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With the male channelers no longer being dangerous, this is how I envision the red ajah's role to be:
There are a lot of groups of channelers in post tarmon gaidon world. Aes sedai, Windfinders, Wise ones, the Kin, Ashaman, light knows who in Seanchan and Shara... Their job wills would be to coordinate them, make treaties, ensure that they work together. Over time, I imagine they would become experts on the one power itself, researching it, discovering new weaves, being kind of a mix between grays and browns.
I may or may not write a Silviana centered post canon fic about it.
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wot-tidbits · 9 months ago
Thank you for providing us with mental images for many secondary Aes Sedai who have never (or at least once-twice) been drawn before.
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I spent a month of my life on this, so I kindly ask you to give an opinion about my work
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halcyon-autumn · 1 year ago
I didn’t really get how Liandrin was trying to recruit Nynaeve for the Black Ajah (if being a shitty teacher turned people into Darkfriends, the White Tower would be screwed) until I saw how effectively Ryma teaches Nynaeve. Ryma is patient and uncritical, and she connects with Nynaeve over something that she knows matters to her. She uses examples that she knows Nynaeve is familiar with, and she gets Nynaeve to channel pretty quickly (the channeling is uncontrolled but at least Nynaeve can embrace the source). Liandrin, meanwhile, just tried to piss Nynaeve off and praised her when she channeled in rage. Given how effective Ryma’s method was, I can only assume that Liandrin’s terrible approach was meant to make Nynaeve’s control issues and mental block WORSE.
If Nynaeve is angrier and less in control, if she NEEDS anger to channel - she’s more likely to end up isolated. And since the other teachers don’t subscribe to the “make her furious to get her to attack me with the Power” school of teaching, they won’t be able to get her to channel - ONLY Liandrin will. Nynaeve would be lonely and reliant on Liandrin, and even more bitter with the White Tower that keeps failing her - which would make it easier for her to eventually be recruited to the black ajah (or at least Liandrin thinks this is what would happen; Nynaeve would never).
Anyway Sheriam is bad at her job and never should have let Liandrin near a Novice or Accepted.
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toalltheangels · 8 months ago
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My lady and savior, Alejandra Pizarnik <3
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apocalypticavolition · 1 year ago
Let's (re)Read The Great Hunt! Chapter 23: The Testing
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Welcome back to my reread! The way to see spoilers for the whole series, yes that's right not just this book but everything all the way to the end, will come but once. Be steadfast. Or just click wildly, whatever you like. But if you like not being spoiled, don't click below and just keep doomscrolling through tumblr with no hope of escape.
This chapter has the Flame icon because it concerns one of the initiation rites of the White Tower.
Centered under the dome was a thing made of three rounded, silver arches, each just tall enough to walk under, sitting on a thick silver ring with their ends touching each other. Arches and ring were all of one piece.
So what the heck is this thing, one wonders. I've seen people suggest it's a holodeck with the safeties off, though that seems frivolous even by AoL standards since it seems to be connected to genuine mirror worlds. It may be some device meant for observing and experiencing such worlds that has become damaged in some way, causing memory loss. Maybe one of the forgotten Darkfriends of old built it as a bizarre punishment system.
All four Aes Sedai wore their shawls, as Sheriam did; blue-fringed for Sheriam, red for the swarthy woman by the table, green, white, and gray for the three around the arches.
We (a word which here means "the wiki") don't know who most of these ladies are, but apparently the "swarthy woman" is Silviana. Not too sure how we know this exactly (the Companion?) but hey! Hi Silviana! You're delightful.
“The Wheel weaves as the Wheel wills, and when it wills. Patience is a virtue that must be learned, but we must all be ready for the change of an instant.”
Nynaeve was patient really, by waiting at all, and she's more than ready for change. The Tower's usual deliberate refusal to communicate is silly under these circumstances. They could have given her something to do.
Nynaeve shook her head. It sounded either like too much to swear or too little, and she said so.
