and stories they face, but that’s mostly because they are usually on comic format. I am not sure if it’s worth telling so many stories in a cartoon series).
Now, I leave to my miraculous mutuals @natedogx15 @nerd-chocolate and @artzychic27
to share their opinions. They might even change my mind for season 6.
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beanghostprincess ¡ 1 year ago
TW for chronic illnesses and body image issues/disphoria and infertility for some headcanons.
Lamikkaku anon here, I wanted to share some headcanons and thoughts about modern AU Lamikkaku because I think I've just come up with the most precious thing ever.
So, I think modern AU Lami would be cronically ill/have some health problems. (I was thinking about her being a survivor to childhood lung cancer that was caused by long term exposure to asbestos, since the Amber Lead Deasease seemed like it was referencing that. And therefore having long term health problems due to treatment)
It would affect her breathing and heart (cue Law deciding to become a cardiosurgeon to help people with similar problems) but also her body and personality as well. The steroids based treatments made her gain weight that she hardly lost, she has scars from various surgeries, and she became an introvert that struggles to meet new people. She feels guilty that she always made her parents worry and made Law miss out on many childhood experiences too, as he hardly saw his parents who were caretaking his sister and was mostly looked after by their godfather Corasan.
Cue my transfemm Ikkaku headcanon. She also struggles with acceptance and body immage issues, worrying about her appearence and not being "feminine enough", as well as some anger issues she develoeped due to tauning from others. I think she may also have issues with her family due to this. It contribuited in her being somewhat "hostile" when trying to meet new people and trusting them.
They met because of Law. Lami doesn't have many friends of her own so she hangs out in his friend group and meets Ikkaku. Its sorta of a love at first sight. Lami looks at Ikkaku and views her basically has a goddess: one with a flawless body, untouched by medical horrors, a sassy and sarcastic personality that sports a level of confidence that she can never have. And Ikkaku sees Lami as an angel: a kind, gentle person with such soft, and a heart of gold thats completely pure, cute ligneaments and a caring and amazing family that loves and supports her.
They start talking and getting close, opening up more to eachother, about their insecurities and fears. The topic of dating eventually comes up and both are very catious about it: Lami isn't sure about what she can give, her health problems are something she always saw as a burden, and she doesn't want to give this burden to anyone else. And Ikkaku thinks she would be awful for Lami, after all Lami is such a nice and kind person, Ikkaku considers herself far too brute to be good for her.
There is also another added thing... Lami can't have children. The treatment made her sterile, and its something she always knew but only really started grieving now. Part of her thinks this makes her an inadequate partner, a not good enough girlfriend (Bullshit, Lami is perfect and you know it) and Ikkaku also had mixed feelings about her own body functions, with transphobes harrassing her and saying shit like "ReAl WoMeN CaN GiVe BiRtH!!!" (Bullshit, I fucking hate this terf behaviour).
The two of them understand eachother deeply due to these things about themselves. Ikkaku never saw Lami's health as an obstacke, it just something that is part of her and makes her unique, and Lami doesn't give a shit about Ikkaku being trans, she loves her because of her personality and the way she is treated by her.
Eventually they do manage to start dating. Its a gradual process, but it doesn't matter because they have their love. They also protest and advocate for themselves, weather its trans/queer rights or better funding and medical treatments (insurance is a SCAM) and marriage equality in both cases.
Law couldn't be happier for her (he doesn't show it at all but he cries of happyness in a corner at least 5 times a day. Bepo calms him down) he also goes on double dates with them and [insert character you ship Law with].
And occasionally there are double dates with Penguin and Shachi as well (Penshachi and transmasc Penguin my beloved) but they have to be very carefull because if they mess something up Law will come after them with a weapon of mass destruction.
And Cora is so proud of them!!! His little girl finally finding confidence, loving her own skin, advocating for herself and all with the love of her life by her side. This man is so goddam happy you wont believe it!!! He gives Ikkaku his full blessing and some older transfolk advice (transmasc Corasan my beloved) he is already picturing their wedding, and he's crying about it. Someone get this man a tissue, or a blanket.
This is all so beautiful!! I've always loved Modern AUs but this one is especially soft. I love how they both have their own issues feeling loved but end up overcoming them together,,, Also, Cora would be the best father-in-law ever in the world. He's so. So happy. He loves Ikkaku so damn much-- And I think Law is concerned at first because he loves and trusts his friends a lot but whenever Lami and Ikkaku go on dates. Together. Alone. Law worries a lot in case something might happen. But Ikkaku is a sweetie with Lami and when Law realizes that everything is okay and the world isn't ending and nobody is dying he cries because he's just so so so relieved.
