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fullplaidponydreamer · 2 years ago
"Who do you think you are..."
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Meet Zara Amare
Name: Zara Amare
Gender: Female
Nicknames: The Executioner (Demon Realm), Demon Of Piety (Title Holder), The Forgotten One (Title), Zazi (Maaike), Razzle Zazzle (Also Maaike- Call her either of them and she will kill you)
Race: Demon
Age: 17-18 (Over a hundred years old)
Birthday: 10/31
Star Sign: Scorpio
Family: Mother Father, Maaike ((Older sibling)), Mike ((Younger Cousin))
Sexuality: Pansexual
Homeland: The Demon Realm (Currently)
Twisted From: Zeldris
Dorm : Daemosin
School year: 3rd year
Class: 3-A
Club: Martial Arts Club
Sports Team: Gymnastics Team
Best Subject: Hard to say, she's good with alot
Fun Fact
Dominant Hand: Left Handed
Favorite Food: Spicy Noodles, Anything with Chili
Least Favorite Food: Anything that Maaike cooks
Preferred Combat Style: Hand To Hand or Swordplay
Likes: Vampires ((She's a simp)), Sword Training with her mentor, Her private hiding spaces, Nature (Once she actually comes up to see it), Animals (Let her live her Disney princess moment), Cloudy Rainy Days
Dislikes: Being compared to Maaike, their father
Hobbies: Combat Study, Sword fighting, Exploration
Talent: Her sharp comebacks, One Of the Fastest Reaction Times For Fighting
Unique Magic: Ominous Entity
With Ominous Entity, Zara is consumed by demonic energy completely and her powers are unleashed to their fullest potential, as well as her bodies abilities being pushed to their highest limits. Her UM is usually a last resort tactic because when she activates Ominous Entity, she is unable to focus her attacks solely on her targets and once Ominous Entity is deactivated, it takes a severe physical toll on her body, and she must rest for a long duration period.
Being the younger sister of Maaike was never what it was cracked up to be. Cold, Violent, Uncaring, Zara was said to be the Executioner of their home, and the black sheep of the family. She was often over looked or treated coldly by their father which hurt her terribly until it started to only make her angry. Using it to push her, Zara made it her mission to become the best to try and finally gain some recognition beside her sister instead of being overshadowed by her. But there are still other sides to Zara than what the others see to her. Besides her rough prickly exterior, she genuinely is curious about the world that her sister escaped to even if she won't admit it. And she wishes to hopefully find that same freedom that Maaike found. Though she's going to go through one hell of a road to get to it.
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fullplaidponydreamer · 2 years ago
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Name: Sachi Blitz
Nickname: Sach, Chichi, Little Silverbeam, Blitz
Age: 18
Birthday: January 13th
Star Sign: Capricorn
Species: Beastman
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 185 cm
Hair: Silver with white streaks
Eye Color: Gold
Family: None in the current timelines
Homeland: Burned Home
Twisted From: Silver The Hedghog, Sonic Series
School: Hourglass Academy
Class: 2-C
Dorm: Tetravania
Occupation: Student
Club: Track Club and Botany Club
Best Class: Elemental Artes or Monster/Animal Culture
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Favorite Food: Pastas
Least Favorite Food: Crackers, it's a texture thing for her
Likes: Nature, Hiking, Being outside, Track running, Meditation/Yoga, Crystals, Healing, Exploring
Dislikes: Unnecessary violence, being disrespectful of others space
Hobby: Journaling/Photography
Talent: Elemantal magic, Animal handling
Unique Magic:
Attune Elements
Sanchi's magic is based mostly on being able to kinetically manipulate the varieties of elements within the different systems around her. Attune Elements allows her abilities to attune to the most prominent element at a stronger rate within that ecosystem in order to further help acclimate it and assist it in thriving. Say she is within a setting where she is mostly surrounded by water, her powers would mainly focus upon water based kinetic abilities. Or in an earth based setting her abilities would become primarily geokinetic with plant manipulation. The downside of her UM js that once she is in a setting and activates it and her abilities attune with one element in specific, she is restricted to that one.
Personality: Sachi is a bit of a quiet personality. When talking to people she is polite and friendly but she isn't the type to be overly chatty with people if they don't continously keep a conversation. She expresses a lot of humility compared to her counterparts and she always plays things down even if it is something quite big. She is fairly passive but If she sees something wrong being done in front of her she will step in and do something about it. She does not tolerate bullying and if she sees it she can and will drag a bully across the hall by the ear. Her quietness should never be mistaken for weakness.
