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autumnalhalcyon · 20 days
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rise and grind, comrades
Maple Sunbrand, Cedar Silverbeam and Ace Batchburg respectively for anyone who wants to know
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prcject-utcpia · 5 hours
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The rest of their meal had gone off uneventfully. Neither dragon spoke to the other, but by the end, Maple looked less dead, and Cedar less skittish.
The check arrives at their table, Maple slapping their card down for poor Gary to take. The red dragon gives a small, knowing smile to the other.
"...If it's any consolation, now that I know ya exist, I'm not exactly gonna let anything bad happen to ya," the Sun-bearer offers, prompting their counterpart to blink. "After all, we Brand-bearers gotta stick together, yknow?"
The server returns with Maple's card, and they take it, stowing it in their wallet as they saunter away from the table and out the door with a wave.
The lightning dragon huffs as they watch the other leave, and notice a bit of the check was torn off. The missing piece had been slipped closer to them, the paper bearing a phone number, and a note.
"Call or text me if you need ANYTHING. Whether you like it or not, we're BRAND BUDS now!! -Maple"
When the fuck did they find the time to write this in a way they wouldn't notice?
"Hm. 'Brand buds'. Corny. But cute."
The corners of their mouth tug against their will. Maybe they'd take the Sun-bearer up on that whole "friendship" thing after all.
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"Omw now, just finished being interrogated," reads the text.
Keratin-clad fingertips tap a brief response.
"Hurry, or im going in without you!! >w<"
Aspen had finally made it to the old Spadetown community center. Untouched for nearly a decade, the building was empty and dilapidated. But most importantly, rumor had it that there was a hidden hatch into the Eclipse City inter-bunker tunnels. Down there, there'd be a whole new world to explore, map out, and from that point, find new gardening plots.
They slip a hand in their pocket, and from within, they pull a thin strip of metal, which splits down the center and expands from each half into a small, magenta hardlight tablet.
Tapping a few buttons on the newly displayed screen would result in a short beam of light that would coalesce into a long, wooden gardening hoe with a weathered head of green-oxidized brass. The deer grasps the handle and hefts the instrument over their shoulder. The tablet closes back into a thin metal strip that they stow back in their pocket.
"Heyyyy!!!" Comes a distant call.
From the sky, Maple glides in, boots skidding briefly as the dragon comes to a stop in front of their friend. Their wings dissipate into golden wisps of balefire. The dragon's eyes fall on the farming tool in Aspen's hands and their brow furrows.
"How the fuck did ya get that thing on a bus? Seems a bit big and pointy to be allowed."
The deer snorts in response.
"Simple, my large scaly friend!" they give a knowing grin and a wink.
"Our mutual benefactor managed to snag me a Hammerspace Card."
The dragon's eyes widen. "No fuckin' way! I wanna see!"
This earns a chuckle from the deer.
"I literally just put it away, dude!" they lament playfully. "Wait til I have to put the hoe away!"
"Heh... hoe..."
A playful shove is levied at the dragon before Aspen leads them around the back of the building via an alleyway. There's a chain and padlock over a heavy iron door, but it doesn't seem to faze the deer any. Brandishing their farming tool, Aspen brings down their hoe onto the padlock, snapping it open with shocking accuracy. The chains would still be useful, even if the padlock itself was fucked beyond repair.
The deer pushes open the door, chipping, green paint flaking off onto their palms. They give a dramatic bow as they flourish toward the opening.
"After you!"
"Heh... you're getting pretty scary with that thing, y'know that?" Maple smirks, stepping into the building. One breath is all that was needed to send their nose into overdrive.
"Godz vorbid anyone ztand in your way nowb, huh?" They punctuate their compliment with a loud sniff.
"Jeez... looks like this place hasn't seen even so much as a roomba in years." Aspen commentates, patting their poor allergy ridden friend on the shoulder. They once would've thought this would teach them to take an allergy pill before going Urbexing together. No. Not a chance.
Not much remained in the room the pair had found themselves in. Any and all shelves that remained had been stripped bare of contents. A few had been partially dismantled. A thick layer of (judging from Maple's predicament) dust covered everything from the walls to the thin, fraying carpet.
The Sun-bearer creeps back behind the dilapidated receptionist desk to a lightswitch. Upon closer inspection, golden eyes spot a gap between the switch and the wall. The dragon wipes their nose.
"...Guess they stribbed the cobber already..."
"Good thing I charged my phone earlier then," Aspen states frankly. They pull out the mobile device, flicking at the screen and turning on the flashlight. "Not all of us can have fancy light-up hands like you and the Dick Destroyer."
With that, Aspens steps into the next room.
Much of the ground floor was the same as this initial lobby, and while it had value as photography fodder, the real prize was yet to be found.
At least, not until Aspen's prodding would uncover a fake panel on the wall. The slightest pressure had resulted in a decent square of drywall to collapse inward, revealing a hidden hallway with another door at the end. Unfortunately, this one wasn't guarded by a simple padlock, but a keypad.