She's exactly right. The First Oath is too little and easily sidestepped, the others give up far too much utility and helped hinder the institution.
Light, child, I am trying to teach you what any other woman standing where you are would have learned over the course of years.
Honestly Sheriam is pretty good as an undercover Black, giving a huge infodump that's legit and not misleading. And I suppose it's pretty appropriate we transition from Moiraine acknowledging the Black to a big spiel by one.
Once you begin, you must continue to the end. Refuse to go on, and no matter your potential, you will be very kindly put out of the Tower with enough silver to support you for a year, and you will never be allowed back.
Oh look it's another policy that only guarantees the Tower doesn't get the numbers it needs.
Some women have entered, and never come out.
And don't forget that this is a price of the ter'angreal they chose to use. They aren't selecting for great women this way, just the stubborn ones who get lucky.
You may turn back now, right now, and I will put your name in the novice book, and you will have only one mark against you.
Literally the only sensible winnowing process they have! If after three chances a woman still doesn't think she's ready, then unless it's the Tower's teachings itself that failed her (and we don't see evidence that such happens often), it's a good sign that she's not ever going to be ready.
I must make Moiraine pay for what she has done to us. I must.
I'm still sad she never quite gets to act on this. It's such a great motivation.
Nynaeve’s cheeks colored at forgetting already what Sheriam had told her on the way down from her room. Hastily she removed her clothes, her shoes and stockings.
Note that she's not at all ashamed to be naked in front of strangers.
And note that this is the first of many "all ladies must be naked" sequences. Yes there's some historical accuracy here, but you'll note that the Black Tower never picks up such a tradition even under Taim's messed up supervision.
Taking a deep breath, she went on straight, through more passages that all looked exactly alike.
It is the nature of video games, even magic post-apocalyptic ones, that sooner or later someone will reinvent Colossal Cave Adventure.
Dimly, she remembered playing mazes on paper as a child; there had been a trick to finding your way out, but she could not bring it to mind.
There are many tricks to exhausting mazes, though not every trick works for every maze. The simplest and most well known is to pick a wall and follow it. In a maze where both entry and exit are upon the outer perimeter, this is guaranteed to work eventually. On the other hand, if you start in the middle like Nynaeve (or if you want to reach the center from the outside), this might not work. The walls may not all be connected, so you loop around to where you started without ever reaching your destination.
She started to take the left fork . . . and spun around at another glimpse of movement. There was nothing there, but this time she was sure. There had been someone behind her. Was someone.
On a scale of 1 to 10, how pathetic is it that dream Aginor manages to be a more compelling threat than he was in book 1 or books 6 through 9?
“You are a pretty one, girl. I will enjoy you.” Suddenly Nynaeve remembered she wore not a stitch.
While obviously the main threat here is the implication of rape, let's step past that and get into the metaphorical. Nudity isn't the normal state of affairs in the arch worlds, only this one. This is Nynaeve beyond the Two Rivers, in a place where the authority she covers herself with is entirely absent. Aginor isn't just the Forsaken, he's also to a degree everyone she's had to deal with since she's left home - even the Aes Sedai who gleefully relish recruiting such a powerhouse.
“You dare? You dare!” He quivered, and spittle leaked down his chin.
This is honestly a pretty good prep for how scary we should actually think the Forsaken are: not at all.
“You cannot! It cannot be!”
Another reason I think Aginor is as much a stand-in for the Aes Sedai as he is for his allies in this sequence is that protests that Nynaeve can't have done awesome stuff and pointless hostility define their reactions to her.
And she could feel Aginor doing . . . something, as well. Dimly she felt it, and far distant, as if it were something she could never truly know, but around her she saw the effects and knew them for what they were.
Early installment weirdness? Or perhaps one of the tells that this isn't real; the arch isn't really drawing on saidin (or perhaps draws to a lesser extent on both), so Nynaeve has a dim awareness of it now that she's connected.
She looked back at Aginor, just in time to see him crawl out of sight over the mounded stone and disappear. She hissed in frustration.
