Hi! My name is Angel, I’m a Chris girl, and requests are currently closed
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missing the snaps with secret bc updates😖🙏🏼
Missing motivation😖🙏 no but fr I’ve been trying so hard to get back into the fandom and writing
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Hey guys so uh the brakes in my car broke on the way home from work today so uhm guess I don’t work tomorrow yall should flood my inbox and talk to me
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js lettin u know only one of your *however many* snaps w bf!chris is on your masterlist ;p
I know I’m awful at putting things on my Masterlist 😭
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Dead Moon
Vampire! Chris x Reader au
Not Proof-read
Hey guys! I know I have two works in progress already, but it's that time of year where my autistic ass binges twilight 300 times in a month and I've been in love with the idea of Vampire Chris. So, tell me whether or not you guys like this and if I should continue this or scrap it! I'm trying to make it seem twilighty, but also be its own thing. So, some background. The vampire lore will be very very very similar to twilights in many aspects. I wanted them to be older than in twilight so I could include smut because let's face it, we're all horny sluts and would go crazy for Vampire Chris.
Enjoy my loves! Please give me your thoughts and feedback!
Part one
I never gave much thought into how I’d die. I always assumed it would be something normal, and far into my future. A car crash, cancer, old age. Surely not during my college years, and not by my own choice.
August twenty third was my last day at home, living with my family. My mother helped me move the last of my boxes into my car, crying and hugging me goodbye. I was leaving for college, one that was a few states away. I loved home. I loved the smell of the wet grass and the sun that always shined. I’d miss Cali.
I was moving to a state where the weather is always gloomy and terrible. No, not Alaska, but Maine. Gloomy and rainy, my least favorite weather. But I was accepted into the University of Maine on a full scholarship. I’d be able to study anthropology without putting my mother out of any money. She struggles enough, being a single mother with three kids.
My two younger siblings, Carl and Rachel, are twins. They’re five years younger than me and spoiled in their own ways. Carl never listens to anything anyone says and just does whatever he pleases with no repercussions. The only tragedy he faces is his decline in grades. He’s a straight D student. And don’t get me started on Rachel. She’s a liar and a thief, and the reason I’m so happy to move across the country. I had to put a lock on my bedroom door to keep her out and stop her from stealing my things.
I never bothered my mother with their antics, she has her plate full enough. With a full time and part time job, barely being home, she can just barely pay the bills in the house my father had left us with, one that put my mother in debt as he left as they were still paying off the loan. I got my own job, so I was able to afford things for school, like a prom dress or maybe just splurge on some makeup. I was able to buy my own car the year prior to my leaving.
I hugged my mother tightly after we had finished loading all my things into my car. “I’ll call as soon as I get there.” I told her.
“Maine has terrible weather,” My mother stated. “What if the plane can’t land and-.”
“Mom.” I cut her off. “I’ll be fine.” I hugged her tightly once more before turning to my siblings. Despite their faults, I still love my siblings. It’s not fully their fault, they were only 15 at this time. They were even younger when our father walked out. Almost too young to remember him at all. Our mother has been working overtime for the past five years, ever since the bank had sent a letter saying if she doesn't keep up with the agreed upon amount for the payments, they’ll foreclose the house. So my siblings haven’t gotten to have much of a relationship with either of our parents.
“Come here shit heads.” I said to them and motioned them to come over and hug me. My brother doesn’t hesitate, wrapping his arms around me tightly.
“I can’t wait to have my own room.” Rachel said as I hugged our brother.
“Can you at least wait until I’m gone before you make plans to take over my room.” laugh as Carl lets go of the hug.
“I’m sorry but I’m 15 and still sharing a room with my twin brother. I’ve been waiting for this since you got a job two years ago. I was hoping you’d move away sooner.”
”Wow. Okay, well you don’t get a hug then.” I mumble as I turn away from her. I always wished for a good relationship with her. But she turned out to be just like all the girls in high school I tried so hard to stay away from. But nonetheless, I love her. And I know somewhere in that black lump of coal she insists is her heart of gold, I know she loves me too.
“Y/n, wait.” Rachel said. I turned around to see her with her head turned away from me, but her arms were held out to embrace me.
I hugged her tightly. “I’ll miss you so much.” I mumbled to her.
“I guess I’ll miss you too.” She huffed in response.
I let go of the hug. I stepped back and looked over my family one last time before I left for college. I got into my car, buckled up my seatbelt, and started off for the airport, my family waving me goodbye in the rear view mirror.
The plane ride was tiring. I tried to sleep so I’d have energy to unpack at my new apartment, but it was difficult. I had always had difficulty sleeping. Most nights I would have been lucky to get four or five hours of sleep.
I left the baggage area with all my belongings, thanking god that nothing was lost. I only had a few bags, as I didn’t own much. Of course, then I had to go find my car at a moving lot within the next few days. So, it was all uber and taxis from here.
It was over an hour ride from the airport to my new apartment. Well, it wasn’t quite an apartment. It was a house, one that me and three other students had to share. Four bedrooms, each with their own bathroom and closet, built specifically for students. Almost a dorm, but believe it or not, more affordable. Especially since three others would help pay rent.