The deer glaces over to the dragon, who steps forward, grins, and, with a golden flash, thrusts a golden spear into the mechanism. A buzzing hiss rings from the poor abused keypad as the heat from the weapon causes the door handle to pop out of its socket at both ends, resulting in the door swinging harmlessly outward. Aspen sticks out their tongue.
"If I'd known that was your plan, I'd have just done it myself," the deer ribs, shining their light down the hall. Curiously, there were screens lining the walls, illuminating a long stairwell down as each one flashes to life once they step beyond the threshold.
"Did... did we just..." they begin.
Maple steps in around them, the dragon's gaze fixated on the screens.
"Dude, I think this mighd be Razing War tech... we mighda just found our bunker tunnel entrance!"
Aspen stifles a snort at the juxtaposition their friend's excitement and their unfortunate stuffy-nose dialect.
"I'm sure we have, nose," they tease. Maple rolls their eyes.
Footfalls echo down the seemingly abandoned corridor as they step toward (and down) the ominous hidden staircase.
"I'm surprised anything still works... they have to have some kinda nuclear reactor or something down here," Maple muses. Their nose begins to clear, the dragon unaware of this implication. Golden claws graze over concrete walls as flickering screens show an antiquated logo with Times New Roman font over a spinning playing card.
"...Talk about ancient. I don't think they've used this logo in decades." Aspen pokes one of the screens. Its display shimmers slightly at the provocation. They unlock their phone into their camera to line up a shot.
"Woah-" Maple jumps out of the line of sight.
Click click click!
Green eyes squint at the results.
"Ooh! That's eerie. I love it!" the deer effuses. Their tail flicks in glee. "We have to go deeper!
After an increasingly unreadable amount of time in old server rooms, empty offices and abandoned break rooms, the pair finds a double-door, open into a massive, cavernous stretch. From just outside the door, a sidewalk stretches to either side, ending in a roadway. Other "buildings" line the underground roadway. Upon entry into the opening, an array of streetlights flicker on, revealing the apparent undercity in its entirety. Maple lets out an involuntary noise.
"What in every actual hell...?"
Aspen silently shakes their head.
"...How big even is this place...?"
Wings burst from Maple's back.
"I can sure as hell find out," they offer, pulling their phone from their pocket. "I'm gonna get a flyover recording. I'll email it to ya when I finish."
The deer nods. "I'll meet you back here then. In the meantime, I'm going to search for a space with natural light."
"Gotcha. Don't get lost!" The dragon launches themselves into the air with a flap of their wings and soars off into the darkness.
Aspen meanwhile, peers over at the building across from the door the friends had just emerged from. While most of it resembled the standard fancy government buildings of old, the center of it was a massive concrete obelisk that stretched straight up into the shadows. A support structure for the undercity, maybe?
"...if anything was going to connect to above ground, it'd have to be this, right...?"
Stepping into the building, Aspen is greeted with a fully furnished waiting area. Behind the reception desk, a screen bursts to life.
Ding DING ding~!
A musical tone belts from the speakers as a simplistic face erupts onto the screen. Cartoony eyes glance about as Aspen jumps back in shock.
The "eyes" train onto the deer, and a smile spreads over the display.
The deer blinks their brow furrowing in vexation.
"...Personal... assistant?"
The assistant's animated eyes blink back. Okay, that was freaky. No wonder Batchburg stuck to audio only assistants...
But, the presence of one could still prove useful.
"Do. Do you know if there are any skylights in this building?" They inquire, hefting their tilling implement off their shoulder. "I'm a gardener, you see, and I wanted a quiet place to ply my trade."
A little cartoon hand generates on Sammy's screen, thumb and forefinger stroking her nonexistent chin.
Aspen's ears droop, wincing at the news.
A computer...?
Aspen nods vigorously.
"I'll take that option!" they grin, causing Sammy to give a delighted giggle.
Aspen side-eyes the AI as they make their way into a dingy hallway, the glowing face zipping from screen to screen down the corridor, until she comes to a stop outside a room with another glowing screen within. A computer had been pre-booted for their convenience. How thoughtful!
"Thank you, Sammy!"
The AI gives another giggle as the ungulate swings the chair out from the desk and flopping down within. While the model of PC used was practically ancient, they imagined it would still do the job.
[[ //: I'M HAPPY TO HELP, YOUNG [ungulate citizen: deer, unknown gender] FRIEND! ]] Sammy effuses, booting up the computer's File Explorer.
Never a good start.
New...? Was... was some lazy-ass IT intern using an ancient, abandoned PC deep underground as a backup server...? This... prompted collaboration.
Aspen's phone is out again. A quick text rings out.
"Come back to govt building across from meeting spot! Found smth you may want to see."
Sammy, seemingly curious herself, pulls up the database in question, with Aspen beginning to scroll down through the titled entries.
"I gotta see this" is Maple's only reply. Green eyes glance down to view the text, and smile.