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blossomwritesthings ¡ 2 years ago
𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐟𝐞𝐞𝐥 𝐦𝐲 𝐡𝐚𝐧𝐝? 𝐢𝐭 𝐢𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞. | 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐞𝐰
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part one | part two | part three | part four | part five | part six | part seven | part eight | part nine | part ten | part eleven | part twelve
pairing: minho x fem!reader (afab)
genre: veterinarian!minho (this includes a few of the skz members working in his clinic). client!reader. hurt/comfort. angst. fluff. smut - MDNI, 18+ only. reader pov. strangers to lovers au. slowburn romance. lots of pining.
content & warnings: explicit & strong language. very thematic elements. minho is reader's vet. reader's childhood cat suddenly gets diagnosed with cancer, and she has to make a big decision about what to do. this fanfic includes heavy topics like: pet euthanasia, extreme loss/grief, depression, the problems with pet healthcare, and more. there will be some humor/fluff placed throughout, and also smut somewhere along the way. :))
word count: 10+k (??)
summary: dr. lee minho is known throughout your area as the city's hottest veterinarian, and he's also the very man that's been taking good care of your two cats for the past three years. but one day, you're thrown down a dark path of heartache when the cat that you've grown up with - nyx - is diagnosed with an acute form of bone cancer. burdened with the hardest decision of your entire life, you come at a crossroads of what to do. and throughout it all, minho is the single most person who continually stays by your side.
a/n: i literally just thought up this idea over this past week, and i've been sitting on it and SITTING ON IT and i was like, damn it- i just need to write something!! 😭 so here we are lol... preview and all~ 💀 i have no idea how long this one will be, but i'm expecting it to be over 10.k words so... that's fun!!! 😍 i plan on trying to write this entire thing tmrw, but we will see if i can actually focus enough to sit down for 5 hrs and do such a thing. 🥸 and before anyone gets on my case about the heavy topics in this, i'd just like to put it on the record that i've gone through a similar experience to this with having to put my acutely sick childhood dog down almost 2 years ago. it's an incredibly difficult decision to make, and i wouldn't wish it upon anyone. but, i've always wanted to write an au with minho as a vet, and i feel like he'd be amazing at handling this type of thing. hope all of that makes sense... let me know what ya'll think of this! 💕
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ᴅᴏ ɴᴏᴛ ʀᴇᴘᴏsᴛ ᴛᴏ ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ sɪᴛᴇs (ᴛʜɪs ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇs ᴛʀᴀɴsʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴs). © ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍᴡʀɪᴛᴇsᴛʜɪɴɢs ⤐ ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ
You knew the moment that he sat down, that something was wrong. 
 Because usually, when his eyes caught yours as he walked through the examining room’s door, his entire face would light up with one of those brilliant smiles that women gushed over. Usually, he’d be the first one to crack a stupid joke - whether it was something lame about the weather outside, or about the crazy animal that he just had an encounter with before seeing you. 
 But this time? 
 No, this time it was very different. 
 His proud shoulders were slumped low, cheekbones dark with shadows, and plump, red lips pressed together in a firm line. 
 He clenched and unclenched his jaw once, 
 three times. 
 Then, and only then, did his eyes meet yours. 
 And they said all you needed to know. 
 Just by the way that his dark, chestnut-brown pupils danced with a myriad of emotions; apprehension, fear, compassion, but most of all… sadness. 
 “What is it?” 
 The words flowed from your lips before you even knew what you were asking, and almost immediately, you were sitting up a little straighter in your chair. Spine going rigid, fists growing tight at your sides. 
 Something swam, cool and deep, inside of you.
 Chilling you to the bone, with tense unease.  
 In the depths of your mind, you felt the pinprick of ominous heartache prodding at the fleshy part of your soul. 
 The part that was weak and emotional and so very tender all of the time. 
 “I’m so sorry.” 
 Was the first thing Dr. Lee said. 
 You already felt the tears flowing, unbidden and unchecked, warming your suddenly freezing cheeks, at the sound of ‘sorry’ leaving his mouth. Because he had never said such a thing to you before. And you never, ever, wanted to hear it come from him again. 
 “What’s wrong?” You prodded again, limbs growing a little shaky in your anxiety. Breath hitching in your chest agonizingly, you could physically feel your heart pushing against your ribs. 
 Already seeping with hurt, even though you didn’t quite know what was wrong just yet. 
 Dr. Lee ran a rough hand up and down his face, sighing into his palm, shaking his head once. Then, his fingers were running through his black locks, pulling at the roots just a tiny bit. 
 Almost like, this crushed him just as much as it was about to pain you. 
 “It’s about Nyx.” 
 Swallowing over the huge lump forming in your throat proved very difficult at that moment, but somehow - by some miracle - you did it. 
 Your tongue felt heavy inside of your mouth- like it was made of hard metal. 
 For a few beats, you couldn’t manage to form the right words, but when you did, you already felt the stability seeping out of you. Like you were a hot air balloon that had been poked with a sharp needle, with the hot air and sanity flooding from you in a single breath. 