Backstory: When Sachi was born, she was born in a ruined colony where everything had been burned and destitute. It had been destroyed by war and chaos and her mother who was alone gave birth to her while on the run from invaders who were trying to get rid of them. When they had gotten near captured, Sachi's mother told her to go back in time and find a place where she could learn how to stop ruin of their home coming to pass and sent her back using magic along with a talisman that sent her far back into the past where she found herself landed in the Hourglass Academy. Though it seemed the place had what she needed so she chose to join the school with its students and try and learn more while keeping to her mission of trying to find away to stop her future. And make things right.
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fullplaidponydreamer · 2 years ago
Meet Martez, the Twst Version Of Maria Robotnik
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Name: Martez Rotron
Nicknames: Marty, Tez, Robot Boy
Age: 19
Birthday: July 1st
Starsign: Cancer
Species: Human
Sexuality: Bisexual
Height: 5'6
Hair: Curly Blonde
Eye Color: Light Blue
Family: None that he would talk about
Homeland: Space Colony
Twisted From: Maria Robotnik from Sonic X Series
School: Hourglass Academy
Class: 3rd Year
Dorm: Tetravania
Occupation: Student
Club: None (Poor boy is shy)
Best Class: Any Health, Bio or Science related classes
Dominant Hand: Right handed
Favorite Food: Sweets
Least Favorite Food: Anything spicy (Low spice tolerance)
Likes: Hiding in the library to read, Quiet Spaces, Music (Loves instrumentals especially), Nature, Animals, Space, Astrology
Dislikes: Hospitals, Needles, Medicine he has to take, Overly loud noises, Violence
Hobby: Star Gazing, Nature Gazing
Talent: Medical Knowledge/Empathy
Unique Magic: Warm Heart
Martez's Unique Magic Warm Heart is a power based upon Empathy. He is able to feel the emotions of those around him while also being able to allow them to gradually feel his in small bits. The downside of this ability is that when he uses it, his body temperature drops ridiculously low and he gets sick and needs to rest for a certain period of time which already adds to his frail condition currently. Usually he is good at being able to connect with people emotionally but it is mostly used to help when someone is hurting and they need help or when he is helping someone who is erratic and he cannot get to them with words so he has to use it as a last resort.
Personality: Martez is very much a pacifist sweetheart, a soft spoken person and a sweet caring individual. He likes to try and stay happy and bring others happiness when he can and he is always optimistic about any circumstance that he is put under. He is very understanding with people even those with the hardest shell and he has a severe amount of patience when handling a person and he always does his best to keep the peace. He is supportive of everyone and their dreams and he accepts everyone as who they are. If you commit bad deeds infront of him or are about to react to something violently he will always try and diffuse the situation with talking because he can't stand fighting at all.
Martez was the Grandson of great scientists within the space colony who worked on special projects of creatures and humans being mixed together in order to study life and their DNA. Martez was sadly one of the reasons the experiments took place because they were trying to find a cure for him for a disease that he had that made him physically weak and ill and they though they could do it using the test trials and creating new medicines. He hated the experiments however and wished it to end but he had no physical power to make it stop. So he tried make it easier by trying to befriend the test subjects and one of them happened to have been saphira. He and Saphira had grown quite close and Spahira shared with him that she heard things from the guards about the outside world and Martez would try and provide little stories in order to provide some sort of comfort even though he had not seen as much either. When it seemed thr experiments would get worse and Saphira and the others were in danger, Martez decided he had to do something so he helped Saphira and the rest escape. Sadly he realized that he was dragging her behind and he was dead weight for the griup so he sent Saphira off with the rest before they could get caught and provided them time to escape. When the two were separated, Martez had Saphira make a promise to him. And the promise was that saphira would enjoy the world for him. And that she would make her own life and explore everything that her and Martez never got to properly see. And that was the last that he had seen of her.... Until now. Martez had finally been able to escape his family and the space colony. And now is coming to Hourglass Academy to find his friend and finally live a new life.