A file is opened entitled "ON POWER SHORTAGES". It appears to detail the growing power demands for the undercity in the form of a briefing letter. The deer's brow furrows at the name of the apparent composer of the postage.
"...Lord H. Bradley Batchburg...?"
The temperature jumps, and a response is uttered from behind.
Whipping around, Aspen turns to find Maple, gripping their brand, tail thrashing behind them.
"...What the hell kinda files did you manage to dig up...?" they choke, face taut and brow twitching.
Sammy's screens immediately flash red.
[[ //: BRANDED...? HERE?? THIS ISN'T GOOD, WE'RE GOING TO [burn and roast in the desert sun] BE TOAST! ]]
Golden eyes snap to the AI with a small growl.
"Chill, scrap brain. I'm here with Aspen. Didn't expect to walk in on the airing of dirty corporate laundry is all."
Aspen's face softens. Of course the dragon wouldn't be pleased to hear that name again. But then, they had literally descended into an ancient building with ties to Eclipse City's founding. Maple had to know what they might find.
"Maple's a friend, Sammy. Please stand down."
The red flashing pauses, crimson fading back into blue.
"Easy on the rhetoric, or you'll be choking on your bigotry with a side of balefire," the Sun-bearer snarls. Sammy's mouth gains a key and zips up into silence.
All the pair knew of the Razing War were snippets that had managed to evade the censors. And even those had been filtered through a lovely shade a magenta-colored corporate propaganda. What little could be gleaned seemed to detail the very sky burning, and all monuments to arrogance melting to ash at the hands of monsters. Maple had always theorized that the "monsters" in question may have been Brand-bearers, but this AI's offhand remark seemed to confirm it.
The dragon joins their friend at the computer screen to read the correspondence, shoulders tense and tail low.
"Dearest residents of Eclipse City,
Your pleas for aid are not unheard. For too long, our ailing government has hindered our capacity for innovation. Our needs and our numbers are outgrowing our supplies. One cannot heat their homes or cook their food on empty, politicking platitudes from men too concerned with their next campaign funding source to find a solution to our ills.
To this end, I write to you today, on behalf of Batchburg Enterprises, to offer you the solutions politicians are too cowardly to pursue. Not merely to our power supply problems, but also to that of the beasts that Razed our beloved world to the ground above! The idea proposed would allow us to take fate into our own hands, return to the surface world, and be plagued by not beast, nor famine, nor any form of oppressor. We call this plan - Project: UTOPIA!
The plan is simple. If we, the people, are to be pressed beneath the boot of cosmic demons, then let us rise up, slip off the yoke of oppression, and use the vast, unlimited power of these beasts for ourselves!
Our brilliant R&D team have succeeded at devising a means of trapping the monsters into a dream of their own making, and siphoning power from them to generate power for our homes, cities, and businesses. This plan, as you can see, solves both of our largest problems with a single solution!
Place your trust in me, and together, we shall return to the surface world for the first time in decades! The sky awaits, my wonderful friends.
Warm regards,
Lord H. Bradley Batchburg"
As the pair finish reading, the surrounding air had jumped about 20 degrees, from a clammy 60F to a sweltering 80F. Maple's breathing had gone shaky about halfway through the entry, and their claws had punctured through the pleather desk chair they were leaning on.
Aspen turns to glance up at their friend, whose complexion had paled about three shades of red.
"...Hey..." they start, but as the Sun-bearer jerks upright, the deer falls silent.
"...Where's the tower for this PC?" Maple demands, turning to glower at the AI that had brought them down this path.
"... I'm not gonna melt the bigotry bot, Aspen."
"That's not what I was going to say. The tower's right here."
The dragon's eyes close briefly, a puff of air escaping the beleaguered Brand-bearer in earnest. They turn on their heels, producing a small storage USB drive, and plugging it into the tower. Aspen, realizing what was going on, scoots to their left to allow their friend to work.
Claws type furiously as they set the database to copy the files in the database onto the thumb drive, and with a flourish, hits the enter key and stand back up.
Their tail swings up to wrap around themselves, as they grimace, eyes closed, with another huff. A moment passes in silence.
"...What are you planning to do with that thumb drive...?" Aspen inquires, brow furrowed in worry.
"...That bastard wanted to use me as a fuckin battery..." they seethe, bringing their hand up to stare at the golden emblem on its back. Their eyes narrow, moisture beginning to form within them.
"Me. My predecessors, and probably Cedar's too."
Their hands ball into fists.
"Two entire centuries of misery. I need to know more. I need to know how deep this fuckin foxhole goes."
"...You're sending it to Spade to sift through?" Aspen asks. More of a statement, really.
Maple nods. A loud metallic "thunk" can be heard somewhere within the walls. The pair jump, ears immediately perked.
The dragon lifts a hand, from their palm, generating a white-gold flame, casting light over their surroundings. Aspen does the same with their phone, the friends scanning every corner of the room with their added brightness.
75% Download complete.