 “I’m sorry, Y/N, I-”
 “Just fucking say it, Dr. Lee!” You suddenly exclaimed, voice straining from your quiet sobs. The fat tears rolled down either of your cheeks, leaving angry wet trails in their wake. 
 He was silent after that, gaze running up and down the length of you slowly. Like you were one of his animals that he assessed daily - like he was testing out your strength and resolve. 
 Then, his eyes snapped back up to meet yours, and they melted into two puddles of grief. 
 “It seems as though Nyx is suffering from an acute form of bone cancer.” 
 And just like, your heart completely stopped. 
 Each breath you took felt garbled and all wrong. 
 Your shaky legs and arms wobbled all around you.  
 The floor crumbled underneath your feet, 
 Breaking, cracking, shattering irrevocably. 
 And in that moment, you wished for nothing more but for it to open up completely, and swallow you whole. 
 Oh, fuck, please- 
 Just swallow me already. 
 Because anything, 
 Would be better than this newfound hell. 
To be continued...
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taglist: want to be added onto my taglist so that you always get notified when i post a new work? well then, comment below on this post/reblog it, and indicate your interest in my taglist and i'll add you... or, you can simply send me a msg and request to be added that way~
©ʙʟᴏssᴏᴍᴡʀɪᴛᴇsᴛʜɪɴɢs⤐ ᴀʟʟ ʀɪɢʜᴛs ʀᴇsᴇʀᴠᴇᴅ
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bluegekk0 ¡ 1 year ago
Kinda an ask but not really.
So I imagine when Grimm and FPK are being lovey dovey and exploring eachothers body, kinda praising eachothers body but not necessarily in a sexual way(I know there is a term for it but I can't remember it.)
Anyways FPK is looking around Grimm's body and realizes he is missing some marks that FPK are used to seeing, and is slightly upset with it.
I can't remember if you answered this but I think sometimes "mutations" or inconsistency happen to Grimm's body every time he does though the ritual. Like for an example his fingers are sometimes shorter than usual, there are some spots of discoloration on his chitin, or that some spots of fluff are just missing. I would like to think that FPK likes some of these imperfections and then suddenly they are gone once the Grimm's body realizes there are abnormalities with the body(similar to how human bodies attack small cancer cells before they could really be anything)
oh that's an interesting idea to think about. i'm not sure if mutations would be the correct terms, they're more like slip ups. granted, they don't happen very often, i imagine nkg has a certain "template" for the physical body, that only gets changed if he wants to make any alterations. but if the nightmare heart was weakened for whatever reason (such as when the previous body burns down on its own, wasting all of the nightmare flame in it), then i could see those imperfections being more common
so with that said, the body is usually as perfect as it can get, so i don't think fpk would be used to seeing any of those "slip ups". however, i do like the idea that he ended up liking some of the ones he noticed, which prompted grimm to keep them. perhaps one time the body had longer fluff on the neck, which fpk liked so much that grimm kept it for each next one. sometimes those changes don't originate from imperfections. for example, i have a small headcanon about his torso shape, inspired by the changes to his design that happened over time. since he was the one who was carrying the egg, it required some modifications to his body. wider hips were one of them, i think it makes sense why. but i love the idea that he liked them so much that he kept them afterwards, and i know for a fact that fpk was a huge fan hahahaha
also, i may be misinterpreting the last part of your ask, but just to clarify. the body can't really change once it's "spawned" into the physical realm. of course, he can always trim the fur, or gain wounds or whatever else, but those are external factors. the body itself stays the same until the next ritual, which can be rushed if there is a need (let's say, for example, he receives a wound that makes it very difficult for him to function), but grimm usually tries to deal with it in other ways. he doesn't want to weaken the nightmare heart too much, since it directly affects all of his forms, and spawning the body consumes a lot of energy
one imperfection he can't do anything about is his weak heart, i like to think it's directly connected to the weakened state of the nightmare heart. while his organs tend to be on the more organic side and so work as you'd expect, he's still not completely "natural". and i like the idea of his heart being the weird one in his system, like a miniature version of the nightmare heart in his chest, that powers the body like a battery. it keeps the flame going, but it also pumps blood to the rest of the body, and unfortunately it can't really keep up when it has to do both of those things. i know it's big stretch, but i think it would be interesting if that was the reason why he drinks blood. maybe his body is able to absorb the consumed blood, which allows him to keep it going for a longer time before the heart starts giving up
i do like the implications of this kind of condition. his voice is very weak and sickly in canon, and while in the au that only happens once the body starts degrading, perhaps he still has to deal with a cough. maybe he occasionally gets a shortness of breath, especially after intense activity. obviously he's a god so it wouldn't be as impactful to him as it would to a mortal, but i like to think that his banishment had an effect on him even outside of the nightmare realm. and considering his heart needs to do both jobs, it's sadly something he can't fix
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criesinvarable ¡ 4 months ago
My idea for an sonic Infection au because i got bored and did like 3 hours of research on diseases and know damn well i wont ever finish this