Finally, and rather disappointingly in contradiction to what I've been saying, the last reason to view Aginor as a stand-in for the Aes Sedai is that to succeed in what she has to do, Nynaeve needs to give up her feud with Moiraine and not worry about what she's up to out of sight.
“You are washed clean of what sin you may have done,” the Aes Sedai intoned, “and of those done against you. You are washed clean of what crime you may have committed, and of those committed against you. You come to us washed clean and pure, in heart and soul.”
See what I mean? No reason to include this if not to say that the Moiraine feud is being wiped clean.
“That isn’t supposed to be possible. You should not even remember being able to channel.”
"Not possible! You dare channel in our sacred space?"
It's really rather a blatant parallel now that I'm seeing it.
She kept her memories, and she channeled the One Power when she was threatened. And she came out with her abilities burned to nothing, unable to channel, unable even to sense the True Source. The second to go in was also warded, and she, too, was destroyed in the same way.
To me it sounds like it's the wards plus channeling that cause problems, not the channeling itself. That's one hell of a vicious anti-cheating mechanism though.
There was more than an air of neglect about it, whitewash faded, a shutter hanging loose, the rotted end of a rafter showing at a gap in the roof tiles.
A final final reason (for real this time?) to consider Aginor a stand-in for the Aes Sedai as much as himself is that otherwise the past/present system doesn't line up. The Forsaken are real, present threats and the Two Rivers isn't exactly, but if Aginor is as much about Nynaeve's fear of the Power (oh shit it's that too) and the Aes Sedai then it makes sense that that's a trial she's already put behind her just by being in the Tower. Abandoning her notions of herself as a Two Rivers woman though, that's a harder struggle. It's not Bran neglecting his inn, it's Nynaeve neglecting the whole of her home.
“If Malena knows you’re here, there will be trouble. I just know Cenn went scurrying off to find her. He’s the Mayor, now.”
Malena's name of course comes from the Latin "malus", meaning "bad" or "evil".
She beat Alsbet all around the Green with a stick, and none of us who saw had the nerve to try to stop it.
Nice try, silver arches! There's no possible Mirror World where the Two Rivers folk would watch the blacksmith's wife get beat up and not immediately tear the aggressor to shreds.
She said that was why they died; the Light abandoned them. She talks about sin all the time.
Sin doesn't really get brought up a whole bunch in this universe. Like obviously becoming a Darkfriend is sinning and the Whitecloaks claim all sorts of stuff is tantamount to being a Darkfriend, but it's not as if more mundane behavior gets this description usually. Yet in this chapter the Aes Sedai mention it without and Malena worries about it within. Is she yet another reflection of Nynaeve's fear of the Aes Sedai? Destroying families, marking men with the Dragon... It's not too far off from how Nynaeve sees Moiraine, is it?
If she can’t make you afraid of her, she makes you think you need her for the children.
Is this how Nynaeve internally views her discussion with Moiraine after Shadar Logoth? Moiraine couldn't make Nynaeve be afraid of her but she could make her worry about Egwene and the boys even though she was the reason Nynaeve worried about them at all.
The way back—No! These are my people!
Not anymore. :(
“We have to run. We have to hide. Nynaeve, come on. Cenn will have told her who you are. She hates anyone even to speak of you.”
Does Nynaeve think Moiraine doesn't much like Lan speaking of her, I wonder.
“You are washed clean of false pride. You are washed clean of false ambition. You come to us washed clean, in heart and soul.”
Nynaeve's not a Wisdom anymore. It wasn't her real path.
The third is the worst. “I’m afraid,” she whispered. What could be worse than what I just did?
Having to walk away from the happy ending already won for you.
The city had a thousand gardens, but she preferred this wild garden on the hilltop.
Because a garden growing by itself in what was so recently the Blight feels more wonderous than those maintained by human hands?
“Go back? Where? To Emond’s Field? If you wish it. I’ll send letters to Morgase, and command an escort.”