"...I just need a few more moments..." Maple bargains, manifesting their spear.
Another loud clatter erupts the room over. A metallic scratching follows the length of ventilation.
89% Download complete.
"I've got a reeeaaally bad feeling about this..." Aspen mutters, keeping a firm grip on their farming tool.
The skittering noises are now in the ceiling of their current location...
96% Download complete.
98% Download--
In the walls.
99% Download comp--
Aspen's eyes fall upon a large square vent in a corner near the ceiling.
A faint, pulsating violet comes from within.
"It's here...!"
100% Down-
Maple lunges for the PC tower, snatching the thumb drive, stowing it in their pocket...
Just in time for the vent door to burst open, unleashing a screeching, nigh-formless mass, outfitted with what appeared to be a mechanical spine, four insectoid legs, an a scorpion-like tail into the room, leaping deftly to dodge Aspen's first swing, but fails to account for a second, downward swing with the backend of the tool.
The little freak slams into the concrete floor, bouncing back up from the impact, right into the path of a thrust from Maple's spear. Before it can make contact however, its tail thrashes into a downward point, the tip building up a dark violet energy and unleashing it into the ground. The creature launches into the air in one, two, three flips, and attaches its spindly legs to the ceiling. The dragon's face pales as it goes skittering across the cieling, and down onto the opposite wall.
"Oh, grossgrossgrossgross-" they brandish the tip of their spear, the point stopping over the shoulder opposite their spear arm, a ball of roiling golden plasma coalescing over their shoulder.
"-KILL IT WITH FUCKIN BALEFIRE!!" Maple swings their spear, sending the blazing orb hurtling toward the cosmic purple blob. The resulting explosion tears a hole through the wall, Sammy's indignant screeching echoing from behind.
Unfortunately for all involved, the Sun-bearer had missed, and the creature was now hurtling toward Maple's face. Their turn to screech, this time in pure terror.
"NO YOU DON'T!" Aspen, in for the save, rushing around the dragon to catch their assailant on the inside of their hoe's curve, tearing a hole in its underside.
It lets out an eye-watering screech, its tail once more building up energy, unleashing it wildly in its death-throes. Maple's eyes widen, and, grabbing the back of Aspen's shirt, they yank the deer back between them and Sammy's screen. The dragon meanwhile, positions themselves between the dying monster, and their friend. Wings burst from their back, expanding out to further shield all behind them from harm as they take lash after lash of cosmic energy from a dying beast with nothing else to lose.
Finally though, the creature bleeds out, and its attacks cease. Maple groans as their wings and their spear dissipate into balefire.
"...Is everyone alright...?"
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fairykukla · 2 months
I really fell hard for the Goodreau BJDs. I have a couple of searches saved on eBay and I sometimes luck into a deal.
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As far as I know, nobody is recasting them, either, so I don't have to worry about that.
But back when Paulette Goodreau was still making dolls, there were deals as she started wrapping up her business.
Once upon a time, Goodreau had a deal where one could buy a set of 4 12 inch "Hint" boy dolls for $100. They were clearly "leftover" dolls from various high-end doll and BJD events. I bought a set and split the order with a couple of people.
My 12" Hint was named Alexander, partly because I simply could NOT find him a well fitting wig. He became my supervillain, idolizing Dr. Evil, Lex Luthor, and Megamind.
I had a whole storyline where he was a mad scientist with a fine college-prep internship with the local Monster High.
My roommate used hers for a resin-dying project that didn't quite work the way she wanted. He turned out a way darker blue than she intended.
I bought him off of her. He got an Indian face up inspired by Rama. Eventually I traded him to Silverbeam's Magic for my Octoboy.
As for Alexander, I sold him to a friend who wanted to get her teenager her first resin BJD. Said Teen already had a great 11 1/2 inch doll collection and so she was tickled to get a doll in that scale. I was so pleased to send him along to a new collector.
Then, last year, I found the 12" female Goodreau that I wanted. There were two face sculpts; Alice and Julia. I snagged a Julia for a fantastic price, particularly since she came with her special limited edition convention exclusive "Magician's Helper" costume.
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And I think she's great! So when I had a chance at a 12 inch BJD again I thought maybe she would like a brother.
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Hint came with this amazing outfit. I'm not sure of the artist or brand but it is a high quality outfit. I got this whole package for the price of the wig.
New Hint hasn't told me a name or pronouns yet. Hint appears to have been dressed as a girl in his previous owner's cabinet, so it could be that this is a She/They or neopronoun doll. I have Ginger who wears what they want, and Crikey who appears to be a gender and likes to wear things that are silly, regardless of gender. Nimona appears to embrace "whatever gender presentation is funniest at the time."
The only preference I've picked up on was "Long Hair."
I'm wondering if I wind up giving away or selling my male dolls because I don't have creative clothing/costumes for them? Time to start combing lots of Ken clothing for costume pieces, I think.
Julia loves her new outfit, though.