I got out of the uber, where I met the landlord of the house. He held a clipboard and envelope, standing at the front door talking with who I assume must have been another student.
From what I had known, I would have been sharing the house with two other girls and one guy. The guy was called Alexander, but he preferred to be called Xan. He essentially had the entire basement of the house to himself. It had one bedroom, a bathroom, its own living space and sliding glass door at the back of the house, where the ground had indented down hill. But it was also where we would all do our laundry, so it wasn’t entirely private.
The main floor had one bedroom and bathroom as well, along with the kitchen, dining, and main living area. That space was taken by one of the girls, Maya. She was kind, supportive, and for some reason terrified of stairs.
Then there was the second floor. That’s where Natalie and I had our rooms. And that’s all that was up there. Two bedrooms and two bathrooms.
The house was on a street of many like it, each housing students from the University of Maine. And each of them, as I at the time rightfully assumed, was owned by the same man and his sons.
The owner stood at the entrance. I made my way to him to greet him. “Hello. I’m Y/n.” I said to him, holding my hand out for him to shake.
He looked over his clipboard before nodding, and handed me a key. “This is your only key, don’t lose it, and don’t ask for another one to give away. Keys are for residents only.” He told me, not even looking up from his clipboard. I grabbed the key, and felt his cold fingers. So cold they made me shiver. Does the heat not work in this place? It’s still August and it shouldn’t have been this cold.
And it wasn’t. It was warm out that day. So warm I didn’t question why he was standing in the shade. He was so pale, another thing I didn’t question. We were in Maine, one of the gloomiest states in the country. This was probably the one nice day I’d ever see in my whole four years I was going to spend there.
“I see you have already gotten a job here in maine?” He said to me, “Not an on site school job then like a dishwasher or librarian?”
I shook my head. “No,” I said, “I’ll be working as a waitress at a Cafe not far from the school.”
He shrugged me off, and looked back at his clipboard. “As long as rent is due on time and you’re still attending school, that's all I care about.” He said.
I nodded, gripping onto my bags as I began to walk into the house.
“Your room is on the second floor, the one on the right. You’ll have a nice sized closet and your own bathroom.” He said. “One of your house mates is already here, Maya. She might help you settle in.” The landlord turned to me as I held my bags in my hands. “My name is Jimmy, and if you have any concerns or questions feel free to contact me, or my sons Chris, Matt, or Nick by these numbers. We’ll get back to you by the next day.” He said as he handed me a slip of paper. “They will also be staying in a house down the street, they all attend the University of Maine as well.” Jimmy explained.
I nodded in response, and put the numbers in my pocket to make a mental note to put them in my phone later. “So is this a family business then?” I asked.
Jimmy lifted his head to look at me. He smiled softly, almost a smirk. “You could say our family has been providing homes to students for hundreds of years.”
My eyes widened in surprise. Hundreds of years? What housing could they have provided at the start? I shook my head and walked into the house. It was best not to dwell on the tiny details right now. I needed to get settled in. The next day I would start my new job, one that I thankfully got over an online interview.
I was a waitress at a very popular restaurant in Cali. My old boss had helped me get this job, as he had let me put him down as a reference on my application.
It didn’t take long for me to settle in. I walked up to my bedroom, opened the door on the right, and was greeted with a bland room, with only a bed with no bedsheets, and an ikea bed frame and dresser. Honestly, I was thankful for those furnishings, since I hadn’t brought my own.
I placed my bags on my bed, and sat next to them. I kicked my shoes off and started to root through my suitcase full of my clothes.
My clothes and shoes took up two suitcases and a bookbag, my makeup in a small makeup case the size of a hefty purse, and my essentials such as deodorant and a toothbrush and hairbrush and other things were in a smaller bag. Then there was my school things that were all in my computer bag. No, I didn’t have much. I took everything from home and brought it here, and well, the things I didn’t bring, now belong to my sister Rachel.
I unpacked my clothes and shoes, putting them away in the closet and dresser. Both were less than half full when I had finished. I had put my computer on the dresser, trying to make it into a make-shift desk. I’d get one of those later, once I had made some money. I set my makeup case on the dresser as well, and put all my essentials in the bathroom.
I started to make a mental list of things I would need. Towels, wash-rags, mirror, desk, chair. The last thing I pulled out of my bag were my bedsheets. I made my bed up, finished unpacking. I had put my suitcases under the bed after.
I checked the time on my phone. It only took me half an hour to finish this. I left my room to make my way downstairs, hoping to meet some of my house mates.
Instead I’m met with a taller man, one I know could not be Xan as we had all made a group chat prior to moving in, to get to know each other and sort out who’s room will be who’s, and house rules. Within getting to know Xan, I knew that he was far, far, too short to be this man. Xan was 5’4. He had express his wish for us not to tease him when we all finally met.
This man wasn’t the tallest, but certainly taller than Xan. He was helping one of the house mates, one who I later learned was Maya, bring her things in. The man had dark colored hair, like a brunette, but in a way that you could tell he was blonde at a younger age, and his hair had just gotten darker with age. He didn’t look too much older than me either. Maybe just a year or two?