maybe eggman or what seemed to be a minor villain makes another virus but instead of turning its victims into metal zombies it simply bends as many prions as it can (creating prion disease which will spread during surgeries or by any bodily fluid) while expelling a miriad of different viruses like rabies, syphilis (can change literally anything about the body and mind with the only symptom is a small bump on body), hemorrhagic fevers, retroviruses, ect while researching i also found out that mental illnesses are also classes as diseases so you could add something similar to Sundowning seen in people with dementia (a major behavioral change seen in people with dementia during late afternoon or early evening, normally seen with symptoms such as: Confusion, Agitation, Intense Distress, Hallucinations/Delusions, Increases impulsivity and a strong feeling of being in the wrong place.). some explanations about why i chose what i chose (its in order of when it appears when im talking btw): Prion disease: Prion disease is horrifying, A disease entirely spreading from the body accidentally making a protein wrong that can appear without warning and doesn't show any symptoms until the final stages of life is genuinely scary. along with the fact that it makes that "zombie" aesthetic everyone goes for due to the disease basically rotting your brain away as well as having no cure. the reason most probably don't look into prion disease for these is due to the amount of incubation time for the disease (several years for symptoms to appear) and the fact it is non contagious in humans but not in animals like what I'm guessing Mobians are most similar to. Rabies: Everyone knows what rabies is yet i have almost never seen its symptoms in any infection au despite it being perfect for sonic infection au's due to mobian being just anthropomorphic animals. Once again being mainly a progressive brain disease that mainly affects the mentality and brain of the victim is not very popular in infection aus because every wants to draw gorey amalgamations. Syphilis: While the area where the ulcer first appears is a bit awkward,, Its not hard to simply move the ulcer to another area like the back of the neck. Syphilis only have one immediate symptom is terrifying as it only appears for a month and is painless before "leaving" only to suddenly appear again as its symptoms is an interesting idea for a infection au. It is syphilis curable with antibiotics but neurosyphilis isn't and its effects are irreversible and if you get syphilis or neurosyphilis you will have to live with it for . Even if you survive its horrible and you are changed forever. One of the cases that was talked about when i was researching was one where and i quote "Several years ago, I took care of an older gentleman who sat at the foot of his hospital bed and barked loudly at anyone who dared enter his room. Yes, “barked.” Like a dog. He even growled if anyone attempted to get too close, but he was friendly if you gave him food. We performed a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) and diagnosed neurosyphilis." Seeing someone devolve in such a way would be horrifying while having the knowledge that there is no way of getting to old person back and that you could get infected with the same disease easily. Chills. Perfect for a horror au. Hemorrhagic Fevers: Ebola is the most well known Hemorrhagic fever, Being a disease or virus that both damage blood vein walls while stopping the blood's ability to clot properly allowing for other diseases to enter the body more easily while also increasing the chance of the victim to bleed out. Although it only existing in tropical regions is a negative but this is fantasy we can bend the rules a little.
Retroviruses: Retroviruses are split into 3 types: Cancer causing (Oncoretrovirus), Immunodeficiency causing (Lentivirus) and Benign (Spumavirus). For the infection au i'd suggest focusing on either Oncoretroviruses or Lentiviruses, the most well known viruses for each being HTLV for oncoretrovirus and HIV / FIV for Lentivirus. NIDS would be classed and a Lentivirus if you wanted to use a virus from the sonic series instead of making one on your own.
Sundowning: Behavioural changes would make sense if you are going in a mentally degenerative disease direction, As a mind begins to fade to something more animalistic there will probably be times where those animalistic traits "pop out" more (probably during stress or moments of danger)
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tren-fraszka ¡ 5 months ago
Yuletide 2024
Dear creator,
Thank you for taking your time to check my requests. I know my requests can sound a bit tricky, but please don’t be discouraged. I wish you will have good time writing first and foremost!
My AO3 is Tren, if you wish to check it out. I’m open to treats.
Likes: comedy, angst, casefics, canon compliants, canon divergences, AUs, time loops, bodyswaps, roleswaps, “being hoisted by your own petard” plotlines, snark, pettiness, rivals, enemies to friends to lovers, pining, bed sharing, violence, friendships, and character bonding,
DNW: explicit sex (makeouts and fade to black is okay), A/B/O, mpreg, rape depicted as positive (so no “it’s okay, because the other person enjoyed it/it was what they truly wanted”), trans headcanons, soulmate AUs, stories ending with surrender to fate/destiny, fourth wall breaking in canons where that doesn’t occur, character has cancer or other real-life terminal disease AU, word “queerplatonic”.
Also, I included what ships I’m okay with in each fandom. Please do not include any ships that aren’t canon and I have not allowed in those sections (if you feel really strongly about a ship I haven’t mentioned, you can always ask through mods just in case).
On a separate, but similar note, I’m okay with OCs as long as they don’t overshadow the characters I requested.
