#silly goofy mistake
fostopia · 2 years
on the!!! joner post it says tht someone draws a mouth on him,, so does tht mean the others can see the ghosts? does mark get to hang out w/ uncle dave again :0 ?
The others can see the ghosts, yes! The way I like to imagine it is that our sillies have two options of visibility; fully visible or completely imperceivable. When visible everybody and every living thing can see/interact with them, while imperceivable gives the ghosts the ability to interact with things (and be interacted with, but that only by being bumped into a you cannot go through spirits in this) but they cannot be seen by anybody— including one another, which makes for some interesting situations.
Mark usually stays invisible, while Cesar likes to show themself. [I’ll only draw them the second way for needed portrayals of invisibility]
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Commonly, they only show themselves around Jonah and Adam for the first while after the two tethered to the teens, more or less for the sake of comfort— even if both of them itched to talk to Sarah when the BPS boys ended up crashing at her place. It was really hard for Mark to stop himself from going visible to interact with her, too afraid that she’d be upset with him for never coming around in the 16 years he’s been a ghost.
Sarah ends up learning about them when she bursts into the guest room to ask Adam and Jonah a question, and the ghosts are standing there with them. Lots of tears and hugs though! Little family reunion
Mark does get to see Dave again; Unlike with Sarah, he genuinely can’t stop himself from going visible when he first sees him again because man, he thought he was dead [Alt!Cesar told him he was, and it’s hard not to believe the guy who killed you, your best friend, and almost your other friend.]
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spookyratking · 4 months
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dancingpottedplant666 · 5 months
So you know how Tf2 takes place in New Mexico? Well I’m an animal lover, and I know that there are tons of fantastic creatures there and I’m sure there are a bunch of them they would 100% be hanging around the nooks and crannies of RED team’s base. So I present to Ye:
Scenarios about our beloved mercs and an animal-loving reader handle an encounter with New Mexico’s amazing fauna. 
Part 1: Offense
Scout and the Roadrunner
It was one of those moments where it was somewhat peaceful outside the base for once(this being only a little shouting and an explosion every hour or so) and you where just sitting outside with Scout as he snacked on a bucket of chicken and talked your ear off with anything that came to his mind, all of which you pleasantly listened to. Then, a blur of brown whizzed by the both of you. You bolded up in your seat as Scout looked at you quizzically
“ey, is somethin’ wrong toots? I know my story was great n’ all but I didn’t think it was that excitin’”
You put a finger to his mouth as you pointed to where you saw the blur dashed to, and after a few seconds, a small bird patters into view.
“Holy shit Scout check it out! It’s a roadrunner!”
You whisper-shouted. He gave a puzzled look and then gave the small bird an eyebrow raise
“uh, huh, whazat s’posed ta mean?”
He tried to look like he knew what that was but he did a very terrible job of doing so. You excitedly told him about the little bird as it scampered around the dirt,
“it’s literally a badass Scout, it nests in cacti to protect it’s babies, can run up to 26 miles per hour, and it can kill and eat snakes like it’s nothing!”
He just stared at you as you in amazement as you continue on telling little facts about the tiny bird, until you both froze as it started to ease over to Scout. You told him to not freak out as he was looking a bit intimidated, until the bird plucked a chunk of chicken from his bucket and bolted.
“HEY!” Scout yelled as he jumped up and started sprinting after the roadrunner,
“Unfair! that’s my chicken ya dumb bird! Not yours!”
At this point you were clutching your stomach and laughing as you watched a grown ass man chase after a two foot bird around in circles in the dust.
Soldier and (somehow)the Porcupine
As per usual, Soldiers booming, patriotic, voice was rattling the hallways of the base, so to try and spare some of the other men some peace for a while, you offered to take one for the team, and offer to listen to his “speeches” outside so his voice could be “heard across America more efficiently”.
……….Speech number, what? 19? You couldn’t remember. It felt like you were listening to this man talking about everything striped and star spangled for hours. Until a rustling was heard in the distance. Soldier neck almost snapped in half as he turned to face you,
You could just see his eyes under his helmet as they darted every which way. “Uh, I’m not sure, maybe it’s-”
You didn’t get a chance to finish as Soldier sprinted towards the detection of the noise.
You ran after him and did your best to keep up, trying to tell him that this wasn’t the best idea, but by the time you caught up to him, he was crouched, face first, in a shrub.
“Soldier! what the hell are you doing! You- oh no..”
Out of the bush came an American porcupine, chittering and squeaking as it bolted in the opposite direction. You didn’t even want to know what happened, but you asked anyway.
“uh, Soldier? You ok?”
He shot up, back facing you,
He turned around, the bottom half of his face was covered in quills. You gasped and put your hand over your mouth.
“oh god, what did you do?”