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grimfox · 1 year
i have turned into a smile
all curve and motion her silverbeam brilliance piercing more than defences a drug dealer pushing me further to realms i had thought never again to see in daylight her leaf petal heart quakes my watercolor world floods away all the while laughing at the paintbrush's little frayings
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My new Vanderbat Hotel OC, Phoebe Galactix, a neon yellow skinned alien girl all the way from the planet Silverbeam is just as eager to celebrate the 4th of July when she came to Earth and checked into the Vanderbat Hotel to make some new friends. Apparently, it aounds like she took Stars and Stripes literally with style from her red and white striped tank top, dark blue bell bottom jeans, a star hair clip and light blue platform sneakers based on the American flag.
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transformersartist · 9 months
For the first time in months I finally have this massive art motivation boost so here are some new kid ocs I drew, me and a friend have agreed that every Roleplay we share a kid names Silverbeam has to be in it so don't mind the many different kids with the same name :"3
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Name: Sachi Blitz
Nickname: Sach, Chichi, Little Silverbeam, Blitz
Age: 18
Birthday: January 13th
Star Sign: Capricorn
Species: Beastman
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 185 cm
Hair: Silver with white streaks
Eye Color: Gold
Family: None in the current timelines
Homeland: Burned Home
Twisted From: Silver The Hedghog, Sonic Series
School: Hourglass Academy
Class: 2-C
Dorm: Tetravania
Occupation: Student
Club: Track Club and Botany Club
Best Class: Elemental Artes or Monster/Animal Culture
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Favorite Food: Pastas
Least Favorite Food: Crackers, it's a texture thing for her
Likes: Nature, Hiking, Being outside, Track running, Meditation/Yoga, Crystals, Healing, Exploring
Dislikes: Unnecessary violence, being disrespectful of others space
Hobby: Journaling/Photography
Talent: Elemantal magic, Animal handling
Unique Magic:
Attune Elements
Sanchi's magic is based mostly on being able to kinetically manipulate the varieties of elements within the different systems around her. Attune Elements allows her abilities to attune to the most prominent element at a stronger rate within that ecosystem in order to further help acclimate it and assist it in thriving. Say she is within a setting where she is mostly surrounded by water, her powers would mainly focus upon water based kinetic abilities. Or in an earth based setting her abilities would become primarily geokinetic with plant manipulation. The downside of her UM js that once she is in a setting and activates it and her abilities attune with one element in specific, she is restricted to that one.
Personality: Sachi is a bit of a quiet personality. When talking to people she is polite and friendly but she isn't the type to be overly chatty with people if they don't continously keep a conversation. She expresses a lot of humility compared to her counterparts and she always plays things down even if it is something quite big. She is fairly passive but If she sees something wrong being done in front of her she will step in and do something about it. She does not tolerate bullying and if she sees it she can and will drag a bully across the hall by the ear. Her quietness should never be mistaken for weakness.
Backstory: When Sachi was born, she was born in a ruined colony where everything had been burned and destitute. It had been destroyed by war and chaos and her mother who was alone gave birth to her while on the run from invaders who were trying to get rid of them. When they had gotten near captured, Sachi's mother told her to go back in time and find a place where she could learn how to stop ruin of their home coming to pass and sent her back using magic along with a talisman that sent her far back into the past where she found herself landed in the Hourglass Academy. Though it seemed the place had what she needed so she chose to join the school with its students and try and learn more while keeping to her mission of trying to find away to stop her future. And make things right.
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randomvarious · 2 years
1990s Drum n Bass Playlist
Finally. FINALLY! A drum n bass playlist for Spotify. I’ve had one of these kickin’ around on YouTube for over a year now, but as I’ve been methodically combing through my collection, I was recently able to string enough songs together to constitute a Spotify playlist.
Drum n bass comes in many styles, many strains, and many moods, and while I don’t have a full representation of the 90s in this playlist (yet), I’ve still got an eclectic mix of great shit here to show you all within these ten tracks. Cold and dark malevolence from Quoit and The Ambush, jazzy bliss from James Hardway, a deep and chilly groove from Silverbeam, blues from Alexkid, a solitudinous and cinematic thinker from Krust, and a few tracks from some overlooked late 90s Toronto acts too. Plus, most of this stuff is pretty obscure; outside of Krust’s “Soul in Motion,” you probably won’t find any of these on your typical 90s dnb playlist 😊.