Morgase of course won't be queen at this point. I wonder what reason besides dramatic necessity causes the arches to get a few things wrong.
To her horror, she found herself remembering him as her husband, remembering laughter and tears, bitter arguments and sweet making up. They were dim memories, but she could feel them growing stronger, warmer.
Did some fools in the AoL think that the Dark One's reach was limited purely to their timeline? Did they build this device in the hopes of finding a place beyond his touch, that would let them forget the horrors of the Shadow and recall all the sweet memories in its place instead?
I could stay here. With Lan. Nothing has changed. Her thoughts turned. Nothing has changed. Egwene is alone in the White Tower. Rand will channel the Power and go mad. And what of Mat and Perrin? Can they take back any shred of their lives? And Moiraine, who tore all our lives apart, still walks free.
It says a great deal about Nynaeve's character that the thing that gets her out of this gilded cage is her love for the others.
And also, I do so love ironic echoes, even if they're only separated by a single sentence.
She tried to picture the arch in her mind, to shape it and form it to the last detail, curve of gleaming metal filled with a glow like snowy fire. It seemed to waver there, in front of her, first there between her and the trees, then not, then there.
Perhaps this is just an ordinary entertainment device. Perhaps you forget for the immersive experience and then the arch is meant to be a primer to remind you of what you're supposed to call back to you. It seems unlikely that only Nynaeve would have this capability, after all. Presumably others should have been able to call the archway back, if only they'd known how.
Child, almost every woman who does this says much the same thing. It is no small thing to be made to face your fears.
It's no wonder so many women go Black, with trauma being such a central part of their identities as sisters. And the arches were only found after the Trolloc Wars, when the corruption began in earnest...
A gift from Ishamael?
“There shouldn’t be any scarring. And how did you only get two, and both placed so precisely? If you tangled yourself in a blackthorn bush, you should be covered with scratches and thorns.”
If scarring yourself permanently is part of the exit conditions, I could definitely see this being something Ishamael specifically devised. Not from scratch of course, he's not an engineer, but a relic he deliberately tampered with, setting admin access at a high price. There is always a price.
The Amyrlin’s eyes seemed to hold a dark glow. Nynaeve’s shiver had nothing to do with being naked and wet.
Yeah, this really only cements the Aginor thing. Too late now to escape, Nynaeve! You've committed.
Next time: A whole bunch of characters from book 1 come back. Some of them plan on being important this book, and others are only flirting with importance for the next three or twelve.
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whenlovetriestoleave · 8 months ago
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silviana lu vs seo seoa @ 2023 las vegas open
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movienized-com · 9 months ago
Rapunzels Fluch 2
Rapunzels Fluch 2 (2023) #DavidBrückner #SilvianaUrsu #DanielLittau #TabeaGeorgiamo #SabineHeinen #AsiaLunaMohmand Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2023 Genre: Horror / Mystery / Thriller Regie: David Brückner Hauptrollen: Silviana Ursu, Daniel Littau, Tabea Georgiamo, Sabine Heinen, Asia Luna Mohmand, Malina Stark, Sebastian Prenzel, Juergen J. Straub, Valentin Kleinschmidt, Jacob F. Schmiedel, Jörg Flessa, Sarah von Chamier … Filmbeschreibung: Einige Monate nach dem Massaker im Schloss der Geheimnisse befreit eine Gruppe echter…
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krasytoonz · 1 year ago
Hello ,love your artwork! Soo about the AI chat with king Wally, I introduced myself as Queen Silviana Silver from Sil-wester (silvi is not my name btw) we became frends and he showed me a secret room full of treasures and I'm not sure if it's cannon or not.
Also I love the simplicity of your art, it's so goofy
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If the Castle (in this case Royal AU Home) likes you enough, he could tell you Secrets that Nobody Knows.