Additionally, while I almost never request fanart as possible medium, because I prefer my main gift to be fic, I would be very okay with receiving fanart treats. Also, feel free to peruse my old letters if you get your hands on them. I almost never stop being interested in fandoms, and if I requested something once I will likely still want it in the future.
I’m up to date with manga. I'm also up to date with the original so feel free to integrate characters from original that haven't appeared yet in Mafia If
Asmodeus Alice
Suzuki Iruma
Not only do I get cool mafia AU of one of my favorite manga, but it also decides to give me Alice as a traitor and double agent? Boy, am I eating well
I love Alice's internal conflict between following the path of "justice" as a member of police and more personal "justice" that Iruma follows. He's just a ball of conflicting emotions between his caring side and the ruthlesness he cultivated. And then there's Iruma who despite being the next head of a mafia family is one of the most wholesome people you can meet.
I'm fine with both platonic and romantic take on this relationship. I'm also up for both some slice of life mafia moments and exploring more serious repercusion of Alice's betrayal. I know manga just gave us that reveal, but I'm very interested in alternate reveal scenarios. Maybe Iruma discovers the truth, but keeps it secret from everybody else. Or maybe Alice suspects Iruma learned his secret because he misspoke or made some other small mistake, so he tries to sound out Iruma
AUs and ships
This is already an AU so I wouldn't want a setting change, but I would be very open to a crossover with original. Maybe Iruma is infiltrating a cult for some reason and one thing leads to another and he ends up accidentally summoning the demon Alice. It would be hilarious to see the two versions of Alice interact. A roleswap AU could also be fun where it's Iruma infiltrating an Asmodeus mafia family.
I also enjoy Ameri/Iruma ship, though I would prefer to not have both ships in one fic
I’m up to date with manga, feel free to include new development
Akane Ousaki
Hikaru Kouragi
Finally, classic shounen rivals - female version. I’m so glad we are finally here.
I’d love to see more of their competition. Maybe another clash at an event. Or maybe they both end up performing at the same event and use it as opportunity to set up a little competition. It’d also be cool to see them interact in a more casual setting. Maybe they accidentally run into each other while shopping and decide to stick together. Or they bond over seeing a particularly bad movie.
I’d love to see them becoming closer with every rakugo event that they meet at. Going together to rakugo events to watch other performers or maybe visiting places connected to the stories they’re working for inspiration. Would they try to help each other if either of them ran into trouble?
However, I’d also be very much into rivalry slowly turning into romance! How would a confession look like? Would it be something open, or would one of them slip it between the lines. Would there be pushback about them dating given how traditional rakugo it? I won’t be surprised if there had already been some gay relationships the rakugo community that were an open secret, but what if Akane and Hikaru decide to come in the open about their relationship
AUs and ships
I think a setting change could be pretty fun as long as the element of rivalry stays intact. Different time periods, fantasy AUs, or such could be really interesting for them. Maybe they’re singers now, or bards. I would also be very up for a fastforward to when they’re adults and their rakugo career is in full bloom. How had relationship between them changed? Or has it stayed pretty much the same?
Please don’t ship Akane and Hikaru with anybody else.
I'm current with the manga
I love how much his passion for hunting shaped Ichi's worldview. I would be okay with both some his pre-canon adventures or him trying to adjust to being a mage, or him actively hunting majiks
It would be fun to explore Ichi's unusual childhood. What did his first interactions with locals look like? What if meet a friendly majik when he was young and befriended it?
Are there witch customs that prove challenging for Ichi due to him being different gender? Or maybe he finds some unexpected similarities that make him bond with other witches?
I would also be interested in exploring how other people react to the appearance of a male witch. We know that other witches are very curious about Ichi, but how would regular people react? Would young boys feel hopeful that maybe they can also become a witch one day now that Ichi became the first exception?
AUs and ships
I prefer no setting changes for this story. I would be interested in a divergence where Ichi contracting a different majik as his first one and having interactions with a different majik as a result.
I prefer no ships for this canon
I watched both anime seasons, but haven’t read the manga yet. Please don’t spoil developments that weren’t yet in anime.
All three characters don’t have to be included, but I want the story to focus on at least two of them. I like the relationships both as platonic and romantic and would be equally happy for genfic or shipfic
Chiyoda Momo & Yoshida “Shamiko” Yuuko
Do I even need to explain? Those two are just perfect together - a depressed magical girl finding love and acceptance with very clumsy demon who makes the dark side look way more tempting than it ever should have been.
I’m definitely here for both Shamiko trying to pull Momo out of depression through her “evil” schemes and for some more serious plot. Whether it be cute moments of bonding or Shamiko proving her worth when her friends or family are in danger, I’m here for it.
I would be up to more outings of those two. Maybe they go to aquarium or movies? Or maybe Momo requires more mental support and has Shamiko dive into her dreams (this time consensually) to help her deal with some sort of bad memory or recurring nightmare. What if some rouge demon or magical girl came into town and started causing trouble? How would our duo resolve it? Are there more secrets left behind by Momo’s sister than need to be solved?