This playlist is ordered as chronologically as possible and links are provided below to songs that have been posted about previously in order to give them more context:
Quoit - “Stir” Dave Howard - “Spring 69″ Silverbeam - “Hallucinate” Krust - “Soul in Motion” Alexkid - “I Think” Ambush - “Detachment” Visionary - “Dangerous” Kinder Atom - “Cab Ride” Da Headbanga - “Innocent Hardstep Mix” James Hardway - “Sleep Tonight”
And this playlist is also on YouTube and YouTube Music too, with a whole lot more bonus tracks that aren’t on Spotify. It includes a handful of UK sci-fi beats from a compilation that’s not even on Discogs called Now What Kind of Music Do You Call That? as well as a couple stark-raving mad slices from Japan’s Baraki and Himuro. Plus a lot more other obscurities:
T Power - “Amber (Shy FX extended version)” Elementz of Noize - “Flexiwidatek” Silverbeam - “Weightless (Red Beamer mix)” Atomic Beats - “...And Beats Vol. 3″ PCM - “Varney” Trinity - “Lost Cities” Krust - “Maintain (Dave Angel mix)” James Hardway - “Back East” Baraki - “Wa To Yoni” Himuro - “9pm” Ready Made - “L'Ankou (F100 Mix)” W - “Dukes Up (DJ Abstract's One A.M. mix)” Where’s the Beach - “Universe” Timeshard - “Forget” King Canary - “Ambideadly” Cosmic Voyage - “Acid Radio” Force of Angels - “Linga”
But wait, we’re not done yet. I’m also segmenting these playlists down into smaller ones, so I’ve now got drum n bass playlists for 1997 and 1998 too, if you’re interested in that.
1997 Drum n Bass: YouTube / YouTube Music 1998 Durm n Bass: YouTube / YouTube Music
More to come, eventually. Stay tuned!
Like what you hear? Follow me on Spotify and YouTube for more cool playlists and uploads!
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koholint · 10 months
todays playlist:
Alex Reece - Candles
Jonny L - This Time
Silverbeam - Weightless
Everything But The Girl - Blame
Headspace - Blue Dawn
Hiroshi Takano - International Feel
Kaleidoscopio - Lua
Chumbawamba - Smalltown
Ram Jam World - Melody
D*Note - Flesh and Blood
Veil ∞ Yui Yamamoto - Shinsei Philosophy
DJ Et3rn1*T - Tear Drop
thanks for listening!
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theedoublec · 2 years
in the DnD campaign i play, uhh our Gunsmith thought it would be funny to uhh... see how many tumblr sexyman traits the BBEG fits based on the attached chart. he checked 12 / 13 boxes, and so he his request i will never discuss him. instead, i will discuss his brother, who fits like 6 of the traits. so Virtus is the brother to our BBEG and is a funny guy, as proclaimed by our dungeon master, a certified twink (forgive my language), a military strategist, and a fugitive of the law for treason that he isn't guilty of. he lives in our characters' basement. pretty cool dude, a little crazy after his brother and mother locked him in his room. i would share art, but i don't have permission, so i shan't (plus Michael doesn't have a tumblr to my knowledge). i hope that my description can paint enough of a picture.
ahem, Virtus Silverbeam is an elf of noble lineage, light hair, and lighter skin. for an elf, he isn't all that tall, rising about six foot five above the ground. his wardrobe is a light one, lush of greens and whites providing great contrast between his blue and golden eyes. he is a kind fellow, on the more muscular side but not super strong as he is a commander of war, not a warrior himself. overall, he is a kind fellow, one that just so happens to have caught the Gunsmiths eye.
i don't know where i would fit this, BUT the first time we saw him, he was wearing heels. he does have a tendency to wear heels. his brother is very tall, and so is the Gunsmith, so i guess it makes sense. one of the best pieces of art he's featured in is vouge style, so... yhea
tis all buhbye
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Bob Marley ‎– Remixed (Limited Edition)
Bob Marley ‎– Remixed (Limited Edition)
Not Now Music ‎– NOTLP283 Vinyl, LP, Album, Reissue, Yellow Vinyl 2019 Side 1. 1. Kaya (Bass Up Kevin Haskins Remix) 2. Sun Is Shining (Silverbeam Remix) 3. African Herbsman (Sen Dog/Cypress Hill Remix) 4. Fussin’ & Fightin’ (David Harrow Remix) 5. Don’t Rock My Boat (Sheep On Drugs Remix) 6. Mr. Brown (Electric Sky Church Remix) Side 2. 1. Put It On (Astralasia Remix) 2. Brain Washing (Filter…
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silverbeamdolls · 7 years
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Some more of my 3d models printed at shapeways. What’s your favorite item at shapeways be from my shop or any other? Or another fun question of what would you make if you could with 3d printing? #shapeways #silverbeam #silverbeamcreations #silverbeamdolls #pokemongo #tardis #doctorwho #charms #alicorn #bb8 #sakura #monocle #keyblade #starlight #deadpool #kyloren #lightsaber #3dprinting
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prcject-utcpia · 1 day
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"Ah, greasy burgers, here we come!"
Maple's snout is split by a grin as the stand outside the chain establishment. They turn to glance at the Moon-bearer, who follows closely behind. The two could not contrast further, at least visibly. While the Sun-bearer prattled on about what meals they liked at different restaurants, tail flicking and hands animated, Cedar was silent. Still. Their face betrayed no emotion, especially not the jittery swelling of excitement in their chest.
"Let's get a seat," Maple concludes, motioning for the other to join them.