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fullplaidponydreamer · 3 years ago
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Legothŕylos is based on the game League of Legends as well as the show Arcane. The dorm allows students to work with technology and become engineers. Students who are in Legothŕylos get to tinker with mechanics while also learning how to advance it by using magic to help magnify its uses and effects. Some of their creations magnify strength, magic use, energy, or making physical labor a little bit easier for those who use the things they create. Though the way that some of the students go about it, can differ.
The Dorm leader and Vice Dorm leader both clash heads coming from the rougher backgrounds though the dorm leader believes in handling things in a more calm manner while the vice dorm leader believes in more intimidation and some harsher tactics. They both have the idea of evolving, just very different views of how that needs to be done.
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Uniform on the far left is the male uniform. The jacket and vest are both optional. They are able to be customized in order to fit the character aesthetic of the different types of ocs. The other two outfits are the two versions of the female uniform. They are able to add accessories, hair pieces and customizations as well to give their own little individuality.
Dorm Color
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The Dorm colors for Legothŕylos are red and blue.
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Legothŕylos Dorm is formatted in a very steampunk cybertech style with two layers. The top layer is for those who came from better standing families and riches and more comfortable households. The bottom layer is for those who came from more rough households or have darker personas and tributes. But both are taken care of by the Dorm Leader and Vice Dorm Leader.
There are two stereotypes in regards to Legothŕylos. The first stereotypes is that the students tend to be very stuck up, know it all, knowledgeable kids. Those are usually the ones that come from the higher privileged part of the dorm. They can actually be sweet however and fairly kind. Just depends on who you meet. The other stereotype is that the students are brutes who know nothing and only use the technology they have for violence or take things to far. Though some of them actually just push the limits to create grander things and use it for survival.
Requirements for Students
-Students must be based on an Arcane/League Of Legend character.
-They have to have some distinction to differentiate each other.
Dorm Card
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Dorm Leader
Vance Hound- Twisted From Vander
Fourth Year
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Vice Dorm Leader
Simon Sirillus- Twisted From Silco
Fourth Year
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fullplaidponydreamer · 3 years ago
Here is his picrew reference
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Name: Valentine Valorian
Nicknames: Val (Just for shirt), Handsome (Vanessa), Heartbreaker (By ninety percent of the people he hooked up with, cause man played 🤣)
Age: 19
Birthday: February 14th
Starsign: Aquarius
Species: Demon
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 6'7
Hair: Light Brown/Blonde
Eye Color: Purple
Family: None (All are deceased)
Homeland: Lost Fortress (Though that is unknown to people)
Twisted From: Valtor From Winx Club
School: Hourglass Academy
Class: 4th Year
Dorm: Magixelle
Occupation: Student
Club: Occult Club/ Sorcery Club
Best Class: Dark Arts
Dominant Hand: Left Handed
Favorite Food: Tuscan Soup
Least Favorite Food: Fish
Likes: Quiet Places, Practicing Magic, Teasing Lumi, Causing A Little Mischief
Dislikes: Authority, Most Royalty, Overly serious people, light magic
Hobby: Dancing (He likes traditional slow dances)
Talent: Dark Magic, Telepath
Unique Magic: Let There Be Darkness
Valentine's Unique Magic allows him to mentally manipulate what you see for a limited amount of time in battle causing you to see demonic entities and a destroyed nightmarish version of the world. It will leave you disoriented for a small period of time after the fight. He experiences exhaustion after which restricts him from using magic for a bit though he is still functional.
Personality: Valentine is very flirtatious, persuasive and very smooth when talking to other people. He comes off as alluring and helpful though others will admit he has somewhat of an edge to him underneath that 'kindness'. And that isn't wrong. Underneath the Facade, Valentine can be cruel and vicious and sadistic towards those who cross him. He can be manipulative when times call for it. Though he is loyal to those who are loyal to him and if you are not one of his targets, he will either respect you or ignore you.
Not much is actually known about Valetine's past. When talking about his childhood, he is very vague, often just saying that he grew up in a small section of one of the kingdoms and that it was rough but that he made it out. Though when people pry, he tends to become a bit more snappy and usually warns others not to pick at him for information so they will usually have to leave him alone. One thing to be noted, Valentine seems to not be too big of a fan of their dorm leader Dragiselle, but they can't really say too much due to the fact that he is usually reserved around her and polite so it seems like it's hard to tell.