Chiyoda Momo & Lico 
I love that despite all the animositiy Lico has towards magical girls she’s still clearly willing to help Momo, even if she does prank her in the process. I’d love to see the process of Lico slowly warming up to her. Obviously, she only helps her at first, because of Shamiko, but I feel like she does start to appreciate Momo on her own, even if it mostly manifest through pranks and attempts at making Momo eat weird things.
I’d love any scenario where Shamiko is busy/sick/indisposed and Momo and Lico have to join forces to deal with whatever weird thing is happening in town, because they feel indebted to Shamiko. I’d love all the banter they’d get up to. Or maybe they just try to throw a surprise party for Shamiko, but keep trying to one up each other which results in a whole lot of shenanigans.
Yoshida “Shamiko” Yuuko & Lico
I would love some work shenanigans and maybe a more extended look on Shamiko’s newfound career. How much Lico helps her and how much does she leave Shamiko to struggle on her own? How do they handle more problematic guests? Are there regulars that Shamiko had to interact more regularly with? Are there times when Lico’s culinary experiments cause some unintended side effects for clients?
Yoshida “Shamiko” Yuuko & Chiyoda Momo & Lico
I really loved the addition of Lico to the cast. She’s such an chaos element, because at one moment she’s extremly useful and the second she’ll be trying to spike your food with suspicious herbs. Just 100% trickster fox and I love her for that.
I found her relationship with both Shamiko and Momo extremely compelling. She’s a bit of a cunning senpai for Shamiko, obviously happy to teach her, but definitely not above a harmless prank here and there. On the other hand, there’s Momo, who visibly reminds Lico of her bad experiencess in the past, but at the same time she’s very willing to help Momo, but not without being very snarky about it and pranking her like there’s no tomorrow. I feel like that complex relationship between the characters is so good.
I would be curious to explore Lico’s point of view when it comes to Momo’s descent to the dark side. Is that the reason why she warmed up to Momo despite her bad experiences? Does she have some specific hangups that she needs to work through before she can truly accept her? Does Lico want to influence Shamiko’s development as a demon in some way, or is she satisfied helping her along on the path Shamiko choose herself? Does she try to teach Shamiko some of her magic? What if Lico engaged in some pranking that got out of hand and now is desperately trying to hide the truth from Shamiko and Momo by creating a fake villain?
AUs and ships
I don’t want any setting changes, but would very much enjoy other AU shenanigans. What if Sakura was still around and trying to play a matchmaker? What if something goes wrong when Shamiko dives into Momo’s dream and they end up bodyswapping? What if Momo also started working in the cafe? Time loop could be very fun for this fandom.
I’m fine with story based on either anime or manga, I’m caught up with both.
Jinguuji Tsukasa
Tachibana Hinata
Childhood friends who are practically inseparable and strongly dependent on each other? That’s already perfect, but now throw into it a crazy goddess who isekais both of them, turns one of them into a girl, throws an unspecified curse, and forces those two to confront the fact that their feelings for each other might go beyond friendship? That’s beyond perfect. That’s galaxy brain and I want more of that mishmash of tropes.
I’m all about everyday interactions and weird rpg shenanigans they get into, so you can never go wrong with leaning into it. But for something else: What if at some point one of them got returned back to their original world? How would the other cope? Would they be able to establish communication between the two worlds? How would they go about reuniting?
I would love to see them taking their relationship a step further. I crave all the awkwardness that’s going to come with those two idiots trying to figure out how to admit their feelings to each other. And the inevitable defeat of any villains who get in the way of them having a moment. Will Jinguuji and Tachibana try to go on a date with a disasterous results? Will Jinguuji desperately try to find a dating manual in another world? And will they be able to enjoy a romantic moment without “CHARMED” status ruining it?
Feel free to include any other characters, they are a colorful bunch. Though if you want a suggestion, I’m very partial to Schwartz and Shen
AUs and ships
I don’t want setting changes, though I would enjoy seeing a different spin on how those two dorks get isekaied and under what circumstances they end up inflicting the wrath of Goddess of Love. Or I would love an AU where the goddess doesn’t succeed in her first killing attempt, so she keeps trying to isekai Tachibana and Jinguuji keeps foiling her plans every time (or maybe he fails at some point?). What if the curse placed by the goddess manifests in some other ridiculous ways? What if Shwartz wormed his way into the protagonists’ party and third-wheeled like only he can?
Feel free to include any one-sided crushes from canon.
I’m caught up with the manga, feel free to incorporate new developments. I love the wide scoop of this series and that it really feels like a realized world.
All three characters don’t have to be included, but I want the story to focus on at least two of them. I'm fine with both platonic and romantic relationships for all characters I requested (yes, all of them, if you want to creat something of a nebulous threesome out of those idiots go for it). The relationships don’t have to end happily, especially if the story is set on Aftokrator.