He was holding Maya’s boxed dresser like it was nothing, carrying it to her room. He didn’t look like he had the muscle to carry it with such little ease, but he did.
He wore a red jacket over a black shirt, and loose fitting black jeans. Such warm clothes for the weather we’re having. I thought it was odd at the time, but didn’t question it. I knew people in high school that wore the same hoodie everyday to school, no matter the weather.
He passed me as I stood on the steps of the stairs, locking eyes with me. He had dark piercing blue eyes, and pale skin surrounding them. His eyes looked sunken, like he’d never slept in his life but still was refreshed for the day somehow.
His face contorted into a grimace when he passed me. Was I really that repulsive to him? He turned his head away from me as he continued to help Maya bring her things into her room.
Maya was more prepared than I was. Or at least she had more things. She did bring a desk and towels and a mirror and her own dresser and bed frame. She came fully prepared to the house.
The more the day grew on the more I realized I was the least prepared person of the house mates. Xan had already set up before I had even got here. He was just in the basement doing his own thing and ignoring everybody, which I would soon learn is normal behavior for him. Natalie settled in last, but just after Maya had finished bringing all of her things in. The man had left after helping Natalie, not saying a word to me the whole time, as if he was avoiding me completely on purpose.
It didn’t take long for me to realize that he was one of Jimmy’s sons. I didn’t know which one just yet, but after I saw him get into a car with Jimmy after helping Natalie settle in, it clicked in my brain.
Jimmy had said his sons were living in a house down the street, and that they attend the college as well. I wondered if I’d see this guy again, whether in school or sometime else, and if he’d always avoid me like that.
Maya came running up to me as I walked down the stairs to make my way into the kitchen. “Y/n, right?” She said.
“Yeah, that’s my name.” I muttered back in response. She followed me as I went into the kitchen for a snack.
“How do you feel about a block party?” She asked me. “The whole block is throwing a party for the week before school starts.” She stated.
“The whole week?” I asked.
“Well, the whole week nights. All the houses are open doors and I wondered if you would be okay with our house being involved?” She looked at me with puppy eyes.
I opened the fridge door and pulled out my bologna lunchable. I loved those snack lunches, when I still could eat food. “What did Natalie and Xan say?” I asked.
“Nat’s all in, she loves a party.” Maya exclaimed happily. “And Xan’s fine with it as long as the basement door is locked and no one disturbs him.” She looked down with a slight smile. I should have guessed then that Maya had a small crush on Xan, but at that time I was too wrapped up in myself to notice anything significant.
“Okay, I’m in.” I said.
Maya looked up with bright eyes. “Really?” She smiled big.
“Only if I can have the same rule as Xan.” I said. “I’ll lock my bedroom door and not be disturbed.” I crossed my arms, lunchable still in hand.
Maya’s smile faltered slightly, but she still seemed happy and content with my answer. “Okay, deal!” She said with a smile. She left the kitchen, meeting Natalie in the living room, and told her the ‘good news.’ They both squealed in excitement and started planning decorations and themes.
I took a deep breath and made my way back up the stairs and to my bedroom. Night parties for a whole week before school starts. I always hated parties. I never had close enough friends to go to them with. Even at high school events and dances I didn’t attend, I hated the thought of everyone seeing me in my loneliness.
I sat on my bed and started on my lunchable. I opened my computer to put on a show to watch while I ate my snack.
Hours passed, the sun had gone down. I was laying on my bed half asleep, trying to pay attention to my show but failing. I had almost drifted off to sleep when I heard footsteps and voices and music begin downstairs. I guess the party had started already. Figures, the one time I might sleep I get interrupted.
I sat up in my bed, continuing on with my show. I made it through two episodes before feeling the need to stretch my legs. It wasn’t too late at night, only around eleven. I walked over to my window to give my legs a little bit of exercise, and looked upon the street.
My eyes got caught in the stare of the man that helped Maya earlier today. He was standing on the street with a cup in hand, along with two guys that looked very, very similar to him. I was right to assume that those were his brothers.
It didn’t surprise me that they would attend these block parties, with their family owning the houses on the block. It did startle me that as soon as I looked out my window, he was already looking at me.
I felt a chill go down my spine. My hair stood on end as my lip quivered. The man’s brothers paid no attention to me, conversing with each other and presumably with the man who paid little to no attention to them.
I took a step back and closed the blinds of my window, shuddering at the moment that passed. I walk back to my bed when there's a knock on my door. I looked up in confusion. I was sure no one would bother me, as Maya and Natalie blocked off the whole staircase. Only the main floor was accessible to the guests.
I walked over and opened my door, and to my surprise, it was him. How did he get here so fast? Not ten seconds ago I saw him on the street outside the house, and now he’s at my bedroom door.
“Who are you?” He asked me in a gruff tone.
I paused for a second, confused about the question and what was going on. “What?” I managed to say.
“Who are you?” He asked again. “What are you doing here?” He added.
“I’m Y/n, I’m attending the University of Maine.” I said. “Who are you?” I added.