Just a reminder! I didn’t make any AI chats of any characters of my AU! So if you have a bug/mistake to report, go to @thecluelessdoctor (And as much as they are In Character, whatever happened in royal AI chatbots made by @thecluelessdoctor is not supposed to be canon, coincidentally or not)
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helpitsaskingmequestions · 2 years ago
Continuing the process of niche petty nitpicks of Wheel of TIme  there were some narrative choices for the  7 Ajah that make them (imo) uncertain in a way that I think could have been smoothed out in a way to make more narrative sense in terms of motivation, size and narrative framing. 
Reds - 
The Reds at least have a clear purpose in and out of the narrative as Aes Sedai that hunt male channelers & an antagonistic force against Moraine (Blue) and Rand (Male channeler). They’re problems largely come in how the text largely frames them as Narrative Heels but for Pevara & to some extent Teslyn and Silviana, all of whom are introduced fairly late. Even then, the Reds are largely characterised as 90s misandrists,n keeping with Alanna’s framing of the Reds as ‘hating men’ because that's what should define a group of women, how they relate to men. Then comes the size of the Reds - it’s been noted that there are less people who can channel being discovered, in part due to the Vileness and the culling of men who can channel by the Reds (and also Cansaune) yet the Reds are the largest Ajah. That the Reds have the strongest numbers is imo a very blunt object solution to 1) making the Blue’s more like an underdog and 2) have a large ground for Black Ajah. 
Changes that I think would have made the Reds more palatable from a worldbuild perspective 
Expand the purpose - the show did this, effectively making the Reds magic cops, which provides a more concrete cause for Reds to devote themselves to - hunting wayward Aes Sedai, men who can channel and Dark Friends. It would also help explain why there are so many Black Ajah in the Red - what better way to hide from the cops than to Be the cops?
Let them have Warders - there was no reason for them not to have warders, female or male or otherwise. 
Shrink their size - have the Reds be in the middle of the pack in terms of numbers, or else have them have a high casualty/fail rate that can be explained by difficult weaves & Black Ajah sisters etc. There is no logical reason for them to be that big. 
I mean ⅕ of all Aes Sedai Robert?
Don’t define them by ‘hating men’. Robert I am in your walls
Non-antagonist Reds early on - whether Pevara or Teslyn, just some calmer Reds, who do genuinely want to Hunt Dark-friends. Use the Wonder Girls time in the White Tower not just as a box tick, explore the Ajahs more.  
Show - on page - what a male channel who succumbed to the Taint looks like. The books give (imo) hints describing the Breaking but its not seen on page & I feel that this concrete example of why male channellers are cut off from the Source, why the Reds hunt them, and why people fear Rand/male channelers would be important considering we get a lot of on page stuff (Logain, Thom re his nephew) about the pain of gentling male channelers
Ah the Browns. Clean direct purpose. Narrative letting them fulfil that function. Ajah of Verin, the Best Character in Wheel of Time (no arguments to be taken on this point. I am simply Correct). I find very little to be changed with the Browns, though I do think that there should have been an exploratory division if this is the Ajah of knowledge. 
Also not entirely certain why the White/Grey/see Ajah colours post is separate from the Brown beyond the fact RJ was a physics major 
Best Ajah - should have had an Indiana Jones Brown/Orange sister finding Age of Legends stuff
That the Browns get warders makes the fact the Reds, a physical division actively fighting people, not having Warders more insane. Robert WHY
Should have schools/ travelling schools as well 
Why no Browns in Rand’s nerd school Robert?
Much like the Brown, a wonderfully defined Ajah, with a clear purpose in and out of universe.
Let them be nicer to Nynaeve
Black Yellows should have been allowed to go full Dr Moreau
Imagine fresh monsters
The Green Ajah - the Battle Ajah. imo Robert Jordan’s favourite Ajah considering 2 out of 3 of the Wondergirls chose the Green (even though Egg should have been Ajahless its fine I’m calm so Calm) and the Green get to ‘love men’ because as the narrative has made clear, how these groups of women from this administrative magical institution feel about Men is what is important. Also a fun experiment - check to see what colours get positive associations in the books - generally it’s blue, green and white (listed as Lan’s favourite colours for instance). The Greens are also an unfortunate victim of the Gender Stuff in WoT- the Battle Ajah don’t get weapons, but they can have lots of Men who can have weapons. Because they Love Men. 