He very vividly describes how he was fearlessly defending the base from the intruder as you dragged him down to Medic’s office. “SO YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT WASN'T A SPY?”
“No, it was an American Porcupine”
“Yes, yes he was, and he was surprised that a fellow American attacked him”
The conversation carried on back and forth until you reached Medic’s office, and you could say he was a tad bit shocked at Soldiers face, but then he handed you a pair of tweezers and some disinfecting ointment and pushed you two out of his office saying he was busy(most likely to do with a new supply of organs). So you spent the next two hours plucking quills from Soldier’s face as you told him more about porcupines.
“They are the largest rodents in America, and they have poor eyesight so they mostly rely on hearing and smell”
“yeah, they would be in more danger if they didn’t have their quills, hey, did you know the reason why it hurts so much to take out is because there’re barbed?”
When finally, all of the quills were removed, you had to forcefully smother his face in the ointment and put bandages on the nastiest cuts. Afterwards, you sent him off and flopped down on the sofa and let out a sigh. This will be quite a story for later.
Pyro and the Desert Centipede
Engineer was working in the garage one evening and you offered to come and keep Pyro company while he worked to make sure nothing was set ablaze. Safe to say you didn’t really understand how Pyro’s funny little brain worked, nor their mumbled speech, but you still treated them like the rest of the mercs and did your best to understand what they say.
You were looking up at the sky while Pyro played with matches and drew little doodles in the dust, until they got up and mumbled a few little words and crouched down near a rock. You got up to see what they were doing when they very forcefully took hold of something with their gloved hand.
“Hey buddy, what do you got there- OH HOLY FUCK”
You jumped back as he turned around and held a squirming centipede right up to your face and cocked their head.
“Hudda hu?”
They sounded as if they were asking what it was. They knew you liked animals, they saw you draw them and talk about them all the time, so if anyone knew what this was, it was you.
“Oh, y-you wanna know what that is?”
After calming yourself down, you sat next to him.
They nodded a yes as the centipede did its best to try and bite the pyromaniac, but their thick gloves prevented its jaws from ever piercing skin.
“well, uh, you should probably hold it more at the back of the head then holding on to its mid-section”
They looked at their hand and repositioned it so the centipede was curling somewhat comfortably around the glove.
“yeah just like that! Good job!”
They let out a noise of pride and settled down as you bestowed upon them some epic centipede knowledge.
“These dudes are the largest centipedes in North America, and can reach up to 8 inches in the wild, they’re called centipedes because of their one hundred legs, but they actually can have less or even more than that!”
“Hrmpf Hudda Mpf!”
Pyro excitedly listens to every word you say, eagerly waiting for more.
“Not many centipedes are dangerous to humans, but that one is one of the only few that can harm humans. Their venom isn’t fatal to non allergenic people, but they can certainly give you a nasty nip if provoked”
You continued info dumping as Pyro eagerly listened on until Engie decided it was probably time for them to head back inside. Pyro let out a small mumble-complaint but eventually with enough convincing, they let the centipede scuttle back under the rock where they found it.
Now, every once in a while, you and Pyro will sit out side and look for centipedes under the night sky.
Until you needed to go back inside.
“Pyro, what’s in your pocket?”
*several centipedes fall out*
Let me know if you guys would like a part 2!
Update: HEY HEY! Part 2 here!
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dizzybevvie · 1 year
"Stoick was just as bad as Spitelout" just say you didnt watch Riders of Berk
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I Am Rattling The Stans Around In My Brain Aggressively Like A Maraca
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mazojo · 2 years
The way Kyuma’s team gaslit themselves constantly thanks to a man that walked around naked talking in fake deeps, I wish I was as delusional as them
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My friend who bought this for me is responsible for any further shenanigans with this stupid fucking cat 🫶
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thedrotter · 5 months
cw blood (kind of? in different colors that dont make it look quite like it), organs
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warm up + greyscale screen filter challenge !!! featuring yuuichi eating normal human (in origin) food😁😁😁
#re:kinder#fanart#yuuichi mizuoka#he was meant to be eating watermelon#but as usual my brain felt silly goofy and decided to twist it for the lols#havent done rendering since i was 15 have mercy#since this is a warm up there are. more mistakes than usual but in my defense i forgot how to draw#michael how did you forget how to draw you were drawing JUST 4 DAYS AGO#ocurre y acontece the yet to be diagnosed and determined hand condition has been acting up in those days i have not drawn#AND SOMEHOW IT MESSED WITH MY HAND TO EYE COORDINATION it got rid of my inner calibration settings ig#but since being out of it for days in pain made me sad I WAS NOT ABOUT TO BE STOPPRD FROM DRAWING YUUICHI FOR THE MILLIONTJ TIME#it would have been a bad idea to let myself rust even longer because i dont know if unspecified undetermined condition will act up tomorrow#so irs best to draw and warm up and set back them inner calibration settings#IT WORKED AND THIS DRAWING TURNED OJT BLUE😭😭😭#OF ALL THINGS I DID NOT THINK IT WOULD TURN OUT BLUE whenever i did look at the color wheel i swear. i was on the warm side#placed greyscale filter on computer so i wouldnt see color and painted like that tossing random colors AND YET IT TJRNED OUT UNIFIED#which. welcome results but i cannot believe it is blue and green. i swear whenver i looked at thay cplored wheel it was up in the warm side#well most of the time i did not look at it so it makes sense i didnt realize but i seriously did not think it would look as coherent#doesnt have any deep meaning or anytjing i just found random referenxe and flew from there#but interpret as you will if you wanna
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bluereo · 1 year
Trio of Chaos!AU
Sorry in the beginning. This turned out more serious then I intended but I want to create some surroundings for future crack.