“Chris.” He said. “My family owns these houses.”
I nodded in response. I had so many more questions. How did he get to my door so fast? Why did he glare at me earlier today? Why has he taken such an interest in me? Why was he staring at me from the street?
He stared at me for a moment. Glaring like he did earlier. He seemed disgusted and intrigued with me. Like I was a gross thing he wanted to figure out.
I took a step back, uncomfortable with the situation. Chris seemed to take this as an invitation and swiftly entered my bedroom.
He looked around, seeing the barren room. The soft blue bed sheets, ikea furniture that came in the room already. He looked back at me with the same confused look he always has on his face when he looks at me.
“Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked.
“Like what?” He said, looking away from me.
“You know what I mean. You made that face when you saw me earlier today too. Like I sink or something.”
Chris scoffed. “Maybe you do.” He said with a smirk.
My face reddened with embarrassment. I looked down and sniffed my shirt. Maybe I’m blind to my own smell, I thought. I smelled no different than usual, like fresh laundry and lavender body wash.
I looked back up at Chris, who was watching me intently. I had grown more uncomfortable with the situation.
“Can I ask you to leave?” I said.
Chris shrugged. “You can.” He walked to the door and looked back at me. His eyes roamed up and down my whole body, causing me to shudder again. He made the confused and disgusted face once again before leaving.
I shook off the discomfort before I sat back down on my bed. God I hope I don’t have to deal with that guy often.
Taglist: @bernardenjoyer @sturniolosreads @mbbsgf @xxsadlovexx @whicked-hazlatwhore @sturnsgirl1 @keira324 @stuniolobbg @timmyscomputer @meg-sturniolo @sturnioloenthusiast @nickdevora @hearts4chriss @carolinalikesthings @mattscokewhore @tillies33ssss @junnniiieee07
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Okay I’m doing it
Already 4 pages in, but I have to work today so I’ll work on it more tomorrow since I don’t work tomorrow and have it up sometime this week. I’ll only post one part for the time being to see how people like it since I still have two other WIP at the moment.
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Sturniolo x Reader Incorrect Quotes
(But it’s things my coworkers and I have said)
Y/N: Shut up you French whore.
Nick: that’s offensive.
Y/N: Oh I’m sorry. Shut up you Italian whore
Nick: That’s better
Chris: I’m what’s classified as a Himbo
Y/N: You’re not hot and stupid, you’re just stupid.
Matt: You drive a sedan don’t you?
Y/N: no it’s a Buick
Matt: *blank stare*
(I wish I was joking I said this last night)
Chris: Bitch
Y/N: :(
Chris: Hot bitch?
Y/N: :D
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I used to be obsessed with Twilight when I was younger (still kinda am don’t judge) and it’s that time of year again where I’m watching it again
Brotha I have two WIP series and it’s making me wanna start a Vamp! Chris series
Someone stop me
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Our Lips Are Sealed IX
Nate’s POV
I take a long drag of the joint Chris had rolled. The fire cracks as two sticks fall in on eachother. I pass the joint back to Chris.
“Are we just going to sit here in silence or are we going to talk about it.?” Chris asks before taking a long drag.
I exhale the smoke before taking the joint from Chris. “Talk about what?” I ask before bringing the joint back to my lips.
“Whatever the fuck you woke me up and dragged me out of my tent at three in the morning for.” He says as I exhale the smoke once again. I hand him the joint as I lean back in the lawn chair.
“Y/N.” I mutter with a clenched jaw.
Chris chokes on his smoke filled breath. “Y/N?” He asks.
“Dont fucking play dumb.” I sit up. “I see how you act around her, the way you look at her, the way she looks at you.”
“How does she look at me?” Chris asks as he hands me the joint.
I smack the joint out of his hand. “Don’t fuck with her.”
“Fuck man, that shit was a hundred fifty an ounce.” Chris points to the now dirt covered joint on the ground by the fire.
“Shut the fuck up.” I spit at him. “I’m talking about my sister here.”
“I’d never do anything with her, you know that.” Chris runs both hands through his hair with a frustrated look on his face. He lets out a sigh as he leans back in his chair. “How does she look at me?” He asks.
“What?” I ask through gritted teeth.
“You said you see the way she looks at me.” He sits up. “How does she look at me?”
“If you make any move on her ever, the only thing she’d see when she looks at you, is a dead man.” I stand from the seat and stomp the joint into the ground.
“Dude-” Chris starts to stand up, but I slam my arm against his chest to make him sit back down.
“Don’t. Don’t ever make any move on her or give her any ideas.” I glare at Chris.
“I wouldn’t do that to her.” Chris mutters. He leans back in his seat like a man gone limp. “I don’t date. I don’t fall in love, I’m not a girlfriend guy.” He runs his hand through his hair again. “I wouldn’t do that to her, not to Y/N.”
I sit back in my lawn chair. “She likes you.” I mumble.
“I like her.” He mumbles back. “But I can’t date her or do anything with her because I’m not a guy that can.”
“I don’t want you to get her hopes up.” I sigh. “I don’t want her to think she’ll be with you one day when we both know she won’t. You’re just an asshole.” I laugh.