Let them have weapons Robert ffs 
Active preparation for the Last Battle; should have the third most number of advisors/relationships in nations as Greys(Purples) and Blues. 
Why are they ignoring the Borderlands? This is their Job 
I think the show made a good case for the Greens and the Reds going to nab Logain
So why are the Greens more allied with the Blues than the Reds - other than Author Caveat
Elayne and Egwene shouldn’t have been Green. Neither should Cadsuane.
More Black sisters in the Green - if the Green are going to be fighting in the last battle it should be chock full of enemy agents  
What do the Blue do? They Hunt After Causes - but what does the Mean? No Really what does it mean, apart from being Vague and because RJ couldn’t say ‘they’re the Good ajah’ even though they only ‘like men’. Other than their complete lack of purpose, the Blues get a good history, a good selection of the Good/Great (Moraine) to the bad (Sheriam). The Show made a good change in making the Blue’s the spies of the White Tower, giving them a quasi opposing ideological approach to the head-first reds, and making the Alliance of Greens and Blues make more sense considering how much they would need to work together. 
If Egg must have an Ajah she should have been Blue 
The fact that blues removed the 2 Red Amyrlin’s, there should have been more arguments amongst the Ajah’s about how justified they were/the justice of that 
Lean into the Reds being Cops and Blues being spies/activist/journalists/internal affairs with a habit of exposing/attempting to expose other sister’s misbehaviour 
Have Blue sisters attempting to uncover the Vileness in a way that actually sets it up as a mystery to be solved, not another plot thread among thousands
I have a Bee in my Bonnet about the Vileness  if you couldn’t tell 
Make the Blues less of an protagonist situation - oh they have the second smallest numbers But the Most Amyrlins and a lot of influence because they’re the opposite of the Reds 
Grey/Purple Ajah 
They have purpose If only the narrative would let them fulfil that purpose. Instead Elaida is a Red so political advisors can be any colour so why?
Also why are they always bad at their jobs
Should have been the largest Ajah change my mind 
White/Grey Ajah 
I understand they have a purpose 
I just don’t understand why/how it is different to the Brown’s search for knowledge 
They’re apparently philosophers as well so it's not a STE(M) v Arts situation
Why Robert 
You didn’t have the Seven Ajahs have the Seven colours why are they Here? 
Because Alviarin being White and the Head Black was a fun twist? 
You did that colour twist with Lanfear already 
What this Ajah needed was a major character who wasn’t Black
Like Give Rand an advisor who is this Ajah during his spiral 
Or Give Egg some prominent sisters of this Ajah? 
Have their theoretical magic that they do have an impact
Or give them the prophecies / religious theorisation - aka a reason for them to be in this story at all 
Black Ajah
There is no Black Ajah what are you talking about 
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queenofmalkier · 1 year ago
WOT Favorites
Inspired by various other games out there, the rules are simple: pick one favorite from each category and tag ten people to choose their favorites. Yes I could have had a lot more categories - Aiel, Seanchan, etc. - but the list got too long!