They emerge through double-doors into a brief waiting area, behind which was a sprawling eatery with booth tables lining the walls and a couple dividers, and typical tables with normal chairs between them. In the center of the room was a bar that a few patrons had gathered around, booze in hand. It's like. Ten in the morning, guys. Get it together.
At the front waiting area, the baggy eyes of the hostess glance up to see the pair. Her spine whips upright, but her posture relaxes upon taking in the Sunbearer.
"Oh thank god, it's just you, Maple," she sighs. A hand is placed over her chest, as though calming a frightened animal.
"Are things that bad this morning?" Maple inquires, their gaze darting from wall to neon-plastered wall. "I know Blackjack's is busy on Fridays, but you looked ready to evaporate."
Cedar's brow furrows.
"We can head somewhere else if it's bad here," they offer.
The hostess gives a shaky smile to the blue dragon.
"I appreciate the thought, but really, everything should be fine... my shift'll end soon enough anyway..."
She trails off, and her eyes move between the pair. Blond brows furrow.
"New friend?" She asks Maple. "I haven't seen them around town before."
Cedar swallows the urge to roll their eyes.
"I just wanted to ask them some questions," Cedar replies. "They offered food. Why would I pass that up?"
Maple places a hand on their hip.
"Personally speaking, I'd count saving my tail against that drone as the beginning of a beautiful friendship," Maple snarks.
"It's an alliance of convenience," Cedar insists, flippantly. "You get me protecting you from yourself, I get answers to my violently burning questions."
"We're gonna be best friends."
"If you don't shut up, I'm eating YOU."
The hostess' head whips back and forth between the red and blue dragons, their remarks and jibes firing like guns into the overcrowded noise of the restaurant.
"So um. Are you wanting a table...?" she interjects, pulling the pair from their banter.
Maple rubs the back of their head. Cedar crosses their arms, looking away with a sharp huff. Both nod, sheepish in their embarrassment.
"Fantastic," the hostess sasses, motioning her head for the Brand-bearers to follow her. "A table JUST opened up for you."
With a shrug, Maple wanders after the girl toward the table, followed closely by Cedar. She sets down menus as the pair sit at the still-damp table, and settle across from each other into the soft leather of their booths.
"Now, your server will be out shortly," she intones musically, face drawn taut in an emotionless smile. "Enjoy your meal, you two!!"
She swivels on her heels and marches back to her relatively quieter seat at the front desk.
A moment of silence follows. Maple's eyes crinkle into a vague wince. Cedar leans back, arms crossed, into their booth, a single finger tip-tip-tapping their arm.
"Making friends everywhere you go, aren't you?" Cedar smirks, tail flopping into the space beneath their table.
The Sun-bearer rolls their eyes.
"Takes two to tango, buddy," they retort, pushing a menu across the table. "Now you can find your order, or you can keep being a jackass."
"Why not both?"
The Moon-bearer takes the menu, looking over the laminated rectangle. After a moment, silver eyes seemed to pause in their search, and, Maple could swear a bit of red would dust their face.
"...I think I have my order."
The red dragon nods, slowly, brow furrowed, before searching their own menu. There were a lot of good options at Blackjack's but Maple had their heart and stomach set on the barbecue spare ribs.
They set their menu down.
"So you said you had questions?" Maple starts, head tilting. Golden claws tap the table in rhythmic fashion.
"Oh! Yes, so..."
"Welcome to Blackjack's, I'm Gary, and I'll be your server today!"
An inked, pierced figure with a dyed mullet stood over the pair in an apron. Cedar's lips purse at the interruption.
"Do you all know what you'd like to order today?" Gary bubbled, oblivious to the blue dragon's death stare.
"Oh! Yes, am I able to get the ribs and sweet potato fries? I'd like honey mustard for dip. Oh, and ginger ale for the drink," Maple effuses.
Cedar's annoyance withers as the server turns to them.
"...Um." they begin, before muttering beneath their breath. Gary blinks a bit.
"I'm sorry, I couldn't quite catch tha-"
"I want the tenders with fries and a chocolate milk please," the Brand-bearer rattles off, louder this time, as though rehearsed. They avoid Maple's gaze as they order, face unreadable. The incessant eye contact seems to make the server uncomfortable, as the dragon returns the menus.
"O-okay, the chicken tenders with fries," Gary notes, a vexed smile still plastering the poor server's face. "Any dip...?"
"No thank you," Cedar levelly responds. Never let them know your next move.
"A-alright, a rib plate and a tender plate! I'll be back out shortly with your drinks."
Gary heads back the way he came, and Cedar stares at Maple, silently daring the other to comment on their order.
They merely tilt their head in response.
"Huh. I don't typically have the guts to order chocolate milk myself," Maple starts, prompting Cedar's ears to slowly fold back, before-
"I don't really care for the lack of refills. If I get a drink at a restaurant, I wanna fuckin' GUZZLE my drink with reckless abandon, not piecemeal it til the end."