Chris laughs at that too. “You’re one to talk. Have you even texted that last girl since you slept with her last week? What was her name even?”
I shake my head and chuckle. “Who the fuck knows. I didn’t get her number.” I shrug.
“Shame you stomped out my bud.” Chris mumbles with a light laugh.
“I know you got that shit pre rolled for twenty.” I laugh.
“Twenty a pop.” Chris sits up. “The whole set was almost two hundred, I only got halves.”
I laugh again. “How the fuck do you get laid?”
The sound of my brother’s loud laugh wakes me up. The cold covers of my sleeping bag makes me shudder. I look over to the guys, seeing half the sleeping bags are empty. I sit up and see who's still here.
Matt and Nick snore softly on the other side of the tent. I hear another laugh, this one so familiar. One I hear in my dreams and daydreams. Chris’s laugh.
I unzip my sleeping bag and crawl to the slightly unzipped door. I peek through the opening and see Chris and my brother laughing together by the fire.
The fire seems to have died down to just embers, still illuminating Chris’s features in detail. They both laugh at something my brother says. Chris stands up and starts jabbing the fire with a stick before pouring the dirt bucket on the embers to put out the fire.
Shoot, they’re coming back. I crawl back to my sleeping bag and zip myself back up, situating myself to make it seem like I’m still asleep.
The door unzips and Nate and Chris crawl into the tent. They zip the door back up before silently crouching around the three bodies in the tent and making their way to their sleeping bags.
They reek of weed. I think to myself. I scrunch my nose and discreetly shove my face into my pillow to block out the smell.
Nate and the boys have always smoked around me. I never minded it, Nate never let me smoke with them, or at all for that matter. He’s always been my protective big brother.
The smell never bothered me before, I don’t know why it reeks so bad now.
Nate lands on his pillow with a harsh thud, causing both him and Chris to laugh, covering their mouths with their hands to hold in the sounds so as to not wake up Chris’s brothers or I.
“Just think about it.” Nate says to Chris in a soft muttering tone.
“You don’t have to worry about me dude.” Chris mumbles back.
The night gets quiet. It’s not ten minutes before I hear all four boys snoring. Nate’s louder than the rest. I’ve heard his snores from across the hall my whole life. House-shaking snoring.
I close my eyes and try to drift off, but find my endeavors fruitless. I sit up and crawl out of the sleeping bag, going to the door of the tent.
I freeze in my tracks as I hear a shuffle. I turn around to see Chris turning over in his sleeping bag. I hold my breath as I listen for the snore. As soon as it leaves his lips I let out a sigh and turn back around, unzipping the door and climbing out. I zip it back up to not let any cold air in while I’m out.
I stand up, shivering and rubbing my hands on my arms to create some warmth with friction. Probably not the best idea to wear Eeyore pajama shorts and a tank top to sleep in while camping.
I sit in the lawn chair by the cold ashes that were once a fire. I always have trouble falling asleep, and when I do, I call Chris. But Chris is in the tent fifteen feet away from me. I stare into the darkness at the ashes in the small pit. The cold air sends chills down my legs and my spine. Despite the darkness I can see my breath in the air.
“What are you doing out here?” I hear from behind me.
I turn around to see Nate. “What are you doing?” I ask back with a laugh.
“You’re noisy.” He mutters. Nate walks over to me with a blanket in hand. He wraps it around my shoulders and sits in the lawn chair next to mine.
“You are too. You woke me up half an hour ago yapping with Chris out here.”
Nate's face goes pale. “Did you hear us talking?”
I shrug and shake my head. “Mostly you guys laughing, not really what you were saying.” I pause before looking back at Nate. “Why, what were you talking about?”
Nate leans back in his seat. “Sex, drugs, shit you don’t want to hear about.” He laughs.
“Guys are gross.” I mumble and lean back in my own seat.
“Yeah, so stay away from guys.” Nate laughs.
“Jesus you’re insufferable.” I mumble.
Nate stays quiet for a moment before taking a deep breath in and sighing. “Let’s go back in and get some sleep. It’s someone's birthday this weekend, and she better be energetic and happy the whole time.”
I laugh and stand up with Nate as we begin to walk back to the tent. “Chris wanted to go swimming tomorrow.” I say.
“Chris can go fuck himself.” Nate mutters.
“Since when do you hate Chris?” I ask.
“I don’t.” Nate sighs. “Just go to sleep.” He unzips the door and lets me in first. He follows in after me and zips the door back up.
The sunlight shines through the fabric of the tent, giving everything inside a green tint from the color of the tent. I look over at the four sleeping boys whose faces have a green tint to them now. I smile softly seeing Chris’s green face. I close my eyes again and turn over in my sleeping bag.
After a few minutes I hear shuffling. I look over to see Nate sitting up and rubbing his eyes. He stretches and yawns, his eyes landing on me as he smiles.
“Morning Birthday girl.” He mumbles. He crawls to his feet, crouching as he walks over to me, careful not to wake the others. He sits down next to me, looking at me with a sly smile. “What do you want to do today?” He asks while nudging my shoulder with his.