Emond's Field 5: Nynaeve al'Meara
Secondary Character: Moiraine Damodred*
EF5 Love Interest: Gawyn Trakand
Forsaken: Lanfear
Black Ajah: Alviarin Freidhen
Blue Ajah: Faolain Orande
Brown Ajah: Verin Mathwin
Green Ajah: Elayne Trakand
Gray Ajah: Yukiri Haruna
Red Ajah: Silviana Brehon
White Ajah: Sereille Bagand
Yellow Ajah: Samitsu Tamagowa
Asha'man: Jahar Narishma
Random Side Character: Almen Bunt
Darkfriend: Padan Fain
Weapon: Ashandarei
Location: The Blight
Culture: Ogier
*Secondary character defined as: those who play a significant role, and appear in multiple scenes, but who are not the main focus of the primary plot
Tagging @highladyluck @asha-mage @too-many-books-too-little-life @deathisthekitten @everybodyhatesrand @vdovaromanova @twicethedragon @clearancecreedwatersurvival @flame-of-tar-valon @witchytrina
Feel free to ignore if you don't want to play :)
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pillowfriends · 25 days ago
The Gathering Storm new reader thoughts: Prologue - Chapter 5
I IMMEDIATELY got behind on my liveblogging but I'm taking a mental health day, and what better way to spend it than yapping about WoT 🫡 Overall thoughts followed by favorite moment if I had one.
Prologue (What the Storm Means): I found the first scene very funny on a meta level, like yeah, that storm really is gathering. Good, clear thematic start to the book, and I always love a Forsaken meetup. This chapter cooled my Mesaana thirst slightly but now she's kind of a flop, which I also love. Demandred is still alive - I am somehow both more and less confused.
Chapter 1 (Tears from Steel): [Trisha Paytas voice] I'm already crying! I think this was a personal record but between Lews Therin's despair, and Rand's own distrust and despair, Light this was a rough read. "I'm just another pawn to [Egwene]" / "This was supposed to get better when I cleansed saidin! I was supposed to be safe..."
🖤 LTT going "We should have died in the box. Then... then it would be over" hit me so hard.
Chapter 2 (The Nature of Pain): ANOTHER BANGER FROM OUR GIRL EGWENE. WHAT A BAMF. This plotline is unbelievably good. Everything from her TGH time with the Seanchan to her TFOH time with the Aiel is PAYING OFF BABY I'm ecstatic. Also my worstie Elaida has gone fully off the deep end. she is so awful and power-hungry and bad at everything 🥰 🥰 🥰
🖤 Egwene laughing as Silviana beats her
Chapter 3 (The Ways of Honor): This was kind of a nothing chapter but it was nice to check in with Aviendha. Necessary setup for wherever her arc is going in this book, I guess.
🖤 Saw Melaine :) she is doing nothing but we saw her :)
Chapter 4 (Nightfall): Gawyn you suck and are stupid 👎👎👎 Okay in all seriousness at least he's doing some self-reflection but COME ON my guy. Way too little too late. Also this is really a Brandon-ass chapter in terms of characterization. I Did X Bad Thing And Now I Feel Bad For Y Reason. This is not really a complaint, I'm a huge Brandon fan, but it was obvious.
Chapter 5 (A Tale of Blood): I would let Cadsuane put me to the question if you know what I mean. They hate to see a girlboss winning! Although in this case the girlboss who's really winning is Semirhage.
🖤 Cadsuane seeing the similarities between herself and Semirhage, crunchy. They should make out
next >
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Do you ever think about how Melaine said she will name her child after Egwene? This was before Egwene died, before evrything. Imagine what would this child feel, coming of age, hearing stories of a woman she was named after? Being 19 and realizing that Egwene was that age when she did all that stuff everyone talks about?
And when she comes to the White Tower as a part of their exchange program (because of course she does) do you think Nynaeve, Elayne, Silviana and other people who knew Egwene won't hesitate a second before calling her by her name, because it's hard for them to say that name again? Do you think they would hide their emotions only to allow a tear to drop when Egwene is not looking?
Do you ever think about that?
Also it's going to be very awkward if it's going to be a boy and not a girl...