The fluffball blinks. Ah. A fellow dragon of culture.
This earns the red dragon a subtle smile from the Moon-bearer, resulting in a fanged grin from the former in response.
"...See, you just lack discipline," Cedar jabs playfully. "But that much is obvious to anyone who's seen you fight."
Maple snorts in response, leaning back in their booth as Gary returns once more with the pair's refreshments.
"Hell yeah!" Maple blurts gratefully at recieving their drink. They're already tearing open their straw. "Thanks!"
"Thank you very much," Cedar follows, infinitely quieter than their counterpart. Very demure. Very mindful.
As Gary once more leaves them in peace, the blue dragon takes a sip of their bovine ambrosia, and folds their hands in front of them over the table.
"Now then... my questions."
"Shoot," the Sun-bearer permits.
"You seemed less surprised about my brand than I was about yours. Why?"
"Starting off strong, I see," Maple comments with a sigh. "To be honest, I was pretty shocked too. The opening you created just took priority."
Cedar's brow furrows.
"...Not what I meant."
Maple's head tilts. "What DO you mean then?"
"What do you know about us? Brand-bearers, I mean."
The red dragon shifts uncomfortably in their seat.
"...Not much. I know I'm not the first Sun Brand bearer. I know my predecessor was doing what I am now, for the most part."
Cedar's lips purse, the tip of their tail flicking as Maple continues.
"I also know he was killed for it, and that there could theoretically be a lunar brand to match," the corner of the dragon's mouth twitches. The straw of their ginger ale was now being assaulted by suction power akin to the vacuum of space.
"...Honestly, the fact that a Lunar Brand-Bearer could exist, alive and free, in front of me was more a cause for relief than anything else."
Alive and free? "What do you mean?"
A cough clears the scaled dragon's throat. A clawed hand raises to rub, almost habitually, at the golden pronged circle on their right hand.
"...What do mean, what do I mean?"
"You said me being 'alive and free' left you relieved. What did you mean by that?"
Golden eyes scrunch, as the scaled brow above them furrows. They say nothing, unable to meet their counterpart's gaze, their Brand rubbing only intensifying.
Cedar's heart begins to sink in their chest. Blue fur begins to stand on end.
"...Is it that hard of a question?" they press, the dim lighting above them beginning to flicker. "Are Brand-bearers imprisoned, or hunted or something? How are you here, if it's that dangerous for us??"
Maple's eyes glaze over at the bombardment, shoulders tense. The rubbing has since become a barely constrained gripping of their branded hand within their claws. More silence.
"...Please ask literally anything fucking else," they croak, their breaths quickening. "Please..."
The tension in the Moon-bearer's chest melted, hearing Maple's plea. The look in their eyes... they knew that look well. Every time Cedar looked in a mirror they saw that same expression. Their gaze softens with a sigh, and they lower their head, defeated.
"Alright," they concede. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to upset you."
Their fur flattens, and the flickering light stablizes and brightens one more.
Maple gives a half-hearted wave and a shrug.
"...I'm the one who said I'd answer your questions."
"I know, but..." Cedar trails off, arms folded with a small noise escaping their throat.
Cedar's mind was left racing. Maple was relieved to see another Brand-bearer "alive and free". The implications of such a statement were disturbing, to say the least. While the previous Sun-bearer, according the red dragon, was merely killed (presumably) for resistance to this city's corporate overlords, taken in context with the succeeding statement would lead to a possibly darker reality to the one they'd initially imagined. What was it Maple's predecessor was resisting? Was it as simple as it seemed on the surface?
Silver eyes fall to the table, and the pair sit in silence. One head full of thoughts, the other unable to think at all. It seemed almost like all energy had been sucked from their booth.
The clattering of plates cuts through the silence as Gary returns, a tray balanced expertly on one hand.
"Alrighty, everyone, I have a rib plate and a tender plate for Maple and Cedar?"
The server withers at being greeted by two dead and distant stares, an anxious chuckle gurgles from his throat.
"... What? Did I say something wrong?"
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fairykukla · 3 years
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He's back! Icky the Bat and most of his friends are rescued from the storage unit! I picked up something fun from the Bricoleur today.
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"23 Skadoo! Nice ride, Kukla!"
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"I agree," said Thimblina, "But I'm driving."
"I've seen you drive that batmobile."
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Ming hopped on. "I'll sit on the bumper seat!"
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"All right," Icky sighed. "But I get shotgun!"
"Go ahead, Icky. I have moor room to stretch my wings back here, anyway."
"When did the Imp get here?"
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"Hey guys! Whatcha doin? Can I come?"
"Hi there Bogey! Wanna ride in the new car with us?"
"Bogey!" Scolded Thimblina, "Get off the windscreen!"
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"Ok, I'll be the hood ornament!"
"Bogey! Come to the back, we have room for you!"
And so the Tinies get to go have a road trip together!
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dance-world · 3 years
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Casey Hess - photo by Luther Creek - Silverbeam Photo
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