I shrug. “I don’t know. Chris wanted to go down to the beach.”
Nate laughs and shakes his head. “I don’t give a fuck what Chris wants, what do you want to do, today, for your birthday?”
“It's not my birthday yet.” I say with a laugh. “That’s tomorrow.”
“The whole weekend is your birthday.” Nate says.
“Be quiet, you’ll wake the guys.” I mumble.
“I don’t care.” Says with a scoff. He takes a breath, and I know to cover my ears as he yells, “Wake up you insolent fucks!”
“Jesus!” I say as I uncover my ears. “Mom probably heard you.” I hit his arm and he laughs.
The guys groan from Nate’s loud wake up call. Matt turns over, covering his ears. Nick sits up like a zombie being raised from the dead, and Chris doesn’t react.
“Looks like Chris is out cold.” I say quietly. “What did you keep him up all night for?”
“He woke me up.” Nate says. “Said he had some premo he wanted me to try.”
I shake my head and groan.
“Let's get you out in the sun, yeah?” Nate says. He gets up and crawls to the door, unzipping it while I follow him. We climb out of the tent, making our way to the picnic table where my mother has already gotten up and started setting up breakfast.
“Nathan Doe!” Our mother yells as she sees us getting out of the tent. “Did I hear you yelling at everyone to wake up using cruel and insensitive language?”
“Told you mom wouldn’t like it.” I mumble to him.
Nate looks at mom with an apologetic look. He tries not to be rude, or smoke, or come around drunk or high or on any drugs when mom is here. She works hard to keep me and him safe, and he does his best to hide that he’s a drug addicted, alcoholic pothead with three best friends that are the same that he lets hang around his little sister. His little sister that, until tomorrow, is a minor. Mom would have a heart attack if she knew any of that.
“I was just waking the guys up.” Nate says with a shrug.
“Do it differently next time, nicer. Not screaming profanity at the top of your lungs.” Mom says as she turns to the grill she has placed over the fire. She moves the eggs around the pan with a spatula, then flips over the sausages. “Nathan, can you nicely wake up the boys so we can have breakfast?”
Nate takes a deep breath and nods, before turning around heading back to the tent. He opens the door of the tent fully, letting the light shine through on all the guys in the tent. They all groan as Nate starts pulling the sleeping bags off their bodies.
“Boys.” My mother mumbles as she turns back to the grill on the fire.
I laugh as I walk over to her. “They’re something else aren’t they?” I say as I lean down by the fire.
“What did my little angel girl want to do on her last day before she’s an adult?” My mom asks.
I shrug. “I dunno. Nate already asked that. I kinda just want to eat right now.”
My mom smiles. She opens her mouth to speak, but she's stopped by the sound of four boys piling out of the tent, tripping over each other as they laugh and argue.
She rolls her eyes and shakes her head, laughing. “Let's do that then.”
TAGS: @bernardenjoyer @sturniolosreads @mbbsgf @xxsadlovexx @whicked-hazlatwhore @sturnsgirl1 @keira324 @stuniolobbg @timmyscomputer @meg-sturniolo @sturnioloenthusiast @nickdevora @hearts4chriss @carolinalikesthings @mattscokewhore @tillies33ssss @junnniiieee07 @urfavpouge @savageking3 @tastesousweet @jko3005 @sturniolo0ntop @dwalk41202 @stvrnise @iloveneilperry @luvmxtt @blueeyedbesson @iloveurgf @mattswifr @that-chris-girl01 @sturniolhoe @remussbitch @chrisstankyleg
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Look familiar?
I’m only half way through writing this part so sometime this week I’ll have it posted (finally)
#chris sturniolo#matt sturniolo#nick sturniolo#sturniolo triplets#christopher sturniolo#sturniolo x reader#chris x reader#sturniolo fanfic#chris sturniolo x reader#sturniolo smut
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No cos I fucking NEED
This is definitely what Chris looks like in Our Lips Are Sealed btw 🥰
um so i did a thing…IM DOWN BAD

#chris sturniolo#matt sturniolo#nick sturniolo#sturniolo triplets#christopher sturniolo#sturniolo x reader#chris x reader#sturniolo fanfic#chris sturniolo x reader#sturniolo smut#chris sturniolo fanfic#christopher sturniolo x reader#chris sturniolo smut#chris sturniolo x fem reader#chris sturniolo imagine#chris sturniolo x you#chris smut#matt imagine#nick sturniolo x reader#nick x reader
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how are mafia!matt and y/n from savage love doing? doing good? i miss them so bad😔
I miss them too 💖 they’re doing great, except for Matt getting shot recently and refusing to go to the hospital and Y/n having to take care of the bullet wound herself 😁
#chris sturniolo#matt sturniolo#nick sturniolo#sturniolo triplets#christopher sturniolo#sturniolo x reader#chris x reader#sturniolo fanfic#chris sturniolo x reader#sturniolo smut#matt sturniolo fanfic#matt sturniolo blurb#matt sturniolo fic#matt sturniolo edit#matt sturniolo imagine#matt sturniolo smut#matt sturniolo x reader#matthew sturniolo#matt x reader
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It’s my next thing to work on 😭
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That was like my first ever work 😭
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Snaps with Secret Bf! Chris part four

@bernardenjoyer @sturniolosreads @mbbsgf @xxsadlovexx @whicked-hazlatwhore @sturnsgirl @keira324 @stuniolobbg @timmyscomputer @meg-sturniolo @sturnioloenthusiast @nickdevora @hearts4chris @carolinalikesthings @mattscokewhore @tillies33ssss @junnniiieee07
#chris sturniolo#matt sturniolo#nick sturniolo#sturniolo triplets#christopher sturniolo#sturniolo x reader#chris x reader#sturniolo fanfic#chris sturniolo x reader#sturniolo smut#chris sturniolo fluff#chris sturniolo fanfic#christopher sturniolo x reader#chris sturniolo smut#chris sturniolo x fem reader#chris sturniolo imagine#chris sturniolo x you#chris smut#chris sturniolo oneshot#nick sturniolo x reader#matt sturniolo smut#matt sturniolo x reader#matt imagine#nick x reader#nathan doe smut#nate doe smut#nathan doe x reader#nick sturniolo fanfic#nate x reader#nate doe
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listen, i’m a WHORE for face riding🙏 so like could you possibly make something where like ur riding (matt or chris)’s face🙏 that’s it!! go wild!