Memes at the end
Backstory more or less part 1
Megatronus and Soundwave meet eachother in the arena. Sound held the title of chempion for some short time before he was chalanged and overthrown by Megs. Still the fight was toughter then both expected. Finding themselves nearly equal in battle they started to form very slowly their friendship.
They build trust and understanding between eachother. Soon they were inseparable. They always had eachother backs. In the arena or not. Megatronus got along with cassettes too.
They discovered through Megatronus poems that their political views were similar too. Megatronus started writing a lot more in his free time then. Between matches and trainings he always stayed at his quarters preparing essays and poems usually with Ravage or Laserbeak as his companions.
Soundwave beeing the technological master he is soon found a way to publish his essays online.
In the matters of days and weeks more and more bots started to read and talk about Megs works. Mostly in lower castes but not only. Of course he used a pseudonym to not be recognized by someone of higher standing immediately.
They never expected that their works would ever reach someone of wealthier middle or higher cast. Until one day they got a message on their private communication Chanel with they both used.
Soundwave was always confident about their security soo the moment they saw unknown message from encrypted com they were kinda stunned.
"Your words reached even Iacon. Though you need to be careful. Those words can get you killed - O.P."
This message woke up something inside Megatronus. He was heard by someone above. His words were spreading and listened to even by bots of Iacon, the capital of north half of Cybertron.
"And who are you secret messenger? Are you perhaps trying to warn me that someone already chosen to snuff my spark and i should watch my back? - M."
Reply came almost immediately.
"Of course not. I'm intrigued and interested about your other political views. Also, I would like to discuss some unclear details in you last essay. Of course if you are ready to chalange? - O.P"
Megs smilled to himself when Soundwave siting next to him confirmed that no one was spying on them.
"Then bring it on, let's see what you have to say - M."
And that was the start of the longest debates in Megatronus live. Days and night he was writing with secret O.P. who never introduced himself. He found someone who chalanged his views in constructive way.
In the matter of weeks they went from using their initials to full names. Mysterious O.P. was an archivist Orion Pax who worked in the Hall of records under Alpha Trion. There was something in the way they talked, that instantly made them fully understand eachother. Their views complemented and soon Orion started to be an editor of megatronus works. He gave him more words to use, more materials to work on and much more motivation to write.
They were working together something around two months when Megatronus invited Orion to Kaon. They both craved meeting in person and ability to discuss everything without long long messages. Soundwave on the other hand chosen to use safe distance for now. He too was amazed by the archivist and his dedication to their work but chosen to be safe rather then sorry if something bad happened.
When they finally met, something just clicked and Soundwave, Megatronus and Orion become much more then ally. They become friends. Orion turned out to be a truthful person who, even with his higher standing, could see the pain and misery of those below.
Orion stayed in Kaon for whole 3 days. Cassettes loved how, even when he was working, still payed them a lot of attention and could listen to their stories without a problem. He could fully concentrate on two, three and sometimes even four things in the same time.
The  the time came for Orion to return Soundwave needed to separate his minions from archivist who was one minion tear way from staying another day.
Their thrived around eachother. Need for change in the system become their focus. Soon Megatronus started presenting his speeches after won matches. Orion spent days and night making sure that there were good enough to present, he even pulled some political strings and few contacts to make sure about pits beeing safe for time beeing. Soundwave carefully made sure that no Master of Pits tried to help Megatronus dissappear and started to use some contacts to find a safe place for meetings of more and more mechs who started to listen and follow them.
In matter of weeks their work started to pay off. They were able to get real medic to do health exams on bots living in the Pits poorest around. They were able to get some datapads and even teach some mechs how to read and write. Of course hunger among them was still a thing but with time and some strings pulled they managed to get few allys who supported their movement from the shadows.
Their "headquarters" was safely hidden underground in old cavern of unknown use. But Soundwave was nearly sure that this place is remnant of secret tunnels to hide bodies of those who perished in the ages when rust plague thrived, but never actually been used. Those tunnels provided them with a lot of space and safe ways of going in and out.