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fullplaidponydreamer · 3 years ago
Since I haven't drawn any art for this girl just yet, please enjoy this reference from Picrew 💖
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Name: Diamante Opalescent
Nicknames: Diamond (For those who can't properly say her name), Dime (For short), Princess (Due to her attitude and status), Rich B**** (Due to her wealth status and her personality), Little Gemstone/Jewel (By her family, the nickname she hates the most)
Age: 18
Birthday: August 13
Starsign: Leo
Species: Fairy
Height: 5'6
Eye Color: Honey comb
Hair color: Light Blonde
Mother: Queen Celestia Opalescent
Father: King Solar Opalescent
Other Family Members: Multiple Aunts And Uncles, Cousins, ETC.
Homeland: Grimstone Kingdom
Twisted From: Princess Diaspro from Winx Club
School: Hourglass Station Academy
Class: Third Year
Dorm: Magixcella
Occupation: Student
Club: Maim Club: Sorcery Club (Though she is gonna join multiple)
Best Subject: Anything with Fine Arts
Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous
Favorite Food: Sweets, Candies, Pastries (Most Favorite being Chocolate Covered Strawberries)
Least Favorite Food: Anything Sour
Dislikes: Her family, Corsets, Too many social gatherings, Being 'Dolled Up'
Hobbies: Sketching, Fashion Designing Dancing, Makeup Designing, Dancing, Singing, Jewelry Making
Talent: Jewelry Making (She feels proud when she can make something beautiful with her hands, not her magic)
Unique Magic:
Using her Unique Magic, Diamante is able to turn her skin into a crystal like armor that protects her from magic attacks and strengthens her body against physical attacks for a limited amount of time.
Personality: Diamante is most definitely a spoiled princess. She has a short temper and is often interpreted as rude and condescending when she speaks to others. She can be very judging and often wants things to go her way and gets very angry when things go wrong. Most people tend to either stay far away from her to avoid her outbursts or grovel and appeal to her to try and stay in her good graces though that only seems to anger her more. But for those who get to know Diamante, they learn she actually has a soft side but has a harsh way of speaking. Some of her critiques are actually her trying to help and guide others from making mistakes and get better results for themselves because she won't want them to settle or look bad. She is a very loyal friend to those who are loyal to he and stick around long enough to get to know her. She will get clingy to them when they do so they do have to sometimes deal with that.. She also grows angry when things don't go her way because she's anxious and has a perfectionist issue due to her parents pressure to be the best out of the best and it has taken its toll on her expectations of herself. She actually has a lot of insecurity due to their demands and words and has a low view of herself and has a deep self hatred for things she recognizes in herself. She wants to make changes and better herself, but it will take her alot to figure out how.
Born within the Grimstone Kingdom as the only child to the King and Queen Of Jewels, Diamante already had a very high set of expectations set upon her from her family. She was raised within a very wealthy household and taught how to be a proper young woman and a royal . She was often pushed to social events by her parents and family and used to try and gain power by setting her up with boys who she never really cared for from other wealthy families. She grew up to be a fierce young woman who did often clash with her parents though never really fought against them till she became close friends with one of their servants, a young girl names Liliana. Liliana was her only reprieve from the stresses of her life but when her family realized that she was being 'distracted', they sent Liliana away, leaving Diamante alone once again to deal with her parents anger and their strictness increasing. When she was 0ffered to come to the school, Diamante's parents at first were against sending her to Hourglass Station Academy, until she managed to convince them to send her, making them believe it would be good for her to practice 'exercising her power'. Though in reality, it was just for her freedom.
-Diamante is a repressed closeted lesbian in denial. She won't admit to it and has often to tried to date boys on her family's wishes, but it never works out for her.
-She has a very big soft spot for animals and the outdoors, she was just never really allowed to explore that without doing it 'properly'
-Diamante never had any sense of privacy at home really except during the night in her room. She was always escorted and accompanied by someone her family chose so she could never be by herself. She appreciates the fact that the school gives her that opportunity.
-She is envious of other girls who don't have to live with the same expectations she has to. She wishes for the same freedom she has but she is too weak to try and really fight for it.
-Due to Diamante's magic being involved with gemstones and jewels, she was often extorted or taken advantage of by others so they would be able to gain riches quickly. They often tried to be close to her and ask for gems she could make and she knew it. That is why she is so weary and distrusting of others. She can't really tell if they want to be her friend or just want a wealth dispenser.
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