Tastes So Sweet
(Chris Sturniolo x Reader Smut)

“Ow, ow!” I pull back. “Chris that hurt.”
“Sorry babe.” Chris smiles sheepishly and runs his hand through his hair. “I got a little carried away.”
My fingers graze over my neck, where Chris had left a bite mark. “I have work in the morning, I can’t go in with a hickey.”
Chris shrugs. “So what, like you haven’t before.”
I narrow my eyes at Chris. “If I get caught like that again at work, it’s a write up.”
Chris scoffs and leans back against the headboard. “I hope you get fired. You don’t need to be working that dead end waitress job. I can support us.”
I roll my eyes before curling up to Chris’s side. He wraps an arm around me and kisses the top of my head. “I can leave a lot of marks on you, you know.” He smirks as he looks down at me.
I look up to meet his gaze. “I know you can, but I’d prefer if you didn’t.”
Chris groans. “Why? So that loser, Korey, can hit on you all day without realizing you have a boyfriend?”
“Korey knows I have a boyfriend.”
“Ah, but you admit he hits on you all day.” Chris says in a cocky tone.
I sigh. “He doesn’t. And he’s my superior, he’s the one who would write me up for that.”
Chris closes his eyes and shakes his head, leaning his head back against the headboard. “I hate that guy.” He mumbles.
“You don’t have to deal with him all day.” I giggle as I lean my head in Chris’s chest.
“I have to deal with him hitting on you all day every day.”
I sigh. “Can we just drop this?”
Chris shrugs. “Yeah, whatever.”
I snuggle closer into his chest. He huffs and moves his arm down my waist. “As much as i want to stay here forever and just cuddle with you all day-“
Chris cuts me off. “I don’t want to just cuddle, if you know what i mean.” He says with a chuckle.
I smack his chest. “As I was saying, I can’t. I have to go to work, I can’t get fired.”
“I’ve told you a hundred times.” Chris situates himself better to sit up straight as I sit up next to him, my arm still around him although he had removed his arm from my waist. “I can support us both and more, you don’t need that job.”
I sigh. “Chris, you know I’d feel guilty if i let you just pay for everything. I need a job, at least part time, so I don’t feel so useless all the time.”
“Hey.” Chris cups my face in his hands. “You are not useless.” He presses a kiss to the tip of my nose. “I don’t mind you having a job either, I get it. I just hate you having that job.” He leans back against the headboard.
“I don’t want to fight right now.” I mumble.
“We aren’t going to fight.” Chris wraps his arm around me and pulls me in close to him. He kisses the top of my head and rubs my arm gently.
I close my eyes and nuzzle my head against Chris’s chest. “I love you.” I murmur into his chest.
Chris smiles into my hair. “I love you too.”
I breathe in this moment and smile. This perfect moment with my perfect boyfriend. I love moments like these. Moments where everything else just fades away. Everything like the almost-argument we could have had just fades away. Gone.
“Hey,” Chris murmurs against the top of my head. “You should call in.”
I groan. “Not this again-“
“No, no, no-“ He kisses my head again. “I was thinking of you calling in because you won’t be able to walk through the front door.”
I lift my head and face Chris’s smirk. “Are you being serious?” I ask.
Chris nods. “I’m gonna fuck you so hard you won’t be able to get up to go to work.”
I laugh. “Okay.” I sit up straight and straddle his waist. “But I have a challenge for you.”
“Oh yeah?” Chris says as his eyes flicker up and down my body. “And what is it?”
“You have to fuck me until I can’t walk.” I lean in close, my lips ghosting over his. “But only using your tongue.”
Chris let’s put a hot, breathy laugh. “You’re in for it then.” He says before smashing his lips against mine.