This was normal to see there Orion surrounded by young sparkling begging him to tell them another story. Pax thanks to beeing an archivist remembered a lot of those, especially about first primes and their legacy.
Normal was also finding Megatron in company of his loyal followers who offered their help and ideas on next steps.
Normal was that Soundwave allowed his minicons to roam free around. He knew they were safe and there was nothing that could hurt them here. They were among those who would always help them.
Okay so that's the first part of backstory. It came out serious but I focused on main events. I will post some separated post with more silly situations after I finish backstory more or less.
If you saw any mistakes in my writing pls message me.
But for now some new memes
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spoopywhiskers · 1 year
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Cut the slack!
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naivesilver · 5 months
Just a teeny tiny little something featuring @lizardthelizard 's mess is mine folks + one of my own, because I love them and the urge hit me out of nowhere like a runaway train 🥰
"So let me get this straight-"
"Lampwick, please-"
"You won't let anyone touch this thing you like more than me-"
"Now that's just unfair-"
"And you asked that kid if he wanted to drive it?"
August glances away, having the grace to look at least a bit sheepish. "Technically it's still me driving. Just... A little off."
"Great excuse. Can't wait for the kid's father to hear it." Lampwick takes another drag out of his cigarette, wondering if he's more amused or exasperated by this whole thing. "Or I guess your father, by your reasoning? I'm sure that's gonna go well."
"He's not a little boy. He'll be fine." The other man shifts his weight from one foot to the other, not as convinced as he's trying to sound. "And I'm going with him, anyway. He's not going to be alone."
Several feet from them, the boy in question continues gleefully inspecting August's bike, blissfully unaware they're talking shit about him. He must be about 15, more or less, but the sheer delight on his face makes him look way younger, like a child on Christmas morning - his eyes meet Lampwick's for a brief moment, and he waves politely in greeting, smiling broadly.
Lampwick waves back, then turns to August again with a slight smirk. "Sure. But- don't know if you can really be considered adult supervision, y'know?"
August rolls his eyes, though even his annoyance is touched with fondness. "Look, he just seemed excited to try. He told me he's got his eyes on a bike, too, in his home world. He said he might get it for his next birthday, if he saves up enough."
"Not a monster like this one, hopefully?"
"You spent some time with that other me's sister, didn't you- no, a smaller bike, Lampwick. I'm only trying to show him the ropes, that's all."
"Give baby you a good impression of yourself, you mean." Not that Lampwick can blame him. That boy, that Pinocchio - no one in town has ever seen August at that age, but you could guess the kid's already better adjusted than his counterpart from miles away. Not by much, not entirely, but enough that he can still be carefree and muck around with his friends like another idiot teenager in the realms.
It has to be infectious, that pleasant nature, and August really needs to be around someone like that, at times.
August himself, however, hears none of those thoughts, and instead simply huffs and gives Lampwick a quick kiss, halfway on the move towards the bike already. "Maybe you could try doing the same, if you're not too busy."
"I'm not touching that Lampwick with a ten foot pole, but thanks." That could be the end of it; and yet he can't resist adding, when his boyfriend is fitting the second helmet on the other Pinocchio's head-
"But I'd be careful letting Eliana know what you're doing- I'm not sticking around to watch her scream your ear off for putting him on your death trap, I'm really not."
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clownprincessstudios · 10 months
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Toudou as that one meme part two <3 digital and colorized 🥰
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^ the original pic
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happi-tree · 2 years
we love silly gays in THIS household!!! gimme the sweet sweet oakworthy and swiftli thoughts 👉👈
Aye aye, Nyx!!! o7
Oakworthy up first! Absolutely tragic that they don't have a bingo </3
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Now for the Swiftli stans out there... also no wins hell is REAL
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sheila--e · 4 months
I think it's awesome that Sheila keeps making fun of people and laughing and being silly no matter what. the stakes are high as hell and she's making fun of that gay boy, good for her.
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krskrash · 5 months
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“Freedom means being goofy, silly, and having fun on social media. Freedom means taking a break from Instagram without people calling 911. Freedom means being able to make mistakes, and learning from them. Freedom means I don't have to perform for anyone-onstage or offstage. Freedom means that I get to be as beautifully imperfect as everyone else. And freedom means the ability, and the right, to search for joy, in my own way, on my own terms.”
— Britney Spears, The Woman in Me.
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rainypebble07 · 11 months
i think the world deserves to see ur santa mike thing
also im trying not to post mr midnight stuff on the secret santa blog help meeeeee
I'll use it as my profile picture come December since you and El vetoed it for the Secret Santa 😔😔😔 He deserves to see the light of day.
My personal fix to your problem would be: post the Mr Midnight stuff on your blog! Then the urge to post it is fulfilled. Good luck.
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