I don't have prompts for all three of them at once, because I honestly used most of my ideas for duo prompts
Hyuse&Jin Yuuichi
I love that Jin’s endearment towards Hyuse is equally proportional to Hyuse’s grudge towards him. However, at the same time they are extremely alike in their whole-hearted dedication to their respective homeplanets. Due to that any sort of deeper relationship between them would require them to compromise the values they hold dear.
Jin as Aftokrator’s prisoner of war, because the idea of a scenario opposite to what happned in the canon is really fascinating to me. How would Hyuse treat his captive? Would Jin be able to manipulate Aftokrator’s politics to his advantage through Hyuse?
For something closer to Earth, I would love to see any shenanigans connected to Hyuse having to tolerate Jin’s presence. Does he act petty in small ways? Does Jin use his foresight to sabotage Hyuse, escalating their conflict into a full out prank war? How badly do Jin’s attempt at teaching Hyuse chores or human culture go?
Jin Yuuichi&Miwa Shuuji
Their relationship is so fascinating, given how differently they chose to deal with their trauma regarding losing someone important to them to Neighbors. I’d be fine with both a look into their relationship when Miwa was still very against Neighbors or now futher into the story when he has mellowed down a bit about it.
Some sort of mission goes wrong and they end up having to work together. Or maybe something happens deepening the divide between the Border’s factions making it more difficult for Jin and Miwa to reconcile their feelings for each other with what they believe in. Or Jin gets hurt/kidnapped and Miwa has to struggle with both his feelings and how difficult it is to protect people without Jin’s support
Hyuse&Miwa Shuuji
Two idiots coming from the opposite sides of conflict, having to overcome their strong nationalistic tendencies to meet somewhere in the middle (and maybe kiss).
I love the idea of Miwa monitoring Hyuse when he sees him in the Border, because he’s an enemy. What if Jin roped Miwa into helping mantain Hyuse’s cover story. What if they bonded over their shared dislike of Jin. I’d also love a scenario where Miwa squad didn’t know that Hyuse is a Neighbor and interacted with him normally (while Hyuse was under assumption that they obviously know and are just helping maintain his cover). What if Miwa was taking part in the away mission alongside Hyuse?
AUs and ships
I don’t want any setting changes, but I would be okay with any roleswaps. What if Jin was an Aftokrator’s Neighbor and Hyuse was an actual Canadian? Or maybe Hyuse was the friendly Neighbor that Mikumo meet at the beginning of the story. It would also be fun if teams were different. Or different characters’ having different side effects. Someone being caught in a timeloop during the Aftokrator’s invansion would be extremely interesting (or other interesting point in canon).
If you want go with a love triangle I would prefer if there was no serious drama. Like, I would be okay with for example Hyuse and Miwa having duels in simulator as a bit of immature rivalization over Jin or having very unflattering thoughts about each other, but I wouldn't want either of them to seriously try to hurt each other or say truly hateful stuff due to jealousy. I'm very fine with animosity due to their backgrounds, but I don't want the animosity to be caused by romantic feelings
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circusgoth-dotcom ¡ 7 months ago
Svente Kramer Timeline(s)
(information based on this helpful post, I don't agree with everything said here and I haven't seen Jigsaw so I can't count to anything regarding that, but I appreciate it's conciseness)
CWs: Mention of a miscarriage, mentions of suicide, mentions of torture, mentions of religion, mention of unhealthy relationship.
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Early February 1995 - John Kramer and Jill Tuck divorce due to the strain of Jill’s miscarriage and John’s cancer diagnosis (and subsequent suicide attempt) on their marriage.
Pre-John Kramer (General information) - Cadmus Reeves is a successful but bitter author who, despite “having everything,” treats the people around him as, at best, nuisances, and at worst, pests. It’s an open secret that Reeves is an asshole, but his books sell and that’s good enough for his publishers. Cadmus came from a place of humility but takes his current life of luxury for granted, and this entitled behaviour puts him on John’s hitlist.
August 2005 (3 months after Amanda survives the Reverse Beartrap, 2 months before Adam & Lawrence are trapped in the bathroom) - Cadmus Reeves is abducted by John Kramer and Mark Hoffman and placed in a trap in which he must save himself and another victim using his own blood to complete his latest novel. He is told this other victim is very similar to how he was as a younger man, scrabbling to launch himself into a career he’s very passionate about, and that if Cadmus wants to live, he must dig deep and find sympathy for this person. It is not explained to him what will happen when the time runs out. Cadmus not only manages to finish his novel within the allotted time (24 hours) but also survives the game. Cadmus claims to have had a religious experience during the game while he is in recovery.
December 2005 - After seeing how Cadmus has been reformed after his game, John comes into his life to, in a way, “recruit him to his cause.” Cadmus, in complete awe of John, agrees to become one of his apprentices.