I slip my hands under his shirt and begin to roam his torso, my fingers touching his skin lightly. I pull away from the kiss to slip my shirt off over my head. I toss it across the room, and before it hits the ground Chris’s hands cup my breasts.
I smash my lips back against his and grind my hips on him. One hand tangles into his hair while the other finds its way back under his shirt, feeling up his torso once again.
Chris takes off his shirt and tosses it by mine. His hands find my back as in one swift movement, he moves us so I’m on my back, my head at the foot of the bed, and his head is between my legs. He slips off my panties from under my skirt and throws them on the floor. He moves my legs over his shoulders as his head dips under my skirt and begins to lick my core.
The movements of his tongue are swift and soft. Something I’ve felt from him a million times before.
“Just your tongue baby, nothing else.” I remind him.
Chris only grunts in response as I recognize a familiar feeling. Him licking his name into my pussy.
C. A jolt slides through my body at the curve.
H. The slide across my hole sends shudders down my spine.
R. He took his sweet time with this one.
I. That line. That straight line. I buck my hips into his lips causing him to chuckle and push my hips back down.
S. The curving zig zag causes me to moan out loudly.
T. The top stride pressing my clit and making me moan out louder.
O. A perfect circle around my hole.
P. I won’t last to the end. I start panting and gripping the sheets.
H. Again, the line sliding right over my hole. Just go in my already!
E. I just couldn’t last. My legs start shaking and my hips start gyrating. I won’t make it until-
R. The loop wrapping around my hole and his tongue sliding over my clit one last time before I scream out, cumming on his tongue.
“Oh god!” I scream out.
Chris raises his head from under my skirt. “I’m not done.” He says breathlessly.
Chris throws the pillow across the room and lays down on the bed, motioning me to sit on his face.
“Sit on my face right now.” He says.
A blush creeps over my cheeks and I oblige. I get to my knees and crawl over to him. I turn around, positioning myself above his face. I move my skirt to cover his head completely.
His hands hold my hips down, pressing my core right against his lips. His tongue slips up and down, rolling over my clit over and over in quick movements. His tongue dips into my hole, rolling like a wave inside of me. All while his bottom lip rubs over my clit.
“Chris!” I call out.
The familiar knot in my stomach unravels once again. Chris slurps up my juices as I ride out my high, while also riding his face. Chris doesn’t stop. He continues with his relentless railing of his tongue in my core.
Strides licking up and down, zig zagging left and right, flicking my clit at the end. The same movement over and over, done a second after it started. The feeling is unreal.
Another knot in my stomach. Another shaking sensation throughout my whole body. I release again on his lips.
“Chris, no more-“ I pant out as he continues. “Chris, I can’t-“
“Just one more baby.” He says breathlessly under me. “You can do it for me.”
Chris’s tongue rolls over my clit like a tidal wave. Over and over, tickling my nerves in the best possible way. It’s not even a minute before I release one last time.
“Chris!” I yell out. My entire body shakes and gives out, as I collapse to the side of Chris.
He sits up, positioning me in a more comfortable place, before laying next to me and wrapping his arms around me.
“Are you okay?” He mumbles as he kisses my forehead.
I nod in response, to out of breath to speak. Chris smiles and lets out a breath of relief.
“Are you gonna call into work?” He asks.
I nod again, letting out a breathy laugh.
“Good.” Chris smiles and kissing my forehead again. “God. You taste so sweet.”
@bernardenjoyer @sturniolosreads @mbbsgf @xxsadlovexx @whicked-hazlatwhore @sturnsgirl1 @keira324 @stuniolobbg @timmyscomputer @meg-sturniolo @sturnioloenthusiast @nickdevora @hearts4chriss @carolinalikesthings @mattscokewhore @tillies33ssss @junnniiieee07
#chris sturniolo#matt sturniolo#nick sturniolo#sturniolo triplets#christopher sturniolo#sturniolo x reader#chris x reader#sturniolo fanfic#chris sturniolo x reader#sturniolo smut#matt sturniolo x reader#matt sturniolo imagine#matt sturniolo smut#matt x reader#matt sturniolo blurb#matt sturniolo edit#matt sturniolo fic#chris sturniolo fluff#chris sturniolo fanfic#nick sturniolo x reader#chris sturniolo smut#chris sturniolo x fem reader#christopher sturniolo x reader#chris sturniolo imagine#chris sturniolo x you#chris smut
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guys i am trying so hard to get back into sturniolo videos and writing lol its been so hard but im legit forcing myself because without it i have nothing to obsess over right now. like ever since i started watching them its been just them. but i work so much and apparently have friends that want to hang out with me (which is actually shocking as someone who was homeschooled their whole high school life and never had friends to hang out with) and ive been so busy but all the forcing has been working. i watch sturniolo youtube and tik toks while making them on sims and writing now 😈 so hopefully sometime this week i can get out the smut one shot ive been working on for months 😅 anyways love you guys 💖
#chris sturniolo#matt sturniolo#nick sturniolo#sturniolo triplets#christopher sturniolo#sturniolo x reader#chris x reader#sturniolo fanfic#chris sturniolo x reader#sturniolo smut
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