#silver's dead
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vimesbootstheory · 14 days ago
oh btw to me there's no fucking way john kreese is dead
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darticous · 3 months ago
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ridin' with peepaw :D
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charmwasjess · 3 months ago
We simply do not talk enough about how Asajj Ventress is just as much a surviving heir of the Disaster Lineage as the rest of that fucked up family
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sictransitgloriamvndi · 1 month ago
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Where lie the dreamless dead (c. 1922/silver photograph) - Gordon Furlee Brown
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bugdoesscribbles · 3 months ago
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silver fox
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futuristichedge · 1 year ago
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The most well adjusted apocalypse survivor
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sunanthonyz · 1 year ago
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Well also here are my favorite moments from the new chapters
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ladystoneboobs · 4 months ago
idt we talk enough about how a song of ice and fire is also the song of incest and cannibalism. i mean, sure, obviously both of those subjects are noted as present, but the saga feels much more known for its incest, which idt is fair or accurate to the later materiel. iirc, jaime fucking cersei next to their dead firstborn is the last instance of onpage incest happening in present tl, and after that it's all about the cannibals, baby.
(disclaimer: cw/tw sa, cw/tw rape, and i'm not counting cousincest as that's normal in-world even for non-targaryens and also still legal in many places in our world today, nor counting the faux-incestuous freudian mess that is littlefinger/alayne(sansa)/sweetrobin, nor any dark humor jokes and/or unfulfilled threats wrt forced cannibalism)
in fact pretty much all the active incest during the present tl happens in those first 3 books:
the twincest as a major plot point ofc, kicking action off when bran saw them fucking in a tower
and viserys creeping on dany and twisting her nipple
tyrion relating his backstory to bronn wherein he and tysha were both raped by proxy by his father, tywin (tho tyrion does not use that terminology)
craster still being alive to rape and impregnate his own daughters (resulting in dozens of forced incestuous relationships)
and theon unknowingly groping his own sister while she (knowingly) groped him in return
jaime's early pov recalled how he shut up cersei with kissing when they fought after bran refused to die
bella of stoney sept trying and failing to seduce gendry who is (unbeknownst to them both) her half-brother as both were sired by robert baratheon (only example in these 3 books where incest was averted before any sexual activity or incestuous contact occurred)
the aforementioned sept twincest next to joffrey's corpse
tyrion learning from oberyn about cersei twisting his penis when he was a baby
cersei's failed attempt to seduce jaime in wst, pulling out his dick for either a bj or hj until her talk of tyrion's death made him lose his boner
while incest is not exactly absent from the text after that, it seems to exist in the feastdance only in hypotheticals or past memories:
aeron's trauma flashbacks of his (implied only in published text) csa by euron
jaime still feeling lust when seeing cersei nude
and her fond reminiscing about them fucking behind robert's back/brief dream of them as a married couple before her walk of shame
and cersei remembering another time she twisted baby tyrion's penis
victarion misinterpreting asha's offer of partnership as a marriage proposal and suddenly looking at his niece in a new way with "his manhood beginning to stiffen"
jaime's recollection of fucking cersei at darry next to robert as he was passed out drunk before cersei sent him to hunt arya (which would have happened back in agot and the point of this scene is more his failed hunt for a child just to make cersei happy)
arianne's "uneasy" memory of a past fantasy about being seduced by a man whose description is suspiciously similar to her late uncle oberyn
the aborted marital match of aegon/young griff to his purported aunt dany
illyrio saying (the now dead) viserys tried to rape dany the night before her wedding to drogo (another event from agot concerning a guy we already knew was into incest)
and tyrion once saying he wanted to rape as well as murder cersei
conversely, the cannibalism in the earlier books is most often only unproven hypotheticals alluded to as possible cannibalism:
old nan saying the others fed their dead servants the flesh of human children (which we have not yet seen with any wights so far, whether or not one counts walking undead eating human flesh as straight-up cannibalism)
the mystery meat in flea bottom's bowls o' brown which may or may not contain symon silver tongue after tyrion had him killed
renly's recollection that cressen kept stannis from catapulting their old master-at-arms by saying they may need to eat him later (which did not come to pass thanks to davos)
joffrey telling his people to eat their own dead (with no way of knowing if any actually did)
lady hornwood eating her own fingers (though bran's pov only notes them being chewed on, not swallowed. it's only in adwd that people talk of her eating the fingers.)