April 2006 - Cadmus has now earned the pet name Svente and is dating John by this point. After spending more and more time with John, his aesthetic has fully swerved into the religious, along with his outright devotion to John’s “work.”
June 2006 - Svente changes his surname to Kramer and he and John consider each other husbands, even if they couldn’t get legally married at the time. They have a private ceremony with the other apprentices and Jill in attendance.
October 2006 - Svente interferes with John Denlon’s game, aware that Amanda has rigged it, saving both Amanda and John from their canon fates.
TIMELINE TWO (canon compliant)
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October 2006 - Svente is arrested after Jeff Denlon’s game and John and Amanda’s deaths. They commit suicide before they can be put on trial.
TIMELINE THREE (butcher's market au)
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Early November 2006 - Following the death of his partner, Svente begins to spiral downwards mentally but manages to stay off the authority’s radar.
January 2007 - Svente begins turning to Mark for comfort in their distress, who obliges only because he’s grown physically attracted to Svente over the years. The lines between their relationship quickly begin to blur.
March 2007 (prior to Bobby Dagen’s game) - Svente holds a “funeral” for John. Mark regularly visits Svente and John’s old home, and their relationship is becoming more obvious to Amanda, Lawrence, and Jill.
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shirogane-oushirou ¡ 10 months ago
😭💕💕💕 THANK YOU NIIICK!!!!!!! for both the oushiversary and the renniversary (and honestly all of the time), your tags on rbs make me so giddy and emotional and i'm always so thankful ;w; wah.
i have a hard time expressing just how much ren has done for me this past year so... it's rambling time ksjdnfjk...
[pet death mention] my baby boy cyrus had lost his battle with cancer just a week prior to The Dream. i won't ramble about him here, but he was my biggest support when home life got fuck-y; losing him was like losing a part of myself. [/pet death mention end]
unfortunately i didn't have much to focus on afterward... i was trying to keep busy, but the art parties i'd been attending went on a long hiatus shortly after this, and while i TRIED vrc for a bit i found The Social Anxiety meant it wasn't the best choice for me ;;
and then i had this long, cinematic dream, about befriending and getting flirty with a dorky, fruity scientist from the c.dc (lol. lmao. i would NEVER!!!!! that's the very first thing i changed about him KJASNDKJN) who was fun and goofy and was so so loving to his niece who followed him around everywhere ;w;
and then he did a little villain heel-turn after being infected by a sentient parasite (also lol. lmao. my brain trying to bully me and make me feel bad... but it does it in the form of a cute bisexual man? 🥴). and of COURSE when his niece and i acted afraid of him he did the whole "i'll destroy everyone powerful in this city. and i won't let anyone or anything harm you." thing and i just OOUGHHHH. there's more to it than that, and i don't want to ramble TOO much, but he was so clearly twisted-justice-but-loves-people-so-hard core. that's the good shit ughhh.
and so! according to the document timestamp, i woke up at 5:45am, opened my ipad, went into procreate, and went to town scribbling down a vague idea of his face and mannerisms before passing out again. i KNEW i didn't want to forget this guy; i immediately felt he was special. most of my ocs come from dreams in some form, but he was already almost fully formed. The Ideal. To Me...
and when i woke up for real, i spent the day nailing down his design. and i was Officially Doomed from then on u_u
he's changed SO MUCH in the past year (just the fact that i had to revive his supernatural villain form as a separate AU a few months ago is proof of that KJANSDKJN)... as have i. he gave me someone to focus on as i healed, a reason to continue drawing in spite of the aforementioned art party hiatus, pushed me to join the selfship community For Real, lead to me meeting so many people and making so many friends outside of my teeny tiny a-couple of-friends-from-college circle, helped me appreciate the oc creation process and AUs so much more, pushed me to do monthly art challenges that i haven't done since before i fell ill...
and just... made me love myself more. made me appreciate the things i didn't like about myself. helped me realize the potential of selfshipping in general, to be a tool to see oneself as deserving of love, even if it takes making a fictional character play messenger between the self-doubt and self-acceptance bits of your brain.
i likely would have just stayed in my own little corner -- my quiet little oushirou blog that i didn't have linked anywhere, chatting in stream chats but not talking to any chatters outside of that -- if not for ren. i've met so many people who have similar struggles! different struggles! similar and completely different interests! gone completely outside of my comfort zone and found such a good circle of people who uplift each other!! HELL, my art blog has multiple times the followers as i have here, but they only ever interacted with my umi.neko art LMAO -- here it feels like we all want to support each others' art and writing and other creations and rambles and and and.
and it's because ren gave me a reason to make that step. start tagging things, start following people and reaching out, chatting with people who reached out to me... he's genuinely changed my life for the better. ;w; i don't think i'll ever be able to express just how thankful i am that he came to me at the exact moment i needed him most. i love him so so much rghhhrgh. gripping him in my fist and kissing him all over his face forever and ever. 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕
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