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anira-naeg · 10 months ago
Different sisters. Part 1
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fashionbooksmilano · 11 months ago
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Carlos Cruz-Diez El color en el plano El color en el espacio
Testi di Silviana Cruz, Laura Salas Redondo, Carlos Cruz- Diez
Gli Ori, Pistoia 2023, 240 pagine, 2 voll. con cofanetto, Illustrato a colori e con fotografie in bianco e nero, 17,5x24cm, ISBN 9788873369240, Testo Inglese e Spagnolo.
euro 60,00
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Carlos Cruz-Diez (Caracas, 1923 - Parigi, 1960)
Riconosciuto oggi come uno dei pionieri dell’arte ottico-cinetica, Carlos Cruz-Diez ha trentasette anni quando, nel 1960, decide di lasciare Caracas per stabilirsi a Parigi insieme alla famiglia. Dopo gli studi in accademia e una lunga esperienza come illustratore per riviste e agenzie pubblicitarie, capisce che solo in Europa avrà la possibilità di mantenere un dialogo costante con le nuove tendenze rivolte all’indagine delle dinamiche percettivo-sensoriali. L’inclusione nella seminale mostra collettiva Bewogen Beweging di Amsterdam nel 1961 dimostrerà che aveva ragione. Messe da parte le tecniche tradizionali apprese a scuola e le precoci prove con moduli geometrici in legno, in Francia la sua ricerca prenderà otto principali linee di azione sviluppate in un arco temporale piuttosto limitato, a testimonianza di una mente attiva e in costante sperimentazione. 
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samninja18 · 1 year ago
Turtle sisters and their human disguises
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In turtle form Silviana has a darker green shade due to her species being a Musk Turtle, she has different spots and a few line marks. She’s covered in scars from her battles and has a hood cape on her at all times, she has sharpened claws and shoulder pads for armor. She used to be fully covered from head to toe with a mask, and pants with only her plastron showing, now she just has on a shorter belt and black shorts like her brothers. She wears a grey mask showing she’s the gray ninja. Her shell is brown and on the back she has a striped pattern. She has a thick short tail in a similar pattern.
In human form Silviana is a dark brown, scars still visible, mask still on, wearing a brown backpack, no claws, no spots, her plastron is replaced by a dress, and her cape is replaced by a regular gray hoodie. Her hair isn’t seen yet because she’s always wearing the hood up. Tail is gone.
Her main nickname is Silvie.
In turtle Form Venus has a mix of green and blue skin, her species is a diamondback terrapin, similar to her brother leo she has stripes all over her but in a different pattern. She wears a top that has a hole in the back for her shell to be exposed, her mask has long tails that she braided like hair, her plastron is much darker with a blue tint to it unlike her siblings. She wears black shorts just like the others. Her color is a sky blue, much lighter than leo’s, the reason for this is her eyes which are unnaturally blue unlike everyone else around her whom’s eyes are black. Her shell is a dark green with a Diamond pattern on the back. She has a very thin tail.
In human form she’s albino with VERY pale skin, and very light blond hair that’s almost white. Dark green backpack, mask still on, her stripes are now just dark spots on her skin followed by many freckles. Her plastron is now just a shirt under her top. Her hair is shoulder length and shaggy. Her black shorts are longer. No tail.
Her main nickname is Venny
In turtle form Jennika’s skin is very different from all her siblings, instead of some type of green, hers is closer to orange. Her species is a wood turtle she has a pattern that resembles scales over her. She wears a scarf and has her long mask tails tied into a bow her plastron is gold colored. she also wears black shorts. Her color is Yellow. Her shell is a mix of a dark blue, light orange, and yellow. She’s transgender in this version so her tail is much bigger and thicker resembling Raph, Mikey, and Donnie’s.
In human form her skin is light like her father Lou Jitsu. Long Black hair that goes over her shoulder. Dark blue backpack, mask still on, she isn’t seen to have any marks out in the open aside from the face paint on her face resembling her marks which is similar to leo’s human form, her plastron is now a sweater, everything else is the same, no tail.
Her name nickname is Jenna
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amemoryofwot · 2 years ago
For bingo, Silviana Sedai
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Not a lot relevant here for her but I do like her as a character and I think her eventually denouncing Elaida and growing to care for Egwene so much is really quite sweet. I mean I could have done with less beatings overall but we’ll have to take that one up with Corporal Punishments RJeorg.
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