the mentions of the ice river clans being the cannibals beyond the wall (who are def not among the free folk jon snow gets to know onpage, making it just background detail)
bran's (possibly mythical) story of the rat cook
and biter chewing on people he attacked and other corpses (which seems to be just a side hobby connected to his killing method moreso constituting a snack than a full meal from a person butchered for meat. this tendancy of his is just background detail in acok, with biter chewing a corpse in the background after the weasel soup operation, and the hindsight implication that it could well have been him rather than dogs or wolves who had "been at" the corpses after the skirmish where yoren was killed)
while the feastdance feels much more in your face with cannibalism, having not only more total mentions of the practice but also more confirmed, actual cannibalism (as opposed to the ambiguity of each and every bowl o' brown), for those who know how to look at the evidence:
jaime learned that his father's mad dog aka the mountain fed parts of vargo hoat to all his prisoners (including vargo himself) after recapturing harrenhal
and euron bragged about pulling a similar trick with the warlocks he captured (the only twist being that the warlocks knew what they were being forced to eat, which vargo hoat and wylis manderly etc at harrenhal likely didn't)
the elder brother of the quiet isle told of biter eating all of a woman's breasts at saltpans after she'd been raped and killed (prob the largest amount of flesh biter's confirmed to have eaten from one corpse)
bran and co. ate "pig" supplied by coldhands which had to be long pig aka human meat
brienne felt her face being eaten by biter in her own pov (which is so much worse than him chewing others in the background of the weasel soup scene)
theon was told that two ironmen at moat cailin were found eating their dead comrades
the astapori were said to eat their own dead while under siege by the yunkishmen
and then were said to do so again in refugee camps outside meereen
sam and davos sailed past skagos and each remembered stories of skagosi cannibalism
khrazz the pit fighter cut the hearts from his defeated foes to eat them
cotter pyke's last letter to jon snow said the wildlings were eating their own dead at hardhome
4 of stannis's men were executed by burning for butchering and eating other men (with asha wondering how many others had done so without being caught)
and ofc the frey pies with wyman manderly having his 3 former guests killed and serving their meat to their own kin and the other guests at ramsay's wedding while eating some himself too
two of these examples (involving gregor clegane and euron greyjoy) must have actually happened during the course of asos, but grrm chose to give us the gruesome details in affc, which was brand new information about men we already knew were villains but did not know were into that fucked-up shit specifically, unlike being reminded that agot-era jaime and viserys wanted to fuck their sisters. (and not unlike how adwd has the clarification of multiple characters saying lady hornwood ate her own fingers as opposed to bran's acok pov just saying she chewed on them.) it's as if after craster was killed and jc effectively broke up grrm decided cannibalism was the taboo subject matter he would fill the later books with, so we'd really feel the increasing danger of starvation-induced cannibalism with winter's arrival (and have no trouble believing rickon's new home of skagos really is a cannibal island). however, in-universe it feels like there's some sort of environmental balance connection so that the decrease in one formerly common behaviorial abomination just allows another such abomination to fill in the gap with a sharp increase in activity, like deer overpopulation resulting from lack of predators as if all the active incest somehow stopped more people from eating themselves or other people.
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stripysockxx · 26 days ago
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I’ve been thinking about a universe where Amy the hedgehog is our main character and her rival is Blaze the cat…. This is just a self indulgent fuse of Sonadow and blazamy but I’m kinda crazy about it…. Idk infodump below????
Okay so Amy here is pretty much Sonic but not as fast, and she still has her hammer because and I quote “it’s cool”. She doesn’t have to use it to fight but she has fun with it and she KNOWS she looks cool. But yeah I have more thoughts about Blaze….
I’m honestly finding it kinda difficult to translate Shadows story but… Blaze is the ultimate life form created by (probably some variation of Maria as an eggwoman not sure yet) and was created to be a weapon for gun. Iblis is basically this universes black doom and its flames are living inside of her. She wears 5 inhibitor rings to ensure she doesn’t overdo her power (2 on her arms, legs and one in her hair) Now I kinda want Silver to be her dead sibling….. and I’m really rocking with the idea that Blaze accidentally kills him… but then that doesn’t really set up her want for revenge but… I don’t know the thought of her resenting her power but not able to do anything about it I really like.. and I love when characters struggle with self hatred and suicidal tendencies so…
And just like Amy showing Blaze to accept herself and her power, is just cute and I want insane crazy girl rival Yuri in my life so yeah idk I’m gonna cringe if anyone read this but I’m cringe and free…
oh also about the last piece I was thinking that if blaze went super she wouldn’t be able to control herself and would incinerate the entire universe being the only one to remain for eternity :) Butttt!! Since Amy would be there to go super with her she would be able to control it with her help!! Yay!
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hayweerc · 3 months ago
An Espilver AU dump. 💜🤍
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Bound by Chaos Espilver redraws - me
Dead and Love - @lm-tomatito
Bucket hats - @lm-tomatito
Black Knight AU - @v10l3tz-thmblr
Flower Prince - @chaolimez
Rockstar AU - @ken-yamh
Monster AU - @inkletvoidz
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mrstellmeafuckingsecret · 1 month ago
when people say sirius changed his morals for james i get annoyed bc he's been conscious of his family & wanting to rebel long before hogwarts meanwhile james is the one who's humiliating people just because sirius is bored
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kitamars · 2 years ago
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oh no! more ginhiji
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poirott · 5 months ago
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David Suchet on his moustache in AGATHA CHRISTIE'S POIROT tv show → Studio 10 interview, Aug 13 2019
"By the step leading up into the sleeping car stood a young French lieutenant, resplendent in uniform, conversing with a small lean man, muffled up to the ears, of whom nothing was visible but a pink-tipped nose and the two points of an upward curled moustache. [...] Two men below her window were talking French. One was a French officer, the other was a little man with enormous moustaches. She smiled faintly. She had never seen anyone quite so heavily muffled up." - Agatha Christie, Murder on the Orient Express
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deadmotelsusa · 5 months ago
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A stay at the Silver Sands Motel is like walking back into a 1960s vacation. ✨
Complete with a pink exterior and retro-styled rooms, this place couldn’t be more perfect. Along side their motel buildings, they also have beachfront cottages and suites on the property.
I stay at a lot of motels. Most don’t make it to this page. Every once in a while I like to break up the depressing dead motels I post about by sharing an Alive Motel™ that I really love. The Silver Sands has officially made it on my favorites list.
As always, I’ve included a few then/now comparisons, though not much has changed over the years. They removed a few trees and did renovations here and there but ultimately, it looks just like it did upon opening over 60 years ago.
If you find yourself in the lakes region of New Hampshire, I can think of at least one pink motel calling your name.
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sweet-shut-eye · 1 year ago
I can’t believe they gave Mikaela a girlfriend
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bindinglove · 4 months ago
i remember literally peeing laughing when feyre was talking to rhys about the tithe and rhys was like god no we don’t have tithe how cruel, and feyre was like omg so you guys don’t tax people? and rhys was like no we definitely tax people
i literally cackled like c’mon man
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